Rbc blood test decoding. RBC in a blood test - the norm of erythrocytes and possible deviations

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

To date, a complete blood count is one of the most accessible and informative methods for diagnosing a person's health status. Increasingly, automated hematology analyzers are used to assess the blood system, and the names of the indicators in this case are displayed in an abbreviated form on English language. Therefore, it is important to understand the decoding of the most significant abbreviations - such as RBC.

What is RBC in a blood test

RBC (red blood cells) - the absolute number of mature erythrocytes.

Erythrocytes (red blood cells) are the most numerous elements of blood, main function which is the transport of oxygen from the lungs to the tissues and carbon dioxide from the tissues to the lungs. This mechanism is provided by hemoglobin, which saturates red blood cells and attaches gas molecules. Also, the structure of the erythrocyte contributes to the better oxygen transfer - it is a non-nuclear flat cell in the form of a biconcave disk. Thus, any deviation of red blood cells from the norm - an increase or decrease - may indicate the presence of a pathological process associated with the respiratory function of the blood.

The structure and functions of red blood cells - video

Deciphering the analysis and the rate of red blood cells

The number of red blood cells in the blood depends on such parameters as age, gender, physical condition of a person (after exercise, during pregnancy, during illness). For men, the normal RBC is from 4 to 5.1 × 10¹² per 1 liter, for women - from 3.7 to 4.7 × 10¹² per 1 liter.

Normal number of red blood cells in children and adults - table

Age Floor Values
newbornsM/F4.0 - 6.6 * 10 12 / l
2 weeksM/F3.6 - 6.2 * 10 12 / l
1–3 monthsM/F3.0 - 5.4 * 10 12 / l
3–6 monthsM/F2.7 - 4.9 * 10 12 / l
6–12 monthsM/F3.1 - 4.6 * 10 12 / l
1–3 yearsM/F3.7 - 5.0 * 10 12 / l
3–12 years oldM/F4.0 - 4.5 * 10 12 / l
12–15 years oldM3.5 - 5.0 * 10 12 / l
AND4.1 - 5.5 * 10 12 / l
15–18 years oldM3.5 - 5.0 * 10 12 / l
AND3.0 - 4.5 * 10 12 / l
18–65 M4.0 - 5.1 * 10 12 / l
AND3.7 - 4.7 * 10 12 / l
Over 65M3.5 - 5.7 * 10 12 / l
AND3.5 - 5.2 * 10 12 / l

One milliliter of blood contains 4.5 million red blood cells.

In addition to the above factors, other physiological conditions can also affect the number of red blood cells:

  • pregnancy - a decrease in red blood cells (3.0–4.57 × 10¹² in 1 l) occurs due to the fact that the volume of the mother's blood increases in order to ensure the blood supply to the fetus. Although the actual number of red blood cells remains unchanged, relative to the increasing volume of circulating blood, this figure decreases;
  • menstruation - a decrease in red blood cells, especially with heavy periods, due to chronic blood loss;
  • accommodation in highlands- an increase in the number of red blood cells due to oxygen starvation;
  • physical activity and stress - an increase in the level of red blood cells due to intensive oxygen consumption;
  • nutrition - an increase or decrease in red blood cells with the use or lack of certain foods in the diet (for example, with vegetarianism).

Change in the level of erythrocytes


Erythrocytosis is an increase in the level of red blood cells, which can be physiological, as a variant of the norm, and pathological, due to illness.

Variant of the norm for elevated red blood cells:

  • red blood cells may increase slightly after exercise;
  • as a rule, people living in the mountains have an increased number of red blood cells;
  • stress can cause an increase in the number of red blood cells in the bloodstream;
  • dehydration leads to an increase in the number of red blood cells due to a decrease in the volume of a rare part of the blood.

A pathological increase in RBC is observed when:

  • prolonged vomiting, diarrhea;
  • blood diseases (for example, with polycythemia, primary erythrocytosis);
  • insufficiency of the adrenal cortex;
  • oncological processes in the kidneys, endocrine glands;
  • diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems (heart failure, congenital heart defects, bronchial asthma, COPD);
  • excess steroid hormones (when taking hormone-containing drugs);
  • prolonged smoking.

During a person's life, the human bone marrow produces 600 kg of red blood cells.


Erythropenia is a condition of the body in which the level of red blood cells in the blood is below the age norm.

The causes of erythropenia can be a variety of conditions:

  • blood loss of any origin (menstruation, bleeding from hemorrhoids, acute blood loss);
  • insufficient intake of iron in the body;
  • vitamin B12 deficiency and folic acid(for example, after resection of the stomach);
  • destruction of red blood cells (hemolytic anemia) - in case of heavy metal poisoning, transfusion of incompatible blood, some hereditary diseases (for example, sickle cell anemia);
  • aplastic anemia (blood disease, which is characterized by inhibition of hematopoiesis in the bone marrow).

A change in the RBC indicator can indicate serious illnesses, therefore it is very important for the purpose of prevention to regularly consult a doctor and take a general blood test in order to find out what is wrong with your body. After reading our article, you already know under what conditions a change in red blood cells is the norm, and under which it is a pathology. Use this knowledge and then you will live happily ever after.

The RBC indicator in a blood test is determined using a general diagnostic method. Automatic hematology analyzers for this study use an abbreviated form of recording blood characteristics in English.

Blood test indicators

  • White blood cells or WBCs are white blood cells. They are also called leukocytes. The number of leukocytes is expressed as an absolute number;
  • Red blood cells or RBCs are red blood cells, that is, erythrocytes. Their number is also expressed as an absolute number;
  • Hb, hemoglobin or HGB is hemoglobin, that is, the content of its concentration in whole blood;
  • Hematocrit or HCT is an indicator of hematocrit, expressed as a percentage;
  • Platelets or PLT are blood plates, that is, platelets. Their number is expressed as an absolute number;
  • MCV - a parameter that displays the average volume of erythrocytes;
  • MCH is an indicator of the average hemoglobin content in one erythrocyte;
  • MCHC - characteristic of the average content of hemoglobin concentration in one erythrocyte;
  • Mean platelet volume or MPV is a measure of the average platelet volume;
  • PDW is a characteristic of the relative width of the distribution of platelets throughout the blood volume;
  • Platelet crit or PCT is the percentage of whole blood volume that platelets fill. It is also called thrombocrit;
  • Lymphocyte or LYM%, LY% - index of the leukocyte formula, which expresses the relative content of lymphocytes in the blood;
  • Lymphocyte # or LYM #, LY # is also an index of the leukocyte formula, which displays the absolute content of lymphocytes in human blood;
  • MXD% is an index of the leukocyte formula, reflecting the relative amount of a mixture of monocytes, eosinophils and basophils in the blood;
  • MXD # is a leukocyte index, it also expresses the content of a mixture of monocytes, eosinophils and basophils in the blood, but only in absolute numbers.

The RBC indicator in a blood test can also show additional characteristics, that is, be part of the leukocyte formula as erythrocyte indices. These include the value of RDW-SD (standard variation of the relative width of the distribution of erythrocytes in the blood volume), RDW-CV (coefficient expression of the relative width of the distribution of erythrocytes). As well as the parameter P-LCR (coefficient expression of large platelets) and ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate).

Principle of analysis

Red blood cells are its cells, which include hemoglobin. They carry out the transport function of oxygen from the organs of the lungs to the tissues of the body, and also carry carbon dioxide from the tissues to the lungs. Erythrocytes are red in color, and their size is seven to eight microns.

When diagnosing, the RBC parameter in a blood test characterizes the correct functioning of such cells (erythrocytes). That is, the performance of erythrocytes of the main functions in the human body. Medical specialists consider the respiratory function to be the most important function of these cells. Because oxygen enrichment of all tissues is a vital process.

They also include the ability to nourish body tissues with amino acids that red blood cells transfer from digestive organs. These cells are also responsible for the enzymatic function, since a large number of enzymes are attached to the surface of the erythrocyte.

If the RBC in the blood test is normal, then the erythrocytes adsorb toxins and antigens, and also take part in immunological and autoimmune processes. That is, the protective function of the body is performed. Also, red blood cells are able to maintain an acid-base balance. This process is characterized by the function of regulation.

RBC rate in a blood test


With normal RBC values, the level of erythrocytes in the blood for men should correspond to 4.0-5.5 * 10 12 / l, and for women - 3.5-5.0 * 10 12 / l. Any changes from the norms reflect certain diseases. For children, red blood cell counts depend on the age and gender of the child.


If in childhood the RBC parameter in the blood test is normal, then its values ​​\u200b\u200bshould be as follows:

  • at birth in girls - 3.8-5.5 * 10 12 / l, and in boys - 3.9-5.5 * 10 12 / l.
  • In boys and girls aged one to three days - 4.0-6.6 * 10 12 / l, one week - 3.9-6.3 * 10 12 / l, two weeks - 3.6-6.2 *10 12 /l.

When diagnosing the blood of babies at one month, the number of erythrocytes is 3.0-5.4 * 10 12 / l, at two months - 2.7-4.9 * 10 12 / l, at three or four months - 3.1- 4.5*10 12 / l. Normal values ​​at five months for girls are 3.7-5.2 * 10 12 / l and 3.4-5.0 * 10 12 / l for boys. This number of red blood cells in the blood of children is up to two years.


It is believed that the RBC indicator in the blood test is normal for the age of a child from three to twelve years old should correspond to the values ​​of 3.5-5.0 * 10 12 / l for girls and boys. And at thirteen to sixteen years old, its number is 3.5-5.0 for girls and 4.1-5.5 for boys. For seventeen to nineteen years, the norms of erythrocytes are characterized by such numerical values ​​as 3.5-5.0 * 10 12 / l for girls and 3.9-5.6 * 10 12 / l for guys.

Blood test indicators when deciphering RBC

Reduced rates

When deciphering blood diagnostics, erythrocyte indicators may show underestimated results. Medical specialists attribute this to the causes of anemia that have arisen. They occur due to blood loss, hemolysis, as well as a deficiency of vitamins B 12 and B 9. In addition, low erythrocyte norms occur in the presence of hydremia. This condition occurs when a large volume of fluid is injected intravenously or during the outflow of fluid from the tissues into the bloodstream (when edema decreases).

Increased rates

When analyzing blood in the decoding of the RBC indicator, an overestimated level of red blood cells may occur. This condition occurs with erythremia or erythrocytosis. Erythremia occurs when a tumor forms in a polypeptide table cell. Because of them, the division of erythrocytosis cells is enhanced. This disease is also called primary erythrocytosis.

Secondary erythrocytosis also indicates an overestimated level of erythrocytes in the blood. It manifests itself in two forms, which are called physiological and pathological absolute erythrocytosis. In the first form of the disease, hemoglobin increases with physiological factors that increase oxygen demand. And in the second - with a large production of erythropoietin.

Examination of the level of erythrocytes and leukocytes

In the blood test, WBC and RBC indicators reflect the state of leukocyte and erythrocyte cells. As already noted, overestimated and underestimated norms of both erythrocytes and leukocytes may appear, which indicate a number of diseases.

For example, leukocytes are increased in inflammatory purulent processes, myocardial infarction, stroke, extensive burns, uremia, hemolysis, carbon monoxide poisoning, and many other diseases. And they are underestimated with influenza, viral hepatitis, human immunodeficiency virus, measles, rubella, bacterial and protozoal infections, autoimmune diseases.

When analyzing blood, WBC and RBC indicators can simultaneously be underestimated in hypersplenism syndrome (that is, with an enlarged spleen). In addition, there is a decrease in the number of platelets. It is possible to establish the level of erythrocytes and leukocytes with a general and detailed diagnosis of blood.

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Deciphering a blood test will show us such an indicator - rbc. This abbreviation stands for red blood cells. Erythrocytes are formed in the bone marrow of a red color and are elements of the blood.

The rbc analysis determines the level of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen to every cell in the body. The rate of red blood cells in men is slightly higher than in women. In medical practice, erythrocytes should not exceed four to five million / ml.

Red blood cells are like a lens, which has a concave shape in the middle and thick edges. They don't have a nucleus. Rbc are 7 to 8 µm in size. Their life span is about one hundred and twenty days. Hemoglobin is red, so red blood cells are also that color. The main component of the cell is this blood ingredient.

How red blood cells are formed

In the red brain, a process such as erythropoiesis occurs, which forms red blood bodies. The bone marrow and its cells differentiate, and due to this we get red blood cells. Stem cells in the bone marrow are converted into these bodies in several steps. It happens like this:

  • megaloblast formation;
  • from it transformation into erythroblast;
  • from this substance obtaining a normocyte;
  • normocyte forms reticulocyte;
  • from reticulocyte to erythrocyte.

Deciphering the process of formation of red blood cells

In the blood stream, reticulocyte formation occurs in rbc within a few hours.

Rbc and their functions

There are many basic functions that red blood cells perform in the body:

They carry oxygen to every cell in the body and take carbon dioxide from the lungs.

  1. From the digestive tract, amino acids are carried by red blood cells to all tissues of the human body.
  2. They take an active part in various chemical reactions. Enzymes are transported in large quantities to every cell.
  3. Red blood cells protect the body from antigens and toxins by participating in immune processes.
  4. The acid-base balance is constantly maintained by rbc.

The rate of erythrocytes in humans is lowered

The norm of the male half of mankind of erythrocytes is 4 million / ml, in women the norm is an order of magnitude lower. They have indicators of 3.5 million / ml. Depending on age, the children's norm has different ranges.

A low content of red blood cells in a blood test indicates the presence of anemia in your body. This may be due to the loss of a large amount of blood, vitamin B12 and B9 deficiency, as well as hemolysis.

Increased rate of red cells in the blood

With erythrocytosis and erythremia, rbc values ​​increase.

When stem cells have a tumor syndrome, primary erythrocytosis develops in the body. Progenitor cells begin to divide intensively. Such processes lead to an increase not only in erythrocytes, but in leukocytes and platelets. When inflammatory processes are present in the body, thrombocytosis and leukocytosis occur in it.

There are 3 types of secondary erythrocytosis:

  1. Physiological blood process. If there was a prolonged hypoxia, then the erythrocytes will be increased. When the body has lung disease, congenital pathologies and altitude sickness.
  2. Pathological erythrocytosis. In the human body, there are kidney cancer, cerebellar hemangioma, adrenal tumors, ovarian problems and other serious diseases. This ailment can be provoked by drugs that have been used for a long time with a high content of steroids.
  3. relative process. The absolute norm is unchanged in relation to the relative indicators of bodies. This occurs with prolonged vomiting, heavy sweating and diarrhea.

How to take a general blood test

Used in medicine clinical analysis blood. This analysis is taken from the finger of the hand. It is given in the morning on an empty stomach. In the evening before the analysis, you should not eat fatty foods. You can take a glass of clean water without gas.

The interpretation of these results occurs using an ordinary medical microscope. The color scheme, shape and size of red blood cells are examined using this device. But in modern world there are devices such as hematology analyzers. They can determine about 24 indicators at the same time. You can use such devices to check blood clotting.

There is a table showing the averages of rbc:

  • newborns have 4.2-7.5 mg/l;
  • at the age of 1 month 3.7-5.7 mg/l;
  • at the age of six months 3.6-4.9 mg / l;
  • if the child is 1 year old 3.7-4.9 mg / l;
  • from 2 months to 12 years 3.6-4.6 mg/l;
  • pregnant women have 3-3.5 mg / l.

Only a doctor can correctly determine the data of the analysis. You cannot independently recognize what disease you have. Deciphering these results will help the specialist to determine the disease long from the external manifestation of the disease.

When the rate of erythrocytes is increased, then it is necessary to identify the cause of this increase. This can happen in such cases:

  1. If you are constantly stressed. You are very mentally overstrained.
  2. Prolonged stay in mountainous areas where there is a lack of oxygen.
  3. Physical activity increased.
  4. Dehydration occurs in the human body.

If the rbc rate goes down, then this happens for the following reasons:

  1. When there is a slight loss of blood in the human body that occurs constantly.
  2. There is not enough vitamin B12 in the body, which is characterized by a low content of blood cells in the analysis.
  3. When there is a lesion of the mucous membrane of the stomach, intestines and duodenum.
  4. If there is a lot of fluid in the body or there are stones in the bladder and kidneys.
  5. During pregnancy, blood flow increases, so the rbc test is low.

The erythrocyte count closely depends on the hemoglobin readings. When hb has deviations, then the readings of red cells are also not normal. Hemoglobin is located inside the red blood cell, which is why they are so interconnected. When the result is low, then it is hemoglobin that needs to be increased, and if it is high, then this result must also be lowered.

It is necessary to periodically take a blood test for both adults and children. Health needs constant monitoring. Timely identified pathology will save you from many troubles. Such a manifestation of concern for your health will always help you out in difficult times.

Love yourself and you will always be healthy and happy.

Almost everyone has had to take blood tests at least once in their lives, but few people know what the individual characteristics indicated on the form mean. For example, what is meant by the numbers in one of the first lines in the document, encrypted in an incomprehensible abbreviation in English letters - RBC? But this is a very important indicator of the state of the formula of the main body fluid!

RBC in a blood test indicates the number of red blood cells in one microliter of the biomaterial under study. The abbreviation is an abbreviation for red blood cells, which translates from English as red blood cells. The form contains reference values ​​that indicate the norm, and the subject can see for himself whether his results correspond to generally recognized indicators.

Learn more about red blood cells and their role in the body

Erythrocytes are especially important formed elements of the blood. Their continuous reproduction is carried out by the red bone marrow. Every second, about 2.4 million red blood cells are produced in the human body, which remain viable for 4 months. At the same time, the level of erythrocyte concentration is always maintained in a relatively stable state and corresponds to certain age categories.

Interesting! According to scientists, the red bone marrow with an average life expectancy produces approximately 600 kg of red blood cells.

These cells look like a biconcave lens or like small disks squeezed in the middle, which maximizes their surface. This significantly increases the absorption capacity of erythrocytes. Due to the hemoglobin contained in them, which has a red pigment in its composition, under a microscope, these cells are most visible against the background of others, standing out for their bright color. That is why they got their name - red blood cells.

But they acquire such coloring gradually, not from the very beginning of their formation. In the early stages, erythrocytes still contain a small amount of hemoglobin and, accordingly, iron, so they differ in a blue tint from other cellular structures. Later they acquire a gray color, and only when their maturation reaches a certain stage, characterized by the appearance of hemoglobin, erythrocytes become red cells.

Young or immature red blood cells are called progenitor cells or reticulocytes. It should be mentioned that the erythrocytes that circulate in the venous blood are blue in color, as they have already participated in the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide, as a result of which they have lost hemoglobin. Despite the fact that red cells have a rather narrow specialization, their role for the normal functioning of the body is difficult to overestimate.

The main functions of erythrocytes are:

  • transportation of oxygen from the lungs to all cellular structures internal organs;
  • transfer from the tissues of the organs of the product of metabolism - carbon dioxide in order to remove it from the body;
  • protection of the body from immunological and autoimmune pathological processes;
  • participation in a large list of biochemical reactions occurring in the body;
  • adsorption (absorption) of toxic substances and pathological antigens;
  • ensuring acid-base balance.

The principle of gas exchange carried out with the help of erythrocytes

Thus, the respiration of the body and sufficient gas exchange depend on the qualitative functioning of red blood cells. In addition, they are involved in the saturation of tissues with essential amino acids and enzymes that can attach to the extensive surface of red blood cells.

What is an RBC analysis?

  • monitoring for the purpose of prevention and medical examination, which also applies to pregnant women;
  • standard procedure for examination before hospitalization or surgery;
  • diagnosis of diseases of the hematopoietic system, in particular, anemia of various origins;
  • control of ongoing therapeutic measures.

The UAC form has the form of a kind of table containing the names of the parameters to be determined, the obtained values ​​and the normal range (reference indicators) for different age categories and gender. In principle, this document is not much different from other forms used in blood or urine tests, such as biochemical analysis and other.

Normal erythrocyte counts in the blood

Red blood cells, due to their numerical advantage, are considered the main blood cells. Their number several times prevails over leukocytes - white blood cells and platelets. The absolute content of leukocytes in the form is indicated by the abbreviation WBC and platelets - PLT. RBC rates begin to differ in girls and boys during puberty, as increased testosterone production stimulates an increase in hematopoietic function.

Fact! In the male body, the volume of circulating blood is about 5–6 liters, while in women it is 4–4.5 liters. At the same time, normally, the blood of the stronger sex is richer in red blood cells, therefore, to transfer 1 liter of oxygen, they need a smaller volume of blood than women.

It follows from this that in an adult healthy man, the volume of blood is not only greater than that of a woman, but it is also used much more efficiently. It is with this phenomenon that it is easier and easier for men to endure heavy types of physical activity that consume a large amount of oxygen.

In children of different sexes, normal values ​​practically do not differ until adolescence. From about 12–13 years old, in boys, the value of the RBC norm increases significantly compared to girls of the same age. age category. When taking into account the number of red cells, immature erythrocytes - reticulocytes are also taken into account.

Table normal indicators blood elements

Deviations from the norm and their causes

Like a violation of the number of many other blood parameters, deviations from the normal values ​​​​of erythrocytes up or down are often a sign of the presence of a disease. These may be initially pathologies of the hematopoietic system or secondary factors that have developed due to a disease of other organs or systems. With a change in the RBC index, a shift in the values ​​of hemoglobin, a protein compound directly responsible for oxygen transfer, is very often observed.

An analysis of hemoglobin content is an integral procedure for a general blood test. The form is marked with the abbreviation HGB. But not always, if the UAC is deciphered and a change in the number of red cells is detected, this means that the person is sick. In some cases, increase or decrease their number can physiological features associated with a particular state of the body.

Increasing RBC values

An excess of red blood cells, including immature cells, is called erythrocytosis. A condition when red cells are elevated in the blood can develop as a result of extensive burns, diabetes, peritonitis, dehydration with vomiting, diarrhea, increased sweating. The physiological causes of an increase in red blood cells in a blood test are often observed in people whose life or work takes place in places with a low oxygen content.

This primarily applies to residents of high mountain areas, athletes, pilots and climbers. In addition to the above, the number of red cells can increase with excessive physical exertion, which often occurs in men when playing sports or hard work, and this is due to an increase in the body's need for oxygen. It can also be provoked by stress, especially prolonged, and a change in diet (reception of foods that affect the process of hematopoiesis).

If the nature of the cause is pathological, then this means the development of the following disorders in the body:

  • diseases of cardio-vascular system- congenital heart defects, heart failure;
  • diseases respiratory systembronchial asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;
  • blood pathologies (for example, with one of the types of primary erythrocytosis - polycythemia);
  • dysfunction of the adrenal cortex or an excess of steroid hormones (with hormone therapy);
  • oncological neoplasms and polycystic kidney disease;
  • erythremia - disorders of the bone marrow;
  • prolonged vomiting, diarrhea.

Reference! In heavy smokers with many years of this bad habit, as a rule, there is an increase in RBC values, which refers to pathological factors.

Decrease in indicator

If the decoding of the RBC blood test indicates a decrease in the level of red blood cells, then this pathology is called erythropenia. The physiological reasons for the decrease in most situations include hyperhydration (excessive water content in the body), and pathological, as a rule, anemia of a different nature. Also, a decrease in the number of red blood cells may be associated with certain conditions of the body, which is defined as a physiological factor.

Such conditions are typical for women and are due to their gender characteristics. These include pregnancy and menstruation. In the first case, the decrease in red cells can reach 3–4.57 * 10 12 μl, and this is due to an increase in the total volume of circulating blood, which now supplies two organisms - mother and child. At the same time, the total number of erythrocytes often does not change, but due to an increase in volume, the indicator itself is reduced, which is accepted as the norm in women.

During pregnancy, there may be a decrease in the number of red blood cells

In the second - during menstruation, especially plentiful. There is sometimes even a sharp decrease in red blood cells, but more often there is a gradual decrease in connection with chronic regular blood loss. Another reason may be nutrition, for example, when there is a lack of any products in the diet, such as, for example, with vegetarianism or veganism. The pathological causes of erythropenia include several factors of a primary and secondary nature, namely:

  • blood loss of various origins, for example, acute form bleeding from hemorrhoids;
  • insufficient intake of iron, vitamin B 12 and folic acid by the body, which may be due to resection of the stomach;
  • aplastic anemia - a pathology of the blood, in which there is an inhibition of the function of hematopoiesis in the red bone marrow;
  • hemolytic anemia - destruction of red cells. Caused by heavy metal poisoning, hereditary diseases (sickle cell anemia), or incompatible blood transfusions.

All of the above means that even slight deviations from the normal parameters of the most basic blood cells can be evidence of the development of a serious illness. That is why you should periodically medical examinations for the purpose of prevention, including a general analysis of blood and urine. Only by treating your body with attention, you can find out in time about the presence of the disease in the early stages, which will allow you to recover as soon as possible.

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Interpretation of a complete blood count CBC without a leukocyte formula


Hemoglobin: - g / l.
Erythrocytes: - x 1012/l.
Mean volume of erythrocytes (MCV): - fl (femtoliter).
Average content of hemoglobin in an erythrocyte (MCH): - pg.
Average concentration of hemoglobin in an erythrocyte (MCHC): - g/l.
The distribution of erythrocytes by volume (RDW): -%
Hematocrit (HCT): - %
Platelets (PLT): - x109/l.
Average platelet volume (MPV): - 7.8 - 11.0 fl.
Platelet distribution by volume (PDW): - %
Thrombocrit (PCT): - %
Leukocytes (WBC): - x109 / l.

Reference values

indicators women men
Hemoglobin120 - 160 140 - 180
Red blood cells (RBC)3,9 - 5,3 4,3 - 5,9
Mean red cell volume (MCV)80 - 97 80 - 97
Mean erythrocyte hemoglobin (MCH)28 - 33 28 - 33
Mean erythrocyte hemoglobin concentration (MCHC)320 - 360 320 - 360
RBC distribution by volume (RDW)11,5 - 14,5 11,5 - 14,5
Hematocrit (HCT)35 - 47 40 - 54
Platelets (PLT)130 - 440 130 - 440
Mean platelet volume (MPV)7,8 - 11,0 7,8 - 11,0
Platelet distribution by volume (PDW)% %
Leukocytes (WBC)4,0 - 9,4 4,0 - 9,4


Hemoglobin (HGB):
Blood clotting
birth defects hearts
Pulmonary heart failure
Primary and secondary erythrocytosis
A number of physiological reasons (inhabitants of high mountains, high-altitude flights, increased exercise stress)

Red blood cells (RBC):
Secondary erythrocytosis

B12 - folate deficiency anemia
aplastic anemia
Liver disease

B12 - and folate deficiency anemia
Liver disease

In fact, there cannot be a true increase; increased numbers during the study may be due to errors in the preanalytical stage or the analytical stage

RBC distribution by volume (RDW):
Iron deficiency anemia with microcytosis

Hematocrit (HCT):
Symptomatic erythrocytosis
Hemoconcentration (burn disease, peritonitis, body dehydration)

Platelets (PLT):
Functional (reactive) thrombocytosis
Inflammatory processes
Anemia of various origins
States after surgical interventions
Oncological diseases
Acute blood loss
Physical overvoltage
Tumor thrombocytosis (myeloid leukemia, idiopathic hemorrhagic thrombocythemia, erythremia)

Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
Myeloproliferative diseases

Leukocytes (WBC):
Physiological leukocytosis (physical activity, emotional stress, exposure to UV rays, etc.)
Leukocytosis due to stimulation of leukopoiesis (infectious - inflammatory diseases, intoxication, burns and injuries, acute bleeding, surgical interventions, heart attacks of internal organs, rheumatism, malignant tumors, glucocorticoid therapy, anemia various etiologies, myelo- and lymphocytic leukemias)


Hemoglobin (HGB):
Anemia of various etiologies

Red blood cells (RBC):
Anemia of various etiologies
Metastases of malignant tumors

Mean erythrocyte volume (MCV):
Hypochromic and microcytic anemias
Hyperthyroidism (rare)

Mean erythrocyte hemoglobin (MCH):
iron deficiency anemia

Mean erythrocyte hemoglobin concentration (MCHC):
Iron-deficiency anemia
Some hemoglobinopathies.

Hematocrit (HCT):
second half of pregnancy

Platelets (PLT):
Congenital thrombocytopenia (Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome; Chediak-Higashi syndrome; Fanconi syndrome; May-Hegglin anomaly; Bernard-Soulier syndrome)
Acquired thrombocytopenia: (idiopathic autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura; drug-induced thrombocytopenia; systemic lupus erythematosus; thrombocytopenia associated with infection; splenomegaly; aplastic anemia; tumor metastases to the bone marrow; megaloblastic anemia; Evans syndrome; DIC; congestive heart failure; thrombosis renal veins)

Mean platelet volume (MPV):
Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome
Conditions after splenectomy

Leukocytes (WBC):
Viral infections
Taking sulfonamides, chloramphenicol, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, thyreostatics, cytostatics
Exposure to ionizing radiation
Leukopenic forms of leukemia
Splenomegaly, hypersplenism, condition after splenectomy
Hypo - and aplasia of the bone marrow
Addison-Birmer disease
Anaphylactic shock
Wasting, cachexia
pernicious anemia

Interpretation of research results

The indicators included in the general blood test should be evaluated only in combination!
1. If signs of anemia are detected in the general blood test (a decrease in hemoglobin, a decrease in the number of erythrocytes, a decrease in the average hemoglobin content in an erythrocyte, an average concentration of hemoglobin in an erythrocyte, an increase or decrease in the average volume of erythrocytes, an increase in the distribution of erythrocytes by volume), it is recommended to prescribe the following studies to the patient : A030 Leukocyte formula (microscopy) and A050 Reticulocytes.

2. If an increase or decrease in the number of leukocytes is detected, it is recommended to prescribe the following studies: A020 ​​Complete blood count CBC / Diff (HGB, RBC, HCT, MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW, PLT, MPV, PDV, PCT, WBC) with a leukocyte formula ( 5 leukocyte fractions) and/or A030 Leukocyte formula (microscopy). If you suspect inflammatory process, infection, oncological disease– A060 Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR).

continuing the topic of the article:

  • How to determine the correct regimen and dosage of drugs

  • thematic tags: interpretation of a blood test

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