A consequence of the low water level is. Floods, the mechanism of their formation and manifestation

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

The main reason for the low level of consciousness is undoubtedly the insufficient development of the "I". Its development is hampered by many different factors, which we will consider below. Let's remember how we defined "I":

"I" is the totality of everything that a person has learned as a result of conscious deep thinking.

The “I” of a person, in contrast to the “we”, is everything that belongs to the essence of a person.

Let's call a person with a developed and mature "I" INDIVIDUAL, and a person who has only "we" - ANTI-INDIVIDUAL.

Let's look at some correspondences.

Conscious Deep Learning - The "I" of the individual is a high level of consciousness.

Unconscious learning - "we" anti-individual - low level of consciousness.

The anti-individual is a natural consequence of the hypnotic subjection of a person to the patterns of group behavior. As a result of a hedonistic attitude to life, a person avoids thinking about what goes beyond his usual ideas. It is much easier to submit to the will of the crowd and accept its tastes, habits and customs than to create your own system of values. The anti-individual meekly submits to the dictates of the majority and loses psychological autonomy. Thus, he turns into a cog in a giant machine. The anti-individual is lazy to think, does not like to think deeply or analyze. His thoughts are disordered. He is unable to form his own ideas about life, about human relationships and about God. He does not hesitate to swallow the dogmas of various religions, philosophies or political movements. He blindly accepts what science claims. For example, if science considers telepathy a hoax, he unconditionally believes it. Any person with a university degree is an indisputable authority for him. He is preoccupied with what people will say, and in his behavior he is guided by the opinions of others. He is unable to distinguish between intellectual knowledge and faith. He stubbornly defends his point of view only because "I am sure that this is so."

The anti-individual is both a cause and a consequence of a low level of consciousness. Speaking about the mechanism of consciousness, it is difficult to draw a clear line between cause and effect, since they influence each other.

For example, the following two statements are equally true: “the anti-individual is the result of a low level of consciousness”, “the low level of consciousness is the result of the fact that a person is an anti-individual”.

The question arises: what comes first? Is the low level of consciousness the result of the fact that a person is an anti-individual? Or does he become an anti-individual due to a low level of consciousness?

In reality, the lower level of consciousness is primary. We said earlier that conscious deep learning creates a mature self. However, how can a person consciously and intelligently acquire knowledge if he does not have a mature "I"? Certain personal qualities in childhood, together with positive circumstances, contribute to the awakening of consciousness and an increase in its level. However, these factors are outside the generally accepted social and cultural norms. For example, a withdrawn child who has little contact with his peers tends to be more observant and reflective and can reason more deeply about everything that enters his mind. Such intensive use of higher intellectual abilities at an early age contributes to the formation of the "I". It develops rapidly if the child persistently continues to analyze the world around him. The most important elements of the formation of a high level of consciousness are laid in childhood and adolescence, when there are many changes and impressions in life. At the same time, it is important that certain character traits are formed in the child and parents are able to encourage his initiative and satisfy his curiosity.

The use of special methods in teaching children in schools would teach them to achieve a high level of consciousness. But this means that the leaders of the educational system must first of all understand what wakefulness is and achieve this state.

The education system is designed to give children knowledge, but it does not teach them to understand this knowledge. Children are forced to study complex subjects without being taught to think first.

To explain the mechanism of knowledge acquisition, let us first clarify some concepts, the meaning of which is too broad. Let us give a more precise and complete explanation of some words and distinguish them from the generally accepted meanings, with the help of which it is impossible to describe the higher mechanisms of thinking.


  1. Consciousness expands itself from the highest levels of Divinity to the lowest level of the first dimension of stone and minerals. Everything is God in a different way.

The main reason for the low level of consciousness is undoubtedly the insufficient development of the "I". Its development is hampered by many different factors, which we will consider below. Let's remember how we defined "I":

"I" is the totality of everything that a person has learned as a result of conscious deep thinking. The “I” of a person, in contrast to the “we”, is everything that belongs to the essence of a person.

Let's call a person with a developed and mature "I" INDIVIDUAL, and a person who has only "we" - ANTI-INDIVIDUAL.

Let's look at some correspondences.

Conscious Deep Learning - The "I" of the individual is a high level of consciousness.

Unconscious learning - "we" anti-individual - low level of consciousness.

The anti-individual is a natural consequence of the hypnotic subjection of a person to the patterns of group behavior. As a result of a hedonistic attitude to life, a person avoids thinking about what goes beyond his usual ideas. It is much easier to submit to the will of the crowd and accept its tastes, habits and customs than to create your own system of values. The anti-individual meekly submits to the dictates of the majority and loses psychological autonomy. Thus, he turns into a cog in a giant machine. The anti-individual is lazy to think, does not like to think deeply or analyze. His thoughts are disordered. He is unable to form his own ideas about life, about human relationships and about God. He does not hesitate to swallow the dogmas of various religions, philosophies or political movements. He blindly accepts what science claims. For example, if science considers telepathy a hoax, he unconditionally believes it. Any person with a university degree is an indisputable authority for him. He is preoccupied with what people will say, and in his behavior he is guided by the opinions of others. He is unable to distinguish between intellectual knowledge and faith. He stubbornly defends his point of view only because "I am sure that this is so."

The anti-individual is both a cause and a consequence of a low level of consciousness. Speaking about the mechanism of consciousness, it is difficult to draw a clear line between cause and effect, since they influence each other.

For example, the following two statements are equally true: “the anti-individual is the result of a low level of consciousness”, “the low level of consciousness is the result of the fact that a person is an anti-individual”.

The question arises: what comes first? Is the low level of consciousness the result of the fact that a person is an anti-individual? Or does he become an anti-individual due to a low level of consciousness?

In reality, the lower level of consciousness is primary. We said earlier that conscious deep learning creates a mature self. However, how can a person consciously and intelligently acquire knowledge if he does not have a mature "I"? Certain personal qualities in childhood, together with positive circumstances, contribute to the awakening of consciousness and an increase in its level. However, these factors are outside the generally accepted social and cultural norms. For example, a withdrawn child who has little contact with his peers tends to be more observant and reflective and can reason more deeply about everything that enters his mind. Such intensive use of higher intellectual abilities at an early age contributes to the formation of the "I". It develops rapidly if the child persistently continues to analyze the world around him. The most important elements of the formation of a high level of consciousness are laid in childhood and adolescence, when there are many changes and impressions in life. At the same time, it is important that certain character traits are formed in the child and parents are able to encourage his initiative and satisfy his curiosity.

The use of special methods in teaching children in schools would teach them to achieve a high level of consciousness. But this means that the leaders of the educational system must first of all understand what wakefulness is and achieve this state.

The education system is designed to give children knowledge, but it does not teach them to understand this knowledge. Children are forced to study complex subjects without being taught to think first.

To explain the mechanism of knowledge acquisition, let us first clarify some concepts, the meaning of which is too broad. Let us give a more precise and complete explanation of some words and distinguish them from the generally accepted meanings, with the help of which it is impossible to describe the higher mechanisms of thinking.

KNOWING and UNDERSTANDING are not the same thing. One can know without understanding, but one cannot understand without knowing. Understanding is the final result of knowledge, allowing a person to come to firm and deep conclusions that become an integral part of his mind. Understanding is the perfect form of knowledge. To know means to have a superficial idea of ​​something, to store information in memory. The person who knows can only operate with ready-made concepts, while the one who understands can have his own judgments. The anti-individual knows and the individual understands.

It is known that any process of deep understanding allows you to assimilate certain elements of the knowable that are never forgotten. For example, a correct understanding of the theory of relativity forms a clear representation in the mind of a person, which will forever remain at the disposal of his intellect. Knowledge is limited because it does not give an idea of ​​the whole. Understanding allows you to compare and relate different things, which helps to deepen, expand and improve concepts.

THINKING and REFLECTING are not the same thing. Meditation is a process of deep understanding carried out in a state of supreme wakefulness. All people think, but only a few think. The thinking of ordinary people is a chaotic, obscure, involuntary mental activity, in the process of which a person falls under the power of his own imagination. We can say that he does not think, but is forced to think. He is ruled by prejudices, prejudices, emotions, instincts and passions. Thinking is the highest type of mental activity in which a person intentionally and consciously uses his mental faculties.

Clarity of thought, which is characteristic of very few people, is a consequence of reflection. Impossible to think with clarity. We know that the ordinary mental state of a person is confused, unclear and foggy even when he is solving very complex problems.

Thus, the concept of "think" corresponds to "know", the concept of "think" corresponds to "understand".

Logic provides us with the necessary elements for the effective use of thinking. Unfortunately, it does not allow you to correct errors caused by wrong ideas. Ordinary thinking is based on vague and erroneous concepts. In fact, we think clearly only in exceptional cases.

The inability to control intellectual abilities is one of the main reasons for the low level of consciousness.

Another reason is the phenomenon of "identification". Identification is the absorption of a person's consciousness by some idea, event, internal state, visual image, sound, or performance of certain physical movements.

Identification leads directly to sleep. Awakening means being able to get rid of identification with an idea, an event, an internal state, a visual image, a sound, or the performance of certain physical movements.

Let us imagine the human consciousness as a certain force that can be separated from it. It can be symbolically depicted as a rubber ball glued to the forehead. If this ball exists, then the person is conscious, in other words, the level of his consciousness is more or less high.

For example, a person sits quietly at home in an armchair and is not particularly busy with anything. Suddenly, a window is shattered by a rock. The rubber ball (consciousness) instantly flies off to what is happening and returns with sensory information that cannot be correctly perceived by a person because he is unconscious, that is, his ability to assess the situation is temporarily absent. He shudders violently because consciousness did not have time to return to him before he received this sensory information. This is a typical example of the identification or projection of "I". Thus, this person "united" with the suddenly broken glass and "became part of" what was happening, so his feelings were especially intense. Identification turns a person from a spectator into an actor, because of which he easily loses his composure.

In everyday life, we often encounter problems and events that are not directly related to us, but nevertheless have a deep emotional impact on us. The more we are identified with any problem, the more we become agitated.

Let's take a common example. We see a man on the street who has fallen unconscious. It affects us, nothing more. But if this person turns out to be our relative, then we will certainly be very upset. Due to the deep emotional connection, our identification will be much stronger.

The less we identify ourselves with any situation, the more clearly we reason. For example, it is easy to advise another on how to solve their problem. While he himself cannot see her clearly because of his identification with her, from the outside the solution seems obvious. But if it was our problem, we might not be able to find the right solution.

Understanding identification is the key to achieving a state of calm. Next, we will look at some methods to achieve this.

The vicious circle that forms and maintains a low level of consciousness is that this level is characterized by certain mental states, which, in turn, do not allow a person to wake up.

Internal conflicts do not allow a person to see reality, which keeps his consciousness at a low level. Complexes, disappointments, suppression of emotions and neuroses are the mortal enemies of consciousness.

Habits are also a major obstacle to achieving a high level of wakefulness, as they reduce the conscious attention that should be present in our actions.

In essence, the inability to awaken is a violation of the functions of the mind. Strictly speaking, absolutely normal people do not exist, since everyone is somehow influenced by unconscious impulses.

Any nervous disorder is a deviation of mental function that disrupts the normal activity of the brain.

A person's ability to reason is enough to control his negative emotions and the state of excessive nervous tension. However, in real life we ​​see that highly intelligent people have no more self-control than low-intelligence people.

A low level of consciousness (sleep) is often a continuation of that uterine stage of development, when the fetus was asleep, it was comfortable and safe for him. The trauma of birth associated with the abrupt separation of the fetus from the mother often persists into adulthood. This is expressed in the fact that most of the personality lingers on the childish level. Such a person never grows up and is constantly looking for a replacement for the image of the mother.

Simple individuals, with little experience, tend to be more balanced and stable.

A person with a low level of consciousness is prone to excessive nervous tension, has poor self-control, gets tired quickly, it can be difficult for him to concentrate, and he has low efficiency.

In the next chapter on the conscious and subconscious, we will deepen and expand some concepts that will further reveal the causes of a low level of consciousness.

Periodic fluctuations in the level are caused by the manifestation of the periodic forces of attraction of the Moon and the Sun - the so-called tide-forming forces.

Tidal fluctuations in level cover almost the entire coast of the World Ocean, and for brevity they are called tides. Thus, tidal phenomena are dynamic processes in the waters of the seas and oceans (including level fluctuations).

The basic concepts associated with tides are the definitions of high and low water, the magnitude of high and low tide as the difference between full neighboring and low waters, the duration of the rise and fall of the level (high and low tide phases), the duration of the tidal cycle.

The limiting range of tidal level fluctuations at each point is between the highest and lowest theoretical levels calculated by calculation.

Depending on the duration of the tidal cycle, there are:

Semidiurnal tides (P) - with a period of approximately half a day, i.e. having two full and low waters during the day; - diurnal tides (C) - having high and low water during the day;

Incorrect semidiurnal (ID) - with a noticeable daily difference in the values ​​of the corresponding level extrema;

Irregular diurnal (NA) - diurnal tides, which, at low declinations of the Moon, become semidiurnal with a significant decrease in their magnitude;

Mixed tides are irregular semidiurnal and/or irregular diurnal tides.

Particular attention should be paid to anomalous tides, which, in some respects, differ from the main types of tides listed above.

For example, the influence of shallow water can be so significant that the name "shallow" is added to the common name of the tide. This changes the duration of the rise and fall of the level.

In the estuarine sections of rivers, the tide is shorter in time than the ebb tide.

Sometimes the influence of shallow water becomes so significant that additional high and low waters appear on the curve of semidiurnal tides. Such tides are rare, in particular, they are observed at the points of Portland, Southampton (English Channel) or on the White Sea (the “maniha” phenomenon).
Another example of the distortion of tides by local conditions is a phenomenon called “bor” (mascare, pororocam) and is characterized by the fact that the tide moves up the river in the form of a wave or a series of waves with a very sharp rise in level.

Tides are characterized by the following inequalities:

daily height inequalities, which are the difference in heights of two successive high or low waters (for different points, daily inequalities have different values ​​- from a subtle difference in the heights of adjacent high or low waters to the complete disappearance of one high and one low water);

semi-monthly inequalities in the heights and magnitudes of the tides (half-monthly inequality, depending on the phase of the moon, is most clearly manifested in semi-diurnal tides). During the full moon, the magnitude of the semi-diurnal tides is maximum - the so-called spring tides occur. In the first and third quarters, the tides are the smallest - quadrature tides come;

a semi-monthly inequality depending on the declinations of the Moon and the Sun (tropical inequality) is usually the main one in daily and irregular daily tides, with large declinations of the Moon, the tides are called tropical and are of large magnitude, during the passage of the Moon through the equator, the tides are called equatorial and have small magnitudes ;

monthly inequality of tides (parallactic) manifests itself depending on the distance between the Earth and the Moon (perigee). The minimum values ​​of tides are observed at the greatest distance between the Earth and the Moon (apogee).

Depth Zero" and "Depth Correction".

Zero depth is a conditional surface, from which depth marks are given on sea navigation charts.

The actual depth at any point can be determined by algebraically summing the depth Hk indicated on the chart with the height h of the instantaneous tidal sea level determined from the Tables of Tides.

In most cases, the lowest levels are chosen as depth zeros, but there are cases when the actual depth is less than the mark shown on the map. In the Tide Tables for these days, negative low water heights are given, which must be subtracted from the depth marks on the map.

In the Tables of tides and on domestic sea charts for foreign waters, the same depth zeros are preserved that are accepted on the corresponding foreign charts. As a result, the Tide Tables can be used when working with any foreign charts.

The main navigation aid containing pre-calculated levels for the World Ocean are tide tables. There are calendar-type tide tables, published annually on calendar dates, and permanent tables, calculated for many years. The precalculated levels in the tables are given for the seas of Russia relative to the lowest theoretical level (LTL), and for foreign waters relative to zero depths, which are accepted on foreign maps

Groundwater - a mandatory study in densely populated areas near water bodies, rivers, lakes, seas. Any person purchasing or outbuildings should be aware of the depth of groundwater on the site. The method of erecting the foundation, the choice of materials, the amount of costs and even human life depend on this.

What are groundwater levels?

Before determining water levels, you should know what it is. Groundwater is the first aquiferous underground layer that is above the clay soil (it prevents water from seeping out, retains it). Groundwater has a source. As a rule, these are nearby water bodies, as well as precipitation, melted snow. The rise in the water level is directly dependent on the time of year, the power of soil resources, that is, their volume. These factors contribute to a change in the depth and distance to the ground water surface. In spring, their level rises due to melting snow, heavy rains, and abundant moisture from other sources. In summer it decreases, and the lowest water level is recorded in winter.

Method for determining the water level

In order to correctly determine the water level on the site, the help of surveyors will be required, but this procedure can be performed independently. Previously, it was determined by digging wells. Today there are several methods available. The first is the most modern. Tools will help to use it: a garden drill (its length should be at least two meters), a long metal rod (marks should be made on it that indicate centimeters).

Drill one well for the entire length of the drill and do not touch it for a day. In twenty-four hours, water should appear in the well. Then lower the rod into the hole, which will serve as a measure. The mark will show the depth of the liquid. If the rod became wet at the level of ten centimeters and below, then, knowing the depth of the well, it is possible to calculate the distance of groundwater. For example, subtract ten from two hundred centimeters (measuring with a rod). The final number is the distance to groundwater. The fluid level should be checked over the next few days. If the result does not change, it will be considered a ground mirror. If the depth is more than two meters, use a spoon drill. Experts advise to determine the level of soil water in the spring.

Folk methods

To determine the water level, they used to use the method of observing the vegetation that prevails in a certain area. If the soil is moist, then meadowsweet, alder, forest reed, willow, currant, meadowsweet, elm, sorrel grow on the site. These plants indicate excessive soil moisture and high occurrence. Pay attention to the slope of the bushes and trees. If the crowns lean to one side, then there is a high soil layer nearby. The peculiarity is that the grass and vegetation in such an area is abundant, has a juicy green color.

What is it for

Determining water levels before laying the foundation is an important stage in any construction. If the groundwater level is high, this means increased soil moisture, which has low bearing capacity. Objectively, it is impossible to build a house on such a site. If water levels are high, it can fill dug pits and trenches. In this case, it is not recommended to build a foundation: first, excess water should be pumped out and waterproofing should be done. But such measures are considered temporary, since the high level of groundwater causes flooding. If the house is built without taking these factors into account, then there will always be water in the basement, and mold and fungus will appear in the house itself. In addition, high levels in settlements cause spring floods and floods. For example, water levels in Veliky Ustyug are often elevated, which is why the threat of flooding in this area is always present.


High water levels are considered if they lie two meters or less. Such levels are typical for wetlands, lowland slopes, riverbanks, lakes. A low level of occurrence is considered to be groundwater at a depth of more than two meters. This is a normal level of occurrence for building a house. The depth of water flow means the upper underground layer, the formation of which is facilitated by annual precipitation, rivers and lakes located nearby. Not only the construction of residential buildings depends on it, but also the organization of the landscape, planting plants and trees. If the site is located in a high-lying area, you should take care of full drainage. Before construction, laying the foundation, conduct a depth study.

Floods in Veliky Ustyug

High water levels and, as a result, threatening floods, floods have been haunting the Vologda region since the sixteenth century. It was then that the Veliky Ustyug chronicle first mentioned the destruction caused by water.

The most famous flood occurred in 1998. High water levels in Veliky Ustyug led to catastrophic consequences. In the spring, a sharp rise in the water level began, which was facilitated by an intense ice drift, which led to traffic jams. Then the city of Veliky Ustyug and twenty-four other settlements became the flood zone.

In the spring of 2016, more than one and a half thousand houses were flooded in the Vologda Oblast. increased by fifty centimeters per day.

In the 20th century, twenty-one emergencies related to rising water levels were recorded in Veliky Ustyug.

A sharp change in the water level in a reservoir is almost always a danger signal for fish. This is a kind of wake-up call, a signal that something is happening and you need to move.

When the level does not change, it bites even in a puddle. Photo: Andrey Yanshevsky.

Fish do not set alarms because they do not plan their actions and react to changing conditions of their existence immediately and at every moment in time. Therefore, one can only state one or another connection between the bite of the fish and the water level.

It is logical to consider the accumulated observations on the behavior of fish under conditions of changes in the water level in a reservoir using examples of different situations.

There are periods of stable or constant water levels. This is seen quite rarely. And the smaller the reservoir, the less often the water level in it remains completely unchanged.

It is enough to pass a good rain, or, conversely, not to fall precipitation for two weeks, and the water level changes noticeably. But, as practice shows, it is in small reservoirs that the fish most painlessly reacts to minor changes in the level, it just got used to them.

If in a small river or pond the water level does not drop a few centimeters, then this usually does not affect the bite. But in a large river, a decrease in the water level by the same few centimeters can lead to a complete cessation of biting.

That is, the degree of reaction of fish to a change in water level is more correctly measured not by the level, but by the relative change in volume.

The very definition of a stable water level in a reservoir is a relative concept.

I would characterize another situation as a period of rapid increase in the mass of water and, as a result, an increase in the level in the reservoir. This happens during the flood, but the behavior of fish is tied to the flood at the genetic level, since this period is somehow tied either to spawning or to food. In this situation, the amount of available food increases many times over in fish. Fish eat off.

During this period, the lack of biting is associated either with abrupt changes in the atmosphere, and even more often with the fact that the angler either cannot find the fish stop or adapt to the fishing conditions.

A sharp rise in the water level also occurs during floods throughout the summer. And always the activity of fish in search of food during such periods increases. The decrease in fishing results can be associated with atmospheric phenomena, and with the skill of the fisherman, but also with a sharp change in the transparency of the water.

Reservoirs with clay shores become muddy after a heavy downpour literally within tens of minutes.

A significant and rapid increase (as well as a decrease) in the water level is observed during the planned accumulation (or discharge) of water in reservoirs, both in summer and in winter.

An important conclusion follows from this. Reservoirs should be divided into those in which the change in water level is associated only with natural processes, and those where a person puts his hand. The latter reservoirs are usually called regulated.

In regulated reservoirs, the change in water level depends on two factors.

Firstly, planned accumulations and subsequent discharges of water are carried out depending on flood rains or on the speed of spring ice melting. For fish, artificial regulation of the water level in such cases is unpredictable and unexpected.

Such changes in the level of fish are extremely negative. They just do not know how to behave in this situation.

In addition to the accumulation and discharge of water in regulated reservoirs associated with the impact of natural factors, there is a regulation of the volume of water in reservoirs, due to the use of water energy. Naturally, this applies only to those rivers on which there are hydroelectric power stations.

The dams operate in the mode of maximum water discharge on weekdays. On Saturday and Sunday, electricity consumption drops and water is stored.

Below the dam, the level drops, the current slows down, up to a complete stop. Above the dam there is an increase in the water level with a similar deceleration of the flow, up to its complete stop.

As a result, below the dam, the fish moves away from the coastal zone and stands on the channel edge. Above the dam, the fish disperse in the water area with stagnant water, and it becomes problematic to look for it.

Fishing is worst on weekends, in conditions of the weakest current. And it is most effective on Wednesday and Thursday, when the current reaches its maximum speed. And this applies to fishing, both from a boat and from the shore.

As for the behavior of fish in "young" reservoirs, in order to predict biting and optimize the search for fish, the age factor of a regulated reservoir must be taken into account.

The fact is that in young reservoirs such global changes take place for several years that the fish are not up to the “level”.

There is a restructuring and formation of both the hydrodynamic regime, the food base, and the places of spawning, feeding and wintering.

It is very difficult to predict the situation in small dammed lakes and ponds, which are formed after the construction of an unpretentious dam, for example, in order to create a "fire" pond in summer cottages. Here, almost always, the change in level is sharp and causes a pronounced reaction of the fish.

For example, biting can start almost immediately when the water level begins to rise during a downpour, and end literally ten minutes after the water level in the pond begins to drop.

On some small "cultural" reservoirs, the following action is practiced. When a lot of fishermen gather who have paid for the pleasure of catching crucians and carp, the owners of the pond lower the water level by several centimeters. The biting either stops completely or becomes extremely cautious.

When most anglers leave the pond, complaining about the weather and the lack of a bite, the water level quietly rises. Carp and crucian start pecking at everything at once. The remaining fishermen are glad that they “waited” for the fish to approach.

The next day, the rumor spreads that the bite began only at six in the evening, and the reputation of the pond is saved. In fairness, it should be noted that this technique received wide publicity and there were few brave people to use it.

Another characteristic period of a noticeable change in the water level is observed after a long drought. Pisces are very calm about this.

A possible decrease in feeding activity is not due to a decrease in water levels, but due to an increase in temperature, stratification of water and a deterioration in the oxygen regime, which can even lead to starvation. If the oxygen content in the water remains normal, then the activity of the fish even increases due to competition, since it is partially deprived of food supply in the coastal zone.

A special case is when a decrease in the water level occurs at the end of winter in regulated reservoirs. Here, water is routinely discharged, freeing the reservoir for melt water, as well as for the purpose of flushing the channel from bottom sediments.

During this period, on the one hand, the concentration of fish increases dramatically, which leads to competition and improved bite. On the other hand, the oxygen regime is deteriorating, and the fish perceives a decrease in the level as a signal of danger.

Therefore, the days of a good bite can be interspersed with a complete lack of bite.

After a brief overview of the most likely behavior of fish during and after changes in the water level in the reservoir, it makes sense to think about where to look for fish.

There is no way to consider all possible options, so I will give the most obvious, but important conclusions.

With a slow decrease in the water level, over several days, the activity of the fish does not change. The fish gradually slides to deeper places, using underwater edges as places for their intermediate stops.

With a slow rise in the water level, the fish also actively feed, but at the same time they try to occupy the smallest places that are most rich in food. It is worth noting here that predators follow peaceful fish.

The desire to visit a small place is especially pronounced at night. So, for example, on the Volga, at sunset, when the water level was rising, I often caught bream under the shore from a depth of no more than a meter. Finding a "cool" place is very difficult.

In the case of a sharp, rapid drop in the water level, the bite often deteriorates for several days.

In the case of a sharp rise in the water level, the biting subsides for several hours, but then returns to normal. The best places for fishing will be the borders of a direct stream of water and a quiet coastal part. Until the water level stabilizes within a few hours, the fish are in no hurry to go to shallow water.

In addition to the rate of change in the water level, biting is no less affected by associated changes in the strength of the current and turbidity of the water. Taking into account these three factors plus weather conditions, a forecast for the upcoming fishing is built.

In my experience, with all the changes in the water level, even taking into account its possible turbidity, with stable weather, you can always find a parking lot for active fish and be with a catch.

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