What time does breakfast start? Everything you need to know about proper nutrition

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A person's need for energy consumed and essential nutrients is directly related to biological, physical or mental activity. Biological reasons for the increase in energy consumption are considered body growth, illness, recovery after surgery, pregnancy, and so on. Mental efforts include mental and intellectual work. Physical activity is associated with the work of muscles. The correct diet for different conditions of the body is the essence of the work of a nutritionist, and his work is ineffective without the correct daily regimen!

Ideal schedule

  • Breakfast - around 7 am;
  • Lunch - 10 o'clock in the afternoon;
  • Lunch - 13:00;
  • Afternoon snack - 17:00;
  • Dinner - 19 pm.

With this routine, the need for food volume decreases, appetite and nutrient absorption increase. Hormonal changes that lead to fat accumulation are minimal as long as the caloric content of foods is maintained.

Yes, it's that simple. But do you know how much you need to consume, yours and? Let's check!

Rational work and rest regime

According to research by physiologists, the efficiency of the body increases with careful adherence to the daily routine. Sleeping, working and eating constantly at the same time increases productivity by 10-15%. This effect is most pronounced in women who are breastfeeding.

A healthy adult should spend 7-9 hours a day sleeping. If you have less than 6 hours of sleep at night, you should allocate 1-2 hours of daytime sleep. By adhering to a rest routine, it becomes easier to create an individually selected rational diet.

Work should not be continuous. For every 1.5 hours of labor activity, it is necessary to allocate 15 minutes of a break with activity switching. With intellectual work during a break, physical activity in the form of a small warm-up is necessary. Staying in one position for a long time leads to overstrain of the corresponding muscle groups, so it is recommended to perform relaxation and stretching exercises.

The diet of an adult is associated with energy consumption for work, comorbidities, and body mass index. Have you already used the online calculator we suggested above? Office work healthy person Allows 3 meals a day to maintain your figure. Reducing the frequency of meals causes an increase in hunger and activation of the body's ability to store energy in the form of subcutaneous fat. This method is used to increase body weight when it is insufficient.

Five meals a day brings a pronounced effect when you need to lose weight and consolidate the result. In this case, minimizing calorie intake by suppressing hunger and avoiding random snacks becomes a priority.

Breakfast with five meals a day is up to 25% -30% of the daily calorie intake. It should mainly consist of protein-carbohydrate products: cereals with milk, muesli, cottage cheese, eggs and more. The optimal time for breakfast is 40-60 minutes after waking up. You should finish your breakfast by drinking clean drinking water. This will facilitate the work of the stomach and the flow of food into the lower parts of the digestive tract.

Second breakfast (lunch) does not require high-energy foods. Calorie content should be within 10-15% of the daily energy requirement. You can limit yourself to low-calorie foods rich in fiber: apples, cucumbers, cabbage, celery. When appetite appears, you can add unsweetened sour-milk products: kefir, yogurt and other similar dishes. Lunch should precede dinner by 2-2.5 hours.

Lunch meals should be planned as nutritious as possible - up to 45-50% of daily calories. Animal proteins and unsaturated fats should predominate in food. Be sure to eat meat or fish. The duration of the meal should not be less than 15 minutes. After 1-1.5 hours after the end of lunch, you can afford a short daytime sleep.

An afternoon snack is a low-calorie meal. Calorie content is achieved from complex carbohydrates and should not exceed 10%. Whole grain bread or porridge with water will do. The break between lunch and afternoon tea should not be less than 2.5 hours.

The last meal of the day is dinner. Calorie content is low, absorption is high. You need to have dinner 2 hours before going to bed. Food should be light, with little volume. In terms of energy value, dinner is up to 20% of the daily requirement. Dinner time should be extended to 15-20 minutes.

In the future, before going to bed, you need to avoid eating food. It is allowed to drink water, weak tea without sugar or fruit drinks.

What if you work the second shift and at night?

Workers on the second shift are forced to have dinner late, without observing a break between dinner and bedtime. Such people should reduce the calorie content of dinner to 15% of the daily value, consuming higher-calorie foods during the afternoon snack. It is necessary to increase the volume of liquid you drink at breakfast to 2 glasses. Nutritionists recommend such workers have a four-cycle meal and skip lunch.

During night shifts, the evening meal with meat products, tea, coffee, and cocoa becomes the most high-calorie meal. Eating should be avoided during your shift. Breakfast is high in calories, but small in volume and easily digestible. The volume of liquid consumed at breakfast should not exceed 300 ml.

It's been said a trillion times: breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It's sad, but it's true. Why is it sad? Because eating breakfast is not part of our habits, and in the morning few people are able to cram a bowl of oatmeal porridge into themselves. But in vain. Breakfast is essential for several things:

    it starts the process healthy digestion. To avoid feeling heavy in your stomach throughout the day, you will have to eat something in the morning. To make your stomach and intestines work even better, drink a glass of water immediately after waking up. Breakfast is also important for those whose lives involve losing weight: in order not to overeat during the day, you need to eat well in the morning;

    The first meal suppresses the stress hormone cortisol and regulates the production of the satiety hormone leptin. It works like this: when you wake up, all hormones begin to be produced equally, including cortisol. If you don’t eat in the morning, nothing can suppress it, which means you will be depressed, irritable and have an increased feeling of hunger all day long. At the same time, leptin works more actively when cortisol is elevated - so you simply cannot overeat at breakfast;

    where do you get energy for the whole day if not from food? To avoid fainting throughout the day, you need to be well fed.

When does it come best time for delicious scrambled eggs? Scientists have created an ideal daily routine in which you wake up at 6:45 am, go for a run at 7:00, and have breakfast at 7:15. If you don’t run in the morning and don’t get up so early, then remember the rule: the best time for breakfast comes half an hour after waking up. If this doesn’t suit you either, use rule No. 2: have time to eat within two hours after getting up, and for diabetics this period is reduced to 1 hour. This will help you prevent digestive problems and normalize your blood sugar levels.

To maintain your health and body, be sure to consume enough protein, fiber, fat and carbohydrates during breakfast to generate energy. No hunger or loss of energy will be scary for you if you have breakfast with whole grain toast with avocado and nut butter.

Your morning eating regimen may also include eggs, nuts, seeds, legumes, tomatoes and peppers, and low-sugar fruits. Be careful with foods high in sugar: you don't want a sudden spike in insulin in the morning. Carbohydrates must be broken down consistently, so skip store-bought cereals, granola, and juices—make your own.

If you have no appetite in the morning, you will have to force yourself. Don’t choke on large portions at once, start gradually: today eat an egg, tomorrow two, the day after tomorrow prepare oatmeal with fruit, after two days - a portion of toast. There are certain reasons why you may not feel like eating in the morning: you drink a lot of coffee, eat too much dinner, or go to bed late. Any of these factors can affect morning appetite.

The obvious thing is: having eaten a bowl of porridge for breakfast, you are unlikely to start thinking about where lunch is already after an hour and a half. This will save you not only from overeating, but also from gaining excess weight, because while waiting for lunch you will not eat everything you come across on your way.

The child also needs to be explained that he can’t live without breakfast. Yes, you will have to get up in the morning and prepare it, even if you could have slept an extra 20 minutes, but taking care of the children's health should come first. This is all especially important for children, because during the day they spend more energy than adults, and at school you need to be constantly active and focused. If your little one refuses breakfast, try cooking something fun - it’s ideal to experiment with scrambled eggs and pancakes of different shapes, decorate with herbs and create different sandwich compositions. It won't take much of your time, and your baby will eat better.

Are you on time for breakfast? Tell us in the comments how you start your day!

Main photo: pexels.com

Getting rid of extra pounds is very easy! Just follow these simple rules and you will achieve your goal! Get out of your head the idea that you will never be able to get thinner! You just need to adhere to certain nutritional rules! So, in this article we will talk about what time breakfast, lunch and dinner should be, as well as how to eat in order to give a slim figure.

As soon as we get up in the morning, we drink a glass of water at room temperature. If you do not suffer from stomach diseases, you can add lemon juice to the water.

Breakfast time - 8-9 hours

  • We start having breakfast 20-30 minutes after drinking water. You can't wash down your food! We drink only 20-30 minutes after eating.
  • The best breakfast is oatmeal. It can be prepared with fruits, nuts, honey, cinnamon. Cooking options healthy porridge a bunch of. It has a beneficial effect not only on the functioning of the stomach, but also saturates our body with useful elements for beautiful skin, hair and nails.
  • Make it a healthy habit for yourself to consume oatmeal since morning.
  • After we had breakfast, we don’t eat anything for 2 hours and don’t drink anything for an hour.

First snack time: 10-11 a.m.

First, a glass of water, after 20 minutes you can eat an apple, it is advisable to choose green varieties, cottage cheese or yogurt with a fat content of no more than 1 percent.

Lunch time - 12-13 hours

20 minutes before eating, drink a glass of water. For lunch, you can allow yourself meals consisting of complex carbohydrates. For example, durum pasta with tomato sauce, buckwheat porridge with soy sauce, boiled chicken or turkey with brown rice.

Baked vegetables are allowed. There are many options, the most important thing is that the dishes should not be fried. It is better not to salt foods or to use a little salt when the dish is already ready. After lunch, do not eat or drink anything for two hours.

Second snack - 14-15 hours

Do not forget about a glass of water in 20 minutes. You can eat any vegetable or fruit. For example, baked apples.

The recipe is very simple:

  1. Cut the apple in half, sprinkle with cinnamon on top.
  2. Add water to the bottom of the baking sheet and place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for about 15-20 minutes. After the apples are baked, sprinkle ground walnuts on top and add a little honey.

Do not drink for an hour.

Dinner time - 17-18 hours

Drink one or two (optional) glasses of water 20 minutes before dinner.

Dinner should consist of protein foods. If you don’t really want to eat, you can eat cottage cheese or an egg white omelet. And if you are hungry, you can cook chicken, fish with vegetables, baked in the oven, or steamed.

What to do after 18:00?

19:00 is the ideal time to go to the gym. It all depends on your habits, it can be cardio, or strength exercises, or exercises on simulators. During training, it is necessary to drink, but after 20:00 keep water intake to be reduced, otherwise you may wake up in the morning with swelling on your face.

After you finish training, it is advisable to drink some kind of carbohydrate cocktail.

You are unlikely to come in to eat, but nevertheless, if your stomach starts to demand food, you can eat some cottage cheese. Do not forget that the last meal should be no more than two hours before bedtime.

That's basically all the rules. Such a nutrition system is very effective, due to the fact that you eat five times a day.

It is very important not to overeat at night, as well as stick to time intervals, do not forget about water, and also reduce the amount of salt consumed and do not fry food in oil. Now you know what time breakfast, lunch and dinner should be, as well as how to eat to avoid unpleasant kilos. Please share this article with your friends!

Kalinov Yuri Dmitrievich

Reading time: 13 minutes

Diet and written planning

Suppose you have already compiled a food pyramid that looks, for example, like this: 7B-3Kr-3F-5O-2ZH-2M.

That is, you know that every day you need to eat seven servings of protein, three starchy, three fruit, five vegetable, two fat and two dairy, and also drink 2.8 liters of water. Then your next task is to correctly distribute this diet throughout the day

This is where written planning will come to your aid, because it is very important to build a diet based on your actual daily routine! When we plan a menu for a specific date, we already know where we will be on that day and what we will have to do

Let's say you are losing weight and you need to create a 1200 kcal menu for a weekday when you get up early, have breakfast and go to work, and return home around 19:00.

So, first of all, based on our schedule for the coming day, we designate meal times. Let's say you get up at 7 am and go to work by 9:00 - which means you can schedule breakfast for 7:30. You will have a lunch break at 12:30, so between breakfast and lunch you need to organize a snack at work.

Now let's take a look at dinner. As we already know, the last solid meal should be 3-4 hours before bedtime. You go to bed around 23:00 - which means we plan dinner at 19:00. Since there is a long gap between lunch and dinner, it is necessary to provide an afternoon snack; it can be arranged at 17:00.

Thus, a meal plan for a working day might look like this:

  • Rise at 7:00
  • Water - 2 glasses
  • Breakfast at 7:30: starchy - 3 servings, dairy - 1 serving
  • Snack at 10:30: fruit - 1 serving
  • Lunch at 12:30: protein - 4 servings, starches - 1 serving, vegetables - 2 servings, fat - 1 serving
  • Between meals: water - 1 glass
  • Snack at 15:00: fruit - 1 serving
  • Between meals: water / unsweetened green tea - 1–2 glasses
  • Snack at 17:00: fruit - 1 serving, dairy - 1 serving
  • Between meals: water - 1 glass
  • Dinner at 19:00: protein - 3 servings, vegetables - 3 servings, fat - 1 serving
  • Water - 1 glass
  • Sleep at 23:00

If you are planning a day off when you can get up later, then your plan may look like this:

  • Rise at 10:00
  • Water - 2 glasses
  • Breakfast at 10:30: starchy - 3 servings, dairy - 1 serving, fruit - 1 serving
  • Between meals: water/unsweetened green tea - 2–3 glasses
  • Lunch at 14:00–14:30: protein - 4 servings, vegetables - 2 servings, fat - 1 serving
  • Between meals: water / unsweetened green tea - 2 glasses
  • Snack at 17:30: fruit - 2 servings, dairy - 1 serving
  • Between meals: water - 2 glasses
  • Dinner at 20:00: protein - 3 servings, vegetables - 3 servings, fat - 1 serving
  • Water - 2 glasses
  • Sleep at 24:00

Please note: on such a short day, we reduced the starchy ones by one serving and left only one snack - between lunch and dinner. I note that key moment when compiling the menu for the day - the distribution of the diet between meals is not by dishes, but by food groups

Because when planning meals, you have no room for maneuver

I note that the key point in compiling the menu for the day is the distribution of the diet between meals not by dishes, but by food groups. Because when planning meals, you have no room for maneuver.

Suppose you are going to eat, and the lean borscht planned for dinner is eaten by the household. When we plan our diet by food groups, this gives us some freedom. For example, you know that you should eat three servings of protein during lunch. Arriving at the dining room, you can choose a suitable dish from the available ones: say, lean chicken or fish. Or maybe you decide on this day not to visit the dining room at all, but to eat the low-fat cottage cheese you brought with you. In other words, planning by product groups allows you to flexibly change your menu and not depend on circumstances.

What should be the volume of the plate?

Want to know what the recommended serving size is for dinner? I won't languish. If we talk in grams, then it turns out to be about 250 g for women. And for men this is about 350 g. And this volume should contain about 90 g of proteins. Vegetables account for the remaining 160 grams.

If you have no contraindications, then you can enrich the cooked dish with spices: coriander, cardamom, ginger, hot pepper and other additives. Such spices will help speed up metabolic processes, improve blood circulation and help digestion.

For some slimming sweet tooth, evening bouts of eating something sweet become a real test. This usually happens when insulin levels in the blood drop. To prevent this from happening in the future, try to eat something sweet / tasty at lunch or afternoon snack. It can be tea with a spoonful of sugar, a handful of nuts, dried fruits, natural marshmallows, apple marshmallows, or a couple of Maria-type cookies (only without margarine).

Well, if the attack of sweet tooth still overcomes you, it doesn’t matter. Brew yourself a cup of mint tea and add a little honey. This drink will help you relax and satisfy your sweet tooth.

What foods are suitable for lunch?

Usually by 11 o'clock in the afternoon a healthy person again begins to feel hungry. This means it's time to eat a second breakfast of low-fat yogurt or cottage cheese. These products are considered excellent sources of potassium, magnesium and other trace elements necessary for the normal functioning of our body.

To obtain maximum benefit, preference should be given natural products. You can also eat fruit for second breakfast.

It is important that they are local and not brought from another country. Most imported products contain practically no useful substances, and their taste is very different from their domestic counterparts

What can you eat for lunch

So what can you eat for lunch? Any raw, boiled, stewed or baked vegetables, including potatoes (but not fried in butter or vegetable oil), meat (including boiled sausage and frankfurters), fish, poultry, cooked in the same ways. You can only eat rye bread during the day, and it is better to replace it with diet crackers (crisps are on the list, no other crackers can be used). As a dessert - fruits that belong to the group “allowed after 12”. It is not necessary to wash all this down with water or coffee/tea; a glass of freshly squeezed juice is quite welcome.

Cheese in amounts up to 50 g per meal is not prohibited throughout the day. Kefir without additives is a “up to 6” product, but it is better to use it as a supplement to the main meal, and not in between. As a dessert, you can also eat normal fat yogurt without additives.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that you should not eat canned foods like peas, eggplant caviar and the like, since you absolutely do not need excess salt, preservatives and sugar. Mayonnaise and sour cream in large quantities at lunch are undesirable

What then to dress the salad with? Try it lemon juice with seasonings or vinegar

they contain sugar

Mayonnaise and sour cream in large quantities at lunch are undesirable. What then to dress the salad with? Try seasoned lemon juice or vinegar

Small amounts are also allowed vegetable oil(no matter olive, sunflower or any other). Various sauces such as ketchup, mustard and horseradish are not prohibited, but in small quantities, because

they contain sugar.

You need to have lunch during the day at a standard time, depending on your needs, from approximately 12 to 15. For lunch, you can afford both the first and second course, and a salad - in one meal. But they all must be comparable to each other according to the product lists. For example, if the soup contains potatoes, pasta, legumes, couscous, corn, sweet potatoes, and Jerusalem artichoke, it must be boiled in water. The option that you catch “prohibited products” does not work. If the soup does not contain potatoes, pasta, legumes, couscous, corn, sweet potatoes, or Jerusalem artichoke, then it can be cooked with anything.

The best time for breakfast, lunch and dinner for those who want to lose weight

If these rules are followed, the digestive tract is not overloaded, food is processed evenly and well. But with four meals a day, it is necessary to exclude dinners, which lead to disruption of the entire regime and interrupt the appetite

In addition, it is important to eat food slowly, chewing well. However, it is worth noting that this hour nutrition is not suitable for everyone, because each body is individual

So, for example, heat is an indicator that you should focus on breakfast and dinner, while reducing energy value lunch. For people suffering from diseases gastrointestinal tract, the ideal would be one meal in small quantities. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the individual biorhythms of a person.

Separate breakfast, lunch, dinner for weight loss

The founder of separate nutrition is naturopath Herbert Shelton. According to his theory, proteins, fats, and carbohydrates must be separated, which will result in weight loss and cleansing of the body.

Product combination rules:

  • cereals, cereals, potatoes and other complex carbohydrates are combined only with herbs and vegetables, as well as fats;
  • this rule also applies to proteins (proteins and carbohydrates do not overlap in one plate);
  • all sugar-containing products, milk, fruits are independent dishes that are consumed separately from other foods and do not overlap with each other.

An ideal breakfast, lunch or dinner for weight loss should comply with all the principles of a healthy diet.

But to become the owner of a figure that causes acute envy among your friends, diet is not enough. The correct contour can only be sculpted exercise stress, salon hardware procedures and manual massage.

  1. Breakfast, in accordance with the rules of the RP, should consist of proteins (boiled meat, low-fat kefir).
  2. For lunch you should eat a serving of vegetable soup and a side dish (porridge with vegetables).
  3. Dinner – again protein (chicken fillet, peas or beans).
  4. Before bed - a glass of kefir.

And only in this case will you be able to deliver a “nuclear strike” on your rivals and safely purchase the most extravagant outfits for your wardrobe. After all, you are an ideal.

Dinner time

The time of the last meal is not limited to 18 pm and directly depends on the period of going to bed. You should not eat after six if you plan to go to bed at 9-10 pm, however, if activity continues until midnight, you will certainly feel hungry.

Eating enough for the future in the evening, as well as going to bed hungry, are wrong options. If you go to bed late, you can have dinner at 8 pm and drink a glass of kefir at night.

At proper nutrition Not only the foods consumed are important, but also the regularity of meals, since if the body does not receive the necessary energy from foods on time, it begins to build up reserves of adipose tissue. Eating before bed inevitably leads to weight gain, since energy is not consumed at night.

The evening menu directly depends on the energy spent during the day:

  1. When mental activity prevails over physical activity during the day. It is recommended to have dinner with protein and fiber.
  2. With high physical activity and high energy expenditure, evening meals should contain both proteins and carbohydrates.

Approximate dietary menu for weekdays and weekends

For clarity, as an example, I will give options for main meals and snacks for workdays and weekends.

Ionova's diet: menu for a working day

  • Breakfast: starchy - 3 servings, dairy - 1 serving
    For example: 1 cup oatmeal, 1 cup low-fat yogurt
  • Snack: fruit - 1 serving
    For example: 1 nectarine
  • Lunch: protein - 4 servings, starch - 1 serving, vegetables - 2 servings, fat - 1 serving
    For example: 120 g rabbit or turkey meat, 1 cup cooked vegetable side dish, 1 teaspoon vegetable oil, 1 slice of grain bread (25 g)
  • Snack: fruit - 1 serving, dairy - 1 serving
    For example: ½ cup blueberries or raspberries, 1 cup sugar-free, low-fat yogurt
  • Dinner: protein - 3 servings, vegetables - 3 servings, fat - 1 serving
    For example: 90 g baked curried fish (for example, cod fillet), half a cup of cooked vegetables on the side, salad: 1 cup of leafy greens, half a cup of chopped vegetables, 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil

Food in summer

It's no secret that during the hot season you need to adjust your diet. It is advisable to exclude salty, smoked, fried and fatty foods from the daily menu. The best foods for summer are: cottage cheese, milk porridge, stews, vegetable salads, okroshka and chicken. As a dessert, you can eat fruit ice, various mousses and ice cream. For breakfast, it is advisable to eat porridge rich in all useful substances and slow carbohydrates. It can be sweet (with honey or fruit) or salty (with cheese or nuts). It is also recommended to supplement your morning meal with fermented milk products.

For lunch you can eat vegetable soup with sorrel, parsley or spinach. Don't forget about meat and fish. However, in summer you need to be very careful when choosing these products and be sure to subject them to heat treatment. It is advisable to boil fish and meat, stew, steam or bake in the oven.

In the evening you can eat some light, low-fat dish. It is not recommended to eat fruits and berries for dinner, as they can cause fermentation and abdominal discomfort.

Therefore, on hot days it is important to maintain a drinking regime.

During the summer months, you should not abuse lemonades, carbonated drinks and packaged juices, since they contain large amounts of sugar and other substances that have a diuretic effect. Chilled green tea, as well as a decoction of rose hips or mint, are considered a good way to quench your thirst.

The perfect dinner for your figure

What should you eat for dinner, what time should you have dinner, dinner for weight loss, dinner for your figure

Many people are concerned about losing weight. They are not sure whether they should have dinner, because lack of exercise in the evening is clear sign accumulation of “excess”? It’s worth it, but you just need to know what you can eat in the evening so as not to gain weight. Recommendations from experts!

How to Determine Whether You Can Mix Meals for Lunch or Dinner

Lunch example: vinaigrette, buckwheat and fried turkey steak - is it possible?

Step 1. Lay everything out into ingredients: beets, carrots, pickles, sauerkraut, potato, green pea, butter, buckwheat, turkey.

Step 2. Cooking methods: cooking buckwheat, vegetables, frying turkey.

Step 3. Check the products to see if they are all allowed. You can use any vegetables. Oil can be 1 tsp. Buckwheat is allowed. Turkey is allowed.

Step 4. Checking the cooking methods. You can boil it, but you can’t fry it. Well, okay, then, let's cook the turkey.

Step 5. Checking the combination of products. We remembered one simple thing: the ban on combining potatoes, pasta, legumes, bread with meat and fish. We have both potatoes and beans.

Conclusion: This lunch option is unacceptable. We will make adjustments: we cook the turkey, stew it, but do not fry it! Remove the potatoes, peas from the vinaigrette (or put it a little bit). Or we remove the turkey.

It may seem difficult at first, but once you try it, everything will turn out to be simpler.

Foods and drinks that should never be consumed before bed

In the evening hours, you need to give preference to light, digestible dishes - this way a person relaxes and falls asleep faster.

What then can not be eaten for a late dinner? Exclude:

  • Butter, fat sour cream, cream.
  • Duck, goose, pork.
  • Pancakes, dumplings, yeast pastries, puff, rich.
  • Fried and salty dishes, canned food, potatoes.
  • Sugar, chocolate, candy, cookies.
  • Juices from packages, carbonated drinks, alcohol.
  • Mayonnaise, pizza, hot sauces, mustard, spices.
  • Products instant cooking, deep fried.

Sweets excite nervous system. Sausages, smoked meats, boiled pork, red meat - do not let you fall asleep quickly.

Attention! Salty foods retain water and cause swelling. Watermelon and melon, on the contrary, have a diuretic effect. Proper evening food is a guarantee of proper rest and recuperation after a working day.

Proper evening food is a guarantee of proper rest and recuperation after a working day.

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According to them, it seems that their diet is balanced, and they eat exclusively healthy foods and do fitness, but for some reason the scale needle is frozen in place.

There may be several reasons for this, and one of them is the diet.

The best way to control your appetite and stay active during the day is to eat 4 to 5 small meals a day.
At the same time, the dishes should be healthy, low-fat and healthy, so that you are full and do not feel the desire to “eat” anything extra.

  • Never go more than 4 to 5 hours without food. This may seem strange, but the main mistake that leads to excess weight is systematic malnutrition. It has been proven that with 1 - 3 meals a day, people consume significantly more calories than with 4 - 5 meals a day.
  • However, it is important not only to meticulously choose foods for your diet, but also to know at what time you need to eat each of them in order for it to bring maximum benefit. The fact is that at different times of the day the body requires foods of a certain nutritional value.

So, what exactly should you eat at each meal to stay slim and fit?

Breakfast (6 - 9 hours)

Research shows that 35% of women neglect their morning meal. Some people “don’t have enough time,” while others strive to reduce the total number of calories consumed during the day.

However, as practice shows, the effect is exactly the opposite. During the day, the body will try to catch up, and as a result, you will unnoticed by yourself eat much more food than you could.

Breakfast also performs another important function - it “starts” the metabolic process. That is, the foods that you eat during the day will be absorbed by the body faster and to a much greater extent.

According to the findings of nutritionists, from 6 to 9 am, digestive enzymes are most active. At this time, it is recommended to eat protein foods. Proteins are digested slowly, which will keep you from feeling hungry until lunch. It is better to avoid carbohydrates - insulin levels are still low, and carbohydrate foods cause a decrease in blood sugar. As a result, by 11 o'clock in the afternoon you will want to eat again.

The best choice

1. Low-fat cottage cheese/yogurt. Yogurt is the healthiest product. It is rich in protein, calcium, magnesium, as well as beneficial microorganisms that enhance immunity and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. But this only applies to natural yogurt. When you add various fruit fillers, sugar automatically appears in the yogurt. Therefore, even if the jar says “0% fat,” but the yogurt is strawberry, cherry, peach, etc. - then with a minimum of benefits, there are plenty of calories in it.

2. Cheese Yes, most cheeses are high in fat and calories. But they also contain a lot of calcium, and the cheese also contains linoleic acid. It reduces the risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes, and also... promotes weight loss, as it prevents fat from being deposited. To prevent cheese from harming your figure, watch the portion size (the daily norm of this product per day is 2-3 thin slices or 4 cubes the size of a dice), and remember the Eastern wisdom: “In the morning cheese is gold, in the afternoon it’s silver, and in the evening it’s lead".

3. Oatmeal Oatmeal is a storehouse of fiber, complex carbohydrates and microelements; it contains a high percentage of vegetable protein. Oatmeal is good for the liver and pancreas, regulates blood sugar levels, its fiber has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes, removes excess glucose, cholesterol, toxins and heavy metals.

4. Milk Milk can reduce blood pressure, and the calcium it contains is not only good for teeth and bones, but also prevents the deposition of fat in the body. According to studies by Italian scientists, subjects who included low-fat dairy products in their diet, all other things being equal, lost weight 35% faster than those who excluded them from their diet.

5. Eggs This product contains about 6g of protein. In addition, it is rich in vitamins A, B6, B12, E, and the yolk contains rare vitamin K, folate, iron, lutein, which is necessary for maintaining vision, and choline, which helps remove fat from the liver.

As for the cholesterol contained in eggs, according to many nutritionists, only 30% of it is absorbed, and therefore does not pose a serious threat to the heart.

Lunch (12 - 13 hours)

Lunch should include:

1. Proteins (fish, seafood; meat, poultry - give preference to lean parts). Any cooking method: stew, bake, boil, grill - just don’t fry!

2. Starchy foods (brown rice, wholemeal pasta, potatoes, whole grain bread, legumes).

“Proper” starch-containing foods belong to the category of complex carbohydrates. They are digested more slowly, keep you feeling full longer, and do not increase your sugar levels or excess weight. Moreover, they are all rich in fiber, without which weight loss is impossible. Fiber-rich foods are low in calories and have almost no fat. Fiber is like a sponge: absorbing moisture, it swells and thereby perfectly satisfies hunger.

The best choice

1. Brown rice It has a beneficial effect on the condition of hair, skin, teeth, nails, and is indispensable for digestion. The shell of brown rice has a lot of fiber, and it itself is rich in vitamins A, PP and group B, essential microelements and phytonutrients, while being devoid of fat, cholesterol and sodium.

2. Pasta (made from wholemeal flour) Provides you with fiber and folic acid, which is necessary for reproductive function and iron absorption. A standard serving of pasta (and this is one glass, no more!) made from durum wheat will not cause the slightest harm to your figure.

3. Buckwheat porridge It contains iron, pectin, which improves digestion, as well as lecithin, which is necessary for the liver and pancreas.

4. Potato Source of antioxidants, vitamin C, potassium. A standard serving is one fist-sized tuber - about 100 kcal. Only fried potatoes are harmful to your figure (and not only!), and also seasoned with fatty, high-calorie sauces - cheese, sour cream, butter. This “zest” can add up to 150 kcal to a dish, and several centimeters to your waist.

5. Whole grain bread Rich in fiber, complex carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements. The main cereal - wheat - contains a record amount of orthophenol antioxidants, fighters against cancer cells. But they are not present in white bread at all - they were discovered by scientists only in the shell of the grain, which ends up in bran and wholemeal flour, but is cleaned off during the production of premium baking flour.

6. Legumes They are a storehouse of plant proteins, fiber and complex carbohydrates, but they are completely free of harmful saturated fats.

5. Salad from fresh vegetables with olive or vegetable oil.

6. A few words need to be said about soups . Don't underestimate this dish. Soups - the best remedy from hunger. They will “warm” your stomach and improve your nutritional system. An American study found that those who occasionally include soup in their lunch intake consume 100 kcal less than those who refuse it. Moreover, this deficit is not compensated during the day. Give preference to soups with a thick consistency - from pureed vegetables or puree soups - they will simultaneously serve as both the first and second course, because if you choose soup, it is better to refuse appetizers and main courses that day. In winter, soup is food not only for the body, but also for the soul, striving for warmth and peace.

Afternoon snack (16 - 17 hours)

At 16 - 17 hours it is time for carbohydrate food - the insulin level is maximum.

Now best choice will be:
- fruit or fruit salad,
- dried fruits,
- some nuts
- 30g dark chocolate (cocoa content - at least 70%). Cocoa beans are a source of antioxidants and flavonoids, which reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Just for an afternoon snack (not for breakfast) , as many girls who watch their figure do), 1-2 times a week you can allow yourself to enjoy dessert. Do not deny yourself sweets at all - severe restrictions will only lead to breakdowns. The main thing is to observe moderation in everything. It is better to give up snacks rich in saturated fats, cookies, pastries and biscuits, and switch to light desserts. One serving of low-calorie dessert contains about 120 kcal. For example, coffee or berry mousse, yogurt cake, fruit in jelly are suitable.

Dinner (18 - 20 hours)

One of the most "contradictory" meals. Some are of the opinion: you should never eat after 18:00; their opponents argue that only the total number of calories consumed during the day matters, and not the time of the meal... But the truth, as often happens, is in the middle. The most healthy and "safe" dinner for the figure is light, but not "hungry". It should consist of fish or lean white meat and a vegetable side dish (ideal dishes from stewed vegetables).

Eating red meat in the evening is highly undesirable- it takes a long time to digest, and digestive enzymes are practically not produced after 19:00.
A common belief is that salads are the best food for dinner., not entirely true. The fact is that during their processing, the pancreas, which is set to rest, is subjected to heavy load.

High carbohydrate foods should also be avoided. They will raise your blood sugar levels, which will create the illusion of hunger, causing you to overeat.

If you follow the right diet, unexpected attacks of hunger are not scary for you or your figure. If you still want to eat something at night, a cup of weak green tea with a spoonful of honey or a glass of warm milk will help you out. They reduce gastric secretion and have a general calming effect.

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