Herbal preparations in the fight against kidney diseases. Natural remedies for kidney inflammation Herbal kidney tablets

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

The kidneys are paired organs that perform important urinary functions and are part of the urinary organ system. They help cleanse the body of toxins and waste, maintain normal acid-base balance, and remove excess fluid.

Disruption of the urinary system can lead to serious consequences. Herbal medicines, like a number of other drugs, are included in the treatment regimen for various kidney ailments. You can purchase all medication options at the pharmacy chain.

Such products (unlike synthetic drugs) act more gently. At the same time, they are also quite effective. Herbal remedies have fewer side effects and contraindications and can be prescribed to children and pregnant women.

Herbal kidney tablets contain extracts of medicinal plants:

  • bearberry;
  • licorice;
  • calendula;
  • horsetail;
  • lovage root;
  • centaury;
  • birch leaves;
  • knotweed herbs;
  • fenugreek seeds;
  • rosemary.

The medicines also contain many essential oils - sage, pine, mint, etc. Herbs help remove excess water from the body, help break down stones and restore kidney function. Herbal uroantiseptics relieve inflammation, prevent complications and relapses of the disease.

The most popular herbal preparations

The pharmaceutical industry offers many herbal-based drugs. Of these, several of the most common and effective remedies can be identified.


The drug Nephroleptin is prescribed for pyelonephritis and cystitis. The medicine helps relieve the inflammatory process and stabilize the functioning of organs.

Herbal kidney tablets include:

  • knotweed;
  • propolis;
  • lingonberry leaves;
  • bearberry;
  • liquorice root;
  • calendula inflorescences.

The drug has a number of contraindications. The product should absolutely not be used if you have an allergic reaction to one or more components of the composition.

Relative contraindications include pregnancy and breastfeeding. In this case, only an obstetrician can prescribe the tablets. Nephroleptin is sold in pharmacy chains for an average of 600 - 750 rubles. The drug has few side effects.

Canephron N

Herbal kidney tablets Canephron N act in several directions at once. They have a diuretic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect.

The composition of the drug includes:

  • lovage root;
  • centaury;
  • rosemary leaves.

Canephron N is prescribed for inflammation and infectious diseases of the kidneys. Can also be used for preventive purposes. Prevents the formation of stones.

The drug has a number of contraindications. Tablets are not prescribed to children under 6 years of age, adults with chronic alcoholism (with the development of various pathologies of the liver, kidneys, etc.) and individual intolerance to the composition.

As side effects, allergic reactions to the components of the drug may occur. In this case, Canephron N is discontinued. On average, the cost of the drug is 300-400 rubles.


The drug contains many herbs:

  • filmy scum;
  • ash vernonia;
  • multileaf onosma;
  • reed saxifrage;
  • rough strawflower;
  • silicon lime;
  • heartleaf madder;
  • stem didymocarpus.

Among the contraindications of Cyston are the size of stones more than 10 mm and the patient’s tendency to allergic reactions. The only side effects noted are individual intolerance to the drug. If you are allergic to one or more components, a rash, redness of the skin, and swelling may appear.

Cyston is one of the few drugs that are approved during pregnancy and breastfeeding. However, in any case, you can take the tablets only as directed by your doctor. On average, the cost of the drug is 350 - 500 rubles.


Phytolysin is available in the form of a dark green paste for oral use.

The composition of the drug includes not only medicinal herbs for the kidneys, but also essential oils:

  • parsley root;
  • onion peel;
  • horsetail;
  • birch leaves;
  • lovage root;
  • wheatgrass root;
  • goldenrod;
  • knotweed;
  • fenugreek seeds.

Among the positive qualities is the high effectiveness of the drug. With its help, stones are removed less painfully, and inflammation is well controlled. Also an undeniable plus is the affordable price of the product: the average cost of the drug is 200 - 350 rubles.

However, among the disadvantages of the drug is a large list of contraindications.

These include:

  • phosphate kidney stones;
  • pancreatitis;
  • gastritis;
  • renal and heart failure;
  • hepatitis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • gallstones;
  • acute form of nephritis.

Also, the drug should not be taken if you are hypersensitive. Phytolysin also has many possible side effects. A person may experience nausea, vomiting, rash, and itching. Sometimes there is increased sensitivity to ultraviolet rays.

Therefore, the product should be used only as prescribed by the treating specialist. Usually it is not prescribed separately, but is combined with other drugs.


Urolesan belongs to the group of herbal uroantiseptics. This is a combined drug that has a diuretic, choleretic and anti-inflammatory effect. Treatment of the kidneys with Urolesan helps restore the functioning of the genitourinary system, affects the properties and composition of urine, and removes excess uric acid.

The drug is produced in several forms:

Capsules (tablets)

The pills are covered with a greenish gelatin coating. Inside there is a yellow powder with the smell of spruce. Each capsule contains pepper, castor and fir oils, hop and oregano extracts, plus wild carrot extract.

Green liquid. The drops contain the same components as the tablets. Only in other quantitative proportions. Active substances are dissolved in ethyl alcohol.

Thick yellow or yellowish-green liquid with a specific odor and taste. The composition is identical to other forms of release of the drug. The syrup differs only in its auxiliary components, including sorbic and citric acid and sugar syrup.

The drug begins to act within 20 - 30 minutes after administration. Copes well with renal and hepatic colic and has a high antimicrobial effect. The maximum effect of the drug begins 60 minutes after administration and lasts 5 - 6 hours.


Another effective herbal medicine for the kidneys is called Trinephron. This is a combination drug consisting of natural ingredients.

Trinephron contains extracts of lovage, centaury and rosemary roots. The drug quickly copes with spasms and relieves inflammation. Has moderate diuretic and antibacterial effects.

Tablets for the treatment of kidneys help reduce. This is especially important for patients with proteinuria. The active substances of the drug promote the removal of salts from the body and restore the acid-base balance of urine.

This prevents the occurrence of urolithiasis. Trinephron is prescribed for pyelonephritis, cystitis, and non-infectious kidney diseases. Can be used to prevent urolithiasis.

The cost of Trinephron capsules ranges from 400 to 900 rubles, depending on the number of pieces in the package and the pharmacy chain.

Before you start taking herbal medications, you need to consult a doctor who will select the most optimal remedy or combination of medications that is effective in this case. It is worth remembering that all products with herbal ingredients also have a list of contraindications and side effects, which must be taken into account when prescribing.

If necessary, drugs can be replaced with analogues by a specialist, but not independently. You should not self-medicate, as this may not lead to a cure, but to a worsening of the condition and further progression of the disease. You can learn more information about herbal preparations that are used to treat the urinary system from the video in this article.

Dashamool vati, Dashamool in tablets.

Dasamula is a legendary, highly effective Ayurvedic composition of ten plant roots. Due to its high effectiveness, this composition is used in many Ayurvedic medicines (both for external and internal use).

Dasamula is a classic Ayurvedic composition of ten roots. Each plant has its own specific healing properties that effectively help fight many problems: general malaise, liver and kidney diseases, rheumatism and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system, colds, fever. Dasamula is used as a cleansing and rejuvenating agent for the body. It has a particularly beneficial effect on the lungs and bronchi, liver, adrenal glands and kidneys, genitourinary system, and strengthens the immune system. Dasamula normalizes all three human doshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha).

It is no coincidence that 10 plant roots specially selected in the recipe are combined into one Ayurvedic preparation. Each root is aimed at normalizing the function of a specific endocrine organ. Together, these ten roots, thanks to their rich content of sitosterols and glucosides, normalize the condition of the entire neuroendocrine system. In this regard, the composition of Dasamul is effective for the treatment of all hormonal disorders.

As a result of numerous studies, it was found that the composition of Dasamul stimulates the production of somatotropin by the pituitary gland, which revitalizes the functioning of the thymus within a few months, and within 3 to 5 years completely restores its function (even with atrophy of the thymus gland). It is important that the synthesis of somatotropic hormone of the pituitary gland has a rejuvenating effect on the body.

Dasamula- an excellent tool for deep cleansing the body and removing waste and toxins from it. In addition to cleansing the body, Dasamula is a general strengthening and tonic. These properties of the classic composition are used for Ayurvedic steam procedures. Steam herbal baths with Dasamula composition together with powder massage (Udvartana) are an effective remedy for rapid weight loss and getting rid of cellulite. And herbal steam baths with Dasamula after oiling with medicinal oils in the Abhyanga procedure are a reliable remedy for getting rid of diseases of bones and joints.

Dashamula is indicated for diseases of the kidneys, liver, pancreas, cardiovascular system, for allergies of various origins, and has a huge positive effect on the respiratory system. The beneficial effect of Dashamula is also noted on the digestive system, especially on the normalization of the large intestine. An indispensable means for removing toxins after taking antibiotics, for various intoxications.

Dasamula, like Triphala, balances all three Doshas and can be used as a cleansing and rejuvenating agent for the body. It has a particularly beneficial effect on the liver and kidneys, cleansing and toning the genitourinary system and the blood purification system. Can be used as a rehabilitation product after childbirth. Helps relieve the effects of alcoholism.

These 10 roots, thanks to the rich content of sitosterols and glycosides, normalize the state of the neuroendocrine system, regulating the function of the most important hormonal organs: the thyroid, pancreas and thymus glands, adrenal glands, and reproductive system. Therefore, Dasamula is used in Ayurveda to treat hormonal diseases.

To normalize the function of hormonal organs, Dasamulu is good to combine with Ashwagandha (1 teaspoon of powder twice a day before meals, preferably with warm water or herbal tea).

Contraindications for use Dasamula does not exist. However, for proper use and achieving a therapeutic effect, we recommend consulting a Vaidya, a specialist in Ayurvedic medicine.

Characteristics of the main herbs that make up Dasamula:

  • Bilva (Aegle marmelos)
  • Due to the content of the specific glycoside marmelosin, it has an anti-arrhythmic and tonic effect. The rich amount of azulenes in the plant causes anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects.
  • Agnimantha (Premna integrefolia)

Stimulates the functioning of the stomach and pancreas. A specific rubber alkaloid has a tonic effect. The presence of salicylates in this plant allows it to be used in the treatment of rheumatism and polyarthritis. In addition, substances were found in it that stop the reproduction of gonococci.

  • Shionaki (Oroxilum indicum)
  • Rich in glycoside oroxylon, which has an analgesic, diaphoretic and anti-inflammatory effect. The plant is used to treat gastroenterocolitis, rheumatism and colds.
  • Kasmarya (Gmelina arborea)
  • Has a laxative, diuretic, lactogenic effect. Used to treat gonorrhea and chronic cystitis. Eliminates intoxication from snake and scorpion bites.
  • Patala (Stereospermum suaveoleus)
  • Eliminates indigestion, reduces swelling and cough.
  • Shaliparni (Desmodium gangeticum)

It has a pronounced antipyretic and diaphoretic effect. The plant is rich in rubber alkaloid, therefore it causes a tonic effect.

  • Prishniparna (Uraria picta)

Thanks to the rich content of terpenoids and tannins, it eliminates bleeding and strengthens the vascular endothelium. Expectorant and antipyretic effects are also noted.

  • Vrihati (solanum indicum)

It has a mucolytic, expectorant, antiallergic effect. Particularly effective for the treatment of bronchial asthma. Eliminates flatulence and intestinal colic. An antitumor effect was also revealed. Contains the alkaloid solanidine, mucoplisaccharides and pectins.

  • Kantakari (Solanum jaquini)

Stimulates the synthesis of corticosteroids and sex hormones, thanks to the rich content of carpesterol. Glucoalkaloids solancarpine and solacarpidine eliminate congestive cough, vasomotor rhinitis, and urticaria. This plant also has a moderate laxative and diuretic effect.

  • Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris)

It is the most famous plant from the group of dashamula roots. It is very rich in silicic acid salts, the presence of which prevents the formation of kidney stones. Substances that have a selective anti-inflammatory and bacteriostatic effect on the genitourinary area have been found in gokshura. Normalizes semen synthesis and its viscosity. Increases potency. Prevents the development of chronic prostatitis and prostate adenoma.


For external use:

Mix 20 gr. Dasamuls with 3 liters of water. Boil to 2 liters. Add the resulting decoction to water while taking a bath or use it to pour over the body.

For use in a steam bath, phyto-barrel: place 5g (5 tablets) of Dasamul in a special steam bath container; if these are tablets, grind them.

For internal use: 2 tablets before meals, 10-15 minutes, 2 times a day. To enhance the effect, 5 g is possible. (10 tablets) crush, add 1 liter of water and evaporate in a steam bath by 1/3. Take 200 ml per day (this is the norm for the whole day) before meals. In the acute phase of diseases, increase the consumption rate to 400 ml. solution.

Herbal medicine for the kidneys is a modern and effective choice in the treatment of many diseases of the excretory organs. Until recently, the range of such drugs was not large enough, because many doctors settled on synthetic drugs. However, they have serious side effects. In turn, herbal kidney tablets, drops and herbal preparations are no less effective and do not show side effects. Let's look at the main herbal-based kidney medications, their mechanism of action and features of use.


Kidneys are the main filters of our body. Not only the normal functioning of all organs and their systems, but also our life depends on the state of this paired organ. A person whose kidneys have failed is completely dependent on hemodialysis. This is why it is so important to treat your kidneys on time.

Synthetic drugs are not always suitable for treating diseases of the excretory system due to their aggressive action and the abundance of side effects. In contrast, herbal remedies have a milder effect on the body and have virtually no side effects. The only exceptions to this rule are those drugs whose components can cause allergic reactions. Herbal medicines are not addictive and do not affect the cardiovascular or immune systems.

Herbal preparations can be prescribed for many kidney pathologies. Exceptions are advanced cases when only potent synthetic drugs can come to the aid of the doctor and the patient. However, in these cases, such drugs are prescribed in combination with herbal ones.

Useful herbs

Treatment of the kidneys with herbal preparations helps to cleanse them and get rid of inflammatory phenomena. They do not flush potassium from the body and help gradually reduce the amount of toxins. Herbal medicine also helps in dissolving stones in the kidneys and urinary tract.

Medicine knows many herbs for treating the body's main filters. Thus, juniper, birch leaves, knotweed, nettle, and parsley have a diuretic effect. Dissolve rosehip stones, carrot seeds, strawberry leaves, and parsley.

For cystitis, it is good to do sitz baths. You can add birch leaves, sweet clover, horsetail, and calendula flowers to them. Decoctions of medicinal herbs also help with pyelonephritis.

Remember that the course of herbal treatment lasts at least 3 weeks. You need to do a urine test periodically.


Nephroleptin is one of the most common herbal supplements for kidney support. It contains only natural ingredients that have an excellent effect on the excretion process and eliminate many kidney pathologies. These include:

  • knotweed herbs;
  • propolis extract;
  • lingonberry leaves;
  • bearberry leaves;
  • bearberry.

Such plants have long been used in folk medicine to relieve kidney disorders. Modern technology has made it possible to improve medications and make them easier to take for people suffering from kidney disease.

Doctors have proven the effectiveness of this drug in the treatment of kidney and urinary tract diseases. Nephroleptin can be used as an adjuvant in the treatment of pyelonephritis and cystitis. Regular use of Nephroleptin has a beneficial effect on the kidneys: their functions are completely normalized.

You need to be treated with Nephroleptin according to your doctor's indications. There are also contraindications for use in the presence of allergic reactions to the components of the medicine. The recommended course of treatment is from 2 to 4 weeks. It is not advisable to take this medication during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

This medicine is used for kidney and bladder ailments. The product is very convenient for use and long-term treatment and is suitable not only for kidney disease, but also for prevention. It is recommended to take it for:

  • inflammatory phenomena in the bladder;
  • disease of the renal pelvis;
  • interstitial type nephritis;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • the appearance of bacteria in the urine;
  • urolithiasis.

The positive effect of treatment with Canephron N is due to the presence in its composition of centaury extracts, lovage roots and rosemary. These plants have natural oils and organic acids that help dilate arteries and veins and dissolve stones. Canephron also has a diuretic effect, which counteracts the accumulation of stones in the kidneys and urethra.

There are no contraindications to taking Canephron N: it can be used by children, pregnant women and breastfeeding women. The duration of taking the drug is determined only by the attending physician. Canephron N is also available in the form of drops, which is very convenient for the treatment of kidney pathologies in children. The dosage of such a medicine should not be prescribed to yourself, but it is better to consult a urologist.

This is an effective drug for getting rid of kidney stones. The components of the drug help remove excessive amounts of water and salt from the human body. In addition, its effectiveness in the treatment of inflammatory phenomena of the kidneys and excretory tract has been proven.

The effect of this medicine is explained by a successfully chosen combination of extracts of the following medicinal plants:

  • madder cordifolia (stems);
  • bicarp flowers;
  • mumiyo;
  • didymocarpus oils;
  • saxifrage;
  • membranous rash;
  • Onosmata multifolia.

These components are additionally activated by steam obtained from extracts of the fruits of Tribulus, cornflowers, mimosa seeds, peony flowers, horsetail, dilichos and teak wood. The silica lime contained in the drug acts as a powerful diuretic. These extracts further improve the functions of the urinary system and have a beneficial effect on digestive processes.

Cystone is effective against bladder inflammation in men and women. It is indispensable in the treatment of gout, pyelonephritis, nephrolithiasis and kidney stones. It is also suitable for inflammatory infections of the excretory organs.

The duration of taking the drug varies. The patient feels the effect when taking Cyston only after several courses of administration. Despite the fact that the desired effect of treatment does not occur so quickly, recovery from kidney diseases is guaranteed.


This is a herbal paste that is taken orally. Despite the fact that the drug has such an unusual form, it is very effective for diseases of the excretory organs. The paste contains extracts of the following medicinal plants:

  • birch leaves;
  • goldenrod;
  • horsetail;
  • fenugreek;
  • parsley (root);
  • wheatgrass (its rhizomes);
  • Highlander;
  • lovage (root);
  • onion (husk);
  • volatile oils of peppermint, pine and sage.

This combination of active components helps remove excess water and salts from tissues. In addition, the paste relieves inflammation in the kidneys and other excretory organs.

The paste is very easy to use. The composition is squeezed out of the tube and dissolved in water. A suspension is formed, which is taken orally up to 4 times. It is not recommended to sweeten the resulting drink.

Complex treatment

To treat the kidneys, taking herbal preparations alone is not enough.

Although modern plant-based kidney pills are effective and do not give side effects, if a number of conditions are not met, their positive qualities will be negated.

First of all, it is necessary to overcome negative emotions. They contribute to the deterioration of the kidneys. Only positive feelings can establish normal kidney function and prevent complications.

A sedentary lifestyle is, first of all, a blow to the kidneys. Lack of movement causes compression of the blood vessels supplying the kidneys. As a result, the removal of fluid from the body is disrupted, and stones begin to be deposited in the kidneys and inflammation develops.

The patient will not be able to achieve a lasting positive effect if he does not limit the consumption of protein foods and salt. It has been proven that salty, fried and spicy foods are very harmful to the kidneys. It is also necessary to limit the amount of meat. Temperature changes and drafts are harmful to the kidneys. A sauna, a warm bath, is useful. Naturally, thermal procedures should be carried out only if there are no contraindications.

So, herbal remedies for the kidneys are no less effective than synthetic ones. Before using them, be sure to consult a doctor.

Treatment of kidney diseases dictates the need for an integrated approach to the selection of drugs for the kidneys; herbal-based drugs for the treatment of kidneys are especially effective and safe.

For patients with various kidney diseases, it is important to effectively and quickly relieve symptoms and acute attacks of pain, depending on the type of disease. Some medications require a doctor’s prescription, but the general rule for all medications is to carefully read the instructions, because the more you know about the vaccine, the greater the chance of getting rid of the disturbing disease.

Main directions of influence of drug therapy

In a comprehensive fight against pathology, you should not limit yourself to using only one drug, because according to statistics, the most effective method is therapy using up to 5 different types of drugs for the treatment of kidneys. This is understandable, since any disease is characterized by a special composition of symptoms that manifest themselves with varying strength, and possible complications must be warned in advance in order to avoid a dangerous inflammatory process that can lead to death in the patient. Effective medicines for the treatment of kidneys must have the following qualities:

  • Prevention of complications;
  • normalization of the patient’s general condition;
  • getting rid of obvious symptoms accompanying the disease;
  • precise targeting of the cause of the disease and its subsequent elimination.

The direction of the effect of drug therapy is determined by the specific diagnosis made by the attending physician. Only after the specialist has accurately identified the pathology should it be necessary to begin prescribing the appropriate treatment. In one case, it is important to promptly remove stones, in another, to get rid of pronounced symptoms, in the third, it is necessary to clean the ureteral channels for normal urine outflow. But the general rule when prescribing a drug for a kidney disease is to keep the use of a large number of tablets to a minimum while maximizing the positive effect.

To comply with this rule, tablets for the treatment of kidneys must have the following properties that promote rapid relief from pathology:

  • contains a high concentration of active substance, which contributes to the creation in the urine and blood of an unfavorable environment for the development of unwanted microorganisms;
  • antimicrobial effect on pathogens;
  • the ability to prevent pathogen resistance to antibiotic exposure.

Review of medications for kidney treatment

Now the pharmaceutical markets are overflowing with various types of vaccines against kidney pathologies, which requires doctors to have a wide range of knowledge of the classification of diseases.

Based on the types of kidney disease, it is customary to divide drugs into the following 5 main categories:

  1. antispasmodics. The most popular: “Mebeverine”, “Drotaverine”, “Scopalamine”, “No-shpa”, “Dibazol”, “Papaverine”, “Halidor”;
  2. analgesics (painkillers). Those in great demand in the pharmaceutical market: Diclofenac (Voltaren), Ibuprofen, Indomethacin;
  3. antiseptics (anti-infective). The most used: “Rifampicin”, “Metacycline”, “Polymyxin”, novocaine and potassium salt, “Morphocycline”;
  4. diuretics. Widespread: “Biliurin”, “Blemaren”, “Penicillamine”, “Tiopronin”;
  5. litholytic (promoting the dissolution of stones). The most effective: “Rovatinex”, “Cystenal”, “Fitolysin”, “Cyston”, “Canephron”.

The action of antispasmodics is aimed at relieving symptoms such as muscle spasms (including pronounced ones), colic, and vascular contraction. Acute painful sensations always accompany kidney diseases, so antispasmodics are also aimed at improving the general condition of the patient and relieving primary symptoms. Such tablets are divided into two categories: neurotropic and myotropic. The first allow you to restore the transport function of nerve impulses communicating with smooth muscle fibers (Scopalamine, Atropine sulfate, Metacin chlorosil). The latter implement relaxation of muscle fibers, which is especially effective for acute colic and spasms (“Drotaverine”, “Pinaverium bromide”, “Papaverine”).

Analgesics relieve inflammatory processes and bring pain relief from diseases such as pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis and more. These drugs are aimed at eliminating pathogens of the inflammatory process in the human body. The principle of action is that the tablets block the production of serotonin and prostaglandin in the affected tissues. Long-term use of these drugs is contraindicated, as the likelihood of side effects is high. Therefore, the most effective analgesic drug is considered to be the combined drug “Baralgin”, which combines the properties of antispasmodics (Metamizol) and analgesics (Pitofenon). To relieve mild pain without a doctor's prescription, you can use drugs such as Analgin, Citramon, Diclofenac, Aspirin.

The properties of antiseptics are similar to analgesics, since both types are aimed at relieving the symptoms of the inflammatory process. But the spectrum of action of antiseptics is narrowed to getting rid of only infectious diseases associated with the kidneys. An effective remedy must combine antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral effects for a complex therapeutic effect (Pyranoside, Levorin, Rifampicin, Nalidix). Such drugs will not help get rid of the disease quickly and forever, but they can fight the cause of the infectious disease (they are a traditional method of treatment). Depending on the direction of the spectrum of action and on the chemical composition, antiseptics are usually divided into the following categories: fatty acids, antiseptics of plant origin, synthetic, organic acids, nitrofurans, sulfonamides, as well as halogens and phenols.

Diuretics for relieving kidney diseases are aimed at restoring the functions performed by the organ. Indeed, with any kidney disease, the structure of the organ is disrupted, which means that the efficiency of performing functions is reduced. Diuretics for the kidneys help them cope with their responsibilities, facilitating the timely removal of excess fluid containing harmful salts from the patient’s body. In addition, they help restore microflora during the inflammatory process, and are also effective in removing stones (urolithiasis). Diuretics are usually divided into the following categories: potassium-sparing (Veroshperon, Aldactone), thiazides (Hydrochlorothiazide, Ceclomethiazide), osmotic (Mannitol) and ethacrynic acids (Furosemide). The use of ammonium chloride, theophylline and mercury diuretics for kidney disease is prohibited.

Litholytic drugs provide effective treatment for urolithiasis. They crush the stones that form, and in combination with diuretics, remove the remaining stones and sand from the body. When prescribing treatment for urolithiasis, specialists tend to use litholytic herbal remedies in combination with effective therapy. Synthetic products such as Panangin, Blemaren, Allopurinol, Rovatinex are often used to remove stones. Urolesan and Canephron also have a positive effect during treatment.

Herbal medicines

Recently, the demand for herbal kidney tablets has increased in the pharmaceutical markets, which provides grounds for the identification of another type of therapeutic agent for the treatment of kidney pathologies. The big advantage is that herbal preparations can be used not only to specifically combat the disease, but also to prevent pathologies. The use of herbal medicines can be carried out either to complement a course of antibiotics or as an independent means of treatment. Herbal medicines, including several types of herbal extracts, are effective as prevention.

Some products containing herbal composition:

  • "Cyston". Prevents the formation of stones, has an antibacterial effect, strengthens the immune system. The composition contains mumiyo and extract of more than 10 herbs;
  • "Canephron N". Helps effectively fight inflammation, dissolve stones and maintain kidney function. It is rich in essential oils of various herbs;
  • "Phytolysin". Produced as a paste that combines a complex of herbal extracts and essential oils";
  • "Urolesan", "Gentos", "Nephroleptin".


It is important to remember that there is no universal pill for any kidney disease; comprehensive, targeted treatment is necessary. A shock wave against pathology by various means can not only relieve symptoms and bring the patient’s condition back to normal, but also completely get rid of the disease. You should take medications during treatment for kidney diseases only after consulting your doctor.

Diseases of the genitourinary system cause discomfort and disrupt a person’s normal life. Kidney pills are used to relieve symptoms of diseases and get rid of the cause of their occurrence. Depending on the nature of the disease, groups of drugs are distinguished. For complete recovery, comprehensive treatment is necessary. Before using the drug, the patient must fully study the instructions for it.

Antispasmodics for the kidneys

All kidney diseases are accompanied by pain, which causes discomfort to the patient. To relieve spasms of the muscles and blood vessels of the kidneys, drugs with an antispasmodic effect are used. At home, it is recommended to use products based on drotaverine. These include “No-shpa”, “Papaverine” and “Platifillin”. The listed medications have a gentle effect on the muscles of the organ and relieve spasm. However, they are not effective for colic or severe painful spasms. In this case, combined agents such as “Spazmalgon”, “Baralgin” and “Spazmonet” are useful. Before taking medication, you should consult your doctor.

Analgesics for kidney diseases

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can not only relieve pain, but also influence inflammatory processes.

Kidney tablets with an analgesic effect are divided into 2 groups: antipyretics and NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). Medicines of both groups are sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. Antipyretics include the simplest painkillers, the main active ingredients of which are analgin or paracetamol. These include Analgin, Tempalgin, Nurofen and Panadol. In addition to pain relief, they also affect body temperature, gradually normalizing it. The second group of drugs consists of drugs with the property of reducing the inflammatory process. These include Citramon, Aspirin and Diclofenac. If the patient suffers from unbearable pain and the listed medications do not help, the doctor can use narcotic analgesics: Morphine, Promedol.

Antiseptics and antibacterial drugs

If the cause of kidney disease is an infection, the doctor prescribes antiseptics to the patient. Their action covers the fight against harmful microorganisms, bacteria and fungi. For a quick recovery, antiseptics should be combined with drugs from other groups. Widely used antiseptic drugs include potassium salt, Pyranoside, Rifampicin and Levorin.

Improper use of antibacterial agents can only aggravate the situation in which the disease becomes chronic.

Antibacterial agents for kidney diseases have a semi-synthetic composition. Each drug has its own characteristics of action on the body and restrictions on use. Therefore, self-medication is unacceptable. Only the attending physician can prescribe correct and effective therapy. The average course duration is 12−14 days. Disappearance of symptoms is possible after 5-6 days of use. However, premature completion of the course is fraught with the disease becoming chronic. The most commonly prescribed drugs are Amoxicillin, Nalidix and Cefaclor.

Diuretic medicines for kidney treatment

One of the consequences of kidney disease is disruption of their functioning. As a result, excess fluid and harmful salts accumulate in tissues and organs. To normalize function, diuretics are used. Doctors distinguish several groups of diuretics:

  • Thiazide drugs are characterized by rapid action. The result occurs 1-2 hours after administration and lasts up to 14 hours. Their advantage is the almost zero yield of useful substances along with urine. The popularity of this group for kidney diseases is explained by its ease of use, but they have a number of contraindications. Thiazide drugs include Hypothiazide and Hydrochlorothiazide.
  • Loops are used in hospital settings, when excess fluid needs to be quickly removed from the patient’s body. The result comes after 15-20 minutes. The use of loop diuretics at home can provoke an imbalance of substances. Drug names: Ethacrynic acid, Furosemide and Bufenox.
  • Potassium-sparing people drink at the initial stage of illness. Their results come as the active substance accumulates in the body. The first effect is visible 1-2 days after the start of administration. The advantage is the preservation of potassium and magnesium levels in the body. The names of the group's products are: Aldactone, Veroshpiron and Spironolactone.
  • Osmotic drugs are prescribed in case of exacerbation of diseases. After normalization of the condition, their use is canceled. The most popular remedy is Mannitol.

Drugs that dissolve stones

Most often, doctors prescribe herbal medicines as part of complex therapy.

Kidney medications for urolithiasis perform the functions of crushing and removing stones and sand from the organs. For this purpose, you can take medications of synthetic origin or herbal remedies. Doctors often combine these groups to achieve quick results. The list of drugs is quite large, so for the correct selection you should consult a doctor. The best synthetic drugs: Panangin, Blemaren and Allopurinol. A good tendency for stones to pass is observed if the German drug Rovatinex is used. A good effect is obtained from such products as “Urolesan”, “” and “Canephron”.

Herbal remedies for the kidneys

Herbal medicines for the treatment of kidneys are widely used in medicine. Their advantage is the absence of adverse reactions of the body. Herbal preparations are allowed for children and pregnant women. There is only one contraindication - individual intolerance to the ingredients of the composition. For a quick recovery, the medicine should be selected by a doctor based on test results and the course of the disease. Medicines that have a herbal composition:

  • "Nephroleptin" is a dietary supplement. Helps improve kidney function. It has a complex of actions, but at the same time has some contraindications.
  • "" - drops from a set of medicinal herbs that supply the body with vitamins and microelements. Used to cleanse the kidneys, treat and prevent liver diseases.
  • "Canephron N" - German tablets for the treatment of kidneys and urinary tract. Thanks to the composition, long-term use is allowed. It has 2 release forms: drops and tablets.
  • "Cyston" is prescribed for almost all kidney diseases. Contains herbal components.

Is Chinese medicine effective?

Chinese medicine is based on the theory that every human organ is given energy at birth. Moreover, it should remain unchanged for as long as possible. To do this, you need to feed your organs with the energy of the outside world. As soon as the energy given at birth begins to be wasted, illnesses begin. The Chinese consider the kidneys to be one of the main organs. If all their energy is wasted, the person dies. To maintain the organ, you should perform a special set of exercises:

Daily exercise not only has a positive effect on the kidneys, but also strengthens the body as a whole.
  • Stand straight, legs in line with your shoulders, feet parallel to each other. Your back should be kept straight. While inhaling, smoothly raise your arms, palms down, to shoulder level. As you exhale, smoothly tilt your body to the right, while your arms should maintain their original position. Lower yourself until your right hand touches the floor. Direct your gaze to your raised left hand. Relax. Inhale and slowly return to the starting position. Do the same in the other direction.
  • Stand straight, tense your legs and buttocks as much as possible. Inhale slowly and hold your breath. Count to 10. At the same time, place your hands on the kidneys (on the back below the ribs) and press on each kidney in turn. At the same time, try to bend your back as deeply as possible.
  • The starting position is similar to the second exercise. The difference is that pressure is replaced with light spanking. It is recommended to wet your hands with cold water. This technique is needed to improve blood circulation.

Suppositories for kidney diseases

The use of antibacterial drugs in the form of suppositories is often used for exacerbations of inflammatory processes.

Medicines for the genitourinary system in the form of suppositories are often used for men and women. The product "Palin" is widely used. It has an antibacterial effect. Visible results occur 1-2 hours after administration. The preventive effect of the drug extends to patients prone to relapses. For vaginal infectious diseases in women, “Palin” is prescribed in combination with other drugs. “Phytosuppositories No. 5” are used for kidney diseases in acute and chronic forms. The drug contains natural ingredients that, when combined, help cleanse the genitourinary system. They also help restore kidney function after illness. Recommended dosage: 1-2 suppositories per day. The duration of the course is 10 days. After this, you should take 10 days of rest and repeat taking the drug. The number of courses is determined by the doctor. Antispasmodics will reduce the pain from an attack of renal colic.

Colic is not a separate disease. In most cases, it becomes a consequence of urolithiasis. The main symptom of colic is pain that comes on suddenly and makes it impossible for a person to move. Pregnant women experience increased uterine tone, and people with a low pain threshold experience nausea. Drug treatment includes taking antispasmodics. The main ones, also allowed during pregnancy, are “Baralgin”, “No-shpa” and “Papaverine”. The best option to reduce colic in the absence of medications is a heating pad filled with warm water. If your kidneys hurt, then a warm shower will have a good effect, it can calm and relax.

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