Kalea zakatichichi tincture. Kalea zakatachichi Effect of taking

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Calea zacatechichi 10g

Sometimes the leaves of the plant are also placed under the pillow. It is believed that the answer to the desired question will then come in a dream. Attaching great importance to the visions received during dreams, the tribe's healers claim that zakatechichi purifies the senses. Recent studies have shown that Calea zacatechichi has a strong effect on sleep in its rapid phase, that is, exactly when we see dreams, and they become very bright, colorful and lucid, and their recall time increases.
Our supplier Kalea is a very good person himself, a rare person. He collects Calea in the province of Oaxaca in Mexico according to the Chontal tradition, which his grandmother taught him and recommended two basic recipes: for sleep and for life.

1) For sleep:

Pour boiling water over a handful of herbs and let steep for 15-20 minutes. Then the broth is carefully filtered through ordinary gauze and drunk. Immediately after the first mug, drink the decoction with milk and honey. After 20-30 minutes you can go to bed.

Course: Kalea Week. Then rest without kalei for two weeks. Kalea week.

2) For life:

We fill the tube with a pinch of kale flowers and smoke. It is recommended to smoke no more than 4-5 pipes throughout the day.



The most disgusting and bitter decoction I have ever tried) But as they say, the more bitter the better. The dreams have become brighter, I haven’t experienced any OC yet, I can clearly feel the activation of the 6th chakra, it was also hard for me to fall asleep from all these vivid sensations, so I recommend a good workout and a warm shower before bed.


Delivered quickly. Kalea is working. Thank you


Hello! Thank you for the package and the bonus inside! It took 8 days to reach Crimea. The smell inside is simply magical.. I'm sure the effect is too.


The large and long-awaited package has arrived! It’s amazing how quickly it arrived, in just 4 days, the whole room was filled with the pleasant aroma of the jungle and plants as soon as I opened the parcel, thanks especially for the bonus, I’ll brew it today :)


Kalea gives an unrealistic amount if you have mushroom experience, salvia experience and especially DMT! Well, or at least one thing. Excellent shop! We are very pleased, the order was packed neatly, with love, nothing was mixed up, everything was on time, you can immediately see order in people’s souls. I liked the gifts! In general, a rainbow of positive emotions from a simple purchase! Good luck and prosperity to you!)))


First time ordering. I was pleased with the delivery - very fast! I hope that kalea will give the same quick effect))) Thank you very much! And for the bonus separately! This tea would be perfect for mom... I’m just getting to know you, but I think I’ll order something from you more than once.)


Thanks YAGE! There is always a very pleasant additional surprise with the order, which makes me even more happy.))


The order was sent promptly. I was pleased with the bonus)) The store is clear)))


Well done boys! Orders are fulfilled clearly, accurately, with pleasant bonuses. The quality of the herbariums is excellent. If they would also inform you when the parcel is being sent, it would be a fairy tale;) However, this has its own charm))


The taste is very pleasant... At first it’s oversaturated, but once again it’s strong :)

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) is a wild herb of the Asteraceae family, growing throughout the territory from northern Costa Rica to southern Mexico.

A small branched shrub not exceeding 1.5 m in height can be found near ponds and other well-moistened places, next to pine and oak trees. It is easily recognized by its small triangular-oval leaves with jagged edges and a downward-curved tip. Kalea differs in the color of its leaves. The brilliant green leaves at the top of the bush give way to purple leaves moving downwards. And under certain lighting, you can notice how the plant begins to luminesce.

However, Kalea zakatechichi gained wide popularity not for its exotic appearance. It’s all about the properties of this plant, for which in Mexico it was nicknamed “the grass of dreams.” Where does this amazing name come from and what does consuming kale zakatechichi give a person? We will tell you in detail about this amazing plant in this article.

Other plants that have been used to induce lucid dreams include Silene Capensis (Cape gum, the African root of dreaming), Entada Rheedii (known as navy bean), and Artemisia Vulgaris (Mugwort).

Traditional uses of kalea

Kalea zakatecchi has many names. It is often called Thle-pelacano, which means "" in Mexican. And in the Aztec Nahuatl language, the plant is called “bitter grass.” Under this name, calea is known throughout Mexico. The plant received the catchy name “dream grass” from the Chontal Indians, who from time immemorial lived in southern Mexico.

The fact is that among Indian tribes living in Mexico and South America, potassium was considered a powerful medicine, on the basis of which all kinds of potions were made. Thanks to such infusions, local residents struggled with lack of appetite and treated gastrointestinal disorders, used the product as an antiseptic, washing deep wounds and burns with it, treated skin problems, and used it as an antipyretic and analgesic. For these purposes, it was enough to squeeze out the juice of fresh kale leaves and apply it to the temples or the affected area of ​​the body. This effect is explained by the content of a whole complex of vitamins, flavonoids and sesquiterpenes in the leaves of kalea.

In addition, the shamans of the Indian tribes dried the kale zakatechichi, and then brewed the dry leaves of the plant, taking it as tea or smoking it before bed. In this case, the person received relaxation, he had a desire to sleep, but the most amazing thing happened at night. Under the influence of the psychoactive substances present in the plant, a person had bright, colorful, lively, memorable dreams! Mexican shamans called such dreams prophetic, because they were distinguished by incredible realism and the “effect of presence.”

With the development of civilization, kaleja zakatechichi spread throughout the world, and naturally, scientists became interested in it. It turned out that the main component of the plant being studied are germacranolides - substances that have sedative properties and have a psychoactive effect on the brain. They contribute to the emergence of colorful dreams at night. These same substances cause intense bitterness, which is felt by people who taste the plant. Compounds of unknown origin were also found in kalechi, which also have sedative and moderately psychoactive properties.

Today it is known that kaleja zakatechichi contributes to the emergence of vivid dreams that are incredibly realistic. Thanks to this feature, this plant began to enjoy particular popularity among people trying to “expand their consciousness” and learn to control their own dreams.

At the same time, not a single alkaloid was found in Kalea zakatechichi, which does not allow this plant to be equated with. Today, the sale, distribution and consumption of kale zakatechichi is permitted in all countries of the world! (Editor's note: Calea Zacatecici is banned in Louisiana - USA, Poland and Australia).

How to use kalea zakatecici

The foliage of the plant in question is brewed as tea or smoked as tobacco. To obtain the desired effect, it is enough to brew or smoke 2–2.5 grams of dry herb. If consumed in liquid form, a person feels strong bitterness, which is why they have to eat the infusion with honey, any other sweet product or pomegranate juice. It is much easier to use alcohol tincture with this remedy. And when smoking dry leaves, no bitterness is felt at all.

You should not exceed the dosage of the herb consumed, because in this case the person’s salivation increases, nausea and vomiting appear. In a normal dose, Kalea zakatecchi has a binding effect, but in case of an overdose, the effect can be completely opposite.

To see colorful, as realistic dreams as possible and learn how to control them, take 5 g of dry plant leaves and pour a glass of boiling water over it. After letting the product brew for 10–15 minutes, drink the infusion and eat it with something sweet to relieve the bitterness. Alternatively, you can take 3 g of dry kale, mix with a spoon of liquid honey and swallow this mixture half an hour before bedtime.

If none of the proposed options suits you, prepare a tincture of kale. To do this, combine 1 part of dry potassium herb with 2 parts of pure alcohol, and leave the sealed bottle for 3 days in a dry, dark place, shaking the contents periodically. If vodka is used instead of alcohol, the product must be infused for a week. After straining the finished tincture, you should evaporate it in the oven (but not on a gas stove, since the concentration of vapors can be explosive). The dark yellow coating that appears on the walls will be the extract, which must be mixed with honey and consumed before bed in a dosage of 1–1.5 g, since the extract is five times stronger than dry leaves.

At the same time, having decided to take a course of taking Kalea zakatachichi, you should give up alcohol and go on a diet, limiting the consumption of meat and spicy foods, and also giving up dinner.

The classic Mexican calea zacachechichi is quite bitter. But there is also kalea, which does not have a bitter taste. To differentiate between them, we will designate these types of kaleas as the bitter variety or the non-bitter variety. Kalea affects everyone differently, but there is one thing that everyone has in common - the effect of the herb increases with regular use.

Information collected from different people suggests that both bitter and non-bitter varieties of kale are active as onogens. A non-bitter variety is usually one that is cultivated artificially, although most commercial herbs have a bitter taste.

The non-bitter variety has more triangular leaves, not as thick as the bitter variety. But this difference is not a necessary fact - kale leaves can differ in appearance, even on the same plant. Both types of plants bloom with yellow flowers. But experienced consumers can usually quite easily notice the difference between plants without even tasting them.

The effect of taking kalea zakatachichi

To obtain the desired effect, kale should be consumed for 5 days. The product is taken before bed, because literally 10 minutes after use, pleasant relaxation and a feeling of drowsiness appear.

People who have personally experienced the effects of Kalea zakatecici describe the initial state as calm and mild euphoria. Having assumed a horizontal position, a person becomes very pleasant and comfortable in literally any position. At the same time, there is a special clarity of mind and heightened senses. A person can even hear his own heartbeat.

The hypnotic effect of kalea is extremely pleasant. For a long time a person is in a pleasant half-asleep, between wakefulness and sleep. And then sleep comes and dreams come. There are several of them during the night and each dream has its own plot. Moreover, a person sees all dreams in almost detail and so realistically that upon waking up, for a long time he does not distinguish dreams from reality.

Thus, a person who used this plant says that before going to bed, he specially put a notepad and pen on the bedside table to write down his dreams at night. And during the night I woke up twice to note all the vicissitudes of sleep, which are too quickly forgotten. When he woke up the next morning, he found a completely blank notepad sheet!

What is typical is that every day the effect of taking Kalea Zakatecchi increases, and by the fifth day a person sees such realistic dreams at night that he is actually able to be aware of them. That is, he is able to understand that he is sleeping and dreaming, but at the same time he has the opportunity to control the plot of his dream and lead it according to a certain scenario. Many people who have achieved the ability to become aware of their own dreams with the help of kalea have managed to solve their psychological problems precisely through lucid “night adventures.”

At the same time, all people who consumed kalea noted that the plant has the ability to “stretch” time, and therefore many people, after waking up, felt that they had slept not for 8 hours, but for the whole day. At the same time, every person who tried the effect of the plant on himself noted an easy awakening, extraordinary clarity of mind and excellent body tone throughout the day.

Many people who have tried Kalea Zakatecchi have noted that the effect of taking this herb is in many ways reminiscent of the effect of marijuana, because, as in the case of marijuana, under the influence of the herb a person feels euphoria, increased sensory perceptions, a rapid flow of thoughts and their inconsistency. However, unlike marijuana, addiction to this herb does not develop at all, and doctors do not find any harm to the body in its effects.

Modern uses of kalea in medicine

In some Mexican states, such as Chiapas, Veracruz, Oaxaca or Morelos, local residents still use infusions of Calea zacachechichi today as a remedy for headaches, as a laxative or as a cure for fever. This remedy helps get rid of stomach problems and relieves discomfort during painful menstruation. And, of course, dried kalea leaves are still smoked to combat insomnia. Finally, the infusion of this plant is used as an insecticide, which repels insects and midges.

This plant is not used in our medicine, but given the effects obtained, every person can take this herb as a sleeping pill and as a means of learning to control their dreams.

And for scientists, Kalea zakatechichi still remains a mystery, because science has not yet been able to recognize all the components of the plant. This means that there is every reason to believe that in the future, Kalea zakatechichi will make itself known more than once.

Cultivating kalea at home

Kalea zakatecchi is usually propagated by cuttings, since the seeds, as a rule, have poor germination.

Kalea zakatecici is one of the plants that is very easy to grow in artificial conditions. But not from seeds. The seeds sold are often counterfeit, but even if they are real kale seeds, many of them are non-viable or have low viability. On the other hand, cuttings take root very easily. Therefore, cuttings are the most popular choice for propagation.

The easiest way is to plant kale cuttings in water - the cheapest way. Root stimulants are not required for cuttings, but in our tests, cuttings that were used with root stimulants root slightly faster and have significantly more developed root systems. But, as we said, you can do without hormonal rooting of growth if cost or availability is a determining factor.

Root hormone stimulants are available in gel or powder form and can be found in most specialty stores or online. Gel is preferable to powder because it adheres better to the stem, but powder is cheaper. The active ingredient in most rooting enhancement products is usually indole-3-butyric acid.

But it is quite possible to prepare a natural rooting remedy yourself by boiling a couple of grams of white willow bark (salix alba) with the addition of tea. White willow bark is the same bark that is used as an anesthetic in herbal pharmacies and contains a substance that is a precursor to acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin).

When rooting many plants, it is important to select a cutting just below a node on the mother plant. The node is the part of the stem from which the leaves emerge. The nodes already contain higher levels of growth hormones, which facilitate rooting. But Kalea zakatecchichi forms roots very easily, so the choice of the node is not as important as in the case of other plants. So you can experiment a little without fear of failure.

Before cutting the cutting, it is recommended to water the plant well about an hour before cutting, while moistening the area where the cut is intended. The instrument that will be used to make the cut should be sterilized, although few people adhere to this rule.

Immediately you need to treat the cut with rooting hormone (if you use it). The gel is easy to use. If you use powder, you must first moisten the application area with water. It's also good to wet the powder itself a little so that it becomes a little sticky.

Otherwise, the powder will simply be washed off with water. To minimize leaching, you need to place the cutting in water as carefully as possible, without sudden movements, so that the powder remains in a lump on the stem. Using the gel, you don’t have to worry too much, it sticks well in the right place. Also, if you use a different rooting medium such as perlite, the powder tends to hold up better.

For cuttings, you need to take a bowl into which you can pour 3-4 cm of water. When using other rooting media, you usually need to apply a little more of this very medium, since it turns out that there is more air and less moisture than in clean water.

This entire household needs to be covered with a plastic bag, creating a small greenhouse effect. This measure will keep the air inside moist so that our sprout does not dry out before the roots grow. The entire structure must be placed in a well-lit place at a temperature of about 22 degrees. One of the advantages of using clean water is that root formation can be clearly seen.

Using other media, you can understand when the roots will develop if you slightly pull the cutting up - if there is slight resistance, then the roots have developed. But be careful not to pull too hard and damage the roots. Root development can take anywhere from a week to several months, especially if temperature conditions are unfavorable.

Transplanting and growing cuttings of Calea Zacatechichi

Once the plant's root system is formed, you can transplant the grass into the soil. It is better to wait until the root system has developed well to minimize plant death. But technically, you can repot your kale at any time once roots begin to form. Kalea zakatachichi is unpretentious to the composition of the soil and will grow well in any soil - purchased or collected in a good place.

Kalea zakatecici has very low nutrient requirements. As an experiment, we even left kale cuttings in perlite, which has no nutritional value, for up to a year. But, as with many plants, fertile soil will of course promote leaf growth and quality.

When replanting the cuttings, make sure that the roots occupy as much space as possible and do not bunch together. This way the plant will develop faster and become strong.

It is important not to damage the roots at the time of transplantation. The soil should be distributed in layers of 1-2 cm, moistening each layer with a spray bottle. Ultimately, the soil should be evenly moist.

You can, of course, water the plant later, but the layered option will ensure a more uniform distribution of moisture and air in the soil. The extra air helps the plant get established and prevents mold and bacteria from growing. There is no need to compact the soil; it will gradually take its place on its own. If the soil is too loose, you can level it a little with a little vibration.

It is a good idea to cover the plant pot with a plastic bag to maintain humidity; this measure will remove excess stress from the plant and allow it to take root well in its new location. Usually this measure is needed in the first few days, after which the film can be removed.

If you notice the plant wilting, you can return it under the film again, but you should not abuse this, so as not to make the kale dependent on high humidity (this applies to any other plant).

Kalea can be grown in relatively low light conditions, which makes its cultivation much easier. In summer there is enough light from the window. In winter, you can illuminate the plant with fluorescent lamps. The more light Kalea zakatechichi receives, the darker and thicker the leaves will be, but if you overdo it, the leaves will turn purple-red, which indicates the plant is not feeling well.

How to grow kale from seeds

Despite the fact that growing Kalea zakatchechi from cuttings is easier and faster, sometimes you have to use seeds. Unfortunately, good quality seeds are not so easy to buy. If this is not a hoax, then the seeds may have poor germination. Even "good" potassium seeds usually have a lower viability than most seeds of other species. Ideally, the seeds are at their best while they are still in the pod.

Each pod contains on average about 20 seeds. In the pods, kale seeds are better protected from external factors. It is also necessary to store the seeds in the refrigerator until use, which will extend their shelf life.

You need to work with seeds indoors, where conditions are more stable and mild. There are too many unexpected and unwanted factors in the outdoors that can ruin everything. Kalea seeds look like small sticks with a “feather” on the top. To germinate, they need to be placed with these “feathers” facing up, as would happen under natural conditions.

It is important that the soil in which the seeds are planted is only slightly moist, otherwise mold will form. Well-drained sandy soil is best for this.

After planting the seeds, you need to cover the container with film to retain moisture and keep it at a temperature of 21 - 22 degrees. For illumination, a regular office desk lamp with fluorescent light is suitable.

The film retains moisture well throughout the entire space, but in order to minimize the likelihood of mold, it is necessary to periodically ventilate. Everything must be done carefully and carefully - even a small mold can kill the seeds.

The germination process can take several weeks, and seeds may germinate at different rates. The difference in germination time can also be several weeks. This needs to be monitored. The resulting seedlings are very small and sensitive, they are extremely vulnerable. They need a constant exchange of fresh air. It is useful to lightly blow the risen seedlings with a fan until they get stronger.

It is necessary to water potassium seedlings only by spraying the soil. The roots of Kalea zakatechichi seedlings are usually quite small; the root system develops on the surface of the soil, and not in the depths. A small addition of growth hormones to the water you water your plant with can help the roots mature a little faster.

As the seeds germinate, the finished seedlings must be separated from those seeds that may still germinate. The sprouts must be handled with extreme caution so as not to damage the very delicate roots.

Since the roots are small, the best option is not to disturb them at all, but to move them along with a lump of soil. Let's say again about the need for good ventilation, as this is very important in the early stages of growth.

After the plant reaches a decent size (7-8 cm), further care will be the same as when cultivating kale using the cuttings method.

Here, perhaps, are all the subtleties of this process. In any case, if you are patient and attentive, you will definitely grow this wonderful plant!

I wish you good health and colorful dreams!

hoja de dios- “leaves of God”) is a plant of the Asteraceae family, growing wild in the area from Southern Mexico to Northern Costa Rica. It is used by shamans of local tribes to predict the future through vivid dreams caused by the plant, as well as for medicinal purposes for gastrointestinal disorders and as an antipyretic.

It has now been shown that an extract from this plant has tranquilizing properties. Its use also contributes to the production of vivid and lucid dreams and an increase in the time of their recall, that is, the plant contains substances with psychoactive properties.

Biological description


The plant contains a whole complex of sesquiterpenes and flavonoids, recommended for use for skin problems. The plant is often used in folk medicine and can be used without a doctor's prescription. Not a single alkaloid has been identified that can cause harm to health. Kalea is merely a “catalyst” and in no way replaces personal effort in the process of dream exploration. Moreover, by harsh actions, for example, fatty foods at night, alcohol or a sudden disruption of sleep patterns, its effect is easily negated.



Its seeds are very difficult to germinate. To germinate the seeds, leave them in a solution with 50% hydrogen peroxide until they sink to the bottom of the vessel, usually the seeds float on the surface, when they sink, this is the ideal moment for germination. After this, you can transplant it into the ground at an average level, maintain high humidity and low light, and within a few weeks the first shoots will appear. It is important to protect from the cold.

Flowering plant.

Effect of taking the leaves

The dreamer effect. Causes a state of drowsiness, an increase in the number of dreams and their vividness and memorization. After 30 minutes, you will be filled with a sense of calm and a sense of awareness of your heartbeat, which means you have reached the ideal dose.


Traditionally, tea is made from the leaves of the plant, after which a cigar made from the same leaves is smoked to enhance the effect. The taste when drinking is bitter and unpleasant, but when smoking, no unpleasant sensations are observed.

Minimum dose

For brewing as tea, use from 25 to 60 grams (the information may not be accurate, check before use). According to Jonathan Ott, an adequate dose is calculated as: 1 gram of dry leaves per kilogram of body weight.

When taken at a higher dose, it creates

Calea Zacatechici is a low shrub of the Asteraceae family, 1-1.5 m in height, distributed in Central America from Mexico to Costa Rica.
Kalea has serrated leaves at the edges, 2-6 cm in length. It blooms with white or yellowish flowers in dense inflorescences.
“Leaves of God” - this is what the Chontal Indians called Calea Zacatechici and used it to enter lucid dreams.
Chontal and Chiapas believed that dreams are the transition of the soul to another reality, where shamans communicated with the world of spirits. With the help of magical techniques and the use of Dream grass, the Indians could find out the cause of the disease, determine the location of a person or a lost thing, and predict the future. Attaching great importance to the visions received during dreams, the healers of the Chiapas tribe claim that Calea Zacatechici purifies the senses. Recent studies have shown that Khoja Madre has a strong influence on sleep in its rapid phase, that is, precisely when we see dreams, and they become very bright, colorful and conscious, and their recall time increases.
"Zacatechichi" means "bitter herb" in the Nahuatl language, and by this name the plant is known throughout Mexico.
The Mixtec Indians consume certain types of puffball mushroom before going to bed; the Nahuatl Indians of the Sierra de Puebla use for the same purpose an as yet unidentified species of sage, known to them under the name Xiouit. The Tarahumara Indians also know a similar plant, which they call Bacana. The Chontal Indians, in the same context, use Calea Zacatechici, which they reverence as one of their sacred plants.

Chemical composition: sesquiterpenes, flavonoids.

Effect of the plant:
A euphoric state similar to that of cannabis. At the same time, an effect such as Clarity of Mind appears, that is, it is easier to manage your attention, concentration on certain things becomes more intense.
***Vivid lucid dreams—awareness of oneself in a dream.

Directions for use:
Zacatechichi, who uses Kalea, brews tea (3-5 grams for 15 minutes) from the dry leaves of the plant and slowly drinks the bitter decoction, lies down in a quiet and peaceful place, smokes a cigarette from the leaves of the same plant and falls asleep. You can reduce the bitter taste by adding honey.
Sometimes the leaves of the plant are also placed under the pillow.
Before going to bed, you can smoke in a pipe or make a cigarette with dry leaves and flowers of the plant; you can smoke a maximum of 3 cigarettes.

No special contraindications have been identified except for people who may be allergic to this plant. If nothing itches for 30 minutes, then there is no need to worry about allergies.

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