Bile thickening syndrome in adults treatment. How to treat thick bile in the gallbladder Signs of thick bile in the gallbladder treatment

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

Among digestive pathologies, gastroenterologists distinguish bile stasis, which is a syndrome indicating malfunctions in the hepatobiliary system: bile-producing liver, gallbladder (bile depot, where it becomes more concentrated) or biliary transport network (intra- and extrahepatic bile ducts).

Why is bile stasis dangerous?

This pathology is being diagnosed more and more often, so you should know how dangerous bile stasis is for the body. After eating, the fats contained in it begin to emulsify, but in order for lipids to be digested and lipophilic vitamins to be fully absorbed, in addition to gastric juice and pancreatic enzymes, bile acids and their salts are the main components of bile. From the gallbladder they go to duodenum, where the process of emulsification and colloidal hydrolysis of fats continues.

If bile stagnates (that is, it does not enter the intestinal section of the digestive tract), the activity of the intestinal enzyme lipase decreases, and fats are not completely broken down and enter the blood in a significant amount, making it difficult for the transformation of glucose into glycogen (which is fraught with the development of diabetes mellitus). Bile stasis is dangerous by reducing the excretion of excess cholesterol, which is present in the bile itself: it causes hypercholesterolemia (high cholesterol in the blood) and accelerates the development of atherosclerosis.

Stagnation of bile in gallbladder often leads to its inflammation (secondary cholecystitis) or cholelithiasis (cholelithiasis). It is in the presence of stones in the gallbladder that acute and chronic cholecystitis with bile stasis most often develops.

It is possible to simultaneously diagnose gastritis and bile stasis when the mucosa of the esophagus and stomach are exposed to bile acids getting there "reverse" from the duodenum - with chronic duodenogastric reflux (arising from the weakness of the cardiac sphincter of the esophagus).

The so-called sclerosing cholangitis - inflammation, fibrosis and strictures of the bile ducts - can lead to stagnation of bile in the ducts.

In violation of the circulation of bile acids in the gastrointestinal tract, the absorption of fats (fatty malabsorption) and fat-soluble vitamins decreases: retinol (vitamin A), ergocalciferol (vitamin D), tocopherol (vitamin E), phylloquinones (group K vitamins). The most well-known consequences and complications of vitamin A deficiency are deterioration of twilight vision, and vitamin D deficiency is osteomalacia (when a decrease in bone mineralization leads to their softening). At the same time, a simultaneous deficiency of vitamins A and D interferes with the absorption of calcium, which makes the bone tissue even less dense, that is, osteoporosis develops. A lack of vitamin K threatens to reduce blood clotting and the occurrence of hemorrhagic diathesis and bleeding.

A very real threat posed by chronic bile stasis is an increase in intestinal acidity, because bile - due to the presence of calcium cations in it - reduces the acidity of the contents of the stomach soaked in gastric juice, which passes into the intestinal stage of digestion. With stagnation of bile (cholestasis), an acid-base imbalance of the gastrointestinal tract is noted, and the result of acidification is ascites (dropsy) and poor bowel function due to the multiplication of pathogenic microbes.

When there is prolonged stagnation of bile in the liver, an increase in the level of chenodeoxycholic bile acid produced in the liver can lead to the death of hepatocytes and focal necrosis of the parenchyma. This is a very serious complication, since the liver is responsible for very important functions.

If there is stagnation of bile in the intestine, the toxicity of conjugated metabolic products and exogenous toxins (including those of bacterial origin) increases. Also, the consequences and complications relate to the synthesis of hormones, which is significantly reduced, since lipids are necessary for their production.

ICD-10 code

P59.1 Bile thickening syndrome


According to studies, up to 70% of cases occur in extrahepatic bile stasis. Among women, this syndrome is more common - especially during pregnancy. Due to the immaturity of the liver enzyme system, newborns and children of the first two to three years of life are more prone to bile stasis.

According to experts, stagnation of bile in the liver occurs if there is liver cyst, malignant neoplasms or metastases.

Causes of bile stasis in the gallbladder and bile ducts include:

  • stones in the gallbladder;
  • tumors of the gallbladder or bile ducts;
  • inflammation in the neck of the gallbladder;
  • cystic formations the common bile duct or its compression by a cyst localized in the pancreas;
  • compression and narrowing of the initial section of the common hepatic duct (Mirizzi syndrome);
  • violation of the functions of the valve system of the biliary tract (sphincters of Oddi, Lutkens, Mirizzi, Geister);
  • failures of the endocrine and paracrine mechanisms of the gastroduodenal stage of digestion associated with an imbalance of secretin, cholecystokinin, neurotensin and other intestinal hormones.

Risk factors

Physical inactivity and stagnation of bile are closely related: the less a person moves, the slower the metabolic processes in his body and the higher his risk of developing biliary duct dyskinesia or the formation of gallstones.

And stagnation of bile after removal of the gallbladder is called by experts as part of the typical postoperative consequences that occur due to the formation of scar tissue that narrows the gaps of the bile ducts.

An important dietary risk factor for biliary obstruction due to gallstones can be excessive sugar intake, as well as fat-containing foods that cause bile stasis.

Also, the real risk factors for stagnation of bile are alcohol abuse, overeating, obesity, inherited genetic predisposition to metabolic disorders.


The pathogenesis of bile stasis in the intrahepatic ducts is associated with infections, endocrine disorders, genetic metabolic disorders (thyrotoxicosis, amyloidosis of the liver or intestines) and iatrogenic effects. And the pathogenesis of stagnation of bile in the extrahepatic ducts (cystic, common hepatic and common bile) is due to changes in the composition of bile and an increase in its lithogenicity, anomalies of the biliary tract and their partial or complete obstruction.

Symptoms of bile stasis

First of all, it should be borne in mind that this condition may be asymptomatic. And the intensity and sequence in which the symptoms of bile stasis appear depend on the specific cause and the individual characteristics of the hepatobiliary system of the body. But the first signs are skin itching and changes in feces and urine. It is believed that itching during bile stasis is a reaction to an increase in the level of bile acids in the blood plasma, where they enter as a result of damage to liver cells by chenodeoxycholic acid.

Feces during bile stasis have a characteristic discoloration due to a violation of the elimination of the bile pigment bilirubin (which is normally oxidized to stercobilin, which turns feces brown and urine straw-yellow). Urine with stagnation of bile, on the contrary, becomes dark, because the level of urobilin (urine stercobilin) ​​increases in it.

Constipation and diarrhea with bile stasis are typical symptoms of this condition. Since bile acids play an important role in intestinal motility, their reduction in the intestinal lumen leads to constipation. And diarrhea during stagnation is associated either with an increased content of undigested fats in the stool (steatorrhea), or with changes in the intestinal microflora.

Changes in the color of the skin - jaundice - are not observed in all patients, however, at sufficiently high plasma levels of conjugated bilirubin, the skin, sclera, and mucous membranes become yellow. Yellow spots (xanthelasma) may appear on the eyelids, and patchy skin growths with cholesterol patches (xanthoma) appear around the eyes, in the palmar folds, under the breasts, on the neck and in the diaper area in infants.

Characteristic pains during stagnation of bile - dull paroxysmal, localized in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen (in the hypochondrium); can give upward and backward (to the collarbone, shoulder or shoulder blade); possible acute attacks in the form of colic.

Heartburn with bile stasis is often accompanied by constant feeling bitterness in the mouth, dry mouth with bile stasis is also characteristic. Bile helps to break down proteins and nitrogenous bases contained in food, and bad breath due to bile stasis occurs due to poor digestion and absorption of proteins. By the way, bitter belching of bile often manifests itself and stagnation of bile after removal of the gallbladder.

Fever - temperature during stagnation of bile - evidence of the presence of an infection, for example, phlegmonous or gangrenous cholecystitis with cholelithiasis. high temperature can give sepsis, which develops after endoscopic diagnostic manipulations.

In addition, symptoms of bile stasis include nausea and vomiting; dizziness and feeling of general weakness; liver enlargement (hepatomegaly); increased pressure in the portal vein leading to the liver. With bile stasis in children, a lack of essential polyunsaturated fatty acids (linoleic, linolenic, arachidonic) can lead to growth retardation, damage to the peripheral nervous system, dermatitis. Alopecia, that is, hair loss due to bile stasis, is also the result of a triglyceride deficiency.

Stagnation of bile during pregnancy

Clinical researches recent years showed that bile stasis during pregnancy is initiated by estrogens, which regulate most of the processes in the body of the expectant mother. So, pregnant women produce large hormone secretin, and, therefore, more bile. But at the same time, the secretion of somatotropin growth hormone (GH) increases, and it blocks the hormone cholecystokinin, which is responsible for the contraction of the gallbladder and the common bile duct.

Bile stasis during pregnancy (idiopathic jaundice of pregnancy or obstetric cholestasis) is most often manifested by excruciating skin itching (especially of the palms of the hands and soles of the feet) by the middle of the second or third trimester - as the maximum level of estrogen is reached. In addition, there was a significant increase in serum levels of aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase and unconjugated bile acids; other symptoms are rare. Within two to three weeks after childbirth, spontaneous relief and disappearance of all signs occurs.

The epidemiology of bile stasis in pregnant women demonstrates a 0.4-1% susceptibility to this condition in women in most regions of Central and Western Europe and North America, while in the Scandinavian and Baltic countries this figure reaches 1-2%, and in some regions of Latin America - up to 5-15%.

At the same time, the following consequences and complications of bile stasis in pregnant women are noted: premature birth (20-60%), staining of meconium in the amniotic fluid (more than 25%), fetal bradycardia (14%), fetal distress (22-40%), fetal loss (0.4-4%).

Stagnation of bile in 45-70% of women occurs in all subsequent pregnancies.

By the way, with itching and the absence of jaundice, bile stasis and allergies are often not differentiated, and patients turn to dermatologists who cannot help them in any way.

congestion of bile in a child

There are many reasons that cause stagnation of bile in a child, in particular:

  • absence of the gallbladder (agenesis);
  • doubling of the gallbladder (complete or rudimentary);
  • deepening of the gallbladder into the liver parenchyma;
  • diverticulum (protrusion of part of the wall) of the gallbladder;
  • congenital enlargement of the bile ducts inside the liver (Caroli syndrome);
  • congenital strictures in the presence of a common bile duct cyst;
  • a fairly common congenital (due to mutations in the gene of serine digestive enzymes), a violation of the synthesis of hepatic alpha-1 antitrypsin;
  • genetically determined reduction or complete absence of intrahepatic ducts (biliary atresia);
  • heterogeneous disorder of bile formation - progressive familial intrahepatic stasis (Byler's disease); pathogenesis is associated with mutations in the genes of the hepatocellular transport system; is diagnosed in one newborn out of 50-90 thousand.

In addition, stagnation of bile in a child of preschool and school age may have the same causes as in adults (see above). But most often the etiology is associated with impaired motility of the gallbladder and functional disorders biliary pathways.

Diagnosis of stagnation of bile

In clinical practice, the diagnosis of bile stasis is carried out by examination, during which, in addition to collecting an anamnesis and examining the patient, such tests are taken as:

Instrumental diagnosis of pathologies during bile stasis is carried out using:

  • ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the gallbladder, liver and small intestine;
  • dynamic cholescintigraphy;
  • esophagogastroduodenoscopy;
  • radioisotope hepatobiliary scintigraphy;
  • endoscopic cholangiography;
  • endoscopic retrograde radiography of the bile ducts and pancreas (ERCP).
  • CT or MRI of the digestive organs.

Differential Diagnosis

The task that differential diagnosis solves is to clearly distinguish between the problems of the hepatobiliary system that caused bile stasis, from hereditary defects in bile excretion (Rotor, Dubin-Johnson syndromes), unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia (Gilbert's syndrome), parenchymal jaundice, hematuria, carotenemia, erythropoietic porphyria, hepatic form infectious mononucleosis etc.

Treatment of stagnant bile

The principles on which the complex treatment of bile stasis is based: if the cause can be eliminated, etiological treatment, including surgical treatment; when the cause cannot be eliminated - symptomatic therapy with the maximum possible impact on individual pathogenetic components.

If the stagnation of bile in the gallbladder or liver has not caused obstruction of the ducts, then drugs based on ursodeoxycholic acid, which is part of bile, are used. These include a hepatoprotective drug with choleretic (increasing bile synthesis) and choleretic effects Ursofalk (Ursochol, Cholacid, Ursosan, Ursoliv, Ukrliv, Choludexan, etc. trade names) in the form of capsules and suspensions for oral administration. It also reduces the production of cholesterol and its absorption in the small intestine, which reduces the likelihood of the formation of cholesterol-containing stones. Capsules and suspension are prescribed at 10-15-20 mg per kilogram of body weight per day (the doctor determines the specific dose); treatment is long.

Ursofalk can not be used for cirrhosis of the liver, acute cholecystitis or cholangitis, with calcified stones in the gallbladder and its dyskinesia, as well as in case of obvious functional insufficiency of the liver, pancreas or kidneys. And among the side effects of ursodeoxycholic acid, pain in the upper abdomen, moderate diarrhea, and the formation of bile calcifications are noted.

Almost always, choleretic agents are prescribed for stagnation of bile, such as Allohol, Hofitol (Artichol, Cynarix), Holiver, Odeston (Gimecromon, Cholestil, Holstamin forte, etc.). Ademetionine (Heptor, Heptral) is recognized as the most effective hepatoprotector.

Allochol (consisting of dry bile, extracts of nettle and garlic and activated charcoal) promotes the production of bile, so when acute forms hepatitis, liver dysfunction and obstructive jaundice do not use it. Allochol tablets are taken after meals - 2 tablets three times a day. In some, the drug can cause skin allergies and diarrhea.

Tablets (and solutions for oral and parenteral administration) Hofitol contain an extract of the leaves of the artichoke seed, which promotes the promotion of bile, increased diuresis and metabolism of cholesterol. The drug in the form of tablets is taken three times a day, 1-2 tablets (before meals), the solution - 2.5 ml (for children - 0.6-1.25 ml). Hofitol can cause hives; it is contraindicated for use in gallstones, biliary obstruction, and liver failure.

And the choleretic agent Holiver, in addition to artichoke extract, contains extracts of bile and turmeric, which stimulate the synthesis of bile acids and the release of hepatic bile. The remedy is also effective for constipation associated with intestinal dysbiosis and flatulence. Contraindications are similar to Hofitol; standard dosage - 2-3 tablets 3 times a day (before or after meals).

Cholagogue tablets Odeston (based on 7-hydroxy-4-methylcoumarin) not only accelerate the circulation of bile, but also relieve spasms. It is recommended to take one tablet (0.2 g) three times a day for 10-14 days, half an hour before meals. Odeston is contraindicated in nonspecific ulcerative colitis and any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract with ulcerations, obstruction of the bile ducts, hemophilia; not used in the treatment of children. Side effects of the drug are manifested in the form of diarrhea, epigastric pain, increased formation of intestinal gases.

The drug Ademetionine (S-adenosyl-methionine) contributes to the normalization of liver function and metabolism. It is prescribed 2-3 tablets per day; contraindications of the drug relate to individual intolerance, use in the treatment of children and pregnant women (in the I-II trimesters). Possible by-effect- discomfort in the hypochondrium.

In addition, in the treatment of stagnation of bile, pharmaceutical choleretic preparations are used. medicinal plants. For example, choleretic collection No. 2 (flowers of immortelle sandy, yarrow grass, peppermint leaves, coriander seeds) or collection No. 3 (flowers of calendula, tansy and pharmacy chamomile and mint leaves). A decoction is prepared from dry raw materials - a tablespoon per glass of water (boil for no more than 10 minutes and leave for half an hour in a sealed container, strain and add boiled water to the original volume). Cholagogue fees should be used after consulting a doctor; drink decoctions before meals twice a day - 100 ml each.

Rose hips also have choleretic properties: you can prepare an infusion of dried berries or take Holosas (a dessert spoon a day, children - half a teaspoon). You should also take vitamins A, C, D, E, K.


Of the homeopathic remedies for the treatment of bile stasis, Galstena (tablets for resorption under the tongue and drops) and Gepar compositum (solution in ampoules for parenteral use) can be used.

Both preparations contain many components, but each contains spotted milk thistle (Silybum marianum) or milk thistle (in the form of plant seed extract). Among the active substances of milk thistle, the flavonolignan complex (silibinin, silybins, isosilybins, silicristin, isosilicristin, silydianin and dihydroquercetin) has a particular benefit to the liver. Milk thistle also contains vitamin K and ω-6 fatty linoleic acid.

Galsten's drug stimulates the production of bile and activates its movement from the liver to the gallbladder and further, relieves spasms and inflammation. Doctors recommend taking this remedy one tablet (under the tongue) twice a day; drops - 7-10 drops three times a day (between meals). Side effects are noted in the instructions. allergic reactions, and only hypersensitivity is indicated in contraindications. However, Galstena contains Chelidonium majus, that is, celandine, and this plant is known to be poisonous (due to the presence of isoquinoline alkaloids) and can cause cramps, intestinal cramps, salivation and uterine muscle contractions.

The homeopathic preparation Gepar compositum consists of 24 active substances (one of them is milk thistle). It is used by intramuscular or subcutaneous injection - one ampoule every 3-7 days for 3-6 weeks. Side effects include urticaria and itching.

Surgical treatment

To date, depending on the etiology and localization of bile stasis, surgical treatment includes such types surgical intervention, How:

  • laparoscopic removal of stones in cholelithiasis and bile duct stones (endoscopic lithoextraction);
  • removal of a cyst or tumor that prevents the outflow of bile;
  • placement of stents in bile ducts;
  • balloon expansion (dilatation) of the lumen of the bile ducts with their obstruction;
  • drainage of the common bile duct (choledochostomy);
  • expansion of the gallbladder or its ducts with stenting and the formation of bilidigestive anastomoses;
  • operations on the sphincters of the gallbladder;
  • removal of the gallbladder (cholecystectomy).

In case of biliary atresia (see the section - Stagnation of bile in a child), the ducts in the liver are created surgically: children of the first two months are reconstructive operation(portoenterostomy), but liver transplantation may also be required.

Alternative treatment

Among the variety of recipes for alternative treatment of this pathology, the most adequate advice can be distinguished:

  • Consume for 1-1.5 months a mixture of home-made juices - carrot, apple and beetroot (in equal proportions); you should drink 150 ml of this juice (an hour after eating).
  • Drink natural Apple vinegar by adding a tablespoon to a cup of apple juice or water with lemon juice; you can also put a teaspoon of honey there.
  • Take mummy dissolved in water for two weeks (tablet 0.2 g per 500 ml); drink the entire amount per day (in divided doses, half an hour before meals). Between courses of application, it is advised to take 5-7-day breaks. A full cycle of such mummy therapy can last 3-5 months. True, in folk recipe it is not mentioned that with such volumes of use of this biostimulant, there may be diarrhea, increased heart rate and increased blood pressure.

Also folk treatment suggests using oats and preparing a decoction from it: a tablespoon of whole grains is poured into two glasses of water and boiled for about half an hour; drink 15-20 minutes before meals 3-4 times during the day (drink the entire amount per day). However, it should be borne in mind that oats act as a laxative and lower blood pressure.

Persimmon with stagnation of bile will help to cope with diarrhea (for this it is recommended to prepare a decoction). Persimmon contains a lot of beta-carotene and vitamin C, as well as manganese - a cofactor for the synthesis of the antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase, which increases the resistance of mucous membranes. Other powerful antioxidants found in persimmons include lycopene and cryptoxanthin. But pomegranate not only promotes hematopoiesis, but also has choleretic properties; however, this fruit promotes constipation.

Bile is an important component of digestion that promotes the breakdown and absorption of fats and fat-soluble acids. Under the influence of bile secretion, fats are emulsified and absorbed into the intestine.

Sometimes bile changes its consistency to a more viscous one, this phenomenon is quite dangerous for the body. With thickening of the bile secretion, the likelihood of clogging of the pathways with clots or sand increases. As a result, bile stagnates and stones form, which can only be removed by surgery.

If the patient presents late medical care, then there is a threat of rupture of the gallbladder, overflowing with liquid. Then the bile secret spreads through the tissues, as a result, peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum) occurs, which requires long-term treatment. In the worst case, the patient dies due to severe intoxication.

To avoid such consequences, it is necessary to identify the disease in time and treat it. How to thin the bile in the gallbladder and how to prevent it from thickening will be discussed further.

Causes of thickening of bile

The gallbladder collects bile, which enters its cavity from the liver, due to which it functions normally. This is very important factor for normal digestion.

The viscosity of the liver secretion increases due to proper nutrition, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous disorders, etc.

When food enters the stomach, the gallbladder begins to contract, as a result, fluid enters the pathways, and then into the stomach. Thus, food is digested, and its remains are excreted through the intestines. Under the influence of bile secretion, food is broken down and absorbed useful material. However, this is only possible if the bile has a normal consistency and nothing prevents it from entering the stomach.

Many patients are interested in the question of why there is thick bile in the gallbladder.

There are factors that provoke an increase in the viscosity of the bile secretion:

  • Diseases of the digestive tract or pancreas. For example, cholecystitis is an inflammation of the walls of the gallbladder, which provokes stagnation of the bile secretion and an increase in its density.
  • Increasing the concentration of cholesterol. If the patient does not eat properly, consumes a lot of fatty, spicy foods, smoked products, marinades, then the likelihood of an increase in the amount of cholesterol increases. Low-density lipoproteins (bad cholesterol) often enter the bile, causing it to thicken, resulting in the formation of clots and stones.
  • Strict diets. The likelihood of bile thickening increases with insufficient intake of nutrients or starvation of the patient.
  • Frequent stress. The risk of increased viscosity of bile is increased in choleric patients. During stress, the gallbladder begins to contract, and its ducts narrow. The outflow of bile through the bile duct slows down. As a result, clots or sand are formed.
  • Violation of the admission rules medical preparations. If the patient takes medicines for a long time or independently increases the dosage, does not take into account contraindications, then the risk of bile thickening increases.
  • Passive lifestyle. If a person by occupation spends a lot of time in one position (driver, office worker, seamstress, etc.), then this leads to an increase in body weight and stagnation of bile.

Thus, with an increase in the viscosity of bile, a dense clot is formed in the bladder cavity, which is called biliary sludge. As a result, cholelithiasis manifests itself.


To avoid gallstone disease, you must be attentive to your health. It is important to identify the signs of the pathological process as early as possible and start treatment.

Pathology is accompanied by discomfort, pain in the right hypochondrium, nausea, bitter taste in the mouth, etc.

Bile thickening can be identified by the following symptoms:

  • Discomfort, heaviness on the right under the ribs.
  • Anxiety, fear that arise without a reason (usually appear at night).
  • Nausea, eruption of vomit with a long interval between meals.
  • Heaviness in stomach after eating, constriction in left chest.
  • Bitter taste in the mouth.
  • Sore throat, swelling of the neck.
  • Irritability that turns into aggression.
  • The skin acquires a grayish tint.
  • An increase in the temperature of the feet in a certain period of time (from 11.00 to 13.00).

If you have all of these symptoms or some of them, you need to go to a gastroenterologist. The specialist will prescribe the necessary procedures, assess the condition of bile and gallbladder.


To detect thick bile, it is necessary to examine the gallbladder using ultrasound. It is important to properly prepare for the examination. The main rule is that the diagnosis is carried out on an empty stomach. It is strictly forbidden to eat, drink and take medications 7-12 hours before the procedure. An ultrasound can be used to see if there is gallstones or inflammation.

The gallbladder can be examined with an ultrasound.

Medical therapy

Patients are interested in the question of what to do when viscous bile is found in the bladder cavity. With chronic inflammation of the walls of the gallbladder, the patient should be in bed for 3 to 5 days and follow a strict diet. With proper nutrition, you can reduce the viscosity of bile and normalize its output.

Choleretic drugs are used to thin bile and normalize digestion.

Further treatment of thick bile in the gallbladder is carried out with the use of medications that eliminate pain and spasm. For this purpose, the following drugs are prescribed: No-shpa, Baralgin, Cerucal, Motilium (antiemetics), as well as antibacterial drugs to inhibit harmful microorganisms. These drugs are taken only for medical reasons.

After stopping acute symptoms, it is recommended to take drugs to thin the bile and accelerate its outflow. In addition to the main functions, choleretic drugs contribute to the removal of low-density lipoproteins and excess acids from the body. For this purpose, Barberin, Hofitol, Sibektan, etc. are used.

To reduce the viscosity of bile, tubage is prescribed, during the therapeutic event, the gall sac is cleaned of stagnant fluid with sorbitol, xylitol, and olive oil.

It is forbidden to stimulate the formation of hepatic secretion in patients who suffer from inflammation of the pancreas, hepatitis, cirrhosis, IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) with diarrhea. Choleretic drugs load hepatocytes, in which the concentration of antioxidants decreases.

This applies to herbal preparations that contain more than 2 herbs (cholagogue, laxatives, sedatives). For this reason, before using any means, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Analyzes will help identify pathological changes in hepatocytes. With an increase in liver enzymes, choleretic drugs are not used. Some patients believe that such medications help to remove small stones from the bladder cavity. However, it is not. It is very dangerous to remove stones on your own, as the likelihood of blockage of the biliary tract by stones increases.

Choleretic drugs are used to prevent the formation of stones. Prescribe drugs only after confirming the presence of a thick fluid in the bladder after ultrasound.

In most cases, doctors recommend a long course of treatment with Ursosan or Ursofalk. These medications thin the bile and break down small cholesterol plaques. To prevent thickening of the liver secretion, Gepabene is used, which improves the contractility of the gallbladder, provokes the outflow of bile and activates the work of hepatocytes.

Nutrition rules

During the treatment of thick bile, it is necessary to follow a diet. In the first 3 days of therapy, it should be especially strict, then, depending on the patient's condition, the diet can be slightly expanded. Then the patient can eat cereals, boiled fish, cottage cheese with a low percentage of fat content. At the same time, it is important to eat in small portions, chewing food thoroughly.

To reduce the viscosity of bile, it is recommended to include choleretic products in the diet

In addition, the patient must refuse fatty, fried, salty foods with the addition of hot spices. It is strictly forbidden to eat fresh pastries, alcoholic drinks or soda.

Vegetable oils have the ability to thin bile:

  • olive oil;
  • peanut;
  • avocado oil;
  • corn oil;
  • sunflower.

Vegetable fats are forbidden to be subjected to heat treatment, that is, they are consumed only fresh, for example, for dressing vegetable salads.

The diet should include foods that prevent the formation of biliary sludge and stones:

  • corn and oat bran;
  • celery;
  • spinach;
  • cabbage;
  • tomatoes;
  • carrot.

The following products have the most pronounced choleretic effect:

  • freshly squeezed juice from cabbage or black radish;
  • cowberry;
  • beets and juice from it;
  • grape.

Patients should eat 4 to 6 times a day. Should only be used natural products free of flavors, colors, sweeteners and other chemicals.

Folk remedies for diluting bile

Recipes can be included in the complex of treatment traditional medicine. However, before using any means, you must obtain the approval of the attending physician.

To liquefy the liver secretion, herbs and vegetable oils are used.

You can treat thick bile with the help of medicinal plants that make bile more liquid, improve the motility of the digestive tract and its ducts. Thus, the formation of stones in the cavity of the bladder and blockage of the bile duct by them is prevented.

The most effective thinning agents are ginseng, mint, immortelle, coriander, yarrow, calendula. Decoctions are prepared from herbs that normalize the functionality of the gallbladder.

Cholagogue activity has an infusion of mint leaves, rose hips, corn stigmas. These components are mixed in an equal dose (30 g each), pour 220 ml of boiling water, cover and leave for 2-3 hours (it is better to use a thermos). Then the liquid is filtered and consumed in small portions throughout the day.

Preventive measures

It is much easier to prevent gallstones than to cure. For this, the following rules must be observed:

  • Avoid stress, try to always stay calm.
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle, stop smoking, do not abuse alcohol.
  • Eat properly.
  • Be a physically active person.
  • Follow the doctor's recommendations while taking medications.

To prevent thickening of bile, you need to lead an active lifestyle, eat right, give up bad habits

Based on the foregoing, stagnation and thickening of bile is a serious pathology that requires medical intervention. If at least a few symptoms appear, you should go to a doctor who will conduct a thorough diagnosis and prescribe treatment. To speed up recovery, the patient must strictly follow the recommendations of the doctor. Otherwise, the likelihood of dangerous complications up to death increases.

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Bile in the human body is produced by liver cells - hepatocytes. This yellow biological fluid is a viscous structure. It contains the main components - special acids, phospholipids, bilirubin, immunoglobulins and cholesterol. These substances provide the main function - enzymatic, resulting in a transition from gastric to intestinal digestion.

Bile must have a certain consistency. For a number of reasons, this liquid can become more concentrated. This phenomenon is called the syndrome of thickening of bile. With its development, congestion in the gallbladder is observed. A person develops digestive problems, inflammation develops, the patency of the biliary tract decreases due to the high probability of the formation of stones in them. The disease has certain causes, requires instrumental and clinical diagnosis, treatment and transition to a special diet.

Danger of bile stasis

By anatomical structure The gallbladder is a small container. Each meal is accompanied by the accumulation in this "reservoir" of bile, which is produced by liver cells. Then such a substance enters the duodenum through the bile ducts, where it directly participates, and also stimulates important digestive processes.

Thickening and further stagnation of bile are dangerous factors that can significantly worsen a person’s health and provoke dangerous complications:

  • violation of the process of digestion of food;
  • development of gallstone disease;
  • progression of inflammatory processes characteristic of cholecystitis;
  • the occurrence of structural changes in liver tissues, leading to organ dysfunction (including cirrhosis of the liver);
  • development of osteoporosis;
  • violation of metabolic processes due to insufficient absorption of vitamins and trace elements.

Causes of thickening of bile

Several factors can provoke pathological processes that cause bile stasis syndrome, which can be combined into three groups:

  • functional disorders of the liver, obstruction of patency in the bile ducts that occur against the background of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, intestinal infections, inflammatory processes in the pancreas and liver, congenital pathologies of the gallbladder and its ducts);
  • the presence of pathologies of other organs and systems (diseases of the pelvic organs, obesity, metabolic disorders, diabetes, diseases of the nervous system, allergic manifestations);
  • impact of unfavorable external factors(exposure to toxins of various nature, medicines, alcohol, products that enter the body during smoking and malnutrition).

Symptoms of the syndrome may appear during pregnancy. They can also be provoked by a sedentary lifestyle, a change in diet, a surgical intervention, which results in the removal of the gallbladder. The likelihood of developing pathology increases in the presence of a genetic predisposition.

Characteristic symptoms

To understand that in the human body bile changes consistency, becomes thick, helps unpleasant symptoms. Special signs of pathological processes are observed in different age groups - in adults, in children, including infants.

In adults

Bile thickening syndrome in adults is accompanied by severe symptoms. The patient may indicate a regular repetition and a combination of symptoms:

  • the presence of heartburn, belching, a feeling of bitterness in the mouth;
  • the appearance of a feeling of nausea, sometimes accompanied by vomiting;
  • pain in the hypochondrium (right) and in the epigastrium;
  • frequent diarrhea;
  • discoloration of feces to light, urine, on the contrary, acquires a dark color;
  • severe fatigue, weakness, general loss of strength;
  • changes in the condition of the skin (itching, dryness, rashes, jaundice);
  • sclera, mucous membranes of the mouth, tongue may acquire a yellowish tint;
  • there is nocturnal insomnia, severe daytime sleepiness.

During pregnancy

While waiting for a child female body"perestroika" processes occur - the hormonal background changes, internal organs change their position, squeeze. Such phenomena contribute to the development of cholestasis. Pregnant women also have characteristic manifestations:

  • pain sensations accompany eating, active movement of the fetus and can last up to two hours;
  • pain occurs simultaneously with the reaction digestive system(nausea, belching, heartburn);
  • sweating may increase, chills and a slight increase in body temperature are observed.

In newborns

In infants, signs of pathology at its initial stage in most cases do not appear, the picture of the disease becomes bright during the onset of complications. In newborns, the following symptoms indicate bile thickening syndrome:

  • loss of appetite, sometimes complete refusal of food;
  • the baby's skin becomes very dry and turns yellow, rashes may appear on it;
  • the child is often naughty, does not sleep well;
  • urine darkens, feces become light;
  • food is not retained in the stomach, vomiting appears.

Diagnostic measures

When symptoms of cholestasis appear, the doctor prescribes additional research to clarify and confirm the diagnosis. The patient needs to undergo the following instrumental and laboratory procedures:

Treatment methods used

In the treatment of bile thickening syndrome and its stagnation, a complex of therapeutic measures and procedures is used. The basis is not only the use of drugs that contribute to the restoration of the functions of organs, systems with pathological changes and elimination characteristic symptoms, but also a special diet, herbal medicine, physical activity, homeopathic remedies. In some cases, the patient is prescribed a surgical operation.

Drug Overview

Drug treatment is indicated after a reliable establishment of the cause that caused the change in the characteristics of bile. After receiving the results of the instrumental, laboratory diagnostics a patient may receive a prescription for drugs from one, but more often from several groups:

  • choleretic drugs necessary to regulate the formation of bile in the liver (Odeston, Allochol, Karsil);
  • hepatoprotectors - to restore liver function, regulate its work ("Essentiale", "Lecithin", "Legalon", "Sirepar", "Karsil", "Erbisol");
  • cholekinetics - to increase the tone, contractility of the walls of the gallbladder ("Cholecystokinin", "Holosas", "Magnesium sulfate", "Flamin", "Berberine");
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • antibiotics;
  • antispasmodics - are shown to relax the muscles of the digestive organs ("Spazmalgon", "No-shpa").

Folk recipes

To alleviate the condition of patients - adults and children - the doctor may recommend traditional medicine. Natural medicines should have choleretic, anti-inflammatory, strengthening properties. It is these qualities that the following medicinal raw materials have:

  • herbs - sweet clover, sandy immortelle, knotweed, corn stigmas;
  • fresh vegetable and fruit juices (carrots, beets, apples);
  • oats (seeds);
  • mummy (aqueous solution).

The doctor regulates the individual scheme and personal course of treatment, as well as the peculiarities of the preparation of medicines.


With stagnation of bile, an alternative type of treatment is also used - homeopathy. Popular drugs are:

  • injection solution "Gepar compositum" (contains more than 20 active ingredients);
  • drops and tablets "Galsten" on the basis of milkweed spotted.

During the treatment, the effect is achieved - the production of bile improves, its transport function, the development of inflammation is prevented, the muscular activity of the organs is regulated. Medicines can cause side effects, in this case, you should stop treatment and consult a specialist.


For the correction and prevention of congestion in the liver and gallbladder, it is recommended to increase physical activity. The easiest way to achieve this goal is to walk daily. Its duration should be at least an hour.

Doctors advise for patients a complex of therapeutic exercises. It includes such exercises: turns, tilts of the body, lifting the legs up from a prone position - while performing breathing exercises.

Irregular nutrition, a sedentary lifestyle, stress - an unnatural state for the body, but, paradoxically, the environment familiar to a city dweller.

Stagnation of bile in the gallbladder, the symptoms of which appear against this background, provoke the occurrence of more severe pathologies.

Bile is produced continuously by the liver, its volume can reach up to 1.2 liters per day. - the custodian of this thick yellow-brown liquid, is connected to the digestion process when it receives a signal from the duodenum about the intake of food mass. Bile in the amount necessary for processing is released into the intestines and does its part of the work of breaking down fats and proteins.

But food enters the body periodically. What happens in the body between meals?

Why is bile thick?

The bile that collects in the bladder changes. From hepatic, liquid, it turns into vesicular, thick, more concentrated. During the waiting period, water from it is absorbed by the walls of the organ.

The danger arises if bile stays in the organ for a long time - it, like any thick liquid, tends to settle on the walls of the reservoir. The crowded organ increases.

Thick bile is a consequence of:

  • violations of rational nutrition, the predominance of fatty, spicy, spicy dishes in the menu, or vice versa - tasteless, low-fat food;
  • violations of the drinking regime;
  • violations of the regime of physical activity and the regime of the day;
  • pathologies of the endocrine system;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • changes hormonal background during pregnancy and menopause;
  • malfunction of the central nervous system;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas;
  • constant nervous tension, stress;
  • weakness of the walls of the organ;
  • diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • hereditary predisposition.

Thick bile in the gallbladder, the treatment of which requires a special approach, has recently been noted in children. Doctors explain pathology infectious lesions, the use of certain drugs and eating disorders.

Bile clots in the gallbladder that require treatment special attention, will be formed if:

  • the ways of its outflow have an individual structure or are narrowed, and the secret cannot be effectively separated;
  • there is no coordination between the activity of the bladder and the natural "lock" - the sphincter of the ducts, and bile cannot be pushed out into the intestine in a timely manner;
  • the intestines are full, there is constipation or flatulence - it cannot get there.

Liquefaction of bile in the gallbladder during stagnation is necessary to improve the patient's well-being and increase his performance.

Causes of bile stasis in the gallbladder

Symptoms of bile stasis

Thick bile in the gallbladder, the symptoms of which are manifested:

  • pain in the upper right quadrant of the abdomen, which is slightly relieved after eating;
  • the spread of pain throughout the abdomen (weakness of the walls of the organ is preliminarily assumed);
  • a strong periodic attack of pain without an increase in temperature, which suggests that the sphincter is not working properly);
  • pains that occur in the morning, after sleep and are caused by overflow of the organ;
  • decrease in well-being and performance of a person.

Symptoms of bile stasis in the gallbladder are manifested as:

  • severe weakness and fatigue;
  • sleep problems, fear and anxiety;
  • irritability;
  • appetite disorders;
  • nausea, vomiting on an empty stomach, a greenish tint of the mass;
  • feeling of bitterness in the mouth;
  • dull or paroxysmal pain in the liver;
  • flatulence and belching;
  • intermittent stools, diarrhea after fatty meals;
  • skin itching;
  • periodic pain and swelling in the throat;
  • decreased libido in men and sexual activity in women, -

should be a reason to see a doctor.

Why does gallbladder congestion occur? Symptoms and treatment of pathology are determined by the doctor on the basis of ultrasound. The organ is visible without changing its usual shape, with clear contours, but larger in volume and thick bile in the cavity. On palpation in people with low weight, an increase in the organ is noted.

Bile clots in the gallbladder, the treatment of which prevents stone formation, can be seen on ultrasound as layered formations without a shadow. Congestive gallbladder, the symptoms of which are detected during hardware diagnosis, does not change blood counts. Its analysis usually does not show changes in the values ​​of the main indicators. Treatment of stagnation of bile in the gallbladder should be carried out according to the recommendations of the attending physician and under his supervision.

Treatment of stagnant bile

The question of how to treat stagnation of bile in the gallbladder worries many patients. How to cure bile stasis? The main steps will be:

  • establishing correct mode nutrition and drinking regimen;
  • adherence to the correct daily routine and physical activity;
  • usage ;

How to remove bile from the gallbladder? The correct scheme provides for frequent meals with intervals of at least 4 hours between meals and a mandatory breakfast. Congestive gallbladder, the treatment of which is impossible without the regulation of the day regimen, requires a night's sleep of up to 8 hours. Longer sleep increases the tendency for bile stasis. To improve the ejection of fluid from the bladder, it is optimal to perform special therapeutic exercises.

How to thin the bile in the gallbladder with the help - the doctor will tell you. Nutrition for a patient with bile stasis is determined individually. With a weak, lazy body, the menu should include a small amount of butter, sour cream, eggs. Oil is added to ready meals.

General requirements for food of a patient with bile stasis:

  • food should be easily digestible;
  • dishes should have an attractive appearance;
  • food should be boiled or steamed;
  • the menu should be balanced;
  • the diet should include plant foods in large quantities;
  • vegetables with a pungent and sour taste, such as sorrel, are not consumed;
  • fried foods are prohibited;
  • marinades, pickles, smoked foods are not allowed;
  • sweets are forbidden, especially pastries.

How to liquefy bile in the gallbladder? The diet should include products that thin the secret, causing the ducts and the organ to contract. This:

  • fresh olives;
  • olive oil;
  • fresh dill;
  • whole grain cereals

The doctor will prescribe how to expel bile from the gallbladder using medicines. Choleretic agents in case of stagnation of bile lead to its liquefaction and correct, by the time, entry into the intestine. Such funds are:

  • synthetic;
  • with the inclusion of animal raw materials;
  • based on herbs;

They are divided into groups according to the method of influence:

  • drugs and agents that cause an increase in the volume of bile, which allows you to clear the bladder in a natural way, or choleretics;
  • compounds that raise the tone of the organ and provoke the expansion of the channels for the removal of bile, which makes the flow of fluid more free, or cholekinetics;
  • drugs that reduce the tension of the bladder and excretory tracts, choleospasmolytics

The use of therapeutic agents makes it possible to reduce the discomfort caused by congestion. How to liquefy bile in the gallbladder, what means to use, only the doctor decides. Stagnant bile in the gallbladder, the treatment of which is aggravated by concomitant diseases, requires the correct selection of choleretic agents. Means containing acids can aggravate liver pathologies and stomach diseases, cause exacerbations in pancreatitis.

The accumulation of bile in the gallbladder suggests the treatment of stagnation of bile with physiological effects. For this, massage and therapeutic exercises are successfully used. One of the methods of treatment is washing the organ by probing, tubage, as a kind of washing.

Tubage with mineral water

Probing of the organ is prescribed by a doctor to determine the cause of bile stasis. Blind tubage of the gallbladder is a method of washing the organ without the participation of a probe, in which bile is ejected into the duodenum and excreted with feces.

The name is caused by the content of the procedure - with the probe method, the doctor sees the composition, structure and amount of secreted bile, with tubage, the efficiency of excretion is determined by the color of the stool.

Tubage of the gallbladder with mineral water must be prescribed by a doctor. Appointments are made to patients with weak organ activity, constipation, patients with eating disorders. Frequency - no more than once every 10 days.

When deciding to perform a gallbladder tubage at home, you must first preliminary training organism. How to do a gallbladder tubage? Manipulation should not be carried out with:

  • poor health and pain in the liver area;
  • if stones in the liver and bladder are diagnosed;
  • with a diagnosed duodenal ulcer;
  • women immediately before menstruation and during cyclic bleeding.

There are several options for how to clean the gallbladder from bile, combining cleansing the liver and organ. The doctor will tell you the right way to do gallbladder tubage, which is safe for a particular patient!

Feedback from patients about the procedure is mostly positive. Patients note a positive attitude towards tubage with mineral water, which many have been doing for several years. The reviews note that during the procedure you need to lie strictly on your right side.

At the same time, in some people, bile drains better in the supine position, which, in all likelihood, is determined by anatomical features bile ducts. Many people choose the position in which gallbladder tubage is performed experimentally, focusing on their own well-being and the color of the excrement excreted after the procedure (the darker or greener, the more “bile” in them).

It should also be noted that some doctors advise to carry out tubage lying on the left side, with a heating pad on the right side.

How to make tubage at home?

3-5 days before the scheduled procedure, they switch to a sparing diet, exclude protein products from the menu. The diet is formed only from plant foods and juices. The norm of drinking water is up to 2 liters per day, the liquid should be warm.

Immediately before the procedure, it is necessary to increase the amount of warm liquid you drink. On the day when the treatment is carried out, do not eat breakfast.

Before manipulation, the intestines are cleansed with an enema using heated water.

How to liquefy bile in the gallbladder? The patient will need a heating pad, mineral water Narzan, Borjomi, Essentuki, Morshinskaya in 0.5 liter packaging. Before starting, open a bottle of water to remove the gas. Water in a water bath is heated to 45 degrees Celsius. A warm heating pad is held on the right side of the abdomen. They drink a few sips of warm mineral water, lie on their side, constantly holding the heating pad.

Water thins stagnant bile, making the fluid more fluid. Heat, eliminating spasms in the conducting paths, makes the outflow less painful.

After 5–10 minutes, they get up and perform several breathing exercises - inhale deeply and slowly, and then, exhaling a little, squeeze the bottom chest. Then again they drink a few sips of warm water and lie down with a heating pad for 5-10 minutes.

The cycle is repeated until the water runs out.

Tubage of the gallbladder with mineral water during stagnation can cause discomfort in the right side, a feeling of heaviness.

The procedure will be effective if the stool is greenish. When the body cannot be cleansed, an enema is given.

If the process of conducting causes vomiting, tangible pain - the procedure is interrupted.

When repeating the tubage procedure, you can use Karlovy Vary salt at the rate of 1/3 teaspoon per 250 g of water or sorbitol granules - 2 pcs. on a glass.

When cleaning an organ with stagnation of bile at home, apply pharmaceutical products, which dilate the ducts and allow thick bile and soft clots to exit. This:

  • Sorbitol;
  • Magnesia;
  • Sodium thiosulfate.

How to clear the gallbladder of bile during stagnation using treatment with sorbitol? For this you need:

  1. The day before the tubage, put an enema.
  2. After dinner, a warm heating pad is placed on the liver area.
  3. After dinner, prepare the composition for the tubage. Two tablespoons of sorbitol are diluted in 100 gr. warm water and drink in small sips at 19-20 hours. You should also drink herbal decoctions. To prepare a choleretic decoction, 1 tbsp. l chamomile and corn stigmas are steamed with boiling water for 1 hour. After straining, 50 ml of broth is poured.
  4. Throughout the time, the heating pad should remain on the right side and be of the same temperature. It is necessary to activate the process, clearing the bladder of stagnant bile with diaphragmatic breathing.
  5. After two or three hours, the first manifestations of cleansing will begin. The first cleansing of the organ during bile stasis may not be as effective as expected. With repeated - the effect will be greater.

Sorbitol can be used for daily cleaning. It needs to be scheduled for the weekend. To prepare a cleaning solution for tubage in a thermos, pour 3-4 tablespoons of rose hips with boiling water. The next morning, add sorbitol to the thermos - 3 tablespoons. The infusion is drunk in small sips for 15 minutes. An hour later, they drink a decoction from a thermos.

For the procedure, you need to lie with a heating pad all day. You need to eat often, in small portions of vegetable dishes without fat, oil and salt. After the procedure, there may be a period of weakness for 3-4 days, which is then replaced by a period of sharp improvement in the condition. The procedure of daily tubage can be carried out every other day in 5 procedures.

Exercises for stagnant bile

How to remove bile during stagnation - exercises

Low physical activity of patients causes stagnation in the gallbladder, the treatment of which requires a change in their habitual low-dynamic lifestyle.

Gymnastics with stagnation of bile in the gallbladder, designed to activate intestinal motility, blood circulation in the abdomen activates the outflow of stagnant bile. Such physiotherapy exercises are most effective in the morning. Its use activates the separation of stagnant bile, which accumulates at night.

The medical complex uses respiratory gymnastics - diaphragmatic breathing. To carry out such gymnastics, it is useful to purchase a large ball - lying on your stomach, perform swinging movements, massaging the liver area.

Some exercises for the gallbladder with stagnation of bile:

  1. Steps in place, with knees raised and strong arm swings - 30 seconds.
  2. We carry out diaphragmatic breathing - slowly inhaling, inflate the stomach, then exhale, drawing in as much as possible - 2 minutes.
  3. They stand in place, legs slightly apart, arms freely lowered down. Inhaling, slowly raise your arms up stretching. Lean down, trying to touch the floor - exhale. We repeat the exercise 5 times. With further repetition of the exercise, the palms should lie on the floor.
  4. They stand up straight, arms down, legs slightly apart. Rising on toes, raise your hands up and inhale, drop on your heels, hands return down. The exercise must be repeated 5 times.
  5. In the same position, they put their hands on the belt, squat. This should not be done very deeply, to eliminate unnecessary load. Breathing according to the following scheme - while squatting - exhale, get up - inhale. If squatting is difficult, you can use the back of a chair as a support.
  6. In the usual position, they put their hands on their hips, lean forward, lean back. Breathing in the exercise is not regulated - repeat 5 times.
  7. In the position, as in the previous exercise, make tilts to the left and right - repeat 5 times.
  8. Standing, legs slightly apart, hands on the belt, perform torso turns to the left and right, without moving the hips, while the body twists - repeat five times.
  9. The exercise is performed in the supine position. The legs bent at the knees are raised at the same time, trying to press them to the stomach as you exhale. At the same time, raise the upper back and head, trying to connect the head and knees. On inspiration, you should return to the starting position.

Exercises are repeated 5 times.

We finish the complex with diaphragmatic breathing in the prone position.

Exercises are performed until a feeling of slight fatigue. Gradually add the number of exercises, bring them up to 30 minutes.

Useful slopes performed throughout the day in different directions, walking, active movements in the fresh air, swimming.

Gallbladder massage for congestion

Contraindications for massage with stagnation of bile are:

  • peritonitis;
  • acute forms of it and the liver;
  • pancreatitis.

Massage of the gallbladder during stagnation of bile allows you to relieve pain that occurs during inflammation, increases blood circulation in the area of ​​the organ. The treatment cycle includes 12 massages, which are performed every other day.

Massage is carried out according to the following method:

  1. On the back are:
  • stroking and pressing along all lines of the back;
  • kneading with fingertips is carried out on long muscles;
  • forceps kneading with the tips of the thumbs;
  • massage with circular movements with the base of the palm;
  • zones D6-D10 are massaged in particular detail, in the place of innervation of the liver and bladder;
  • carry out kneading of the broad muscles of the back;
  • gently massage the trapezius muscle, you can not use chopping movements and tapping.
  1. On the neck:
  • ironing, pressing and kneading are used;
  • massage of the collar zone is carefully performed.
  1. On the surface of the sternum:
  • the patient is laid on his back and kneading, smoothing and squeezing the pectoral muscles are carried out.
  1. On the abdomen:
  • gently stroke the belly in a circle;
  • squeeze fabrics;
  • rub the rectus abdominis muscles;
  • knead;
  • , Holemaks - containing wild rose;
  • Means containing preparations of animal origin:
  • - contains bile of this origin, preparations of nettle, garlic and activated charcoal.
  • Cholenzyme: created using substances from the pancreas, contains bile;
  • Hologon: contains bile, stimulates the bile-forming activity of the liver, enhances the effect on the ducts;


  • Oxafenamide - stimulates the production of bile, eliminates spasms of the excretory tract.

Useful video

For more information about gallbladder diseases, see this video:


Stagnation of bile in the gallbladder, the treatment of which requires attention and a responsible attitude of the patient, is an important signal of the body about trouble.


  • way of life;
  • daily routine and nutrition;
  • drinking regime;
  • physical activity in the direction of increase;
  • mood for life on a positive, -

will prevent the development of more severe pathologies. The doctor will tell you what procedures and medicines will help cleanse the body and cure bile stasis.

A special role in the dilution of bile is given to tubage - this is a kind of means of cleaning the gallbladder through sorbitol, xylitol and olive oil.

How to treat a thick secret, the doctor will tell you based on the results of the studies. Appointed:

  • drug treatment;
  • (cleansing procedure);
  • diet;
  • phytotherapy;
  • prevention of obesity and passive lifestyle.

Therapy of the disease is carried out under the strict supervision of the attending physician. Any medication can be taken only after consulting a doctor. Surgical intervention, as a rule, is not required (with the exception of acute conditions, when necessary).


Medicines are prescribed taking into account the condition of the person and the characteristics of the course of the disease. Therapy includes the use of several groups of medicines at once:

  1. Antispasmodics and antiemetics. They relieve an acute condition, accompanied by paroxysmal pain and vomiting. Eliminate adverse symptoms No-shpa, Cerucal, Motilium, Baralgin.
  2. Antibacterial drugs. They are prescribed strictly according to the indications, when the bacterial flora began to multiply in the thick bile. Antibiotics inhibit the activity of pathogenic microorganisms, have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.
  1. Cholekinetics improve the activity of the muscles of the gallbladder, contributing to the accelerated excretion of bile. These include drugs Sorbitol, Holosas.
  2. Choleretics (include synthetic and herbal preparations of complex action). They are prescribed to stimulate the production of bile and improve bile outflow. This group of medicines includes synthetic drug Tsikvalon, vegetable syrups Hofitol and Holosas, mineral water (hydrocholeretic). Reception of choleretics is indicated only after cholekinetics with already improved muscle activity of the bile.
  3. Preparations of complex action. They help to thin bile in the gallbladder, dissolve, prevent and thicken bile. These drugs include Ursosan, Ursofalk.

Therapeutic cleansing procedure that eliminates the thickening of bile. It is carried out in several ways:

  • probe (consists in the introduction of a duodenal probe, through which a special choleretic medication is fed into the duodenum);
  • probeless, or blind (self-administration of oral choleretic drugs with simultaneous warming of the liver).

The thickening of the secret is also fraught with a serious condition - peritonitis. This is an acute inflammation of the walls abdominal cavity. Stagnation of bile is dangerous by rupture of an overflowing bladder, as a result of which the secret spreads to the abdominal cavity and causes severe inflammation. If left untreated, the person may die.

Timely seeking medical help allows in the gallbladder without serious health consequences. Prevention of the transition to chronic form serves to comply with the recommendations of specialists, as well as to join the healthy lifestyle life.


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