State body carrying out national planning 1920. State Planning Committee of the USSR, functions

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?


1. History

On August 21, 1923, the USSR State Planning Commission was established under the Council of Labor and Defense of the USSR under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR (STO USSR). Initially Gosplan of the USSR played an advisory role, coordinating the plans of the union republics and developing a general plan. Since 1925, the State Planning Committee of the USSR began to form annual plans for the development of the national economy of the USSR, which were called "control figures".

The prototype of its creation was State Commission for the electrification of Russia (GOELRO), which worked from 1920 to 1921.

1.1. Building

To understand the history of this most important body of state power of the USSR for the socialist era, it is necessary to briefly describe the history of the building occupied by the State Planning Committee of the USSR.

    The building was built on the site of the Church of St. Paraskeva (Friday) in Okhotny Ryad (1686-1928)

    The main building is located on Okhotny Ryad Street, 6. It was built in 1934-1938 according to the design of the architect A. Ya. Langman to house the Council of Labor and Defense, then the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, the Council of Ministers of the USSR and, finally, the State Planning Committee of the USSR. The building has a characteristic imperial style - heavy columns and wide halls.

    The second building of the State Planning Committee of the USSR was the building overlooking Georgievsky Lane, designed in the late 70s by the architect N. E. Gigovskaya. It is completely different in style, completely made of glass and concrete.

The buildings are connected to each other by a passage.

According to some reports, the building of the State Planning Committee of the USSR was mined in 1941, and cleared only in 1981. By a lucky chance, the builders discovered the wires "going nowhere"

    Currently, the building houses the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

Also for the State Planning Committee of the USSR in 1936, according to the project of the outstanding architect Konstantin Melnikov, in collaboration with the architect V. I. Kurochkin, a garage was built on Aviamotornaya Street in Moscow, currently known as the Gosplan Garage and which is a monument of history and culture.

Previous names and subordination Tasks and functions of the State Planning Committee of the USSR

See also: Five-Year Plan, Seven-Year Plan.

In the Regulations on the State General Planning Commission, approved by the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR of February 28, 1921, it is determined:

“Under the Council of Labor and Defense, a general planning commission is being created to develop a unified national economic plan based on the electrification plan and for general monitoring of the implementation of this plan”

At the beginning of its activity, the State Planning Committee of the USSR was engaged in studying the situation in the economy and compiling reports on certain problems, for example, on the restoration and development of coal-mining regions. The development of a unified economic plan for the country began with the issuance of annual control figures and directives for 1925-1926, which set guidelines for all sectors of the economy.

The main task in all periods of its existence was the planning of the economy of the USSR, drawing up plans for the development of the country for various periods.

    In accordance with Article 49 of the Constitution of the RSFSR, adopted by the 5th All-Russian Congress of Soviets on July 10, 1918, the subject of the All-Russian Congress of Soviets and the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of Soviets is: Federative Soviet Republic".

    In accordance with Article 1 of the Constitution of the USSR, adopted by the II All-Union Congress of Soviets of the USSR on January 31, 1924, the supreme authorities of the USSR are assigned: “h) establishing the foundations and general plan for the entire national economy of the Union, determining industries and individual industrial enterprises of all-Union significance, conclusion of concession agreements, both all-union and on behalf of the union republics.

    Article 14 of the Constitution of the USSR, approved by the Extraordinary VIII Congress of Soviets of the USSR on December 5, 1936, provided that the USSR, represented by its highest authorities and state administration bodies, is in charge of: state administration, Chairman of the State Planning Committee of the USSR was a member of the Council of Ministers of the USSR.

    Article 16 of the Constitution of the USSR, adopted by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on October 7, 1977, provided that the management of the "economy is carried out on the basis of state plans for economic and social development, taking into account sectoral and territorial principles, with a combination of centralized management with economic independence and the initiative of enterprises, associations and other organizations." The jurisdiction of the USSR, represented by its highest bodies of state power and administration, includes: “5) pursuing a unified socio-economic policy, managing the country's economy: determining the main directions of scientific and technological progress and general measures for the rational use and protection of natural resources; development and approval of state plans for the economic and social development of the USSR, approval of reports on their implementation”, Control over the implementation of state plans and tasks is carried out by the bodies of people's control, formed by the councils of people's deputies (Article 92). The approval of state plans for the economic and social development of the USSR is carried out by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR (Article 108). The Council of Ministers of the USSR: “2) develops and submits to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR current and long-term state plans for the economic and social development of the USSR, the state budget THE USSR; takes measures to implement state plans and budgets; submits to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR reports on the fulfillment of plans and the execution of the budget” (Article 131). There is no mention of the State Planning Committee of the USSR in this Constitution.

    By the USSR Law of December 19, 1963 No. 2000-VI, the State Planning Committee of the USSR was transformed from an all-Union body into a Union-Republican body. The same act determined that the Chairman of the State Planning Committee of the USSR is a member of the Council of Ministers of the USSR (Article 70).

    The main task of the State Planning Committee of the USSR from the end of the 60s until its liquidation in 1991 was: the development, in accordance with the Program of the CPSU, the directives of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the decisions of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, of state economic plans that ensure the proportional development of the national economy of the USSR, continuous growth and increase in efficiency social production in order to create the material and technical base of communism, steadily increase the standard of living of the people and strengthen the country's defense capability.

“State plans for the development of the national economy of the USSR must be optimal, based on the economic laws of socialism, on modern achievements and prospects for the development of science and technology, on the results of scientific research on the economic and social problems of communist construction, on a comprehensive study of social needs, on the correct combination of sectoral and territorial planning , as well as central planning with the economic independence of enterprises and organizations. (Regulations on the State Planning Committee of the USSR, approved by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of September 9, 1968 No. 719) "

The work of the State Planning Committee of the USSR in planning the national economy was coordinated with the Central Statistical Office (CSO), the People's Commissariat of Finance (later the Ministry of Finance of the USSR), Supreme Council of the national economy (VSNKh of the USSR), and later with the State Committee for Science and Technology of the USSR, the State Bank of the USSR and the USSR Gossnab.

Evacuation and mobilization of industry in the USSR during the Great Patriotic War

Decree of the State Committee of Defense of the USSR dated August 7, 1941 No. 421 “On the procedure for placing evacuated enterprises” assigned the task of ensuring the evacuation and mobilization of the industry of the USSR to the State Planning Committee of the USSR. In particular, addressed Special attention to ensure that, when locating evacuated enterprises, priority is given to the aviation industry, the industry of ammunition, weapons, tanks and armored vehicles, ferrous, non-ferrous and special metallurgy, and chemistry. The people's commissars were instructed to coordinate with the State Planning Committee of the USSR and the Council for the Evacuation of the final points for the enterprises exported to the rear and the organization of duplicating industries.

N. A. Voznesensky was appointed authorized by the State Defense Committee for the implementation of the ammunition production plan by the industry, and M. Z. Saburov as his deputy

During July-November 1941, more than 1,500 industrial enterprises and 7.5 million people - workers, engineers, technicians and other specialists - were relocated to the east of the country. The evacuation of industrial enterprises was carried out to the eastern regions of the RSFSR, as well as to the southern republics of the country - Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan.

After the war

In May 1955, the State Planning Committee of the USSR was divided into two parts:

    The State Commission of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for Long-term Planning developed long-term plans for 10-15 years

    State Economic Commission of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for the current planning of the national economy (State Economic Commission) (1955-1957) - developed five-year plans.

2. Plans for the development of the national economy of the USSR

Our plans are not plans-forecasts, not plans-guesses, but plans-directives, which are obligatory for the governing bodies and which determine the direction of our economic development in the future on a national scale..

Since 1928, the State Planning Committee of the USSR began to draw up five-year plans and monitor their implementation.

2.1. Gosplan of the USSR and the implementation of plans for the development of the national economy of the USSR

First Five-Year Plan (1928-1932)

    1,500 large enterprises were built, including: automobile plants in Moscow (AZLK) and Nizhny Novgorod (GAZ), Magnitogorsk and Kuznetsk metallurgical plants, Stalingrad and Kharkov tractor plants).

    In the same period (beginning of 1933), I. V. Stalin issued a directive: “To prohibit all departments, republics and regions until the publication of the official publication of the State Planning Committee of the USSR on the results of the implementation of the first five-year plan, the publication of any other final works, both summary and sectoral and district with the fact that even after the official publication of the results of the five-year plan, all works based on the results can be published only with the permission of the State Planning Committee of the USSR ", which certainly indicates the desire of the country's political leadership to censor statistical data and, at the same time, the central role of the apparatus of the State Planning Committee of the USSR in managing the national economy is increasing .

    At the January (1933) plenum of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, it was announced that the first five-year plan would be completed in 4 years and 3 months

Second Five-Year Plan (1933-1937)

For the preparation by the State Planning Committee of the USSR of the second five-year plan, see R. Davis, O. V. Khlevnyuk: “Second Five-Year Plan: a Mechanism for Changing Economic Policy”

3. Apparatus of the State Planning Committee of the USSR

3.1. Apparatus in the 1920s

At first, the apparatus consisted of 40 economists, engineers and other personnel, by 1923 it already had 300 employees, and by 1925 a network of planning organizations subordinate to the State Planning Committee of the USSR was created throughout the USSR.

The State Planning Committee of the USSR primarily combined the functions of the highest expert body in the economy and the scientific coordinating center.

The work of the USSR State Planning Committee in the 1920s is well illustrated by V. V. Kabanov in his book.

Let's take the fund of the State Planning Committee of the USSR, stored in the RGAE. Suppose we are interested in material on agriculture in the mid-20s. Where to look for it? It can be established that the complex will include documents formed as a result of the activities of the Presidium of the State Planning Commission, the agricultural section, as well as all other sections, the work of which, to one degree or another, came into contact with agricultural issues. First of all, we can single out the economic and statistical section, which carried out preparatory work to draw up a long-term plan for the development of the national economy, studied the methodology of compiling the grain and fodder balance, productivity, grain prices, peasant budgets, etc. The materials of the sections gravitate to the problems of the internal and external market of agricultural products domestic and foreign trade. Questions of mechanical engineering for agriculture reveal the documents of the industrial section. The materials of the agricultural section, which prepared the issue for consideration by the Presidium of the State Planning Commission, without fail passed the stage of discussion in all interested sections. A preliminary discussion of the issue took place in the presidium of the agricultural section, and then, after approval, its results were submitted for consideration by the presidium of the State Planning Commission. Thus, the first thematic set of documents on a particular issue was first formed at the level of the agricultural section and concentrated as part of the appendices to the minutes of the meeting of the presidium of the agricultural section. Then, in its final form, with the addition of the composition of materials, the conclusions of the people's commissariats and departments, a set of documents is formed as part of the annexes to the minutes of the State Planning Commission's presidium.

The structure of the State Planning Commission before the arrival of Voznesensky, seven sections: 1) accounting and distribution of material resources and organization of labor; 2) energy; 3) agriculture; 4) industry; 5) transport; 6) foreign trade and concessions; 7) zoning. In 1927, the defense sector of the State Planning Committee of the USSR was added to them.

3.2. "Gosplan case" in 1949

The "Gosplan case", "Voznesensky case" and "Leningrad case" were closely intertwined and complemented each other, they were the result of rivalry and struggle between Stalin's associates in the highest echelons of power.

As a result of the adoption of the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of March 5, 1949 "On the State Planning Committee of the USSR" and the Politburo resolution of September 11, 1949 "On the Numerous Facts of the Loss of Secret Documents in the State Planning Committee of the USSR", a significant personnel purge took place in the apparatus of the State Planning Committee of the USSR:

By April 1950, the entire main staff of responsible and technical workers was checked - about 1400 people. 130 people were fired, more than 40 were transferred from Gosplan to work in other organizations. During the year, 255 new employees were hired by Gosplan. Of the 12 deputies of Voznesensky, seven were removed, and only one was arrested by April 1950, and four received new responsible jobs (which also testified to the predominantly non-political nature of the “Gosplan affair”). The composition of the heads of departments and departments and their deputies has been updated by a third. Of the 133 heads of sectors, 35 were replaced

Chairman of the State Planning Commission N. A. Voznesensky was removed from all posts, removed from the Politburo of the Central Committee, expelled from the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and from members of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks. October 27, 1949 arrested, October 1, 1950 shot. Rehabilitated in 1954.

3.3. Apparatus in the 1980s

The apparatus of the State Planning Committee of the USSR consisted of sectoral departments (for industries, agriculture, transport, trade, foreign trade, culture and education, health care, housing and communal services, public services, etc.) and consolidated departments (consolidated department of national economic plan, the department of territorial planning and distribution of productive forces, the consolidated department of capital investments, the consolidated department of material balances and distribution plans, the department of labor, the department of finance and cost, etc.

The State Planning Committee of the USSR, within the limits of its competence, issued resolutions that were binding on all ministries, departments, and other organizations. He was granted the right to involve the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, the academies of sciences of the Union republics, branch academies of sciences, research and design institutes, design and other organizations and institutions, as well as individual scientists, specialists and leaders for the development of draft plans and individual economic problems. production.

Chairmen of the State Planning Committee of the USSRThe Chairmen of the State Planning Committee of the USSR were Deputy Chairmen of the Council of Ministers of the USSR. Vice Chairs

20 years

1921-1929 Osadchiy, Pyotr Semenovich - First Deputy Chairman (1866-1943) 1921-1938 Strumilin, Stanislav Gustavovich - Deputy Chairman (1877-1974) 1923-1927 Pyatakov, Georgy Leonidovich - Deputy Chairman (1890-1937) 1925 -1926 - Smilga, Ivar Tenisovich - Deputy Chairman (1892-1938) 1926-1930 - N. N. Vashkov - Deputy Chairman, Chairman of the electrification section of the State Planning Committee of the USSR (1874-1953) 1926-1928 - Sokolnikov, Grigory Yakovlevich - Deputy Chairman ( 1888-1939) 1926-1927 - Vladimirsky, Mikhail Fedorovich - Deputy Chairman (1874-1951) 1927-1931 - Quiring, Emmanuil Ionovich - Deputy Chairman (1888-1937) 1928-1929 - Grinko, Grigory Fedorovich - Deputy Chairman (1890- 1938) 1929-1934 Milyutin, Vladimir Pavlovich - Deputy Chairman (1884-1937)

30 years

1930-1934 - Smilga, Ivar Tenisovich - Deputy Chairman - Head of the Integrated Planning Department (1892-1938) 1930-1937 - Smirnov, Gennady Ivanovich - Deputy Chairman (1903-1938) 1931-1935 - Mezhlauk, Valery Ivanovich - First Deputy Chairman ( 1893-1938) 1931-1933 - Oppokov, Georgy Ippolitovich (A. Lomov) - Deputy Chairman Deputy Chairman (1887-1937) 1933-1933 Troyanovsky, Alexander Antonovich - Deputy Chairman (1882-1955) 1934-1937 - Quiring, Emmanuil Ionovich - First Deputy Chairman (1888-1937) 1935-1937 - Kraval, Ivan Adamovich - Deputy Chairman (1897-1938) 1936-1937 - Gurevich, Alexander Iosifovich - Deputy Chairman (1896-1937) 1937-1937 - Vermenichev, Ivan Dmitrievich - Deputy Chairman (1899-1938) 1938-1940 - Sautin, Ivan Vasilyevich - Deputy Chairman ( 1905-1975) 1939-1940-Kravtsev, Georgy Georgievich - First Deputy Chairman (1908-1941)

40 years

1940-1940 Kosyachenko, Grigory Petrovich - Deputy Chairman (1901-1983) 1940-1948 Starovsky, Vladimir Nikonovich - Deputy Chairman (1905-1975) 1940-1941 Saburov, Maxim Zakharovich - First Deputy Chairman (1900-1977) 1940 -1943 - Kuznetsov, Vasily Vasilievich - Deputy Chairman 1940-1946 - Panov, Andrey Dmitreevich - Deputy Chairman (1904-1963) 1941-1944 - Kosyachenko, Grigory Petrovich - First Deputy Chairman (1901-1983) 1941-1945 - Sorokin, Gennady Mikhailovich - Deputy Chairman (1910-1990) 1941-1948 - Starovsky, Vladimir Nikonovich - Deputy Chairman (1905-1975) 1942-1946 - Mitrakov, Ivan Lukich - Deputy Chairman 1944-1946 - Saburov, Maxim Zakharovich - First Deputy Chairman (1900-1977 )1945-1955-Borisov, Nikolai Andreevich - Deputy Chairman (1903-1955) 1946-1947-Saburov, Maxim Zakharovich - Deputy Chairman (1900-1977) 1946-1950-Panov, Andrey Dmitreevich - First Deputy Chairman (1904-1963) 1948-1957 - Perov, Georgy Vasilyevich - Deputy Chairman (1905-1979) 1949-1953 - Kosyachenko, Grigory Petrovich - First Deputy Chairman (1901-1983)

50 years

1951-1953 - Korobov, Anatoly Vasilievich - Deputy Chairman (1907-1967) 1952-1953 - Sorokin, Gennady Mikhailovich - Deputy Chairman (1910-1990) 1953-1953 - Pronin, Vasily Prokhorovich - Deputy Chairman 1955-1957 - Zhimerin, Dmitry Georgievich - First Deputy Chairman (1906-1995) 1955-1957 - Yakovlev, Mikhail Danilovich - Deputy Chairman (1910-1999) 1955-1957 - Sorokin, Gennady Mikhailovich - Deputy Chairman (1910-1990) 1955-1957 - Kalamkarov, Vartan Aleksandrovich - Deputy Chairman (1906-1992) 1955-1957 - Khrunichev, Mikhail Vasilievich - Deputy Chairman (1901-1961) 1956-1957 - Kosygin, Alexei Nikolaevich - First Deputy Chairman (1904-1980) 1956-1957 - Malyshev, Vyacheslav Alexandrovich - First Deputy Chairman (1902-1957) 1957-1959 - Perov, Georgy Vasilyevich - First Deputy Chairman (1905-1979) 1957-1962 - Zotov, Vasily Petrovich - Deputy Chairman 1957-1961 - Matskevich, Vladimir Vladimirovich - Deputy Chairman (1909-1998) 1957-1961 - Khrunichev, Mikhail Vasilyevich - First Deputy Chairman (1901-1961) 1958-1958 - Zasiadko, Alexander Fedorovich - Deputy Chairman (1910-1963) 1958-1958 - Ryabikov, Vasily Mikhailovich - Deputy Chairman 1958-1960 - Lesechko, Mikhail Avksentevich - First Deputy Chairman (1909-1984)

60 years

1960-1962 Orlov, Georgy Mikhailovich - First Deputy Chairman 1960-1966 Korobov, Anatoly Vasilyevich - Deputy Chairman (1907-1967) 1961-1961 Ryabikov, Vasily Mikhailovich - First Deputy Chairman 1 -1965 - Lobanov, Pavel Pavlovich - Deputy Chairman (1902-1984) 1963-1965 - Stepanov, Sergey Alexandrovich - Deputy Chairman (1903-1976) 1963-1965 - Korobov, Anatoly Vasilyevich - Deputy Chairman (1907-1967) 1963-1973 - Goreglyad, Alexey Adamovich - First Deputy Chairman 1963-1965 - Tikhonov, Nikolai Alexandrovich - Deputy Chairman 1965-1973 - Lebedev, Viktor Dmitrievich - Deputy Chairman (1917-1978) 1965-1974 - Ryabikov, Vasily Mikhailovich - First Deputy Chairman 1966-1973 - Misnik , Mikhail Ivanovich - Deputy Chairman (1913-1998)

70 years

1973-1978 Lebedev, Viktor Dmitrievich - First Deputy Chairman (1917-1978) 1974-1983 Slyunkov, Nikolai Nikitovich - Deputy Chairman -1983 - Ryabov, Yakov Petrovich - First Deputy Chairman

80 years

1980-1988 - Voronin, Lev Alekseevich - First Deputy Chairman 1982-1985 - Maslyukov, Yuri Dmitrievich - First Deputy Chairman 1983-1989 - Sitaryan, Stepan Armaisovich - First Deputy Chairman -1991 - Anisimov, Pavel Petrovich - Deputy Chairman 1988-1991 - Troshin, Alexander Nikolaevich - Deputy Chairman 1988-1991 - Serov, Valery Mikhailovich - Deputy Chairman 1989-1991 - Durasov, Vladimir Alexandrovich - First Deputy Chairman 1988-1989 - Khomenko, Yuri Pavlovich - First vice-chairman

90 years

3.6. Structural units

1930-1931 - Economic and Statistical Sector (ESS) 1931-1931 - Sector of National Economic Accounting

    Department of Energy and Electrification

    • Subdivision of Nuclear Power Plants (1972)

    Department of Automotive, Tractor and Agricultural Engineering

    Department for the Activities of the Soviet Parts of the Standing Committees of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance

    Fuel Industry Department

    Department of Construction and Construction Industry

    Consolidated department of the agro-industrial complex

    Consolidated Department of the National Economic Plan

4. Commissions under the State Planning Committee of the USSR

    Special commission of the Council of Labor and Defense under the State Planning Commission of the USSR for the consideration of charters of trusts (1923-1925)

    State Expert Commission (GEC of the State Planning Committee of the USSR)

    Interdepartmental Commission on Economic Reform (formed 1965 - ?)

    Concession Committee of the State Planning Committee of the USSR

    Council of Techno-Economic Expertise of the State Planning Committee of the USSR

5. Institutes under the State Planning Committee of the USSR

6. Organizations under the State Planning Committee of the USSR

    Organizations are not all.

7. Publications of the State Planning Committee of the USSR

Since 1923, the State Planning Committee of the USSR has been publishing the monthly industry magazine Planned Economy, and has been awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.


    Lenin V.I., Draft of the main clause of the SRT resolution on the general planning commission, PSS, 5th ed., vol. 42, p. 338

    Lenin V.I., On giving legislative functions to the State Planning Commission, PSS, 5th ed., vol. 45, p. 349-53

    Lenin V.I., On a single economic plan, PSS, 5th ed., vol. 42, p. 339-47

    Baybakov N. K., State planning leadership is the most important condition for the successful development of the USSR economy, "Planned Economy", 1971, No. 2, p. 5 - 19

    Strumilin S. G., Planning in the USSR, M., 1957


    Naydenov N. A. Moscow. Cathedrals, monasteries and churches. Part II: White City. M., 1882, No. 23

    According to the International Socio-Ecological Union

    s:Constitution of the RSFSR (1918)

    s: Constitution of the USSR (1924) original version

    s: Constitution of the USSR (1936) edition 12/5/1936

    s:Constitution of the USSR (1977)

    Bulletin of the Financial Academy, Issue 1 (25) 2003.

    Stalin I. V. Political report of the Central Committee to the XV Congress of the CPSU (b). Library of Mikhail Grachev

    Quote from the book by V. Z. Rogovin "Power and Opposition"

    R. Davis, O. V. Khlevnyuk: “The Second Five-Year Plan: The Mechanism for Changing Economic Policy”

    V. V. Kabanov, "Source study of the history of Soviet society"

    The text of the resolution on the website of the socio-political journal "Breakthrough"

    Khlevnyuk O. V. Sovetskaya economic policy at the turn of the 1940-1950s and the “Gosplan case”, Otechestvennaya istoriya / RAS. Institute of Russian History. - M.: Nauka, 2001. - N 3.

    Voznesensky Nikolay Alekseevich, short biography

    Note by V. I. Lenin, PSS v. 45

1. History
1.1 Building
1.2 Previous names and subordination
1.3 Tasks and functions of the State Planning Committee of the USSR
1.3.1 Evacuation and mobilization of industry in the USSR during the Great Patriotic War
1.3.2 After the war

2 Plans for the development of the national economy of the USSR
2.1 Gosplan of the USSR and the implementation of plans for the development of the national economy of the USSR
2.1.1 First five-year plan (1928-1932)
2.1.2 Second Five-Year Plan (1933-1937)

3 Apparatus of the State Planning Committee of the USSR
3.1 Apparatus in the 1920s
3.2 "Gosplan case" in 1949
3.3 Apparatus in the 1980s
3.4 Chairmen of the USSR State Planning Committee
3.5 Vice-Presidents
3.5.1 20 years
3.5.2 30 years
3.5.3 40 years
3.5.4 50 years
3.5.5 60 years
3.5.6 70 years
3.5.7 80 years
3.5.8 90 years

3.6 Structural divisions

4 Commissions under the State Planning Committee of the USSR
5 Institutes under the State Planning Committee of the USSR
6 Organizations under the State Planning Committee of the USSR
7 Editions of the State Planning Committee of the USSR



1. History

On August 21, 1923, the USSR State Planning Commission was established under the Council of Labor and Defense of the USSR under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR (STO USSR). Initially Gosplan of the USSR played an advisory role, coordinating the plans of the union republics and developing a general plan. Since 1925, the State Planning Committee of the USSR began to form annual plans for the development of the national economy of the USSR, which were called "control figures".

The prototype of its creation was the State Commission for Electrification of Russia (GOELRO), which worked from 1920 to 1921.

1.1. Building

To understand the history of this most important body of state power of the USSR for the socialist era, it is necessary to briefly describe the history of the building occupied by the State Planning Committee of the USSR.

The building was built on the site of the Church of St. Paraskeva (Friday) in Okhotny Ryad (1686-1928)

· The main building is located on Okhotny Ryad Street, 6. It was built in 1934-1938 according to the project of architect A. Ya. Langman to house the Council of Labor and Defense, then the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, the Council of Ministers of the USSR and, finally, the State Planning Committee of the USSR. The building has a characteristic imperial style - heavy columns and wide halls.

· The second building of the State Planning Committee of the USSR was the building overlooking Georgievsky Lane, designed in the late 70s by the architect N. E. Gigovskaya. It is completely different in style, completely made of glass and concrete.

The buildings are connected to each other by a passage.

According to some reports, the building of the State Planning Committee of the USSR was mined in 1941, and cleared only in 1981. By a lucky chance, the builders discovered the wires "going nowhere"

Currently, the State Duma of the Federal Assembly is located in the building Russian Federation.

Also for the State Planning Committee of the USSR in 1936, according to the project of the outstanding architect Konstantin Melnikov, in collaboration with the architect V. I. Kurochkin, a garage was built on Aviamotornaya Street in Moscow, currently known as the Gosplan Garage and which is a monument of history and culture.

Previous names and subordination Tasks and functions of the State Planning Committee of the USSR

See also: Five-Year Plan, Seven-Year Plan.

In the Regulations on the State General Planning Commission, approved by the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR of February 28, 1921, it is determined:

“Under the Council of Labor and Defense, a general planning commission is being created to develop a unified national economic plan based on the electrification plan and for general monitoring of the implementation of this plan”

At the beginning of its activity, the State Planning Committee of the USSR was engaged in studying the situation in the economy and compiling reports on certain problems, for example, on the restoration and development of coal-mining regions. The development of a unified economic plan for the country began with the issuance of annual control figures and directives for 1925-1926, which set guidelines for all sectors of the economy.

The main task in all periods of its existence was the planning of the economy of the USSR, drawing up plans for the development of the country for various periods.

In accordance with Article 49 of the Constitution of the RSFSR, adopted by the V All-Russian Congress of Soviets on July 10, 1918, the subject of the All-Russian Congress of Soviets and the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of Soviets is: Socialist Federative Soviet Republic".

In accordance with Article 1 of the Constitution of the USSR, adopted by the II All-Union Congress of Soviets of the USSR on January 31, 1924, the supreme authorities of the USSR are assigned: “h) establishing the foundations and general plan for the entire national economy of the Union, determining industries and individual industrial enterprises of all-Union significance , the conclusion of concession agreements, both all-Union and on behalf of the Union republics.

Article 14 of the Constitution of the USSR, approved by the Extraordinary VIII Congress of Soviets of the USSR on December 5, 1936, provided that the jurisdiction of the USSR in the person of its highest authorities and state administration bodies is: “k) the establishment of the national economic plans of the USSR”, and Article 70 attributed the State Planning Committee of the USSR to government bodies, the Chairman of the State Planning Committee of the USSR was a member of the Council of Ministers of the USSR.

Article 16 of the Constitution of the USSR, adopted by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on October 7, 1977, provided that the management of the “economy is carried out on the basis of state plans for economic and social development, taking into account sectoral and territorial principles, with a combination of centralized management with economic independence and the initiative of enterprises, associations and other organizations." The jurisdiction of the USSR, represented by its highest bodies of state power and administration, includes: “5) pursuing a unified socio-economic policy, managing the country's economy: determining the main directions of scientific and technological progress and general measures for the rational use and protection of natural resources; development and approval of state plans for the economic and social development of the USSR, approval of reports on their implementation”, Control over the implementation of state plans and tasks is carried out by the bodies of people's control, formed by the councils of people's deputies (Article 92). The approval of state plans for the economic and social development of the USSR is carried out by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR (Article 108). The Council of Ministers of the USSR: “2) develops and submits to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR current and long-term state plans for the economic and social development of the USSR, the state budget of the USSR; takes measures to implement state plans and budgets; submits to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR reports on the fulfillment of plans and the execution of the budget” (Article 131). There is no mention of the State Planning Committee of the USSR in this Constitution.

· By the Law of the USSR of December 19, 1963 No. 2000-VI, the State Planning Committee of the USSR was transformed from an all-Union body into a Union-Republican body. The same act determined that the Chairman of the State Planning Committee of the USSR is a member of the Council of Ministers of the USSR (Article 70).

The main task of the State Planning Committee of the USSR from the end of the 60s until its liquidation in 1991 was: the development, in accordance with the Program of the CPSU, the directives of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the decisions of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, of state economic plans that ensure the proportional development of the national economy of the USSR, continuous growth and increase in the efficiency of social production in order to create the material and technical base of communism, steadily increase the standard of living of the people and strengthen the country's defense capability.

“State plans for the development of the national economy of the USSR must be optimal, based on the economic laws of socialism, on modern achievements and prospects for the development of science and technology, on the results of scientific research on the economic and social problems of communist construction, on a comprehensive study of social needs, on the correct combination of sectoral and territorial planning , as well as central planning with the economic independence of enterprises and organizations. (Regulations on the State Planning Committee of the USSR, approved by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of September 9, 1968 No. 719) "

The work of the State Planning Committee of the USSR in planning the national economy was coordinated with the Central Statistical Office (CSB), the People's Commissariat of Finance (later the Ministry of Finance of the USSR), the Supreme Council of the National Economy (VSNKh of the USSR), and later with the USSR State Committee on Science and Technology, the USSR State Bank and the USSR State Supply Committee.

Evacuation and mobilization of industry in the USSR during the Great Patriotic War

Decree of the State Committee of Defense of the USSR dated August 7, 1941 No. 421 “On the procedure for placing evacuated enterprises” assigned the task of ensuring the evacuation and mobilization of the industry of the USSR to the State Planning Committee of the USSR. In particular, special attention was paid to the fact that, when locating evacuated enterprises, priority should be given to the aviation industry, the industry of ammunition, weapons, tanks and armored vehicles, ferrous, non-ferrous and special metallurgy, and chemistry. The people's commissars were instructed to coordinate with the State Planning Committee of the USSR and the Council for the Evacuation of the final points for the enterprises exported to the rear and the organization of duplicating industries.

N. A. Voznesensky was appointed authorized by the State Defense Committee for the implementation of the ammunition production plan by the industry, and M. Z. Saburov as his deputy

During July-November 1941, more than 1,500 industrial enterprises and 7.5 million people - workers, engineers, technicians and other specialists - were relocated to the east of the country. The evacuation of industrial enterprises was carried out to the eastern regions of the RSFSR, as well as to the southern republics of the country - Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan.

After the war

In May 1955, the State Planning Committee of the USSR was divided into two parts:

· The State Commission of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for Long-term Planning developed long-term plans for 10-15 years

Source - Wikipedia

Gosplan of the USSR
(State Planning Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR) - a state body that carried out nationwide planning for the development of the national economy of the USSR and control over the implementation of national economic plans. In the union republics (including Russia) and autonomous entities there were state planning commissions (in Russia - the State Planning Commission of the RSFSR), in the regions (including autonomous regions) - regional planning commissions, in the districts - district planning commissions, in cities - city planning commissions.

On August 21, 1923, the USSR State Planning Commission was established under the Council of Labor and Defense of the USSR (STO USSR) under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR.
The prototype of its creation was the State Commission for Electrification of Russia (GOELRO), which worked from 1920 to 1921.
In the Regulations on the State General Planning Commission, approved by the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR of February 28, 1921, it is determined:
“Under the Council of Labor and Defense, a general planning commission is being created to develop a unified national economic plan based on the electrification plan and for general monitoring of the implementation of this plan”
Initially, the USSR State Planning Committee played an advisory role, coordinating the plans of the union republics and developing a general plan. Since 1925, the State Planning Committee of the USSR began to form annual plans for the development of the national economy of the USSR, which were called "control figures".
At the beginning of its activity, the State Planning Committee of the USSR was engaged in studying the situation in the economy and compiling reports on certain problems, for example, on the restoration and development of coal-mining regions. The development of a unified economic plan for the country began with the issuance of annual control figures and directives for 1925-1926, which set guidelines for all sectors of the economy.
At first, the apparatus of the State Planning Commission consisted of 40 economists, engineers and other personnel, by 1923 it already had 300 employees, and by 1925 a network of planning organizations subordinate to the State Planning Committee of the USSR was created throughout the USSR.
The State Planning Committee of the USSR primarily combined the functions of the highest expert body in the economy and the scientific coordinating center.
The work of the USSR State Planning Committee in the 1920s is illustrated by V. V. Kabanov in his book.
Let's take the fund of the State Planning Committee of the USSR, stored in the RGAE. Suppose we are interested in material on agriculture in the mid-20s. Where to look for it?
It can be established that the complex will include documents formed as a result of the activities of the Presidium of the State Planning Commission, the agricultural section, as well as all other sections, the work of which, to one degree or another, came into contact with agricultural issues. First of all, we can single out the economic and statistical section, which carried out preparatory work to draw up a long-term plan for the development of the national economy, studied the methodology of compiling the grain and fodder balance, productivity, grain prices, peasant budgets, etc. The materials of the sections gravitate to the problems of the internal and external market of agricultural products domestic and foreign trade. Questions of mechanical engineering for agriculture reveal the documents of the industrial section. The materials of the agricultural section, which prepared the issue for consideration by the Presidium of the State Planning Commission, without fail passed the stage of discussion in all interested sections. A preliminary discussion of the issue took place in the presidium of the agricultural section, and then, after approval, its results were submitted for consideration by the presidium of the State Planning Commission.
Thus, the first thematic set of documents on a particular issue was first formed at the level of the agricultural section and concentrated as part of the appendices to the minutes of the meeting of the presidium of the agricultural section. Then, in its final form, with the addition of the composition of materials, the conclusions of the people's commissariats and departments, a set of documents is formed as part of the annexes to the minutes of the State Planning Commission's presidium.
The structure of the State Planning Commission before the arrival of N. A. Voznesensky, consisted of seven sections:
accounting and distribution of material resources and organization of labor;
foreign trade and concessions;
In 1927, the defense sector of the State Planning Committee of the USSR was added to them.

Under the leadership of the State Planning Committee of the USSR, large-scale industrialization programs of the USSR were successfully implemented, which turned the USSR from a predominantly agrarian country into a leading industrial power.
During the first five-year plan (1928-1932), 1,500 large enterprises were built, including: automobile plants in Moscow (AZLK) and Nizhny Novgorod (GAZ), Magnitogorsk and Kuznetsk metallurgical plants, Stalingrad and Kharkov tractor plants).
At the January (1933) plenum of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, it was announced that the first five-year plan would be completed in 4 years and 3 months.
As a result of the implementation of the second five-year plan for the development of the national economy of the USSR, 4,500 large state-owned industrial enterprises were put into operation. For the preparation by the State Planning Committee of the USSR of the second five-year plan, see R. Davis, O. V. Khlevnyuk: “Second Five-Year Plan: a Mechanism for Changing Economic Policy”

Decree of the State Committee of Defense of the USSR dated August 7, 1941 No. 421 “On the procedure for placing evacuated enterprises” assigned the task of ensuring the evacuation and mobilization of the industry of the USSR to the State Planning Committee of the USSR. In particular, special attention was paid to the fact that, when locating evacuated enterprises, priority should be given to the aviation industry, the industry of ammunition, weapons, tanks and armored vehicles, ferrous, non-ferrous and special metallurgy, and chemistry. The people's commissars were instructed to coordinate with the State Planning Committee of the USSR and the Council for the Evacuation of the final points for the enterprises exported to the rear and the organization of duplicating industries.
N. A. Voznesensky was appointed authorized by the State Defense Committee for the implementation of the ammunition production plan by the industry, and M. Z. Saburov as his deputy
During July-November 1941, more than 1,500 industrial enterprises and 7.5 million people - workers, engineers, technicians and other specialists - were relocated to the east of the country. The evacuation of industrial enterprises was carried out to the eastern regions of the RSFSR, as well as to the southern republics of the country - Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan.

In 1945, active work began on the Soviet atomic project, and a Special Committee was created to manage the work. The State Planning Commission was assigned a special role in the activities of the special committee:
The head of the State Planning Commission, N. A. Voznesensky, became a member of the special committee;
Department No. 1 was created in the State Planning Commission, which was responsible for the work of the Special Committee. I. V. Stalin appointed N. A. Borisov as the head of Directorate No. 1, releasing him from other duties in the State Planning Commission.
The Gosplan was also entrusted with the tasks of supplying the organizations of the nuclear industry, and the head of the State Planning Committee, Voznesensky, was appointed responsible for their implementation.
In 1949, the state security organs began organizing the largest series of political trials in the post-war period, the so-called "Leningrad case". The head of the State Planning Committee, Voznesensky, was to become a key figure in the plot to overthrow the Soviet regime and separate Russia from the USSR, making Leningrad the capital of the new state. The "Leningrad case", "Voznesensky case" and "Gosplan case" were closely intertwined and complemented each other, they were the result of rivalry and struggle between Stalin's associates in the highest echelons of power.
The adoption of the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of March 5, 1949 "On the USSR State Planning Committee" and the resolution of the Politburo of September 11, 1949 "On the numerous facts of the disappearance of secret documents in the State Planning Committee of the USSR" was a significant personnel purge in the apparatus of the USSR State Planning Committee:
By April 1950, the entire main staff of responsible and technical workers was checked - about 1,400 people. 130 people were fired, more than 40 were transferred from Gosplan to work in other organizations. During the year, 255 new employees were hired by Gosplan. Of the 12 deputies of Voznesensky, seven were removed, and only one was arrested by April 1950, and four received new responsible jobs (which also testified to the predominantly non-political nature of the “Gosplan affair”). The composition of the heads of departments and departments and their deputies has been updated by a third. Of the 133 heads of sectors, 35 were replaced
Chairman of the State Planning Commission N. A. Voznesensky was removed from all posts, removed from the Politburo of the Central Committee, expelled from the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and from members of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks. Arrested on October 27, 1949, shot on October 1, 1950. Rehabilitated in 1954.
In May 1955, the State Planning Committee of the USSR was divided into two parts:
The State Commission of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for Long-term Planning developed long-term plans for 10-15 years
State Economic Commission of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for the current planning of the national economy (State Economic Commission) (1955-1957) - developed five-year plans.
On November 24, 1962, the State Planning Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR was transformed into the Council of the National Economy of the USSR. On the same day, a new Gosplan of the USSR Council of Ministers was formed on the basis of the State Scientific and Economic Council of the USSR Council of Ministers.
Later, Gosplan was renamed several more times, as can be seen from the table below.
The Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation (formally speaking, it is the successor to the Gosplan of the RSFSR) can conditionally be considered the successor to the State Planning Committee of the USSR.

Official names and subordination

1921-1923 State General Planning Commission under the Council of Labor and Defense of the RSFSR
1923-1931 State Planning Commission under the Council of Labor and Defense of the USSR
1931-1946 State Planning Commission under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR
1946-1946 State Planning Commission under the Council of Ministers of the USSR
1946-1948 State Planning Commission of the Council of Ministers of the USSR
1948-1955 State Planning Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR
1955-1957 State Planning Commission of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for long-term planning of the national economy of the USSR
1957-1963 State Planning Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR
1963-1965 State Planning Committee of the USSR of the Supreme Council of the National Economy of the USSR
1965-1991 State Planning Committee of the USSR Council of Ministers of the USSR
1991-1991 USSR Ministry of Economics and Forecasting

The main task in all periods of its existence was the planning of the economy of the USSR, drawing up plans for the development of the country for various periods.
In accordance with Article 49 of the Constitution of the RSFSR, adopted by the 5th All-Russian Congress of Soviets on July 10, 1918, the subject of the All-Russian Congress of Soviets and the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of Soviets is: Federative Soviet Republic".
In accordance with Article 1 of the Constitution of the USSR, adopted by the II All-Union Congress of Soviets of the USSR on January 31, 1924, the supreme authorities of the USSR are assigned: “h) establishing the foundations and general plan for the entire national economy of the Union, determining industries and individual industrial enterprises of all-Union significance, conclusion of concession agreements, both all-union and on behalf of the union republics.
Article 14 of the Constitution of the USSR, approved by the Extraordinary VIII Congress of Soviets of the USSR on December 5, 1936, provided that the USSR, represented by its highest authorities and state administration bodies, is in charge of: State Administration, Chairman of the State Planning Committee of the USSR was a member of the Council of Ministers of the USSR.
Article 16 of the Constitution of the USSR, adopted by the Supreme Council of the USSR on October 7, 1977, provided that the management of the "economy is carried out on the basis of state plans for economic and social development, taking into account sectoral and territorial principles, with a combination of centralized management with economic independence and the initiative of enterprises, associations and other organizations." The jurisdiction of the USSR, represented by its highest bodies of state power and administration, includes: “5) pursuing a unified socio-economic policy, managing the country's economy: determining the main directions of scientific and technological progress and general measures for the rational use and protection of natural resources; the development and approval of state plans for the economic and social development of the USSR, the approval of reports on their implementation, the control over the implementation of state plans and tasks is carried out by the bodies of people's control, formed by the councils of people's deputies (Article 92). The approval of state plans for the economic and social development of the USSR is carried out by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR (Article 108). The Council of Ministers of the USSR: “2) develops and submits to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR current and long-term state plans for the economic and social development of the USSR, the state budget of the USSR; takes measures to implement state plans and budgets; submits to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR reports on the fulfillment of plans and the execution of the budget” (Article 131). There is no mention of the State Planning Committee of the USSR in this Constitution.
By the USSR Law of December 19, 1963 No. 2000-VI, the State Planning Committee of the USSR was transformed from an all-Union body into a Union-Republican body. The same act determined that the Chairman of the State Planning Committee of the USSR is a member of the Council of Ministers of the USSR (Article 70).
The main task of the State Planning Committee of the USSR from the end of the 60s until its liquidation in 1991 was: the development, in accordance with the Program of the CPSU, the directives of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the decisions of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, of state economic plans that ensure the proportional development of the national economy of the USSR, the continuous growth and increase in the efficiency of social production in for the purpose of creating the material and technical base of communism, steadily raising the standard of living of the people and strengthening the country's defense capability.
“State plans for the development of the national economy of the USSR must be optimal, based on the economic laws of socialism, on modern achievements and prospects for the development of science and technology, on the results of scientific research on the economic and social problems of communist construction, on a comprehensive study of social needs, on the correct combination of sectoral and territorial planning , as well as central planning with the economic independence of enterprises and organizations. (Regulations on the State Planning Committee of the USSR, approved by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of September 9, 1968 No. 719) "
The work of the State Planning Committee of the USSR in planning the national economy was coordinated with the Central Statistical Office (CSB), the People's Commissariat of Finance (later the Ministry of Finance of the USSR), the Supreme Council of the National Economy (VSNKh of the USSR), and later with the USSR State Committee on Science and Technology, the USSR State Bank and the USSR State Supply Committee.
Since 1928, the State Planning Committee of the USSR began to draw up five-year plans and monitor their implementation.

Implementation period Serial number Document name Approved
1928-1932 I five-year plan of the Directive for drawing up a five-year plan for the development of the national economy XV Congress of the CPSU (b) in 1927; Adopted by the 5th All-Union Congress of Soviets in 1929
1933-1937 II Five-Year Plan Resolution "On the Second Five-Year Plan for the Development of the National Economy of the USSR" XVII Congress of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks in 1934
1938-1942 III Five-Year Plan - thwarted by the outbreak of World War II Resolution of the XVIII Congress of the CPSU (b) on the report of comrade. Molotov XVIII Congress of the CPSU (b) in 1939
1946-1950 IV five-year plan Law on the five-year plan for the restoration and development of the national economy (for 1946-1950) by the first session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR March 18, 1946
1951-1955 Fifth Five-Year Plan Directives on the Five-Year Plan for the Development of the National Economy of the USSR XIX Congress of the CPSU in 1952
1956-1960 VI five-year plan - instead of it from 1959 to 1965 there was a seven-year plan of the Directive on the five-year plan for the development of the national economy of the USSR XX Congress of the CPSU in 1956
1959-1965 VII five-year plan (seven-year plan) Directives on the seven-year plan for the development of the national economy of the USSR XXI Congress of the CPSU in 1959
1966-1970 VIII five-year plan Directives on the five-year plan for the development of the national economy of the USSR XXIII Congress of the CPSU in 1966
1971-1975 IX five-year plan Directives on the five-year plan for the development of the national economy of the USSR XXIV Congress of the CPSU in 1971
1976-1980 X five-year plan The main directions of development of the national economy of the USSR for 1976-1980. XXV Congress of the CPSU in 1976
1981-1985 XI five-year plan The main directions of the economic and social development of the USSR for 1981-1985. and for the period up to 1990 XXVI Congress of the CPSU in 1981
1986-1990 XII five-year plan The main directions of the economic and social development of the USSR for 1986-1990 and for the future until 2000 XXVII Congress of the CPSU in 1986
1991-1995 XIII five-year plan Was not implemented due to the collapse of the USSR.

Our plans are not plans-forecasts, not plans-guesses, but plans-directives, which are obligatory for the governing bodies and which determine the direction of our economic development in the future on a national scale.
- I. V. Stalin - December 3, 1927

Administrative structure
The apparatus of the State Planning Committee of the USSR in the 1980s consisted of sectoral departments (for industries, agriculture, transport, trade, foreign trade, culture and education, health care, housing and communal services, public services, etc.) and consolidated departments ( the consolidated department of the national economic plan, the department of territorial planning and distribution of productive forces, the consolidated department of capital investments, the consolidated department of material balances and distribution plans, the department of labor, the department of finance and prime cost, etc.
The State Planning Committee of the USSR, within the limits of its competence, issued resolutions that were binding on all ministries, departments, and other organizations. He was granted the right to involve the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, the academies of sciences of the Union republics, branch academies of sciences, research and design institutes, design and other organizations and institutions, as well as individual scientists, specialists and leaders for the development of draft plans and individual economic problems. production.

Structural units
1930-1931 - Economic and Statistical Sector (ESS)
1931-1931 - Sector of National Economic Accounting
Department of Energy and Electrification
Subdivision of Nuclear Power Plants (1972)
Department of Automotive, Tractor and Agricultural Engineering
Department for the Activities of the Soviet Parts of the Standing Committees of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance
Fuel Industry Department
Department of Construction and Construction Industry
Consolidated department of the agro-industrial complex
Consolidated Department of the National Economic Plan
First department

Commissions under the State Planning Committee of the USSR
Special commission of the Council of Labor and Defense under the State Planning Commission of the USSR for the consideration of charters of trusts (1923-1925)
State Expert Commission (GEC of the State Planning Committee of the USSR)
Interdepartmental Commission on Economic Reform (formed 1965 - ?)
Concession Committee of the State Planning Committee of the USSR
Council of Techno-Economic Expertise of the State Planning Committee of the USSR
Commission for the Reservation of Labor for the National Economy (Executive Secretary 1969-1990, Major General Malafeev S.P.)

Chairman of the State Planning Committee of the USSR
The chairmen of the State Planning Committee of the USSR were deputy chairmen of the Council of Ministers of the USSR.

Last name, first name and patronymic Period of work Years of life Notes
Krzhizhanovsky, Gleb Maximilianovich 1921-1923 1872-1959 1921 GOELRO
Tsyurupa, Alexander Dmitrievich 1923-1925 1870-1928
Krzhizhanovsky, Gleb Maximilianovich 1925-1930 1872-1959 1928 1st five-year plan
Kuibyshev, Valerian Vladimirovich 1930-1934 1888-1935
Mezhlauk, Valery Ivanovich 1934-1937 1893-1938
Smirnov, Gennady Ivanovich 1937-1937 1903-1938 February - October
Mezhlauk, Valery Ivanovich 1937-1937 1893-1938 October - December
Voznesensky, Nikolai Alekseevich 1938-1941 1903-1950
Saburov, Maxim Zakharovich 1941-1942 1900-1977 from March 10, 1941 to December 1942
Voznesensky, Nikolai Alekseevich 1942-1949 1903-1950
Saburov, Maxim Zakharovich 1949-1953 1900-1977
Kosyachenko, Grigory Petrovich 1953-1953 1901-1983 March - June
Saburov, Maxim Zakharovich 1953-1955 1900-1977
Baibakov, Nikolai Konstantinovich 1955-1957 1911-2008 1957 Khrushchev's reform
Kuzmin, Joseph Iosifovich 1957-1959 1910-1996
Kosygin, Alexei Nikolaevich 1959-1960 1904-1980
Novikov, Vladimir Nikolaevich 1960-1962 1907-2000
Dymshits, Veniamin Emmanuilovich 1962-1962 1910-1993 July - November
Lomako, Pyotr Faddeevich 1962-1965 1904-1990
Baibakov, Nikolai Konstantinovich 1965-1985 1911-2008 The economic reform of 1965
Talyzin, Nikolai Vladimirovich 1985-1988 1929-1991 1987-88 the planned economy was dismantled (laws "On State Enterprise" and "On Cooperation")
Maslyukov, Yuri Dmitrievich 1988-1991 1937-2010

Vice Chairs
1921-1929 Osadchiy, Pyotr Semyonovich - First Deputy Chairman (1866-1943)
1921-1938 Strumilin, Stanislav Gustavovich - Deputy Chairman (1877-1974)
1923-1927 Pyatakov, Georgy Leonidovich - Deputy Chairman (1890-1937)
1925-1926 Smilga, Ivar Tenisovich - Deputy Chairman (1892-1938)
1926-1930 - N. N. Vashkov - Deputy Chairman, Chairman of the electrification section of the State Planning Committee of the USSR (1874-1953)
1926-1928 Sokolnikov, Grigory Yakovlevich - Deputy Chairman (1888-1939)
1926-1927 Vladimirsky, Mikhail Fedorovich - Deputy Chairman (1874-1951)
1927-1931 Quiring, Emmanuil Ionovich - Deputy Chairman (1888-1937)
1928-1929-Grinko, Grigory Fedorovich - Deputy Chairman (1890-1938)
1929-1934 Milyutin, Vladimir Pavlovich - Deputy Chairman (1884-1937)
1930-1934 Smilga, Ivar Tenisovich - Deputy Chairman - Head of the Integrated Planning Department (1892-1938)
1930-1937 Smirnov, Gennady Ivanovich - Deputy Chairman (1903-1938)
1931-1935 Mezhlauk, Valery Ivanovich - First Deputy Chairman (1893-1938)
1931-1933 Oppokov, Georgy Ippolitovich (Lomov A.) - Deputy Chairman (1888-1938)
1932-1934 Gaister, Aron Izrailevich - Deputy Chairman (1899-1938)
1932-1935 Obolensky, Valerian Valerianovich - Deputy Chairman (1887-1937)
1933-1933 Troyanovsky, Alexander Antonovich - Deputy Chairman (1882-1955)
1934-1937 - Quiring, Emmanuil Ionovich - First Deputy Chairman (1888-1937)
1935-1937 Kraval, Ivan Adamovich - Deputy Chairman (1897-1938)
1936-1937 Gurevich, Alexander Iosifovich - Deputy Chairman (1896-1937)
1937-1937 Vermenichev, Ivan Dmitrievich - Deputy Chairman (1899-1938)
1938-1940 Sautin, Ivan Vasilyevich - Deputy Chairman (1905-1975)
1939-1940 Kravtsev, Georgy Georgievich - First Deputy Chairman (1908-1941)
1940-1940 Kosyachenko, Grigory Petrovich - Deputy Chairman (1901-1983)
1940-1948 Starovsky, Vladimir Nikonovich - Deputy Chairman (1905-1975)
1940-1941 Saburov, Maxim Zakharovich - First Deputy Chairman (1900-1977)
1940-1943 Kuznetsov, Vasily Vasilyevich - Deputy Chairman (1901-1990)
1940-1946 Panov, Andrey Dmitreevich - Deputy Chairman (1904-1963)
1940-1949 - Petr Ivanovich Kirpichnikov - Deputy Chairman (1903-1980)
1941-1944 Kosyachenko, Grigory Petrovich - First Deputy Chairman (1901-1983)
1941-1945 Sorokin, Gennady Mikhailovich - Deputy Chairman (1910-1990)
1941-1948 Starovsky, Vladimir Nikonovich - Deputy Chairman (1905-1975)
1942-1946 Mitrakov, Ivan Lukich - Deputy Chairman (1905-1995)
1944-1946 Saburov, Maxim Zakharovich - First Deputy Chairman (1900-1977)
1945-1955 Borisov, Nikolai Andreevich - Deputy Chairman (1903-1955)
1946-1947 Saburov, Maxim Zakharovich - Deputy Chairman (1900-1977)
1946-1950 Panov, Andrey Dmitreevich - First Deputy Chairman (1904-1963)
1948-1957 - Perov, Georgy Vasilyevich - Deputy Chairman (1905-1979)
1949-1953 Kosyachenko, Grigory Petrovich - First Deputy Chairman (1901-1983)
1951-1953 - Korobov, Anatoly Vasilievich - Deputy Chairman (1907-1967)
1952-1953 - Sorokin, Gennady Mikhailovich - Deputy Chairman (1910-1990)
1953-1953 - Pronin, Vasily Prokhorovich - Deputy Chairman (1905-1993)
1955-1957 - Zhimerin, Dmitry Georgievich - First Deputy Chairman (1906-1995)
1955-1957 - Yakovlev, Mikhail Danilovich - Deputy Chairman (1910-1999)
1955-1957 - Sorokin, Gennady Mikhailovich - Deputy Chairman (1910-1990)
1955-1957 - Kalamkarov, Vartan Aleksandrovich - Deputy Chairman (1906-1992)
1955-1957 - Khrunichev, Mikhail Vasilyevich - Deputy Chairman (1901-1961)
1956-1957 - Kosygin, Alexey Nikolaevich - First Deputy Chairman (1904-1980)
1956-1957 - Malyshev, Vyacheslav Alexandrovich - First Deputy Chairman (1902-1957)
1957-1959 - Perov, Georgy Vasilyevich - First Deputy Chairman (1905-1979)
1957-1962 - Zotov, Vasily Petrovich - Deputy Chairman (1899-1977)
1957-1961 - Matskevich, Vladimir Vladimirovich - Deputy Chairman (1909-1998)
1957-1961 - Khrunichev, Mikhail Vasilyevich - First Deputy Chairman (1901-1961)
1958-1958 - Zasiadko, Alexander Fedorovich - Deputy Chairman (1910-1963)
1958-1958 - Ryabikov, Vasily Mikhailovich - Deputy Chairman (1907-1974)
1958-1960 - Lesechko, Mikhail Avksentievich - First Deputy Chairman (1909-1984)
1960-1962 Orlov, Georgy Mikhailovich - First Deputy Chairman (1903-1991)
1960-1966 Korobov, Anatoly Vasilyevich - Deputy Chairman (1907-1967)
1961-1961 Ryabikov, Vasily Mikhailovich - First Deputy Chairman (1907-1974)
1961-1962 Dymshits, Veniamin Emmanuilovich - First Deputy Chairman (1910-1993)
1961-1965 Lobanov, Pavel Pavlovich - Deputy Chairman (1902-1984)
1963-1965 Stepanov, Sergey Alexandrovich - Deputy Chairman (1903-1976)
1963-1965 Korobov, Anatoly Vasilyevich - Deputy Chairman (1907-1967)
1963-1973 Alexey Adamovich Goreglyad - First Deputy Chairman (1905-1986)
1963-1965 Tikhonov, Nikolai Alexandrovich - Deputy Chairman (1905-1997)
1965-1973 Lebedev, Viktor Dmitrievich - Deputy Chairman (1917-1978)
1965-1974 Ryabikov, Vasily Mikhailovich - First Deputy Chairman (1907-1974)
1966-1973 Misnik, Mikhail Ivanovich - Deputy Chairman (1913-1998)
1973-1978 Lebedev, Viktor Dmitrievich - First Deputy Chairman (1917-1978)
1974-1983 Slyunkov, Nikolai Nikitovich - Deputy Chairman
1976-1988 Paskar, Petr Andreevich - First Deputy Chairman
1979-1982 Ryzhkov, Nikolai Ivanovich - First Deputy Chairman
1979-1983 - Ryabov, Yakov Petrovich - First Deputy Chairman
1980-1988 Voronin, Lev Alekseevich - First Deputy Chairman (1928-2008)
1982-1985 Maslyukov, Yuri Dmitrievich - First Deputy Chairman (1937-2010)
1983-1989 - Sitaryan, Stepan Armaisovich - First Deputy Chairman (1930-2009)
1983-1991 Lukashov, Anatoly Ivanovich - Deputy Chairman (1936-2014)
1988-1990 Paskar, Pyotr Andreevich - Deputy Chairman, Head of the Consolidated Department of the Agro-Industrial Complex
1988-1991 Anisimov, Pavel Petrovich - Deputy Chairman
1988-1991 Troshin, Alexander Nikolaevich - Deputy Chairman
1988-1991 Serov, Valery Mikhailovich - Deputy Chairman
1989-1991 Durasov, Vladimir Alexandrovich - First Deputy Chairman
1988-1989 Khomenko, Yuri Pavlovich - First Deputy Chairman

Institutes under the State Planning Committee of the USSR
Name of organization Period of operation
Research Economic Institute 1955-1991
Council for the Study of Productive Forces 1960-1991
Institute of Complex Transport Problems 1954-1991
All-Union Research Institute of Complex Fuel and Energy Problems 1974-1991
Research Institute for Planning and Regulations 1960-1991
Economic Research Institute (IEI) 1929-1938
Central Institute for Technical Information of the Coal Industry (CITI of the Coal Industry) CITI of the State Planning Committee of the USSR 1957-1959
Institute for the Design of Non-Ferrous Metallurgy Enterprises "Giprotsvetmet"1957-1960

Since 1923, the State Planning Committee of the USSR has been publishing the monthly industry magazine Planned Economy, and has been awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

The building was built on the site of the Church of St. Paraskeva (Friday) in Okhotny Ryad (1686-1928).
The main building is located on Okhotny Ryad Street, Building 1. It was built in 1934-1938 according to the design of the architect A. Ya. Langman to house the Council of Labor and Defense, then the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, the Council of Ministers of the USSR and, finally, the State Planning Committee of the USSR. The building has a characteristic imperial style - heavy columns and wide halls.
The second building of the State Planning Committee of the USSR was the building overlooking Georgievsky Lane, designed in the late 70s by the architect N. E. Gigovskaya. It is completely different in style, completely made of glass and concrete.
The buildings are connected to each other by a passage.
According to some reports, the building of the State Planning Committee of the USSR was mined in 1941, and cleared only in 1981. By a lucky chance, the builders discovered wires "going nowhere."
Currently, these buildings house the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.
Also for the State Planning Committee of the USSR in 1936, according to the project of the outstanding architect Konstantin Melnikov, in collaboration with the architect V. I. Kurochkin, a garage was built on Aviamotornaya Street in Moscow, currently known as the Gosplan Garage and which is a monument of history and culture.

In accordance with the Program of the CPSU and the decisions of the congresses of the CPSU, the decisions of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR, as well as control over the implementation of national economic plans. Gosplan of the USSR performs the following functions

Composition and structure of ASPR. National economic planning is a single process embracing all links of management from the all-Union level to the level of an individual enterprise. Because of this, ASPR should cover the system of national economic planning as a whole. However, the planning process in practice is implemented by relatively independent organizational structures, such as the State Planning Commission of the USSR, the State Planning Commission of the Union Republics, planning bodies of ministries and departments, planning commissions of autonomous, Union republics, territories, regions, districts and cities. From this follows the appropriate division of functions in the creation of automated systems for the purposes of planning and control.

Regardless of this division of functions, planned calculations at all levels are based on a single methodological, technological, informational and organizational basis. Taking into account the administrative independence of ministries, departments, associations, enterprises, the process of automation of planned calculations, covering all levels of planned management, is provided on the basis of close interaction of all automated systems of planned management, the unity of principles and methods of use and computers for these purposes. At present, the State Planning Committee of the USSR is entrusted with coordinating the work of ministries and departments of the USSR on the interaction of sectoral and departmental automated control systems with ASPR, and with the methodological guidance of developments underway in this area.

That is why the following order has developed in the design of ASPR. Firstly, the model is accepted for implementation only if the calculations on it can be performed by the user without the participation of the author-developer. To do this, the model must be provided with methodological guidelines and instructions that allow the user to independently configure it to solve a specific problem. Such adjustment can be carried out, for example, by introducing additional restrictions or removing some of them provided for in the original setting, selecting the form of the objective function from a given set of them, changing the type of any dependence taken into account in the model, etc. When the first stage of ASPR is accepted into operation the availability of this documentation was considered as an obligatory condition for the delivery of the mathematical support of each task to the fund of algorithms and programs (FAP) ASPR, and the quality of this documentation was checked during acceptance tests by specially created working groups for individual functional subsystems, which included representatives of the departments of the State Planning Commission . Taking into account the experience they have accumulated, special attention is paid to the issues of manufacturability of the implemented tasks when forming the second stage of ASPR. Secondly, in order to solve the problem of using economic and mathematical models in the technology of developing a plan, it was considered expedient to organize the study by planners of the basics of applying economic and mathematical methods and electronic computing technology in planning. To do this, planners are trained according to a special program at the Higher Economic Courses under the State Planning Committee of the USSR.

Central to the planning bodies is the State Planning Committee of the USSR (Gosplan USSR). Its functions, rights and obligations are determined by the Regulation approved by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of June 17, 1982.

First of all, it is necessary to understand the role and functions of the central planning bodies under conditions of intensification. It seems to us that such economic subdivisions as the State Planning Committee of the USSR and the planning committees of the Union republics should work for the future, develop plans and forecasts for the development of industries and regions, improve the living standards of the people, etc. for 5-20 years. But at the same time, they must deal with current management problems, such as, for example, coordination of the activities of industries, industries and associations, operational regulation of production, development of material balances, balances of equipment, etc.

The entire system of state bodies of power and administration, the Supreme Soviets and Councils of Ministers of the USSR, the Union and Autonomous Republics, ministries, departments, local Soviets of People's Deputies, enterprises and organizations, participates in the implementation of planning as the main function of managing the national economy. Directly developing and monitoring the implementation of plans are carried out by specialized planning bodies at the level of the national economy of the USSR - the State Union-Republican Planning Committee (Gosplan of the USSR) at the level of industries - planning and economic departments and departments of ministries and departments at the level of the national economy of the union republics, territories, regions, cities and districts - the relevant planning commissions within the framework of enterprises and organizations - planning and economic departments.

The most important coordinating role here is assigned to the State Planning Committee of the USSR, which should become the real scientific and economic headquarters of the country, freed from petty current economic issues. His efforts are focused on the strategic directions of economic development, the formation of the most important national economic proportions, the implementation of major scientific and technological achievements, the improvement of structural and investment policies, and the solution of other problems of national importance. Gosplan is responsible for coordinating the activities of all the country's central economic bodies. To carry out this function, an economic council headed by the chairman of the State Planning Committee of the USSR was formed. It consists of heads of economic departments and ministries.

The enormous scale and diversified composition of the national economy of our country, the variety of management functions of various departments of social production determine the hierarchical system of management. It includes nationwide bodies of special competence that carry out coordinating leadership on special issues of an intersectoral nature (Gosplan of the USSR, Gosstroy of the USSR, Gossnab of the USSR, State committees on science and technology, on labor and wages, standards, prices, on vocational education, The Ministry of Finance of the USSR, the Central Statistical Office, etc.), bodies of sectoral competence - the central governing bodies of sectors of the national economy (all-union ministries, governing bodies of the union republics, republican committees, union-republican and republican ministries), links of sectoral management systems subordinate to ministries (production associations, combines, enterprises).

The development of the DDD was entrusted to the ministries and departments responsible in the country for a particular industry or management function. In particular, the creation of a unified system of planning documentation was entrusted to the State Planning Committee of the USSR. But he establishes the forms of planning documents only for the level of the State Planning Committee of the USSR - the ministry (department).

The central bodies planning logistics in the USSR are represented by the USSR Gossnab and the USSR State Planning Committee. One of the functions of the State Planning Committee of the USSR is the development in an enlarged nomenclature of long-term and annual material balances and plans for the distribution of the most important types of products, which are of decisive importance for determining the main directions, rates and proportions in the development of the national economy, for growth standard of living population, strengthening the country's defense capability and developing foreign trade. This work in the State Planning Committee of the USSR is carried out by departments of material balances and distribution plans.

Organization of management. The organization procedure, tasks and functions of the directorate of an enterprise under construction are determined by the Regulations on the Directorate of an enterprise under construction, approved by the Decree of the USSR Gosstroy of March 12, 1971, No. 17, in agreement with the USSR State Planning Committee, the USSR Ministry of Finance and the USSR Stroybank (COP, issue 7, part . 1).

Gosplan in its work is directly connected with the State Planning Commissions of the Union republics, which perform the same functions in relation to the republic as the central planning bodies (Gosplan of the USSR and the State Economic Council of the USSR). The most important task of the State Planning Commission

Nek-ry functions on pricing are carried out by economic councils of economy, districts. They approve temporary wholesale prices for new products, as well as wholesale prices for finished products or semi-finished products manufactured in cooperation between enterprises of a given economic council. When these prices expire, the economic councils submit proposals to the State Planning Committee of the USSR or to the Councils of Ministers of the Union republics on the establishment of constant prices (with a draft price list attached). Some functions in the field of pricing are performed by self-supporting enterprises, construction departments, railways, etc., whose leaders set prices for products and services for their own capital construction and for the internal needs of the enterprises themselves, and also approve prices for individual copies of equipment and semi-finished products manufactured under single orders, for services provided to other enterprises (water, compressed air, loading and unloading, etc.).

All of the listed components should be applied at each manufacturing enterprise in one form or another, based on the experience and practice of enterprises, taking into account the characteristics of production. Their application is facilitated by the fact that such functions as planning, accounting and costing are officially regulated centrally. Recently, recommendations have been issued on the rationing of the corresponding costs. We have in mind, first of all, the system of progressive technical and economic norms and standards for the types of work and costs approved by the USSR State Planning Committee in January 1980.

The transition from individual design and implementation of systems to an integrated one is associated with the organization of close interaction between automated systems, and above all between the ASPR of the USSR State Planning Commission and the State Planning Commissions of the Union Republics, on the one hand, and sectoral, departmental, territorial automated systems for planning, managing and processing information - with another. Here it is important to correctly distribute the planned tasks and functions of monitoring the implementation of the plan by the levels of planned management and between systems within each level, agree on the types of indicators used in each system, establish mutual information flows, types and volumes of transmitted information, constantly coordinate the design and implementation of interacting systems.

Based on fundamental design decisions, methodological developments and system-wide supporting facilities as part of the first stage of the ASPR of the USSR State Planning Commission and the State Planning Commissions of the Union Republics, about 3,300 planning and economic tasks were put into operation. All of them have passed acceptance tests specially organized by the commission for the acceptance of the first stage of ASPR and meet the following basic requirements. ) ASPR using system-wide means of methodical, informational, mathematical, technological and other types of support, the task is provided with the necessary input information, and its output information is used to make planned decisions. If, in parallel with the calculations on a computer for this problem,

Strengthening control over the implementation of plans at the present stage practically means a consistent transition from passive, formal statistical fixation of discrepancies between planned and reporting indicators to active influence on the progress of the plan in order to continuously direct the development of the economy into the planned direction, minimizing possible (sometimes caused objective circumstances) deviations. The implementation of such a complex task requires a deep analysis of the functioning of the economy, timely identification of emerging positive and negative trends, calculation based on the relevant predictive models of potential possible deviations from the trajectory of the planned development of the national economy. Based on this scientific and analytical work and knowledge of the actual state of affairs on the ground, the planning authorities will be able to ensure the development effective recommendations about specific methods and ways of influencing the course of economic processes in order to bring them in line with the planned ones. The transformation of the system of control over the fulfillment of the plan in the direction indicated above is of very great and fundamental importance in the overall set of measures to improve planning and increase its effectiveness and efficiency. The measures taken in 1981 by the directive bodies to increase the role of the USSR State Planning Committee in the system of state administration and to include the heads of a number of central bodies in the composition of this committee are also called upon to play a large role in this matter. zation, giving it a number of legislative functions, the revival of the institution of Commissioners of the State Planning Committee of the USSR for the most important economic regions of the East of the country.

One of the most important and intractable problems in the field of targeted management of complex programs is the balancing of resources and results, regulated both by industry and program principles. All proposals relating to the transfer of all management functions of intersectoral scientific and technical programs to the USSR State Committee for Science and Technology do not take this requirement into account. The SCST is focused on coordinating only research and development work, and it is able to effectively carry out this task. But complex scientific and technical programs aimed at introducing new technology into the national economy are associated with the implementation of significant amounts of work on capital construction, technical re-equipment and direct production, which are managed by industry. Only the State Planning Committee of the USSR is authorized to plan the resources allocated for their implementation and the use of the results obtained. It should also be noted that the functions of coordinating fundamental research are performed by the Academy of Sciences, whose role cannot be underestimated.

Attaching great importance to the correct organization of industrial management as the most important condition for the further development of the country's economy, the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR, by a decree of September 30, 1965, on improving the management of industry, recognized the need to form the Union-Republican Ministry of the Chemical Industry and the Union-Republican Ministry of Oil Refining and. The same decree liquidated the State Committee for the Chemical Industry and the State Committee for the Oil Refining and Petrochemical Industry under the State Planning Committee of the USSR. The VI session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on October 2, 1965 adopted the Law on changing the system of industry management bodies and transforming some other government bodies, on the basis of which the activities of these committees were terminated and their functions transferred to ministries. L. A. Kostandov was appointed minister of the chemical industry of the USSR, and V. S. Fedorov was appointed minister of the oil refining and petrochemical industry of the USSR.

The second group is drawn up on forms that determine the form, and to a certain extent, the content of documents. The form of most of these documents and the frequency of their submission are established by the intersectoral ministries and departments responsible for the implementation of the management functions assigned to them by the management apparatuses of the national economic complexes of the USSR Academy of Sciences and the head institute for applied research and methodological support of work on the systematic improvement of management - in the USSR State Planning Committee, provided close coordination of their interactions.

Gosplan (Gosplan) Abbreviated name of the former State Planning Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR. He was responsible for developing production plans and submitting them to the relevant organizations for execution. The functions of the State Planning Commission were later transferred to the Ministry of Economy, which to a greater extent uses market principles for regulating the economy. (See planned e onomy.)

See pages where the term is mentioned Gosplan of the USSR, functions

:                Economics of the chemical industry (1986) -- [

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