Holiday scenario for adults - Young Potato Day. Scenario for an extracurricular event "potato festival"

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

Teacher: Listen to the riddle:

If the leaves on the trees have turned yellow,
If the birds have flown to a distant land,
If the sky frowns, if the rain pours,
This time of year, what is it called? (Autumn)

All seasons are generous: spring gives us greenery, summer does not spare the sun, and autumn is probably the richest. She generously gives us ripe fruits. In autumn, people harvest and praise the golden beauty of autumn for her generosity: they sing songs, ditties, and organize Harvest festivals.

This time there will be a story
About the one who has six eyes,
And sometimes seven and five,
Which, however, can be counted.
About the one who slept sweetly through the winter,

Climbing into the basement in the fall.
About the one who comes to our kitchen
In the spring I brought it myself.
About the one whose strange eyes
Growing day by day
About someone who knew me
But he didn't see me.
Think a little -
What is this (potato)

Today our guest is “second bread”.

In some kingdom,
In some state
Not on Mars and not on the Moon -
There lived a potato in the ground.
It had royal properties:
She managed to feed the people.

In a word, our speech is about
How the potatoes came into the house!
About all properties, about care,
About working in the garden.
About crafts, delicious food
Today we will look in books...
There's a lot to learn

Now it's time to start...

All: "Potato Festival." .

Potato appears

Everyone in the world knows about potatoes
The rich and those who are not rich.
Everyone prepares it in their own way,
Everyone is happy to have potatoes on the table.
And who fries and who bets
Who bakes and who pushes,
But they eat it everywhere.
Glory and honor to her!

(included) Potato

I'm not a turnip. I am Potato!
Even the cat knows this.
I am the head of all fruits,
It’s as clear as two and two:
If there are no potatoes in the soup,
There is no need to pick up a spoon.
In hot oil, look,
I can become French fries!
And for chips - believe it or not -
I am the most important component!

Dramatization of the poem "Quarrel"

One day a potato comes to a carrot

And he sees: the carrots are in the package

- Carrot, carrot, please tell me:

Where are you dressed up like that today?

-Oh, you know, potatoes , I'm leaving:

Today I was invited to the knife.

I was invited to him without you,

I won't take you with me, potato.

Potato said:

« Just think knife!

I don't give a damn if you don't take me!

Two spoons invited me to the cabbage soup.

I’ll go without you, don’t blame me either!”

They also invited me to 4th grade,

By the way, it’s class time right now.

. Although it is indecent to boast,

But we came to tell you:

Excellent without potatoes

Neither eat nor dance

Even a tasty cucumber

Only good with potatoes.

2 . Even though the green onions are angry,

And the potatoes - best friend,

From potatoes here and there

Make the right product

And it’s not for nothing that potatoes

They call it the second bread.

Children perform V. Popov’s song “Potato”.

I'll tell you guys

We lived in the camp like

And in the sun, like kittens,

We warmed ourselves this way, warmed ourselves this way.

Our poor stomachs

Were always hungry

And we counted the minutes

Until lunch time.

Oh, potatoes, delicious food,

Our children are ideal

He doesn't know pleasure

Who hasn't eaten potatoes?

And boys are gluttons

They'll eat all the potatoes

And then they will howl in chorus:

Our stomachs hurt!”

Oh you sweet potato

We hit you low with our brow,

Even a long way

You and I don't care.

The smoke of the fire, the glow of the coals,

Gray ash and ash.

Teases our sense of smell

Spirit of potatoes by the fire.

Hello sweet potatoes!

We hit you low with our forehead!

Even a long way

You and I don't care!

Oh, potatoes, delicious food,

Our children are ideal!

He doesn't know pleasure

Who hasn't eaten potatoes?

Teacher. It’s hard to believe that this amazing vegetable was once valued for its delicate purple and pink flowers, which were fashionable to decorate women’s hairstyles. So glory to the one who was the first to pay attention not to the tops, but to the roots.

We know this product well and use it almost every day, but not everyone thinks about what its homeland is and who brought it to Russia? Listen to this story.

1. 500 years ago, no one in Europe knew that there was such a plant - potatoes. But then the ships of Christopher Columbus, a brave navigator, returned to Spain from a long voyage. The most valuable cargo they brought home were seeds, tubers, and grains of new plants.

2 . But in Europe they did not immediately understand that the main thing in potatoes is the tubers. One English rich man decided to treat his guests to an overseas wonder planted in his garden. Instead of digging the tubers out of the ground, the gardener collected the green balls from the bushes that hang on the stems after the potatoes bloom. These bitter, inedible potato fruits were served to the guests. Some of the guests, having tried the treat, choked, some had a distorted face, some ran out from the table.

3. Sent potatoes to Russiafrom Holland at the end of the 17th century Peterl. The peasants did not accept the overseas vegetable for a long time and called it “the devil’s apple.” They were forced to grow and eat potatoes. But the peasants unknowingly ate the fruits. This led to many poisonings.

4. A wave of “peasant riots” took place throughout Russia. The riots were suppressed by firing cannons at the peasants. But it was not the brutal reprisals that convinced the peasants that it was profitable to plant potatoes. The potato itself convinced me.

5. Remember the fairy tale about the turnip? Why did grandpa need a big, big turnip? To feed my grandmother, granddaughter and the whole family. Previously, in cold winters, when crops froze, turnips replaced bread for the Russian peasant. Hearty, productive potatoes have replaced turnips. Now it is no longer turnips, but potatoes, that have become the second bread for all other peoples of Europe.

6. We are accustomed to the fact that wheat is called the “First” bread, and potatoes the “Second”. Over time, Europeans became convinced not only that potatoes could replace bread, but also that potatoes themselves could no longer be replaced with bread.

7. Maybe you know that all plants live in families. So these are potatoes from the nightshade family. Here are its relatives: tomato, eggplant, capsicum.

8. Potato is an annual plant, up to 150 cm high, lower in our climate. In autumn, fruits form on the bushes - green berries with small seeds.They are poisonous!

9. In agriculture, potatoes are planted as tubers, which are used as food. There are about 150 species of potatoes in the wild.

10. Potatoes have a lot useful substances and vitamins: starch, sugar, protein. Potatoes should be stored in a cool, dark place. But if potatoes are left in the sun, then a strong poison is formed in them, which is very harmful to human health. This is solanine.

Teacher: In Rus', potatoes were valued, considered their second bread and, of course, about themthey sang ditties.

Put your ears on top of your heads

Listen carefully.

We'll sing to you about potatoes

Very good.

1. I love potatoes -
Simply delicious!I ate it all day -What an obsession!

2. Oh, beautiful potatoes!I don't need sausageI don't want a sausage -Give me a bowl of potatoes!

3. Potatoes bloom in the field -How beautiful!I'll go to the field to work,I'm not lazy!

4. We planted potatoes

The Colorado potato beetle has arrived.

Grandfather went out to dig potatoes,

But I didn’t find any potatoes.

5. My mother laughed at me:“How much can you eat?!”I love potatoesHow can I listen to you?!

6. I don't go out with friendsI don't watch TVAnd you work yourself -I love eating potatoes!

7. We were harvesting potatoes

I don't sit idle:

Dad digs, mom carries,

Well, I'm in charge.

8. Without a uniform and in a uniform

All potatoes are good.

We eat potatoes all year long

There is not a penny of money.

9 . Eh, the potato is sitting, Pours quicklyAnd in winter in all housesIt's boiling and frying!

10. In our city peopleLives on potatoesAnd that's why peopleAlways cheerful and singing!

11. Once upon a time there were three neighbors:
Rabbit, dog and cat,Treated every dayThey're all potatoes to each other.

12. Our potatoes - anywhere: Delicious, rich in vitamins.If you always eat,You will be healthy and strong!

13. Mommy told me: “Walk, son, along the path.”I walked in hopes of finding a treasure -Came to the basement with potatoes.

14. I love watching cartoons

About the red-haired Antoshka

And I always take it for lunch

Your big spoon.

15. Without biting and biting

All potatoes are good.

I ate half a bucket today -

The soul warmed up.

16. We ate porridge all summer,

Milk, okroshka,

And today we will eat

Baked potato.

17. Oh, potato, you're a potato,

You are my beloved.

I take a spoon, eat potatoes -

I don't go hungry.


In front of you now

We sang ditties.

We sincerely apologize

If your ears are tired.

When potatoes were brought to Europe, each country called it differently

    The British -potato

    Finns –Tartu

    Italians –tartufol

    French people -pom de terre

    Germans -potato

But the first name of the potato was “papa”, that’s what the Quechu Indians called it in South America.scientist Bolotov - “tartofel”, people called it a potato.

Exercise. Come up with a last name, first name, patronymic for the potato and write it without mistakes.

Teacher. A game. I will pronounce a phrase, if you agree with my statement, you should say in chorus “We don’t argue!”, If you don’t agree, say in chorus “We argue!”

Autumn rains are pouring (We don't argue!)

Spring is ahead of us (I bet!)

There were snowstorms all day long (I bet!)

Leaves fall from the trees (We don't argue!)

The white lily of the valley is blooming (I bet!)

In the grove the nightingales began to sing (I bet!)

And in the garden the potatoes are ripe (We don’t argue!)

The potato harvest is good! (We don't argue)

There's the size of a tiny pea (We're not arguing)

It's the size of a suitcase (I bet)

Weeds bloom on the branches (I bet)

It’s difficult for us without potatoes (We don’t argue)

We continue our holiday

We dedicate everything to potatoes (We don’t argue)

Teacher. Fun challenges.

1. Hungry Vasya eats 3 raw potatoes in 10 minutes. A well-fed Vasya spends 1 hour on the same amount of boiled potatoes. How many minutes faster does Vasya control with raw potatoes, than with boiled? (60 – 10 = 50 minutes)

2. Running away from his friends, Petya pushed his grandfather, who bought 4 identical bags of potatoes, 2 kilograms each. The bags were torn and the potatoes scattered. How many kilograms of potatoes flew to Petya, if it is known that in his youth grandfather was a sniper? (4 2 = 8 kg)

3. Third-grader Fedya bought a dish of 6 potatoes in the school cafeteria and went out to wash his hands for 1 minute. At this time there were 9 first-graders in the dining room,

each of which can eat 1 potato in a minute. How many potatoes will Fedya see on his plate when he returns, and how many first-graders are left hungry? (not a single 9 – 6 = 3 First-graders will remain hungry)

And now the quiz “What do you know about potatoes?” 1. Name the homeland of potatoes? (Peru and Chile.)2. When, where and by whom were potatoes brought to Russia? (At the beginning of the 18th century from Holland, by Peter I.)4. What is the name of the insect pest that eats potato tops? (Colorado beetle.)5. Are potato berries edible? (No, they are poisonous.)6. How to call the stems and leaves of potatoes in one word? (tops)

7. About potatoes boiled or baked in their skins, they say that they are in what? (in uniform)

8. Where was the first time a person cooked potatoes? (on fire)

9. What part of potatoes do we use for food? (tubers)

10. How to call in one word the removal of weeds and loosening of the earth (weeding)

Useful tips."

    Potatoes boiled in their skins retain 75% of vitamins; peeled and cooked tubers - 60-70%, and chopped - only 35-50%.

    Peeled potatoes cannot be stored. As a last resort, you can leave it in water for an hour or two and, moreover, with whole tubers.

    After peeling the potatoes, place them under running cold water: they will cook faster and be more crumbly.

    If you need to peel potatoes in advance, store them not in water, but in a tied plastic bag until consumption.

    It is best to salt potatoes during cooking within 5-10 minutes. until it is completely ready.

    Jacket potatoes will not be boiled (which makes them unsuitable for subsequent frying) if you add more salt to the water than you would during normal cooking.

    Potatoes boiled in their jackets can be easily peeled if you pour cold water over them immediately after boiling.

    Baked potatoes with a golden-brown crispy crust are a traditional food at a rest stop. And everyone, of course, knows the usual way to bake it, when washed and dried potato tubers are buried in hot ashes.

    New potatoes are cleaned like this: mash them, put them in a bag, add salt and roll them on the table.

    Potatoes should be cooked over moderate heat so that they do not fall apart or burst.

    Potatoes must be peeled in a thin layer, as there are salts and proteins under the skin.

Song about potatoes (to the tune of the song “A grasshopper sat in the grass”)

    How we love potatoes, 2 times
    We can't live without potatoes
    We can even survive a day.
    Imagine 2 times
    We can't live without potatoes
    Imagine 2 times
    We can even survive a day.

    We fry it, we cook it
    And add it to the soup
    And we can in “uniform”
    Boil the potatoes.
    Imagine 2 times
    And we can in “uniform”
    Imagine 2 times
    Boil the potatoes.

    Do you like potatoes, 2 times
    And all sorts of secrets
    Find out about her.
    Imagine 2 times
    And all sorts of secrets
    Imagine 2 times
    Find out about her.

Teacher It only took a few 10 years for potatoes to make a real revolution in Russian cuisine. It has become a necessary product. First, second and even third (dessert) courses are prepared from potatoes. It is difficult to even list all the “specialties” of potatoes in cooking. All people love potato dishes. In the city of Mariinsk, Kemerovo region, a monument to potatoes was erected. The author of the sculpture was the artist Yuri Mikhailov

We'll collect all the potatoes as soon as possible.
Let's invite all our friends for a treat!
We will steam, we will cook, we will bake -
After all, we don’t care about any work!

You can make so many dishes from potatoes,
You will find anything for your soul here.
Everyone is happy about our potatoes,
I'll put it in the salad.

And for me there is nothing better in the world,
Like a jacket potato.
Let's fry for Tanya
Ruddy pancakes.
Ready for Zhenya too
Dumplings with potatoes.
And you, Andryusha, eat the candy!
And for you, my friend, a pie with potatoes!
And for our Alyonka, there are some jolts with milk!
And for Nadya, look, French fries!
And you, Valyusha, eat some fried food !
For you, Alyosha, okroshka with potatoes!
And for you, Artyom, we’ll bake it over the fire!
It was not in vain that we all harvested!
Come and choose what you love!
(all) People have known for a long time,
There is nothing tastier than potatoes!

Be that as it may, potatoes have long been called second bread in Russia, and we cannot imagine a table without this wonderful vegetable.

The path of potatoes through European countries was difficult, but in the end, this crop won universal recognition. Catchphrase“potatoes are the second bread” has become true. Potatoes have medicinal properties. Freshly prepared potato juice has long been used as good remedy against heartburn, in the treatment of stomach diseases: gastritis, peptic ulcer. For diseases of the upper respiratory tract accompanied by persistent severe cough, apply

potato steam inhalations, and freshly grated gruel is used in the treatment of burns and eczema. Starch is widely used in medicine, it is taken in the form of jelly for poisoning, used in the form of powder and dry compresses. Potatoes are used in therapeutic nutrition how valuable dietary product. Due to the presence of potassium salts, it is used for diseases of the kidneys and cardiovascular system.

They write to us, it happened recently

General collection of vegetables.

There were pepper and parsley there,

Cucumber, lettuce and leek.

Chairman - Mr. Potato,

I was terribly pleased and flattered

Because, chosen unanimously,

He opened and led the meeting.

Thanking everyone for their trust,

The chairman began his report.

(Potato). Everyone in the world knows about me:

The rich and those who are not rich.

Everyone prepares me in their own way,

Some cook, some fry, some bake.

But they eat me everywhere, and everywhere

For this I receive glory and honor.

But I have to tell you

Excellent without potatoes

Neither eat nor dance.

Even a tasty cucumber

Only good with potatoes.

Even though the green onions are angry,

And potatoes are their best friend.

From potatoes here and there

They make the right product.

And it’s not for nothing that potatoes

Everyone calls it second bread.

Spring came. And at the beginning of summer

The potato tops were covered with a modest color.

A dandelion was blooming off to the side. So he

I was terribly surprised and annoyed:


- Who are you? Where could you come from?

Aren't you ashamed to appear in front of me?

( Potato flower.)

- Who am I? Potato flower.

I don’t know how I could have bothered you here?


- Potato flower? Well, for the life of me, I don’t know.

I haven’t heard, and I don’t want to hear.

I have been given tenderness and beauty as an inheritance,

And your rude proximity does not suit me.

But by autumn the braggart looked away bashfully.

He became pitiful and bald, quieter than everyone else, more submissive than everyone else.

And under the tops a treasure formed in the ground.

It's not all about appearance, but about the root.

Mrs. Potato : Thank you, dear children. It turns out that you know a lot about me. And if, when it is difficult for you to look after me, then do not be angry: after all, I will always repay you with kindness.

Our holiday is already over
What else can I tell you?
You deserve some potatoes
Call it “second bread”

Song from the movie "Breakfast on the Grass". (Music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by M. Lvovsky)

How many times at a halt
We baked potatoes.
Feast - feasted,
There were conversations.

Ah, potatoes, potatoes,
There's a coal in the skin,
Golden sparks -
Blue smoke.

A very delicate matter
Even for an expert
Brown skillfully
Potatoes have sides.


From palm to palm
You leave her!
And will you salt the Potatoes?
Don't let it cool down!


spring water
We'll drink potatoes
And, of course, with you,
Let's drink by the fire


Look to the left

Find a miracle exhibition.

And on her, and on her

Lots of different ideas.

There is a hedgehog and a matryoshka doll,

There is Kopatych the daredevil,

Well done to those who worked!

Wow, the miracle kids did a great job!

-To live in the world without potatoes
It's very sad, kids.
Always helps us out
This humble meal:
And in puree, and in uniforms,
In first courses and side dishes,
Both boiled and baked,
Both crispy and crushed.
It’s not a sin to talk about her,
That potatoes are the best!

-You can’t live without potatoes
Even children know this
After all, it tastes better than spaghetti,
It lies in the cellar for a long time.
It is boiled in the first courses,
On the fire, putting it in the oven.
And for salads they stew, fry
They love to bake with fish dishes.
Good in all kinds of dishes
Everything with an appetite
They're gobbling up this miracle
“Oh, how delicious,” they say.

Even cats love her
Our delicious potatoes.
All the guys and animals
They are waiting for breakfast, preparing spoons.
We fry it a lot,
To eat to your fill
Eat kids, there's enough for everyone
I won't eat it myself!

- Potatoes grow in the fields
And in our gardens.
People sow it a lot
This wonderful gift of nature.
He is useful from all sides,
Delicious and nutritious.
In our diet, as is known,
Definitely included.

Poem “Potato” (I. Demyanov)

Why are my palms black?
No one scolds me
Potatoes with grandma
We planted by the fence!

Soon here, on the soft slopes,
Where the sides of the barn warmed up,
Lots of green bows
May will be stuck on the ridge.

After yellow, white, blue
The lights will light up -
They will be so beautiful
Our beds by the river!

Let my palms be dirty
I'm already used to work...
And there are no tastier potatoes,
What do you plant in the garden yourself?

The Caterpillar appears.

Caterpillar: I'm finally there.

I barely crawled.

Tired, lost weight

After all, I haven’t eaten for a long time.

So what do I see there?

Wants to eat Potato.

The presenter is trying to protect Potato.

Caterpillar: I won't give you the potatoes. I love her myself. Mine is potatoes.

Now, if you complete my tasks and play with me, then maybe I’ll share with you...

Song “Bulba”.

    Take potatoes from the bag
    And eat little by little.
    You can eat it boiled
    Ile baked in its uniform


Tram, there, there, ta-ra-ta-ra-ta-ta-there
Without potatoes we feel bad. 2 times

    Let's make porridge from potatoes,
    We will feed our entire family.
    Who gets tired of porridge?
    Let him eat the potatoes in the soup.


    Ay, tours and maps,
    We are not of noble nature.
    If we don't have potatoes,
    And lunch is not our lunch.


Assignment: come up with and write down words that can be formed from the word “potato”.

Song about potatoes.

Potatoes in Ireland and England.

So the potato began its journey to Spain, then to Italy, to England.

At the end of the 16th century, potatoes were already known in Spain, Italy, the Netherlands and Burgundy. In 1665, potatoes were brought to Ireland by slave trader John Gawkins. Since 1684, according to Alexander Humboldt, this vegetable began to be grown in large quantities in Lancashire (North-West England). There are many funny stories associated with eating potatoes. Let's travel to an English estate at the end of the 17th century.

How did you find out about baked potatoes?

Recipe: Wash medium-sized potatoes thoroughly, dry, cut in half and place on a baking sheet or wire rack. Sprinkle with salt and bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes until fragrant.

Potatoes in France.

At the end of the 16th century, a curious story happened with potatoes in France. When the Seven Years' War began, the young French pharmacist Parmentier went to the front as an orderly and was captured, where he was brought food from potatoes in prison

la with salt. It seemed tasty and nutritious to him. Six years have passed, and Parmentier, having returned from captivity, is promoting this culture.

I'm not a king, not a count, and not a doctor

Not a philosopher, but just a pharmacist,

And, of course, not of noble birth,

But I love helping people.

So that he can live well,

I want to plant potatoes.

He got a small plot of land allocated to him and planted it with potatoes, setting it up during the day for soldiers to guard. At night the guards left, and everyone was free to come to the garden and take tubers to plant at home. In Parmentier’s homeland there is a monument to a scientist holding a bouquet of potato flowers.

In France, they first noticed potatoes back in 1585. Caspar Bohen described them in his herbal science and prompted some Lyon residents to grow potatoes. The experiment was a success, but was not continued due to rumors that the vegetable was poisonous.

The French gave the potato the name "earth apple". And he conquered France thanks to the enterprise and ingenuity of an ordinary chemist and pharmacist - Antoine Auguste Parmentier. Let's go back to 1585 and see what was happening at that time.

Recipe: Cut 500 g of potatoes into thin slices, mix with 100 g of grated cheese, ground black pepper (1/4 teaspoon), grated nutmeg (on the tip of a knife) and place in a cast iron dish, grated with garlic and greased with butter. . Pour in 2 cups of milk, sprinkle with 100 g of cheese and put pieces of butter on top. Bake everything in the oven for about 30-40 minutes at temperature. 220-250 C.

There are many interesting facts in the biography of potatoes. In the 18th century, the Prussian king waged war with Austria. The Prussians sought mainly to destroy the potato fields, which formed the basis of the population’s diet, so this war was called the potato war.

Potatoes in Russia.

Potatoes were brought to Russia by Peter I at the end of the 17th century. Peter 1, being in Holland at that time, sent B. Sheremetev a bag of potatoes. In 1736, potatoes were already listed in the plant catalog of the St. Petersburg Apothecary Garden. The spread of potatoes in our country was very slow. The hostile attitude towards the new culture was caused not only by prejudices, but also by the fact

that the potatoes imported to Europe were not identical to modern ones; they had powerful tops and small bitter tubers. The population did not yet know how to grow it; it was sown thickly, the plants shaded each other, and produced even smaller tubers that were less tasty. In 1770, methods for growing this plant were described.

They say that there were even potato riots in Russia. During the reign of Nicholas 1, peasants in a number of provinces were ordered to plant potatoes without fail. All of advanced Europe had been growing potatoes for a hundred years, but in Russia there was crop failure after crop failure in 1839 and 1840 and in previous years.

All this gave rise to government measures to spread the planting of potatoes as the main “benefit for the people’s food supply.” By order of Nicholas 1 on August 8 and December 3, 1840, as well as on February 15, March 9 and July 6, 1842. You may ask, why so many commands? Do you think it’s easy to sway a Russian person into a new business? It was decided: “ establish public potato crops to supply peasants with them for future crops, issue instructions on the cultivation, storage and use of this plant and encourage with bonuses and

other awards for landowners distinguished by their breeding.” And then, in 1842, a potato riot broke out in the Perm province.

There is a recollection that in 1782 in the Irkutsk province, Kamchatka and even Alaska, which then belonged to Russia, local residents practiced potato cultivation.

Presentation of potato dishes.

The caterpillar is going to try the dishes.

The potato stops her. Who does not work shall not eat.

Caterpillar: Why didn't I work?

We worked all summer

From dusk to dawn

They ate tubers and bushes and filled their bellies.

Presenter: Is this really work? The guys did a great job. They planted potatoes in the spring, hilled them up and weeded them in the summer, and dug them up in the fall.

We ate and did some crafts.

Look to the left

Find a miracle exhibition.

And on her, and on her

Lots of different ideas.

There is a hedgehog and a matryoshka doll,

Teddy bear, horse, cactus, cat.

There is Kopatych the daredevil,

Well done to those who worked!


Oh, yes, a miracle child,

worked really hard!

I had fun with you for a long time

And I must admit, I was tired.

Autumn is driving out of the yard,

It's time for me to go to winter.

The caterpillar leaves.

Potato Festival!

1st presenter : Good afternoon friends!

2nd presenter : We are glad to meet you again.

1st presenter : Today we have the most unusual day in our most ordinary life.

2nd presenter : Why “unusual”?

1st presenter : Well, today we have a holiday.

2nd presenter : Holiday????? And who will we honor here?

1st presenter : And we will honor... Now you will find out.

Reads O. Fokina’s poem “About Potatoes”:

When from the basement dampness

She was planted in a garden bed

She was in a hurry to grow up

To see the sun and rainbow.

A strong sprout, like a tusk,

I drilled through a layer of earth,

And the first June rain

I straightened out the first piece of paper for her.

Chickens, garden gossips,

They shouted: “She has taken on neither her mother nor her father!”

But after three sunrises

The mug began to bow to her.

And suddenly - the hostess with a notch:

Have you gotten stronger, my dear?

She saw Burdock: - Hey! -

And she tore out the burlap with the root.

And two moments later

In place of green leaves

Got up with my own shadow

Gray loose hummock.

The nettle hissed maliciously,

Compressed, thrown at the boundary:

You will perish, whimsical lady,

Before us or with us!

But the potatoes remembered the sun!

I felt its ray through the earth!

The next morning I pierced the window with a leaf

And I thought: “Nothing!..”

When it's a little difficult for me

And life seems dense,

I don't cry, but I eat potatoes -

After all, she was also spudded.

1st presenter : So, we invite the hero of our occasion, Her Incomparable Majesty, Miss Potato with her retinue.

Miss Potato and her retinue - several ladies-in-waiting - enter and sit down.

2nd presenter: Dear Miss Potato, this holiday is in your honor. What do you guys think, why did we decide to honor this particular vegetable? Our people say: “Potatoes are a sucker for bread,” “Potatoes are a help to bread,” “Potatoes are a nurse.” This is true?

Addresses Potato.

Potato : Certainly. One Lithuanian fairy tale says: once a farm laborer was late for work and in response to the subsequent scolding of the landowner he explained: “Sir, please excuse me. I was late because I ate 20 dishes.” - “What 20 dishes?” - the gentleman became interested. The farm laborer began to list: “Boiled potatoes, baked potatoes, fried potatoes, soaked potatoes, crushed potatoes...”. The breadwinner potato was sometimes the only food for the poor peasant.

1st presenter : Miss Potato, where are you from?

Potato: About 400 years ago, my ancestors were found in the Indian village of Sorokota (now Peru). The tubers found were called truffles for their resemblance to mushrooms. Local residents called them “papa”; they served as the Indians’ main source of food. The Indians dug up the tubers and laid them out in the open. At night the tubers froze, and the next day they thawed in the sun. At night they squeezed the moisture out of them and then allowed them to dry under the hot rays of the sun. This is how chunyo turned out - dried tubers that could be stored for a long time.

2nd presenter: How did potatoes become our “second bread”?

Potato: This happened much later. I was first brought to Spain in 1565. The Spaniards didn't like me because they tried to eat me raw. From Spain, potatoes came to Italy, then to Belgium and further to Austria. Countries such as France, Germany, and England did not stand aside.

maid of honor : In England, potato farming turned out to be a funny thing! Admiral Rayleigh prepared an exquisite dish from potatoes, seasoned it with oil and spices and called his friends. But they didn’t like the treat, since it was made not from tubers, but from stems and leaves. The admiral got angry and destroyed all the standing potatoes.

Potato: There have been worse cases: in some villages, instead of tubers, they ate potato fruits - small greenish berries that appear in place of faded flowers. And these fruits are poisonous. There was an unkind rumor about the new plant; it was nicknamed the “damn apple.”

Maid of honor : At that time, high society fashionistas pinned bouquets of potato flowers to their hair.

Potato : Yes, I must say that at that time the potato varieties were too bitter, and therefore not everyone liked them. In addition, there were many superstitions around potatoes. They said that its fruits would be born with a head and eyes like a person’s, so eating potatoes means eating human souls. People flatly refused to plant potatoes.

Maid of honor : In Russia, potatoes did not immediately take root. Officials, instead of explaining to people how to grow a new plant, acted with orders and threats: “Plant potatoes! Otherwise we’ll whip everyone!” “Potato riots” began, and troops dealt with people.

2nd presenter : And when did people finally understand that this is a tasty and satisfying vegetable?

Potato : In the 60s of the 18th century, famine began. The Medical College appealed to the Senate with a statement that The best way the fight against hunger “...consists in earthen apples.” The Senate issued a special decree: to plant potatoes everywhere. At the same time, the Russian scientist Bolotov was the first to write about the benefits of “tartofel”, as he called it.

1st presenter : Thank you all for the interesting story: Indeed, today we heard a lot of new things about ordinary, well-known potatoes.

Leading Guys, you know what, you can play with potatoes. This is evidenced by our competitions, in which I invite you to take part.

After all, when we play, we check

What we can do and what we know.

Competition "Potato Pickers"

Put shovels on your shoulders - and into the field, guys!

We are happy to work and happy to rest!

We will collect all the potatoes as soon as possible,

Let's invite all our friends for a treat!

Potato Guess Competition

Sample tasks:

  • Determine the weight of the bag of potatoes by holding it in your hand for 10 seconds.
  • How many potatoes are in a transparent bag? (The bag contains small tubers; you can watch for 10 seconds.)
  • How much does a potato tuber weigh?
  • How many red and white potatoes are in a transparent bag?
  • How many centimeters are between two plates of potatoes?
  • A certain number of potato tubers (5-7 pieces) are placed on a chair and covered with material or newspaper. After this, participants are invited and asked to sit on a newspaper, under which there are potatoes on a chair, fidget while sitting and determine how many potato tubers there are. Whoever guessed right is the winner.

"Useful tips."

  1. Peeled potatoes cannot be stored. As a last resort, you can leave it in water for an hour or two and, moreover, with whole tubers.
  2. After peeling the potatoes, place them under running cold water: they will cook faster and be more crumbly.
  3. If you need to peel potatoes in advance, store them not in water, but in a tied plastic bag until consumption.
  4. It is best to salt potatoes during cooking within 5-10 minutes. until it is completely ready.
  5. Jacket potatoes will not be boiled (which makes them unsuitable for subsequent frying) if you add more salt to the water than you would during normal cooking.
  6. Potatoes boiled in their jackets can be easily peeled if you pour cold water over them immediately after boiling.
  7. Baked potatoes with a golden-brown crispy crust are a traditional food at a rest stop. And everyone, of course, knows the usual way to bake it, when washed and dried potato tubers are buried in hot ashes.
  8. New potatoes are cleaned like this: mash them, put them in a bag, add salt and roll them on the table.
  9. Potatoes should be cooked over moderate heat so that they do not fall apart or burst.
  10. Potatoes must be peeled in a thin layer, as there are salts and proteins under the skin.

Leading. thank you very much for useful tips. But we know that you also wanted to hold a competition with the guys. Is it so?

Cook: yes. Spiral peel potatoes" (So ​​that the peel is a spiral ribbon, who has it longer)

We will steam, we will cook, we will bake -

After all, we don’t care about any work.

And for me there is nothing better in the world,

Than mashed potatoes.

Competition “Feed the puree”

(Two people per team participate. The players sit on chairs opposite each other. Blindfolded, the players must feed each other puree from a spoon. The pair that eats all the puree the fastest wins.)

The Potato Tango competition is announced Children dance holding a potato between their foreheads. The couple that dances the longest wins a prize.

Competition "Potato Designer" (Cut the potatoes into circles and make a picture out of the circles)

1st presenter: We have known for a long time that potatoes in all forms are good, but do we know how healthy potatoes are? Meet our next guest Dr. Pilyulkina

Very good! Very good! I'm just in time. I received a telegram that the children were talking a lot about potatoes, maybe they need my help?

Ooh! The eyes seem to be burning -

The boys have a fever.

I know only one remedy,

It has been tested for a long time:

They breathed over the potatoes -

Immediately everyone became healthy.

The child sneezed -

It's time to treat them with potatoes!

Let's warm up our throats!

Let's breathe in the warm steam!

Potatoes contain many useful substances and vitamins: starch, sugar, protein. Potatoes should be stored in a cool, dark place. But if potatoes are left in the sun, then a strong poison is formed in them, which is very harmful to human health. This is solanine

Leading. Thank you Doctor.

Game with the word "Potato"

To take a big word,

Take out the letters - once and twice!

And then collect them again,

New words will come out!

Each team is given prepared cards with the word “Potato”. The team that produces the largest number of non-repeating words gets the most points.

Presenter: Ditties….

The jury gives the floor.

Ved: Our holiday is already over
What else can I tell you?
You deserve some potatoes
Call it “second bread”!

Prepared by: biology teacher of MBOU "OOSH" Ust-Lyzha village,

senior counselor Kiyasheva N.I.

Potato Festival

Teacher: All seasons are generous: spring decorates everything with greenery, summer does not spare the sun, and autumn is probably the richest. She generously treats us with ripe fruits. After finishing the autumn work, people organize a Harvest Festival. Today we have such a holiday. And it is dedicated to the main vegetable on our table.

This time there will be a story

About the one who has six eyes,

And sometimes seven and five.

About the one whose strange eyes grew day by day,

But he didn't see me.

Think a little

What is this? (potato)

Reader 1.

In some kingdom
In some state
Not on Mars and not on the Moon -
There lived a potato in the ground.

Reader 2.
It had royal properties:
She managed to feed the people.
In a word, our speech is about
How the potatoes came into the house!

Reader 3.
About all properties, about care,
About working in the garden.
About crafts, delicious food
Today we will look in books...
There's a lot to learn
Now it's time to start...

All: “Potato Festival.”


So, we are going to the potato kingdom. We are met by Mrs. Potato herself with her ladies-in-waiting..

(Potato and his retinue enter to the music)

Potato: Hello guys and dear adults. I am glad to welcome you to the holiday, which is held in my honor. Perhaps you cannot find a place on Earth where potatoes are not eaten.

Presenter 1: Our people say: “Potatoes are a sucker for bread,” “Potatoes are a breadwinner.” Potatoes in Rus' are “second bread”. This is true?

Potato: Certainly. One fairy tale says: once a poor man was late for work and said to the master: “I was late because I ate 20 dishes.” - “What 20 dishes?” - the master became interested. The man began to list: “Boiled potatoes, baked potatoes, fried potatoes, soaked potatoes, crushed potatoes...”. The breadwinner potato was sometimes the only food for the poor peasant.

Maid of honor 1: Although it is indecent to boast,

But we came to tell you:

Excellent without potatoes

Neither eat nor dance

Even a tasty cucumber

Only good with potatoes.

Maid of honor 2: Even though the green onions are angry,

And potatoes are the best friend,

From potatoes here and there

Make the right product

And it’s not for nothing that potatoes

They call it the second bread.

Maid of honor 1: In a word, we will talk about
How the potatoes came into the house!
About all properties, about care,
About working in the garden.
About crafts, delicious food
Today we will look for the answer...
There's a lot to learn
Now it's time to start...

All: “Potato Festival”.

Presenter 1: This vegetable is so familiar to us that we completely forgot that before it came to our table, it had to travel a lot.

Maid of honor 1.

500 years ago, no one in Europe knew that there was such a plant - potatoes. And how could one know if none of the European sailors had ever sailed to the homeland of potatoes, South America?

Maid of honor 2.

But then the ships of Christopher Columbus, a brave navigator, returned to Spain from a long voyage. The most valuable cargo that they brought home were seeds, tubers, and grains of new plants unknown to Europe.

Maid of honor 3.

Dad". This is what the Quechua Indians called potatoes. A harvest festival was held in honor of the pope. Women dressed up large tubers like dolls, sewed skirts for them from multi-colored scraps, men danced with a bag of tubers on their heads.

Mrs. Potato.

On the ship, along with the loot captured by the sailors, the Indian father, the potato, sailed to a foreign land... This is where my land travels began. At first I rode around in a carriage. A velvet bag with tubers was given as a jewel to rich nobles. When I ceased to be a rarity, the carriage was replaced by a peasant cart, and the velvet handbag was replaced by a canvas bag.

Maid of honor 1.

But in Europe they didn’t immediately understand that my main thing was tubers. One English rich man decided to treat his guests to an overseas wonder planted in his garden. Instead of digging the tubers out of the ground, the gardener collected the green balls from the bushes that hang on the stems after the potatoes bloom. These bitter, inedible potatoes were served to the guests on a silver platter.

Maid of honor 2.

Some of the guests, having tried the treat, choked, some had a distorted face, some ran out from the table... After all, they ate the potatoes from the wrong end.

Maid of honor 3.

The new product was not accepted everywhere. Potato riots even began in some places in Russia. Russian men believed the rumors that I, the potato, was a “damn apple”, it was a sin to plant it, you would pollute the land, and you would be left without bread. By order of the tsar, the rebels were flogged with rods, and the most stubborn were even exiled to Siberia. But it was not the brutal reprisals that convinced the peasants that it was profitable to plant potatoes.

Mrs. Potato.

The potato itself convinced me. Remember the fairy tale about the turnip? Why did the grandfather need a big, big turnip? To feed both the grandmother and the granddaughter - the family. Previously, in cold winters, when the rye crops froze, turnips replaced bread for the Russian peasant.

Hearty and productive Indian papa has supplanted turnips. Now it is no longer the turnip, but I, the potato, that has become the second bread for you and for all other peoples of Europe.

Grandfather and grandmother sitting at the table , eat millet porridge, yes they praise.

Suddenly there is a knock on the door. A young soldier brings a bag of potatoes into the hut and reads out the decree:

Herald : Everyone! Everyone! Everyone! Decree of the Emperor of All Rus' Peter I ! The Emperor commands you to eat this product morning, noon and evening! Whoever disobeys this order will be sent to hard labor with his entire family!

Grandma : Oh, holy fathers, what is this happening?

Grandfather : Shut up, grandma. Eh. There is nothing to do, I need to eat this overseas thing.

Grandma : Have you lost your mind, old man? Throw that damn apple and don't anger God. We've lived without him for so many years and we'll still live without him.

Herald: Who here does not carry out the order of the sovereign? (Grandma groans and runs away) - Well, eat!

Grandfather: - What a time these are: they brought brown peas, they force you to eat.

Tests the tooth . - Ugh, what disgusting

Grandma laments: Eat, grandpa, eat! I don’t want to go to hard labor!

Grandfather: Come on help me...

They gnaw potatoes together and make sentences :

Grandfather: Our turnip is different: yellow, beautiful, sweet...

Grandma: And the cabbage is good! Why do we need these peas!?? Listen, grandfather, shouldn’t we boil this product in a cast iron pot?

He takes a cast iron pot, scoops up potatoes and puts it on the stove.

Then he takes out the hot potatoes, peels the skins, and then...

Grandfather: Give me some salt, grandma, something delicious. Well, bring the pickled cucumbers here, we’ll eat them along with these potatoes! Oh, yes, the emperor, oh, well done, what a delicious treat he sent from Holland!

Presenter 1: This is how potatoes became one of the most popular foods on the globe. Remember the fairy tale about the turnip? Why did the grandfather need a big, big turnip?(answers)

Presenter 2: To feed both the grandmother and the granddaughter - the whole family. Hearty and productive Indian papa has supplanted turnips. Now it is no longer turnips, but potatoes, that have become the second bread for us and for all other peoples of Europe.

Presenter 1: AND They eat it with pleasure everywhere: on holidays, at home and of course, in the school cafeteria!


They write to us, it happened recently

General collection of vegetables.

Pepper and Parsley were there,

Cucumber, Lettuce and Leek.

Chairman Mr. Potato

I was terribly pleased and flattered

Because, chosen unanimously,

He opened and led the meeting.

Thanking everyone for their trust,

The chairman began his report...


Everyone in the world knows about me:

The rich and those who are not rich.

Everyone prepares me in their own way:

Some cook, some fry, some bake,

But they eat me everywhere,

For this I receive glory and honor.

We have gathered here so that everyone

I told you a little about myself.

I bring a big one benefit people,

I treat many diseases.

And as a remedy against fever

I am known to every doctor.

They make soups out of me,

The porridge is boiled and put in the salad,

And that’s why it’s always in the markets

We Bobs are in great demand.


I earned myself a long time ago

People have universal love.

The hostess won't make soup without me.

And it won’t make a vinaigrette.

Not a single family can afford it

Without me there is no dinner or lunch.


I weigh fourteen kilos.

I'm unlikely to go up to the podium

And I ask you not to give me words.

I'm known to all of you as a meanie!

You should try onions -

Tears will flow like a river.

I'm the angriest one in the garden!

Head of cabbage.

Look - I'm Kochan!

I'm a cabbage head!

A hundred clothes and a turban,

And it's not empty inside.

Whether you cook it or salt it,

Do as you please.

I'm crispy and fresh -

Cut with a knife and eat!


Everyone is happy with the tomato:

Tomatoes contain vitamin.

I will perform a solo number,

Because I'm alone!


I'm an excellent cucumber

Green, large, sweet.

I'm finally fed up

Lying on a black bed.


Although it is indecent to boast,

But I must tell you:

Excellent without potatoes

No eating, no dancing...

Even a tasty cucumber

Well done with potatoes only!

Even though the green onions are angry,

And potatoes are their best friend.

From potatoes here and there

They make the right product,

And it’s not for nothing that potatoes

Everyone calls it second bread.

I'm touched by the attention!

I close the meeting.


We stayed a little too long
And it seems like I have no strength to get up,
But the potatoes are calling us to the field
Play, move around a little.


    Who brought potatoes to Russia? (Peter 1)

    What is a potato riot? (peasants refused to grow potatoes)

    How to call the stems and leaves of potatoes in one word? (tops)

    About potatoes boiled or baked in their skins, they say that they are in what? (in uniform)

    Where was the first time a person cooked potatoes? (on fire)

    What part of potatoes do we use for food? (tubers)

    How to call in one word the removal of weeds and loosening of the earth (weeding)

    “Plant potatoes.”

    Dig a hole ( circle of paper )

    Plant ( Plant potatoes on a circle ).

    Bury ( Cover with a circle ).

    Weed ( Run around the hole ).

    collect ( The first one removes the top, the second one removes the potatoes, the third one removes the hole ).

GAME 2 " Harvesting » All participants are given a basket. You need to collect as many potatoes scattered around as possible.

There is also a house in the village,

Grandfather and grandmother live in it.

Old people live, don’t grieve,

And they are friends with work.

Grandfather: Planted this year

The vegetable garden is all potatoes.

Woman : Watered, fertilized,

Saved from pests.

The melody of the song “Nello Dolly” from the repertoire of Louis Armstrong sounds,
The Colorado potato beetle comes on stage and sings.

Bug: Hello, baby!
My name is Freddy.
Striped and beautiful
All of me is here.
My House - Colorado.
Be glad to see me
And be proud
That you have found shelter.
On potato tops
I'll go for a ride, little ones, -
You can't see it, baby,
Chips and mash! Well.
Ay like tomatoes.
It's a joy for me -
I'll eat all the potatoes at dawn. Well.

Bug: Good morning! Why are you gathered here? Oh, you have Potatoes here?!! But they didn’t invite me, the handsome Colorado potato beetle, they forgot! This is bad of you!

Grandfather: Wait, Colorado potato beetle! You may be beautiful, but you are also a known pest of fields and vegetable gardens!

Woman: You don’t let Potatoes and tomatoes grow normally!

Bug: How is this a pest? First of all, I'm the most beautiful! Secondly, I have the most fashionable jacket this season. Thirdly... (sighs). Yes, you are right, I am the biggest potato lover! And I'm not alone!

Grandfather and Baba splash on the beetles, they run away.

Grandfather: In the summer we are waiting for Antoshka to visit,

To help dig potatoes.

Woman: Here comes the daredevil

A real tomboy:

Having fun and singing

But it doesn’t work.

Song "Antoshka"

Antoshka: Yes, Antoshka is me,

I'm just sick, friends!

I look tired

My head hurts a lot.

Runny nose, cough, itchy side,

I need a doctor, he would help me

Doctor: I'm just in time!

I know only one remedy,

It has been tested for a long time:

The child sneezed -

It's time to treat them with potatoes!

They breathed over the potatoes -

Immediately everyone became healthy.

Let's warm up our throats!

Let's breathe in the warm steam!

(The doctor carries potatoes, the children inhale through their noses 3-4 times)

Antoshka: And I still have a burn. Prescribe me ointment and tablets, please!

Doctor: We'll try to do without pills! Now we will grate the potatoes and apply them to the burn.(Grates potatoes and applies the pulp to the burn, bandages it) The juice obtained from raw tubers treats not only burns, but also stomach ulcers, skin diseases. Potatoes remove excess water and salts from the body, so they are especially useful for people suffering from kidney and heart diseases.

That's all! And everyone is healthy!

You can laugh!

And now, friends

We can compete!

GAME 3 Children – make up scattered proverbs

    Spruce and birch - why not firewood, salt and potatoes - why not food?

    Digging potatoes, don’t wave your hands.

    Potatoes and porridge are our food.

    For the hungry, potatoes are a delicacy.

    1. The bread was born in a shaft, and the potatoes were born in a wheel.

    3. Spruce and birch - what is not firewood, salt and potatoes - what is not food.

Questions for parents

Is it true that

1. Potatoes should not be salted before frying. (Yes, it will release juice.)

2. The fruit of a potato is called a berry. (Yes, the fruit of a potato is called a berry.)

3. When cooking, potatoes are dipped in cold water. (No, potatoes should be placed in boiling water to prevent the vitamins and nutrients from being destroyed.)

4. Are green potato tubers poisonous? (Yes, green potato tubers, like all parts of the plant, contain solanine, which can cause poisoning; it destroys red blood cells and depresses the nervous system.)

5. If you put potatoes in the broth after sauerkraut, then it will be fragrant and crumbly? (No, the potatoes are placed before the sauerkraut, otherwise they will be hard and tasteless.)

PRESENTATION “All the Interesting Things”

    The largest potato in the world weighed 8 kg

    The Guinness World Record for peeling potatoes belongs to Saxony resident Linda Gomez, 28 years old. The Cook managed to peel 10.49 kg of potatoes in just 10 minutes.

    Potatoes became the first vegetable to experience weightlessness - they were grown on the Columbia spacecraft in October 1995.

    The UN General Assembly declared 2008 the International Year of the Potato. Since 2005, Young Potato Day has been held in many Russian cities.

    There is even a famous “potato war” between Prussia and Austria. It fought for the possession of Bavaria from 1777 to 1779, and received the name “potato” because the warring countries did not want to sacrifice people, but destroyed only each other’s potato fields.

    Potato chips were invented in 1853 by mistake. The United States is the birthplace of potato chips. Thin and crispy potato chips are considered one of the most popular snacks in many countries. The average American consumes 5 - 10 kg of potato chips per year. Our compatriot eats about half a kilogram of chips a year.

    In Mariinsk, Kemerovo region, in 2008 they decided to erect a monument to potatoes.

    The Belgian Potato Museum opened in 1975. There is also a Potato Radio on the museum’s website, with lots of potato-themed tunes.

    The English from Bowburn also believe that potatoes deserve more attention, and therefore February 2 note Potato Day .

    There are 111 varieties of potatoes in the world! New to this list are Levada and Dovira potatoes.

    The most expensive potato variety is from France. It costs about 500 euros per kilogram. According to legend, this potato was bred by the supreme god of the Incas, Viracocha.

Conclusions: respect, honor potatoes, develop new varieties, claimown annual holiday, create museums, erect monuments. Not every vegetable has such honor!

GAME 4 “Taste it” With your eyes closed, you need to determine the taste of potatoes (boil beets, carrots, peas, potatoes, cabbage)


Number of participants: 8, potatoes: 7. Children move to the music; as soon as the music ends, you need to grab the baked potato.

Teacher: We learned a lot of interesting things about potatoes today. It's time to give the floor to our chef.

Cook: This is the most important vegetable.

I'll tell you a secret,

With this vegetable recipes,

Like riddles and answers!

More than a thousand, probably

And everything is extraordinary!

Filling for dumplings,

And a side dish for brisket fillet,

Everyone loves to eat pound

Both the boy and the girl,

And of course, everyone's bait

It will make a casserole!

Feel free to put it in the soup!

With her, my beloved, there is no limit!

eat with her cutlet recipe,

This is such a vegetable!

Presenter 2: Dear Potato! Our chefs have prepared a lot for your holiday delicious dishes. Let me bring them into the hall.

Potato: I allow you to bring it in!

Defile, tasting

Birthday people

Reader 1 :

There is a wonderful holiday in the world,

Gift champion,

Adults and children know:

It comes once a year.

Everyone loves him and is waiting for him,

A cake with candles is being baked...

Did you guess it? Without a doubt

This holiday is a birthday!

Reader 2:

Everyone born in the fall

Hearty congratulations.

And we wish you, friends,

Peace, happiness and goodness.

You study hard

Don't be stubborn, don't be lazy.

Know that the time will come:

Two times two will come in handy, labor, penmanship

And the days are on schedule.

Reader 3:

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
And we wish to live without troubles.

Don't upset moms and dads

And get straight A's.

Knowledge, courage, kindness

May it always be with you!

Reader 4:

The old legend says:

When a person is born -

The star in the sky will light up,

To shine for him all his life.

Reader 5:

Happy birthday!

We wish the birthday boys

So that they grow up good, brave, handsome.

Be healthy and happy,

Be smart and beautiful!

Reader 6:

We wish you to grow, bloom,

Save money, improve your health.

It is for a long journey -

The most important condition.

Let every day and every hour

He'll get you something new.

May your mind be good,

And the heart will be smart!

Today is our holiday

We all came together

To congratulate those guys

Who was born in October .

Stand up, those born in October . (Zolin N, Lozgacheva K., Shebleva M)

The sky turned gray in November

Autumn will soon say goodbye to us

It often rains in the yard

And today we are going to congratulate

Those guys whose birthday is in November

Stand up those born in November . (Golovaneva A., Mishunina N., Shiryaev N.)

Teacher: I want your stars to always shine brightly for you and never go out. Now let's listen to what is said in the horoscopes of our birthday people:

Horoscope colors:

Orange–(Julia) a color that reflects creative activity, nobility of thoughts, self-confidence. Such people are responsible and firm in their decisions. These are strong personalities who attract others with their positive approach to life. However, such people are very emotional and are not always restrained.

Yellow- (Anya) symbolizes vital energy, the color of intelligence, rationality, logical and analytical thinking. People with the name of this color are strong in character, practical, and gravitate toward exact sciences and natural history. Even if they receive a liberal arts education, they often find their calling in economics, innovation, and scientific activity.

Blue- (Masha) the color of trust, harmony, calmness, contentment. These people are self-confident, internal, protected natures. They are highly sensitive, receptive to the grief of others, spiritual, sincere, trusting, deep natures, talented individuals. They often have healing abilities.

Blue- (Gosha), the color of calm, wisdom, contemplation. People whose name corresponds to this color are devoted friends, faithful to loved ones, to their ideas and principles. They are somewhat secretive and overly restrained in expressing their feelings. In communication, they are difficult, distrustful, find it difficult to get along with people, have difficulty finding a common language with loved ones, are too strict and demanding towards them. Such people have the ability to prophecy, know how to foresee the future, and are capable of telepathy.

Green (Anastasia) is the color of harmony, stability and fortitude. People whose names correspond to the color green are warm-hearted, sympathetic, kind, indifferent to material assets, however, they know how to earn money and are rarely penniless. They love nature and people. They try to help everyone, but rarely receive gratitude in return. They have many envious people, whom they manage not to notice.
Green is the color of growth, upcoming changes, the color of healing energy. These people are not afraid of difficulties, easily take risks, and know how to adapt to any circumstances. Such people are sensitive and vulnerable, they can be offended even by simple indifference towards them, especially if they are close people. They part with the offenders once and for all, but they don’t look for friends - they appear on their own, people are drawn to them like a magnet.

Violet - (Alexey) is the color of the spiritual power of a person who bears a name corresponding in vibration to this color. These people are able to penetrate into the essence of human nature, live for others, are committed to high ideals, have great opportunities for spiritual growth... They are prone to compassion and empathy. Men are very vulnerable, somewhat selfish, narcissistic. But they easily adapt to changes in life, are friendly with people, and always rush to help their loved ones.

Grey - (Sergey) the color of distrust, uncertainty. People whose names correspond to this color are not influenced and are difficult to convince them of anything. They are irreconcilable with injustice, do not tolerate lies, and can break down if faced with dishonesty and hypocrisy. They are devoted to friends to the point of self-forgetfulness.

Red - ( Ekaterina, Valeria) is the color of energy, physical activity and strength, determination and strength of character. People are sociable, love noisy companies, but are easily irritated.
These people have an uncontrollable desire to be first and unsurpassed, which is why quite a few professional athletes emerge from their number. These people are extremely talented. In a good mood, they are cheerful people, they know how to win over their interlocutor, but one carelessly thrown word addressed to them is enough to cause a flare-up of anger and irritation in them.


Our holiday is already over
What else can I tell you?
You deserve some potatoes
Call it “second bread”!

Holiday scenario

“Oh, potatoes are delicious!”

Target: In a relaxed, entertaining way, introduce the children to the “biography” of potatoes, teach them to see amazing things nearby, and create a joyful atmosphere for the day.

Shortly before the holiday, a poster is posted on the notice board:

Attention! Attention!

For everyone's edification:

Who wants at least some

Try baked potatoes

The salad made from it is very tasty,

Prepared skillfully

Pies, rosy, fresh,

Tender boiled potatoes,

Prepare riddles, poems, sayings -

A little bit of everything

But everything about... potatoes!

A parable about potatoes and resentment.

The student asked the teacher: “You are so wise.” You are always in a good mood, never angry. Help me to be like that too. The teacher agreed and asked the student to bring potatoes and a transparent bag. “If you get angry with someone and harbor a grudge,” said the teacher, “then take these potatoes.” On one side, write your name, on the other, the name of the person with whom the conflict occurred, and put these potatoes in a bag. - And it's all? - the student asked in bewilderment. “No,” answered the teacher. you should always carry this bag with you. And every time you are offended by someone, add potatoes to it. The student agreed. Some time passed. The student's bag was replenished with several more potatoes and became quite heavy. It was very inconvenient to always carry it with you. In addition, the potatoes that he put in at the very beginning began to spoil. It became covered with a slippery nasty coating, some sprouted, some blossomed and began to emit a sharp bad smell. The student came to the teacher and said: “It’s no longer possible to carry this with you.” Firstly, the bag is too heavy, and secondly, the potatoes have spoiled. Suggest something different. But the teacher answered: “The same thing happens in your soul.” When you are angry or offended at someone, a heavy stone appears in your soul. You just don't notice it right away. Then there are more and more stones. Actions turn into habits, habits into character, which gives rise to fetid vices. And it is very easy to forget about this burden, because it is too heavy to carry with you all the time. I gave you the opportunity to observe this whole process from the outside. Every time you decide to be offended or, conversely, offend someone, think about whether you need this stone. We ourselves create our vices. Do you need to carry a bag of rotten potatoes inside?

Teacher: Hello guys! All seasons are generous: spring gives us greenery, summer does not spare the sun, and autumn is probably the richest. She generously gives us ripe fruits. In autumn, people harvest and praise the golden beauty of autumn for her generosity: they sing songs, ditties, and organize Harvest festivals.

Song “Autumn Sun Shines Gently...”

Today we have gathered in this hall again. What holiday are we having this time?

This time there will be a story

About the one who has six eyes,

And sometimes seven and five,

About the one who slept sweetly through the winter,

Climbing into the basement in the fall.

About the one who comes to our kitchen

In the spring I brought it myself.

About the one whose strange eyes

Growing day by day

About someone who knew me

But he didn't see me.

Think a little -

What is this... (potato).

1. The bird built a nest underground and laid eggs.

2. Nuts are in the ground, and leaves are on the ground.

3. What they dug from the ground,

Fried, boiled?

What we baked in the ashes

Did they praise you?

4. And green and thick,

A bush grew in the garden bed

Dig a little

Under the bush...(potatoes).

Children perform V. Popov’s song “Potato”.


Ved. We know this product well and use it almost every day, but not everyone thinks about what its homeland is and who brought it to Russia? Listen to this story.

1. 500 years ago, no one in Europe knew that there was such a plant - potatoes. But then the ships of Christopher Columbus, a brave navigator, returned to Spain from a long voyage. The most valuable cargo they brought home were seeds, tubers, and grains of new plants.

2 . But in Europe they did not immediately understand that the main thing in potatoes is the tubers. One English rich man decided to treat his guests to an overseas wonder planted in his garden. Instead of digging the tubers out of the ground, the gardener collected the green balls from the bushes that hang on the stems after the potatoes bloom. These bitter, inedible potato fruits were served to the guests. Some of the guests, having tried the treat, choked, some had a distorted face, some ran out from the table.

3. Potatoes were sent to Russia from Holland at the end of the 17th century by Peter l. The peasants did not accept the overseas vegetable for a long time and called it “the devil’s apple.” They were forced to grow and eat potatoes. But the peasants unknowingly ate the fruits. This led to many poisonings.

4. A wave of “peasant riots” took place throughout Russia. The riots were suppressed by firing cannons at the peasants. But it was not the brutal reprisals that convinced the peasants that it was profitable to plant potatoes. The potato itself convinced me.

5. Remember the fairy tale about the turnip? Why did grandpa need a big, big turnip? To feed my grandmother, granddaughter and the whole family. Previously, in cold winters, when crops froze, turnips replaced bread for the Russian peasant. Hearty, productive potatoes have replaced turnips. Now it is no longer turnips, but potatoes, that have become the second bread for all other peoples of Europe.

Ved 2. In 1842, after the decree of Nicholas I on the mandatory planting of potatoes, popular unrest began. Potatoes were grown very reluctantly due to superstitious fear of them. But gradually potatoes became the second bread. And potatoes are the first dish, everyone is happy to eat them. Either it is called bulba, or it is called potato, Pudell, Knolle - that’s the name in German. People know different dishes, She is the queen at the table. And now we’ll sing our song about potatoes

6. We are accustomed to the fact that wheat is called the “First” bread, and potatoes the “Second”. Over time, Europeans became convinced not only that potatoes could replace bread, but also that potatoes themselves could no longer be replaced with bread.

7. Maybe you know that all plants live in families. So these are potatoes from the nightshade family. Here are its relatives: tomato, eggplant, capsicum.

8. Potato is an annual plant, up to 150 cm high, lower in our climate. In autumn, fruits form on the bushes - green berries with small seeds. They are poisonous!

9. In agriculture, potatoes are planted as tubers, which are used as food. There are about 150 species of potatoes in the wild.

10. Potatoes contain many useful substances and vitamins: starch, sugar, protein. Potatoes should be stored in a cool, dark place. But if potatoes are left in the sun, then a strong poison is formed in them, which is very harmful to human health. This is solanine.

Vedas: In Rus', potatoes were valued, considered their second bread and, of course, they sang about them ditties.

But potatoes can not only nourish a person, you can play with them. This is evidenced by our competitions, in which I invite you to take part.

After all, when we play, we check

What we can do and what we know.

When potatoes were brought to Europe, each country called it differently (slide 5):

  • The British - potato
  • Finns - Tartu
  • Italians - tartufol
  • French people - pom de terre
  • Germans - potato

But the first name of the potato was “papa”, that’s what the Indians from the Quechu tribe called it in South America, the scientist Bolotov called it “tartofel”, the people called it potato.

Humorous skit

Girls and boys are potato lovers!


Speaker Alyoshka

Girls (4)

Boys (4)

The speaker Alyoshka comes out and stands in the middle of the stage.

Alyoshka. We will show you a skit and tell you something.

Our humor is without ridicule - it is praise for potatoes!

The girls come on stage and stand to the left of Alyoshka.

Girls(together). We are girls!

The boys come out on stage and stand to the right of Alyoshka.

Boys(together). We are boys!

All. We are potato lovers!

Alyoshka (addresses participants and spectators).

Is everyone here? I am very happy.

I'll read you a report.

About my beloved about potatoes

I will push the speech on a piece of paper.

He puts on his glasses and reads from a piece of paper.

From distant overseas countries

Through the sea - the ocean,

Well, think a little.

What did they bring us?

All participants and spectators. Potatoes!!!

1st Boy. Speech push , yes to ridicule,

Alyosha doesn’t want that!

2nd Boy. He has something else on his mind:

What will they give us for the second course?

Alyoshka. And I'll tell you, potatoes,

Black edge bread -

That's food, that's just food

And she is always needed!

3rd Boy. On holidays, on weekdays, on the road

Everyone eats potatoes with bread!

Alyoshka ( He takes off his glasses and hides the paper with the report.)

I will give honor to such a miracle.

With butter she

Amazingly delicious!

Never gets bored.

Bring it here!

One of the Boys leaves and brings a bowl

with potato, (there are nine spoons in the bowl), gives it to Alyosha,

he eats potatoes.

Good! Now to friends

I'll give you some potatoes soon!

Alyoshka goes around all the participants in turn, each takes a spoon and eats a potato, then says a line and keeps the spoon for himself. Alyoshka stands sideways to the audience and does not block the participant when he eats potatoes and says a line.

1st Boy. Incomparable, ah - ah - ah!

Don't be sorry, keep going! (He eats more.)

1st Girl. Oh, potatoes, delicious!

Better than buns and jam!

2nd Boy. Incredible food!

Give more! (Eating. ) Wow!

2nd Girl. Very tasty, here's a cross for you! (Being baptized.)

3rd Boy. Vaska listens and eats! (Scooped it up and ate a spoonful.)

Once a potato (eating), two potatoes (eating)

Eh, I need another flatbread...

3rd Girl. You'll get over it! Give it to me!

Don't open your mouth for everyone! (Eating.)

The taste is excellent, as always!

With her, grief is no problem!

4th Boy. Better than a delicious omelet

Only her, this potato!

4th Girl. This is the best cooking

And for everyone, and for me!

1st Boy. Why do we need a spoon?

So that there are potatoes in it!

1st Girl. There's no better food, I know

I won’t change to another!

2nd Boy. Not stew or porridge -

Our potatoes are the best!

2nd Girl. And peas aren't bad at all!

3rd Boy. He honors peas and eats potatoes,

And not at all for fun!

3rd Girl. Yes, I think too

It’s not good for us to honor peas here.

There are potatoes - life is everywhere!

No potatoes - there will be trouble,

And you will have to live in need!

4th Boy. And, in my opinion, noodles

Very good too!

And what about jelly? What about the casserole?

Sausage or oatmeal?

He takes a cup from Alyosha and eats potatoes.

4th Girl. What you said is nonsense.

And the potatoes...Give them here!

He takes the bowl from the 4th Boy, eats the potatoes, then continues his remark. Fun, interesting, to cause laughter in the room.

Who eats oat porridge?

Those need sausage too,

Well, and most importantly - peas! (Smiles.)

There's a catch in this joke

It’s not for nothing that everyone has it

Causes friendly laughter! (Laughs.)

The participants support him with laughter, the audience laughs.

4th Girl gives the cup to Alyosha.

Alyoshka. We love potatoes

Poems were composed in honor of her.

They praised each other, then (finishes potatoes)

We ate everything - and no problem!

Applause from participants and spectators.

Alyoshka. But we want to talk about her again

Say a kind word!

All. It will always be on the table

And in every city and in every village!

Long live the bowl, long live the spoon,

Long live what we love - potatoes!

Everyone raises their hand with a spoon up,

Alyoshka lifts up a cup with a spoon.

Exercise. Come up with a last name, first name, patronymic for the potato and write it without mistakes.

. A game. I will pronounce a phrase, if you agree with my statement, you should say in chorus “We don’t argue!”, If you don’t agree, say in chorus “We argue!”

Autumn rains are pouring (We don't argue!)

Spring is ahead of us (I bet!)

There were snowstorms all day long (I bet!)

Leaves fall from the trees (We don't argue!)

The white lily of the valley is blooming (I bet!)

In the grove the nightingales began to sing (I bet!)

And in the garden the potatoes are ripe (We don’t argue!)

The potato harvest is good! (We don't argue)

There's the size of a tiny pea (We're not arguing)

It's the size of a suitcase (I bet)

Weeds bloom on the branches (I bet)

It’s difficult for us without potatoes (We don’t argue)

We continue our holiday

We dedicate everything to potatoes (We don’t argue)

Competition 2 “Oh, potatoes.” (3 persons)

A certain number of potato tubers (5-7 pieces) are placed on a chair and covered with material or newspaper. After this, participants are invited and asked to sit on a newspaper, under which there are potatoes on a chair, fidget while sitting and determine how many potato tubers there are. Whoever guessed right is the winner.

Competition 3 "Who's the odd one out?"

The competition is held several times. Each team is divided into groups of several people. Each group stands in a circle, everyone walks in a circle until they hear the word “POTATO.” After this, you need to have time to grab the potatoes. Whoever is left without potatoes is eliminated. The presenter removes 1 potato and the competition continues.

Competition 4 “Collect potatoes.”

Give each student a picture of a potato cut into pieces. Whoever collects it faster is the winner.

Competition 6 “Make a proverb.”

(Each player receives cards with proverbs. The cards are cut. The player who quickly and correctly collects the proverb wins.)

1. The bread was born in a shaft, and the potatoes in a wheel.

2. Put potatoes in okroshka, and love in action.

3. Spruce and birch - what is not firewood, salt and potatoes - what is not food.

4. Potatoes will never be born without labor.

5. A ruff in the ear is good, and potatoes in a pie.

6. The potatoes are ripe - get down to business.

7. When potatoes ripen, they will warm a person.

Teacher. Fun challenges.

1. Hungry Vasya eats 3 raw potatoes in 10 minutes. A well-fed Vasya spends 1 hour on the same amount of boiled potatoes. How many minutes faster is Vasya with raw potatoes than with boiled ones? (60 - 10 = 50 minutes)

2. Running away from his friends, Petya pushed his grandfather, who bought 4 identical bags of potatoes, 2 kilograms each. The bags were torn and the potatoes scattered. How many kilograms of potatoes flew to Petya, if it is known that in his youth grandfather was a sniper? (4.2 = 8 kg)

3. Third-grader Fedya bought a dish of 6 potatoes in the school cafeteria and went out to wash his hands for 1 minute. At this time, there were 9 first-graders in the cafeteria, each of whom could eat 1 potato in a minute. How many potatoes will Fedya see on his plate when he returns, and how many first-graders are left hungry? (none 9 - 6 = 3

First-graders will remain hungry)

1. Dance with potatoes. Two participants, holding a potato between their foreheads, perform any dance moves to the tune. Several couples participate. The one who dances the longest wins.

Presenter 2. What dishes, guys, can you prepare from potatoes? Whoever names the most such dishes will receive a prize. (The prize is large potatoes.)

It only took a few 10 years for potatoes to make a real revolution in Russian cuisine. It has become a necessary product. First, second and even third (dessert) courses are prepared from potatoes. It is difficult to even list all the “specialties” of potatoes in cooking. All people love potato dishes. In the city of Mariinsk, Kemerovo region, a monument to potatoes was erected. The author of the sculpture was the artist Yuri Mikhailov

We'll collect all the potatoes as soon as possible. Let's invite all our friends for a treat! We will steam, we will cook, we will bake - After all, we don’t care about any work! You can make so many dishes from potatoes, you can find anything for your soul here. Everyone is happy about our potatoes, I’ll put them in the salad. And for me there is nothing better in the world than a jacket potato. Let's fry some rosy pancakes for Tanya. Dumplings are ready for Zhenya with potatoes. And you, Andryusha, eat the candy! And for you, my friend, a pie with potatoes! And for our Alyonka, there are some jolts with milk! And for Nadya, look - French fries! And you, Valyusha, eat some fried food! For you, Alyosha, okroshka with potatoes! And for you, Artyom, we’ll bake it over the fire! It was not in vain that we all harvested! Come and choose what you love! People have known for a long time, There is nothing tastier than potatoes!

POTATO- We've reaped the harvest. And after harvesting, what should you do with the potatoes? That's right, eat.

(Those with red tokens are invited to the stage. 5 people come out. Participants stand in a circle, take a spoon with their teeth. To cheerful music, participants pass potatoes from one participant’s spoon to another’s spoon in a circle without using their hands. The one whose potato falls is eliminated from the game.

POTATO- We still have participants in the hall who have gray tokens. Please come up to me. The game is called “Potato”. You stand in a circle and pass potatoes to each other to the music. Whoever has the potato in his hands when the music stops leaves the game. The winner is awarded a medallion made of potatoes.

Assignment: come up with and write down words that can be formed from the word “potato”.

Presenter 1. Guys, which of you brought potatoes with you? What if it gets even bigger? Then a prize awaits you! The potatoes must be weighed on a scale. Game “Hit the target with potatoes” (in the cast iron pot). The next page is “Recipes”.

We are approaching the final point of our holiday: “Oh, potatoes are delicious!”

(Exhibition of all kinds of dishes in the preparation of which potatoes are used).

Task: “protect” your dish. Tell us about the cooking method.

Yulia Kozlova
"Potato Festival" Holiday script for a preparatory school group



Queen Potato

Attributes: 4 basins, potato(30-40 pieces, matches (1 box, 2 wooden spoons, 2 hoops, 2 buckets, 2 cars on a string, ball

Children come to the music and stand in a semicircle

Children:1. Summer flew away quickly

A migratory bird into the distance,

Autumn has spread wonderfully

A fading shawl.

2. Gifted by the guest - autumn

Fruit harvests,

drizzling rains,

Body of forest mushrooms.

3. All paths and paths

As if in motley shreds.

It's Autumn unnoticed

He walks around with paint in his hands.

4. Turned the leaves into autumn

In the red and yellow lights,

I tried very, very hard

To like them.

5. Why be sad about summer now?

Autumn has come to visit us

In a gilded carriage

I brought gifts for everyone.

SONG about autumn

Children sit on chairs

Leading: An amazing time of year - autumn. Fruits and vegetables have ripened over the summer, and all housewives are trying to make supplies for the long winter. But the most important thing on the table is always the most delicious and important vegetable. Without him, food is not food, but he is respected and valued as the queen of the table.

What kind of vegetable is this - you try to guess

Round, crumbly, white

She came to the table from the fields.

You salt it a little,

It really is delicious (potato)

This delicious miracle fruit

We eat everything all the time year:

Soups, purees, salad, okroshka -

Present everywhere. (potato)

Leading: You guessed right.

This time there will be a story

About the one who has six eyes,

And sometimes seven and five,

About the one who slept sweetly through the winter,

Climbing into the basement in the fall.

Today is our The holiday is dedicated.... potatoes Yes, yes, don’t be surprised, exactly potatoes.

Potato- a cure for all diseases, a poison that exterminates insects, a stain remover, starch and powder can be made from it. How much different dishes can be prepared from potatoes. And now I suggest you list the dishes in which we put potato.


Leading: Well, now let's sing a song about this delicious vegetable.


After the song someone knocks on the door, the Queen comes in Potato

Queen Potato: Hello children and adults. I am glad to welcome you to holiday held in my honor. Allow me to introduce myself - Queen Potato

I stay green all summer by hiding the berries in the ground

Closer to autumn I will ripen immediately holiday on the table.

Leading: Hello, Queen Potato, we are glad to see you as our guest. Today you are the main one on our holiday.

Queen Potato: They sang a song in my honor, but do you know poems about me?

Children: 6. Dig up the bed a little,

Look, he lives there potato.

Once potato, two and three

Take it all into the bucket.

7. We will take buckets,

Yes, and on the way -

friendship will help us

Dig potatoes.

8. Potato, potato,

The harvest is rich

Delicious potatoes

All the guys love it.

9. They know about potatoes have everything in the world -

The rich and those who are not rich,

Everyone prepares it in their own way,

Everyone's on the table I'm glad about the potatoes.

10. Potatoes are our native vegetable

We love him as a family.

Fried, boiled,

Both in soup and baked.

Queen Potato: Good poems you know about me

Leading: And we also know ditties about potatoes


1. I love you very much potatoes.

I eat it for dinner and lunch

If it weren't for potatoes

There was no white light for me.

2. Oh, potato, potato

How sweet you are, delicious

We will prepare many dishes

We are always full.

3. We cooked on the stove

Russian potatoes

Refused her

Only our cat.

4. Oh, potato, potato

Oh, what an honor for you

If only it weren't potatoes

So what would you eat?

5. We the potatoes were harvested,

I don't sit idle:

Dad digs, mom carries,

Well, I'm in charge.

6. We ate porridge all summer,

Milk, okroshka,

And today we will eat

Delicious potatoes.

7. Ah, beautiful potato!

I don't need sausage

I don't want a sausage -

Give potato bowl!

8. Our potatoes - anywhere:

Delicious, rich in vitamins.

If you always eat,

You will be healthy and strong!

After the ditties there is a knock on the door

Leading: Of course of course! Who came to our holiday, always a guest for us. Come in, Grandmother Yaga!

Baba Yaga: Oh, I don’t know whether you’re happy to see me or not, but they sang so enticingly, so cheerfully, that even my hut began to dance! I couldn’t stand it, but hurry to you. What funny little ditties, they're all about potatoes. And how I love her, more than anything in the world. But the trouble is, I just can’t learn how to plant it, everything is somehow small and tasteless. I plant this way and that, no, nothing comes of it! Eh, tears, and that’s all! Maybe you can teach me how to plant correctly, what scientists and intelligent children you are!

A game "Plant and Gather potatoes» .

Two teams of children stand in pairs one behind the other. The first couples are accepted for boarding potatoes. One pair holds a bucket with potatoes, the second one takes one out of the bucket potatoes and puts them in one line.

When potatoes planted, the second couples take on the work. One holds an empty bucket, and the second collects potato and puts it in a bucket.

Leading: Here, Baba Yaga, I saw how it should be plant potatoes, grow?

Baba Yaga: Oh, my diamond iris, thanks for learning. I'll fly plant potatoes!

Leading: Granny, what are you talking about! It is planted in the spring and harvested in the fall. And now it's autumn. Let's play better.

A GAME "Bring it potatoes in a spoon»

Two teams of children are carried in a spoon potatoes from one end to the other

Queen Potato: You manage to carry it deftly potatoes, but can you take the harvest out of the field?

A GAME "Take it out potatoes from the field»

Two teams of children, each with a toy car on a string. Children from line No. 1 with a car, run to line No. 2, take one potatoes, put it in the back, run back, lay it out potatoes in the basket, pass the car to the next participant. The game continues until all potatoes will not be harvested.

Baba Yaga: But I can also make potatoes I can make different figures, I can make beads for myself.

Leading: You have a rich imagination, Baba Yaga, and our children also know how to make various crafts from vegetables, so now they are for us potatoes will make hedgehogs

A GAME "Samodelkin"

6 children temporarily swear at hedgehogs made of matches and potatoes who is faster and prettier

Leading: And also from potatoes you can make a caterpillar


Two teams of children are making a caterpillar on the floor. Whoever has the longest team wins. (posted from potatoes)

Baba Yaga: Oh, what a beauty you have made, but I can’t do it. I’ll run to my hut, I’ll also learn to come up with different crafts

Baba Yaga flies away

Queen Potato: You made beautiful crafts, but do you know the proverbs about me?

Children say proverbs

1. Guest at the door - potatoes on the table.

2. Potatoes and porridge are our food.

3. Hungry and potato delicacy.

4. Potatoes help bread.

5. Digging potatoes, don't wave your arms

6. Potatoes are a sucker for bread.

7. The bread was born in the shaft, and potatoes - in a wheel.

8. Potatoes save bread

Leading: Let's play some more


Children stand in a circle, at the leader’s command they begin to pass the ball from hand to hand in a circle, as soon as the leader says "Stop", the game stops. The player who has the ball in his hands leaves the game.

Queen Potato: How much attention does a person pay? potatoes: raises it, prepares it for food.

Leading: But also about potatoes Many poems, ditties and even songs have been written. And here's one of them re-enactments we give you songs today, Queen Potato.


Leading: Well, our dear guest, Queen Potato, you liked it with us holiday

Queen Potato: I liked our meeting, but now it’s time for me to return to my vegetable kingdom. Goodbye! And to treat you with pies from me potato.

Queen Potatoes are leaving

Leading: Well, it’s time for us to return to group


(to the tune "In the grass Grasshopper sat")

1. How we love potatoes, (2 times)

We can't live without potatoes

We can even survive a day.

Imagine, (2 times)

We can't live without potatoes

Imagine, (2 times)

We can even survive a day.

2. We fry it and boil it

And we throw it into the soup

And even in “uniform”

We can boil it.

Imagine, (2 times)

And even in “uniform”

Imagine, (2 times)

We can boil it.

"Hand over potatoes from one basket to another in a chain"

Goals: to deepen and expand students’ knowledge of potato taxonomy, biology, and agricultural technology; continue the formation of independent cognitive activity; promote the development of communicative skills in students through speaking in front of an audience; instill respect for agricultural professions and interest in various types activities.

tables showing potatoes and potato varieties.
library selection of books about potatoes.
an exhibition of potato crafts, an exhibition of student essays.

The guys playing the roles of “potato grower”, “agronomist”, “breeder”, “doctor”, “cook”, “Russian language teacher”, “theater actors”, “artists” - sit at separate tables, in front of each there is a sign indicating their profession .
On the board: “Those who know how to compose hymns must find the most solemn words, and the loudest singers will sing a hymn to the potatoes in the widest square with all the crowds of people!” I don’t know who it is, but I would cry listening to this anthem!” V. Astafiev.

An ornamental flower, a cure for all diseases, a poison that exterminates insects, a stain remover, a universal fertilizer, and finally, a food raw material from which you can make bread, starch, powder, oil, wine, coffee, yeast, chocolate, etc. etc. - isn’t it tempting to have such a universal product? It turns out that nothing is simpler - after all, we are talking about the most ordinary potatoes.
The potato's first name was “PAPA” - that’s what the Indians called her in her homeland in South America.
The English called it POTATO.
The Dutch and French - EARTH APPLE.
And the Germans changed TARTUFEL to POTATO, which later became known as POTATOES.
Today we will talk about it. At our extracurricular event there are guests, representatives of different professions, one way or another related to potatoes.

So, what does the word potato mean, let’s take a look at the explanatory dictionary together with the Russian language teacher.
The word is borrowed from German language. Potatoes are a garden plant and a vegetable. Potatoes are also the name given to the underground tubers of this plant that are used as food.
Competition 1:
Now we’ll try to play with the word “Potato”
To take a big word,
Take out the letters - once and twice!
And then collect them again,
New words will come out!
Which one of you can make up more words from the word potato?

Teacher: Guys, how are we going to hold the event without the main guest? I know! Let's ask the theater actors.

Dramatization of the poem "Quarrel"
One day a potato comes to a carrot
And he sees: the carrots are in the package.
-Carrot, carrot, please tell me:
Where are you dressed up like that today?
-Oh, you know, potatoes, I’m already leaving:
Today I was invited to the knife.
I was invited to him without you,
I won't take you with me, potato.
The potato said: “Just think, a knife!
I don't give a damn if you don't take me!
Two spoons invited me to the cabbage soup.
I’ll go without you, don’t blame me either!”
They also invited me to 3rd grade,
By the way, it’s class time right now.

Competition 2 Come up with a last name, first name, patronymic for the potato and write it without mistakes.

Historian “How potatoes appeared in Rus'” message.
Potatoes grew wild in the mountainous regions of South America. It was grown by the Indians. After the discovery of America, potato tubers also appeared in Europe, and they were then called “earth apples.” Potatoes came to our country under Peter I, who sent a bag of potatoes from Holland to his close associate Count Sheremetyev and ordered potato tubers to be sent to all regions of Russia and grown. At first, potatoes were grown in flower beds as an ornamental plant; later they tried to use their fruits for food, but they were bitter and inedible. Therefore, the peasants refused to grow potatoes and treated them with distrust. People noticed that potatoes will be born with a head and eyes like a person, and whoever eats potatoes eats human souls. Our ancestors called potatoes "devil's apple." Only potato flowers were popular, especially after the French queen pinned them in her hair and decorated her dress with them. Later, potatoes became the main food of the Russian people, and proverbs and sayings began to be written about potatoes.

Competition 3: collect a proverb and explain the meaning.
The potatoes are ripe - get down to business.
Potatoes help bread.
When the potatoes ripen, they will warm a person.

Competition 4: solve the crossword puzzle “My garden”. Having solved it, you will find out the name of the English navigator. I’ll tell you what this navigator is famous for a little later.

1. It looks red, but if you see through it, it’s white. (radish)
2.What they dug out of the ground, fried, boiled,
What did we bake in ashes, eat and praise? (potato)
3. Settled firmly in the garden bed..... (turnip)

Answer: like any plant, potatoes themselves store energy.
Potato - nose
Answer: if a person has a wide nose, then they say that the nose is like a potato.
Potato starch
Answer: Potatoes contain a large amount of starch.

Teacher: Do you know why frozen potatoes are sweet? (it turns starch into sugar)
Why should you not eat green potato tubers? (in the light, starch turns into corned beef. It is poisonous)

You and your parents also plant potatoes in your summer cottages (many have talked about this in their writings), but now listen to an expert in growing potatoes - an agronomist.

Agronomist Anyone who grows potatoes should know that in its development this plant goes through 4 phases: germination, budding, flowering, ripening.
Before planting, the tubers are germinated for at least 30 days. In the spring, the soil is dug up to a depth of 30 cm. Potatoes are planted in the soil at a distance of at least 60 cm between rows, and in a row - 35 cm. When seedlings emerge and throughout the growth of the plants, weeding is carried out to loosen the crust and destroy weeds. When the plant reaches a height of 15 cm, hilling is carried out. In the fall, when the tops begin to turn yellow, they harvest.

Competition 6: planting potatoes

Potato eyes,
Not little eyes,
Come into the ground
Get in, buddies!
Lie down and mature.
Let there be tops
Green and thin
Like lace.

Teacher: But planting potatoes is not so easy, you need to answer the question.
(competition for captains)
1. How to call the stems and leaves of potatoes in one word? (tops)
2. About potatoes boiled or baked in their skins, they say that they are in what? (in uniform)
3. Where was the first time a person cooked potatoes? (on fire)
4. What part of potatoes do we use for food? (tubers)
5. How to call in one word the removal of weeds and loosening of the earth (weeding)

Teacher: Who is involved in breeding different varieties of crops? Breeders are involved in breeding varieties. Word to the Selector.
Breeder: The science of breeding deals with the development of new varieties of plants. Selection is the most effective and most profitable economic way to increase agricultural productivity. Thanks to the good results of the work of breeders, new potato varieties are being developed. (showing different varieties of potatoes)

Competition Give 7 teams 3 varieties of potatoes (by color). Task: get potatoes into a bucket. Who has more hits? For each hit 1 point.

Doctor: potatoes are medicinal plant: fresh potato juice is used for stomach ulcers, gastritis, helps reduce blood pressure for hypertension. Potato gruel is good for treating burns and eczema. In winter, potatoes are the main source of vitamin C. In addition to vitamin C, tubers contain small amounts of vitamins B1, B2, B6, A. Potato tubers are rich in salts of calcium, potassium, iron, iodine, and sulfur. Unfortunately, in pursuit of a large harvest, a lot of mineral fertilizers have been used lately. Nitrates accumulate in tubers and cause oxygen starvation of tissues, which poisons the body of humans and animals. Vitamins and dairy products help the body fight excessive amounts of nitrates. The amount of nitrates in potatoes can be reduced by cooking them: place the peeled potatoes in cold water for 15-20 minutes, then drain it, add a new portion of water, bring to a boil and also drain, then add fresh water until tender.

Teacher: In addition to mineral fertilizers, people also use pesticides. Let's give the floor to an ecologist, a scientist who knows everything about the connections between man and nature.

Ecologist: A passion for pesticides brings a lot of grief. They cultivate fields to destroy harmful insects and weeds. In this case, birds that feed on poisoned insects die. People suffer because poisons get into our food and water. But there are natural ways to protect the crop - they are called biological. One of the popular methods is hanging birdhouses. You can find others traditional methods that will help save the harvest.
Competition 8
Draw a sign prohibiting the use of pesticides or large amounts of mineral fertilizers.

Cook: In our country, potatoes are called the second bread, and this is no coincidence. Potatoes have great nutritional value. The main component of potatoes is starch and proteins. Potatoes can be used to prepare various dishes and side dishes. It is boiled, fried, stewed, stuffed. Proper preparation of potatoes is of great importance: after peeling the potatoes, you need to immerse them in cold water. It is not recommended to leave it in water for a long time because it loses nutrients. It is not recommended to boil potatoes in a tin or copper bowl, as this will result in the loss of a large amount of vitamin C. When steamed, the loss of vitamin C is 2 times less than when boiled in water. Potatoes placed in cold water for cooking lose up to 50% of their vitamins, while potatoes placed in boiling water lose 10-20%.
(After finishing the performance, the cook hands out recipes for potato dishes).

Oh, delicious potatoes!
Ideal for children and adults.
He doesn't know pleasure
Who hasn't eaten potatoes?

Competition 9: who can name the most potato dishes?

The children who prepared the dishes talk about them.

Teacher: Those who know how to compose hymns must find the most solemn words, and the loudest singers will sing a hymn to the potatoes in the widest square in front of the entire crowd of people! I don’t know who it is, but I would cry listening to this anthem!”
These are the wonderful words the Siberian writer Viktor Astafiev wrote about potatoes in his ode to the “Russian vegetable garden.” We don’t know the anthem, but let’s sing the song about potatoes from the movie “Breakfast on the Grass.”

How many times at a halt
We baked potatoes.
Feast, feast
There were conversations.

Chorus: Oh potatoes, potatoes
There's a coal in the skin,
Golden sparks
Blue smoke.
And a very delicate matter
Even for a connoisseur
Brown skillfully
Potatoes have sides.

From palm to palm
You leave her
How about salting the potatoes?
Don't let it cool down.

spring water
We'll drink potatoes
And of course with you
Let's drink by the fire.

Invitation to the table.

You can make so many dishes from potatoes,
You will find anything for your soul here.
It was not in vain that we all harvested!
Come and choose whatever you want!
People know from childhood,
There is nothing tastier than potatoes!

Potato Festival

Teacher: All seasons are generous: spring decorates everything with greenery, summer does not spare the sun, and autumn is probably the richest. She generously treats us with ripe fruits. After finishing the autumn work, people organize a Harvest Festival. Today we have such a holiday. And it is dedicated to the main vegetable on our table.

This time there will be a story

About the one who has six eyes,

And sometimes seven and five.

About the one whose strange eyes grew day by day,

About someone who knew me

But he didn't see me.

Think a little

What is this? (potato)

Reader 1.

In some kingdom
In some state
Not on Mars and not on the Moon -
There lived a potato in the ground.

Reader 2.
It had royal properties:
She managed to feed the people.
In a word, our speech is about
How the potatoes came into the house!

Reader 3.
About all properties, about care,
About working in the garden.
About crafts, delicious food
Today we will look in books...
There's a lot to learn
Now it's time to start...

All: “Potato Festival.”


So, we are going to the potato kingdom. We are met by Mrs. Potato herself with her ladies-in-waiting..

(Potato and his retinue enter to the music)

Potato: Hello guys and dear adults. I am glad to welcome you to the holiday, which is held in my honor. Perhaps you cannot find a place on Earth where potatoes are not eaten.

Presenter 1: Our people say: “Potatoes are a sucker for bread,” “Potatoes are a breadwinner.” Potatoes in Rus' are “second bread”. This is true?

Potato: Certainly. One fairy tale says: once a poor man was late for work and said to the master: “I was late because I ate 20 dishes.” - “What 20 dishes?” - the master became interested. The man began to list: “Boiled potatoes, baked potatoes, fried potatoes, soaked potatoes, crushed potatoes...”. The breadwinner potato was sometimes the only food for the poor peasant.

Maid of honor 1: Although it is indecent to boast,

But we came to tell you:

Excellent without potatoes

Neither eat nor dance

Even a tasty cucumber

Only good with potatoes.

Maid of honor 2: Even though the green onions are angry,

And potatoes are the best friend,

From potatoes here and there

Make the right product

And it’s not for nothing that potatoes

They call it the second bread.

Maid of honor 1: In a word, we will talk about
How the potatoes came into the house!
About all properties, about care,
About working in the garden.
About crafts, delicious food
Today we will look for the answer...
There's a lot to learn
Now it's time to start...

All: “Potato Festival”.

Presenter 1: This vegetable is so familiar to us that we completely forgot that before it came to our table, it had to travel a lot.

Maid of honor 1.

500 years ago, no one in Europe knew that there was such a plant - potatoes. And how could one know if none of the European sailors had ever sailed to the homeland of potatoes, South America?

Maid of honor 2.

But then the ships of Christopher Columbus, a brave navigator, returned to Spain from a long voyage. The most valuable cargo that they brought home were seeds, tubers, and grains of new plants unknown to Europe.

Maid of honor 3.

Dad". This is what the Quechua Indians called potatoes. A harvest festival was held in honor of the pope. Women dressed up large tubers like dolls, sewed skirts for them from multi-colored scraps, men danced with a bag of tubers on their heads.

Mrs. Potato.

On the ship, along with the loot captured by the sailors, the Indian father, the potato, sailed to a foreign land... This is where my land travels began. At first I rode around in a carriage. A velvet bag with tubers was given as a jewel to rich nobles. When I ceased to be a rarity, the carriage was replaced by a peasant cart, and the velvet handbag was replaced by a canvas bag.

Maid of honor 1.

But in Europe they didn’t immediately understand that my main thing was tubers. One English rich man decided to treat his guests to an overseas wonder planted in his garden. Instead of digging the tubers out of the ground, the gardener collected the green balls from the bushes that hang on the stems after the potatoes bloom. These bitter, inedible potatoes were served to the guests on a silver platter.

Maid of honor 2.

Some of the guests, having tried the treat, choked, some had a distorted face, some ran out from the table... After all, they ate the potatoes from the wrong end.

Maid of honor 3.

The new product was not accepted everywhere. Potato riots even began in some places in Russia. Russian men believed the rumors that I, the potato, was a “damn apple”, it was a sin to plant it, you would pollute the land, and you would be left without bread. By order of the tsar, the rebels were flogged with rods, and the most stubborn were even exiled to Siberia. But it was not the brutal reprisals that convinced the peasants that it was profitable to plant potatoes.

Mrs. Potato.

The potato itself convinced me. Remember the fairy tale about the turnip? Why did the grandfather need a big, big turnip? To feed both the grandmother and the granddaughter - the family. Previously, in cold winters, when the rye crops froze, turnips replaced bread for the Russian peasant.

Hearty and productive Indian papa has supplanted turnips. Now it is no longer the turnip, but I, the potato, that has become the second bread for you and for all other peoples of Europe.


Grandfather and grandmother sitting at the table , they eat millet porridge and praise it.

Suddenly there is a knock on the door. A young soldier brings a bag of potatoes into the hut and reads out the decree:

Herald : Everyone! Everyone! Everyone! Decree of the Emperor of All Rus' PeterI! The Emperor commands you to eat this product morning, noon and evening! Whoever disobeys this order will be sent to hard labor with his entire family!

Grandma : Oh, holy fathers, what is this happening?

Grandfather : Shut up, grandma. Eh. There is nothing to do, I need to eat this overseas thing.

Grandma : Have you lost your mind, old man? Throw that damn apple and don't anger God. We've lived without him for so many years and we'll still live without him.

Herald: Who here does not carry out the order of the sovereign? (Grandma groans and runs away) - Well, eat!

Grandfather: - What a time these are: they brought brown peas, they force you to eat.

Tests the tooth . - Ugh, what disgusting

Grandma laments: Eat, grandpa, eat! I don’t want to go to hard labor!

Grandfather: Come on help me...

They gnaw potatoes together and make sentences :

Grandfather: Our turnip is different: yellow, beautiful, sweet...

Grandma: And the cabbage is good! Why do we need these peas!?? Listen, grandfather, shouldn’t we boil this product in a cast iron pot?

He takes a cast iron pot, scoops up potatoes and puts it on the stove.

Then he takes out the hot potatoes, peels the skins, and then...

Grandfather: Give me some salt, grandma, something delicious. Well, bring the pickled cucumbers here, we’ll eat them along with these potatoes! Oh, yes, the emperor, oh, well done, what a delicious treat he sent from Holland!

Presenter 1: This is how potatoes became one of the most popular foods on the globe. Remember the fairy tale about the turnip? Why did the grandfather need a big, big turnip?(answers)

Presenter 2: To feed both the grandmother and the granddaughter - the whole family. Hearty and productive Indian papa has supplanted turnips. Now it is no longer turnips, but potatoes, that have become the second bread for us and for all other peoples of Europe.

Presenter 1: AND They eat it with pleasure everywhere: on holidays, at home and of course, in the school cafeteria!


They write to us, it happened recently

General collection of vegetables.

Pepper and Parsley were there,

Cucumber, Lettuce and Leek.

Chairman Mr. Potato

I was terribly pleased and flattered

Because, chosen unanimously,

He opened and led the meeting.

Thanking everyone for their trust,

The chairman began his report...


Everyone in the world knows about me:

The rich and those who are not rich.

Everyone prepares me in their own way:

Some cook, some fry, some bake,

But they eat me everywhere,

For this I receive glory and honor.

We have gathered here so that everyone

I told you a little about myself.


I bring great benefit to people

I treat many diseases.

And as a remedy against fever

I am known to every doctor.

They make soups out of me,

The porridge is boiled and put in the salad,

And that’s why it’s always in the markets

We Bobs are in great demand.


I earned myself a long time ago

People have universal love.

The hostess won't make soup without me.

And it won’t make a vinaigrette.

Not a single family can afford it

Without me there is no dinner or lunch.


I weigh fourteen kilos.

I'm unlikely to go up to the podium

And I ask you not to give me words.


I'm known to all of you as a meanie!

You should try onions -

Tears will flow like a river.

I'm the angriest one in the garden!

Head of cabbage.

Look - I'm Kochan!

I'm a cabbage head!

A hundred clothes and a turban,

And it's not empty inside.

Whether you cook it or salt it,

Do as you please.

I'm crispy and fresh -

Cut with a knife and eat!


Everyone is happy with the tomato:

Tomatoes contain vitamin.

I will perform a solo number,

Because I'm alone!


I'm an excellent cucumber

Green, large, sweet.

I'm finally fed up

Lying on a black bed.


Although it is indecent to boast,

But I must tell you:

Excellent without potatoes

No eating, no dancing...

Even a tasty cucumber

Well done with potatoes only!

Even though the green onions are angry,

And potatoes are their best friend.

From potatoes here and there

They make the right product,

And it’s not for nothing that potatoes

Everyone calls it second bread.

I'm touched by the attention!

I close the meeting.


We stayed a little too long
And it seems like I have no strength to get up,
But the potatoes are calling us to the field
Play, move around a little.


    Who brought potatoes to Russia? (Peter 1)

    What is a potato riot? (peasants refused to grow potatoes)

    How to call the stems and leaves of potatoes in one word? (tops)

    About potatoes boiled or baked in their skins, they say that they are in what? (in uniform)

    Where was the first time a person cooked potatoes? (on fire)

    What part of potatoes do we use for food? (tubers)

    How to call in one word the removal of weeds and loosening of the earth (weeding)

    “Plant potatoes.”

    Dig a hole (circle of paper )

    Plant (Plant potatoes on a circle ).

    Bury (Cover with a circle ).

    Weed (Run around the hole ).

    collect (The first one removes the top, the second one removes the potatoes, the third one removes the hole ).

GAME 2 " Harvesting » All participants are given a basket. You need to collect as many potatoes scattered around as possible.

There is also a house in the village,

Grandfather and grandmother livein him.

Old people live, don’t grieve,

And they are friends with work.

Grandfather: Planted this year

The vegetable garden is all potatoes.

Woman : Watered, fertilized,

Saved from pests.

The melody of the song “Nello Dolly” from the repertoire of Louis Armstrong sounds,
The Colorado potato beetle comes on stage and sings.

Bug: Hello, baby!
My name is Freddy.
Striped and beautiful
All of me is here.
My House - Colorado.
Be glad to see me
And be proud
That you have found shelter.
On potato tops
I'll go for a ride, little ones, -
You can't see it, baby,
Chips and mash! Well.
Ay like tomatoes.
It's a joy for me -
I'll eat all the potatoes at dawn. Well.

Bug: Good morning! Why are you gathered here? Oh, you have Potatoes here?!! But they didn’t invite me, the handsome Colorado potato beetle, they forgot! This is bad of you!

Grandfather: Wait, Colorado potato beetle! You may be beautiful, but you are also a known pest of fields and vegetable gardens!

Woman: You don’t let Potatoes and tomatoes grow normally!

Bug: How is this a pest? First of all, I'm the most beautiful! Secondly, I have the most fashionable jacket this season. Thirdly... (sighs). Yes, you are right, I am the biggest potato lover! And I'm not alone!

Grandfather and Baba splash on the beetles, they run away.

Grandfather: In the summer we are waiting for Antoshka to visit,

To help dig potatoes.

Woman: Here comes the daredevil

A real tomboy:

Having fun and singing

But it doesn’t work.

Song "Antoshka"

Antoshka: Yes, Antoshka is me,

I'm just sick, friends!

I look tired

My head hurts a lot.

Runny nose, cough, itchy side,

I need a doctor, he would help me

Doctor: I'm just in time!

I know only one remedy,

It has been tested for a long time:

The child sneezed -

It's time to treat them with potatoes!

They breathed over the potatoes -

Immediately everyone became healthy.

Let's warm up our throats!

Let's breathe in the warm steam!

(The doctor carries potatoes, the children inhale through their noses 3-4 times)

Antoshka: And I still have a burn. Prescribe me ointment and tablets, please!

Doctor: We'll try to do without pills! Now we will grate the potatoes and apply them to the burn.(Grates potatoes and applies the pulp to the burn, bandages it) The juice obtained from raw tubers treats not only burns, but also stomach ulcers and skin diseases. Potatoes remove excess water and salts from the body, so they are especially useful for people suffering from kidney and heart diseases.

That's all! And everyone is healthy!

You can laugh!

And now, friends

We can compete!

GAME 3 Children – make up scattered proverbs

    Spruce and birch - why not firewood, salt and potatoes - why not food?

    Digging potatoes, don’t wave your hands.

    Potatoes and porridge are our food.

    For the hungry, potatoes are a delicacy.

    1. The bread was born in a shaft, and the potatoes were born in a wheel.

    2. Put potatoes in okroshka, and love in action.

    3. Spruce and birch - what is not firewood, salt and potatoes - what is not food.

    4. Potatoes will never be born without labor.

    5. A ruff in the ear is good, and potatoes in a pie.

    6. The potatoes are ripe - get down to business.

    7. When potatoes ripen, they will warm a person.

Questions for parents

Is it true that

1. Potatoes should not be salted before frying.(Yes, it will release juice.)

2. The fruit of a potato is called a berry.(Yes, the fruit of a potato is called a berry.)

3. When cooking, potatoes are immersed in cold water.(No, potatoes should be placed in boiling water to prevent the vitamins and nutrients from being destroyed.)

4. Are green potato tubers poisonous?(Yes, green potato tubers, like all parts of the plant, contain solanine, which can cause poisoning; it destroys red blood cells and depresses the nervous system.)

5. If you put potatoes in the broth after sauerkraut, will they be aromatic and crumbly?(No, the potatoes are placed before the sauerkraut, otherwise they will be hard and tasteless.)

PRESENTATION “All the Interesting Things”

  • The largest potato in the world weighed 8 kg

    The Guinness World Record for peeling potatoes belongs to Saxony resident Linda Gomez, 28 years old. The Cook managed to peel 10.49 kg of potatoes in just 10 minutes.

    Potatoes became the first vegetable to experience weightlessness - they were grown on the Columbia spacecraft in October 1995.

    The UN General Assembly declared 2008 the International Year of the Potato. Since 2005, Young Potato Day has been held in many Russian cities.

    There is even a famous “potato war” between Prussia and Austria. It fought for the possession of Bavaria from 1777 to 1779, and received the name “potato” because the warring countries did not want to sacrifice people, but destroyed only each other’s potato fields.

    Potato chips were invented in 1853 by mistake. The United States is the birthplace of potato chips. Thin and crispy potato chips are considered one of the most popular snacks in many countries. The average American consumes 5 - 10 kg of potato chips per year. Our compatriot eats about half a kilogram of chips a year.

    In Mariinsk, Kemerovo region, in 2008 they decided to erect a monument to potatoes.

    The Belgian Potato Museum opened in 1975. There is also a Potato Radio on the museum’s website, with lots of potato-themed tunes.

    The English from Bowburn also believe that potatoes deserve more attention, and thereforeFebruary 2 note Potato Day .

    There are 111 varieties of potatoes in the world! New to this list are Levada and Dovira potatoes.

    The most expensive potato variety is from France. It costs about 500 euros per kilogram. According to legend, this potato was bred by the supreme god of the Incas, Viracocha.

Conclusions: respect, honor potatoes, develop new varieties, claimown annual holiday, create museums, erect monuments. Not every vegetable has such honor!

GAME 4 “Taste it” With your eyes closed, you need to determine the taste of potatoes (boil beets, carrots, peas, potatoes, cabbage)


Number of participants: 8, potatoes: 7. Children move to the music; as soon as the music ends, you need to grab the baked potato.

Teacher: We learned a lot of interesting things about potatoes today. It's time to give the floor to our chef.

Cook: This is the most important vegetable.

I'll tell you a secret,

With this vegetable recipes,

Like riddles and answers!

More than a thousand, probably

And everything is extraordinary!

Filling for dumplings,

And a side dish for brisket fillet,

Everyone loves to eat pound

Both the boy and the girl,

And of course, everyone's bait

It will make a casserole!

Feel free to put it in the soup!

With her, my beloved, there is no limit!

She has a recipe for cutlets,

This is such a vegetable!

Presenter 2: Dear Potato! Our chefs have prepared a lot of delicious dishes for your holiday. Let me bring them into the hall.

Potato: I allow you to bring it in!

Defile, tasting

Birthday people

Reader 1 :

There is a wonderful holiday in the world,

Gift champion,

Adults and children know:

It comes once a year.

Everyone loves him and is waiting for him,

A cake with candles is being baked...

Did you guess it? Without a doubt

This holiday is a birthday!

Reader 2:

Everyone born in the fall

Hearty congratulations.

And we wish you, friends,

Peace, happiness and goodness.

You study hard

Don't be stubborn, don't be lazy.

Know that the time will come:

Two times two will come in handy, labor, penmanship

And the days are on schedule.

Reader 3:

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
And we wish to live without troubles.

Don't upset moms and dads

And get straight A's.

Knowledge, courage, kindness

May it always be with you!

Reader 4:

The old legend says:

When a person is born -

The star in the sky will light up,

To shine for him all his life.

Reader 5:

Happy birthday!

We wish the birthday boys

So that they grow up good, brave, handsome.

Be healthy and happy,

Be smart and beautiful!

Reader 6:

We wish you to grow, bloom,

Save money, improve your health.

It is for a long journey -

The most important condition.

Let every day and every hour

He'll get you something new.

May your mind be good,

And the heart will be smart!

Today is our holiday

We all came together

To congratulate those guys

Who was born inOctober .

Stand up, those born in October. (Zolin N, Lozgacheva K., Shebleva M)

The sky turned gray in November

Autumn will soon say goodbye to us

It often rains in the yard

And today we are going to congratulate

Those guys whose birthday is inNovember

Stand up those born in November. (Golovaneva A., Mishunina N., Shiryaev N.)

Teacher: I want your stars to always shine brightly for you and never go out. Now let's listen to what is said in the horoscopes of our birthday people:

Horoscope colors:

Orange–(Julia) a color that reflects creative activity, nobility of thoughts, self-confidence. Such people are responsible and firm in their decisions. These are strong personalities who attract others with their positive approach to life. However, such people are very emotional and are not always restrained.

Yellow- (Anya) symbolizes vital energy, the color of intelligence, rationality, logical and analytical thinking. People with the name of this color are strong in character, practical, and gravitate toward exact sciences and natural history. Even if they receive a liberal arts education, they often find their calling in economics, innovation, and scientific activity.

Blue- (Masha) the color of trust, harmony, calmness, contentment. These people are self-confident, internal, protected natures. They are highly sensitive, receptive to the grief of others, spiritual, sincere, trusting, deep natures, talented individuals. They often have healing abilities.

Blue- (Gosha), the color of calm, wisdom, contemplation. People whose name corresponds to this color are devoted friends, faithful to loved ones, to their ideas and principles. They are somewhat secretive and overly restrained in expressing their feelings. In communication, they are difficult, distrustful, find it difficult to get along with people, have difficulty finding a common language with loved ones, are too strict and demanding towards them. Such people have the ability to prophecy, know how to foresee the future, and are capable of telepathy.

Green (Anastasia) is the color of harmony, stability and fortitude. People whose names correspond to the color green are warm-hearted, sympathetic, kind, indifferent to material values, but they know how to earn money and are rarely penniless. They love nature and people. They try to help everyone, but rarely receive gratitude in return. They have many envious people, whom they manage not to notice.
Green is the color of growth, upcoming changes, the color of healing energy. These people are not afraid of difficulties, easily take risks, and know how to adapt to any circumstances. Such people are sensitive and vulnerable, they can be offended even by simple indifference towards them, especially if they are close people. They part with the offenders once and for all, but they don’t look for friends - they appear on their own, people are drawn to them like a magnet.

Violet - (Alexey) is the color of the spiritual power of a person who bears a name corresponding in vibration to this color. These people are able to penetrate into the essence of human nature, live for others, are committed to high ideals, have great opportunities for spiritual growth... They are prone to compassion and empathy. Men are very vulnerable, somewhat selfish, narcissistic. But they easily adapt to changes in life, are friendly with people, and always rush to help their loved ones.

Grey - (Sergey) the color of distrust, uncertainty. People whose names correspond to this color are not influenced and are difficult to convince them of anything. They are irreconcilable with injustice, do not tolerate lies, and can break down if faced with dishonesty and hypocrisy. They are devoted to friends to the point of self-forgetfulness.

Red - ( Ekaterina, Valeria) is the color of energy, physical activity and strength, determination and strength of character. People are sociable, love noisy companies, but are easily irritated.
These people have an uncontrollable desire to be first and unsurpassed, which is why quite a few professional athletes emerge from their number. These people are extremely talented. In a good mood, they are cheerful people, they know how to win over their interlocutor, but one carelessly thrown word addressed to them is enough to cause a flare-up of anger and irritation in them.


Our holiday is already over
What else can I tell you?
You deserve some potatoes
Call it “second bread”!

Holiday scenario for primary school children "Baked Potato Day"

Author: Leonovich Irina Olegovna, methodologist, MAUK GDK "Horizon" "House of Crafts", Zima, Irkutsk region.
Description: This scenario is intended for children aged 7 years and older, school teachers, teachers and parents.
Purpose: holiday
Target to convey to children what the baked potato holiday is.
1. Form an idea about potatoes;
2. Develop your horizons about potatoes;
3. Foster a sense of responsibility during the Baked Potato Day holiday


Presenter 1: Hello guys! All seasons are generous: spring gives us greenery, summer does not spare the sun, and autumn is probably the richest. She generously gives us ripe fruits. In autumn, people harvest and praise the golden beauty of autumn for her generosity: they sing songs, ditties, and organize Harvest festivals.
Presenter 2: Today, guys, we will talk about Her Majesty Potato,
And we are transported to the kingdom of Kartofan Kartofelinich.

Presenter 2:
This time there will be a story
About the one who has six eyes,
And sometimes seven and five
Which, however, can be counted.
About the one who slept sweetly through the winter,
Climbing into the basement in the fall.
About the one who comes to our kitchen
In the spring I brought it myself.
And that one, strange eyes
Growing day by day
About someone who knew me
But he didn't see me.
Think a little
What is this (potato)
In some kingdom
In some state
Not on Mars and not on the Moon -
There lived a potato in the ground.
It had royal properties:
She managed to feed the people.
In a word, our speech is about
How the potatoes came into the house!
Presenter 2:
About 500 years ago, no one in Europe knew that there was such a plant - potatoes. But then the ships of Christopher Columbus, a brave navigator, returned to Spain from a long voyage. The most valuable cargo they brought home were seeds and tubers. Grains of new plants. But in Europe they did not immediately understand that the main thing in potatoes is the tubers. One English rich man decided to treat his overseas guests to a wonder planted in his garden. Instead of digging the tubers out of the ground, the gardener collected the green balls from the bushes that hang on the stems after the potatoes bloom. These bitter, inedible potato fruits were served to the guests. Some of the guests, having tried the treat, choked, some had a distorted face, some ran out from the table.
Potatoes were not accepted everywhere. In some places in Russia there are even potato riots. Russian men believed the rumors that potatoes were a “damn apple” and it was a sin to plant them. By order of the tsar, the rebels were flogged with rods, and the most stubborn were even exiled to Siberia. But it was not harsh reprisals that convinced the peasants that it was profitable to plant potatoes. The potato itself convinced me. Remember the fairy tale about the turnip? Why did grandpa need a big, big turnip? To feed my grandmother, granddaughter and the whole family. Previously, in the cold of winter, when the crops froze, turnips froze the bread of the Russian peasant. Hearty, productive potatoes have replaced turnips. Now it is no longer turnips, but potatoes, that have become the second bread for all other peoples of Europe. We are accustomed to the fact that wheat is called the “First” bread, and potatoes the “Second”. Over time, potatoes were valued in Rus' not only because potatoes can replace bread, but also because potatoes themselves can no longer be replaced with bread
and of course ditties were sung about him.
Presenter 1:
And now friends guys
Put your ears on top of your heads,
Listen carefully,
We'll sing ditties for you -
Very good!

Children sing ditties about potatoes:
Buried in the ground in May,
And they didn’t take it out for a hundred days,
And in the fall they began to dig
Not just one was found, but ten. We planted potatoes
Mom is in the field, I am in the garden,
Mom a lot - me a little,
I'm only coming one time.

I'm motionless for minutes
I don’t sit by the potatoes,
Now further away, now closer,
I'll transplant her.
So autumn has come,
Potatoes have grown.
I just planted something
I'm just a little bit. We have reaped the harvest
We were very happy.
Don't be lazy, plant in the spring -
You'll be full for sure!

It is very interesting
And it has long been known:
If there were potatoes in the cellar -
Winter will be easy! We sang ditties for you,
Is it good or bad?
We'll ask you anyway
May you clap for us!

Presenter 2: But potatoes can not only nourish a person, you can play with them. This is evidenced by our competitions, in which I invite you to take part.
After all, when we play, we check
What we can do and what we know.
Competition 1
For the competition we need 3 people.
When potatoes were brought to Europe, each country called it differently
The English are potatos
Finns – Tartu
Italians – tartufole
The French - pom de terre
The Germans are potato
But the first name of the potato was “papa”, that’s what the Indians from the Quechu tribe called it in South America, the scientist Bolotov called it “tartofel”, the people called it potato.
Exercise. Come up with a last name, first name, patronymic for the potato and write it without mistakes.
A game.
I will pronounce a phrase, if you agree with my statement, you should say in chorus “We don’t argue!”, If you don’t agree, say in chorus “We argue!”
Autumn rains are pouring (We don't argue!)
Spring is ahead of us (I bet!)
There were snowstorms all day long (I bet!)
Leaves fall from the trees (We don't argue!)
The white lily of the valley is blooming (I bet!)
In the grove the nightingales began to sing (I bet!)
And in the garden the potatoes are ripe (We don’t argue!)
The potato harvest is good! (We don't argue)
There's the size of a tiny pea (We're not arguing)
It's the size of a suitcase (I bet)
Weeds bloom on the branches (I bet)
It’s difficult for us without potatoes (We don’t argue)
We continue our holiday
We dedicate everything to potatoes (We don’t argue)
Competition 2
"Oh, potatoes." (3 persons)
A certain number of potato tubers (5-7 pieces) are placed on a chair and covered with material or newspaper. After this, participants are invited and asked to sit on a newspaper, under which there are potatoes on a chair, fidget while sitting and determine how many potato tubers there are. Whoever guessed right is the winner.
Competition 3 "Who's the odd one out?"
The competition is held several times. Each team is divided into groups of 10 people. Each group stands in a circle, everyone walks in a circle until they hear the word “POTATO.” After this, you need to have time to grab the potatoes. Whoever is left without potatoes is eliminated. The presenter removes 1 potato and the competition continues.
The number of potatoes should always be one less than the number of participants. While the music is playing, the children walk around the potato pile. The music ends, we need to grab the potatoes. Whoever is left without a potato leaves the game. The host takes one of them, and the game continues. The last one left with a potato in his hands wins and his team gets an extra point.
Competition 4 “Collect potatoes.”
Give each student a picture of a potato cut into pieces. Whoever collects it faster is the winner.
Competition 5
“The Lazy Gardener” (optional for those who haven’t played)

Empty buckets stand at a certain distance. Each participant has three potatoes, which the guys try to “put” in a bucket.
Competition 6
"Make a proverb"
(2 people) (Each player receives cards with proverbs. The cards are cut.
The player who quickly and correctly assembles the proverb wins.)
1. The bread was born in a shaft, and the potatoes were born in a wheel.
2. Put potatoes in okroshka, and love in action.
3. Spruce and birch - what is not firewood, salt and potatoes - what is not food.
4. Potatoes will never be born without labor.
5. A ruff in the ear is good, and potatoes in a pie.
6. The potatoes are ripe - get down to business.
7. When potatoes ripen, they will warm a person.
8. Potatoes are a sucker for bread.
And now the quiz “What do you know about potatoes?”
1. Name the homeland of potatoes? (Peru and Chile.)
2. When, where and by whom were potatoes brought to Russia? (At the beginning of the 18th century from Holland, by Peter I.)
4. What is the name of the insect pest that eats potato tops? (Colorado beetle.)
5. Are potato berries edible? (No, they are poisonous.)
6. How to call the stems and leaves of potatoes in one word? (tops)
7. About potatoes boiled or baked in their skins, they say that they are in what? (in uniform)
8. Where was the first time a person cooked potatoes? (on fire)
9. What part of potatoes do we use for food? (tubers)
10. How to call in one word the removal of weeds and loosening of the earth (weeding)
Host: A boy named Antoshka also likes to eat it, but he doesn’t really want to work.
Dramatization of the song “Antoshka”.
Teacher.. It only took a few 10 years for potatoes to make a real revolution in Russian cuisine. It has become a necessary product. First, second and even third (dessert) courses are prepared from potatoes. It is difficult to even list all the “specialties” of potatoes in cooking. All people love potato dishes. In the city of Mariinsk, Kemerovo region, a monument to potatoes was erected. The author of the sculpture was the artist Yuri Mikhailov.

We'll collect all the potatoes as soon as possible.
Let's invite all our friends for a treat!

We will steam, we will cook, we will bake -
After all, we don’t care about any work!

You can make so many dishes from potatoes,
You will find anything for your soul here.

Everyone is happy about our potatoes,
I'll put it in the salad.

And for me there is nothing better in the world,
Like a jacket potato.
People have known for a long time,
There is nothing tastier than potatoes!
Our holiday is already over
What else can I tell you?
You deserve some potatoes
Call it “second bread”!

"Girls and boys are potato lovers." Humorous scene. For teachers of literature and biology. AND class teachers for extracurricular activities. The skit was published in the magazine "Scripts and Repertoire" No. 12-2013.

Girls and boys are potato lovers!

Humorous skit


Speaker Alyoshka

Girls (4)

Boys (4)

The speaker Alyoshka comes out and stands in the middle of the stage.

Alyoshka. We will show you a skit and tell you something.

Our humor is without ridicule - it is praise for potatoes!

The girls come on stage and stand to the left of Alyoshka.

Girls (together). We are girls!

The boys come out on stage and stand to the right of Alyoshka.

Boys (together). We are boys!

All. We are potato lovers!

Alyoshka (addresses participants and spectators).

Is everyone here? I am very happy.

I'll read you a report.

About my beloved about potatoes

I will push the speech on a piece of paper.

He puts on his glasses and reads from a piece of paper.

From distant overseas countries

Through the sea - the ocean,

Well, think a little.

What did they bring us?

All participants and spectators. Potatoes!!!

1st Boy. Speech is pushed, but under ridicule,

Alyosha doesn’t want that!

2nd Boy. He has something else on his mind:

What will they give us for the second course?

Alyoshka. And I'll tell you, potatoes,

Black edge bread -

That's food, that's just food

And she is always needed!

3rd Boy. On holidays, on weekdays, on the road

Everyone eats potatoes with bread!

Alyoshka ( He takes off his glasses and hides the paper with the report.)

I will give honor to such a miracle.

With butter she

Amazingly delicious!

Never gets bored.

Bring it here!

One of the Boys leaves and brings a bowl

With potato, (there are nine spoons in the bowl), gives it to Alyosha,

He eats potatoes.

Good! Now to friends

I'll give you some potatoes soon!

Alyoshka goes around all the participants in turn, each takes a spoon and eats a potato, then says a line and keeps the spoon for himself. Alyoshka stands sideways to the audience and does not block the participant when he eats potatoes and says a line.

1st Boy. Incomparable, ah - ah - ah!

Don't be sorry, keep going!(He eats more.)

1st Girl. Oh, potatoes, delicious!

Better than buns and jam!

2nd Boy. Incredible food!

Give more! (Eats.) Wow!

2nd Girl. Very tasty, here's a cross for you!(Being baptized.)

3rd Boy. Vaska listens and eats! (Scooped it up and ate a spoonful.)

One potato (eats), two potatoes (eats)

Eh, I need another flatbread...

3rd Girl. You'll get over it! Give it to me!

Don't open your mouth for everyone!(Eating.)

The taste is excellent, as always!

With her, grief is no problem!

4th Boy. Better than a delicious omelet

Only her, this potato!

4th Girl. This is the best cooking

And for everyone, and for me!

1st Boy. Why do we need a spoon?

So that there are potatoes in it!

1st Girl. There's no better food, I know

I’m not changing it to another!

2nd Boy. Not stew or porridge -

Our potatoes are the best!

2nd Girl. And peas aren't bad at all!

3rd Boy. He honors peas and eats potatoes,

And not at all for fun!

3rd Girl. Yes, I think too

It’s not good for us to honor peas here.

There are potatoes - life is everywhere!

No potatoes - there will be trouble,

And you will have to live in need!

4th Boy. And, in my opinion, noodles

Very good too!

And what about jelly? What about the casserole?

Sausage or oatmeal?

He takes a cup from Alyosha and eats potatoes.

4th Girl. What you said is nonsense.

And the potatoes...Give them here!

He takes the bowl from the 4th Boy, eats the potatoes, then continues his remark. Fun, interesting, to cause laughter in the room.

Who eats oat porridge?

Those need sausage too,

Well, and most importantly - peas!(Smiles.)

There's a catch in this joke

It’s not for nothing that everyone has it

Causes friendly laughter!(Laughs.)

The participants support him with laughter, the audience laughs.

4th Girl gives the cup to Alyosha.

Alyoshka. We love potatoes

Poems were composed in honor of her.

They praised each other, then (finishes potatoes)

We ate everything - and no problem!

Applause from participants and spectators.

Alyoshka. But we want to talk about her again

Say a kind word!

All. It will always be on the table

And in every city and in every village!

Long live the bowl, long live the spoon,

Long live what we love - potatoes!

Everyone raises their hand with a spoon up,

Alyoshka lifts up a cup with a spoon.

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