Lumbago symptoms treatment. Lumbago: what it is and the reasons for its development

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Good health, my dears! Whatever you say, life is hard for us. Most of the time you have to bend your back at hard and often unloved work. And let’s not talk about really hard physical labor. But working in an office, where you sit on a chair all day without changing your posture, still has a negative impact on the condition of the spinal column.

And as a result, almost every second person, if not every first one, can complain either about fatigue in this part of the body, or about regular tension, or about discomfort. If we miss all these “first bells” and ignore them day after day, then the condition worsens and gets worse and worse every day.

It is especially difficult for the lower back, which, in addition to its usual loads, receives additional stress. And then one fine day all the symptoms of lumbago worsen and you finally run to the doctor.

What kind of lumbago is this and what are its manifestations we will talk about today. And, of course, we will analyze the causes of the disease, methods of its diagnosis and treatment. So, acute discogenic lumbodynia (as this disease is officially called) is a consequence of pathology of the spinal column, in particular, the intervertebral discs. The main characteristic of the deviation is severe pain in the lower back, reminiscent of a lumbago.

Why does a person develop lumbago?

Whatever reasons influence the formation of such a state, the mechanism of manifestation will always be the same. If the intervertebral discs are displaced or deformed, they begin to compress the numerous nerve roots that are located in this area. Naturally, this causes severe pain.

The body, in an attempt to somehow stabilize the instability of the spine, additionally forms a spasm in this area. But this further aggravates the patient's condition.

If you have lumbago, the reasons may be:

If we are not talking about congenital forms, then the first exacerbations begin around 30-40 years.

How can you tell if you have lumbago?

If you have lumbago, the symptoms will be quite characteristic. As a rule, after serious physical activity you begin to feel acute pain in the lower back. Sometimes an exacerbation begins after a sharp temperature change: in a pool or after a bath.

The pain is very sharp, lumbago-like, sometimes compared to a stabbing or cutting sensation. As a rule, it spreads in the lumbar region. In some cases, it can spread to the buttocks and even to the lower thigh. With such manifestations they talk about sciatica.

The attack lasts about several hours, but a person feels the most severe pain in the first half hour. Exacerbations usually occur at night. After about a week, the attacks stop recurring, but you will be able to completely forget about the pain only after a month, or even more.

As I said above, in order to stabilize the position of the vertebrae, the body creates muscle spasm. This is a reflex reaction. You can easily recognize such a patient by his characteristic posture during an attack: he leans slightly forward and literally cannot move. Tight muscles at the lumbar level prevent him from bending.

Naturally, the patient tries to take a supine position, but even here he will behave in a very specific way. He will try to sit either on his stomach with a pillow placed under him, or on his back with his legs tucked towards him. Attempts to rise and take a sitting position become almost impossible for him.

Popular diagnostic methods

If you have lumbago disease, treatment preceded by mandatory diagnostics. It is best to identify this deviation from a neurologist. He will want to know how intense your pain is and will ask you to describe its nature.

In addition, he will feel your muscles in the lower back, buttocks and upper thighs. It will examine the state of your sensory and motor functions. In the final you will definitely do some special tests consisting of certain movements. They will help the doctor definitively diagnose you.

If the specialist does not have enough of this information, he will send you to a CT scan, where he will obtain a three-dimensional section of your spine. An additional method can be magnetic resonance imaging, which will also tell you about the condition of your soft tissues.

If a tumor, abscess or osteomyelitis is suspected, scintigraphy is usually prescribed. This is a technique during which an isotope visible in the images is introduced.

Electroneuromyography helps detect disturbances at the level of innervation. Also, not a single diagnostic test is complete without prescribing a general blood and urine test.

Methods of combating pathology

Now we can recommend treatment procedures and medications for lumbago. During an exacerbation, it is useful to adhere to bed rest. At the same time, to alleviate your condition, there are special poses that will help you feel better.

Therefore, if this is your first time having an attack and you don’t know how to treat lumbago at home, then try using them. One of these therapeutic positions is the position on your back, and in such a way that you have a pillow or cushion under your feet. You can even place a chair or high stool on the bed and rest your feet on it. This will also relax your spine.

If you are uncomfortable in this position and the pain continues to bother you, then you can try turning over onto your stomach and placing a platform under it.

To relieve the inflammatory process that often accompanies this condition, drugs such as acetylsalicylic acid and ibuprofen are prescribed. It can also be medications with an analgesic effect - Diclofenac, Voltaren, Ortofen, Dimexide and Rapid.

To reduce the general state of anxiety and help the patient feel better psychologically, tranquilizers are prescribed. It could also be sleeping pills. Widely used for lumbago treatment and physiotherapy. Moreover, some methods may well be suitable for home use.

How to treat lumbago yourself? For example, make applications with ozokerite or paraffin. In some cases, a cold compress may relieve pain. Traditional healers advise wearing a belt made of dog hair, and also lubricating the lower back with turpentine.

But take into account the fact that with strong heating, your inflammatory process may worsen. Or rather, this will happen with a high degree of probability. Therefore, you should not treat yourself inattentively. Do not ignore alarming symptoms, and treating lumbago at home in most such cases will only significantly worsen your condition.

Therefore, only the following recommendations will be truly adequate advice in case of a sharp attack of pain:

  • take the position that I described above;
  • take painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • You can apply a thin layer of anesthetic ointment (but in no case warm it up), you should not rub it in;
  • It’s good to wear a corset-type fixing belt on your lower back;
  • follow dietary instructions;
  • Consult your doctor as soon as possible.

Other physiotherapeutic methods are also used to treat lumbago. This includes acupuncture, massage and manual therapy. These developments do not have the same almost one hundred percent effectiveness as tablets, but they are positively assessed by many patients.

There are special gymnastic complexes aimed at neutralizing the negative consequences of lumbago. Please pay attention to the fact that all physiotherapeutic and physical methods of eliminating this pathology are possible only without exacerbations.

It would be advisable to adhere to some dietary recommendations, that is, do not eat spicy, salty, fried and very fatty foods.

So, today we have studied lumbago in detail: symptoms and treatment, and, most importantly, we know the algorithms of behavior in case of a sudden exacerbation.

Moreover, if you follow all the recommendations, you will feel significant relief within 2 weeks.

That's all for today. Be more attentive to yourself and your loved ones, especially when they themselves neglect their health. It is best to stop the disease at the initial stages than to deal with severe complications later.

I look forward to seeing you again on the pages of this blog. Next time we’ll talk about the features of our health and how best to preserve it.

Lumbago is a symptomatic complaint that occurs in patients due to defects in the vertebrae and intervertebral discs. With this pathology, the patient complains of acute and intense pain in the lower back; the pain is described as reminiscent of a lumbago.


Causes of pain

Pain, defined in medical terminology as lumbago, always develops according to one mechanism, although the reasons that trigger this mechanism can vary significantly. Incorrect location or shape of the intervertebral disc leads to injury to the nerve endings, which are located in abundance in the ring of fibrous tissue and ligaments, which provide.

When nerve endings are damaged, parts of the muscles and ligaments reflexively tense in response to pain. A spasm occurs - the inability to relax tense muscles in order to relieve pain. The result is a vicious circle: pain provokes spasm, and spasm intensifies pain.

Lumbago - Causes of pain

There are three main reasons that can provoke the development of pain in the spine. In first place in frequency are injuries to the intervertebral discs, such as:

  • complete or incomplete rupture of the fibrous tissue ring;
  • displacement of the disc relative to its anatomically correct location;
  • pathology in which the nuclear disk appears outside the ring of fibrous tissue;
  • trauma to surrounding ligaments.

Intervertebral discs are damaged mainly as a result of back strain (for example, while carrying heavy objects), due to injury (among athletes).

In second place in terms of prevalence is the displacement of the vertebrae themselves. The vertebrae lose their normal position in the spinal column mainly due to osteochondrosis, which is observed in the patient for a long time and is not subject to any treatment. One of the vertebrae in this case usually moves slightly forward or backward relative to the one below. Due to the displacement of the vertebrae, deformation occurs not only of their bodies, but also of their processes, during which the intervertebral discs can be injured. Ligaments are also usually forced to adapt to changed conditions, which leads to their tears.

There is a large group of congenital abnormalities that lead to the development of lumbago. These include:

  • an increase in the space between the vertebral arches - spondylolysis (many people are concerned about the fact that in some cases it does not even manifest itself clinically: the danger, first of all, lies in the increased load on the spine and the likelihood of developing chronic pain);
  • lumbarization, in which a person has not 5, but 6 vertebrae in the lower back, and the size of the sacrum is significantly reduced;
  • sacralization, in which there is either the addition of another vertebra in the sacrum, or a decrease in the number of vertebrae in the lumbar region, which leads to an increase in the load placed on the spine; it is ultimately distributed incorrectly;
  • changes in the anatomical shape of the joints providing intervertebral connections;
  • excess connection between the first and third lumbar vertebrae, which also leads to improper load distribution and limited mobility in the lumbar region;
  • a change in the normal shape of the vertebrae, due to which they cannot be normally located in their places and are more often confused;
  • pathological changes affecting the size or shape of the vertebral processes;
  • , in which there is a displacement of one of the lumbar vertebrae anteriorly or posteriorly relative to the vertebrae located below; displacement can be either acquired or congenital.

In addition to the common causes of lumbago, there are also factors that lead to shooting pain in rare cases. These include:

  • destruction of the vertebral body by a benign or malignant tumor;
  • inflammation affecting the vertebral bodies or;
  • rheumatic process affecting the spine.

In the treatment of lumbago, correct identification of the causes and their elimination plays an important role.

Symptoms and signs

Symptoms indicating the development of lumbago are characteristic of a number of other back diseases, and therefore require a careful diagnosis from the doctor, and a careful description of all symptoms from the patient. First of all, by examining the back and palpating it, the doctor can draw attention to the fact that the muscles in the lumbar region are in a state of strong tension.

Lumbago - Symptoms and Signs

The pain that patients usually complain about becomes significantly less intense if the patient lies down. Moreover, even minor movements in the lumbar column can provoke a new attack of exacerbation.

One of the characteristic features of lumbago is the spontaneous and sharp subsidence of a painful attack. The patient simply realizes at some point that the lower back no longer hurts. At the same time, he did not take any special poses, and sometimes even neglected medications. The duration of an attack can vary from person to person, lasting from several days to several weeks.

Patients characterize the pain attack as pulsating, shooting, sharp, tearing. In some cases, irradiation to the thigh or buttock area is possible, which indicates involvement of the sciatic nerve in the pathological process. This condition is called sciatica.

The greatest intensity of a painful attack is observed in the first half hour after its onset. Then the pain subsides, but may worsen at night.

In addition to muscle tension and pain, attention is drawn to changes in the volume of active and passive movements in the spine, that is, a violation of its mobility. Mostly, patients freeze in a forced position, slightly tilting their body forward. This position slightly alleviates the attack, making the patient helpless. Movements during an acute attack bring unnecessary pain, so a person prefers to freeze and reduce movements to a minimum.

Lying in bed, patients also take a forced position to relieve pain. There are two options: in the first case, the patient lies on his back, pulling his knees towards him, and in the second case, the patient lies on his stomach, placing a pillow under him. Changing posture is difficult for the patient; he actively helps himself with his hands.

What is lumbago with sciatica

Often the pain affects not only the lumbar region, but also spreads to the buttock or thigh, involving large volumes of tissue in the pathological process. If the patient complains of widespread pain, including the lower extremities, then the doctor may well suspect lumbago with sciatica.

There are many reasons for the development of mixed pathology. For example, pregnant women or overweight people often encounter it. The main factor contributing to the development of the disease is a sharp increase in load in the lumbar region.

Involvement of the lower limb in the process occurs due to active compression of the nerve roots that provide communication with the nerve called the sciatic. The roots transmit some of the impulses to the nerve itself, to which it responds with the development of pain.

· abscesses are detectable - purulent cavities.

Treatment of pain caused by lumbago can only begin after consultation with a specialist and only if the diagnosis is confirmed. Shooting pains can occur not only due to lumbago, but also due to the effects of a number of other pathologies.

It is also important to determine the cause of lumbago before treatment. Determining the exact cause will influence therapy. Depending on the cause, the doctor will be able to adjust the therapy.

Initially, it is important to provide first aid to a patient experiencing a painful attack. To do this, it is best to lay the person on a hard surface, making sure that it is level. You can help in taking the optimal position in which the pain will be felt least intensely: the patient is advised to raise his legs, and he should lie on his back.

It is necessary to call a doctor or take the patient to the hospital. Providing assistance in the form of massage or warming up at home is prohibited.

In the hospital, assistance will begin with kyphosis. Kifting means giving the patient a position in which pain will be minimal. It is optimal if the patient spends the entire day or most of it in this position.

The patient is placed on his back, and his legs are bent at the hip and. For convenience, your legs can be placed on a chair, box or any other elevation. It is important that excess height does not cause discomfort to the patient. The optimal bend angle for the legs is 90 degrees.

An alternative to the supine position is the prone position, which is used less frequently. In this case, the patient is placed several bolsters or thick pillows under the stomach.

The second stage of treatment is drug therapy. The main task is to eliminate pain and relieve spasms, for which the following can be used:

  • Spasmolitin, Tizanidine, Pentoxifyline, which provide relief from spasms, as well as vasodilation;
  • you can use novocaine blockade with the addition of glucocorticoids to eliminate inflammation, but the frequency of repetition of the blockade should not exceed three times, since there is a high risk of complications due to atrophy of the ligamentous apparatus;
  • local agents are used, such as ointments, creams, rubbing, you can use Diclofenac, Ortofen, Voltaren, etc.;
  • for compresses you can use Demixide, and the compress is placed several times a day for half an hour;
  • You can take anti-inflammatory drugs such as Ibuprofen, Indomethacin, etc. orally.

It is possible to use auxiliary agents in treatment. In addition to the main course, chondroprotectors, tranquilizers and sleeping pills for severe pain, and vitamins from group D may be prescribed.

When you manage to cope with the acute phase of the disease, the doctor may recommend courses of physiotherapy, massage, and acupuncture. If there are no significant injuries, it is also possible to do gymnastics under the guidance of a specialist. Moderate physical activity will help strengthen the muscle frame and improve the patient’s general condition.

The effectiveness of physiotherapy in the treatment of lumbago is not considered proven, but many doctors recommend that patients undergo courses of such treatment. For lumbago, the following techniques can be used:

  • applications to the affected area with ozokerite or paraffin, which provide warming and reflex relaxation of muscle fibers, helping to get rid of spasms;
  • cold applications, which are less popular, as in some cases they provoke increased pain, and sometimes lead to the development of infection or inflammation in the kidney area.

Acupuncture, like physiotherapy, has no proven effectiveness in the treatment of this pathology. However, this type of alternative medicine is also used, although no studies have been conducted on its effectiveness.

Carrying out a massage requires good skills from the massage therapist. It is important not to aggravate the situation, and therefore the procedure is carried out for a short time. Its duration rarely exceeds 5-10 minutes. Movements should be soft and careful, without excessive compression or sharp tapping. The massage procedure is stopped if the patient complains of increased pain. With proper massage, it is possible to improve the general condition and reduce the intensity of pain.

Treatment with folk remedies at home

In the modern world, doctors strongly do not recommend treating lumbago at home. This is due to the high probability of causing harm rather than improving the situation. The risk of deterioration is especially high if the patient cannot say exactly what exactly caused the attack of pain.

However, despite the warnings of doctors, there are still traditional medicine methods that are suitable for getting rid of an attack at home.

Most often, patients experiencing an attack of lumbago tend to take a bath. It is recommended to add hay dust or oats, as well as mustard seeds, to the bath.

Lumbago - Treatment with folk remedies at home

An alternative can be clay. Both the red variety and the most common one are used. The clay is thoroughly washed, heated until warm (so that it can be held in your hands without discomfort), and then applied to the affected area. You can add a little turpentine to the clay to make the action more intense. The clay is kept until it cools completely.

You can apply a burdock leaf to a sore lower back, which also helps fight pain. It is recommended to wash it thoroughly and then tie it to your back, leaving it to dry completely. Change the sheet to a new one when the old one becomes as thick as cigarette paper. The procedure is repeated morning and evening.

Some patients supplement any procedure, as well as traditional treatment, with the use of cedar tincture, which is used internally.

At home, a special belt made of elastic material can also help relieve pain. The belt should provide support for the lower back, fitting it tightly. It’s good if it contains wool, which provides a warming effect.

It is important to remember the prohibitions for the acute period of the disease. The same prohibitions apply if the nature of the pain is not established:

  • patients are prohibited from hanging on the horizontal bar, since in case of a hernia, such an exercise will aggravate the situation;
  • It is strictly forbidden to warm up by any means, since the warm effect will only increase the dilation of blood vessels, ensuring the flow of fluid to the affected area and aggravating the swelling of the tissues, which, in turn, will only increase the pain syndrome;
  • massage is also prohibited due to increased blood flow in the affected area with subsequent worsening of tissue swelling;
  • ointments that provide a warming effect are not used in the acute period of the disease for the same reason.

It is also important for patients to remember that home treatment does not affect the cause of the disease. It can only reduce the severity of symptoms, but does not in any way protect against relapses.


Before starting gymnastics, it is necessary to consult a doctor. The patient should do all the exercises without haste, with an average of 8 to 10 repetitions per exercise. If pain appears during the exercise, it should be stopped so as not to provoke a relapse of the attack.

In the first days of illness, all exercises are performed lying on your back. The legs should be elevated. The following complex is used:

  • breathing using the diaphragm, when as you exhale the stomach should retract and swell as you inhale;
  • flexion and extension movements in the fingers of the upper and lower extremities;
  • rotational movements of the feet;
  • leaning on the bolster, you can straighten your legs one by one;
  • if the pain is not intense, then the feet are placed on the bed and the patient performs flexion and extension of the legs at the knee joint;
  • You can do hand raises;
  • in the absence of pain, one of the legs is straightened and moved to the side as much as possible so that the heel does not come off the bed, then the legs are changed.

Lumbago - Exercises

When the intensity of the pain decreases significantly, you can add the following set of exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles and restoring mobility to the spinal column:

  • raising the sacral region, in which the emphasis is on the legs bent at the knees and the area of ​​the shoulder blades;
  • combined raising of the head with tension of the muscular system in the abdominal area, while the legs should be straight;
  • rounding the lumbar region, pressing it as tightly as possible to the bed, accompanied by alternate sliding of the legs along the bed (the sliding should be done with pressure);
  • a similar exercise, but both legs are involved in sliding;
  • compression of the buttocks, accompanied by tension in the large muscles of the buttocks; it is recommended to remain in a tense state for 4 to 6 seconds;
  • to perform this exercise, a roller is placed in the calf area, after which the patient must raise the sacrum, focusing on the thoracic region and legs extended on the roller;
  • the legs are bent at the shins, after which the knees are abducted to the sides in order;
  • for this exercise, the patient leans on the areas of the hands and knees, after which it is necessary to sit on the heels, keeping the hands on the bed;
  • in a similar position, it is suggested to round your back, like a stretching cat, and then take an even position (it is important not to bend!).

The subacute period of the disease can be accompanied by three additional exercises. Their goal is to improve blood supply, as well as partially eliminate muscle spasms:

  • the left leg must be pressed to the stomach, and then the right leg, straightened at the knee, must be lifted several times, then the legs are changed;
  • Having bent the legs at the knee joints, and folded the hands on the stomach into a “lock”, the patient should lift the shoulder area along with the head;
  • resting his hands and arms on the bed, the patient alternately lifts one or the other leg.

It is important to remember that, first of all, lumbago therapy is aimed at relieving the patient of pain, which is the leading symptom. Pain relief is a priority task, and therefore most of the interventions are aimed specifically at achieving this goal. If the pain only intensifies when performing exercises, it is worth abandoning them for a while or eliminating only those movements that make the patient feel pain more intensely.

Lumbago is a pathology that develops under the influence of many factors. It is important to establish the root cause of the disease and begin to influence it in order to effectively relieve the patient’s pain syndrome and save him from possible relapses. If pain resembling lumbago occurs, it is recommended to consult a neurologist who will conduct a diagnosis and determine the nature of the pathology. Treatment at home without prior consultation is not recommended.

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Spinal traction at home

Lumbago (pain in the lumbar spine) is a common symptom. About half of older people suffer from low back pain.

The spine (vertebral column) consists of vertebrae. The vertebrae are covered and separated from each other by intervertebral discs, consisting of an outer fibrous membrane or so-called. "annulus fibrosus" and gel-like nucleus pulposus. Intervertebral discs act as friction shock absorbers. They are securely secured by ligaments and muscles. The muscles help stabilize the spine. The abdominal muscles, which run from the lower chest to the pelvis, also help stabilize the spinal column by providing support to the abdominal organs. Inside the spinal column is the spinal cord. Spinal nerves arise from the spinal cord through the spaces between the vertebrae. The part of the spinal nerve located next to the spinal cord is called the "nerve root." This is the most vulnerable part of the nerve, which is often compressed due to injury or intervertebral hernia, which leads to pain.

The lumbar spine connects the chest to the pelvis and legs, which provides mobility (turns, bends, etc.). It also provides strength (lifting objects, walking, standing). Thus, the lumbar region is involved in almost all types of daily activities. Lumbago can significantly reduce the range of movements performed and seriously reduce the quality of life.

Symptoms of lumbago

Pain in the lumbar spine can be local, radiating and referred.

Local pain syndrome occurs in a specific area of ​​the lumbar spine. This is the most common type of lumbago. The cause of this pain may be a strained back muscle or other injury. The pain can be constant and aching or at times sudden and sharp. Sudden pain usually occurs due to trauma. When you find a comfortable position, local pain decreases. There may be pain when touching the lumbar spine. Another common symptom is muscle spasm.

Referring pain is a dull, aching pain that travels from the lumbar region down the leg.

It may be accompanied by attacks of intense acute pain. Typically, this type of lumbago is felt only on the side of the leg or along the back of the leg and does not involve the entire leg. The pain can go down to the foot or to the knee. Most often, radiating pain is an indicator of nerve root compression, for example, with intervertebral hernia, spondylosis or spinal stenosis. Coughing, sneezing, standing upright or bending forward with straight legs can cause an attack of pain. If the pressure on the nerve root is too intense or there is compression of the spinal cord, the pain may be accompanied by muscle weakness in the legs, tingling or even loss of sensation. In some cases, urinary and/or fecal incontinence occurs. This condition is called cauda equina syndrome and requires immediate treatment.

Referred pain is felt in a location other than the source of the pain. For example, some people experience pain in their left arm during a heart attack. Referred low back pain is usually deep and intense, and its location is difficult to determine. Typically, such pain does not intensify when performing various movements.

Causes of lumbago

Most cases of lumbago are caused by diseases of the spine, as well as the muscles, ligaments and nerve roots around it or the discs between the vertebrae. Sometimes it can be difficult to discover the cause of the pain. Regardless of the cause, there are a number of factors such as fatigue, obesity and a sedentary lifestyle that can lead to increased pain. Also, any painful condition of the spine can cause a reflex spasm of the back muscles. The spasm further intensifies the pain. Stress also negatively affects pain intensity.

Rarely occurs, caused by diseases of other organs, for example, kidneys, organs of the excretory system and blood vessels.

The most common causes of lumbago include:

  • intervertebral hernia of the lumbar spine;
  • protrusion of the lumbar spine;
  • sprained muscles and ligaments;
  • compression fracture of the spine;
  • narrowing (stenosis) of the spinal canal in the lumbar spine;
  • spondylolisthesis;
  • fibromyalgia.

Sprained muscles and ligaments can be caused by heavy lifting, exercise, a fall, or any other injury. Predisposing factors are poor physical fitness and weakness of the lower back muscles. Poor posture, improper lifting, heavy body weight and fatigue can also play a role in causing a sprain.

Spondyloarthrosis (degenerative arthritis) causes degeneration of the cartilage tissue that covers and protects the vertebrae. This condition is thought to be caused by wear and tear of the cartilage. People who constantly place stress on one joint or a group of joints are more likely to develop spondyloarthrosis.

Spondylosis - intervertebral discs also degenerate, the space between the vertebrae narrows, which often leads to compression of the nerve roots. Bone growths or osteophytes may appear on the vertebra, which also leads to pinched nerve roots. All these changes can cause lumbago.

Vertebral compression fractures are more likely to occur in people with reduced bone density due to osteoporosis, which usually occurs in older people. The spine is particularly susceptible to the effects of osteoporosis. A compression fracture, which sometimes causes sharp, severe pain, may be accompanied by compression of the nerve roots. However, most fractures involve the cervical and thoracic regions.

The most common cause of lumbago. The disc has a hard outer layer and a soft inner content. If the disc is suddenly compressed by the vertebrae above and below it, as happens when lifting heavy objects, the outer layer can rupture and some of the contents leak out. A hernia can compress, irritate, and even damage nearby nerve roots, causing pain. A herniated lumbar spine often leads to sciatica.

Lumbar spinal stenosis is a narrowing of the spinal canal, which runs through the center of the spine and contains the spinal cord, in the lumbar region. This is a very common cause of lower back pain in older patients. Spinal stenosis also develops in middle-aged people born with a narrow spinal canal. It can also be caused by diseases such as spondylosis, spondylolisthesis, rheumatoid arthritis, Scheuermann-Mau disease and Paget disease. Spinal stenosis in the lumbar region can also cause sciatica.

Spondylolisthesis is a partial displacement of a vertebra. Spondylolisthesis often occurs in young athletes. A minor injury ends with part of the vertebra breaking. As a result, the vertebra slides forward relative to the underlying vertebra. If it slides a little further, then painful symptoms occur. Spondylolisthesis can also occur in older patients. People with spondylolisthesis have an increased risk of developing stenosis.

Fibromyalgia is a cause of pain in the body, including in the lumbar spine. This disease causes chronic, diffuse pain in muscles and other soft tissues in various areas of the body. Usually, a false diagnosis is made due to a lack of diagnostic research methods.

Other causes of lumbago may be:

  • spinal infection;
  • spinal tumors;
  • abdominal aortic aneurysm;
  • some diseases of the digestive system, for example, perforated peptic ulcers, diverticulitis and pancreatitis;
  • some diseases of the genitourinary system, for example, kidney infection, kidney stones, prostate infections;
  • some diseases of the pelvic organs, for example, ectopic pregnancy, inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, cancer of the ovaries and other reproductive organs.

Other rare and less serious causes of lumbago include herpes zoster and several types of inflammatory arthritis, such as ankylosing spondylitis.

Diagnosis of the causes of lumbago

The first step to diagnosing the cause of low back pain is to visit a doctor. The doctor will take a medical history and conduct an examination. In some cases, additional information is required to make a diagnosis, which can be obtained through laboratory tests or radiological studies.

The following laboratory tests are usually used to make a diagnosis:

  • X-ray of the spine. X-ray examination shows only abnormalities of the skeletal system, for example, degenerative changes in spondyloarthrosis, compression fracture, spondylolisthesis and ankylosing spondylitis;
  • Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) give a clearer picture of the state of the skeletal system and, especially MRI, allow you to see soft tissue. An MRI or CT scan is usually ordered if the doctor suspects a herniated disc, spinal stenosis, or infection.

If the doctor suspects spinal cord compression, an MRI is done immediately. In rare cases where the MRI results are not completely clear, the doctor may order a myelogram along with a CT scan. If cancer or infection is suspected, a biopsy is necessary. Electromyography and nerve conduction tests can determine the presence, location, and sometimes duration and degree of nerve root compression.

Treatment of lumbago

Lumbago is not a diagnosis, but a symptom caused by various problems with the spine or other organs. Accordingly, treatment for pain in the lumbar region depends on the cause of its occurrence. For example, antibiotics are used for prostate infections. However, there is no specific treatment for a muscle or ligament strain, but some general measures may help. For example, changes in activity, taking painkillers, ice or heat, exercise.

To treat lumbago with osteochondrosis of the spine, massage, spinal traction, and physical therapy are used.

Surgery is required for chronic pain with muscle weakness, numbness, or loss of sensation during urination and bowel movements.

Lumbago is an acute pain, which can otherwise be defined by the patient as a “lumbago”; this pain occurs in the lower back (i.e., in the lower back). Lumbago, the symptoms of which manifest themselves mainly due to overstrain that occurs in the specified area when lifting heavy objects or bending sharply, deprives a person of the ability to straighten up for a certain time.

general description

The main causes of lumbago are overstrain in the lumbar region, as well as the presence and relevance of vertebral displacement or congenital vertebral anomalies. Among the causes of severe lumbago, which occurs when lifting heavy objects or bending over, are either prolapse of the intervertebral disc, or significant muscle tension and tension in the back ligaments.

Localization of back pain is possible exclusively in the lumbosacral region, which is defined as lumbodynia, but it can also radiate (spread) to the legs, which defines it as lumboischialgia. Intense acute pain in the lumbar region, as we have already determined, is, in fact, lumbago.

Lumbago: symptoms

Acute lumbodynia, as a rule, develops against the background of a degenerative process that is relevant for the patient, occurring in the spine (that is, with it). Gradually, the intervertebral disc loses water and shrinks, which, in turn, leads to the loss of its inherent shock-absorbing function with the acquisition of greater sensitivity in relation to the mechanical load placed on it.

The fibrous ring located along the periphery of the disc becomes thinner, then cracks form in it and along these cracks the nucleus pulposus (the central part of the disc) begins to shift to the periphery, thereby forming a protrusion (protrusion). As a result of injury or exposure to intense loads, this protrusion can increase at an abrupt pace, which provokes protrusion of both the nucleus pulposus and part of the fibrous disc into the spinal canal.

Subsequently, such a course is defined as a disc herniation. Pain localized only in the back completely excludes the possibility of damage to the root, while it can be associated with damage to the spine itself (due to the fact that it is the primary manifestation indicating the formation of disc protrusion), and with damage to soft tissues (that is, with sprained ligaments or muscles or with their spasm).

As a rule, there is pronounced muscle tension in the lumbar region when straightening and antalgic scoliosis. Adopting a lying position leads to a decrease in pain, but any, even the slightest movement, again leads to an increase in pain. Acute lumbodynia resolves quite spontaneously, within a period of about several days (in rare cases, several weeks). In some cases, it transforms into lumboischialgia.

Often the causes of acute pain in the lumbar region are the relevance of kidney diseases, as well as diseases of the perinephric tissue (pyelitis, kidney infarction, paranephritis). Thus, sharp and sudden pain that occurs in the lumbar region and radiates to the genitals, groin, thigh, while simultaneously accompanied by painful and frequent urination, indicates acute colic. Acute pyelitis is also characterized by the appearance of pain in the lower back, but the pain is more dull in nature, the intensity characteristic of renal colic in this case is not characteristic of it.

As for lumboischialgia, it can be reflected (reflex) pain, in the occurrence of which an important role is played by pain receptors of ligaments, capsules in intervertebral joints and other types of spinal tissues. In addition, lumboischialgia can also represent radicular pain, which occurs when the spinal root is involved. In this case, not only its mechanical compression is noted, but also swelling, inflammation and demyelination.

As a rule, radicular pain is characterized by its own intensity, different from reflex pain; it often has a shooting or piercing nature of manifestation. Irradiation occurs in the distal part of the area innervated by the root, which occurs in combination with paresthesia, numbness, muscle atrophy and weakness of this area.

At the age of 30-50 years, lumboischialgia is provoked by a disc herniation, and at an older age, degenerative changes (formation of osteophytes, hypertrophy of ligaments, etc.) become important factors in this matter. In the presence of a herniated disc, pain often occurs when making sudden movements or bending over, falling or lifting something heavy.

Examination of the back, as a rule, determines that its position is fixed in a slightly bent position. Scoliosis is often detected, which intensifies when trying to bend forward, but disappears when lying down. Forward bending is given with sharp limitations, and it can only be achieved with the hip joint. Extension is limited to a lesser extent, while a sharp increase in painful manifestations is most often characteristic of disc prolapse.

Thus, we can summarize that pain with lumbago can have a different character, that is, it can be pulsating, piercing, tearing, shooting. Subjective localization of pain is concentrated in the area of ​​muscles, ligaments and bones, with or without irradiation. The appearance of pain phenomena with lumbago is explained by irritation of receptors located in the area of ​​the fibrous ring of the affected disc or in the area of ​​the ligaments adjacent to it. As a response, in turn, tonic muscle tension occurs.

During an attack, the patient becomes helpless, the peculiarities of its course lead to freezing in one or another forced position, an attempt to change which leads to increased pain and the development of muscle spasm in the lumbar region. The pain can last for several minutes, several hours or days. A state of rest, as well as taking a lying position, leads to the subsidence of pain. As a rule, aching pain in the lumbar region persists over the next days, and its intensification is noted with coughing, bending, sneezing and tension in general.

Treatment of lumbago

In the treatment of lumbago, specialists use therapy that corresponds to the pain algorithm that has caused instability in the spine or compression of the nerve roots (that is, compression) in the lumbosacral spinal region. The disease is considered not as a local manifestation of pain, but as specific causes that provoked this pain, and based on them, treatment is selected accordingly.

Severe pain syndrome requires the prescription of drug therapy, which will relieve pain (eliminate it) and also help reduce muscle spasm. For chronic pain of the spinal region in question, effective treatment is observed using techniques such as spinal traction, therapeutic exercises, acupuncture, massage, etc.

If you have symptoms characteristic of lumbago, you should contact a neurologist.

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Diseases with similar symptoms:

Urolithiasis (urolithiasis) is a pathological process that leads to the formation of stones in the bladder, ureter or kidneys. The disease is diagnosed in 3% of the total population. In young people, stones are most often found in the kidneys and ureter. In older people, pathology forms in the bladder area. This disease has no restrictions regarding age and gender.

Many often hear, but do not know exactly what osteochondrosis is. In fact, this disease is not that rare. This disease is characterized by dystrophic-degenerative damage to vertebral tissues, further deformation of the discs between the vertebrae, as well as nearby ligaments of the spinal apparatus.

You may not know what lumbago is, but you are very familiar with the pain in the back. Sudden sharp pain that occurs when you bend over or lift a heavy object, such as a bag of groceries. Every movement is accompanied by shooting pain in the lower back, thoracic or cervical region. Difficulty bending, turning, lifting weights, or playing sports.

Lumbago is not a disease; it is the name given to pain syndrome of any origin that occurs in the back area. In everyday life, lumbago is called a lumbago in the lower back.

What are the causes of lumbago and what causes the disease:

  • Muscle spasm caused by physical exertion or uncomfortable posture;
  • Colds and prolonged exposure to cold;
  • Spinal diseases: hernias, tumors, displacement of intervertebral discs;
  • Back injuries, weakened muscles, loss of flexibility and elasticity of the spine;
  • Poor nutrition in combination with other back pathologies aggravates the patient’s condition.

Lumbago is a symptom of diseases such as osteochondrosis and spinal hernia.

With osteochondrosis, lumbago becomes a symptom, the causes of which are associated with degenerative disorders in the intervertebral discs. With osteochondrosis, the discs become so close to each other that the nerve becomes pinched. Not only the spine suffers, but also the nearby muscles, which do not receive sufficient nutrition due to poor blood supply.

Due to osteochondrosis, an intervertebral hernia develops. Its cause is displacement of the nucleus pulposus of the disc. Nerve roots, the functioning of which is disrupted due to pressure, affect the condition of internal organs and parts of the body. If you are shot in the lower back, then the lower extremities are the first to suffer.

A long course of the disease leads to incontinence of feces and urine, as well as weakness in the legs, severe exhaustion and fatigue of the patient due to incessant pain.

Types of pain syndrome

One of the symptoms of lumbago is discomfort when bending slightly to the right or left. The type of pain syndrome differs in quality and intensity: from throbbing pain to cutting pain. Further movements are difficult, and only a static body position helps to avoid a new outbreak.

The doctor can make a diagnosis based on the characteristics of the pain and its duration. There is a distinction between lumbago and lumbodynia.

- this is a chronic syndrome, and with lumbago it shoots in the back periodically, back pain occurs sharply and unexpectedly, and is of a shooting nature. With lumbodynia, a person permanently suffers from nagging pain in the back, and severe attacks occur occasionally. Exacerbations can last 3-7 days, during this period a person does not experience pain only in a horizontal position of the body, i.e. lying down.

Lack of medical intervention for lumbodynia threatens muscle atrophy and listhesis.

Lumbago is often accompanied by neuralgia of the sciatic nerve. A person suffers from pain 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. A similar condition is called lumboischialgia, the typical symptoms are:

  • Pain occurs from the slightest movement, for example, when coughing;
  • Acute pain lasts from one hour to a week.

With lumbago, unpleasant sensations can be in the lower back on the left, in the lower back on the right, there are also diffuse lumbago and. Lumbar lumbago often occurs when an intervertebral disc prolapses; this phenomenon is characteristic of osteochondrosis. Prolonged attacks, during which a person has to change his usual lifestyle, indicate serious health problems.

How to treat lumbago

A visit to the doctor will help you decide how to properly treat a lumbago in the lower back. The specialist can make a diagnosis after the patient describes in detail the nature of the pain experienced. The neurologist must be aware of chronic diseases and previous spinal injuries. The patient is sent for an MRI. Magnetic resonance imaging will help identify the severity of the disease and prescribe the correct treatment for lumbago syndrome.

Occurs under the supervision of a neurologist. Even if you yourself know how to treat lumbago in the lower back, the doctor will advise you not to self-medicate.

Problems in the spine and back are extremely dangerous, so it is better to trust professional medicine. Therapy must be comprehensive; all instructions of the neurologist and orthopedist must be followed. For lumbago, treatment should be carried out according to the following recommendations.

  • If you have a shot in the lower back, you need to stay in bed

You cannot make any movements while overcoming the pain. It is advisable to lie on a hard surface, for example, on a special orthopedic mattress located on the floor. If a person is forced to move, then an orthopedic corset for the lower back is suitable. Supportive canes, walkers and crutches make walking easier.

  • The patient should take a body position that helps relax muscles and reduce pain

For example, lie on your back with your legs bent, your shins supported by a cushion of bedding. In this case, the body should be elevated 45 degrees. Sometimes lying on your stomach with your legs extended forward helps; you need to put a large pillow under your stomach.

  • ? I'll go take some painkillers

Indeed, pain is eliminated by taking analgesics, for example, baralgin. But they are not always effective, and then the patient is prescribed stronger drugs such as solpadeine. Under no circumstances should you take medications containing paracetamol for more than three days. For greater effectiveness, it is recommended to combine painkillers with antispasmodics. Muscle relaxants are used only on the recommendation of the attending physician, as they have severe side effects. Pinched nerve roots are an inflammatory process that can be reduced by taking anti-inflammatory drugs taken orally or rectally.

  • To strengthen bone tissue, take vitamins

With lumbago, the nutrition of some parts of the spine is seriously affected. Such patients are prescribed vitamin-mineral complexes. The diet should include foods rich in B vitamins; taking ascorbic acid is recommended. This will help speed up the treatment of lumbago and eliminate symptoms.

  • Relieve the condition with diuretics (diuretics)

You can use either industrial production or make your own infusion from bearberry or pine. With their help, you can reduce swelling of the nerve root and the lower back does not shoot. But even folk diuretics, not to mention pharmaceutical ones, should be used only after consultation with a doctor, so as not to disrupt water-electrolyte metabolism in the body.

  • Gels and ointments are used to eliminate the signs of lumbago through local anesthesia.

They have proven themselves well in eliminating pain. The pain goes away due to blood flow. Chondroprotectors restore cartilage tissue well. Cooling ointments, for example, Fastum gel, are a local pain reliever that contain menthol and ibuprofen. Homeopathic medicines promote the regeneration of cartilage tissue. Complex products that relieve pain, inflammation, and eliminate swelling are highly effective. The composition of pharmaceutical ointments includes butadione, bee or snake venom, benzocaine and esculus.

Pregnant women who have shot in the back should be especially careful about the treatment method. Most medications pose a potential threat not only to the health of the expectant mother, but also to the baby.

Alternative Treatments

Paraffin-ozokerite applications are a local thermal procedure related to physiotherapeutic methods of treatment. It helps get rid of lower back pain. Natural hydrocarbon (ozokerite) is heated and then the fabric is impregnated with it. The compress is applied to the sore spot for half an hour. Treatment with paraffin works similarly.

With lumbago, the symptoms of lower back pain are eliminated by a fifteen-minute magnetic therapy procedure, which helps reduce swelling and relieve inflammation. One session of diadynamic therapy is enough to get rid of lumbago and forget for a long time what lumbago in the lower back is. The effect is achieved through the influence of current. To consolidate the result, you must complete the full course of treatment.

Manual therapy has also proven itself well. A specially trained person will use his hands to influence the vertebrae, eliminating their further displacement. Therapeutic massage is in no way inferior to this method. The healing process will be accelerated by improving blood and lymph flow. Stroking, kneading and rubbing should last about five minutes. In six procedures you can achieve a significant improvement in your well-being. These two methods are good for pain in the thoracic spine.

An oriental medicine method such as acupuncture will help cure your back. Acupuncture improves the patient’s condition after the first procedure: the inflammatory process decreases, muscles relax, and the protective functions of the whole body improve.

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