How to collect an analysis on a nechiporenko adult. How to collect a urine test according to Nechiporenko, what it shows, interpretation of the results

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

Urine according to Nechiporenko - not everyone knows how to donate urine using this method, but the method of collecting an average portion of morning urine for testing in the laboratory is the most objective analysis, the most common.

The study allows you to make the most complete and accurate assessment of how the kidneys function and what condition they are in. After all, the doctor, based on laboratory tests, can prescribe effective therapy.

This analysis is most often prescribed to pregnant women, children, especially infants. When a urine test is prescribed according to Nechiporenko, not everyone knows how to take it correctly. To carry out the analysis, only morning urine is collected, the same one that accumulated in the bladder overnight and therefore was not subjected to any daily fluctuations. A volume of liquid is collected for the study, which is 70 ml (minimum). In addition, the air temperature at which the jar is transported to the laboratory is of no small importance.

If the material is too cool, the test result will be unreliable; in particular, a salt deposit will be detected, which is most often interpreted as kidney disease. The day before, before submitting your morning urine to the laboratory, you should limit the consumption of fruits and vegetables, as well as those that can change the color of the urine.

Moreover, taking any kind of diuretics is strictly prohibited. Material collected for further research must be delivered to the laboratory within several hours after collection. You should not store liquid in the refrigerator, as an example, because its properties will change, bacteria will begin to multiply, and some elements that are in normal sediment may be destroyed.

The resulting indicators will not be entirely accurate, unreliable, different from the norm, and therefore the diagnosis will most likely be made incorrectly. First of all, the morning toilet of the external genitalia must be carried out using ordinary soap and warm water. If you don’t have a bathroom at hand, you can use a weak solution of potassium permanganate or furatsilin for morning toilet.

If you skip this point in preparation for the analysis, then the material that will be collected will most likely give an incorrect result. The material will contain “excess” leukocytes and red blood cells, and therefore it will be very difficult to correctly diagnose the disease. The sample is collected in a special pharmaceutical container - dry, clean. The basic rule of collection is to collect an average portion of urine.

Initially, the patient urinates a little, then collects urine in a container, and then urinates again in non-containers. Urine is collected in a container according to Nechiporenko. How to get tested? It is worth making every effort to avoid touching the container with your body, so that foreign elements do not end up inside the material being tested. After the urine is collected, the container is carefully closed and transported to the laboratory for testing.

How to correctly pass a urine test according to Nechiporenko for a child and infant

How to correctly pass a urine test according to Nechiporenko in children? The material is taken according to the same principle as for an adult, that is, early in the morning after sleep. The child must first perform a standard morning toilet, and then dry thoroughly with a towel. The child receives a sterile container.

After the child is ready, he should be clearly explained how and what to do, that first he needs to pee in the toilet, then a little in a jar, and then completely empty his bladder into the toilet. About a day before you have to take a urine test, you should try to refrain from eating foods such as carrots and beets, because these foods color the urine. Moreover, you should stop drinking alcoholic beverages, meat products, sweet carbonated water, sweets and flour products.

It goes without saying that taking medications, in particular antibiotics, diuretics, and antimicrobial agents, is prohibited. For the analysis to be effective, you only need to collect night urine. Urine is collected in a special container - a plastic cup, sold in a pharmacy. If there is no such cup, use a clean and dry glass jar.

Before performing the act of urination, it is important to wash the external genitalia, with plain water, without soap or other hygiene products.

To begin the act of urination, and then finish it, you need to strictly go into the toilet, because the container is designed to collect medium urine.

Urine is delivered for testing within a couple of hours, because if it is stored a little longer, then the growth of bacteria is possible in it.

How to correctly pass a urine test according to Nechiporenko for an infant, because problems often arise with very young children and with infants. Young mothers are wondering how to collect the required amount of urine from a tiny miracle under three years old?

There are several options:

  • The child should be washed without using soap in the toilet.
  • A special urinal is secured around the external genitalia, and then the moment is waited until the child begins to pee.
  • The second option is to lay the baby on an oilcloth, and again, just wait until the child starts urinating, and then promptly place the container under the stream.
  • The doctor must be warned that the entire portion is being tested.

Urinalysis according to Nechiporenko: how to give it to pregnant women and interpretation of the results

Urinalysis according to Nechiporenko, which everyone should know how to take, is very often prescribed to pregnant women. The fact is that it is believed that this type of analysis is the most informative and allows for correct monitoring of kidney dysfunction.

The uterus grows in size and therefore puts pressure on neighboring organs. Since the kidneys are compressed, the indicators change for the worse. Due to congestion in the kidneys, infection may occur. As a result, this condition can be observed in the test results - an increased content of leukocytes, which is shown by a urine test according to Nechiporenko. Even a doctor will not tell you how to take two tests at once - a general one and an analysis according to Nechiporenko, since this is impossible, because the general analysis assumes that the entire contents of the bladder are given after sleep, and the second involves collecting only the middle portion. If you try to collect both analyzes in two different containers, one of the results is guaranteed to be neither informative nor objective.

Only morning urine is given to everyone, the first portion is flushed down the toilet (it has a very high concentration of salts), as well as the last portion, because it does not carry any information. It is not customary to follow a diet before taking the test, but you should still refrain from consuming fatty foods, alcoholic beverages, and eating meat before taking the test.

All these aspects concern primarily pregnant women, because such products provoke the appearance of protein in the urine, as well as changes in urine color.

If possible, it is worth reducing the use of herbal infusions and herbal teas, as well as reducing the use of medications to a minimum, and if this is not possible, then the doctor should be notified about this. About a day before the morning urine is collected, you need to exclude brightly colored fruits from the child’s diet so that the color of the urine does not change.

Since it is very difficult to collect urine in children, it is worth informing the doctor that it is not the average urine that is submitted for analysis, but the full portion after the morning emptying of the bladder. The analysis is not performed earlier than five days after the cystoscopy was performed. Moreover, urine is strictly not given on menstrual days.

The main condition for the analysis to be objective is compliance with genital hygiene, as well as sterile containers. The analysis is delivered to the laboratory immediately, within two hours after the urine is collected. If later, the result will be uninformative due to the fact that the acidity of the urine will change. Its normal pH level is slightly acidic. The counting process is carried out using a special device - a cylinder.

The normal indicators are as follows:

  • Leukocytes - up to 2000 units.
  • Red blood cells - up to 1000 units.
  • Cylinders - up to 20 units.

If there are deviations in the indicators, then this is evidence that there are certain pathological processes in the body that have affected the genitourinary system in one way or another. An increased number of leukocytes is evidence that there is an infection in the genitourinary system, and, in addition, an inflammatory process is developing.

Most often, this result indicates a disease such as cystitis. Since the number of leukocytes is noticeably higher than normal, the urine loses its transparency and becomes cloudy.

The sediment becomes abundant and the consistency is loose. An increased number of red blood cells does not mean anything; their structure is more important. If particles with an altered structure predominate, this is evidence of diseased kidneys.

Cylinders are a sign of the development of an abnormal process that affects kidney tissue. The types of cylinders can be very different, and therefore, depending on what type is detected, an appropriate diagnosis is made. It is important to realize that the results of the analysis do not make a diagnosis at all. The norm indicates that no pathologies have been identified in the urinary system, while various types of deviations, even minor ones, are a reason for a comprehensive examination.

Additionally prescribed:

  • Ultrasound examination of the kidneys.
  • Urine culture.
  • X-ray.

The Nechiporenko test is the simplest way to detect certain changes in a child’s health. If there is a deviation from the norm, you should immediately undergo a comprehensive examination. The doctor will be able to give recommendations regarding diagnosis, as well as subsequent treatment.

Urinalysis according to Nechiporenko is prescribed if the general clinical results show any abnormalities. For example, the presence of leukocytes or casts.

With this laboratory test, the amount of all components of urine can be accurately calculated. And this is very important if you take a urine test according to Nechiporenko during pregnancy, as a child, or if the doctor is concerned about the presence of a serious disease of the urinary system: pyelonephritis, cystitis, glomerulonephritis, urolithiasis, kidney infarction, etc. In a word, in order to take a urine test According to Nechiporenko, pregnancy is another indication.

Preparation before taking tests is simply necessary to obtain reliable results from a clinical study. Depends on:

  • how correctly a doctor will make a particular diagnosis and quickly begin treatment;
  • how many times will you have to go to the laboratory to get tested again during pregnancy, which is not very pleasant and not very safe during seasonal exacerbations of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections in the population.

But lately, we are increasingly faced with the fact that doctors themselves cannot clearly explain, and in some cases do not explain to patients the importance of this problem and how to collect a urine test according to Nechiporenko correctly. Therefore, we will try to clearly explain how to prepare and, most importantly, what you should and should not do when you go to get tested.

And in conclusion, let’s say a few words on the important topic “urine analysis according to Nechiporenko is normal.” What is considered the norm and what is a deviation.

  • leukocytes no more than 2000 in 1 ml;
  • red blood cells no more than 1000 in 1 ml;
  • no more than 20 hyaline casts per 1 ml; other types of casts found in urine (in any quantity) indicate pathology.

If a urine test according to Nechiporenko reveals elevated leukocytes, red blood cells or casts, this is a reason for further examination, and perhaps even hospitalization.

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Urinalysis according to Nechiporenko allows you to most accurately determine the problem that has arisen in the human genitourinary system. Namely, to confirm or refute such serious diagnoses as pyelonephritis, cystitis, amyloidosis, hydronephrosis and many others. To get the correct result, you should know how to properly take a urine test according to Nechiporenko.

During the patient’s initial visit to the doctor to make a diagnosis, he is prescribed general tests, which, however, may not always show an accurate picture of the state of the body. One of them is a general urinalysis - a study of urine (fluid produced by the kidneys).

When conducting this analysis, the following indicators are assessed:

  • transparency;
  • color;
  • smell;
  • density;
  • biochemical characteristics of urine.

If the attending physician finds abnormalities in the results of a general urine test (some indicators exceed the norm, or components are found that are not found in the urine of a healthy person at all), the patient should be prescribed additional tests. For this purpose, analysis is carried out using the method of Nechiporenko and Zimnitsky.

Urinalysis according to Nechiporenko is a microscopic examination of urine sediment, which determines the level of leukocytes, erythrocytes and casts in 1 ml of material. This method is more accurate than OAM and is used to clarify the diagnosis: assess the functioning of the kidneys and urinary tract, confirm or deny the presence of infection.

A healthy person has the following characteristics:

Deciphering an analysis using this method is the basis for making serious diagnoses, so it is necessary to thoroughly prepare for taking it.

Preparing for the test

Preparation for taking a sample includes:

  • refusal of certain foods and medications;
  • limiting physical activity on the eve of the procedure;
  • careful selection of a container for collecting urine;
  • hygiene of the external genitalia.

To prepare for taking a urine test, the day before the test, protect yourself from physical and emotional stress - for correct results, the patient’s body must be in relative peace during the collection of the material.

Preparing the Sterile Container

A sterile container for collecting urine can only be considered a container purchased at a pharmacy and intended specifically for this purpose. Other containers, including jars for food and cosmetics, even washed several times with soap and treated with boiling water, cannot guarantee absolute sterility, and therefore correct analysis results.

What should you not eat the night before?

Urine is a physiological fluid secreted by the kidneys, the composition of which is influenced by absolutely all substances that enter the human body.

In order not to distort the research results, you should avoid the following foods before taking the test:

  • spicy and fried foods;
  • medications;
  • products that have coloring properties and can change the color of urine (for example, beets);
  • alcohol.

Hygiene measures

Immediately before collecting material, it is important to carry out thorough hygiene of the genitals. The best option is to wash with running water without using detergents. If you use soap or any antibacterial agent, a small part of it will get into the urine, which will lead to the destruction of some of the microorganisms present in its composition. This will make it difficult to make a diagnosis.

Urine collection technique

To correctly collect the analysis according to Nechiporenko, take a medium portion of urine - it will not contain sediment from the bladder and washout from the urethra. This algorithm of actions will help to obtain the most accurate research results.

There are differences between how urine is collected in an adult and in children, especially infants.

In adults

To collect urine according to Nechiporenko from an adult, start urinating into the toilet, collect a medium portion of urine, without stopping urination, into a previously prepared sterile container, finish the process, again, into the toilet.

Collect morning urine excreted immediately after waking up.

In children

The process of collecting urine from children, especially very young infants, is quite problematic. To make this task easier, urinals were invented, which differ depending on the sex of the baby. After collecting the urine, it is placed in a sterile container and transported to the laboratory. In this case, it is impossible to collect an average portion of urine, which must be taken into account when deciphering the analysis results.

Urinal for girls Urinal for boys

Galina Nikolaevna Kuznetsova, a laboratory diagnostics doctor at the Visus-1 clinic, will tell you how to properly take a urine test according to Nechiporenko.

How much urine is needed for analysis and how long can it be stored?

Please note how much urine is needed for analysis according to Nechiporenko - a portion of 20-25 g is enough. It is advisable to immediately deliver the collected amount of urine to the laboratory.

If this is not possible, short-term storage of the container with urine in the refrigerator is allowed - no more than one and a half hours. Do not allow the material to overheat - bacteria will multiply and distort the results. There is no need to freeze urine, otherwise some of the cells will be destroyed, which will also affect the reliability of the analysis.

Contraindications for testing

No matter how hard you try to prepare for the test, there are a number of factors that will invariably distort the results of the study and are therefore a contraindication to its conduct.

Contraindications for taking a urine test according to Nechiporenko:

  1. Menstruation. The problem is that menstrual blood will get into the urine, and it will not be possible to correctly assess its composition.
  2. Diagnostic procedures on the bladder. These include cystoscopy and catheterization.
  3. Heavy physical activity or emotional stress.
  4. Exacerbation of allergies, especially in children.
  5. Presence of diaper rash on the genitals of infants.

Urinalysis is an important diagnostic method that allows timely detection of many diseases, primarily diseases of the urinary system. There are several ways to carry out this analysis, and one of the most accurate is urine analysis according to Nechiporenko. What is this method, and what are its advantages over others?

What it is?

The method was developed by the famous Soviet urologist A.Z. Nechiporenko. Its essence lies in counting certain biological elements per unit volume of urine, and not in the field of view of a microscope, as in conventional analysis. However, this analysis does not require complex equipment and does not take much time.

When is this type of analysis prescribed?

A urine test according to Nechiporenko is prescribed if the patient’s blood shows deviations from the norm and the doctor needs to clarify the nature of the pathology. Or confirm its presence, since a general analysis may not always give the correct result.

The Nechiporenko study in most cases is not a replacement for a standard urine test, but only serves as a supplement to it. Most often, the Nechiporenko study is prescribed by urologists, surgeons, therapists, and nephrologists.

Advantages of the Nechiporenko method:

  • does not require expensive equipment,
  • easy to perform for medical personnel,
  • does not require complex patient preparation,
  • does not require a large amount of urine.

What deviations in the general urine analysis can cause the Nechiporenko test to be prescribed:

  • Traces of blood
  • The presence of leukocytes,
  • The presence of protein
  • Increased levels of urea and creatinine.

In addition, the analysis is prescribed when acute or chronic diseases of the kidneys and urinary system are detected, for example, during an ultrasound examination. The basis for prescribing a Nechiporenko analysis may also be asymptomatic fever, systemic diseases with a high risk of kidney damage, and preventive examinations. Also, periodic analysis is carried out during the treatment of diseases of the urinary organs to monitor the effectiveness of treatment.

The analysis is often prescribed for women carrying a child, as it helps to identify some pathologies that can threaten the normal process of pregnancy and childbirth.

Why is this type of analysis necessary?

The analysis has greater diagnostic accuracy compared to a general urine test. Its use can identify a number of serious diseases of the urinary system and some other organs, conditions dangerous to the body, and assess kidney damage in certain systemic diseases (diabetes mellitus, systemic lupus erythematosus, trauma, amyloidosis).

What abnormalities can a doctor detect using analysis:

  • – inflammation of the renal pelvis;
  • glomerulonephritis – inflammation of the renal glomeruli, which are responsible for filtering and purifying the blood;
  • cystitis - inflammation of the bladder caused by infectious causes;
  • kidney stones - a condition in which uroliths are found in the kidneys - dense mineral formations;
  • kidney tumors;
  • kidney infarction;
  • prostatitis;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • hypertension.

What does a patient need to do to get tested?

In order for the data obtained as a result of the analysis to be correct (and the analysis does not have to be retaken several times), the patient must follow a number of simple rules:

  • Heavy physical activity the day before the analysis, visiting a bathhouse or sauna are excluded;
  • The day before the test, spicy and very sweet foods, alcohol, and vegetable juices, especially beet and carrot juices, are excluded from the diet (as they can change the color of urine). It is recommended to reduce the amount of protein foods;
  • You should not take diuretics two days before the test. If it is necessary to take medications, this circumstance should be agreed with your doctor;
  • It is not recommended to take antibacterial drugs, anti-inflammatory drugs (acetylsalicylic acid, ibuprofen, indomethacin) the day before the test;
  • On the day before the test, it is not recommended to drink too much liquid or refrain from drinking;
  • The first urine is collected after waking up in the morning;
  • Before collecting urine, it is recommended to wash the area surrounding the exit of the urethra with clean warm water;
  • When collecting urine, you should use only the liquid that was obtained in the middle of the urination process;
  • For analysis, it is enough to take 20-25 ml of urine;
  • It is recommended to store urine in a clean, closed plastic or glass container. Containers designed for this purpose can be purchased at the pharmacy;
  • Urine should be delivered to the laboratory no later than 2 hours after collection (if stored for a long time, bacteria may appear in it, and some important elements may begin to decompose).

When collecting urine from infants, you can use plastic urine collectors specially designed for this purpose. There are urine collectors for both boys and girls. You can stimulate urination in an infant by stroking the spine. When taking the test, you should warn the doctor that it contains all the urine from one act of urination.

Women should not take the test during menstruation, as this is likely to introduce blood into the urine. In case of exacerbation of inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary organs, it is recommended to postpone the analysis. Analysis is not carried out for such female diseases as colpitis, since there is a high probability of urine contamination with leukocytes from the area of ​​vaginal inflammation. Also, the analysis cannot be performed earlier than a week after retrograde urography, catheterization or cytoscopy.

Analysis methodology

The urine is mixed, and part of it is poured into a separate test tube. The tube is placed on the centrifuge and spun for 3 minutes. After which a sediment remains in the test tube. This sediment is subject to study. It is placed in a counting chamber, in which the amount of necessary elements in the urine is calculated using a microscope. Then the number of biological elements is multiplied by a coefficient so that their average amount in one milliliter can be determined.

Defined parameters

Using urine analysis according to Nechiporenko, the following parameters are determined:

  • the number of red blood cells - erythrocytes,
  • the number of white blood cells - leukocytes,
  • number of protein hyaline casts,
  • the presence of other cylindrical bodies (granular, waxy, epithelial, erythrocyte)

Exceeding the permissible norms for these parameters, as a rule, indicates various pathologies. The type of different blood cells also matters. For example, red blood cells in urine can be either live or dead (leached).


In a healthy person, the parameters should not exceed the following values:

  • red blood cells – 1000/ml,
  • leukocytes – 2000/ml,
  • hyaline casts – 20/ml.

Also, the urine should not contain other types of casts (granular, epithelial, erythrocyte, waxy), dead red blood cells, or bacteria. These standards are the same for people of all ages and genders.

If these parameters are exceeded, you should consult a doctor for advice.

What are the parameters being studied?

Red blood cells are blood cells that deliver oxygen to tissues. In theory, they should not be present in urine. But in practice, a small amount of red blood cells is still present in the urine. This is explained by the fact that some of the red blood cells leak through the renal barrier or the walls of the blood vessels of the tissues of the urinary organs. An abundance of red blood cells may indicate some kind of inflammatory process in the urinary tract or kidneys, injuries, tumors, stones.

Leukocytes are blood cells that perform immune functions. They may be present in urine in small concentrations. This indicates that the immune system is functioning normally. However, in the presence of infectious diseases, the number of leukocytes in the body increases. Therefore, an increased concentration of leukocytes in the urine may indicate some pathology.

Hyaline casts are casts of renal tubules in which reabsorption of a number of substances from primary urine occurs. They consist of protein that has not had time to be reabsorbed into the blood. The cylinders remain in the tubules for some time and are then washed out along with the urine. A small amount of hyaline casts can also be found in the urine of a healthy person. Their number often increases after intense physical activity or emotional stress.

Granular and epithelial casts are remnants of cells surrounding the renal tubules. Red blood cell casts are formed from red blood cells trapped in the tubules. Waxy casts are hyaline or granular cylinders that have been in the lumen of the tubule for a long time.

How to interpret the results of the analysis?

Typically, a response to a urine test according to Nechiporenko, if performed in an outpatient clinic, can be expected within a day. If the Nechiporenko test showed normal, but a general urine test did not, then what does this mean? As a rule, this means errors in performing a general urine test. Therefore, in such a case, a repeat general analysis is given, but after more thorough preparation.

What diseases may correspond to deviations from the norm when analyzed according to Nechiporenko? A deviation from the norm of the same parameter may indicate various pathologies, and a urine test alone will not be able to answer the question of what kind of disease the patient has.

Possible pathologies in case of deviations from the norm:

  • Leukocytes above 2000/ml – pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, acute pancreatitis, systemic lupus erythematosus, fever, urolithiasis, bladder tumors, appendicitis, cystitis, prostatitis and vesiculitis (in men);
  • Red blood cells above 1000/ml – kidney and bladder stones, prostate, kidney and bladder tumors, polyps, trauma and damage to the urinary organs, purulent cystitis, heart failure, endocarditis, hemophilia, kidney tuberculosis, systemic lupus erythematosus, vitamin C deficiency;
  • The presence of dead red blood cells – nephrotic syndrome, hypertension, nephropathies, glomerulonephritis;
  • Hyaline casts above 20/ml – pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, hypertension, taking diuretics in large dosages, emotional stress, dehydration and overheating of the body, signs of toxicosis (in pregnant women);
  • The presence of granular casts – active glomerulonephritis, malignant pyelonephritis together with urolithiasis, intoxication, infections, autoimmune and systemic connective tissue diseases, hydronephrosis at the stage of structural changes in the kidneys, intense physical activity;
  • The presence of waxy casts – amyloidosis, nephrotic syndrome, chronic renal failure, rejection of a transplanted kidney;
  • The presence of erythrocyte casts – hypertension, renal vein thrombosis, glomerulonephritis in the acute stage, renal infarction;
  • The presence of epithelial casts – acute tubular necrosis, viral infection, intoxication.

Only a urologist can make an accurate diagnosis. At the same time, he will focus not only on the results of the analysis, but also on the patient’s medical history, the results of other diagnostic procedures (blood tests, X-rays, ultrasound, endoscopy, MRI, computed tomography, etc.).

Urine examination using the Nechiporenko method allows you to accurately assess the condition of the renal and urinary systems, detect disturbances in their functioning, and identify a number of systemic diseases, diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract. The analysis is also prescribed to patients to monitor the therapeutic course carried out by a doctor and to women during pregnancy.

Urine testing using a special method, named after Dr. Nechiporenko, is considered an important clinical study offered to patients in cases where a general urine test has revealed some abnormalities.

The underlying reasons for conducting this testing

Nechiporenko’s technique determines the level of leukocytes, red blood cells and casts in one milliliter of test liquid and allows quite accurately diagnose serious diseases.

  • Cystitis- infectious inflammation of the bladder, which is accompanied by pain and pain when urinating.
  • Glomerulonephritis, both acute and chronic, when the inflammatory process affects the renal glomeruli. Signs of the disease include swelling, blood in the urine, and increased blood pressure.
  • Pyelonephritis- a serious illness that results in inflammation of the renal pelvis. The main symptoms are headaches and lumbar pain, high fever, loss of appetite, and general malaise.
  • Kidney stone disease, in which dense deposits accumulate in the kidneys or ureters, that is, stones form. Signs of nephrolithiasis are acute pain in the lumbar region, radiating to the genital area, fever, and weakness.
  • Benign and malignant neoplasms urinary tract.
  • Kidney infarction.
  • Prostatitis.
  • Poisoning by poisons.
  • Hypertonic disease.

During the research process, experts carefully study biological material, the presence of certain elements.

How to properly collect material for analysis?

Biological fluid processed by the kidneys for the purpose of testing it according to Nechiporenko’s method meets according to specific rules.

  • A jar with a lid containing about 50 ml of liquid is prepared in advance. The container must first be washed clean and wiped dry (pharmacies now sell special containers that do not need to be washed).
  • In the morning, be sure to thoroughly clean the external genitalia with warm water without using detergents, so that foreign chemicals and bacteria from the sweat and sebaceous glands do not spoil the clinical picture.
  • The analysis is certainly collected early in the morning, immediately after sleep and before the first meal.
  • The first urine excreted in the morning after waking up is placed in a labeled container. Only the middle portion is taken, and the beginning and end of the stream are passed past the container.
  • The collected biological material, along with the accompanying form, is delivered to the research laboratory within two hours.

Long-term or improper storage of urine leads to the proliferation of bacteria in it and the destruction of the microparticles contained!

Preparing for research also includes some rules

The research results are ready in a day! In emergency cases, the execution time is reduced to 1.5 hours!

Decoding the results of a urine test according to Nechiporenko: norms and deviations

The composition of normal, healthy urine is quantified in a specific way.

  • The number of red blood cells in it ranges from 1 to 3 units in the field of view (or up to 1000 in 1 ml); we can say that they are not there at all.
  • A urine sample contains leukocytes (also in the field of view) from 1-3 in men to 5-6 in women (or up to 2000 in 1 ml), which means they are also almost absent.
  • The number of cylinders in one milliliter of liquid reaches a maximum of 20 units. This means that protein should not be found in the urine of a healthy person.

Exceeding the permissible values ​​of the listed indicators speaks of inflammation occurring in the patient’s body, which affects the kidneys and urinary tract.

In the biological fluid, the following is observed:

For women carrying a child, normal kidney function and timely urine flow are especially important. But stagnant processes in the urinary system are categorically unacceptable.

The most convenient way to control this process is by testing urine according to Nechiporenko. The analysis also helps to timely identify the most dangerous late toxicosis, which can not only cause severe headaches and malaise in a woman, but even provoke convulsions and cause intrauterine death of the child.

The danger of late toxicosis is warned by the appearance of protein in a woman’s urine during late pregnancy!

As a rule, protein in the form of cylinders is detected in the analysis against the background of a rise in blood pressure and severe edema.

The growing uterus of a pregnant woman puts pressure on the kidneys. In this case, any infection can easily attach to the inflamed organ under pressure. And this is very dangerous not only for the woman herself, but also for the unborn child.

The appearance of protein casts in combination with leukocytosis signals possible inflammation of the kidneys in a pregnant woman!

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