A simple and tasty marinade for meat. For meat marinade: the best recipes

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Summer is just around the corner, which means it's time for picnics and outdoor recreation. The main character is still barbecue! No field trip is complete without a traditional barbecue. There are many recipes on how to marinate and cook barbecue. We will talk about this in our article.

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Which to choose barbecue marinade and how much meat to keep in it - it depends on individual taste preferences, as well as on the degree of rigidity of the meat. You should not marinate meat using fermented milk products, such as kefir, if you will get to the place for a long time in the heat and do not have a cooler bag. This can be hazardous to health. The tougher the meat, the longer it should marinate. In addition, there are some tricks and secrets barbecue, for example, how to tenderize meat with a marinade.

TOP 15 best kebab marinade recipes

Marinades are suitable for pork, chicken (see how to marinate chicken), lamb, beef and turkey.

    Marinade with mayonnaise

    You will need 200 g of any mayonnaise per kilogram of meat, 4 onions, spices. Mayonnaise is mixed with all the spices to taste. Then they smear the meat.

    Pink marinade (with ketchinez)

    It is prepared from exactly the same as the previous marinade with mayonnaise. Only a small amount of ketchup is added to mayonnaise, due to which the entire marinade turns pink.

    Marinade with wine

    White wine is mixed with seasonings. Then the resulting mixture is poured over meat, laid out in layers with onions so that a layer of onions is on top. The meat is covered with a plate with a load. This will marinate the meat better. It is advisable to leave it in the refrigerator until morning. You can also use red dry wine to prepare this marinade.

    Marinade with beer

    Here you can experiment. According to your desire, marinate the meat in light or dark beer, with spices.

    Marinade with port wine and prunes

    You can marinate meat in red port with spices and chopped prunes. While the meat is marinating, it is recommended to mix it several times. The taste of this meat is very unusual.

    Marinade with mineral water and lemon

    An excellent marinade is obtained from ordinary mineral water with gas. Add the juice of several lemons, spices to the water and pour over the meat. The bubbles make the meat more fluffy and tender.

    Marinade with tomato juice

    Tomato juice is mixed with spices to taste. The meat falls into the marinade for 6 hours. The meat is very juicy and tender. At the same time, slices of fresh tomatoes can be added to such a marinade, which you can then also string on a skewer.

    Marinade with kvass

    To prepare the marinade, you will need fresh (non-bottle) kvass. Add salt, pepper, coriander, basil, rosemary to it. Stir and pour over the meat.

    Marinade with vinegar

    Add a teaspoon of vinegar to 0.5 cups of water. Add chopped onion to the marinade, salt and pepper.

    Marinade with honey and pineapple juice

    To prepare, you will need a teaspoon of honey, a teaspoon of soy sauce, 4 tablespoons of pineapple juice, 2 cloves of garlic, salt and pepper to taste. Mix all the ingredients and pour the mixture over the barbecue.

    Marinade with kiwi

    For the marinade, you will need half of one kiwi (no more) for about one and a half kilograms of meat. Kiwi should be beaten in a blender or grated. You will also need a teaspoon of ground coriander, 0.5 teaspoon of sweet red pepper, 0.5 teaspoon of cumin, a little hot red pepper. Do not add salt to this marinade at all. Mix everything and rub the meat with the resulting mixture.

    Marinade with pomegranate juice

    Crush the pomegranate seeds, strain the juice through gauze. Add seasonings to the pomegranate juice to taste.

    Marinade with honey and mustard

    Mix in a bowl 2 tablespoons mustard, 1/4 cup honey, 1/4 cup red wine vinegar, 1/4 cup olive oil. Leave the meat in this marinade for 3 hours.

    Marinade with tea

    You will need black brewed tea. 3 tablespoons of tea pour 300 ml of boiling water and leave for 10 minutes. Then strain the tea and add 1.5 teaspoons of salt, black pepper, dried dill, and a little soy sauce to it. In such a marinade, the meat can be kept for only about an hour, and then proceed to cooking barbecue.

    Marinade with kefir

    Seasonings and salt are added to kefir of any fat content. Then the meat is dipped in the marinade for at least 3 hours. This marinade is not suitable if you have to travel a long time to the place of rest.

You will need information on how to properly marinate shish kebab, what spices are needed, how to fry already marinated shish kebab.

How to marinate barbecue

Many do not know how to marinate barbecue. It often turns out tough and tasteless, and if it is still overcooked at the stake, then it will be completely impossible to eat. Choose for barbecue fresh meat, but not fresh. It should be the meat of a young animal, without a high fat content. It can also be chilled meat from the store.

  • Try not to buy frozen barbecue meat, as it will taste completely different.

In addition to meat, we need onions. The amount of onion is regulated by the taste preferences of the person. There are people who generally can not stand onions in any form. In this case, it is better not to add it to the marinade at all or add it in small quantities.

  • Onions should be cut into rings so that later it is possible to string them on a skewer.
  • These should not be large rings, as some people think. This only indicates the illiteracy of the cook or his laziness.
  • Rings should be medium in size, not too thin so that they do not fall apart, but not thick.
  • You will also need garlic.
  • Slice the garlic cloves crosswise into thin slices, but don't put it through a garlic press.

The kebab should be left in the marinade for about 12 hours in the refrigerator. Then the meat will have time to marinate, and become quite tender. If you do not have time, then leave the meat in the marinade at room temperature, at least for 3 hours.

What spices are needed for pickling barbecue

To prepare marinades, you may need various spices: salt, black and red pepper, ground and unground coriander, chili, basil, dried garlic, bay leaf, fresh or dried herbs, etc. Before preparing the marinade, decide which one you want meat. Choose one of your favorite barbecue recipes and cook it. Do not mix ingredients from different recipes. It may turn out not at all what you expect. The stores also sell universal seasonings, which already have the name “For barbecue”.

How to make meat less tough

To make the meat softer, it can be grated and marinated in freshly squeezed kiwi and pineapple juices. You can also make a gruel from the same fruits, but these must be fresh fruits, not canned ones. The meat acquires a refined taste under the influence of pomegranate juice. Pomegranate should be mashed, strain the pitted juice through a strainer and grate the meat. Then it will become unusually soft and will melt in your mouth. To soften the meat, it can be marinated in grated lemon along with zest, or in lemon juice. Spices such as black pepper and zira soften the meat a little. You should not add too much vinegar to the marinade, it can completely drown out the taste of the meat, and make it tougher.

How to barbecue well

Cooking shish kebab is a very delicate matter, requiring skillful hands. They say that shish kebab does not tolerate women's hands, but this is not entirely true. Women can also cook a wonderful barbecue, although it has become a tradition that this is a purely masculine business.

  • String the kebab on skewers in advance, while the fire has not yet burned out.
  • It is better to string the meat along the fibers, while leaving large pieces of meat closer to the middle, and smaller pieces from the edges.
  • Try to get the pieces of meat not too close to each other. In these places, meat usually remains poorly fried.
  • Stringing, alternate pieces of meat, onion rings and bell pepper, tomatoes, lemon.
  • Barbecue should be cooked over coals at a distance of no more than 15 cm.
  • It should not be an open fire in any case, as the meat will only brown on the outside, and the inside will remain raw.
  • It also should not be almost cool coals, as their heat is not enough to cook the meat well.
  • If the fire flares up, it is better to move the kebabs or remove them from the fire, or lightly extinguish it with water.
  • Skewers should be stacked tightly to each other. Thus, there will be less fire, but more smoke, which will make your barbecue even tastier.
  • Flip the skewers several times as the meat cooks.
  • To keep the kebab juicy, baste it from time to time with a mixture of water and lemon juice, or the remaining marinade diluted with water.

How to know if meat is ready

  • In order to understand whether the meat is ready or not, pierce it with a fork.
  • If the juice is clear, then the meat is ready.
  • If the juice is pink, then the meat is not baked.
  • If there is no juice at all, then the meat turned out to be too dry.

Have a good barbecue and enjoy the outdoors!

Meat is one of the main suppliers of proteins to the human body (it also contributes to the secretion of gastric juices). There are many ways to cook meat, the most simple and inexpensive method of cooking is the use of various marinades.

A marinade is a type of liquid sauce that often includes vinegar, spices, and spices. It is used to cook meat and poultry, making them softer and more tender. Marinade is indispensable for cooking barbecue. As an example, let's try to learn how to make marinade for meat in several ways.

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General rules

  • Dishes for marinade should be glass, ceramic, or plastic (aluminum can oxidize, giving food an unpleasant aftertaste);
  • The larger the pieces of meat, the longer they should be marinated;
  • Fish and seafood are marinated no longer than 45 minutes;
  • Vinegar should not be too much, otherwise the meat will become tough;
  • In order to soften beef or pork, you can add papaya, pineapple or kiwi to the marinade - they will help make the meat softer, but the products should stand in such a marinade for no longer than 2 hours;
  • Marinated meat should be refrigerated.

Marinade for barbecue


  • Mayonnaise - 4 tbsp;
  • Mustard - 2 tbsp;
  • Onions - 4-5 medium onions;
  • Lemon - 1 pc;
  • Bay leaf - a few pieces;
  • Ground black pepper, suneli hops, salt - to taste.

This marinade is prepared 6-8 hours before the barbecue starts. In this recipe, the ingredients are calculated for 2 kg of meat:

  • The meat is stacked in layers;
  • Pepper, suneli hops, salt are sprinkled between them, mayonnaise, mustard, bay leaf and onion rings are added;
  • All layers are poured with lemon juice on top;
  • Next, you need to interrupt for one hour, and then mix all the layers thoroughly and refrigerate for 5-7 hours;
  • Before cooking the barbecue, the meat can be salted again.

Marinade can be supplemented with almost any spices and herbs:

  • Sour-milk - unsweetened yogurt, garlic, cinnamon, cardamom, cloves;
  • Russian marinade - made on the basis of kvass with onions and honey;
  • Soy - soy sauce, garlic, a mixture of spices.

Fruit marinade for beef


  • Kiwi - 2 pcs;
  • Salt - ½ tsp;
  • Ground white pepper;
  • Dry rosemary.

This marinade will help make the beef steak soft and tender:

  • Peeled kiwis must be grated;
  • Add spices and salt;
  • Leave the meat in the resulting marinade for 30 minutes;
  • Dry the steaks and send to the pan.

Mineral water marinade


  • Mineral sparkling water - 500 ml;
  • Salt, ground pepper, dry herbs - to taste.

Mix everything, put a kilogram of meat in the marinade for 3-4 hours. For barbecue, you can add a couple of onions.

Grilled meat is something special. At home, in the oven and even on an air grill, you will never cook such a fragrant, fried shish kebab as on the coals of a fire built on the banks of a river in the nearest forest. And to make the meat soft and tender, marinades were invented in the world.

Marinade is a mixture of spices, vegetable oils And natural products containing acids. The meat aged in the marinade acquires a soft texture and aroma due to the ingredients of the marinade. For pork, beef and lamb, marinades are made rich, while marinades for poultry and fish should be more delicate and tender. The tougher the meat, the longer you need to keep it in the marinade. It is not recommended to put salt in marinades, since the hypertonic solution will simply “suck out” all the juice from the meat, and the kebab will turn out dry. For the same reason, the marinade should not be made too “sour”.

Amateur cooks often experiment with marinades, sometimes adding the most unexpected and even exotic ingredients to them, making marinades sweet, spicy, sour or spicy. Ketchup, vinegar, soy sauce, kiwi, mayonnaise, cognac, coffee, mustard, sparkling mineral water, yogurt, a variety of spices, pomegranate juice, onion, garlic - all this can become the ingredients of your marinade. But the marinade should not be too much. Since the meat will give its juice during the marinating process, the amount of liquid will increase even more - this must be borne in mind.

Do not use aluminum utensils to marinate meat. Usually, the meat is marinated in a large enameled pot and even in a bucket if a large company is going to barbecue. But if such dishes are not at hand, it is quite possible to get by with an ordinary plastic bag, only a whole one.

The duration of marinating depends on several factors: the stiffness of the meat, the time you have before the “X” hour, and also on the availability of the right products in the refrigerator. If time is running out, choose a recipe for a more “vigorous” marinade, and if you add onion to it, do not cut it into rings, as usual, but rub it on a grater. In such a marinade, the meat should be kept literally for 2-3 hours, otherwise it will be bitter.

Fish should not be kept in the marinade for a long time - 45 minutes is enough. Does not require long preparation and poultry meat. You can start frying chicken skewers within half an hour after laying the meat in the marinade.

If you cut the meat into large pieces, it will take longer to marinate it. You need to cut the meat across the fibers so that the pieces do not “shrink” during cooking.

Dishes with meat should be placed in a cool place, preferably in the refrigerator.

Barbecue Marinade Recipes

Traditional marinade consists of vinegar, chopped onion rings, black pepper and salt. It is this marinade that is usually used for store-bought kebabs that no one likes. The disadvantages of this mixture are that the vinegar must be measured with jewelry accuracy, and the holding time should not be delayed, otherwise the meat acquires an unpleasant aftertaste, although, of course, it smells wonderful during cooking. But true barbecue connoisseurs reject vinegar and never add it to marinades. The same, incidentally, applies to mayonnaise.

lemon marinade connoisseurs of rejection does not cause and is great for pork. And all you need to do is add lemon juice of one or two lemons to the marinade instead of vinegar. The remaining ingredients are classic - onions, vegetable (preferably olive) oil, black pepper and peas, bay leaf. As for the proportions, 2-3 onions, four tablespoons of oil and spices to taste will be enough for two kilograms of pork.

coffee marinade generally does not involve the addition of acids to the meat. For the same two kilograms of pork with spices, 4 tbsp. spoons of olive oil and chopped onion rings (4 pcs.) You will need 1 liter of hot, but not boiling coffee. The meat is poured with this coffee, and then it is left to cool at room temperature first, and then marinate in the refrigerator. Soak the meat in this marinade for six hours. Your guests will never guess what gave the kebabs such tenderness and aroma.

Kefir marinade has recently become very popular with lovers of fragrant shish kebabs in the bosom of nature. For its preparation, for two kg of pork, a liter of low-fat kefir, spices and seasonings to taste, and four not too small onions are usually taken. Onions can be cut into rings, or cubes, then mixed with meat and seasonings, and pour the resulting mixture with kefir. The dishes with meat should be shaken well and put in the cold for 4 hours. Kefir marinade is not bad for chicken skewers and beef, but not too tough. A marinade based on yogurt is prepared in a similar way, but not sweet with fruit additives, but ordinary sour milk.

Marinade on mineral water made even easier. For him, one and a half liters of well-carbonated mineral water, herbs, spices, a little salt and 3 onions are taken. Even the oldest beef, after 4 hours spent in this marinade, turns into the most tender fillet. But attention, do not add medical table types of mineral water to the marinade: they have a peculiar taste and smell that they will not hesitate to tell your barbecue.

pomegranate marinade love in the east. For its preparation, two glasses of pomegranate juice, several bunches of greens (cilantro, mint, basil), more ground pepper and one large onion are taken per kilogram of meat. The meat is kept in such a marinade for at least 10 hours, and preferably a day, but, of course, in the refrigerator. For lamb and pork, this marinade is almost perfect.

wine marinade gives the meat a delicate aroma and makes it softer. However, not everyone likes the taste of wine. Nevertheless, for those who want to try pickling meat in wine, it is recommended to take a liter of dry red wine, three medium-sized onions, more black pepper and fresh basil for the same two kilograms of beef or pork. If you use white wine, your marinade will work for turkey as well.

There are hundreds of barbecue marinade recipes. Soy sauce, honey, kvass, beer, tomato juice, mustard, balsamic and Apple vinegar and whatever. But now that the algorithm for preparing the marinade is clear, you can experiment with any ingredients, creating your own, unique and the best marinade.

7 ways to make beef tender.

How to marinate beef for tenderness?

There are many ways to cook beef. This is healthy and tasty meat, but it does not always turn out soft for housewives. If you have a couple of hours before cooking, you can marinate beef for tenderness according to our recipe. And below I will tell you how to make beef tender and without pickling.

Marinade for beef (for tenderness)

Method 1. Beef marinated with vinegar.

For 1 kg of beef. Meat cut into pieces or a whole piece. Marinate 1 hour.

  • 1 onion (cut into half rings)
  • 3-4 tablespoons of vinegar 9%
  • 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar
  • ground pepper to taste
  • half a glass of water and a little sunflower oil
  • ATTENTION! do not salt the meat - marinate without salt! Salt already when cooking.

We leave the beef in the marinade for 1.5 -2 hours. Next, we beat the meat with a hammer and cook according to the recipe. The marinade is suitable for both baking in the oven and frying in a pan.

Method 2. Beef marinated in kefir.

For 1 kg of beef. It is better to cut the meat already into pieces, as you will cook (finely or steaks). Marinate 30 minutes to 1 hour.

  • 0.5l kefir
  • 200g mineral water
  • onion rings
  • salt, pepper to taste

This marinade is suitable for frying in a pan, and for stewing.

Method 3. Beef marinated with mustard.

For 1 kg of beef. It is better to cut the meat already into pieces, as you will cook (finely or steaks). Marinate for 1 hour, then follow the recipe.

  • 1 tablespoon mustard
  • 3 tablespoons sour cream or mayonnaise
  • onion-garlic (if according to the recipe)
  • ground pepper, salt

Marinade is suitable for frying beef in a pan.

Method 4. Beef marinated in beer.

For 1 kg of beef. We take:

Salt, pepper. Knead the meat or coat and marinate in the refrigerator in a saucepan or in a bag for 1 hour. Then fry on a fire or in a pan. You can also bake meat in the oven, for example, in foil or in a sleeve. The beef will turn out incredibly soft!

Method 5. Beef marinated in sea buckthorn juice.

Even not very successful beef can be cooked very soft and juicy. We cut the beef into steaks, pieces 2 cm wide and the size of a palm, then to fry.

  • 1 glass of sea buckthorn juice
  • salt, pepper to taste

Salt the meat, pepper it, and put it in a bowl. Pour the meat with 1 glass of sea buckthorn juice (sour, best). We stand the meat for 40-60 minutes. Then heat up a frying pan with a little sunflower or olive oil. Fry from 2 sides for 5 minutes, for the formation of an appetizing crust. Then close the lid, reduce the heat to a minimum and simmer until tender, about another 40 minutes. Turn the pieces once, in the middle of stewing.

The beef will come out very juicy and soft! And sea buckthorn juice will add a unique touch to your dish!

Method 6. Beef marinated with kiwi.

In general, for the softness of meat - you need acid. But vinegar, if the meat is overcooked, can have the opposite effect and the meat will become tough, like a sole.

Marinade for 1 kg of meat.

  • kiwi - 2 pcs. peel and grate
  • 1-2 onions we cut into half rings
  • salt and pepper the marinade

Parsley goes well with beef. Coat the meat well in the marinade, put in a container with a lid and refrigerate for 2 hours. Then cook according to the recipe, in pieces or bake in a large piece in the oven.

The meat will be amazingly tasty and tender!

Method 7. Beef marinated with tomato (tomato marinade).

For 1 kg of beef. Meat cut into pieces or a whole piece. Marinate 1-2 hours.

Make the marinade:

  • tomato paste 2 table. spoons
  • garlic 4 cloves pass through the press
  • 2 medium onions cut into half rings
  • sweet pepper 1/2 pc. cut into small cubes or thin strips
  • pepper with black and red pepper
  • add 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 pinch of suneli hops
  • and finely chopped greens (parsley, basil, thyme)

Coat the beef with marinade, put in a saucepan or container with a lid and keep in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours. Next, you can bake beef in the oven, for example in foil or in a sleeve.

How to cook tender beef.

To make the beef soft, for example in goulash, we need time. We defrost beef "on our own", no defrosting in the microwave. Cut the meat into pieces and rinse. Put the meat in a frying pan or stewpan and pour enough water to cover the meat. DO NOT SALT!(unless otherwise specified in the recipe, for example, sea buckthorn juice can also be salted when marinating) Simmer on low heat for 1 hour. Next, cook according to the recipe.

You can salt the meat after 1 hour of marinating. To absorb the salt.
Meat cooked in this way will definitely be soft.

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(module Marinades for meat)

When buying ready-made marinated meat in plastic buckets, you can never be sure of the freshness and high quality of the product. Try marinating your own meat, and we promise you will never go back to store-bought meat again.

When we talk about marinating meat, we immediately think of skewers with skewered meat or a barbecue grill full of mouth-watering cuts of pork or chicken. However, marinated meat is perfectly cooked in the oven or baked in a pan, and for this it is not necessary to go out into nature.

You can marinate pork, beef, chicken and lamb. Salt and pepper must be used for the marinade, as well as seasonings and spices to taste: cumin, turmeric, mustard, honey, basil, nutmeg, rosemary, tarragon and others. As a liquid base, add to the marinade: soy sauce, kefir, lemon juice, olive oil, vinegar, sparkling water, tomato juice, white or red wine, etc. Sometimes very unexpected ingredients are used in marinades: kiwi, coffee, oranges.

You can’t marinate meat in aluminum dishes; use a glass, ceramic or enameled metal container for this. The less time you have to marinate the meat, the more pronounced the flavor should be in the marinade. Soft marinades are suitable for soaking meat in it overnight, and preferably for 12-14 hours. Onions with spices are a good idea to lightly mash with your hands beforehand - so they will more actively begin to share flavors and secrete juice.

Let's say right away that we do not consider vinegar and mayonnaise to be good options for marinades. There are dozens of more delicious and healthy recipes, easy to prepare. For example, marinade with lemon juice . In terms of its effect on meat, it resembles vinegar - the juice softens the meat fibers, neutralizes unpleasant odors and makes the barbecue juicy. Take 3 lemons, squeeze the juice and add one grated onion, black and red pepper, peppercorns, bay leaf and olive oil to it. Immerse meat and onion, cut into rings in this liquid. Remember a little meat, cover with a plate and press down on top with a load. Put the meat in a cool place overnight.

Great option kefir marinade. It is especially good with chicken, but goes well with other types of meat. First, mix the chopped meat in a bowl with finely chopped onions. Pour low-fat kefir (1 liter of kefir per 2 kg of meat), add your favorite seasonings and a bunch of chopped herbs (parsley or cilantro), salt. Leave overnight.

Good for meat mineral water marinade. First, mix all the dry ingredients (salt, spices), onion and meat in a saucepan, knead everything well with your hands. Then fill it with sparkling water (so that the liquid covers the meat completely) and leave for 3-6 hours. Gas bubbles will penetrate the meat fibers, soften them and enrich them with seasoning aromas. The meat after such pickling will be tender and soft.

Connoisseurs of this Caucasian barbecue assure that the meat does not need to be pre-prepared. A good piece of meat does not need additional processing with spices and immersion in an acidic environment. They recommend simply stringing pieces on skewers and salt and pepper already in the process of frying. Unfortunately, not everyone can boast of reliable sales points for fresh meat, we mainly buy it in supermarkets or markets where it is difficult to find out the truth about the freshness of the product. And in these cases, for the sake of your own health, it is better to prefer the option of pickling meat.

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