Chicory treatment for arthritis. Treatment of arthritis with folk remedies

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

Few people know that the often-seen beautiful, small wildflower Cichórium, sky-blue in color, barely breaking through the dense soil of roadsides, is related to the tasty and healthy drink chicory.

The history of this plant is interesting and overgrown with legends. "Cichórium" is an Egyptian word that has been adopted and used for definition in all European countries. The healing properties of the Compositae plant were discovered 5,000 years ago. The inhabitants of Egypt purposefully grew it for healing. In ancient Rome and Greece, chicory was added to salads in the form of greens. The poets Publius Virgil, Quintus Horace, Publius Ovid, and the encyclopedist Pliny mentioned chicory in their writings. The Roman physician-surgeon Claudius Galen defined it as “a friend of the liver.”

Despite the bitter taste, the herb has found its use in all countries of the world. Previously, in Northern Europe, entire fields were sown to feed livestock, and the Belgians still happily use young shoots for food.

The French were forced to try the taste of a coffee substitute when they found themselves under blockade in 1808. The lack of a familiar drink forced them to look for a replacement. After the situation improved, the habit of adding chicory to coffee became firmly established. And Louisiana and New Orleans made this drink traditional for themselves. Despite the variety of coffee varieties, this is their taste preference, fixed over centuries.

In Russia, the “golden root” began to gain popularity in the 19th century. It was grown for making a drink and as an additive to coffee. It was a successful investment that brought profit, since there was demand for it all year round.

Collection and storage of chicory

The growing area is quite wide, since by its nature this plant is not whimsical and does not require fertile soils. His favorite habitats are rocky, sandy slopes and hills, steppe zones and ravines. Large areas can be found in the European part of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, the Caucasus, and Crimea.

Chicory harvesting occurs in the autumn. This is the time when flowering has ended, the leaves and flowers have fallen off. Carefully dig up the root, thoroughly clean it of unusable parts and small roots, wash it and dry it spread out in the sun for 5 days. Roots dried according to all the rules can be stored in paper bags for up to three years.

To understand the benefits and harms of chicory, the composition of the plant was carefully studied, which included:

  1. Essential oil.
  2. Thiamine - takes care of the nervous system and maintains heart function at the proper level.
  3. Inulin is a fructose polymer that takes part in metabolic processes in the body. Part of the undigested substance takes with it and naturally removes cholesterol and toxins, and the part that has undergone transformation and entered the blood cleanses the body of toxins inside. It can be called healthy fiber.
  4. Carotene is a strong antioxidant. Takes care of skin elasticity and youth. An excellent immunomodulator.
  5. Riboflavin (vitamin B2) is beneficial for the reproductive organs, important for the functioning of the thyroid gland, and also supports healthy hair, skin, and nails.
  6. Glycoside intibin is widely used in pharmaceuticals. Able to dilate blood vessels, eliminates tachycardia, reduces the amount of bad cholesterol. Smoothes cardiovascular disorders.
  7. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) - supports the functioning of the immune system, is a good antioxidant, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, normalizes muscle tone.
  8. Beauty vitamins of groups A, E, PP (nicotinic acid).
  9. Tannins - help the functioning of the digestive tract, remove radionuclides, toxins and heavy metal salts from the body. Helps absorb nutrients into the intestinal walls.
  10. Bitter and resinous substances.
  11. Pectin - gives a feeling of fullness.
  12. Choline is a unique natural nootropic medicine. Regulates brain metabolism. Improves cerebral blood flow.
  13. Microelements. Potassium, iron, manganese, sodium, phosphorus.
  14. Fats, proteins, salts.
  15. Intibin is used in traditional medicine as a sedative that balances the nervous system. Fights tachycardia and is a vasodilator.

Benefits of chicory for the human body

  • It is characterized by astringent properties due to the presence of tannins and bitterness in the composition.
  • Reduced blood sugar. Controls and normalizes its level.
  • Sedative effect. Contains many components that are invaluable for the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Immunomodulatory, thanks to the rich composition of vitamins and minerals, antioxidants.
  • Wound healing.
  • Choleretic. An excellent liver function stimulant. Removes toxins from it.
  • Diuretic.
  • Gives a good boost to the digestive system.
  • A good antiseptic. May relieve inflammation.
  • Stimulates bone growth.
  • Promotes calcium absorption.
  • For colds, it can serve as an antipyretic and diaphoretic.
  • Intensively expels toxins, radionuclides and heavy metal salts from the body.
  • Normalizes heart function and heart rhythm.
  • Improves the resistance of the bronchial tree and ureters.

List of diseases that chicory can treat:

  • Hypertension is an increase in blood pressure.
  • Neurosis.
  • Insomnia
  • Hyperacid gastritis. Chronic inflammation of the stomach. Increased acidity.
  • Kidney disease (nephritis).
  • Anemia (anemia).
  • Lack of vitamins leading to loosening of the gums (scurvy).
  • Inflammation of the small intestine (enteritis).
  • Disturbance of microflora in the intestines (dysbacteriosis)
  • Chronic constipation.
  • Weakness, loss of strength.
  • Increased sweating.
  • Inflammatory process in the bladder (cystitis).
  • Formation of stones in the gallbladder and ducts.
  • Used for spleen disease.
  • Chronic liver disease of a destructive nature - cirrhosis.
  • Inflammation of the liver (hepatitis)
  • Inflammation of the joints (arthritis).
  • Inflammatory process in the colon (colitis).
  • Inflammation of the gallbladder wall (cholecystitis).

The above diseases can be treated using a variety of dosage forms (decoctions, drinks, tinctures).

It is also effective to use chicory externally (lotions, rubs, poultices, baths, dressings):

  • Purulent wounds, ulcers.
  • Itching, blistering rashes (eczema).
  • Painful purulent inflammation (boils).
  • Food allergies in children (diathesis).
  • Inflammation of the lymph nodes.

A wide spectrum of action will not leave any system of the body unattended. Supports and strengthens the heart, liver, kidneys, blood.

A valuable factor is the ability to use this healing root for people suffering from diabetes. The polysaccharide is a complete, natural substitute for sugar.

Chicory is useful and necessary for pregnant women. It is rich in vitamins and microelements. Takes care of the preservation of calcium in the body. Perfectly tones and removes excess fluid. Helps cope with nausea and heartburn. An excellent antioxidant.

Beauty and health of hair and skin

Nerves, stress, and a polluted atmosphere leave an imprint of fatigue on the skin and make the hair look unhealthy. In cosmetology, shampoos, conditioners, and masks often include extracts from the roots. In case of increased hair loss, seborrhea, decoctions from the collection are used at home to rinse the hair and relieve inflammation of the skin.

Chicory juice can be added to creams and face masks - this will speed up the healing process of pustular rashes and acne.

The calorie content of chicory per 100 g is 21 kcal. To get rid of extra pounds, you must adhere to certain rules:

  • Take on an empty stomach, without additives such as milk or sugar.
  • Take 2-3 times during the day.
  • End the day with a cup of chicory.
  • Reduce consumption of excessively high-calorie foods.

Inulin is a prebiotic. Its benefits have been tested and confirmed by microbiologists. Long-term use is completely safe. For people who want to reduce their clothing size by a couple of sizes, it is a good helper, as it creates a favorable environment for intestinal microflora and also regulates lipid metabolism. An important point is the ability to regulate appetite and create a feeling of fullness. Regulates carbohydrate metabolism.

  • Neuroses.
  • Bronchitis.
  • Gastritis.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Haemorrhoids.
  • Individual non-perception.
  • Children under 3 years old.
  • Vitamin C is an allergen. Allergy sufferers are at risk.
  • Varicose veins

Note to the housewife: recipes for all occasions

  1. We make tea. The chicory root is washed and dried. They fry. Grind into dust. 1 teaspoon of powder is poured into a glass of boiling water and cooked for another 5 minutes. Let it brew a little and you can enjoy the tea with the addition of milk and honey to taste.
  2. Chicory juice. Squeezed from fresh plant leaves. Mix with milk and consume 15 ml three times a day for a month and a half.
  3. Collection recommended for stones in the gall bladder and ducts. Dandelion and chicory roots are taken in equal proportions. They are accompanied by a mint leaf, agrimony, and trifoli (all components are 50 g each). Take 2 tbsp from the total quantity. spoons of the collection, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Leave for several hours. Distribute the intake over two days.
  4. External decoction. Dilute 20 g of dry collection of grass and roots with 2 cups of boiling water. Leave for 10 minutes. Use for instillation of eyes affected by conjunctivitis, and poultices to relieve pain in the joints.
  5. Tincture for treating wound surfaces. Pour 10g of roots with alcohol (40 ml). Infuse for a week in a dark place. Used to wipe the surface of the skin.
  6. Anti-cellulite therapy. Chopped root 2 tbsp. spoons are mixed with 1 cup of boiling water. Brew for about an hour in a thermos. The contents are poured into the bath and immersed for 25 minutes. Repeat every other day for 21 days.
  7. Decoction for intensive hair growth. The grass and roots are poured with boiling water. For 30 g add 4 cups. Cook for 30 minutes. Leave for 6 hours. Strain through cheesecloth. The finished medicine is rubbed into the hair roots. Let it soak in for 10 minutes and rinse off under running water.

Joints are treated with chicory, sea buckthorn and spruce baths.

My aunt lives in the village. And he treats many of his ailments with folk remedies. True, she has few of these ailments, despite her advanced age, except perhaps arthrosis.

Auntie, we treat our joints with compresses from chicory roots. Fortunately, the village is full of this plant. The aunt digs up the roots, washes them, chops them finely and dries them. Pour a cup of boiling water over a handful of roots and leave for about an hour. Then he soaks a gauze in the broth, which has already cooled, and applies it to the sore spot. The aunt puts a plastic bag on top and wraps a woolen scarf. She keeps the compress for 20 minutes. Usually this procedure is done at night. Course – 5-7 procedures.

My aunt supplements the treatment with a decoction of sea buckthorn leaves. She stores up leaves in the spring and dries them. Boil a tablespoon of leaves in a cup of water for 5-7 minutes, then strain and drink 80 ml three times a day. My aunt is treated like this for at least a week, but it can be longer.

My aunt also told me a recipe for a herbal ointment for joints - one of my knees aches. I tried it on myself, it helped. 1 st. l. St. John's wort and 2 tsp. I ground the yarrow in a coffee grinder. Melt 1 tbsp in a water bath. l. Vaseline and mixed with these herbs. I smeared the joint before going to bed, wrapping my leg in a warm scarf. I did this for 7-10 days. But I prepared a fresh portion of the ointment every time.

Spruce baths are also great for helping with joint pain. I rinsed the spruce branches with cold water and poured boiling water over them. Let this potion sit, cool down to 30-35 degrees, and I put my sore leg (or my arms, depending on what hurts) in it for 20-25 minutes. After the procedure, I wipe my leg dry and wrap the sore joint warmly. I repeat the procedure every other day. The entire course is 7 baths.

Joints are treated with chicory, sea buckthorn and spruce baths.


Chicory is an herbaceous plant that has many health benefits, including preventing digestive problems, preventing heartburn, reducing arthritis pain, detoxifying the liver and gallbladder, preventing bacterial infections, stimulating the immune system, and reducing the likelihood of heart disease. It also has a sedative effect, protects against kidney stones and helps you lose weight. Overall, this little plant is a powerful addition to any diet.

The benefits and harms of chicory

Chicory grows well in a variety of conditions and is commonly found on roadsides in Europe, where it originated. But it is now widespread in North and South America. Leaves, buds and roots have certain beneficial properties. The leaves are used like spinach in many cultures. The root is ground into powder and used as a coffee substitute. It has been used for centuries as an herbal remedy to protect against many diseases. And today it continues to prove its worth.

Nutritionally, chicory is considered an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, including calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, iron, folic acid and potassium, as well as vitamins B6, C, E and K. The main benefits of chicory are described below :

Health Benefits of Chicory

Digestive system

One of the most well-known reasons for adding chicory to the diet is considered to improve various functions of the digestive system. Chicory contains inulin, which is a strong probiotic. Probiotics are a classification of bacteria used for therapeutic purposes. Inulin is used to combat a number of digestive problems, including acid reflux, dyspepsia, and heartburn. It actively reduces acidity in the body.

Heart diseases

Inulin is useful not only for the digestive system, but also for reducing the level of “bad” cholesterol in the body. LDL is one of the main causes of atherosclerosis and high blood pressure because it clogs the blood flow of arteries and veins. This increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Interestingly, inulin's cholesterol-lowering function is not very active unless a person eats a lot of carbohydrates, so this benefit of inulin is not as noticeable. However, newer research is emphasizing that chicory may help heart health in other ways.

Chicory also contains phenols, which are widely known as antithrombotic and antiarrhythmic agents. They are considered antioxidants. Replacing coffee with chicory can significantly improve the balance of blood and plasma in the body, which reduces the chances of cardiovascular diseases.

Cancer Prevention

Various studies show that chicory extract reduces tumor growth. This is due to the fructans in chicory. These substances have antitumor and antioxidant properties. The polyphenols and phytochemicals in chicory also have beneficial effects in the fight against various types of cancer, including breast and colon.

Reducing Arthritis Pain

Chicory is used to treat arthritis and also has strong anti-inflammatory properties, for this reason it relieves pain from diseases such as osteoarthritis. In a recent study, 70% of people treated with chicory reported a noticeable reduction in pain associated with their osteoarthritis. Chicory can also be used as an anti-inflammatory agent for muscle and joint pain.

Excess weight

Chicory is an excellent source of oligofructose and inulin, which is a natural fiber. They help manage and lose weight. This is due to the regulation of ghrelin, which is responsible for the feeling of hunger. By reducing the amount of the hormone ghrelin, chicory reduces the chances of overeating and increases satiety. And thanks to this, weight is reduced.


Another benefit of inulin as a natural fiber is relieving constipation! Fiber helps the bowel movement process by promoting peristaltic movement and secretion of gastric juices. Because of this, digestion generally improves and constipation is significantly reduced. By supporting and regulating your digestive processes, you can actually reduce your chances of developing a number of gastrointestinal diseases and illnesses, including stomach ulcers and colon cancer!

The body's immune system

Chicory has a number of beneficial qualities that make it a great booster for your immune system. It has a clear antibacterial effect on a number of dangerous strains of bacteria. Polyphenolic compounds also have a role in this process. Chicory also contains phytochemicals that act like antioxidants and fight free radicals in the blood plasma, which reduces the likelihood of a number of diseases and conditions.


Chicory has sedative properties. They reduce anxiety and calm the mind, thereby relieving tension and the possibility of dangerous effects of stress. Chicory root extract is also used as a sleep aid due to its sedative properties. It is much healthier than many sleeping pills on the regular market. Relieving stress and anxiety reduces the likelihood of heart disease, hormonal imbalance, insomnia, cognitive decline and premature aging.

Kidney health

Chicory root is often used as a diuretic. Consistent and healthy urination speeds up the elimination of toxins stored in liver and kidney cells. In addition, frequent urination eliminates excess water, and even reduces fat, since 4% of urine is fat deposits that could be stored somewhere else in the body!

Possible harm from chicory

A little about precautions. Although there are many clear benefits of using chicory, you should not overuse it if you are pregnant because there is a chance that it may stimulate menstruation. Which in some cases causes miscarriage. In addition, girls should limit chicory in their diet while breastfeeding, as there is not enough research on this matter.

In addition, this plant is closely related to ragweed, marigold and chamomile, allergic reactions to which are not uncommon. See your doctor to find out the cause of your allergies, and always check with your doctor when adding something new to your diet.

Finally, if you have gallstones, too much chicory may make the problem worse, so be sure to talk to your doctor if you've had gallbladder problems in the past.

Herbal medicine in oncology: chicory and cancer treatment

Attention! The information below on the use of chicory in the treatment of cancer cannot be used as an alternative to the clinical treatment of cancer; Any independent treatment is unacceptable without prior consultation with an oncologist!

Chicory is a herbaceous perennial plant up to 100-120 cm high. It has a powerful spindle-shaped root, a straight stem with short-petioled leaves located on it. The basal leaves are collected in a rosette. The plant blooms from July to September with large bright blue flowers. The fruit of chicory is an achene.

The Mediterranean is considered to be the birthplace of the plant. Currently, chicory is very widespread - in Eurasia, North and South America, Australia and North Africa. Chicory grows in the European part of Russia, in Belarus and Ukraine, in Crimea and the Caucasus. The plant prefers dry forests (usually pine), hillsides, steppe ravines, rocky and sandy screes.

The benefits of chicory have been known since ancient times. There are references to the medicinal properties of the plant in the so-called. Ebers Papyrus, an ancient Egyptian document dated c. 1536 BC According to the document, the inhabitants of Ancient Egypt used chicory to make an antidote for the bites of poisonous insects and snakes.

Famous ancient scientists and doctors - Pliny the Elder, Dioscorides, Theophrastus, Avicenna - wrote about the benefits of chicory for the treatment of joints, vision, and digestive organs. In ancient times, chicory root was endowed with not only healing, but also magical properties - it was used as a remedy for damage.

Today, in many countries, including Russia, coffee (less often tea) is prepared with the addition of chicory root powder. Chicory is also used in making sweets and cakes. In addition, chicory is placed in various dishes (meat dishes, salads, etc.), young shoots of the plant are stewed, boiled, baked.

The healing properties of chicory are widely used in folk medicine. The root of the plant is most often used as a medicinal raw material, less often - grass and flowers. The root of the plant is included in many medicinal preparations.

Currently, there are many cultivated varieties of chicory, the most famous of which are endive, witloof, and escarole. They contain a large amount of vitamin C, are tasty and healthy, but their healing properties are somewhat weaker than those of wild varieties of the plant. Therefore, for medicinal purposes (preparing decoctions, infusions, baths), it is better to use common chicory.

Chemical composition of chicory

Chicory roots are rich in inulin, a polysaccharide that is recommended by nutritionists for diabetic patients as a substitute for sugar and starch. The roots also contain a bitter glycoside intibin, the properties of which are widely used in pharmacology. The root also contains sugars, organic acids, tannins, bitter and resinous substances, choline, chicorine, essential oil, proteins, fats, vitamins A, groups B, C, PP, as well as micro- and macroelements iron, sodium, potassium, manganese, phosphorus.

The flowers of the plant contain a glycoside that breaks down into glucose and esculetin. The milky juice of chicory contains bitter substances taraxasterol, lactucin, lactucopicrin, and the fruit contains protocatechin aldehyde.

Medicinal properties of chicory

Chicory preparations have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, urinary, choleretic, and soothing properties. The plant can be used separately, for monotherapy, and together with other plants as part of medicinal preparations.

Chicory helps normalize metabolism in the body, removes waste and toxins from it, regulates the activity of the cardiovascular system, and acts as an antipyretic and vasodilator.

Chicory has the ability to stimulate appetite, it normalizes microflora and improves intestinal activity, cleanses the kidneys. Plant preparations are used to eliminate heartburn, to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, and liver.

Chicory is recommended for diabetics because it has an insulin-like effect - it reduces blood sugar and generally has a beneficial effect on the condition of patients. Taking inulin contained in chicory reduces the feeling of hunger without using additional calories, so plant preparations can also be successfully consumed by those who are obese.

Preparations from chicory inflorescences have the ability to improve cardiac activity, slowing the heart rate, and calm the central nervous system. Chicory also increases the overall tone of the body, relieves fatigue and increases performance, and reduces sweating. Chicory has the ability to improve blood composition; fresh juice of the plant helps treat anemia.

Decoctions of herbs and chicory roots are used externally (in the form of lotions, poultices, baths) for purulent wounds, furunculosis, diathesis, eczema, acne, inflammation of the lymph nodes. In the form of baths, it is also used to treat joint diseases and obesity.

Using chicory to treat cancer patients

Recent studies have proven the antiproliferative effect of chicory in the presence of malignant tumors. The greatest antiproliferative activity was noted against melanoma.

Experts also noted the absence of toxicity of the plant, due to which chicory treatment has no side effects. Scientists have concluded that treating melanoma with chicory is quite effective and cost-effective.

In addition, chicory is one of the plants that improves liver function. Experts have proven that liver function largely determines the effectiveness of breast cancer treatment. That is why patients suffering from breast cancer are shown preparations of chicory and other herbs with a similar effect (calendula, dandelion, immortelle, milk thistle, yarrow, etc.).

Drinks with chicory improve the general condition of cancer patients, strengthen the body's tone, and have a calming effect. A decoction of chicory roots is prepared as follows. 1 teaspoon of crushed root is poured into 200 ml of boiling water, boiled for 10 minutes, filtered. The decoction is taken 0.25 cups 4 times a day.

Chicory: contraindications

No serious contraindications to the use of chicory have been found. The exception is individual intolerance to the plant, but it does not occur often. Manifestations of individual intolerance are a skin reaction (rash) to plant preparations.

Chicory, unlike coffee, does not contain caffeine, so it does not excite the nervous system. However, people who are being treated for depression, stress, or insomnia should not consume chicory preparations in large quantities.

Chicory is good for the digestive tract, but overuse of chicory can cause digestive problems. Those who suffer from gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, chronic cough, bronchitis, asthma should consult a specialist before consuming chicory.

Chicory should be used with caution for hemorrhoids, varicose veins and other vascular diseases, since the plant has the ability to dilate blood vessels.

Important! Any treatment of oncological diseases should be carried out only under the supervision of the attending oncologist!

In recent years, a healthy lifestyle has become increasingly attractive. And many are rediscovering plants familiar from childhood, but now as a useful product or medicine. Chicory is also on this list. But its properties are far from clear.

For example, whether it is possible or not to use chicory for gout, experts are still arguing. To understand this issue, it’s a good idea to start by deciding on our players - gout and chicory.

Translated from ancient Greek - foot trap. The disease is based on impaired kidney function, as a result of which excess uric acid in the form of crystals accumulates in the tissues of the body.

Such deposits are especially painful in the joints, where cartilage tissue is affected, the joint loses mobility and becomes inflamed.

In advanced cases, after 5-6 years, gouty nodes appear over the joints of the feet, hands, elbows, legs, thighs, over the Achilles tendons, ears and on the forehead - tophi, consisting of granulomas formed by accumulations of uric acid crystals.

Brief historical background

Gout was first described in 2600 BC in Ancient Egypt. Hippocrates, the ancient Greek philosopher and healer of the 5th century BC, cited the clinical symptoms of this disease in his famous “Aphorisms”, and noted that the disease almost never occurs in women before menopause and eunuchs.

Aulus Cornelius Celsus and Golen did not ignore gout either. Both doctors associated the development of the disease with heredity, promiscuity and addiction to alcohol.

Gender and age risk groups

More men than women are susceptible to kidney disease. Gout begins to threaten the weaker sex after menopause. Until this period, estrogens cope quite effectively with the decomposition and removal of uric acid from the body.

Acute attacks in adolescents and young adults are recorded extremely rarely and are explained by a primary or secondary defect in the synthesis of uric acid.

Risk factors for developing the disease

As with almost any disease, for gout there are hereditary and acquired conditions of the body in which it is most susceptible to a particular pathology.

In the case of gout, this is:

  • Chemotherapy;
  • Shock conditions;
  • Hereditary abnormalities;
  • Increased levels of lipids in the blood;
  • Chronic increase in blood pressure;
  • Abuse of red meat;
  • Alcohol (especially beer);
  • Coffee;
  • Legumes and other foods that promote increased production of uric acid.

Diagnosis of gout

To confirm that a patient has gout, it is necessary to conduct a study to detect:

  1. Presence of characteristic crystalline urates in the joint fluid;
  2. The presence, confirmed chemically or by polarization microscopy, of tophi containing crystalline urates.
  3. Identification of at least 6 signs out of 12 below:
  • Lack of flora in the joint fluid;
  • History of more than one acute attack of arthritis;
  • The nature of arthritis is monoarticular;
  • Already on the first day there is maximum inflammation of the joint;
  • Localization of pain or swelling in 1 metatarsophalangeal joint;
  • Skin redness over the affected joint;
  • Nodular formations resembling tophi;
  • Unilateral damage to the metatarsophalangeal joint and arch joints;
  • Unilateral damage to the joints of the arch of the foot;
  • Hyperuricemia;
  • Asymmetrical swelling of the affected joint;
  • Detection of subcortical cystic formations without erosion using radiographs.

The most reliable picture is provided by such signs as subacute or acute arthritis, crystalline urates in the synovial fluid and the presence of proven tophi.


Originating from the Mediterranean, today chicory has spread across all continents. Wild species prefer temperate to tropical climates and grow along roads, in vacant lots, along field edges and forest edges. In many countries, chicory is cultivated, occupying large agricultural areas.

Use and benefits of chicory

Two cultural forms of chicory are grown - ordinary and lettuce.

In the fall, during harvest, the root of common chicory contains up to 76% inulin - a valuable prebiotic necessary for a healthy gastrointestinal tract. The roots are dried, roasted, crushed and consumed as an original drink or as a flavoring additive for natural coffee.

Lettuce leaves are used as side dishes or ingredients for various dishes of fresh vegetables and herbs.

Useful microelements

  1. Inulin - improves the health of intestinal flora, reduces constipation, inulin, promotes calcium absorption;
  2. Chicorin has anti-inflammatory, diuretic and choleretic effects;
  3. Plant bitters - regulate metabolic processes, increase food absorption, maintain blood sugar levels, stimulate the pancreas;
  4. Tannins - have a wound-healing effect, increase the body's resistance to pathogenic flora;
  5. Vitamins A, B, C - strengthen the immune system and musculoskeletal system, maintain healthy skin, and participate in most metabolic processes in the body;
  6. Lactucin normalizes sleep, has a sedative and local therapeutic effect for gout.

Gout and chicory

There is no consensus on how beneficial chicory is for gout.

On the one hand, chicory is simply a storehouse of useful microelements that restore healthy metabolic processes, have a positive effect on beneficial intestinal microflora, reduce blood sugar levels, and so on; on the other hand, the plant contains calcium oxalates or oxalic acid salts, which contribute to the development of urolithiasis .

Therefore, for a person suffering from gout, that is, a priori having weakened kidney functionality, consuming chicory is quite risky.

However, the dubiousness of the benefits of the drink does not mean that this plant cannot be used for medicinal purposes for gout.

Lotions made from chicory roots effectively relieve pain, reduce swelling and hyperemia in the joints due to gouty arthritis.

Recipe for compress

Pour 100 grams (2 tbsp) of the crushed root with a glass of boiling water, simmer for 15 minutes in a steam bath, remove from the stove and let it brew for 30-40 minutes, strain, add warm water to the original volume, moisten a multi-layer cloth or cotton wool in the broth, apply a compress to the sore spot and leave overnight.

Decoction preparation

To make a delicious healthy drink, add 1 tbsp. l. ground root in a glass of boiling water, let it brew, strain and enjoy in small portions (70-100 g) throughout the day, half an hour before meals.


Those who are prone to nervous overstimulation or have a personal intolerance/allergy to the components of the plant should not drink the chicory drink and should not be given to children under three years of age.

In all other cases, whether you can drink chicory for gout or not and in what quantities, everyone decides for themselves after consultation with their doctor.


Chicory is a medicinal plant with various healing properties. But it also contains components that are undesirable for use in cases of gout, especially in acute form.

But in the form of compresses, it is not only safe, but also useful for relieving the symptoms of this serious disease. To enhance the effect, chicory is mixed with other medicinal plants: rose hips, celery, parsley, blueberries, carrots.

Whether it is possible to supplement traditional therapy with chicory for gout is decided in each individual case only by the attending physician, who has examination data and all the characteristics of the individual patient’s body.

Chicory is a storehouse of useful elements and vitamins. It has various healing properties. It is used as a treatment for many diseases. Is it permissible to drink chicory if you have gout? Can it be used to complement traditional treatment?

What is chicory

Chicory - what is it? A great alternative to coffee or a miracle herb? Everyone knows this plant, but few people know what it really looks like. There are several types of chicory. Tall bushes with a stiff stem and small blue flowers are common chicory. It grows in meadows, forest edges, wastelands, and along country roads. The Mediterranean is considered to be the birthplace of the plant. Common chicory is a perennial plant. It is used to prepare drinks and spices.

Another variety - radicchio salad - is used by housewives for salad form. Entire fields are set aside for its planting. This variety is a biennial plant.

The rhizome is widely used in agricultural farms. Housewives use it as a culinary additive. Chicory is known for its aromatic qualities, which is why it is used in the confectionery industry as a natural flavoring agent. The roasted crushed root of the plant is brewed and drunk. The taste of the drink is close to coffee.

Experts have differing opinions about whether chicory can be consumed for gout.

Types of chicory

The root of the plant is the main raw material for all types of products. There are several ways to process it.

Based on this, they distinguish:

  1. Liquid. This is a root extract. Its scope of application is cooking. Housewives use it as an additive to baked goods or sauces. “Exhaust” helps fight insomnia and excessive excitability.
  2. Ground. The processing technology is as follows. First, the root of the plant is dried, then fried and ground into powder. The finished powder is poured with cold or hot water and drunk. This drink normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and improves attention.
  3. Soluble. This is the most difficult type to prepare. Soluble chicory is obtained from the rhizome. It is placed in a special drying apparatus, from where the final product (powder) comes out. The advantages of this type are that it is much more convenient to store and does not need to be insisted on. Instant powder has a longer shelf life than ground and liquid chicory.

Composition and beneficial effects for the body

Beneficial substances are contained in all parts of the plant: rhizome, leaves and stems. The composition includes:

  • vitamins A, B and C;
  • folic acid;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • iron;
  • zinc;
  • manganese;
  • copper.

Chicory is a storehouse of nutrients

Per 100 g of finished product there are:

  • 80 g water;
  • 1.5 g proteins;
  • 0.3 g fat;
  • 15 g carbohydrates;
  • 1 g ash;
  • 1.5 g fiber.

Thanks to its unique composition, chicory is a probiotic. It improves digestion processes, normalizes lipid metabolism, and ensures optimal levels of insulin and glucose in the blood.

The drink will be beneficial for:

  • obesity or diabetes. Due to the content of inulin (a natural sweetener), chicory removes “bad” cholesterol from the body and promotes faster saturation. It is recommended to drink it without any additives or sugar;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels. The drink contains no caffeine, so it can be drunk by patients with heart problems. To enhance the benefits of the plant, you can add various seasonings to the finished drink, for example, ginger;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. Patients with digestive problems will benefit from a decoction of the plant's root. It prevents the development of inflammatory processes, normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and has a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora.

The drink will also benefit those who suffer from insomnia. It can be drunk by both adults and children. Pregnancy and lactation are not contraindications.

Chicory has antibacterial, antifungal, antihepatotoxic, antimutagenic, and antiviral effects.

Only after consulting a doctor can you drink chicory drink

Chicory for the treatment of gout

Patients with gout are prescribed medication that excludes foods containing purines, as well as fatty and heavy side dishes, sweets, marinades, pickles, and smoked meats. Strong tea is also prohibited. The “elixir of vivacity” is often replaced with chicory. Is this alternative justifiable?

Is chicory good for gout or not? Doctors do not have a consensus on this matter. On the one hand, the drink restores metabolic processes, has a positive effect on the intestinal microflora and removes unwanted substances from the body. On the other hand, the plant contains a large amount of oxalic acid salt, which contributes to the development of urolithiasis.

There is no point in giving up chicory if you have gout. The most important thing is to know when to stop and not drink more than one cup a day. Experimental studies showed that 70% of subjects who adhered to this rule noted an improvement. However, to achieve sustainable remission, chicory should be combined with drug treatment, exercise therapy, diet and folk remedies.

How to use it correctly for gout?

For the drink to have an invigorating effect, you need to drink it hot. You can add milk, sugar or honey for taste. Powder and liquid chicory are poured with boiling water, but the ground root needs to be boiled for 3-5 minutes. After infusion, the drink is ready to drink. To add flavor, you can add berries - rose hips, blueberries, currants or lingonberries.

You cannot drink chicory instead of coffee without restrictions. Large doses of the drink cause a strong feeling of appetite, lead to nervous excitement and disrupt sleep.

The drink should be used internally for gout with caution.

Decoction of roots for lotions

Is it possible to drink chicory when? Yes, but in small quantities. It can be drunk both cold and hot. The drink quenches thirst well. Due to its healing properties, the plant is widely used in alternative medicine. Chicory can not only be drunk, but also used externally in the form of lotions. A decoction made from the roots of the plant has proven itself to be effective in the fight against gout. To prepare it you will need to pour 3 tbsp. l. powder 200 ml water. The contents must be brought to a boil and removed from the stove. You should get a strong decoction. Soak a small piece of cloth or gauze in it and apply it to the sore spot. You need to keep this compress for 2-3 hours. After the first use you will feel relief. The pain will subside.

Infusion for internal use

If metabolic processes are disrupted, you can prepare an infusion of chicory. Pour 100 g of crushed plant roots with 500 ml of boiling water. The infusion should stand for 3-4 hours. Then strain the finished product through cheesecloth. Drink 1/3 glass three times a day as a medicine. This infusion has a mild analgesic and antispasmodic effect, so it can be drunk for headaches and diseases of the digestive system.

An equally effective infusion based on crushed herb rhizomes and alcohol. Pour 30 g of powder into a glass of vodka. Place the container in a dark and cool place. Shake the contents periodically. After two weeks, the infusion is ready for use. Drink 1 tsp. twice a day. You can also rub sore spots with this infusion. After rubbing, the joints need warmth, wrap them with a scarf or a warm scarf.

An infusion of chicory root, burdock and dandelion has an anti-inflammatory effect. Mix all ingredients in a 3:1:1 ratio. Pour boiling water over the resulting mixture. Drink the medicine in small sips throughout the day.

It is not advisable to consume chicory during a gout attack.

Who is contraindicated for chicory?

Chicory, like any medicinal herb, has its contraindications. You need to know them in person to avoid possible side effects and complications.

The drink can harm the following systems:

  1. Digestive. Despite the positive effect of the plant on the gastrointestinal tract, drinking the healing drink is prohibited for people with gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers.
  2. Nervous. Small doses calm the nervous system and improve memory, but excessive use can lead to aggression and agitation.
  3. Cardiovascular. By drinking 3-4 cups of this miracle medicine a day, you may encounter problems with the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. Frequent consumption of plant-based drinks dilates blood vessels and increases blood pressure.

An absolute contraindication is intolerance to the product. Ascorbic acid contained in the leaves is poorly tolerated by allergy sufferers. The body's reaction can be unpredictable. An allergy can manifest itself in the form of redness, skin rash, itching or Quincke's edema.

Remember: to prevent chicory from causing harm, you should drink no more than 3 cups a day. Otherwise, gout symptoms will worsen.

Difficulty of choice

The store displays a wide range of chicory: ground, liquid, instant. Which one is better? Each type has its own characteristics, but their healing and taste qualities are similar.

According to experts, you need to choose a concentrated liquid extract, since its technology is quite complex and it is almost impossible to fake it. But this type also has disadvantages. This is a high price and a minimum shelf life. When choosing fried pieces of chicory root, you are also unlikely to run into a fake. Before use, they should be ground in a coffee grinder.

The situation is different with a soluble powdery mass. It is important to know the main indicators and distinctive features of a quality product:

  1. Hue. The ground root has a uniform brown color. Depending on the degree of roasting, the color can vary from light to dark brown.
  2. Taste. The drink has a bitter taste.
  3. Compound. Read the ingredients on the package carefully. Apart from chicory, nothing else should be present in it. If there are flavoring or aromatic additives, then it is a fake.
  4. Package. First, pay attention to the appearance of the packaging. It should be intact with no obvious signs of damage. Then read the information on it. Look at the production date. Feel the packaging. It should be soft. If lumps are felt, this means that the powder is damp.

The formation of eicosanoids is an oxidative reaction resulting from the release of free radicals. The role of “catchers” of these harmful substances in the body is played by antioxidants - vitamins A, C and E. The main fighter against inflammation is youth vitamin E. It prevents the conversion of arachidonic acid into the very substance that leads to inflammation. Due to this property, vitamin E has long been used in drugs for the treatment of arthritis. Many vegetables and fruits, rich in bioflavonoids - natural antioxidants, as well as minerals such as selenium, copper, zinc and iron, also have antioxidant properties. In addition, nicotinic acid (it helps reduce pain and increase joint mobility) and pantothenic acid (together with other B vitamins, it helps restore cartilage tissue and reduce pain) are useful.

Chicory as a diuretic

To cleanse the body and kidneys, many traditional medicines are used. So, the question arises, is chicory a diuretic? The roots and flowers have healing properties. With its help, you can treat urolithiasis of the kidneys and improve digestive function. Chicory can have a diuretic effect, increase blood flow and improve metabolism in the liver.

Harm and benefits of chicory as a diuretic

Until now, doctors have not come to a consensus about the usefulness or harmfulness of the plant. Some equate it with coffee and believe that it is harmful to health. Others praise it and equate it almost to a “miracle” drink. It is undeniable that chicory contains many useful components and vitamins. But not everyone and not always they can be useful and are recommended.

The plant is used in folk medicine to treat many diseases, including kidney problems. It is able to have a diuretic effect and cleanse the kidneys and the entire body.

If consumed regularly, it can improve the function of the intestines, stomach and pancreas. With its help, inflammation and microflora disturbance are eliminated.

The plant has a beneficial effect on the skin, nervous system, hair, and immunity.

The answer to the question of whether chicory is a diuretic is definitely yes. The plant is able to cleanse and rid the liver and kidneys of accumulated toxins. With its help, bile is removed from the body. The plant is used for weight loss because it contains inulin, an enzyme that lowers the amount of sugar in the blood.

Harmful effect

The drink is contraindicated for varicose veins.

You should not overuse chicory if you have heart pathologies. If you drink in large quantities, it may not bring benefit, but the opposite effect, pressure surges and arrhythmia will occur. This drink is contraindicated for people with varicose veins.

It should be taken with caution so as not to harm the liver and intestines. Doctors do not recommend it for women during lactation, since the drug causes increased agitation in children.

It is possible to reduce the amount of milk.

It is important to observe the required portions of the plant and then the chances of harmful effects are minimal. Chicory is filled with organic acids, pectin, carotene, and protein components

Macro- and microelements make up most of the drug: calcium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus and magnesium. It is rich in vitamins A, B, C

Chicory is filled with organic acids, pectin, carotene, and protein components. Macro- and microelements make up most of the drug: calcium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus and magnesium. It is rich in vitamins A, B, C.

Such a set of useful substances cannot but have a positive effect on the body.


It is important to remember the dosage of this product; excessive use causes side effects. You should not replace it completely in your diet. An excess of vitamins and nutrients is harmful, as is their lack. People who have hemorrhoids, varicose veins or vascular diseases should take the use of chicory especially seriously.

Uses of chicory

The plant is used in case of many ailments, nervous breakdowns, migraines. Often used for diseases of the kidneys and genitourinary system, as it has a diuretic effect. They are used as infusions, decoctions, teas, and make compresses and lotions. This plant is used as a general strengthening drug.

cooking recipes

To get results, you need to use chicory roots. To prepare this plant, first the roots are washed and dried. Then they are fried a little until the moisture from the roots evaporates.

The roasted roots are ready to eat. Decoctions, teas, infusions are prepared from them, and used as lotions and compresses.

When drinking chicory tea, you may feel a constant urge to go to the toilet, since the roots are a strong diuretic.

To prepare tea, take a teaspoon of fried roots and add cold water (250 ml), then bring to boil. After boiling, cook, then strain and drink. You can add honey or milk to tea.

Chicory should be stored in a dark, cool place. It is necessary to place it in a package where air can enter; the most suitable for these purposes is a fabric bag.

Roasted chicory is stored in a hermetically sealed container. The spoon must be dry; moisture must not be allowed to enter. It can ruin the finished product, which will then not be so useful.

It cannot be stored for longer than three years.

Benefits for the body

Scientists have different opinions; notes about the beneficial and harmful properties of coffee are quite controversial. The drink contains serotonin (the hormone of happiness), which increases vitality and relieves a person of melancholy and depression. It also contains a high content of antioxidants (substances that prevent the aging of cells and tissues). The invigorating effect of a coffee drink is indispensable on sleepy mornings or busy evenings. It is provided by the alkaloids caffeine and theobromine. The oils contained in coffee create a feeling of satiety when consumed. This is an auxiliary factor for people struggling with excess weight. The drink also acts as an immunomodulator, preventing you from getting sick.

Caffeic and chlorogenic acidsAntioxidant properties (protection against aging of the body)
Reducing levels of “bad” cholesterol and blood glucose
Liver protection and anti-carcinogenic effect
Caffeine (purine alkaloid)Nervous system stimulation
Headache relief
Linoleic acidParticipation in all biochemical processes of the body
TanninsAdding flavor and aftertaste
Oleic acid (Omega-9)Metabolic regulation
Amino acidsActing as a building material for body cells
Palmitic acidParticipation in the construction of cell membranes

Development of gout and herbal treatment

Often, gouty arthritis is diagnosed in representatives of one family and therefore the disease is classified as a hereditary and constitutionally determined problem.

The lid of the pan must remain open. Then the container is removed from the stove and the broth is allowed to brew for 3 hours (it is better to wrap it up).

The remedy with bay leaf is drunk 12 hours before. The course of treatment will be 3 days.

Ointments for joints are also prepared on the basis of laurel. The leaves should be crushed and mixed with soft butter in a ratio of 1 to 2. The finished mixture is heated for 30 minutes in a water bath and cooled. The ointment should be applied every evening, rubbing into the gout-affected joint.

What is chicory

This is a metabolic disease in which uric acid salts are deposited in the joints. Today the disease is not very common, affecting about 3 people out of 1000.

The risk group includes men over 40 years of age and women during menopause. Gout belongs to a group of joint diseases.

Before you find out what foods you should not eat if you have gout, you should consider what kind of disease it is. Most often, men and women over forty are susceptible to these diseases, although previously it was believed that only men suffer from gout.

This is one of the types of joint diseases, the development of which is caused by the abuse of foods high in purines. It is because of their consumption that salts are deposited in the joints.

Painful sensations that take the form of prolonged attacks can affect the joints of both the upper and lower extremities. The symptoms are extremely unpleasant - swelling, joint deformation, inflammation, acute pain.

Alcoholic drinks are not only prohibited if you have gout, they can even be dangerous. Particularly harmful are beer, red wines and cognac.

The fact is that alcohol dehydrates the body and removes all water from it, which increases the concentration of uric acid. All low-alcohol drinks contain high levels of purine compounds.

The beer drink itself contains 1810 mg per 100 g, turning into a real poison for a person suffering from gout attacks, since 400 mg per 100 g is considered high.

Beer removes water, but toxins (waste and poisons) remain in the kidneys, like uric acid. The kidneys have to cope with both a large amount of purines and the negative effects of alcohol, which causes an increase in renal tone.

The patient's metabolism slows down, which is why gout attacks become more frequent. Alcohol is strictly prohibited in all its forms (even low-alcohol drinks and champagne) both during an exacerbation of gout and during remission, when the disease recedes a little.

And replace coffee with inulin. This substance, all components of chicory, will not harm the body. Chicory will benefit chicory as it is known that chicory root has chicory

​ is widely used in​ Besides​ coffee completely? Still, in addition, chicory was used in ancient times to treat atherosclerosis. Chicory is good for everyone! Eating​ chicory?​ thumb on​ this gl...​ instant drink from​ has a very positive effect​ used for cooking​

Harm to the body

The drink tends to overexcite the nervous system. As for instant coffee (sublimate), it should be excluded from the diet. In theory, these are the same grains, dried and turned into powder or granules. In fact, the instant drink contains a high percentage of additional components, including preservatives and GMOs. Flavorings give it a taste and aroma close to natural. It is better to taste real coffee than to consume the sediment left after its production and placed in a package with instant coffee. There is no benefit from it, but such a sublimate certainly causes harm to the body.

Diet for joints

Hippocrates was right three times when he argued that food should be our medicine. And modern scientists also believe that the role of nutrition in the treatment of many diseases is very significant. This also applies to osteoarthritis.

If you are worried about pain in the joints of your limbs, the first thing you need to pay attention to is how much of your diet consists of fatty meat dishes. It turns out that arachidonic acid contained in animal products in our body breaks down into special biologically active substances, so-called eicosanoids, which cause inflammation of the joints

Limiting meat products can have a very beneficial effect on the condition of cartilage tissue.

Fish delicacies will help brighten up forced vegetarianism - fish contains omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which prevent the accumulation of harmful arachidonic acid. These acids help synthesize prostaglandins in the body - anti-inflammatory substances that reduce pain and inflammation in arthritis. In addition to fish oil, polyunsaturated acids are found in vegetable oils, the healthiest of which is olive oil.

To prevent arthrosis, it is useful to exclude (or limit) alcohol, coffee, chocolate, potatoes, cereals and grain products. Such foods provoke inflammation of the joints. Instead of forbidden treats, preference should be given to calcium-rich dairy products.

Diagnosis of gout

To confirm that a patient has gout, it is necessary to conduct a study to detect:

  1. Presence of characteristic crystalline urates in the joint fluid;
  2. The presence, confirmed chemically or by polarization microscopy, of tophi containing crystalline urates.
  3. Identification of at least 6 signs out of 12 below:
  • Lack of flora in the joint fluid;
  • History of more than one acute attack of arthritis;
  • The nature of arthritis is monoarticular;
  • Already on the first day there is maximum inflammation of the joint;
  • Localization of pain or swelling in 1 metatarsophalangeal joint;
  • Skin redness over the affected joint;
  • Nodular formations resembling tophi;
  • Unilateral damage to the metatarsophalangeal joint and arch joints;
  • Unilateral damage to the joints of the arch of the foot;
  • Hyperuricemia;
  • Asymmetrical swelling of the affected joint;
  • Detection of subcortical cystic formations without erosion using radiographs.

The most reliable picture is provided by such signs as subacute or acute arthritis, crystalline urates in the synovial fluid and the presence of proven tophi.

Who risks more

It is believed that 10% of the population suffers from this disease, but true statistics are difficult to identify, since many patients for the time being have no pain or other clinical symptoms.

At particular risk are professional athletes, dancers and most people whose work and life involve increased stress. But premature aging of the joint is influenced not only by injuries, but also by unfavorable genetics, old age, excess weight and even the gender of the patient (after 70 years, osteoarthritis is diagnosed in 90% of women), as well as deficiency of vitamins C and D and concomitant diseases (endocrine pathologies, flat feet, congenital injuries, hallux valgus, etc.). And even race. Thus, the prevalence of osteoarthritis is higher among the British and Jamaicans than among the Indians. Why is still a mystery to scientists.

First of all, the disease affects the “load-bearing” (knee and hip) joints. Osteoarthritis of the knee joints is the main cause of limited and even complete loss of mobility in older people. Although this disease is not considered life-threatening, it is one of the leading causes of premature disability, second only to coronary heart disease. According to WHO, only osteoarthritis of the knee joints is in fourth place among the leading causes of disability in women and in eighth place in men.

Coffee for gout Eating chicory for gout

The disease gout, which is based on a violation of purine metabolism in the human body, is characterized by the accumulation of excess amounts of uric acid, its conversion into crystals and deposition in various tissues and joints of the body.

This disease requires strict adherence to a diet with certain prohibitions and restrictions. Coffee for gout also falls into the category of restricted drinks, which makes maintaining a proper diet difficult for many people.

The usefulness of its use is controversial and debated, since it has a pronounced increase in the excretion of urine from the body.

Features of drinking coffee

Experts' answers to the question: is it possible to drink coffee if you have gout are very ambiguous, as is the effect of this drink on the body. The results of previous studies indicated that coffee and gout are completely incompatible things. But in today's conditions, some postulates have been revised and scientists have even proven the benefits of this drink in case of its preventive use.


A group of people whose daily diet included 4 cups of coffee or more, regardless of the presence of caffeine, was studied, and it was found that the risk of developing arthritis in these people was half that of the control group. This preventive effect of coffee is achieved due to the content of a specific substance in it, which is essentially an ester and an oxidant of natural origin.

But the above statements are good only for preventive purposes. If we consider drinking the drink in the case of an already developed pathology, then it is no longer so useful. Hot coffee can cause an exacerbation of the disease and severe deterioration of the condition.

So the benefits and harms of coffee for gout are very relative things.


It is unusual that in men, according to research, coffee prevents the formation of uric acid, and in women it promotes its elimination.

Coffee for gout

The reasons for the benefits and harms of the drink

Experts advise patients with gout to drink only natural coffee varieties, since the instant drink does not contain anything useful. The best varieties for gout will be those that contain the highest concentration of chlorogenic acid.

These are Green coffee (10%), Robusta (7%), and Arabica (5 to 8%). The degree of coffee roasting also plays an important role, since the more the beans are thermally treated, the less beneficial properties remain in them.

Therefore, you should choose coffee beans that have a lighter shade.

Chlorogenic acid ensures a decrease in the blood level of a hormonal substance - insulin. Its level is closely related to that of uric acid. A decrease in one inevitably entails a decrease in the other.

Troubles for the body with gout are caused by the content of caffeine, or rather the similarity of the structure of this substance with a medication such as Allopurinol, which provokes the release of uric acid crystals from tissue depots, which causes pain. This explains the fact that those people who drink coffee from time to time experience a gout attack, while those who drink the drink on a regular basis are much less susceptible to it.

Some nutritionists recommend adding sugar and milk to your cup of coffee. Others advise giving up sugar, but everyone is unanimous about milk. It is better not to use high fat cream. It is also necessary to completely abandon instant drinks and sweet concentrated mixtures containing dry cream.

If coffee was not previously part of the daily menu, then you should not start drinking it just to cure gout. The effect may be completely opposite.

Can gout patients eat chicory?

Using chicory for gout

Chicory is an excellent decaf coffee substitute. But on the question of whether chicory can be used for gout or not, experts could not come to terms. This drink brings many benefits to the body. It stimulates metabolic processes and removes unnecessary metabolites.

Chicory is also used as an external remedy. To do this, the stems, roots and leaves of the plant are filled with boiling water. They must be left in this state for an hour. After the required time has passed, the stems and leaves are wrung out and wrapped around the sore joints before going to bed overnight. Such poultices will help get rid of swelling and pain.

You can drink chicory for gout if you do not abuse the drink, but regulate its amount per day.

Prohibited Products

If you have gout, avoid eating foods that contain purines, as they increase uric acid. Patients are prohibited from using:

  • Meat products. This prohibition especially applies to offal - liver, heart, kidneys. Eating pork and goose is not recommended. Legs contain large amounts of uric acid, so they are excluded from the menu. It is not recommended for a patient to completely give up meat, so dishes are prepared from chicken fillet.
  • Fish. Large amounts of purines are found in certain types of fish. If you have gout, eating sprats, sardines, trout and herring is prohibited. Consumption of canned fish is prohibited. It must be remembered that fish contains a variety of useful substances, so it is not recommended to completely abandon it.
  • Vegetable. In case of pathology, the use of radish and horseradish for cooking is strictly prohibited. The patient should also refuse sorrel and cabbage. Doctors also prohibit patients from eating spinach.
  • Bobovykh. They contain large quantities of purines, so it is better to avoid them. Peas include protein, which has a positive effect on life. But, when consuming 20 grams of this product, the patient experiences an attack of gout and his health sharply worsens.
  • Mushrooms. In accordance with the studies, it was found that porcini mushrooms contain the largest amount of purines. That is why it is strictly forbidden to use the product if you have gout.
  • Spices. If a patient is diagnosed with gout, then he must definitely stop using spices for cooking.
  • alcohol. During the course of the disease, patients are strictly prohibited from consuming any alcoholic beverages. After drinking alcohol, uric acid increases in its quantity, which leads to an exacerbation of gout.

If you have gout, the patient should stop eating prohibited foods, which will eliminate the possibility of exacerbations and prolong the remission of the pathology.

How can I tell if I have gout or not?

Have you been trying to heal your JOINTS for many years?
Head of the Institute for Joint Treatment: “You will be amazed at how easy it is to heal your joints by taking every day...

Hello. The first joint of my left big toe is swollen and red. They say that with gout, the second joint becomes inflamed. Walking hurts. I saw a surgeon, after an examination he said that I had gout, and that with such a disease I should contact a rheumatologist, but he did not refer me. He prescribed ketorol tablets and ketonal ointment. I doubt the correctness of the diagnosis because... the first joint is inflamed. Tell me, how can I determine if I have gout? Is the treatment prescribed correctly?

Gout (gouty arthritis) is one of the most “ancient” diseases described in medicine. The occurrence of this disease is associated with a violation of purine metabolism in the body, which leads to an increase in the level of uric acid in the blood and its subsequent deposition in the internal organs and tissues and joints of the musculoskeletal system.

As a rule, gouty arthritis begins in one joint and most often occurs on the big toe. Gout develops suddenly, there is sharp pain, redness and swelling, the symptoms of the disease quickly increase, reaching a peak in a day or two. In addition, the acute phase of the disease is often accompanied by general malaise, severe weakness and a temperature of up to 38-38.5 o C.

Such procedures include:

A biochemical blood test that will determine the level of blood creatinine, which is important for identifying kidney failure, and the level of uric acid.
Examination of the synovial fluid located in the affected joint. Microscopic and chemical examination will determine the presence of uric acid crystals, and culture will determine the presence or absence of bacterial flora.
Ultrasound of the kidneys, which is necessary to identify stones (X-ray negative stones).
X-ray of the joints, which will help determine the presence of changes in chronic gouty arthritis. The goal of drug treatment of gout is to restore impaired purine metabolism, reduce pain during attacks and prevent relapses

The goal of drug treatment for gout is to restore impaired purine metabolism, reduce pain during attacks and prevent relapses. During an attack of gout, complete rest and an elevated position of the affected limb are recommended. To reduce pain, it is recommended to apply an ice pack, after the pain subsides - a warming (not hot!) compress.

To treat acute attacks of gout, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used, the dose, duration and frequency of administration of which are prescribed by the doctor. Also, to normalize uric acid levels as quickly as possible and prevent the progression of gout, anti-gout drugs such as uralit sulfinperazone, alopurinol, etc. are used. These drugs are used for a long time, several years in a row, and are selected individually, depending on the presence of concomitant diseases, the patient’s age and uric acid level.

In addition to taking the necessary medications, adherence to a diet is of particular importance, which boils down to limiting the consumption of fish and meat products, sorrel, cauliflower, spinach, legumes, raspberries, chocolate, figs, coffee and strong tea. Drinking alcohol, especially wine and beer, is strictly prohibited. In addition, it is recommended to increase the volume of fluid consumed per day to 2 liters (in the absence of contraindications) and normalize body weight.

My aunt lives in the village. And he treats many of his ailments with folk remedies. True, she has few of these ailments, despite her advanced age, except perhaps arthrosis.

Auntie, we treat our joints with compresses from chicory roots. Fortunately, the village is full of this plant. The aunt digs up the roots, washes them, chops them finely and dries them. Pour a cup of boiling water over a handful of roots and leave for about an hour. Then he soaks a gauze in the broth, which has already cooled, and applies it to the sore spot. The aunt puts a plastic bag on top and wraps a woolen scarf. She keeps the compress for 20 minutes. Usually this procedure is done at night. Course – 5-7 procedures.

My aunt supplements the treatment with a decoction of sea buckthorn leaves. She stores up leaves in the spring and dries them. Boil a tablespoon of leaves in a cup of water for 5-7 minutes, then strain and drink 80 ml three times a day. My aunt is treated like this for at least a week, but it can be longer.

My aunt also told me a recipe for a herbal ointment for joints - one of my knees aches. I tried it on myself, it helped. 1 st. l. St. John's wort and 2 tsp. I ground the yarrow in a coffee grinder. Melt 1 tbsp in a water bath. l. Vaseline and mixed with these herbs. I smeared the joint before going to bed, wrapping my leg in a warm scarf. I did this for 7-10 days. But I prepared a fresh portion of the ointment every time.

Spruce baths are also great for helping with joint pain. I rinsed the spruce branches with cold water and poured boiling water over them. Let this potion sit, cool down to 30-35 degrees, and I put my sore leg (or my arms, depending on what hurts) in it for 20-25 minutes. After the procedure, I wipe my leg dry and wrap the sore joint warmly. I repeat the procedure every other day. The entire course is 7 baths.

Joints are treated with chicory, sea buckthorn and spruce baths.


When we hear about chicory, we probably remember that we saw it on supermarket shelves, or are personally familiar with the specific taste of this powder. And we’ve probably heard more than once from the older generation about its benefits and how it perfectly replaces coffee. Today it can be found with various additives - rose hips, ginseng or blueberries. In nature, this plant looks like a member of the Asteraceae family, often blue or lilac in color.


Its chemical composition is irreplaceably valuable and beneficial to human health. Vitamins and microelements of chicory are useful for diseases such as oncology, osteochondrosis, diabetes, heartburn, as well as problems with excess weight.

He possesses anti-inflammatory And antipyretic effect, removes unnecessary toxins from the body, strengthens the immune system, lowers blood sugar levels, and is also a vasodilator and diuretic. These are not all of its beneficial properties.

Chicory for gout

There is a disease in the world that has been known to mankind for a long time - it is gout. This disease often affects men over 60 years of age. According to statistics, men suffer from it 9 times more often than women.

The cause of the disease is the accumulation in the body large amounts of uric acid, which is deposited through blood vessels in joints throughout the body. Typically the affected area is the toes. The essence of the symptoms is a feeling of acute pain that interferes with free movement, and redness and swelling may also appear. Together, these symptoms cause difficulty and discomfort.

Many who have encountered this disease are wondering: is it possible to use chicory in this case? After all, you don’t want to give up such a unique and healthy drink.

Composition and properties

Treatment of the disease is simple - you need to change the patient’s usual diet. All products that contain the substance are “crossed out” from the daily diet - purine. When the kidneys do not work properly, purine is converted into uric acid, which, in turn, becomes a factor in the development of gout.

If you look at the list of products containing this substance, you will notice chicory on the list. However, 100 g of the product contains 6 mg of purine, when there is 1900 in coffee and 2800 in tea. The amount of purine in the product is negligible, but in addition to purine, chicory powder contains other substances - calcium oxalates.

These substances accumulate in the kidneys due to the high content of vitamin C in the product, causing urolithiasis. Unhealthy kidneys begin to work incorrectly, accumulating large amounts of uric acid.

However chicory is excellent for removing toxins, thereby helping the kidneys. Its anti-inflammatory properties are a good remedy for acute joint pain. Another benefit of this plant for gout is lowering blood sugar levels. Sugar is not a reason for the accumulation of uric acid, but its excess prevents it from being quickly eliminated from the body, thereby accumulating in large quantities.

Can I use it if I am sick?

Today, there is no consensus among experts on the question of whether gout patients can use this product. A controversial question arises: to drink chicory or not to drink? Most doctors are inclined to believe: it is useful for gout, but in small quantities. It should be taken wisely so as not to harm your health. Before you start using it, be sure to consult a rheumatologist, because each disease is individual.

How to use it correctly

There is a method in which the plant does not have any adverse reactions. It is used externally, in the form of lotions on the diseased area. The decoction is prepared as follows:

  1. For 200 ml of water you will need 2-3 tbsp. spoons of dry and ground plant root.
  2. The resulting mixture is cooked over low heat for 15-20 minutes.
  3. The boiled liquid is passed through a sieve.
  4. Fill with enough warm water to again get 200 ml of liquid.
  5. Apply the dampened cloth to the sore spot.

But let’s return to internal use, because many patients are concerned about this very moment. If there are no serious contraindications for use that are discovered by the attending physician, a chicory drink can become a good daily ritual, but not more than one mug per day.

In addition to grinding and using chicory as an analogue of tea or coffee, you can include it in the diet as a tincture, after consulting with a specialist. The recipe for the tincture is as follows:

  • One tablespoon of dry plant is poured with boiling water in a volume of 200 ml.
  • The liquid is infused under the lid, then cools and passes through a sieve.
  • Afterwards, 100 g is consumed orally before each meal, 30-40 minutes.

Whether this product is useful or not - you should focus on your own feelings and the characteristics of the course of the disease. However, it has considerable benefits, you just need to use it wisely.


Experts have still not come to a common opinion regarding whether it is possible to drink chicory for gout or not. The plant contains a large number of useful elements that help normalize human metabolism, lower blood sugar levels, and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

At the same time, it contains calcium oxalates, which negatively affect the condition of the body affected by gouty arthritis. It is permissible to consume an instant drink in limited quantities, always with prior consultation with your doctor.

Chicory in folk medicine

Chicory is a storehouse of useful elements that restores adequate metabolic processes, has a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora, and reduces blood sugar. But due to the fact that the composition contains calcium oxalates and oxalic acid, there is a risk of developing urolithiasis, which automatically makes the use of such a product risky in case of weakened kidney functionality, which is a priori present in patients with gout.

And yet, the above features are not a reason to completely prohibit taking a drink from the plant in case of such joint pathology. The use of compresses based on the plant will be effective, as a result of which you can quickly relieve pain, relieve swelling and hyperemia in the area of ​​the affected joint.

The root contains a large amount of inulin, which allows the product to be used for the treatment of diabetes and obesity. The element helps maintain normal blood sugar levels, preventing level fluctuations.

In folk medicine, the plant culture is used to prepare tinctures, lotions, decoctions and compresses that help cure colds and infectious diseases, migraines, anemia and insomnia. Alcohol-based infusions provide high-quality and quick results for cuts, insect bites, wounds and allergic reactions.

Chicory is also used as a general strengthening drug, which increases the body's protective abilities. The product dilates blood vessels and normalizes blood pressure, improves digestion and treats spleen pathologies.

Properties and composition of the root

Chicory is classified as a healing, medicinal plant crop. It contains:

  • Sahara;
  • a lot of inulin;
  • glycoside intibin;
  • resinous substances;
  • organic acids;
  • tanning compounds;
  • carotene;
  • vitamins B and C;
  • chicorin.

For gout, the product allows you to speed up metabolism, normalize sugar balance, strengthen the human nervous system, and lift your mood. Also, a drink made from chicory prevents the development of infectious arthritis, accelerates blood flow, promotes the removal of uric acid salts from the body, prevents obesity, reduces pain and stops the inflammatory process in the joints.

Can I drink if I have gout?

Most doctors believe that drinking a drink from the plant is possible for gout, but in small quantities. You need to approach the issue wisely in order to bring only benefit to health and not harm. Before deciding to include an aromatic liquid in your diet, you should definitely notify your doctor about this to obtain his approval or prohibition. Only a rheumatologist will be able to give clear instructions, since his recommendations will be based on the individual characteristics of the body and the clinical picture of a particular patient.

External use of chicory infusions is extremely useful for gouty arthritis, as it allows you to relieve pain in a short time.

How to use chicory correctly when treating an illness

The use of chicory has a number of features. You can prepare a healing potion using these recipes.

A decoction of the roots of the plant as a lotion for gout.

  1. Grind and dry chicory root. (You can buy a ready-made composition)
  2. Take two tablespoons of the product and pour 200 ml of boiled water over it.
  3. Place the mixture on the stove and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes.
  4. Remove the container from the heat and strain through several layers of gauze.
  5. Fill the product with warm water to the original volume.
  6. Moisten a clean cloth or bandage in the prepared broth and apply to the affected areas.

Infusion for internal use

  1. Take a tablespoon of the dried product and pour 200 ml of boiling water over it.
  2. Cover the container with the mixture with a lid and leave to infuse.
  3. When the drink has cooled, you need to filter it.
  4. Take half a glass 30 minutes before each meal.

The use of chicory for the prevention of gout

Chicory is considered a worthy alternative to coffee, as it is suitable for preparing a tonic drink that does not contain caffeine, but has many healthy elements.

When deciding whether or not to drink a drink for gouty arthritis, you need to remember the risk of activating the deposition of uric acid salts in the body. But we also must not forget that the plant has a beneficial effect on accelerating the elimination of waste and toxins and stimulating metabolism. Therefore, it is worth sticking to the “golden mean” and still allowing the drink to be taken, but little by little, as a preventive measure for gouty arthritis.


It is definitely possible to use chicory externally for gout, as this will quickly and effectively relieve pain in the affected joint. As for internal use, doctors advise drinking the composition little by little without overusing it.

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