What can you eat if you have Helicobacter pylori? Diet for the treatment of Helicobacter pylori - basic nutritional rules

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

2011-04-09 11:37:08

Tatiana asks:

Please tell me, is a special diet needed to treat Helicobacter? 3 months ago I developed rashes on my body (almost my entire body). 2 months Treatment by a dermatologist did not produce results. They suggested contacting a gastroenterologist. They ordered a test for Giardia and Helicobacter. Giardia was not found, Helicobacter was found (the value was 2 times higher than the permissible value). They prescribed treatment with Pilobact neo. Now I have nausea and severe bitterness in my mouth, regardless of what I eat. Is there any way to alleviate the condition? And also, please tell me, can this bacteria cause such rashes?


2012-04-24 05:47:34

Julia asks:

Hello! Please tell me, when treating Helicobacter pylori, I take Nexium and antibiotics: Klacid, Flemoxin. What diet should you follow? Can you drink 1% kefir or not?
Thank you.

2014-03-21 18:47:06

Marina asks:

Hello. A month and a half ago, I was diagnosed with an ulcer 12 pcs 4:6mm. Treatment was not prescribed in connection with pregnancy. There was an exacerbation for three days of omeprazole infusion. Then I took Omez 3-2 times a day plus antacids. When performing gastroscopy again after two weeks of treatment, the doctor said that the ulcer had disappeared.. Is this possible?? I thought that a scar should remain? But the new diagnosis sounds something like this: Erythematous gastropathy, ulcerogenic deformation of the bulb 12 PCs, duodenal gastric reflux, erythematous duodenopathy, reflux of bile into the stomach.. I periodically feel pain under the scapula and in the epigastric region after eating or when feeling hunger from overwork... Tell me, could the doctor not see the ulcer?? And what diet should I follow? Is it worth using drug treatment? Helicobacter was not detected..? Pregnancy 33 weeks can take pilobact in a course of 7 days or bifidobacteria

Answers Ventskovskaya Elena Vladimirovna:

Scarring of the ulcer without drug treatment is possible. Ulcerogenic deformation of the bulb 12pc - this is the scar after the ulcer. Under no circumstances should you drink Pilobact during pregnancy, especially since Helicobacter was not detected in you. Take food in small portions 5 times a day, exclude spicy, fatty, fried foods. You can drink a decoction of flax seeds as a course. And be sure to see a gastroenterologist or therapist.

2013-06-19 15:35:09

Valentina asks:

Hello! I was diagnosed with Helicobacter. During treatment (omez, clorithromycin, amoxosocialin), I began to feel unwell, there was a bitter taste in my mouth, often diarrhea, vomiting. Maybe the medicine is not suitable? What can be replaced? Do I need to follow a diet? What exactly to eat during time of treatment? When to take a re-test? THANK YOU!!!

Answers Yagmur Victoria Borisovna:

Dear Valentina. It is simply impossible to answer your questions in a letter, since your complaints may be due to many reasons. For example, due to the development of dysbiosis after antibiotics, due to exacerbation of concomitant diseases (pancreatitis, colitis), etc. You must follow a diet - fatty, fried, rich, smoked foods are not allowed. If you are worried about diarrhea, you should not eat fresh fruits and vegetables, or coarse fiber. If you mean a repeat test for Helicobacter, then it is taken 4-6 weeks after the end of the course of antibiotics. In general, it is impossible to answer your questions in absentia.

2012-07-19 09:05:10

Natalia asks:

Hello, thank you for your attention. The question is this. Helicobacter was detected. The cytologist confirmed it using the ELISA method.
Gastroscopy revealed indirect signs of pathology of the hepato-biliary zone. Parapapillary diverticulum, intradiverticulum location of the BDS. Atrophic diverticulitis. Mixed gastritis with focal mucosal hyperplasia. Hyperplastic erosions, polyps (?) of the antrum of the stomach. BIOPSY. Cardia failure. Distal catarrhal reflux - esophagitis.

Biopsy result: Mucous membrane with deep inflammation, foci of feveolar hyperplasia. In other biopsy samples with a forming glandular polyp, in one of the biopsy samples - with erosion of the surface of the polyp.

Colonoscopy: No organic pathology was detected. Catarrhal colitis. Diverticula of the sigmoid colon. Dyskinesia of the left 1/2 colon of the hypertensive type.

Will the following treatment for Helicobacter be adequate according to the following scheme:
1. During treatment, diet No. 1.
2.Omez 20 mg.*2 r. in a day. 3 weeks morning and evening for 30 minutes. before meals.
3. Kvamatel 20 mg. at night 1 month
4. Flemoxin 1 g * 2 times a day in the morning. evening.during meal time -7 days.
5Clarithromycin 500 mg.*2 r. on the day in the morning and evening. during meals.7 days.
Almagel 1 tbsp. l.* 3 per day an hour after meals for 2 weeks.
Fgds control after 2 weeks. After the treatment regimen with these drugs - metronidazole (Trichopol) - 1 t * 4 r. in a day.

Is it possible to take this treatment regimen for dysbacteriosis, which is confirmed bacteriologically, oliguria. I suffer from diarrhea periodically. Thank you for your reply. My age is 60 years old.

Answers Vasquez Estuardo Eduardovich:

Hello. You have apparently had problems with the gastrointestinal tract for a very long time. Against the background of this chronic pathology, disturbances in the intestinal microflora necessarily occur, and once this treatment regimen is prescribed by your doctor, then it must be followed, regardless of what you know or have heard about individual drugs (patients often read instructions about drugs and when they find descriptions there side effects and contraindications, but begin to doubt whether or not to take what was prescribed). I can say unequivocally that we often prescribe similar recommendations for a similar picture of the disease, and if any individual violations arise while taking medications, corrections should be made upon their appearance. Your doctor has individually prescribed what is shown to you now!

2015-01-21 09:19:22

Daria asks:

Good afternoon I am 22 years old, during esophagogastroduodenoscopy I was diagnosed with erosions in the stomach, as well as reflux (the release of bile into the stomach - this is how they explained it to me), I have been bothered for many years by periodic pain on the left under the lower ribs, it is not clear what is associated with it, but it only helps if I lie down on the floor hour or drink Omez, the pain was very unpleasant, cutting and girdling... I decided to get examined, since I also had more frequent stinging pains in my stomach and hunger pains. I was prescribed treatment with Omez, 1 capsule in the morning before meals for two weeks... is this not enough if there is erosion? My stomach is also very stretched, as the doctor said - right up to the uterus! At the same time, I am thin, although I always eat a lot and in large portions, Helicobacter was not detected, acidity is normal! I was also told to stick to a diet, not to eat fatty, fried, smoked or spicy foods, but they didn’t say anything in detail... I decided to go on diet number 1, I’ve been on it for almost a week, I ate rolls once (there’s rice, nori seaweed, cucumber, processed cheese and just a little salted salmon) then I again had this pain on the left side under the ribs... yesterday I experienced severe stress and my stomach hurt in the middle, a stabbing pain... it went away overnight..
my question is - is it possible to eat dumplings (with potatoes) and homemade dumplings? baked butter pies? chocolates and other sweets? They didn’t tell me anything about this..and what good sedatives can I take for my erosions and reflux? For example, Sulpiride? because I am very susceptible to stress and I understand that for some reason it gives me stomach pain... thanks in advance for your answer!

Answers Yagmur Victoria Borisovna:

Daria, good afternoon! It is impossible to answer your question in absentia. Contact us for an in-person consultation. Be healthy!

2015-01-16 10:03:56

Maxim asks:

He was referred to a gastroenterologist with elevated bilirubin (33.6 - 10.2-23.4), tests for hepatitis B and C were negative, tests for Gilbert's syndrome - heterozygote. In the anamnesis - hr. cholecystitis. Ultrasound of the abdominal organs for 2014 showed no pathologies except kidney stones. In biochemistry - glucose 6.2 (normal 3.1-6.1), ALT 52 (normal 5-45), cholesterol 6.2 (normal up to 6.1). I took another blood test, finger test - 4.7, sugar curve - before the load 4.7 after the load after 2 hours - 4.8. He was referred for further examination by a gastroenterologist. Results: gastroscopy - chronic focal atrophic gastritis, biopsy from the descending part of the 12th intestine - Along with finger-shaped villi, there are leaf-shaped and comb-shaped villi with smoothed folding. The villi are covered with prismatic, sometimes somewhat flattened epithelium with basally located nuclei, among which goblet enterocytes are identified. The crypts are not elongated and contain large numbers of Paneth cells. In the lamina propria there is moderate diffuse lymphoplasmacytic infiltration with an admixture of granulocytes, which in places infiltrate the crypt epithelium. Shortening of the villi, crypt hyperplasia and abundant lymphoplasmacytic infiltration of the lamina propria and epithelium, characteristic of celiac disease, are not included in the submitted material. Conclusion - hr. duodenitis of moderate activity. There is no morphological evidence for celiac disease. Antibodies to tissue transglutaminase Ig G - 45.9 (norm less than 10), Ig A - 5.05 (norm less than 10), antibodies to gliadin Ig G - 0.20 (norm 0-25), IgA - 0.62 (norm 0-25). AT to thyroid peroxidase 1.3 (normal less than 30), thyroxine st. - 19.1 (normal 10.2-23.2), TSH - 1.99 (normal 0.23-3.4). Coprogram - I/GL not detected, cr 3, detr Mn, soap Mn, mouse.v.nep.little, l.ed.pr. not updated . Osteodensitometry from 2013 - osteopenia with a loss of bone tissue of 20%. T test -2.1. The endocrinologist said that up to 50 years old they look at the Z criterion, which for me is -1.8 (the norm is up to -2). Based on these tests, the gastroenterologist writes that there is no histologically clear atrophy, which corresponds to stage celiac disease march 1. The coprogram has steatorrhea (a large amount of soap). The diagnosis is atypical celiac disease of adults, histologically grade 1 with mild malabsorption syndrome. Treatment - a trial gluten-free diet for 3-6 months, stool analysis for Helicobacter pylori, treatment of gastritis according to its results. What can you say based on these data, is it advisable to resort to a diet, can it be reduced to 1 month? and is there any meaning to it at all? Maybe I have something else with my intestines and not celiac disease? Kidney stones are alarming. they have been there since childhood...the first time was when I was 7 years old, then 10 years later the stone passed on its own, and in 2011 it was already fixed in both kidneys, and the DLT was crushed, now they are there again, probably there is something wrong with intestinal absorption ....at the end of 2009, I took metronidazole for a week (prescribed for redness on the face, which is still present in the sinuses area), maybe this somehow influenced the development of stones, although I then within a month after taking antibiotics took probiotics to restore microflora. I look forward to your comments about all this and what you think. Thank you!

Answers Vasquez Estuardo Eduardovich:

Good afternoon, Maxim! There are several problems, since at least 2 systems are involved: the gastrointestinal tract and the urogenital system, which from time to time can cause stagnation in the liver, affect the skin, etc. The diet must be constant, and accordingly it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle. There is no need to regulate deadlines or think about diagnoses - this can only worsen your condition. Do not expect quick results - recovery from any chronic health problems is slow and not permanent.

2014-10-13 06:50:37

Asks Nikolay Ivanovich:

Diagnosis during esophagogastroduodenoscopy at the Kiev City Consulting and Diagnostic Center: Erythematous duodenopathy with low acidity and the absence of Helicobacter bacteria.
A desirable answer to the question: What treatment and diet?
Sincerely, N.I.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are a real problem for almost every modern person. The pace of life often does not allow eating on time or eating exclusively healthy home-cooked food, which creates favorable conditions for the emergence of many health problems. One of the dangerous factors is the penetration of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori into the stomach, which causes a condition called helicobacteriosis. Treatment of such a problem is long and complex, it includes a lot of elements and techniques, including diet and correction of the diet.

General description of the infection

A microorganism called Helicobacter pylori is resistant to the effects of gastric juice, that is, it resists its destructive acidic ability, which means it can safely live in this organ. With the help of flagella, the bacterium attaches to the mucous membrane and remains there for a long time, gradually disrupting the functioning of the system. Doctors say that the activity of Helicobacter pylori provokes a number of serious diseases, which often become chronic:

  • gastritis;
  • ulcerative lesions of the gastric and duodenal mucosa;
  • Sometimes, against the background of negative changes, even cancerous formations develop.

The following symptoms indicate the need to consult a doctor:

  • frequently occurring, which calm down after eating;
  • feeling of heaviness in the stomach;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • and frequent rumbling;
  • stool disorders - diarrhea, constipation for more than two days;
  • appetite disorders;
  • blood in stool.
Helicobacter pylori infection

The need for a diet and its basic principles

Treatment of Helicobacter pylori is a rather difficult task for both the doctor and the patient. The problem needs to be addressed in a comprehensive manner, which is why medications, folk remedies, and lifestyle corrections are used. Within the latter method, diet plays a huge role - this is a mandatory condition, it is necessary at any stage of treating the problem.

The doctor’s explanation: the whole point is that the activity of the microorganism primarily provokes inflammatory processes in the gastric mucosa, and if the patient does not stop eating irritating foods, the situation will only get worse.

The diet depends on the patient’s condition and the individual parameters of his body (including stomach acidity), however, there are basic principles that are absolutely necessary to adhere to no matter what:

  • avoiding foods that irritate the mucous membranes;
  • Chewing food should be done thoroughly; you should not rush while eating;
  • the water regime remains normal - at least two liters per day;
  • meals are frequent, but in small quantities. The recommended period is no more than three hours;
  • You must adhere to the diet for at least a month;
  • All food should be exceptionally warm. Hot and cold are prohibited;
  • The recommended consistency of dishes is puree (thick soups and pureed vegetables);
  • After eating there should not be a feeling of complete satiety, much less a feeling of heaviness. If this occurs, the portions should be reduced.

Proper nutrition improves the effectiveness of drug treatment and helps shorten the period required for full recovery.

What you can and cannot eat

As part of the diet, they indicate which foods are recommended to be eaten and which ones should be avoided. If you are infected with Helicobacter pylori, you should avoid the following foods:

  • any fatty fish and meat, as well as dishes prepared by frying in oil;
  • preservation (pickles);
  • spicy dishes, sauces;
  • spices (hot peppers, flavorings, cinnamon, turmeric, etc.);
  • canned food - all depending on their type;
  • mushrooms;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • smoked and processed cheeses;
  • sweet pastries and ice cream;
  • irritating vegetables (garlic, radish, legumes) and fruits (cherries, dates, grapes).

What foods are prohibited for helicobacteriosis

Smoked cheese

The list of exceptions is quite large, but the patient can still eat normally, and with great health benefits, thanks to the list of permitted and recommended products. Only white bread can be consumed, and not fresh, but dried; sweet crackers and bagels are also allowed. Meat and fish are not completely excluded, you just need to select dietary varieties and steam, boil or bake them in the oven. Broths as the basis of soups should be low-fat, but absolutely any milk-based soups can be used. Also permitted products include eggs, dairy products and milk, vegetables, cereals, pasta, walnuts, berries and fruits. It is best to add healthy honey to weak tea, and accompany tea drinking with a nutritious and sweet banana.

Nutritional considerations for related problems

Additional problems with the digestive system, which resulted from or preceded the penetration of bacteria, impose certain restrictions on the menu. Thus, with a low acidity level, dairy products can be consumed only if they are low-fat; it is recommended to drink kumiss separately. You should not cook broths using cabbage, and all main courses should be cooked exclusively by steaming. To enhance acid formation after the majority of the symptoms disappear, it is recommended to eat rich soups and pickled vegetables.

Nutritional considerations for high acidity levels:

  • It is forbidden to eat cucumbers, onions, sorrel and white cabbage;
  • It is better to cook soups with vegetable broths;
  • broths based on fish, meat or mushrooms are completely excluded;
  • Pearl barley, millet and barley porridge are prohibited;
  • Dairy products with high acidity should not be eaten;
  • Hard-boiled eggs are prohibited;
  • Also, sour berries and fruits are removed from the diet.

When there are ulcerative formations in the stomach or duodenum, the diet becomes even more strict. Soups are exclusively pureed vegetable and dairy, fish and meat are only steamed, dairy products include whole milk, cream, fresh cottage cheese and non-acidic sour cream. During an exacerbation period, any bread products, side dishes and vegetable dishes are completely excluded from the diet.

Sample menu during illness

Breakfast for a person with helicobacteriosis

In order to understand exactly what the nutrition of a person with Helicobacter pylori looks like, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with a sample menu for one day, consisting of 6 meals:

  • in the morning one boiled egg with bread and a glass of jelly;
  • a portion of boiled veal with buckwheat porridge and bread, tea with honey;
  • a portion of okroshka or boiled fish with potatoes, fruit compote;
  • yogurt and sandwich;
  • fruit jelly, some soft dried apricots and compote;
  • boiled meat with stewed cabbage, some bread, fruit salad and a glass of milk.

If the problem is not complicated by any additional diseases, then the diet will not bring discomfort - every day you can come up with new dishes from permitted products and add variety to your diet.

Diet result

If you adhere to such a diet within the recommended time frame, your health will improve quite quickly - it will become easier for the stomach to cope with food, heaviness and pain will disappear. In combination with medication and folk treatment, nutritional correction and establishment of a dietary regime give excellent results, recovery occurs much faster. If you were overweight before the diet, then such a system will help you partially get rid of it and get used to a healthy lifestyle.

How to prevent ulcers: 5 simple rules - video

Dietary nutrition for Helicobacter pylori infection involves complete avoidance of foods that, due to their composition, temperature or consistency, irritate the gastric mucosa. Diet is an integral element of successful treatment of the problem.

The rhythm of life of a modern person does not allow eating on time or eating only healthy food. This creates suitable conditions for the development of gastrointestinal diseases. The most dangerous is the penetration of Helicobacter Pylori into the stomach, which causes the disease Helicobacteriosis. Medical statistics show that almost 68% of the population is infected with the infection. Treatment of this disease is long, difficult, and includes medical therapy, folk advice, diet, and dietary adjustments.

Find out in more detail why this bacterium is so dangerous for humans!

Why is a diet needed?

The activity of the microorganism Helicobacter causes inflammatory processes in the gastric mucosa. If you consume food that irritates it, the treatment will not be effective, and the patient’s well-being will worsen.

Diet for Helicobacter pylori, the diet of which is an indispensable condition at all stages of the treatment course of the disease.

Basic principles of the diet

The diet depends on the patient’s condition and personal functional characteristics of the body. But you still need to follow some basic rules:

  • remove from the diet components that irritate the gastric mucosa, as well as sweets that the bacterium loves;
  • chew food thoroughly and eat slowly;
  • drink fluids at least 2 liters per day;
  • eat frequently (at least 5-6 times a day), so that the portion is not large, use small plates;
  • follow a gentle diet for at least a month;
  • dishes are served warm. Hot and cold foods are prohibited!
  • Food is prepared pureed;
  • after eating, the patient does not have a feeling of satiety, heaviness, or bloating. If such sensations are present, the portion is reduced.

By following the rules of proper nutrition, the effectiveness of the medicinal effect on Hilicobacter pylori is enhanced and the recovery period is reduced.

Permitted and prohibited products

If you have helicobacteriosis, you should avoid the following products:

  • fatty meats and fish
  • animal fat
  • any mushrooms
  • spicy, salty dishes
  • sausages, especially smoked ones
  • canned food
  • baked goods, ice cream, black bread
  • alcoholic, carbonated drinks
  • radishes, legumes, asparagus
  • smoked and processed cheese
  • exclude fruits with thick skins: grapes, peaches, cherries.

What foods are allowed to be included in the diet:

  • chicken or quail eggs, only boiled
  • first courses cooked in low-fat meat broth, vegetable soups, and milk-based soups
  • milk, kefir, yogurt
  • lean meats (poultry, rabbit), fish
  • vegetables: carrots, potatoes, zucchini, pumpkin. They are stewed, baked, boiled;
  • It is recommended to add broccoli dishes to the menu, which contain a lot of sulforaphane. This organic compound goes well with various;
  • vegetable oil
  • non-sour juices made from berries
  • porridge, pasta (small vermicelli)
  • berries: strawberries, raspberries, wild strawberries.

Using these products, any person will feel an improvement in overall well-being, relief at the time of exacerbation of digestive problems.

Nutritional considerations for related problems

Difficulties with digestion, which contributed to the penetration of the bacterium Hilicobacter pylori, introduce some restrictions on the menu. With a reduced concentration of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice, it is allowed to consume low-fat dairy products. It is advisable to drink kumiss. Vegetable broth with cabbage is excluded, and main courses are prepared in a double boiler.

What should you not eat if you have high stomach acidity?

  • Cucumbers, sorrel
  • broths with fish, meat, mushrooms
  • millet, barley porridge
  • dairy
  • hard-boiled egg
  • berries and fruits of sour varieties

If there are ulcers in the stomach or the initial part of the small intestine, it is recommended to follow a strict diet. The first courses are pureed, vegetable or dairy, meat, and steamed fish. It is allowed to consume whole milk, cream, low-fat cottage cheese, and non-sour sour cream. In the stage of increasing painful symptoms and deterioration of the general condition, exclude bread, side dishes, and vegetable dishes.

Sample menu during illness

To have an idea of ​​what diet should be for Helicobacter pylori, here is an example of a one-day menu, which consists of several meals:

  1. 1 meal: 1-2 boiled eggs or steamed omelet, a slice of toasted white bread, green tea or non-sour fruit jelly;
  1. snack: fresh non-sour cottage cheese, rosehip decoction;
  2. Lunch: vegetarian puree soup with potatoes, boiled carrots, boiled or baked meat with bechamel sauce, dried apple compote;
  3. Afternoon snack: fruit jelly or medium banana, compote, 2 soft dried apricots;
  4. Dinner: steamed cutlet, buckwheat porridge, fruit salad, tea with honey;
  5. A glass of milk before bed.

Diet result

The diet prescribed for the treatment of Helicobacter pylari will improve the patient’s health in a short period. The stomach will digest food better, heaviness will be eliminated, pain and bloating will disappear. But it is still important to know in order to prevent the next appearance of bacteria in the future.

Drug therapy and proper nutrition give positive results, the patient recovers faster.

If there were extra pounds, if these requirements are met, the excess weight is lost. A person gets used to a healthy lifestyle.

Dietary nutrition for diseases of the digestive tract caused by Helicobacter pylori involves numerous restrictions in the diet and adherence to certain rules when creating a menu. Diet is an integral part of the treatment of such pathologies.

When drawing up a menu, the types of disease (duodenitis, peptic ulcer, gastritis), the stage of the inflammatory process (exacerbation or remission), as well as the level of acidity of gastric juice should be taken into account. The general recommendations are identical in all cases. The principles of Diet No. 1 (as well as its varieties) are taken as a basis. The patient’s tendency to recovery depends on compliance with nutritional rules. Violation of the regime can cause progression of the inflammatory process and lack of effectiveness of the main therapy.

1. Why do you need a diet for Helicobacter Pylori?

Active reproduction of Helicobacter pylori occurs only when a favorable environment for bacteria occurs. Their location is the stomach. When eating unhealthy foods, the microflora of the digestive system is disrupted. For pathogenic microorganisms, such an environment is considered ideal for the start of rapid life activity.

Diet features:

  • even a single violation of the diet can cause a resumption of the inflammatory process (during the period of primary therapy for the disease);
  • Recurrence of the disease can be reduced by long-term adherence to a dietary program (it is recommended to adjust the diet for at least one year);
  • diet increases the effectiveness of drug therapy (violation of the diet will reduce the tendency to recovery);
  • It is impossible to completely destroy pathogenic bacteria, but their activity can go into “sleep mode” (every error in nutrition provokes the onset of activity of this group of microorganisms).

2. Principles of nutrition

Diet No. 1 consists of three nutrition programs - 1A, 1B and Table No. 1. The first type of dietary nutrition is prescribed for five to seven days, the second - for one or two weeks, the third - is recommended to be followed for at least three months. The goal of adjusting the diet is to reduce the load on the digestive tract, providing a gentle regime for the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract from unfavorable thermal and chemical factors.

Following a diet helps speed up the process of restoring the functioning of the digestive organs.

General diet rules:

  • the diet should be as balanced and complete as possible;
  • nutrition should be aimed at accelerating the healing process of ulcers and erosions on the mucous membranes of the digestive organs;
  • products should not irritate the mucous membranes of the digestive organs and create additional stress on the digestive tract;
  • food that is too cold or hot is prohibited for consumption;
  • ensuring drinking regime (at least two liters of water per day, including medicinal mineral waters);
  • meals should be fractional and taken five to six times a day;
  • avoiding prolonged fasting and overeating (the maximum size of one serving should not exceed 300 g);
  • during an exacerbation of a disease of the digestive system, food is prepared by boiling or steaming;
  • the menu necessarily includes fermented milk products (Helicobacter pylori in combination with mandatory antibacterial therapy causes dysbacteriosis);
  • During the period of rehabilitation therapy, ingredients for cooking should be crushed as much as possible.

3. Permitted products

During the period of exacerbation of pathologies caused by Helicobacter pylori, first courses are prepared according to vegetarian recipes. Can be added to soups, well-cooked cereals and noodles. Meat first courses can be included in the menu only at the stage of rehabilitation therapy (broths must be vegetable, meat is added boiled). Most baked goods are prohibited.

The diet can be supplemented with biscuits and dried wheat bread. Dairy and fermented milk products should have a reduced fat content.

Table of permitted products

Cauliflower, zucchini, carrots, pumpkin, beets, potatoes

Nectarine, peaches, melon, apricots, watermelon, bananas, apples

Raspberry, strawberry

Porridges and cereals

White rice, buckwheat, semolina, oatmeal

Dairy and fermented milk products

Kefir, milk, curdled milk, sour cream, cream, cottage cheese

Meat products

Veal, beef, beef liver, beef tongue, rabbit

Fish and seafood

Low-fat sea and river fish

Poultry meat

Turkey, chicken

Ghee and butter


Pastille, marshmallows, jelly, jam

Berry fruit drinks, compotes, rose hip decoction, green or weak black tea, jelly, still mineral water

4. Fully or partially limited products

Diet for diseases caused by Helicobacter pylori involves strict exclusion of fatty, fried, salty and spicy foods from the diet. Canned food and pickled vegetables should not be consumed. It is strictly forbidden to introduce into the diet foods containing large amounts of connective tissue (cartilage, poultry and fish skin). Vegetables rich in fiber are also excluded from the menu.

Products that stimulate the production of gastric juice can provoke an exacerbation of inflammatory processes (baked goods, ice cream, chocolate, fresh bread).

Table of prohibited products

Vegetables and greens

White cabbage, legumes, cucumbers, rutabaga, spinach, sorrel, onions and greens, turnips, radishes, horseradish

Fruits and berries

Dates, grapes, cherries, sweet cherries (all types of sour fruits)

All types of mushrooms

Meat products

Pork, ham, lamb

Poultry meat

Waterfowl meat


Frankfurters, sausages, sausage

Milk products

Processed and smoked cheese, homemade cottage cheese and sour cream, high-fat dairy products, whole milk

Porridges and cereals

Barley, millet, pearl barley, corn grits

Sweet products

Ice cream, cakes, candy


Pepper, ginger, mustard, ketchup, mayonnaise

Bakery products

Muffins, pastries, fresh bread, black rye bread

Coffee, strong tea, carbonated drinks, alcohol, cocoa, lemonade

5. Cooking rules

When preparing meals for Diet No. 1, it is important to consider the basic principles of nutrition. Food should be easy to digest and not cause additional stress on the digestive organs. For this reason, the ingredients must be thoroughly crushed. For example, meat for preparing minced meat is passed through a meat grinder several times, vegetables are cut into the smallest cubes possible, and, if possible, grated. Heat treatment of products is especially necessary during the period of exacerbation of the disease. The consumption of raw vegetables and fruits during the main therapy is prohibited.

Other cooking principles:

  • the amount of salt should be limited to one teaspoon per day (the ingredient is added only to ready-made dishes and in a minimal amount);
  • It is recommended to replace vegetable oil with an olive version; butter is added to dishes in a minimal amount;
  • You can prepare dishes only by boiling, stewing or steaming.

6. Sample menu during illness

7. Healthy recipes

Diet soup with potatoes and buckwheat:

  1. To prepare the dish you will need two medium-sized potatoes, two tablespoons of buckwheat, two liters of water, one small carrot, and salt.
  2. Cut all vegetables into small cubes and place in boiling water.
  3. After five minutes, add washed buckwheat to the preparation.
  4. Boil the soup for fifteen minutes.
  5. The dish must be salted after it is ready.

A diet for Helicobacter pylori is a necessary measure. If you do not make adjustments and continue to eat incorrectly, it will be impossible to achieve an improvement in your condition. And the advanced form of the disease threatens the formation of chronic hyperacid gastritis and stomach ulcers.

Principles of nutrition during illness

Experts say that it is very important to follow basic nutritional rules:

  • You need to eat often enough, but the portions should be minimal.
  • Avoid overeating.
  • If you have gastritis and the bacteria Helicobacter pylori is detected, you should not eat fatty or smoked foods!
  • Dishes should be warm, not hot/cold. Eating ice cream is contraindicated!
  • It is best to serve pureed food.

What can you eat?

If you continue to eat your usual food, you may not expect recovery. The patient will suffer from pain in the abdomen, nausea and the urge to vomit. The basis of the diet should be:

  • Low-fat dairy products that are easy to digest. You can enjoy kefir, milk, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk and yogurt. But cheese will have to be completely excluded from the diet. The diet for the treatment of Helicobacter pylori excludes the consumption of fatty products.
  • Porridge, soups. Liquid and pureed food is easily digested. It is unacceptable to cook fatty first courses, and you can add a little milk to porridges to make them more liquid.
  • Compotes and jelly, which are prepared from fresh or frozen berries and fruits. They will saturate the cells with vitamins. The use of jelly made from powder is contraindicated. Such products contain a large amount of flavoring and dye, which will negatively affect the organs of the digestive system.
  • Dishes that are steamed eliminate the need to add large amounts of fat.
  • Eggs (chicken, quail) contain a large amount of proteins and minerals. The product can only be consumed in boiled form.
  • Slightly dry bread. Since baking and confectionery products are contraindicated if you are ill, you can slightly dry the bun or bread in the oven. However, it is worth remembering that such a delicacy will not harm health only in small quantities.
  • You need to give up sweet carbonated drinks; it is recommended to drink up to 2 liters of mineral water without carbon; freshly squeezed juices are allowed.

You can eat cereals, fresh vegetables, fruits and dairy products

What not to eat

When treating stomach ailments or when the first symptoms of gastrointestinal problems appear, you will have to forget about some of your favorite foods forever. If you violate the recommendations, you may not hope for the effectiveness of therapy.

During treatment of the disease you should not eat:

  • Fatty foods that are difficult to digest and involve a large number of enzymes. A weakened stomach is simply not able to cope with such a load.
  • Mushroom dishes are also difficult to digest, so they are prohibited in the first place.
  • Canned food that is saturated with seasonings and harmful additives will not benefit the body.
  • Smoked products, both meat and fish, are also not suitable for feeding the patient, given the high percentage of fat content of such food. Any sausage products should also disappear from the table, as harmful seasonings and preservatives are added to them.
  • Sour fruits and berries that increase acidity and harm the mucous membranes. Acid negatively affects the functioning of the digestive system.
  • Alcohol-containing drinks.

Diet menu for Helicobacter pylori infection

A doctor should prepare a diet for a patient. The amount of food should always be small. As a rule, the patient is assigned the following menu. On the first day of therapeutic nutrition for Helicobacter pylori, for breakfast you can eat a couple of boiled eggs, a piece of dried bread and drink 150 ml of fruit jelly. For second breakfast, you can enjoy 100 g of buckwheat porridge and boiled veal (80 g). We drink 100 ml of unsweetened tea.

For lunch, it is best to serve 200 ml of warm okroshka or boiled fish with mashed potatoes. We drink fresh berry compote. For an afternoon snack, a sandwich with butter or a little kefir/yogurt is perfect. For dinner, stewed vegetables and boiled chicken fillet are used. We wash down our food with warm milk.

The second day of nutrition during the treatment of Helicobacter pylori: breakfast - one boiled egg and fruit jelly; oatmeal or rice porridge is suitable for the second breakfast. We wash the dish down with coffee and milk. For lunch, you can prepare milk-based soup or low-fat broth, serve mashed potatoes and a baked apple. For an afternoon snack, jelly and baked pear are suitable. For dinner we cook rice porridge and stewed meatballs. Wash it down with warm milk.

Fatty and spicy foods are prohibited

Second menu option

In the first 2-3 days, you are allowed to eat only according to the scheme below:

  • For breakfast you can boil 2 chicken or 4 quail eggs. Dry a piece of white bread in the oven and wash down your meal with fruit jelly or green tea.
  • As a snack, 100 g of non-acidic cottage cheese and rosehip decoction are perfect.
  • For lunch we prepare vegetarian puree soup with the addition of potatoes and boiled carrots. Bake turkey meat in the oven with béchamel sauce. We wash down our food with compote made from dried apples and pears.
  • For an afternoon snack, we serve banana or pear, or apple/apricot jelly. We wash down the snack with compote from the dryer and eat 1 soft dried apricot.
  • For dinner we prepare a steamed cutlet, buckwheat porridge with the addition of a small amount of butter. We cut a salad based on fresh fruits and drink green tea with honey. To prepare the salad, you can cut apples, kiwis, grapes, and pears into small pieces. It is best to season the ingredients with liquid honey and place the container with healthy food in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. After this, the salad is ready to eat. Alternatively, you can use banana, nectarine and grapes as the basis of the dish. Pour yoghurt over chopped fruit.

An hour before bedtime, you can drink 200 ml of low-fat milk.

Examples of dishes

If you are treating a disease, then from meat products you can prepare stewed chicken breast, boiled beef, steam cutlet, stewed meatball, boiled turkey, beef soufflé. Dairy products are served in the form of low-fat warm milk, low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt, and kefir.

The dish can be either milk or cooked in water

You can boil eggs or make omelettes in a bag. To do this, beat a couple of eggs with added milk (2 tbsp). Butter is added to the mixture. The bag is tied and placed in boiling water. Cook, covered with a lid, for 2-3 minutes. This makes an excellent low-fat egg soufflé. You can add butter a little at a time. The diet should consist of a large amount of vegetables and fruits.

The best vegetables to prepare are mashed potatoes, grated vinaigrette, boiled beets, and pumpkin puree. During the treatment of the disease, cereals can be cooked in both water and milk. This is just a sample menu and recipes that can be used for Helicobacter pylori infection. The attending physician who supervises the treatment will supplement and diversify the menu. Find out which antibiotics to treat best from your doctor. If you experience any stomach pain, you should seek professional advice.

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