What is the preparation of children for school. Preparing for School: Practical Tips for Parents Preparing Children for Institutional School

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The main event that completes preschool childhood is the child's entry into school. In modern times, few people doubt that purposeful preparation of children for school is needed. But each parent sees the very essence of this stage in the life of a child in his own way. What should be the preparation so that the preschooler acquires the readiness to become a student? elementary school?

What is meant by preparing a child for school

It is curious that parents and psychologists have different expectations, what is the readiness of the child for school, and what is important to shape the future student through preparatory classes.

Most parents are focused on the intellectual achievements of their children and in preschool age strive to give the child a certain base of knowledge and skills, teach them to read and count, increase and speak correctly. With this position, the attention of adults is focused on the development of awareness, speech and thinking abilities of the child.

Another part of adults who are concerned about individual traits of their child's character are aimed at arousing in the child the desire to go to school, to interest them in studying at school together with other children.

Shy and anxious kids may know and be able to do a lot, but they are afraid to take a step away from mom or dad. Such quiet ones even agree to play with their peers only if there is a loved one nearby.

Some overly impulsive preschoolers are willing to be around other children as much as possible, but their cognitive interests are limited. Such nimble people often state that they do not want to study and will not go to school. And their parents are concerned about how to turn the interests of a preschooler towards knowledge and learning.

Thus, the most pronounced position of parents in preparing children for school is to put as much knowledge as possible into the child’s head and interest in learning among peers.

Professional requirements are broader. Psychologists believe that it is necessary to form in a preschooler the inner position of a student before schooling. Readiness for learning includes not only a certain level of awareness and thinking of the child. This implies the motivation for learning, and the emotional-volitional component, and the social maturity of the future student.

Preparation for elementary school, according to experts, should include not only and not so much intellectual development, but the formation of the psychological and social aspects of the maturity of a preschooler.

Therefore, a full-fledged preparation for schooling requires the child to be in a group of the same children as he is. Parents who advocate individualized training make the mistake of arranging for their children to study at home. They miss an important point, why preparation for school is needed, namely, they deprive the child of the opportunity to form the ability to subordinate his behavior to the laws of the children's group and play the role of a student in school conditions.

How to prepare your child for school

Sometimes it seems to parents that the effective preparation of a child at school is classes in special groups under the guidance of a teacher for several months immediately before entering school. Such training is important, and we have already mentioned the importance of classes for preschool children among peers.

But the level mental development cannot be adjusted to the desired bar in a few months. Even in preschool. The formation of the future student is based on the constant development of everyone and the child.

The role of play in preparing for schooling

No matter how surprised the parents are, the basic preparation for the upcoming schooling gives the child a complete one. Mental development in preschool age stimulates. It is the leading activity.

In the game, preschoolers develop their imagination and learn logical reasoning, form an internal plan of action, and develop an affective-need sphere. Each of these components is essential to successfully assuming the role of learner.

IN role-playing games children learn to manage their behavior, adhere to the rules, act in accordance with the role. And at school without it in any way. A small student will have to listen carefully to the teacher, write out intractable letters with concentration and perform many other tasks that require strong-willed efforts.

Fundamentals of Intellectual Training

Regarding intellectual preparation, it is important to systematically engage with children in order to develop logical thinking and speech skills. The directions are as follows:

  1. The intellectual level before entering school should be such that the child is able to analyze and generalize. It is necessary to teach the child to find essential features by which objects can be combined into groups, or eliminated superfluous. Examples of tasks are given in the development article.
  2. The speech development of the child should provide a coherent expression of his thoughts. To do this, you need to constantly replenish lexicon, explain to the child the meaning of new words, correct his statements in accordance with.

An effective preparatory base is reading fairy tales and other children's works. While the child is only able to listen, it is useful to retell the plot together, talk about the actions of the characters, and fantasize about a different development of events. But already at 4-5 years old, a baby is quite accessible. And this is progress in development, and the actualization of cognitive motives.

A child needs this preparation for school. On the one hand, it is natural for any family where attention is paid to the development of children. And on the other hand, it is similar to the same approach that psychologists and educators use when preparing preschoolers for schooling.

Everyday participation in preparing children for school

Of course, the child receives the initial baggage of knowledge from his relatives. We emphasize once again that many parents pay great attention to the development of the child's intellectual abilities: they constantly expand his knowledge of the world around him, solve logical tasks, teach him to read and count, and encourage reasoning.

All this contributes to the development of cognitive motivation of the preschooler. And, as a rule, children with a high intellectual level want to go to school to study.

With regard to standard family conditions, it cannot be said that parents pay close attention to the formation of their children's interest in schooling. More often this task is shifted to third-party shoulders. Since cognitive motivation and interest in school do not arise in one moment, but gradually, adults need to make at least the slightest effort.

In constant communication with their children, parents can use elementary techniques that contribute to the formation of school readiness.

  • It is useful to conduct classes by giving the child a pattern of actions and setting him the task of independent implementation. This will contribute to the formation of arbitrariness of behavior at any stage of preschool childhood. For example, having laid out a word from counting sticks, invite the child to repeat. Listing several items belonging to the same group (fruits, furniture, vehicles), encourage the preschooler to complete the row.
  • Contribute to the development of the child's attention by applying. It is possible to teach to concentrate and auditory attention both during a walk and when reading books.
  • Pay attention to the development of fine motor skills. At school, a big load immediately falls on children's fingers - every day they have to write letters and numbers. To be ready for this load, you need to sculpt, draw, assemble mosaics and constructors with small details as often as possible.
  • It is important to praise the child for the manifestation, for the passion for a useful activity.

What adults should never allow, although this is often observed in families:

  • It is not permissible to rein in a naughty kid who does not really want to do a cognitive job, with the words "Here you go to school, you need to study there, and not run."
  • It is impossible to drag out the lesson, overworking the child's psyche and thereby causing the preschooler to reject regulated classes.
  • You can not force a preschooler to complete a task if it causes negative emotions.

At the heart of the mental development of the child is the need for new experiences. In children, voluntary actions are distinguished by immediacy and impulsivity: a new desire has appeared - it must be immediately satisfied. Therefore, the arbitrariness of a preschooler has an impulsive character, which is not combined with a long retention of attention on any process. It is not the child’s fault that even 15-minute classes are still beyond his strength.

If parents adhere to the practices outlined in this article, they will make a significant contribution to the formation of the psychological in their child. And the senior preschooler will cross the threshold of the school with pleasure, interest and craving for knowledge.

Kiseleva Natalia
Preparing preschool children for school

From the experience of the educator for children Kiseleva N. A.

Be ready for school already today does not mean being able to read, write, count. Be ready for school- means to be ready to learn all this.

Leonid Abramovich Wenger

Of course, I understand that the child in school they will teach both to write and read, but to teach a child to think, reason, draw conclusions, analyze, independently use their knowledge, defend their point of view - that's what I strive for in my classes.

What is the readiness for school education in kindergarten? First of all, from readiness childrento new activities:

Be able to hear, understand and solve a learning problem;

Find a solution to the question;

To assimilate a large amount of instructive information and educational material;

Be able to listen and speak (development of communicative activity and phonemic hearing).

One of the main difficulties that a child faces in school is the mastery of writing. Many children do not know how to stop in time when they write a letter or word; fail to spell the elements of the letters correctly. Therefore, one of the important tasks facing me is preparation of the hand for writing.

In conditions kindergarten contributes to the solution of this problem Team work drawing, modeling, appliqué. These activities develop the small muscles of the fingers, so that the child's hand becomes more flexible and obedient. Children master the skills and abilities of working with a pencil, brush, scissors, a stack; develop hands and eyes.

For the development of fine motor skills of hands and coordination of movements I use different methods and working methods:

1. Finger game training

Finger gymnastics, physical education

Finger games with verses, with tongue twisters

2 modeling from plasticine and salt dough using natural material (seeds, cereals, shells, etc.)

non-traditional drawing techniques: brush, finger, toothbrush, candle, etc.

construction: from paper using origami technique, work with Lego constructor

Various types of applications

3. Development of graphic motor skills

Stencil drawing


dorisovka (according to the principle of symmetry)


4. Didactic games


Small object games

Puzzles, mosaic

Drawing on croup remains one of my favorite pastimes. children they create plot pictures that replace each other.

The development of fine motor skills is also facilitated by the "dry pool", a box filled with peas (you can use buckwheat, rice, beans). Children like to look for small toys in the pool, pour peas from one container to another.

Decorative drawing contributes to the development of graph-motor skills. Children draw very small elements of the painting: dots, curls, wavy and straight lines, etc., and the rhythm in the arrangement of the elements of the pattern helps to develop a sense of rhythm. Drawing a pattern, children learn to "hold" the line, limit their movements. Many elements of the pattern resemble letter elements. (ovals, curls, wavy lines).

To master the letter, children must be well oriented on the sheet, know where the "top" and "bottom", "middle", "left and right side".

I teach them to navigate on a sheet in a box using graphic skills. Moving along the sides of the cell, children learn to draw exactly straight lines. We learn to connect dots along the arrows in a given direction.

Teach them to draw parallel lines (straight lines at the same distance from each other). For this purpose, we use hatching.

When hatching, we follow the rules:

We write vertical and oblique lines only from top to bottom, and horizontal lines - only from left to right.

Later I will use wavy, zigzag lines as a stroke. Inscribe spirals in round and oval objects ("unwind from the center to the edge of the circle, "twist" from the edge to the center).

We draw "waves" and "paths"; at the same time, children learn to smoothly move their hand along the entire length of the line; start with dotted lines, and then solid lines.

In notebooks, we learn to fit ovals, circles, inclined sticks into a cage.

The development of fine motor skills is important because the entire future life of the child will require the use of precise, coordinated movements of the hands and fingers, which are necessary when performing a variety of household and educational activities.

Purposeful and systematic work on the development of fine motor skills in preschool children contributes to the formation of intellectual abilities, speech activity, and most importantly, the preservation of the mental and physical development of the child.

Games with fingers create a favorable emotional background, develop the ability to imitate an adult, teach to listen and understand the meaning of speech, increase the child's speech activity. If the child performs the exercises, accompanying them with short poetic lines, then his speech will become more clear, rhythmic, vivid, and control over the movements performed will increase. The child's memory develops as he learns to memorize certain hand positions and sequences of movements. The child develops imagination and fantasy. Usually a child with high level development of fine motor skills, is able to reason logically, he has sufficiently developed memory, attention, coherent speech.

I see the results of my work in showing interest children To various types activities.

I have noticed that children is growing cognitive activity, all the work done increases efficiency children in the classroom relieves the load. This, in turn, has a positive effect on the assimilation of skills, the improvement of visual and auditory perception, the development of visual-figurative and logical thinking, voluntary attention, creative imagination, speech, fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements, and the development of basic graphic skills.

It can be argued that the child's adaptation to school conditions will pass quickly if he has sufficiently developed cognitive interests, the ability to arbitrarily control his behavior, to subordinate private goals to more significant ones. The child is able to widely use the basic mental operations, he has a good memory, the ability to control his actions is developed. And if by the age of seven he has learned to control his fingers and hands in a playful way, that is, he has well-developed fine motor skills and coordination of finger movement, he has mastered the basic graphic skills, then this will be quite enough for further learning to write at school.

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Parents of future first graders will find answers to the following questions:

What does the concept of “child readiness for school” mean?

What should a child know and be able to enter the school.

How to prepare your child for school.

Do I need to teach my child to read before starting school?

With the help of the proposed test “Is the child ready to go to school”, parents will be able to determine the level of school readiness of their child. The content of the questions that you answered in the negative will tell you the topics for further studies with the future student.



How to prepare your child for school?

Previously, a child with a certain amount of knowledge was considered ready for school. Now psychologists and educators say that knowledge is not a goal, but a means of a child's development.

The main thing is not knowledge itself, but the ability to use it, independently obtain it, analyze it.

That's why The most important element in preparing a child for school is the formation of the ability to learn.Teach your child to consciously subordinate their actions general rule(for example, read a book while sitting, keeping a distance of 25-30 cm from the eyes to the book), listen carefully to the speaker and accurately complete this task, show independence, initiative, and creativity in any kind of activity.

Expand and deepen your child's understanding of the world.If you do not brush aside the questions that arise in the child, you will not fence him off from the environment. adulthood- preparation for school will go naturally and without tension.

Develop the oral speech of the future student.Read children's literature to your child as often as possible; talk with him about the works you read; more often ask your child to retell a fairy tale he just heard or tell about what he saw interesting during a walk.

Turn everyday requests into developmental tasks more often. For example, for a better orientation of a child in space, the following tasks are effective:

Give me, please, a cup, which is to the right of the plate.

Find the third book on the top shelf, counting from right to left.

Say what is in the room behind the chest of drawers, between the chair and the sofa, behind the TV.

Develop fine motor skillsusing modeling, drawing, shading, designing from various parts

lei. The better the hand is developed, the easier it is for the child to learn to write, the faster his intellect develops.

Teach the future first grader to the school regime- Go to bed early and wake up early. Instill in him the habit of observing elementary sanitary and hygienic skills: use a public toilet; wash hands before eating, etc. Teach him to dress himself, fold his things neatly, and keep order.

Encourage your child to have a positive attitude towards school. Try to create a "romantic environment" around school life, where there will be new friends, a wise teacher and a whole range of new experiences and emotions.

Never bully your child with school:“Here you go to school, they will quickly bring you up!”

To make the child feel that he is entering a new phase of life, radically change his life: rearrange the child’s room, come up with new household chores for him, etc.


Should children be taught to read before starting school?

NECESSARY! The earlier a child begins to read, the more he likes to do it and the better he copes with reading.

Scientists give a number of reasons why a child should be taught to read, starting not even from preschool age, but from early childhood:

1. Children are hyperactive, inquisitive. If a child of 3-7 years old is given the opportunity to quench his thirst for knowledge, hyperactivity will decrease, which will protect him from injury and allow him to study the world around him more successfully.

2. Almost all children aged “two to five” have unique abilities, including the ability to absorb knowledge. Everyone knows the ease with which young children memorize new and sometimes even incomprehensible information.

3. Learning to read in early age, the child will be able to master much more information,than those of his peers who were deprived of such an opportunity. If he learned to read early, then in the 1st grade he will be able to do the material that is usually given to children aged 8-12.

4. Children who learn to read early have a much better ability to understand.By the time they enter school, they no longer read by syllables, not understanding the meaning of what they read, but expressively, in whole words.

5. The child who learned to read early loves to read.Many parents think that children who can already read will be bored in 1st grade. To say that the more children know, the more bored they will be, is the same as to say that children who know nothing will be interested in everything and forget about boredom. If the class is not interesting, then everyone will be bored. If it is interesting, then only those who are not able to understand anything will get bored.

And one more curious fact: when a child is taught to read at home, success is one hundred percent, regardless of the method used.


Test "Is the child ready to go to school?"

School psychologists have developed special methods to determine the level of readiness of the child for school.

Try to answer ("yes" or "no") to the questions of this test. It will help you understand if your child is ready for school.

1. Is your child able to do something on his own that requires 25-30 minutes of concentration (like jigsaw puzzles)?

2. Does your child say that he wants to go to school because there he will learn a lot of new and interesting things, will find new friends?

3. Can your child independently compose a story from the picture, including at least 5 sentences?

4. Does your child know a few poems by heart?

5. Is it true that your child behaves at ease in the presence of strangers, is not shy?

6. Does your child know how to change a noun by numbers (for example: frame - frames, ear - ears, man - people, child - children)!

9. Can your child solve addition and subtraction problems within ten?

10. Can your child solve problems for finding the sum or difference (for example: “There are 3 apples and 2 pears in a vase. How many fruits are in the vase?”; “There were 10 sweets in the vase. 3 sweets were eaten. How much is left?”)?

11. Can your child repeat the sentence exactly (for example:"Bunny, jump on a stump!")?

12. Does your child like to color pictures, draw, sculpt from plasticine?

13. Does your child know how to use scissors and glue (for example, to make an application)?

14. Can your child generalize concepts (for example, name in one word (namely: furniture) table, sofa, chair, armchair)?

15. Can your child compare two objects, that is, name the similarities and differences between them (for example, a pen and a pencil, a tree and a bush)?

16. Does your child know the names of the seasons, months, days of the week, their sequence?

17. Can your child understand and follow verbal instructions accurately?

Evaluation of the result.

15 - 17 questions, you can assume thatyour child is quite ready for school.You did not study with him in vain, and school difficulties, if they arise, will be easily overcome.

If you answered yes to 10 - 14 questions, so your child has learned a lot.The content of the questions to which you answered in the negative will tell you the topics for further studies.

If you answered yes to9 (or less) questions,so you should, firstly,read special literature Secondly, try to devote more time to activities with the child, Thirdly, seek help from specialists.


What should a child know and be able to enter school?

We offer an approximate list of knowledge and skills of the future first grader.

The child must know:

Your name, patronymic, surname;

Your age and date of birth;

Your home address and phone number;

The name of your city, its main attractions;

The name of the country in which he lives;

Surnames, names, patronymics of parents, their professions;

Names of the seasons and months (their sequence, the main signs of each season, riddles and poems about the seasons);

Names of domestic animals and their cubs;

Names of some wild animals and their cubs;

Names of wintering and migratory birds;

Names of vegetables, fruits and berries;

Names of means of transport: land, water, air.

The child must be able to:

Distinguish between clothing, shoes and hats;

Retell Russian folk tales;

Distinguish and correctly name planar geometric shapes: circle, square, rectangle, triangle, oval;

Freely navigate in space and on a sheet of paper (right-left side, top-bottom, etc.);

Completely and consistently retell the listened or read story, compose (invent) a story from the picture;

Remember and name 6-10 objects, words;

Distinguish between vowels and consonants;

Divide words into syllables with the help of claps, steps, by the number of vowels;

Determine the number and sequence of sounds in words like poppy, house, whale;

It is good to use scissors (cut out strips, squares, circles, rectangles from paper, cut along the contour of the figure);

Own a pencil: draw vertical and horizontal lines without a ruler; - draw geometric shapes; carefully paint over, hatch, without going beyond the contours of objects;

listen carefully, without being distracted (30-35 minutes);

keep straight, good posture especially when sitting.


What does the concept of “child readiness for school” mean?

Child psychologists identify several criteria for a child's readiness for school.

Physical readiness.Studying at school is associated with great physical and psychological stress. Filling out a child's medical record before entering school, you can easily navigate this issue and get advice from specialist doctors. If the child has serious problems with health and you are recommended special forms of education or a special school, do not neglect the advice of doctors.

Intellectual readiness.It includes the knowledge base of the child, the presence of special skills and abilities (the ability to compare, generalize, reproduce a given sample; the development of fine motor skills; concentration of attention, etc.). Intellectual readiness is not only the ability to read and write, but also the development of speech (the ability to answer a question, ask a question, retell the text), the ability to reason and think logically.

social readiness.This is the child's need to communicate with peers and the ability to subordinate their behavior to the laws of children's groups, as well as the ability to play the role of a student in a situation of schooling.

Psychological readiness.From this point of view, a child is ready for schooling, whom the school attracts not only with its external side (a wonderful satchel, beautiful student uniform), but also with the opportunity to acquire new knowledge and skills. A school-ready child wants to learn, both because he wants to take a certain position in society that opens access to the world of adults, and because he has a cognitive need that he cannot satisfy at home.

Draw letters and solve examples. What do you really need to prepare the future first grader for?

In the Prepare for School section, we share tips on how to prepare your child for school on your own and online.

Parents to help - useful materials, questions, assignments

  • What should a child know and be able to do before going to school?
  • Tasks, games and exercises to prepare for grade 1 at home.
  • Classes in logic and mathematics for preschoolers and younger students.

1. Physical development

From childhood, instill in your child an interest in sports and physical education. A personal example works best here. Find time for active activities with children at home and on the street.

Invite your child to try different sports sections: swimming, gymnastics, martial arts, dancing. Let him choose what he really likes.

If a son or daughter themselves reminds you of the next workout and tries not to miss a single class a week, this is success.

2. Psychological development

Even an outwardly calm and self-confident child can find it difficult to adapt to an unusual school environment. What is important to teach children to help them with the transition to a new life stage?

1. Teach your child to manage emotions and think positively.

The ability to control emotions such as anger, anger or resentment will save the child from rash acts or words. Explain to your child that there are many problems. But if you think positively, it will be easier to look at the situation from the other side and find the right way out.

Approach the issue consciously: simulate different life situations and help the child figure out together how to act in this or that case.

2. Train your attention and ability to concentrate.

Teach your child to always finish what they start. Give him tasks that can be realistically completed within half an hour. Choose not only favorite things, but also those where the child can resist. If you managed to focus on the task at least for 20 minutes and bring it to the result, you did it.

3. Cultivate responsibility and develop willpower.

Learn to dream, set goals and achieve them, despite the difficulties. First, help with external stimuli, but explain that the strongest motivation is his own.

Give your child adult tasks. Let him have his own list of fixed chores around the house: water the flowers or wipe the dust, walk or feed the pet.

3. Intellectual development

Reading, writing, counting and solving simple mathematical problems will be taught to the child at school. The most valuable thing that parents can do for their children is to teach them to think correctly, reason, analyze information and see the main thing.

What exactly needs to be done?

1. Ignite cognitive interest and encourage learning new things: in books, videos, at home and on a walk. Organize a variety of leisure activities for your child so that they understand how much new and interesting things are in the world that they have to learn about.

2. Develop speech and communication skills. Teach your child to find a common language with peers and adults. It is important to teach the ability to listen, argue your point of view and enjoy the very process of communication.

3. Develop logical thinking. The child will learn to solve typical problems in mathematics lessons. But in order for him to successfully cope with tasks with an asterisk and everyday tasks, one cannot do without the ability to reason and think outside the box. These abilities can and should be trained.


Where to look for tasks?

10 years ago, only collections and children's magazines came to mind. Now much more high-quality interesting materials can be found on the Internet. But how not to get lost in this ocean of developing tasks?

To estimate the approximate level of a child's intellectual readiness for school, check out a small selection of math problems for preschoolers from LogicLike or start classes on the site.

Most school psychologists put forward four criteria for readiness to learn:

  • Personal - developed if educational institution attracts not only the opportunity to see friends every day, new beautiful notebooks and pens, but also the desire to learn something new, to become smarter.
  • Intellectual is both competent, coherent speech, and the ability to listen to a teacher, and the presence of certain knowledge and horizons.
  • Socio-psychological - includes the ability to communicate, the ability to focus on the lesson.
  • Physiological - the absence of developmental disabilities, physical health and psychological stability.

Children who attend kindergarten have an easier time going through the first time of study than those at home. This is due to the fact that from the age of three and a half, educators begin to teach them basic things, and by the first grade, kindergarteners have a certain amount of knowledge.

If parents are engaged with the future student on their own, there is nothing to worry about. The gradual development of the skills necessary for learning at the initial stage will allow your son or daughter not only to feel confident among other children, but also help to develop an interest in learning.

Tips on how to prepare your child for school

The tasks offered by the school psychologist during the consultation will help to understand at what level of development the child is. This mandatory step, for the successful completion of which you need to deal with the child for a long time.

Learning activities

Moms and dads should remember: your baby may not be able to do something. Do not load the young head too much. The school is designed to tell the child about a huge number of things, broaden his horizons, teach him to live and work in a team.

However, there is a set of basic knowledge that a first grader must possess:

  • Full names, own and parents.
  • Address. Country, city, street and house in which he lives.
  • Famous plants, animals and birds. The kid must distinguish between popular plants and animals, distinguish a cactus from a camomile, a fox from a tiger. A person who checks readiness for school may ask if there are pets at home, ask to talk about a cat, dog, parrot. He can also find out which animal or plant the examinee likes the most, ask why.
  • Time. It is desirable that the first grader knows how to handle the clock. The main thing is that he distinguishes day from night, evening from morning. One of the options for the task: "Arrange the pictures in the correct order." Most often, they depict the mode of the day.
  • Geometric figures. Before entering school, most children know how to cut a circle, a triangle, a square. In addition, they are required to correlate objects in shape: the roof of the house looks like a triangle, and the house itself looks like a square.
  • Colors. Boys and girls at preschool age learn not only the basic shades, but the number of colors in the rainbow, the order in which they are arranged. Parents need to teach their child to draw elementary pictures, to choose the right colors for the image: the sun is yellow, the grass is green, and the bunny is white.
  • Numbers. It is not necessary to teach the rules of subtraction and addition, this will be done by the teacher. Learn to count from 1 to 20 and vice versa.
  • Seasons, months, days of the week. In preparation, children should not only name them, but also know the number, and arrange them in the correct order.
  • Popular holidays. The psychologist may ask which one is the favorite. The kid must answer and tell why he chose this option.
  • The structure of the human body. Drawing a person is a frequent task when entering school.
  • Distinguish between living and non-living.

  • Elementary Rules traffic: "You must not cross the road on red", "You must not cross the railroad tracks." In a playful way, a school worker can test this knowledge. For example, specifying who is right, a bunny that is waiting for a green one or a squirrel that runs in front of a moving car.
  • Reading in syllables. If your child does not know how to read, it is not scary - they will teach you at school. However, this skill will greatly facilitate his learning in the future, and all other subjects will be given easier.
  • Retelling. The development of speech skills is one of the main tasks when entering the first grade. At the beginning of the school year, the child must understand the meaning of short stories, build sentences in a logical chain.
  • Memory. Several pictures are placed in front of the preschooler, he looks at them for a while, then they are turned over. The more details he remembers, the better. It is necessary to reproduce the plot and tell what is depicted there.

School psychologists often give the task of identifying the superfluous. There are a large number of entertaining manuals on which you can work out this skill, but classes can also be carried out using improvised means.

For example, ask your toddler to choose what to remove by offering him some fruits and one vegetable.

Behavior in society

Parents of a young student should think not only about academic performance, but also about how to help him join the class team. We offer recommendations that will help you understand how to quickly prepare your child for school over the summer.

Develop in it:

  • Independence. Teach your child to dress themselves and tie their shoelaces, to watch their appearance and change into a sports uniform before physical education. You can show that he is an adult, equal, but this status has not only privileges, but also responsibilities. No need to collect a portfolio for him, better check when the job is already done. The same goes for homework: try in mild form to convey that keeping a school diary is his business. But do not go too far in this matter. Remember that first of all, the baby should feel your love and support. Let him feel that he has a reliable rear, where he can come with any problem, both life and study.

  • perseverance. It is difficult for little ones to readjust after the unemployed years of childhood, and the time of a standard lesson seems like an eternity to them. When you work with your son or daughter, help them get used to doing the activity for a while, gradually increasing the load. We recommend starting with 15 minutes, and by the beginning of the school year, increase the time to half an hour.
  • Friendliness. Tell us why you can’t fight with classmates and call them names, but don’t forget to add that you need to be able to stand up for yourself. Explain that snitching is bad. At the same time, try to convey that in some situations it is necessary to tell adults about what happened. For example, if someone tortures animals or offends the weak.
  • Politeness. Teach your son or daughter the formulas of etiquette communication. Remind that when meeting with any person you need to say “hello”, and when saying goodbye, explain about “thank you” and “please”.

A very important point for which you must set your child up is cultural behavior during breaks. He should know that at school you can’t run along the corridors, scream, climb furniture with your feet.

Practitioners working with preschoolers offer several recommendations for those who have a future first grader:

  • Don't compromise the teacher. Even if you do not agree with him on some issues, express your dissatisfaction in a personal conversation, and not to your son or daughter. If you feel that due to youth, inexperience, or other factors, the teacher is not coping with the duties assigned to him, try to help him. For example, suggest parent committee take some of the social burden off the teacher's shoulders. Psychologists say that junior and middle school age- this is the time to search for a new authority, in addition to the parent. The middle link looks for it in peers, and the younger one looks for it in the teacher. Therefore, it is very important for moms and dads not to undermine this authority, but to support it in every possible way. Disappointment in an elementary school teacher can greatly shake the personality structure.

  • Talk to children. Be sure to ask how each school day went. Please note that the conversation should not be limited to listing the ratings received and discussing the dining room menu. Ask what you liked in the lessons and what you didn’t, what you remember and what interested you. If you have no time, it is better to postpone the conversation for the evening or choose another free time, but do not interrupt it in mid-sentence. Children talk about what seems important to them, so the ability to listen and hear your baby is necessary for every adult. In adolescence, parents begin to repeat in a voice: "He / she does not tell us anything, brushes aside all questions." Closeness and distrust of adults develop in schoolchildren in the first years of study if they feel that mom and dad do not have time for their problems and experiences. To prevent this from happening in your family, remember that a child will trust you with secrets only if he sees an interest in them.
  • Do not evaluate learning activities. Leave it to the teachers. You should help and support the young student, and not take on the role of overseer. If the child does not cope with some subject, start studying with him, and do not scold him for bad grades.
  • Let rest. Even if academic performance leaves much to be desired, do not force the "Losers" to study all day. Distribute the time so that it is enough for completing the main lessons, and for additional exercises, and for the boy to play football in the yard, and the girl to jump in the classics or ride a bicycle. Focus on active, outdoor games that take place in the fresh air. They unload consciousness, free it to receive new knowledge. But computer shooters and watching cartoons can be reduced until the grades return to normal.
  • Don't read textbooks ahead of time. No need to go through the annual material for the summer with the future first grader. He will become bored in the classroom, and interest in learning will disappear. If the material is given to your child very easily, consult with class teachers. In schools, there are several programs of varying complexity: if necessary, an increase in the level is possible.

  • Be mindful of temperament. When choosing a school, pay attention to the type nervous system who is going to study there. Cholerics are active and restless, they take criticism hard. For them and for sanguine people, programs of increased complexity are suitable. A wide variety of tasks will not only keep their attention on their studies, but will also contribute to increasing interest in school life. For phlegmatic and melancholy people, the fast pace of the lesson will be a difficult test. They are included in the work gradually, they think for a long time on one task. Choose for them a regular school, with standard requirements or a bias in one area.
  • Learn by playing. Determine the subject that the little student likes the most and expand his horizons in this area, use game techniques. If he shows interest in the world around him, go to parks, zoos, aquariums together, read more books about animals. If he likes math, count steps, people on the street, steps to the store or to school. If he is interested in stories about the events of the past, make a family tree together, ask grandparents to tell you something, and the Genealogy House will help you get unique information about your family.

When preparing a child for school, listen to psychologists and teachers, read methodological and popular science literature on this topic, ask friends who have already passed this stage for advice, but do not try to blindly imitate all the recommendations.

You know your child like no one else, you understand his strengths and weaknesses. Only you can find the right approach to homeschooling him and understand how best to prepare him. Listen to your heart, but do not forget about the advice of experts.

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