Fruits by calorie content and sugar content. Calorie content of fruits and vegetables

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

From childhood, first mothers, then grandmothers inspired us that fruits are good.

It's better than candy and cookies. They do not get fat, but how much use!

Packing of vitamins in each pear, or tangerine. This is true - fruits are incredibly useful and important in dietary nutrition.

At the same time, their calorie content is often prohibitively high, too, and the sugar content causes a sad sigh.

Should I refuse a plate of fruit during weight loss and leave them for a period of mass gain?

Of course not. You need everything, but of course, in moderation.

In this article, we have prepared a table of fruit calorie content, the ratio of BJU (, fats and carbohydrates), as well as some useful recommendations on how to properly compose a fruit menu.

What determines the calorie content of fruits

This indicator is directly affected by the content of liquid and sugar in fruits and berries.

That is why, if you carefully study the fruit calorie table per 100 grams, which we have prepared below, you will see that it is the dried fruits that have the most calories.

In the process of dehydration, they lost almost all the moisture, but the calorie content increased significantly.

You can eat a bowl of fresh cherries, but dried cherries are limited to a small handful.

It is important to understand that in this case we are talking exclusively about fresh, dry or frozen fruits.

Canned, for example, pineapples, which we love so much, during the heat treatment not only lose part useful substances, but also acquire additional sugar due to sweet syrups.

The more sugar, the more calories

That is why, if your task is to find ideal fruits for weight loss in the calorie table of fruits and berries, you should pay attention not only to the GI and the number of units, but also to the fact that you need to eat fruits fresh / frozen.

We leave a handful of dried fruits for a snack. Canned compotes for the period of weight loss is excluded from the diet completely.

Fruit calorie table in ascending order per 100 g or 1 piece

Fruit calorie table in ascending order

How to eat fruits

“Like dessert,” you say. And this is the main mistake. In addition to useful trace elements and, most fruits have a carbohydrate composition.

And if you add a good portion of carbohydrates to traditional cereals, soups, vegetables and other dishes from our diet, extra centimeters and digestive problems are guaranteed.

Unlike protein foods, fruits and berries are digested in duodenum and not in the stomach.

After a dense multi-ingredient lunch, the body is simply not able to process several incompatible products at the same time.

For this reason, the ideal time to eat healthy snacks:

  1. on an empty stomach
  2. One hour before meals
  3. As a standalone meal

It is better to eat fruits as an independent meal.

Eat fruits in small quantities, limited to 1-2 fruits or servings up to 300 grams.

So you are guaranteed to get a lot of nutrients and not overgrown with extra centimeters.

TOP 5 fruits for weight loss

Apple, 52 calories

If you eat an apple raw, fruit acids will provoke the production of hydrochloric acid, and this will end with the urge to eat to satiety.

The solution is to eat apples. So they will give a feeling of satiety and will not irritate the mucous membrane.

Without baked apples nowhere

Orange, 47 calories

Like the citrus counterpart grapefruit, it contains a lot of dietary fiber and little.

For a healthy non-calorie snack, oranges are best eaten as a meal on their own.

Grapefruit, 42 calories

Not only is it low in calories, but it also has one of the lowest glycemic index among fruits. Sugar from citrus is very slowly absorbed, the fruit contains a lot of fiber.

Nutritionists advise leaving it for that terrible case for every losing weight when in the evening you really want to wash half the refrigerator.

fat burning grapefruit

Raspberries, 40 calories

Berries are not only rich in calcium, folic acid and vitamin C, but also have the ability to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, which means making training more effective.

Plus, raspberries break down fats perfectly.

Watermelon, 38 calories

Another unique summer berry is 80% water. Watermelon cleanses the liver and kidneys, takes care of our genitourinary system.

Thanks to lycopene, it slows down the aging process.

summer watermelon

TOP 5 fruit calories for weight gain

It would seem that the easiest way is to look at the most high-calorie fruits in the calorie table and start actively leaning on them if you are an ectomorph ( one who is by nature).

But the task is to build muscle, and not cover the bones with a fatty layer.

That is why fruits for mass gain also need to be chosen wisely.

Ideal, according to nutritionists, options for muscle growth:

Papaya, 43 calories

Yes, yes, we know what exotic is, and where you can find it in our gray apple reality.

exotic papaya

But! Papaya contains a substance with an almost eponymous name "papain", which helps break down proteins consumed in food.

If you do not have the opportunity to eat enough of it somewhere in hospitable Pattaya, buy a frozen one in a supermarket.

Tip: by the way, the calorie content of frozen fruits is much lower than fresh ones, because they have a higher percentage of water.

Pineapple, 50 calories

Citrus contains lion's dozu bromelain, a substance that improves the process of digestion of food.

This means that pineapple helps to reduce pain and promotes the rapid absorption of protein by the muscles.

Irreplaceable pineapple

Berries, average calorie 60

All berries contain anthocyanins and ellagic acid - antioxidants that prevent inflammation and joint pain.

An additional plus - all of their types reduce the rate of production of fat cells.

Kiwi, 61 calories

What is good about kiwi besides the ability to strengthen the immune system?

Vitamins A, D, E, stimulating metabolic processes and supporting, which is especially important for athletes suffering from myopia or hyperopia.

Such a familiar kiwi

Tip: there are more antioxidants in the kiwi peel than in the pulp, so the ideal option is to rinse the fruits well, smash in a blender and eat without peeling.

Banana, 89 calories

Firstly, it is a source of energy and easily digestible sugar.

They are rich in potassium and, despite their relatively high calorie content, have a moderate glycemic index.

Carbohydrates from bananas are digested slowly, which means they protect against sudden spikes in glucose.

The ideal time for bananas when gaining muscle mass is immediately after a workout.

Avocado, 160 calories

One of the most high-calorie fruits in the table in ascending order is avocado - as many as 160 units.

The versatile avocado

But adding it in is one of the highlights proper nutrition.

A source of potassium, monounsaturated and butyric fatty acids that contribute to the fight against excess fat.

Plus - it helps to better assimilate the useful components of other products.

Therefore, do not forget to diversify salads with them both when losing weight and when building muscles.

What nutritionists think about the fruit calorie table

Famous American nutritionists and nutritionists Andy Bellattiand Jen Bruning believe that two cups of fruit is the ideal amount per day for any person.

At the same time, it is important Eat a variety of different types of food - from citrus fruits and berries to bananas, because they are all beneficial.

It is also important to try something new - you will surely add to your list of taste preferences.

Try different types fruits

Andy and Jen say thatfruits not only contain phytochemicals that have antioxidant properties, but also improve the person.

According to a 2017 American study, fruit consumption is directly linked to increased psychological well-being in young adults.

However, eating too much fruit can lead to health problems.

While it may seem like the road to wellness is paved with goji berries, it's important to remember that fruit isn't all there is to nutrition.

As Bellatti noted, they are not a rich source of iron or zinc. Overeating fruit can also cause indigestion.

Separately, it is worth making a diet for those who suffer, and not to abuse freshly squeezed juices:

  1. “Fruit juice does not contain fiber and many of the antioxidants derived from it. , - Bellatti explains.- It often contains too much Sahara. A good alternative to freshly squeezed juices are those that preserve all parts of the fruit and at the same time provide a feeling of satiety.

Less juice, more smoothies

As you can see, the key to the health of our body and proper nutrition is to maintain balance.

Do not give up a few dates just because they seem too high-calorie to you, but also do not forget that 10 dates at a time is already too much.

Some useful tips you will learn about the fruit calorie table from this video:

When food enters the body, metabolic processes begin synchronously. These processes are different for each person. For some, calories are converted into energy, for others, into body fat. Why is that?

Everything is very simple:

  • Firstly, each person has his own individual organism with its own characteristics;
  • Secondly, those who follow their figure, compare the amount of energy received and expended from food;
  • Third, the organisms of people prone to fullness, process the food received into body fat.

The body, processing food, transforms it into energy. If a person does not use this energy in a timely manner, then this energy turns into fatty deposits on the organs of a person. In turn, these fat deposits become visible visually in the form of excess "fat" on the abdomen, legs, arms.

Negative calorie foods

People who decide to go on a diet tend to misprioritize. Some have heard that there are foods that the body spends a lot of calories on digesting. No, it's not. After all, each product to some extent adds calories to the body, there are simply those that add more, and there are foods whose calorie content is reduced to almost zero.

There are no negative calorie foods. But there are foods that do not overwhelm the human body with excess calories.

So, what is the list of products with a minimum level of calories:

  • Berries, for the most part, these are oranges, grapefruit, lemon, blackberries, blueberries, currants, and also watermelon can be attributed to such berries;
  • Green tea is great to drink for those who want to reduce the level of calories in the body;
  • Salads, greens, are also low-calorie foods;
  • Seasonings contribute to the rapid removal of calories from the body, unlike salt.
  • Use of cinnamon instead of sugar is recommended.

Each of these products contains a minimum amount of calories. When digesting these foods, the body spends a fairly large amount of energy. It is in connection with this that the calorie content of these products can be reduced to zero.

What determines the calorie content of fresh fruits?

Often it is fresh fruits that become the staple food during diets. This is very correct, because fruits are both healthy and tasty, and most importantly for a diet, they are low in calories. There are some features of choosing fruits for a diet, and just for people who do not want to receive energy in the body, which they probably do not use.

So, how, with the naked eye, to determine what is the calorie content in fruits? There are several methods.

For comparison and a good example, let's take a banana and a watermelon. Less calories in watermelon. You can also consider a couple of fruits such as melon and grapes. Less calories in melon. The calorie content of fruits largely depends on the composition and consistency. The more liquid in the fruit, the lower the calorie content of this product.

The amount of sugar in the product also greatly affects the caloric content. That is, the sweeter the delicacy in the form of fruits, the more energy it will put into the body.

To take specific examples, dried fruits have more calories than fresh fruits. From what has been discussed above, it can be understood that this is due to the minimum amount of moisture in the product and with increased level Sahara. Although, if you do not take into account the calorie content, then dried fruits are very useful and should be eaten in moderation.

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High and low calorie fruits

It is quite clear that there are high and low calorie foods. If we take into account the fruits, they can be divided into low-calorie and high-calorie.

High and low calorie fruits:

In this list, you can add all the fruits that are similar in texture and sweetness. But from the table it is easy to understand which fruit is the most high-calorie.

Low-calorie fruits are enough, these are the fruits that need to be eaten and included in the diet when dieting.

How many calories are in dried fruits?

Many in the process of losing weight and dropping extra pounds, out of inexperience, decide to eat as many dried fruits as possible, replacing them with sweets. In fact, of course, dried fruits are much healthier than many of the sweets. But you need to think about calories.

The calorie level in dried fruits goes off scale many times along with fresh fruits. Dried fruits are made by drying fresh fruits. As a result of these actions, moisture and liquid from the fruit is removed, and sugar remains in high quantities.

How many calories are in dried fruits?

So the result is obvious. Dried fruits are acceptable to use for health and saturation of the body. But in any way, not as a substitute for other products during the diet.

vegetable calorie table

In order to start a diet and start a new life with a thin waist, you need to make a clear diet for yourself. It is important to prioritize correctly and choose those foods that you both like and contain a minimum amount of calories. Such a diet will not become a burden or difficulty. After all, it is important that satiety is still present, and energy is properly spent.

Each product has some specific benefit. You can not make a diet that includes only fruits or vegetables. Be sure to include meat, fish, and cereals in the diet, which are beneficial for the body. And, of course, each product must be selected based on the number of calories.

There are many ready-made diets that have been compiled for a long time and are popular. These diets include all the necessary foods, vitamins and minerals. Well, if you decide to independently create a nutrition schedule for yourself, then you will definitely need a table with the indicated calorie level of each product.

So, you can choose your favorite vegetables using the calorie table:

Name of the vegetable The number of calories in the product
Green pea 72 calories
Potato 80 calories
Avocado 170 calories
Corn 110 calories
Onion 42 calories
Carrot 38 calories
radish 35 calories
parsley 49 calories
Beet 42 calories
Garlic 45 calories
Brussels sprouts 37 calories
parsley root 38 calories
Spinach 16 calories
green onion 28 calories
Pumpkin 25 calories
Tomatoes 23 calories
Salad 18 calories
Radish 21 calories
ground cucumbers 14 calories
Chinese cabbage 16 calories

Purple color - foods with the highest calorie content;

Turquoise color - the average calorie content of vegetables;

Light green color - the minimum calorie content.

Based on this table, you can choose those products that should be present in the diet for the day.

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fruit calorie table

To draw up a proper nutrition schedule, you also need to know what the calorie content of fruits is. After all, fruits are beneficial and help to saturate the body with vitamins and essential trace elements.

So, we take into account the most popular fruits that the average person often consumes:

fruit name The number of calories in fruit
Banana 89 calories
Grape 65 calories
Mango 67 calories
Persimmon 53 calories
A pineapple 49 calories
Cherry 52 calories
Pomegranate 52 calories
Kiwi 51 calories
Raspberries 42 calories
Peach 42 calories
Pear 42 calories
Orange 38 calories
Watermelon 38 calories
Blueberry 35 calories
Strawberry 34 calories
Cranberry 26 calories
Blackberry 31 calories
Apple 37 calories

Fruits with the highest calorie content are marked in red in the table. The turquoise color indicates foods that are medium in calories. Under lilac fruits with the lowest calorie content. As can be seen from the table, a fairly large amount of fruit contains high level calories. That is why, giving preference to losing weight with a fruit diet, you need to choose the right product.

The most important thing is to know how many calories you need to consume daily for you. Depending on what kind of lifestyle a person leads, it is necessary to calculate the number of calories needed for a full life.

How many calories do you need to consume every day in order not to gain weight?

Of course, the consumption of food and the receipt of calories in the body is individual for everyone. Each person leads a different lifestyle. Those with a sedentary lifestyle need fewer calories per day. People who lead an active and mobile lifestyle should eat much more energy resources.

The number of calories needed per day can be divided by age categories:

  • Children up to a year;
  • Children from one to six years;
  • Children from seven to eleven years old;
  • Eleven to nineteen;
  • Nineteen to thirty years of age;
  • thirty to fifty;
  • Over fifty.

Each age group needs its own specific number of calories. Children, as a rule, for normal life and growth, need more calories than a person who is over fifty years old. On average, a child under one year old needs 500 calories per day. When a toddler starts a more active lifestyle, he needs an average of 1,500 calories.

Children from seven years old are already starting active mental and physical activity, such crumbs already need to consume 2000 calories per day. Adults under thirty years old should include from 2600-2900 calories in the daily diet. From thirty to fifty years old, a person needs from 2400 to 2500 calories per day for normal life. Over 50 years of age, a person should consume 2000 calories per day.

These calculations are approximate and, of course, all this is very individual. Athletes, active people in any case need more calories than those who lead a sedentary lifestyle and have a sedentary job.

A properly composed diet, without a doubt, will always help you feel easy and healthy. Correctly calculate the number of calories is necessary according to the following formula. 655 add (9.5 times the body weight in kilograms) add (1.8 times the height in centimeters) subtract (4.7 times the person's age in years).

With this calculation, you get the number of calories that you need to consume on average. In order for the calculation to be as accurate as possible, it is necessary to multiply the resulting figure by the coefficient of human activity. It can vary from 1.4 to 2.2.

If you follow all the rules, then a beautiful figure, excellent condition and a healthy mind are provided.

Now I don't have to worry about being overweight!

This effect can be achieved in just a few months, without diets and exhausting workouts, and most importantly - with the preservation of the effect! It's time for you to change everything! The Best Weight Loss Complex of the Year!

The question of how many calories are in vegetables and fruits arises during many diets. The presence of fresh food in the diet is healthy and approved by most nutritionists]]>

Calorie content of vegetables

The table contains the calorie content of the most popular vegetables. In the process of cooking, it can change both up and down. Some vegetables absorb a lot of water during cooking. In this case, the number of calories per 100 grams of the product is reduced.

fruit calories

The table contains the calorie content of popular fruits. The most high-calorie of them is avocado.

Seasonal berries contain many useful substances. The table confirms that their use in moderation will not harm the figure and metabolism. The most high-calorie berries are sweet grapes and rose hips. Fresh rose hips are rarely consumed in large quantities. When added to compotes, the total calorie content of the drink increases by a small amount.

Calorie content of dishes

Vegetables are the basis of human summer nutrition. In winter, the choice of products is limited by the peculiarities of their storage, but some vegetables are prepared all year round.

The table includes the calorie content of popular vegetable-based dishes.

When following a diet, a calorie table is not always necessary. In most cases, restriction of the amount of carbohydrates in the diet is required. The high energy value of some products is provided by the content of not carbohydrates, but fats and proteins.

Popular protein-rich plant foods include:

  • beans;
  • soy asparagus (Chinese fuzhu);
  • nuts (walnut and Brazil nuts, almonds, hazelnuts);
  • whole grain;
  • brown rice;
  • bananas;
  • spinach;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • soya beans;
  • avocado.

All nuts and vegetable oils are rich in fats.

Carbohydrates can be obtained from foods such as:

  • pumpkin;
  • dried beans, peas;
  • corn;
  • White rice;
  • buckwheat;
  • potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke and sweet potato;
  • rye, oats.


The variety of vegetables complicates the task of counting calories. Based on the classification, you can calculate the approximate calorie content of a dish if there is no accurate information about the calorie content of its ingredients.


  • potato;
  • sweet potato;
  • Jerusalem artichoke.

Dishes from these products are considered quite high-calorie, so they are best suited for lunch. The approximate number of calories in them is from 60 to 77 kcal, with the most high-calorie being regular potatoes.


Root crops include:

  • beet;
  • carrot;
  • turnip;
  • radish;
  • swede;
  • roots of parsnips, parsley, celery.


The calorie content of onions of different varieties ranges from 36 kcal for leek to 72 kcal for charlotte. More calories can be obtained from garlic. It contains 149 kcal, but eating 100 grams of this product is a difficult task.


  • tomatoes;
  • cucumbers;
  • eggplant;
  • squash;
  • peppers;
  • zucchini;
  • pumpkin;
  • artichokes and other vegetables.

The calorie content of these products is in the range from 16 to 35 kcal.


Cause damage to health when eating vegetables and fruits for healthy person unlikely. The main thing is to control the quality and quantity of food consumed.

Individual restrictions exist in the presence of serious diseases. People with certain stomach ailments are unable to eat tomatoes and sour fruits. Many people are allergic to citrus fruits and strawberries. About what products should be treated with caution, people with this problem know for sure.

All vegetables have certain characteristics. For example, eating a large amount of potatoes creates a load on the pancreas, and beets - a laxative effect.

The presence of vegetables and fruits in the daily diet is beneficial for human health. The low calorie content of dishes from them allows you not to feel hunger during diets.

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When food enters the body, metabolic processes begin synchronously. These processes are different for each person. For some, calories are converted into energy, for others, into body fat. Why is that?

Everything is very simple:

  • Firstly, each person has his own individual organism with its own characteristics;
  • Secondly, those who follow their figure, compare the amount of energy received and expended from food;
  • Third, the organisms of people prone to fullness, process the food received into body fat.

The body, processing food, transforms it into energy. If a person does not use this energy in a timely manner, then this energy turns into fatty deposits on the organs of a person. In turn, these fat deposits become visible visually in the form of excess "fat" on the abdomen, legs, arms.

Negative calorie foods

People who decide to go on a diet tend to misprioritize. Some have heard that there are foods that the body spends a lot of calories on digesting. No, it's not. After all, each product to some extent adds calories to the body, there are simply those that add more, and there are foods whose calorie content is reduced to almost zero.

There are no negative calorie foods. But there are foods that do not overwhelm the human body with excess calories.

So, what is the list of products with a minimum level of calories:

  • Berries, for the most part, these are oranges, grapefruit, lemon, blackberries, blueberries, currants, and also watermelon can be attributed to such berries;
  • Green tea is great to drink for those who want to reduce the level of calories in the body;
  • Salads, greens, are also low-calorie foods;
  • Seasonings contribute to the rapid removal of calories from the body, unlike salt.
  • Use of cinnamon instead of sugar is recommended.

Each of these products contains a minimum amount of calories. When digesting these foods, the body spends a fairly large amount of energy. It is in connection with this that the calorie content of these products can be reduced to zero.

What determines the calorie content of fresh fruits?

Often it is fresh fruits that become the staple food during diets. This is very correct, because fruits are both healthy and tasty, and most importantly for a diet, they are low in calories. There are some features of choosing fruits for a diet, and just for people who do not want to receive energy in the body, which they probably do not use.

So, how, with the naked eye, to determine what is the calorie content in fruits? There are several methods.

For comparison and a good example, let's take a banana and a watermelon. Less calories in watermelon. You can also consider a couple of fruits such as melon and grapes. Less calories in melon. The calorie content of fruits largely depends on the composition and consistency. The more liquid in the fruit, the lower the calorie content of this product.

The amount of sugar in the product also greatly affects the caloric content. That is, the sweeter the delicacy in the form of fruits, the more energy it will put into the body.

To take specific examples, dried fruits have more calories than fresh fruits. From what has been discussed above, it can be understood that this is associated with a minimum amount of moisture in the product and with an increased level of sugar. Although, if you do not take into account the calorie content, then dried fruits are very useful and should be eaten in moderation.

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High and low calorie fruits

It is quite clear that there are high and low calorie foods. If we take into account the fruits, they can be divided into low-calorie and high-calorie.

High and low calorie fruits:

In this list, you can add all the fruits that are similar in texture and sweetness. But from the table it is easy to understand which fruit is the most high-calorie.

Low-calorie fruits are enough, these are the fruits that need to be eaten and included in the diet when dieting.

How many calories are in dried fruits?

Many in the process of losing weight and dropping extra pounds, out of inexperience, decide to eat as many dried fruits as possible, replacing them with sweets. In fact, of course, dried fruits are much healthier than many of the sweets. But you need to think about calories.

The calorie level in dried fruits goes off scale many times along with fresh fruits. Dried fruits are made by drying fresh fruits. As a result of these actions, moisture and liquid from the fruit is removed, and sugar remains in high quantities.

How many calories are in dried fruits?

So the result is obvious. Dried fruits are acceptable to use for health and saturation of the body. But in any way, not as a substitute for other products during the diet.

vegetable calorie table

In order to start a diet and start a new life with a thin waist, you need to make a clear diet for yourself. It is important to prioritize correctly and choose those foods that you both like and contain a minimum amount of calories. Such a diet will not become a burden or difficulty. After all, it is important that satiety is still present, and energy is properly spent.

Each product has some specific benefit. You can not make a diet that includes only fruits or vegetables. Be sure to include meat, fish, and cereals in the diet, which are beneficial for the body. And, of course, each product must be selected based on the number of calories.

There are many ready-made diets that have been compiled for a long time and are popular. These diets include all the necessary foods, vitamins and minerals. Well, if you decide to independently create a nutrition schedule for yourself, then you will definitely need a table with the indicated calorie level of each product.

So, you can choose your favorite vegetables using the calorie table:

Name of the vegetable The number of calories in the product
Green pea 72 calories
Potato 80 calories
Avocado 170 calories
Corn 110 calories
Onion 42 calories
Carrot 38 calories
radish 35 calories
parsley 49 calories
Beet 42 calories
Garlic 45 calories
Brussels sprouts 37 calories
parsley root 38 calories
Spinach 16 calories
green onion 28 calories
Pumpkin 25 calories
Tomatoes 23 calories
Salad 18 calories
Radish 21 calories
ground cucumbers 14 calories
Chinese cabbage 16 calories

Purple color - foods with the highest calorie content;

Turquoise color - the average calorie content of vegetables;

Light green color - the minimum calorie content.

Based on this table, you can choose those products that should be present in the diet for the day.

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fruit calorie table

To draw up a proper nutrition schedule, you also need to know what the calorie content of fruits is. After all, fruits are beneficial and help to saturate the body with vitamins and essential trace elements.

So, we take into account the most popular fruits that the average person often consumes:

fruit name The number of calories in fruit
Banana 89 calories
Grape 65 calories
Mango 67 calories
Persimmon 53 calories
A pineapple 49 calories
Cherry 52 calories
Pomegranate 52 calories
Kiwi 51 calories
Raspberries 42 calories
Peach 42 calories
Pear 42 calories
Orange 38 calories
Watermelon 38 calories
Blueberry 35 calories
Strawberry 34 calories
Cranberry 26 calories
Blackberry 31 calories
Apple 37 calories

Fruits with the highest calorie content are marked in red in the table. The turquoise color indicates foods that are medium in calories. Below the lilac color is the fruit with the lowest calorie content. As can be seen from the table, a fairly large amount of fruit contains a high level of calories. That is why, giving preference to losing weight with a fruit diet, you need to choose the right product.

The most important thing is to know how many calories you need to consume daily for you. Depending on what kind of lifestyle a person leads, it is necessary to calculate the number of calories needed for a full life.

How many calories do you need to consume every day in order not to gain weight?

Of course, the consumption of food and the receipt of calories in the body is individual for everyone. Each person leads a different lifestyle. Those with a sedentary lifestyle need fewer calories per day. People who lead an active and mobile lifestyle should eat much more energy resources.

The number of calories needed per day can be divided by age categories:

  • Children up to a year;
  • Children from one to six years;
  • Children from seven to eleven years old;
  • Eleven to nineteen;
  • Nineteen to thirty years of age;
  • thirty to fifty;
  • Over fifty.

Each age group needs its own specific number of calories. Children, as a rule, for normal life and growth, need more calories than a person who is over fifty years old. On average, a child under one year old needs 500 calories per day. When a toddler starts a more active lifestyle, he needs an average of 1,500 calories.

Children from seven years old are already starting active mental and physical activity, such crumbs already need to consume 2000 calories per day. Adults under thirty years old should include from 2600-2900 calories in the daily diet. From thirty to fifty years old, a person needs from 2400 to 2500 calories per day for normal life. Over 50 years of age, a person should consume 2000 calories per day.

These calculations are approximate and, of course, all this is very individual. Athletes, active people in any case need more calories than those who lead a sedentary lifestyle and have a sedentary job.

A properly composed diet, without a doubt, will always help you feel easy and healthy. Correctly calculate the number of calories is necessary according to the following formula. 655 add (9.5 times the body weight in kilograms) add (1.8 times the height in centimeters) subtract (4.7 times the person's age in years).

With this calculation, you get the number of calories that you need to consume on average. In order for the calculation to be as accurate as possible, it is necessary to multiply the resulting figure by the coefficient of human activity. It can vary from 1.4 to 2.2.

If you follow all the rules, then a beautiful figure, excellent condition and a healthy mind are provided.

Now I don't have to worry about being overweight!

This effect can be achieved in just a few months, without diets and exhausting workouts, and most importantly - with the preservation of the effect! It's time for you to change everything! The Best Weight Loss Complex of the Year!

You are a fan of the right healthy eating? Or maybe you are striving for a slim body, but the thought of the strictest diets drives you into depression? In that case, this article is for you. You can tasty and satisfying diversify your diet with all kinds of vegetable fruits, without harming your own figure, and at the same time remain cheerful, mobile and full of energy.

General points

Vegetables and fruits should be in the daily menu and in considerable quantities. It is an important source of many vitamins, trace elements and fiber, which plays an important role in cleansing the body of excess water and toxins. Also, thanks to these products, the smooth functioning of the intestines is normalized and maintained, the work of blood vessels and the heart muscle improves. However, remember that vegetable fruits, for all their benefits, are very high in calories! This moment is especially important for those who want to lose weight quickly and without harm. The absolute low-calorie champions are all kinds of green fruits and vegetables.

Important! Fruits contain much more carbohydrates than vegetables, therefore it is recommended to consume them only at the beginning of the day, when you spend the maximum amount of energy.

The calorie calculation shown in the tables is for fresh fruit. Fresh vegetables are lower in calories than processed ones. Take this into account when planning your meals for the day and try to give preference to fresh crops - useful trace elements and vitamins are not destroyed by heat treatment.

Let's talk green

Common greens - parsley, basil, green onions, lettuce, cilantro, dill contain the least number of calories. The same applies to herbs, seasonings - lemon balm and mint. All these products will make your dish tastier and more aromatic, but will not do any harm to the figure. Against! They contribute to the active work of the immune system, have a positive effect on nervous system and, importantly, reduce the feeling of hunger.

Energy value of vegetables

In the top non-calorie vegetables: broccoli, carrots, radishes, tomatoes, zucchini. But Chinese cabbage and cucumbers remain the undisputed leaders. Beijing cabbage, in addition to its low calorie content (13 kcal per 100 g of fruit), is also a real treasure in terms of vitamins and the essential amino acid lysine. It helps cleanse the blood and reduces the risk of progressive atherosclerosis. Cucumbers, in turn, contain 14 kcal per 100 g of the product and are rich in potassium, iodine, vitamins and folic acid. All this complex has a very positive effect on the enzymatic function. thyroid gland, the work of the gastrointestinal tract and the nervous system.

Canned and pickled vegetables

All canned foods are extremely high in calories. Maximum the nutritional value for olives - 175 kcal / 100 g. Next - caviar from zucchini or eggplant, 121 and 149 kcal, olives - 117 kcal and tomato paste – 102.

Much less kilocalories are found in green peas - 41 kcal, spinach and green beans - 18 kcal.

Among the pickled vegetables, the “caloric” championship deserves beets - 35 kcal, after it carrots - 24 and white cabbage - 23. High-calorie pickled fruits are crowned with sweet red peppers - 23 kcal, and last place - tomatoes and cucumbers - from 13 to 18 calories.

Important! Pickled and pickled vegetables are healthier than canned ones, but they are more high in calories.

Product Kilocalories (kcal)
Radish 18
Tomatoes 22
Zucchini 26
Broccoli 32
Carrot 34
Swede 38
eggplant 23
Green pea 70
White cabbage 29
red cabbage 32
Cauliflower 29
Potato 84
green onion 22
Bulb onions 44
ground cucumbers 15
greenhouse cucumbers 10
Pepper green 21
Red pepper 28
radish 35
Turnip 27
Salad 13
Green bean 32
Horseradish 72
Cheremsha 34
Garlic 107
Spinach 21
Sorrel 29
Jerusalem artichoke 61
Artichoke 29
Gherkin 30
Pumpkin 22,5
Squash 20
Chinese cabbage 13
beans 58
White beans 102
Red beans 92
Lentils (sprouts) 118
Corn on the cob 115
Soy (sprouts) 145

Energy value of fruits and berries

In the top of the most energetically valuable overseas fruits: avocados, dates, dried apricots, prunes. Avocado, by the way, is also useful for the content of many fatty acids. Dried apricots and prunes can easily replace sweets for sweet tooth.

Among the products more familiar to us, grapes, blueberries, and cherries hold the primacy, although their calorie content is several times lower than that of exotic fruits.
The most high-calorie fruit and, accordingly, a popular healthy snack is a banana. And for good reason, it has a fairly high glycemic index and an average of 90 kcal per 100 g of product. Despite the high energy value, bananas are a necessary product even during a diet. Nutrition multiplied by a full range of useful trace elements. Although you shouldn't get carried away with them.

Delicious, healthy, low calorie

Let's talk about what fruits can muffle hunger, so much so that the figure benefits.

  • The undisputed champion on this list is the grapefruit. Only two small fruits a day and unnecessary kg will disappear many times faster. For 100 g, this fruit has only 35 kcal. In addition, grapefruit has diuretic properties and will rid the body of toxins and stagnant water in the cells.
  • The honorable second place belongs to the melon - 39 kcal per 100 g. It will be especially useful for women, because folic acid, which is very abundant in melon, has a beneficial effect on the color and elasticity of the skin and adds shine to dull hair. Melon is also rich in fiber, so this fruit is ideal for problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  • And finally bronze. She is taken away by an apple and a pineapple. An apple - 46 kcal, and also your assistant in the fight for a slim figure. An excellent choice of a snack during fasting days and a worthy replacement for custard eclair. Pineapple - 48 kcal, perfectly breaks down fats and dulls hunger.

Lovers of sweet treats - sea buckthorn, cloudberries, cranberries, viburnum. Their nutritional value ranges between 20 and 30 kcal.

Product Kilocalories (kcal)
Watermelon 26
Lemon 32
Cranberry 29
Grapefruit 35
Melon 39
Strawberry 39
oranges 40
tangerines 40
strawberries 41
Raspberries 42
Cowberry 42
Black currant 43
Pear 44
Red currants 45
Apples 46
Peaches 47
Plum 47
Gooseberry 48
Blackberry 49
apricots 50
Cherries 53
Cherry 53
A pineapple 58
Blueberry 61
Mango 63
Kiwi 67
Grape 70
Bananas 93
Avocado 205
Prunes 227
Dried apricots 301
Dried apples 274
Raisin 289
Lime 53
Canned cherries, 750 ml 603
Canned pears, 800 ml 647
Canned apricots, 800 ml 784
Canned pineapples, 850 ml 809
Persimmon 53


Please note that store-bought dressings, mayonnaise, ketchup and oil sauces are very harmful first of all for the body, and then for the figure. They do not add juiciness and taste to the dish, this is a real self-deception. It is much healthier (and tastier, trust me!) to make the sauce yourself. For this, use the pulp of fruits or berries, chopped by hand or in a blender / mixer, add a little lemon juice, red or white wine, and a quality salad dressing, meat, fish or vegetarian dish is ready! Also, vegetables can be replaced by everyone's favorite fast food - pizza. Instead of high-calorie dough - rice sheets, and use whatever you want for the filling: peppers, mushrooms, beans, zucchini, tomatoes, olives. For satiety, you can add low-fat cheese. For dessert - delicious cocktails made from skimmed milk and absolutely any fruit and berries. Well, fresh fruits, of course.

Make a menu with the understanding that at least a third is fruits and vegetables. The simplest scrambled eggs will turn into a healthy and satisfying dish if you add tomato slices, pieces of carrots, eggplant or zucchini strips to the eggs. You can also diversify the morning oatmeal fresh berries or fruit - it will come out very tasty. Experiment - the main thing is that without harm to the body!

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