Types of fever - characteristics, examples. Types, types of fevers and the course of febrile syndrome Types of fever by degree of increase

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

Fever is divided according to the degree of temperature rise into:

- low-grade fever(temperature increase within 37.1-37.9° C),

- moderate(38-39.5° C),

- high(39.6-40.9° C),

- hyperpyretic(41°C and above).

Depending on the nature of daily temperature fluctuations in the second stage of fever, it is divided into the following types:







Intermittent fever(f. intermittens) is characterized by large fluctuations in body temperature during the day with its drop in the morning to normal and below (causes: purulent infection, tuberculosis, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, lymphoma, etc.).

Relieving fever(f. remittens) - daily temperature fluctuations exceed 1° C, but it does not decrease to normal (reasons: most viral and many bacterial infections, exudative pleurisy, final period of typhoid fever, etc.).

Hectic fever(f. hectica) - daily fluctuations in body temperature reach 3-5 ° C (causes: sepsis, purulent infection).

Persistent fever(f. continua) is characterized by a high rise in temperature with daily fluctuations not exceeding 1°C (causes: typhoid and typhus, lobar pneumonia, etc.).

IN relapsing fever(f. recurrens) is characterized by alternating febrile and non-febrile periods, the duration of which can vary from one to several days (causes: relapsing fever, malaria, lymphogranulomatosis).

Atypical fever(f. athypica) is characterized by several temperature swings during the day with complete disruption of the circadian rhythm (cause: sepsis).

AND perverted fever– morning body temperature is higher than evening.

A slight short-term increase in body temperature of no more than 37.5-38°C with irregular fluctuations (febris ephemera) is observed in various neuroendocrine disorders and chronic infections.

Measuring the ambient temperature causes reactions in febrile patients similar to those in healthy people and does not significantly affect the temperature curve. The same occurs when a febrile patient performs muscular work associated with increased heat generation.

The characteristic features of the temperature curve for a particular disease were previously attributed diagnostic and prognostic significance. However, currently this indicator is no longer a reliable criterion in this regard, since the natural course of development of fever and fluctuations in body temperature is often distorted by treatment with antibacterial and antipyretic drugs (P.N. Veselkin). In old people, children early age and exhausted people infectious diseases may occur with mild or absent fever, which has a poor prognostic value.

Help with fever

1st period.

Temperature rise

Help. The patient must be put to bed and warmed up: covered with one or more blankets, covered with heating pads with warm water, and given hot tea.

2nd period.

Steady-state period high temperature

Help. It is necessary to increase heat transfer by artificial means. To reduce heating of the head (which is very important!), place a cold towel on the patient’s forehead and change it often or apply an ice pack. For more details, see Medical procedures. If the chills have completely stopped, it is necessary to open the patient to increase heat transfer from the surface of the body. Wipe your body skin frequently with a damp towel soaked in water or vodka. You can fan the patient with a towel or sheet, or blow with a fan. Give plenty of fluids (compote, juices, fruit drinks), incl. diaphoretic (linden tea, raspberry jam), moisten the oral cavity more often with a liquid, preferably sour, for example, cranberry juice(to separate saliva). Due to the fact that during this period the activity of all digestive glands is suppressed, the patient cannot be forced to eat. It is better to postpone feeding until the temperature drops. If the patient still needs to be fed, then feeding should be fractional (frequent), in small portions, liquid or semi-liquid food, easily digestible, preferably the one that the patient especially loves. If you have stool retention, you need to do a cleansing enema. See section Medical procedures. If cracks appear in the corners of the mouth, lubricate them with baby cream, glycerin or petroleum jelly. If delusions or hallucinations occur, the patient must be carefully monitored; he should not be left alone; a doctor’s consultation is necessary. If seizures develop, you must urgently call an ambulance.

3rd period. Temperature reduction

Help. It is necessary to monitor blood pressure, pulse and general condition of the patient. If signs of cardiac weakness occur, it is necessary to cover the patient with heating pads, warm him up, and give him strong hot tea or coffee. If the temperature drops, the patient should not sit or stand up. The foot end of the bed needs to be raised 30-40 cm, the pillow should be removed from under the head. We must remember that a drop in temperature is often accompanied by the urge to urinate! It is necessary to give the patient a duck or a bedpan in time and warn him so that he does not try to go to the toilet on his own at this time. Sweaty skin should be wiped with a warm, damp towel to remove sweat, which contains mass. harmful substances, products of exchange. After the patient sweats, you need to change your underwear. Sometimes, after heavy sweating, it is necessary to change the bed linen.

All processes occurring in the body are interconnected. This also applies to pathological conditions. Reactions such as redness and swelling of the skin, pain, do not occur by chance. All of them have a protective mechanism and help cope with infection. In addition, the nature of these reactions can be important in the diagnosis of diseases and also determines treatment tactics. For example, some types of fever occur only in certain pathologies. In this case, the doctor associates the increase in temperature and other symptoms, after which he makes a diagnosis. This helps to select the treatment necessary for the detected disease.

Types of Fever: Identification on Graph

Fever is pathological condition, in which the balance between production and heat transfer is disrupted. In most cases, it is one of the components of the inflammatory process. When observing and treating patients with fever, a temperature chart is drawn up. It consists of three parts. The first is a rise in body temperature. At the same time, the line on the graph rushes upward. The curve shows the dependence of temperature on time. The line rises quickly (in a few minutes) or over a long period of time - over the course of hours.

The next component of fever is standing within a certain value. On the graph it is indicated by a horizontal line. The last element of a fever is a decrease in temperature. Like the rise, it can happen quickly (within minutes) and slowly (after a day). Indicated by a line going down. All types of fever have different graphic representations. From them you can judge the time during which the temperature rose and fell, and track how long it lasted.

Fever: types, types of graphs

There are 7 types of fever, each of which occurs with certain diseases. Depending on this, a temperature curve is constructed. It involves a graphic display of fever. The classification is based on temperature fluctuations and the time of its increase:

  1. Fever of a constant type. Characterized by the duration of the course (several days). Temperature fluctuations throughout the day are very insignificant (up to 1 degree) or completely absent.
  2. Fever of a laxative type. It has a more gentle course and is susceptible to the effects of antipyretic drugs. Temperature fluctuations exceed 1 degree, but do not reach the normal value.
  3. Intermittent fever. Characterized by large temperature fluctuations. At the same time, in morning hours there is a drop to the normal value and below. In the evening the temperature reaches high figures.
  4. type (exhausting). Daily fluctuations range from 3 to 4 degrees. It is difficult for patients to tolerate.
  5. Relapsing type of fever. Characterized by body episodes that can last several days.
  6. Atypical fever. Daily fluctuations are inconsistent and chaotic.
  7. Fever of a perverted type. The temperature rises in the morning and normalizes in the evening.

What types of fever are there?

Depending on the degree of temperature rise, several types of fever are distinguished. The classification is also based on the duration of this condition. The following types of fever are distinguished:

  1. Subfebrile. The characteristic temperature is 37.0-37.9 degrees. It is observed in many infectious and viral diseases in a mild degree of severity. In some cases, it has a chronic course (with systemic pathologies, oncology).
  2. Febrile (moderate) fever. Body temperature is 38.0-39.5 degrees. It is observed with any infection in its peak stage.
  3. High fever. Body temperature reaches 39.6-40.9 degrees. It is less common than other species. It is more often observed in children and people with weak immune systems.
  4. Hyperpyretic fever. The temperature is 41.0 degrees or more. It is observed with purulent meningitis and tetanus infection.

Relationship between the disease and the type of fever

Certain types of fever can be associated with specific diseases. For example, for most nonspecific inflammatory processes upper respiratory tract(angina, ARVI) is characterized by a laxative temperature. Constant fever occurs with and An intermittent type of fever is observed in patients with tuberculosis, oncological processes, and systemic pathologies (SLE, rheumatoid arthritis). Relapsing fever often occurs with malaria, typhoid, and lymphogranulomatosis. Despite the fact that changes in the temperature curve are not always specific, it helps to predict what kind of disease the patient has.

Sepsis: diagnosis by fever

Sepsis is systemic disease, which is characterized by the entry of bacteria into the bloodstream. It can be caused by any inflammation in the presence of a focus of infection and reduced immunity. It is impossible to answer the question about what type of fever is characteristic of sepsis. It is known that this disease is characterized by which is not easy to bring down. Most often, with sepsis, a debilitating and atypical type of fever is observed.

: intermittent, remitting, constant and recurrent. Determining the type of fever only sometimes helps in making a diagnosis. Excessive use of antipyretics masks or distorts the types of fever.

Types of fever

Type Characteristic Examples*
Intermittent Temperature returns to normal one or more times a day Purulent infection, abscesses, lymphomas, tuberculosis, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
Remitting Temperature fluctuates but does not return to normal Most viral and many bacterial infections
Constant Temperature is constantly increased with slight fluctuations Typhoid fever, typhus
Returnable Fever-free periods of one or more days between bouts of fever Malaria, Sodoku** disease, Borrelia infection, Hodgkin's disease (lymphogranulomatosis)
* Illnesses that occur frequently, but are not necessarily associated with one type of fever or another.
** Infections caused by Spirillum minus or Streptobacillus moniliformis.

1. Intermittent fever and is characterized by a drop in temperature to normal level at least once a day. Often this fever follows normal daily temperature fluctuations, being lowest in the morning and highest in the evening. If the peak of the fever is particularly high, then we are talking about hectic or septic fever.
Intermittent fever is characteristic of purulent bacterial infections, but is often observed with tuberculosis and lymphomas.

2. When relapsing fever Temperature fluctuates but does not return to normal. This is the most common type of fever.

3. Persistent fever characterized by a persistent increase in body temperature with little or no fluctuations. It is observed in typhus and typhoid fever.

4. Relapsing fever seen in malaria, sodoku fever and Borrelia infection (relapsing fever). If the period normal temperature is relatively long-lasting (2 weeks or more), then such a fever is called Pel-Ebstein fever. It is characteristic of lymphogranulomatosis.

Temperature response analysis allows one to evaluate the height, duration and types of temperature fluctuations, as well as the nature of the accompanying temperature fluctuations. clinical manifestations diseases.

Types of fevers

The following types of fevers in children are distinguished:

· short-term fever (up to 5-7 days) with a presumed localization, in which the diagnosis can be made on the basis of clinical history and physical findings, with or without laboratory tests;

· fever without a focus, for which the history and physical examination are not suggestive of a diagnosis, but laboratory tests can reveal the etiology;

fever of unknown origin (FUO);

low-grade fever

Feverish reactions are assessed depending on the level of temperature rise, the duration of the febrile period and the nature of the temperature curve.

Types of febrile reactions depending on the degree of increase in body temperature

Only some diseases manifest themselves with characteristic, pronounced temperature curves; however, it is important to know their types for differential diagnosis. It is not always possible to accurately compare typical changes with the onset of the disease, especially with early antibacterial therapy. However, in some cases, the nature of the onset of fever can suggest a diagnosis. Thus, a sudden onset is characteristic of influenza, meningitis, malaria, subacute (2-3 days) - for typhus, psittacosis, Q fever, gradual - typhoid fever, brucellosis.

Based on the nature of the temperature curve, several types of fevers are distinguished

Persistent fever(febris continua) – temperature exceeds 390C, the differences between morning and evening body temperature are insignificant (maximum 10C). Body temperature remains uniformly high throughout the day. This type of fever occurs in untreated pneumococcal pneumonia, typhoid fever, paratyphoid fever and erysipelas.

Laxative(remitting) fever(febris remittens) – daily temperature fluctuations exceed 10C, and it can drop below 380C, but does not reach normal numbers; observed in pneumonia, viral diseases, acute rheumatic fever, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, endocarditis, tuberculosis, abscesses.

Intermittent(intermittent) fever(febris intermittens) – daily fluctuations in maximum and minimum temperatures of at least 10C, often alternating periods of normal and elevated temperature; a similar type of fever is inherent in malaria, pyelonephritis, pleurisy, and sepsis.

Exhaustive, or hectic, fever(febris hectica) - the temperature curve resembles that of a laxative fever, but its daily fluctuations are more than 2-30C; a similar type of fever can occur with tuberculosis and sepsis.

Relapsing fever(febris recurrens) – high fever for 2-7 days, alternating with periods of normal temperature lasting several days. The febrile period begins suddenly and also ends suddenly. A similar type of febrile reaction is observed in relapsing fever and malaria.

Undulating fever(febris undulans) - manifests itself as a gradual increase in temperature from day to day to high numbers, followed by a decrease in it and the repeated formation of individual waves; a similar type of fever occurs with lymphogranulomatosis and brucellosis.

Perverted(inverse) fever(febris inverse) – there is a distortion of the daily temperature rhythm with higher temperature rises in the morning; a similar type of fever occurs in patients with tuberculosis, sepsis, tumors, and is characteristic of some rheumatic diseases.

Incorrect or atypical fever(irregularis or febris atypical) - fever in which there are no patterns of rise and fall in temperature.

Monotonous type of fever - with a small range of fluctuations between morning and evening body temperature;

It should be noted that at present, typical temperature curves are rare, which is associated with the use of etiotropic and antipyretic drugs.

Depending on the degree of temperature increase, the following types of fevers are distinguished:

subfebrile temperature - 37-38°C:

low-grade fever - 37-37.5°C;

high subfebrile condition - 37.5-38°C;

moderate fever - 38-39°C;

high fever - 39-40°C;

very high fever - over 40°C;

hyperpyretic - 41-42°C, it is accompanied by severe nervous phenomena and is itself life-threatening.

Fluctuations in body temperature throughout the day and throughout the entire period of the disease are of great importance.

Main types of fever

constant fever (febris continua). The temperature stays high for a long time. During the day, the difference between morning and evening temperatures does not exceed 1°C; characteristic of lobar pneumonia, stage II of typhoid fever;

laxative (remitting) fever (febris remittens). The temperature is high, daily temperature fluctuations exceed 1-2°C, with the morning minimum above 37°C; characteristic of tuberculosis, purulent diseases, focal pneumonia, in stage III of typhoid fever;

wasting (hectic) fever (febris hectica) is characterized by large (3-4°C) daily temperature fluctuations, which alternate with a drop to normal or below, which is accompanied by debilitating sweats; typical for severe pulmonary tuberculosis, suppuration, sepsis;

intermittent (intermittent) fever (febris intermittens) - short-term increases in temperature to high numbers strictly alternate with periods (1-2 days) of normal temperature; observed in malaria;

undulating fever (febris undulans). It is characterized by periodic increases in temperature, and then a decrease in the level to normal numbers. Such “waves” follow one another for a long time; characteristic of brucellosis, lymphogranulomatosis;

relapsing fever (febris recurrens) is a strict alternation of periods of high temperature with fever-free periods. At the same time, the temperature rises and falls very quickly. The febrile and non-febrile phases last for several days each. Characteristic of relapsing fever;

reverse type of fever (febris inversus) - morning temperature is higher than evening temperature; sometimes observed in sepsis, tuberculosis, brucellosis;

irregular fever (febris irregularis) is characterized by varied and irregular daily fluctuations; often observed in rheumatism, endocarditis, sepsis, tuberculosis. This fever is also called atypical (irregular).

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