Where is the blood test done? Blood analysis

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

A biochemical blood test is an important study that allows doctors to study the cellular composition of the blood to detect changes in its indicators, which will help determine the presence of certain diseases. A timely blood test will help the doctor identify the foci of inflammation in the body even before the first symptoms of the disease appear.

Where to do a biochemical blood test in Moscow and how to prepare for it?

Preparation for this procedure is not difficult. Blood is donated on an empty stomach - many specialized laboratories therefore start work from seven in the morning so that patients can take tests before work and have time to have breakfast. It is recommended to exclude fatty, salty, fatty, alcoholic drinks, energy drinks, heavy food, strong coffee and tea 12 hours before donating blood. It is better to avoid powerful physical exertion and severe stress the day before, as these actions can distort the real picture of the tests. Only drinking pure mineral water is allowed.

To conduct a biochemical analysis, the doctor takes blood from a vein - usually located in the bend of the elbow. Before this, the sampling area is treated with alcohol, after which a syringe with a long needle or its more modern variants is used. As a rule, the result of the tests will be ready within a day after the delivery. Some private clinics are ready to offer the result and interpretation of a biochemical blood test in a few hours.

Patients can donate blood for biochemical analysis in many laboratories of the city, as well as in medical centers collected on our portal. Unfortunately, not all clinics are ready to offer this service, so you need to pay special attention to this point when choosing a medical institution.

What does a standard biochemical blood test show?

In the process of diagnosis, the doctor studies many important indicators, on the basis of which pathological deviations in activity are revealed. Among them are the following:

  • Blood glucose - allows diagnosing diabetes mellitus and choosing the optimal therapy for further treatment, evaluating the effectiveness of already prescribed procedures. Some liver dysfunctions and endocrine diseases lead to a decrease in glucose levels. Normal values ​​depend on the age of the patient.
  • Bilirubin is a special yellow blood pigment, formed during the breakdown of hemoglobin, cytochromes and myoglobin. An increase in its amount is characteristic of damage to liver cells, a violation of the outflow of bile and an increased breakdown of red blood cells. Normal values ​​​​of total bilirubin: 3.4 - 17.1 μmol / l.
  • Total protein - the indicator reflects the amount of proteins, the decrease of which is characteristic of some diseases of the kidneys and liver. An increase is present in infectious and inflammatory processes, blood diseases. Normal values ​​​​of total protein: 66-83 g / l.
  • Cholesterol is a dietary blood lipid that is also synthesized by liver cells. Normal cholesterol levels: 3.2-5.6 mmol / l.
  • Creatinine - plays an important role in the energy metabolism of tissues. Its presence and concentration in the blood is of the greatest importance in the diagnosis of renal diseases, since it must be completely excreted by the kidneys. Normal creatinine values: men - 62 - 115 µmol / l; women - 53 - 97 µmol / l.

In the results of biochemical analysis, there are many other points that are of great importance for the doctor and his diagnostics.

Each person faced in his life with the need to pass tests or undergo various types of research. 10-15 years ago, this procedure took a lot of time and effort, you had to first stand in line for a referral to the municipal clinic, then go to the laboratory. Today, anyone can quickly and without loss of quality conduct a study in any of the private clinics. Only in Moscow there are more than a hundred such institutions, today we will consider the most popular of them, find out where it is inexpensive to take tests in the capital.

Relevance of the problem

Over the past 20-30 years, life expectancy in Russia has increased several times. This fact is associated not only with the improvement of the material well-being of citizens, but also with the establishment of a new trend towards prevention. People have learned to take care of themselves and the state of their body, visit a doctor on time, and not wait until the last minute and hope for a miracle. That is why the question of where to get tested inexpensively is so relevant. People of different living standards come to the laboratory, therefore, in order to attract clients, clinics try to set affordable prices.

The delivery of tests allows you to more accurately know the diagnosis, which means to prevent or stop the development of the disease in time. Today, independent medical laboratories offer different types of tests:

  • blood;
  • urine;
  • feces;
  • biopsy.

Bacteriological and microscopic examinations, tomography, X-ray, MRI, etc. are carried out. The availability of one or another category depends on the capabilities of the clinic and the availability of the necessary equipment.

Overview of laboratories for testing in Moscow

Free medicine is not always able to give every citizen the opportunity to undergo one or another study. Therefore, many people turn to private laboratories. Their advantages are in an individual approach, the absence of queues, and therefore saving time. The disadvantage is the price. In the capital, the cost of a complete examination can be tens of thousands of rubles.

Our article will consider clinics and laboratories where you can do inexpensive tests in Moscow. Such statistics will make it possible to deliberately approach the issue of conducting research at various levels and find the optimal solution even in such an expensive city as Moscow.

Among the popular medical institutions with reasonable prices are Invitro, Citylab, Hemotest, Miracle Doctor, Khromolab, Vera, Niacrmedic, Ditrix Medical. According to some online publications, you can get tested inexpensively at the Tsarskaya Clinic. However, be careful - recently this information is out of date. The multidisciplinary medical center "Tsar's Clinic" is currently closed and does not accept patients. Let us dwell in more detail on those institutions that right now are able to provide you with all the necessary services quickly and relatively cheaply.

"Invitro": services, prices, work schedule

A network of independent medical institutions under this brand has been successfully operating in Russia since 1998. During this time, their branches appeared in all major cities of the country. The centers are also located in Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

The laboratories of "Invitro" are located in almost all districts of the city. The Invitro branch near the metro station Nagatisnskoye works around the clock and seven days a week, the schedule for receiving visitors in other places can be found in more detail on the company's website, as well as by calling the phone, which is also available there.

General schedule for taking tests:

  • taking urine and blood samples: on weekdays from 7.30 to 19.30, on Saturday from 7.30 to 12.30, Sunday is a day off with the exception of some branches;
  • issuance of results: from 7.30 to 20.00, on Saturday from 09.00 to 15.00.

Laboratory "Invitro" offers the service "tests at home", to call a doctor, you need to call the general phone from 09.00 to 17.00. Cost of basic services:

  • general clinical blood test - 315 rubles. (with manual microscopy -1020 rub.)
  • analysis for erythrocyte sedimentation rate - 315 rubles;
  • stool analysis - from 340 rubles;
  • urinalysis - from 220 rubles;
  • sperm analysis - from 570 rubles;
  • cytological studies - from 845 rubles;
  • for platelets - 240 rubles;
  • detection of hereditary diseases - from 6800 rubles;
  • test for the display of alloimmune antibodies - 700 rubles.

A full list of services and their cost is indicated in the price list of the company. There is a surcharge for urgency. The management of the medical center regularly holds promotions and practices discounts on certain days or for the whole family. There is currently a 15% discount promotion. In addition, when passing any type of examination, the patient is entitled to a 50% discount on visiting a doctor of any qualification.


Citylab is one of the largest medical chains in Russia, today under this brand there are 241 centers in different regions of the country and diagnostic laboratory buildings in 7 largest cities. In Moscow, Citylab laboratories are located at the following addresses:

  • st. Marshal Chuikov, 12;
  • Khoroshevskoe highway, 90;
  • st. Mitinskaya, 48.

More information about the work schedule, the route map and the cost of services can be found on a single phone number, the number of which is available on the official website.

List of analyzes in "Citylab":

  1. Biochemical blood test:
  • for enzymes - from 240 to 490 rubles;
  • substrates - from 240 to 750 rubles;
  • protein metabolism - from 260 to 300 rubles;
  • carbohydrate metabolism - from 250 to 670 rubles;
  • lipid metabolism - from 250 to 2950 rubles.

2. Urinalysis:

  • total protein - 210 rubles;
  • general analysis - 350 rubles.

3. Hormonal studies: thyroid gland, sex hormones proteins, growth hormones, markers of the stomach, adipose tissue and others - from 500 rubles. up to 1500 r.

The Citylab laboratory conducts genetic studies for predisposition to oncological and other diseases. In addition, here it is possible to undergo a biopsy, immunological and bacteriological studies of any level. Also carried out in the "Citylab" analyzes to identify DNA, determine the relationship or the system of genetic risks. The clinic is often visited by families planning children or IVF.


The network of Gemotest branches covers all regions of Moscow and many cities of the Moscow region. On the company's website, you can see a virtual map that lists all the centers and laboratories of the network. According to reviews and prices in Gemotest are suitable for citizens with any income, the management practices a system of discounts for corporate and regular customers.

You can get advice on services, as well as make an appointment at the nearest branch, by calling the helpline. The call within Russia is free. The clinic is open from 07.30 to 19.30.

List of popular analyzes and prices in "Hemotest":

  • histology - from 2500 to 5200 rubles;
  • research on allergens - from 650 to 5500 rubles;
  • biochemical analyzes - from 260 rubles;
  • general blood test - from 90 rubles;
  • analysis for genes - 900 rubles;
  • diagnosis of anemia - from 360 rubles;
  • hormone test - from 550 rubles;
  • tests for hepatitis - from 550 rubles.

The clinic has discount bonuses accumulated by all family members, the maximum discount is 15% of the cost of the service, 1 bonus is equal to 10 rubles. You can pay with bonuses up to 50% of the cost of analyzes and research. Also, the clinic has discounts for patients under 25 and over 55 years old with the provision of a document confirming age.

"Miracle Doctor"

The multidisciplinary clinic "Miracle Doctor" provides medical services in various areas. For 16 years, the institution's specialists have been successfully working on the Russian market. Here, complex treatment of organs and systems is carried out, doctors of various qualifications are admitted, instrumental and laboratory studies are carried out. The clinic also uses non-standard approaches to the treatment and prevention of certain diseases: hirutherapy, ozone therapy, manual therapy and osteopathy.

Today, the clinic "Miracle Doctor" conducts the following studies and analyzes:

  • general blood test - 430 rubles;
  • for reticulocytes - 210 rubles;
  • blood type and Rh factor - 450 rubles;
  • total blood protein - 140 rubles;
  • determination of glucose in the blood - 140 rubles;
  • cholesterol - 140 rubles;
  • migolobin - 1370 rubles;
  • analyzes for the presence of inorganic substances - from 140 to 4000 rubles;
  • general clinical analysis of urine - 340 rubles;
  • hormonal studies - from 1440 rubles;
  • biopsy - from 2200 r.

The clinic is located at the following addresses: Moscow, st. Shkolnaya, 11 and 49. Working hours: on weekdays from 07.30 to 21.30, on Saturday from 8.30 to 20.00, on Sunday from 9.00 to 19.00.

"Chromolab": services, cost, schedule

The Khromolab laboratory in Moscow has been providing medical services since 2004; Pirogov. Management has placed emphasis on conducting ultra-precise and complex analyzes and studies. For 13 years of operation, the clinic managed to acquire regular customers and good reviews among professionals.

Today "Chromolab" is already an international center where developments in the field of medicine are carried out jointly with other countries. Particular emphasis today is placed on clients who want to practice a healthy lifestyle, as well as those who want to give up bad habits. The clinic is located at 1, Oktyabrskaya metro station. All detailed information can be found by phone, the numbers of which are on the website of the institution.

Today, the Chromoloab laboratory offers the following prices for medical tests:

  • general clinical tests - from 190 rubles;
  • biochemical blood tests - from 90 to 1000 rubles;
  • biochemical study of urine - from 60 rubles;
  • hormonal studies - from 280 rubles;
  • studies on mineral metabolism - from 1244 rubles;
  • determination of mineral-vitamin complexes of blood - 2400 rubles;
  • bacteriological research - from 650 rubles.

It is possible to order complex analyzes at a significant discount. The final price depends on the type of biological material, the necessary equipment and the complexity of the study, the process can take from 1 day to several weeks. When ordering the service on the official website, there is a 5% discount, and promotions are held for pensioners on Victory Day, May 9.

Vera Laboratory

The Vera laboratory in Moscow conducts research on 850 different indicators. The clinic is equipped with modern foreign-made equipment. The clinic offers home visit services for material sampling, and courier delivery is also possible.

If you are looking for an inexpensive place to take tests, then contact the Vera Medical Center. It is located at the address Moscow, Tsvetnoy Boulevard, 22, building 4, working hours: on weekdays from 08.00 to 18.00, on weekends from 09.00 to 15.00.


There is a network of medical clinics "Nearmedic" in many districts of Moscow. The clinic offers services for the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases. The company cooperates with large insurance companies, if desired, the client can conclude a contract for the provision of services for the whole year with a good discount.

The Nearmedic laboratory conducts tests for pregnant women, children, to detect genetic or oncological diseases. Cost of services:

  • biochemical blood test - for protein metabolism - from 290 rubles; for the exchange of iron - from 350 rubles; for substrates - from 290 rubles;
  • hematological studies - complete blood count - 470 rubles;
  • allergological examination - 620 rubles;
  • hormone tests - male and female - from 570 rubles; for markers of the pancreas - 660 rubles.
  • tests for infection - from 470 rubles.

The clinic also offers prenatal diagnostics for pregnant women. The study of the condition of the fetus allows you to identify developmental anomalies in the early stages and take timely measures to eliminate them.

Ditrix Medical

The modern medical laboratory "Ditrix Medical" was opened in 2005. Today, the clinic conducts more than 1000 examinations in accordance with international standards and regulations. Accounting and registration of materials occurs automatically thanks to the chipping system. On the official website, anyone can get an online consultation and find out the prices for services.

If it is impossible to come to the center for the delivery of biomaterial, the clinic offers a home visit service. Cost of the service: within the Moscow Ring Road - 990 rubles, within 30 km from the Moscow Ring Road - 1490 rubles. Detailed information can be found by phone, the numbers of which are available on the official website. An application for ordering a doctor's house call can be filled out there, indicating the type of analysis and the address of residence.

In order for the readings of the studies to be as accurate as possible, it is necessary to follow the recommendations of doctors for preparing for the analyzes. Below we list the basic rules of conduct before visiting the laboratory, depending on the type of biomaterial:

  1. Usually, blood sampling takes place in the morning, it is important that the body is as rested as possible and free from foreign products and substances. Therefore, you must follow the following rules:
  • do not smoke for two hours;
  • blood sampling should be preceded by ultrasound, physiotherapy or x-rays;
  • for 2-3 days it is recommended to refrain from drinking alcohol, fatty foods, it is worth giving up physical activity;
  • the last meal should be 4-6 hours before the sampling, food can affect the state of blood cells; in some cases, a doctor may prescribe fasting for 12 hours or more.

Water does not affect performance, so still water can be drunk without restriction.

2. When collecting urine for hormonal and biochemical studies:

  • exclude alcohol from the diet, it is forbidden to smoke;
  • it is necessary to take tests no later than 6.00 in the morning on an empty stomach;
  • the collection of material should take place in a disposable container purchased at a pharmacy, otherwise inaccurate indicators are possible; store the jar at a temperature of +4 +8 ° C.

3. Preparation for semen analysis requires the following preparation:

  • it is worth buying a new sealed container at the pharmacy;
  • on the jar indicate information about the name and surname of the patient;
  • before taking tests, it is imperative to adhere to sexual abstinence for 3-7 days;
  • do not use drugs, hypothermia or heat.

4. Preparation for the study of feces includes the following rules:

  • the biomaterial must be handed over to the laboratory on the day it is received;
  • for 3-4 days, laxatives or enemas should be abandoned;
  • in infants, it is impossible to collect feces in diapers, only in specially washed and ironed rags or sliders.

Why You Shouldn't Choose Cheap Deals

Each person is looking for where to take tests inexpensively, compare prices, services, reviews. This is a normal practice, as we do not want to be deceived and receive a low-quality service. It is necessary to compare the cost, if during the comparison you notice a significant and unjustified difference in price, this is a reason to think about the adequacy of this clinic. The low price of research may indicate the following facts:

  • lack of modern equipment, manual analysis; in some cases, this practice can lead to serious omissions and misdiagnosis;
  • cheap or counterfeit equipment - the accuracy of such studies is also questioned, the results may turn out to be completely unexpected and false; But there are situations when you can not hesitate for a second, and the path of his treatment depends on the correct data on the patient's condition;
  • replacing complex and costly tests with alternative methods that do not give even half the accuracy of proven methods; especially since all equipment must be regularly checked and calibrated, which also costs a lot of money;
  • one of the most dangerous phenomena in cheap and unknown medical clinics is savings on biomaterial sampling; there have been cases of reuse of disposable syringes and other instruments.

But all these facts are the exception rather than the rule. Almost all medical laboratories want to earn the trust of their patients, so they try to have only expensive equipment and highly qualified employees.

If you are going to take tests in Moscow for a fee, it is useful to know not only the prices, but also some conditions, the observance of which will allow you to get a reliable result and minimize the likelihood of error. When conducting laboratory diagnostics, there are certain nuances when taking paid blood tests, smears for urogenital infections and the state of the microflora. There are a number of factors that can affect the outcome of even inexpensive lab tests. For example, your eating habits or what you did or consumed can affect your final results. Therefore, it is very important to follow all the doctor's instructions before visiting the laboratory. This will help your doctor draw conclusions and make a correct diagnosis or make changes to the treatment you are already undergoing.

Further on this page, we will give some useful tips that will allow you to take paid tests in Moscow inexpensively, do them urgently or spend a minimum of time and get the right conclusion. Follow the link below to see which tests can be taken at our clinic.

1. Paid blood tests.

Before taking blood tests for a fee, the patient must exclude factors that can affect the results of the research: physical stress (running, climbing stairs, weight training exercises in the gym), emotional overexcitation. It is advisable to rest for 10-15 minutes before the blood sampling procedure, to calm down.

  • People who suffer from blood clotting problems should report this in advance;
  • If you need to take a general or clinical blood test, then you can not eat anything for an hour before;
  • If you need to donate blood on an empty stomach, the last meal should be 6-8 hours before the visit to the laboratory (preferably 10-12 hours). For example, this is how biochemical and serological tests (syphilis, hepatitis B, C), hormones, etc. are taken. Juice, tea, coffee are also prohibited. You can drink non-carbonated water.
  • 1-2 days before this test, it is recommended to stop eating fatty and fried foods, alcoholic beverages; smoking is not recommended in the next hour before blood donation;
  • To determine the level of hormones in the blood, a medical analysis, taken no later than 10-12 in the morning, will be more informative. In some cases, it is necessary to refrain from intimacy and sexual arousal of any origin. In women of reproductive age (from about 14 to 16 years of age until the onset of the menopausal period), the result may be influenced by physiological factors associated with the menstrual cycle. Therefore, when preparing for a paid blood test for hormones (FSH, LH, prolactin, estriol, estradiol, progesterone), you should indicate the phase of the cycle: 1 or 2. When preparing for this study, follow the advice of your doctor about the day of the menstrual cycle, in which it is necessary donate blood. Follow the link below for more information on how to properly take blood tests and how to prepare for them.

We offer paid blood tests:

HCG analysis Hormones
HIV infection Hepatitis
Genetics tumor markers
Vitamin D BRCA 1/2
Express analyzes Intestinal infections
Hemostasis Allergy
immune status Interferon analysis
Tuberculosis test PCR blood test
Express blood tests for HIV, hepatitis, syphilis

What is contraindicated before taking blood tests?
1. Physical overload and emotional stress,
2. Hot sauna, bath on the eve of the analysis,
3. Taking certain types of medicines,
4. Starvation or protein diet,
5. Passage of X-ray, massage and physiotherapy.

Price of a blood test

Taking material Price
Taking blood from a vein 350
General analysis 700
Clinical Analysis 950
Biochemistry of blood 250
Blood hormones, from 450
Oncomarkers, from 700
ELISA analysis, from 480
PCR blood, from 550
v-hCG analysis 550
Blood type, Rh factor 700
Vitamin D 2 850
Tuberculosis on blood test 6 000
Allergens, from 490

2. Smear tests, PCR, cultures

  • You can take these medical tests for a fee at the clinic on any day of the menstrual cycle, with the exception of the menstruation itself;
  • Sexual abstinence is recommended before testing for 1-2 days;
  • If you took antibacterial drugs, made antimicrobial suppositories, the material is taken no earlier than 7 days after the end of the course;
  • Wash (outside only) before taking and do not urinate for 2-3 hours;
  • If you are not sexually active, ie. are a virgin, inform your gynecologist in advance.

Taking material for research in women is carried out on a gynecological chair. After setting the vaginal mirror, the gynecologist takes samples from the cervical canal, the walls of the vagina, the urethra and / or the vestibule of the vagina with a sterile disposable probe. Depending on the type of the intended analysis, the obtained samples are applied to glass, placed in a test tube or container with a preservative. Cytological samples for cancer screening of the cervix must be taken from two locations: from the surface of the external os and the lower third of the cervical canal with special cytobrushes.

In virgin girls and girls, gynecologists take material from the mucous membrane of the vestibule of the vagina, in some cases - from the urethra and the posterior fornix of the vagina through an opening in the hymen.

What smear tests, PCR, etc. can be taken for a fee:

A smear from the urethra.
Before taking the patient should refrain from urinating for 1.5-2 hours. The external opening of the urethra is treated with a swab moistened with saline. In the presence of purulent discharge, the analysis is recommended to be taken after 5-10 minutes. after urination. In men, in the absence of discharge, the urethra is preliminarily massaged with a probe. In women, the urethra is massaged against the pubic joint, after which the probe is inserted to a depth of 1.0-1.5 cm, in men - by 3-4 cm, and then several careful rotational movements are made. In girls, material for analysis is taken only from the external opening of the urinary canal.

In our clinic, paid analyzes of smears, cultures, PCR studies, etc. are taken only with sterile, disposable instruments, with minimal discomfort!

3. Urinalysis

  • The day before the delivery - nothing alcohol, fatty, sweet;
  • Be sure to wash the genitals and wipe dry with a towel;
  • Plug the vagina with a cotton pad or swab;
  • A special sterile medical container for analyzes is used, bought at a pharmacy or obtained directly from the laboratory;
  • For general analysis, an “average” portion is collected; in other cases - according to the recommendation of a specialist.

Delivery of paid analyzes

Our paid clinic offers tests, including blood, smears, urine, PCR, to be taken on any day convenient for you. All studies are in the optimal price / quality ratio and can be submitted anonymously if desired.

Taking biological material for research daily. Opening hours of the medical laboratory from 10-00, also on weekends (Saturday, Sunday, most holidays), without a lunch break. The time for delivery of paid tests in the clinic is during the whole working day.

Prices for tests, ₽

Pick up service Price
Smears for flora and purity 350
Collection of material from the urethra 350
Scraping for PCR analysis (vagina, cervical canal, urethra) 350
Bakposev from the urogenital tract 350
Oncocytology of the cervix 350
Paypel endometrial biopsy 5 500
Biopsy of the cervix 5 500
Material from the nose, throat 350
A smear for enterobiasis, sowing from the rectum 350

Taking tests in a paid laboratory - a photo of how it happens

There are a lot of offers from clinics where you can take paid tests quickly and inexpensively. Therefore, it is sometimes difficult to navigate and make the right decision. Of course, the low price of such services is most often attracted, but it must be understood that not all medical blood tests or smears can be of low cost. It should also be borne in mind that paid analyzes can be urgently done daily, but in price terms they will be about 20-30% higher. If you need to undergo an examination, we invite you to our medical center. A full range of laboratory research at reasonable prices!

You can quickly and inexpensively take tests, namely blood, smears for flora, PCR tests, bacteriological cultures with the determination of sensitivity to antibiotics, oncocytology and biopsy, at the appointment with the gynecologist of our clinic. It doesn't matter where you live - in the capital region or out of town, whether or not you have a residence permit or an insurance policy - you can apply! The delivery of blood tests in the medical center is carried out daily, from 10-00 until the end of the working day. The results are ready in 1 to 10 days, depending on the type of study chosen. Those who wish can quickly take blood tests using the express method, including on holidays and weekdays, urgently and anonymously.

A full range of the best medical research and extensive laboratory diagnostics in gynecology and health in general are at your service. We are a modern clinic in the center of Moscow, with about 20 years of experience. Here you can not only pass any medical tests, but also get advice from qualified gynecologists, mammologists, endocrinologists, a specialist in pediatric and adolescent gynecology, etc. If necessary, we can undergo a comprehensive, effective treatment of major gynecological diseases, vaccination against viral infections and etc.

List of analyzes

Smears for flora Buck crops
PCR analysis Pap test
HPV analysis STD Analysis
cervical biopsy Florocenosis
Hemostasis Hormones
HCG analysis for pregnancy Paypel endometrium
HIV infection Hepatitis
General blood analysis Biochemistry of blood
Genetics tumor markers
Vitamin D BRCA 1/2
immune status Interferon analysis
Express analyzes Intestinal infections

Preparation for testing

1. Blood test.
This is the most common and revealing medical analysis. You can donate blood from a finger or from a vein, it does not matter, but before taking them, there are several uniform rules for preparing.

Blood tests that are recommended to be taken on an empty stomach: - biochemical - glucose, cholesterol, bilirubin, etc. - serological tests - syphilis, hepatitis B, hormones, etc. "On an empty stomach" is when between the last meal and taking blood from a vein passes at least 8 hours (preferably - about 12 hours). Juice, tea, coffee, incl. with sugar are not allowed. You can drink non-carbonated water. It is advisable to exclude fatty, fried and alcohol from the diet 1-2 days before the examination.

When taking blood tests for a hormonal profile in women of reproductive age (from about 13 to 14 years old and before menopause), their results are influenced by physiological factors associated with the phases of the menstrual cycle. Therefore, when preparing for an examination for the hormones FSH, LH, prolactin, progesterone, estradiol, 17-OH-progesterone, androstenedione, inhibin, AMH, the day of the cycle should be indicated. When conducting a study on sex hormones, strictly adhere to the recommendations of the attending gynecologist about the day of the monthly cycle on which this analysis is required. Blood should not be donated on the day after x-rays, rectal examination or physiotherapy, sports competitions.

2. What blood tests are not anonymous?
In a number of clearly defined cases, the laboratory will ask you for your last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth - without these data, the results of the research will be invalidated. It is necessary to take a blood test indicating passport data for hospitalization in a hospital, before an operation, in the bodies of the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation, and in some other places. You can urgently take a blood test daily from 10-00 to 12-00.

3. Testing for infections.
Analyzes from the genital organs are taken directly by the doctor in the office and determine diseases that are transmitted intimately. Men before taking a smear from the urethra (urethra) are recommended to refrain from sexual intercourse for 2-3 days, wash before taking and not urinate for 2-3 hours. The female pap smear requires similar rules: abstinence, washing, and not urinating. Also, one day before the visit to the laboratory, do not insert vaginal suppositories. The collection of secretions for laboratory diagnostics in women and virgin girls performed by an experienced and good specialist is a quick and painless procedure.

To obtain reliable results, medical tests for the detection of pathogens of bacterial infections should best be taken no earlier than 1-1.5 weeks after the last dose of antibacterial drugs. Scrapings for PCR diagnostics in women and men, as well as adolescent girls, are taken throughout the working day of the clinic.

Cost of services

Name Analysis Take price
Microflora swabs (women) microscopy 350
Smear on flora (husband) microscopy 350
crops bacteriology 350
PCR analyzes DNA 350
From the nose/pharynx 1 analysis 350
Analysis of the rectum 1 analysis 350
Analysis from the urethra 350
Oncocytology microscopy 350
Biopsy of the cervix histology 5 500
Cervical biopsy (radio wave) histology 7 500
Paypel endometrial biopsy histology 5 500

Blood test from a vein

disposable tool 350

Receiving hours:
weekend (Saturday and Sunday) 10-18,
working days (Monday-Friday) 10-21.

Where to get tested

The doctor ordered to undergo an examination: to do an ultrasound and various medical studies, including urgently and without an appointment? Do you want to find a clinic where you can take blood tests, smears, cultures, etc.? And also quickly and without queues to get expert advice, while it is better not far from the metro? We offer to use the services of our laboratory in the very center of the capital, on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, within walking distance from the metro stations of the same name and the Moscow Central Circle. Check out the opening hours and address below.

Ministry of Health, according to which patients during a physical examination can donate blood only to determine the level of glucose and a couple of other indicators. Many public clinics no longer accept tests to determine hormonal levels and biochemistry. Thus, the patient, who will now go to private laboratories, must pay for everything. The Village compared the prices of standard tests at six online healthcare companies, then asked the experts why some metrics cost more than others and take longer to research.

We took for comparison the prices for analyzes in the following clinics: Invitro, Citylab, Hemotest, ArchiMed, KDL and CMD are the companies with the longest history of existence on the market or the most popular and have a good reputation according to word of mouth . In them, we studied the prices for the most common tests, the preparation time and the form of notification of the results.

Network "Invitro"

Readiness of results: clinical, biochemical, HIV, hepatitis, sex hormones - one working day, 17-OH* - up to two working days, DHT** - up to four working days.

Urgent results: can be obtained in two or four hours under certain conditions. The price increases by two or 1.5 times, respectively.

Taking biomaterial: 199 rubles. The online calculator on the center's website immediately adds this amount to the amount of the tests themselves.

Clinical analysis: 720 rubles

Biochemical analysis: 1 920 rubles

HIV: 470 rubles

Hepatitis A: 720–900 rubles

sex hormones: 5 435 rubles

SENDING THE RESULTS: free sms notification, by e-mail, by phone using a code word, by fax, in any office.

Network "Hemotest"

Readiness of results: clinical, biochemical, HIV, hepatitis, sex hormones - one working day, DHT - five working days.

Urgent results: can be obtained in four hours under certain conditions. The price increases by 1.3 times.

Taking biomaterial: 200 rubles. The final cost on the site includes the price of delivery of biomaterial.

Clinical analysis: 670 rubles

Biochemical analysis: 1 870 rubles

HIV: 470 rubles

Hepatitis A: 720–940 rubles

sex hormones: 5 340 rubles

Sending results: free sms-notification, in your personal account on the website, in the office, by phone, by fax, by courier (500 rubles) and by e-mail.

CMD network

Readiness of results: clinical, biochemical analysis of blood, HIV, hepatitis, sex hormones - one working day, 17-OH - one to two working days, DHT - one to five working days.

Urgent results: can be obtained in three to five hours. The price is doubled.

Taking biomaterial: 180 rubles. The online calculator does not take into account the cost of taking biomaterial.

Clinical analysis: 599 rubles

Biochemical analysis: 1 658 rubles

HIV: 400 rubles

Hepatitis A: 630–760 rubles

sex hormones: 4 815 rubles

Sending results: in the office, through the Internet service, by e-mail, by phone and by mail.

KDL network

Readiness of results: clinical, biochemical blood test, HIV, hepatitis, sex hormones - one working day, 17-OH - three working days, DHT - four working days.

Urgent results: no such service

Taking biomaterial: 199 rubles. The final cost on the site includes the price of delivery of biomaterial.

Clinical analysis: 450 rubles + 215 rubles ESR

Biochemical analysis: 1 830 rubles

HIV: 450 rubles

Hepatitis A: 660–920 rubles

sex hormones: 4 990 rubles

Sending results: in the office, on the website, by e-mail, by phone, by giving the code word, by courier (300 rubles).

Citylab network

Readiness of results: clinical, biochemical blood test, HIV, hepatitis, sex hormones - one working day, 17-OH - two working days, DHT - four working days.

Urgent results: can be obtained in two to five hours under certain conditions. The price is doubled.

Taking biomaterial: venous blood - 170 rubles, capillary - 220 rubles. The online calculator on the center's website does not add this amount.

Clinical analysis: 560 rubles

Biochemical analysis: 1 760 rubles

HIV: 380 rubles

Hepatitis A: 540–760 rubles

sex hormones: 4 980 rubles

Sending results: on the website, by e-mail, in the office, by courier (550 rubles).

ArchiMed network

Readiness of results: clinical, biochemical blood test, HIV, hepatitis, sex hormones - one working day.

Urgent results: there is no such service.

Taking biomaterial: 180 rubles. There is no information on the site.

The company's website lists prices for legal entities. Below are prices for individuals.

Clinical analysis: 450 rubles

Biochemical analysis: 1 050 rubles

HIV: 320 rubles

Hepatitis A: 380–450 rubles

sex hormones: 3 960 rubles

Sending results: by email, in the office and by phone.

* 17-OH - the regulator of sexual function and the menstrual cycle in women. ** DHT is responsible for the development of the male reproductive system.


Most of the most expensive analyzes in the medical company "Invitro". For a clinical and biochemical blood test, you will have to pay 919 and 2,119 rubles, respectively, for an analysis for hepatitis A - from 919 to 1,099 rubles, and for an analysis of sex hormones - 5,634 rubles. But Invitro has the widest network of clinics in Moscow.

For the determination of antibodies and HIV antigen, the largest amount, 870 rubles, will be taken in the Gemotest. But in this network, the cost of urgent analyzes increases only 1.3 times (in others - one and a half to two times).

The cheapest analyzes in the company "ArchiMed". However, in Moscow, the company is represented by one laboratory, which may affect the number of those wishing to save money, which means that there may be queues.

What determines the cost of analysis?

The price of the analysis includes the cost of reagents, which are also purchased in foreign countries, the cost of depreciation of devices, salaries of medical personnel, and rental of premises. “Russian reagents are sometimes cheaper than foreign analogues, but, unfortunately, they are not always comparable in quality. The higher the qualification of the personnel, the more expensive it is and, consequently, the higher the price of the analysis,” says Elena Tivanova, head of the analytical planning group, leading expert of the Center for Molecular Diagnostics of the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor. Private labs are also spent on maintaining marketing services, websites, their own treatment rooms and call centers. The cost also depends on the demand for analysis among patients.

There are popular tests, such as biochemical or clinical, their results are usually ready the next day. There are rare tests. For them, in order not to use the reagents several times, increase the research time.

In laboratories, biomaterial sampling is usually paid separately. You can take several tests, paying only once for taking blood from a vein. The material for analysis is taken by the procedural sister in the clinic. A separate payment for taking biomaterial is a payment for her work.

What determines the accuracy of the analysis?

The accuracy of the analysis by 50% depends on preanalytics, that is, the stage before blood donation, says Larisa Samohodskaya, head of the laboratory diagnostics department of the Medical Research and Education Center of Lomonosov Moscow State University, doctor of the highest category, associate professor, candidate of medical sciences. Some tests are taken on an empty stomach, for some there are prohibitions on certain medications. Before analysis, it is necessary to clarify the requirements, although they are usually posted on the laboratory website.

The results may be inaccurate due to violations of sample delivery: according to Elena Tivanova, here “it is important to observe the correctness of sample transportation - delivery time, correct temperature, absence of physical damage and other external factors.” If it takes five or six hours to deliver the material, then the reliability of the results can be argued.

It is better to donate blood in the morning so that it can be delivered to the laboratory on the same day. But don't be first in line. For example, if blood stays in a test tube at room temperature for more than three hours to determine the level of glucose, then the glucose level will begin to drop sharply, explains Larisa Samohodskaya. This will significantly affect the results.

What determines the speed of analysis?

The timing of obtaining test results depends on their rarity and the complexity of the procedure. “The time of the study is made up of many factors, and the main one is the duration of the analytical process itself, which, depending on the analyte and process automation, can be several minutes or several days. The delivery time of the biomaterial from the point of its collection to the laboratory also contributes, and it can be carried out from a neighboring medical office, from another district of the city or from another city, ”comments Tatyana Ponkratova, head of the Invitro expert group.

A service that almost every medical laboratory provides is immediate results. To obtain quick results, they use the "dry chemistry" technology - it does not need to dilute reagents and use containers. These are test strips that help make an express procedure, but such a system is more expensive than usual.

Not all analyzes can be obtained in the near future. “There are indicators that can be done simply, quickly and inexpensively, there are analyzes consisting of two stages of an hour each, and it is not possible to speed up the process,” says Larisa Samohodskaya. In this case, you will not be able to get an analysis within an hour or two.

For example, a rare test for the level of dihydrotestosterone (DHT - responsible for the development of the male reproductive system) requires up to three days. According to Samohodskaya, “laboratories have been collecting sera for some time, which may ultimately help reduce the cost of research per patient.” Some companies send material for such analyzes to specialized laboratories, which also takes time. This is why DHT is so expensive and time consuming.

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