Chronic prostatitis - everything you wanted to know about it. Why Ginger

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There are two types of chronic prostatitis: bacterial and non-bacterial. The share of bacterial prostatitis is up to 90% of all registered cases of this disease in a chronic form. If the cause of the development of bacterial chronic prostatitis is clearly an infectious lesion of the tissues of the prostate gland, then in the case of the non-bacterial form, there are several theories of its occurrence.

Among them are: the penetration of urine into the prostate, the defeat of the prostate by viruses or microorganisms (trichomoniasis, chlamydia, tubercle bacillus), as well as autoimmune processes in the body.

General symptoms

As with any disease, general symptoms are distinguished - the state of the whole organism as a whole, as well as local symptoms of the disease associated directly with the affected area.

Common symptoms of chronic prostatitis include elevated temperature(up to 37C), fatigue and general lethargy, increased irritability and irascibility, loss of appetite, various sleep disorders, anxiety, as well as a decrease in concentration and creative activity.

local symptoms

Pain and urinary disorders- the most obvious symptoms of prostatitis. The most common complaints are frequent urge to urinate, pain during or after urination, as well as aching pain in the prostate gland, radiating to the perineum, scrotum, sacrum, subpubic region, rectum, glans penis. The intensity of pain most often does not depend on the stage of the disease.

Many patients have increased sweating, itching, feeling cold or vice versa heat in the perineum. Circulatory disorders can lead to changes in the color of the skin in the pelvic area. The weakening of the tone of the prostate gland leads to the appearance of discharge from the urethra, especially after exercise or defecation.

Sexual dysfunction is one of the most painful symptoms of prostatitis. Tellingly, sexual disorders accompany precisely the chronic form of the disease; in acute non-chronic prostatitis, they occur extremely rarely.

In chronic prostatitis, inflammatory, cicatricial and congestive changes in the prostate begin to affect the nerve endings, suppressing their sensitivity, which plays an extremely important role in the genital area. As a result, the intensity of transmission of nerve impulses to the centers of sexual arousal located in the spinal cord and brain is reduced.

The picture of sexual dysfunction in chronic prostatitis is as follows. First, while maintaining a normal erection, premature ejaculation develops, then gradual weakening of erection and a decrease in the intensity of the feeling of orgasm during ejaculation. With a long course of the disease, there is a decrease in the production of male sex hormones and a weakening of sexual desire.

In general, the course of chronic prostatitis has an undulating character: during remissions, the disease may not make itself felt; on the contrary, during periods of exacerbations, some or all of the symptoms of the disease appear. Most often, exacerbations occur in the autumn-winter period.

Epididymo-orchitis is the most common complication of prostatitis. inflammation of the testicles and appendages, as well as vesiculitis - an inflammatory lesion of the seminal vesicles. Ultimately, complications can lead to infertility, the treatment of which will be long and difficult, if not impossible.

The most severe outcome of prostatitis - scarring of prostate tissue; the bladder and the back of the urethra are often involved in this process, leading to persistent urination disorders. Urination disorders, in turn, worsen the condition of the ureters and kidneys, contribute to the development of intrarenal inflammatory processes and the occurrence of urolithiasis.


Often, chronic prostatitis can be asymptomatic - in this case, the pathology is detected during a medical examination conducted for impotence or infertility. In any case, prostatitis is not a disease whose treatment should be postponed - at the slightest symptoms, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination. Preventive measures include: maintaining a balanced diet, regular sex life, giving up bad habits, as well as general physical activity.

Chronic prostatitis is a long-term inflammatory process in the tissues of the prostate gland. Inflammation in chronic prostatitis persists for at least 3 months. In this case, there is a violation of the functioning of the prostate. Chronic prostatitis refers to abacterial prostatitis. Therefore, it is quite difficult to identify the main causes of this disease. Urologists say that chronic prostatitis can hide a number of pathological processes, abnormalities, diseases. The functions of not only the prostate gland, but also all organs of the genitourinary system of a young man, the bladder, urinary system, and other organs may be impaired.

Disease classification

Chronic prostatitis ranks first among all types of prostatitis. In addition, inflammation of the prostate gland is the most common urological disease in men. Statistics say that on average 50% of men suffer from some form of inflammation. At the same time, chronic prostatitis is typical for men aged 20-40 years. This is exactly the period when the maximum sexual, social, labor activity of the stronger sex is observed. By the age of 75, 40% of men suffer from a chronic or acute form of inflammation of the prostate.

Speaking about the classification, it is worth dividing inflammation of the prostate into several forms. So, acute prostatitis is popular. Further, the most common is chronic bacterial prostatitis. Non-bacterial chronic prostatitis occurs regardless of the presence of bacteria and infection in the body. This form of the disease lasts from 3 months or more.

The doctors are shocked! That's what prostatitis is afraid of!
The prostate will be healthy if in the morning ...

Non-bacterial chronic prostatitis, in turn, is divided into 2 types:

  • A - the presence of an inflammatory component is diagnosed. So, in the secret of the prostate is determined by a large number of leukocytes, infectious agents.
  • B - the inflammatory component is not detected. In the secret of the prostate there are no leukocytes and infectious agents.

Often, urologists diagnose asymptomatic chronic prostatitis. In this case, leukocytes are present in the prostate secretion, but there are no symptoms, no complaints. Experts note that in 90% of all cases, non-bacterial chronic prostatitis is diagnosed in men. And only 10% of patients are given the bacterial form.

Causes of chronic prostatitis

The causes of bacterial prostatitis are very clear. So, the infection enters the prostate gland through the urethra, the urethra. This is called the ascending path. The descending pathway is characterized by the process of reflux of infected urine from the bladder. The hematogenous route of infection involves the defeat of the prostate through the bloodstream. The most common causative agents are such infections and bacteria:

Along with this, chronic prostatitis can develop against the background of the presence of such pathogens: chlamydia, trichomonas, gonococci, gardnerella, mycoplasma. In addition, for the development of chronic prostatitis, the main thing is not so much the presence of pathogenic microflora as the condition and blood circulation in the pelvic organs. Immunity is also important. With poor protective reactions of the body, bacteria and microbes develop very quickly and show high activity. In such conditions, it is very difficult to cope with the disease.

Among the concomitant diseases that provoke chronic prostatitis, both bacterial and non-bacterial, urethritis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, acute prostatitis, epididymitis, orchitis can be distinguished. Sometimes a pathogenic microorganism enters the prostate gland through other foci of the disease. So, even sinusitis, caries, bronchitis, tonsillitis, pneumonia can lead to prostatitis. Urologists note a number of factors that often cause both chronic and severe prostatitis. It can be:

  • hypothermia;
  • Irregular sexual life;
  • Sedentary lifestyle;
  • Increased fatigue;
  • Frequent stay in a humid environment;
  • Overheating;
  • Unbalanced diet;
  • Rare urination.

Chronic non-bacterial prostatitis is associated with congestive processes in the pelvic organs. So, there is a deterioration in blood circulation in the prostate gland, stasis of venous circulation. Local stagnation provokes the overflow of blood vessels of the gland. Further, edema develops, incomplete secretion of the prostate secretion, a complete violation of the functioning of the prostate gland (secret, barrier, motor, contractile functions).

Stagnant processes are usually caused by the lifestyle of a young person - prolonged sexual abstinence, interruption of sexual intercourse, prolongation of sexual intercourse, increased sexual activity, sedentary sedentary lifestyle, alcohol and nicotine intoxication, professional activity. Specialists also note some pathologies of the pelvic organs, spinal cord injuries. Chronic non-bacterial prostatitis can also be triggered by such ailments as hemorrhoids, constipation, prostate adenoma, deficiency of the male sex hormone testosterone.

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Modern urologists do not exclude neurogenic dysfunction of the pelvic floor muscles, which leads to non-inflammatory non-bacterial chronic prostatitis. In this case, the patient has chronic pelvic pain syndrome. Trigger points are formed, which are located at the points of attachment of muscles to the bones of the pelvis. Impact on these points leads to pain syndrome. After all, they are located close to the organs of the genitourinary system. These points occur against the background of many diseases, operations, injuries of the genital organs.

Symptoms of chronic prostatitis

Symptoms of chronic prostatitis can be local and general. For any type of symptomatology, the prostatic triad is characteristic: sexual activity disorders, dysuria, pain. In the case of chronic prostatitis, pain is constant, aching. The places of localization of the pain syndrome are the following areas:

  • Crotch;
  • testicles;
  • Pubic area;
  • Genitals.

The pain is always aggravated during urination. Unpleasant sensations can be given to the head of the penis, rectum, scrotum, lower back. Also, the pain syndrome actively manifests itself during intercourse, with prolonged erection and arousal. The peak of intensity is reached with ejaculation and orgasm. Chronic prostatitis is characterized by both mild and severe excessive pain. Often the syndrome leads to disruption of sleep, performance. Quite often, men regard lower back pain as manifestations of osteochondrosis, sciatica. In this regard, chronic prostatitis is not treated, it turns into a severe neglected form, which leads to serious consequences.

Chronic prostatitis is characterized by painful and frequent urination. So, the presence of inflammation of the prostate gland can be indicated by the urge to go to the toilet more than 2 times a night. Men complain of a burning sensation in the urethra, incomplete emptying of the bladder. In chronic prostatitis, floating threads can be traced in the urine. Due to a decrease in the tone of the prostate, after physical exertion, defecation, secretion from the urethra is observed. In severe cases of chronic prostatitis, pain is also observed during defecation.

Sometimes patients with this diagnosis are also diagnosed with the following symptoms:

  • Itching of the perineum;
  • Increased sweating, feeling of cold in the perineum;
  • Changing the color of the skin of the genital organs;
  • Red, purple color of the penis.

The chronic form of prostatitis is always characterized by impaired male sexual function. Patients complain of decreased libido, erased orgasm, prolonged painful nocturnal erections, early ejaculation, lack of ejaculation, weak erection. Among the complications, experts note aspermia, male infertility. Any disorders in the intimate sphere of life always affect the psycho-emotional background of a young person. So, depression and neurosis bring even more discord in family relationships.

The aggravated stage of chronic prostatitis is accompanied by a deterioration in the general well-being of the representative of the stronger sex, an increase in body temperature. So, anxiety, irritability, nervousness, fatigue increase. Also, you can observe loss of appetite, insomnia, decreased physical activity. If you do not treat any form of prostatitis, including chronic, the risk of developing serious complications increases: urinary incontinence, impotence, formation of prostate cysts, vesiculitis, prostate sclerosis, adenoma, prostate cancer.

Diagnosis of chronic prostatitis

Before starting the treatment of the disease, it is worth conducting a comprehensive diagnosis. For this, laboratory studies are carried out. A qualified specialist in a simple survey will already be able to make a preliminary diagnosis. To confirm the diagnosis, instrumental diagnostics is prescribed. So, the doctor begins the collection of anamnesis with an examination of the genitals to identify external changes in the skin, rashes, discharge from the urethra.

A prerequisite for the diagnosis of chronic prostatitis is a rectal digital examination. On palpation, the doctor determines the boundaries of the prostate, its contours, structure, consistency. Also, this method allows you to recognize possible neoplasms, cysts. When pressing on the gland, the patient often feels severe pain, which also indicates the presence of prostatitis.

To recognize many functional changes in the prostate, the doctor prescribes an ultrasound examination of the prostate. Ultrasound can be performed rectally, and through the skin of the upper abdominal wall. It is the first version of the ultrasound that has the most information. After all, the location of the gland allows you to examine it completely, with an accurate probability of detecting violations. Transrectal examination of the prostate requires some preparation of the patient:

  • Cleanse the intestines a few hours before the diagnosis;
  • Bladder filling;
  • Refusal to eat a few hours before the diagnosis;
  • Refusal to eat foods that provoke bloating and flatulence 1-2 days before the ultrasound.

If the doctor decides to conduct an ultrasound through the anterior wall of the abdomen, it is enough just to fill the bladder. It is very important to carry out other laboratory tests. Thus, the analysis of prostate secretion, general urinalysis, analysis of a smear from the urethra, a three-glass urine sample, bacterial culture of a smear from the urethra, diagnosis of scraping for the presence of genital infections, and detection of prostate-specific antigen will have high information content.

Each doctor must conduct a study of scrapings from the urethra for the presence of sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, herpes, candidiasis, mycoplasmosis, syphilis. The presence of microflora also plays an important role. The secret of the prostate for analysis is taken after emptying the bladder and performing a light massage of the prostate. So, when pressing on the gland, a prostatic secret will be released.

Chronic prostatitis will be indicated by the detection in the analysis of a large number of leukocytes, a decrease in the level of lecithin grains, and the presence of pathogenic microflora. You can determine with the help of such studies: cystometry, uroflowmetry, profilometry. These methods of diagnosing chronic prostatitis make it possible to differentiate the disease from stress incontinence (enuresis).


Any man can suspect prostatitis. There are home methods for diagnosing this disease. So, all the symptoms indicate the presence of chronic prostatitis. Also, there is a method of home research. A man should empty himself into three different transparent containers. If the urine in the first and third dishes will differ in color, then there is cause for concern. Cloudy urine is also considered abnormal. If there is a cloudy liquid in two containers, there is a possibility of prostatitis. If cloudy urine is only in one vessel, some kind of inflammatory process takes place.

Treatment of chronic prostatitis

It should be noted that chronic prostatitis is quite difficult to treat. However, a cure is possible. Everything completely depends on the mood of the man, following all the recommendations of the doctor. Bacterial chronic prostatitis requires antimicrobial therapy. As a rule, the treatment of chronic prostatitis involves a combination of several drugs. Antibiotics are required to treat infectious prostatitis. So, sexual infection is eliminated, inflammation of the prostate gland is removed.

Most often, in chronic prostatitis, doctors prescribe the following medications:

  • Ofloxacin;
  • Ciprofloxacin;
  • Azithromycin;
  • Wilprafen;
  • Sumamed;
  • Ceftriaxone;
  • Furamag;
  • Sulbactomax;
  • Amoxiclav.

These preparations can be produced in the form of both tablets and powder for injection. The course of therapy averages 14 days. For the treatment of chronic or acute prostatitis, it is better to use the form of injections intramuscularly or intravenously. To eliminate the pain syndrome, specialists prescribe painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs: Diclofenac, Naproxen, Ibuprofen, Piroxicam. In order to relax the muscles of the prostate gland, resume normal urodynamics, outflow of prostate secretion, be sure to use a-blockers: Dalfaz, Omnik.

These drugs form a mandatory basis for the treatment of chronic prostatitis. Doctors often recommend that patients undergo a course of prostate massage. This will improve blood circulation in the gland, give tone. Each massage session ends with a slight secretion from the urethra. As a rule, it is only 3-5 drops of liquid. But, there are a number of factors that prohibit massage: hemorrhoids, acute bacterial prostatitis, stones in the gland, gland abscess, fissures in the rectum, prostate cancer.

Speaking about non-drug therapy of chronic prostatitis, experts recommend resorting to acupuncture, paraprostatic blockade. A very important point in the treatment of physiotherapy in combination with medical electrophoresis, ultraphonophoresis. Also, ultrasound, magnetotherapy, laser magnetotherapy, mud therapy, inductometry, hot sitz baths (45 degrees), hydrogen sulfide enemas are prescribed.

Doctors advise an effective remedy for prostatitis
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Rectal suppositories for chronic prostatitis are highly effective. Very often, suppositories based on tetracyclines, penicillins, rifampicin are chosen to combat prostate inflammation. Also, suppositories are antibacterial, analgesic, antimicrobial, decongestant, anti-inflammatory. Suppositories consisting of natural ingredients are very popular. They do not have any systemic effect on the body of a man. But, only a doctor selects any drug, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body of a young man, the course of chronic prostatitis. So, the choice is made from the following list of rectal suppositories against prostatitis:
  • Vitaprost;
  • Prostatilen;
  • Voltaren;
  • Indomethacin suppositories;
  • Ichthyol candles;
  • Longidase;
  • Sea buckthorn suppositories;
  • Genferon;
  • Dicloberl;
  • Tykveol;
  • Viferon;
  • Bioprost.

In case of complications from chronic prostatitis, surgical intervention may be necessary. Surgery is required to remove urethral strictures. The patient is scheduled for prostatectomy for prostate sclerosis. Often, patients require resection of the bladder in case of sclerosis of the bladder neck. The presence of cysts, neoplasms necessarily requires surgical intervention.

Disease prevention

To maintain the normal functioning of the prostate in chronic prostatitis, it is very important to follow preventive measures. To begin with, a man must carefully monitor his intimate hygiene. This is the only way to avoid the entry of bacteria into the genitourinary system from the outside. Chronic prostatitis implies the periodic occurrence of relapses. And here it is important to contact the doctor in a timely manner. So, the manifestations of the disease will not be acute, without disturbing the usual rhythm of a man's life.

To avoid stagnant processes in the prostate, the regularity of sexual relations is important. Also, do not lead an overly active sex life. Experts define the concept of sex regularity as 2-4 times a week. This is the best option for restoring the male body, improving the quality of sperm and prostate secretion. Regular, but moderate physical activity will also help to avoid relapses of stagnant processes.

It is important to prevent the development of constipation. Therefore, a balanced diet for chronic prostatitis is the main condition. So, the diet of young people should consist of the following products:

  • Lean meats;
  • Greenery;
  • Cauliflower;
  • Pumpkin;
  • Carrot;
  • Melon;
  • Watermelon;
  • Green pea;
  • Vegetable soups, light meat broths;
  • Gray bread;
  • Dried fruits.

For the prevention of chronic prostatitis, an important role is played by such a microelement as zinc. In this regard, doctors recommend that men consume more seafood, pumpkin seeds, beef, nuts. A sufficient amount of zinc is also found in chicken eggs. But, no more than one egg per day is allowed to consume this product. Speaking of drinks, it is useful to drink fruit drinks, dried fruit compotes, purified non-carbonated water.

In the case of chronic prostatitis, it is important to completely eliminate foods that irritate the prostate gland from the diet. These include alcohol, a large amount of salt and spicy meats, smoked meats, animal fat, offal, canned food, marinades, vinegar, radish, radish, spices, spices, seasonings, mushrooms and mushroom broths, sorrel, spinach, strong tea and coffee, large the amount of sweets, pastries, chocolate. Harmful are various synthetic food additives - dyes, emulsifiers, stabilizers.

Urologists, andrologists recommend regular examinations and physiotherapy. Periodic preventive courses of physiotherapy will help not only to avoid the recurrence of chronic prostatitis, but also to completely cure the disease. Taking multivitamin complexes and immunomodulators will strengthen the immune system. It is important to exclude stressful situations, overheating, hypothermia, sedentary lifestyle, bad habits. In general, chronic prostatitis is curable, it is enough just to follow all the recommendations of a qualified specialist.

The drug Zoladex is prescribed to men to reduce the level of testosterone concentration and to women to reduce the level of estradiol.

In men, while taking the drug Zoladex after the injection of the first capsule, a decrease in testosterone in the blood to a castration level is already observed. As a result of this decrease, many patients experience symptomatic improvement, and regression in the development of prostate tumors is observed.

Zoladex preparation - cylindrical pieces of solid polymeric materials of white or cream color.

Zoladex is prescribed for:

  • prostate cancer;
  • endometriosis;
  • fibroma of the uterus.

The drug Zoladex is administered to a man subcutaneously in the abdominal wall. If the drug is administered incorrectly, swelling and pain may occur when the drug is administered.

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A 10.8 g capsule of Zoladex is administered subcutaneously every three months (twelve weeks), a 3.6 g capsule of the drug is administered monthly. Such techniques allow you to maintain the required concentration of the drug throughout the entire interval between injections.

Separately, it should be noted that the dosage of Zoladex is not adjusted for patients with liver or kidney disease and elderly patients. Clinically significant adverse events with an overdose of Zoladex were not observed.

Treatment with Zoladex is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • pregnancy or lactation;
  • childhood;
  • the presence of hypersensitivity to the substance goserelin.

With extreme caution, Zoladex is prescribed to men who are at particular risk of developing obstruction in the ureters or compression in the spinal cord.

As a result of taking Zoladex, the following side effects often appear:

  • the possible development of diabetes mellitus as a result of a decrease in glucose tolerance;
  • decreased libido;
  • deterioration in mood, headache, development of depression;
  • increased sweating and hot flashes due to the pharmacological action of the drug;
  • myocardial infarction, development of heart failure;
  • hair loss all over the body.

Also, as a result of taking Zoladex, other side effects are possible, but the frequency of their manifestation is quite rare.

Price overview

The cost of the drug Zoladex varies depending on the volume of the capsule: for a drug with a capsule volume of 3.6 g, the price range is from 7900 to 8600 rubles. for packaging; for a drug with a capsule volume of 10.8 g, prices vary from 21,500 to 23,600 rubles. per package (the package contains one syringe applicator with a capsule).

Reviews for Zoladex for prostate cancer

  • “Immediately after the first dose of Zoladex, I began to sweat terribly, there were problems with sleep. According to the instructions, it should be so, there are a lot of side effects, but the remedy seems to work, so you have to endure it.
  • “I read reviews about the drug, mostly written by women, it is strange that there are so few opinions of men. The list of side effects is frightening, especially because I’m no longer young, I want to find an analogue, but Zoladex seems to be quite effective, but I don’t know what to do. ”
  • “Zoladex was prescribed to the father, three doses were taken, then the treatment was stopped, it became impossible to fight the hot flashes, a very poor state of health. He is now regularly checked in the hospital, so far the tumor is not growing. It is scary to return to the remedy, there are problems with the heart. ”
  • “My husband is 61 years old. Last month I was diagnosed with prostate adenoma, PSA 4.7. The doctor prescribed Zoladex. Bought, made one injection, my husband immediately began to have hot flashes, in the evening there was a myocardial infarction. After returning from the hospital, the hot flashes became more frequent, almost every 10-20 minutes.
  • “After the first injection of Zoladex, I gained about 7 kg in three months, although I go in for sports and try to keep myself in shape (I'm 54). My wife says that it is hormonal due to the injection, but it is hard to believe that it had such a strong effect. The doctor says that Zoladex helps me, but I don’t know. ”
  • “After the operation, the doctor prescribed Zoladex therapy 3.6 g per month. Now I don't want to sleep at night, there is no mood, and no sexual desire either. And those tides!! My wife “consoles” that there are worse side effects for someone from the medicine (she is a doctor), but I already have enough. The doctor said that Zoladex has no analogues of normal ones, so you have to sweat!”

  • “Even before therapy with Zoladex, I prepared myself for the worst, read about the side effects (the risk of sudden death!), I thought about giving up the drug altogether ... It turned out that not everything was so bad, the reception was normal, there were hot flashes, but not strong. I'm 60, I don't smoke, I drink in moderation.
  • “The price is too high. And there are too many side effects and they are not very painless, you can stay crippled.”
  • “After taking Zoladex for the first time, I didn’t feel anything special, I just began to sweat very much. Then some swelling appeared on my chest, nothing hurt, but I felt uncomfortable. The attending physician said that this is normal and that is how Zoladex proved to be. I can’t cancel the appointment, but these swellings scare me, you never know what else will appear. ”
  • “I'm 52, I work at a manufacturing plant. I discovered prostate cancer by accident (there were no symptoms), I went through the usual medical examination and now ... The doctor prescribed Zoladex, well, I think, okay, capsules are capsules, only he didn’t say anything about prices. I come to the pharmacy - and there 23 thousand for a syringe !!! I didn't even know these drugs existed! Where to go, I took this capsule. If there is no sense in three months, then I will not be treated with it ... "
  • “Not the most painless drug, but it works, after 3 doses of Zoladex there was no news from the tumor. Of the reactions to the drug, I only have sweating and some kind of rash, and it’s definitely on the remedy, but it doesn’t seem to itch. ”
  • “The last injection was two weeks ago, I still suffer from insomnia. But these are trifles, and diabetes mellitus also appeared, as the therapist suspects. At first, there was no such thought, but as he said that he was taking Zoladex, they immediately said that it was diabetes and it arose from the drug. I don’t even know, it’s better to live with an asymptomatic tumor than to suffer like this?
  • “Already the fourth dose is in line, I take it in three months (capsules 10.8 g). Zoladex is rife with side effects, but all I have is sweat and insomnia. It’s a pity for women who are prescribed THIS, even if it’s so hard for men, then it’s like then for them. ”
  • “All the hair on the body has slipped off, I just take off the bunches from my head, as if I were doing chemotherapy. The doctor said to blame Zoladex."
  • “My husband was given a second injection of Zoladex a month after the first, he became not himself. He gets irritated very quickly, wanders at night, he can’t sleep, and hot flashes began every half an hour, which no air conditioner can save. I asked the doctor to change the medicine - he shrugged, says there are no better analogues. I don’t feel sorry for the money, but a person is tormented!
  • “With age, liver problems appeared, and prostate cancer was also found. Zoladex was prescribed, after the second injection he began to sweat and sweat. I knew about the absence of contraindications for liver diseases, but I doubted the drug anyway, you never know what they write. But against the background of side effects (I don’t sleep and I sweat all the time!) You forget about your problems with the liver. In principle, nothing special, but the lack of sleep affects, I began to break down on my family, and I don’t feel like drinking pills for sleep. ”
  • “I’ve been thinking about what to do for the fifth day already. I found out about prostate cancer by chance during a doctor's examination, they prescribed me Zoladex. I hid the first dose, passed without consequences, and after the second I began to sweat intensely, my mood gets out of control, I get irritated quickly (probably even because of the eternal feeling of stuffiness). My wife is worried, she thinks why I got sick like that, but I don’t want to tell her why she should be nervous about it ... I wanted to find another remedy, but the main active ingredient is the same everywhere, at least something is known about this drug, they don’t write about others at all Nothing."
  • “It seems to help, but it’s very expensive ... The salary does not allow everyone to support and still treat themselves ... They collected money from all relatives ... Look for the price on the Internet, where it’s cheaper.”

Details about the prostatitis of the first, second stage. Possible Complications

This disease is male, first manifested in the 19th century. To date, every third man on Earth is familiar with such a disease, faced it himself or heard from friends. A huge number of men, having felt the symptoms of the disease, try not to pay attention to them or are simply embarrassed to go to the doctor until it becomes simply unbearable.

It is worth saying that in any case, the intervention of specialists will be required, only the treatment procedure will cost other money and a considerable number of nerve cells than in the first stages of prostatitis.

Stages of prostatitis in men

  1. alternative transformations;
  2. proliferative transformations;
  3. sclerosis of the prostate.

The first stage of prostatitis

There is an activation of the functions of the glandular organ. The predominant process is inflammation, but, during this period, tissue repair occurs. At this stage, the following symptoms are observed:

  • pain in the rectum, in the perineum, lower back, in the region of the sacrum;
  • there are discharges from the urethra of a mucous nature;
  • the course of urination is characterized by painfulness and frequency, especially at night;
  • indifference to sex, erection decreases, pain during ejaculation;
  • sudden erections become more frequent, the duration of sexual contact is very small;
  • the pressure of the jet is weakened during urination;
  • in order to go to the toilet, you have to additionally strain the muscles of the abdominal cavity.

If we talk about the general condition and well-being, then everything remains normal and unchanged. Prostatitis stage 1 is a duration of one to three years, and during this period of time, the sick person may not be aware of its existence.

Second: increased symptoms

When moving to this stage, inflammatory foci become smaller. However, this is not a good sign, because the consequences of this period in a composition with little recoverability lead to violations of the anatomical characteristic of the structure of the prostate. The result is the formation of scar tissue. At this time, the vessels are quite severely affected.

At this stage, the following symptoms are observed:

  • general fatigue of the body, sciatica appears;
  • drowsiness;
  • going to the toilet becomes a problem, pain is too pronounced;
  • erection becomes not quite normal: stops before ejaculation or persists even after orgasm;
  • decreased libido;
  • sweating, discomfort in the groin area;
  • cardiac arrhythmias, vegetovascular dystonia;
  • pain occurs directly during intercourse itself;
  • sciatica appears.

If the 1st stage of prostatitis is not characterized by disorders of the nervous system, then at the other stage there are frequent cases of the formation of psycho-emotional disorders that cause difficulties in communicating not only with loved ones, but also with everyone around. If the flow is not stopped, then there may be complications that turn into neuroses and neurotic disorders.

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  • Third: transition to complications

    At this stage, all the signs and symptoms of the chronic form of the disease appear. There is a death of the soft tissues of the glandular organ. The scars formed at the 2nd stage of prostatitis begin to put pressure on the bladder. As a result, not only discomfort and pain appear, but the urination procedure may completely stop. This is a very dangerous moment, because there is a threat of developing pathologies in the kidneys and bladder. At this stage, the following symptoms are observed:

    • sciatica intensifies;
    • sweating becomes less than in stage number two;
    • severe pain when urinating;
    • intermittent and sluggish jet;
    • even after going to the toilet, it seems that the patient has not yet been there.

    The development of the prostate is based on the process of replacing the soft tissues of the prostate with connective tissue, which leads to the fact that the glandular organ shrinks, becomes smaller and loses its original functions.

    Further, prostatitis of the third stage begins to progress, which leads to a decrease in the lumen of the urination canal, the bottom of the bladder undergoes a bad transformation. As a result, there is a narrowing of the urethra, the man is subject to chronic urinary retention and urodynamic failures in the upper genital tract.

    In many cases, sclerosis makes itself felt only many years after the onset of inflammation.

    Complications arising from inaction

    Against the background of inactivity, the prostatitis of the second stage quickly passes into the final one. After it, if you do not interfere with drug treatment, even more serious and large-scale problems can develop that will be difficult to cope with.

    One possible development is a prostate cyst.

    It is the cyst that can become the culprit in the formation of stones in the gland. Infection from a cyst can cause it to fester. Which sooner or later will lead to a breakthrough into the urethra, which in turn will lead to a diverticulum of the organ.

    An equally serious complication is the formation of stones in the "male" organ, which aggravate the process of inflammation itself, and contribute to the most frequent periods of exacerbation. This variant of development is quite rare, but it does occur. Doctors have not fully studied the etiology of the appearance of stones in this internal area, but most of the medical world is inclined to think that their occurrence is due to prolonged inflammatory processes.

    Predominant symptoms in the presence of stones:

    • dull, persistent pain in the groin area;
    • pain in the head of the penis;
    • there are painful sensations during intercourse;
    • painful and difficult to go to the toilet;
    • it is impossible to sit on a hard surface, the defecation period becomes torture.

    Due to the fact that a man does not want to accept that he is sick, he condones and does not pay attention to the symptoms. And this leads to huge violations of potency, which acquire a pronounced character. As a result, many males refuse to have a sexual life. And as a result of prolonged sexual abstinence, the seminal vesicles become inflamed (vesiculitis).

    This complication is characterized by pain in the groin and deep in the pelvis. It seems that the pain comes from one side, although, in fact, it is not, the process is started from two sides. With this development, complaints of frequent trips to the toilet, painful ejaculation predominate.

    It should be noted that by running stage 1 prostatitis, and not consulting a doctor in time, you can get serious sexual disorders and reproductive disorders. Therefore, in order to avoid consequences, like any disease, it is better to treat at the initial stage in order to bring your chances of recovery closer.

    Important features of the use of ginger for prostatitis

    Ginger for prostatitis is considered a well-proven folk remedy. Its practice has a very long history. Mention of the healing properties of this plant can be found even in the Koran. And we talk about it a lot these days. Ginger began to be cultivated not only in the countries of South Asia, which is its homeland, but also in Africa, Australia and Jamaica. How exactly he can help in solving men's problems will be discussed below.

    Why ginger?

    For many people, ginger root is known primarily as one of the spices that are often used in the national cuisines of the peoples of the East. However, it has a number of properties that are very beneficial for men's health. Ginger contains a number of compounds and trace elements that have a beneficial effect on the male body. It has a lot of B and C vitamins. In addition, it is rich in iron, zinc and phosphorus. But the main advantage of the plant is the ability to have an antimicrobial effect.

    Since prostatitis is very often infectious in nature, the use of ginger can relieve such symptoms:

    • intoxication;
    • inflammation;

    • congestion;
    • excessive sweating.

    For non-infectious forms of prostatitis, ginger can also help. Its use contributes to the expansion of blood vessels and the restoration of normal blood flow. Thanks to him, the production of sperm and the male hormone - testosterone comes back to normal.

    The root of the plant is often recommended as a weight loss remedy. This effect can also help get rid of prostatitis. Obese people often have high blood pressure and high cholesterol, which negatively affects testosterone production.

    By using ginger, you can feel an improvement in well-being literally the next day. Therefore, it is often recommended even by official medicine.

    How to use

    Treatment of prostatitis with ginger involves the use of the root of the plant, both raw and dried. There are a great many ways to use it. Most often, ginger for prostatitis is used as an oral remedy.

    The most popular are such tools:

    1. Tea. This is one of the simplest ways to prepare ginger medicine. At the same time, tea with it is not only a medicine, but also a delicious drink that has benefits for the whole body. In order to prepare it, it is enough to grate a little root of the plant and pour boiling water over it. If for someone the pure taste of the drink turns out to be unpleasant, you can add lemon or mint to the tea. There are no restrictions on the use of ginger tea.
    2. Decoction. Making a decoction of ginger is similar to making tea. The difference is that the grated and boiled root must be boiled in a water bath for at least 20 minutes. After that, the broth is filtered and diluted with boiled water. Take it three times a day for a tablespoon. If it seems that the broth has a too tart taste, you can dilute it with a little honey.
    3. Alcohol tincture. For its preparation, the previously grated root of the plant is poured with vodka in a ratio of 1:10. You need to insist for at least 15 days in a cool place isolated from the light. Take tincture 30 minutes before meals, 13-15 drops. You need to do this three times a day.
    4. Fresh ginger. You don't need to do anything for this. You can just take a small piece of its root and chew at least once a day. If this method of consumption is unpleasant, it can be used as an addition to salads or other dishes.

    The use of ginger as a medicine is not limited to its ingestion. In case of prostatitis, it can be used to prepare microclysters. To do this, use ginger oil. A few drops of it should be dissolved in warm boiled water and injected into the rectum of the patient. This procedure can be repeated up to ten times throughout the day.

    Precautionary measures

    In order for ginger to bring real benefits in the treatment of the disease, it is necessary to use it correctly. It is a very active plant in chemical and biological terms, therefore, it cannot be used for certain diseases and conditions.

    Contraindications to its use are:

    • allergy to ginger;
    • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;

    • elevated temperature;
    • cholelithiasis, bladder stones;
    • cardiac arrhythmia;
    • hemophilia;
    • feverish conditions, burns;
    • diabetes.

    Do not also use the root of the plant at night. It has good tonic properties and can lead to sleep disturbances.

    If you neglect the precautions, then under the conditions listed above, ginger can lead to severe pain. There may be such unpleasant symptoms as a rash all over the body, or nausea with vomiting.

    - this is a protracted inflammation of the prostate gland, leading to a violation of the morphology and functioning of the prostate. Manifested by a prostatic triad: pain in the pelvis and genitals, urination disorders, sexual disorders. Diagnosis includes palpation of the gland, examination of prostate secretion, ultrasound, uroflowmetry, ureteroscopy, puncture biopsy of the prostate. Complex medical, physiotherapeutic treatment, massage of the prostate gland, instillations of the posterior urethra are shown. Surgical intervention is advisable in complicated forms of chronic prostatitis.



    General information

    Chronic prostatitis is the most common male disease: about 50% of men suffer from some form of inflammation of the prostate. Chronic prostatitis often affects men aged 20 to 40, who are in the period of greatest sexual, reproductive and labor activity. In this regard, the identification and treatment of chronic prostatitis in modern andrology acquires not only a medical, but also a socially significant aspect.


    However, for the development of chronic prostatitis, it is important not so much the presence and activity of microorganisms as the state of the pelvic organs and blood circulation in them, the presence of concomitant diseases, the level of protective mechanisms. Therefore, a number of factors can contribute to the occurrence of chronic prostatitis. First of all, these are urological diseases - pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis, urethral stricture, acute prostatitis that has not been completely cured, orchitis, epididymitis, etc.

    A microbial etioagent can enter the prostate from distant foci of infection, for example, in the presence of sinusitis, tonsillitis, caries, chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, pyoderma, etc. Local and general hypothermia, overheating, exposure to a humid environment, fatigue, malnutrition predispose to chronic inflammation , infrequent urination, etc.

    Non-bacterial chronic prostatitis is usually associated with congestive (congestive) phenomena in the prostate gland due to stasis of the venous circulation in the pelvic organs and impaired drainage of the prostate acini. Local congestion leads to overflow of prostate vessels with blood, edema, incomplete emptying of the secretion, violation of the barrier, secretory, motor, contractile function of the gland.

    Stagnant changes are usually caused by behavioral factors: prolonged sexual deprivation, the practice of interrupted or prolonged sexual intercourse, excessive sexual activity, physical inactivity, chronic intoxication, occupational hazards (vibration). The pathology of the pelvic organs and nervous structures that innervate them (for example, spinal cord injury), prostate adenoma, hemorrhoids, constipation, androgen deficiency and other causes predispose to the development of non-bacterial inflammation.


    According to the modern classification of prostatitis, developed in 1995, there are three categories of the disease:

    • II. Chronic prostatitis of bacterial origin.
    • III. Inflammation of non-bacterial origin / pelvic pain syndrome is a symptom complex that is not associated with obvious signs of infection and lasts from 3 or more months.
    • III A. Chronic process with the presence of an inflammatory component (detection of leukocytes and infectious agents in the prostate secretion);
    • III B. Chronic pathology with the absence of an inflammatory component (leukocytes and pathogens in the prostate secretion).
    • IV. Asymptomatic chronic prostatitis (no complaints when leukocytes are detected in the prostatic secretion).

    In the presence of an infectious component, they speak of bacterial (infectious) chronic prostatitis; in the absence of microbial pathogens - about non-bacterial (non-infectious). It is believed that in 90-95% of all cases there is non-bacterial inflammation and only 10-5% - bacterial.

    Symptoms of chronic prostatitis

    The disease is manifested by local and general symptoms. Local manifestations include the prostatic triad, characterized by pain, dysuria, and sexual dysfunction. The pains are constant aching in nature, localized in the perineum, genitals, above the pubis, in the groin. The pain syndrome intensifies at the beginning and end of urination, while the pain radiates to the glans penis, scrotum, sacrum, and rectum.

    Pain may increase after intercourse or due to prolonged abstinence; weaken or intensify after orgasm, become more intense immediately at the time of ejaculation. The intensity of the pain syndrome varies from sensations of discomfort to pronounced manifestations that disrupt sleep and performance. Pain with limited localization in the sacrum is often regarded as osteochondrosis or sciatica, and therefore the patient can be treated independently for a long time without resorting to the help of a doctor.

    Urination is frequent and painful. In this case, there may be difficulty in starting micturition, weakening or intermittency of the urine stream, a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder, frequent nocturnal urges, burning in the urethra. Floating filaments can be detected in the urine. After defecation or physical activity, discharge (prostorrhea) appears from the urethra, due to a decrease in the tone of the prostate. There may be itching, a feeling of coldness or excessive sweating in the perineum, local changes in skin color associated with circulatory stasis.

    Chronic prostatitis is accompanied by severe violations of sexual function. The phenomena of dyspotence can be expressed in deterioration, soreness of erection, prolonged and frequent nocturnal erections, difficulty or early ejaculation, loss of sexual desire (decreased libido), erased orgasms, hemospermia, infertility. Sexual disorders are always hard experienced by a man, they lead to psycho-emotional disorders, up to neurosis and depression, which worsen sexual function even more.

    Exacerbations are accompanied by a slight increase in body temperature and a deterioration in well-being. The general condition is characterized by increased irritability, lethargy, anxiety, fatigue, loss of appetite, sleep disturbance, decreased ability to work, creative and physical activity. In almost a quarter of patients, symptoms of the disease are absent for a long time, which leads to a late visit to an andrologist.



    The information necessary for the diagnosis of chronic prostatitis is obtained using a comprehensive laboratory and instrumental examination. The primary examination includes clarification of the anamnesis and complaints, an external examination of the genitals for discharge, rashes, irritations, a digital rectal examination of the prostate in order to determine the contours, boundaries, consistency, and soreness of the gland.

    To determine the structural and functional changes in the prostate gland, ultrasound of the prostate (TRUS) is indicated. Important methods in the diagnosis of chronic prostatitis are the study of prostate secretion, general urinalysis, bacteriological examination of a smear from the urethra and urine, a 3-glass urine test, PCR and RIF, a scraping study for pathogens of genital infections, and the determination of prostate-specific antigen (PSA). Clinically significant is the detection in the analysis of pathogens of chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, herpes, cytomegalovirus, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, candidiasis, as well as nonspecific bacterial flora.

    The sampling of prostate secretion for research is carried out after urination and massage of the prostate gland. Signs of the disease are an increase in the number of leukocytes in the field of view, a decrease in the number of lecithin grains, and the presence of pathogenic microflora. In the general analysis of urine, leukocyturia, pyuria, erythrocyturia can be detected. Bacteriological culture of urine allows you to identify the degree and nature of bacteriuria. In case of reproductive disorders, a study of the spermogram and the MAR test is indicated.

    The degree and causes of urination disorders help to determine urodynamic studies (uroflowmetry, cystometry, profilometry, electromyography). With the help of these studies, chronic prostatitis can be differentiated from stress urinary incontinence, neurogenic bladder, etc. With hematuria, hemospermia, obstructive urination, endoscopic examination is indicated - ureteroscopy, cystoscopy. To exclude adenoma and prostate cancer, PSA determination is required, in some cases, a biopsy of the prostate gland with a morphological study of tissues is required.

    Treatment of chronic prostatitis

    The disease is not easy to cure, but it should be remembered that recovery is still possible and largely depends on the patient's mood, the timeliness of his visit to a specialist, and the strict observance of all the instructions of the urologist. The basis of the treatment of the bacterial inflammatory process is antimicrobial therapy in accordance with the antibiogram lasting at least 2 weeks. To reduce pain and inflammation, NSAIDs are prescribed (diclofenac, ibuprofen, naproxen, piroxicam); to relax the muscles of the prostate, restore urodynamics and outflow of prostatic secretion, the use of a-blockers (tamsulosin, alfuzosin) is indicated.

    In order to improve drainage of the prostate gland, local microcirculation and muscle tone, a course of therapeutic prostate massage is carried out. A prostate massage session should end with the release of at least 4 drops of prostate secretion. Prostate massage is contraindicated in acute bacterial prostatitis, prostate abscess, hemorrhoids, prostate stones, rectal fissures, hyperplasia and prostate cancer.

    To relieve pain, paraprostatic blockades, acupuncture can be recommended. An important role in the treatment is given to physiotherapy with the appointment of medicinal electrophoresis, ultrasound, ultraphonophoresis, magnetotherapy, laser magnetotherapy, inductometry, mud therapy, SMT, hot sitz baths with a temperature of 40 - 45 ° C, enemas with hydrogen sulfide and mineral waters, instillations into the urethra.

    With the development of complications, surgical treatment is indicated: elimination of urethral strictures; TUR of the prostate or prostatectomy for prostate sclerosis; transurethral resection of the bladder with sclerosis of its neck, puncture and drainage of cysts and abscesses of the prostate; circumcision with phimosis caused by recurrent urinary tract infections, etc.

    Forecast and prevention

    The prognosis is determined by the timeliness and adequacy of treatment, the age of the patient, the presence of concomitant pathologies. Prevention of the disease requires adherence to sexual hygiene, timely treatment of urogenital and extragenital infections, normalization of the regularity of sexual life, sufficient physical activity, prevention of constipation, timely emptying of the bladder. To exclude relapses, dynamic examinations by an andrologist (urologist) are necessary; preventive courses of physiotherapy, multivitamins, immunomodulators; exclusion of hypothermia, overheating, stress, bad habits.

    Sweating with prostatitis is considered a fairly common problem that significantly reduces the quality of human life. To avoid such violations, it is necessary to start the treatment of the underlying pathology on time. For this, it is recommended to contact a specialist at the first manifestations of the disease.

    Prostatitis is characterized inflammation of the prostate gland. If the violation is infectious in nature, the clinical picture is more pronounced. The congestive form or aseptic prostatitis is characterized by a gradual increase in symptoms. In this case, the period of remissions and exacerbations alternate.

    The provoking factor for the development of prostatitis is the following:

    • hypothermia;
    • prolonged sexual abstinence;
    • weakening due to infectious pathologies;
    • too violent sex life;
    • constipation;
    • stressful situations;
    • eating disorders;
    • urinary tract infections.

    At the initial stage, prostatitis is accompanied by urination disorders. However, sometimes there may be problems in the genital area. So, The most common manifestations of the disease include the following:

    • increased urination, which prompts a person to get up several times a night to go to the toilet;
    • violation of urination, in which the liquid is released in a small amount;
    • incomplete emptying of the bladder;
    • violation of the nature of urine;
    • severe pain during urination;
    • pain during defecation;
    • discomfort in the perineum and lower abdomen;
    • decrease in potency;
    • weakening of orgasm;
    • rapid ejaculation.

    Important! The initial manifestations of the disease can be mistaken for a common cold. Often men experience weakness, a feeling of ache, headaches. One of the symptoms of prostatitis is excessive sweating.

    Features of sweating

    In the chronic form of prostatitis, many men experience vegetative manifestations. One of them is increased sweating.

    Especially intense manifestations of hyperhidrosis are observed in the perineum. Other unpleasant sensations include discomfort and itching in the genital area.

    Ways to treat sweating

    To cope with excessive sweating, it is necessary to eliminate the causes of its occurrence. Treatment of prostatitis must be comprehensive. It usually includes the following components:

    • antibacterial therapy;
    • normalization of the diet;
    • lifestyle correction;
    • physiotherapy;
    • prostate massage;
    • use of folk recipes;
    • surgical intervention.

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