I really care about you. Beautiful poems for a dear man You are very dear to me alone

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Without you, I'm afraid it will be impossible for me to breathe, exist, live! You are my bright ray of happiness, I live by you, I want to fall asleep in your arms to wake up from your warm breath. I want to sit with my legs tucked under me and watch you go about your business, I want to watch movies with you, walk, I feel good next to you, because I love you madly! 80

All day long I could look into your eyes, hug you and receive kisses in return! I adore you! You are my favorite person in the world! 30

You sparked a great feeling in my heart, I love you and want to always be by your side. Only with you am I happy, only next to you do I feel completely free, happy and most loved! 20

I constantly think about you and love you very much, I want to give you all my tenderness and affection, spend unforgettable days and nights with you, whisper words of love in your ear and just purr with pleasure! 112

I forget about everything, but I never forget about you! You are always in my thoughts, you are very dear to me, I love you madly and simply adore you! 103

Without you, I’m just a little person in this world - one of many, but with you I’m in seventh heaven. When you are near, I feel that I need you. When you are far away, I really miss you. I think about you all the time and love you very much. 26

I can’t imagine myself without you, without your smile, your eyes, your kisses, without your hands. You are my happiness! I adore you! I need you more than my life! I love you! 55

I want to enjoy you and your smile every day, I want to see how happy you are. I love you very much and always look forward to meeting you. 63

What is my life? This is happiness - when we are together, this is your smile, the anticipation of meeting you, the joy of meeting... I fell in love with you. You are the person for whom I have always had a place in my heart. 36

You know, I've been wanting to tell you for a long time... I wanted to tell you... This has been tormenting me for a long time... For a very long time... Ever since we started dating... A lot has happened lately... for these days... I thank you for every pleasant minute given by you... In general, I’ll probably stop procrastinating... It’s time to dot all the i’s... I want to say that I love you madly, just madly! 46

I love you for your madly beautiful eyes who look at me with tenderness and care. I love you for your body, which warms me at night. I love you for your hot kisses, which just make your head spin! I love you madly! You are like a gentle sun that makes me happy every day! 15

I don’t need gifts, I only need you, your attention... Sometimes, waking up in the morning, I understand that I live for you... I want to always be with you. I love you more than life. 19

I always want to do something good for you, I want to please you with something. I confess my feelings to you, I love you, my one and only, desired and unique. Let our love make us the happiest people. 34

I remember our meeting, when all the circumstances came together for us to find each other. Perhaps this is fate. Probably everything should have been exactly this way and no other way. And I’m just happy that everything happened this way. I want to admit that I love you very much from the very minute we met. 22

When you are near, I feel that you need me just as much as you need me. For me, my whole life is you, you are my joy and all my dreams! 24

I'm very sorry, my dear vulnerable friend,
That you somehow suddenly moved away from me,
That in light of the current, alas, difficult days
You found someone you need more than me.
And if so, out of friendship I’ll tell you,
That it is not for money that I value my friends,
That in this life, remaining yourself,
I still, my friend, am friends with you in my heart.
And God will forgive me for my revelations
For all the words that I could say in these verses,
For the truth of life, which will close the circle behind us,
Bound forever with a precious word - friend.

I'm really sorry that you don't like me
I won’t change myself to please you.
And become prisoners of the flatterer and self-deception
I will not give up my soul for trampling.
You tsk at every nonsense,
You are angry at me for everything in the world,
Sick of the despicable glances of your whips,
But rock keeps him in check for now.
Perhaps I offended you once
And in past lives I behaved the same way
And, apparently, he brought you a lot of evil....
I humbly accept the scourge of return.
For everything, of course, you have to pay,
Debts are red when they are paid without complaint...

I'm very hurt and upset
And I can't forgive you.
Well, then everything will be visible,
What time can change.
And the words dig into my chest
The ones you told me recently...
That you have another
And there is no place for me...
I can't stop everything.
Poems are born suddenly
After all, I need to pour out my sadness,
Which eats greedily...
Memories eat me
About what happened, like in a dream...
And the suffering continues
What burns my soul...

I miss you very much,
It’s very difficult for me here alone.
Melancholy is eating away at my soul.
I'm waiting for you, darling, to come home!

Call me, I beg you!
Or the news came with the wind!
I ask and pray! I conjure!
Brighten up my desert days!

I want to choke on screaming.
I'm already tired from the journey.
I want to wake up early in the morning
And cling to your chest.

And don’t die from this separation
In the deep solitude of days!
I want to go to yours Strong arms!
Come home quickly!

I often dream about my childhood,
And the distant splash of cool waves,
And that forgotten bride
To whom I was engaged.

In my dreams I see quiet darkness,
In the distance is a tent of heavenly clouds,
The curtain from the noisy cart
Over the valley of summer bushes.

I saw: the sun is like a hoop,
The moon is a fragrant, warm pancake.
And there lives a dashing bastard,
The one who lights the fireplace like a star.

There is no cure for dreams.
And what is bitter laughter?
Ancient maple by an elder monk
Forgives me my mortal sin.

This poem is not about me, but written in the first person simply because it happened that way.

I'm very sorry to lose you,
I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry.
I dreamed of giving you happiness,
And he gave sadness, and he gave sadness.

I'm very sorry for blowing away,
Fire in the hearts, fire in the hearts.
The ball of our love was short,
And pain in the eyes, and pain in the eyes.

I'm really sorry that I'm not the one
What is not like that, what is not like that.
And now I am debunked, and now,
Forgotten by you, forgotten by you.

I'm so sorry that you could

The words with which people express responsiveness, concern, sincerity and trust are the language of love. If you learn to communicate in it, your relationship will be transformed, filled with warmth and cordiality.

We have prepared a small cheat sheet for you. It contains 10 phrases that you must say to your loved ones.

“I need you”

Modern people attach great importance to self-sufficiency and independence. And this is not surprising: for too long, society has cultivated the image of a fearless warrior who alone copes with all life’s adversities and shocks.

It seems to us that admitting our need for another person is shameful. We don't want to look like weaklings. But in reality, everyone needs close relationships and support. Numerous studies show that strong emotional connections are as essential to happiness, health, and well-being as food, safety, or sex.

So don't be afraid to express your affection and seek comfort from those you love. There's nothing wrong with that.

"I miss you"

In one study, almost all people who could boast of strong relationships wrote that they were worried and upset when separated from their loved ones. This condition is familiar to many of us, but, as a rule, we prefer to remain silent about our experiences.

If you are overwhelmed with feelings, take this opportunity to once again remind your loved one how dear he is to you!

We repeat, because this idea is really very important: recognizing your need for another person is absolutely normal. Moreover, your sincerity will benefit the relationship. By showing your love and affection, you prevent a huge number of conflicts.

"This hurts me" or "This worries me"

Imagine that a loved one has greatly upset you with his action or careless word. What are your next steps? Will you begin to furiously shower him with reproaches? Or, on the contrary, will you remain silent, and then keep pain and resentment inside yourself for years? Both strategies are a path to disunity. To maintain intimacy, you need to be able to express your feelings, but at the same time refrain from blaming and criticizing.

A simple example. Your lover came home late from work. Instead of immediately calling him an irresponsible egoist and starting a scandal, think about why you are upset. Very often the essence of such conflicts comes down to one thing: we perceive behavior loved one as a manifestation of indifference and alienation.

Don't be afraid to open up and show your weaknesses. This will build trust, bring you closer together and overcome any difficulties.

"What's bothering you?"

It is equally important that you are interested in the problems of your loved one, be attentive to him and be sensitive to his emotions.

We are usually reluctant to notice other people's hurt or sadness. But if you hide for cover every time you see grief on your family’s faces and run away from any uncomfortable conversations, you won’t be able to truly get closer.

Accept and do not discount the signals that your loved ones give you. Give care, warmth and comfort in return. Remember: sensitivity and responsiveness are a reliable means of healing on an emotional and physical level.

Remaining loving and caring, sharing even negative feelings with each other, as long as they remain under control, is helpful. And much better than avoiding any emotional contact.

"I'm with you"

When loved ones share their experiences with you, they do not want instructions. If you immediately start thinking about how to find an approach to solving the problem and giving advice, then on an emotional level this will be perceived as a lack of reaction and indifference. In fact, people need indirect help much more: approval, participation and attention.

“I’m with you” is a wonderful phrase that shows that you support a person and are ready to lend a shoulder to him in a difficult situation.

"Hug me tighter"

During the experiment, conducted by University of Virginia psychologist Jim Cohen, women underwent MRI scans of their brains. Participants were warned that when the small red light came on, they might feel a slight but sensitive electric shock.

This information stimulated the stress centers in the patients' brains. But when a loved one held the woman's hand, the scanner recorded noticeably less activity. The pain from the electric shock was also weaker at these moments.

Hugs and affectionate touches from loved ones give us a feeling of calm and joy, softening shock, stress and pain. Gives a feeling of security and comfort. Smooth out the blows of both current and fate.

By learning to ask for hugs or affectionate touches, you will not only become happier, but also improve your relationships, because bodily contact is the language of affection.

"I'm sorry"

We all sometimes make mistakes and offend our loved ones. But this can be fixed. To restore lost trust, you first need to listen carefully to your loved one. Perhaps he felt abandoned and lonely? Did you feel that you were devaluing his emotions? Or even saw you as a source of danger?

It is necessary to try to understand the mental anguish of another and accept responsibility for the fact that you caused him pain.

It is very important to be able to express regret and compassion. But the apology should not be impersonal or justify your action. The phrase “okay, sorry, is that it now?”, said in a neutral tone, is not empathy. You need to show that you care about your loved one’s pain, that you understand why he is offended, and that you are ready to change your behavior.

After asking for forgiveness, re-discuss why the traumatic incident occurred and think about how to prevent similar situations from happening again.

"I really care about you)"

The need for reliable, secure relationships is hardwired into our genes and bodies, so a lack of attention, care and intimacy is perceived by the brain in much the same way as a threat to life or a painful physical injury.

If you love a person, try to make sure that he has no reason to doubt the strength of your connection. Just remind him often how much you appreciate him.

“I am grateful to you for…”

Sometimes even the smallest actions of our loved ones touch us deeply. These could be gestures, sudden words or touches. We carefully cherish in our memory the moments when we are made to understand that we are loved, appreciated and wanted to be close.

It is important not only to notice and remember such cases, but also to tell your loved ones how grateful you are to them for what they did. Sincere expression of gratitude is one of the best ways strengthen relationships and feel emotional unity with loved ones.

"I'm proud of you"

We often praise our children and celebrate their achievements. But for some reason we forget that adults need recognition no less.

Always pay attention to the victories of your loved ones. Don't forget to praise them! Compliments and sincere remarks such as “it was difficult for you, but you did it,” “you worked so hard on this project, no one could have done more,” or “I see that you are trying very hard to be a good father.” (mother)” will never be superfluous.

Any meeting is not accidental!
Doesn't happen by chance Nothing
We lose in life and we find,
accident or destiny...

1.You are dear to me...!You are very dear to me...!
Like an autumn day...Warm...Without rain,
Like a sunny bunny on the wall,
in the apartment of the one who is immersed in sadness.

I'm talking to you again...
But without you... because this happens...
You have been living in my soul for a long time...
This is quite enough for me.

2.You are dear to me...!Moments of love...
Not often...But the happiness was complete,
Each moment of our meeting was caressing...
And how the surf whispered about love...!

You are quiet and gentle...my dear.
You understand everything perfectly...
you give one piece of advice...
You don't leave me alone.

3.How dear to me...The album that I keep,
There is a photo in it, with the date in the corner.
that same day, how time flies
Life glides headlong into acceleration.

You weren't invented by me, I know
In my destiny you were not out of place
We met you by chance...
But... there are no coincidences... in life.

No, I won't give it to anyone
happy life that accident,
Everything fell into place
There is peace in the soul...Love and happiness.

If a guy says, “You are dear to me... very dear,” is that more than I love you or much less and doesn’t mean anything? and got the best answer

Answer from Liliya Shterbova[guru]
don’t be fooled by words, look at his deeds and his attitude towards them and towards you

Answer from *Freedom-loving Lady-Cat*[active]
oooh. it means you are costing him dearly ;))

Answer from *Spring*[newbie]
I’ve already been told this... it’s interesting to know) I think it’s a little less than I like)

Answer from MIR@GE[guru]
Perhaps you are costing him dearly (some people have such humor), that’s why you say “very expensive”.

Answer from KiSlYAk[newbie]
means you mean a lot to him, he has invested a lot of love and patience, but does not love yet, or cannot say because he does not see reciprocity

Answer from Oliya ******[guru]
This is what my male friend tells me, with whom we are just friends without sex, it means it’s less than love...
But why do you think that every person has the same concepts of a word.... Maybe he puts EVERYTHING he can into this phrase!!!

Answer from User deleted[guru]
one young man once told me “what is this stupid word “dear”? Everyone is DEAR to me - friends, relatives... this is not an indicator! "
so it depends on the person and what meaning He put into the words, but you can understand the meaning by intonation and look)

Answer from Svetlana[guru]
words.. words.. the main thing is actions, and men are all hunters of words...

Answer from Vladislav[newbie]
opinions are divided.. -) I think that “road” means: you mean a lot to him, he puts a lot of love and patience, but still does not love to the end, due to some Obstacles..!
And about - words.. words.. the main thing is actions... You can give even an unattractive woman care, affection, luxurious gifts, attention, everything possible... But you will never be able to say sincerely - I love you, you are dear to me... For except if he's not the last one...

Answer from 3 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: If a guy says “You are dear to me... very dear,” is that more than I love or much less and does not mean anything?

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