Severe bloating before menstruation. Is a bloated belly before menstruation normal? Folk remedies for bloating before menstruation

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Bloating before your period is one of the typical uncomfortable signs of PMS, along with mood swings, periodic pain and cramps. The problem lies in hormonal changes, so bloating is an absolutely normal process.

Causes of bloating

The most common cause of bloating before menstruation is hormonal changes. The menstrual cycle is a continuous series of hormonal changes. The essence of the reproductive period is to release a sufficient amount of progesterone, the sex hormone responsible for preparing the female body for pregnancy. Progesterone affects the smooth muscles of the uterus, it swells and increases slightly in size, preparing to receive an egg. So, the stomach may increase slightly in volume. The more developed a woman's abdominal muscles are, the less likely it is that bloating will be noticeable.

In addition, under the influence of the hormone progesterone, water is retained in the body, which is why the limbs and the pelvic area swell (this can also cause a feeling of bloating).

An equally common cause of bloating and increased gas formation is uncontrolled appetite, characteristic of premenstrual syndrome. By consuming huge amounts of salty, smoked, and especially sweet foods, the stomach can become very bloated, accompanying this process with gases.

Possible reasons also include:

  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • if there is bloating and a delay in menstruation, it is possible that the cause of the bloating was pregnancy;
  • pathological processes and tumors of the female reproductive system.

Bloating during and before menstruation may be accompanied by a feeling of distension of the peritoneum, rumbling and flatulence.

All of the above symptoms are not evidence of pathology; as soon as menstruation begins, they will stop.

With incessant swelling that does not depend on physiological changes, a woman should consult a doctor to find out the true reason why the swelling did not go away naturally and start treatment in a timely manner.

Rules of conduct for reducing flatulence

To reduce unpleasant bloating during menstruation, you should adhere to the following principles:

  • You need to completely revise your diet from the second half of the menstrual cycle. Food should be easily digestible, steamed or boiled.
  • It is worth refraining from products that provoke gas formation: beans, beans and lentils, cabbage, grapes, cucumbers and radishes, milk, kvass and lactic acid products.
  • It is worth limiting your salt intake. You need to add it only to ready meals (you can consume no more than 13-14 grams of salt per day, and when cooking it is easy to exceed this limit). It is necessary to completely abandon salty, pickled, smoked foods, because it retains fluid in the body.
  • Gas formation is enhanced by sweets (this is also the answer to the question why, with any gastrointestinal disease, the patient is first of all prohibited from cakes, pastries, chocolates and other chemical sweets, flavored with a huge amount of sugar and vegetable fat), carbonated and alcoholic drinks: especially beer and wine, Accordingly, they also need to be removed from the diet.
  • An adult needs to drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day.
  • It is important to regularly, and especially the last 2 weeks of the cycle, consume minerals: zinc, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and vitamins A, C and group B. To saturate your body with them, you need to eat enough spinach, broccoli, asparagus, nuts, buckwheat , chicken meat, hard cheese and eggs.

Medicines for swelling

To eliminate bloating and increased gas formation before menstruation, you can resort to the following medications:

  • No-shpa, Drotaverine, Almagel - antispasmodic drugs that will reduce pain when inflated;
  • Activated charcoal - a sorbent that removes toxins from the body (suitable when the stomach swells from overeating);
  • Omeprazole, Festal, pancreatin - enzymatic agents that improve digestion;
  • Dimethicone, Kuplaton - special means that stimulate the removal of excess gases from the body;
  • Espumisan is a popular remedy for combating excess gas formation.

Herbs for bloating

It happens that patients suffering from bloating do not want to see a doctor or take specialized medications. Traditional medicine will help you decide what to do in this case.

Decoctions of mint or chamomile will help if a woman gets very bloated before her period. The medicine is prepared as follows: add 250 ml of boiling water to a teaspoon of dried crushed herbs (if the decoction is based on mint and chamomile, add a spoonful of each herb to a glass of liquid), stir the decoction and infuse for half an hour. You can take the decoction with the addition of honey, like regular herbal tea.

The process of flatulence that occurs on the eve of menstruation should not become a hindrance if a woman takes an infusion of dill fruits in advance. This remedy is often recommended by doctors as an adjuvant therapy, and is widely used even in the treatment of young children. The preparation method is the same as for mint infusion: a spoonful of herbs in a glass of boiling water, infusion time - an hour. The product should be taken warm, three times a day, in a glass. The product is perfectly stored in the refrigerator; you just need to remember that it needs to be warmed up before each use.

In addition, decoctions of the following herbs are prepared using the same recipe: fennel, cardamom, ginger, nettle, horsetail.

A course of baths with essential oils of juniper, tea tree or black pepper, taken a couple of weeks before the start of menstruation, can help avoid unpleasant symptoms.

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Such a natural process as menstruation causes discomfort to many women. Before them and during their onset, hormonal levels change, which affects mood and overall well-being. Most representatives of the fair sex have back pain and an enlarged stomach. What causes it to swell and is it possible to prevent it?

The stomach swells before menstruation: reasons

Of course, every woman's body reacts differently to menstruation. Some people feel good, but others suffer from swelling, pain, and nausea. But still such a symptom as pain and an increase in waist circumference is very common. There may be several reasons for this, it all depends on the individual reaction.
Why does the belly swell and enlarge before menstruation? This may be due to disturbances in peristalsis or swelling. Below you will find all the possible reasons why your waist is getting wider these days:

      Swelling. Despite the fact that during menstruation a woman’s body loses a lot of fluid, swelling may be present. Try to eat less salty, fatty and sweet foods a few days before the onset of menstruation - this will help reduce swelling.
      Pressure on the digestive organs. At first glance it seems - what do they have to do with it? Before the onset of menstruation, blood circulation in the pelvic organs increases, which leads to pressure on the intestines and stomach. Due to pressure, problems may arise in the gastrointestinal tract.
      Hormonal changes. Changes in hormone levels are due to the fact that the endometrial layer of the uterus becomes thicker before menstruation. When there is no fertilization, she gets rid of unnecessary tissue, which is accompanied by an influx of blood.
      Drinking large amounts of liquid. Some women notice that these days they are very thirsty. The result is increased consumption of water and other drinks. The body does not have time to process so much fluid, which leads to its retention and bloating.
      Binge eating. Also, your stomach may become bloated due to the fact that you are under the influence of hormones and overeat. Excess calories lead to excess weight, bloating, and digestive problems. Try not to overeat these days and eat as light a meal as possible.
    Inflammatory processes. If swelling is accompanied by severe pain, there is a high probability of the presence of tumors in the uterus or ovaries. See your doctor as soon as possible.

There can be several reasons for bloating during menstruation. If you follow the same diet, but your stomach is still bloated, consult a doctor, he will prescribe you medications that will help improve your hormonal balance.
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If your stomach swells before your period, what should you do?

First of all, during this period it is necessary to limit the consumption of fatty and salty foods, smoked foods and sweets. Try to eat more salads, greens and fruits, lean meat and fish.
We also recommend that you follow the following recommendations for several days before your period:

      Drink only water, avoid soda and sweet drinks, coffee and tea - no more than two cups per day;
      Reduce the amount of salt consumed;
      Drink chamomile tea;
      Eliminate from the diet foods that can cause bloating and gas formation - for example, legumes, cabbage;
      Do not drink alcohol;
    Include protein foods in your diet.

If swelling is observed even when adjusting the diet, it is necessary to influence the hormonal levels. For serious hormonal imbalances, doctors prescribe oral contraceptives. If the violations are minor, safer herbal-based drugs are prescribed - vitamin complexes for, Cyclodinone, Afobazol, Remens, etc. You can buy them at any pharmacy.
In the period before menstruation, a woman's body undergoes major changes, and you must take this into account. That is why you should reconsider your diet, take a vitamin complex and try to be less nervous.

A number of signs may indicate that critical days are about to come. For example, women’s breasts swell, a brutal appetite awakens, and their emotional state generally defies any logical explanation - either they want to sob bitterly for no particular reason, or they want to kill someone. But what’s most unpleasant is that during the premenstrual period, the stomach inflates so much that it seems as if the woman has swallowed a balloon. Not only does it look, to put it mildly, not aesthetically pleasing, but it can also cause physical discomfort. Many representatives of the fair sex are concerned with the question: what happens to their body at this time and why does the belly swell strongly before menstruation?

There may be several reasons why the stomach swells during menstruation.

Reason No. 1. Fluid retention.

Before the onset of menstruation, women experience a change in hormonal levels. Because of this, fluid may be retained in the body. This is a kind of compensation for the upcoming blood loss. By the way, for this reason, not only the stomach, but also other parts of the body, for example, arms, legs, and face may swell. In addition, during the premenstrual period, the hormone vasopressin is synthesized, which reduces the frequency of the urge to urinate. And this again leads to the accumulation of excess fluid in the tissues. But after the end of menstruation, the water and salt balance in the body returns to normal.


Many women who watch their figure and regularly step on the scale have noticed that their weight increases a few days before and during their period. The increase can be up to 3 kg. But you shouldn't worry about this. We become heavier not because we have eaten extra pounds, but because excess fluid is retained in the body. As soon as your period comes to its logical conclusion, the numbers on the scales again become the same.

Reason #2: Overeating.

Uncontrolled appetite and overeating is another reason why the belly swells and enlarges before menstruation. During PMS, women constantly feel hungry, no matter how much they eat. It seems to them that even if they swallow an elephant, they still won’t get enough of it. In this case, the digestion process before menstruation, on the contrary, slows down. As a result, gases accumulate in the intestines, which causes the very unpleasant symptoms we are talking about.

Reason No. 3. Increase in the hormone progesterone.

Before menstruation, the body begins to produce the female sex hormone progesterone with redoubled force. Its increased concentration makes the uterus more loose and relaxes the smooth muscles. As a result, the organ responsible for childbirth becomes soft, swollen and slightly sagging - this is how the uterus prepares to receive an embryo in the event of a possible conception. And outwardly this creates the effect of a bloated belly.

Reason No. 4. Interesting situation.

Bloating before the expected start of menstruation may also indicate a possible pregnancy. If conception has occurred, the inner walls of the uterus become looser and are saturated with useful substances necessary for the development of the embryo. As a result, the mucous membranes swell and a feeling of bloating and fullness occurs in the abdomen. You can make sure whether you will soon become a mother or not using the well-known test. And if it shows two stripes, and the feeling of bloating persists, you should immediately inform your doctor. At the initial stage of pregnancy, this sign may indicate uterine tone, which poses a threat of miscarriage.

Reason No. 5. Pathologies.

The reasons why the belly swells during menstruation can be not only physiological processes in the female body, but also various pathologies. We are talking, for example, about tumors of the uterus and other pelvic organs, problems with the stomach and intestines, and diseases of the genitourinary system. Pathological processes may be accompanied by a number of other unpleasant signs: pain in the lower abdomen, weakness, increased body temperature, vomiting, and a frequent desire to visit the restroom. If your period does not come and pregnancy is not confirmed, then most likely you are faced with some kind of disease. And in this case, it is necessary, without delay, to make an appointment with a doctor.

How to reduce bloating before your period?

  1. Try not to overeat and limit your consumption of salty, sweet, spicy, fatty, and smoked foods. Don't eat fast food and don't drink soda or alcohol. During PMS, the basis of your diet should be protein and fiber.
  2. Drink as much plain water as possible. It reduces swelling, removes toxins and improves digestion. Also during this period, green and herbal teas and unsweetened cranberry juice are recommended. They have a diuretic effect and remove excess fluid from the body.
  3. Don't sit still, try to move as much as possible. Even light physical activity improves intestinal function and promotes the removal of gases.
  4. Consult your doctor; you may be recommended vitamin complexes or diuretic medications.

The menstrual cycle is a physiological process in a woman’s body, characteristic of childbearing age. During menstruation, changes in metabolic processes and functions of the reproductive system are observed, which can provoke the occurrence of various unpleasant sensations.

Before the onset of menstruation, girls may notice that their belly is enlarged. Many people regard this as a result of increased gas formation. However, bloating before menstruation does not always develop because of this. To determine the causes of this condition, it is necessary to understand the mechanism of the processes occurring and identify the most likely factors in its development. Only after clarifying these points can we talk about the need for therapeutic correction.


If a woman feels that her stomach is bloated on the eve of her period, in many cases there is no reason to worry - these are manifestations of physiological changes during the period of preparation for the first phase of the menstrual cycle. But in certain cases, such a symptom may be hidden behind another pathology, which sometimes requires a prompt response from the woman. Having summarized the possible factors for abdominal enlargement, we can highlight the most common of them:

  • Hormonal changes.
  • Premenstrual syndrome.
  • Ovulation.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Intestinal diseases.
  • Gynecological pathology.
  • Tumors.

When a woman’s stomach swells before her period, this should be treated with due attention, since these complaints are the result of not only physiological, but also pathological changes.

If the symptoms that arise are of pronounced intensity, in order to find out their cause, there is no time to waste - you need to immediately consult a doctor.


Bloating before menstruation is not the only symptom that a woman feels during this period. She may also be concerned about other manifestations, taking into account which will help in making the correct diagnosis. Only after understanding the features of the clinical picture of possible conditions can we confidently say why the belly swells before menstruation. As a rule, this is accompanied by:

  1. Feeling of fullness.
  2. Rumbling in the stomach.
  3. Increased gas formation.
  4. Enlarged abdomen.

If such symptoms are associated with normal processes in a woman’s body during the menstrual cycle, then after the onset of menstruation, these manifestations disappear. When they persist and do not depend on physiological changes, then it is worth thinking about another origin of these complaints.

If there is any doubt about the nature of the sensations, you should consult a doctor.

Hormonal changes

Before menstruation, changes in various metabolic processes are observed. Progesterone is produced, a hormone that is responsible for preparing the body for future pregnancy, since this is the main role of the reproductive period. Under its influence, the muscles of the uterus relax, its mucous membrane swells and prepares to receive a fertilized egg. At the same time, the stomach increases slightly in volume.

In addition, progesterone promotes fluid retention in the body, which is why slight swelling of the lower extremities may appear. At the same time, similar changes are observed in the pelvic organs, which also provokes feelings of fullness in the abdomen.

Changes in hormonal levels are a normal situation during the menstrual cycle. If there are no other complaints and the symptoms go away after menstruation, there is no need to worry.

Premenstrual syndrome

The physiological period of preparation for menstruation should not cause significant discomfort. However, some experience so-called premenstrual syndrome, which is characterized by various disorders: vascular, autonomic, emotional and endocrine. This leads to disruption of a woman’s usual life and causes her a lot of trouble.

The clinical picture of premenstrual syndrome is characterized by a variety of complaints. In addition to bloating, the following are observed:

  • Pain in the heart and stomach.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Dizziness and headache.
  • Dyspnea.
  • Increase or decrease in blood pressure.
  • Induration of the mammary glands.
  • Irritability, mood swings, depression.

This is not a normal course of the menstrual cycle, and therefore requires proper correction.


If a woman notices that her belly is enlarged before her expected period, but there is still no discharge, this may indicate pregnancy. In addition, when heaviness or other unpleasant symptoms are felt, this picture often indicates an increase in the tone of the uterus. In turn, this can provoke spontaneous abortion or miscarriage.

Sudden bloating is often due to an ectopic pregnancy that was interrupted due to a ruptured tube. In this case, severe pain and bleeding are characteristic, and further development is dangerous due to the phenomena of peritonitis.

If your stomach is swollen after a confirmed pregnancy, you need to take this symptom seriously and consult a doctor in time.

Intestinal diseases

Sometimes it happens that there is no clear connection between menstruation and abdominal discomfort. Then we can assume that accumulated gases indicate intestinal pathology. In this case, flatulence will be accompanied by other symptoms:

  1. Pain in the abdomen.
  2. Loosening of the stool.
  3. Sometimes nausea.
  4. In certain cases - increased body temperature.

When your stomach turns, you need to think about the possibility of inflammatory bowel disease.


It is necessary to treat bloating before menstruation taking into account all identified factors in order to have the maximum impact on the cause of this condition. Therefore, a therapeutic program can be formed only after a comprehensive examination of the woman. The most frequently recommended methods for correcting identified violations are:

  • Diet.
  • Medical treatment.
  • Psychotherapy.

In some cases, surgery is indicated - for example, with tubal pregnancy or tumors. But, as a rule, they use conservative methods.

All medicinal products are used only with the permission of a doctor and under his supervision.


To reduce bloating, the first thing you need to do is pay attention to your diet. This is the first thing you need to do to eliminate discomfort, and only then take medications.

Before menstruation, you should limit the consumption of fatty foods, carbohydrates, raw vegetables and fruits, and legumes. To reduce edema, it is recommended not to drink a lot of fluids and not to eat salty foods.

Drug treatment

Taking medications is justified in pathological conditions that are accompanied by a feeling of bloating in the abdomen. Any medications are taken only as prescribed by a doctor and in accordance with his recommendations.

During the physiological course of the menstrual cycle, you can take drugs to reduce gas formation (espumisan), antispasmodics (no-spa, meteospasmil). Herbal teas and infusions (fennel, chamomile, angelica) are recommended as herbal medicine. Premenstrual syndrome requires the use of the following medications:

  1. Sedatives and tranquilizers.
  2. Antiallergic.
  3. Diuretics.
  4. Improving microcirculation.
  5. Hormones.


In many cases, with abdominal discomfort, psychological correction has an additional therapeutic effect. By rethinking various situations and changing attitudes towards problems, a positive dominant is formed in the mind. This allows you to effectively cope with stress, changes in life, and also helps you calmly go through the period of menstruation.

When a woman notices bloating before her period, in most cases there is no cause for concern, since this is the result of physiological changes. But if such phenomena do not disappear after menstruation, you should urgently consult a doctor.

Often, many girls experience bloating about a week before menstruation. This is explained by the active production of the hormone progesterone during this period, which is responsible for the functionality of the smooth muscles of the uterus. The hormone relaxes this organ, makes it soft, and prepares it to receive an embryo in the event of conception. Doctors are quick to reassure: this is a normal phenomenon, and it is caused by some hormonal imbalances. They are the ones who provoke the appearance of edema, since the fluid is not removed from the body independently and in full. Therefore, the stomach also hardens and swells. After the end of menstruation, hormonal levels return to normal.

However, PMS manifests itself differently in every woman, so not everyone gets an enlarged belly before menstruation. It depends on the:

  • Body features;
  • Physical training - muscle corset;
  • Elasticity of the uterine muscles.
If the stomach is swollen in the absence of pregnancy and menstruation, this means the presence of some kind of gynecological pathology. Only a gynecologist can determine it after a diagnostic examination.

Why does your stomach bloat?

The reasons for this phenomenon may be different. They are explained:
  1. Features of intestinal motility. In preparation for menstruation, the body's work is concentrated in the pelvis. The genital organs and the intestines close to them are affected by the blood flow to the uterus and appendages. The period of PMS and menstruation is characterized by minor digestive disorders, including increased gas formation.
  2. Hormones. They help prepare the body for pregnancy. The endometrium, saturated with blood vessels, grows in the uterus. The uterus softens and swells. The abdominal muscles react accordingly. If there is no physical training, it increases.
  3. Swelling. Bloating can be caused by fluid retention in the body. This happens because during menstruation, blood loss and loss of salts and microelements are expected. They need to be compensated for somehow. Some girls' legs begin to swell, others' fingers begin to swell, and others' lower abdomen swells.
  4. Ovulation. If the stomach aches and is swollen, and there is still enough time before menstruation, then this may be a sign of ovulation, because when the egg leaves the ovary, a small injury occurs.
  5. Pregnancy. If your period is approaching, but it does not start, and your belly is enlarged, you can take a pregnancy test. If it is confirmed, but there is pain in the abdomen, you may have an ectopic pregnancy or a threatened miscarriage.
  6. Neoplasms. Abdominal bloating combined with swelling and pain may indicate uterine fibroids and other tumors.
Why does my stomach swell before my period? If this happens to you, you can use these tips:
  • A couple of weeks before menstruation, follow a gentle diet, eat simple food to ease the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Eliminate legumes, cabbage, sweets, flour, foods rich in carbohydrates, increase your intake of protein foods.
  • It is necessary to reduce the consumption of pickles and smoked meats, which are harmful to the gastrointestinal tract, retain water in the body, and increase swelling.
  • Do not drink coffee, alcohol or carbonated drinks.
  • Drink a chamomile decoction, which will improve intestinal motility and serve as a weak diuretic. Decoctions of lingonberries and cranberries are also useful.
  • On the eve of your period, to improve your well-being and mood, you can eat a banana, a little chocolate, and have sex.
  • Take B vitamins, potassium, magnesium. This will help intestinal function and relieve irritability.
  • Wear loose clothing that does not tighten the abdomen and appendages.

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