How long does it take to recover after spinal surgery? Features of rehabilitation after removal of lumbar intervertebral hernia

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

Spinal surgeries are performed to eliminate various functional disorders of the elements of the spinal column. But any surgical intervention is only the first step in treatment. What follows is a comprehensive recovery after the surgical process. Postoperative rehabilitation is a responsible and quite long period, on which the final outcome of surgical treatment will depend.

Any surgical operation is the elimination of the main root cause of pain and physical failure. Those violations that previously doomed a person to disability are today successfully corrected with the help of modern effective technologies, and in the most gentle way possible. Recovery progresses quickly, and the risk of complications is extremely minimized. One of the most unique techniques transpedicular fixation, which has found its application for a large number of indications: from progressive scoliosis or kyphosis to vertebral instability.

All operations help eliminate the direct pathological factor. And then we need to restore the patient’s motor and support potential, as far as possible, bring all physiological indicators back to normal, eradicate the adaptive stereotypes formed during the disease, teach them to move correctly and distribute loads correctly. The need to recover as productively and without consequences after a complex operation is the primary goal of rehabilitation.

A set of rehabilitation measures is developed only by a rehabilitation specialist together with the operating surgeon. Regardless of the complexity of the intervention and the location of its implementation, be it correction of thoracic scoliosis or decompression of nerve endings at any level, patients are required to adhere to the recovery program. You will receive detailed medical instructions received from doctors directly familiar with your clinical case. In no case do not violate the slightest point of it, as well as the deadlines! Your physical rehabilitation is not the one offered by the doctor, but individual treatment prescribed by specialists in the medical institution where you will spend most of the time.

An illiterate approach and a frivolous attitude towards the most important part of treatment will end in very unsatisfactory results. If you don't want serious problems, don't prescribe anything to yourself and don't try any tactics from the Internet.

Sanatorium after spinal surgery

Inpatient treatment, which after some minimally invasive operations is too short-term, rehabilitation does not end. The patient needs to determine in advance which rehabilitation center (RC) he will go to next. In a hospital, only first aid is usually offered in the initial period, and in rehabilitation centers they provide competent care during further stages. Of course, there is a backup option - to attend outpatient exercise therapy and physiotherapy at some hospital, but this is problematic, having an operated spine, and outpatient care in the country is of low quality.

Depending on the volume of surgical procedures performed and the patient’s well-being in specialized rehabilitation medical institutions, treatment can last 2-8 weeks. Where can I go for rehabilitation after spinal surgery? For rehabilitation, you must choose only the best medical institution with an impeccable reputation. You won’t find ideal DCs in Russia during the day, but we’ll still try to help you by highlighting more or less worthy ones:

  • Treatment and Rehabilitation Center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Moscow);
  • Center for Restorative Medicine “Three Sisters” (Moscow);
  • RC "Monino" (Moscow region, Noginsk district);
  • Russian Railways Rehabilitation Hospital (Irkutsk).

The program in such centers is developed by a rehabilitation doctor, taking into account the medical documentation that the patient received upon discharge from the hospital, and on the basis of an additional diagnostic examination. Upon completion of the course of treatment at the RC, sanatorium-resort treatment is recommended to permanently consolidate the achieved results and improve the functioning of the musculoskeletal system. In the future, it should be done 1-2 times a year. Among the Russian sanatoriums specializing in the recovery of people after spinal surgery are the Pushkino Sanatorium, the Podmoskovye Sanatorium of the UDP of the Russian Federation, the Staraya Russa Sanatorium, and the Vorovsky Sanatorium CJSC.

GBUZ MO "Sanatorium Pushkino".

Since we started talking about rehabilitation centers and sanatoriums, we cannot help but mention the Czech Republic. The Czech Republic is an advanced state where the best rehabilitation and sanatorium-resort medical institutions in this area operate, not only within Europe, but throughout the world. Orthopedics and spinal surgery are developed here at exactly the same level as in Israel and Germany.

Only in the Czech Republic and nowhere else, with the mega quality of all services, is the lowest price of treatment noted. The Russian rehabilitation system is not even close to Czech standards.

At the world-famous Janske Lazne, Jáchymov, Poděbrady and other Czech resorts, rich in unique natural springs, highly professional physiotherapists, exercise therapy instructors, orthopedists and neurologists restore a normal quality of life to even the most complex patients who were never able to be helped in their own country .

Rehabilitation periods

Therapeutic strategy and terms of rehabilitation are closely interrelated. Conventionally, recovery is divided into 3 stages, their duration is determined by the doctor. Let's consider what stages the entire rehabilitation period consists of for common types of interventions. We will focus on such manipulations as fixation or installation of a prosthesis after injury, removal of a hernia and elimination of other consequences of degeneration of vertebral structures. For better understanding, we place the information in a table. It will also indicate how long each of the recovery stages lasts (approximately); what therapeutic and health-improving tasks are performed in a given period.

Period Duration Goals Therapy
Early About 2 weeks Prevention of complications, relieving swelling and pain, stimulating wound healing
  • Compliance with bed rest for a certain period;
  • antibiotic therapy;
  • taking hemostatic neurometabolic drugs;
  • wound drainage, surgical suture treatment;
  • breathing exercises;
  • safe and very gentle exercise therapy in a lying position (with arms and legs);
  • measured walking in a corset
Late 1.5-2.5 months Gradual return of the patient to normal life, restoration of spinal functions, strengthening of the musculo-ligamentous system
  • Drug treatment (if necessary);
  • wearing a corset during activity, strictly limited in time;
  • therapeutic exercises with a gradual expansion of the set of exercises and an increase in training time (emphasis on working out the spinal and abdominal muscles);
  • physiotherapy (UHF, Bernard currents, electrophoresis, etc.);
  • at the end of the recovery period, appointment of classes in the pool
Deferred 1-9 months (deadlines are set individually) Complete resumption of vital activity, prevention of relapses and possible consequences in the long term, strengthening of the body
  • More varied exercise therapy;
  • swimming and aqua gymnastics;
  • massage and manual therapy;
  • strict adherence to the physical activity limit;
  • mud therapy, mineral baths

Now it’s clear which rehabilitation period in general: it ranges from 3 to 12 months. But even after the specified time frame, you will need to observe certain restrictions in physical activity for life, lead a healthy lifestyle, regularly engage in exercise therapy (at home) and annually undergo a multi-complex course of specialized prevention in a sanatorium setting.

What is contraindicated to do in the first two rehabilitation periods, that is, in the early and late stages? Absolutely prohibited:

  • performing gymnastics and physical work without an orthopedic corset;
  • massage and manual procedures;
  • taking a sitting position (only the doctor can remove the restriction!);
  • performing bends and twists of the body;
  • allowing jumping, swinging legs, running;
  • any sudden and intense movements;
  • sports activities, including cycling;
  • driving and traveling on public transport;
  • lifting weights (usually you cannot lift more than 3 kg).

To quickly return to shape and a normal rhythm of life, do not force the load or overstrain the spine. Rehabilitation provides a purely adequate approach, which strictly takes into account the time after the surgical intervention, the complexity of the clinical case, age, body weight, etc. It is aimed at an effective and non-traumatic effect: at the productive activation of mobility and support ability with maximum unloading of the operated spine. Proper nutrition and weight control also deserve special attention.

Corset after spinal surgery

After surgical treatment, each patient is recommended to use a special semi-rigid corset, which will protect the weak part from injury, keep it in a fixed position for better recovery and maintain the necessary degree of unloading. Your specialist will tell you how long to wear it every day: 3-6 hours a day or more. They put it on during physical activity, and remove the corset while resting in bed.

The total duration of wearing is determined individually. It should also not be used for a long time, as this can lead to local muscle atrophy. Therefore, listen carefully to your doctor about how to wear the corset and for how long. A special back or neck brace must be purchased. The approximate cost of a bandage after operations at the lumbosacral level is 5-6 thousand rubles.

Someone may be advised to use a walker, which will make movement easier, add confidence when walking and reduce the load on the spine. This device is relevant when, in the preoperative period, there is a loss of sensitivity in one of the limbs. After the intervention, the strength and sensitivity of the legs will not return immediately; this takes time. And you need to start walking at a very early stage. And walkers help such patients cope with temporary obstacles.

And one more very necessary product - compression stockings. They are needed for everyone who has undergone spinal surgery. Their wearing lasts from 2 weeks to several months. Why is this type of underwear necessary? Due to the highly complex manipulations performed, a person has to refrain from full exercise for a long time and lie in bed for a long time, which contributes to venous stagnation and the formation of blood clots in the lower extremities. Thrombosis of the extremities is dangerous due to the sudden rupture of a blood clot and blocking of the lumen of the pulmonary arteries. This is a serious complication that can be fatal. Wearing compression stockings helps to effectively combat congestion; people with vein pathologies and increased blood clotting especially need them.


If we are talking about operations for intervertebral hernias, then more often they do not give disability. After all, this is why doctors used surgery, to normalize a person’s quality of life, and not to make him disabled. This applies to almost all interventions. However, to the question of whether disability is granted, it is more correct to answer this way: it can be assigned if postoperative rehabilitation does not give the expected results. The patient is sent for a medical examination, where it will be determined whether he is entitled to a disability group. The treating specialist refers to MTU, for example, when the following problems are identified:

  • with frequent and prolonged exacerbations;
  • with persistent persistence or appearance of motor dysfunction, vestibular disorders, critical inhibition of the functioning of internal organs;
  • serious cephalgic syndrome resulting from unsuccessful intervention;
  • with long-term incompetence of the musculoskeletal system, which interferes with the performance of professional duties;
  • with prolonged inability to self-care, etc.

The doctor will inform you in detail about how to register your disability status, and he will also help you prepare the necessary package of documents for the appropriate authority. Typically, the package includes a referral to the commission, an extract from the medical record about the pathology, a document about the rehabilitation treatment performed, a photocopy of the passport, diagnostic results (CT and/or MRI, RVG of the vessels of the extremities, REG of the brain, spinal puncture, myelography, etc.).

Leg or back pain after spinal surgery

The nerve structures of the spine innervate the muscles of the upper and lower extremities. During the course of many diseases of the spinal system, nerve conduction is disrupted, so a person often feels tingling, crawling in the legs or arms, and pain. But there are several reasons why the leg hurts after the operation, which was supposed to restore the nerve-transport network.

Firstly, these are residual effects that should soon disappear completely. Nerve and muscle tissues that have undergone pathological changes during injury or degenerative disease need time to regenerate. If the symptom is not associated with surgeon errors or complications of an improperly organized rehabilitation process, pain and paresthesia will gradually begin to subside.

Each of them is prescribed exclusively by a doctor! Don’t even try to self-prescribe medications for pain; this can lead to their ineffectiveness at best, and negative pathological reactions at worst. The dosage, frequency of daily use and duration of the medication course are calculated only by the treating specialist and no one else.

In the structure of surgical interventions, spinal surgeries occupy an “honorable” third place. Most often, patients with injuries and progressive scoliosis end up on the operating table. The rehabilitation program in each specific case is developed individually, taking into account the patient’s condition and the nature of the injuries. Recommended techniques may include therapeutic exercises, physiotherapy, massage and acupuncture.


Physical therapy exercises help strengthen the back muscles and improve blood supply to the tissues.

Physical rehabilitation in postoperative therapy of patients is considered a priority. A properly selected gymnastics complex allows you to:

  • reduce pain syndrome;
  • improve blood circulation processes;
  • restore metabolic processes in the spine;
  • strengthen the muscle corset of the back;
  • speed up the recovery period.

At first, classes are shown under the supervision of an instructor, who will ensure that all exercises are performed correctly. Inaccurate adherence to training techniques threatens the development of complications and worsening of the condition.

Therapeutic exercise can be carried out in a kinesiotherapy room or in the swimming pool of a medical institution (). Some patients are recommended to do gymnastics in special orthopedic devices: a rigid corset, an elastic bandage or a replicator. By supporting the spine, they help reduce stress on the operated area.

At the early stage of recovery, exercises are performed mainly on the back, stomach or on all fours, and in water - only in a standing position. The duration of the training is 20-25 minutes. This period also includes several short breaks for rest. Gradually the complex becomes more complicated, bringing its execution time to 35-40 minutes. After completing the course, patients are recommended to continue exercise therapy at home.


Mechanotherapy is therapeutic gymnastics, which is carried out using various devices and simulators. Often prescribed as a rehabilitation measure for patients with spinal cord injuries.

Treatment is aimed at increasing physical activity and returning the spine to normal mobility. All exercises on the simulators are selected by the rehabilitation instructor on an individual basis. Classes take place in hospitals or recovery centers. The course of mechanotherapy can last from 2 weeks to several months. After its completion, the patient is transferred to regular exercise therapy.


Depending on the patient’s condition, he may be offered classical, reflex, underwater or hardware. The procedure helps to relax overly tense muscles, improve blood and lymph flow in the spine, and reduce pain. The course includes 10-12 sessions, which are held daily.

Massage is usually not used as an independent therapy. To enhance the clinical effects, it is recommended to combine the technique with exercise therapy or physiotherapy.


The goal of acupuncture is to mobilize the body's own resources to speed up the healing process. The reflexologist has a variety of needles at his disposal, varying in shape and thickness. The doctor determines which ones should be used based on the patient’s condition. Needles are inserted into specific points on the back and neck at a strictly defined angle. One session lasts about 20 minutes. To fully restore functionality after surgery, 8-10 procedures are often sufficient.


Physiotherapy includes various options for electro-, magneto- and heat therapy. Each technique has its own advantages.

It is intended to improve metabolism in tissues and create favorable conditions for their regeneration. . The essence of the treatment is to expose the patient’s body to high-intensity magnetic pulses. For this purpose, special inductors are installed on the operated area. The duration of sessions ranges from 15 to 30 minutes. A rehabilitation course may include 10-20 procedures.

In the presence of pain, a good result is obtained Diadynamic therapy. In this case, the affected area is exposed to low-frequency currents. A continuous flow of impulses reduces the sensitivity of nerve endings, which leads to the development of an analgesic effect. Due to its vasodilating effect, it also helps eliminate postoperative edema.

The procedure is carried out by placing two plate electrodes on either side of the damaged area of ​​the spine. During therapy, the patient feels a slight vibration. The course includes 10-15 procedures, which are repeated daily.

To perform the procedure, the patient is placed on his stomach under a large laser emitter. During the treatment, the patient feels a pleasant warmth in the tissues. The duration of exposure is 6-8 minutes. The course of IR therapy includes 10 sessions.

Mud therapy is practiced and applications. have the ability to retain heat for a long time and slowly release it to the patient’s body, which is responsible for their high therapeutic activity. In postoperative rehabilitation, compresses with a temperature of 38-40ºС are used, which increase the skin temperature by an average of 1.5-2ºС. This effect leads to increased blood flow and metabolism in the affected tissues.

The mud is applied directly to the spine for 20-30 minutes. Sessions are repeated daily for 1-2 weeks.

The duration of rehabilitation in different cases can range from half a month to six months. It is very important not to be lazy and make every effort to fulfill all the doctor’s instructions. The more successful the recovery course is, the more pronounced the results of the operation will be.

Video on the topic “Rehabilitation after spinal surgery”:

Spine surgery is one of the most difficult surgical procedures. Therefore, after any type of spinal surgery, serious rehabilitation is necessary. Typically, these types of treatments are performed in microsurgery.

It doesn’t matter where exactly the intervention took place - in the lumbar or cervical region, there is still a huge risk of serious complications. But, if you undergo proper rehabilitation after spinal surgery, this risk is reduced to zero.

Rehabilitation after spinal surgery: recovery stage

Surgeries on the cervical or lumbar spine can be performed for a variety of indications. Therefore, the rehabilitation plan after spinal surgery should be selected purely individually.

But, any period of rehabilitation after spinal surgery, as a rule, has 4 main goals:

There are no general methods of rehabilitation after surgery on the lumbar spine (or cervical spine). The doctor himself determines the patient’s problems and, based on them, draws up a postoperative rehabilitation plan.

The main goal of the attending physician is not just to “remove” pain and completely restore the spine, but also to improve the patient’s future life, to make it as convenient and comfortable as possible. Therefore, it is important to take into account the lifestyle of a particular patient.

For example, if surgery was performed in the cervical region, then after its completion all movements can be extremely painful. The doctor will select the optimal poses for the patient and also show how to relieve body tension as much as possible.

Rehabilitation after surgery is also based on the nature of the damage to this part of the body. But often all programs for such restoration include the same funds. Let's take a closer look at them.

Modern techniques and means used during the rehabilitation period after spinal surgery

The recovery program after any intervention in the spine (cervical or lumbar) can last from a couple of weeks to several years. The earlier the patient begins the correct period after surgery, the less time it will take.

It is also not uncommon for a patient to begin a year-long recovery program several years after surgery. But they also gave good results, although they took more time.

What rehabilitation programs are used most often?

Rehabilitation after surgery on the spine (lumbar or cervical) must necessarily include physical therapy. This is one of the most harmless, but very effective methods of recovery from many diseases.

Correctly selected exercises will help you quickly return to normal, relieve pain, and improve the motor functions of the body. They will also improve blood flow, which will help you regain your previous shape even faster.


Involves the use of:

Cold and heat
Electric current
Magnetic field
Sound waves

Physiotherapy has a positive effect on the body’s recovery processes, and also “removes” fatigue, improves mood, and improves blood microcirculation in the body’s tissues and internal organs.

Rehabilitation training on special simulators

If you need to quickly restore the cervical spine, you can use special simulators. Today there are simply a huge number of them and you can easily select the one that is suitable for the rehabilitation of your injury.


It is used both in postoperative periods and for various injuries. It has a beneficial effect on the entire body and allows you to quickly cope with pain, discomfort, and improve blood supply to the body.

Perhaps, without massage and professional massage equipment, not a single rehabilitation program is carried out. Therefore, the choice of a massage therapist and additional devices must be approached extremely responsibly.

Occupational therapy

After any operations or injuries, a person has to get used to the outside world again, and often change his lifestyle. Therefore, if you need to learn new motor skills or “remember” old ones, doctors recommend taking a course of occupational therapy.

This technique has been known since the Second World War and is actively used in a wide variety of postoperative rehabilitation programs.


Any spinal injury can radically change his life. Therefore, such patients often require the help of a professional psychotherapist. It will help restore lost balance in life, improve your way of thinking and help you adapt to the “new” world.

Restorative measures after surgery on the spine begin immediately. The rehabilitation program is selected only individually: taking into account the type and complexity of surgical procedures performed, the weight and age of the patient, and a history of concomitant diseases. With careful compliance with all medical recommendations and prescriptions, the operated person recovers at a dynamic pace and, upon completion of postoperative treatment, returns to a full life.

If lumbar stabilization is used, then rehabilitation becomes even more important.

However, if the rehabilitation program prescribed by the doctor is not strictly followed or there is a complete absence of an extremely necessary special medical and physical regimen, the risk of developing certain complications increases many times over, and recovery moves at a very slow pace and does not occur within the prescribed time frame.

Dear patients, since postoperative therapy plays no less significant role in the treatment of the spine than the operation itself, we devote this article to the main issues of rehabilitation after spinal surgery. The material below is for informational purposes only! You must understand that the development of rehabilitation and health measures, their adjustment, extension or cancellation should be carried out exclusively by a specialist who is personally familiar with your clinical case.

Goals of rehabilitation after spine surgery

Surgical interventions on one of the most important parts of the musculoskeletal system are prescribed in the most extreme cases: if conservative therapy does not help or has no therapeutic significance, as well as in the presence of a threat of damage to the spinal cord, the risk of damage to nerve endings and associated complications. That is, surgery in such situations is a vital measure.

Surgery is most often resorted to when diagnosing a herniated disc and other consequences of osteochondrosis, fractures and various injuries. By the way, in approximately 50% of cases, protrusions and hernias occur at the intervertebral levels of the lumbar region, so it is in this area that surgical treatment is most often performed. This could be microdiscectomy, endoscopic surgery, some type of nucleoplasty, for example, laser or cold plasma vaporization, radiofrequency plastic surgery of the nucleus pulposus, etc.

Often, specialists use special metal clamps during a certain surgical process. Operations with metal structures provide for reliable stabilization of the operated area. Sometimes artificial implants are implanted if one or another biological element cannot be restored. Mostly intervertebral discs in the cervical region are subject to replacement; less common are interventions to remove discs with subsequent implantation on other segments of the spinal axis. There are also operations when thoracic vertebrae, destroyed due to osteoporosis, trauma or tumor, are filled with bone cement.

That is, as you understand, there are many types of surgical assistance, and after each of them, even the most minimally invasive, a person must receive high-quality and complete rehabilitation. Otherwise, there will be complications (paralysis, infection, etc.), disability, and possibly even death. The final result of your physical recovery directly depends on what kind of rehabilitation you have. In general, the recovery period after surgery on the spine for spondylolisthesis or any other disease includes the following goals:

  • reliable prevention of all possible postoperative complications;
  • prevention of early and distant relapses of the same pathology;
  • elimination of painful phenomena and swelling;
  • return of self-care skills;
  • correct and productive restoration of the functions of the operated area;
  • strengthening and increasing endurance of the ligamentous-muscular system;
  • teaching correct postures, correcting posture and gait;
  • normalization of the functioning of the entire musculoskeletal system;
  • full or maximum possible restoration of the lost quality of life.

It is important to understand that a fundamental role is played by full physical rehabilitation, including exercise therapy and a certain set of physiotherapeutic procedures for each individual patient. It is important to understand that you can receive high-tech surgical care at a first-class level, but if it is not followed by comprehensive physical rehabilitation, then you cannot count on a successful outcome from such treatment.

Recovery methods after spine surgery

So, as we said earlier, rehabilitation begins immediately, even after surgery to remove a hernia of the lumbar spine, or after using any other technology. We emphasize that manipulations using metal structures in the cervical spine and other areas of the spine are the most traumatic and require longer immobilization of the patient and longer recovery periods.

Another point is that many procedures are performed due to pinched nerve endings; after decompression, they still need to recover, so neurological symptoms may persist for a short period. It should be understood that the nerve tissues were subjected to pressure for a long time during the illness and now, after eliminating the damaging factor, the inflamed roots that were released will take some time to return to normal. In addition, pain in the initial stages is a natural physiological reaction of the body associated with intraoperative trauma to soft tissues.

Next, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the existing methods of rehabilitation benefits offered to a patient who has undergone surgery on the spine. They will facilitate and significantly speed up the recovery process.

Drug treatment

After the intervention, everyone without exception is prescribed a course of antibiotic therapy, which will prevent the appearance of an infectious-purulent focus in the vertebral and paravertebral structures. Along with antibiotics, the patient is recommended to take anti-inflammatory and analgesic medications that relieve swelling, inflammation and pain at the site of the manipulation. To prevent thrombosis, drugs with anticoagulant properties are prescribed. Additionally, they may prescribe a vitamin-mineral complex and medications to strengthen osteochondral structures, for example, medications based on calcium, glucosamine and chondroitin.


The patient is recommended to undergo a complex of therapeutic exercises, individually selected by the surgeon together with a rehabilitation specialist. These measures are aimed at preventing congestion, correct development and training of the muscles of the back, neck, abdominal girdle, lower and upper extremities. In addition to regular physical exercises, special simulators for mechanotherapy are also used.

A highly qualified exercise therapy specialist instructs and monitors the correct performance of restorative physical education. Classes begin in the hospital, after discharge you will need to continue studying in the rehabilitation department of the clinic, in a specialized orthopedic center or at home. The last option is extremely undesirable, since any inaccuracy in movements is fraught with serious damage to the operated part of the back.

Physical activity in the early period is given minimal, while at first, if the operation was complex, the rehabilitation doctor can help with his hands to make movements with various parts of the body, for example, turning the head, bending-extending the legs, etc. As the patient’s condition improves, carry out assigned tasks independently, of course, under the close supervision of an instructor. Loads are increased gradually and with extreme caution, avoiding increased pain.

At first, exercises are done in bed - lying on your back and stomach. A little later, if the doctor deems it necessary, tasks that will need to be performed standing or on all fours are included. Sitting for approximately 2 weeks or more is not allowed in most cases. Tilting the body is prohibited until complete recovery. In the later stages, a visit to the pool is recommended, since swimming is the best way to help strengthen the spine in the most gentle way. After completing the rehabilitation course, therapeutic exercises are performed regularly throughout life.

Important! Therapeutic exercise is one of the most effective methods of physical recovery, responsible for normalizing muscle tone and elasticity, metabolic processes and blood circulation, developing flexibility and mobility of the musculoskeletal frame, stabilizing the activity of internal organs and systems. In general, all this will allow you to quickly return to work and avoid dangerous consequences.

Physiotherapy procedures

Physiotherapy is another main and integral part of the rehabilitation program, which is based on:

  • electromyostimulation;
  • iontophoresis;
  • heat and magnetic therapy;
  • diadynamic therapy;
  • laser treatment;
  • neurostimulation.

The advantages of all of the above tactics are local selective effects and the ability to produce a therapeutic effect on deep tissues. These methods have an immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect. In addition, physiotherapy activates local blood circulation, lymphatic drainage and metabolism, optimizing the delivery of oxygen and important nutrients to problem tissues, due to which the operated area recovers faster and the surgical wound heals in a short time. In the middle or end of rehabilitation, massage, manual therapy, and acupuncture sessions are prescribed.

Orthopedic corsets

Wearing orthopedic braces is an important requirement for patients undergoing spinal surgery. Their use will ensure successful rehabilitation by unloading and protecting the weak part from possible damage during physical activity. But immobilization devices must be worn strictly for the time prescribed by the doctor (no longer), usually 3-6 hours a day, since immobilization of a particular area for too long can provoke muscle atrophy. The duration of use of corsets is different for all people, it all depends on the severity of the surgical session. After major interventions, you may need to use such a product for at least 6 months, and after simple operations - on average 1-2 months.

Rehabilitation after removal of protrusion

Slowly getting up and walking after removal of a hernia, as reviews show, is allowed quite early, often as early as the next day. As for the main rehabilitation measures, we have already talked about them, but only the attending physician should recommend a regimen of physical activity, medication and physiotherapy. There is no single postoperative treatment regimen that is equally suitable for everyone. How long, specifically days, further recovery will last is also decided by the specialist, based on clinical data and individual criteria of the patient. Therefore, for our part, we can only voice the main restrictions at the time of rehabilitation, which must be strictly observed by the patient who has had an intervertebral hernia removed. During the postoperative stages it is strictly prohibited:

  • sit, sitting restrictions are adhered to for at least 3 weeks, in some cases 6 weeks;
  • stay in a sitting position for a long time when you are allowed to sit;
  • walk with a slouch or arched back;
  • lift weights weighing more than 3 kg;
  • bend over, rotate the body, make sharp turns of the body;
  • run, jump, swing your legs, do pull-ups;
  • increase the intensity and duration of any type of exercise therapy training;
  • arbitrarily cancel exercises or introduce new ones;
  • exercise if pain occurs or discomfort intensifies (you need to immediately notify your doctor!)
  • driving a car, this ban can only be lifted by a doctor.

When a disc is completely removed, an implant is often placed into the freed intervertebral cavity, securing the vertebral pair with a stabilizing system. Titanium bolts are inserted into the spine to firmly fix the transverse stabilizer, which in turn will be responsible for the correct position relative to the spinal axis of adjacent bone bodies. The bolts are screwed through the arch into the vertebral bodies. Modern metal structures are usually represented by dynamic bolts, which allows maintaining the mobility of the operated level as close to normal as possible. However, such patients will likely need to stay in bed for about a week. Then, under the supervision of a rehabilitation methodologist, you will need to work very hard, impeccably carrying out everything he says. Then adaptation to the implanted implant will be successful, and you will gradually return to full activity, even be able to play sports.

Where to go for rehabilitation after surgery

So you've had back surgery, you've had early hospital treatment, and you've been discharged. By the way, after some surgical interventions, in particular after a simple minimally invasive procedure, they are released from the hospital quite early, sometimes even on the same day when the main surgical care was provided. Upon discharge, each patient receives basic recommendations from the doctor. You can attend outpatient procedures and exercise therapy classes at your place of residence, although they are provided in domestic medical institutions at a level below average, so the prognosis for a successful outcome is 50/50. In this regard, it is better to register with a good rehabilitation center, which will provide you with a more competent, and, therefore, quick and uncomplicated recovery. Then you will need to visit a sanatorium, approximately 4-6 months after the operation; in the future, it is necessary to be treated in a sanatorium-resort environment, ideally 2 times a year, in extreme cases - 1 time a year.

Remember that incompetent manipulation of the spine can cost you too much and can lead to disability, often to irreversible loss of motor potential not only in the back, but also in the legs or arms. We would like to warn you that today too many private clinics in Russia have begun to specialize in Bubnovsky’s methods, and not professionally enough. Therefore, we would not advise you not to risk your health by contacting such centers, especially since such tactics after intervention on the spinal column are not your option. So where can you go so that the price is affordable and you can get truly highly specialized medical care?

Clinical institutions in the Czech Republic are famous everywhere, whether surgical or rehabilitation. All medical institutions in the Czech Republic, be it a hospital or a sanatorium, are equipped with modern high-tech equipment of the most advanced models, staffed only by selected medical staff with a high qualification degree and rich practical experience. The level of services provided - from surgery to rehabilitation - is no worse here than in Israel or Germany. At the same time, prices for treatment programs in the Czech Republic are an order of magnitude lower than those of Israeli or German medical services, approximately 2-2.5 times! Take note, this is the only European state that is ideal for our medical tourists. In the Czech Republic, treatment is provided according to all international standards and the cost is quite reasonable.

Rehabilitation period after spinal surgery

The gradation of the main stages and the timing of achieving certain restoration tasks may be different. Let’s try to roughly estimate how long rehabilitation takes after common spinal surgeries.

  • What is the estimated recovery period after a discectomy performed using a microscope or endoscope? After both interventions, in which the intervertebral disc was preserved, it was approximately the same - on average 2-2.5 months.
  • After the spinal fusion procedure, when a bone fragment is transplanted and transpedicular fixation is performed, you will need to recover for 3 months or more. Detailed rehabilitation is described on many resources. But keep in mind that this surgical technique involves a very complex intervention, after which restorative measures must proceed flawlessly under close medical supervision, and not under the guidance of Internet advice!
  • If vertebroplasty was performed, reviews indicate that the further course of special postoperative therapy is usually 2 months. But even such a gentle and fast-acting surgical process, performed for compression fractures, may require an extension of recovery time, especially in older people.
  • After the procedures of vaporization of the disc with a laser or cold plasma, in order to properly restore the functionality of the spine, you need to regularly exercise for approximately 1-1.5 months. However, practical observations show that some patients need to be rehabilitated for up to 3 months.
  • After installation of an intervertebral disc prosthesis, in order to get used to the new artificial organ and achieve full range of motion, you should strictly adhere to the basic medical program for 3-6 months.

It is, of course, very important for you that the recovery process goes smoothly, easily and without any unpleasant post-operative excesses in the form of complications. For this to be the case, which we sincerely wish for you, approach your rehabilitation with maximum responsibility. Do not neglect the services of professional rehabilitation therapists and follow absolutely all medical recommendations, and if you experience any unpleasant sensations (pain, paresthesia, stiffness, etc.), immediately notify your doctor!

Restorative measures after surgery on the spine begin immediately. The rehabilitation program is selected only individually: taking into account the type and complexity of surgical procedures performed, the weight and age of the patient, and a history of concomitant diseases. With careful compliance with all medical recommendations and prescriptions, the operated person recovers at a dynamic pace and, upon completion of postoperative treatment, returns to a full life.

If lumbar stabilization is used, then rehabilitation becomes even more important.

However, if the rehabilitation program prescribed by the doctor is not strictly followed or there is a complete absence of an extremely necessary special medical and physical regimen, the risk of developing certain complications increases many times over, and recovery moves at a very slow pace and does not occur within the prescribed time frame.

Dear patients, since postoperative therapy plays no less significant role in the treatment of the spine than the operation itself, we devote this article to the main issues of rehabilitation after spinal surgery. The material below is for informational purposes only! You must understand that the development of rehabilitation and health measures, their adjustment, extension or cancellation should be carried out exclusively by a specialist who is personally familiar with your clinical case.

Goals of rehabilitation after spine surgery

Surgical interventions on one of the most important parts of the musculoskeletal system are prescribed in the most extreme cases: if conservative therapy does not help or has no therapeutic significance, as well as in the presence of a threat of damage to the spinal cord, the risk of damage to nerve endings and associated complications. That is, surgery in such situations is a vital measure.

Surgery is most often resorted to when diagnosing a herniated disc and other consequences of osteochondrosis, fractures and various injuries. By the way, in approximately 50% of cases, protrusions and hernias occur at the intervertebral levels of the lumbar region, so it is in this area that surgical treatment is most often performed. This could be microdiscectomy, endoscopic surgery, some type of nucleoplasty, for example, laser or cold plasma vaporization, radiofrequency plastic surgery of the nucleus pulposus, etc.

Often, specialists use special metal clamps during a certain surgical process. Operations with metal structures provide for reliable stabilization of the operated area. Sometimes artificial implants are implanted if one or another biological element cannot be restored. Mostly intervertebral discs in the cervical region are subject to replacement; less common are interventions to remove discs with subsequent implantation on other segments of the spinal axis. There are also operations when thoracic vertebrae, destroyed due to osteoporosis, trauma or tumor, are filled with bone cement.

That is, as you understand, there are many types of surgical assistance, and after each of them, even the most minimally invasive, a person must receive high-quality and complete rehabilitation. Otherwise, there will be complications (paralysis, infection, etc.), disability, and possibly even death. The final result of your physical recovery directly depends on what kind of rehabilitation you have. In general, the recovery period after surgery on the spine for spondylolisthesis or any other disease includes the following goals:

  • reliable prevention of all possible postoperative complications;
  • prevention of early and distant relapses of the same pathology;
  • elimination of painful phenomena and swelling;
  • return of self-care skills;
  • correct and productive restoration of the functions of the operated area;
  • strengthening and increasing endurance of the ligamentous-muscular system;
  • teaching correct postures, correcting posture and gait;
  • normalization of the functioning of the entire musculoskeletal system;
  • full or maximum possible restoration of the lost quality of life.

It is important to understand that a fundamental role is played by full physical rehabilitation, including exercise therapy and a certain set of physiotherapeutic procedures for each individual patient. It is important to understand that you can receive high-tech surgical care at a first-class level, but if it is not followed by comprehensive physical rehabilitation, then you cannot count on a successful outcome from such treatment.

Recovery methods after spine surgery

So, as we said earlier, rehabilitation begins immediately, even after surgery to remove a hernia of the lumbar spine, or after using any other technology. We emphasize that manipulations using metal structures in the cervical spine and other areas of the spine are the most traumatic and require longer immobilization of the patient and longer recovery periods.

Another point is that many procedures are performed due to pinched nerve endings; after decompression, they still need to recover, so neurological symptoms may persist for a short period. It should be understood that the nerve tissues were subjected to pressure for a long time during the illness and now, after eliminating the damaging factor, the inflamed roots that were released will take some time to return to normal. In addition, pain in the initial stages is a natural physiological reaction of the body associated with intraoperative trauma to soft tissues.

Next, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the existing methods of rehabilitation benefits offered to a patient who has undergone surgery on the spine. They will facilitate and significantly speed up the recovery process.

Drug treatment

After the intervention, everyone without exception is prescribed a course of antibiotic therapy, which will prevent the appearance of an infectious-purulent focus in the vertebral and paravertebral structures. Along with antibiotics, the patient is recommended to take anti-inflammatory and analgesic medications that relieve swelling, inflammation and pain at the site of the manipulation. To prevent thrombosis, drugs with anticoagulant properties are prescribed. Additionally, they may prescribe a vitamin-mineral complex and medications to strengthen osteochondral structures, for example, medications based on calcium, glucosamine and chondroitin.


The patient is recommended to undergo a complex of therapeutic exercises, individually selected by the surgeon together with a rehabilitation specialist. These measures are aimed at preventing congestion, correct development and training of the muscles of the back, neck, abdominal girdle, lower and upper extremities. In addition to regular physical exercises, special simulators for mechanotherapy are also used.

A highly qualified exercise therapy specialist instructs and monitors the correct performance of restorative physical education. Classes begin in the hospital, after discharge you will need to continue studying in the rehabilitation department of the clinic, in a specialized orthopedic center or at home. The last option is extremely undesirable, since any inaccuracy in movements is fraught with serious damage to the operated part of the back.

Physical activity in the early period is given minimal, while at first, if the operation was complex, the rehabilitation doctor can help with his hands to make movements with various parts of the body, for example, turning the head, bending-extending the legs, etc. As the patient’s condition improves, carry out assigned tasks independently, of course, under the close supervision of an instructor. Loads are increased gradually and with extreme caution, avoiding increased pain.

At first, exercises are done in bed - lying on your back and stomach. A little later, if the doctor deems it necessary, tasks that will need to be performed standing or on all fours are included. Sitting for approximately 2 weeks or more is not allowed in most cases. Tilting the body is prohibited until complete recovery. In the later stages, a visit to the pool is recommended, since swimming is the best way to help strengthen the spine in the most gentle way. After completing the rehabilitation course, therapeutic exercises are performed regularly throughout life.

Important! Therapeutic exercise is one of the most effective methods of physical recovery, responsible for normalizing muscle tone and elasticity, metabolic processes and blood circulation, developing flexibility and mobility of the musculoskeletal frame, stabilizing the activity of internal organs and systems. In general, all this will allow you to quickly return to work and avoid dangerous consequences.

Physiotherapy procedures

Physiotherapy is another main and integral part of the rehabilitation program, which is based on:

  • electromyostimulation;
  • iontophoresis;
  • heat and magnetic therapy;
  • diadynamic therapy;
  • laser treatment;
  • neurostimulation.

The advantages of all of the above tactics are local selective effects and the ability to produce a therapeutic effect on deep tissues. These methods have an immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect. In addition, physiotherapy activates local blood circulation, lymphatic drainage and metabolism, optimizing the delivery of oxygen and important nutrients to problem tissues, due to which the operated area recovers faster and the surgical wound heals in a short time. In the middle or end of rehabilitation, massage, manual therapy, and acupuncture sessions are prescribed.

Orthopedic corsets

Wearing orthopedic braces is an important requirement for patients undergoing spinal surgery. Their use will ensure successful rehabilitation by unloading and protecting the weak part from possible damage during physical activity. But immobilization devices must be worn strictly for the time prescribed by the doctor (no longer), usually 3-6 hours a day, since immobilization of a particular area for too long can provoke muscle atrophy. The duration of use of corsets is different for all people, it all depends on the severity of the surgical session. After major interventions, you may need to use such a product for at least 6 months, and after simple operations - on average 1-2 months.

Rehabilitation after removal of protrusion

Slowly getting up and walking after removal of a hernia, as reviews show, is allowed quite early, often as early as the next day. As for the main rehabilitation measures, we have already talked about them, but only the attending physician should recommend a regimen of physical activity, medication and physiotherapy. There is no single postoperative treatment regimen that is equally suitable for everyone. How long, specifically days, further recovery will last is also decided by the specialist, based on clinical data and individual criteria of the patient. Therefore, for our part, we can only voice the main restrictions at the time of rehabilitation, which must be strictly observed by the patient who has had an intervertebral hernia removed. During the postoperative stages it is strictly prohibited:

  • sit, sitting restrictions are adhered to for at least 3 weeks, in some cases 6 weeks;
  • stay in a sitting position for a long time when you are allowed to sit;
  • walk with a slouch or arched back;
  • lift weights weighing more than 3 kg;
  • bend over, rotate the body, make sharp turns of the body;
  • run, jump, swing your legs, do pull-ups;
  • increase the intensity and duration of any type of exercise therapy training;
  • arbitrarily cancel exercises or introduce new ones;
  • exercise if pain occurs or discomfort intensifies (you need to immediately notify your doctor!)
  • driving a car, this ban can only be lifted by a doctor.

When a disc is completely removed, an implant is often placed into the freed intervertebral cavity, securing the vertebral pair with a stabilizing system. Titanium bolts are inserted into the spine to firmly fix the transverse stabilizer, which in turn will be responsible for the correct position relative to the spinal axis of adjacent bone bodies. The bolts are screwed through the arch into the vertebral bodies. Modern metal structures are usually represented by dynamic bolts, which allows maintaining the mobility of the operated level as close to normal as possible. However, such patients will likely need to stay in bed for about a week. Then, under the supervision of a rehabilitation methodologist, you will need to work very hard, impeccably carrying out everything he says. Then adaptation to the implanted implant will be successful, and you will gradually return to full activity, even be able to play sports.

Where to go for rehabilitation after surgery

So you've had back surgery, you've had early hospital treatment, and you've been discharged. By the way, after some surgical interventions, in particular after a simple minimally invasive procedure, they are released from the hospital quite early, sometimes even on the same day when the main surgical care was provided. Upon discharge, each patient receives basic recommendations from the doctor. You can attend outpatient procedures and exercise therapy classes at your place of residence, although they are provided in domestic medical institutions at a level below average, so the prognosis for a successful outcome is 50/50. In this regard, it is better to register with a good rehabilitation center, which will provide you with a more competent, and, therefore, quick and uncomplicated recovery. Then you will need to visit a sanatorium, approximately 4-6 months after the operation; in the future, it is necessary to be treated in a sanatorium-resort environment, ideally 2 times a year, in extreme cases - 1 time a year.

Remember that incompetent manipulation of the spine can cost you too much and can lead to disability, often to irreversible loss of motor potential not only in the back, but also in the legs or arms. We would like to warn you that today too many private clinics in Russia have begun to specialize in Bubnovsky’s methods, and not professionally enough. Therefore, we would not advise you not to risk your health by contacting such centers, especially since such tactics after intervention on the spinal column are not your option. So where can you go so that the price is affordable and you can get truly highly specialized medical care?

Clinical institutions in the Czech Republic are famous everywhere, whether surgical or rehabilitation. All medical institutions in the Czech Republic, be it a hospital or a sanatorium, are equipped with modern high-tech equipment of the most advanced models, staffed only by selected medical staff with a high qualification degree and rich practical experience. The level of services provided - from surgery to rehabilitation - is no worse here than in Israel or Germany. At the same time, prices for treatment programs in the Czech Republic are an order of magnitude lower than those of Israeli or German medical services, approximately 2-2.5 times! Take note, this is the only European state that is ideal for our medical tourists. In the Czech Republic, treatment is provided according to all international standards and the cost is quite reasonable.

Rehabilitation period after spinal surgery

The gradation of the main stages and the timing of achieving certain restoration tasks may be different. Let’s try to roughly estimate how long rehabilitation takes after common spinal surgeries.

  • What is the estimated recovery period after a discectomy performed using a microscope or endoscope? After both interventions, in which the intervertebral disc was preserved, it was approximately the same - on average 2-2.5 months.
  • After the spinal fusion procedure, when a bone fragment is transplanted and transpedicular fixation is performed, you will need to recover for 3 months or more. Detailed rehabilitation is described on many resources. But keep in mind that this surgical technique involves a very complex intervention, after which restorative measures must proceed flawlessly under close medical supervision, and not under the guidance of Internet advice!
  • If vertebroplasty was performed, reviews indicate that the further course of special postoperative therapy is usually 2 months. But even such a gentle and fast-acting surgical process, performed for compression fractures, may require an extension of recovery time, especially in older people.
  • After the procedures of vaporization of the disc with a laser or cold plasma, in order to properly restore the functionality of the spine, you need to regularly exercise for approximately 1-1.5 months. However, practical observations show that some patients need to be rehabilitated for up to 3 months.
  • After installation of an intervertebral disc prosthesis, in order to get used to the new artificial organ and achieve full range of motion, you should strictly adhere to the basic medical program for 3-6 months.

It is, of course, very important for you that the recovery process goes smoothly, easily and without any unpleasant post-operative excesses in the form of complications. For this to be the case, which we sincerely wish for you, approach your rehabilitation with maximum responsibility. Do not neglect the services of professional rehabilitation therapists and follow absolutely all medical recommendations, and if you experience any unpleasant sensations (pain, paresthesia, stiffness, etc.), immediately notify your doctor!

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