Autumn entertainment for children of the first junior group “Autumn has come to visit us. Scenario of autumn entertainment for the first junior group The best autumn entertainment in the 1st junior group

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

0 Entertainment scenario for children of the first junior group "Golden Autumn"

Entertainment scenario for children of the first junior group “Golden Autumn”

Autumn entertainment for children of the junior group “Romashka”

Target:development emotional sphere, consolidation of knowledge on the topic “Autumn”



1.Develop curiosity, activity, and communication skills.


1.Cultivate an interest in music.


1. Stimulate children’s activity in dance movements and games.

2. Form elementary ideas about autumn.

Equipment:music center, flash drive, autumn leaves, models of vegetables, vegetable hats, autumn and hare costumes (adults), models of a casserole, carrots, sun and cloud, basket.

1. Children enter and look at the festively decorated hall, the song sounds: “Autumn is coming to visit us” by E. Gomonova

Autumn enters with a basket: Hello, friends!

I was in a hurry to come to your holiday

And she grabbed the basket,

And there are leaves in the basket,

carved leaves,

Yellow and red-

Look what they are!

Come, choose, and start dancing!

2. Dance with Leaves of Music. A. Filippenko

Autumn:Autumn is a generous time

There is a lot of harvest.

I collected the harvest and brought it to the children in kindergarten today:

1. Mystery:

And green and thick, a bush grew in the garden bed. Dig a little under the bush


Autumn:What smart guys - they guessed it my riddle

Autumn:Oh, guys, it’s already cold, and I still haven’t collected the potatoes, help me collect them:

3. A game "Collect the potatoes"

Autumn:Well, you worked really hard, so you must be hungry?

We picked so many vegetables, but who will cook dinner for us?

The hostess enters:Who's hungry here? I'll feed you now.

4. Scene: Mistress

Children wearing hats of vegetables (potatoes, cabbage, carrots, peas, parsley and beets)

The hostess came from the market one day

The hostess brought home from the market:

Potatoes, the hostess brings the children out one by one in a circle.




Parsley and beets.


Here the vegetables started a dispute on the table

Who is better, tastier and more necessary on earth?. (children dance in a circle one by one)

Potato, .




Parsley or beets?


The hostess, meanwhile, took the knife.

And with this knife she began to chop:(the hostess takes the children one by one from the circle and sends them to the pan)





Parsley and beets.


Covered with a lid, in a stuffy pot

Boiled, boiled in boiling water:(children perform the exercise “spring,simulating boiling)

Potato ,




Parsley and beets.


And the vegetable soup turned out to be quite good.

Everyone comes out and takes out a pot with fake vegetables.

Autumn:And my friends were hidden in the basket: the sun and the cloud.

5. Game: “Sunshine and Rain”

Show a bright image of the sun.

« When the sun is shining

You can take a walk

It's fun to clap and stomp,

Play in the kindergarten. »

Show a cloud with strings of rain.

« If a cloud frowns

And it threatens to rain,

Let's hide under an umbrella:

We'll wait out the rain"

Autumn:Guess the riddle:

A ball of fluff,

Long ear

Jumps deftly

Loves carrots?

Who is this?

Children: bunny

(behind the door: -OH-Oh, hurry up and open it.

Bunny runs in with a carrot trembling...

Autumn: Bunny, what's wrong with you? You're shaking all over.

Bunny:I'm completely frozen

Paws are freezing

My nose is freezing.

Autumn:Bunny, bunny, don’t be sad, it’s better to dance with us:

Dance “We stomp-tot-tomp with our feet”

Autumn:Well, bunny, are you warm?

Bunny:Yes, thank you guys, now I can dance, so I’m not afraid of any cold

I thank you all and give you carrots! - gives away carrots (carrots contain sweets)

And it’s time for me to go to the forest: I need to change my fur coat and find a bush

Autumn:And it’s time for me to return to the forest to prepare the trees for winter

Autumn entertainment in the 1st junior group “What does autumn have in its basket?”

Goal: development of the emotional sphere, consolidation of knowledge on the topic “Autumn”

Develop curiosity, activity, develop speech, cultivate interest in music,

stimulate children's activity in dance movements, games, and form basic ideas about autumn.


  • Characters: autumn, toy hedgehog;
  • basket with treats (candy or apples);
  • umbrella;
  • for games:
  • leaves - 4 pieces;
  • cones - 4 pieces;
  • mushrooms - 4 pieces,
  • baskets - 3 pieces.
  • Leaves for dancing, cones (according to the number of children)

Progress of autumn entertainment:

Children enter the hall to the music and are greeted by Autumn. Children sit on chairs.


Autumn has come to us again, brought a cheerful holiday,
She dressed everything up and didn’t forget about us.
Hello, autumn! It's good that you came.
Stay with us, Autumn, and listen to our song.

Song "Autumn has come to us."

  1. Autumn, autumn has come to us.
    Brought rain and wind.
    Drip-drip-drip, drip-drip-drip -
    Brought rain and wind.

The green garden will turn yellow,
The yellow leaves rustle.
Shur-shur-shur, shur-shur-shur -
The yellow leaves rustle.

3. Bird songs are not heard.
Let's wait for them until spring.
Chick-tweet, chick-tweet -
Let's wait for them until spring.

Autumn: - Guys, I didn’t come to you empty-handed, I have a big basket, and there’s a lot of interesting things in there. Want to know what I have? (Children's answers.) I have a magic umbrella. I’ll twirl the umbrella, I want to start the game.

Magic music sounds.

Presenter: - The sun is shining in the morning, which means it’s time for us to go for a walk.

Game "Sunshine and Rain".

The soundtrack of rain sounds.


So the drops of capital tapped on the palm of my hand,
The clouds are gathering, the rain is starting.

Children run under an umbrella.

Song "Rain".

Autumn: - Thank you, dear friends! You made us happy! And in my basket for you there are painted autumn leaves - here they are. Let's dance with the leaves! (Hands out leaves to the children.)

Dance “Autumn Leaves”.

Autumn: - And in my basket there are cones for you - here they are. Let's play with them. (They hand out cones.)

Game "Bumps".

Text, description of movements and music by Sizova N.Yu.

1. We roll the cone (Roll the pine cone between your palms.)
Between two palms.
These are the bumps
Our little ones have it!

2. Turned into a hedgehog- (Take the lump in your right hand and carefully prick your left palm.)
Pricked with a needle
To our left little hand
Very, very caustic!

3. Tickle with a bump (Take the bump in your left hand and tickle the palm of your right hand.)
right palm,
How nice the bump is
Tickle a little!

4. Grab the bump (Grasp the lump with your right hand, nose down, wide side up, tap with the index finger of your left hand.)
Here comes the drum!
Turned into a stick
Our merry little finger!

5. Little sisters have grown up ( We turned the cone over with the wide side on the palm of the left hand and held it slightly. We swing our hand a little.)
On the edge of the summer -
These are our bumps
Christmas trees with a secret!

6. It’s raining, (The fingers quickly touch the individual “petals” of the cone.)
Dripping down the branches
Grow up, Christmas trees,
All for the joy of the children!

7. The little bump is tired (Place the pine cone in your palm, cover it with your other palm and rock it.)
And lay down in bed,
Sleep well, little bump,
It's sweet in the cradle!

Autumn: - I'll look in the basket again. Oh, there are mushrooms here, they want to play.

Game "Collect mushrooms in baskets."

3 children take part in the game.

Presenter: -Guys, look who came running to us, the hedgehog. He heard that autumn has come, and autumn is the time for mushrooms. Shall we play with him?

Game "We are mushrooms."

Presenter: - Oh, how much fun we have, it’s time for us all to start dancing.

Dance “Squat” (Estonian folk melody to lyrics by J. Entin, arrangement by A. Roomer).

1. Start dancing
And bow to my friend. La-la...

2. We will all squat:
Sit down together! Stand up together! La-la...

3. The guys are waving their hands -
These are birds flying. La-la...

4. Foot top, foot top,
Once again, top yes top. La-la...

5. Handles - clap, handles - clap,
Once again, clap and clap. La-la...

6. So the dance is over,
Bow down again. La-la...


My basket is big and it is not empty.
There are treats in it for all the kids. (Gives the basket to the presenter, the children thank.)

Presenter: - And now we ask Autumn to take a photo with us. (They leave.)

Natalia Prigonnova
Scenario autumn holiday for children of the first junior group

Scenario of the autumn holiday in the first junior group:

"Golden autumn is a wonderful time!"



Grandmother (doll behind screen-house)

Attributes, equipment: screen, little house, cardboard leaves for dancing; pine cones, mushrooms, 2 baskets (green and red, a multi-colored umbrella for playing, a screen house, a basket for leaves, a large fake apple with treats inside.

Music sounds, the presenter and the children enter the hall with pieces of paper in their hands and stand in a flock.

1. Dance "Golden Leaves" G. Vikhareva (Sat « Autumn Songs No. 3» With. 12)

Presenter: The leaves are shaking in the wind.

The wind blew, the leaves dropped

It's arrived autumn

We will collect leaves

And we'll put it in the basket.

2. Musical game "Golden Leaves" T. Popatenko (Sat « Autumn Songs No. 2» With. 33)

(The teacher sings a song, the children walk and put leaves in a basket).

Presenter: Well done guys, now take your time, slowly everything

sit down.

Music sounds, children go to their chairs.

Presenter: Music plays, the breeze sings,

Autumn the golden one is coming to visit us!

A waltz sounds and enters Autumn.

Autumn: I - Autumn is golden, came to you with a bow.

I brought some fun ideas for the kids.

(takes 2 colored baskets)

I have two baskets

I was walking along the path.

Collected in a box

Lots of pine cones and mushrooms.

I collected a lot

But the basket fell...

Everything fell apart, look.

Children, can you help me?:

Let's collect the cones in red,

We bring mushrooms to the green one. (places baskets at a distance)

We start to play

3. Attraction: “Collect cones and mushrooms in baskets”(we play 2 times, children are divided into 2 subgroups of 3-4 children)

Autumn: Have you collected everything? Well done!

I’ll take the baskets to the forest and give them to the animals.

Presenter: Thank you, Autumn for the game,

How you make the kids happy!

So let's praise Autumn

Songs, dances and games.

The meetings will be joyful.

Autumn, This your holiday.

Autumn walks over and sits down on a chair.

4. Song "Yes Yes Yes" Tilicheeva (Sat. “Music in d/s 1 ml. gr" With. 12)

(we sing at the chairs)

Presenter: So we sang the song,

We all had more fun.

We will continue the holiday

1st child: Autumn, autumn, do not rush

And wait with the rains.

Give us another summer

Sunshine and light.

2nd child: Leaf fall, leaf fall!

Forest autumn caulk!

The hemp came,

The edges turned red.

3rd child: Golden leaves are falling, flying,

Golden leaves cover the garden.

There are many golden leaves on the paths,

We will make a nice bouquet out of them.

4th child: Looked in autumn in the garden -

The birds have flown away.

There's rustling outside the window in the morning

Yellow snowstorms.

Autumn: Thank you, friends, for the song and poems. And I have a gift for you -

multi-colored umbrella. If it rains, run underneath me

big magic umbrella. He will protect everyone from the rain.

6. Musical game "Sun and Rain" M. Rauchwerger. (Sat. “Music in d/s for 2 ml. gr." With. 80)

Autumn: Rain, rain, don’t make noise,

Don't wet our children!

And when we go to bed,

Then you'll make noise again.

7. Song “Rain” by Lobachev T. Bokach. (Sat. « Autumn songs No. 3» With. 3)

Autumn: Guys, look: there is a mansion, it is neither low nor high.

Let's go to the tower and let's ask:

Who, who lives in the little house?

Who, who lives in a low place?

(Children with in autumn They approach the house on the screen. Grandmother looks out of the tower.)

Grandmother: It's me, Grandma Arina! I want to have fun with you, play yes

make riddles!

Tell me, guys, how are you living?

Children: Like this! (thumb up)

Grandmother: How are you going?

Children: Like this! (walk in place)

Grandmother: How do you run?

Children: Like this! (run)

Grandmother: Are you sleeping?

Children: Like this! (squat, palms under cheeks)

Grandmother: How do you take it?

Children: Like this! (clench your fists)

Grandmother: How do you give?

Children: Like this! (open palms up)

Grandmother: How are you being naughty?

Children: Like this. (Puff up your cheeks, hit them with your fists)

Grandmother: How are you threatening?

Children: Like this! (They shake a finger)

Presenter: Guys, let's show grandma how we can dance!

Grandmother: Show me, I will be very glad.

Autumn: Come on, show me your legs,

How can we dance?

We'll stomp a little

It will be fun with us!

8. Dance: “Chok da chok” by Makshantseva (Sb. "Top-clap kids" With. 20)

Grandmother: Oh yes kids, well done,

Danced from the heart!

Children sit on chairs.

Grandmother: WITH I congratulate you on the holiday,

I'll treat you to a magic apple!

(shows a dummy apple and passes Autumn)

Presenter: Thank you!

Grandmother: Tili-lili-tili-chok,

I'll close my little mansion.

Don't forget me

Come and visit again. Goodbye!

Presenter: Goodbye, Grandma Arina.

(Grandma leaves)

Autumn: Apple liquid,

The apple is not easy.

It grew in my garden,

And it’s stuffed!

I will cover the apple with a magic handkerchief

and we will do magic together.

The presenter lets you down children closer to Autumn, everyone says magic together words: “One, two, three, turn a small apple into a big one!” Autumn opens a scarf, and the children see a big apple.

Autumn: Look, children, a miracle has happened. There was a small apple

and we said the magic words, and the apple became big.

(shakes apple) Yes, guys, there's stuffing here, look.

(Autumn opens the apple - and there are candies in it. Autumn and the presenter distributes treats to all children. Children thank Autumn).

Presenter: Thank you, Autumn, behind holiday, for the treat, and it’s time for us to go

group. We invite you to visit us, come with us.

Autumn: With pleasure!

Poses the sounds of the waltz children, the presenter and Autumn leaves the hall.

Publications on the topic:

Scenario for the spring holiday “Carousel for Children” for children of the 1st junior group. Equipment: A carousel made of a hoop with multi-colored ones attached to it.

"Visiting grandma." Celebration scenario for March 8th for children of the first junior group Characters: Presenter, grandmother Alena - teachers of the group. Vedas: Happy March 8th, happy spring holiday With the first flowers, on this bright day.

Scenario for an autumn holiday for children of the junior group “Everyone cares in autumn” Scenario of the autumn holiday for children of the 1st junior group “Everyone cares in autumn” Goals: introducing children to the images of the autumn season, knowledge.

Goals and Objectives of the holiday: 1. Create conditions for children to express positive emotions and aesthetic feelings. 2. Develop creativity.

Prepared and conducted:

Musical director – Karagodina Olesya Sergeevna

GBOU Secondary School No. 14 SPDS No. 18 “Rainbow”, Zhigulevsk.

Autumn entertainment for children of the 1st junior group

"Autumn Gift"

(The entertainment takes place in a group)

The role of Little Fox is played by the music director with the help of a bi-ba-bo doll.

Little Fox: Hello kids, today I came to visit you, I want to ask you for help! All summer I played, jumped, had fun and didn’t help my mom at all. I want to improve and give her a pleasant surprise, will you help me?

Children: yes!

Little Fox: Well, then let's get to work, come with me into the forest!

Exercise “Legs Walked” (t. Sauko “Top-clap, kids”)

(mushrooms are scattered in the clearing)

Little Fox: Guys, how many mushrooms have grown in my little forest, let’s collect them in baskets and store them for the winter.

(Children collect mushrooms in a basket to the music)

Little Fox: Thank you, you helped! Do you know that I love playing hide and seek in the forest, let’s play with me?

Game "Hide and Seek"

Where, where are our pens?
Where are our pens?
Where, where are our pens?
We don't have our pens.
Here, here are our hands,
Here are our pens.
Our hands are dancing, dancing,

Our hands are dancing.

Where, where are our legs?
Where are our legs?
Where, where are our legs?
Our legs are missing.
Here, here are our legs,
Here are our legs.
Our feet are dancing, dancing,

Our feet are dancing.

Where, where are our children?
Where are our children?
Where, where are our children?
Our children are missing.
Here, here are our children,
Here are our kids.
Our children are dancing, dancing,

Our children are dancing.

Little Fox: Well done!

Suddenly a cheerful breeze scattered leaves, oak leaves, maple leaves. (scatters leaves). Let's take the leaves in our hands and begin a beautiful dance.

Dance of the Leafs

Swing over me

My leaf is golden. - swing a twig over your head

Maple leaves

2. We are sitting behind a leaf

We look from behind a leaf. - crouch down, hide behind leaves:

1 measure - move the leaf to the right

2 beat - hide

3 beat – move the leaf to the left

Beat 4 – hiding

Oak leaves stand up and spin around as they walk

Maple leaves

3. Suddenly a cheerful breeze

He wants to tear out my leaf - they quickly shake the branches

Oak leaves - spinning as you step

Maple leaves

4. We won’t give you a piece of paper.

It will be useful for us ourselves - we hide the piece of paper behind our backs and turn our body left and right

Oak leaves - spinning as you step

Maple leaves

Little Fox: How many leaves have we collected? Let’s put them in a vase. (Put in a vase) Look what an autumn bouquet it turned out to be.

Little Fox: Oh, guys, it looks like it’s going to rain! Can you sing?

Children: Yes!

Little Ladder: Then sing along with me:

Song "Rain"

Rain, rain,Drip-drip-drip!Wet paths.We can't go for a walk -We'll get our feet wet. (Children sing along)

Little Fox: Guys, are you afraid of rain?

Children: No!

Little Fox: So let's go play! I have a wonderful umbrella that will help hide from the rain!

Game "Sun and Rain"

Little Fox: That's great, I didn't wet anyone!

You guys are so great, you helped me a lot. The mushrooms and leaves were collected. Now I’ll go to mommy and give her an autumn bouquet and a basket of mushrooms. And for your help, I have prepared autumn gifts for you - these are liquid apples. Grow big and listen to your mommies! It’s time for me to run to my mother while the kids are here!

Entertainment scenario "Visiting Autumn" in the junior group of a preschool educational institution

Target: formation of initial ideas about the season “Autumn”.
1. continue to introduce children to the signs of the season “Autumn”;
2. consolidate the ability to name and distinguish vegetables (potatoes, cabbage,
carrots, onions, beets) by their appearance;
3. develop speech, attention, hearing, cognitive activity;
4. cultivate interest in nature, the ability to interact with each other
friend, activity.
Materials and equipment: a basket of vegetables (cabbage, potatoes, carrots, onions, beets); toys: hare, fox, bear; leaves of different colors; tree; umbrella; two baskets with mushrooms of different colors.
Vocabulary work: enriching children's vocabulary with adjectives (beautiful, generous) and antonyms (cheerful and sad, sunny and cloudy).
Methods: story, viewing natural objects, game situations.
Integration of educational areas:“Socio-communicative development”, “Cognitive development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Physical development”.

Leading: Children, now we are going on a journey. We will travel by plane.
Children start the airplane engine (children squat, arms bent at the elbows in front of them, fingers clenched into fists. Slow rotation, followed by acceleration, of the fists in front of them. Slowly children rise to their full height, straighten their arms to the sides and run after the teacher in a circle pronouncing the sound “u” for a long time.

Then they squat down and rotate their fists from fast to slow.)
- We flew to the autumn kingdom to a fairy-tale forest clearing.
Children sit on chairs.
Leading: What time of year is it now?
Children: Autumn.
Host: What is autumn?
That's a lot of leaves
Golden leaves are flying over the ground.
That's a lot of light
Golden light falls from the sky.
Leading: Guys, let's call in autumn.
Children repeat after the teacher:
Autumn! Autumn!
Leading: No autumn. Let's close our eyes with our hands and call her again.
To the music of the waltz, autumn appears and walks around the group.

Autumn: Hello guys! I am golden autumn!
Leading: Hello, golden autumn!
Hello, generous time!
Autumn: I am so glad that you came to visit me. I was completely sad: the birds flew away, the sun hid behind a cloud, all the little animals were preparing for winter, only the birch tree and I were left alone, and the vegetables were in the garden.
Now we’ll take a look at what’s growing in the garden.
Didactic game “Name the vegetable” (wonderful bag)
The child puts his hand into the bag, finds a vegetable and must guess what kind of vegetable it is.

Host: Autumn, what else do you have in your basket?
Autumn: Lots of colorful leaves.
Autumn scatters leaves across the floor.

Leading: Guys, let's sing a song and dance with leaves.
Dance with leaves to the song “Yellow leaf, red leaf...”

Autumn: Oh, guys, someone is moving here. Come here quickly.
Autumn and her children approach the tree.
Autumn: And to guess who is hiding there, let's solve the riddle:
Protects the fluffy tail
And he guards the animals.
They know the redhead in the forest -
Very cunning...
Children: Chanterelle, that's right. (the teacher takes out a toy fox from behind the tree)
Autumn: Oh, I think someone else is sneaking. In this fabulous clearing you can meet not only the fox, but also other animals.
I’ll tell you another riddle, and you try to guess it.
A ball of fluff,
Long ear
Jumps deftly
Loves carrots. Who is this?
Children: Bunny.
Autumn: Correct. Look, here he is. (takes out a toy hare)
Autumn: Guys, don’t you hear anything? It seems that someone else is approaching this clearing. Let's solve the riddle, who is it?
Clubfoot and big,
He sleeps in a den in winter.
Loves pine cones, loves honey.
Well, who will name it?

He takes out a toy bear.
Leading: Look, guys, we have gathered animals that live in our song. Let's sing this song.
They perform the song-game “We walked in the forest...”

Autumn: It seems to me that the animals really liked the song-game. But it's time for them to go to the forest. Prepare for winter.
They say goodbye, the sound of rain is heard. A “cloud” runs into the hall.

I'm a big cloud
So angry!
I'll bring autumn rain -
I'll catch up with all the kids!
Children run away from the “cloud” and sit down on chairs.
Autumn: Cloud, why are you so angry? Maybe someone offended you?
Cloud. In your kindergarten so fun, so interesting! And I fly above the ground all day and shed tears.
Autumn: Cloud, do you want our children to dance for you?
Cloud. Certainly! I really love dancing.
(Dance “Rowanberries”)

Cloud (crying). And now I want a song!
Autumn: Which one?
Cloud. Something about autumn, for example about rain.
Autumn: Okay! Now we will all learn a new song together.
Song "Rain".
Children sing along “drip-drip-drip” and perform hand movements as shown by the teacher.
The blue cloud has arrived Palm spanking
Drip-drip-drip. on the knees.
Brought rain to the children Tapping with index finger
Drip-drip-drip. right hand on the palm of the left.
The rain drips into the palms, Pull your arms forward
Drip-drip-drip. cupped palms.
Children are dancing on the path, Perform hand movements -
Drip-drip-drip. "lanterns".
“Tuchka” is crying again.
Autumn: Tuchka, didn’t you like our song? The kids worked so hard!
Cloud (crying). I really liked the song, and the children sang well. I just want to play. After all, no one has ever played with me.
Autumn: Don't cry, Tuchka, the guys will be happy to play with you!
I will open an umbrella, a multi-colored umbrella.
Come to me quickly, friends!
You can hide from the rain here.
Game "Sunshine and Rain".
Children move freely around the hall, jumping, clapping their hands.
Sunshine, sunshine, look out the window,
Shine in the sky and play with the kids!
Cloud. Rain, rain, rain, rain! Run away quickly!
Children hide under a large umbrella held by the teacher.
The game is played 2 times, and each time the teacher with an umbrella moves to another place.

Cloud. Ha ha ha! I'm having so much fun! Hey kids! I have a gift for you - blue rain. Oh, what is this? (The umbrella is open in the corner.) - Who knows what it’s for?
The teacher picks him up. Underneath there are 2 baskets with mushrooms. In one basket there are mushrooms with red caps, in the other - with yellow ones.
Tuchka: What is this in the baskets? (Mushrooms.) What color are the caps of the mushrooms in the first basket? What color are the caps of the mushrooms in the other basket?
He pours mushrooms from both baskets onto the floor.
Autumn:- Oh oh oh! All the mushrooms have crumbled! Guys, help - collect the mushrooms quickly! Be careful: we collect mushrooms with yellow caps in a basket with a yellow leaf, and mushrooms with red caps in a basket with a red leaf.
Outdoor game “Collect mushrooms by color.”
The sound of rain sounds again.
Tuchka: oh, the rain is calling me. It's time for me...Goodbye...
(runs away)
Autumn: We had a great celebration today! Yes, I can be different - cheerful and sad, sunny and cloudy, with rain and wet snow, with cold winds and frosts. But I am very glad that you all love me - for my generosity, for my beauty, for the rare but glorious warm days! Thank you for coming today to our wonderful holiday in the fabulous Autumn Kingdom. Low bow to everyone! (Bows) And now, dear guests, taste my delicious gifts!
Autumn gives the teacher a basket with “Leaflets” cookies and nuts from the squirrel!
I'll go see if all the animals are ready for winter. (Autumn is leaving)
Leading: This concludes our journey. We start our “engines” and return to the group on the plane to drink tea with autumn treats.

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