What if I don't want anything. I don't want to do anything, what should I do? Additional non-drug forms of treatment

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Reading time: 4 min

What if you don't feel like doing anything? Probably, everyone is familiar with the state of apathy, when the enthusiasm for what is happening has disappeared, the desire to act, when everything planned seems useless and aimless. If an individual says that he wants absolutely nothing, then often he means that there is no motivational element, and not the desire itself. Reasons and desires differ in their internal content. The first one encourages subjects to various activities, focusing them on the satisfaction of specific ones. The second is the need, clothed in a certain form, the desire to acquire something. The desire for idleness, idleness, doing nothing is also a desire, but unsupported.

Why don't you want to do anything

Almost everyone from a young age is familiar with the state of mind when you want to lie down and do nothing. It is difficult for anyone to force themselves to work. This phenomenon is quite normal. However, sometimes behind the described state is hidden absolute indifference to what is happening, complete disinterest in being. A person is not drawn to walking, he does not want to take care of his appearance, he does not want to work, even getting up from his favorite sofa in the morning seems meaningless to him. Such a state is called. It arises in the absence of desires, aspirations and a motivating factor.

Complete indifference to events, detachment and indifference, lack of desires and interests, weakening of motives, indifference, emotional inertia - these are all the clearest manifestations of apathy.

The reasons for the described state may lie in the stressors that daily affect the state of mind of individuals. Also, apathy can be a response to a strong emotional shock or act as a self-defense mechanism. It can protect individuals from excessive workloads or excessive emotional outbursts.

In addition, manifestations of apathy often signal the exhaustion of the body. At the same time, drowsiness, quelness, dizziness, and lack of appetite join the above symptoms.

Often, impotence, which is a sign of apathy, is mistaken for banal manifestations of laziness. However, the state of apathy and laziness are completely different psychological problems.

The state when you don’t want to do anything is often provoked. Laziness can occur due to a low level of motivation for a certain business, a lack of willpower. Some individuals position laziness as a way of being. In addition, laziness can be generated by fear of responsibility.

And in a state of apathy, the individual loses a sense of reality, loses interest in reality, a desire for loneliness appears, there is a lack of will and unwillingness to perform elementary actions. Outwardly, apathy is manifested by inhibition of reactions.

The state when you want to lie down and do nothing other than laziness is caused by emotional burnout. More often, this phenomenon is observed in medical and law enforcement workers, since they have to deal with human grief and pain every day. In fact, it is also a loss of a motivational factor, an interest in being in general and activity.

Depressive moods often give rise to an unwillingness to act, work, and perform elementary daily activities. affects the intellectual sphere, feelings, social interaction.

Fatigue can also cause idleness. This problem is especially relevant today, when the society is aimed at the fastest result, when the pace of life is just going through the roof. In the conditions of today's era, human subjects, due to the constant race for the benefits of civilization, do not have time for spiritual development. Such a pace deprives individuals of energy and poisons existence.

The feeling of own uselessness, levels the meaning of being, which gives rise to the desire to do nothing. The absence of a goal or an overly ambitious goal also leads to idleness.

Often, when an individual is guided only by obligations and the phrase “I must” is his original motto, this leads to a kind of psychological slavery. Enduring debt will never bring joy and will only be an unbearable burden, leading to apathy and depressive moods.

Since human subjects are inherently social beings, the lack of communicative interaction creates a deficit in recognizing one's own person as a social being. The consequence of this is the unwillingness to work, to perform the necessary daily manipulations, to act.

Fixation on a certain occupation or one-sidedness of activity ultimately provokes a desire to quit everything. If only one aspect of being is developed, then it will not stretch the rest of the sides, since human subjects need harmony.

Vital interest can destroy the monotony of existence. After all, life is a continuous process moving forward. Life is all about growth. In the absence of progress, human existence turns into a quagmire.

The inability to enjoy trifles, trifles, daily platitudes is also the culprit of apathy and depressive moods.

What to do if you don’t want to do anything and nothing makes you happy

There is no universal mechanism to help solve the problem of idleness. There are many reasons for the blues and craving for doing nothing, therefore, it is necessary to look for appropriate ways to get rid of the described state.

So, if you are interested in what to do, if you don’t want anything at all, then, first of all, it is recommended to load yourself with something. Idleness is addictive. Therefore, in order to overcome the state of doing nothing, you need to come up with an interesting activity. At the same time, it is desirable to devote all the vacant time to this occupation. You need to wind yourself up like an automaton and work without brakes: charging, work, hobbies. You should diversify your daily existence to the fullest.

When melancholy overcomes, sadness reigns in the soul and indifference controls being, when everyday life becomes more and more monotonous, then sport comes to the rescue. After all, a positive spirit lives in a beautiful bodily shell. Therefore, it is recommended to choose an individual type of activity or sports activities. The main condition is pleasure. You should not forcibly tear off your own "carcass" from the bed for the sake of a hated morning run. If calm and measured sports exercises are to your liking, then raping yourself with fitness is not the best option.

It will also help to defeat apathy by unblocking one's own negative feelings, which often individuals try to hide far away. In order to bring hidden emotions to the surface, you can use the services of a psychotherapist or look deep into yourself on your own. It's very easy to unlock by yourself. It is necessary to think alone about the true feelings for yourself, parents, partner, children, immerse yourself in the felt emotions, not embarrassed by them. So a lot of negativity will spill out, the attitude towards relatives will improve and, along the way, interest in being will return.

To remove longing from your own life, you should laugh. After all, it is not for nothing that there is a saying that laughter prolongs life. Therefore, it is recommended to read funny stories, anecdotes, watch comedy films. You also need to smile at yourself and your surroundings: passers-by, colleagues, sellers, not thinking that someone will consider such behavior as strange. Some will indeed find the smile abnormal, but others will respond with a genuine smile, which will certainly lift your spirits and awaken the desire to act.

Friends are another element that helps you stay afloat and does not let you get bogged down in the abyss of the blues. Therefore, it is recommended to remember the "old" comrades, new acquaintances, best friends and create a "party".

To be happy, you need to find your own purpose. After all, successful people are successful because they do exactly what they really like. Having scrolled back like the frames of a movie, you need to remember the joyful moments of your being, how they were generated, what made your eyes burn, when everything stopped, why did this happen ?! You should find this moment and rewrite the “frame” from life that changed it.

Sometimes, in order to get rid of laziness, a person just needs to rest. Many, in pursuit of ephemeral signs of happiness, forget about simple things - rest, proper sleep and nutrition, spiritual development, communication. If apathy was caused by banal mental fatigue and physical overstrain, then it is recommended to go to the forest, take a walk near the sea, and enjoy the gifts of nature. After all, nature, coupled with rest, are two indispensable components of a healthy personality.

What to do if there is a lot of work, but you don’t want to do anything

When work has fallen like a snowball, there is no strength to force yourself to work, then the question becomes what to do if you don’t want anything at all. There is nothing unusual about wanting to mess around, since a person is a living being, not a soulless robot. Therefore, one should not reproach oneself, one must, first of all, understand the nature of laziness by answering a few questions:

At what point did you stop wanting to do something?

– what has happened up to this point;

- what steals strength;

- what are emotional resources, intellectual reserves and physical potential spent on?

If you managed to find the cause, answering the above questions, then you need to eliminate it. Maybe a person needs only a good rest or get rid of in the working environment.

Listed below are a few typical reasons that provoke the emergence of laziness and options for eliminating them.

A large number of accumulated cases, when the individual no longer understands what to grab on to in the first turn. Here, the preference for doing nothing is a kind of “solution”. This is a kind of a steady desire to put off even important and urgent matters, leading to pathological psychological effects and everyday problems. Planning, delegation, prioritization can help here.

Often the state when you don’t want to do anything is generated by the unwillingness to do something specific. Here, identifying the cause and all the above mentioned variations of the fight against laziness will help.

If the reason lies in a misunderstanding of how to complete the task, then it is necessary to consistently approach its execution. Divide the problem into its constituent elements and solve them step by step. Set milestone goals and achieve them.

If internal confrontation is the fault of not doing the work, then it is recommended to try to negotiate with your own person so that feelings and motives are united. If it is impossible to deal with the described problem on your own, then communication with relatives or with a psychologist can help.

If the culprit of laziness is depression, not the spleen that rolls periodically, namely the disease, then it is imperative to contact specialists. You can distinguish depression from banal sadness by the duration of the state of depression (more than six months), decreased physical activity, lack of a sense of joy, and the presence of negative thoughts.

So, when there is a lot to do, but there is no desire to work, then you just need to start acting. After all, laziness breeds precisely inaction.

When something important needs to be done, but lethargy, apathy and laziness overcome, this most likely means that the individual is not strong enough to do it. Therefore, it is recommended to analyze the reasons for such reluctance.

It happens that the reason lies in the lack of willpower to make a decision and complete the tasks. It's not about laziness, it's about indecision. A sufficient degree of self-education can help develop this quality.

Often people come up with excuses for themselves in order to do nothing. The most popular is the phrase, the semantic implication of which is the perception of doing nothing and laziness as a kind of driving force of progress. What they fail to realize, however, is that lying on your favorite sagging couch is not the constructive laziness that is truly the engine of progress. Therefore, you should not put off until tomorrow what you have planned for today.

Without a plan of activity, it is quite difficult to force yourself to work, so you need to learn how to plan, as well as follow the planned actions. Two approaches can be used:

- designate a plan for the amount of work done for a specific time period. For example, “I have to peel a bucket of potatoes in an hour, until this is done, I will not do anything else”;

- follow the established time standard (“I work 2 hours, with two five-minute “smoke breaks”, after the specified period I rest 30 minutes and work another hour”). It doesn't matter how much work is done.

The most significant moment in overcoming the desire to do nothing is focusing on the task at hand. In other words, you need to learn not to be distracted. Having planned a time interval for the performance of work or the number of tasks that need to be completed, you need to exclude from the field of attention everything that can distract. That is, you need to turn off Skype or Viber, close social networks, use the Internet only when necessary. Often, individuals do not notice how much useful time is stolen by visiting social networks. But in addition, the efficiency of activity drops sharply when distracted from the work performed.

Therefore, in order to increase productivity, it is necessary to give yourself a vow not to do anything extraneous when performing a scheduled task.

Speaker of the Medical and Psychological Center "PsychoMed"

What if you don't want anything? - This question comes to me constantly from different people. First, a person does not have to constantly want something. Sometimes, when all basic needs are satisfied, we are in a state of "plateau" - we just live and enjoy what we already have. But usually people who ask this question do not belong to this category. As a rule, they have there is simply not enough energy to realize your main goal in life and even fleeting material desires.

The fact is that sometimes our debts and responsibilities, daily routine, information and news, the affairs of relatives and friends, and so on absorb all our energy, all our attention and strength, that we are simply exhausted, and there is no longer enough for ourselves. that time, and even desire ...

And sometimes it even seems that this is normal, that this is an adult life, that everything is as it should be.

But it's not! And it’s good that you are asking yourself this question: why and how to change the situation?!

In the cycle of life, when day after day you go through business, you definitely need to find a loophole, you definitely need to set aside some time for yourself, gradually restoring energy, charging it, so that at one fine moment you WANT again! To want anything, the desire comes by itself, especially if you find time to relax, retire, and listen to your body, heart, soul.

How can you manage to step back from everyday exhaustion, especially if you don’t seem to want anything?
I can give you some tips that I myself used and that helped my friends.

1. It is highly desirable to completely exclude the receipt of any various unnecessary information, especially news of world catastrophes and so on. when you come home in the evening, after dinner, you just want to relax and watch TV or surf the Internet. It is simply unbelievable how much energy such a “rest” takes (DOES NOT GIVE!) Pay attention to how you spend your time after work, before bed. It is best to set aside at least 30-60 minutes and retire. Maybe take a walk around the city if you have the strength, maybe take a bath, you don’t need to listen to the radio or music or read books at this time, you just need to be alone with your thoughts, drive away negative ones, think about something pleasant, maybe just dream about something completely incredible.

2. Remember what you liked to do before, maybe as a child. Maybe swim or paint? Maybe just knit or read in the park? Do something with beads? Or dance? Surely there was something you loved that you have not done for a long time. Try to set aside time on the weekend and do this, maybe even you won’t really want it, you just need to start doing it. At this moment, thoughts and sensations will themselves take you to another level, to a level that is consonant with your personal desires, and not with the desires of the world around you.

3. Maybe you have long dreamed of sewing something for yourself or just buying or making or going somewhere? In general, try to remember your old desires. There is a direction in psychology called “gestalt therapy”, in short, gestalt is something unfinished, something unclosed, some kind of mental anguish that constantly takes energy away until you complete it, this is a conversation with someone or some another action. So, when we complete our plans and fulfill our desires, allow ourselves to buy, say, do something, we release energy and no longer give it to this unfinished. The technique of wizards is about the same - remember a long-standing unfulfilled desire, maybe even a child's, and fulfill it! For example, go and eat ice cream in a cafe where they liked to eat it as a child or in a similar one, in general, the essence, I hope, is clear.

4. If you hold a grudge against someone or are angry, perhaps without even admitting it to yourself, in general, if mentally imagining a person, you experience bitterness, resentment or anger, and other negative feelings, ask yourself: why ? and most importantly - WHY? Why do you have these feelings? Maybe it's easier this way, maybe it's nice to feel sorry for yourself or something else. Wizards do not go into psychoanalysis, just when you directly ask yourself the question WHY, it becomes clear that in principle there is NO WHY - this is just a waste of strength and emotions. Therefore, you need to learn forgive and FORGIVE- and others, and yourself - for whatever it was. You don't owe anything to anyone, just as nobody owes you anything. If thoughts about someone still annoy you, try using the technique.

In total, all these tips are aimed at restoring the overall energy potential. You can find other ways to recharge - meditation, creativity, you can recharge yourself by reading books about positive thinking, you can work with water, etc. , from your own self, and not from outside.

There is another possible reason. This is the only once strong desire that was not fulfilled, and which still does not give rest, completely sucking out all the forces. In life, this manifests itself in the form of depression after, for example, unrequited love or another tragedy. In this case, it is even more important to take care of yourself, listen to pleasant music, sing mantras, read positive or spiritual literature.

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  • The mantra will help: “I am more alive than dead. If I try for a long time, I will definitely want something.
  • Don't be a moralist. Any desires are good for you now, rejoice even in forbidden ones. Especially them.
  • When you decide to save all mankind, do not forget to save yourself.
  • Draw your boundaries. Even the dog has a mat under the door. And you?
  • Remembering your debts is wonderful. But issue an order: "From 17.00 to 19.00 I owe nothing to anyone."
  • "Does the pony run in circles?" Take a walk with him for a while. Talk to random passers-by, fellow travelers and so on.
  • How tired you really are - no one knows, including yourself. Start doing too much instead of what is necessary - both real fatigue and the installation on it pass from this.
  • A tired person “does not see” others, takes care of them incorrectly and does not receive energy from this, because his care is not really needed. Write on a piece of paper what your loved ones really like and dislike. If your care becomes more precise, it will give you energy instead of draining it.
  • Learn to express anger, even a little exaggerated.
  • Make yourself a special, personally your little charge. It should include exercises for stretching, somersaulting, plasticity. Straighten your shoulders more often and straighten your back.

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Where do most of our problems and worries come from? British writer John Parkin proposes to declare war on the meanings that govern our lives.

Probably, it happened to everyone: you wake up one morning with the feeling that everything is tired, life is a continuous routine and nothing interesting will happen today. And tomorrow too. And the day after tomorrow. Why do we lose interest in life and daily activities? And how to return the drive and passion?

Let's make a reservation right away: we are not now considering the situation of a depressive episode. It can be suspected if you have not only lost interest in life, but cry more often, feel that movement or speech is inhibited, you are ashamed of your condition, you are constantly irritated, your weight or relationship with food has changed (increased or decreased appetite), or the sleep pattern has changed (insomnia, difficulty falling asleep or, conversely, increased drowsiness). In this case, be sure to go to a psychotherapist. It will not hurt to be checked up at the neurologist and the endocrinologist too.

But what if you are healthy and generally feel fine - just life has become somehow insipid? With what it can be connected? And will life never be fun again? Let's reassure right away: no, this is not forever, and such crises are generally a normal phenomenon. We figure out how it turned out that interest and drive have disappeared from your life somewhere, and what to do with it.

"What if it's old age?"

People at twenty-four or twenty-five often remember how fun it was, say, at seventeen. And thirty-thirty-five-year-olds say that at twenty they had much more interests and strength, and so on. In general, even very young people have a craving to compare their younger self with the current one. Usually this does not happen in favor of the “current”: “Do you remember how we could fall into each other's rooms at twenty without an invitation? And now…"; “Do you remember how we slept for three hours before couples, because we walked all night after the concert?” Such comparisons are disheartening: farewell to former freedom, and welcome to dreary adulthood.

At the same time, we often do not notice that the comparison is based on one criterion, such as how active we are or how diverse our interests are. Other circumstances, such as the need to get up every day on an alarm clock and spend eight to ten hours at work, mortgages, children, financial and family or partnership obligations, do not count. Although if you like your work, partner or children, they are also your interest in a sense - that in which you invest your energy, time and attention. So it's not that people necessarily become less interested as they age - rather, they become more stable.

And, of course, no age is an obstacle to discovering new things and getting involved in something. Indeed, having entered adulthood, we lose the opportunity (and often the desire) to be maximalists: you can no longer give up food, sleep and all everyday obligations if you are carried away by creating websites or historical reconstruction - if only because you need to live somewhere and there is something. In addition, in youth, hobbies and interests form as if by themselves: a friend began to go to karate and calls to join, a theater studio appeared at the institute - I’ll go and try my hand.

After twenty-five to thirty years, for many people this flow dries up: the environment in which we find ourselves is increasingly focused on earnings, career or family. And then you have to master a new skill - the ability in an adult, already quite busy life, to specially build space for new interests. This requires a moral "permission" to myself: I can be frivolous or frivolous, not think about business around the clock. I can make special time for fun, hobbies or just walking in the woods and not feel guilty or guilty about it - and make it a part of everyday life.

"Wait a little more..."

Sometimes the lack of interest in life says that we are marking time on the “passed” level, losing interest in what is happening around. And it seems that there are even ideas and desires that I would like to realize, but I can’t get started on them. It’s always scary to take on something new, and especially when it’s something fundamentally new. For example, I want to open my own business, but I don’t even understand where to start from. I've never lived with anyone, but my partner is offering to move in and I think I want to try. I really want a child, but I don't know how it will change my life (and I'm not sure that I will like these changes). I want to move to another country, I want to change my profession, I want a house by the sea, and so on.

The scale of our desires sometimes scares us. And then it's easier to lie to yourself something soothing in order to put them in a long, long box. Allegedly, you need to prepare for another three to five years, earn some more money at an old and unloved job, live a little more apart and take a closer look, go through one more check-up before planning a pregnancy, and still go to the dentist ...

Preparing for big projects is important, but it has to end at some point. And you need to understand that you will not feel absolutely ready or ready - it is simply impossible. At some point, it's time to just take action. And if fear and excuses outweigh more than the first month or even the first year, it may be worth discussing this with a psychologist.

"I want to be more confident"

By goals, people most often understand specific achievements. And they are fond of chasing after them: passed the project - take two more, earned money for an apartment - now earn money for another, even more. But goals can also be intangible things, and even states. For example, if I have never felt good and confident in life, but would like to, this is also a goal. Or if I have a good job, but lack human warmth. To add to life something that is sorely lacking, or, conversely, to remove something superfluous (an unfriendly and unsupportive environment, a feeling of constant time pressure, a feeling of inferiority and insufficiency) are also goals, and quite large-scale ones.

True, to solve this problem in the same way that material achievements are obtained, most likely will not work. There is not enough purely rational. Rather, it will require self-care, a willingness to explore and understand yourself, and constant attention to your feelings. Having established contact with their own emotions, a person gradually begins to figure out what makes him happy and arouses enthusiasm, and what is quite the opposite (because of which we lose interest). Sometimes it takes more than one year. An appeal to a psychologist and practices aimed at establishing contact with feelings and bodily sensations can help: a diary, written exercises, meditation.

"I don't want to work"

Ignoring feelings in general often leads to the fact that we lose interest in life. Curiosity, the desire to do something require that we feel good: it is very difficult to be easy-going when a huge lump of anger, resentment, disappointment and fear sticks together inside. Curiosity arises when basic needs are satisfied, when we do not experience stress due to lack of money, strength, due to attacks from loved ones or colleagues, due to conflicts. In conditions when we cannot satisfy basic needs, it is much more difficult to be interested in something - you want to hide under the covers.

So the loss of interest in what is happening, for example, the reluctance to go to work (study) or return home from there, the reluctance to get into some communities of people or places, may be due to the fact that we do not feel safe in these places and with these people . This is an occasion for reflection, and perhaps for working with a specialist - a psychologist or a coach. The ability to create a comfortable space for life, to distinguish between safe and unsafe contacts, and to refuse the latter whenever possible is a valuable skill that everyone needs in principle.

"I want everything at once"

Oddly enough, emptiness and loss of interest are often felt by addicted people who are interested in everything around. So you don’t want to miss something, that a person is gaining more activities, affairs and hobbies than he can physically and emotionally pull. Life in a big city with a huge number of events, activities and acquaintances partly provokes this lifestyle. For example, if you have a wide circle of contacts, which includes the same active people, you constantly receive offers to go somewhere, go, see this and that, do something interesting. Some people find it hard to say, “Sorry, I can’t do this time,” and they try to visit three places in one evening, fly abroad on the weekend, and go to work on a Monday morning straight from the plane. And as a result, it happens and you don’t want anything anymore.

If this is your case, it would be good to think about why you are so afraid to reduce activity. Do you have before your eyes an example of loved ones, family members who seem to be not interested in anything, their life seems empty and boring to you - and you are afraid to become like them? What kind of person would you like to see yourself as and how this vision is influenced by the number of events attended and people met? In whose eyes is it important for you to look like an active, tireless person? It is important to understand that life at a frantic pace and an interesting life are two different things. The flickering of bright colors eventually merges into one solid gray.

And the only thing you do with pleasure is sit in front of the TV all day long in an embrace with some high-calorie "yummy". Extra folds appear on the stomach, but you will not find extra clean socks in the house.

If you don’t pull yourself together in time, it will be oh so difficult to get out of this state without outside help.

What do we have to do? Identify the symptoms of the disease in time and try to prevent the spread of infection throughout the body.

While browsing the news, I came across an article from Lifehacker.com about what to do when you feel like doing nothing. That is, when the motivation is gone, and even in order to, you need a kick. I can’t say that I am in such a situation, but sad thoughts began to visit me more and more often. And it doesn't have to be about work. This can apply to home life, and sports, and once a favorite hobby.

And if you can survive the cooled feelings for your favorite hobby and this will not have any particularly unpleasant consequences, then things are much more serious with work and personal life. This is where action really needs to be taken.

So, there can be several reasons for the loss of motivation. And decisions, respectively, too.

Social exclusion

An experiment was conducted at one of the universities: students were asked to write on pieces of paper the names of those people from the group with whom they would like to work. And then, ignoring what was written, one part was told that they were chosen, and the second - that no one wants to deal with them.

As a result, the "outcasts" stopped monitoring their behavior and.

If you restrain yourself and behave according to the rules, then you should receive some kind of reward for this. Social, of course. And if you adapt to others, but they still do not want to do business with you, then why take care of yourself and change your behavior?

The conclusion is clear and logical. In addition, the hands of the students, whom no one allegedly chose, were more likely than others to reach for a jar of sweets. In this way they tried to eat a bitter pill.

Other studies have shown:

When you feel like the world is rejecting you, you can't solve puzzles, you become difficult to work with, and your motivation level drops to zero.

All you can do is engage in self-destruction: drink, smoke or binge on sweets. You lose control of yourself and literally lose yourself.

Ignoring physical needs

According to another study, a feeling of lack of motivation may arise due to. Usually, people who are deeply immersed in work rarely eat right. Fast food lunches or snacks on dry sandwiches and office cookies, a hearty late dinner, and breakfast is skipped by default.

The scientists carried out their experiments in court for 10 months. As a result, before lunch, the judges gave suspended sentences to only 20% of the accused, while at meetings immediately after the lunch break, the percentage of the lucky ones increased to 60%. Before lunch, the judges' blood sugar levels were low, which had an impact on their thought processes and emotional state.

That is, the problem in this case is not in mental suffering, but in a banal lack of sugar in the blood. They get better from the muffin. Are you upset by mustard? ;)

The weight of decision-making responsibility

Motivation problems can also arise from the burden of decision-making responsibility. Moreover, these can be both vital decisions and the most banal “what to buy for dinner”.

Sometimes these small everyday decisions accumulate a lot, and as a result, you lose your nerves and you start making irrational decisions.

For example, you start buying things without special need.

This condition is different from physical fatigue. You may experience a lack of mental energy, while everything is in order with your physical condition. And the more decisions (important or simple) you have to make during the day, the more tired you will feel.

How to deal with it?

If you feel that you are being ignored and do not want to do business with you, the best way out is to talk to this person (group of people) and find out what exactly is stopping you. Perhaps there was a misunderstanding, which is resolved in a matter of seconds. Sometimes the problem is much deeper and needs to be worked on. And sometimes you just come across people with whom you are incompatible, and nothing can be done about it.

The only way out is change environment. Either way, we need to talk. If you don't ask a question, you will never know the answer. It is better to know that you are really not liked than to be in the dark and constantly guessing.

In the second case, the exit is banal - just start take care of yourself and eat well. Once you stop skipping breakfast, your mood will improve.

And in the third option, you need to try at least once draw up your "schedule for making decisions for the day" and leave at least two windows for relaxation in it. When you know what and when you will need to decide, it becomes less burdensome.

In any case, you need to look for a way out of the situation. And of course, everyone has their own.

If it’s hard for me to determine if I want to do something or if I’m satisfied with the work in the form in which it is now, I try to clear my head, at least on weekends. Sometimes this is quite enough for a surge of energy and optimism.

Sometimes it happens that just starting to tell someone about your work, you suddenly realize that it's really interesting and you really like it. I don’t know if reverse causality works here, but it’s impossible to talk with fire in your eyes about what is boring. So you're just tired and all you need is just get a little rest.

And finally, the last one. All people are selfish by nature and, accordingly, I do not know a single person who would not be flattered by praise. Of course, praising yourself is not so great. But if I hear sincere praise addressed to me from a stranger, I understand that I am doing what I like, and at the same time helping others. Therefore, if you see that a person is trying and he succeeds, do not skimp on praise. Maybe you are just saving someone from losing motivation.

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