Follicular ovarian cyst hurts the lower abdomen. What to do if an ovarian cyst hurts and which doctor should I contact? General symptomatic manifestations

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The structural features of the reproductive system in women often lead to the appearance of neoplasms, which are considered a variant of the norm. These include an ovarian cyst - a cavity filled with physiological fluid. The vast majority of women encounter this process, but often its occurrence goes unnoticed and disappears by itself. However, in some cases, the presence of a cyst turns into a problem and becomes a threat to health, and sometimes life. You can understand that a tumor has gone beyond the norm by a number of signs, the main one of which is pain. It requires mandatory treatment.

Symptoms of the disease

Cyst formation begins in the middle of the menstrual cycle - most often on days 13-14. This is explained by the fact that the egg that should leave the ovary does not leave the follicle. This leads to fluid accumulation and an increase in cavity size. Under normal conditions, the formation disappears on its own within several menstrual cycles. With health problems, the situation can become more complicated. may grow excessively in size, become twisted, or rupture. All this leads to pain and the need for medical intervention. An ovarian cyst may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • increase in abdominal volume;
  • stool disorders;
  • protrusions from the affected organ;
  • specific discharge, most often bloody;
  • feeling of heaviness and pressure in the side;
  • frequent urination;
  • temperature increase.

Depending on what type of cavity is present in a woman's body, symptoms may vary. The type of pain associated with an ovarian cyst and the degree of threat to health depend on the type. Some types of neoplasms can appear and disappear throughout life, while others are pathological conditions. The following types of cysts are distinguished:

  • localized in the corpus luteum;
  • follicular;
  • endometrioid;
  • dermoid;
  • mucinous.

The pain can be acute or permanent. The first type is typical for severe conditions requiring emergency care - rupture of the cyst and its twisting. The second type is less dangerous; sometimes conservative therapy is sufficient to eliminate it.

Often the process of formation and resorption of the formation is asymptomatic. The appearance of discomfort indicates a malfunction in the body. If you treat the cyst on time, then severe pain may not appear. However, it often increases gradually or, on the contrary, appears suddenly. This makes timely diagnosis difficult. Causes of cyst pain include:

  • inflammatory processes;
  • excessive increase in size;
  • twisting;
  • cyst rupture;
  • compression of nerve endings;
  • atrophy of ovarian tissue;
  • oncology.

Most often, the presence is accompanied by menstrual irregularities and infertility. It can be either temporary or permanent, especially in advanced stages of the disease. Rupture of the cavity is accompanied by acute pain and bleeding - this requires urgent hospitalization and surgical intervention. Oncology occurs mainly in women in menopause or with a dermoid cyst.

Unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen on the right or left side may indicate the presence of a neoplasm. If a woman has an ovarian cyst, only a doctor can tell you what to do and how serious the situation is. The following will help determine the nature of the violation:

In order for treatment to be as effective as possible, it is necessary to first eliminate the causes of the pathology. Clarifying them will significantly clarify the clinical picture. The patient will have to answer the following questions:

  1. What symptoms cause discomfort?
  2. How long ago and how intense have they been manifesting themselves?
  3. What is the nature of the pain?
  4. Are there any menstrual irregularities?
  5. Is the woman taking any medications, including birth control?
  6. Has she ever been diagnosed with gynecological diseases?
  7. Are there any cases of cancer in the family?

After this, a mirror gynecological examination will be performed. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe additional procedures - tests and ultrasound. If there is a risk of serious disorders, diagnosis is complemented by MRI and laparoscopy.

How to eliminate pain from an ovarian cyst?

The first rule that must be followed when a problem arises is refusal to self-medicate. Only a medical examination will help determine the source of pain and get rid of it without harm to health. In some cases, the doctor may limit therapy to analgesics - this is important when monitoring the self-reduction of the cavity. Otherwise, full treatment is necessary.

Cystic formations of the ovary can have different origins and structures. There are benign and malignant cysts. Depending on the type, morphology and other factors, the symptoms of an ovarian cyst may vary. But there are also signs that are characteristic of most cystic tumors.

Common symptoms of ovarian tumors

Often, ovarian cystadenomas occur for a long time without any symptoms at all. Only with careful questioning can one find out some indirect signs of the disease. It can be:

  • stomach ache,
  • changes in the menstrual cycle,
  • intermenstrual uterine bleeding;
  • discharge from the genital tract.

With large ovarian cysts, symptoms of compression of internal organs appear:

  • frequent urination,
  • chronic constipation.

Also, with rapid tumor growth, patients may complain of an enlarged abdomen, a feeling of heaviness or fullness. Hormonally active ovarian cysts often manifest as infertility, increased male-pattern hair growth (hirsutism), and obesity.

Important: if you have vague pain or discomfort in the lower abdomen, urinary problems, constipation or other listed symptoms, be sure to tell your doctor about it.

Characteristics of individual symptoms

Abdominal pain

As a rule, pain from an ovarian cyst is localized in the lower abdomen, groin areas, and can spread to the lower back, sacrum and lower extremities. They are usually aching or dull in nature and are not associated with the menstrual cycle. With endometrioid cysts, on the contrary, the pain intensifies before the next menstruation. If a rupture of the cystadenoma capsule or torsion of the leg occurs, the pain syndrome increases sharply, the pain becomes paroxysmal, acute, and radiates to the rectum. With these complications, additional signs of an ovarian cyst may include increased or decreased blood pressure, sweating, dizziness, nausea and vomiting.

Pain with ovarian tumors is caused by irritation and inflammation of the peritoneum, spasm of the smooth muscles of the bladder and other hollow organs. In addition, the tumor can irritate the nerve endings and choroid plexuses located in the pelvic cavity. When a large amount of content accumulates inside the cyst, its walls are stretched and the blood supply to the tumor is disrupted. As a result, pain syndrome of varying severity develops. Aching pain is sometimes the main sign of an ovarian cyst: other symptoms are either completely absent or mild.

With papillary cystadenomas and malignant tumors, pain occurs more often and earlier. This is due to faster growth; moreover, such tumors can grow into the bladder and rectal wall and affect the peritoneum. A feeling of heaviness and fullness in the lower abdomen is usually observed with mucinous cysts, as they reach very large sizes.

Hormonal imbalances

Frequent symptoms of ovarian cysts in women include pathologies of the menstrual cycle and dysfunctional uterine bleeding. The cycle becomes irregular, menstruation lasts longer than usual. Intermenstrual bleeding often occurs. These phenomena are associated with a disruption in the production of estrogens and gestagens in the ovaries.

Some ovarian tumors and cystic processes may cause infertility. Polycystic ovary syndrome is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • infertility,
  • increased body weight,
  • virilization.

Virilization (the appearance of male characteristics) is manifested in increased hair growth on the body and face: on the chest, abdomen, hips, back, chin. The mammary glands become smaller, the body takes on masculine features, and the voice often becomes rougher. These symptoms are associated with increased androgen production in response to insulin resistance and high blood insulin levels. At the same time, infertility is noted, since eggs cannot leave the ovaries, and multiple cysts form in their place.

Discharge from an ovarian cyst mainly occurs in cases where the tumor is hormonally active, or there are disturbances in the synthesis of hormones in the pituitary gland. If the production of estrogen is increased, then abundant mucous discharge appears from the genital tract. Outside of menstruation, brownish spotting or bloody fluid may appear.

Ovaries: healthy and with tumor. Ovarian cysts can have different structures

Symptoms of a complicated ovarian cyst

The main complications of cysts include torsion of the pedicle, damage to the capsule, suppuration and malignancy. With the first two complications, sharp pain occurs, the nature of which is described above. When a tumor becomes malignant and disintegrates, the following symptoms may appear:

  • weight loss to the point of exhaustion;
  • swelling;
  • ascites (fluid in the peritoneal cavity);
  • general weakness and malaise, headaches;
  • prolonged low-grade fever;
  • loss of appetite, etc.

Sometimes microorganisms get into the contents of the cystadenoma and suppuration occurs. In this case, the temperature with an ovarian cyst can be very high (up to 39 degrees or more). If inflammation spreads to the peritoneum and peritonitis develops, then tension of the abdominal muscles and severe pain on palpation are noted. Symptoms of intestinal obstruction may appear as a result of intestinal paresis or paralysis:

  • gas and stool retention,
  • vomit,
  • bloating,
  • symptoms of intoxication.

Important: you need to know what symptoms of an ovarian cyst indicate complications. If you experience the above symptoms, you should seek help immediately.

Treatment of cystic ovarian tumors

The main type of treatment for ovarian cystadenomas is surgery. In young women, the main goal of treatment is to preserve or restore reproductive function. Organ-preserving operations are performed (husking of small cysts, resection of part of the ovary along with the cyst stalk, laparoscopic removal of one ovary). In women over 50 years of age, the affected ovary is removed along with the fallopian tube or all appendages. For malignant cysts, it is necessary to amputate the uterus above the vagina or extirpate the appendages. In a particular case, surgical tactics are determined by the type of cyst, its size and complications. For small lesions, hormonal therapy and regular monitoring are sometimes limited.

Thus, with ovarian cysts, symptoms and subsequent treatment are largely determined by the woman’s age.

What does pain with an ovarian cyst indicate?

Pain with an ovarian cyst is the main symptom of the pathology. An ovarian cyst may differ not only in its structure, but also in its origin. Cystic formation can be benign or malignant. Manifestations of pathology also differ. This depends on a number of factors, among which its type is of particular importance. At the same time, there are symptoms that can be called general, since they can manifest themselves regardless of the type of neoplasm.

More about the symptoms of the pathology

Often, the course of ovarian cystadenomas is practically asymptomatic. A specialist may suspect the presence of a pathology if the patient complains of:

  1. Pain in the lower abdomen.
  2. Changed menstrual cycle.
  3. The appearance of intermenstrual uterine bleeding.

Large ovarian cysts may be accompanied by symptoms indicating that nearby internal organs are being compressed. Most often, such pathologies are manifested by frequent urination and chronic constipation. In addition, the rapid growth of the cyst can be concluded from an enlarged abdomen and a constant feeling of heaviness.

With hormonally active ovarian formations, infertility may develop. In addition, such patients often experience increased hair growth, which is called hirsutism, and sometimes women begin to suffer from obesity.

The appearance of vague pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen is a serious reason to consult a doctor. Timely treatment will help prevent the increase in formation and the development of any complications.

A few characteristics of the manifestations of pathology

Pain due to an ovarian cyst can easily be called the main manifestation of this disease. Their location is usually the lower abdomen, groin, and lumbar region. In addition, severe pain can move to the sacrum and the upper part of the lower extremities. Most often, such pain is dull or aching in nature and has nothing to do with the menstrual cycle.

In the case of endometrioid cystic formations, pain usually becomes more severe before the onset of menstruation. When cystadenoma capsules rupture or legs are torsed, a sharp increase in pain is usually observed. The pain becomes paroxysmal, becomes acute and radiates to the rectal area. Such complications may be accompanied by an increase or decrease in blood pressure, dizziness, heavy sweating, nausea and even vomiting.

The cause of pain caused by ovarian cystic formation is the irritation and inflammatory process occurring in the peritoneum. Spasms can also cause pain. In some cases, pain is triggered by irritation of nerve endings and choroid plexuses, the location of which is the small pelvis. If a large amount of fluid accumulates in the formation, its walls begin to stretch, resulting in impaired blood supply to the cyst. This complication usually leads to a pain syndrome, its severity can have varying degrees. Most often, an ovarian cyst is accompanied by aching pain. As for the remaining symptoms, they may not be observed at all; in other cases, they are rather mild.

Malignant tumors and papillary cystadenomas are characterized by frequent painful attacks. This is due to the rapid increase in the size of education. Often, with such tumors, they grow into the bladder or rectal wall.

The mucinous type of cyst is characterized by symptoms such as heaviness in the lower abdomen. This can be explained by the large size that such tumors usually have.

About hormonal imbalance

In addition to pain, the most common manifestations of this pathology include disruptions in the menstrual cycle and the appearance of dysfunctional uterine bleeding. When visiting a doctor, a woman may complain about an irregular cycle and abnormal duration of menstruation. The cause of these symptoms is the impaired production of hormones such as gestagens and estrogens in the ovaries.

Some cystic processes and ovarian formations can lead to infertility. For example, polycystic syndrome is characterized by such symptoms as infertility, excess weight, virilization (male characteristics). Manifestations of virilization include increased hair growth in various areas of the body (chest, abdomen, back, thighs) and face (chin, etc.). In this case, there may be a decrease in the mammary glands, the acquisition of masculine features, and a deepening of the voice. The reason for this is the excess production of the hormone androgen, which, in turn, is caused by increased levels of insulin in the woman’s blood, as well as insulin resistance.

The development of infertility is caused by the formation of multiple ovarian cysts, which leads to the inability to release eggs from them. The appearance of discharge in cystic ovarian formations is mainly characteristic of hormonally active tumors.

All about symptoms and complications

Experts consider the main complications of a cystic formation to be twisting of its legs, a damaged capsule, suppuration, and also the acquisition of a malignant nature.

In the case of the first two complications, the ovary begins to hurt suddenly.

The acquisition of a malignant nature may be accompanied by:

  1. Rapid loss of body weight, which often leads to exhaustion.
  2. Poor appetite.
  3. Formation of edema.
  4. Frequent headaches.
  5. General weakness, malaise.
  6. Ascitoma (fluid accumulation).
  7. Increased body temperature.

The cause of such a complication as suppuration is the entry of microorganisms into the cystadenoma. Such cases are characterized by a strong increase in body temperature. Suppuration is dangerous due to the transition of inflammation to the abdominal area, which can lead to the development of peritonitis. A specialist can determine peritonitis by tense abdominal muscles and pain caused by palpation. In the case of intestinal paralysis, the complication may be accompanied by bloating, stool retention, vomiting, as well as symptoms indicating intoxication of the body. The appearance of the above symptoms requires immediate assistance from a specialist.

A little about the treatment

The main method to eliminate such a pathology as ovarian cystadenoma is surgical intervention. Treatment of young patients is primarily aimed at preserving and restoring their reproductive function. In such cases, organ-preserving surgery is usually performed. For patients over 50 years of age, experts suggest removal of the affected ovary and fallopian tube; sometimes it becomes necessary to remove all appendages.

Cystic formations that are malignant require amputation of the uterus. It should be noted that the surgeon’s actions during the operation depend on factors such as the type of formation, its size, and the presence of complications. In the case of small cystic formations, specialists can choose observational tactics by prescribing the patient a course of hormonal therapy.

Characteristics of pain with ovarian cysts

An ovarian cyst is a benign formation that is a cavity filled with fluid or blood. For a long time, such a tumor may not cause discomfort to the patient and may not disrupt the functioning of internal organs.

This factor is the basis for optional treatment. Pain with an ovarian cyst is considered an alarming symptom and may indicate the progression of pathological processes.

Why does it hurt?

The absence of pain can only be accompanied by the growth of a cyst of small diameter. If it increases significantly or complications occur, discomfort and pain of different localization become an integral symptom of the pathological process.

The duration of asymptomatic development of a cyst depends on the individual characteristics of the female body and the stage of progression of the tumor.

The causes of pain are the following factors:

  • excessive physical activity;
  • rapid increase in tumor size;
  • serious disruption of the blood supply to organs located in the pelvic area;
  • inflammatory process (the progression of inflammation can spread to the abdominal cavity);
  • the occurrence of complications (risk of rupture of the formation or the presence of torsion);
  • compression of neighboring organs by an overgrown formation.

Pain with this pathology is accompanied by additional symptoms. Its intensity may vary. The main symptom is a feeling of bloating and unpleasant heaviness in the abdomen. When muscles are tense, asymmetry may occur.

Pain occurs after physical activity, before menstruation, during sexual intercourse or when urinating. Its localization depends on the location of the cyst and the diameter of the formation.

The following symptoms may accompany the pathology:

  • deviations in the menstrual cycle (delayed menstruation, their irregularity);
  • discomfort at night (unpleasant pulling sensations appear in different parts of the abdomen);
  • difficulty urinating (may be accompanied by a false urge to empty the bladder);
  • the appearance of bleeding in the middle of the menstrual cycle;
  • painful and heavy periods (if previously they were scanty and painless);
  • attacks of profuse or scanty vomiting and regular nausea (the symptom appears in combination with general weakness of the body);
  • the appearance of signs of intoxication of the body (weakness, headaches, dizziness, chills, drowsiness, etc.);
  • wandering pain in different parts of the abdomen (discomfort radiates to the lower back, unclear localization, left or right side).
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Where is the pain located?

The location of pain depends on many factors. The size of the formation, the presence of additional inflammatory processes and the degree of risk of complications play an important role.

The first sensations of pain in most cases occur in the lower abdomen or side (left or right, depending on where the tumor is located).

If the cyst grows at a rapid pace, then the pain may be wandering.

Discomfort of varying degrees of intensity occurs in neighboring areas of the body. May be pain:

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Characteristic sensations

In case of cyst torsion

Torsion of the cyst occurs as a result of the structural features of the neoplasm. The tumor may have a kind of stalk. The ovary, in turn, is attached to the abdominal cavity by special ligaments.

An increase in the size of the cyst provokes its movement around its axis. The result of this process is torsion of the ovarian ligaments or the pedicle of the formation. This process is accompanied by pain of varying intensity.

Pathology is a reason for hospitalization of a woman and elimination of the problem that has arisen.

Features of pain:

  • the pathology provokes compression of the blood vessels (impaired blood supply to the ovary causes pain);
  • with severe torsion, the process of necrosis of ovarian tissue begins (the pathology cannot develop asymptomatically and is always accompanied by intense pain);
  • complete torsion causes not only an attack of pain, but also additional symptoms (nausea, vomiting, fever, drop in blood pressure, general weakness and sudden loss of consciousness).
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When it breaks

Pain from a sudden rupture of a formation occurs sharply and is spasmodic in nature. In some cases, it is difficult for a woman to withstand an attack, and she may fall into a state of shock.

The pain first occurs in the lower abdomen and then spreads to its upper parts. Carrying out movements provokes the transition of pain to the lumbar region, back or pelvis. These symptoms may occur after the formation ruptures or shortly before.

Read our article on how to treat a ruptured ovarian cyst.

Features of pain:

  • pain is accompanied by tachycardia and changes in blood pressure;
  • an attack can provoke loss of consciousness;
  • the nature of the pain is prolonged and intense.
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What to do?

If pain suddenly occurs, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

After the patient is admitted to the hospital, she is examined and the cause of the condition is identified. Diagnostics is carried out using the following methods:

  • diagnostic laparoscopy (this procedure helps to identify complications in the absence of ultrasound efficiency; in the presence of certain factors, diagnostic laparoscopy can become therapeutic at the stage of examining a woman);
  • Ultrasound (the procedure helps to identify complications of an ovarian cyst and exclude the development of other pathologies that could provoke an attack of pain);
  • computed tomography and MRI (these types of examinations allow you to obtain maximum information about the location of the cyst, its condition and determine its specific type);
  • biopsy (the procedure is the collection of biological material for further research, the contents of the cyst are removed using a special needle inserted through the abdominal area);
  • puncture (during the procedure, the cyst is punctured and material is taken for examination; if necessary, during this procedure the entire contents of the tumor can be removed; if there are complications, ultrasound control is required).
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How to get rid of pain?

Measures to eliminate pain can be taken only when its intensity is low or to alleviate the condition before the ambulance arrives (in emergency cases).

The presence of such a symptom indicates the development of complications. Drugs cannot eliminate them. Trying to get rid of pain can endanger a woman's life. Painkillers relieve the condition, but do not get rid of the underlying problem that caused the pain.

The following medications can be used to relieve pain:

  • non-steroidal drugs with anti-inflammatory effect (Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Nise);
  • drugs from the antispasmodic group (No-shpa, Spasmol, Duspatalin);
  • sedatives with a calming effect (Afobazol, Mebikar).

If pain occurs caused by an ovarian cyst, it is necessary to provide the woman with rest. Physical activity should be excluded. Sudden movements can complicate the situation and cause premature rupture of the formation.

Internal bleeding increases the patient's risk of death. An ambulance should be called immediately, even if the condition improves after taking painkillers.

Elena Malysheva will tell you why your stomach hurts due to an ovarian cyst in her program:

What are the pains associated with an ovarian cyst?

A cyst is a round-shaped formation in the ovary, which has a membrane, the inside of which is filled with fluid. The cyst can be single or multiple, single-chamber or multi-chamber; several cysts can form on the ovary at once. Regardless of the pathology, the symptoms and pain of an ovarian cyst are similar.

When and who gets an ovarian cyst?

In young women and girls of reproductive age, a cyst may form on the ovary before menopause. Young girls before their periods are at risk. In these cases, the cyst may be congenital. As for women entering menopause, in the first five years a cyst can affect the ovary.

Symptoms and pain with ovarian cysts

Many women do not even realize that they have an ovarian cyst in their body. A small cyst does not cause any symptoms. As the growth of the cyst increases, the following symptoms may occur:

  • False urges and desire to defecate.
  • Urination occurs with pain, frequent urination is observed.
  • A feeling of heaviness appears in the pelvis.
  • Pain from an ovarian cyst occurs in the lower abdomen and intensifies during sex and physical activity.

If the cyst twists or ruptures, then severe attacks in the abdomen occur, nausea, vomiting appear, and body temperature rises. If you have any of the above symptoms, you should consult a gynecologist; in severe cases, you should call an ambulance.

Causes of ovarian cyst formation

The causes of cysts, as well as pain with ovarian cysts, reveal a certain pattern:

  • With hormonal imbalance, a functional (follicular) ovarian cyst and a corpus luteum cyst develop.
  • Some girls have a congenital cyst - an ovarian dermoid cyst.
  • A number of diseases contribute to the development of neoplasms on the ovary: endometrioma is an endometrioid ovarian cyst; cysts occur with polycystic ovary syndrome.
  • Cystadenoma is a benign ovarian cyst.
  • Ovarian cancer (carcinoma) is a malignant ovarian cyst.

A malignant ovarian cyst develops quite rarely. Women who have a history of breast or ovarian cancer in their family and nulliparous women are at increased risk. Symptoms of a malignant cyst: weakness, sudden weight loss, severe headaches and pain in the lower abdomen.

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2018 Blog about women's health.

Each disease can be mild or complex, accompanied by pain and require special attention. If you have already been diagnosed with an ovarian cyst, pain should be taken seriously. The disease itself has a positive prognosis, but if it starts to hurt, this may indicate complications.

A little about the disease

If we consider the anatomical changes, a cyst is a neoplasm with a round shape, thin walls and mucous filling. Dimensions, depending on neglect, can be from 1.5 cm to 20 cm.

The first periods are asymptomatic, but as the size increases, signs of varying complexity appear:

  • Changes in the course of menstruation - regularity, abundance;
  • Intense urine output;
  • Unpleasant sensations during sex;
  • Problems with stool;
  • Pain in the pelvic area;
  • Increase in abdominal size, often unilateral;
  • Even small portions of food can make your stomach feel full;
  • General weakness;
  • Nausea;
  • Periodically lack of orientation in space.

There are many causes of the disease, they are very diverse, including early menstruation. More often it is the result of surgery or endocrine dysfunction. Options include the use of oral contraceptive methods, since hormonal changes are included in the list of causes. There is a genetic predisposition, so when collecting an anamnesis, questions are asked about the presence of the disease in relatives.

If treated incorrectly or untimely, the disease can become an obstacle to having children, so you need to take seriously the choice of a specialist and subsequently follow his recommendations.

Causes of pain

We need to start with the fact that the pain can be permanent and acute. In the latter case, it is better to quickly seek medical help. Acute pain is most often characteristic of serious complications requiring urgent surgical intervention - rupture of the cyst or its twisting.

An ovarian cyst hurts when:

  • development of inflammatory processes;
  • acquiring too large a size, which causes disruption to the functioning of neighboring organs and tissues;
  • contact of the cyst with nerve endings and their compression;
  • atrophy of organ tissue;
  • oncological changes.

Elimination of pain

It should be recalled that ovarian cysts can indeed be treated with traditional methods. Herbal infusions and special diets give good results. In addition, there are specially developed complexes of health-improving gymnastics for this disease. But if the pain has already appeared, most likely, the use of all these possibilities is left behind, and serious medical assistance is no longer possible.

Pain due to an ovarian cyst is a reason for a patient to urgently see a gynecologist. Depending on the results of the examination, various treatments may be prescribed:

  • It is possible to limit yourself to analgesics only if the patient is constantly monitored by a doctor, the pain has appeared against the background of a decrease in the tumor.
  • Conservative therapy is indicated for small cysts, when processes complicating the course of the disease have not yet appeared. In this way, the inflammatory process and swelling of the tissues can be relieved. In addition, medications help gradually reduce the size of the cyst.
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures are auxiliary, but sometimes very effective. They cannot be carried out at home, since special equipment is used: heating, electrophoresis and magnetic therapy are carried out. During the period of remission, it is recommended to use sanatorium-resort treatment. There, patients are prescribed mud applications and a course of mineral waters.
  • Surgery is indicated only in emergency conditions when:
  1. There are strong suspicions of a cancerous tumor;
  2. The cyst has become too large and can burst at any time or threatens dysfunction of neighboring organs;
  3. The tumor has ruptured;
  4. There is a history of cyst torsion.

But even in this case, surgeons treat the female body with care and try to preserve the ovary, choosing, if possible, the method of minimally invasive endoscopy.

A recovery period with hormonal therapy to prevent possible recurrences of the cyst.

If no diagnosis has been made

If a woman has suspicions based on her symptoms, but has not consulted a doctor, she should first visit a gynecologist. When visiting, you should be prepared to answer the following questions:

  • name symptoms that cause concern;
  • describe their intensity and approximate time of appearance;
  • the nature of these sensations;
  • describe menstrual cycle disorders, how long they occur, and in what form;
  • name all the medications that you have to take at the moment, including those related to contraception;
  • name existing gynecological diagnoses;
  • Is there any cancer in the family?

Naturally, to answer questions accurately, it is better to prepare in advance by making short notes in writing. This will help not only more accurately identify the disease, but also prescribe treatment.

After this, tests will be prescribed, including blood tests, smears, ultrasound, if necessary, MRI and laparoscopy.

It should be borne in mind that ovarian pain or other symptoms can occur in the course of completely different diseases. There are a number of gynecological diseases that are similar in symptoms, but seriously differ in disorders in the body and treatment methods.

If the studies do not find gynecological disorders, studies by a gastroenterologist, proctologist, or endocrinologist are possible. But in any case, it is necessary to find out why it hurts, what hurts and begin treatment. Pain always indicates serious problems. This is its inherent function.

Preventive measures

In order to be able to be treated exclusively with conservative methods, it is necessary:

  • Conduct regular medical examinations and detect the disease in time. The examination period is 6 months.
  • In addition, special attention should be paid to examinations of women who have already been treated for this disease. Many types of cysts are prone to recurrence. Besides:
  • Avoid casual relationships, as inflammatory processes and infectious diseases are provoking factors.
  • Adhere to a uniform temperature regime, avoiding hypothermia and overheating of the body.
  • Use hormonal methods of contraception after consultation with your doctor.
  • Plan your personal life in such a way that there is no need for abortions.
  • If you are overweight, consult an endocrinologist to normalize your hormonal levels.

These simple measures will help prevent major health problems and preserve reproductive function. After all, procreation is the main task and greatest joy for every woman.

An ovarian cyst is a pathological formation in the tissues of the appendages, which is defined as a cavity filled with fluid secretion. The onset of the disease is not marked by severe symptoms, but as it grows and the amount of contents increases, the cyst causes nagging and aching pain in the lower abdomen.

The sensation of pain from an ovarian cyst should make you wary and obligatory to visit a doctor. When a cystic neoplasm is diagnosed on the ovary, a woman needs regular monitoring by a gynecologist, who will conduct an examination to determine the completeness of the clinical picture and recommend a treatment method.

The absence of certain symptoms of a diagnosed disease at an early stage of the disease does not cause concern for a woman. But as the process develops, the cyst can significantly increase in size, which is manifested by a number of functional disorders of the reproductive system. A cystic neoplasm poses a risk of potential complications that require immediate assistance.

Complications may appear due to the accelerated growth of the cyst and its pressure on adjacent organs. Spontaneous rupture of the capsule cavity cannot be ruled out, which is fraught with the penetration of cystic contents into the peritoneal cavity and the development of peritonitis (an inflammatory process in the peritoneum). The mobility of the formation, often formed on a stalk-shaped base, can lead to its twisting, which is very dangerous due to the onset of the necrotic process.

The nature and causes of pain with an ovarian cyst

Pain from an ovarian cyst varies in intensity and depends on the nature and structure of the tumor, its growth rate, and location.

As the pathological process progresses, the ovarian cyst manifests itself not only as pain, but also with accompanying symptoms:

  • violation of the regular schedule of menstruation;
  • spotting between menstrual cycles;
  • feeling of fullness and heaviness in the lower abdomen;
  • pain during intercourse;
  • a set of symptoms similar to cystitis (difficulty urinating, increased urge);
  • problems with normal bowel movements;
  • pain in the side even with a slight level of physical activity;
  • in severe cases – fever, nausea, fainting.

Some women ask the question: can breasts hurt if they have an ovarian cyst?

An experienced gynecologist will explain that some types of hormone-dependent cysts can cause the feeling that the breasts periodically acquire increased sensitivity, for example, in the period preceding ovulation. This symptom is noted by women who have been diagnosed with a corpus luteum cyst.

What characteristic pains do women most often experience with ovarian cysts?

  • Cyst of follicular origin or a corpus luteum cyst manifests itself as a minor pain syndrome, which bothers the woman periodically, causing only discomfort in the side without changing the general condition of the body. Sometimes my chest hurts, more often during the ovulatory period.
  • Dermoid type cyst can provoke quite intense pain that is permanent. Such a cyst can reach significant sizes and compress the tissues of nearby organs, which causes pain.
  • Mucinous nature of the cyst manifests itself as severe painful sensations. There is a bursting pain in the lower abdomen, often radiating to the groin and thigh, since such cysts can quickly increase in size.

  • Endometrial cyst characterized by muscle spasms in the lower abdomen and groin, can negatively affect intestinal activity, causing constipation.
  • Paraovarian type of cyst causes pain as the size of the formation increases. A woman periodically, regardless of the menstrual cycle, has pain in the lower abdomen and lower back.
  • For polycystic ovary syndrome symptoms are differentiated from other diseases and complex diagnostics are carried out.

The spread of pain from an ovarian cyst affects the following areas:

  • lower abdomen;
  • groin area radiating to the upper thigh;
  • lumbar region;
  • sacral region;
  • section of the rectum;

With a unilateral development of the process, when a left ovarian cyst has formed, the left side and lower abdomen often hurt. If the cyst is large, the abdomen may take on an asymmetrical appearance with an enlargement of the left side.

What to do in case of intense pain due to deterioration of the condition

Any painful sensations should alert a woman diagnosed with an ovarian cyst. If the type of cyst is determined and the doctor is sure that it does not cause serious concern, then the periodic pain syndrome can be eliminated:

  • ensuring complete rest (lie down for a while and the pain will subside);
  • applying a heating pad to the stomach;
  • taking a warm (not hot!), relaxing bath;
  • taking a pain reliever;

Painkillers should not be chosen independently, but after consultation with a doctor, since the characteristic type of pain, as a symptom, helps the specialist see the unveiled picture of the disease. By muffling the pain syndrome, you can skip the progression of the disease.

Recommendations such as a warm bath or heating pad are suitable only when the doctor does not doubt that the disease is mild, without the slightest suspicion of accelerated growth of formation and the absence of risks of inflammatory processes. Heat relaxes well and relieves muscle spasms in the abdominal area.

What to do in a situation where pain due to an ovarian tumor becomes intense and there are signs of a change in the woman’s general condition?

If positive dynamics are not observed with the conservative method of treatment, painkillers do not help, and the disease progresses, the situation threatens with serious consequences. The following signs should cause particular concern:

  • there is an increasing nature of the pain, it becomes sharp and throbbing even with little activity;
  • the patient is forced to limit her mobility, trying to spare the side of the abdomen;
  • asymmetry in the lower abdomen is visually noted, with unilateral lateral enlargement or protrusion;
  • a sharp deterioration in general condition is recorded with an increase in body temperature, a pronounced feeling of weakness, an attack of dizziness up to fainting.

The presence of the above-described signs is an indication for the woman’s immediate hospitalization in a hospital, where a decision is made on urgent care.

Suspicion of twisting of the cystic pedicle or rupture of the cystic capsule causes symptoms:

  • a sharp attack of pain that literally paralyzes a woman;
  • a feeling of suddenly swollen abdomen (from possible internal bleeding);
  • high temperature that does not decrease when taking antipyretics;
  • drop in blood pressure;
  • attack of dizziness up to loss of consciousness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • sharp pallor of the skin.

It is necessary to call an ambulance as soon as possible and hospitalize the patient. If medical care is not provided in a timely manner, processes of peritonitis and blood poisoning or a critical amount of blood loss may occur.

Pain from an ovarian cyst sometimes becomes so severe that it is difficult for a girl to bear it. Many people do not take this manifestation of symptoms seriously because they cannot determine the cause. It is very important to pay due attention to it in order to avoid serious complications, for example, torsion of the tumor stalk or severe hemorrhage. Is the cyst dangerous in this case? Undoubtedly. Therefore, you need to urgently contact a specialist who will tell you what to do in this situation.

Women have a logical question: when can you not do without the intervention of a doctor? First, you should find out to what size the education has grown. If its diameter does not exceed one and a half centimeters, you should not have serious reasons for concern, since it can resolve on its own.

The formation diagnosed in women in most cases has a round shape. This is an anatomical form of swelling. If the tumor is benign, then there is no filling inside it. In some cases, a cyst with thin walls may contain some liquid mucus. The amount of such “filling” in a formation with a diameter of 6 centimeters reaches 113 cubic millimeters.

Each woman experiences the disease differently. The formation begins to hurt only in the second stage. Let's look at what symptoms of ovarian cysts occur in women? First, disruptions in menstruation appear. Your period may be late, start early, or not come at all for several cycles. The volume of discharge becomes scanty or excessively increased. Then difficulties appear when urinating and sharp pain in the lower abdomen. Unpleasant sensations gradually move to the pelvic area or radiate to the lower back. There is bloating and a feeling of fullness in the abdomen, even if the girl has not eaten anything before. Complaints are received about loss of orientation in space and chronic fatigue. When the patient neglects timely treatment, she develops peritonitis.

Some ladies live with the tumor and do not complain about anything, since it does not cause them any inconvenience. There may be a pressing feeling in the abdomen, but many patients do not pay attention to it. Many people wonder when an ovarian cystoma hurts, what to do? Contact your doctor immediately so that he can prescribe effective treatment.

Painful sensations accompany the rupture of the cystic formation. When this happens, a serious threat hangs over the patient's condition. The pain migrates to the pelvic area and intensifies. In this case, taking painkillers is practically useless, since they do not dull the discomfort. In some cases, such drugs can improve the overall picture, but they do not help all patients. The discomfort increases if a woman makes love, during bowel movements or exercise. In this case, the number of discharges will reach its critical maximum.

Note: If there is a rupture of the right or left ovary in women, there may be a general feeling of weakness. Also, a rupture can lead to a large loss of blood, causing the woman to faint. Blood pressure decreases.

If you find yourself with any of the above signs, this should be a serious reason to contact a specialist. In addition, look for signs of hirsutism or sudden changes in weight.

What to do if you have pain

There are cases when a woman knows that she has a cyst, is seen by a doctor, but does not suffer from any discomfort. Then doctors recommend treatment at home and going to the hospital if symptoms of tumor rupture appear: fainting, high fever, discomfort in the lower abdomen or nausea with vomiting.

In order to confirm the presence of a tumor on the ovary, doctors refer the patient for a special examination, during which she needs to undergo magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasound examination. If the formation is malignant, you cannot do without a vaginal puncture. Doctors often resort to laparoscopy, which can be considered as a kind of diagnostics.

If specialists suspect a pregnancy that is developing outside the uterus, the patient is asked to take a pregnancy test. In addition, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of cancer. To do this, tests for hormones and tumor markers are taken.

Note: Functional formations have the ability to dissolve without outside help. But don't let your guard down and consult a doctor. The specialist establishes constant control over the patient and monitors his condition. A functional cyst cannot become malignant, but problems can arise when its stem is twisted, ruptures, or suppurates. In this case, the doctor does not even think about removing the formation.

When the swelling bursts, pain appears in the lower abdomen, the woman suffers from nausea, and copious discharge of a mucous consistency is observed from the perineal area.

If the cyst is dermoid, mucinous or endometrioid, then it must be treated exclusively surgically. The possibility of conservative treatment in this case is not even considered. Removal of the formation on the left is carried out in order to avoid possible complications.

When the disease is not complicated, it is eliminated laparoscopically. In order for the doctor to carry out the procedure, he makes 3 small incisions in the peritoneum, through which he carries out all the necessary actions. The contents of the peritoneum are presented on a large screen through an optical apparatus. This allows the doctor to control the operation process and manage his instruments.

Before starting the operation, the surgeon assesses the general condition of the patient. He may remove all or part of the ovary. If the problem is not serious, then only the damaged surface of the organ is eliminated. The doctor resorts to complete removal when the swelling ruptures, its stem is twisted, or as a result of the appearance of pus.

As planned, the tumor must be eliminated after it grows to ten centimeters. In addition, the doctor must refer the patient to a series of necessary examinations, after which he will determine whether the formation can become malignant.

When a woman has a menstrual break, the nature of her cystic diseases changes dramatically. At this age, a woman develops pathological cysts. Since there is no longer any question of preserving reproductive function, doctors are not afraid to offer radical treatment to their patients.

Surgery is performed exclusively under general anesthesia. The operation will take four hours on average. After the doctors have completed all the necessary actions, the patient should go to the hospital. She stays there for about two days. The woman's stitches are removed after a week. The recovery period does not last long, so the woman can return to her normal life very soon.

Video: Why pain occurs with a cyst

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