Boris Grebenshchikov: biography, personal life, discography. Boris Grebenshchikov: biography, interesting facts Personal life of Boris Grebenshchikov

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Soviet and Russian rock musician, leader of the legendary group "Aquarium" Boris Borisovich Grebenshchikov was born on November 27, 1953 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). His father, Boris Alexandrovich, was an engineer and director of the pilot plant of the Baltic Shipping Company. Mother, Lyudmila Kharitonovna, worked as a legal adviser at the Leningrad Model House.

Boris Grebenshchikov began playing guitar while still at school, in 1968. The first song I learned was Ticket to Ride by the Beatles. Boris Grebenshchikov first wrote his own songs in English, and then began composing in Russian.

In 1971, Grebenshchikov entered Leningrad State University (now St. Petersburg State University), the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Control Processes. While studying at Leningrad State University, in July 1972, together with his school friend Anatoly Gunitsky, he founded the Aquarium group.

In 1973, Grebenshchikov made his stage debut - he performed at the Yucca Festival, where he performed Cat Stevens songs with an acoustic guitar.

At the beginning of 1974, during the student holidays, the first album of the Aquarium group, entitled “The Temptation of the Holy Aquarium,” was recorded. Over the next two years, the band actively performed and recorded their songs.

In 1976, Grebenshchikov graduated from the university, entered graduate school and began working at the Research Institute of Complex Social Research (NIIKSI) as a junior researcher. He continued to write songs, performed in concerts and collaborated with the experimental student theater of Leningrad State University. Founded the samizdat magazine "Roxy".

In 1978, Boris Grebenshchikov and Mike Naumenko’s magnetic album “All Brothers are Sisters” was released. In 1980, "Aquarium" performed at a rock festival in Tbilisi, after which the popularity of the group and its leader grew significantly. However, it was after this concert that “Aquarium” was banned, and Grebenshchikov was expelled from the Komsomol and fired from his job.

In 1981, the group became a member of the Leningrad Rock Club and took part in its first five festivals.

Since 1982, the group began active concert activities, trips to Moscow, Arkhangelsk, and other cities. In the same year, Grebenshchikov took part in producing the first album of the Kino group, “45”.

At the end of the 1980s, after the start of perestroika, Aquarium got the opportunity to give a large number of concerts and release albums. In 1987, the Melodiya record company released Aquarium's album "Equinox" for the first time as a vinyl record - it sold out in just a few hours.

© Photo: courtesy of Alexander Lipnitsky

© Photo: courtesy of Alexander Lipnitsky

In the early 1990s, the Aquarium group ceased its activities for some time. At this time, Grebenshchikov led another group - "BG-Band". In 1993, “Aquarium” reunited with an updated lineup, and the team performed a lot in the CIS countries and abroad.

At this time, the Aquarium albums “Favorite Songs of Ramses IV”, “Kostroma mon amour”, “Navigator”, “Snow Lion” appeared. In 1997, the discs “Hyperborea” and then “Lilith” were released. The latter was recorded with Western musicians - The Band. Boris Grebenshchikov also turned to the work of other musicians - in 1994 a disc of songs by Alexander Vertinsky was released, performed by him, and in 1999 by Bulat Okudzhava. At the same time, other Grebenshchikov projects were carried out, for example, recording instrumental albums, as well as the album “Refuge” - Tibetan mantras recorded with Gabriela Roth and the group The Mirrors, and in 2002 - with them - the album Bardo. In 2001, an album of songs based on poems by Anatoly Gunitsky “Pentagonal Sin” was released. In 2003, "Aquarium" released the album "Fisherman's Songs", which was recorded in Russia and India, with the participation of Indian musicians. In the same year, the musician celebrated his fiftieth birthday with a large Aquarium concert at the State Kremlin Palace.

On May 22, 2005, Boris Grebenshchikov began his career as a radio host: his original musical program “Aerostat” began appearing weekly on Radio Russia.

In 2007, the Aquarium group gave a concert at London's Royal Albert Hall. The event was organized with the support of the foundation of the Indian philosopher, preacher and musician Sri Chinmoy, Grebenshchikov's spiritual mentor. In the same year, the musician organized his own exhibition of non-professional photographs of his hometown, Infra Petersburg.

© Photo: from the archives of the Aquarium groupGroup "Aquarium"

In 2008, Grebenshchikov came up with a new project, Aquarium International, the essence of which was to gather almost two dozen representatives on the same stage with Aquarium different countries playing a wide variety of instruments.

In 2009, Grebenshchikov and Aquarium were among the first to use the “download and pay as much as you think is fair” model in Russia, with their new album “Pushkinskaya, 10” on the website

In 2011, "Aquarium" released a new album "Arkhangelsk". In 2012, in honor of the 40th anniversary of "Aquarium", the group published a catalog of all 29 "natural" studio albums of the group.

In 2012, Boris Grebenshchikov and composer Andrei Mikita created the oratorio “Seven Songs about God” for soloists, several choirs (of more than 100 people) and a symphony orchestra. Its premiere took place on November 20, 2012 in the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory.

In March 2013, Grebenshchikov made a statement that the Aquarium group was stopping communication with the media and joining the “partisans.” At the same time, the team will reduce the number of concerts it gives, but will continue to work in a studio format.

Boris Grebenshchikov has more than 30 albums released as part of Aquarium, solo records and participation in projects of fellow musicians. Grebenshchikov's music can be heard in such films as "Assa" (1987), "City" (1989), "House under starry sky"(1991), "Azazel" (2002) and many others.

The musician often takes part in charity concerts to help hospices, awarded by the magazine "Russian Pioneer" in the category "Poems of the 21st century. Poetry of the www era."

Grebenshchikov is married for the third time. In 1978, he married for the first time to Natalya Kozlovskaya, who worked as an economic engineer. They had a daughter, Alice, who later became a theater and film actress. The marriage lasted several years. From 1980 to 1989, the musician was married to Lyudmila Grebenshchikova (Shurygina), and in this marriage a son, Gleb, was born. Then Irina Grebenshchikova (Titova) became his wife. They had a daughter, Vasilisa, and Grebenshchikov adopted two of Irina’s sons from a previous marriage.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Boris Grebenshchikov was born on November 27, 1953 in Leningrad.
In 1974 he graduated from the Faculty of Applied Mathematics - Control Processes of Leningrad state university. In July 1972, the Aquarium group was created; Boris Grebenshchikov and his school friend Anatoly Gunitsky were at its origins. Boris Grebenshchikov's first performance took place in the spring of 1973, and the Aquarium group debuted in November 1974. Both the group and its leader gained fame from their performance at the rock festival in Tbilisi in 1980. With the opening of the rock club in Leningrad, Grebenshchikov took an active part in its activities. Over a decade and a half of creative activity, Aquarium has released many albums marked by experiments in style. In the mid-1980s, with the advent of the era of "glasnost and perestroika", the group emerged from the "underground" state and began intense concert activity, albums and records began to be widely released. The songs of “Aquarium” were heard in the films “Assa”, “Dear, dear, beloved, only”, “Black rose is the emblem of sadness, red rose is the emblem of love”, “House under the starry sky”, “Tender age”. Grebenshchikov himself acted as a composer and actor in the film “Two Captains-2”. Author of music for songs based on Gumilyov's poems for R. Viktyuk's play "The Liar" based on Goldoni.

Boris Borisovich Grebenshchikov(also known under the pseudonym BG) is a Russian poet and musician, composer, singer and guitarist of the rock band Aquarium, one of the founders of Russian rock music. Awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (November 13, 2003) - for his great contribution to the development of musical art. Boris Grebenshchikov is a laureate of the Tsarskoye Selo Art Prize (2002) and the Triumph Prize (1997).

The early years and education of Boris Grebenshchikov

Father - Boris Aleksandrovich Grebenshchikov(1926−1975) - engineer, was director of the pilot plant of the Baltic Shipping Company.

Mother - Lyudmila Kharitonovna Grebenshchikova(1929−2009), worked as a legal adviser at the Leningrad Model House. Boris Grebenshchikov’s grandmother and mother are survivors of the siege. “My mother suffered the blockade as a schoolgirl. Her grandmother raised her alone and worked in three places to survive. It’s clear that it was a monstrous, hungry time, but my mother considered him happy too,” Grebenshchikov recalled.

Boris Grebenshchikov first studied until the 8th grade at the prestigious Leningrad school No. 421, but then moved to physics and mathematics school No. 239, which he graduated from in 1971. Boris Grebenshchikov entered Leningrad State University in the same year. Zhdanova at the Faculty of Applied Mathematics, where he received his higher education. Grebenshchikov graduated from Leningrad State University in 1977.

Grebenshchikov showed musical abilities from childhood. Boris Grebenshchikov began playing the guitar while still at school, in 1968. Boris also composed songs based on his own poems. As reported in Grebenshchikov’s biography on the RIA Novosti website, Boris’s first memorized song was the Beatles’ Ticket to Ride. Boris Grebenshchikov first wrote his own songs in English, and then began composing in Russian.

Musical career of Boris Grebenshchikov

In the summer of 1972, Grebenshchikov together with Anatoly Gunitsky founded the Aquarium group. The band's debut album, called "The Temptation of the Holy Aquarium", was released in samizdat in 1974; this disc opens the so-called "prehistoric" discography of Grebenshchikov and "Aquarium". As stated in the biography of Boris Grebenshchikov on Wikipedia, the recording, which was considered lost, was found at the end of 1997 thanks to the virtual community “Planet Aquarium”.

Until the mid-80s, musicians lived a semi-underground life, making home recordings and occasionally going on short tours to other cities.

Having received his education at the university, and after graduation, working at the Research Institute of Sociology as a junior researcher, Boris Grebenshchikov continued to write songs and performed in concerts. His group also collaborated with the experimental student theater of Leningrad State University.

From his youth, Boris Grebenshchikov was fond of creativity Bob Dylan, imitated him in his early performances, quite consciously wanted to be like the famous American bard. “It is important that B.G. openly worked under Dylan and other American rebels of the 1960s. And all the American rebels of the 1960s were thoroughly anti-bourgeois, anti-commercial and advocated overcoming market relations between people at all levels,” wrote about Grebenshchikov Alexey Tsvetkov.

In the 70s, several “prehistoric” BG albums were released, which included the famous recording “All Brothers are Sisters,” made with Mike Naumenko. The first official Aquarium disc, which was recorded in a real recording studio Andrey Tropillo and appeared in Magnitizdat in 1981, became the “Blue Album”. The songs “Railway Water”, “Heroes of Rock and Roll” (“Young Fuckers”), “Electric Dog”, “Ploskost” from this album became Grebenshchikov’s hits.

Subsequently, Aquarium’s magnetic albums were recorded and released at an accelerated pace, several per year. In 1981, after the “Blue Album”, “Triangle” and “Electricity” were released (with the songs “Old Man Kozlodoev”, “Mochalkin Blues”, “My Friend the Musician”, “Babylon” and other soon-to-be legendary works of Russian rock). “Acoustics” and “Taboo” were released in 1982, “Radio Africa” in 1983, and “Ichthyology” in 1984. “Stick to the Roots”, “My Star”, “10 Arrows”, “25 to 10”, “Rock and Roll is Dead” - the hits of Boris Grebenshchikov and the Aquarium group captivated music lovers of the USSR.

The concert activity of Aquarium in the seventies and early eighties was limited to apartments. Kvartirnik meant an acoustic format of performance in the apartment of one of the listeners. They played quietly so that the neighbors would not call the police. At that time, performing at an apartment show was no less dangerous than coming to it as a listener - and yet people supported “forbidden” music, despite all the dangers of getting themselves into trouble.

After the group successfully performed at a rock festival in Tbilisi in the early 80s, Boris Grebenshchikov was expelled from the Komsomol and fired from his job. Boris got a job as a watchman, and after a while became a member of the trade union committee of playwrights, which allowed him not to work and to study creative activity without fear of being convicted of parasitism. Collaboration with a prominent representative of the Leningrad underground Sergei Kuryokhin contributed to even greater popularity of the group. Soon, Grebenshchikov appeared on television for the first time - on the air of the “Jolly Fellows” program, the group “Aquarium” performed the song “Two Tractor Drivers” to the soundtrack. After this, “Aquarium” repeatedly appears in the “Musical Ring” program and other television projects of Soviet television.

Then the Leningrad Rock Club was created as a completely legal platform. Grebenshchikov's creativity developed successfully. “Silver Day”, released in 1984, the fifth “natural” album of the Aquarium group, is considered the pinnacle of Aquarium’s creativity in the 1980s, and Boris Grebenshchikov himself shares this opinion. This album includes such famous songs as “Sitting on a Beautiful Hill”, “Ivan Bodhidharma”, “The Case of Master Bo”. In 1986, Aquarium's last underground album, Children of December, was released.

In the biography of Boris Grebenshchikov on the website “Find out everything” it is reported that in 1986 the first single of “Aquarium” was released in the USA, and three years later two English-language albums were released at once - “Radio Silence” and “Radio London”. While abroad, Grebenshchikov met many famous representatives of the Western rock scene. At the same time, BG failed to win over Western listeners.

In 1988, the Melodiya company released the official album of the Equinox group with the songs “Partisans of the Full Moon”, “Adelaide”, “Gold on Blue” and others.

In the second half of the 80s, the music and songs of Boris Grebenshchikov were actively used in cinema, this was especially evident in films Sergei Solovyov“Assa”, “Black rose is the emblem of sadness, red rose is the emblem of love”, “House under the starry sky”. Grebenshchikov himself starred in Sergei Kuryokhin’s film “Two Captains-2”. In the cult film “Assa,” BG was publicly “deified,” the hero of the film reported that “the radiance emanates from Grebenshchikov.”

The biography of Boris Grebenshchikov states that on March 4, 1991, the activities of Aquarium were discontinued. For some time, Boris Grebenshchikov’s group was called “BG”; in 1992, a new composition of “Aquarium” (“Aquarium 2.0”) was assembled.

In the 90s, Boris Grebenshchikov’s group released new popular albums: “Library of Babylon”, “Favorite Songs of Ramses IV”, “Sands of St. Petersburg”, “Kostroma mon amour”, “Navigator”, “Snow Lion”, “Hyperborea”. At the same time, Boris Grebenshchikov recorded solo albums, in particular with songs Alexander Vertinsky And Bulat Okudzhava.

In 1997, Boris Grebenshchikov became the winner of the Triumph Prize. In the same year, the biography of “Aquarium 2.0” was completed. Then Boris Grebenshchikov recorded the album “Lilith” in the USA with The Band.

The discography of “Aquarium 3.0” began in 1999 with “Ψ” (“Psi”) - the fourteenth “natural” album of the group “Aquarium”. “Masha and the Bear”, “Stop the Car!”, “The Carpenter’s Son”, almost all the songs on the album became hits. Soon new albums were released: “Territory”, “Sister Chaos”, “Songs of a Fisherman”, “ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM”, “Careless Russian Tramp”. There were many new songs, concerts throughout Russia, the CIS and the world.

In 2003, the 50th anniversary of Boris Grebenshchikov was celebrated with a large concert in the Kremlin. In 2007, the Aquarium group gave a concert at London's Royal Albert Hall. The event was organized with the support of the Indian Philosopher, Preacher and Musician Foundation Sri Chinmoya, Grebenshchikov’s spiritual mentor.

In 2009, Grebenshchikov and Aquarium were among the first to use the “download and pay what you think is fair” model in Russia, posting their new album “Pushkinskaya, 10” on the website

The 22nd album “Aquarium +”, released in 2013, according to Grebenshchikov’s own classification, brought the line to “Aquarium 3.0”.

In 2014, a new solo album, “Salt,” was released, which critics called “the best in more than 40 years.” Then, as part of “Aquarium 4.0”, the albums “Songs of the Unloved” and “Doors of Grass” were released, and in 2018 a new solo disc “Time N” was released. This album, released digitally on February 16, 2018, according to Boris Grebenshchikov, became a thematic continuation of his disc “Salt”.

In 2015, Boris Grebenshchikov managed to collect 1 million 300 thousand rubles in less than 24 hours to record a new album.

IN last years Grebenshchikov often played on the streets in various cities of Russia and Ukraine. In Omsk, Grebenshchikov played in an underground passage to collect money for journalists “for milk for harm.”

Boris Grebenshchikov's career in other guises

Literature occupies a lot of space in the biography of Boris Grebenshchikov. In 1977, he founded the samizdat music magazine Roxy. Boris Grebenshchikov wrote several prose works: the story “The Forest” (“A Novel That Was Never Finished”) and the story “Ivan and Danilo.”

In 2005, Boris Grebenshchikov began his career as a radio host and since then has been hosting the almost hour-long original program “Aerostat” on Radio Russia. The texts for the radio program's releases were included in Boris Grebenshchikov's four-volume musical encyclopedia "Aerostat".

In 2007, the musician organized his own exhibition of non-professional photographs of his hometown, Infra Petersburg.

In 2017, Boris Grebenshchikov became the artistic director of the annual St. Petersburg festival “Parts of the World”.

Boris Grebenshchikov says in an interview that he is not interested in politics, but is familiar with many politicians. In 2005, he organized a meeting of a number of rock musicians and producers with Vladislav Surkov, deputy head of the presidential administration, which caused great resonance in the media. Boris Grebenshchikov also met with the Chairman of the RF Investigative Committee Alexander Bastrykin.

During the meeting, Alexander Bastrykin told Boris Grebenshchikov about the advisory council created in the Investigative Committee on issues of providing assistance to orphans and children without parental care, as well as about the public coordination council to provide assistance to children in the south-east of Ukraine. According to the musician, he holds concerts, the proceeds of which he donates to the treatment of seriously ill children. At the same time, Grebenshchikov, like the Investigative Committee, makes donations to children undergoing treatment at Doctor Lisa’s clinic.

The Chairman of the RF Investigative Committee and the rock musician agreed on cooperation in the field of charity. At the same time, Grebenshchikov did not rule out his participation in joint targeted charity events with the Investigative Committee.

Boris Grebenshchikov Awards

Boris Grebenshchikov was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (2003), is a laureate of the Triumph Prize (1998), the Tsarskoye Selo Art Prize (2002), the Own Track Prize named after Vladimir Vysotsky(2004). In 2009, Grebenshchikov received the Steppenwolf Prize for one of the books from the Aerostat series. In 2012, the musician won the Russian Pioneer magazine award in the category “Poems of the 21st Century. Poetry of the www era.”

Health of Boris Grebenshchikov

In 2006, Boris Grebenshchikov underwent vision correction surgery. In January 2009, the musician underwent bypass surgery in Berlin.

According to a source from the St. Petersburg TV channel, the reason for contacting doctors was heart disease. This version is supported by the fact that nine years ago the musician underwent bypass surgery. However, Grebenshchikov’s representatives later reported on his VKontakte page that the information about heart problems was a lie.

In the spring of 2018, Boris Grebenshchikov was urgently hospitalized in the intensive care unit of a St. Petersburg clinic with pneumonia. The leader of the Russian rock band Aquarium, Boris Grebenshchikov, despite his illness, did not change the date of the concert planned in St. Petersburg, the news reported.

However, later the Aquarium group postponed several previously planned concerts. As reported on the official website of the musical group, this step had to be taken due to the illness of the permanent leader of the group, Boris Grebenshchikov.

Boris Grebenshchikov (“BG” - pseudonym) is a talented guitarist, composer and performer of popular music, the founder of the famous Russian rock band, organized in the Soviet Union.

Until now, the musician enjoys phenomenal popularity and unprecedented recognition among domestic and foreign pop stars. And all thanks to his incredible abilities and bright, unforgettable charisma.

What is remarkable about the biography of Boris Grebenshchikov? What is the story of his rise and what is the secret of his genius? This article provides answers to these and many other questions. There are also photographs of Boris Grebenshchikov in his youth, in his mature years and at the present moment.

Comes from childhood

Little Borya was born in the late autumn of 1953, in the large and beautiful city of Leningrad. The parents of the future rock singer were educated and intelligent people. Boris Grebenshchikov's mother, Lyudmila Kharitonovna, held a responsible position at a research institute, his father, Boris Aleksandrovich, worked as a scientific engineer.

Subsequently, the famous guitarist repeatedly stated that he owes a lot in his life to his mother. It was she who introduced him to theater, music and literature, and it was she who instilled in him a love of art and self-expression.

Lyudmila Kharitonovna taught her son to appreciate beauty, no matter in what new, extraordinary form it may be. She introduced the boy to rock music, encouraged him not to be afraid to follow his talent, defended him in front of his father and believed in his lucky star.

Talented mathematician

Young Boris did not immediately realize his musical calling. At first, he wanted to choose a different path in life - the path of a gifted, hardworking scientist.

During school, Boris Grebenshchikov’s biography was related to mathematics. During his first years, he studied at an elite city school. Then he moved to a secondary school specializing in in-depth study of mathematical sciences. The guy's success was amazing.

Young Grebenshchikov decided to receive higher education at a reputable university, choosing the specialty “applied mathematics”. It would seem that his entire fate is planned out for several decades in advance: a diploma with honors, scientific activity, academic titles...

But life decreed otherwise.

The birth of talent

In higher educational institution a talented mathematician became interested in music. And not the usual classics, but Western rock and roll. He knew perfectly English language, therefore, he could freely reproduce foreign compositions, imitating foreign musicians in the manner and style of performance.

His passion for music turned out to be serious - young Grebenshchikov created his own band, systematic rehearsals of which were constantly held in the university assembly hall.

Together with Anatoly Gunitsky (a school friend and creative ally), young Boris plunged into a creative search for his direction. At first, the guys wrote poetry in English, composing music in a Western style. Somewhat later, the young people decided on their own style - they wanted to perform the repertoire only in their native language.

What was the name of the rock band created by Boris Grebenshchikov? "Aquarium". It was a modern ensemble, which was to carry out semi-underground activities for about ten years, winning the hearts of hundreds and even thousands of listeners.

First record

Since the activities of “Aquarium” were illegal, Boris Grebenshchikov and the guys in his group performed rarely and secretly, and recorded records underground, using their own efforts and skills, without the necessary equipment and equipment.

The band’s first track was the album “The Temptation of the Holy Aquarium,” which the musicians released in 1973. This record was original and unlike popular Russian rock of the Soviet period. The leader of the ensemble, having poured his whole soul into this work, confidently declared himself as an exemplary and talented representative of world rock, harmoniously combined with Russian traditions and values.

Around this period, new faces appeared in the group: Romanov, Fainstein, Groshevsky. They write and stage grotesque productions on the student stage, delving deeper and deeper into artistic art. Against this background, a split occurred in the young rock band, and Grebenshchikov found himself almost alone.

New turn

However, this situation did not affect his enthusiasm. The young man was full of energy and enthusiasm. He intensively searched for new like-minded people, who turned out to be Alexandrov and Gakkel.

Together with them, the aspiring musician begins to purposefully achieve his calling. The guys are actively involved in concert activities, performing wherever there are people: in public gardens, parks, institutes. Of all the acoustic musical instruments and devices they had only the guitar, cello, flute and... youthful enthusiasm.

In 1976, Boris Grebenshchikov’s “Aquarium” boldly announced itself at the pop festival in Tallinn, where it entered boldly and without invitation. However, this act pleased those present - the group was awarded a prize for the most interesting performance. Since then, the band began to tour frequently, and record companies began allowing semi-legal musicians to record records with them.

Takeoff and recovery

Thanks to this, such bright and unforgettable albums as “From the Other Side of the Mirror Glass”, “All Brothers and Sisters”, “Triangle”, “Children of December” and “Silver Day” were released, which differed from the previous ones in higher quality sound recording.

At the spring rhythms in Tbilisi in 1980, the performances of Grebenshchikov and his company were marked by a huge scandal. Being representatives of Russian rock, the guys gave their all on stage so much that they stunned the audience with their shockingness and eccentricity. They were accused of promoting homosexuality, incest and obscenity. And when the soloist, enthusiastically playing the guitar, lay down on the stage, the jury defiantly left their seats.

The rumor about this performance caused a lot of speculation. Rock lovers paid attention to the talented developing group, and critical authorities decided to punish the rock leader. He was fired from his job (at that time Grebenshchikov had already been working at a research institute for several years).

To earn money and continue his concert activities, the talented musician got a job as a janitor. At this time, he began to use a new type of premises for his concerts.

Apartment dwellers

In those days, guys were often invited to listeners’ apartments, where they performed very quietly and carefully.

Since the group was banned throughout the USSR, attending such musical evenings was very dangerous not only for the performers, but also for the spectators. However, illegal music was in unprecedented demand, so “Aquarium” often went on “apartment” tours.

In one of these forays, the enterprising soloist met Since then, the biography of Boris Grebenshchikov has changed dramatically.

A television

Thanks to Kuryokhin’s patronage, “Aquarium” was invited to air on “Jolly Fellows,” where the musicians performed a song that was popular in that year about two tractor drivers.

After this, the team received more invitations to participate in television programs and broadcasts, which increased its all-Union popularity.


During this period, Grebenshchikov, together with his group, began to conduct open concert activities. He performed mainly in the capital and Leningrad, while simultaneously publishing English-language records, recording music for popular films, producing Viktor Tsoi and working on his own projects.

In the late 1980s, Grebenshchikov gave concerts in the West several times (both on his own and with the group).

Finding yourself

The restless mood of the 1990s also affected Grebenshchikov’s rock band. March 1991 marked the last month of the group, but a few weeks later it was announced the creation of a new group, where already familiar faces flashed - “BG-Band”.

The newly created group continued the idea of ​​Russian rock, marked by an unusual repertoire. Religious images of the Orthodox Church began to appear in the group’s performances, which was considered relevant and topical for the era of that time.

“BG-Band” conducted active traveling activities. Having visited the largest cities of Russia and Ukraine, he held about two hundred bright and unforgettable concerts.

However, the ensemble did not last long. It was replaced by another group with the old name - “Aquarium”, which after that changed its composition and repertoire several times.

List of albums

Below is the most outstanding discography of Boris Grebenshchikov at that time:

  • 1983 - "Radio Africa".
  • 1984 - "Silver Day".
  • 1986 - "Children of December."
  • 1988 - "Equinox".
  • 1990 - "Black Rose".
  • 1992 - "Archive".
  • 1993 - "Library of Babylon".
  • 1994 - “Sands of St. Petersburg”.
  • 1995 - "Navigator".
  • 1996 - "Snow Lion".
  • 1997 - "Hyperborea".
  • 2000 - "Territory".
  • 2002 - "Sister Chaos".
  • 2003 - "Songs of a Fisherman".
  • 2005 - "ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM".
  • 2006 - "Careless Russian tramp."
  • 2007 - "Feudalism".
  • 2008 — “White Horse.”
  • 2009 - "Pushkinskaya, 10".
  • 2010 - "Day of Joy".
  • 2010 — “Our life from the point of view of trees.”
  • 2010 — “Notes on Flora and Fauna.”
  • 2011 - "Arkhangelsk".
  • 2012 — “The Secret History of Beekeeping.”
  • 2012 — “Aeronautics in the company of sphinxes.”
  • 2013 — “Aquarium +”.
  • 2016 - “Songs of the Unloved EP”.

In addition, the singer has published several solo albums, impressive for their extraordinaryness, courage and straightforwardness.

What is remarkable about the biography of Boris Grebenshchikov now?

Modern activities

Currently, the outstanding musician takes an active position in life regarding the musical life of the country. He often gives concerts, appears on television and radio programs, writes books and appears in films.

A lot is known about the past and contemporary personal life of Boris Grebenshchikov.

Personal life

The rock musician was married several times. His first wife was Natalya Kozlovskaya, an engineer-economist by profession. Boris Grebenshchikov's daughter from his first marriage, Alisa, is now a famous film actress.

The second marriage was with an artist by training. From this union, the couple had a son, Gleb, who currently works with his father in his famous group.

Grebenshchikov's third wife, with whom he has lived for more than twenty years, is Irina Titova. She became the adopted children of a rock musician.

As you can see, each member of this large family is united by a love of music and art. And this is not surprising, because the father of the family is the famous and talented Boris Grebenshchikov!

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