Foot and organs connection. biologically active points on the foot

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The points on the foot that are responsible for the organs are actually not so much responsible for them as they are stimulated. Acupuncture points are energy centers, the impact on which activates one or another organ.

Acupuncture zones of the foot

Energy centers that affect the activity of organs are located throughout the body. However, their mass concentration is observed on the feet, hands and ears. The soles of the feet are the leaders in this area.

The foot bears the weight of the entire human body. Accordingly, the energy flows of the whole body are projected here to the maximum, and the sole of the foot is the body control center, where each organ, as a structural part of the body, has its own area the size of a dot. The Chinese, having created their theory of combining the energy of yin and yang, through long practice determined the location of point projections of organs. Since then, people all over the planet have been enjoying the fruits of their centuries-old work, healing themselves and others.

All points on the foot have their own location logic and are combined into blocks according to their location in the body.

They are located as follows.

  1. In the fingers and adjacent areas there are projections of the organs located in the head. At the same time, the centers of responsibility for the frontal part of the head are concentrated on the fingertips. The nose, eyes and ears are projected onto other parts of the fingers.
  2. On the forefoot are centers that regulate the activity of the organs of the upper body: bronchi, lungs, heart.
  3. On the feet in their very center lies the zone of responsibility for all the organs located in the abdominal part of the body, that is, for the organs of the digestive system.
  4. In the heel part, points are concentrated that control the genitourinary system, as well as the legs and pelvic region.
  5. The heel regulates and maintains the condition of the genitals.

Acupuncture of the foot makes it possible to influence the entire body, which does not reduce the role of other centers in maintaining human health.

Methods for activating organs through the feet

All methods of influencing the body through the sole can be divided into two parts: professional and amateur. IN medical institutions use various ways to activate the work of organs through the feet.

In the practice of oriental medicine, there are more extreme methods of influencing energy centers, for example, cutting the skin in the right place. Acupuncture effects include the use of leeches, which are applied to certain places on the body. The sole of the foot is not suitable for all methods of acupuncture. Most often applied different kinds massage.

How to influence sole acupuncture

If a person does not have a specialized education, but wants to take care of his own health, then the following methods of influencing the energy centers of the sole are available to him.

  1. Sole massage in certain areas. Such a massage can hardly be called acupressure, but it has a stimulating effect on the organs. In this case, you can rub the entire sole or concentrate only on that part of it that is responsible for a particular organ. The main therapeutic principle of massage is the identification of pain points. It is necessary to try to achieve pain sensations, a thread leaving from the point of impact. Such a reaction is a signal of trouble in any organ. It is these points that should be dealt with in the first place. However, the impact only on pain points for health is not enough, it is necessary to massage the neighboring zones that do not give pain signals. It is best to alternate the impact on painful and non-painful neighboring points. The therapeutic effect usually occurs soon after the disappearance of pain in this area. Massage should be carried out in courses daily, preferably before bedtime. The duration of each procedure is about 5 minutes.
  2. Impact on the soles by random method. Its difference lies in the fact that when influencing the feet, a specific goal is not set to stimulate one or another center. Walking on small pebbles, grass, sand has a general strengthening effect, improves mood and self-esteem. Shoes with protrusions on the insoles are designed for the same effect.
  3. Thermal impact on the entire foot or part of it. Warming foot baths are designed not only to warm up the body, but also to promote recovery through thermal stimulation of the places where energy centers are concentrated. Foot baths can be successfully replaced with pepper or mustard, which are poured into a sock, putting it on at night.
  4. Thermal impact can be point. To do this, a small stone is heated to a tolerable temperature and applied to the acupuncture center. If the stone is small, then it can be attached with a plaster for the time of cooling, if it is large, then you need to stand on it.
  5. Stimulation of the centers with iodine. After massaging the desired energy center of the sole, it is necessary to lubricate this place with iodine, and wash the feet only after a few hours.
  6. Exposure to honey. This product can be successfully used for external use. In addition to honey massage, there are also honey compresses. It has a stimulating effect on tissues and organs. The soles of the feet should be smeared with honey, wrapped in polyethylene and put on socks on top. It is best to do this at night.

When stimulating the acupuncture centers of the feet, it should be remembered that too much exposure can lead to undesirable results. To minimize the likelihood of such consequences, it is necessary to take breaks between procedures, and limit treatment courses to 7 days.

How to do a foot massage on your own, in the comfort of your own home? What devices to use for self-massage? What miraculous points are located on our feet? Now let's figure it out. We will also watch a valuable video with an explanation and recommendations from a specialist.

The saying “Our health is in our hands” is equally applicable to our legs, more precisely, to the feet, where on a small surface of the body there is a huge number of biologically active points associated with absolutely all organs and environments of our body. It turns out that by acting only on the surface of the foot, we improve the health of the whole organism at the same time, tone it up and rejuvenate it!

How to do your own foot massage

Acupressure of the feet has been used for thousands of years by traditional and alternative medicine of different peoples to cure human ailments, harmonize the soul and body. According to legend, it was invented by the Buddha himself. In China, such a foot massage has long been the privilege of only emperors.

Modern beauty salons provide massages for a tidy sum of money. But we can easily do without expensive procedures, do it in a comfortable home environment, improve our health for free, enjoy and instantly energize, relieve tension and fatigue. Now let's move on to the healing process. At home, you can do massage without anyone's help like this.

Making a foot massager

During a walk in nature, or when relaxing by the sea, we often take with us pretty pebbles, which then lie around idle - it's a pity to throw them away as good memories, but they take up space in vain. Now they will serve you well.

  1. We take a wide flat container, in which both of our legs can freely fit, and which will not break from the load (I adapted an old metal tray for jelly for this purpose).
  2. We pour our favorite pebbles into it so that they completely cover the bottom. You can collect coarse gravel, or gravel.
  3. It is even better to buy shungite or silicon in the pharmacy chain, but these stones get your feet dirty - you need to stomp on them in socks.
  4. In the absence of all of the above, you can use ordinary drawing pencils poured into the box. Our massager is ready, we put it under the bed.
  5. Now, every morning after getting out of bed, we make it a habit to stomp on this massager for 3-5 minutes - it removes drowsiness as if by hand, and a pleasant charge of vivacity will appear.

Foot massage with a mat

You can massage your feet using a special rubber massage mat with corrugated spikes, or a shower mat, as in the photo. These are sold in sporting goods and medical equipment. It is enough to put it in the bathroom and stomp along with brushing your teeth or shaving in the morning. So health is strengthened, and time is not wasted specially for the massage procedure.

If you have problems with the stomach, pancreas, liver, trample on your heels more. With diseases of the lungs, heart - trample on your toes. Try to work out all areas of the plantar part of the legs.

Massage baths with aromatic oils

Vibrating electric baths are good for tired legs, in which you can do foot massage both without water and with water (15 minutes).

In warm water for the procedure, it is desirable to add sea ​​salt, infusions medicinal plants, 7 drops of aromatic natural oils (rosemary, lavender, orange, juniper, pine, cedar). This will create a relaxation effect, relieve leg fatigue and negative information accumulated during the day, and improve skin condition.

According to the laws of aromatherapy, oil is selected for each person individually. The subconscious mind will help you choose the right oil for you - just smell the oils and look for those that you like, the smell of which you can’t tear yourself away from. This will be the right choice for your body to self-medicate. If the smell of some oil irritates you, stop using it, even if it is highly recommended to you!

Acupressure foot massage

There are a great many other devices for acupressure of the feet: applicators, special insoles for shoes, slippers and a host of the like. I like to use a natural wood needle massager. When I watch TV or surf the Internet, I roll it with my soles. You can make such a device yourself, if you pour warm water into a large glass or plastic bottle and roll it with your feet - the pleasure is amazing, and the benefits too. The legs quickly warm up, the blood stops stagnating, fatigue and swelling go away.

Acupressure is easy to help the body overcome pain and disease. For example: if you suffer from headaches, sit at a computer, gadgets a lot, your eyes hurt - knead the upper part of your thumbs and the discomfort will quickly go away.

The biologically active points of the legs are listed below and shown in the pictures (where they are located). You need to work them out correctly as follows: find the points necessary for your ailments and press them with your fingers or a massager (with a frequency of 1 pressure per second) for no more than 3 minutes.

I recommend watching a rare video of how they pass in the human body, how acupuncture points are located on them. After all, official medicine does not talk about this, since these channels and points are intangible, it is simply impossible to see them.

You can use self-massage of the feet and influence on acupuncture points all the time - this technique has no contraindications, it does not poison the internal environment of your body (as medications), and the effect is amazing. The main thing is not to overdo it and engage in therapeutic massage in 10-day courses with obligatory 10-day breaks.

In addition, I have prepared a very valuable video on the topic. In it, a resuscitator doctor with 22 years of experience in su jok therapy gives practical advice how to properly perform point massage, treat conditions and diseases. I highly recommend watching.

Biologically active points on the foot (acupuncture points)

The pictures show the location of active points on the foot under certain numbers. And on the left, under the same numbers, a list of organs and systems is given. In the list you need to find the organs necessary for the therapeutic effect, and by the number in the picture, determine the points associated with each organ. Next, we do a foot massage in any of the ways described above, which you liked more.

Left foot

  1. Right frontal sinus
  2. Pituitary
  3. Head, brain - right side
  4. brain stem, cerebellum
  5. Trigeminal nerve, right temporal region
  6. Neck (collar area) on the right
  7. Right eye
  8. right ear
  9. Parathyroid
  10. Throat - left side
  11. Thyroid
  12. Trapezius muscle on the left
  13. Lungs and bronchi on the left
  14. Left shoulder
  15. Left shoulder (top)
  16. Heart
  17. Solar plexus

21. Stomach
22. Adrenal gland on the left
23. Kidney on the left
24. Ureter on the left
25. Bladder
26. Pancreas
27. Duodenum
28. Spleen
29. Small intestine
31. Descending colon
35. Rectum
36. Anal opening ( anus)
37. hip joint left
38. Knee-joint
39. Left knee
40. Sex glands - testes and ovaries
41. Nervous system

Right foot

1. Left frontal sinuses
2. Pituitary
3. Nose
4. Head, brain on the left
5. Cortex, cerebellum
6. Trigeminal nerve, temporal region on the left
7. Neck (collar area) on the left
8. Left eye
9. left ear
10. Parathyroid gland
11. Throat - right side
12. Thyroid
13. Trapezius muscle on the right
14. Lungs and bronchi on the right
15. Right shoulder
16. Right shoulder (top)
18. Solar plexus
19. gallbladder
20. Liver
21. Stomach
22. Adrenal gland on the right
23. Kidney on the right
24. Right ureter
25. Bladder
26. Pancreas
27. Duodenum
29. Small intestine
30. Transverse colon
31. Ascending colon
32. Connection of the colon and sigmoid colon
33. Appendix
35. Hip joint on the right
36. Knee joint
37. Right knee
38. Sex glands - testes and ovaries
41. Nervous system

Foot - back side

42. Upper body lymph nodes
43. Internal lymph nodes
44. Inguinal lymph nodes
45. Diaphragm
48. Thoracic lymphatic duct
49. Larynx and trachea
50. Tonsils
51. Lower jaw Upper jaw
52. Upper jaw

Foot - outer side

6. Whiskey, trigeminal nerve
15. Shoulder
37. Hip joint
38. Knee joint
39. Knee
40. Sex glands - ovaries, fallopian tube, testicles
42. Lymph nodes of the upper body
44. Groin The lymph nodes
45. Diaphragm
46. ​​Organs of balance (vestibular apparatus)
47. mammary glands

Foot - inner side

13. Nose
20. Parathyroid glands
25. Bladder
37. Hip joint
43. Internal lymph nodes
44. Inguinal lymph nodes
54. Groin area
55. Uterus or prostate
56. Penis, vagina, urethra
57. Rectum, hemorrhoids
58. Neck vertebrae
59. Thoracic vertebrae
60. Lumbar vertebrae
61. Sacrum and coccyx

Today we figured out how to do foot massage to promote health and treat diseases on our own. We armed ourselves with knowledge of how the points on the foot are located and with which organs each of them is connected. If you forget anything, bookmark the article so you can come back and see if needed.

I advise you to see how to temper the body and folk remedies for good health, how to find both for beauty and health.

Chinese medicine believes that the basis of longevity is the impact on biologically active points on the human body. They are everywhere: on the arms, head, back, stomach. Over 70 thousand nerve endings focused on the feet. They form reflexogenic zones associated with the work of various systems and organs. For this reason, a person who regularly massages the feet and walks barefoot receives a boost of energy for the prevention and treatment of various diseases.

Projection of internal organs on the feet

Biologically active points of the foot are located on its entire surface. The Chinese believe that the foot is a map internal organs which can be used to diagnose a health condition. And by acting on active points, you can contribute to a quick recovery. To imagine how the massage points are located on the foot, you need to visualize a person in the fetal position.

The inside of the foot is responsible for the functioning of the spine. Fingers - behind the head, while thumb- the brain (at the edge of the finger is the pineal gland, in the center is the pituitary gland), the remaining four fingers are the paranasal sinuses. The points on the foot for massage, which are responsible for the eyes, are located at the base of the index, middle and partially capture the area of ​​​​the ring finger.

The points on the left foot, responsible for the organs, correspond to the anatomy of the left side of the body. Similarly, the location of biological active zones for the right foot. At the root of the little finger and ring fingers there is a zone that corresponds to the ears. The points responsible for the lungs are located a centimeter below the eye area.

On the left foot, closer to the outside, there is a zone corresponding to the work of the heart. In a similar zone, but on the right foot, there are zones of the liver and gallbladder. The pancreas is located on the inside of the feet, just below the lung area. Immediately, but even lower is the region of the stomach.

Along the spine are the thyroid and pancreas, the stomach, and the colon originates transversely. The heels are responsible for the buttocks, the central lower zone of the heel corresponds to the reproductive system.

What are the points

In the following diagram, all zones responsible for the organs are indicated more clearly.

According to Chinese healers, all points on the soles of the feet are located on 14 meridians, each of which belongs to one of the types: the Master of the Heart, the Great Heart or the Three-Degree Heater (Guverneur Meridian). There are 3 types of points on each meridian:

  • excitation point. It is one on each meridian and when exposed to it, the work of the organ for which it is responsible is activated;
  • calm point. It is one on each meridian, and when it is activated in the corresponding organ, a feeling of peace arises, the body relaxes, clamps and nervous tensions go away;
  • point of harmonization. It is always located at the beginning or end of the meridian, the impact on it normalizes the state of the organs located on this meridian, leads to a general relaxation of the body.

To find the necessary points, you should feel the foot: when you find an active place, the body will painfully react to touch. If there are health problems, dryness, sweating may appear in the area of ​​​​the foot where the organ in need of treatment is located.

Basic rules of self-massage

To get the maximum benefit from the procedure, it is better to contact the masters of acupressure and acupuncture, but you can also do self-massage by pressing on the points on the sole of the foot as a preventive measure. Stimulation of reflexogenic points activates the work of organs, improves lymph flow and blood circulation.

First you need to relieve tension from the feet, stretch them: walk on toes, take a salt bath, sit in a comfortable position and feel the foot, listen to the sensations.

Massage should begin with the fingers. Each needs to be developed separately. After that, with strong pressure, you can begin to massage the upper part of the foot. Then smoothly move to the inner and outer, and then move to the ankle and heel.

Pain points are warmed up in a circular motion. If there is a specific health problem, it is necessary to stimulate not one point, but also neighboring ones. Just 5 minutes every day is enough to feel better, get rid of tension, strengthen the immune system.

To reduce the chance of colds and other illnesses, it is important to keep your feet warm and wear comfortable shoes.


Before starting treatment, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications. Acupuncture should not be performed in such cases:

  • pregnancy;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • acute infections and pathologies during the period of exacerbation;
  • venous thrombosis;
  • pathologies on the skin in the place where the biologically active point is located;
  • embolism in the acute stage.

    Have you ever heard such an expression: “feet are a mirror of the state of our body”? At the same time, the points on the foot will help regulate the health of the whole organism.

    The foot is a receptor through which any part of the human body can be influenced:

    The toes are connected with the head: the pads are the back of the head, the surface from the side of the nail is the face, the fold of the fingers (second and third) is the eyes, the thumb is responsible for the brain;

    The upper part and side of the foot - the areas of the ear, throat, nose and bronchi, as well as the cervical and thoracic spine;

    The heels are responsible for the back, lumbar, buttocks;

    In the very center of the heel - the zone of the ovaries (left and right);

    The outer side of the heel - shoulder joints;

    Arch of the foot - internal organs;

    Ankle joint - genitals;

    The front of the arch of the left foot is the zone of the heart;

    The hollow of the foot is the zone of internal organs (kidneys, stomach), on the right leg is the zone of the liver.

    Feet can tell a lot about a person due to the placement of reflex points on the foot, which are responsible for all organs and their functioning.

    1. Skin tone:

    A change in the color of the skin on the thumbs from the usual pink to a color with a purple tint indicates a malfunction in vascular system brain;

    The bluish color of the feet indicates the possibility of seizures;

    The appearance of a network of hemorrhages warns of a failure in the human body;

    Redness speaks of overwork;

    Crimson hue - a possible manifestation of diabetes;

    Yellowish tint - problems with the liver;

    Unnaturally white feet - a lack of hemoglobin in the blood.

    2.Temperature and humidity feet:

    Wet and cold talk about problems with the thyroid gland;

    Hot but dry warn of possible hypertension or atherosclerosis;

    Dry, but cold - possible disruption of the heart;

    Wet and hot - an inflammatory process is going on in the body.

    3. Appearance and health:

    Curvature or regular ingrown nails indicate the presence of headaches and poor concentration and poor memory;

    Clubfoot indicates the possible development of cardiovascular diseases;

    Flat feet are indicative of tension in the digestive system and possible pinching or back pain.

    4. Pain sensations at various points of the foot are signals of weakened organs:

    Mild lameness on left leg can warn of the possibility of a heart attack in the next day or two and speaks of a violation of the heart rhythm and a reduction in the nutrition of the heart muscle;

    The same pain in the right leg indicates problems with the liver;

    If it hurts to stand on your heels, consult a gynecologist.

    remember, that pain on the feet and soles appear no more than two days, but the problem with the organs does not go away from this. Therefore, to prevent diseases and improve the body, try to massage the points on the foot every evening, do cold and hot shower and honey foot masks, and in the summer go barefoot more often.

    Take care of your feet, and they will take care of your health!

Reflexologists view the sole of the foot as a map of the human body.On the surface of the foot, you can find points corresponding to almost all the main organs, glands and limbs of a person. The organs are projected onto the feet, on the male and female sides, just like they are located in our body. Each of the organs, in addition to performing purely physiological functions, is responsible for the spiritual and emotional state of a person. For example, the spleen is thought to be the seat of grumpiness and anger, traits traditionally attributed to women for some reason. Although the region of the heart is located on both feet, its projection is more pronounced on the left foot, which confirms that emotions are more related to the feminine in a person. The liver is projected onto both feet, however, the projection area on the right foot is larger than on the left. By the way, the liver has long been associated with purely masculine qualities: anger, coarse emotions, fighting spirit.

Both the physical and spiritual health of a person depends on the state of each organ. For example, a healthy spleen cleanses the blood of moral impurity, allowing a person to show more compassion and sympathy, to lead a righteous life. The liver, on the contrary, will be out of order if a person begins to suppress in himself such a strong emotion as anger.

All of the above fully applies to other organs. Therefore, in order for a person to be healthy both physically and spiritually, it is necessary that each of his organs be in order. And it is not at all necessary to treat the organ itself directly. A method of treatment has long been invented through the impact on points located on the feet and which are projections of organs. This is foot massage and acupuncture.

The figures show only the points responsible for the main organs. In fact, there are many times more of them. According to some reports, about 15 thousand biologically active points are concentrated on the human feet. In addition to the points of the main organs, there are points responsible for general well-being, stomach function, mood, good sleep, and even tobacco addiction.


1. Head, brain, right side
2. Frontal sinuses, Right side

4. Pituitary gland
5. Trigeminal nerve, temple on the right
6. Nose
7. Nape
8. Right eye
9. Right ear
10. Left shoulder
11. Trapezius muscle on the left
12. Thyroid
13. Parathyroid glands
14. Lungs and bronchi on the left
15. Stomach
16. Duodenum
17. Pancreas
20. Solar plexus
21. Adrenal glands on the left
22. Left kidney
23. Urinary tract on the left
24. Bladder
25. Small intestine

30. Descending colon
31. Rectum
32. Anal opening
33. Heart
34. Spleen
35. Left knee
36. Gonads, ovaries on the left
38. Hip joint on the left
57. Nervous system
60. Knee joint
61. Throat


1. Head, brain, left side
2. Frontal sinuses, left side
3. Cerebellum, brain stem
4. Pituitary gland
5. Trigeminal nerve, temple on the left
6. Nose
7. Nape
8. Left eye
9. Left ear
10. Right shoulder
11. Trapezius muscle on the right
12. Thyroid
13. Parathyroid glands
14. Lungs and bronchi on the right
15. Stomach
16. Duodenum
17. Pancreas
18. Liver
19. Gallbladder
20. Solar plexus
21. Adrenal glands on the right
22. Kidney right
23. Urinary tract on the right
24. Bladder
25. Small intestine
26. Appendix
27. Ileum
28. Ascending colon
29. Transverse colon
35. Right knee
36. Gonads
38. Hip joint on the right
57. Nervous system
60. Knee joint
61. Throat

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