Quotes about winning in sports. Victory

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Having won without risk, you triumph without glory.
Pierre Corneille

In a war, it is not the one who is right who wins, but the one who remains alive.
Bertrand Russell

In a civil war, every victory is a defeat.

Great undertakings don’t even need to be thought through.
Julius Caesar

The greatest victory is victory over yourself.

The possibility that we may be defeated in battle should not stop us from fighting for a cause that we believe is just.
Lincoln A.

War makes the winner stupid, the vanquished - evil.
Friedrich Nietzsche

War loves victory and does not like duration.
Sun Tzu

It is impossible to win all the time, but you can make yourself invincible.
Sun Tzu

There is always victory with those in whom there is agreement.

It was not the one who gave who won the battle. good advice, but the one who took responsibility for its implementation and ordered its implementation.
Napoleon Bonaparte

Wins and losses travel in the same sleigh.
Russian proverb

Be proud only of the victories you have won over yourself.
There are a thousand reasons for failure, but not a single excuse.
Mike Reid

The peace achieved is better and more reliable than the expected victory.

The only way to enjoy life is to be fearless and not be afraid of defeats and disasters.
Nehru D.

If you live long enough, you will see that every victory turns into a defeat.
Simone de Beauvoir

Life is not a reward for the vanquished.
Lermontov M. Yu.

It is better to win with ingenuity and intelligence than with resistance.
John of Damascus

Either know how to win, or know how to be friends with the winner.

Sometimes the real fight begins on the podium.
Wieslaw Brudzinski

Whoever wants to perpetuate the victory must forget about it.
Hans Kasper

Peace must be won by victory, not by agreement.

Peace and harmony are useful for the vanquished, but only commendable for the victors.

People later wore many triumphal arches as a yoke.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

The wise man wins this way. that no one feels his victory.
Justin the historian

We are not retreating - we are advancing in a different direction.
Douglas MacArthur

We are Russian and therefore we will win.
Alexander Suvorov

We are Russian and therefore we will win.
Suvorov A.V.

Don't be afraid of death, then you'll probably win. Two deaths cannot happen, but one cannot be avoided.
Suvorov A.V.

Does it matter whether you defeated the enemy by cunning or valor?

Victory over those who are ready to put their chest on the line is not given for free.

Defeat is not as dangerous as the fear of admitting defeat.
Lenin V.I.

The injustice of the victors obscures the guilt of the vanquished.
Hans Habe

There is nothing more joyful than victory.

No winner believes in chance.

You cannot shy away from battle, nor seek battle yourself: then the victory will be more glorious.
John Chrysostom

No victory can bring as much as one defeat can take away.
Gaius Julius Caesar

To never know defeat means to never fight.
Morihei Ueshiba

You need to be able to lose. Otherwise it would be impossible to live.
Remarque E. M.

Equal happiness is to be a winner or a loser in the battles of love.
Helvetius K.

The first step to victory is objectivity.

Pyrrhic victory is the true victory: in one fell swoop, get rid of your enemies and your own.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

Victory depends on the valor of the legions.
Julius Caesar

Victory and defeat often depend on fleeting circumstances. But in any case, it is not difficult to avoid shame: it is enough to die.

Victory over fear gives us strength.
Victor Hugo

Victory breeds hatred; the vanquished lives in sorrow. In happiness lives the calm, who has refused victory and defeat.

Victory achieved by violence is tantamount to defeat, for it is short-lived.
Mahatma Gandhi

Victory... defeat... these lofty words are devoid of any meaning. Life does not soar at such heights; she... gives birth to new images. Victory weakens a people: defeat awakens new strength in it... Only one thing should be taken into account: the course of events.
Saint Exupery A.

The winners sleep sweeter than the losers.

The winners can and should be judged.
Joseph Stalin

Winners are not judged.
Catherine the Great

For the winner, peace is beneficial, but for the vanquished it is simply necessary.
Seneca the Younger

No one will ask the winner whether he told the truth or not.
Adolf Gitler

A victorious army rarely rebels.
Karol Bunsch

Victory is determined by the art of war and the courage of the commanders and the fearlessness of the soldiers. Their chest is protection and strength for the fatherland.
Peter the First

Victories that are easily won are worth little. Only those of them can be proud of, which are the result of a stubborn struggle.
Beecher Henry Ward

The instigator always wins.

It is not necessarily the just cause that wins, but the cause that was fought for better.
Egon Erwin Kisch

The one who beats the enemy with his own weapon wins.
Henrik Ibsen

Win, but give up the triumph.
Maria Ebner – Eschenbach

Winning is the stupidest thing. Not to win, but to convince - that is what is worthy of glory.
Hugo V.

He who conquers others is strong, and he who conquers himself is powerful.
Lao Tzu

True defeat, the only irreparable defeat, comes not from the enemy, but from oneself.
Romain Rolland

A true samurai does not think about victory and defeat. He fearlessly rushes towards inevitable death.
“Haga?kure” - the code of honor of the samurai

Sacrifice your life for victory.

Defeat is a school from which the truth always emerges stronger.
Henry Beecher

Obedience, training, discipline, cleanliness, health, neatness, cheerfulness, courage, courage - victory.
Alexander Suvorov

It is more honorable to defeat a brave enemy than a cowardly one.
Engels F.

The oath of Fabius’ soldiers is beautiful: they did not swear to “die or conquer” - they swore to return as victors and kept their oath.
Russo J.

I came, I saw, I conquered.
Julius Caesar

The problems that the winner has to solve are more pleasant, but not easier, than the problems that the loser has to solve.
Winston Churchill

Broken armies learn well.
Vladimir Lenin

The one who is first is stronger.

Courage is the beginning of victory.

Only in a cheerful, hot outburst, in passionate love for one’s native country, courage and energy, will victory be born. And not only and not so much in a separate impulse, but in the persistent mobilization of all forces, in that constant burning that slowly and steadily moves mountains, opens unknown depths and brings them to sunny clarity.
Lomonosov M.V.

The one who does not finish off the enemy is doubly victorious.

The winners' wounds do not hurt.
Publilius Sir

Victory has a thousand fathers, but defeat is always an orphan.
John Kennedy in 1961, after the failure of the Bay of Cochinos landings

The achieved peace is better and more reliable than the expected victory.

More often than not, the one who is not taken seriously wins.
Erasmus of Rotterdam

Man was not created to suffer defeat... Man can be destroyed, but he cannot be defeated.
Ernest Hemingway

Man can be destroyed, but he cannot be defeated.
Ernest Hemingway

The more difficulties in the struggle, the more beautiful the victory will be.
Lope de Vega

I would rather be first here (in a poor town) than second in Rome.
Julius Caesar

The greatest victory is victory over yourself.

Victory has a thousand fathers, but defeat is always an orphan.

A great work of art is a painful victory of a brilliant mind over a brilliant imagination.

No winner believes in chance.

If a woman does not give up, she wins; if she gives up, she dictates terms to the winner.

I have always adhered to the point of view that first the vanquished must suffer defeat, and only then the victors must disarm.

In marital battles, victory usually goes to the spouse who values ​​peace less.

If you want to win a war, you need to remember the old truth: the quieter you go, the further you will go.

Sayings and sayings about victory

Many strong people are defeated by the weak.

No one will ask the winner whether he told the truth or not.

Cruel sayings and sayings about victory

The battle is won by the one who is determined to win it.

Defeats and victories are inseparable from the life of every person, except for cowards, for cowards do not suffer defeats, but they do not win victories either.

Victory can be achieved quickly, but it is difficult to secure it.

There is no winner stronger than the one who managed to defeat himself.

A victorious army rarely rebels.

In great battles, the vanquished often win. Those who were defeated at the end of the battle were triumphant at the end of the matter.

Solving a problem, Descartes said, means winning the battle. But winning the battle does not mean solving the problem.

Ultimately, nothing helps the victory of truth more than resistance to it.

If your old life oppresses you, forget about it as soon as possible. come up with new story your life and believe in it. Remember only your victories, and this will help you achieve what you want.

Ultramodern sayings and sayings about victory

Win, but give up the triumph.

I defeat my enemies by turning them into friends.

Life is not a reward for the vanquished.

Victory is determined by the art of war and the courage of the commanders and the fearlessness of the soldiers. Their chest is protection and strength for the fatherland.

The winners sleep sweeter than the losers.

If you want to win for sure, invent your own game and don’t tell anyone.

Winners are not judged.

Men are more often prevented from winning victories by their awkwardness than by the virtue of women.

Untranslated sayings and sayings about victory

The winner often takes on some of the characteristics of the loser.

Victories that are easily won are worth little. Only those of them can be proud of, which are the result of a stubborn struggle.

Obedience, training, discipline, cleanliness, health, neatness, cheerfulness, courage - victory.

The more difficulties in the struggle, the more beautiful the victory will be.

Courage is the beginning of victory.

Discipline is the mother of victory.

In the rapture of victory, mistakes are forgotten and extremes arise.

Souls are conquered not by weapons, but by love and generosity.

Living in this world means constantly fighting and constantly winning.

The strongest victory of all is forgiveness.

The winner is not the one who has the field; the one behind whom, and glory to the one who values ​​death above captivity.

In love, the only victory is flight.

Powerful sayings and sayings about victory

A fight is not won with one blow. You'll have to learn to roll with the punches or hire a bodyguard. Forget the words victory and defeat. Forget about pride and pain. Let the enemy enter you, penetrate your flesh. Penetrate his flesh, get under his skin. Let me break your bones. Don't think about safety - put your whole life before him.

You cannot shy away from battle, nor seek battle yourself: then the victory will be more glorious.

Winning is the stupidest thing. Not to win, but to convince - that is what is worthy of glory.

Bold thoughts play the role of advanced sabers: they die, but ensure victory.

How can a tree bloom if its roots are dry? So it is here: until there is proper order in the kingdom, where will military courage come from? If the leader does not constantly strengthen the army, then he is more likely to be defeated than victorious.

Victory over oneself is the only triumph in which luck has no share.

I do not know a single nation that has become rich as a result of victory.

: People say that losing can break a fighter. But believe me, victory can also break a person. Because he can get used to this, become self-confident, and this will lead to the fact that he will give up, begin to give himself concessions in training, concessions in his diet, because he won, now he is a winner. I'm not like that at all. Because you can fall asleep as a winner, and wake up as a loser.

Conor McGregor:
Winners are focused on winning. Losers focus on winners.
John Kennedy:
Victory has a thousand fathers, but defeat is always an orphan.
Lope de Vega:
The more difficulties in the struggle,
That will make the victory even better.
Horatio Nelson:
Success covers up many mistakes, but many valiant deeds are lost in defeat.
Sergey Mavrodi:
Defeat is just a lost victory. There are no unattainable goals, there are wrong strategies!
Henry Ward Beecher:
Victories that are easily won are worth little. Only those of them can be proud of, which are the result of a stubborn struggle.
Lion Feuchtwanger:
A modest peace is better than magnificent victories.
Ridley Scott:
A person is not taught to win; Often losses become sources of wise thoughts, including the one that winning is much more pleasant.
Those who know how to win are much more numerous than those who know how to properly use their victory.
Marcus Porcius Cato:
Take care when you win, so that you don’t regret your victory later.
P.A. Stolypin:
Only those who are willing to fight can win.
A.V. Suvorov:
Discipline is the mother of victory.
A.V. Suvorov:
The one who surprised wins.
Pedro Calderon:
The greatest victory is victory over oneself.
They can achieve victory because they are convinced of it.
Stas Yankovsky:
No one can take away the victory. Only its results can be selected.
Stas Yankovsky:
Those who do not remember defeats will not recognize victories.
I don't know how to defeat others; I know how to conquer myself.
Ole Einar Bjoerndalen:
More often than not, those who dare to take risks and set their priorities firmly win.
Buddha Shakyamuni:
Victory brings hatred. The vanquished live in torment. Happy are the peaceful ones, having renounced victories and defeats.
Thomas Paine:
The greater the conflict, the more glorious the victories.
Napoleon I Bonaparte:
Victory is not won by numbers. Alexander defeated three hundred thousand Persians at the head of twenty thousand Macedonians.

Victory is the enemy of war.
Alexander Suvorov

Victory achieved by violence is tantamount to defeat, for it is short-lived.
Mahatma Gandhi

Victory is determined by the art of war and the courage of the commanders and the fearlessness of the soldiers. Their chest is protection and strength for the fatherland.
Peter the First

Victory and defeat often depend on fleeting circumstances. But in any case, it is not difficult to avoid shame: it is enough to die.

It is not necessarily the just cause that wins, but the cause that was fought for better.
Egon Erwin Kisch

Victory... defeat... these lofty words are devoid of any meaning. Life does not soar at such heights; she... gives birth to new images. Victory weakens a people: defeat awakens new strength in it... Only one thing should be taken into account: the course of events.
Antoine Saint-Exupéry

I came, I saw, I conquered.
Julius Caesar

The instigator always wins.

Victory over fear gives us strength.
Victor Hugo

Victory has a thousand fathers, but defeat is always an orphan.
John Kennedy

For the winner, peace is beneficial, but for the vanquished it is simply necessary.
Seneca the Younger

The greatest victory is victory over yourself.

Victories that are easily won are worth little. Only those of them can be proud of, which are the result of a stubborn struggle.
Beecher Henry Ward

It is equal happiness to be victorious or defeated in the battles of love.
Claude Helvetius

Either know how to win, or know how to be friends with the winner.

Winners are not judged.
Catherine the Great

No one will ask the winner whether he told the truth or not.
Adolf Gitler

The winners' wounds do not hurt.
Publilius Sir

Defeat is a school from which the truth always emerges stronger.
Henry Beecher

Defeat is not as dangerous as the fear of admitting defeat.
Vladimir Lenin

A victorious army rarely rebels.
Karol Bunsch

There is nothing more joyful than victory.

You need to be able to lose. Otherwise it would be impossible to live.
Erich Maria Remarque

Having won without risk, you triumph without glory.
Pierre Corneille

No victory can bring as much as one defeat can take away.
Gaius Julius Caesar

Broken armies learn well.
Vladimir Lenin

The winners can and should be judged.
Joseph Stalin

Man was not created to suffer defeat... Man can be destroyed, but he cannot be defeated.
Ernest Hemingway

To never know defeat means to never fight.
Morihei Ueshiba

Does it matter whether you defeated the enemy by cunning or valor?

He who conquers others is strong, and he who conquers himself is powerful.
Lao Tzu

People later wore many triumphal arches as a yoke.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

Victory depends on the valor of the legions.
Julius Caesar

The winners sleep sweeter than the losers.

We are Russian and therefore we will win.
Alexander Suvorov

Pyrrhic victory is the true victory: in one fell swoop, get rid of your enemies and your own.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

Be proud only of the victories you have won over yourself.

The injustice of the victors obscures the guilt of the vanquished.
Hans Habe

Where there is agreement, there is victory.
Latin proverb

The first step to victory is objectivity.

The more difficulties in the struggle, the more beautiful the victory will be.
Lope de Vega

Victory breeds hatred; the vanquished lives in sorrow. In happiness lives the calm, who has refused victory and defeat.

No winner believes in chance.

Wins and losses travel in the same sleigh.
Russian proverb

Victory over those who are ready to put their chest on the line is not given for free.

A true samurai does not think about victory and defeat. He fearlessly rushes towards inevitable death.
"Haga kure" - the code of honor of the samurai

The peace achieved is better and more reliable than the expected victory.

True defeat, the only irreparable defeat, comes not from the enemy, but from oneself.
Romain Rolland

It is impossible to win all the time, but you can make yourself invincible.
Sun Tzu

If you live long enough, you will see that every victory turns into a defeat.
Simone de Beauvoir

In a war, it is not the one who is right who wins, but the one who remains alive.
Bertrand Russell

Obedience, training, discipline, cleanliness, health, neatness, cheerfulness, courage, courage - victory.
Alexander Suvorov

The one who beats the enemy with his own weapon wins.
Henrik Ibsen

More often than not, the one who is not taken seriously wins.
Erasmus of Rotterdam

Sometimes the real fight begins on the podium.
Wieslaw Brudzinski

War loves victory and does not like duration.
Sun Tzu

Discipline is the mother of victory.
Alexander Suvorov

Courage is the beginning of victory.

In a civil war, every victory is a defeat.

Only in a cheerful, hot outburst, in passionate love for one’s native country, courage and energy, will victory be born. And not only and not so much in a separate impulse, but in the persistent mobilization of all forces, in that constant burning that slowly and steadily moves mountains, opens unknown depths and brings them to sunny clarity.
Mikhail Lomonosov

Having won without risk, you triumph without glory. (Pierre Corneille)

The enemy's big victory is to make you believe what they say about you. (Paul Valery)

Most so-called failures are just temporary defeats. (Napoleon Gil)

Being defeated is often beneficial for people when the winner is both gentle and meek. (Ovid)

In a fight with oneself, the lazy one usually wins. (Tetcorax)

In a war, it is not the one who is right who wins, but the one who remains alive. (Bertrand Russell)

In a civil war, every victory is a defeat. (Lucian)

In love it is impossible to distinguish victory from surrender. (Marlene Dietrich)

IN mouse fuss the bad thing is that even if you emerge victorious, you are still a mouse. (Lily Tomlin)

The war is won even before it begins, no matter how sad it is for the soldiers who die in it. (Wanted author)

War loves victory and does not like duration. (Sun Tzu)

An army of rams led by a lion will always win over an army of lions led by a ram. (Napoleon Bonaparte)

Everyone is attracted by near victory, but only great souls strive for distant good. (F. Schiller)

It is impossible to win all the time, but you can make yourself invincible. (Sun Tzu)

In case of victory - government troops, in case of defeat - rebels. (Japanese last)

In happiness, even a coward becomes brave, but only the hero who, even in defeat, wears his head proudly. (Sandor Petőfi)

Winning the battle is not the main thing. The main thing is not to be poisoned at the feast of the winners. (S.E. Lec)

Wins and losses travel in the same sleigh. (Russian last)

Where there is agreement, there is victory. (Lat. seq.)

The main thing is not victory, the main thing is participation. (Pierre Coubertin) (The statement refers exclusively to sports. Subsequently it became the motto of the participants in the Olympic Games. In real life, the situation is just the opposite)

The main secret of a successful argument is not to win, but to persuade. (Tetcorax)

Be proud only of the victories you have won over yourself. (Tungsten)

Souls are conquered not by weapons, but by love and generosity. (Spinoza)

The achieved peace is better and more reliable than the expected victory. (Titus Livy)

If a woman does not give up, she wins; if he gives up, he dictates terms to the winner. (Karel Capek)

If you can't defeat your enemy, at least try to kill him. (Author not identified)

If you think that justice has won, try to convince the vanquished of this. (Xiang Zi)

One more such victory, and I will be left without an army. (Pyrrhus)

Either know how to win, or know how to be friends with the winner. (Phokion)

Sometimes the best beats the best. (Titus Livy)

And the wounds of the winners do not hurt. (Publius Sir)

History books written by the victors are designed to prevent the vanquished from learning the right lessons from defeat.
(V. Shwebel)

When you have winning cards in your hand, you should play fairly.
(O. Wilde)

When there is no opponent, it is not difficult to be a winner. (Lucian)

When smart and honest people act together, fools and swindlers retreat. (Charles Duclos)

Who counts the army in victory or in flight? (Quintus Curtius Rufus)

Only truth wins. (National Motto of India)

The best thing about a big win is that it takes away the winner's fear of losing. (Nietzsche)

It is better to lose with your own people than to win with someone else’s, for the victory achieved by someone else’s weapons is not true. (Machiavelli)

People capitulate more often than they fail. (G. Ford)

The wise man wins in such a way that no one feels his victory. (Justin)

The hope of winning brings victory closer, the confidence of victory deprives us of it. (Titus Livy)

We only like struggle, but not victory. (Blaise Pascal)
(We don’t like the result, we like the process! :)

Nations always attribute victories to the talent of their generals and the courage of their soldiers, and defeats are certainly attributed to a fatal accident. (A. France)

True victory is only when the enemies themselves admit defeat. (Claudius Claudian)

Does it matter whether you defeated the enemy by cunning or valor? (Virgil)

You cannot pursue victory if the benefits it gives will be acquired through baseness and crime. (Plutarch)

An invincible opponent is the best motivation for endless self-improvement. (Max Fry, "Crow on the Bridge")

You can be invincible if you do not enter into any battle in which victory does not depend on you. (Epictetus)

You should not start a battle or war unless you are sure that you will gain more in victory than you will lose in defeat. (Octavian Augustus)

Those who are unable to wait are unable to win. (Darius, philosopher)

The injustice of the victors obscures the guilt of the vanquished. (Hans Habe)

It is not this or that type of weapon, but a just cause that gives true superiority over the enemy. (M. Cervantes)

No victory can bring as much as one defeat can take away. (Gaius Julius Caesar)

To never know defeat means to never fight. (Morihei Ueshiba)

No winner believes in chance. (Nietzsche)

Nothing but a lost battle can compare even with half the sadness of a won battle. (Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington, after the Battle of Waterloo)

Rest from power is given only in case of defeat. (Maurice Druon, "Damned Kings")

The winner's lack of generosity reduces the meaning and benefits of victory by half. (Giuseppe Mazzini)

The first and best victory is victory over yourself. (Plato)

The first step to victory is objectivity. (Tetcorax)

Pyrrhic victory is the true victory: in one fell swoop, get rid of your enemies and your own. (S. Lec)

The fruit of victory is sweet, but there is not enough of it for everyone. (Author not identified)

Victory goes to the one who endures half an hour more than his opponent. (Japanese last)

Victory achieved by violence is tantamount to defeat, for it is short-lived. (Mahatma Gandhi)

Victory and defeat often depend on fleeting circumstances. But in any case, it is not difficult to avoid shame: it is enough to die. (“Hagakure” - samurai code of honor)

Victory loves care. (Latin last)

Victory over the weak is like defeat. (Arabic last)

Victory over fear gives us strength. (V. Hugo)

Victory breeds hatred; the vanquished lives in sorrow. In happiness lives the calm, who has refused victory and defeat. (Buddha)

Victory belongs to the most persistent. (Napoleon Bonaparte)

The winners sleep sweeter than the losers. (Plutarch)

Conquer evil with good. (Lat. seq.)

Winners are not judged.
(Some people attribute this saying to Catherine II, however, it was already a proverb in Ancient Rome)

For the winner, peace is beneficial, but for the vanquished it is simply necessary. (Seneca the Younger)

A victorious army rarely rebels. (Karol Bushi)

It is not necessarily the just cause that wins, but the one for which they fought better. (Egon Kisch)

The instigator always wins. (Menander)

The one who beats the enemy with his own weapon wins. (Henrik Ibsen)

He who conquers others is strong, and he who conquers himself is powerful. (Lao Tzu)

The defeated one lives in sorrow. He who has given up victory and defeat lives in happiness. (Buddha)

True defeat, the only irreparable defeat, comes not from the enemy, but from oneself. (Romain Rolland)

A true samurai does not think about victory and defeat. He fearlessly rushes towards inevitable death. (“Hagakure” - samurai code of honor)

Remember: it doesn't matter whether you win or lose; All that matters is whether I win or lose. (Darrin Weinberg)

Defeat inevitably awaits only those who despair in advance. (Gandalf, character from Tolkien's Lord of the Rings trilogy)

Defeat accompanies those who allow themselves to think in terms of defeat. (Napoleon Hill)

Defeat is a school from which the truth always emerges stronger. (Henry Beecher)

After victory, even the lower classes are supporters of war, at least until it turns out that for them victory is not too different from defeat. (B. Brecht)

Obedience, training, discipline, cleanliness, health, neatness, cheerfulness, courage, courage - victory. (A. Suvorov)

The truth always wins, because what wins is always the truth. (Gabriel Laub)

I prefer to complain about my fate than to be ashamed of victory. (Curtius)

Before you start fighting with yourself, decide which of you two will capitulate. (Tetcorax)

Nature can only be defeated by obeying its laws. (F. Bacon)

Jealousy is a mixture of possessiveness, mistrust and defeat. The presence of a feeling of love is not necessary. (Author not identified)

The Roman wins while sitting. (Latin last)
(That is, endurance, patience and intelligence.
Unfortunately, nothing is said about whether the Roman can also win while lying down or standing up. 🙂)

The most honorable victory is the one gained over egoism. (Pierre Buast)

Most fast way ending the war means being defeated. (D. Orwell)
(No, the fastest way is to give up right away. :)

The strongest victory of all is forgiveness. (Schiller)

Courage is the beginning of victory. (Plutarch)

Argue with a person smarter than you: he will defeat you, but you can benefit from your very defeat. (I. Turgenev)

A fighting group always breaks up: in case of defeat - in search of the culprit, in case of victory - in dividing the spoils. (M. Litvak)

Fighting a hundred times and winning a hundred times is not the best of the best; the best of the best is to conquer someone else's army without fighting. (Sun Tzu)

Happy are the peaceful ones, having renounced victories and defeats. (Gautama Buddha)

Where conditions are equal, the more courageous one emerges victorious. (Plutarch)

Everyone loves someone who knows how to lose gracefully. (Keen Hubbard)

Someone who always wins is not a real player. (Montaigne)

He who knows when he can fight and when he cannot fight will be the winner. (Sun Tzu)

Anyone who intends to achieve victory must become insidious, secretive, cunning, crafty, a thief and a robber. (Xenophon)

He who is insulted, and can calmly endure the insult, and does not return it, has won a great victory in the matter of life. (Marcus Aurelius)

Anyone who responds only to the realities of the current day is doomed. The one who creates reality himself wins. (Tetcorax)

Luck is something that comes to us undeservedly. Otherwise it is called a victory. (Tetcorax)

Minds once affected are prone to superstition. (Tacitus)

Victory has a thousand fathers, but defeat is always an orphan. (Attributed to D. Kennedy. He said this, but he is unlikely to be its author. The idea is too obvious that no one would have thought of it before thousands of years before)

More often than not, the one who is not taken seriously wins. (Erasmus of Rotterdam)

To defeat your opponent, do not strive to become stronger than him, make him weaker than you. (Chinese last)

I believe the chances of winning the lottery are the same whether you play or not. (F. Lebowitz)

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