Beautiful wishes to the class teacher for graduation. Congratulations for the class teacher at graduation

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Just recently the last bell of 2019 rang out, when graduates heard the ringing of bells inviting them to class for the last time, said goodbye to school teachers and everything that had been so dear for 11 years. Having passed the 2019 ZNO, 11th grade students will leave the school. The milestone in this marathon is always . Therefore, we consider it necessary to prepare congratulations on school graduation in poetry and prose for graduates, class teachers and parents, who always touch the strings of the soul on this already emotional day.


Well, perhaps one of the most important days in your life has come. High school graduation. So many paths have been trampled around the school and so many roads open to a new life. I wish you to always remember with warmth your school years, school friends and, of course, the teachers who gave you such an important impetus in life, investing the most valuable and necessary things. I wish you to make the right choice and take the path that will help you master your favorite and necessary profession, help you overcome all the failures, obstacles and acquire the benefits that you are striving for now, because your future depends on this. Strive, dare, go only forward and never retreat.

Today you are leaving your home school, and everything that awaits you in adult life now depends only on you. Here you were taught to be sincere, independent, responsible, and responsive. They taught us to be friends, to defend our opinions, to love science, to treat knowledge with care, that is, they gave us the basis of what it is impossible to become a real Man with a capital “H” without! We wish you not to lose all this, but to increase it and cultivate the best qualities in yourself. We wish your dreams to come true. Good luck to you, luck, new achievements, happiness and success in your future life!

Another stage in your life has ended. You are moving into adulthood with more responsibility. Therefore, we want to say some parting words to you. Always follow your dreams and don’t give up, find happiness in life and don’t miss it. Good luck and success to you on the difficult but very interesting path of life.

Graduation is a memorable event in everyone's life. Leaving the walls educational institution, we are entering a new life. So today, let each of us be able to say with confidence that his future will be bright and his plans will be grandiose. May everything that is wished for us today come true, and may the people who said kind words not be forgotten.

On this important and wonderful holiday, we wish you to realize everything you have planned and dreamed about. The responsible life of an adult lies ahead. So let there be no adversity or obstacles on the way. Remember your teachers, don’t forget how much effort and work they put into everyone!

Congratulations to graduates on their graduation from school in 2019

Not only graduates are looking for good poems to congratulate each other and teachers on this sad holiday. Very often they look for congratulations to graduates from their parents on graduation 2019. After all, congratulations from parents on graduation in the 11th grade sound like a farewell to childhood. The child, leaving the school, plunges into an adult and independent life. Graduation congratulations from parents sound like parting words, like a guideline on what to rely on in life. Therefore, it is with great pleasure that we publish congratulations on graduation from parents or congratulations to children on graduation.

Today farewell to school
We are proud and happy for you.
We remember past years,
How we took you to first grade.

We wish you to create and learn,
Work, search, create:
It's not scary to make mistakes sometimes
It's scary not to dream at all.

School years are over
It's your graduation night.
We wish, in any weather
May you return home.

Accept from your parents
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart.
How long have you been at school?
You were able to learn a lot.

And now the new one is ready
The stage of life you begin.
All roads are ahead of you.
It's up to you to choose.

We wish you success
In this choice of fate.
May luck help you
Walk your path with dignity.

Well, school, your school
Will always be in my memory.
Her childhood and youth passed away,
And there were friends around.

Children grow up unnoticed
And they leave their home...
We are on this magnificent day,
On the most important holiday - graduation -
We wish you happiness, freedom,
Find your calling, your path.
Move forward, drive away adversity,
It's easy to step into the adult world!
Problems crack like nuts,
At least there will be a lot of things to do.
We believe in you. And we love you dearly.
May you, children, be lucky!

So our children have grown up,
School is already behind us
We, parents, congratulate everyone
After all, today is our graduation.

This is a day of both anxiety and joy,
This is the day of both the end and the beginning,
Having handed over the certificates to the children,
School became the start in life.

We wish you all success, good luck,
Let fate take its course
To children by the roads of happiness
We went through life only forward.

Our dear, our dear children,
Scatter like birds, you around the world,
Who will study, who will wish to work,
Let none of you relatives not forget.

The path will be both smooth and thorny,
Let the heart be kind, conscience clear,
And you keep in your hearts and souls and minds
Memory of parents and teachers.

Congratulations to teachers and class teacher on graduation ceremony 2019

How can we not say “thank you” on such a touching day to those who worked for 11 years, passing on precious knowledge to their students. Congratulations to teachers on graduation is a modest opportunity to sincerely thank them for their wisdom, invaluable experience and everything that teachers fed schoolchildren with. For this purpose, we have made a selection: congratulations to teachers on graduation, congratulations to the class teacher on graduation, as well as congratulations to teachers from parents on graduation.

How much they did for us,
It’s impossible to put it all into words.
We want to say at this hour:
Thank you for being with us!

Compares with mother's love,
Which you rewarded us with.
Smiles, happiness, faith again.
And so that your relatives are nearby!

Being a teacher is a calling.
Keep your patience!
May all your efforts
Fate will reward you generously!

And boundless health,
Happiness to prosper
You can live only “excellently”,
You don’t know troubles and sorrows.

Live in harmony, prosperity,
To be enveloped by love.
Everything is fine at work
Obedient students to you!

Thank you for your kindness
Children, you are an example for them.
May you live like in a fairy tale,
Without sadness and loss.

Today memory turns back time -
Oh, how many joyful events there were!
We hasten to say for your invaluable work
Thank you, our great leader!

Thank you for always pushing us
Forward, making you believe in strength,
We managed to unite our class through friendship
And they taught unchanging truths.

Patriotism, honesty, kindness,
Love and mercy... Forever
We are indebted to you, our teacher.
For instilling humanity in us.

Health to you, success day after day
We wish you the trill of the last bell!
And know that we will not let you down,
What we remember, adore and miss!

You are the most valuable teacher to us,
After all, we fled to you with our misfortune and happiness.
You rejoiced with us when there was success,
And shattered our differences.

We say goodbye to you the hardest thing,
After all, for so many years under your leadership
Our class learned friendship and work,
Patience, science, nobility.

We are grateful to you for your enormous work.
Rest assured that it was not in vain.
We wish you strength for many years to come.
You are a great leader by vocation!

Thanks to all teachers
For leniency towards our children!
For patience: noise and din
To endure - you need health.

We go to work and wander around,
You reveal talents.
Suddenly we unexpectedly find
There are diamonds in notebooks, in souls...

And this is the meaning and joy of life.
Let the May bell ring,
But the capricious one continues,
Great life lesson!

Congratulations to parents on graduation ceremony 2019

In addition to their beloved teachers, graduates at their holiday also want to express gratitude for sleepless nights, support, faith and unquestioning love to their dearest people. Therefore, parents cannot do without congratulations. Congratulations to parents on graduation will definitely become a “highlight” and turn the event into a sincere celebration. Write down congratulations to your parents on their 11th grade graduation.

I will thank my parents
For everything that is in my life.
You taught me to appreciate
Kindness, participation and honor.
Be healthy, dears,
Your advice is always important to me.
I thank you for your warmth,
There is no one more valuable in the world than you.

Our dears, you are good!
How can I say thank you for everything?
In our time, unthinkably complex,
It is very difficult to raise children.
We were so unbearable at times,
We would like everything at once.
You gave all your strength to the end
To my daughters and sons.
Dear you are our parents!
So who else will love us?
You will live in the world for a long, long time,
Wise, happy and good!

People who are the most important in the world
We kiss you many times!
Your little children
They love you very, very much!
From you, worthy and beautiful,
We are ready to follow the example:
The son is like dad, he will be strong,
A daughter is a housewife, like a mother.
We will work ourselves
And achieve success
And at the same time mom and dad
Never forget!

For moms and dads, what is the best in the world,
For those who love us with all their hearts,
The children say their “thank you”:
Solid, teenagers, kids.
They are, alas! - they grow so quickly
They are losing a thin thread with you,
And they go far from home,
And they promise to call every day...
And so summer flies by after summer.
You look forward to meeting them again and again.
Thank you, parents, for this:
For kindness, patience, love.
May the good angel not leave you,
A quiet light always shines in the soul,
Let the children come to you more often
Giving care and love in return.

Dad and mom, how can we repay?
For everything you've done?
How to measure, how to count,
How much did you give to love?
You raised, you took care of
From evil, misfortune and resentment.
You always did your best
How can I thank you?
You showed me a good example
Honesty and kindness.
Everywhere and everywhere, then and now
I remember my native features.
You gave me so much warmth
That you can warm the whole world.
Your care and tenderness was
Only stronger as the years go by.
Neither moms nor dads have days off,
There are no holidays, vacations.
You can always disturb your relatives,
And you won’t hear evil words.
I will always be grateful
Bring it to you, dear ones.
Dad and Mom, I love you so much
May God always protect you.

We hope our graduation congratulations will help you choose the most touching and spend graduation 2019 in the warmest atmosphere. Happy holiday!

Photo:, open sources on the Internet


Partner news

Hello, friends! I would like to return to the topic of prom again and again, because this is one of the most important days in life. There is so much I want to say, to thank everyone who has been there all these years. But how to do it, how to put everything the right words in one speech? It's simple, I have 11th grade graduation wishes for everyone. Just read this article and choose what you like.

Warm words for parents in prose

I advise my beloved parents to say more kind words. There is no need for poetry or anything too formal; kindness and gratitude are what your loved ones will be pleased to hear. Take a closer look at the following wishes:

Our dear parents, thank you for always being there and helping us get through life’s hardships. Thank you for never giving up and pushing us forward. We wish you all to be happy and never get sick. So that your cherished dreams come true and your hearts beat forever. We love you!

When making a festive speech, do not forget to smile sincerely and look at those to whom you are addressing, this will make it much more pleasant to listen to you.

The first people you want to thank on graduation night are your parents. You gave us all of yourself, did not get enough sleep at night to explain the next problem or learn a poem. They always delved into children's problems and helped solve them. Thank you very much for all these efforts. We wish you longevity, health, happiness and prosperity in the family!

Today we say goodbye to school, and in these touching moments I want to say thank you to the dearest people in the world - parents! Without your care and love, we would not have succeeded. You gave us life and helped us overcome fears and worries, sorrows and complexes. You have raised strong, kind and honest people who are not afraid to let go into independent life. I would like to wish you all health, mental happiness and good mood!

As a bonus to your congratulatory speech, give parents small gifts, for example, baskets (decorated with school photographs) with fruits and sweets.

Wishes to dear teachers

For teachers, I have prepared the following ideas for ceremonial speeches:

The most important day at school has arrived - graduation party. 11 years have flown by in an instant, and now we stand on the solemn line and say goodbye to people who are already dear to us. Teachers, you have done so much for us, you have tried so hard to put knowledge into our heads. And all this is not in vain, now we are not just children, we are talented young people who are about to enter the best universities in the country. Thank you for that! Soon new children will come to you, who, like us once, will need care and guidance. We wish you long life and good mood. Happiness and good luck to you!

Teachers can be pleased with beautiful bouquets and delicious sweets, of course, in bright gift boxes. Want to get creative? Then order special sweets (sweets-books, cookies-diaries, etc.) in any confectionery shop in the city.

No matter how long we waited for this day, it seemed like it would never come. But here we are, at our graduation ceremony. Do you think we're having fun? No, we are sad, sad because the time has come to part with friends, a carefree childhood life and with you, dear teachers! You were so kind, you gave us knowledge with such sincerity and warmth, for this we thank you very much and bow! Let there be more bright impressions in your life, let love always rage in your heart, and let even the best athlete in the world envy your health!

Dear teachers of (school name)! On this solemn day for us, we would like to wish each of you good, understanding students, good health, good mood and high wages. May you never lack for anything, and may you always have a reason to rejoice. Never leave school because teaching is a talent that you have. Let the school develop and your career go up. Believe in the best and know that 11th grade loves you madly!

Thanks to the class teacher

When making a solemn speech, one cannot help but remember the class teacher. I suggest telling him one of the following wishes:

Dear (name), on behalf of the entire 11th grade, I want to congratulate you on your graduation evening. Today, first of all, is your holiday, because you have done a lot not only to make the holiday happen, but also to ensure that we all successfully graduate from school. Thanks a lot! You put your heart and soul into our training and we will never forget that. May there always be room for positivity and celebration in your life. Never get sick and always remain the same kind and understanding teacher as you are now!

The class teacher is not just a teacher, he is the leader of the class, thanks to him, schoolchildren become a cohesive team and finish school well. Of course, not all class teachers skillfully fulfill their duties, but we are lucky. (Name) is not only a talented teacher, but also a good one, a kind person. She skillfully led the class and easily solved all the problems that arose along the way. May the next class that comes under your wing be obedient and skillful. Let your colleagues always make concessions, and let the school management correctly evaluate your work. Happiness to you and prosperity!

I propose to highlight the class teacher's prize among the rest, since this person has done many times more for the class than all the other school employees. Buy your boss a good, valuable gift, for example, a comfortable chair for the office or a small TV for showing presentations and other useful information to students. An e-reader or tablet will also work.

Today is a special day - the day when you (name) release us into adulthood. We are grateful for all the effort and effort you have spent over these 11 years. We know that it was not easy, because our class cannot be called exemplary, but you managed to survive, and for this we bow to you! We wish that there are no troubles and sorrows in life, and that work brings not only pleasure, but also good profit. You are a wonderful person and deserve better. Thanks for all!

Wishes to graduates in verse

If you are a teacher or parent of the main heroes of the occasion and want to please the graduates with a festive speech, then one of the following variations will suit you:

A new life is already on the threshold,

All that's left to celebrate is graduation.

You will all go your own way

And say goodbye to your dear school.

We are sad to part with you,

But, alas, the time has come to say goodbye.

We ask you to visit us at least sometimes,

We'll be a little happier then!

Today, kids, you are graduates.

And the carefree days are already far away.

We wish that there is no longing in your heart,

And so that all the difficulties of life seem easy.

May your heart always be full of happiness,

And bad weather will never overtake you.

Let there be true friends nearby,

And the school bench will not be forgotten!

The school bell rings for the last time,

But he doesn’t call you to class anymore.

The hour of farewell to school has struck,

We hope everything goes well for you!

Don't forget school and teachers,

After all, over the years of study we have become closer.

We wish you only success,

And so that there is always a reason to laugh!

All the parents are gathered here

To congratulate our dear guys.

May your entire class be smiling,

And let your eyes sparkle with happiness.

Let your cherished dreams come true,

And you will never know grief.

You are standing at an important point,

So let there be no end to luck.

We wish you to find your place in the world,

Live happily and be successful.

Walk through life confidently, following your guide,

And let your decisions not be hasty.

Our dear guys,

We came today to wish you happiness!

Certificates sparkle in your hands,

Which will help you become someone in the world.

We know you tried very hard

And it took a long time to get to this day.

We wish all your hopes to come true,

And you have fulfilled your dream!

Eleven classes are already behind us,

But new horizons are sparkling ahead!

So let them bring cherished happiness,

And the prayers of relatives will protect you from bad weather.

You've finally become an adult

But don't forget a fun childhood.

May the memories of school live in you forever,

After all, we are teachers, we love you all heartily!

Graduates can also be surprised with small souvenirs, for example, figurines (in the form of students) or frames with photographs. An alternative would be diaries and stationery sets.

All of the above wishes are unique and are suitable for both graduation from 11th and 9th grade. Recommend the site to your family and friends. Have a good mood everyone and see you soon!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoracheva

The prom for schoolchildren is the first responsible and truly adult event. This is a symbolic line, crossing which children will leave behind a carefree childhood. Many of them anxiously await their graduation, watching older students say goodbye to school. Everything on this long-awaited day should be special - the design, the atmosphere, the script and, of course, the wishes to the graduates from the class teacher.

A wish for schoolchildren: how to choose a successful format?

Writing a powerful speech is sometimes not as easy as it seems at first glance. Listeners will remember the performance filled with kindness and warmth.

Important nuances when drawing up parting words for graduates from the class teacher:

  • Decide on the form of the presentation. You can choose prose or rhyme.
  • The poetic wish is interesting and very popular.
  • During a prose speech, you can show a presentation, a video, and even use certain objects.
  • A speech that mentions special, fun moments in the lives of graduates will be remembered for a long time.
  • A good option is prose based on real facts. A cool mom needs to mention various pleasant details and cute little things from the school days of graduates.
  • You can add aphorisms to the pictures and photographs used in parting words. The voiced thought should not have too deep a hidden meaning.
  • The main thing for a poetic wish is lightness and harmony. Pretentious words should be used carefully.
  • Graduates will be very happy if the class teacher himself takes on the role of a poet. No one expects a perfect rhyme. For the guys, the attention to them, the sincerity and warmth of the congratulator are much more important.

What is there to wish for?

Having decided on the form of speech, you should think about its content. It would be wise to mention the years spent behind desks. However, you cannot forget about your wishes for the future.

Small symbolic gifts will remain in the memory of children for a long time. A cool mother can give all graduates a blank notebook, wishing them to start life from scratch and paint it only with bright shades of happiness.

Interesting idea- invite each hero of the occasion to systematically write down the most significant events in his life in notebooks. At a meeting in 5 years, these “masterpieces” will be interesting to others and will diversify the atmosphere.

A wonderful parting word to 11th grade graduates from the class teacher - wishes for an easy path in life and upward career growth. It would be appropriate to give everyone a balloon - a symbol of a soaring life and career.

Another option is to give yesterday’s schoolchildren hearts cut out of red cardboard with personal wishes. This is a piece of the heart of a class teacher who will always remember his students.

Wishes of the class teacher: examples

Text #1

My dear children! How quickly the years flew by. Eleven years ago you joined our school family. You have declared yourself as new students who came to school with serious intentions. We entered the classroom with a mixed feeling of fear and curiosity.

But 4 years flew by quickly. The students moved on to high school. She greeted you with equations with many unknowns, which you diligently solved. It seems like just yesterday you were standing here - confused fifth graders, waiting for something new. They timidly looked at me - their new cool mother.

Since then, multi-colored asters have bowed to the school threshold seven times, and seven winter blizzards have rustled. During your training, teachers became like family to you, they left an indelible mark on your hearts.

What happened in our school life: lessons, competitions, holidays, evenings, educational hours. Of course, there were some broken glass, paper airplanes in class, painted diaries, and lost briefcases. All these are valuable drops in the great ocean of school life.

Until recently, graduates reverently held the hands of their parents. Today the threshold of our school is still the same, but you have become different. Curious children have turned into adult boys and girls who have a new, but such interesting life.

Today you solemnly celebrate the completion of the first stage on your life path. All this time you were supported by teachers, parents and me, your class teacher. And today the doors to a big world with a lot of opportunities have opened before you.

Together we conquered new heights in the land of knowledge, learned to understand ourselves and each other, and defend our point of view and principles. This is the knowledge and skills that will help you emerge victorious from difficult everyday challenges.

Believe in yourself. You are unique individuals who will definitely achieve success. Be worthy of the respect of others and make me, the class teacher, happy with your achievements.

Bon Voyage!

A class teacher is not a position, but a state of mind. Heartfelt wishes to graduates will leave an indelible mark on the souls of students leaving the country of their childhood.

Very soon, schoolchildren will celebrate the holiday of the last bell. He will send some guys on a long-awaited vacation, while others will draw an even line under a multi-year marathon of disciplines, assignments, tests, tests, exams. In any case, this day is equally heartfelt for every student in his school and touching to the point of tears... Sad or joyful! It is worth preparing for such an event in advance and choosing not only an outfit and a bouquet, but also poems for the Last Bell for the patient class teacher, favorite subject teachers, classmates who have become family, and even cozy school walls. In this good old way, graduates of grades 9 and 11 can congratulate each other, thank the teachers, and simply diversify the ceremonial line-up.

Beautiful poems for the last call to teachers from graduates

The last bell sounds different for everyone: for first-graders it’s festive, for junior and middle grades it’s fun and cheerful, for graduates it’s solemn and a little sad. It echoes with the same sad trills in the souls of parents and teachers who are releasing the next generation of “children” from their arms. But even despite the sad looks of teachers and the farewell tears of graduates, the Last Bell is a bright holiday that opens the way to a new life for the children. In addition, this day gives 11th grade students the last opportunity, as adults, to express words of gratitude to their beloved parents and dear teachers. To this end, graduates prepare beautiful and heartfelt poems for teachers for the Last Call in advance and buy nice gifts and lush flower bouquets. And even if you can’t do without material surprises at the graduation party, at the school assembly it is still better to congratulate your mentors with spiritual gifts. And you can choose the most beautiful poems for the last call to teachers from graduates in our collection.

Examples of the best poems from graduates for teachers on the last call

Last call, there are tears in our eyes.
School and childhood dreams are over.
We hasten to say thank you to the teachers,
I wish you patience and success in your business.

You are like parents, like relatives,
Forgive us, dear teachers,
For the nerves, for running away from class,
For what the family didn't do.

May the students bring joy
Let your graduates praise you,
After all, you, like no one else, are worthy of honor.
Health and success for many years to come!

We don’t know whether your hopes were justified:
After all, the final exam is still so far away,
In the meantime, we invite you to visit us
For our happy holiday - Last call!
And please forgive all my sins,
What we have accumulated by the last day:
And tests with a load of wrong decisions,
And vague answers, and chatter,
But you know one thing: we will remember school
And not only in these excited words.
We will never forget our teachers,
And your work will resonate in our affairs.

We went to first grade, we sat down at our desks
And many people don’t remember their first lesson.
And every spring, every time it came closer,
Our sad, sad, farewell call.

School called us, science beckoned us
And we were bored playing in the yard.
Became habitual, lessons for a minute,
There are so many good things in school time.

Here we were taught and raised,
There were good teachers here.
We are leaving school for new children,
Farewell and see you my school.

Poems touching to tears for the class teacher from graduates on Last Bell

Of course, the main characters of the Last Bell lineup are considered to be graduates of grades 9 and 11. But this significant day belongs not only to them. The class teacher deserves no less attention. He is the one who is considered the second mother of every student in the class, and there are good reasons for this. The class teacher cares every day for the progress of his students, regularly holds educational conversations, controls the atmosphere in the classroom, tries to peacefully eliminate conflicts between the children and in every possible way brighten up their school life with cultural events. Poems touching to tears for the class teacher from graduates on the Last Bell are an elementary tribute of gratitude for all the work done and every grain of soul invested in what they love.

Texts of touching poems for the last call from graduates to the class teacher

Today memory turns back time -
Oh, how many joyful events there were!
We hasten to say for your invaluable work
Thank you, our great leader!

Thank you for always pushing us
Forward, making you believe in strength,
We managed to unite our class through friendship
And they taught unchanging truths.

Patriotism, honesty, kindness,
Love and mercy... Forever
We are indebted to you, our teacher.
For instilling humanity in us.

Health to you, success day after day
We wish you the trill of the last bell!
And know that we will not let you down,
What we remember, adore and miss!

You spared no time for us,
Sharing trouble and joy with us.
With a smile they entered the bright classroom,
Forgiving all antics and pranks.

You taught us to be friends and love,
They gave warmth and understanding.
We can never forget
Those days that we spent with you.

Thank you for your kindness.
For your knowledge, lessons, warmth.
For everything you taught us to see.
For everything you were in a hurry to teach us!

You always tried to understand us,
Forgive for stupidity and pranks,
Shared joy and trouble with us,
You taught us to work and work.

We are so glad that life has connected us,
That we ended up in your class.
We wish you spiritual fun.
Always have a great mood!

Poems “to tears” for subject teachers from graduates on Last Bell

At the solemn assembly dedicated to the last bell, not only graduates are in a hurry to share their ability to recite touching poems that bring tears to tears. This is how first-graders thank their parents for a new open door; middle school students share their fun school experiences during the past few years. Last year with their friends, high school students, through poems on the Last Bell, express gratitude to their subject teachers for the science they have received. Each member of the line, who prepared sad or funny poetry that brought tears to tears, has his own important goal.

Poems “bringing tears” to subject teachers from graduates on Last Bell are most often short and laconic. After all, it is impossible to offend any specialized teacher with attention, and the time of the event is often strictly limited. See the best options for poems for subject students below.

The best tearful poems for subject teachers for the Last Call

Thank you. Even if it's a simple word
Will not express all the feelings of these years.
Thank you for putting up with us so much
And we have endured so many troubles.

Today we are leaving - a relief.
But we see tears in your eyes.
For so many years, following our lives,
You still loved us so much.

Taking us from the hands of mothers, grandmothers and aunts,
You raised, bringing knowledge.
They gave eternal, reasonable, and also
They gave each of us themselves.

Let me hug you, second mothers.
Those who showed the path of life.
Today we must say goodbye to you,
But we promise: we will visit.

From “twice two” to complex equations
We have traveled a very interesting path.
Until the present day from ancient teachings
You brought this science to us.

Thank you for everything you learned
For the burden of knowledge brought to us.
We wish you to have in your life
All numbers only have a plus sign

Here Bach's fugues sound reverently,
Here is the sun of life, the smells of the sea
Mozart's sonatas speak to me.
I am glad that there is a teacher at school,
The one I love the most.
For my music, born of the piano,
I thank him from the bottom of my heart.

Thank you for your kindness and affection,
For a bright moment of success
And the cry of false notes,
For competitions an exciting fairy tale.
May the Music lesson last forever!

Farewell poems for the Last Bell, 11th grade about school

Farewell poems about your home school on the Last Bell from 11th graders are a good tradition, strengthened over decades, worthy of continuation in every generation of future graduates. Only high school students, having gone through a difficult path of learning and becoming many times smarter, are able to look at their teachers with respect and sincerely thank them for their invaluable life experience. Only high school students can say goodbye to school not joyfully, anticipating the imminent holidays, but sadly, with a sad look and tears of separation. Only high school students, letting go of the last strings of childhood, truly suffer from the imminent parting with cozy classes, fun recess, fun school holidays and friendly staff of their “second home.”

Take the trouble to choose farewell poems for the last bell of grade 11 about school in advance, so that at the right moment you can convey in poetic form everything that has been said so far in prose.

Example of farewell poems about school for the last bell of 11th grade

The last call will not be ruined by the weather,
Sharikov’s wreath soars into the sky...
The school years are over,

Today they come to school without laziness.
Joy - the painful period ends
Girls, boys, happy liberation!
At school today is the last call.
Rejoice! There will be no more school for you!
Why don't you run away as fast as you can?
The bell rings loudly for you:
At school today is the last call.
They won't give you homework,
Don't wake up for first lesson
This just made me sad.
At school today is the last call.
School is now a thing of the past for you,
You have made a very important point.
School will be remembered only for good things.
At school today is the last call.

The last bell rang.
How quickly time flies.
Just recently in first grade.
And the sadness in my heart grows.

Just recently we were together
But let's run in all directions.
Everyone has their own path.
Goodbye school years!

The last call sees off
To an adult, big life.
A tear appears involuntarily.
We will keep the school in our hearts.

Call. Last. All. Will not
Duties, desks, teachers...
And the wind, the free wind blows!
Well, let it blow stronger.

We will scatter like pollen over a meadow.
But everyone will say, just like me:
Let's be honest with each other.
We are all united, we are one family.

Someday, winter or summer
Someone will hear: “Bah! Wow!
Seryoga, my God, is that you?”
Spaces and years will separate us.

Last bell, my last class...
Will first-graders remember us?

Poems of Russian classics for the last call from grade 9 to teachers, principals, head teachers

School time is incredibly poetic in itself. It is not surprising that dozens of Russian classics depicted it so colorfully and emotionally in their stanzas. They contain the first love, and genuine friendship with a bosom neighbor at the desk, and a wise teacher with reasonable life views, and a difficult overcoming of the bumpy path through school sciences. So why not prepare poems by Russian classics for the Last Bell from 9th grade for teachers, principals, and head teachers. Surely such poetry will be the best gift and manifestation of universal respect for the teaching staff and administration of the school.

We have collected the best poems from Russian classics for principals, head teachers and teachers on the last call from grade 9 and placed them in this section.

Classic poems about school years for teachers, principals and head teachers from 9th graders

Good luck to you, dear rural and urban teachers,
Good, evil and no captains on the bridge of the ship!
Good luck to you, debutants and aces, good luck! Especially in the mornings
when you enter school classrooms,
Some are like being in a cage, others are like being in a temple.
Good luck to you, busy with things that you can’t complete anyway,
Tightly shackled by instructions and shouts from the city government.
Good luck to you, looking differently, with ideas and without any ideas,
loving or hating these - be they three times... - children.
You know, I still believe that if the Earth survives,
Teachers will someday become the highest dignity of humanity!
Not in words, but in the things of tradition, which matches the life of tomorrow.
You will have to be born as a teacher and only after that you will have to become a teacher.
He will have talented and daring wisdom, he will carry the sun on his wing.
A teacher is a long-range profession,
Home on Earth!

From class to class we will go up, as if by steps,
And the most important thing here will be the working class,
And the first duty we will, naturally, cancel
Exploitation by teachers of us!

Long live the new school!
The teacher will drop it, and you pick it up!
There are children of both sexes here
People will become huge!

We are building a school to gnaw at science boldly,
We will destroy everything from the inside and revive it,
We will whiten the grayness and scrape it to shine,
We will cover up all the shadow with light!

So grow a school for us, builder, -
For our children's souls, a greenhouse, a greenhouse, -
Where they study - everyone, where the teacher -
I am still a student in some ways!

Reach every heart
Those whom you decide to teach,
And the secret door will open
To the souls of those
who could love!

And some
overslept boy
Late for first lesson
And the prankster in the past
Will invite you to the Last Call!

And many more years will pass,
Maybe someone's fate will work out,
And both pain and adversity will disappear,
Stop shooting everywhere!

In the meantime, there will be everyday life of study
And the answers are heard at the blackboard,
Peace without violence and without anger,
And donated rose petals!

Mark Lvovsky

Poems for the Last Call are not only a dry tribute to tradition, no matter how it may seem at first glance. Poems touching to tears for the class teacher, principal and subject teachers are the appearance of gratitude, respect and deep appreciation from graduates of grades 9 and 11.

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