Palm oil effect on the body. Why is palm oil bad for your health? How to remove a substance from the body and is it necessary to do so?

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

One of the oldest food products. The earliest evidence of palm oil consumption is about 5,000 years old. It was transported to Europe along with gold, tea, silk and other valuable goods. Now, suddenly, palm oil has become unhealthy.

ABOUT palm oil There are various horror stories: it is not digested, it clogs blood vessels, it causes cancer. Rumors that it is imported only to Russia, the population of Russia is being poisoned with it, it is banned in developed countries of the world, etc.

Contrary to rumors, it is not prohibited either in Europe or in the USA. The share of its consumption is 58% of all vegetable oils. By the way, it has been used in the food industry of the USSR since the 1970s.

If it is so harmful, then why is it not banned? In this article we will tell you the basic facts about palm oil, how it is made, why it is beneficial and harmful.


Palm oil is digested in the same way as other foods. It doesn't clog digestive system, and even more so the vessels.

Compared to other vegetable fats, palm oil contains more saturated fatty acids, which are harmful in large quantities. Otherwise, it is the same vegetable fat as olive, sunflower, and flaxseed. However, replacing it with the highest quality butter (82.5%) will not make the product healthier. There are even more saturated (potentially harmful) fatty acids in butter. However, no one calls butter poison.

Source: Content in grams per 100 g of product.

What is palm oil made from?

Palm oil is made from the fruits of African oil palm. Small fruits 3-4 cm in size, very similar to plums. Palm oil is obtained from the fruit, and palm kernel oil is obtained from the kernel. After the pressing process, oil is obtained in 2 states: liquid and solid. Then it goes through several stages of purification and deodorization.

Palm oil: health benefits and harms

Benefits of palm oil

  • Set of vitamins: A, E, coenzyme Q10, B6, D and F. During processing, oils are deprived of most of the nutrients. In palm, they remain no less than in any other.
  • Does not contain cholesterol.
  • Does not contain trans fats. Palm oil is both liquid and solid. The solid is used for food production. It does not need to be processed (hydrogenated), it already has the desired consistency. This is its advantage and benefit. For example, to get a solid oil from a liquid vegetable oil, it must be passed through a hydrogenation process. It turns out a solid oil with trans fats (margarine), which has a structure that is unusual for the body. Such fat “loads” the liver and stimulates the production of large amounts.
  • Necessary for children. Palm oil in infant formula is not only harmless, but also beneficial. In baby food, it is important to make the product as close as possible to mother's milk, and it contains up to 25% palmic acid. It is necessary for the normal development of the child, so palm oil is used in baby food.

Why is palm oil harmful?

  • The only harm is excess fat in the diet. You need to be afraid not of palm oil, but of the amount of sweets, confectionery, sausages, smoked meats, donuts, ice cream and all kinds of food substitutes (curd product, cheese product, etc.) eaten.
  • Palm oil production causes harm to nature. Huge areas of forests are cut down for plantations, animals are deprived of their natural habitat. This problem concerns not only oil, but the entire sphere of consumption in general.

Palm oil in Russia

The increasing availability of palm oil is disrupting the business of dairy producers. Even the president is openly talking about this.

Of course, producers of milk and vegetable oils want to do everything to complicate the import of palm oil into Russia. It also shook their business.

The noise around palm oil is due to a substitution of concepts. This story is very similar to . The main problem is product falsification. When a cheese product is sold instead of cheese, a curd product is sold instead of cottage cheese, etc. They are made from palm oil. It is also found in baked goods, sweets, and cakes.

There is one more important point. There is a standard Russian Federation- GOST R 53776-2010 “Palm oil. Refined deodorized for the food industry." This document regulates its quality. The presence of the document suggests that, based on research product safety proven.

Video about product compositions and palm oil

CMT Science channel video.

Brief summary of the article:

  • It is not palm oil that is harmful, but excess fat in the diet
  • Avoid hydrogenated and fried fats
  • Palm oil is no worse than butter
  • Palm oil is essential in baby food
  • All fats are needed, but in moderation

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Fatty oils are a source of energy necessary not only to maintain the normal functioning of living organisms, but also to increase vitality fruits and seeds, in the case of plants. There is a small supply of vegetable fats in the seeds of any plant, but there are especially many of them in sunflowers, olives, rapeseed, soybeans, wheat, flax, cocoa, various nuts and, including, palm fruits.

Vegetable oils are obtained from fruits by pressing, cleaning and deodorizing. The content of unsaturated fatty acids in such oil can reach 70%. These acids are essential, ie. The human body itself is not theirs, but it needs them to ensure vital processes and normal functioning. These are acids such as oleic and linoleic, which are part of vitamin F. They are responsible for the normal functioning of the heart and blood vessels, increase the body’s immunity and help it fight inflammation. An additional advantage of vegetable fats is the absence of cholesterol, which is so abundant in animal fats. By replacing animal fats with vegetable oils in your diet, you can significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and solve the problem of excess weight.

Features of palm oil

Palm oil is also a vegetable source of fat, and although this product is considered exotic for Russia, its global production of the total amount of vegetable oils is about 30%. Its main suppliers to the world market are Indonesia and Malaysia, and its consumers are India, China and the European Union.

A distinctive feature of this oil is not only its relatively low price, but also the low content of unsaturated fats, which react with air and oxidize, become rancid. That is why products containing palm oil can be stored much longer than those containing other oils of vegetable origin. Palm oil is added to confectionery, margarine, mayonnaise, pastries, dairy products, and is also used for biodiesel and cosmetics.

It can be said that the use of palm oil, which has a lower biological value, is more beneficial for producers, since it suits them from a practical point of view. But how justified is this from the buyers' point of view?

Harm and benefits of palm oil

This oil contains many carotenoids, which are especially beneficial for those with skin and hair problems. There are almost 50 times more natural carotenoids in this oil than in tomatoes and 15 times more than in carrots. Pro-vitamin A, carotene, has a positive effect on the quality of vision and eye health. Vitamin E and tocopherols, which are part of palm oil, help increase muscle mass, improve skin tone, and stimulate sexual function. Therefore, many nutritionists advise adding it to milk formulas used for baby food.
Natural carotenoids contained in palm oil are absorbed in the body without causing hypervitaminosis, unlike synthetic vitamin preparations.

Palm oil, by its natural properties, is a hydrogenated vegetable fat with a high melting point. This is a natural substance, in its properties and appearance, reminiscent of margarine. High-quality edible palm oil, mixed with other food ingredients, extends their shelf life and imparts a unique, pleasant taste. The problem is that unscrupulous producers use non-edible, technical palm oil, the cost of which is much lower, as well as the customs duties levied for its import into the country. Therefore, the main problem that has contributed to the controversy and talk that this oil is harmful to health is counterfeit products using low-quality vegetable fats.

The palm tree is a plant that is not subject to genetic modification, so the oil from its fruit remains today one of the few products that has not been subject to such effects.

When you go to the store to buy groceries, be sure to pay attention to the ingredients listed on the label. In the case where low-quality oil was used, it will most likely be designated simply as vegetable or confectionery fat. But it should be remembered that even high-quality edible palm oil contains a large amount of saturated fatty acids and, in particular, palmitic acid. This acid helps increase cholesterol levels in the blood, causing such dangerous diseases blood vessels, such as atherosclerosis and thrombosis. Therefore, it is worth limiting the amount of confectionery products and snacks in your diet, buying not crackers or ice cream, but more vegetables and fruits.

Detailed description and chemical composition palm oil. Useful properties of the product and possible harm for digestion, heart, blood vessels and figure. Methods of application in the food industry.

Description and composition of palm oil

Palm oil is a vegetable oil made from the pulp of the fruit of the oil palm tree. This tree grows on the islands of the Indian Ocean, in Asian countries and on the African continent. Fruit ripening is possible only in a humid and hot equatorial climate, at a temperature not lower than +24°C. To obtain a high-quality fraction, they must be ripe. The leaders in the export of this product are Sri Lanka, Indonesia, and Malaysia.

The oil looks like an almost transparent liquid with a slightly sweetish odor; it has no taste as such. At low temperatures, the composition acquires a semi-solid or creamy consistency and requires melting in a water bath or in a microwave oven.

To obtain this widely popular culinary ingredient, the method of pressing or boiling the pulp of palm fruits is used. In the first case, we are talking about cold pressing, due to which all the ingredients in the product are preserved. beneficial features. The second method involves heating them, as a result of which the temperature can reach 150-200 degrees. Naturally, after such treatment, more than 50% of the substances are lost.

Palm oil is virtually tasteless, making it a popular ingredient in cooking. It can be stored without spoiling for more than 2-3 months in the refrigerator and several days at room conditions. In the process of its production, additives known in the food industry are produced - olein and stearin, which are actively added to margarines.

The calorie content of palm oil per 100 g is 899 kcal, of which the main percentage is fat (99.7 g). Water accounts for only 0.1 g.

Of the vitamins, there is only alpha-tocopherol (E) - 33.1 mg, retinol (A). Things are also not very good with macroelements - the body can only get phosphorus, and then only 2 mg. But there are quite a lot of sterols here - as much as 100 mg. The situation with fatty acids is completely different.

Saturated fatty acids per 100 g:

  • Caprylic - 3.3 g;
  • Capric - 3.8 g;
  • Lauric - 42.5 g;
  • Myristic - 11.9 g;
  • Palmitic - 6.3 g;
  • Stearic acid - 7.4 g;
  • Arachina - 1.1 g.
Among the monounsaturated fatty acids per 100 g there are 14.5 g of palmitoleic and 14 g of oleic, and of the polyunsaturated ones - 2.4 g of linoleic.

The characteristics of the main substances are as follows:

  1. Vitamin E. This is a powerful antioxidant, also known as alpha-tocopherol. It is a fat-soluble substance, does not settle in water and is almost completely preserved after exposure to high or low temperatures. Its benefit is to protect the body from premature aging and oxidative processes. With a deficiency of this vitamin, hair, nails and skin suffer, memory and mood worsen, and the thyroid gland is disrupted.
  2. Vitamin A. Its other name is “retinol”; it is produced in the body from carotene. It is a natural antioxidant necessary for the normal functioning of the immune system, healthy hair, nails and skin, and metabolism.
  3. Phosphorus. This micronutrient present in palm oil is essential for good bone, teeth, hair and muscle health. It is also important for brain function, metabolism, and cell regeneration. The daily human need for it, depending on age, is 1-3.8 g.
  4. Lauric acid. It is widely used to create soaps, creams and other cosmetics. This substance is known for its ability to cope with viruses and pathogens. Thanks to it, the feeling of hunger quickly disappears, the skin is moisturized, and mental activity improves.
  5. Palmitoleic acid. It belongs to the monounsaturated type and is one of the most useful. This substance is found in human subcutaneous fat and is necessary for the production of nerve cells, lowering blood pressure, and reducing the amount of cholesterol in the blood.
  6. Myristic acid. This is a readily soluble substance belonging to the class of saturated fatty acids. It forms compounds with calcium ions, is not absorbed in the intestines and goes out with the stool. Therefore, this component of the product does not have a significant effect on health.

Important! Considering that palm oil contains the most fatty acids, you should not get carried away with it.

Benefits of palm oil

This product is a powerful antioxidant that has a beneficial effect on the cells of the body. It protects them from oxidation and the harmful effects of toxins, thereby preventing premature aging. It is a source of healthy unsaturated fats, which are vital for normal functioning. of cardio-vascular system. This is especially true for older people, who have such problems much more often than young people.

The list of beneficial properties of palm oil is as follows:

  • Well satisfies hunger. Being high-calorie and rich in carbohydrates, the product suppresses appetite and quickly gives a feeling of satiety.
  • Improves brain function. Since this oil contains unsaturated fatty acids, it stimulates mental activity.
  • Gives strength. This is possible due to the fact that the product contains triglycerides, which, when entering the bloodstream, saturate the cells with oxygen. This way you have more energy, improve your mood and improve your performance.
  • Cleansing the body. Oleic and linoleic acids, of which there are quite a lot in the product, are necessary to reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. This helps prevent various diseases heart and blood vessels - thrombosis, atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, stroke, etc.
  • Takes care of vision. In order for it to always remain good, the body must constantly receive vitamin A. You can meet the daily need for it by consuming at least 2 tsp. oils per day. This will help strengthen the retina and prevent its detachment, the development of cataracts and other ophthalmological diseases.
  • Helps with exhaustion of the body. One of the indications for the use of palm oil is sudden weight loss. You can gain it due to the fact that it contains a lot of calories that provide energy.
The benefits of palm oil are undeniable if they are not abused. The maximum recommended amount per day is no more than 2 tbsp. l. Moreover, it is advisable to eat it in its pure form; its use in baked goods and various products almost completely devalues ​​the importance of the product.

Why is palm oil harmful?

Nutritionists are unfavorable towards palm oil. They explain their negative attitude towards it by the fact that it is oversaturated with harmful fats. It contains neither healthy proteins nor easily digestible carbohydrates. Another danger is that most of the oils sold are produced by the so-called hot pressing method. This process uses temperature treatment, during which not only almost half of all useful substances are lost, but also carcinogens accumulate in the oil. It is known that these substances cause serious harm to humans - they provoke the growth of tumors, the development of cardiovascular diseases, obesity and diabetes.

Harm of palm oil to the cardiovascular system

Unlike olive and corn oil, palm oil contains only 10% poly- and monounsaturated acids. The rest is saturated fats, which, according to numerous studies, can cause the formation of atherosclerotic plaques and increased cholesterol levels, which entails the development of hypertension, myocardial infarction, stroke, and Alzheimer's disease.

With regular abuse of this oil, the blood vessels become dirty, waste and toxins accumulate in them. All this leads to their narrowing and thinning of the walls. As a result, there are risks of complications in the form of varicose veins, the formation of blood clots and their rupture. It is also dangerous that such oil increases arterial pressure Therefore, it is strictly contraindicated for hypertensive patients.

Is palm oil bad for your figure?

This is one of the most high-calorie foods; 100 g contains almost 900 kcal. This is 1/3 of the daily requirement of an adult. We are talking here only about the raw product; when cooked, its nutritional properties almost double. As a result, consuming this oil has a negative impact on weight.

It has been proven that it disrupts metabolism, “clogs” the intestines, blood vessels and liver, and prevents cleansing of the body. All this leads to an increase in body weight, and over time, if nothing is done, to the development of obesity.

The harm of palm oil for the figure lies in the fact that it is poorly digested and absorbed. Its remnants accumulate in the subcutaneous fat layer and lead to weight gain. Especially attentive to this should be those who are naturally inclined to be overweight.

Harmful of palm oil for digestion

This product is very difficult for the stomach: not only does it take a long time and is difficult to digest, it also often causes severe heartburn. In some cases, its use leads to bloating, constipation or diarrhea. Most often this occurs with gastritis, colitis, biliary dyskinesia. It increases the level of bilirubin in the blood and inhibits the functioning of the pancreas.

This product also negatively affects the liver, saturating it with harmful fats. This can lead to fatty liver and even cirrhosis. The substances contained in it irritate the intestinal and stomach mucosa, contaminate them, cause attacks of abdominal pain and increase the risk of tumor growth.

Such problems can arise when consuming both raw and heat-treated oil. But the first is still not so bad. Metabolism and pancreatic dysfunction predisposes to the development diabetes mellitus 1 or 2 types.

Due to the refractoriness of the oil, it is difficult to digest and absorb by the body, and what remains in the body as a result of this is not excreted anywhere. Thus, its intoxication occurs, which already affects the general well-being.

Important! Some countries have banned or restricted the import of this product because it is considered hazardous to health and even addictive, like nicotine or caffeine.

Features of the use of palm oil in nutrition

This is a widely used ingredient for making baked goods - pies, bread, cakes, cookies, etc. It is often added to candies to give them hardness and increase shelf life. It is the basis for the production of margarine, which can significantly reduce the cost of the product. In fact, this is the real food supplement designed to change the taste properties of a product.

Palm oil can often be found among the ingredients in crackers, sauces, and chips. Sometimes french fries are fried on it. It is popular as a replacement for other vegetable oils, since it is consumed much more economically. The use of this ingredient is not excluded even in the creation of baby food and various semi-finished products.

The main task of palm oil is to improve the presentation of products and their taste, increase shelf life and reduce cost. Despite its significant harm to health, it is one of the main preservatives in the food industry. It is temperature resistant, practically odorless and tasteless, and easily combined with all products.

Oil palm oil in its raw form perfectly complements fresh salads of vegetables and fruits. The product obtained by hot pressing can be used for frying, boiling, stewing, and baking. It makes excellent frying for first courses and various sauces.

Here are some interesting recipes with palm oil:

  • Casserole. Add to cold water(2-3 l) juice of one lemon and rinse young crabs (no more than 300 g) in them. After this, pour into a hot frying pan. vegetable oil and fry this ingredient. While it's cooking, crush the garlic (5 cloves) with a masher and add it to the crabs. Now salt and pepper the mixture, add onion cut into rings, chopped carrots and pepper (1 piece each). Next, just simmer the mixture thoroughly under the lid for 20-30 minutes and add 2 tbsp before turning off. l. palm oil.
  • Stew. Peel and chop the onion (1 pc.), carrots (1 pc.), bell pepper (1 pc.), garlic (5 cloves) and tomatoes (2 pcs.) poured boiling water. Next, fry it all in palm oil, cover with water and simmer covered for 15-20 minutes. Before turning off the burner, add chopped basil, salt, ground black pepper, celery and sugar to taste. It is served cold.
  • Stuffed eggplants. Wash them (4 pieces), cut them in half, remove the middle and soak in warm, salty water for 10 minutes. This is necessary for the bitterness to go away. Next, rinse, peel and chop the champignons (600 g), tomatoes (4 pcs.), garlic (4 cloves) and onion (1 head). All this must first be fried in a large amount of palm oil, and then used as a filling for eggplants. Then they should be baked in the oven and decorated with grated cheese.
  • Snack. Grate the peeled ginger root, which should be no more than 2 tbsp. l. and garlic (2 cloves). Combine them with the juice of half a lemon, 1 tbsp. l. chopped walnuts, palm oil (3 tbsp), pepper and salt to taste, balsamic vinegar (2 tbsp). Now wash and cut the cucumbers (5-6 pieces) into slices, and then place them on a plate, garnish with spinach and pour over the prepared sauce.
Watch the video about palm oil:

Palm oil A plant product that is obtained from the oil palm, exclusively from ripe seeds. This plant grows in Malaysia, Guinea, Indonesia.

One hectare of oilseed field can produce eight times more oil than sunflower yields. The benefits and harms of palm oil are being closely studied by scientists, and there are heated debates about its negative effects on the human body.

In many developed countries, the issue of completely stopping the supply of this dangerous product has been repeatedly raised. For half a million people in palm oil-supplying countries, this work is the only way to feed their families and earn a living.

Today, palm oil is one of the most popular and widespread vegetable fats. Due to the low cost and excellent taste of this vegetable oil, residents of countries such as Southeast Asia and Latin America consume it almost daily and consider it an integral part of their diet.

What is palm oil made from?

There are two types of palm oil:

  1. Raw – made from the pulp of palm seeds;
  2. Palm kernel - produced from the central kernel, which is located inside the fruit.

All palm oil is divided into three fractions. They differ in melting point, qualities and scope of application.
Palm stearin (melting at t=46.6–53.8°). It has a solid structure and is most often used in the production of margarine, ready-made puff pastry, detergents, and cosmetics.
Standard oil (melting at t=36–39°). It is perfect for frying, as it does not produce fumes or smoke when heated. Used in confectionery products.
Palm olein (melting at t=19.2–23.6°). It has a liquid, creamy consistency. Used in cooking and cosmetology.

Natural palm oil has a rich composition and includes:

  • polyunsaturated acids of Omega-6 and Omega-3 groups;
  • tocopherols;
  • coenzyme Q10;
  • carotenoids;
  • monounsaturated acids;
  • vitamins E, A;
  • stearic and palmitic acids.

You should know that the oil obtained after simple pressing and squeezing is technical. The process of deep processing of palm oil occurs in five stages of refining, including purification, hydration, neutralization, deodorization and bleaching. Only after such long processing will palm oil be ready for use.


Why is palm oil harmful?

The benefits of palm oil have always been studied by experts and have been under great question. Today it has already been proven that the harm of this product outweighs the benefits, so it is completely unsuitable for daily use.

The fact is that the main components of this product are saturated fats that are resistant to the effects of our environment. The oil retains its taste for a long time and does not spoil - in other words, it is a good preservative. When it is added to food products, their shelf life increases, and manufacturers spend a minimum of money, which is very economically profitable.

However, the harm of palm oil to humans is enormous. Consumption of products containing this product can lead to the destruction of the immune system, wear and tear of the body, as well as the occurrence of the following pathologies:

  • Increased cholesterol levels;
  • Vascular damage;
  • Lipid metabolism disorders;
  • Atherosclerotic deposits;
  • Diabetes;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • Obesity;
  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Oncological formations;
  • Addiction.

Nutritionists, having studied the dangers of palm oil, strongly do not recommend purchasing products that contain this cheap fat substitute. French fries, condensed milk, vermicelli instant cooking, chips, chocolate spread, crackers, crackers - when buying these and any other products, carefully study their composition. If the label states that the product contains this exotic oil, refuse (better refuse) from purchasing it!


Benefits of palm oil

High-quality palm oil contains many vitamins and substances that have a beneficial effect on the human body. Do not forget that it contains unsaturated acids, which significantly reduce cholesterol in the blood. Also, these substances are extremely necessary for the body to form healthy joints, epidermis, skeletal system.

There are still benefits to palm oil, despite its obvious harm. It is an excellent source of valuable antioxidants that strengthen immune system, protect cells from harmful sun rays and radiation. In addition, palm oil contains triglycerol (a type of fatty acid), which is similar to cow's milk protein.

This substance is quickly absorbed in the body and is completely transformed into energy. Palm oil is useful for people who have problems with the absorption of other vegetable fats, as well as for athletes seeking to quickly build muscle mass.

The presence of vitamin A in the oil has a positive effect on vision, and a special substance called lutein leads to improved function. retina, normalizes the condition of the conjunctiva and cornea of ​​the eye. Vitamin E normalizes eye pressure, protects the lens from cataracts and has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system of the visual organs.

Due to its wound-healing and anti-inflammatory properties, this type of oil is widely used in cosmetology and pharmacology - it is included in various creams and medicinal ointments. And three types of fractions make it possible to successfully use palm oil in the production of washing powders, lubricants, candles and soap.

Palm oil in baby food

The harm and benefits of palm oil for children's bodies have been studied very closely. There have been numerous discussions on this issue, experiments and studies have been carried out. However, the verdict for the product was unanimous - palm oil is harmful and should not be present in a child’s diet. For a baby’s fragile body, this exotic product poses a serious danger and is completely unsuitable as food.

The presence of palm oil in a child’s diet can lead to the following pathological processes:

  • Stomach colic;
  • Frequent regurgitation;
  • Constipation;
  • Leaching calcium from the body.

Unscrupulous baby food manufacturers include palm oil in their products, because it is inexpensive. In addition, this product improves the taste of food and causes addiction by acting on nervous system child.

The baby’s body is not yet formed for such loads, and any flavor enhancer is a narcotic drug and a dangerous carcinogen for him - and these substances have no place in a child’s diet. Therefore, if you care about the health of your children, carefully study the labels on baby food packages and do not buy products that contain palm oil!

Hydrogenated palm oil

The hydrogenation process is the processing of oils under the influence of high temperatures with the use of chemicals. As a result, the oil becomes solid from its liquid form, receiving the status of trans fat - an extremely dangerous substance for our body. There is a reverse form of this process - dehydrogenation (transformation of solid oil into liquid).

Palm oil after the hydrogenation procedure is a trans fat and has a detrimental effect on the condition of all vital systems of the body. It impairs the function of blood arteries, adversely affects the heart, and can cause cancer and type II diabetes.

The harm of hydrogenated palm oil is enormous. Pregnant and lactating women should especially beware of trans fats, and should not allow them to enter the child’s diet. This can lead to irreversible pathologies and negatively affect the growth and development of the child’s body.

When going to the store to buy groceries, take your time and carefully read the ingredients of the products indicated on the labels.

Trans fat is often referred to as:

  • Polyunsaturated margarine;
  • Partially hydrogenated;
  • Hardened vegetable fat;
  • Elaidic acid.

Eat healthy food, spice up salads olive oil, bake rather than fry meat, give up fast food, enrich your daily diet with vegetables and fruits. Be careful, because no one but you will worry about your health!

IN last years Russian milkmen became concerned about the problem: every year more and more palm oil is imported into our country, and dairy products to which it is added already account for up to 30% of their industry. Palm oil greatly reduces the cost of production and extends the shelf life of the product, but it is harmful to health.

Recently, manufacturers of milk and products made from it have addressed proposal to V.V. Putin: force manufacturers to write “contains palm oil” on product packaging or completely ban its import into our country. However, it is very difficult to “force” those who have already warmed their hands on palm oil and turned into millionaires in six months to give up making huge profits. It is not for nothing that in countries that trade palm oil - Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, India and Nigeria - they say: it is more profitable to have an oil palm plantation than an oil well.

Palm oil has a pleasant aroma and taste of milk cream, due to which it can significantly enhance the taste of the products to which it is added. In addition, it significantly extends the shelf life and reduces the cost of goods. It is clear that corporations that make large profits by selling and using the palm tree are trying to increase their business income every year. Therefore, today most of the dairy products sold in our stores have nothing to do with milk.

Palm oil mainly used as an alternative to milk fat. Most of it is found in margarines, butter, cheese, sour cream, cottage cheese, yoghurts, condensed milk and dry cream. In addition, in order to improve the taste and appearance product, extending its shelf life, palm oil is added to pastries, cakes, rolls, muffins, crackers, cookies, buns, chocolates, bars, glazes and to the chocolate itself. Palm oil is indispensable in the preparation of chips, French fries, fast food, hamburgers, cheeseburgers, etc.

Technical regulations of the Customs Union The use of pure palm oil in food products is officially prohibited in its territory. It is allowed to add only “milk fat substitute” to dairy products - palm oil, which is similar in performance to milk fat. However, it is not profitable for manufacturers to comply with this regulation, because palm oil costs 5 times less than milk fat. That's why those who buy an expensive vegetable fat substitute complain that they are sold regular palm oil instead!

In 2005 World Health Organization officially recommended reducing palm oil consumption to prevent an increase in the number of patients with cardiovascular diseases. Palm oil products are especially harmful for children. younger age. It has been proven that frequent regurgitation, colic, and constipation in babies are a consequence of feeding infant formula that contains palm oil!

Lately, it has become increasingly common advertise palm oil, describing its unique beneficial properties. And this is true, but only expensive red palm oil is useful, which is unprofitable to add to food. The commercial interests of manufacturers force them to look for a replacement, so they make their products with industrial palm oil, which is hazardous to health.

In countries European Union It is allowed to use palm oil with a peroxide value of no more than 0.5 units in food production, and in Russia the allowed value is 10. In the West, such oil is used as machine oil for lubricating equipment, but we eat it! In addition, according to GOST, palm oil must be transported in stainless steel canisters, and recently it turned out that the main importer of palm oil to Russia, LLC Food Ingredients of the EFKO group of companies, transported palm oil in oil product containers. Most often, this oil is stored in plastic tanks; for this reason, it may contain cadmium, arsenic, mercury, lead and other heavy metals hazardous to health.

Palm oil obtained from the fruits of a special oil palm. It contains more than 50% saturated fatty acids and, like animal fat, tends to be deposited in the arteries and contribute to increased cholesterol. Palmitic acid, which is one of the main components of palm oil, promotes the formation of fatty plaques on the walls blood vessels and if consumed in excess, leads to atherosclerosis, heart disease and can provoke cancer.

Unfortunately, it is very difficult these days to protect yourself from using such harmful palm oil. After all, it is almost impossible to detect its presence in a product. Manufacturers usually write “vegetable oil” or “vegetable fat” on labels instead of the words “palm oil,” which is perceived by us as a healthy product.

Nutritionist Arian Grumba x recommends: “To protect yourself from the harmful effects of palm oil, the main thing is to limit the consumption of industrially produced products and not eat anything that did not exist when your grandmother was alive!” This means try to consume natural milk and homemade products. Do not buy confectionery and dairy products with a long shelf life, especially try to limit children from consuming them. Never eat fast foods, chips, cheap rolls, cakes, pastries, curd cheeses, condensed milk, cheese and curd products, yoghurts, ice cream, chocolates and candy bars. Don't save money to the detriment of your health!

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