Do they give disability? List of diseases that qualify for disability

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How to apply for a disability - where to start: you need to know the procedure for registering a disability, what documents are needed to register a disability, what is the ITU commission for registering a disability

Cases when there is a limitation of working capacity due to an exacerbation of a disease or a serious injury is a fairly common phenomenon in labor practice. In order to protect their rights and receive social support, an injured employee needs to go through a rather complicated and lengthy disability registration procedure, where to start?

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First, it is necessary to carefully study the regulatory framework and determine the procedure for registering disability.

Secondly, it is necessary to clearly understand what documents are needed for registration of disability, where to get a form of production characteristics for registration of disability, determine the functions and appointment of the ITU commission for registration of disability.

And thirdly, if necessary, to distinguish between the features of registering a disability for a pensioner (lying down), registering a disability for a child, how to register a visual disability, and how the procedure for registering a disability in oncology differs from others.

We will analyze all these points in more detail in our article.

ITU Commission for Disability Registration

You can get the status of a disabled person on the basis of the Rules established by government decree number 95 in February 2006. Paragraph two of these Rules directly says that a citizen must first pass a medical and social examination (ITU) - an ITU commission for disability registration. Without the appropriate conclusion of medical specialists, it is impossible to count on state assistance.

Residents of Moscow, remembering the special federal status of their city, often do not know how to apply for disability in Moscow. Given that the effect of the decree of the government of the Russian Federation is equivalent in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation, it should be noted that in the capital the procedure for registering disability takes place in strict accordance with the above document, as well as in other regions of Russia.

The reason for going to the doctors is the deterioration of health. A sick or injured person should visit their doctor, who will give a referral to specialized specialists. They will record the results of the examination and examination in a separate report. Such a document has the right to issue both the attending physician and the group of doctors who observed the patient.

Particular attention is paid to the condition of the patient. It turns out whether he can live without outside help or continue to work. In cases with children, their ability to learn, move independently and control their own behavior is determined.

Referral for examination is given by the following state institutions:

  • representative offices of social protection bodies;
  • branches of the Pension Fund (at the place of residence of a citizen who has suffered from an injury or illness);
  • polyclinics (district or city).

If you become disabled through the fault of a doctor, find out what punishment the doctor should suffer for.

Features of the procedure

The legislation provides for both independent appeal of citizens to all necessary authorities, and through legal representatives who have all the powers to protect the interests of a sick person.

To obtain the status of a disabled person with the help of such a voluntary assistant, it is necessary to have an appropriate court decision in hand. It confirms the special condition of a person with disabilities and entitles the representative to obtain a power of attorney in a notary's office. can be seen in this article.

To figure out how to apply for disability, you must first clarify all the nuances of the procedure in the clinic or in the social service. Such advice will help to avoid embarrassing mistakes.

Documents must be submitted within ten days after the application is submitted. This can also be done electronically. But the document must be certified by a qualified signature. After you have dealt with the paperwork, the immediate process of disability registration begins, which consists of 3 stages:

  1. ITU invitation. It may come in paper or electronic form.
  2. Conducting ITU and obtaining a decision. No more than 30 calendar days pass from the moment the application is submitted to the examination. The decision is made immediately after the procedure. Explanations of medical experts can be carried out immediately after the examination.
  3. Obtaining a certificate confirming the disability of a certain group.

Design features for certain groups of citizens

How to apply for disability for a child

To clarify how to apply for a disability for a child, you must also first consult with a social expertise bureau or a polyclinic.

In most cases, the registration of disability for a child is no different from the examination of an adult. The passport of the adoptive parents, guardians or parents is additionally attached to the documents.

Another important nuance is the need to present a characteristic issued at the place of study (if the child is studying). For children with genetic or mental illnesses, the permission of the attending physician will be required. This document will give teachers the right to disclose medical secrecy in the characteristics being compiled.

In general, there should be no problems with how to apply for disability, since the procedure is approved by law with all the details for patients of any age.

How to apply for a disability pensioner

Before applying for a disability, a pensioner will have to do the following:

  • Visit to a medical facility. The doctor performs an examination, after which he issues a medical report, which indicates a mandatory additional examination.
  • if the doctor determines that the level of the disease of the applicant corresponds to the definition of one of the disability groups, then the patient will be given a referral for a medical examination at the BMSE;
  • based on the results of a medical examination at the ITU, the applicant is issued a certificate - a certificate stating that he has been assigned a disability group;
  • with a certificate, the pensioner goes to the PFR department at the place of registration, where he receives the status of a disabled person. With this status, a citizen has the right to receive benefits and increase pensions.

Disabled people are one of the most vulnerable segments of the population. In this regard, the state assigns a disability pension.

Before applying for a disability pension, you need to collect all the necessary documents:

  • certificate of passing the ITU;
  • passport;
  • SNILS card

Having a package of documents in hand, a citizen applies to the PFR office in his region and writes an application for the payment of a disability pension to him.

Consider how much pensions different groups of disabled people will receive.

  • disabled people of the first group and disabled since childhood of the second group - 8647.51 rubles per month;
  • disabled people of the second group - 4323.74 rubles per month;
  • disabled people of the third group - 3675.2 rubles per month;
  • children - disabled and disabled since childhood of the first group - 10376.86 rubles per month.

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When a person is just about to apply for a disability, he does not yet know that it is not so easy, despite the presence of a disease on the list. The state does not want to issue pensions to everyone and is trying to reduce this number. Therefore, it is better to know what awaits you and how to apply for disability. You should immediately prepare for the fact that you will meet with the lack of desire of workers to help you, but do not forget that it is their duty to issue as few certificates as possible. Therefore, we proceed immediately to the procedure.

We pass all obstacles

So how do you apply for disability? You have to go through several obstacles along the way. At each, you will meet with a reluctance to assign you a disability group, due to savings from the state budget.

medical institution

To go for an examination, you need to get a referral from a medical institution. And this is not easy if there are no obvious defects, such as the absence of organs or limbs. And here the first problems appear - doctors are not too happy to issue these referrals, discouraging and arguing that the examination will still fail. With the manifestation of perseverance, as a rule, they refuse directly.

Unfortunately, there is no law obliging them to provide a refusal in writing. But they are required to provide a certificate, thanks to which you can apply to the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise on your own. If you refuse to extradite it, you can go to court, declaring that the inaction of a state body or official is illegal.

I'm going to the doctor

Therefore, first go to your doctor. Depending on the disease, this may be a nephrologist, neurologist, ENT, ophthalmologist, and so on. You may need to stay in the hospital, depending on the reason for the disability. The doctor will give you a form with which you will need to go through several specialists (usually an ophthalmologist, neurologist, orthopedist, ENT and surgeon). You also need to undergo examinations: blood biochemistry, general analysis, urine, enterbiosis, feces, ECG and EEG. In certain cases, ultrasound and x-rays may also be needed. Keep in mind that most of these tests are only valid for ten days.

Ask the doctors to immediately write what you need. For example, special shoes or walkers for an orthopedist, a hearing aid for an ENT, and so on. All this should be recorded on your card. Ask to mention the need for annual (or more frequent) spa treatment. When all the documents are collected, you need to contact the head physician of the clinic. Then sign up for a commission.

Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise

Before you apply for a disability group, you have to contact the bureau of social expertise. Theoretically, everything is quite simple and regulated:

  1. Less than ten minutes to the help desk.
  2. The queue for filing documents is no more than 30 minutes, and the reception itself is up to 15.
  3. Receiving documents - in the queue less than 20 minutes, issuing - up to 10.
  4. After submitting the documents, the examination should be carried out within a month.

Unfortunately, in reality, everything is not so simple, the queues are long, as there are many people undergoing re-examination.

To qualify for a disability, at least two of the following three conditions must be met:

  1. Violation of your health, a persistent disorder of functions in the body, as a result of diseases or injuries.
  2. Limitations in life activity - partial or complete loss of the ability and ability to self-service, movement, orientation, communication, learning, work and behavior control.
  3. The need to obtain social protection measures, including rehabilitation.

We collect documents

Before applying for a disability, you need to collect several documents:

  • referral for medical and social expertise;
  • a copy of the labor, certified;
  • passport, along with a photocopy (or other document that proves identity);
  • outpatient card (it will be issued at the hospital against signature);
  • characteristics (from the place of study or work);
  • extract from the hospital, photocopy;
  • application for certification;
  • certificate of income from the place of work (not always);
  • if necessary - an act on an occupational disease or on an industrial injury (form H1).

You can submit documents both at the place of your residence and temporary stay. But only if you are registered.

Conducting a medical and social examination

You will have to defend your rights and prove that the disease interferes with your full life. There are three people in the commission, it takes place in the bureau. They establish the group of disability and the degree of restriction of labor activity. Or they refuse.

After receiving a disability, you will be given a certificate (it is better to laminate it) and an individual rehabilitation program. With them you need to contact the district social security, where you will be issued benefits. And how to apply for a disability pension, you will be prompted by the Pension Fund. There is also a second option.

If you have been denied disability recognition, you can appeal the committee's decision. To do this, you need to write a statement and take it to the medical and social examination, where you passed it. Then they themselves will redirect him to the main office within three days, and a second examination will be carried out within a month. You also have the right to have it carried out by independent experts - doctors who are not associated with medical and social expertise. If you again get a refusal, then the last option to appeal it is to go to court.


Problems don't end with disability. Disabled people of group I are re-examined every two years, II and III - annually. In this case, the procedure will practically not differ from the first examination, that is, you will have to face the same problems. But exempted from this are those who received disability due to irreversible morphological diseases, defects and dysfunctions of body systems and organs.

In addition to the full package of documents that you have already collected once, you will need an individual rehabilitation program and a certificate of disability. Prepare for the re-examination in the same way as for the first examination. Despite the fact that the disease or its consequences remain, you can easily lose your disability.

How to apply for disability in Ukraine? The whole process is exactly the same. This is largely due to the fact that the country was originally one. Therefore, if you are in the CIS countries, then the procedure will differ little.


There are several groups of disability, depending on the disability. The decision to assign one or the other is made by the examination, while during re-examination it can be changed in any direction.

Registration of the 1st group

It will take a lot of effort to get a disability of 1 group. How to issue it? In general, everything is exactly the same, it just includes people with a persistent, significantly pronounced severity of functional disorders of the body due to a disease, injury or birth defect. They should lead to significant limitations in life, self-care and the need for constant care and supervision.

The first group relies only on those who are constantly dependent on other people to perform vital, social and everyday functions.

Design of the 2nd group

How to apply for disability group 2 and who is entitled to it? These are also people with persistent and severe functional disorders in the body, but capable of self-care, although their capabilities are very limited. They may have two or more diseases, or the consequences of injuries, birth defects, which together lead to severe disability. The second group is also given to people with disabilities since childhood.

In these cases, it is possible to work in specially created conditions, with the organization of a special working regime, for example, at home, with the delivery of the necessary raw materials if necessary.

Registration of the 3rd group

It's time to tell about the disability of the 3rd group, how to apply and in what case. It is also necessary to have persistent disorders in the body, but moderately severe. At the same time, working capacity is limited, social protection and assistance are needed. So, full-fledged labor activity is no longer possible, its volume is reduced by a quarter, qualifications are reduced or lost altogether.

Design in different situations

It is worth knowing about the details of disability registration in different situations, with different diseases. Despite the similarity of the procedure, there will be some differences.

visual disability

How to apply for a visual disability, are there any features in this case? This is possible in case of complete or partial loss of vision, which, of course, severely limits a person's life. In this case, the ophthalmologist during the examination will pay special attention to the eye, whose vision is better.

With vision, the eyes, which are healthier, 0.1-0.3, give the third group of disability, since the violation is considered moderate and does not take away the possibility of self-care. With a sharpness of 0.05-0.1, a second group can be given. And the first - with severe damage and disruption of the visual apparatus.

Despite the fact that damage can only affect vision, you have to go through all the specialists, pass a large number of tests and get recommendations from your ophthalmologist on establishing a particular disability group. During the examination, you will also be examined by their ophthalmologist.

Registration of disability after a stroke

Disability after a stroke is a fairly common occurrence associated with serious complications. It occurs in 80% of all cases, but of varying severity. This reason comes first. Unfortunately, only one in five can return to normal life. So how do you apply for disability after a stroke?

It is assigned not for the fact of the situation, but because of the complications that have occurred, so pay special attention to the collection of analyzes and conclusions from doctors. All this can be done in a hospital when you are there after a stroke, or after a request to a doctor to put you there. Since it is necessary to undergo a large number of examinations, in no case do not refuse hospitalization, you will need strength more than once.

Disability is assigned if the brain has not fully recovered, there are violations in speech, movements and other functions. Unfortunately, re-examination will need to be carried out regularly without fail.

Obtaining disability by pensioners

How to apply for a disability pensioner? Indeed, the fact of receiving one pension is added to the usual problems, which means that the state will not want to pay even more. But people with disabilities of any age need to buy medicines, receive the necessary care, and so on. And all this against the backdrop of a general deterioration in health. However, the procedure is no different. Unless it is worth mentioning the possibility of conducting an examination at home, in a hospital or in a nursing home.

Please note that no age is a basis for obtaining a disability. Upon receipt, and in this situation, it will be necessary to undergo a re-examination annually, or every two years. And the pension received due to age should not change.

Do not forget that you can call the local doctor at home or do the registration during hospitalization. Also find out if your daughter, sister or other representative can handle the paperwork. In case of severe illness, this is necessary.

Registration of disability for bedridden patients

So, it seems that everything is already clear, but how to apply for disability to a bedridden patient? After all, he will not be able to come either for testing, or for paperwork, or for the examination itself. It will be even more difficult, but quite realistic. To begin with, the representative of the patient must go to the local doctor and receive a special form to be filled in by other specialists. If there are no complaints to any doctor, then you just need to approach him to get the inscription “no complaints”. If there is, the district police officer or manager will call a specialist to the house.

If you have any questions, please contact your medical assistant. examination, which is usually one for two or three clinics, and ask him for details on how to apply for disability. A bedridden patient does not have to come to the commission, she will have to come to the house (it is possible that she will take place in absentia, without you).

There is a second option - to go to the hospital and undergo all the examinations there.

Making a child disabled

Many parents are concerned about the question "how to apply for a disability to a child and whether it is worth doing it." Considering that removing it is a short process, and often this happens without your desire, the answer is unequivocal - it's worth it. This will not interfere with the child in the future, but the money will be useful to improve the quality of his life. Therefore, if there is evidence, first contact your pediatrician, and then the specialist of the desired profile. Disability can be established for a year, two or up to 18 years. In this case, the category "child with a disability" is assigned.

Benefits will be given not only to the child, but also to the mother, for example, a shorter working day, additional leave, and early retirement. It depends on the assigned group. For registration, in addition to the documents that adults collect, you will need a statement from the parents, a certificate of registration, a passport of the parent who will be involved in the registration, and a birth certificate of the child.

Yes, this process is long and rather difficult. But for most people, a pension will not be superfluous, so muster all your patience and get down to business. Now you know how to file for disability and the tips to keep in mind to get the results you want. Do not waste time, it will take quite a lot, especially if you do not immediately get what you want. The sooner you collect all the documents and pass the examination, the sooner you can afford to buy better medicines, get benefits and even go to rest and get medical treatment in a sanatorium.

Registration of disability is a rather lengthy and difficult process, since you will not only have to collect all the necessary documents, but also be able to defend your legal rights. Most likely, you will have to face the reluctance of medical workers to help in this difficult matter, but it should be clearly understood that this is their direct responsibility. If the state of health requires it, then it is simply necessary to overcome all obstacles.

But before applying for disability, you will need to undergo a serious medical examination in order to confirm the diagnosis and prove that the disease really interferes with living and working fully.

Registration of disability will not only provide an opportunity for preferential medical care, but also additional funds in the form of a pension that can be spent on the main goal - recovery!

Who can apply for disability

The conditions and criteria by which a person can be recognized as a disabled person are described in detail in Article No. 95 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 20, 2006. This means that the patient's desire alone is not enough - an established and confirmed diagnosis must be included in the list approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, which gives the right to receive the first, second or third disability group.

The main criterion is a persistent pathology that prevents a person from living a full life. The criteria for vital activity, which will be taken into account by doctors when determining the disability group, are also clearly spelled out in the law. In addition, specialists will assess not only the patient's state of health, but also his ability to continue working in the profession. This applies to patients who are involved in heavy or hazardous activities associated with night shifts, hazards, increased noise levels, vibration, heavy physical labor, and so on.

Where to begin

The very first thing to start with is to pay a visit to your doctor. The doctor must listen to all complaints and record them in the outpatient card, and then issue referrals to all the necessary specialists for further examination. The doctor issues a form with which the patient will have to go around several specialized specialists, as well as pass the necessary tests. It should be remembered that most analyzes are valid for two weeks. Sometimes a patient needs to undergo an additional examination in a hospital setting.

The attending physician draws up all the documents for further transfer to a special commission - a medical and social examination, abbreviated as ITU. And another important information: if the doctor refuses to refer you to the ITU, he is obliged to issue his refusal in writing, and then the patient can apply to the ITU on his own. If the doctor refuses to issue a written refusal, the patient has the right to apply to the judicial authorities.

The mailing list for the ITU, which is for informational and recommendatory purposes, should indicate the patient's state of health, test results, as well as the necessary means of rehabilitation. Rehabilitation aids may include a wheelchair, walkers, diapers, special orthopedic shoes, a hearing aid, necessary annual spa treatment, and so on.

The referral form to the ITU is certified by the seal of the medical institution and the signatures of three doctors.

The day of the passage of the ITU is appointed. Patients should be aware that the disability registration procedure is not a quick process at all and can take several months, so you should be patient.

Appeal to the medical and sanitary examination

The patient can make a personal visit to the social examination bureau, but if his state of health does not allow this, the commission can come to the patient at home. As practice shows, the queues at the commission are quite large, since many patients undergo re-examination, therefore, as mentioned above, patience and patience again.

In order for the patient to be assigned a date for the examination, to which he must appear without delay, the commission will need the following documents:

  1. Direction for medical and sanitary examination. The referral can be issued not only by the attending doctor at the clinic, but also by a person attached to the pension authorities, or responsible persons from the social security authorities. In addition, the disability registration procedure allows the patient to apply to the ITU regional office on his own - provided that the patient has a written refusal from the attending physician.
  2. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and its photocopy.
  3. Working citizens provide a photocopy of the work book certified by the personnel department, and non-working citizens provide the original.
  4. Employed citizens provide production characteristics containing information about working conditions. These characteristics are issued to the patient at the place of work by a medical worker of the enterprise, who conducts a survey of the employee on a number of issues related to the regulation of labor activity. All answers are entered in a special form, after which the form is certified by the personnel department and management. Based on the production characteristics, the members of the commission will decide on the possibility of continuing the patient's main work activity.
  5. Income statement (not always).
  6. Sick leave (if any).
  7. All available medical documents and certificates - a mailing list, an outpatient card, tests, examination results, and so on.
  8. SNILS - photocopy and original.

If it is impossible to engage in the main professional activity, the following additional documents will need to be attached to the main list:

  • documents about the existing occupational disease;
  • certificate of industrial injury in the form H-1;
  • workplace characteristics.

In addition, the patient has the right to submit any other documents not specified in the list, but which, in his opinion, may affect the decision of the commission.

In the event that the above documents are not presented in full or are improperly executed, the commission has the right to refuse to conduct an examination. The examination itself is completely free for the patient.

Examination procedure

After all the documents are collected and transferred to the ITU regional office, the patient is assigned a date when he must appear at the ITU commission. The usual waiting time is about a month. The patient himself and members of the commission consisting of three people are present at the commission. In some cases, an invited specialist of the required profile may be present, who will also have the right to vote when making a decision.

Members of the commission have the right to examine the patient, ask questions about social status, marital status, living conditions, look at characteristics from the place of work, request information about education and social skills.

During the meeting of the commission, a protocol is kept, in which all questions and answers are recorded. The decision is made after the vote of all members of the commission. In case of doubt or disagreement, the patient may be sent for an additional examination, and then, after collecting all the necessary additional information, the commission meets again to make a final decision.

After assigning a disability group, an appropriate certificate and an individual rehabilitation program are issued. After that, the patient is sent to the department of the pension fund, where the disability pension is processed, and to the social security department, where the patient will be put on a waiting list for free personal rehabilitation funds.

If the commission refused to receive a disability

If the patient is not satisfied with the conclusions of the commission, he has the right to appeal the decision in a legal manner. An application for appeal can be submitted no later than one month from the date of the examination. The application is submitted either in the usual paper version or in electronic form, and is sent to the address of the bureau that conducted the examination, or to the higher ITU bureau that oversees the regional office.

The application for appeal must contain the following information:

  • the name of the bureau to which the application is being written;
  • passport information of the recipient of the service;
  • a detailed statement of the essence of the claim, indicating the composition of the commission and the name of the regional ITU where the examination was carried out;
  • request for re-examination.

The ITU regional office sends a complaint to the main office within three days, attaching all the necessary documents to it. The main bureau is obliged to appoint a re-examination within 30 days. In addition, the patient has the right to insist on an independent examination, the members of which will have nothing to do with the ITU.

If the results are unsatisfactory, the patient has the right to go to court. The judgment will be considered final.

Definition of disability group

As a rule, a disability group is assigned not according to a specific diagnosis, but according to the severity of the disease and the degree of disability. Diseases that entail a violation of the vital functions of the body are divided by experts into three distinct groups:

  1. The first group of disability is recognized as the most severe and is assigned if the patient is not able to take care of himself and he needs systematic assistance, care and supervision. In fact, these are bedridden and dying patients, mentally handicapped persons who are not capable of self-care. An example of such diseases is, for example, tuberculosis in the stage of decompensation, the absence of both upper or lower limbs, complete or partial paralysis, complete blindness, as well as some severe mental illnesses.
  2. The second group of disability is assigned for moderate illness, when the patient does not require constant assistance and supervision. For some patients, work activities are available, but with certain conditions and with well-defined working conditions. Examples of diseases in which the second group of disability is assigned are such established diagnoses as partial loss of vision or hearing, epilepsy with frequent seizures, the absence of one of the limbs, repeated strokes and heart attacks, and much more.
  3. The third group of disability is assigned to persons who do not need outside help, but can no longer engage in their main professional activities. This group can be assigned if it is necessary to change the profession to another with lower qualifications and wages. As an example, one can cite a reduction in the volume of production activities, and as a result, a decrease in qualifications and wages.

For how long is disability granted?

Each patient is assigned a personal rehabilitation program, after which, theoretically, his condition should improve. Therefore, patients need to regularly undergo re-examination for confirmation and extension of the group: disabled people of the first group are re-examined every two years, and the second and third groups - annually.

Permanent disability, which does not require re-examination, is established in the following cases:

  • if the disabled person is an old-age pensioner;
  • if the disability group has not changed over the past 15 years and has been confirmed annually, or if the assigned group has been replaced with a more severe one;
  • if a patient is diagnosed with a diagnosis that cannot be treated in the present and future tense, and which does not give him the opportunity to fully live and work, a list of diagnoses has been established and approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;
  • if the first group of disability was confirmed within five years.

What does disability registration give?

Persons recognized as disabled are entitled to the following types of social assistance:

  • receiving a monthly pension, the amount of which will depend on the assigned disability group;
  • receiving material support in the department of social protection;
  • disabled people of the first and second groups have the right to apply for free personal rehabilitation aids;
  • students with disabilities are given the priority right to state-funded places upon admission to higher and secondary educational institutions;
  • the right to service out of turn;
  • the right to receive a free land allotment in the first place;
  • disabled people and families with a disabled child are entitled to a 50% discount on utility bills;
  • the right to priority receipt of free social housing under a social tenancy agreement.

The article describes in detail how to apply for disability, but each case is individual, and in fact the patient will have to face additional bureaucracy and paperwork. However, disability and the social benefits that come with it are not a favor from the state at all, but the legal right of every citizen who has lost his health, and the realization of this right should be persistently pursued.

You may also be interested

Many are interested in where to start with disability registration. In fact, with the right preparation, solving the problem is not so difficult. It is enough to know in advance how to act. The form of disability can be different. For example, due to illness or injury. Accordingly, the processes in certain situations will be slightly different from each other. So what to do to get disability status? How to start receiving a pension for your health features? What should a citizen know about before solving all the tasks?

Disability is...

The first step is to understand what is called a disability. The thing is that some people have some kind of health features. They interfere with normal life. Disability is often characterized by incapacity for work.

In Russia, this term is applied to those who have some kind of serious injury or illness. They should interfere with the usual way of life. Then it makes sense to think about where to start with disability registration. Basically, this task is implemented after serious illnesses or injuries.

Why is status useful?

Why apply for disability status? What does he give? In Russia, people with disabilities are beneficiaries. They are entitled to various bonuses from the state. In addition, at the legislative level, people with disabilities are guaranteed special protection of rights. In particular, in the field of social support and employment. It is possible to think about what documents are needed to apply for disability only when there is a reason why a person cannot lead a normal life. Then he can count on:

  • allowances;
  • utility bills;
  • tax incentives;
  • labor protection and protection;
  • providing square meters to improve living conditions;
  • social benefits in the form of free public transport;
  • provision of separate parking spaces.

Accordingly, people with disabilities are not deprived of attention. On the contrary, they are able to enjoy a variety of bonuses. What does a person who wants to become disabled need to know? More precisely, if there is a good reason?


How to get started with disability? Of course, with the provision of evidence that a person really has the right to such a status. It has already been said that it is assigned to people with special needs.

The first stage of registration is an examination by doctors. It is best to undergo a so-called clinical examination or a comprehensive examination. For example, in a public clinic. The more information about a person's health status, the better. In fact, it is a medical examination that is the main stage in obtaining the status of a disabled person. Without a medical opinion, a citizen will not be able to prove his disability or health problems.

How to start registration of disability for oncology or any other disease? From an appointment with a medical institution for a full examination. If a citizen is registered in an oncological hospital, then you can apply there. What to do after health data is collected?

Not all diseases are dangerous

It is necessary to begin the registration of disability with the study of the generally accepted list of diseases, which allows you to get the status of interest. Not all health problems affect the ability to work. And this factor should be taken into account by each person. Total exists Depending on the presence of certain diseases, a citizen will receive a degree of disability.

The "softest" is considered the 3rd. It is characterized by minor health problems that interfere with a normal lifestyle. More serious diseases are group 2. But 1 degree of disability is usually assigned to those who, in principle, cannot carry out labor activities in any way. These are people with especially dangerous, serious injuries. A complete list of diseases is better to find out in a medical institution. After that, a person will be able to assess the situation: is he entitled to receive a special status or not? If he is entitled to it, then it is necessary to think about how to make a disability registration. Where to begin?

For the record

It has already been said that a medical examination is required. What documents might be helpful? There aren't many of them. If this is an initial examination, it is enough to provide an identity card (RF passport), (if any), SNILS, OMS / VHI policy to the registration office of a medical institution to make an appointment with a specialist. All these documents will help you make an appointment with doctors. If there are any certificates and results of independent examinations, they will also have to be taken. There is nothing special about this.


Now it’s clear where to start with the design of a disability group. The next step is optional. It is assigned on an individual basis. The thing is that it is the medical institution that assigns disability. In some cases, a comprehensive examination is sufficient. But it also happens that a person is additionally sent to a special medical commission. Pass it, as a rule, in the clinic at the place of residence of the citizen. You need to bring with you:

  1. The results of all surveys.
  2. Preliminary medical opinion.
  3. Identification.
  4. Pension certificate (if any).
  5. SNILS.
  6. Medical policy.
  7. Application for recognition as a disabled person.
  8. Referral to the medical board.

A meeting of several medical specialists is being held. They study the submitted materials in detail. If necessary, send a citizen for additional tests. After that, a final decision is made on the assignment of a particular disability group. As a result of this action, the medical institution issues a certificate of the established form. It contains information about the owner, the nature of the disease, and the disability group is also determined.

For children

How is a child with a disability processed? Where to begin? The process is exactly the same as in the case of adults. Only to pass the commission will have to attach an extended list of papers. To apply for a disability for a minor, you must:

  • statement from a legal representative;
  • applicant's passport;
  • child's identity card (for children aged 14 and over);
  • registration certificates;
  • SNILS;
  • compulsory medical insurance policy;
  • birth certificate of a minor (for children without a passport);
  • health certificates (if any).

All of these documents must be submitted along with copies. Nothing else is needed. The issue of assigning a particular disability group will be decided directly by the medical commission. Nothing depends on the age of the citizen. The health status of all citizens is assessed according to the same principles.


You need to understand how disability is processed. Where to begin? From contacting a medical clinic for examination. In addition to the principles of action, it is required to be aware of the terms for assigning the status of a disabled person. The thing is that this process is unlikely to be implemented quickly. Especially if the commission is held at the place of registration in a state clinic. There are always long queues. With what steps it is required to begin registration of disability, it is clear. But how long does all the necessary actions take?

On average, the process of obtaining disability is about a month. For 30 days, a commission of doctors has the right to decide whether there are reasons for obtaining a status, as well as which group to assign to a citizen. Sometimes this period is extended. In some cases, it decreases.

Get help

Suppose that the medical commission has decided to assign a disability to a citizen. How to get the relevant certificate? You can take it either from the head physician of the hospital where the examination took place, or contact the registry. This feature depends on the clinic - everywhere there are rules. In any case, try to contact a medical facility as soon as possible. It is necessary to begin registration of disability immediately after the occurrence of health problems.

You only need to bring SNILS, a passport and a policy with you. This should be enough. The medical commission issues a certificate of disability of the established form. From the moment a medical certificate is received, a person is considered disabled. Now it is clear what documents are needed for registration of disability. A list of them was listed earlier. But the main problems do not end there. Now you have to deal with the registration of basic benefits.

About pension

The next step is to declare your new rights. The main task is to issue a disability pension. In Russia, this is why many people try to admit that they are unable to work. You need to apply to Where to start processing disability due to illness or injury, of course. And how is the procedure for assigning payments for the acquired status? The order is exactly the same as for everyone else. It is enough to adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Apply for disability status in the prescribed manner.
  2. Collect a certain package of documents. At the same time, copies of all papers are made. A complete list of documents will be presented later.
  3. Contact the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or the district Pension Fund at the place of registration with the previously collected papers and an application in the prescribed form.
  4. Wait for the money to be paid.

Now you know where to start with disability registration for a pensioner. In fact, there is nothing difficult in this. Problems with bringing ideas to life can only arise for those who cannot apply to the FIU themselves. Then the guardian or official representative will deal with the task. You can apply for a disability pension by proxy. But in this case, you will have to register with a notary in advance the right to carry out this operation.

Documents for pension

What papers are required to be presented in order for a person with disabilities to receive a pension for his special status? There are not many documents. The list is practically no different from what is required when making regular payments for reaching retirement age. The person brings:

  • a statement of the established form indicating the desire to receive disability pension payments;
  • identity card (civil passport);
  • SNILS;
  • TIN (if any);
  • work book;
  • certificates of labor activity (for example, an extract on entrepreneurial activity);
  • birth certificates of children (for pensioners);
  • pension certificate (if any);
  • personal birth certificate (for children);
  • details of the account to which the funds are to be transferred;
  • a health certificate indicating the degree of disability (it is issued after a medical commission).

If the pension is issued for a child, then the application is made on behalf of the parent or other legal representative. Also, a citizen will have to provide, if available, a military ID, documents indicating registration and marital status. For example, a marriage certificate. These are the rules currently in force in Russia.

Error correction

But in some cases, the FIU may reveal an insufficient package of documents. For example, if a citizen simply forgets to attach some paper. What to do then? Will you have to start the registration of a pension from the very beginning? Not at all. At the moment, the FIU will simply notify the disabled person that some papers are missing, and then provide the time at which they need to be delivered. All offer 90 days.

Payments for the status will be transferred monthly in the amounts established by law. The documents for applying for a disability pension were listed earlier. Copies must be attached to them, as already mentioned. You don't need to verify them. Is that a certificate issued by doctors about the state of health. This is an extremely important document that every disabled person should have. Otherwise, he will not be able to confirm his special status.

For oncology

And now a little about the features of assigning status. It is already clear where to start with disability registration. There is nothing difficult in this. But attention must be focused on the process of obtaining this status in oncology. Why? There are several reasons for this.

Firstly, a citizen will have to apply to an oncology clinic, where he is registered. It is this organization that sends for a full examination at the medical commission. Secondly, you can apply only for long-term disability. A citizen must be on sick leave for at least 4 months. Otherwise, the status will not be assigned. The exception is children.

Any malignant tumor serves as the basis for disability. It does not matter at what stage it is, what its dimensions are. The main thing is education. In some cases, the possibility of surgical removal will play a role. Often, the status of a disabled person is not issued when it is possible to get rid of a particular tumor without harm to health.

Features of diagnosis in children

Some features have and registration of disability in minors. If we are talking about the situation from birth, then no problems will arise. According to the principle indicated earlier, you will have to contact a medical institution for a complete examination.

Where to start processing disability for a minor, of course. What documents are needed for this is also not a secret. But if we are talking about a child who previously attended general education institutions, in addition to all other papers, it is required to provide a reference from the place of study. It is given by the medical commission in the original.

It is about the availability of this document that parents should better worry in advance. Often, an application for assigning a child with a disability status is withdrawn before a characteristic is provided from a school or kindergarten.


Perhaps this is all that every citizen should know. Now the principles by which disability registration is carried out are clear. Where to begin? As already mentioned, with an appeal to the hospital. It's the only way to get disability. Other organizations do not have this opportunity.

In general, the process of obtaining a status lasts an average of 2-3 months, but it can be delayed up to six months or more. Even with good preparation, patience is required. You can start processing a disability pension immediately after receiving a certificate of a standard form on a special status.

According to the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated April 11, 2011 No. 295n, Moscow “On Approval of the Administrative Regulations for the Provision of State Services for Conducting Medical and Social Expertise”, passing a medical and social expertise is a strict step-by-step regulation with certain deadlines and sequence actions.

Documents required for registration of disability (passing medical and social examination).

To register a disability, a citizen, or his legal representative, must submit an application to the bureau Medical and Social Expertise (ITU) at the place of residence, or at the place of stay, or at the place where the pension file of a disabled person is located, who for some reason moved from the Russian Federation to another permanent place of residence.

When applying statements it should state:

  1. The name of the bureau to which the application will be submitted;
  2. Surname, name, patronymic of the citizen submitting the application;
  3. residential address;
  4. Email address, if any;
  5. Request for holding ITU and purpose of holding;
  6. Data on consent, or disagreement, for the transmission and processing of data in the ITU;
  7. Date of application.

An application submitted by a citizen must be registered in the log of incoming documentation on the same day.

Also, when submitting an application, it must be accompanied by package of documents, which includes:

  1. Passport proving the identity of a citizen;
  2. Birth certificate if the citizen has not reached the age of 14;
  3. Document on the powers of the legal representative, if any;
  4. Passport or other identity document if the citizen is not a resident of the Russian Federation;
  5. Referral to the ITU from an organization providing medical and preventive care (form No. 088 / y-06).

Important: The application can be submitted without attaching the required package of documents, but in this case, the documents must be submitted within 10 days from the date of application.

Location of medical and social examination?

The ITU is held at the bureau at the place of residence of the citizen, or at the place of stay, or at the place where the pension file of a disabled person is located, who for some reason moved from the Russian Federation to another permanent place of residence.

Also, if a citizen cannot come to the office for the ITU for health reasons, then the examination can be carried out at home, provided that there is a conclusion of the organization providing treatment and preventive measures.

If a citizen is being treated in a hospital, then the MSE can be carried out on the spot, i.e. in the hospital.

Composition of specialists in medical and social expertise?

ITU is conducted by bureau specialists. The specialists include at least three doctors specializing in medical and social expertise, a social work specialist, a psychologist and a rehabilitation specialist. Also, the composition of specialists with the right of an advisory vote may include representatives of extra-budgetary funds, employment service bodies, specialists of the relevant profile.

A citizen who has submitted an application for holding the ITU has the right to invite, upon his application, any specialist, subject to his consent, to participate in the ITU with the right of an advisory vote.

Terms of medical and social examination.

ITU must be held within a time period not exceeding 30 calendar days. This period also includes the preparation of an additional survey program, if needed for the ITU.

Within 5 days from the time of filing the application, the citizen must be sent an invitation to hold the ITU with the address, date, time and office number indicated in it.

The invitation is sent according to such a calculation of time so that the citizen does not have to stand in line near the office for the passage of the ITU for more than 30 minutes.

The solution of medical and social expertise?

The decision is made by a simple majority vote of the experts who conduct the ITU. Its results are reported immediately after adoption in order to provide the necessary explanations, if necessary.

If the decision was made in absentia, then the results are provided in the form of a paper and / or electronic document (optional).

The terms of the decision should not exceed 30 days from the moment a citizen submits an application for an ITU.

Institutions providing medical and social expertise.

ITU provides:

  1. ITU Bureau at the place of residence;
  2. The main bureau of the ITU, in relation to the subject of the Russian Federation in which the citizen lives;
  3. ITU Federal Bureau;

The procedure for appealing the results of the decision of the medical and social expertise.

A citizen who has received the results of the ITU decision has the right to appeal it. To do this, he needs to submit an appeal to the same bureau where he passed the ITU. Those, in turn, within 3 calendar days are obliged to send this application to the main bureau, in which, within 1 month, they are obliged to consider it and make a decision.

By the same principle, the decisions of the main bureau are appealed. The citizen submits an application for appeal to the main office. They send it to the federal bureau within 3 days, and there, within 1 month, it is considered and a decision is made.

How to file an appeal (what it should contain):

  1. The name of the bureau to which the application is being submitted;
  2. Surname, name, patronymic, address, e-mail address, if any, of the citizen who submitted the application;
  3. Complaint against the bureau, including its name;
  4. Surname, name, patronymic of the legal representative, if any;
  5. Date of application.

Who controls the work of medical and social expertise?

The work of the ITU is controlled by Roszdravnadzor. Roszdravnadzor is a federal service that conducts scheduled and unscheduled inspections based on complaints received.

The cost of medical and social examination.

ITU is being for free.

Refusal to conduct a medical and social examination.

In general, the refusal to conduct the ITU cannot be possible. It is only possible to postpone the deadline for holding the ITU, and then only when the documents submitted for the ITU are drawn up in violation.

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