Is it possible to take vitamins while fasting? Treatment of oxygen starvation of the brain

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

Oxygen starvation of the brain or hypoxia occurs due to a disruption in the supply of oxygen to its tissues. The brain is the organ with the greatest need for oxygen. A quarter of all inhaled air goes to serving the brain’s need for it, and 4 minutes without it becomes critical for life. Oxygen enters the brain through a complex blood supply system and is then utilized by its cells. Any disturbances in this system lead to oxygen starvation.

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ICD-10 code

G93 Other brain lesions

I67.3 Progressive vascular leukoencephalopathy


Due to the variety of forms of pathological conditions inherent in oxygen starvation, it is difficult to determine its prevalence. Based on the reasons that give rise to it, the number of people who have experienced this condition is very large. But the statistics of oxygen starvation in newborns are more definite and disappointing: fetal hypoxia is observed in 10 cases out of 100.

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Causes of oxygen starvation of the brain

There are various reasons for the occurrence of oxygen starvation of the brain. These include:

  • decrease in oxygen in the environment (when climbing mountains, indoors, in spacesuits or submarines);
  • disruption of the respiratory organs (asthma, pneumonia, chest injuries, tumors);
  • disruption of blood circulation in the brain (arterial atherosclerosis, thrombosis, embolism);
  • impaired oxygen transport (lack of red blood cells or hemoglobin);
  • blockade of enzyme systems involved in tissue respiration.


The pathogenesis of oxygen starvation is a change in the structure of the vascular walls, disruption of their permeability, which leads to cerebral edema. Depending on the reasons that caused hypoxia, pathogenesis develops according to a different algorithm. So, with exogenous factors, this process begins with arterial hypoxemia - a decrease in the oxygen content in the blood, which entails hypocapnia - a lack of carbon dioxide, which disrupts the biochemical balance in it. The next chain of negative processes is alkalosis - a failure of the acid-base balance in the body. At the same time, blood flow in the brain and coronary arteries is disrupted, and blood pressure drops.

Endogenous causes caused by pathological conditions of the body cause arterial hypoxemia along with hypercapnia (increased carbon dioxide content) and acidosis (increased oxidation products of organic acids). Different types of hypoxia have their own scenarios of pathological changes.

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Symptoms of oxygen starvation of the brain

The first signs of oxygen deficiency appear in the excitation of the nervous system: breathing and heartbeat quicken, euphoria sets in, cold sweat appears on the face and limbs, and motor restlessness. Then the condition changes dramatically: lethargy, drowsiness, headache, darkening of the eyes, and depression of consciousness appear. A person becomes dizzy, develops constipation, possible muscle cramps and fainting, and the onset of coma. The most severe degree of coma is deep disturbances of the central nervous system: lack of brain activity, muscle hypotension, respiratory arrest with a beating heart.

Oxygen starvation of the brain in adults

Oxygen starvation of the brain in adults can develop as a result of stroke, when the blood supply to the brain is disrupted, hypovolemic shock - a significant decrease in the volume of circulating blood that occurs with large blood loss, uncompensated loss of plasma in burns, peritonitis, pancreatitis, accumulation of a large volume of blood in injuries, dehydration in diarrhea. This condition is characterized by decreased blood pressure, tachycardia, nausea and dizziness, and loss of consciousness.

Oxygen starvation of the brain in children and newborns

Analyzing the various factors causing oxygen starvation and the fact that it can accompany many diseases, it becomes clear that children are also affected in the affected area. Anemia, burns from fire and chemicals, gas poisoning, heart failure, various injuries, swelling of the larynx due to an allergic reaction, etc. can lead to a state of oxygen starvation of the brain in children. But most often this diagnosis is given to children at birth.

Diagnosis of oxygen starvation of the brain

Diagnosis of oxygen starvation of the brain is carried out on the basis of patient complaints, if possible, data from the words of relatives, laboratory and instrumental studies are carried out.

The patient's condition is assessed based on the results of a general blood test. Indicators such as red blood cells, ESR, hematocrit, leukocytes, platelets, reticulocytes are analyzed. An analysis of the blood composition will also determine the acid-base balance of the body, the gas composition of venous and arterial blood, and therefore indicate a diseased organ.

The most accessible methods of instrumental diagnostics include pulse oximetry - a special device worn on a finger measures the level of oxygen saturation in the blood (the optimal content is 95-98%). Other means are an electroencephalogram, computer and magnetic resonance imaging of the brain, an electrocardiogram, and rheovasography, which determines the volume of blood flow and its intensity in the arterial vessels.

Differential diagnosis

Treatment of oxygen starvation of the brain

Treatment of oxygen starvation of the brain consists of etiotropic therapy (treatment of the cause). Thus, exogenous hypoxia requires the use of oxygen masks and pillows. To treat respiratory hypoxia, drugs that dilate the bronchi, analgesics, and antihypoxanes that improve oxygen utilization are used. In case of hemic (reduced oxygen in the blood), a blood transfusion is performed, histoxic or tissue, antidote drugs are prescribed, circulatory (heart attacks, strokes) - cardiotropic. If such therapy is not possible, actions are aimed at eliminating the symptoms: regulating vascular tone, normalizing blood circulation, prescribing medications for dizziness, headaches, blood thinners, restoratives, nootropic drugs and those that reduce bad cholesterol.


Metered aerosols are used as bronchodilators: Truvent, Atrovent, Berodual, Salbutamol.

Truvent is an aerosol can; when using, you need to remove the protective cap, shake it several times, lower the spray head down, take it with your lips and press the bottom, inhaling deeply and holding the breath for a few moments. One press corresponds to a portion. The effect occurs within 15-30 minutes. Every 4-6 hours the procedure is repeated, making 1-2 presses, this is how long the effect of the drug lasts. Not prescribed during pregnancy, angle-closure glaucoma, allergies. The use of the drug can reduce visual acuity and increase intraocular pressure.

Analgesics include a large list of drugs, from the well-known analgin to completely unfamiliar names, each of which has its own pharmacological action. The doctor will determine what is necessary in a particular situation. Here is a list of some of them: acamol, anopyrine, bupranal, pentalgin, cefekon, etc.

Bupranal is a solution in ampoules for intramuscular and intravenous injections, in syringe tubes for intramuscular injection. The maximum daily dose is 2.4 mg. The frequency of administration is every 6-8 hours. Possible side effects such as nausea, weakness, lethargy, dry mouth. Contraindicated in children under 16 years of age, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, increased intracranial pressure, and alcoholism.

The list of antidote drugs includes atropine, diazepam (mushroom poisoning), aminophylline, glucose (carbon monoxide), magnesium sulfate, almagel (organic acids), unithiol, cuprenil (heavy metal salts), naloxone, flumazenil (drug poisoning), etc. .

Naloxone is available in ampoules; there is a special form for newborns. The recommended dose is 0.4-0.8 mg, sometimes it is necessary to increase it to 15 mg. With increased sensitivity to the drug, an allergy occurs; in drug addicts, taking the drug causes a specific attack.

For strokes, Cerebrolysin, Actovegin, encephabol, papaverine, and no-spa are used.

Actovegin - exists in various forms: dragees, solutions for injections and infusions, gels, ointments, creams. Doses and method of administration are prescribed by the doctor depending on the severity of the disease. Burn wounds and bedsores are treated with external remedies. The use of the drug may cause hives, fever, and sweating. It has contraindications for pregnant women, during breastfeeding, and allergies.


A number of vitamins during tissue oxygen starvation are antidotes to toxic substances. Thus, vitamin K1 blocks the effect of warfarin - an antithrombosis agent, vitamin B6 - poisoning with anti-tuberculosis drugs, vitamin C is used for damage by carbon monoxide, anilines used in dyes, medicines, and chemicals. To maintain the body, it is also necessary to saturate it with vitamins.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

For general or local hypoxia of various natures, a method of physiotherapeutic treatment such as oxygen therapy is used. The most common indications for its use are respiratory failure, circulatory disorders, and cardiovascular diseases. There are various methods of oxygen saturation: cocktails, inhalations, baths, cutaneous, subcutaneous, intraband methods, etc. Oxygen barotherapy - breathing compressed oxygen in a pressure chamber relieves hypoxia. Depending on the diagnosis that led to hypoxia, UHF, magnetic therapy, laser therapy, massage, acupuncture, etc. are used.

Traditional treatment

One of the recipes for folk treatment is breathing exercises using the following method. Inhale air slowly and deeply, hold for a few seconds and exhale slowly. Do this several times in a row, increasing the duration of the procedure. Bring the count to 4 while inhaling, to 7 while holding your breath, and to 8 while exhaling.

Garlic tincture will help strengthen blood vessels and reduce their spasms: fill a third of the jar with chopped garlic, fill it to the brim with water. After 2 weeks of infusion, start taking 5 drops per spoon of water before meals.

A prepared mixture of buckwheat, honey and walnuts, taken in equal proportions, can raise hemoglobin: grind the cereal and nuts to flour, add honey, mix. Take a tablespoon on an empty stomach half an hour before meals. Fresh beet juice is also effective; it must be allowed to stand for some time before drinking so that the volatile substances are released.

Ginger will help cope with asthma attacks. Combine its juice with honey and pomegranate juice and drink a spoonful 3 times a day.

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Herbal treatment

It is effective to take decoctions, infusions, and herbal teas that have an antispasmodic effect during oxygen deprivation: chamomile, valerian, St. John's wort, motherwort, hawthorn. For problems with the respiratory system, take decoctions of medicinal mixtures from coltsfoot, pine buds, plantain, licorice root, and elderberry flowers. Hemoglobin levels can be raised with the help of herbs such as nettle, yarrow, dandelion, and wormwood.


Homeopathic remedies are increasingly being used in combination with basic treatment. Here are some of the remedies that can be prescribed for oxygen starvation and are aimed at the causes of its occurrence.

  • Accardium - granules containing metallic gold, arnica montana, anamyrtha coculus-like. Aimed at treating angina pectoris and cardiovascular disorders caused by heavy physical exertion. Twice a day, 10 granules half an hour before meals or an hour after, keep under the tongue until completely absorbed. The average course of treatment lasts 3 weeks. The drug has no contraindications or side effects. For use during pregnancy and children, consultation with a doctor is required.
  • Atma® - drops, a complex drug for the treatment of bronchial asthma. Dose for children under one year of age: 1 drop per teaspoon of water or milk. For children under 12 years of age, 2 to 7 drops per tablespoon. After 12 years - 10 drops in pure form or in water. Continue treatment for up to 3 months. No side effects were observed.
  • Vertigoheel - oral drops, used for dizziness, cerebral atherosclerosis, strokes. The drops are dissolved in water and, when swallowed, remain in the mouth for some time. Recommended from a child's age onwards. Up to 3 years - 3 drops, at the age of 3-6 years - 5, for the rest - 10 drops 3-4 times a day for a month. Hypersensitivity reactions are possible. Contraindicated for children under one year of age, during pregnancy and breastfeeding - with the permission of a doctor.
  • Hawthorn compositum is a homeopathic cardiac remedy, liquid. Adults are prescribed 15-20 drops three times a day, children - 5-7 drops. The drug has contraindications in case of allergy to the components.
  • Aesculus-compositum - drops, used for post-embolic circulatory disorders, post-infarction and post-stroke conditions. Single dose - 10 drops in water, holding in mouth. Frequency - 3 times a day. Duration of treatment is up to 6 weeks. Side effects are unknown. Contraindicated in pregnant women and those hypersensitive to the components of the drug.


Surgical treatment of the heart or blood vessels may be necessary in the case of a circulatory form of oxygen starvation, the development of which occurs rapidly and is associated with disturbances in their functions.


Prevention of oxygen starvation primarily consists of organizing a healthy daily life, which includes normal nutrition, moderate physical activity, adequate sleep, absence of stressful situations, quitting smoking and alcohol, and spending enough time in the fresh air. It is necessary to monitor blood pressure and undergo timely preventive courses for existing diseases.

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Many of us dream of getting in shape. When you want to achieve perfection and tone every muscle in your body, you can resort to intermittent fasting. This will not only force the body to get rid of excess fat, but will also dry out the body, like that of athletes.

What in the last century was considered a method of combating obesity and diabetes, today is used by everyone to improve their figure and cleanse the body. We are talking about a system of periodic fasting. It is considered the ideal solution for those who do not want to watch calories and want to eat as much as they want, while maintaining slimness. Alternating fasting with meals can follow different schedules.

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The most gentle schedule is 5/2, when a person eats regular food for 5 days, and follows a diet for the remaining 2 days. A more strict schedule is 6/1, where one day a week must be spent completely without food. The days before and after fasting you should eat exclusively light food. Those who play sports choose even more strict and frequent refusal to eat. They do not take a single crumb into their mouths for 12 or 16 hours in a row, devoting the rest of the day to proper nutrition and mandatory exercise.

Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

Fasting once a week is therapeutic. The one that is carried out at certain intervals is suitable for athletes to work on their figure as effectively as possible. The benefits of intermittent fasting of any type are as follows:

  • You will learn to control the feeling of hunger and distinguish the body's real need for food from the psychological desire to eat.
  • Metabolism accelerates.
  • Burning fat deposits will occur slowly, but with a guarantee that the achieved result will not go away too quickly.
  • The body will gain energy and resistance to diseases will become stronger.
  • Cholesterol and blood sugar will decrease.
  • Even without a strict diet, you can still achieve noticeable results.

Intermittent fasting for bodybuilding

The goal of bodybuilding is to create a beautiful, muscular body. To do this, athletes need to gain muscle mass, train intensively and periodically rid the body of fat deposits while maintaining muscle. To achieve these three conditions as effectively as possible, intermittent fasting is used in bodybuilding. Nuances:

  1. A period without food stimulates the active production of testosterone, which leads to muscle growth.
  2. Athletes choose individual schedules for themselves: 24 or 36 hours a week, 12 to 12 hours a day.
  3. The most effective is considered to be abstinence from food for 16 hours daily.

The latest program was proposed by trainer and nutrition specialist for athletes Martin Barhan to help his clients achieve ideal muscles. Refusal of food for 16 hours in a row, according to the trainer's research, is the most effective drying method. The remaining 8 hours are allotted to consume the amount of calories permissible to maintain shape.

To fit into a complex routine, you will have to completely exclude breakfast from it, while waking up early. Approximate calculation:

  • If you get up around 7 am, then your first meal can be scheduled no earlier than 12:30-13:00. For the average city dweller, getting used to this regime is not so difficult, since most people do not have time to have breakfast anyway.
  • After 16 hours without food, it is important not to pounce on it, monitoring the caloric content of foods. The stomach will only accept something light well.
  • Most calories can be consumed after physical exercise, but not before it.

Intermittent fasting for weight loss

Many people try to lose excess weight by decisively refusing food. Intermittent fasting for weight loss will indeed be ideal, but only if you are willing to make it a lifestyle or at least practice it for several months. Otherwise, sustainable results cannot be guaranteed. Most people break down very quickly, which disrupts the functioning of the body, which has not had time to adapt to the new rhythm. The results turn out to be completely opposite to expectations.

What vitamins to take when fasting

The peculiarity of any type of fasting is that the body does not need any additional stimulants to achieve the result that you need, be it drying, losing weight, or getting healthy. There is no need to take vitamins while fasting. The effect of the procedure is the complete absence of any substances entering the stomach. Only then does the transition to its own nutrition begin, that is, the body begins to break down the fats that it has accumulated. On the days between fasting, vitamins can be taken after consulting a doctor.

Contraindications to fasting

Not everyone benefits from intermittent fasting. There are a number of contraindications to fasting. These include anorexia and bulimia. If a person has problems with eating behavior, experiments with fasting are not recommended. For such people, the meaning is the feeling of hunger itself, but not the results. Intermittent refusal of food can cause significant harm, for example, changes in hormonal levels in girls and women, as a result of which the menstrual cycle is disrupted. The restrictions on fasting are:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • ulcer and gastritis;
  • childhood.
Chapter 7

Eating Habits for a Healthy Brain Meet Fasting, Fats, and Essential Supplements

My fasting is the path to physical and mental efficiency.

Plato (428–348 BC)

The size of the human brain relative to the rest of the body may be the key feature that sets us apart from other mammals. An elephant’s brain, for example, weighs seven and a half kilograms, certainly larger than our one and a half kilogram brain. But don’t forget that an elephant’s brain makes up 1/550 of its total body weight, while ours is 1/40 of its weight. Therefore, it is hardly worth drawing parallels regarding intellectual power or mental abilities, based only on the size of this organ 1.

Constituting only 2.5% of the total body weight, the human brain consumes 22% of the total energy expended by the body at rest. It expends 350% more energy than, for example, the brains of gorillas, orangutans and chimpanzees. This is why our brain needs a large amount of calories from food to function properly. Fortunately, he took care of his master, giving us the skills and abilities to survive in such extreme conditions as hunger, for example. We can predict and plan the future - this feature is inherent only to humans.

There is power in fasting

One of the important mechanisms of the human body that we have already talked about is its ability to convert fat into the vital fuel that we need in times of famine. We are able to break down fat into specific molecules, the so-called ketones. One of them is of particular interest - beta-hydroxybutyrate (beta-HBA), an excellent fuel for our brain. The activity of this substance is not only responsible for feeding our brains during fasting (no matter how contradictory this may sound now), but also explains one of the most hotly debated mysteries in anthropology today: why our Neanderthal ancestors disappeared approximately 30-40 thousand years ago. Despite the fact that it is very convenient for us to accept at face value the almost dogmatic version that the Neanderthals were supplanted by a more intellectually advanced Reasonable Man, Many modern scientists agree that famine is most likely to blame for their disappearance. One can simply assume that Neanderthals lacked the mental stamina to survive due to the lack of a biochemical way to use fat as fuel to power the brain.

Unlike other mammals, the human brain can use an alternative source of calories during hunger. Typically, our brain uses glucose as fuel, which it gets from our daily diet. Between meals, the brain continues to be supplied with a continuous stream of glucose, obtained by the breakdown of glycogen mainly in the liver and muscles. But glycogen provides only a limited amount of glucose. Once these reserves are depleted, metabolic processes change direction, promoting the production of new glucose molecules from amino acids derived from protein, b O the majority of which is accumulated in the muscles. This process is called gluconeogenesis. Getting additional needed glucose into the system is one of the key benefits of this process, but there is also a downside: we sacrifice muscle. No one will argue that the destruction of muscle tissue is unlikely to make the life of a starving hunter-gatherer easier.

Fortunately, human physiology has added another tool to our arsenal to energize our brains. When food does not enter the body, after about three days the liver begins to use the fat accumulated in the body to create those same ketones. It is at this point that beta-HMC comes into play, which is not in vain considered a very effective source of fuel for the brain, since it stimulates its work over a long period of time despite the lack of food. This alternative reduces our dependence on gluconeogenesis, preserving muscle mass, among other things.

But that's not all. As Harvard Medical School professor George Cahill noted, “Recent research has demonstrated that beta-hydroxybutyrate is not just a fuel, but a superfuel that produces energy much more efficiently than glucose and protects neurons from the effects of toxins.”2

Indeed, Dr. Cahill and other researchers have concluded that beta-HMC improves antioxidant function, increases the number of mitochondria, and also stimulates the growth of new brain cells. To make this happen, you just need to add coconut oil to your diet.

In Chapter 4, we discussed the need to reduce caloric intake to increase levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which promotes the growth of new brain cells and also enhances the activity of existing neurons. The idea of ​​significantly reducing your daily caloric intake does not seem appealing to most people, despite the fact that it is important not only for improving brain function, but also for promoting overall health. On the other hand, intermittent fasting—abstaining food completely for 24 to 72 hours at regular intervals—is easier to tolerate, and I recommend following the program I developed, presented in the chapter “A New Life: A 4-Week Action Plan.” Research has shown that many of our genetic pathways for healthy and optimal brain function are activated by caloric restriction or by fasting, even briefly 3 . This contradicts the classic idea that not eating slows down metabolism and forces the body to hold on to fat with all its might, being in the so-called starvation mode. Quite the opposite: fasting provides benefits to the body that can speed up and optimize the weight loss process, not to mention improve brain health.

Fasting speeds up detoxification, reduces inflammation, and increases the production of brain-protective antioxidants. Thanks to fasting, the brain is rebuilt: now it no longer needs glucose, because it can use ketones produced by the liver as fuel. Fasting stimulates energy production and promotes healthy brain function and mental clarity.

If we talk about spiritual quests, fasting has always been an integral part of religious history. All major religions position it as something more than just a familiar ritual. Fasting has always been a fundamental part of spiritual practice: just remember the Muslim fast of Ramadan and the Jewish Yom Kippur. The food culture of yogis is based on asceticism, and shamans starve in order to gain insight. Additionally, voluntary fasting is also common among devout Christians, and the Bible contains examples of one-day, three-day, seven-day, and forty-day fasts.

What do fasting and the ketogenic diet have in common?

What happens in the body when you significantly reduce your carbohydrate intake and get most of your calories from fat? I have just explained the benefits of fasting, which causes the brain to use fat in the form of ketones to provide the energy it needs. A similar reaction is observed when you follow a diet low in carbohydrates, but rich in fats and proteins.

By burning fat instead of carbohydrates, we provoke excess accumulation of ketone bodies. In fact, there is nothing wrong with this, and our body has known for centuries what to do in such situations. In fact, a mild form of ketosis is a healthy state characteristic of a person who has just woken up, for example: the liver mobilizes fat in the body to use it as fuel. The heart and brain work 25% more efficiently when fueled with ketones rather than blood sugar. Healthy, normally functioning cells thrive on fat. On the other hand, cells of certain types of brain tumors can use only glucose as fuel. Standard treatment for glioblastoma, one of the most aggressive brain tumors, includes surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy. But to be completely honest, the forecasts after using such approaches can hardly be called favorable. Armed with the knowledge that glioblastoma cells can only use glucose and not ketones, Dr. Giulio Zuccoli of the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine concluded that a ketogenic diet may actually be effective as an adjunct to conventional therapy 4 . In addition, he published a case report of a patient who was treated for glioblastoma by following this exact diet, and the results were truly impressive.

A pure ketogenic diet involves getting 80 to 90% of your calories from fat, with the rest coming from protein and carbohydrates. Of course, at first glance, this approach seems extreme, but do not forget that ketones are the most effective fuel for the brain.

The nutrition plan presented in New Life: A 4-Week Action Plan honors the key principles of the ketogenic diet, which aims to significantly reduce carbohydrate intake to encourage the body to burn fat. It's simple - we increase the amount of fat coming from food, and also add nutrients to the diet to increase the production of beta-HMC. You will have to limit your carbohydrate intake to 30-40g per day for four weeks, after which you can increase this amount to 60g. The degree of ketosis you achieve can be measured using test strips, which are commonly used by diabetics and are available at any pharmacy. You only need a drop or two of urine to get instant feedback on the level of ketosis you have achieved. The desired level is from 5 to 15 units. Most test strips have different colors for indication: light pink, for example, indicates the presence of small trace amounts in the body. This means your body is effectively using ketones as energy. Following my program, you can significantly reduce your levels of ketosis after just a week, and I highly recommend you try this state for yourself, as some people, surprisingly, feel better at higher levels.

7 Brain Boosting Supplements

The sad reality of the modern medical world is that it is unlikely that during a visit to your GP you will be able to get useful advice on how to delay brain disease. Today, you are given no more than 15 minutes (or less) alone with a doctor who is sometimes unaware of the latest scientific advances in how to maintain mental clarity. But even more depressing is the fact that many modern doctors who studied decades ago have no idea about nutrition and its effect on your health. I really hope that the next generation of doctors will be better equipped and we will focus all our efforts on preventing rather than treating the disease.

And now I propose to move on to the supplements recommended for use. (See instructions for how much to take and at what time.)
DHA: Docosahexaenoic acid is the queen of supplements. It is an omega-3 fatty acid, representing more than 90% of the omega-3 fatty acids in the brain. It is also a major component of cardiac tissue. This is one of the best described treasures that can protect the brain.

Often during my lectures, I ask doctors about which natural source of DHA is considered the richest. I get a variety of answers to my question - cod liver oil, salmon oil, anchovy oil. Some suggest it's flaxseed oil or avocado, but even those foods don't contain enough DHA. The richest natural source of DHA is breast milk. This explains why breastfeeding is constantly promoted as a very important step towards establishing the neurological health and abilities of the child for many years to come.

Resveratrol: The magic that benefits the body has a lot to do with the natural component found in grapes, which not only slows down the aging process, increases blood flow to the brain and stimulates healthy heart function, but also controls fat cells by inhibiting their development. Of course, resveratrol contained in one glass of wine is not enough. Therefore, in order to experience all the delights of this substance, it is necessary to take supplements with a higher content.

Given the fact that this magical molecule protects cells from a huge number of diseases, it is often called an assistant to the body's immune and defense systems. Now we know for sure that we will do the brain a favor if we add this substance in small quantities to the diet every day. Notice I said small. Although previously published studies indicated that very high doses of resveratrol (doses equivalent to drinking hundreds of bottles of wine) would be required to achieve results, more recent studies clearly indicate that dosages of no more than 4.9 mg per day demonstrate no less benefit. tangible effect.

Turmeric: A member of the ginger family, it is the subject of intense scientific research, most of which examines the substance's anti-inflammatory and antioxidant functions related to its active ingredient curcumin. Turmeric is the spice that gives curry powder its yellow color and has been used in Chinese and Indian medicine for thousands of years as a natural cure for a variety of ailments. One study examined the relationship between the amount of curry consumed and cognitive function in older Asian adults 5 . Those who ate curry “sometimes” and “often or very often” scored significantly higher on certain tests measuring higher mental performance than people who ate curry “rarely” or not at all. never".

One of curcumin's secret weapons is its ability to activate genes that produce a wealth of antioxidants that protect precious mitochondria. In addition, curcumin improves glucose metabolism. All these properties help reduce the risk of developing brain diseases. Unfortunately, your diet probably isn't very rich in turmeric, unless, of course, you cook a variety of dishes at home with the addition of this spice.

Probiotics: An exciting new study a few years ago found that eating foods rich in probiotics—live microorganisms that support natural gut flora—can have a direct impact on brain behavior, reducing stress, anxiety, and depression 6, 7. 8 . These tribes of “good bacteria” that live in our gut and aid digestion are enhanced and fueled by probiotics. They play a very important role in the production, absorption and transport of neurochemicals such as serotonin, dopamine and nerve growth factor, which are vital for the proper and healthy functioning of the brain and nervous system.

To understand how this process works, you need to take a short course on the microflora-gut-brain connection9. This is an area of ​​active and very exciting research, b O Most of which in recent years have shown a close connection between the nervous and digestive systems. The brain receives information about what is happening in the intestines, and the central nervous system sends information back to ensure optimal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Thanks to this transfer of information, we can control our eating habits, digestion, and even sleep peacefully at night. In addition, the gut also transmits hormonal signals that are translated in the brain into feelings of fullness, hunger, and even pain associated with inflammation. With uncontrolled celiac disease, irritable bowel syndrome or Crohn's disease, the gut can have a direct impact on our condition: how we feel, how we sleep, what our energy levels are, how much pain we experience and even how we think.
Coconut oil: As I said earlier, coconut oil can serve as both a preventative and a treatment for neurodegenerative diseases. Not only is it super fuel for the brain, but it can also reduce inflammation. You can simply drink a teaspoon of coconut oil or use it in your cooking. Coconut oil is heat stable, so it can be used for cooking at high temperatures. In the recipe section, I will share with you some ideas on how to use coconut oil in the kitchen.
Alpha lipoic acid: This fatty acid is found inside every cell that produces energy for the normal functioning of the body. It overcomes the blood-brain barrier and acts as a powerful antioxidant for brain cells - this applies to both adipose tissue and cerebrospinal fluid. Scientists are now exploring this substance as a potential treatment for strokes and other brain diseases, such as dementia and diseases associated with disorders caused by free radicals 10 . Although the body is able to produce this fatty acid in sufficient quantities, given the modern lifestyle and poor diet, it is not a bad idea to take alpha-lipoic acid in the form of supplements.
Vitamin D: It is not entirely correct to call it a vitamin because it is actually a fat-soluble steroid hormone. While most people associate it solely with healthy bones and calcium levels—which is why it's added to milk—vitamin D has much more profound effects on the body and, in particular, the brain. The entire central nervous system is known to contain vitamin D receptors; It is also no secret that it helps regulate enzymes in the brain and cerebrospinal fluid that are involved in the production of neurotransmitters and that stimulate nerve growth. Both preclinical and clinical studies have shown that vitamin D protects neurons from the harmful effects of free radicals, reducing inflammation.

Correcting a vitamin D deficiency may require taking supplements for several months, but this practice can significantly improve the chemistry of the entire body - from bone health to brain health, even insulin sensitivity. The diet I've developed will also provide you with adequate amounts of vitamin D, which can be obtained from natural sources such as cold-water fish and mushrooms.

Chapter 8

Gene stimulation as a way to improve brain function

The brain of an elderly person is like an old horse: if you want it to remain in good shape, you will have to constantly exercise it.

John Adams

See if you can answer the question correctly: what will make you smarter and reduce your risk of developing brain diseases - solving a complex puzzle or taking a walk in the fresh air? If you chose the first answer, I, of course, will not criticize you, but I will still allow myself to recommend that you first take a walk in the fresh air (and as quickly as possible) so that you can then calmly begin solving the puzzle. So, as you may have guessed, the correct answer is still the second one. Moving your body will benefit your brain more than any puzzle, math equation, detective story, or even the process of thinking itself.

Exercise has beneficial effects on the body at all levels—especially the brain. This is an important part of the world of epigenetics. Simply put, when you exercise, you are literally stimulating your genetic makeup. Aerobic exercise not only “triggers” genes associated with longevity, but also stimulates the work of the gene encoding neurotrophic factor, the “growth hormone” of the brain. Aerobic exercise has been shown to improve memory in older adults and stimulate the growth of new brain cells in the center associated with memory.

Recent research has produced a compelling and clear conclusion that the link between physical activity and brain health is more than just a link. Exercise can shape a brain that is resistant to atrophy and prone to cognitive flexibility.

The magical power of movement

From time immemorial, people have been very active creatures - until recently. Modern technology has become our window into the world of a sedentary lifestyle; Almost everything we need today can be obtained without making almost any effort: sometimes you don’t even have to get out of bed. But we should not forget that over millions of years our genome has evolved in a state of constant tension, because man was in constant search for food. We can say that the body requires regular physical activity to survive. But, unfortunately, only a few of us today respect his desire. And as a consequence - an increase in the number of chronic diseases and a high mortality rate.

The idea that physical activity makes us smarter has intrigued not only researchers in biomedical laboratories, but also anthropologists who are trying to study the process of human development over many millennia. In 2004, in the journal Nature, evolutionary biologists Daniel Lieberman and Dennis Bramble published an article in which they argued that man managed to survive to this day only thanks to his athletic training 1. Our cave ancestors were able to hunt down prey earlier than other predators. And these ancient athletes, famous for their endurance, passed on their genes from generation to generation. Great hypothesis, isn't it? We were created to be physically fit so that we could live long lives. This suggests that natural selection forced ancient people to evolve into exclusively mobile creatures. Our legs are longer, our toes are shorter, and our inner ear helps us maintain balance and coordination. And all this in order to stand and move not on four legs, but on two.

For a long time, science could not explain why our brains grew so large in size, one might even say, became disproportionately large relative to our bodies. In the past, evolutionists often said that complex thought processes underlie human carnivorous habits and the need for social interaction. According to the latest research, we have to thank the need to constantly think and... run.

To reach this conclusion, anthropologists have studied the relationship between brain size and endurance in a variety of animals, from guinea pigs and mice to wolves and sheep. They noticed that species that nature had bestowed with better endurance also had larger brains relative to body size. But the researchers decided not to stop there and began studying mice and rats that were purposefully bred to participate in marathons. They created a line of laboratory animals that excelled at running and crossed them with those that performed best on the squirrel wheel. It was at this point that everything fell into place: in the newly bred animals, levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BNF) and other substances that stimulate the growth of healthy tissue began to increase. As you know, NFM also stimulates brain growth, and for this reason today there is an opinion that it was physical activity that helped us evolve into intelligent and quick-witted creatures.

The moral is this: if physical activity helped us develop our brains to their current state, then it is safe to say that we still need exercise today to maintain the level we have achieved, not to mention the need to continue to develop to be even smarter, stronger and more educated.

Our trump cards are speed and agility

The biology behind the benefits goes beyond the fact that physical activity stimulates blood flow to the brain, providing nutrients that support cell growth and maintenance. Recent scientific research has shown that through regular exercise, a person can control inflammation, increase insulin sensitivity, improve blood sugar levels, increase the size of the memory center and increase levels of NFM.

Exercise stimulates the formation of new brain cells. Scientists were able to measure this effect by comparing mice and rats that ran for several weeks with those that were sedentary. Active animals had about twice as many neurons in the hippocampus as couch potatoes. Other studies have looked at the most effective types of exercise. In 2011, a group of 120 older men and women were divided into two: some walked and others did muscle stretching exercises. As a result, those who walked performed better 3. After a year, it was in the first group that the size of the hippocampus was larger, and a higher level of NFM was noted in the bloodstream. And in people who stretched, brain size decreased to the point of atrophy, and cognitive test results were less than ideal.

Whatever the physical activity, it's safe to say that exercise doesn't have to be strenuous to be effective for brain function.

The importance of forming new networks

As it turns out, stimulating the growth of new neurons is not the only benefit of exercise. Recent scientific research has opened our eyes to the miracle of miracles: exercise helps create new networks in the brain. It is one thing to generate cells, and quite another to organize them into harmoniously functioning communities. We will not become smarter just because new cells appear in the brain. We must be able to weave them into existing neural networks, otherwise they will wander aimlessly among the gray matter and after a while they will simply die. One way to integrate cells is to constantly learn new things. In a 2007 study, newly formed neurons in mice were woven into the brain's neural network when the mice learned a water maze 4 . The scientists noted that the newcomer cells could not help the mice perform other cognitive tasks besides navigating a maze. To perform a new task, mice would have to exert physical effort, which, in turn, would lead to the formation of new cells that are mobile and flexible from a cognitive point of view.

This is the secret benefit of exercise: it makes neurons agile and multifunctional. We don't know how activity facilitates mental tasks at the molecular level, but one thing we do know is that NFM plays a key role in strengthening cells and axons. , strengthening connections between neurons, as well as stimulating the formation of new cells. Neurogenesis increases the brain's ability to learn new things, which empowers newborn cells and further strengthens the neural network. Among other things, higher levels of NFM are known to reduce appetite. Therefore, people who are unable to control it have another reason to exercise.

What effect does physical exercise have on people at risk and those who already suffer from brain diseases? In a recently published paper, Professor Nicolas Lautenschlager from the University of Western Australia reported that older adults who exercised regularly for 24 weeks experienced an 1800% improvement in memory, language ability, attention and other important cognitive functions compared to a control group 5 . The exercise group spent approximately 142 minutes per week on physical activity, which averages out to approximately 20 minutes per day. Researchers linked the changes to improved blood flow, new blood vessels and new brain cells.

Exercise is powerful medicine. Physical activity triggers genes that suppress inflammation. And all this can be measured in the laboratory. Time and time again, scientists have found that C-reactive protein, a measure of inflammation often used in the laboratory, is lower in physically active people. Exercise improves insulin sensitivity. They help regulate blood sugar and reduce protein glycation.

It's easy to benefit

How intense should exercise be to benefit the body and brain? Would housework such as, say, gardening and taking out the trash qualify?

When Dr. Aron Buchman began studying the effect of daily exercise on the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease, he could not have imagined what awaited him. The average age of study participants without dementia was 82 years. Of the 716 people initially enrolled, 71 developed full-blown Alzheimer's disease over three and a half years of follow-up 6 . The results showed a dramatic difference between people who lead a relatively sedentary lifestyle and those who engage in a variety of activities, not necessarily sports, such as washing dishes, cooking, driving a wheelchair and cleaning up. He was able to track people's activity levels using a so-called actigraph - a device attached to the hand to detect and quantify motor activity.

People who were in the 10% least active group had a 230% higher risk of developing Alzheimer's disease compared to those in the 10% most physically active group. Dr. Buchman concluded that the benefits of a publicly accessible lifestyle that costs nothing and has no side effects, where routine activities help protect the brain at any age, should not be underestimated.

Make your choice

Obviously, you don't have to set your sights on conquering Everest. There is no need to prepare for endurance competitions. But regular exercise that gets your heart pumping should become a mandatory part of your life. Most of the current studies have looked at the effects of exercise, mostly running and other aerobic activities such as swimming, cycling, hiking, and brisk walking - with subjects exercising at least five days a week for at least 20 minutes. However, a number of studies demonstrate cognitive benefits in older people who have been involved in powerlifting for a year.

I understand that exercise is not considered a top priority by most, but I hope that the facts I've presented in this chapter will help you reconsider your list of priorities if, of course, you have not already taken up exercise seriously. For those who are still far from physical activity, I will ask, within the framework of the program I have developed, to devote one week to this very important aspect and choose an acceptable load for themselves. If you are already involved in sports, you can use this time to increase your activity and intensity of training. You can also try something new.

Fasting is a way to restore health to the body, get rid of unpleasant symptoms caused by inflammatory processes, excess weight, activation of harmful cells and toxic substances. Refusal from food is voluntary, carried out independently or under medical supervision. There are different methods of cleansing, differing in the mechanism of action on the body and goals. Beginners and practitioners alike have a question about whether they should take vitamins while fasting.

Therapeutic fasting has a beneficial effect on the body. Positive effects are observed in the functioning of internal organs. A person refuses to consume food, and the process of extracting energy from reserve reserves and secondary tissues begins.

During hunger, nutrients are broken down, their processed products remain inside the body and accumulate. The process activates a shift in pH to the acidic side, causing acidosis. This is an important physiological mechanism that includes healing processes.

The acidic internal environment dissolves weakened foreign and own tissues. First of all, swelling, hematomas, pathogenic microorganisms, adhesions, and tumors are subject to the destructive process.

Should I stop taking vitamins?

Fasting treatment is not eating. The liquid consumed, water, should not contain solid components. Based on this, it is prohibited to take all kinds of food additives, biologically active substances, and vitamins packaged in a gelatin shell.

The main task is to calm the digestive tract, launching natural mechanisms for regulating the chemical balance. Taking vitamin complexes and individual vitamins and minerals causes fluctuations and imbalances. If the purpose of cleansing is to combat a certain condition or disease, in order to quickly achieve and enhance the effect, it is allowed to drink vitamins and herbal infusions, decoctions that do not contradict the principles of fasting.

Hunger is a way to improve your health; a slight deviation from the rules is acceptable.

Vitamins for long-term dry fasting

During dry fasting, the body is in harsh conditions; it has to extract energy and water from internal reserves. Against the background of stress, the breakdown of harmful substances, cells, and fat occurs in a short time.

It is considered safe to abstain from eating food and liquids for three days. There are strict schemes when a person is obliged to live under the restriction of 11 days.

Taking vitamins during this period is prohibited. Their entry contradicts the basic mechanism. Due to the absence of substances from the outside, the blood is purified and undergoes multiple filtration. Biochemical indicators improve, metabolism is restored.

Having decided on a radical method of healing, you need to thoroughly prepare and go through it carefully, following the recommendations and rules. The attending physician should tell you about the dangers and possible complications.

Vitamins for long-term wet fasting

Water is a life-giving force for humans, and purification with its help is safe. It can be boiled, thawed, filtered. It is not recommended to take vitamins during wet fasting; the effect of refusing food is based on the complete absence of nutrients. If the intake was carried out before entering the fast, stop it. The doctor makes the decision based on health indicators.

If the refusal of nutrients is prohibited due to cancer, then fasting is carried out with the inclusion of juices in the diet: potatoes, carrots, red beets, onions, cucumber, parsley, pumpkin, strawberries, currants, citrus fruits.

Therapeutic fasting allows you to drink 1 liter of juice per day. The amount of liquid per dose is 3-4 small sips with retention in the mouth.

Seriously ill people on fasting are under the supervision of a doctor, he will calculate in what doses and what vitamin complex will help the body fight the disease.

Vitamins for intermittent fasting

Intermittent abstinence from food is radically different from dieting in its traditional sense. Various schemes have been developed - long-term, daily, but the essence is the same: fast and take food at certain periods.

The main advantage is that the body is not deprived of important elements for the functioning of systems and organs.

To starve for a long time means to provoke their deficiency. Internal reserves do not last long; the body uses up vitamins C and B quickly. After a week of dry or wet long-term fasting, a pronounced deficiency of nutrients is observed, which threatens serious disorders and exacerbations of diseases. The intermittent method does not have these side effects and does not prohibit taking certain vitamins. There is no need to interrupt treatment for a fast.

The body can fast for 16, 12 or 24 hours, then drink vitamins.

Which vitamins can you take and which ones can’t?

During fasting, you are allowed to take water-soluble supplements. Preference is given to vitamin C. If there are medical indications in connection with the diagnosis of certain diseases, the doctor may prescribe vitamin B1. The intake is carried out under strict medical supervision, the supplement acts as a medicine.

If a person on therapeutic fasting wants to take a pill containing B vitamins, he risks creating an imbalance in the body. When refusing food, it is recommended to interrupt the intake of any substances in order to activate internal reserves.

Vitamin C is the only exception to the rule; ascorbic acid speeds up the cleansing process and increases the protective functions of the immune system.

During the period of fasting, the body does not need additional replenishment of minerals. If a course was previously prescribed, you will have to make a forced interruption. The consequence of foreign substances entering the body is an imbalance in the chemical balance.

It is important to avoid treatment with medications containing Tylenol and aspirin. The components suppress the symptoms of many diseases and disrupt the natural chemical balance in the body. Instead of medications, it is advisable to use baths, massage techniques, walks, and enemas are allowed. If you feel unwell, oxygen starvation is possible, take a walk in nature, get some fresh air.

There are many original and traditional fasting methods that solve a number of health problems and help put the body in order. Not all schemes are safe; dry fasting is only suitable for healthy people, while wet fasting can be softened and supplemented. If you decide to refuse food and water, undergo a medical examination in advance. Often hunger provokes the development of hidden diseases and worsens their course. If vitamin deficiency is diagnosed, first restore your levels, and then fast.

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