Treatment of sinusitis. Sinusitis: what to do so that a runny nose does not become a nightmare What causes sinusitis in adults

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

One of the paranasal sinuses - the maxillary sinus - is often subject to inflammation. This cavity is located in the thickness of the upper jaw under the orbit and is closely related to these anatomical formations. The disease is accompanied by nasal congestion, headache, pain in the infraorbital region, poor health. The acute form of the disease lasts up to 3 weeks. With a longer course, they speak of chronic sinusitis. The causes of sinusitis are varied. In most cases, this disease develops a second time against the background of some other pathological process. Therefore, it is much easier to avoid it than to cure it.

Causes of acute sinusitis

Often, sinusitis appears as a complication of a viral infection of the nasopharynx. This causes inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the sinus. The body reacts to the invasion of viruses by increasing blood circulation in the wall of the nose and the accumulation of immune cells in it - leukocytes. A large amount of mucus is formed, and the membrane of the nasopharynx swells. As a result, the openings through which the paranasal sinuses communicate with the nasal cavity are narrowed.

Many viruses can cause sinusitis, but most often it is the influenza virus. The retention of mucus in the maxillary sinus creates favorable conditions for the reproduction of bacteria. Most healthy people Haemophilus influenzae and pneumococci are present in the nasal cavity. If the emptying of the sinus is disturbed, they begin to actively multiply, causing bacterial inflammation.

In addition to these microorganisms, in more rare cases, the disease is caused by streptococci, moraxella, Staphylococcus aureus and anaerobes. Inflammation is accompanied by swelling, pain, signs of intoxication, violation of the resonating function of the sinus.

Sometimes the appearance of the disease is caused by the activation of pathogenic fungi against the background of reduced immunity. An example of such a pathology is aspergillosis, which is accompanied by severe lesions of other respiratory organs. Sometimes it can occur with an allergic reaction to fungi, such as mold.

Other common causes of sinusitis:

  • chronic rhinitis (runny nose);
  • allergic rhinitis(hay fever);
  • vasomotor rhinitis, which occurs under the influence of cold air, humidity, alcohol consumption, inhalation of pungent odors.

With rhinitis, the formation of mucus increases, which blocks the drainage holes of the sinuses.

Acute sinusitis occurs more often in people with reduced immunity and with a violation of the formation of nasal mucus, for example, with cystic fibrosis. In this disease, the viscous contents of the nasal cavity block the outlets of the sinuses, causing.

Causes of chronic sinusitis

Usually the disease is quite well treatable if you see a doctor in time. In acute forms, it is enough to prescribe antibiotics and vasoconstrictors. Improvement of sinus drainage and destruction of bacteria lead to the rapid disappearance of the symptoms of the disease.

However, if a person is constantly obstructed by air circulation in the nasal cavity and sinus drainage is disturbed, repeated sinusitis may occur. Risk factors for the transition of the disease to a chronic form:

  • concomitant bronchial asthma and allergic rhinitis with periodic severe swelling of the mucosa;
  • living in a damp cold climate, frequent contact with respiratory viruses;
  • inhalation of polluted air at work, especially chlorine vapors;
  • nasal polyps and deviated nasal septum;
  • constant use of vasoconstrictor drops that disrupt the work of epithelial cilia that cleanse the mucosa;
  • smoking, which causes edema, and subsequently atrophy of the mucous membrane, and also reduces local immune defense;
  • dehydration of the body, for example, with diabetes insipidus, persistent vomiting or diarrhea;
  • immunodeficiencies, including long-term treatment with immunosuppressants, cytostatics, glucocorticoids.

Diseases that may be accompanied by sinusitis

Sometimes it can be difficult to figure out why sinusitis occurs. Inflammation of the paranasal sinuses can only be a symptom of more serious diseases:

  • adenoids;
  • foreign body in the nasal cavity;
  • caries, periodontitis, jaw abscess;
  • food allergy to buckwheat, nuts, vegetable oil, peas, pumpkin, zucchini, anise, pork, chicken, bananas, coconuts and many other products;
  • chlamydial pneumonia;
  • zygomycosis, cladosporiosis - rare systemic fungal diseases;
  • mucocutaneous leishmaniasis;
  • congenital deficiency of IgG or IgA - components of the immune defense of mucous membranes;
  • syndromes of Ewing, Churg-Strauss, Kartagener, Felty, Needle;
  • dextrocardia in combination with bronchiectasis;
  • barotrauma (a sharp drop in atmospheric pressure);
  • acromegaly (a disease of the pituitary gland, accompanied by numerous metabolic disorders and deformation of the facial skull);
  • Wegener's granulomatosis affecting the mucous membrane;
  • rhabdomyosarcoma;
  • sinus tumors;
  • sarcoidosis;
  • panbronchiolitis.

Complaints for all of these diseases may include congestion and pain in the maxillary sinuses. Therefore, with sinusitis, especially recurrent, it is necessary to consult an ENT doctor and therapist.

Medications that cause symptoms of sinusitis

The use of certain drugs can cause signs of inflammation of the maxillary sinus, that is, sinusitis. Here are some of them:

  • Cyclosporine;
  • Depo Provera;
  • infliximab;
  • Irbesartan;
  • Minoxidil;
  • Nicoderm;
  • medroxyprogesterone acetate;
  • Risperidone;
  • Simvastatin and others.

With long-lasting symptoms of sinusitis, it is necessary to analyze constantly taken medications.

Disease Risk Factors

Some conditions and conditions do not cause sinusitis, but create prerequisites for its development:

  • pregnancy;
  • constant dryness of the nasal mucosa;
  • diabetes;
  • condition after the introduction of a nasogastric tube;
  • artificial ventilation of the lungs;
  • swimming and diving;
  • high-altitude ascents;
  • nose and cheek injuries;
  • stay in a preschool children's institution.

How does sinusitis develop?

Inflammation of the maxillary sinus can occur under the influence of general or local factors. General - these are impaired immunity, severe diseases accompanied by circulatory disorders (for example, diabetes mellitus or hypertension), long-term medication, increased individual susceptibility, as well as adverse environmental conditions - low temperature, high humidity, dustiness.

An important mechanism for the development of the disease is a violation of the outflow of mucus through the drainage holes in the wall of the sinus. It can occur with allergies or rhinitis. In addition, there are anatomical prerequisites that increase the risk of sinusitis:

  • curvature of the nasal septum;
  • cartilaginous outgrowths and ridges on it;
  • proliferation of nasal conchas;
  • thickening of the nasal mucosa in chronic rhinitis;
  • polyps and tumors of the nasopharynx.

If these factors are present in a child, they not only interfere with the drainage of the sinus, but also cause its abnormal development. In this case, a person has chronic sinusitis for life.

Under the influence of trigger factors, the glands of the nose produce too little fluid or its hypersecretion is observed. Both of these conditions change the direction of air flow in the nasal cavity and sinuses, which disrupts the work ciliated epithelium. The mucous membrane of the sinus swells, against this background, an infection joins, which causes inflammation. After the acute process subsides, the microorganisms remain in the sinus, starting to multiply again under favorable conditions.

Sinusitis is a disease that does not develop on its own. It is always related to others. pathological processes in the nasopharynx. If the cause of the disease is not eliminated in time, it will turn into a chronic form, which is practically not amenable to complete cure. Knowledge about the causes and development of sinusitis will help prevent this unpleasant disease.

Such a word as sinusitis is heard by many. And the majority, not fully understanding the concept, in addition to its characteristic signs, ranks a lot of symptoms of other ailments (for example, rhinitis, sinusitis, or difficulty breathing after a nose injury) to the disease. Fear of the doctor, namely, of the treatment that he can prescribe in the form of a puncture, makes patients self-medicate without resorting to medical help.

Knowledge of the characteristic manifestations of this disease, as well as effective ways to get rid of unpleasant symptoms help avoid serious consequences.

What is this disease

Sinusitis (or maxillitis) is one of the types of sinusitis. In the bones of the upper jaw on both sides of the nose are the maxillary sinuses (they are also called paired paranasal sinuses). When their mucous membrane becomes inflamed, sinusitis appears. Pathology has code J01 according to ICD 10. In the photo below you can see what it looks like affected by sinusitis respiratory organ.

The maxillary sinuses are cavities that connect to the nose through narrow openings and are located next to it under the visual organs.

The main functions of the sinus are to maintain a balance of intracranial pressure with the external atmospheric environment, moisten the oxygen entering the lungs and participate in phonation (voice formation). When the passage to the maxillary sinuses is blocked due to the expansion of the vessels in the nose, mucus accumulates in them, which eventually leads to inflammation.

Maxillitis is one of the most common otorhinolaryngological diseases, which affects about 10% of the world's population every year. The disease mainly affects the younger generations. Elderly people are rarely affected by the disease.

Reasons for the development of sinusitis

Paired paranasal sinuses are located in the maxillary bone near the sinus. The volume of cavities is 10-17 cm3. The secret released by the maxillary recesses moisturizes the nasal passages, cleaning the oxygen that enters the airway from allergens, dirt and dust.

The key provocateurs of maxillitis are "uninvited guests" of the adnexal cavities. In demi-season periods, immunity in the body weakens, a runny nose appears with the expansion of blood vessels, the communication between the maxillary recesses and the sniffing organ is blocked and the path for infections opens.

Viral-bacterial microorganisms and their infected waste products easily enter the body and cause disease.

Other possible reasons sinusitis:

For your information. According to statistics, sinusitis occupies a leading position among ENT diseases. Only in Russia about 10 million people suffer from this disease every year.

More information about the causes of sinusitis can be obtained from the following video:

Maxillite types

Sinusitis, both in adults and in children, has several varieties and forms of the disease. Symptoms in some species are identical, but for the most part they differ, and the methods of treatment differ only in medications selected depending on the cause of infection.

What are the forms of maxillite:

  1. Acute stage;
  2. Chronic maxillitis;
  3. Exacerbation or relapse chronic form illness.

Maxillitis is also distinguished by the nature of the inflammatory process.

It happens:

Consider all forms, types and subspecies in more detail.

Acute type of disease

It is provoked by an allergy, a viral infection or a violation of the structure of the nose (congenital deformity of the septum or its damage due to trauma).

Symptoms of acute sinusitis:

Ignoring the symptoms of acute maxillitis leads to the development of a chronic form of pathology.

Chronic form of sinusitis

A distinctive feature is frequent exacerbations and discomfort (physical and psychological). If you start treating maxillitis at an early stage of its manifestation, this will help to bypass the chronic form. Ignoring the manifestations of the chronic form of maxillitis is dangerously negative consequences.

Inflammation, if not treated in time, will spread to neighboring organs, thereby causing complications, perhaps even irreversible.

Catarrhal type of sinusitis

It is distinguished by a change in color and swelling of the nasal cavity, as well as inflammation of its mucosa. It is more common in children, appears due to allergic rhinitis, viral infections and nasal injuries.

The disease manifests itself:

Bilateral sinusitis

This type appears with complications of the main form of the disease. The reason is the presence of untreated inflammation or infection. If bilateral maxillitis is suspected, the otolaryngologist determines its presence with a simple method of palpation and visual examination, prescribes complex treatment using the example of physiotherapy and medications.

What are the symptoms of a bilateral type of sinusitis:

Productive sinusitis

It is manifested by the occurrence of polyps and other neoplasms in the maxillary recesses.

There are several subtypes:

  • Parietal-hyperplastic;
  • Caseous;
  • polyposis;
  • atrophic;
  • Necrotic;
  • cholesteatoma.

During productive maxillitis, polyps appear in the cavities, deformation and proliferation of the mucous membrane occurs, and the release of fluid stops.

Atrophic type of disease

It is a subspecies of the productive type. The disease indicates a partial death (atrophy) of the mucous membrane. A subspecies appears bad smell sputum and pain in the maxillary cavities.

Necrotic type

It is also a subspecies of the productive maxillite, its most severe stage. This type of disease is not cured only with medicines, in any case, it is required surgical intervention.

Necrotic sinusitis occurs due to cell death (necrosis) in the maxillary cavities. It is often a precursor to a GM abscess or meningitis.

Polyposis type of disease

This type of sinusitis is not treated with medication, it is a subspecies of productive sinusitis. Eliminate its manifestations can only be surgically. The main development factors are inflammation of the nasal mucosa, a violation of its anatomy (congenital or due to injuries) and acute allergic reactions.

External manifestations:

This type of disease is treated only in a hospital setting. Only small polyps can be tried to eliminate without surgery, but this method is not always effective.

Allergic maxillitis

Appears due to irritation of the mucous membrane of the sniffing organ (snot allergic type). Allergic sinusitis manifests itself mainly in the off-season. Treatment is carried out by excluding the identified allergen from the patient's daily routine. The specialist prescribes a complete examination, allergen therapy and then general strengthening medicines.

Symptoms of allergic sinusitis:

The allergic type of the disease is paroxysmal, if left untreated, polyps can form in the nasal cavity.

Infectious sinusitis

The causative agents of the species can be fungi and viral microbacteria that enter the bowels of the human body when the protective function of the body fails. Inflammation in the form of maxillitis occurs under the influence of “uninvited guests” (such as Haemophilus influenzae, chlamydia, staphylococcus, streptococcus and other fungi) that have entered the body.

The infectious type of maxillitis, when ignored, most often transforms into a purulent type.

What is a purulent type of sinusitis

The disease comes due to neglected or untreated infections of the nose, larynx and pharynx. Pathogens and their infected materials are also to blame. Running purulent sinusitis is dangerous for subsequent damage to the bone thickness and nearby tissues and organs.

Odontogenic type of disease

key factor the appearance of odontogenic sinusitis - bacteria that enter the maxillary cavities from the oral cavity and teeth infected with caries.

The main causative agents of the odontogenic type of sinusitis are microbacteria, for example:

This type of maxillite is divided into perforated and non-perforated subspecies. Their difference is that perforative, for example, is formed when a fistula appears after the removal of one of the teeth of the upper jaw, which connects the oral cavity with the paranasal sinus. Through this opening, pathogenic microorganisms can enter the sinuses.

The non-perforated subspecies of odontogenic sinusitis can be caused by chronic periodontitis (inflammation of the tissues surrounding the dental roots, which are responsible for the reliability of its fixation).

Often, an odontogenic type of disease appears due to elementary non-compliance with banal hygiene standards regarding oral care (refusal to brush your teeth).


  • Pain in the jaw;
  • Decreased protective functions of the body;
  • Damage to the bone thickness.

The doctor can choose the treatment only after the exact identification of the causative agent of the infection. In all cases, assigned antibacterial drugs different directions, anti-allergic and restorative medicines.

Vasomotor type of disease

Vasomotor sinusitis occurs due to disruption of the autonomic nervous system, namely, vasodilating and vasoconstrictive nerves.

This type of sinusitis is divided into allergic and neurovegetative subspecies.

Main manifestations:

Sinusitis exudative type

The name of the species comes from the term "exudate", which means the secreted fluid in the nose. It is characterized by secretions of a purulent and serous nature, lingering in the smelling organ and covered with a crust. When maxillitis reaches a more advanced form, the exudate becomes watery and is discharged from the affected sinus in parts if the head is in a certain position.

Can sinusitis not be accompanied by high fever

In acute maxillitis, body temperature is kept at around 37 ° C, increases can be observed only in the evening. The chronic form of sinusitis can pass completely without an increase in temperature, but in most cases small fluctuations are present.

Attention! If during sinusitis the temperature is too high (above 38 ° C), then the body has ceased to cope with the infection on its own.

Sinusitis without fever occurs in certain cases:

Chronic sinusitis is difficult to diagnose due to the lack of symptoms. The smelling organ breathes easily and there is no secretion.

The only manifestation that you should pay attention to is a nocturnal cough for no particular reason. What is it coming from? When a person lies on his back, the secret remaining in the cavities along the back wall of the nasopharynx descends to the lower respiratory tract, irritating their receptors and provoking a cough.


Signs of acute and chronic sinusitis in children and adults have their differences according to the form of pathology, the age of the patient and other factors. Symptoms are not local. In some cases, the symptoms of sinusitis are similar to manifestations of other diseases.

When the disease is at the initial stage of development, it can be recognized by the primary signs:

Almost the same symptoms of a common cold at first glance. But rather quickly after the primary signs, symptoms more characteristic of the acute form of sinusitis appear.


In chronic sinusitis, the picture is not so sad from the outside, but more aggravated from the inside. During remission, the presence of this form of the disease can only be indicated by a strong dry cough at night, despite the fact that there is neither a runny nose, nor fever, nor other symptoms characteristic of this manifestation.

And this cough appears, because the exudate remaining in the cavities flows into the lower respiratory organs when a person takes a horizontal position.

Unfortunately, typical cough medicines in a particular case are powerless.

With a relapse, the manifestations of chronic sinusitis look like this:


If you find the above symptoms, you should consult an otorhinolaryngologist. The specialist establishes a diagnosis based on several stages of diagnosis.

Types of diagnosis:

How to determine the presence of sinusitis yourself

What to do if there is characteristic symptoms sinusitis? If you are concerned about the above manifestations, and there is no way to promptly go to the outpatient clinic, you can determine the presence of this disease yourself.

Tilt your head face down and hold the position for a few seconds. There will be a feeling of heaviness and pressure on the bridge of the nose. With a more advanced form - sharp pain in the forehead. When the head returns to its previous position, after a few seconds the pain will subside and disappear completely.

This simple diagnostic method is approximate, but, for the most part, it indicates one form or another of maxillitis.

Treatment of pathology

In the treatment of maxillitis, as in the case of any other disease, it is an integrated approach that is the most effective.

Therapy methods:

Treatment for the acute type of the disease should be directed to:

Taking the necessary medications in combination with other therapies that do not include surgery will ensure a full recovery in initial stage illness. Also timely proper treatment prevents the development of more serious forms of sinusitis.

With the recurrence of acute sinusitis, the direction of treatment looks somewhat different. The main goal of therapy:

  • Restoration of the ability to breathe through the nose;
  • Elimination of unpleasant symptoms;
  • Destruction of the cause of exacerbation.

The acute form of sinusitis with a mild degree tends to disappear by itself. There are no special treatment regimens here, therapy is aimed only at mitigating or eliminating manifestations. Symptomatic treatment does not eliminate the causes of the disease.

To relieve the general symptoms of exacerbation of sinusitis, anti-inflammatory drugs are used, and to reduce mucosal edema and restore nasal breathing, local vasoconstrictor medications are used. With hyperthermia, antipyretic drugs are used, and with intoxication, only antibiotics.

For your information. To avoid side effects, so as not to take antibacterial drugs in vain, local antibiotics are used. Such drugs will provide maximum concentration active substance directly at the site of injury.

If sinusitis is running, the channels connecting the nasal cavities with the paranasal sinuses become clogged with clots of blood, pus and mucus. In such cases, one or more punctures of the nasal sinus are prescribed, followed by cleaning it from pus and washing medicines.

The main goals of this treatment are:

Therapy consists of taking antihistamines and antibiotics, washing the sniffing organ with antiseptic agents (without puncture) and using vasoconstrictor nasal drops.

Important! If the doctor has prescribed antibacterial drugs, it is important to complete the entire course indicated in the prescription, in no case interrupting it, not violating or reducing it.

As a rule, the course of antibiotics lasts on average from 5 to 10, and even 15 days. Symptoms disappear almost on the third day of taking the drugs. If you stop the course, the symptoms may return, and interrupting the medication is tantamount to stopping it.

Consider each type of therapy in more detail.


Antibacterial drugs of the penicillin or tetracycline series are prescribed as the main medicine for suppressing sinusitis blockers (harmful bacteria). They kill bacteria by destroying their walls. These antibiotics have a wide range of effects, a small number of adverse reactions, resistance in the gastric environment.

What antibiotics are most effective for sinusitis in adults? Amoxicillin, Augmentin and Doxycycline are mainly prescribed. All three drugs are supplied in tablets and their effect is noticeable already on the 2nd day after the start of administration. However, if you stop the course of treatment before the specified period, sinusitis can develop into a more complex degree, these funds will no longer help and will be needed. radical methods treatment.

Important! Throughout the entire period of therapy (in the case of the cold season), try to avoid going outside.

If this is not possible, it is important to minimize the time spent in the cold, wrap your face with a scarf to avoid hypothermia of the maxillary sinuses. The full course of treatment for acute inflammation can be up to 8 weeks.

Along with antibacterial agents, nose drops or sprays are required. Which means to prescribe to eliminate the symptoms of sinusitis and treat the disease - the attending physician decides. According to the anamnesis, the specialist selects the most effective remedy for each specific case.

You can not use the same drops for longer than 6-7 days, as they are addictive, and their effectiveness in this case is compared with the placebo effect.

For sinusitis and sinusitis, nasal drops of various effects are prescribed, according to the need:

The most common: Protargol, Pinosol, Naphthyzin, Isofra, Nazivin, Sinuforte, Polydex.

Real reviews of these and other commonly used drops for the treatment of sinusitis can be easily found on any forum.


Such methods of treatment are no less important than taking medications. They strengthen the immune system, activating the internal reserves of the body, help cleanse the maxillary sinuses, relieve inflammation. In certain cases, correctly prescribed physiotherapy can do without surgical intervention.

Physiotherapy is the impact on the body of natural or physical factors. The effect of the techniques is achieved by creating a thermal and healing effect.

This type of treatment is effective, has virtually no side effects, is safe and does not cause physical pain.

Frequently prescribed procedures:

What and how to wash the nose in the treatment of sinusitis? Ideally, washing the nose with sea water in a natural environment, but not everyone can afford such a treatment.

To achieve the desired effect, there is a modest alternative. So, a solution can be used sea ​​salt, Dioxidin, Furacilin or propolis tincture.

We wash the nose correctly:

The "cuckoo" method in the treatment of sinusitis consists in the same washing of the nose with the indicated solution. The main requirement is that when carrying out manipulations, the patient must pronounce “ku-ku”. Such a simple method tightly closes the larynx during pronunciation and the mouth becomes completely protected from pus, mucus or drugs getting into it.

Some physical therapy methods may be contraindicated in the following cases:

In fact, there can be many more contraindications. You need to consult a doctor in each individual case.


When more loyal methods of therapy are ineffective or completely unsuccessful, and the patient only gets worse, the attending physician prescribes an operation. The main goal of surgical intervention is to clean the channels between the nasal conchas and paranasal sinuses for their constant communication.

Surgery may include:

With surgical intervention, in 9 cases out of 10, sinusitis manifests itself already a year after the operation. Some believe this is the fault of doctors or other factors, but in fact this is not the case. As a rule, surgery is required for severe stage chronic disease when other methods are already inactive.

Accordingly, the more cases chronic disease, the more relapses.

The well-known puncture (or puncture) in the treatment of sinusitis is prescribed only in case of neglect of the disease. This method is also considered an operation, although not particularly difficult. The puncture facilitates well-being and helps to finally get rid of sinusitis. Side effects there are, but in rare cases.

Indications for a puncture:

A mini-operation is performed with a Kulikovsky needle. The nasal cavity is anesthetized with a potent agent and the bone tissue is punctured to the maxillary cavity. The puncture is made in a place where the bone is thinner so that rehabilitation takes place faster. A volumetric medical instrument in the form of a syringe is connected to the Kulikovsky needle and the cavity is washed with it, washing out blood clots, mucus and pus from there. Several types of solutions are used. These are decongestants and antiseptics.

Before the completion of the procedure, a long-term substance is injected into the bowels of the nasal cavity to further counter the inflammatory process. Therapy during the rehabilitation period is selected by the attending physician, according to individual indicators.

When can you do without a puncture? If the patient's immunity is strong enough and the treatment of sinusitis began on time with strict adherence to all the doctor's prescriptions, you can not worry about the unpleasant upcoming procedure.

There is an alternative method of therapy using a sinus catheter. The method is called YAMIK, it consists in the natural "extraction" of its contents from the accessory cavity. Punctures are not provided here: an elastic catheter is inserted directly into the sinus through the connecting channel. The procedure occurs naturally, so it is absolutely painless.

You can learn more about how to cure sinusitis using the YAMIK method without a puncture from the video:

Alternative medicine methods

At the initial stage of sinusitis, if you choose your own method of treatment for the primary symptoms and start it immediately, you can cure the disease at home. Folk recipes are equally effective for both adults and children. However, they are applicable only if there is no allergy to the components used.

For the treatment of severe sinusitis, folk remedies alone are not enough. Recipes can be used as an adjuvant therapy, but after consultation with the treating specialist.

Important! If you are taking a course of drug therapy, do not select alternative medicines on your own. Some combinations of drugs and herbs can cause adverse reactions or even completely neutralize each other. Any means for the treatment of the disease should be selected by an otolaryngologist.

Featured Recipes:

It is possible to cure sinusitis at the initial stage of its development at home. The fastest and effective way it is considered regular washing of the maxillary sinuses with solutions in order to speed up the cleaning of the nasal passages.

Contraindications for the treatment of sinusitis at home:

  • The presence of severe chronic diseases;
  • Putrid smell from oral cavity;
  • Pregnancy;
  • AIDS;
  • Age up to 14 years;
  • Deterioration of well-being during treatment.

Treatment of sinusitis in expectant mothers provides a somewhat limited range of options. Not every antibiotic can be safely used during pregnancy, just like non-traditional methods, along with physiotherapy. Many drugs, herbs and methods of influence have an effect on the developing fetus, therefore, they are prescribed only if their effectiveness is higher than the risk to the baby. Therapy should be selected by the attending physician.

Basically, preference is given to Sinuforte and Sinupret - anti-inflammatory drugs that increase immunity and thin purulent clots. Washing the sinuses and inhalation are also appropriate, but when the form is running, a puncture is prescribed.

Are diets necessary?

We are what we eat. And in the treatment of any disease, it is important to control your diet.

Since the patient needs to drink plenty of fluids to expel harmful bacteria and expectorate sputum as soon as possible, special attention should be paid to drinks.

So, in the treatment of maxillitis should be present:

  • Mineral water of natural origin. It normalizes the water balance, increases the protective ability of the body and improves blood circulation.
  • Healing tea drinks medicinal herbs. The best option is a decoction of chamomile, St. John's wort, wild rose, succession and tea rose. Regular warm drinking and steam from a cup of aromatic drink moisten the mucous membrane of the sniffing organ, remove phlegm and make breathing easier.
  • Natural freshly squeezed vegetable juice from beets, cucumbers, carrots or spinach. Drinks can be mixed in different proportions or drunk separately.

As for nutrition, a vitamin-rich menu will help in the successful treatment of sinusitis.

The patient's menu should include:

This selection of components will return the appetite lost during the illness and provide the recovering body with a sufficient amount of nutrients.

Elena Malysheva will tell us about all the methods of treating sinusitis in the following video:


Inflammation of the paranasal sinuses is a rather serious disease that requires timely treatment. If therapy is not started on time, the consequences can be very unpleasant. Although in some cases, even after treatment, complications are possible.

Troubles that may arise after sinusitis include:

Prevention measures

Prevention will help prevent the development of sinusitis or stop it at the initial stage, preventing complications. These measures are especially important when a runny nose appears, as well as during an epidemic of colds. You should also adhere to preventive measures for people who have suffered sinusitis at least once.

You can protect yourself and your loved ones by observing the following conditions:

  1. Dress according to the weather - do not overheat or overcool the body. In the cold season, do not refuse to wear a hat.
  2. Treat acute pain promptly viral infections, angina, caries. Do not allow the development of inflammatory processes.
  3. Strengthen your immunity. This is well supported physical exercise, hardening the body, walking in the fresh air and taking vitamins.
  4. Control your home climate. The air in the room should not be too dry or humid, hot or cold.

Tip: to humidify the air in the room, you can use vases with water by adding to the liquid essential oil or lemon juice.

Remember the provocateurs of the disease:

What consumers think about treatments

Adherents of non-traditional methods of therapy prefer effective folk recipes in the treatment of sinusitis. Feedback from people about the selected recipes is mostly positive.

Ekaterina, 56 years old, Sverdlovsk. I happened to get acquainted with sinusitis relatively recently: I used to live in Sochi, and the maritime climate protected me from this disease for a long time. As soon as I felt the first symptoms, I immediately began to rinse my nose with a simple solution based on beet juice. Already on the second day, I felt relieved, and soon I completely forgot about the ailment that tormented me. Now, in the case of the first signs of an insidious disease, this is the only way to save myself, recommending it to all my friends.

Anastasia, 23 years old, Taganrog. So far, I have never encountered sinusitis, and now I am sick. Since I am a cautious person, at the first incomprehensible symptoms I went to the doctor and for good reason! It was worth another week to delay, the hospital would not have escaped. I was treated with simple improvised means: I dripped my nose with cyclamen juice, and washed it with a solution of lemon juice. I also went to UHF and did a massage. This was the end of my therapy. I felt a noticeable improvement in 2-3 days. I never thought that sinusitis can be cured so simply: in my mind, this diagnosis always sounded like a sentence and made me shudder. Two years have passed, during this time I began to follow the doctor's recommendations regarding the prevention of the disease and so far I have not gotten sick again.

Ivan, 38 years old, Vyborg. Chronic sinusitis haunts me almost all my adult life. Puncture for me is comparable to daily washing. I tried many different methods on myself, although I knew that only expensive medicines would help in my case. But, oddly enough, I still found my method of salvation from feeling unwell during exacerbation. This is an onion. The recipe recommends grating it, but it’s enough for me to finely chop a few onions for cutlets, then “tears of happiness” for a couple of minutes, and everything is removed as if by hand, however, for a while. Onion is the best option for me. Firstly, it helps me save money on medicines during periods of exacerbations (and they often happen to me), besides, my whole family loves onion cutlets. The method is really effective, I highly recommend it!


Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinuses is a serious disease that cannot be started so that it does not lead to serious consequences. At the initial stage, this disease can be cured even at home, without much effort. Do not be afraid to consult a doctor with symptoms similar to sinusitis: far from all cases, surgical intervention is required for its treatment.

Everything about sinusitis from "A" to "Z" will be told by Dr. Komarovsky in the following video:

Very often, people, having discovered the first signs of rhinitis, accompanied by weakness and loss of efficiency, do not pay due attention to this, believing that it is mild form colds will go away on their own. Sometimes behind such seemingly frivolous symptoms, a very dangerous disease can be hidden, which, if not properly treated, has various side effects and complications.

What is sinusitis?

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. Almost always it appears due to repeated deep or colds that have been badly and dishonestly cured. But, in addition to colds and runny nose, neglected teeth, especially the upper ones, are another reason. The nose is blocked and mucus begins to accumulate inside. After that, pus begins to stand out.

The usual symptoms of sinusitis are loss of smell, heaviness in the head, pain in the temples and bridge of the nose, enough - within 37-38 ° C. But, besides all this, a person's memory worsens, working capacity decreases and fatigue increases.

It should be noted that if you do not start treating sinusitis at the initial stage, then it will develop into the next, purulent stage. As a result, you will develop other serious diseases.

In the acute course of the disease, the thin mucous membrane that covers the maxillary sinuses becomes inflamed. There is also a negative impact on those located in this area. blood vessels, as well as on connective tissue. When sinusitis passes into the chronic stage, damage to the bone walls of the maxillary sinuses and submucosa is observed. Sinusitis affects people of any age group. This disease develops regardless of the gender of patients. According to statistics, which can be found on specialized Internet resources, as well as in the media, the peak of sinusitis occurs in the autumn and winter seasons. In early spring, exacerbations of this disease also occur.

Causes of sinusitis

As a rule, the cause of sinusitis is an infection that enters the nasal cavity through the blood or when breathing. There are several underlying conditions that interfere with nasal breathing. This is a curvature of the nasal septum, vasomotor rhinitis, hypertrophic rhinitis (enlarged turbinates), in children - adenoids, allergic diseases of the nose.

When people take swabs from the nose during a physical examination, as a rule, a so-called person is found in a person, which lives in the human nasopharynx for a long time. The latter, if he had not been examined, would not have known that he was a carrier of bacteria. For a long time, these bacteria may not cause serious damage to health. But even with a common cold, staphylococcus aureus can become more active and show its pathogenic properties.

Modern medicine has identified numerous causes of sinusitis:

    injury to the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinuses;

    penetration into the nasopharynx of viruses and pathogenic bacteria;

    poorly treated runny nose;

    advanced form of a cold;

    prolonged stay in a room where the air is too dry and heated to a high temperature;

    being in a draft;

    inhalation of chemical fumes (usually this occurs in hazardous production);

    neglected condition of the teeth and non-compliance with oral hygiene;

    external impact of aggressive environments on the mucous membrane;

    an allergic reaction of the body to various external stimuli;

    dangerous diseases, such as, fungal infection of the mucous membrane, etc.

Regular use of drops intended for the treatment of rhinitis is the main cause of the accumulation of a large amount of mucus in the maxillary sinuses, against which sinusitis develops.

The use of various medications, in the form of drops, can cause nosebleeds to start. This is due to the fact that drugs are too strong an irritant for the mucous membranes and tissues of the maxillary sinuses, as a result of which blood vessels can burst and nosebleeds begin.

Symptoms of sinusitis in adults

Symptoms of sinusitis is the appearance of pain in a person in the nose and near the nasal region, which gradually increase. Pain is less pronounced in the morning, increasing in the evening. Then the patient begins to lose a specific place with unpleasant sensations and his head begins to hurt. If the process is one-sided, then the pain is noted on one side.

Also, the patient is constantly tormented by a runny nose. Mucous (clear) or purulent (yellow, green) discharge from the nose is observed. This symptom may not be present if the nose is severely blocked.

Patients have a fever: sometimes it reaches 38 ° C, and sometimes higher. This temperature occurs in people who are sick with acute sinusitis. If the process is chronic, then heat appears rarely. Patients experience malaise, which is expressed by fatigue, weakness, patients refuse food, sleep is disturbed.

The disease of sinusitis is accompanied by certain symptoms:

    the appearance of mucous discharge from the nose (over time, particles of pus may be present in them);

    nasal congestion;

    memory impairment;

    a feeling of strong pressure in the region of the nose, which increases when the head is tilted;

    sleep disturbance;

    labored breathing;

    loss of working capacity;

    increased fatigue;

    fever (often the temperature can rise to 40 ° C);

    the appearance of chills;

    lethargy, weakness and general malaise;

    pain in the nose area, extending to other parts of the body (forehead, eye sockets, etc.);

    apathy, lethargy, sleep disturbance, etc.

Bilateral sinusitis is considered a fairly rare disease that has a pronounced clinical picture and proceeding in a more severe form. The cause of the development of this disease can be any inflammatory or infectious diseases. When conducting diagnostic measures specialists palpate the region of the maxillary sinuses, causing pain in patients. In the treatment of bilateral sinusitis, patients are prescribed complex medication and physiotherapy.

This disease is widespread among patients of different ages. Polypous sinusitis is not amenable to medical treatment. The only way to treat the disease is through surgery. Polypous sinusitis develops against the background of: acute course of various allergic diseases; congenital or acquired anomalies of the nasal septum; inflammatory processes progressing in the sinuses.

The manifestation of this form of sinusitis begins with the occurrence of problems with nasal breathing. Patients begin to breathe through their mouths as their nasal cavities are blocked. Polypous sinusitis is often accompanied by copious secretions of mucus (clear or yellow-green) from the nose. Many patients complain of dullness of taste buds, lack of appetite, distraction, headaches, etc.

Treatment of polyposis sinusitis is carried out in a hospital. The patient is transferred to the operating room and surgically remove overgrown tissues that interfere with normal nasal breathing. Some specialists try to treat small polyps with medication, prescribing steroids, antibiotics, antihistamines, etc. to their patients. Such therapy only in isolated cases brings positive result, since the desired effect is achieved only with surgical treatment.

Chronic sinusitis

Chronic sinusitis is most often diagnosed in patients who have an inflammatory process in the maxillary sinuses. This disease often goes into an exacerbation stage, which, if not properly treated, can lead to the development of various complications. During the progression of this disease, many patients experience inflammation in the organs that are in the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses.

The cause of the development of chronic sinusitis can be any pathogens: viruses, fungi, bacteria, etc. This form of the disease can develop against the background of existing defects in the nasal septum, which can be either congenital or obtained as a result of mechanical impact. Very often, chronic sinusitis is diagnosed in patients who have problems with their teeth. Even simple caries can act as a distributor of infection and provoke the appearance of this disease.

allergic form sinusitis can develop against the background of any external factor, aggressively affecting the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinuses. The body, when exposed to an allergen, begins to show a response, which manifests itself in increased tearing, removal of mucus from the sinuses, swelling, etc. In most cases, this form of the disease progresses in spring and autumn.

With allergic sinusitis, patients experience the following symptoms:

    temperature increase;

    nasal congestion;

    the appearance of pain in the area eyeballs, cheekbones;


    headaches, etc.

With allergic sinusitis, some patients have experienced complications, which in most cases are caused by the growth of polyps in the nose. Such growths interfere with normal nasal breathing, therefore they are subject to surgical treatment. Traditional medical and physiotherapeutic treatment does not bring a positive result in this case.

Patients first need to determine the origin of the allergen that caused the development of sinusitis. If it is detected, any contacts with it should be urgently limited. It is advisable to pass comprehensive examination, which will reveal which allergens the patient's body reacts to. After completing a course of antiallergic therapy, patients are prescribed special drugs.

At the stage of recovery, patients need to restore nasal breathing by doing special exercises. Proper nutrition(in most cases, a special diet is prescribed) and a complete rejection of bad habits will contribute to the speedy restoration of the work of many internal organs and systems. With allergic sinusitis, patients are very useful for long walks in coniferous forests, the air of which has healing properties and is ideal for people who have problems with the bronchopulmonary system and respiratory tract.

Purulent sinusitis

Purulent sinusitis often develops against the background of infectious, viral and colds that were not treated in a timely manner. In most cases, this form of the disease is diagnosed in patients who, with the manifestation of symptoms of sinusitis, neglected quality medical care, and instead self-medicated.

The main reasons for the development of purulent sinusitis are harmful microorganisms and bacteria, the products, the vital activity of which provoke the appearance of inflammation and the accumulation of purulent deposits in the maxillary sinuses. In an advanced stage, this disease can affect bone tissue and closely located organs. In order to prevent the appearance of purulent sinusitis, it is necessary at the first manifestations of the disease to contact the local doctor, who, after the examination, will refer the patient to a highly specialized specialist.

Acute sinusitis

With the development of an acute form of sinusitis, patients often complain of general malaise, weakness, chronic fatigue and decreased performance.

In some cases, the disease can occur without pronounced symptoms, but usually it is accompanied by:

    rise in temperature;

    strong secretion of mucus, mixed with pus, from the nose;

    the appearance of swelling;

    difficult breathing;

    sleep disturbance;

    the appearance of pain during palpation of the maxillary sinus area, etc.

Become the cause of the development of this disease can:

    congenital defects of the nasal septum;

    mechanical damage to cartilage and bone tissue in the nose;

    viral and infectious diseases transferred on the legs;

    tendency to allergic reactions to any external irritants, etc.

Treatment of the acute form of sinusitis takes several weeks and includes constructive drug therapy.

Odontogenic sinusitis

Odontogenic sinusitis often develops against the background of an acute inflammatory process in the maxillary sinuses. The causative agents of this form of the disease are: staphylococci, mixed infection, streptococci. Poor dental health and poor daily oral hygiene can also cause odontogenic sinusitis.

With the progression of this form of the disease, immunity decreases in patients, bone tissues can be damaged, pain appears, etc. To prescribe effective therapy, it is very important to correctly determine the focus of the disease and identify its pathogen. After that, a group of antibiotics, antihistamines and other medications is selected.

Sinusitis is a very complex disease, with proper treatment of which patients can face serious consequences:

    the appearance of swelling of the maxillary sinuses;

    inflammation of the mucous membrane;

    violation of nasal breathing;

    strong discharge of mucus from the nose;

    accumulation of pus in the maxillary cavities, etc.

After treatment of sinusitis, some patients experience various complications:

    very often the acute form of sinusitis passes into the chronic stage, which requires a longer constructive treatment;

    inflammatory processes of the bronchopulmonary system, tonsils of the pharynx and other organs develop;

    against the background of the inflammatory process, otitis media appears.

Patients who have been diagnosed with an advanced stage of sinusitis may face more serious complications, in which appear various diseases:

    organs of vision;

    brain, etc.

When complications go beyond the boundaries of the bronchopulmonary system and damage to other internal organs, patients may encounter. In the case when the patient, upon identifying the primary symptoms of sinusitis, immediately turns to medical institution and will undergo medical and physiotherapeutic treatment, he will be able to avoid any consequences and complications of this disease.

Warming up the nose is strictly prohibited in the acute form of sinusitis, since under the influence of a high temperature regime, a rapid spread of infection throughout the body can occur. It is possible to warm the nasal area in those cases when the maxillary sinuses are already almost completely freed from pus and the patient is at the stage of recovery.

To date, there are various methods warming up the nose with sinusitis:

    heating with salt. This method is familiar to many people since childhood, when parents applied a hot bag of salt with a stuffy nose. To prepare such a hot “compress”, you need to heat a glass of rock salt in a frying pan and put it in an ordinary clean sock. Such a hot pad should be applied to the bridge of the nose and kept for 10-15 minutes;

    heating with chicken eggs. To use this method, you need to hard-boil two eggs. After the eggs are removed from the boiling water, they should be immediately wrapped in a towel. A hot towel is applied in the area of ​​​​the maxillary sinuses and is held until the moment of partial cooling;

    warming up the nose with inhalation. To do this, boil the potatoes in their skins, drain the water from it. Leaning over the pan with steaming potatoes, you should cover yourself with a blanket so that the desired temperature regime is maintained inside. Within 10 - 15 minutes it is necessary to take deep breaths through the nose or mouth;

    warming up the nose with a blue lamp. The action of this device is aimed at the destruction of bacteria and infections. Blue lamps are actively used to disinfect rooms in which there were sick people. In most cases, blue lamp warming procedures are part of complex drug therapy.

Before using any of existing methods warming up the nose with sinusitis, each patient should consult his doctor. The specialist will foresee any side effects and help you choose the safest method for your patient.

Is it possible to go to the bath with sinusitis?

Many patients who have been diagnosed with sinusitis are interested in the question of visiting the Russian bath and the Finnish sauna. With the progression of this disease, people need to take any water procedures with caution. Doctors recommend that their patients refrain from visiting steam rooms with acute sinusitis. At this stage of the development of the disease, patients are advised to soar their feet by adding mustard or various essential oils to the water.

To prevent the development of sinusitis, it is necessary to regularly carry out a number of preventive measures:

    when visiting the street, dress according to the season;

    strengthen your immune system folk remedies and special medical preparations;

    take vitamins and mineral complexes;

    exercise regularly (you can visit Gym, swimming pool, fitness club, etc.);

    take long walks in the fresh air (preference is given to park and forest areas);

    do breathing exercises that help normalize nasal breathing;

    with the manifestation of the primary symptoms of rhinitis, it is necessary to take measures (massage, rinse the nasal passages, use special drops and other medications);

    Go to healthy eating, review your daily diet and include only healthy foods in it;

    completely abandon bad habits that cause irreparable harm to the human body;

    timely treat any diseases against which sinusitis may develop;

    take care of your health, try not to expose the body to hypothermia;

  • at primary manifestations you should immediately consult a doctor and take a course drug treatment;

From this article you will learn:

  • sinusitis: symptoms, treatment,
  • the main signs of sinusitis in adults and children,
  • Is it possible to treat sinusitis at home in adults.

Sinusitis is an inflammatory disease of the maxillary sinuses located in the upper jaw (Fig. 1). Often this disease is also called "sinusitis". This is due to the fact that maxillary sinuses in the professional literature is often referred to as the "maxillary sinus".

Sinusitis is most often unilateral, i.e. As a rule, only one sinus becomes inflamed. Only in rare cases, inflammation occurs immediately in both maxillary sinuses.

Sinusitis: photo, diagram

Each person has two maxillary sinuses, which are located to the left and right of the nasal passages. Each of the maxillary sinuses is a cavity in the thickness of the bone, lined from the inside with a mucous membrane. Each sinus communicates with the middle meatus through a small opening in bone wall separating the nasal passage and sinus.

Sinusitis: symptoms in adults

Important: The symptoms of sinusitis in adults can vary greatly in each clinical case. This is due to the fact that sinusitis can occur in three different forms, each of which has its own symptoms -

  • in the form of acute inflammation,
  • in the form of chronic inflammation,
  • exacerbation of chronic inflammation.

The nature of the inflammatory process also influences the symptoms. It can be serous (inflammatory exudate without purulent contents), purulent, and also polypous (when polyps begin to grow on the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinus).

1. Symptoms of an acute form of sinusitis -

At the very beginning of inflammation, the patient can only be disturbed by malaise, because. this during this period of the disease occurs only swelling of the mucous membranes of the maxillary sinus and nose (without the development of purulent inflammation). However, mucosal edema leads to a narrowing or complete closure of the opening between the maxillary sinus and the nasal cavity, which leads to a violation of the outflow from the maxillary sinus of the inflammatory infiltrate and blockage of the sinus. This leads to the development of acute purulent inflammation in the sinus (sinuses).

During this period, the patient may complain of –

  • Lethargy, decreased sense of smell, chills, loss of appetite, weakness,
  • Body temperature rises to 37.5 - 39.0 degrees (sometimes up to 40 degrees),
  • Increasing pains, which are first localized near the inflamed sinus, but then can spread to the frontal, temporal, occipital regions, as well as to the area of ​​​​the teeth, which can simulate their inflammation.
  • A feeling of heaviness may appear in the corresponding half of the face, which is typical if only one maxillary sinus is inflamed,
  • From the nasal passage from the side of the inflamed maxillary sinus, mucus or pus may be released, which is especially aggravated when the head is tilted forward (Fig. 5). In the morning, on the pillow, you can also see traces of purulent fluid leaking from the nose.
  • With severe sinusitis, there may also be swelling of the soft tissues of the face, their redness, as well as the development of purulent inflammation from the oral cavity,
  • When pressing on the skin in the projection of the anterior wall of the sinus, pain may be felt; there may also be pain when tapping on the teeth located in the projection of the inflamed sinus (usually 5,6,7 teeth of the upper jaw).

Signs of acute sinusitis on x-ray –
on x-ray, an inflamed sinus will always be darker compared to a healthy sinus. If the darkening is intense, then this indicates that the sinus is filled with pus. A sinus puncture may be performed to confirm suppuration. Computed tomography (CT) may be done instead of x-rays. CT is more expensive, but more informative for diagnosis.

2. Symptoms of the chronic form of sinusitis -

Chronic sinusitis can be both an independent form of the disease, and be the result of poorly treated acute sinusitis. There are three forms of chronic sinusitis:

  • catarrhal form
    It is characterized by an almost asymptomatic course, but sometimes patients may complain of a feeling of heaviness in a certain half of the face, a periodic violation of nasal breathing, and some malaise by the end of the day. When examining the nose, an ENT doctor may detect cyanosis of the nasal mucosa. X-ray may not give results, but CT may show thickening of the maxillary sinus mucosa at the site of its inflammation.

3. Symptoms of exacerbation of the chronic form of sinusitis -

Due to various reasons (hypothermia, decreased immunity, etc.), sluggish inflammation in the sinus can acquire an acute course. Those. there is an exacerbation of the chronic process with the development acute symptoms inflammation, which will be identical to the symptoms of acute sinusitis (described above).

Sinusitis: causes of development

Sinusitis - treatment will be different, depending on the cause of its development. Reasons can be -

  • acute and chronic inflammatory diseases nose (rhinogenic sinusitis),
  • foci of inflammation at the roots of the upper teeth (approximately 32%),
  • fractures of the upper jaw and zygomatic bone (traumatic sinusitis),
  • allergic sinusitis (a consequence of allergic rhinitis).

Predisposing factors include: abuse of nasal sprays, active and passive smoking (website).

Rhinogenic sinusitis
in 62% of patients this form of sinusitis occurs. It can be acute and chronic. Acute rhinogenic sinusitis usually develops against the background of SARS and influenza due to nasal congestion and difficulty in the outflow of inflammatory exudate from the maxillary sinus into the middle nasal passage. Those. the trigger is a virus, and a bacterial infection joins only later.

Chronic rhinogenic sinusitis develops against the background of chronic inflammation in the nasal passages, chronic congestion nose. Chronic rhinogenic sinusitis is caused in most cases by a bacterial infection, sometimes by a fungal infection.

As a rule, patients against the background of chronic nasal congestion use nasal drops for a long time and constantly, which only increases the risk of developing sinusitis (for chronic nasal congestion, it is necessary to use not traditional nasal drops, but sprays with a low content of corticosteroids, for example, Nasonex, which can apply for 2-3 months).

Odontogenic sinusitis
the development of the so-called "dental" sinusitis is associated with the anatomical proximity of the tops of the roots of the teeth of the upper jaw to the lower wall of the maxillary sinus. The most common "dental" cause of inflammation of the sinuses are chronic foci of inflammation (cysts) at the tops of the roots of the teeth of the upper jaw (Fig. 12).

However, inflammation can also provoke the removal of 5,6,7 teeth, if during removal the top of the tooth root is pushed into the sinus, or a message occurs between the sinus and the oral cavity through the hole of the extracted tooth. Such a message should be immediately sutured tightly by the doctor immediately after removing the tooth from the hole. Sometimes doctors neglect this ... Also, inflammation can be provoked by refilling of the root canals of 5-6-7 teeth of the upper jaw, if the excess filling material enters the sinus or near it.

Important: it is often difficult to determine the cause of sinusitis; in any case, it is necessary to take targeted x-rays of the chewing teeth of the upper jaw in the projection of the inflamed maxillary sinus. If these teeth show no evidence of chronic inflammation on the x-rays, then the origin of sinusitis is almost certainly due to an infection in the nasal passages.

Below we will talk about whether it is possible and how to cure sinusitis at home, which antibiotics to take for sinusitis, which nasal drops for sinusitis are best used (vasoconstrictor for a runny nose or with low doses of corticosteroids) ...

Sinusitis: treatment

How to treat sinusitis will depend on the cause of its occurrence (rhinogenic or odontogenic) and the nature of the inflammatory process (serous or purulent). For example, it is simply pointless to treat inflammation of the sinus with punctures, washing, antibiotics, if you have foci of untreated chronic infection on your teeth in the projection of the inflamed sinus.

You need to understand that the cure for sinusitis is not just any drug (such drugs do not exist) ... First of all, it is a whole complex of diagnostic and medical procedures(washing the sinuses with antiseptics, maxillary sinusectomy, dental treatment), and already as an addition - the use of a complex of drugs: drops, antibiotics, etc.

Thus, for an initial consultation, you need to contact an ENT doctor. However, an experienced ENT will also refer you to the dentist in order to exclude the cause of sinusitis associated with inflammation at the roots of the teeth. Doctors will refer you for necessary X-rays of your teeth and sinuses, or computed tomography upper jaw. Further treatment is planned taking into account the identified cause of sinus inflammation, symptoms, as well as X-ray or CT data.

1. Treatment of acute and chronic rhinogenic sinusitis -

Acute rhinogenic sinusitis in the absence of suppuration in the sinus can be treated without the use of antibiotics (this is possible if the patient sees a doctor soon). In this case, the main thing is to create an outflow for the inflammatory exudate formed in the maxillary sinus, by eliminating nasal congestion with drops or sprays for the common cold, as well as stimulating the outflow of inflammatory exudate from the sinuses.

Traditional vasoconstrictor drops and sprays for sinusitis can be used for no more than 3-4 days. Prolonged use of such drops and sprays from the common cold leads to the opposite effect - persistent swelling of the mucous membrane, which will prevent the removal of inflammatory exudate from the sinus through the nose. To relieve nasal congestion and swelling of the mucous membrane with sinusitis, it is optimal to use:

If pus began to form in the sinus (this can also happen with acute sinusitis in the event of a bacterial infection, and with chronic sinusitis), then this is an indication for the immediate prescription of antibiotic therapy, as well as daily procedures for washing the sinus with antiseptic solutions (the latter is done at the reception at an ENT doctor). You will not be able to rinse the sinus on your own, but you can rinse the nasal passages at most, which is not enough.

2. Treatment of odontogenic sinusitis -

The most important thing in the treatment of this form of sinusitis is to eliminate the focus of infection, which led to inflammation of the sinus. This may be the removal of the causative tooth. If you want to save the causative tooth, at the top of the root of which there is an inflammatory focus in the form of or - an urgent opening of this tooth is necessary to create an outflow of pus from the cyst cavity through the tooth. Without fulfilling this requirement, all subsequent treatment will be in vain.

Next, you need to create an outflow for the inflammatory exudate formed in the sinus. At the very beginning of inflammation, this can be done with the help of vasoconstrictor nasal drops, however, in the event of the development of purulent inflammation, this will no longer be enough. Here it is already necessary to urgently run to the ENT doctor and do punctures and washing the maxillary sinus from the side of the nose or the hole of the extracted tooth. In parallel appointed antibiotic therapy(see below), anti-inflammatory drugs.

After subsiding of acute purulent inflammation in the sinus, an ENT doctor or maxillofacial surgeon decide on the need for "sinus otomy". Such an operation is indicated for the development of a purulent or polypous form of sinusitis. In this case, the patient is hospitalized. The operation involves the removal of the inflamed mucous membrane of the maxillary sinus. This is done under anesthesia, with access from the oral cavity. All teeth must be treated prior to surgery.

Antibiotics for sinusitis -

Sinusitis: Antibiotic treatment is best started with Amoxicillin in combination with Clavulanic acid. Trade names of such drugs: "Augmentin", "Amoxiclav". If the patient has allergic reactions on penicillin - antibiotics of the fluoroquinolone group (for example, Ciprofloxacin), or the macrolide group (Clarithromycin, Azithromycin) are considered.

The first analysis of the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy is carried out after 5 days, if no improvement is achieved during this time, then a more potent antibiotic is prescribed. Antibiotics for sinusitis are prescribed for an average of 10-14 days. However, there are exceptional clinical cases when antibiotics are prescribed up to 21 days.

Treatment of sinusitis folk remedies -

It must be understood that folk remedies cannot be the main method of treatment. They can only be considered as secondary therapy. There are excellent herbal drops for sinusitis, which are used to stimulate the outflow of inflammatory secret (exudate) from the maxillary sinus through the nasal passages.

Treatment of sinusitis with folk remedies: the most effective drugs

How to treat sinusitis at home: quickly

You must understand that sinusitis with suppuration is a focus of pus in the center of the head, the size of a golf ball. And besides pus (in which there can be not only bacteria, but also fungi, which requires different treatment), there may be polyps. If you suddenly decide that an expensive antibiotic and nasal drops may be enough, then most likely you are deeply mistaken. The consequence of ineffective treatment will be the transformation of the acute form of sinusitis into a chronic one, with the need for surgical intervention (sinus otomy, in a hospital setting).

The maximum that you can do at home is to regularly rinse the nasal passages, as well as take the appropriate medications (pills, injections, drops). Keep in mind that when there is still no purulent inflammation in the sinus, treatment can be carried out in a clinic. If acute purulent inflammation of the sinus has developed, then treatment in a hospital is necessary. Complications of sinusitis with improper treatment: phlegmon, sepsis, thrombophlebitis of the veins of the face, orbital abscess, brain abscess ... We hope that our article on the topic: How to cure sinusitis at home - turned out to be useful to you!


1. Higher prof. the author's education in surgical dentistry,
2. Based on personal experience in maxillofacial surgery and surgical dentistry,
3. National Library of Medicine (USA),
4. "Guide to maxillofacial surgery" (Timofeev A.A.),
5. "Complex treatment of odontogenic maxillary sinusitis" (Shulman F.).

Sinusitis and other diseases of the respiratory system can occur due to different reasons. All of them have certain symptoms, methods of treatment and diagnostic methods.

In order to defeat the disease, the main thing is to recognize it in a timely manner so as not to provoke complications. Next, consider what is inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, the symptoms and causes of this phenomenon.

Inflammation of the maxillary sinuses can occur in people regardless of age or gender. This is a disease that occurs as a result of inflammation of the paranasal sinuses.

In medicine, this phenomenon is called sinusitis. There are many reasons why it can develop:

  • In children common cause the occurrence of an inflammatory process in the maxillary sinuses are or. These growths make it impossible to fully breathe. As a result, dust and mucus accumulate in the sinuses, in which, after some time, pathogenic microflora is formed and inflammation occurs. Often sick children are credited with the removal of adenoids. It is important not to confuse them with the tonsils, which perform a protective function and are part of immune system. In adults, sinusitis due to growths occurs much less frequently than in pediatric patients.
  • The most common causes are diseases caused by exposure to pathogens - fungi, bacteria and viruses. Sinus inflammation often presents as a complication or side effect with, SARS, rhinitis and other diseases of the respiratory system.
  • Often, dentistry causes sinusitis. The upper molars, when they begin to deteriorate from the root, provoke an inflammatory process in the soft tissues, resulting in sinusitis. In this case, the otolaryngologist appoints an examination at the dentist to confirm or refute the diagnosis. If treatment is not started in a timely manner, with the slightest weakening of the immune system, tissue decay occurs, which is fraught with many negative consequences.
  • which may be congenital or acquired as a result of trauma. Because of this, sinusitis often occurs, so it makes no sense to treat it with medication. It is better to immediately carry out surgical intervention to free the passages and normalize breathing.
  • Abuse of vasoconstrictor drugs. Many who suffer from constant do not go to the doctors to cure the problem, but independently drip their nose several times a day. This frees the breath for a few hours, but will not solve the problem. Over time, the mucous membranes of the sinuses dry out, swell, and inflammation occurs.

Signs of an inflammatory process

The symptoms of sinusitis can vary from person to person, as everyone is different. In addition, the form of the disease plays an important role.

Inflammation can be acute (more severe symptoms) or chronic, which in some cases develops without any visible signs.

The main signs by which sinusitis can be suspected:

  1. inability to fully breathe
  2. headache, aggravated by tilting the head forward
  3. runny nose with greenish-yellow discharge
  4. fatigue, general weakness
  5. temperature increase
  6. eye pain, tearing
  7. decreased or complete loss of smell
  8. puffiness of the face
  9. pain when pressing on the area around the eyes

If at least one of these symptoms occurs, you need to contact the clinic to undergo a qualified examination. If the diagnosis is confirmed, it is necessary to find out the cause of the inflammatory process and begin immediate treatment.

It is impossible to delay this pathology, since as a result of inflammation in the sinuses, pus begins to accumulate, which affects soft tissues, osteochondral, can provoke otitis media and other diseases, as a result of which hearing deteriorates, the sense of smell is lost or vision is reduced.

Medical treatment

If the cause of sinusitis does not lie in the deformity of the septum, then drug treatment can be started. The first step is to solve two main problems:

  • kill infections and restore microflora
  • relieve swelling and inflammation

For this, tablets, drops and inhalations are used (if the body temperature is not higher than 38 degrees). Also, the doctor may prescribe in parallel drugs that relieve symptoms, for example, sedatives or antipyretics.

The main medicines include the following:

  1. antiviral or antibacterial agents if the cause of sinusitis was a disease provoked by the negative impact of pathogens
  2. nasal drops that help normalize microflora and eliminate mucus
  3. inhalation with various antiseptics - for example, the vapors of which will disinfect the sinuses and speed up the healing process
  4. "Cuckoo" is an instrumental procedure in which the sinuses are washed using a special suction and an antiseptic preparation. Medicine is poured into one nostril, and from the second it is sucked off with impurities of mucus and pus. Thus, the sinuses are flushed and the amount of mucus and bacteria is reduced.

It is highly undesirable to engage in self-medication, as it can harm your health. All medical preparations should only be used after consulting a doctor.


In addition to medical treatment, the use of folk methods. First of all, it is important to make sure that there are no contraindications.

There are more than 1000 recipes that our ancestors used to save themselves, let's look at some of the most common:

  • In the shortest possible time, such a remedy will help to cope with inflammation: in half a liter of Cahors, you need to add three teaspoons of honey and the same amount of freshly squeezed honey. Stir until smooth and leave for 10 days in a dark and warm place. Take 2 tsp. three times a day, regardless of the meal. Additionally, this method will increase the protective functions of the body.
  • Sea buckthorn or rosehip oil should be dripped into the nose 6-8 times a day. Ethers and vitamin complex promotes disinfection and removal of inflammation and swelling.
  • Daily lubricate the nose with mustard oil from the outside (!).
  • In equal proportions, it is necessary to mix grated laundry soap (red), burdock juice, natural honey, alcohol, vegetable oil (mainly olive) and milk. Mix everything in one container and heat in a water bath until completely dissolved. When it cools down, you can use it. Apply to the sinus area on the forehead and under the eyes daily until complete recovery. A sensitivity test is recommended beforehand.

You can learn more about how to treat sinusitis at home from the video:

Running sinusitis - treatment methods and possible complications

Surgical intervention

Previously, the puncture of the maxillary sinuses was considered the only true method of treatment. But it has some complications, so modern medicine offers other ways to get rid of inflammation of the sinuses.

A yamik catheter is a popular procedure that allows you to remove all the mucus without a puncture.

It is carried out under anesthesia, so there is nothing terrible and painful in it. A soft catheter is inserted through the nostril into the nasopharynx. Then, with the help of a balloon, air is introduced, to create a seal, and mucus and pus are removed with a syringe.

Sinus puncture is done only for those patients in whom sinusitis is chronic. In any case, the patient decides which method to treat after consulting a doctor and discussing some options.

Predictions and possible complications

As for the prognosis, if you see a doctor in a timely manner and follow all the recommendations for treatment, they are usually positive. Inflammation of the maxillary sinuses is treatable and quickly passes with the use of all the drugs that the specialist prescribes.

If, when symptoms occur, the problem is ignored, then complications associated with the release of pus into nearby organs may begin:

  1. swelling and inflammation of the orbit, vein thrombosis, decreased vision, development of conjunctivitis, purulent discharge from the eye, decreased visual acuity
  2. , inflammation of the inner ear, partial or complete hearing loss, sensation of water in the ear
  3. inflammation of the roots of the teeth of the upper jaw
  4. intracranial inflammation, brain abscess

All these complications are associated with the appearance of pus and the intensive reproduction of viruses and bacteria in the pathogenic microflora. They affect not only the sinuses, so other organs and systems are at risk.

The first and golden rule of preventing inflammation is to increase the protective functions of the body and strengthen the immune system. It is also worth considering the fact that sinusitis is often a complication of viral and infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract. It is because of this that you need to immediately take up treatment, then you can be guaranteed to avoid side effects.

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