Parent committee in the classroom. Legal advice: The school has a parent committee Parent committee from the letter of the law

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Hello, dear readers, dear parents! I wanted to devote today’s topic not to our rights and opportunities in raising children. Indeed, in addition to the existing rights, each of us, as a full-fledged citizen of our great country, also has responsibilities.

When we send our child to a community group, we demand a lot from those around us: first in kindergarten from teachers, then at school from teachers. Even at the institute, we are ready to contribute to the questions of what teachers should give our children. Is not it?

What do we, parents, do to make our stay at school comfortable? After all, school life does not end with simply “throwing” your child onto someone else’s shoulders on September 1st! Let's look at what can and what is the responsibility of the parent committee.

Lesson plan:

Such a cool parent it necessary?

Of course, when a child crosses the school threshold, the main burden while he is within the walls educational institution falls on teachers. But who can know more about your child than you yourself? Who, if not you, can protect the interests of your child, doing this together with class teacher in a discussion manner, and not aggravating the situation only within the confines of the home environment, blowing the minds of both yourself and your student?

Periodically listening to the opinions of those who have been in such a class management body about how difficult it is to raise money or organize events, many parents choose to stand on the sidelines.

Of course, watching from around the corner, saying, “Let others do it, why me right now?”, not taking on extra work, may be a good position, but only for those who are absolutely indifferent to what their child “breathes.”

If you claim the loud title of “parent” in the full sense of the word, you are unlikely to be able to get lost among the crowd, and you won’t want to. And then: why should there be such uninitiative mothers and fathers in your class? Maybe they just need to be lit? I have many examples when parents of classmates meet not only in class at a meeting to collect regular money.

Why dance?

Although the presence of parent committees is provided for, class work is purely voluntary.

Usually the collective governing body is elected at the first meeting at the beginning of the school year, not at a preliminary meeting, which is arranged to help by September 1. By this point, after the festive assembly, parents know the teacher by sight, some even manage to get to know him better, many find their acquaintances and housemates among their classmates. So communication is easier.

As a rule, the issue of creating a council is raised at a meeting by the class teacher.

And about 5 people lend their hands to help him in his daily work, but the number of those willing may be more.

Usually, parents do not hold any votes on candidates, silently accepting someone else’s interest in school life as given. According to the same principle, the chairman is elected by agreement. In case of disagreement, no one bothers you to throw pieces of paper into the hat or pull out matches.

As they get to know each other more closely, those participating in the parent committee themselves distribute the functionality among themselves: some are able to count, some know how to organize, some are ready to negotiate.

Why do you need a parent meeting, or about responsibilities?

Naturally, parental governing bodies are not created in order to “get together in the evening and have an idle chat.” Everyone participating in the life of the class will expect active and vigorous activity from them and the issuance of various kinds of assignments.

As a rule, the committee’s activity starts at full steam in September and can slow down by the middle of the school year, giving up without support from others. It depends on everyone's help whether the chosen council will protect your children.

The main task

The main task from which all other PTA responsibilities dance is the line of communication between teachers and parents. You will have to “sleep with your phone” in order to reconcile the demands of some with the interests of others.

So participation in a collegial body in the classroom is a good opportunity for those who like to chat and speculate. Somewhere you have to be a psychologist. This has an undoubted advantage for those who love publicity: they will know everything about everyone!

Logistics support

Volunteers will have to help the teacher with providing the material and technical base. This is the most difficult question, since you will not only have to prove that repairing or purchasing new desks is a purely urgent and important matter, but also most importantly: raise finances! So the council must have a convincing, persistent and very patient person, since it is quite difficult, without counting to ten, to withstand reproachful glances: “Where did you spend our money?”

Of course, the purchase of teaching aids can be left to everyone individually, but aren’t you ready to save? It's always cheaper in bulk!


If the parent committee is correct, and not “for show,” it will foam at the mouth in defense of all its charges in front of different organs state power. Yes, children are different, quarrels are inevitable, sometimes you have to “talk” with police representatives, take responsibility on your word of honor, prove to the director that it is too early to give up on a child and vouch for your own “I”.

How could it be otherwise: there are no other people’s children! Unfortunately, one teacher alone cannot cope here. We will have to call unreasonable mothers and fathers of difficult children to parental court and work together to raise them, defending the honor of the class. But sometimes it’s nice to see the results of your work, isn’t it?

Barrier between children and school

The collegial body should live the school and become a barrier between the children and the school community. Although rare, it sometimes happens that teachers do not behave quite adequately towards children, taking advantage of their authoritarianism. Taking timely measures to prevent the situation from deteriorating when children have to be transferred to other schools because of an overly demanding teacher is a direct parental responsibility.

Where one twig cannot cope with cleanliness, a whole broom can always resist!

In my memory, there are situations when parents jointly changed the teaching staff in the class, unanimously defending the interests of their children.

Bringing ideas into the educational process

Bring to the teacher interesting ideas V educational process? Why not! Even if there is no pedagogical education, all parents by nature are educators and are simply obliged to take part in how and what our children are taught. I'm not talking about life outside of school. Here you will have to collect for community work days, hikes, and concerts. But you need to look for the positives from everything: this will be your pastime too, and your own child is always under supervision.

As you can see, it’s not at all easy for proactive volunteers! Will you be able to demand these responsibilities from people who spend their own time and energy making your child feel comfortable, if you yourself do not make contact and stand on the sidelines?

Can you do more? Welcome to the school council!

If your active activities are too cramped within the framework of class work and you want some space, welcome to the school parent committee. Believe me, they also have problems with initiative people who are already capable of more high level defend the interests of not only students, but the entire school as a whole.

Representatives from each class are elected to the school-wide committee. The tasks of this collegial body are similar to those assigned to the parent council at the class level, but its scope is wider.

  • The school-wide committee controls sanitary and hygienic standards and monitors the quality of catering in the educational institution.
  • Discusses internal documents adopted at the school level.
  • Participates in financial assistance matters by contacting government agencies authorities and commercial organizations and creating school funds.
  • Organizes interschool competitions and holidays, proposes measures to encourage successful students.

These are the opportunities for your irrepressible energy, dear parents. Is it difficult to be a member of the parent committee?! Everyone decides for himself whether he is ready to shoulder the burden of school life and to what extent. But it’s always nice to see your child’s enthusiastic eyes and hear gratitude from teachers and parents!

And members of the parent committee are often active participants in various school competitions and holidays, for example.

Do you participate in class work? Or maybe you have grown up a long time ago and are a bright representative of your school? Tell us your story. Let's organize our own parent committee on this page to help us and our children!

Good luck to you!

Hello kids!

Always yours, Evgenia Klimkovich.

The students' parents decided to create a parent committee. Unfortunately, the current legislation does not contain systematized provisions on such an association. What is its status, functions and powers? Let's talk about this...

Tasks of the parent committee

Indeed, there are no clear rules governing the work of such a committee. However, a number of regulations still contain references to the parent committee. Thus, paragraph 2.4 of Appendix 1 to the letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 31, 2008 No. 03-599 states that the presence and work of the parent committee influence the determination of the effectiveness of management activities (although this applies to preschool institutions).

And in paragraph 27 of the Procedure for conducting the Unified State Examination it is stated that representatives of parent committees can be among the public observers of the Unified State Examination (the procedure for conducting the Unified State Examination was approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated February 24, 2009 No. 57).

In addition to such indirect references, there is one more normative act, which is of particular interest (although this document was adopted a long time ago, it has not officially lost force). We are talking about the letter of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR dated March 19, 1971 No. 114-M “On the standard regulations on the parent committee secondary school" In particular, it notes the following tasks of the committee:

Involving the parent community in active participation in the life of the school, in organizing extracurricular and extracurricular activities;
- assistance in strengthening the economic, educational and material base of the school.

In addition, this Regulation regulates the rights and obligations, powers of parent committees, organizational structure. But when using this Regulation, it is important not to forget that it is applied only in conjunction with the norms of current legislation.

Parent committee status

The creation of a parent committee is one of the forms of exercising the right of citizens to association (Article 30 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation).


It arises from the fact of the simple creation of a parent committee. That is, as soon as the parents got together and decided that they would have a parent committee, such an association already appeared. But the rules don't apply to him. Federal Law dated May 19, 1995 No. 82-FZ “On Public Associations”.


Article 5 of Law No. 82-FZ understands a public association as “a voluntary, self-governing, non-profit formation created on the initiative of citizens united on the basis of common interests to realize common goals specified in the charter of the public association.”

In order to create a parent committee in the form of a public association, it is necessary:

At least three participants;
- organize a general meeting at which a decision will be made to create a committee, draw up minutes of the general meeting, draw up and approve the charter.

The advantages of this form over a simple association are that the committee will be subject to all the provisions of the legislation on public associations.

In this case, the parent committee already acquires the status of a subject of law, special rights and obligations, but does not yet have the status of a subject of civil law - for example, it cannot open accounts and act as a subject of property relations. It turns out that if such a committee collects money, then legally all of it belongs not to the parent committee, but to its members, and the property acquired with these funds will be the common property of the members of the parent committee.

For example, the head of the parent committee will sign an agreement on behalf of the parent committee, but legally it will be considered that all rights and obligations under such an agreement arose not with the parent committee, but with its head as an individual.

The fact is that, according to paragraph 1 of Article 2 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, participants in relations regulated by civil law are citizens and legal entities. Thus, the list of subjects of civil law is exhaustive; there are no parent committees in this list, as well as any other associations of citizens that are not legal entities (this also applies to the first type of association).


In order for the parent committee to begin its existence as a legal entity, it must be registered in the prescribed manner. The organizational and legal forms of such a legal entity can be different: a foundation, a non-profit partnership, a public organization, etc. It is important that these forms provide for membership.

In this case, the committee is recognized as a full-fledged subject of civil law, which means it can:

Organize full control of incoming funds from parents and distribute them for the needs of children;
- appoint responsible persons, ensure accounting of all receipts;
- open a bank account;
- conclude agreements on behalf of the parent committee.

It makes sense to create a parent committee with the status of a legal entity only when there are significant funds received from parents. Otherwise, the expenditure of effort and money on creation will be inappropriate.

Who is responsible for spending funds?

This question also depends on how the parent committee is organized.

If this entity, then the organization is responsible for the money received. Accounting and reporting are regulated by general standards which apply to all legal entities.

If it is just an association of parents, then the person who directly received the money (the head of the committee, another person) will be responsible. This is documented by a regular receipt for receipt of money indicating the name, surname, patronymic and passport details of the person who received the funds. Or you can keep a journal where this data will be reflected, as well as a schedule for receiving funds.

A school is a unique model of a state in which there is a clear distribution of functions between all management structures. In addition, as in any state, there are public organizations, whose members are elected by voting for a specified period. This management element is the school's parent committee.

Why is a school parent committee needed?

Being a member of the parent committee is a big responsibility.

DI. Mendeleev: “The school is an enormous force, reflecting the life and fate of the people and the state.”

The Parents' Committee is an annually elected school governing body whose main task is to protect the rights of students, as well as strengthen the relationship between the teaching staff, the public, local governments and students. The main goal of the school’s parent committee is to coordinate the actions of all links in the chain, which ensures the success of the educational and educational processes for the younger generation.

Functions and tasks

The work of the parent committee should be regular

Parents of students are members of two special school committees - class and school-wide. Their activities vary in scale, and their functions and tasks are related. The activities of the school parent committee are regulated by the Law “On Education” and the Regulations “On the School Parent Committee” adopted by the director of each specific educational institution. Key issues raised by parent activists:

  • drawing up a work plan for the parent association for the year, as well as a report on the work for the past;
  • participation in solving logistical issues related to the life of the school, in particular, the creation of a fund for charitable assistance to parents;
  • organization and participation of schoolchildren in cultural events of the district and city;
  • control of assistance provided to children from disadvantaged families (accounting for funds received through the school, as well as drawing up petitions for the organization of free meals and summer health care to the city administration).

Rights and responsibilities of school activists

School PTA meetings are held at least three times per school year.

Also, activist parents monitor the observance of the rights of each student at this school. In addition, the committee:

  • monitors the quality of food and compliance with sanitary standards in all school premises;
  • has the right to make proposals for changes in the organization of the educational process (for example, to replace subject teachers in a particular class) at school-wide meetings;
  • draws up appeals to local authorities for the provision of this or that assistance to the educational institution;
  • chooses a way to encourage talented schoolchildren, and also provides assistance to disadvantaged children;
  • coordinates the work of all members of class parent committees;
  • organizes regular conversations with parents about the rights and responsibilities of schoolchildren, as well as all legal nuances relating to schooling.

Composition selection

Usually the parent committee is selected from among non-working mothers

The organization consists of an equal number of representatives from each class, who are nominated for this position at class meetings. As a rule, individuals with an active life position and who are not indifferent to the life of the class and school are nominated as members of parent committees. For reasons of mobility, preference is given to non-working mothers. The members of the meeting are elected by open voting

  • chairman (who has the right to sign school acts);
  • secretary (who compiles minutes of all committee meetings);
  • treasurer (collects and distributes money and funds received into the account of the school institution after preliminary discussion with other members of the organization).

The parent committee organizes meetings in accordance with the charter of the educational institution, but not less than three times during one academic year. Any decisions of the parent association are made by open voting and then entered into the minutes.


Anna Petrovich | 09/08/2015 | 1926

Anna Petrovich 09/8/2015 1926

The parent committee is a self-government body in the classroom, which has its own rights and responsibilities. Let's figure out what they are.

It so happened that I headed the parent committee in kindergarten, and then at school. I was not afraid to take responsibility and take initiative, which is sometimes punishable. By the way, I felt this myself, but still did not refuse to participate in the parent committee for the sake of my daughter Lisa.

The biggest challenge was that most of the class PTA members did not come to meetings. Also, some were outraged by the financial fees for the needs of the class, while others simply did not find free time.

I proposed calling an emergency meeting to re-vote on PTA membership. Now I am supported by active and proactive parents, and our work is in full swing.

I want to tell you what the rights and responsibilities of the parent committee are.

Rights of the parent committee

Here are the basic rights the parent committee has:

  • Making proposals regarding educational work, classroom equipment, etc.
  • The parent committee may demand from the school administration a report on how the funds collected for various needs of the educational institution were spent.
  • Initiation of unscheduled .

Responsibilities of the parent committee

As for the tasks, they are as follows:

  1. Collecting funds for the household needs of the class and school, various events, gifts, etc.
  2. Purchasing materials and things for the needs of the class.
  3. Buying gifts for children and teachers for the holidays.
  4. Solving minor organizational issues that do not require convening a parent meeting.
  5. Providing assistance to teachers in various issues, for example, establishing contacts with other parents, active participation in organizing extracurricular activities (excursions, sporting events, games).
  6. Members of the parent committee should motivate other parents to take part in the life of the class and school - this will unite both adult and children's teams.
  7. The need to maintain documentation: minutes of meetings, work plans for a certain period of time, meeting schedules, provisions on the rules and principles of work, reports on funds spent.
  8. Representing the interests of children and the class at school meetings, conferences, etc.

The composition of the parent committee is about 3-5 people. They are elected at a general parent meeting. If there are no volunteers, members of the parent committee are appointed by the class teacher.

“Pitfalls” – what should you remember?

When I said that initiative is punishable, I relied on my experience. I think many parents who became members of the parent committee have encountered these problems in one way or another.

Firstly, often members of the parent committee are not active and everything falls on the shoulders of the chairman. In this case, it is necessary to re-vote and choose more active parents.

Secondly, you should be prepared for the fact that other parents will be dissatisfied with the results of your work: someone will not be satisfied with the amount you collect for gifts, someone will not like the color of those very gifts, someone will not want to pay for school albums, etc. .d. In this case, of course, it is necessary to seek compromises and not stick to your line. If a controversial situation arises, it is best to hold an emergency parent meeting and put the issue to an open vote.

Third, you may be accused of collecting too much money and spending some of it on your own needs. To insure against such cases, you will need to collect all receipts and keep records (I report about the funds spent in a closed group of our class on one of the social networks).

Fourth, disagreements may arise within your small team over the distribution of responsibilities. It is best to assign each of the parents in advance to be responsible for this or that work: someone will collect money, someone will buy gifts, someone will organize events, someone will keep documentation. Any controversial issues The chairman decides.

The PTA chairperson should write down the telephone numbers of all parents so that they can be contacted if necessary.

I want to say that membership in the parent committee has its pros and cons. From positive aspects I would highlight the fact that you will be able to become closer to your child, who will feel, including himself, the fruits of your work. The downside is that this is real work, sometimes stressful and not paid at all.

Whether to join the parent committee or not is entirely your decision. You can weigh the pros and cons and make your choice. But I want to say that parents should not be afraid to take initiative, because everything is done only for the benefit of their children.

I also want to appeal to mothers and fathers who are not members of the parent committee, but constantly express their dissatisfaction with its work: be kinder and more loyal. And if something doesn’t suit you, join the parent committee and help it as best you can.

Are you a member of the parent committee?

Parents' committee in the garden- This is an important organ in the life of the group. It includes the children's parents. They are elected by popular vote at the meeting. Many parents try to avoid participating in such a vote so as not to be included. This is not surprising, since they will have many obligations. In this article we will talk about this in detail and give some recommendations on how to behave and what to plan.

Key tasks of the parent committee in the garden

Despite the fact that parents of children have many responsibilities, there are still benefits to being on such a committee. We will list what they can do:

  • organize and hold unscheduled meetings to resolve important issues;
  • control how it turns out health care their children;
  • the parent committee can influence the activities of educators by offering certain types of work;
  • representatives of parents can demand from the administration of a preschool institution a report on where the money is spent and for what needs it is given out;
  • they can file a complaint or report violations committed in the establishment to the appropriate authorities.

But in addition to rights, they also have responsibilities. We will list everything tasks of the parent committee in the garden:

  • participate in organizing events and assist teachers in their work. For example, if a matinee is being held, then the parents’ task may be to organize a rehearsal for the entire event;

  • The parent committee is obliged to resolve many organizational issues in the child’s educational process, where the help of all parents is not required.

    Most often they are used during excursions and trips. Also take part in repair work;

    • the task of the parent committee in the garden find out what children or a teacher need in order to achieve the full development, upbringing and education of children;
    • Committee members must initiate the purchase of everything necessary to make the kindergarten students feel comfortable. Most often, parents participate in the purchase of building materials for renovation of premises, stationery, furniture and interior items, all kinds of toys and educational aids;

    • one of the tasks is to identify events in which not only their participation will be required, but also the purchase of gifts for nannies, teachers, kindergarten management and the pupil themselves;

    • The key is to take on the responsibility of raising the necessary funds.

    Are you on the parent committee? What to do?

    If you were elected to a committee at a meeting, you will no longer be able to refuse. There is a small chance that someone will want to take your place. Don't know where to start? Below we present the optimal work plan of the parent committee:

    1. You need to exchange contacts and phone numbers with all parents. In your notebook, indicate all their personal data. It is not recommended to write down the details of grandparents, since calls to them will irritate them, and if an issue related to money comes up, then there will be no problems.

    2. If not all parents were at the meeting, and this can be confirmed with 100% probability, then their contact information should be obtained from the teacher or head of the kindergarten. As soon as possible, you will need to contact them and get to know them.

    3. Parents' committee in the garden should familiarize yourself with the list of everything you need to buy. As a rule, the list is prepared by the teacher and immediately issued to representatives of this body.

    4. You need to start collecting funds immediately. According to statistics, most parents are willing to donate an amount in the region of 3,000-4,000 rubles. This is quite enough for the necessary needs. It should be recalled that collecting money is a voluntary event, but you will need to warn about one point. If one of the parents did not hand over the money, then he must take care of gifts for his child for the holiday himself.

    5. You should immediately talk to all parents about the agreement, so that later there are no uncomfortable situations and moments. If a gift is given from the entire group, then there should be no individual souvenirs.

    6. Collecting cash, you need to keep lists of those who passed it, as well as accounting for expenses. When making a purchase, this must be supported by a receipt.

    Where to spend money for the parent committee

    When collecting money, you need to remember that the main expense item is organizing holidays and buying gifts. Let's look at the key events that are organized in kindergarten.

    1. Preschool Employee Day - celebrated on September 27. On this day you should congratulate:

    • educators - give a bouquet, a box of chocolates and a memorable gift, for example, a certificate to a luxury cosmetics store;
    • the head of the kindergarten - present flowers;
    • give the nanny a bouquet;
    • kitchen workers - also buy flowers.

    2. New Year- before this holiday arrives, the parent committee will already get acquainted with the rest of the employees kindergarten. They should all be congratulated. We suggest doing this as follows:

    • teachers will be given a bottle of champagne, a food basket, a postcard and a calendar with photographs of the pupils;
    • You can give the head of the kindergarten a beautifully packaged food basket with a lot of fruit;
    • give the nannies a box of chocolates and a can of elite coffee;
    • set a delicious table for the kitchen workers;
    • give a music worker, speech therapist, psychologist, medical workers and methodologists a bottle of champagne and a box of chocolates;
    • Give children gifts in the form of a book or a creativity kit.

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