Pumpkin seeds for immunity. Pumpkin seeds - benefits and harm

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

Almost everyone knows that pumpkin is a healthy vegetable. However, like pumpkin seeds benefits and harm for the body of men and women which will be described in this article.

There are three types of pumpkin:

  • Stern;
  • Dining room;
  • Decorative.

It is the table type of pumpkin that is suitable for human consumption.

Pumpkin is a melon crop native to America. People have been eating it for many centuries. According to historical data, even the ancient Aztecs added various parts of pumpkin to their diet. Particular attention was paid to seeds, as they made it possible to cure various diseases.


Most of the substances necessary for human life in pumpkin are fats. Second place is occupied by proteins. 100 g of dried seeds contains:

  • about 50 g fat;
  • 30 g proteins;
  • 6 g dietary fiber;
  • 5.23 g water;
  • 5 g carbohydrates;
  • about 5 g of ash substances;
  • 12g essential amino acids;
  • 8g of essential amino acids;
  • 14.59 mg vitamin PP (73% of daily value);
  • almost all B vitamins;

Interesting! Many micro- and macroelements almost completely cover a person’s daily need for these substances. Moreover, you need to eat only 100 g of pumpkin seeds.

Many micro and macroelements are very important for the body man and his proper functioning. Pumpkin seeds are considered a record holder in this regard.

In 100 g of seeds:

  • 1233 mg of phosphorus - 153% of the norm;
  • 592 mg of magnesium - 148% of the daily value for an adult;
  • 809 mg potassium – 40% of normal;
  • 8.82 mg iron;
  • 7.81 mg of zinc – 80% of the daily value.

Interesting! Just 50 g of pumpkin seeds saturate the body with manganese and cover its daily requirement.

Other, no less important elements make pumpkin seeds an effective means necessary to maintain the vital functions of the human body.

For men

  • For normal functioning of the prostate gland, the male body must have enough zinc. Typically, men do not get enough of the mineral from food. A lack of zinc leads to the development of inflammation in the prostate area. This problem is especially relevant for men over 50 years of age. Therefore, to protect and prevent prostate adenoma and prostatitis, it is recommended to eat 50 g of pumpkin seeds daily.
  • In addition, zinc is part of the testosterone molecule, the male hormone. The microelements contained in pumpkin seeds increase the speed of sperm and help fight male infertility.
  • Also for men The problem of baldness is very pressing; many of them begin to lose hair at an early age. You can use pumpkin seeds to strengthen hair roots and prevent premature hair loss.
  • Zinc helps get rid of dandruff, which is considered a fungal disease and not a cosmetic defect.

Men are susceptible to diseases such as atherosclerosis earlier than women, which often causes heart attacks and strokes. It is pumpkin seeds that allow you to stop this process. They include:

  • amino acids that strengthen the vascular wall;
  • iron increases hemoglobin;
  • arginine dilates blood vessels;
  • phytosterols reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood.

For women

For women, pumpkin seeds also play an important role, as they help maintain beauty and health. Calcium is leached out of bones especially strongly after 45 years of age, and women suffer from osteoparosis to a greater extent than men. The minerals that make up the seeds stop this process, since they contain useful substances that help each other to be mutually absorbed.

Many women suffer from anemia. Pumpkin seeds contain a lot of iron.

Important ! !! Due to the high iron content, eating 100 g of seeds per day can cover the daily calcium intake by almost 100%.

Thanks to pumpkin seeds you can:

  • strengthen hair and nails;
  • get rid of small wrinkles;
  • make the skin smooth and elastic;
  • relieve minor inflammation.

Fatty acids help moisturize the skin from the inside, prevent hair loss and get rid of dandruff.

The phytoestrogens included in the composition will help during menopause:

  • Improve mood;
  • Get rid of depression;
  • Overcome insomnia.

Tryptophan helps eliminate headaches and joint pain. Tryptophan is an essential amino acid that is used by the brain to produce serotonin (the happy hormone).

Watch the video! Pumpkin Seed Milk

For pregnant

A handful of seeds a day will help:

  • reduce toxicosis;
  • ease the acuteness of smell;
  • cope with nausea.

Recipes for treatment

Treatment with pumpkin seeds consists of consuming them daily. If you regularly consume the seeds, you can prevent the development of various diseases.

Even official medicine recognizes the medicinal properties of pumpkin seeds and their use in treatment. The pharmacy sells the drug Tykveol, which is based on pumpkin seed oils. It is prescribed for the treatment of infectious diseases, the prevention of oncology and atherosclerosis.

There are many traditional medicine recipes based on pumpkin seeds.

Wounds and burns

This compress helps relieve pain and accelerate tissue regeneration.


Recipe 1:

  • Grind 500 g of seeds into flour;
  • Add 200 g of liquid honey;
  • Move and refrigerate to thicken;
  • Roll into balls and dissolve on an empty stomach for a month.

Recipe 2:

  • Dry 500 g of seeds and grind into flour along with the peel;
  • take the powder 2 times a day before meals, 2 tablespoons, with a glass of honey water.

Kidney and urinary tract diseases

To treat inflammation of the bladder and kidneys, it is recommended to take a mixture of pumpkin and hemp seeds, which are taken in equal proportions. Drink 1 tsp 2 times a day with meals.

Pumpkin milk is used to treat cystitis.

  • 50 g of seeds are cleaned;
  • Mix with 20 grams of sugar;
  • Pour into 80 ml of water.

Take 3 times a day, 1 tsp before meals.

Insomnia and nervous tension

A decoction of seeds helps normalize the nervous system. To do this you need:

  • 3 tbsp seeds;
  • 0.3 ml water;
  • the mixture is brought to a boil;
  • cook for 4 minutes;
  • cool down.

Take 50 g before bed or for increased nervousness.


All over the world, pumpkin seeds are used to treat worms, as they contain cucurbitin, which has a paralytic effect on the nervous system of pinworms, causing them to die.

The seeds, unlike medicinal anthelmintic drugs, do not have a toxic effect on the human body, preserving the mucous membranes of the digestive system. This treatment is recommended for adults and children.

It is necessary to peel the seeds and grind them with water (adding 10 drops at a time). For 300 g of seeds take about 4 tbsp. l water.

At one time you will need seeds:

  • For an adult -300 g;
  • Children over 10 years old 150g.
  • Children 5-7 years old 100 g;
  • Children under 4 years old - 50 g.

Important! It is necessary to ensure that the thin green film remains on the seed and does not go to waste.

The gruel is consumed in the morning on an empty stomach. Eat the entire portion within an hour. After 3 hours, it is recommended to drink a laxative, and after another half an hour, do a cleansing enema.

This process helps to quickly and effectively remove worms from the body without using toxic drugs.

Sunflower seeds with honey

Pumpkin seeds with honey are used to treat prostatitis and prostate adenoma, for insomnia and to normalize the functioning of the human nervous system.

Liquid honey (200 g) is poured over whole or crushed seeds (500 g). Store the product in the refrigerator in a glass container, tightly closing the lid.

The mixture is taken 1 tablespoon a couple of times a day half an hour before meals. It is not recommended to consume more than 3 tablespoons of this mixture per day, as it is very high in calories.

Harm and contraindications

Seeds can cause harm to the body if consumed in excessive quantities:

  • Exacerbation of diseases of the digestive system. You should not eat this group of foods, including pumpkin seeds, during the treatment of gastritis, colitis, stomach ulcers, or intestinal obstruction.
  • Intolerance to pumpkin seeds, allergies when eating these fruits.
  • Overweight. The seeds are high in calories, so they should be taken in moderation.
  • Salty and roasted pumpkin seeds can cause the development of stagnant processes in the joints, causing them to become less mobile.
  • If you constantly click seeds with zooms, you can damage the enamel.

How to dry pumpkin seeds

In order for the seeds to retain all their beneficial properties and be tasty, they must be dried correctly:

  • To do this, carefully peel the fruits so that the green film remains on the seeds and wash under running water.
  • The seeds are placed on towels and rubbed on all sides to remove excess moisture.
  • If you plan to roast pumpkin seeds, then this will be the drying process. They are placed in a frying pan and fried until golden brown for 15 minutes.
  • You can dry the seeds in an air fryer. To do this, select a temperature of 60 degrees; 30 minutes is enough for complete drying.
  • If an electric dryer is used, then select a temperature of 80 degrees and keep the seeds for 40 minutes.
  • The seeds are dried in the oven for 20 minutes at 80 degrees.

Important! When drying seeds, they must be stirred periodically.

You can also dry the seeds outdoors in a warm room with little humidity, but this process is very long and lasts at least 7 days. However, it is considered the most effective because it allows you to preserve all useful substances, vitamins and microelements.

Important points:

  • An adult can eat 70 pumpkin seeds per day.
  • The skin of the seeds is very healthy, so you can eat it if there are no contraindications.
  • When breastfeeding, seeds can be consumed in moderation. The main thing is to monitor the body’s reaction; at the slightest manifestation of an allergy, the seeds should be excluded from the diet of a nursing woman.
  • For pancreatitis, gastritis and diabetes, you can eat seeds in moderation.

Watch the video! Pumpkin seeds - benefits and harm

Pumpkin seed contains a completely balanced chemical list of substances. It's difficult to say for sure what's missing from the product. The seeds are rich in zinc, a mineral compound important for the male reproductive system.

The composition contains acids, the main one being oleic (Omega-9). This substance is necessary for cleansing blood channels, improving lymph outflow, preventing atherosclerosis and varicose veins.

The seed contains tocopherol, which acts as a natural antioxidant. The product is rich in retinol, folic acid, vitamin K, biotin, vitamin PP, thiamine, pantothenic acid.

The mineral list contains almost the entire periodic table, but we will present only the most valuable compounds. These include phosphorus, manganese, boron, sulfur, magnesium, iron, potassium and, of course, zinc (mentioned above). The seeds also contain zirconium, molybdenum, vanadium, silicon, iodine, selenium and rubidium.

A special place is given to unsaturated and saturated fatty acids. Protein also has benefits; there is more of it in pumpkin seeds than in the notorious meat, seafood, poultry, fish, dairy products, and eggs.

  1. The seeds are useful not only for the male body, but also for the female body. Regular consumption of raw materials has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, hair structure and nail plate. In addition, the seeds stop premature aging.
  2. If you give girls seeds during adolescence, the problem with acne and pimples will quickly be resolved. The positive effect is achieved due to the abundance of selenium, zinc and polyunsaturated fatty acids.
  3. It is recommended to include seeds in the diet during menopause in women. The product copes well with bad mood, osteoporosis, unstable blood pressure, arthritis and absent-mindedness. Raw materials support women's sexual function at the proper level.
  4. If you do not have the opportunity to visit beauty salons and carry out expensive procedures, pumpkin raw materials can be an excellent alternative. Systematically eating seeds in an acceptable amount will help cope with dry skin, hair loss and poor structure of the nail plate.

Pumpkin seed contraindications

  1. Seeds may be completely contraindicated in case of malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract and gastritis against the background of increased acidity.
  2. You should not consume the seeds so as not to aggravate a stomach ulcer. In the case of diabetes mellitus, it is recommended to visit your doctor in advance.
  3. You should not lean on the product if you are prone to obesity. In addition, seeds negatively affect tooth enamel, causing the development of caries and destruction of tooth structure.

Pumpkin seeds cannot be called a panacea for all ills, but the product can cope with many diseases without medications. Study the main benefits of the seed for the human body, read the contraindications. Start eating the product with small portions.

Video: benefits and harms of pumpkin seeds

The most popular are sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds - the benefits and harms, as well as the use for medicinal purposes, which have long been a popular topic among adherents of a healthy diet.

Cracking the delicious, buttery sunflower seeds has long been considered a favorite pastime for suburbanites. When going to crowded gatherings, this was their favorite pastime. But years later, the love for seeds spread to the townspeople.

Vitamin composition and calorie content

Representatives and fans of traditional medicine often use pumpkin seeds as a remedy for worms; their benefit in this area of ​​treatment lies in the composition of the grain itself. But this is not the limit of the benefits of pumpkin seeds.

Pumpkin seeds, which contain 559 kcal, can perfectly replace one of your meals and keep you feeling full for a long time. Due to this, they are used in the diet of people who are trying to lose excess weight.

The main advantage among other plant components is the presence of the antihelminthic substance cucurbitin in the pumpkin grain, which helps against helminthic infestations.

The composition of amino acids and minerals demonstrates how effective pumpkin seeds are, the benefits and harms for men and women of which also lie in their vitamin composition:

  1. Vitamin E helps prevent premature aging of the body.
  2. B vitamins - B1, B2, B4, B6 and B9, found in pumpkin kernels, play a huge role in cellular metabolism.
  3. Vitamins A and E are strong antioxidants that prevent the aging of the body. These properties make the product very popular in cosmetology.
  4. Vitamin K helps regulate blood clotting and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. This determines how relevant pumpkin seeds are - the benefits and harms for women are also important when used in cosmetic procedures.
  5. The structure of the pumpkin seed indicates the presence of dietary fiber in it, which affects the functioning of the intestines and the state of its microflora. But the presence of these components and their overdose, despite the fact that pumpkin seeds have beneficial properties, can be harmful - cause intestinal stagnation, constipation.
  6. Vitamin C is an effective assistant during periods of exacerbation of viral and colds. Doctors often recommend eating pumpkin seeds with honey for colds.

Chemical composition

Pumpkin seeds also contain macroelements: potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium and phosphorus. The usefulness of pumpkin seeds also lies in the content of microelements: iron, manganese, copper, zinc and selenium. In addition, the usefulness of pumpkin seeds is demonstrated by the presence in their composition of digestible carbohydrates, essential amino acids, saturated and unsaturated monoacids, etc.

  1. Pumpkin seeds are effective for diseases of the cardiovascular system, the benefits and harms of which are often discussed by doctors and patients with atherosclerosis and edema caused by heart failure. Iron, which is rich in pumpkin pulp and seeds, can be harmful if consumed incorrectly.
  2. Potassium is a mineral that affects the functioning of the heart and kidneys and helps with the excretory function.
  3. In cases of anemia and exhaustion, the benefits of pumpkin seeds for the body are incredibly great. Pumpkin porridge seasoned with pumpkin seeds is especially popular for children. The indicator of how many calories are in pumpkin seeds also gives the right to call this product an assistant in restoring the body after protein depletion or serious illness.

Like the pulp, pumpkin seeds have beneficial properties, which consist in the presence of polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids are found in the grains that produce incredibly healthy pumpkin seed oil. Omega-6 acid metabolites help maintain muscle tone, vascular condition, and prevent bleeding. Omega-3 most of all demonstrates the benefits of pumpkin seeds, as it gives pumpkin seeds anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and platelet aggregation-inhibiting properties in case of human illness. In view of this, people who often consume pumpkin and its seeds will learn how beneficial pumpkin seeds are for atherosclerosis, hypertension, ischemia and other heart diseases.

The properties of pumpkin seeds help not only maintain health, but also improve appearance - hair, skin. The presence of zinc in grains helps strengthen the immune system and normalize bladder function. It is useful to give children who suffer from enuresis not only pumpkin, but also its seeds. A sufficient amount of this element in the body strengthens hair follicles and affects the condition of the skin.

In terms of their composition, pumpkin seeds are similar to zucchini seeds, the benefits and harms of which are therefore very similar.

The glycemic index of pumpkin seeds is 25, so they can be consumed by people with diabetes. A low indicator indicates the average rate of glucose entering the blood, so this product does not increase blood sugar and cannot contribute to the exacerbation of the disease. In addition, the proteins and fats in pumpkin seeds themselves are absorbed slowly and do not lead to sudden spikes in blood sugar, which makes it clear that the product is completely safe for diabetics. Pumpkin seeds are especially recommended for type 2 diabetes, which requires a low-carbohydrate diet.

The benefits and harms of seeds for men

Pumpkin seeds have long been considered a source of men's health, the benefits and harms of which for men in the modern world are important information, especially for the stronger sex after 40 years.

The composition of Omega-3 and 6 polyunsaturated fatty acids has a positive effect on the synthesis of the sex hormone testosterone. The main task in the structure of the male hormone is also played by zinc, which is contained in pumpkin seeds. This microelement plays an important role in the structure of hair and prevents hair loss, which prevents earlier baldness in men.

Thanks to this, prevention and treatment with pumpkin seeds helps with men’s tendency to diseases of the genitourinary system, including inflammation of the prostate gland. Pumpkin seeds improve bladder function and reduce the rate of tumor growth. For prostatitis, pumpkin seeds are used, the benefits of which reduce pain and prevent a decrease in potency.

For overweight men, pumpkin seeds are often included in the diet for weight loss. The reason for this is nutritious pumpkin seeds, the chemical composition of which consists of fats - 49.1 g, proteins - 30.2 g, carbohydrates - 10.7 g per 100 g of product. They sometimes replace even one of the dishes in the diet, but more often they are added as a nutritional supplement to low-calorie dishes - salads, vegetable purees, etc. Despite their calorie content, the seeds promote the proper breakdown of fats and prevent them from being deposited in the body.

Pumpkin seed improves bladder function, which is important for prostate adenoma, and reduces the rate of tumor growth. For prostatitis, pumpkin seeds are also used, the benefits of which reduce pain and prevent a decrease in potency.

The amino acids in pumpkin seeds are the beneficial components that make up all proteins. Athletes pay special attention to amino acids, because muscles are almost entirely composed of protein, that is, amino acids. The body uses them for its own growth, repair, strengthening and production of various hormones, antibodies and enzymes. Not only the growth of muscle strength and “mass” depends on them, but also the restoration of physical and mental tone after training and the intellectual activity of the brain - a source of motivational stimuli.

The combination of phosphorus and zinc has a beneficial effect on the movement of sperm and the condition of eggs.

Benefits of pumpkin seeds for women

External beauty is the most important component of a woman’s personality, so products that promote not only health, but also rejuvenation are always popular among women. To figure out whether pumpkin seeds are good for women's health, you should carefully study their composition.

This plant substance contains many antioxidants, which play an important role in preventing the aging of the body. To clearly understand how many pumpkin seeds you need to eat per day, you should listen to your body, or better yet, consult with a nutritionist or gastroenterologist and determine whether there are any contraindications for taking them.

To maintain the health of your organs and internal systems, doctors recommend consuming pumpkin seeds, the daily intake of which should not exceed 60 seeds per day. In addition, as an excellent cosmetic product for women, it is recommended to use pumpkin seed oil, the use of which daily as an additive to basic creams will help smooth out fine wrinkles, even out the skin texture and give the skin purity, radiance and tenderness.

In reasonable quantities, due to the potassium content of pumpkin seeds, even ground pumpkin seeds with peel help to avoid puffiness, which directly affects the appearance of the face. Amino acids help maintain the normal condition of facial muscles, which prevents premature wrinkles from appearing. The body remains elastic for a long time if the body receives a sufficient amount of amino acids and vitamins.

Iron in the seed affects the processes of hematopoiesis, which directly affects the condition of the skin.

It is useful for women who are pregnant and nursing mothers to eat several pumpkin seeds per day, especially because they contain Omega fatty acids and vitamins that are beneficial for the fetus.

The composition of pumpkin seeds has a positive effect on brain function and physical condition, which is especially necessary for a growing young body. Schoolchildren who receive sufficient amounts of vitamins E and D suffer little illness, develop well and have satisfactory academic performance. How many pumpkin seeds your child should eat per day is a question that should be discussed with your pediatrician.

How pumpkin seeds are used to treat ailments

It is known that the condition of the liver is affected not only by what a person eats and what lifestyle he leads, but also by the state of the environment. The liver withstands enormous loads and affects many processes - protein and carbohydrate metabolism, hematopoiesis, bile synthesis and many other processes. Therefore, only cleansing can help this vital organ. Pumpkin seeds almost completely provide treatment and cleansing of the liver during periods of malfunction. Pumpkin seeds are called a natural cleanser, the benefits and harms for the liver have a number of features that need to be taken into account:

  • hepatoprotective (protecting), choleretic properties of pumpkin seeds;
  • normalize liver function, the chemical composition of bile, and enhance the restoration of liver cells.

You can add a whole list of what pumpkin seeds help with, due to the fact that they have certain properties:

  1. Anti-inflammatory, anti-ulcer, anti-sclerotic properties. Pumpkin seeds improve regenerative processes, reduce swelling during inflammation, and normalize tissue metabolism. These properties of pumpkin seeds are used in the treatment of peptic ulcers, cardiosclerosis, joint diseases, stomatitis, hemorrhoidal fissures, and gynecological diseases. Pumpkin seeds have a good effect on pancreatitis and cholecystitis.
  2. The antihypertensive and antisclerotic properties of pumpkin seeds help treat arterial hypertension and atherosclerosis.
  3. Immunomodulatory properties. Pumpkin seeds help strengthen immune defense and have an antiseptic effect.
  4. Antihelminthic properties of pumpkin seeds. Pumpkin seeds are not inferior in activity to synthetic anthelmintics, and they have no side effects. The anthelmintic effect is achieved thanks to the thin gray-green shell inside each seed. When asked whether it is possible to eat pumpkin seeds with the peel, doctors give positive answers only if they are used against worms, since the largest deposits of cucurbitic acid are located in the peel itself.

How to eat pumpkin seeds

To get more benefit than harm, you need to understand that basically only pumpkin kernels are consumed. The exception is medicinal processes that require the use of peels. Knowing how to peel pumpkin seeds, you can avoid such an unpleasant phenomenon as damage to the enamel.

Ways to peel pumpkin seeds:

  1. The first method involves mandatory drying them.
  2. The second method is frying over low heat in a frying pan or in the microwave.
  3. The third method is the most labor-intensive and is used when the seeds are needed for treatment in their raw form. The way to peel pumpkin seeds at home manually is to peel them. It is easier to clean such seeds by cutting off their slightly sharp end with a knife or scissors.

You need to know this

Many questions in which the main ones are pumpkin seeds: benefits and harms, how to take them, when you can and cannot use them - are more relevant today than ever due to the fact that this product, despite its beneficial qualities, is also affordable. Summer residents can grow pumpkin in the garden - it is completely unpretentious. You can buy pumpkin seeds at any time of the year. Their price is low compared to medicines. This product is universal, since you can also eat raw pumpkin seeds; their benefits and harms differ in relation to roasted seeds. Raw grains contain more useful substances, which during heat treatment partially lose their medicinal properties.

The difference also lies in how many calories are in dried pumpkin seeds and how many in their raw version:

  • raw - 559 kcal;
  • dried - 541 kcal.

Sometimes the question arises, why are pumpkin seeds bitter? The thing is that fresh pumpkin seeds have a sweetish taste, and if the seed is bitter, it means it is old or was stored incorrectly. In this state, pumpkin seeds can harm the body and cause intestinal upset.

An equally common question is whether pumpkin seeds weaken or strengthen? Since they contain a sufficient amount of fiber - dietary fiber - 6 g per 100 g of fresh product, with moderate (no more than 60 grains per day) consumption, the seed will not give side effects, and with frequent constipation it will help improve intestinal function. Dietary fiber acts as a cleaner; it is a kind of plant sorbent that binds hard-to-digest food residues and helps remove them from the body.


Despite the fact that pumpkin seeds are characterized by beneficial properties and contraindications, they are no exception for this product.

Frequently clicking pumpkin peels with your teeth can cause damage - scratches and even cracks, which can then cause caries and complete tooth destruction.

Gastroenterologists do not recommend consuming pumpkin seeds for pancreatitis, especially in its acute form. They are too high in fat and calorie content, while the function of fat digestion in pancreatitis is weak, and their excess intake strains the gland. The seeds have a coarse structure and contain quite a lot of fiber, so the seeds are difficult to digest, and consuming them during pancreatitis can cause increased flatulence, nausea and abdominal cramps.

The choleretic effect of pumpkin seeds in acute pancreatitis will also be extremely undesirable, since bile activates pancreatic enzymes, which may result in an exacerbation of the disease or a relapse. People who have been diagnosed with stones in the kidneys, gall bladder or liver should not consume pumpkin seeds in large quantities.

People who are allergic to pumpkin seeds and pumpkin pulp should use pumpkin seeds with caution, and sometimes even avoid taking them altogether.

Peeled pumpkin seeds should not be eaten by people who suffer from stomach and intestinal ulcers.

You should always remember that the use of this product should begin with a medical consultation, during which the doctor will be able to determine existing contraindications or prevent the negative consequences of self-medication.

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Pumpkin seeds are rightfully considered the most useful among plant seeds. The composition and beneficial properties of this folk remedy provide it with a wide range of applications in folk medicine. How and what does a small pumpkin seed cure? What is more in it: benefit or harm?

Composition and benefits of pumpkin seeds

An ordinary miracle is a pumpkin. From one seed, under favorable conditions, a whole plantation of these giant bright berries can grow!

Such agronomic feats require strength and resources - all this is reserved for the modest pumpkin seed, small and inconspicuous.

What's inside?

Inside the seed, securely, like in a safe deposit box, a fortune is stored for the time being:

  • vitamins: A, group B, C, D, E, F, K, PP;
  • 10 minerals;
  • 18 amino acids;
  • 33 fatty acids;
  • digestible carbohydrates.
  • A small seed has enormous potential.

    Nutritional value per 100 grams of peeled seeds - table

    The composition of pumpkin seeds is unique not only in the huge variety of organic acids valuable for the human body, but also in the high content of useful minerals. 100 grams of the product contains one and a half daily norms of copper, phosphorus and magnesium and a record amount of manganese - more than two norms! And 150 grams of peeled seeds will more than fill the body’s need for micro- and macroelements for the normal functioning of the immune system.

    It is also very important that regular consumption of the product saturates the body with the zinc it needs - a valuable element that natural remedies rarely contain in sufficient quantities. And in tandem with phosphorus, zinc has an excellent effect on cerebral circulation, improves memory and prevents the development of stroke. Heart-healthy phytosterols, which are found in more pumpkin seeds than in the seeds of any other plant, will protect you from a heart attack.

    Pumpkin seeds are a worthwhile substitute for the most expensive vitamin and mineral complexes from the pharmacy.

    The oldest seeds are no less than seven thousand years old! Archaeologists discovered them at excavations in Mexico, which is considered the historical homeland of pumpkins. To this day, Mexicans love fried pepitas, which are much more popular here than the notorious chips.

    Pumpkin seeds are very different in appearance, but their beneficial properties are the same

    Having discovered America, the Spaniards at the same time discovered pumpkin for Europe - an amazing fruit that the local Indians had eagerly used for thousands of years. From this moment the pumpkin triumph begins, but while enjoying the taste of the pulp of the fruit and admiring its flowers, Europeans for a long time undeservedly ignored the seeds. But over the last hundred years, the popularity of pumpkin seeds has been growing rapidly.

    The pumpkin flower is not only beautiful, but also edible

    It is interesting that the Indians gave culinary preference not so much to the ripe pulp of the pumpkin, but to its flowers - they are still consumed by gourmets in a slightly cooked form. By the way, a fruit weighing several centners can grow from one flower! The Guinness Book of Records includes a pumpkin that weighed 821.2 kilograms. It’s a pity that no one bothered to count how many seeds were in it.

    Some useful tips:

  • An important point: so that healthy seeds do not transit to the exit, but give the body maximum benefit, they should be chewed very carefully.
  • Pumpkin seeds are difficult to digest, and it is in your best interest to help with this process. And one more thing: try to peel the seeds with your hands rather than husk them with your teeth - this will quickly ruin their enamel.
  • After you have collected the pumpkin seeds, rinse them and be sure to dry them well naturally. Humidity is the first enemy of the beneficial contents of seeds: they can either germinate inopportunely or completely deteriorate. Therefore, the product should be stored only in a dry, ventilated and cool place, in linen or paper bags. The seeds are stored for three years, but it is better to try to use them a year before the start of the next pumpkin season.
  • Without much damage to the healing properties, you can dry the seeds in the oven - with the door ajar, at minimum temperature, stirring from time to time.
  • Do not peel the seeds if you are storing them for future use. To prevent the healing compounds from being destroyed, the dense shell should be removed immediately before use.
  • Proper preparation of pumpkin seeds is the key to preserving nutrients

    Healing assortment

    For the sake of popularity, breeders even developed a special variety of pumpkin “for the lazy” - its seeds do not need to be peeled, instead of a hard skin they are covered only with a thin film. Based on the “common pumpkin” - only one of the twenty species of the plant - several hundred different varieties have already arisen.

    How to do it

    In folk medicine, seeds of any of them are used: fresh, fried, ground, sprouted, in the form of various preparations and dietary supplements. Most of these folk “medicines” are sold ready-made in pharmacies and specialty stores. But you can do it differently: just take a pumpkin from the garden and...

    Many preparations from pumpkin seeds can and should be made with your own hands.

    Sprouted seeds

    Germination provides a powerful stimulus for fermentation and magically changes the composition of the seeds - all vital processes inside them are activated. Complex protein compounds and carbohydrates break down into simpler and more easily digestible ones. The concentration of vitamins increases rapidly and increases almost tenfold, and the content of useful fiber also increases. Thus, the healing abilities of a small seed increase by an order of magnitude.

    Germinating seeds is a truly magical process

    You can easily organize such miracles yourself and watch them on your own windowsill. Place the washed seeds (you can pre-clean them) on a flat plate and cover them with wet gauze, which should be watered as needed. Germination should take place in a warm, bright place, but away from direct sunlight.

    Three- to four-day-old sprouts are used - most often they are ground and used for food or for treatment. They contain few calories, but the nutritional value is very high.

    Pumpkin sprouts - food of the future

    Activated seeds should be in the diet of every man - this is one of the most effective natural products for increasing potency. Pumpkin sprouts are very useful for elderly and weakened people, pregnant women and children. Sprouted seeds are also used in cosmetology and for dietary nutrition. Good results are obtained by taking the drug to treat allergies and their symptoms.

    Oil and extract

    Pumpkin oil can only be produced industrially using the cold-press method, using special powerful presses. For a liter of oil you will need the seeds of 35 medium-sized pumpkins.

    This is what real pumpkin seed oil looks like - it’s thick and dark.

    But the oil extract can be easily prepared at home.


  • Pass through a meat grinder or grind one and a half cups of pumpkin seeds in a blender (you can use sprouted ones).
  • Pour the resulting slurry with high-quality vegetable oil (cold-pressed olive oil is best).
  • Place the oil mixture in a water bath and gradually heat it without bringing it to a boil.
  • Stir and pour into a tightly sealed glass container.
  • Infuse for ten days, always in a dark place.
  • To prepare the extract, you need pumpkin seeds and any vegetable oil

    The properties of the two products are similar. They are rich in vitamins, pectins, phytosterols, selenium and zinc, linoleic acid; oil preparations also contain hormone-like substances, carotenoids, phospholipids and tocopherols.

    The list of oil preparations features:

    Flour is made from naturally dried (unroasted) seeds - at home you can simply grind them in a coffee grinder. It is better not to buy this product in a store, but to prepare it yourself. Grind exactly as many seeds as you need flour for a one-time procedure. Within an hour, under the influence of air, the healing powder will oxidize and lose most of its beneficial qualities.

    Pumpkin flour - a folk remedy for health and beauty

    Ground seeds are absorbed much better than whole kernels. When used internally, flour is especially good at treating inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract; when used externally, it heals a wide variety of skin damage and is widely used in cosmetology.


    A decoction of pumpkin seeds is a simple and very effective folk remedy, which has long been used as an anthelmintic, but then was undeservedly forgotten. Although experienced doctors still recommend it for children.

    Make a decoction of pumpkin seeds - this is an excellent remedy against worms

    For an adult, you will need no more than one liter of decoction, for children over ten years old - up to 0.5 liters, from five to ten years old - about 300 milliliters, and for the youngest - approximately 150 milliliters of healing decoction.


  • Grind 0.5 kilograms of peeled seeds and pour two liters of boiling water over them.
  • Close the pan and place in a water bath.
  • Boil the mixture over low heat for at least two hours, until the volume of liquid is reduced by half.
  • Strain and filter while hot and leave until completely cool.
  • The oil film that forms on the surface of the decoction must be very carefully removed - it can be used later at your discretion.
  • Drink the entire dose of the anthelmintic decoction in small sips in the morning, on an empty stomach. After three hours, take any laxative, and after another half hour, do a cleansing enema.
  • Tincture

    The alcohol extract retains the beneficial properties of pumpkin seeds well and is used for the treatment and prevention of the same diseases as other drugs.

    Interestingly, only the tincture is used to treat... alcoholism - it can cause a stable aversion to alcohol. Doses and dosage regimen in each specific case should be prescribed by an experienced medical specialist.

    The usual daily intake of alcohol tincture - 150 drops per glass of boiled water - is not drunk in one gulp, but spread over several hours. The medicine must be stirred before each use.

    Alcohol tincture of pumpkin seeds even treats alcoholics

    It’s easier, of course, to buy a ready-made tincture at the pharmacy, but it’s also easy to prepare it yourself.


  • A glass of crushed kernels should be filled with a liter of high-quality alcohol.
  • After infusing for two weeks in a dark place, carefully filter.
  • Continue storing away from sunlight.
  • Roasted seeds

    Roasting unpeeled seeds makes their taste and aroma brighter and more concentrated, but significantly, almost by half, weakens the medicinal qualities. However, roasted pumpkin seeds are also used in folk medicine. The fact is that the roasting process facilitates and accelerates the absorption of nutrients from the kernels. This is important because pumpkin seeds are difficult to digest when raw.

    Roasted pumpkin seeds will relieve toxicosis and symptoms of seasickness

    It is the roasted seeds that quickly relieve the unpleasant symptoms of toxicosis in pregnant women and help relieve attacks of nausea during motion sickness in transport and seasickness. And at the same time, they cope well with intoxication and remove cadmium and lead that are harmful to it from the body.

    With honey

    Honey, when needed, softens the excessive activity of pumpkin seeds and prolongs their effect. It is usually used by mixing equal parts with ground seeds.

    For medicinal purposes, drink a tablespoon of this remedy twice a day, half an hour to an hour before breakfast and dinner. And for prevention - a teaspoon before each meal.

    How to apply

    For therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, most preparations made from pumpkin seeds can replace each other without much damage to the positive result. Your task is to choose exactly the dosage form that is most appropriate in a particular case. Remember that for the treatment of serious diseases, folk remedies can only be considered as auxiliary. The main treatment regimen should be prescribed by a doctor.

    Pumpkin seed preparations can only provide auxiliary treatment

    To boost immunity

    To strengthen the body's defenses, take a tablespoon of seed flour on an empty stomach, mixed in equal proportions with honey. Two two-week courses should be held - in spring and autumn.

    For prostatitis and potency disorders

    To be guaranteed to avoid prostatitis, it is enough to eat a handful of pumpkin seeds daily. It is better if they are sprouted, but raw ones will do.

    Pumpkin seeds - a natural remedy for solving delicate problems of men's health

    Pumpkin oil is especially beneficial for men's health; it regenerates the structure of the prostate and protects it from the occurrence of serious diseases: not only from prostatitis, but also from adenoma. Natural pumpkin oil helps to completely cure prostatitis.

    Option 1.

  • Grind 150 grams of fresh seeds in a coffee grinder and pour two glasses of boiled water over them.
  • This volume of the folk remedy should be drunk within an hour, but not in one gulp, but gradually, one tablespoon at a time, shaking the mixture before each dose.
  • Wait two hours and take any effective laxative.
  • After 10–12 days, repeat the treatment.
  • Option 2.

  • Prepare garlic milk: peel a medium head of garlic, chop and boil in a glass of milk for 5 minutes; set aside for an hour.
  • Chew thoroughly and eat half a glass of peeled pumpkin seeds.
  • Drink the cooled garlic milk in small sips.
  • Rinse the intestines with a cleansing enema.
  • Treatment is also repeated after 10–12 days.
  • For hemorrhoids

    As with the treatment of prostatitis, cotton swabs with pumpkin oil are most effective for hemorrhoids. They are inserted into the anus for two to three hours, after which the tampon is replaced with a fresh one. Natural pumpkin oil can be replaced with oil extract from the seeds. Significant improvement should occur already on the third to fifth day, but the procedures should be continued for up to a week. If necessary, the course can be repeated in a week.

    For pancreatitis and cholecystitis

    Preparations from pumpkin seeds are used to treat diseases of the pancreas and gall bladder during the period of remission against the background of mandatory dietary nutrition. They must be used with caution: seeds should not be consumed fried or with spicy seasonings. It is optimal to consume a tablespoon of ground sprouted seeds half an hour before breakfast, no longer than two weeks. If there is no discomfort, then after the same break you can take another course.

    For liver diseases

    Homemade oil extract can be used to gently cleanse the liver. The folk remedy must be fresh and of high quality, otherwise the procedure will have the opposite, sharply negative effect.

    Pumpkin seeds are a recognized remedy for treating and cleansing the liver.

    Before each meal you should drink one teaspoon of pumpkin seed oil. Complete cleansing occurs within two weeks. The course can be repeated, but not earlier than six months later.

    For stomach diseases

    Decoctions and infusions of unpeeled pumpkin seeds are taken to relieve pain and other discomfort due to stomach ulcers and gastritis. Drink a tablespoon of this folk remedy half an hour before each meal for two to three weeks.

    Decoctions of pumpkin seeds treat a sore stomach

    For intestinal disorders

    Preparations based on pumpkin seeds help regulate intestinal function, eliminate bloating and flatulence, and act as a mild and safe laxative.

    Pumpkin seeds normalize intestinal function

    A tablespoon of seeds ground into flour half an hour after eating will help you cope with flatulence - this dose works as an excellent sorbent.

    Pumpkin oil, of course, is very effective in combating constipation, but in this case, an alcohol tincture of pumpkin seeds also works just as well: 100–150 drops of it are dissolved in a glass of water and gradually drunk throughout the day.

    For gout

    Pumpkin seeds are indicated for relief from arthritis and chronic gout. It is recommended to take a tablespoon of sprouted seeds or a dessert spoon of oil orally twice a day, morning and evening according to the following scheme: 10 days of intake, 10 days of break, again 10 days of intake, etc. Some healers also use rubbing of sore spots with an alcohol tincture of the seeds.

    For diabetes

    Pumpkin seeds can be present in the diet of diabetics of any type, since they have a very low glycemic index and can normalize blood sugar levels. At the initial stage of the disease, you can spend a weekly fasting day, during which you eat only raw or sprouted pumpkin seeds and drink pumpkin juice without limiting the quantity.

    Pumpkin diet - a blow to diabetes

    For psoriasis

    By strengthening the immune system, cleansing and regenerating the liver, pumpkin seed oil significantly alleviates the condition of patients with psoriasis. In parallel with the internal use of pumpkin oil, external procedures are also recommended: compresses made from pumpkin seed flour (optionally mixed with flaxseed flour) on the affected areas.

    Such procedures, depending on the severity of the disease, are done daily or at intervals of one or two days for a month. As a rule, the skin condition noticeably improves after the first ten sessions.

    For insomnia

    Amino acids (in particular tryptophan), present in high concentrations in pumpkin seeds, are necessary for the synthesis of melatonin. Namely, this hormone is known to be responsible for healthy sleep. Tryptophan also promotes the production of serotonin, which is responsible for the normal functioning of the nervous system.

    Just a handful of fresh or sprouted seeds before lights out - and goodbye to insomnia, chronic fatigue, down with neuroses and depression!

    For wound healing

    Pumpkin seed flour effectively treats wounds and burns, having an anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and regenerating effect on damaged skin.


  • Dilute freshly ground flour with enough water to make a thick paste, like pancake dough.
  • Apply the resulting preparation to the sore spot and secure with a bandage.
  • After three hours, replace the remedy with a fresh one.
  • Do the procedures until complete healing.
  • In cosmetology

    It is no coincidence that zinc, which pumpkin seeds are rich in, is called an element of beauty - thanks to its action, acne disappears, nails become stronger, and hair becomes thick and shiny. Decoctions of the seeds are used for washing and rinsing hair, flour is used for cosmetic anti-aging masks, but the famous oil plays the main role in the fight for beauty.

    Pumpkin oil is a godsend for a cosmetologist

    Therapeutic masks with this folk remedy effectively treat a wide variety of skin problems and are suitable for any skin type - the oil is perfectly absorbed without leaving behind a greasy film. The product of cold-pressed pumpkin seeds is universal and self-sufficient: it is absolutely not necessary to add any other components to it. To care for your face, hands and hair, you just need to warm up the oil a little - that’s all, it can be applied.

    Hair masks are made once a week at night, wrapping your head in cellophane and a terry towel. In the morning, wash off with shampoo.

    Masks for the face, lips, hands are applied for 15–20 minutes; You shouldn’t do them every day; the optimal frequency is two to three times a week.

    For weight loss

    If seeds are considered a high-calorie product and are not recommended if you are prone to obesity, then the oil from them, oddly enough, has a completely different effect. This is an excellent dietary product that, when used correctly, helps to get rid of extra pounds. This action is based on the properties of the oil to accelerate lipid metabolism, and by burning fat, at the same time remove waste and toxins from the body. In addition, the vitamins and minerals concentrated in this product replenish the body’s inevitable losses during dieting.

    However, if used correctly, pumpkin seeds can also promote weight loss. There is even a special seed diet.

    Sunflower and pumpkin seeds - an original diet for weight loss

    Three-day diet

    This is, relatively speaking, a mono-diet, in which you need to eat exclusively raw pumpkin and sunflower seeds for three days and drink as much clean water as possible:

  • breakfast: 2 tablespoons of sunflower seeds;
  • lunch: 2 tablespoons pumpkin seeds;
  • afternoon snack: 1 tablespoon sunflower seeds;
  • dinner: 2 tablespoons of pumpkin seeds.
  • Pregnant

    Pumpkin seeds are a salvation from toxicosis and heartburn, which so often plague women during pregnancy. It is enough to eat 30–40 pieces on an empty stomach - and uninvited troubles will never visit you. For heartburn, it is better to eat raw seeds, and for toxicosis, roasted ones.

    Pumpkin seeds are very beneficial for pregnant women

    The most useful product for pregnant and lactating women is natural pumpkin oil. Taking a teaspoon of the drug with a glass of warm milk on an empty stomach and before bed for three to five days in a row will help get rid of worms absolutely safely.

    Children and teenagers

    An ancient folk remedy is ideal for this purpose: ground seeds and honey should be mixed in equal parts. If your child is not allergic to honey products, give him this remedy for three days on an empty stomach, a teaspoon; You can wash it down with warmed milk. To consolidate success, repeat the course after ten days.

    Pumpkin seeds treat children from the first days of life

    Pumpkin oil is also very useful for babies. It is actively used to eliminate diaper rash, hives and other problems that arise on the delicate skin of a baby. The rich vitamin-mineral complex of the oil, when taken orally, contributes to the excellent development of the child. But in this case, you need to consult with your treating pediatrician: he will tell you at what age you can take the drug and select the correct dosage.

    Teenagers, who often suffer greatly from acne on the face, will also benefit from pumpkin seeds: just two to four spoons of seeds on an empty stomach for two weeks - and the problem will go away.

    All about the benefits and harms of pumpkin seeds - video

    Cautions, contraindications, harm

    The daily intake of pumpkin seeds is one hundred grams, only in some cases it can be increased by one and a half times if treatment requires it. It is advisable not to exceed this norm, because the seeds themselves are very high in calories, are difficult to digest and complicate the body’s absorption of other foods.

    You should not get too carried away with the use of pumpkin oil, as this can dislodge the stones in the gall bladder and lead to a dangerous exacerbation of the disease. It is especially important to follow the dosage for those diagnosed with high acidity of gastric juice and pregnant women.

    Pumpkin seeds are healthy and tasty, but don't eat too many of them.

    The use of any preparations made from pumpkin seeds is contraindicated during periods of exacerbation of chronic diseases. Infrequently, but in some cases, individual intolerance to pumpkin seeds is possible; allergy symptoms may occur - both to the folk remedy itself and to the additives with which it is used. Rule out this possibility before starting treatment.

    Do not overestimate the capabilities of folk remedies in difficult cases - do not diagnose yourself and do not self-medicate. Trust your health only to medical professionals.

    Dear readers, hello! Information about the benefits of pumpkin seeds for the human body is necessary equally for both adherents of traditional medicine and people who prefer drug treatment. Much is known about the properties of orange vegetable seeds, and you will learn about the peculiarities of their use and some new recommendations in a new article devoted to pumpkin seeds.

    Pumpkin seeds are not a delicacy. A vegetable from the melon family is widespread throughout the world; it is enjoyed boiled, raw, made into butter, and the seeds are eaten as a delicacy. Experts in their properties have learned to add seeds to medicines, masks, and compresses.

    Composition of pumpkin seeds

    The plant has its beneficial properties due to its rich set of components. It contains micro and macroelements (calcium, potassium, fluorine, sodium, magnesium, copper, zinc, selenium, manganese). Contains vitamins A, B, C, E, K. In addition, they contain:
    proteins – 24.6 g; fats – 45.9; carbohydrates – 13.5 g; water – 8.4 g; fiber – 4.3 g; ash – 5 g.

    Both benefits and harm are provided by a set of these components, so before using this product you should consult your doctor, because certain diseases have contraindications for taking it.

    Calorie content of pumpkin seeds

    Pumpkin seeds are classified as high-calorie foods. Just 0.1 kilograms of delicacy will provide the body with 600 kcal. For this reason, they are used with caution, especially by people watching their figure or using them for weight loss.

    Pumpkin seeds - beneficial properties

    In the fight for health, people consume pumpkin delicacy. This is also appreciated by doctors, because they often recommend this natural remedy in combination with prescribed drug treatment. Speaking about the beneficial properties, the following points should be highlighted according to which the seeds:

    1. Stimulates intestinal motility, performing the functions of a laxative;
    2. They have a diuretic, choleretic effect;
    3. Remove heavy metal elements;
    4. Reduces blood sugar levels thanks to fiber;
    5. They have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and the state of the nervous system due to the magnesium contained;
    6. Improve memory and attention, stimulating performance;
    7. Strengthen the immune system.

    Benefits and harms for women

    Pumpkin and seeds, among other things, help women preserve their natural beauty. Their contents help strengthen hair, preventing even baldness. The skin also becomes “grateful” and radiant. By influencing the reproductive system, seeds improve the quality of eggs.

    The daily intake is about 60 grams (raw). Seeds with honey, when consumed 3 times a day before meals, will strengthen the body.

    The seeds treat polyps in the vagina, uterus and stomach. For this purpose, the seeds are taken with eggs: vegetable oil in the amount of 1 tbsp is taken per egg. (pumpkin or sunflower oils also work), 1 tsp. meal The components are mixed, simmered for 20 minutes in a water bath, cooled and placed in a cool place. Take before morning meals for 5 days. A break is just as necessary.

    Benefits and harms for men

    When consuming pumpkin seeds, the function of the prostate gland is stimulated, this is an excellent remedy for the prevention of prostatitis, supports male strength, because they have a beneficial effect on sperm motility. The recommended amount of their use is 60 pieces per day. If with honey, then take a teaspoon three times a day. To take the course of using it with honey, you should prepare 0.5 kg of crushed seeds, combine it with a glass of honey and gradually eat it (keep it cool).

    What are the benefits of pumpkin seeds for children?

    Can pregnant women eat pumpkin seeds?

    Pumpkin seeds are also beneficial for pregnant women. They stimulate the removal of salts and fluids, thereby relieving swelling. They are also valued for their ability to strengthen the immune system of pregnant women. If you suffer from heartburn, toxicosis, constipation, they will also help. The daily norm should not exceed 60 grams.

    After childbirth, they increase lactation, but remember the measure (up to 100 grams per day or 2 tablespoons of pumpkin oil). With mother's milk, the baby also receives the beneficial chemical composition of the plant product.

    Pumpkin seed meal

    Ground pumpkin seeds (meal) are useful for achieving a medicinal effect. To preserve the maximum amount of useful substances, grind everything in a coffee grinder, including the husk. This type of processing does not affect the properties of the product.

    Meal is consumed before meals, washed down with water, it is used to season salads, main courses, make compresses, and combine with honey and kefir. It is combined with taking medications. It facilitates the work of the liver, is effective in the fight against atherosclerosis, increased weight, prostatitis, adenoma, and diabetes. Elevated levels of “bad” cholesterol are also reduced, and immunity is enhanced.

    How to take pumpkin seeds for worms

    • Mix 300 grams of meal with 100 milliliters of honey.
    • You need to eat the entire amount within an hour before eating.
    • After 5 hours, drink a laxative or up to 2 liters of salt water.
    • Children under 3 years old: a quarter of a teaspoon. At what age and how to use it correctly for a small child, it is better to consult a pediatrician.
    • From 3 to 7 years, a third of a teaspoon.
    • Schoolchildren - half a teaspoon.
    • Adults – a teaspoon.

    Start taking it with minimal doses, gradually moving to the norms indicated above. After a week, the dose is increased to 2 times a day.

    How to take pumpkin seeds - the best recipes

    When taken to replenish the body with useful substances, the seeds should be prepared correctly, avoiding overheating above 45 degrees Celsius, that is, fried seeds will already lose a large amount of their beneficial chemical composition. Store cleaned in a glass jar with a lid, but no more than 2 months.

    They should be taken in moderation: women and men up to 50 pieces per day, children less.

    In addition to the above, here are some other useful recipes:

    1. If there is blood in the urine or problems with urination, use a mixture of pumpkin and hemp seeds in equal proportions.
    2. For sound sleep, drink a decoction of pumpkin seeds in milk or water.
    3. To increase immunity, improve digestion, and for the stomach, peeled raw seeds are mixed in a ratio of 1 to 2 and left for a week in the refrigerator. Take half a teaspoon per day.
    4. For the kidneys and bladder, an infusion of 4 large spoons of peeled seeds and half a liter of hot water is suitable (infuse for 14 hours in a thermos). You need to drink this tea for 2 weeks in the morning on an empty stomach and between meals.
    5. For cholecystitis, hepatitis, cystitis, a remedy made from seeds with sugar is useful. For 40 g of sugar you need 80 g of water and raw seeds. Everything is crushed and consumed before meals.
    6. For skin problems, a porridge is made from the seeds, which is placed in gauze and applied to the site of a burn, wound, or dermatitis. Within an hour, the tightening effect will be visible. Skin tonic is prepared from seeds without peel. You should take a glass and grind them. Add a liter of water, bring to a boil and leave for about 3 hours. After this, filter. This solution is useful for the skin of the face, neck, and hands. It is stored in the refrigerator for 2 days.

    Dear readers, pumpkin seeds are undoubtedly a healthy and tasty product, and you learned about it from this article. Sometimes treat yourself to a handful of these seeds and improve your health. And don’t forget about the pumpkin itself, it is no less than its seeds.

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