Dyspepsia in children aged 8 years. Dyspepsia in children - what can cause the disorder? Types of disease and causes

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

not yet fully developed, many children have various kinds of deviations in the functioning of the digestive tract. Associated with this is the widespread prevalence of such a disease as dyspepsia.

Pathology manifests itself in the form of a set of symptoms that may also be characteristic of other disorders of the digestive system.

Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to the diagnosis of functional dyspepsia in children, as well as its early treatment, as violations of the processes of digestion of food can adversely affect the overall health of the baby.

Characteristics of the disease

Dyspepsia - disruption of the upper digestive system.

Most often, pathology occurs as a result of non-compliance with the diet, the child's consumption of low-quality food, which is not suitable for the child's body.

If the digestive system of an adult can easily cope with spicy and fatty foods, then the baby's stomach is not able to do this.

As a result of a systematic violation of the rules of feeding, for example, if a child is regularly overfed, complementary foods are introduced ahead of time, they are given products that are not suitable for him, a functional disruption of the digestive tract develops.

In this case, there are a number of symptoms indicating the presence of dyspepsia.

Most often, the disease develops in young children. The digestive system of a baby up to 1 year old is not adapted to the overload that may result from a violation of the diet, the use of "adult" products.

How does dyspepsia occur? Pathology develops in stages:

  1. The digestive system of a small child contains a small amount of enzymes involved in the process of digestion. They are not enough to break down the heavy foods that adults consume. As a result, the digestion process is not carried out in full.
  2. Incompletely processed food enters the intestines, where it should be absorbed, but due to the fact that the food is not completely digested, this does not happen. In the intestines fermentation starts.
  3. Fermentation in the intestine leads to excessive excretion toxic breakdown products food.
  4. As a result of these processes, symptoms of the disease occur.


The most common cause of dyspepsia in children is eating disorders, that is, if the child systematically overeats (this occurs in both infants and older children).

If a child is offered food that does not correspond to his age (for example, with early or improper introduction of complementary foods), this leads to disturbances in the processes of digestion of food, and as a result, to disorders of the digestive tract.

Exists many unfavorable factors that provoke the occurrence of dyspepsia in children of different ages.

Children under 1 year old

  1. Binge eating. It is especially often observed with artificial feeding, since it is much easier for a child to suck milk from a bottle than from the mother's breast. The process of sucking milk is faster, the child does not have time to understand that he has eaten.
  2. Insufficient amount of digestive enzymes.
  3. Eating foods that are not suitable for the baby by age. When introducing complementary foods, it is important to pay attention to whether the new product corresponds to the age-related characteristics of the baby's digestive system. It is best to offer crumbs simple one-component meals as complementary foods.
  4. Improper introduction of complementary foods when the baby is offered several new dishes at once. It is recommended to introduce no more than 1 new product per week.
  5. Prematurity.

older children

  1. Abuse of foods that are difficult to digest. These include salty, fatty, spicy foods that irritate the gastric mucosa.
  2. Violation of the diet, for example, a hearty dinner shortly before going to bed, overeating.
  3. Hormonal changes in the body, characteristic of puberty.

Common causes specific to any age group

You will find specialists in the treatment of gastroduodenitis in children on our website.


There are 3 main types of dyspepsia: simple (functional), parenteral and toxic.

functional dyspepsia, in turn, is divided into the following types:

  • fermentation. As a result of the fermentation processes occurring in the intestine, the number of microorganisms participating in the fermentation process increases sharply in its cavity. This happens with excessive consumption of carbohydrate foods;
  • putrid. If a child consumes a large amount of protein-rich foods, the number of bacteria in the intestine increases, contributing to the decay of food;
  • fatty. With excessive consumption of fatty foods, the process of digestion and absorption of food is disrupted, there is heaviness, pain in the stomach, and stool disorders.

Parenteral dyspepsia is a secondary disease that develops as a result of serious pathologies (for example, pneumonia) suffered by the child earlier.

Toxic dyspepsia is considered the most severe form that occurs due to bacterial infections of the digestive tract. Also, this form can develop as a result of the lack of treatment of simple dyspepsia.

Symptoms and manifestations of pathology

The disease is characterized by the presence of certain symptoms that indicate disorders of the digestive system. These symptoms include:

In some cases, symptoms such as frequent sleep disturbances are also noted.

Complications and consequences

Depending on the form and severity of the pathology, its consequences may be different. With timely treatment the illness usually resolves within a few days without causing any complications.

Lack of therapy can cause weight loss, loss of appetite.

Acute dyspepsia, manifested by profuse vomiting and diarrhea, can lead to dehydration of the body, and this, in turn, provokes the development of irreversible changes in all internal organs.

The chronic form of the disease contributes to the development persistent violations functioning of the digestive system.


If the first signs of dyspepsia are found in a child, it is necessary to contact a pediatrician. You may need to consult other specialists (gastroenterologist, psychiatrist, neurologist). Certain methods are used to make a diagnosis. laboratory and instrumental research.

Treatment and drugs

To eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of pathology, it is necessary, first of all, rule out the cause.

Next, the whole complex of therapeutic measures, which includes following a certain diet, taking medications, other procedures, such as abdominal massage to improve the functionality of the digestive system, and relieve pain.

Preparations used for therapeutic purposes:

  • Maalox;
  • Domperidone;
  • Mezim;
  • Cisapride.

These funds facilitate the process of digestion of food, restore the intestinal microflora, eliminate heaviness and pain in the stomach.


Without observing a special diet, drug treatment of dyspepsia prove to be ineffective. The diet consists in reducing the amount of food consumed, restoring the water balance of the body.


With timely detection and treatment of the disease, the prognosis favorable.

If there is no therapy, it is possible to develop serious diseases of the digestive system, disruption of the growth and development of the child, which negatively affects the general condition of his body.


For young children, it is important to monitor not only the amount of food consumed, but also its quality. Yes, baby do not overfeed, that is, he should not consume food too often, or in large quantities.

If the child is bottle-fed, you must choose quality milk formulas closest in composition to breast milk.

For older children, the quality of nutrition is also important.

Need to exclude fast food products, all kinds of harmful snacks, carbonated drinks, coffee, fatty and spicy foods, pickles.

In addition, the child should move as much as possible, spend a sufficient amount of time in the fresh air.

Dyspepsia is a common disease, the main cause of which is considered eating disorders. Pathology occurs both in young children and in older ones.

The disease is manifested by certain symptoms, indicating the presence of problems in the work of the digestive organs.

The child will need special treatment, the main points of which are medication, dieting. With timely prescribed therapy, the disease responds well to treatment.

You can learn about the symptoms and treatment of dyspepsia from the video:

We kindly ask you not to self-medicate. Sign up to see a doctor!

Dyspepsia in children is indigestion, functional indigestion against the background of chronic enzyme deficiency or malnutrition.

Regurgitation, impaired stool, pain in the abdomen, colic, increased gas formation - these symptoms indicate functional dyspepsia in young children. The body of the baby is especially prone to indigestion.

An increased tendency to dyspepsia in newborns and children up to a year is formed by:

  • Insufficient amount of gastric juice produced;
  • Reduced concentration of acids necessary for the breakdown of food entering the stomach;
  • The immaturity of the intestinal microflora, which helps to absorb nutrients.

To help a baby with dyspepsia, you need to know about the types of disease, causes, methods of prevention and treatment.

Simple dyspepsia in newborns can be caused by several factors:

  • Violation of the feeding regimen. Too much breastfeeding leads to the fact that the baby receives more milk than his stomach can digest. As a result, the excess is rejected by the body, regurgitation or loose stools occur.
  • Switching to another milk formula. The baby's body is sensitive to a slight change in the formula of a breast milk substitute. To avoid dyspepsia, the baby should be fed mixtures of one manufacturer.
  • Violation of the diet of a nursing mother. Smoked products, marinades, mushrooms, spicy seasonings, drugs cause a reaction in the baby in the form of dyspeptic syndrome.
  • Inappropriate food composition. Complementary foods were introduced too early or offered the baby in large portions. Even worse, if two new products were offered at the same time, it will be more difficult to determine the cause of dyspepsia.


Nutritional dyspepsia in infants occurs as a result of inappropriate food intake. In addition to quantitative and qualitative compliance with the norms of consumed products and dishes, it is necessary that their composition be balanced. An excess of certain nutrients can also cause alimentary indigestion.


With an excess of dietary carbohydrates in the large intestine, the reproduction of microorganisms responsible for fermentation increases. The main symptom of fermentative dyspepsia in infants is loose stools with a characteristic odor.


Putrefactive dyspepsia in young children is the result of excessive consumption of protein foods. If there are not enough enzymes in the intestines for its full assimilation, undigested food undergoes decay. Diarrhea appears, feces have a putrid odor.


Fatty dyspepsia in a child appears from an increased fat content in the diet. The children's body does not have enough enzymes to break down complex fat molecules. This leads to indigestion. Diarrhea with foam is common in a child with fatty dyspepsia, but is not a mandatory symptom.


Intoxication begins with and vomiting. The baby first becomes restless and excitable, then lethargic and apathetic.

On the first day, vomiting occurs two to three times, usually after meals. Then the child begins to feel sick even from a sip of water. Sometimes vomit is vomited on an empty stomach. The contents may contain mucus, fragments of bile, with a aggravated form - blood. The stool is liquid, frothy, in the following days it becomes watery with a greenish tint.

With the toxic form of dyspepsia, the child quickly loses fluid and mineral salts. The skin and mucous membranes become dry, inelastic, pale. Facial features become sharp, the fontanel sinks. Due to exposure to toxins, consciousness slows down, pressure drops, body temperature may rise to or remain unchanged. The child breathes often, superficially. The pulse quickens.

At the first symptoms of toxic dyspepsia in newborns, it is necessary to call a doctor. If the diagnosis of indigestion is confirmed, the child will need to be hospitalized.

Treatment is to stop feeding for a day. You can only give a little water or tea. Then gradual, strictly dosed feeding until the function of the stomach is restored. Additionally, during the treatment, enzymes, vitamins, and the introduction of nutrient solutions intravenously are prescribed.


Parenteral dyspepsia in a child occurs as a concomitant phenomenon in infectious diseases.

A child's body, weakened, or other diseases, becomes a vulnerable target for pathogenic microbes. The process is accompanied by a weakening of the activity of the digestive glands, a violation of the digestive tract and the death of beneficial intestinal microflora.

More often, the development of the underlying disease and symptoms of indigestion in a child occurs in parallel. Possible acute intoxication with characteristic signs in the form of vomiting, regurgitation, diarrhea. To eliminate the symptoms, the underlying disease is treated. To maintain the body, a sparing diet is prescribed. In case of acute toxicosis, the child is treated with sorbents and probiotics.

Baby care

Careful child care is the key to successful treatment of dyspepsia in children. To reduce the risk of complications, you must:

  • If the child has had vomiting or diarrhea once, evaluate his diet and find out which of the foods could provoke these phenomena. If complementary foods were introduced, it was he who could become the culprit in the deterioration of the baby's well-being.
  • must be administered carefully, starting with very small doses. Do not offer a new product until the baby gets used to the previous one. If the baby is prescribed medication, it is not recommended to introduce complementary foods during the course of treatment.
  • Don't leave the situation to chance. The first symptoms of dyspepsia appeared, which means that an examination by a specialist is required, especially if diarrhea and vomiting occur repeatedly.
  • Replenish the balance of salts and fluid that is lost during vomiting, diarrhea. Always have a few sachets of rehydrone on hand. If not, you can add a little salt to the water.
  • Keep diapers and soiled underwear until the doctor arrives. Bowel movements in a diaper will help you find out exactly what disorders have occurred in the body and determine the type of dyspepsia.
  • The baby should be washed with each change of clothes and applied between the buttocks baby cream. Frequent bowel movements in dyspepsia irritate the skin of the child and add to his suffering.

If bloody inclusions and mucus are found in the feces, it is necessary to find out if the contents of the intestine indicate signs of dysentery, especially dangerous for young children.

Folk remedies

To alleviate the condition of children with dyspepsia, some recipes for folk remedies are effective:

  • Rice congee: boil a teaspoon of rice in 3-4 cups of water over low heat until the rice is completely boiled. Strain the resulting paste through one layer of gauze and give in portions no more than 1-2 tablespoons every 2.5 hours.
  • A decoction of oak bark fixes the chair well. Take 1 teaspoon of carefully chopped bark of oak branches, pour 250 ml of water and cook for about 15 minutes over low heat. Remove from the stove, cool quickly, add boiling water to the original volume and give 1 teaspoon 4-5 times a day.
  • A decoction of pomegranate peel has a similar effect. To prepare 1 teaspoon of powder from dried and crushed pomegranate peel, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and heat in a water bath for about 15 minutes. After insisting for 1.5-2 hours, the decoction filtered through 2 layers of gauze can be given to the child. Dosage for a baby under the age of one year - 1 teaspoon 2-3 times a day.


Functional dyspepsia in children under one year old can be prevented by following a few simple rules:

  • Provide proper, balanced, high-quality nutrition;
  • Avoid overheating of the baby, always dress according to the weather;
  • The room where he sleeps and plays should be ventilated more often;
  • In summer, after a long stay in the sun, you need to rest for a while in the shade and only then feed the baby;
  • Do not limit children in liquids, giving preference to healthy drinks: clean water, natural fruit drinks and decoctions with a low sugar content.

Childhood dyspepsia is an upset stomach. Dyspepsia causes the baby severe discomfort in the digestive system. Children often suffer from recurrent abdominal pain. Dyspepsia is found in 20% of children aged 7 to 12 years. Girls are more susceptible to this disease. It is not always possible to find the cause of dyspepsia, it is found only in 40% of cases, it happens that the disease appears and disappears on its own. However, this does not exclude the fact that in some babies dyspepsia can recur for years.

Depending on the cause of occurrence, the disease is divided into the following types:

  1. fermentative dyspepsia in children - the cause of the occurrence is the child's excessive consumption of carbohydrates and fermented drinks. There are especially a lot of carbohydrates in potatoes, which children love so much (fries), as well as in flour products, pasta, for example.
  2. putrefactive dyspepsia in children. An excess of protein in the diet provokes a putrefactive type of disease. Eating large amounts of lamb and pork meat, which is processed by the digestive system for a very long time, may well provoke the appearance of putrefactive dyspepsia. That is, the products do not have time to be digested, and a putrefactive process occurs in the body. The same is observed when eating stale meat.
  3. fatty dyspepsia. Refractory and slowly digested fats in every possible way contribute to the appearance of this ailment.

Two main types of disease

There is simple and toxic dyspepsia. The difference lies in the fact that simple dyspepsia in children is when the organs of the digestive system suffer, and in the second case, the metabolism is disturbed. The toxic type is a great danger to the child, as it quickly spreads throughout the body, affecting other organs.

Most often, the cause of such a disease is non-compliance with the water-tea diet, which is prescribed for young children, or simply insufficient fluid intake by the baby. Toxic dyspepsia often affects premature babies, children suffering from rickets, dystrophy.

Variants of functional dyspepsia in children

Like any other disease, functional dyspepsia in children carries a threat to overall health. Constant relapses adversely affect the functioning of the digestive system, concomitant diseases of the gastrointestinal tract may occur, doctors call dyspepsia chronic gastritis, and this can eventually develop into an ulcer. Also, due to constant dyspepsia, the immunity of the child as a whole is weakened, since the disease exhausts the body.

There are three types of functional dyspepsia, with each of which we will introduce you.


It is characterized by pain in the epigastric region. As a rule, they occur after eating, especially acute after overeating. Also, the symptoms of the disease are felt after taking medications intended for the treatment of acid-dependent diseases of the digestive system.


At the same time, the child eats up very quickly, the feeling of satiety appears literally after a couple of minutes from the start of the meal. After each meal in the epigastric region, supersaturation, a sour taste is felt. Nausea and mild vomiting may also occur.


The child shows signs of both variants of dyspepsia.


The cause of functional dyspepsia is often malnutrition. This concept is very broad, so specific provoking factors This:

  • a sharp change in diet or lifestyle, as a result of which nutrition also changes;
  • irregular meals, lack of breakfast, lunch or dinner;
  • constant overeating;
  • fast food, quick snacks, dry food;
  • excessive consumption of carbohydrates or proteins, for example.

The cause of absolutely any disease may well be nerves. Frequent stressful situations can also lead to chronic gastritis, namely this:

  • death of a loved one;
  • frequent quarrels in the family or even divorce of parents;
  • lack of friends, bad relationships in the team;
  • fears;
  • poor academic performance or non-compliance with the requirements of parents.

The fact is that during increased nervousness, hormones are released, and this, in turn, provokes an excessive release of hydrochloric acid hormones.

What happens to a child with functional dyspepsia

The gastrointestinal tract is undergoing major changes, namely:

This disease is easily confused with another. We provide list of symptoms that are NOT typical for functional dyspepsia:

  • non-standard and inadequate behavior of the child during the next attack;
  • awakening at night due to severe pain or insomnia for this reason;
  • diarrhea;
  • anorexia;
  • pain in the joints;
  • fever;
  • irradiation of pain.

If your baby has any of these signs, most likely this is not functional dyspepsia, or this disease has combined with another. In any case, you should immediately go to the hospital.

Acute dyspepsia

Dyspepsia in young children often becomes acute. It appears due to the discrepancy between the volume and composition of the food consumed by the baby and the physiological capabilities of his digestive system. Signs of acute dyspepsia:

  1. regurgitation;
  2. diarrhea;
  3. heterogeneous stool, sometimes with mucus;
  4. slow growth.

The main method of struggle in case your baby has acute dyspepsia is food unloading - you need to skip 1-2 feedings, replacing food with liquid.


Dyspepsia can easily be confused with many other diseases of the digestive system. Therefore, it is imperative to make a differential diagnosis, in no case should you resort to self-treatment.

In order to verify the presence of dyspepsia, the patient is prescribed:

  • FEGDS;
  • research on NR.

To understand the nature of the disease, as well as the degree of damage to the abdominal cavity, the child may also be prescribed daily monitoring of intragastric pH.

With dyspepsia in children, hypersensitivity of the stomach is often detected, this is determined using a special barostat test. In medicine, there is still a whole list of ways that allow you to learn as much as possible about the condition of the baby's stomach, but most of them are very expensive.

One of the easiest and most affordable methods is to keep a child's food diary. It's simple: you write down when the child eats, goes to the toilet in a big way, indicate the nature and time of the onset of dyspepsia symptoms, as well as all sorts of factors due to which the baby may be stressed. Such a diary should be kept for at least 2 weeks. This is the minimum period for which you can learn a lot of information about the disease.

How to cure

The first thing to understand is that treatment should be started immediately, and before that, seek help from a doctor. Perhaps herbal decoctions will not harm the child, but if they do not bring benefits, then it will simply be wasted time, during which the disease will have time to develop.


Since the problems relate to the digestive system, we start with the nutrition of the child. As a rule, malnutrition is the result of an unhealthy lifestyle. When a baby has low activity, he rarely wants to eat, the whole body suffers from this. The ideal option for a children's diet is to eat food in small portions throughout the day, that is, the famous separate meals. We completely exclude allergic foods from the diet, that is, those after the use of which in large quantities the child has an allergic reaction.

Just fine if the baby does not eat fatty and fried foods, smoked meats, soda, sweets. It is quite difficult to restrict a child in anything, so such products are allowed, but in a minimal amount. Often, these changes in diet help to get rid of the symptoms of functional dyspepsia.


Few diseases go away without medical treatment. In this disease, drugs are prescribed in accordance with the option.

For ulcerative dyspepsia recommend H2 blockers or proton pump inhibitors. This treatment lasts one and a half to two weeks.

Dyskinetic variant requires prokinetics, namely, requires motilium. 1 mg of the substance is calculated per 1 kg of the child's weight. Sometimes the doctor prescribes metoclopromide, which should be taken half an hour before meals. But the latter often provokes side effects. Medicines of this type are given to be taken within 14-20 days, depending on the prescription.

Non-specific variant medications are not treated. Most often, such dyspepsia can be eliminated by a simple dietary adjustment. If this does not help, then the problem lies in the psychological state of the child. So you should contact a psychotherapist, in a few sessions a good specialist will save your baby from discomfort in the stomach.


You can not discount the traditional methods of treatment. But if you are already an adherent of traditional ways of getting rid of diseases, first consult a doctor. Yes, you have met these words a million times, but we are talking about a baby whose health should be carefully protected from the rash actions of parents.


Any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. In order for your child not to know all the "charms" of functional dyspepsia, you should follow simple rules:

  • balanced and rational nutrition;
  • if you are a nursing mother, you need to carefully monitor your diet plus feeding hygiene is required;
  • the child should not overeat;
  • it is necessary to treat various diseases of the digestive system in time;
  • eliminate as much as possible the amount of stress in the child's life;
  • Give your baby a normal amount of time to rest.

Dyspepsia is not so scary if detected and treated in time. The child must eat right, because in addition to this disease, there is a whole list of ailments that can appear in a baby whose diet is based on hamburgers.

In recent years, there has been a rapid increase in the number of patients diagnosed with functional dyspepsia. And, despite significant advances in the field of pediatrics, the growth trend is sustainable.

According to research results, functional dyspepsia in children ranks second in the structure of childhood morbidity. That is why this problem is so acute today.

Dyspepsia is a symptom complex of digestive disorders. This concept is preliminary.

It is used in the initial stages of in-depth diagnostics. In the future, after a series of analyzes and studies, this diagnosis can be deciphered:

  • organic dyspepsia - gastritis of various forms, peptic ulcer;
  • functional dyspepsia - disorders of the digestive system.

Today, it is quite difficult to get a detailed answer to the question of why and why it occurs in children of different ages.

This is not possible because the pathogenesis of the disease has not yet been fully studied. However, most development mechanisms today have already been deciphered.

Functional dyspepsia in children can manifest itself in many ways and include many symptoms, such as indigestion, heaviness after eating, early satiety, frequent belching and sometimes nausea, so careful diagnosis and treatment is required.

Causes of pathology

In a child, like any functional disorder, functional dyspepsia is an ailment caused by a malfunction in the motor function, in this case, the upper digestive tract and duodenum. In young children, a disease such as functional dyspepsia can develop with malfunctions at any level:

  • local - the nervous system of the stomach and intestines, the receptor apparatus;
  • peripheral - pathways;
  • central - the brain;
  • motor disorders - a decrease in the preparedness of the stomach for incoming food, its timely emptying.

There are many reasons for the development of functional dyspepsia, among them there are alimentary ones:

  • irregular meals;
  • eating flour products in large quantities without drinking liquids;
  • abuse of spices, fatty foods;
  • binge eating.

Sometimes the cause of the development of the disease can be neuropsychic stress, when the child is faced with problems that are difficult for him to endure. For example, the death of a relative, abuse in the family, the rejection of a teenager among peers, constant fear, anxiety.

Recently, the role of Helicobacter pylori infection has been actively studied, since approximately 70% of children who have been diagnosed with functional dyspepsia, the analysis for HP was positive.

This infection has been found to have a negative effect on gastric motility.

Symptoms of the manifestation of the disease

The general symptoms of functional dyspepsia can be divided into several main areas, depending on the clinical manifestations:

  1. Ulcer-like - characterized by localized pain in the stomach of the anterior abdominal wall. An exacerbation occurs after eating and drugs that negatively affect the child's intestinal tract;
  2. Reflux-like - after eating, belching, nausea, vomiting are often observed, there is a feeling of bloating;
  3. Dyskenetic - there are regular pains in the stomach, aggravated after eating. There is a lack of perception of fatty and dairy foods;
  4. Nonspecific - does not occur in children.

Symptoms may vary depending on the age and nature of the disease. Therefore, in order to better understand how this disease proceeds and to identify its first signs, it is necessary to understand in detail the manifestations of this disease depending on age.

Dyspepsia in children of the first year of life

So, it occurs quite often in the first years of their life. It can proceed in different ways: develop instantly or progressively. Harbingers of this disease may be such symptoms:

  • defecation begins to occur more often;
  • there is a decrease in appetite;
  • anxiety may be present;
  • regurgitation becomes more frequent after eating.

After a few days, the frequency of stools can reach up to 7 times a day. Moreover, it becomes more liquid, its color and smell change.

Mucus may be present in the stool. Minor regurgitation is replaced by regular vomiting. Appetite is reduced until the complete refusal of food. Severe colic in the abdomen is often disturbing, the child shows this by stretching his legs up and crying.

Against the background of this disease, many other diseases can develop, in particular, thrush, stomatitis.

In premature or weakened babies, dyspepsia occurs in a more acute form. There is an increase in temperature, the stool becomes watery, and its frequency can reach up to 20 times a day.

Frequent vomiting, high temperature, together with diarrhea, lead to a significant loss of fluid - dehydration of the body, retraction of a large fontanel, weight loss. The face changes, pallor appears, his gaze will be fixed at one point, his reflex functions are significantly reduced. Such standing without timely treatment can be fatal for the baby.

Functional dyspepsia in adolescents

Older children have frequent abdominal pain, weakness. As a rule, there is rapid satiety, after eating there is nausea, a feeling of heaviness, belching.

In the advanced stages of indigestion, there is an alternation of constipation and diarrhea, headaches are present, and the likelihood of developing duodenogastric reflux increases. It should be noted that the situation is exacerbated by the stressful state of adolescents.

Diagnosis of the disease

First of all, it is aimed at differentiating the nature of the disorder: an organic disease or a functional one?

Since there is no clearly established cause of the disease, the study of children with suspected functional dyspepsia is carried out comprehensively. It includes:

  • examination of the patient with a complete collection of anamnesis;
  • the nature of the disorder of the digestive system is established. The doctor prescribes an ultrasound of the abdominal organs, an x-ray of the stomach. The time of admission and the type of examinations are calculated individually depending on the course of the disease;
  • laboratory tests are a detailed analysis of blood, feces and urine;
  • study of the coprogram - using the method, single leukocytes, mucus are detected;
  • study of the gastrointestinal tract.

Since this is almost always associated with a violation of the nervous system, a consultation of a neurologist and a psychologist is prescribed.

During the consultation, the doctor takes into account all the symptoms and draws up an examination plan that will identify the cause of the development of disorders in the gastrointestinal tract.

Treatment of functional dyspepsia in children

Functional dyspepsia of mild form in children is treated on an outpatient basis. The basis of treatment is the selection of nutrition. In most cases, a simple adjustment is enough. But in some cases it is required:

  • cancellation of all products that can lead to violations. Undesirable include: spicy seasonings, semi-finished products, smoked meats, carbonated drinks;
  • compliance with the diet and diet, but when choosing a diet, age must be taken into account so that a sick child has the opportunity to receive all the nutrients he needs, according to his age;
  • infants are recommended to reduce the amount of food, as well as replace one or two feedings with water or tea;
  • babies are recommended glucose-salt solutions;
  • enzymes are prescribed to improve digestion;
  • sorbents - remove toxins from the body;
  • antispasmodics to relieve abdominal pain.

However, the dosage of all drugs should be age-appropriate, and after the onset of the first signs of improvement, bifidus and lactobacilli are recommended.

A severe variant is treated in a hospital setting. Therapy is prescribed taking into account the age and characteristics of the course of the disease. In the most difficult situations, plasma transfusion and antibiotic therapy may be required.

One who suffers from a disease must lead a special way of life. When it comes to infants, compliance with the temperature regime, a thorough examination and monitoring of the dynamics is required.

Disease prevention

The complexity of functional dyspepsia is such that it can strike no matter what lifestyle the child has. .

Therefore, even with diet and feeding regimens, the risk of developing the disease does not decrease.

However, parents can prevent the formation of indigestion. Babies need to be very careful to introduce complementary foods, monitor their cleanliness and undergo regular examinations. As for teenagers, things are a little more complicated here.

It is simply impossible to keep them from eating junk food, such as chips, crackers and other things. Therefore, parents can do one thing - to ensure that children receive vitamins in the right amount for them.

Dyspepsia in children is a fairly common disease characterized by a violation of the digestive process. Often, such an ailment is diagnosed in children in the first year of life, and the severity of the course directly depends on the amount of food consumed. This is due to the fact that the volume of food consumed does not always correspond to the capabilities of the gastrointestinal tract. There are several varieties of this syndrome in children - simple and toxic. In the first case, the functioning of the digestive tract is disrupted, in the second, a metabolic disorder is observed.

There are several reasons for the occurrence of such a disorder in babies - the immaturity of the organs of the digestive system, a sharp transition to artificial nutrition, the introduction of new products into the child's diet. But some experts believe that genetic predisposition or insufficient production of enzymes can serve as predisposing factors for the occurrence.

Such a disease in children is manifested by characteristic symptoms - severe pain in the abdomen, complaints of stomach fullness, early satiety, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, which can be replaced by constipation, as well as the occurrence of heartburn and belching.

Diagnostic measures for dyspeptic syndrome include laboratory tests of feces and blood, as well as instrumental examinations, including ultrasound and endoscopy. All these procedures are necessary in order to find the cause of the disease. Treatment of the disease depends on the results of the diagnosis and the type of course. With simple dyspepsia, therapy consists in the abolition of the product that caused the disorder, and the administration of medications that reduce the manifestation of characteristic signs. In the toxic form, treatment in a medical facility is necessary, as plasma transfusions, intravenous medications and antibiotics may be necessary.

There are several groups of factors that affect the appearance of dyspeptic syndrome. They depend on the age group of the child. Thus, the reasons for the formation of dyspepsia in young children are:

  • irrational or irregular feeding of the baby;
  • frequent overfeeding of the child;
  • early and illiterate introduction of complementary foods to infants;
  • introduction to the diet of foods or dishes that do not correspond to age;
  • insufficient production of beneficial intestinal bacteria;
  • non-compliance with the established diet by a woman during breastfeeding;
  • defects in digestive enzymes is a hereditary disorder during which diseases associated with metabolism develop;
  • overheating of the body of the child.

Causes of the onset and development of the syndrome in older children:

  • malnutrition - the predominance of one or another group of nutrients, for example, only fats or carbohydrates;
  • eating low-quality products;
  • increased secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach during its inflammation - gastritis;
  • taking certain medications, such as antibiotics or hormonal substances;
  • prolonged exposure to stressful situations;
  • acute intoxication - in case of food poisoning or infectious and purulent diseases;
  • violation of the movement of food due to improper motility of the digestive tract.

Causes of dyspepsia in children

A pronounced dyspeptic syndrome in a child requires immediate treatment, since a long-term illness can cause serious complications.

Medicine knows two main types of the disease:

  • simple form- characterized by damage only to the organs of the digestive system;
  • toxic- represents a much greater danger, because metabolic disorders occur. Symptoms in this form are pronounced and disappear for a long time.

In addition, dyspeptic syndrome is divided depending on nutritional errors and causes. Thus, the disease is divided into:

  • fermentation- It is formed on the basis of eating a large amount of carbohydrates. For example, kvass and beer, legumes and fruits, cabbage and bread;
  • putrid- the predominance of protein in food, due to the use of a large amount of meat and eggs;
  • fatty- excessive intake of fats in the body.

Classification of the disease as the characteristic symptoms of the syndrome appear in children:

  • ulcerative- expressed by severe pain in the stomach, which disappear after eating. Therapy is carried out by taking medications;
  • reflux-like- there is the appearance of belching, heartburn and bloating;
  • dyskinetic- expressed by the occurrence of discomfort in the abdomen, which intensifies after eating, and increased gas emission;
  • non-specific.

There are also several other classifications, but they are most typical for adults.

The clinical manifestation of dyspeptic syndrome in newborns and older children begins with the expression of a simple form of the disease, which is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • constipation, which later gives way to diarrhea. The frequency of emptying can be more than five times a day;
  • the presence of mucus and characteristic lumps in the feces, which may have a white, yellow or green tint;
  • an increase in the volume of the abdomen;
  • increased gas separation;
  • fast saturation;
  • decrease or complete lack of appetite;
  • the occurrence of intestinal colic;
  • belching.

The duration of this form of the disease is approximately one week. If treatment is not started during this time, a more severe form of the disease develops - toxic. In this case, the expression of symptoms such as:

  • a significant increase in body temperature, up to a feverish state;
  • persistent nausea and frequent vomiting;
  • diarrhea - the frequency of emptying reaches twenty times a day;
  • severe dehydration;
  • sinking of a large fontanel in newborns;
  • significant weight loss;
  • decreased manifestation of reflexes;
  • lack of interest in new toys or people;
  • convulsions.

Symptoms of dyspepsia in children

The toxic form of the syndrome can cause impaired consciousness, the development of a coma and the death of young children.

Diagnosis of dyspepsia in children includes a whole range of tools, and consists of an examination by a pediatrician and a pediatric gastroenterologist, laboratory tests and instrumental examinations.

First of all, the doctor needs to get acquainted with the medical history of the patient and his immediate family. This is necessary in order to exclude or confirm the genetic factors for the onset of the disease. After that, the specialist needs to find out the first time, intensity and duration of symptoms. Then a thorough examination is carried out.

Instrumental diagnostic methods include:

  • acidity test;
  • EGDS is a procedure during which a specialist examines the inner surface of the organs of the digestive system using a special tool. In this case, a mandatory biopsy is necessary;
  • determination of acidity in the stomach;
  • respiratory diagnostics - necessary to detect the bacterium Helicobacter pylori;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs;
  • colonoscopy;
  • radiography with the use of a contrast agent;
  • determination of motility of the stomach and intestines;
  • manometry - carried out to assess the motor function of the esophagus;
  • probing - gastric or duodenal.

In addition, additional consultations of a pediatric neurologist and psychologist are necessary, since such a disease is often accompanied by disorders of the nervous system.

After the detection of the characteristic symptoms of the disease and the diagnosis, drug and non-drug therapy is used to treat the disease in children.

Non-drug treatment consists of:

  • restriction of food intake - for six hours to give only liquid. In the future, follow the rules of nutrition according to the age group of the child;
  • the implementation of massage movements on the abdomen, clockwise;
  • walk with the baby after he has eaten. For twenty minutes, provide him with a vertical position;
  • exclusion of excessively tight swaddling;
  • dietary regulation in older children and adolescents;
  • complete elimination of overeating.

Drug treatment of dyspepsia consists in taking medications aimed at eliminating the signs of the disease. Patients are often prescribed - painkillers, proton pump blockers, drugs to reduce acidity, enzyme substances that normalize the digestion process. In addition, it is necessary to visit a psychotherapist and take psychotropic drugs.

Treatment of dyspepsia in children

Severe forms of dyspepsia in children are eliminated in a medical institution. In such cases, therapy includes plasma transfusion, the introduction of plasma replacement or saline solutions. You may need intravenous injections of drugs aimed at eliminating the symptoms and the disease that caused this ailment.

Preventive measures for such a disorder are to follow simple rules:

  • maintaining a rational and balanced diet, according to the age of the child;
  • complete exclusion of overeating, eating low-quality foods and fast food;
  • maintaining a healthy lifestyle - for teenagers;
  • regular performance of moderate physical activity;
  • hygiene before eating;
  • regular visits to the pediatrician, at least once a year.

In most cases, dyspepsia in children has a favorable prognosis, ends in complete recovery and does not entail complications. But with untimely treatment, the prognosis is not so comforting. A toxic form of the disease can develop, which can lead to coma or death.

Childhood dyspepsia is an upset stomach. Dyspepsia causes the baby severe discomfort in the digestive system. Children often suffer from recurrent abdominal pain. Dyspepsia is found in 20% of children aged 7 to 12 years. Girls are more susceptible to this disease. It is not always possible to find the cause of dyspepsia, it is found only in 40% of cases, it happens that the disease appears and disappears on its own. However, this does not exclude the fact that in some babies dyspepsia can recur for years.

Types of dyspepsia

Depending on the cause of occurrence, the disease is divided into the following types:

  1. fermentative dyspepsia in children - the cause of the occurrence is the child's excessive consumption of carbohydrates and fermented drinks. There are especially a lot of carbohydrates in potatoes, which children love so much (fries), as well as in flour products, pasta, for example.
  2. putrefactive dyspepsia in children. An excess of protein in the diet provokes a putrefactive type of disease. Eating large amounts of lamb and pork meat, which is processed by the digestive system for a very long time, may well provoke the appearance of putrefactive dyspepsia. That is, the products do not have time to be digested, and a putrefactive process occurs in the body. The same is observed when eating stale meat.
  3. fatty dyspepsia. Refractory and slowly digested fats in every possible way contribute to the appearance of this ailment.

Two main types of disease

There is simple and toxic dyspepsia. The difference lies in the fact that simple dyspepsia in children is when the organs of the digestive system suffer, and in the second case, the metabolism is disturbed. The toxic type is a great danger to the child, as it quickly spreads throughout the body, affecting other organs.

Most often, the cause of such a disease is non-compliance with the water-tea diet, which is prescribed for young children, or simply insufficient fluid intake by the baby. Toxic dyspepsia often affects premature babies, children suffering from rickets, dystrophy.

Variants of functional dyspepsia in children

Like any other disease, functional dyspepsia in children carries a threat to overall health. Constant relapses adversely affect the functioning of the digestive system, concomitant diseases of the gastrointestinal tract may occur, doctors call dyspepsia chronic gastritis, and this can eventually develop into an ulcer. Also, due to constant dyspepsia, the immunity of the child as a whole is weakened, since the disease exhausts the body.

There are three options for functional dyspepsia, with each of which we will introduce you.


It is characterized by pain in the epigastric region. As a rule, they occur after eating, especially acute after overeating. Also, the symptoms of the disease are felt after taking medications intended for the treatment of acid-dependent diseases of the digestive system.


At the same time, the child eats up very quickly, the feeling of satiety appears literally after a couple of minutes from the start of the meal. After each meal in the epigastric region, supersaturation, a sour taste is felt. Nausea and mild vomiting may also occur.


The child shows signs of both variants of dyspepsia.


The cause of functional dyspepsia is often malnutrition. This concept is very broad, so specific provoking factors are:

  • a sharp change in diet or lifestyle, as a result of which nutrition also changes;
  • irregular meals, lack of breakfast, lunch or dinner;
  • constant overeating;
  • fast food, quick snacks, dry food;
  • excessive consumption of carbohydrates or proteins, for example.

The cause of absolutely any disease may well be nerves. Frequent stressful situations can also lead to chronic gastritis, namely this:

  • death of a loved one;
  • frequent quarrels in the family or even divorce of parents;
  • lack of friends, bad relationships in the team;
  • fears;
  • poor academic performance or non-compliance with the requirements of parents.

The fact is that during increased nervousness, hormones are released, and this, in turn, provokes an excessive release of hydrochloric acid hormones.

What happens to a child with functional dyspepsia

The gastrointestinal tract is undergoing major changes, namely:

  1. violation of the motor function of the stomach;
  2. indigestion;
  3. weakening of the digestive system;
  4. from the duodenum, almost undigested food enters the stomach;
  5. insufficient work of the stomach during the digestion of food.

This disease is easily confused with another. We provide a list of symptoms that are NOT characteristic of functional dyspepsia:

  • non-standard and inadequate behavior of the child during the next attack;
  • awakening at night due to severe pain or insomnia for this reason;
  • diarrhea;
  • anorexia;
  • pain in the joints;
  • fever;
  • irradiation of pain.

If your baby has any of these signs, most likely this is not functional dyspepsia, or this disease has combined with another. In any case, you should immediately go to the hospital.

Acute dyspepsia

Dyspepsia in young children often becomes acute. It appears due to the discrepancy between the volume and composition of the food consumed by the baby and the physiological capabilities of his digestive system. Signs of acute dyspepsia:

  1. regurgitation;
  2. diarrhea;
  3. heterogeneous stool, sometimes with mucus;
  4. slow growth.

The main method of struggle in case your baby has acute dyspepsia is food unloading - you need to skip 1-2 feedings, replacing food with liquid.


Dyspepsia can easily be confused with many other diseases of the digestive system. Therefore, it is imperative to make a differential diagnosis, in no case should you resort to self-treatment.

In order to verify the presence of dyspepsia, the patient is prescribed:

  • FEGDS;
  • research on NR.

To understand the nature of the disease, as well as the degree of damage to the abdominal cavity, the child may also be prescribed daily monitoring of intragastric pH.

With dyspepsia in children, hypersensitivity of the stomach is often detected, this is determined using a special barostat test. In medicine, there is still a whole list of ways that allow you to learn as much as possible about the condition of the baby's stomach, but most of them are very expensive.

One of the easiest and most affordable methods is to keep a child's food diary. It's simple: you write down when the child eats, goes to the toilet in a big way, indicate the nature and time of the onset of dyspepsia symptoms, as well as all sorts of factors due to which the baby may be stressed. Such a diary should be kept for at least 2 weeks. This is the minimum period for which you can learn a lot of information about the disease.

How to cure

The first thing to understand is that treatment should be started immediately, and before that, seek help from a doctor. Perhaps herbal decoctions will not harm the child, but if they do not bring benefits, then it will simply be wasted time, during which the disease will have time to develop.


Since the problems relate to the digestive system, we start with the nutrition of the child. As a rule, malnutrition is the result of an unhealthy lifestyle. When a baby has low activity, he rarely wants to eat, the whole body suffers from this. The ideal option for a children's diet is to eat food in small portions throughout the day, that is, the famous separate meals. We completely exclude allergic foods from the diet, that is, those after the use of which in large quantities the child has an allergic reaction.

Just fine if the baby does not eat fatty and fried foods, smoked meats, soda, sweets. It is quite difficult to restrict a child in anything, so such products are allowed, but in a minimal amount. Often, these changes in diet help to get rid of the symptoms of functional dyspepsia.


Few diseases go away without medical treatment. In this disease, drugs are prescribed in accordance with the option.

The dyskinetic variant requires prokinetics, namely, motilium is required. 1 mg of the substance is calculated per 1 kg of the child's weight. Sometimes the doctor prescribes metoclopromide, which should be taken half an hour before meals. But the latter often provokes side effects. Medicines of this type are given to be taken within 14-20 days, depending on the prescription.

A non-specific variant is not treated with medications. Most often, such dyspepsia can be eliminated by a simple dietary adjustment. If this does not help, then the problem lies in the psychological state of the child. So you should contact a psychotherapist, in a few sessions a good specialist will save your baby from discomfort in the stomach.


You can not discount the traditional methods of treatment. But if you are already an adherent of traditional ways of getting rid of diseases, first consult a doctor. Yes, you have met these words a million times, but we are talking about a baby whose health should be carefully protected from the rash actions of parents.

  1. Blackberry will save you from troubles. It will take 10 g of blackberry bush roots. Pour them with 0.5 liters of water and put on fire, the roots should be boiled until 1/3 of the liquid has boiled away. After that, we strain the resulting broth and add exactly the same amount of red wine to it. You should take 2 tbsp. l. every 4 hours.
  2. Fennel comes to the rescue. Fennel is also called pharmacy dill, it can be found in any pharmacy for a penny price. 10 berries of this plant must be poured with 200 ml of boiling water. After that, put a container with fennel and water on the fire, boil for 15 minutes, then set to cool. When the broth reaches room temperature, strain it - we need exactly 200 ml of liquid. The decoction should be drunk throughout the day, this remedy quickly eliminates digestive problems.
  3. Wormwood - bitter, but useful. Pour a tablespoon of ordinary wormwood with a glass of boiling water. Leave for half an hour and strain. The dosage of this remedy should be consulted with a doctor.


Any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. In order for your child not to know all the "charms" of functional dyspepsia, you should follow simple rules:

  • balanced and rational nutrition;
  • if you are a nursing mother, you need to carefully monitor your diet plus feeding hygiene is required;
  • the child should not overeat;
  • it is necessary to treat various diseases of the digestive system in time;
  • eliminate as much as possible the amount of stress in the child's life;
  • Give your baby a normal amount of time to rest.

Dyspepsia is not so scary if detected and treated in time. The child must eat right, because in addition to this disease, there is a whole list of ailments that can appear in a baby whose diet is based on hamburgers.

In recent years, there has been a rapid increase in the number of patients diagnosed with functional dyspepsia.

And, despite significant advances in the field of pediatrics, the growth trend is sustainable.

According to research results, functional dyspepsia in children ranks second in the structure of childhood morbidity.

That is why this problem is so acute today.

What is functional dyspepsia

Dyspepsia is a symptom complex of digestive disorders. This concept is preliminary.

It is used in the initial stages of in-depth diagnostics. In the future, after a series of analyzes and studies, this diagnosis can be deciphered:

  • organic dyspepsia - gastritis of various forms, peptic ulcer;
  • functional dyspepsia - disorders of the digestive system.

Today, it is quite difficult to get a detailed answer to the question of what functional dyspepsia is and why it occurs in children of different ages.

This is not possible because the pathogenesis of the disease has not yet been fully studied. However, most development mechanisms today have already been deciphered.

Functional dyspepsia in children can manifest itself in many ways and include many symptoms, such as indigestion, heaviness after eating, early satiety, frequent belching and sometimes nausea, so careful diagnosis and treatment is required.

Causes of pathology

In a child, like any functional disorder, functional dyspepsia is an ailment caused by a malfunction in the motor function, in this case, the upper digestive tract and duodenum. In young children, a disease such as functional dyspepsia can develop with malfunctions at any level:

  • local - the nervous system of the stomach and intestines, the receptor apparatus;
  • peripheral - pathways;
  • central - the brain;
  • motor disorders - a decrease in the preparedness of the stomach for incoming food, its timely emptying.

There are many reasons for the development of functional dyspepsia, among them there are alimentary ones:

  • irregular meals;
  • eating flour products in large quantities without drinking liquids;
  • abuse of spices, fatty foods;
  • binge eating.

Sometimes the cause of the development of the disease can be neuropsychic stress, when the child is faced with problems that are difficult for him to endure. For example, the death of a relative, abuse in the family, the rejection of a teenager among peers, constant fear, anxiety.

Recently, the role of Helicobacter pylori infection has been actively studied, since approximately 70% of children who have been diagnosed with functional dyspepsia, the analysis for HP was positive.

This infection has been found to have a negative effect on gastric motility.

Symptoms of the manifestation of the disease

The general symptoms of functional dyspepsia can be divided into several main areas, depending on the clinical manifestations:

  1. Ulcer-like - characterized by localized pain in the stomach of the anterior abdominal wall. An exacerbation occurs after eating and drugs that negatively affect the child's intestinal tract;
  2. Reflux-like - after eating, belching, nausea, vomiting are often observed, there is a feeling of bloating;
  3. Dyskenetic - there are regular pains in the stomach, aggravated after eating. There is a lack of perception of fatty and dairy foods;
  4. Nonspecific - does not occur in children.

Symptoms may vary depending on the age and nature of the disease. Therefore, in order to better understand how this disease proceeds and to identify its first signs, it is necessary to understand in detail the manifestations of this disease depending on age.

Dyspepsia in children of the first year of life

So, simple dyspepsia occurs in the first years of their lives quite often. It can proceed in different ways: develop instantly or progressively. Harbingers of this disease can be the following symptoms:

  • defecation begins to occur more often;
  • there is a decrease in appetite;
  • anxiety may be present;
  • regurgitation becomes more frequent after eating.

After a few days, the frequency of stools can reach up to 7 times a day. Moreover, it becomes more liquid, its color and smell change.

Mucus may be present in the stool. Minor regurgitation is replaced by regular vomiting. Appetite is reduced until the complete refusal of food. Severe colic in the abdomen is often disturbing, the child shows this by stretching his legs up and crying.

Against the background of this disease, many other diseases can develop, in particular, thrush, stomatitis.

In premature or weakened babies, dyspepsia occurs in a more acute form. There is an increase in temperature, the stool becomes watery, and its frequency can reach up to 20 times a day.

Frequent vomiting, high temperature, together with diarrhea, lead to a significant loss of fluid - dehydration of the body, retraction of a large fontanel, weight loss. The face changes, pallor appears, his gaze will be fixed at one point, his reflex functions are significantly reduced. Such standing without timely treatment can be fatal for the baby.

Functional dyspepsia in adolescents

Older children have frequent abdominal pain, weakness. As a rule, there is rapid satiety, after eating there is nausea, a feeling of heaviness, belching.

In the advanced stages of indigestion, there is an alternation of constipation and diarrhea, headaches are present, and the likelihood of developing duodenogastric reflux increases. It should be noted that the situation is exacerbated by the stressful state of adolescents.

Diagnosis of the disease

First of all, it is aimed at differentiating the nature of the disorder: an organic disease or a functional one?

Since there is no clearly established cause of the disease, the study of children with suspected functional dyspepsia is carried out comprehensively. It includes:

  • examination of the patient with a complete collection of anamnesis;
  • the nature of the disorder of the digestive system is established. The doctor prescribes an ultrasound of the abdominal organs, an x-ray of the stomach. The time of admission and the type of examinations are calculated individually depending on the course of the disease;
  • laboratory tests are a detailed analysis of blood, feces and urine;
  • study of the coprogram - using the method, single leukocytes, mucus are detected;
  • study of the gastrointestinal tract.

Since such a disorder is almost always associated with a violation of the nervous system, a consultation with a neurologist and a psychologist is prescribed.

During the consultation, the doctor takes into account all the symptoms and draws up an examination plan that will identify the cause of the development of disorders in the gastrointestinal tract.

Treatment of functional dyspepsia in children

Functional dyspepsia of mild form in children is treated on an outpatient basis. The basis of treatment is the selection of nutrition. In most cases, a simple adjustment is enough. But in some cases it is required:

  • cancellation of all products that can lead to violations. Undesirable include: spicy seasonings, semi-finished products, smoked meats, carbonated drinks;
  • compliance with the diet and diet, but when choosing a diet, age must be taken into account so that a sick child has the opportunity to receive all the nutrients he needs, according to his age;
  • infants are recommended to reduce the amount of food, as well as replace one or two feedings with water or tea;
  • babies are recommended glucose-salt solutions;
  • enzymes are prescribed to improve digestion;
  • sorbents - remove toxins from the body;
  • antispasmodics to relieve abdominal pain.

However, the dosage of all drugs should be age-appropriate, and after the onset of the first signs of improvement, bifidus and lactobacilli are recommended.

A severe variant is treated in a hospital setting. Therapy is prescribed taking into account the age and characteristics of the course of the disease. In the most difficult situations, plasma transfusion and antibiotic therapy may be required.

One who suffers from a disease must lead a special way of life. When it comes to infants, compliance with the temperature regime, a thorough examination and monitoring of the dynamics is required.

Disease prevention

The complexity of functional dyspepsia is such that it can strike no matter what lifestyle the child has. .

Therefore, even with diet and feeding regimens, the risk of developing the disease does not decrease.

However, parents can prevent the formation of indigestion. Babies need to be very careful to introduce complementary foods, monitor their cleanliness and undergo regular examinations. As for teenagers, things are a little more complicated here.

It is simply impossible to keep them from eating junk food, such as chips, crackers and other things. Therefore, parents can do one thing - to ensure that children receive vitamins in the right amount for them.

Dyspepsia is a disease that affects the healthy functioning of the digestive system in children and causes unpleasant symptoms, including nausea, indigestion, vomiting, and deterioration in the general condition of the baby.

Diagnosis of this disease in children is to identify the root cause of dyspepsia and its further elimination.

The prevalence of this symptom complex is quite wide. Dyspepsia occurs in 15% to 40% of children. The issue of studying this disease is within the competence of not only a gastroenterologist, but also other doctors.

This is explained by the fact that the frequency of dyspepsia in children depends on the anatomical and physiological characteristics, as well as on the functioning of the nervous system and metabolism.


Dyspepsia in children can be divided into two main forms: toxic and simple.

In the toxic form in young patients, the metabolism is disturbed and the body is poisoned with toxins. This form very often develops along with SARS or otitis media. A simple type of dyspepsia is accompanied by a disorder in the digestive tract.

Very often, the toxic form is the result of a simple one. The process of transition from one form to another is due to the accumulation of harmful elements (decay products) in the child's body and further poisoning of the baby.

Separately, according to the nature of the violation, the following forms of dyspepsia in children are distinguished:

  1. functional. With functional dyspepsia in children, the general functions of the gastrointestinal tract are disturbed. Very often, this ailment is not detected during gastroenterological examination.
  2. Putrid. This type of dyspepsia is caused by the intake of an excessive amount of proteins into the body of a small patient. Elements of protein breakdown are quickly absorbed into the intestinal walls and into the blood. At the same time, children develop severe diarrhea, nausea and frequent vomiting.
  3. Fermentation. Most often caused by excess carbohydrates in the body, which is associated with improper feeding of the child. The baby suffers from severe diarrhea.
  4. Physiological. This type of dyspepsia is also called transient catarrh. This condition occurs in newborns, approximately 3-4 days after birth. Cal at the same time liquid, heterogeneous. Such a chair is removed for 2-4 days.
  5. Steatorrhea. This type of dyspepsia appears when too many fatty foods enter the body of young children. At the same time, the baby's feces become very greasy and sticky, it is washed off from the diaper badly.

Causes of pathology

Dyspepsia in children can be triggered by many reasons, some of them are alimentary - related to food.

Among them:

  • irregular meals by the child;
  • change in diet;
  • dry food;
  • malnutrition and overeating;
  • abuse of fatty, pickled, spicy foods and dishes.

In the case of children, quite often dyspepsia also occurs on a psycho-emotional background:

  • overwork during training;
  • frequent moving and change of environment;
  • cruelty in the family;
  • frequent quarrels of parents in front of the child;
  • children's fears and much more.

In infants, dyspepsia most often occurs for alimentary reasons. The stomach of babies is adapted to only one type of food, and its change can lead to significant disturbances in the digestive tract.

Very often, the cause of dyspepsia is a sudden introduction of complementary foods or a gradual transition to an artificial type of feeding.

Doctors remind that one of the important factors in the occurrence of dyspepsia is excessive overheating of the child. Together with sweating in the body of a child, there are sharp electrolyte losses and a decrease in acidity.

All children are susceptible to dyspepsia, but much more often weaker, premature babies, as well as small patients who have undergone any complex illness, suffer from the disease:

  • rickets;
  • allergies;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • diathesis;
  • anemia;
  • hypotrophy and more.


A simple type of dyspepsia in the vast majority of cases occurs in children of the first years of life. The following signs may be harbingers of the disease:

  • increased stool;
  • frequent regurgitation;
  • loss of appetite, refusal to eat;
  • child's restlessness.

Usually, after about 3 days, the increase in stool in the baby reaches 6-7 times. The consistency of the stool becomes heterogeneous, liquid, with impurities of mucus. Babies also have the following symptoms:

  • regurgitation and vomiting;
  • bloating;
  • flatulence.

Intestinal colic worries children the most. At the same time, just before the act of defecation, the child becomes restless and fussy, crying. The increase in body weight in a child stops due to the refusal of the baby to eat.

Usually, simple dyspepsia lasts up to a week. The consequences can be thrush, diaper rash and stomatitis.

In children who are weakened, there may be a transformation of ordinary dyspepsia into a dangerous, toxic form. In this case, the child has the following symptoms:

  • uncontrollable, frequent vomiting;
  • fever, a significant increase in temperature;
  • stool with a frequency of up to 15-20 times a day.

The chair becomes watery, with elements of the epithelium. The child loses a significant amount of fluid due to diarrhea and vomiting. The following additional symptoms are observed:

  • dehydration;
  • weight loss;
  • sinking of a large fontanel;
  • mask-like facial features;
  • dryness of mucous membranes and skin;
  • convulsions.

Toxic dyspepsia is the most dangerous disease for children. With it, children can experience impaired consciousness, children often fall into a coma. To prevent these conditions and the loss of a child, you should immediately consult a doctor when the first symptoms of the disease are detected.

In older children, functional dyspepsia is manifested by the following characteristic symptoms:

  • pain after meals;
  • nausea, followed by vomiting;
  • fast saturation;
  • a feeling of fullness in the stomach, a state of overeating;
  • heartburn, burning in the retrosternal region;
  • alternating diarrhea and constipation;
  • sweating;
  • dizziness.


Dyspepsia in children is almost never distinguished by any special symptoms, and this does not allow a diagnosis to be made without certain diagnostic measures.

The most important condition is the passage of differential diagnosis.

The following instrumental diagnostic methods can be prescribed:

  • FEGDS;
  • fluoroscopy;
  • study of the pH level.

Doctors also recommend that parents keep a special diary where meals will be noted, what exactly and when the child ate, how many times the baby defecated during the day, and what was the consistency of the stool. You can also enter other symptoms and situations that have become stressful for the patient in the diary.

Recordings are kept for at least two consecutive weeks. This allows you to identify the causes of the disease and help the doctor make the correct diagnosis.

When diagnosing, the doctor must take into account the facts that are typical for dyspepsia:

  • lack of increasing pain;
  • absence of night pains;
  • the presence of other uncomfortable sensations (headaches, fatigue, drowsiness);
  • nutritional errors.

Differential diagnosis is especially necessary in cases where children suffer from lactose deficiency, dysbacteriosis, celiac disease, helminthiasis and intestinal infections.

It is also mandatory to study the coprogram in children. This allows you to optimally quickly make an accurate diagnosis and begin treatment of a small patient.

Treatment of dyspepsia in young children

Mild forms of dyspepsia do not require hospitalization of the baby. Usually, immediately after the examination and diagnosis, the doctor makes an appointment for therapy that can be done at home. Also, when prescribing treatment, the doctor must take into account the cause that led to dyskinesia.

For example, if the baby has suffered due to overfeeding, the doctor prescribes a temporary restriction of feeding or the replacement of some daily meals with warm water or herbal teas. One of the means that affects the child's body positively is dill water.

If the baby has suffered from low-quality mixtures, they urgently need to be replaced, and complementary foods should be stopped for a while. Babies can be prescribed sorbents.

This is necessary in cases where the disease threatens to turn into a toxic form. Since the disease is almost always accompanied by a strong increase in gas formation, the doctor may prescribe the use of a gas tube. The baby's tummy can be easily massaged and warmed with a barely warm diaper.

The main goal of treating children with severe forms of dyspepsia is to restore the water-salt balance, since dehydration threatens not only health, but also the life of a sick child. Immediately after treatment, the main goal of the doctor is to restore the microflora in the intestines of a small patient. For this purpose, the pediatrician may prescribe a number of drugs.

Forecast and prevention

The prognosis for the recovery of the baby is almost always favorable. The main thing is to contact the clinic in time to receive medical assistance. With the right approach, the disease goes away within 5-7 days.

Prevention should be based on proper, balanced nutrition of the child.

Diet and food intake should clearly correspond to the age of the child. In no case should you feed your child foods that are unusual for his age. Mom should also monitor the diet if the baby is breastfed. The timing and sequence of the introduction of certain products into the diet of the baby must be strictly observed.

Under no circumstances should you overfeed your baby. This can lead to functional dyspepsia. The amount of stress in a child's life should be reduced to a minimum. The baby also needs to rest enough for him the amount of time. Rest should take place according to the established regime.

It is worth treating infectious and general somatic ailments in a timely manner. There is absolutely no need to deal with the symptoms on your own. If the child has signs of illness, you need to contact the pediatrician as soon as possible.

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