How to take vitamin K correctly. How to take B vitamins correctly

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

It is most often found in the body during the cold season and spring. Fatigue, drowsiness, frequent illness, deterioration of the skin, hair, cracked lips are typical signs of vitamin deficiency.

The variety of modern medicines is impressive - on the shelves of any pharmacy you can find multivitamins for every taste and budget. But, despite this, quite often doctors detect symptoms of vitamin deficiency in adults and children due to improper intake of random “vitamins”. You can fight vitamin deficiency without consulting a doctor. It is important to know what vitamins and how to take them correctly.

Most multivitamins should be taken after meals to reduce the risk of allergic reactions, nausea and other side effects. Swallow the tablet whole unless it is a chewable vitamin. Otherwise, some of the beneficial properties of vitamins will be destroyed in the mouth and stomach.

Some vitamins are better absorbed in combination with other vitamins or microelements. For example, vitamin A is better absorbed with vitamins B, D, E or minerals - calcium, phosphorus, zinc. Vitamins B and C complement each other and go well with calcium and magnesium. The absorption of vitamin D improves with the simultaneous intake of calcium and phosphorus. But if a multivitamin complex includes vitamins and minerals separately, it is possible that they should be taken at different times for better absorption.

Keep an eye on the expiration dates of your vitamins. Promotions and sales at the pharmacy often apply to products that will expire in the coming months. Pay attention to this when buying large packs of vitamins for the whole family.

Observe exact dosages. Typically, multivitamin and mineral packages have age and gender recommendations. Most vitamins do not accumulate, and excesses are eliminated by the body without any problems. But sometimes hypervitaminosis can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Excess vitamins A, D, E, F accumulate in the liver - this can cause headaches and nausea. Vitamin C can cause allergic rashes. Its excess interferes with the absorption of vitamin B6 and magnesium, and can also lead to the formation of kidney stones. Too much vitamin D makes bones brittle.

It is important to know that drinking alcohol destroys vitamins A and B in the body and interferes with the absorption of potassium, zinc, iron and magnesium. If you have vitamin deficiency and are taking a multivitamin complex, it is better to completely abstain from alcoholic beverages.

Cigarette abuse destroys vitamins A, C, E. Selenium deficiency is often found in the body of smokers. Coffee lovers should keep in mind that this drink reduces the content of potassium, iron, calcium, and zinc in your body. Caffeine also destroys important vitamins B and PP.

Sedatives and sleeping pills greatly reduce the amount of calcium and make it difficult to absorb vitamins A, D, E, B12. Diuretics reduce the concentration of any vitamins, especially group B. They also remove zinc, magnesium and potassium from the body.

If you are allergic or have chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver, nervous system, be sure to consult your doctor before choosing a drug. Vitamins should be prescribed to children by a pediatrician, and to pregnant women by a gynecologist. These precautions will help reduce the risk of allergies and side effects and help you get the most benefit from your treatment.

Want to know how to take vitamins? To get the maximum benefit from vitamins, they must be taken correctly. You should not take the same vitamins over and over again. Take a course of some vitamins, and then replace them with others. Between courses of taking vitamin preparations, take a break of two to three weeks.

Carefully read the instructions that come with your vitamins. If it is said that you need to drink them during meals or after meals, then they should be taken exactly at the specified time. If it says to take 30 minutes after a meal, then you need to do it as written in the instructions.

All vitamins can be divided into two groups:

  1. Fat soluble
  2. Water soluble.

Water-soluble vitamins do not accumulate in the body and must be taken with food. These include – H, C, B vitamins (B5, B2, B1, B12, B6)
Fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, K, F and E) tend to accumulate in the body, so you need to monitor their dosage more carefully.

How to take vitamins correctly?

If you are wondering what time to take vitamins, then, undoubtedly, the best time to take vitamins is in the morning, after meals. But, under no circumstances should you eat them on an empty stomach. You cannot take vitamins if you are being treated with antibiotics. Treat them with caution during treatment with any medications. Consulting a doctor in such situations is simply necessary. If you have food allergies, you should be very careful when taking vitamin supplements.

Read the instructions. If the package does not read “chewable,” swallow the tablets or capsules whole. Otherwise, if taken incorrectly, some of the vitamins are destroyed. We write separately how to take vitamins in capsules. These vitamins should not be taken with soda, milk or juice. This will interfere with the absorption of nutrients.

How long to take vitamins?

Multivitamin complexes are recommended to be taken one to three times a year. For the purpose of prevention, these drugs are prescribed in courses of one to two months. If tests show that the body does not have enough microelements, then it is necessary to select a vitamin complex with the appropriate minerals. They should be taken in the same way, in courses of one to two months, from one to three times a year. During periods when you do not take multivitamins, you should drink ascorbic acid, 50-75 mg. in a day.

What vitamins should I take in the fall?

Autumn is the time of heavy rains, cold weather and vitamin deficiencies. This period accounts for the greatest surge in various diseases associated with weakened immunity. Therefore, to maintain the body, it is necessary to take vitamins. The main vitamins of autumn are: vitamin C, B6, vitamins A, D and E. Vitamin complexes containing zinc, selenium and additional components such as ginseng, lemongrass and echinacea are also effective.

Let's take a closer look at the vitamins that need to be taken in the autumn:

  • Vitamin B6. This vitamin is most important in autumn. It is responsible for the functioning of both the cardiovascular and nervous systems of the body. The best assistant in the formation of immunity.
  • Vitamin C – ascorbic acid. You can’t do without this vitamin in the fall. Vitamin C improves the general condition of the body, plays an important role in metabolism, and improves immunity.
  • Vitamin E. Removes toxins from the body. Is indispensable in the autumn.
  • Vitamin A. Needed to maintain good condition of teeth and hair in autumn. Strengthens immunity. Protects against various colds, respiratory tract infections, and flu. Among other things, it plays an important role in normalizing metabolism. Slows down the aging process.
  • Vitamin D. Is indispensable in the autumn, when there is not enough sun. Prevents the occurrence of osteoporosis, participates in mineral metabolism.

Vitamins are necessary for most of the most important processes that occur in the body, therefore, there must be a sufficient amount of them, especially for a young, growing organism. The modern rhythm of life, improper and irregular nutrition clearly does not improve the situation with vitamins, and their deficiency becomes very noticeable. Increased fatigue and weakness, unhealthy appearance, brittle nails and hair are a consequence of a lack of vitamins in the body. And even proper nutrition is not a guarantee of saturating the body with all the necessary substances. That's why you need to help your body. The modern selection of multivitamins is huge! All you have to do is choose the ones that suit you best.

Recently, the topic of vitamins has become so relevant that writing this article has simply become a necessity. Today I will tell you what role vitamins play for our body, what vitamins to take, And how to take vitamins correctly: drink in courses or drink continuously? What foods can vitamins be combined with?, and which ones are absolutely forbidden? I will try to answer all these and many other questions regarding the role of vitamins for the human body in great detail in this article.

Since childhood, we have all heard from our mothers and grandmothers that we need to eat fruits and berries in order to be healthy and not get sick. Of course, there is most of the truth in this - fruits are indeed very rich in vitamins and antioxidants, but not only them and not in any form... But more on that a little later, but now let's talk about the need for vitamins, why we need them at all ? Can't we really live without them?

Why are vitamins needed?

Vitamins are substances that do not carry energy, like proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but they are vital for a person for the normal functioning of absolutely all systems and organs. Their contribution to our health is simply COLOSSAL.

Functions of vitamins:

  • Increases the body's resistance to various diseases and infections: stimulates the production of antibodies, neutralizes toxins, regulates metabolism and tissue nutrition.
  • Regulate the normal state of the central nervous system.
  • Stimulates hematopoiesis and the stability of blood vessels.
  • Help the body resist negative factors that affect the body during increased physical activity, stress, deficient nutrition, etc.
  • They inhibit oxidation processes, which cause chronic diseases and early aging.

These are not all the functions that are inherent in vitamins, there are dozens of times more of them, but even based on the above, we can conclude that vitamins are an important aspect of our health, and any prolonged hypovitaminosis can have serious consequences in the future.

How to take vitamins

To accurately answer this question, you need to know what kind of lifestyle you lead and what diet you follow. If we talk about the usual pace of life (work-home-family and fitness 2-3 times a week) and clean eating without a calorie surplus. By “clean” I mean a diet that does not include eating fast food, carbonated, fatty and sweet foods every day (an exception may be once a week as a food). So, if we talk about this lifestyle, then you definitely can’t do without taking vitamin-mineral complexes, and what’s more? permanent basis . You are probably wondering now: why is this??? Indeed, on the contrary, proper nutrition should supply us with all the necessary vitamins, minerals and other useful elements. But not everything is so simple and unambiguous.

 When we reduce the calorie content of our diet through lower-calorie and healthy foods, we AUTOMATICALLY reduce the intake of vital components into our body - bioflavonoids, vitamins, phytosterols, amino acids and other useful substances. Yes, the quality of the food itself becomes a thousand times better than it was BEFORE the decision to switch to proper nutrition, but the chemical and biological composition of today's products, the same vegetables and fruits, is so poor that they need to be eaten at least 5 times more than before a couple of decades ago in order to gain their daily requirement of vitamins and minerals.

Of course, you can minimize this nuisance by buying a house somewhere in the mountains in an ecologically clean area and growing your own vegetables and fruits, but I think that for many this step is something out of science fiction. Therefore, let's return to our reality - life in a metropolis.

Scientists have found that a sufficient amount of minor components is present in the volume of food containing 5-6 thousand calories !!! Such calorage is not suitable for every professional athlete, not to mention ordinary people like you and me. Therefore, in order to be healthy, not to suffer from hair loss, aching nails, dry skin and even hormonal imbalances (especially for women), then with the transition to proper nutrition and exercise, I advise you to start taking AT LEAST two mandatory supplements - these and vitamin-mineral complex. These two supplements need to be taken CONSTANTLY, no need to take breaks!

Our body needs building and plastic material for the formation of new and regeneration of old cells 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year. In order for the body to work like a clock, and for us to feel healthy and full of energy, the supply of nutrients must be continuous EVERY DAY! No need to take any breaks! You eat, drink, sleep every day, not 30 days every six months. Likewise, your body needs nutritious nutrition every day, regardless of your training or rest days. Yes, there are specific supplements that an ordinary person leading a normal lifestyle without heavy physical or mental stress should take all the time, but the duo OMEGA-3 + VITAMIN COMPLEX should be in the diet of any person - no matter whether he is engaged in fitness or not - ALWAYS!

What vitamins to take

Nowadays, various companies produce many vitamin-mineral complexes, and they are all completely different in composition and quality. In my article I gave an example of some good companies of vitamins for women, so I won’t repeat myself, but I think it’s definitely worth mentioning those vitamins that are powerful antioxidants.

The presence of the following vitamins must be required in the vitamin and mineral complex you choose.

Redox vitamins

Vitamin E– a fat-soluble antioxidant that normalizes the muscular system, protects against oxidation, the effects of toxins and carcinogens on cells, improves blood supply to the heart muscle and general blood supply to the body, supports the reproductive function of both women and men.

Vitamin C– water-soluble antioxidant. Vitamin C reduces the risk of developing cancer of the breast, lungs and gastrointestinal tract, protects against heart disease, supports the immune and nervous system, and promotes the absorption of iron and calcium.

Vitamin A - fat-soluble hormone vitamin. Supports visual acuity, immune system and resistance to various infections, is responsible for bone growth and normal skin condition .

B vitamins – necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous and digestive systems, the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, strengthen the immune system and help fight stress. With increased physical activity, the daily dose should increase by 1.5-2 times.

VitaminD– fat-soluble hormone vitamin. Very important for bone formation, as well as for removing lead from the body. Helps maintain a healthy immune system.

So we found out what vitamins do we need first of all, but this knowledge is not enough to become the owners of good health and freedom from all chronic diseases. Vitamins have such a unique feature - they are very finicky. Not all vitamins are compatible with each other; some destroy some and enhance the effect of others.

Compatibility of some vitamins with each other:

  • Vitamin B1 does not combine with vitamins B2 and B3;
  • Vitamin A does not combine with vitamin D;
  • Vitamin A should be taken together with vitamin E;
  • Vitamin B 12 should be taken together with vitamin B9 (folic acid);
  • Calcium should be taken along with vitamin D.


Vitamin D helps in the absorption of calcium in the body, which is why completely low-fat cottage cheese should not be eaten constantly, as you can get osteoporosis and calcium deficiency over time. The thing is that 0% fat cottage cheese contains a negligible amount of vitamin D, since this vitamin is FAT-SOLUBLE, and there is NO fat in low-fat cottage cheese! This fact makes it impossible for the body to absorb calcium from low-fat cottage cheese. It turns out that you eat cottage cheese as a source of calcium, and as a result you can also develop early osteoporosis. Therefore, choose cottage cheese with a low fat content (2-5%), but not completely fat-free.

When to take vitamins

Before you start taking vitamins by the handful, you need to know at what meal and with what foods it is best to do this. Few people know that taking vitamin-mineral complexes along with fiber nullifies all your hard work and efforts to become healthier. The fact is that fiber acts as a real purifier and absorbent in our body. Getting inside, it transits through our entire gastrointestinal tract, cleansing it of excess stale “garbage” and toxins. It is not digested like all other nutrients, but rather binds proteins, fats and carbohydrates, helping the food bolus pass through the gastrointestinal tract more easily, improving its motility. So this is it binding property and plays a key role in taking a complex of vitamins along with fiber.

By eating a portion of fresh vegetables or fruits and taking vitamins at the same time, you, roughly speaking, are “flushing down the toilet” all your vitamins. Fiber, which is found most often in vegetables and fruits, prevents vitamins from being absorbed into the blood and entering the cells, but directly removes them from the body. What to do?

It is best to take vitamins in those meals when you have a protein component (cottage cheese, cheese, eggs, meat, fish). One of the main functions of proteins is transport, since albumins (protein substances) found in the blood play the role of “parasites” that deliver all the nutrients and beneficial substances to the tissues and cells of the body. It is for this reason that vitamins drunk at a meal where proteins were present are 100% likely to be delivered to their destination. Even if you eat a small portion of vegetables or fruits (fiber) with protein, albumin will still deliver your vitamins to the cells.


You can talk about the importance of vitamins for hours, but without specific numbers, all efforts will be in vain. To get the maximum benefit from the vitamin-mineral complex you purchased, you need to know what doses of a particular vitamin a person needs. Of course, it is impossible to name the optimal daily intake of vitamins for absolutely all people; each person will have their own doses.

To satisfy the need of a particular organism for optimal nutrition, you need to take into account many factors: its working conditions, lifestyle, state of the digestive system, metabolism, hormonal levels and much more. It is impossible to prescribe the same dose of vitamin C to a person leading a sedentary lifestyle and to an athlete preparing for a competition (the differences will be enormous), but the global health system has defined these recommended allowances (RDA) as follows (Tables 1, 2, 3) :

Tab. 3 Daily norms of physiological needs for vitamins for other segments of the population*

Nowadays there is a lot of talk in the media about taking vitamins; almost every more or less strict diet stipulates additional intake of vitamins in order to subsidize the substances necessary for the body, which are limited in supply when using the diet.

However, doctors are very critical when it comes to the general and uncontrolled intake of vitamins - no! Vitamins, although they are so widely advertised, are available without a prescription and seem harmless, in fact, they are the same medicines, which means their use must be prescribed by a doctor and justified.

What are vitamins?

Vitamins are essential substances for the body. They participate in almost all biological processes - from the growth and development of the body to the renewal of injured tissues. They affect our weight, sleep and appetite; our mood, performance, and immune strength depend on their level.

Thanks to vitamins, the level is maintained libido and sexual activity , the ability to conceive and bear a healthy baby. Vitamins are responsible for beautiful skin, healthy nails and gorgeous hair . With a lack of vitamins, women look bad.

There are 13 known vitamins in total. In recent years, they have also begun to talk about vitamin-like substances, but their role in the body has not been fully studied.

known to all Vitamins are divided into two large sections - water soluble and fat soluble. This division is fundamental: if the first group practically does not cause overdoses and, as a result, serious illnesses, then with uncontrolled use of the second group serious consequences can appear - they must be taken very carefully.

Water-soluble vitamins cannot accumulate in the body in large quantities. This means that it is important that they are regularly supplied with food. Fat-soluble vitamins can be stored for future use, but they are also consumed much more actively - therefore, in order for the body to always have a vitamin reserve, it is necessary to regularly replenish the “vitamin stores”.

Where can I get them from?

We all know from school that vegetables and fruits contain a lot of vitamins, and many of you will say: “I eat a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits - why do I need more vitamins?” Unfortunately, the realities of modern life and dietary style are such that it is not always possible to cover the body’s needs for vitamins with foods, even fresh and green ones.

Vegetables lose some of their properties when grown in a greenhouse, during transportation and storage in warehouses. Therefore, only the beautiful shell can reach the consumer - all the vitamins will already evaporate. Many vitamins are capricious and are destroyed during heat treatment, and most of them do not like sunlight and air - they oxidize and are destroyed.

Many products change their properties when canning , and given that for 8-9 months a year Russians use frozen, greenhouse or long-stored fruits in their daily diet, the issue of vitamin provision is acute...

How to understand that there are not enough vitamins?

Manifestations vitamin deficiency arise when their deficiency is so pronounced that the body is already “ringing all the bells.” And in medicine, they also distinguish the degree of so-called pre-vitamin deficiency, when there are practically no external manifestations of ill health, but at the level of tests and metabolism, interruptions are already noticeable.

Vitamins: how to take them correctly?

In this case, the body mobilizes all its reserves and takes out all the vitamins stored for a rainy day from the bins, works at the limit of its capabilities, and if the supply of vitamins is not renewed, a failure occurs. This happens especially often in long, severe winters and early spring.

Then we cannot get out of bed in the morning, our appetite is always reduced, fatigue manifests itself by lunchtime, and we have no strength to work at all. Often, people with vitamin deficiencies suffer from persistent runny nose or allergies, they are absent-minded, and cannot be entrusted with any important task. First thing in the morning, they reach for coffee, trying to somehow restore strength and prevent fatigue. By the way: coffee contributes to the worsening of vitamin deficiency, leaching the remaining vitamins into the urine!

What contributes to vitamin deficiency?

There are several risk factors that automatically place you in the group of people with vitamin deficiency. Those at risk include:

  • losing weight with diets, especially restrictive and strict ones;
  • people whose main diet is the assortment of a nearby cafe with hamburgers and pizzas, coffee and donuts;
  • vegetarians and believers who observe fasts;
  • people with kidney, liver, biliary system diseases or allergies;
  • women who regularly take hormonal hormones contraceptives ,
  • those who smoke and drinks alcohol more than 2 times a month.

How to determine. what vitamins do you need?

And many vitamin pills also contain minerals that may be contraindicated for you, or allergenic components that will harm you.

But even the most ideal vitamins prescribed by a doctor must be taken correctly: they are not taken constantly, the average course of vitamins for prevention is 2 weeks with a break of a couple of months and then repeated doses. And to treat vitamin deficiency, the course can be extended for a maximum of 4 weeks, and then you need to take a break for at least a month.

Why is self-administration dangerous? If you choose and take the drug uncontrolled, you can get a state of hypervitaminosis from one or several types of vitamins at the same time. These may include calcifications in the kidneys and headaches, cramps and signs of food toxicosis - nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. Therefore, if you think that you need vitamins, trust your doctor to choose them and follow the prescribed instructions.

general practitioner

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