What does a pregnancy coil look like in the uterus? IUD for pregnancy

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An intrauterine device (IUD) is a small T-shaped device made of elastic plastic that contains copper or hormones.

The vaginal IUD inhibits the ability of sperm to move, and ovulation may not occur at all.

Because of this, the likelihood of fertilization itself decreases. Hormone-containing the spiral thickens the cervical mucus, which prevents the penetration of a fertilized egg into the uterine cavity.

The vaginal device is today the best non-hormonal remedy protection against unwanted pregnancy.

Is this an intrauterine device?

The action of the intrauterine device has two directions:

  • mechanical impact on the uterine epithelium, as a result of which changes occur in the structure of the endometrium, and the fertilized egg cannot attach
  • foam, formed during inflammatory processes caused by the effect of the spiral on the epithelium, reduces sperm motility and viability

In addition, copper enhances the contraceptive effect, causing aseptic inflammation in the uterus.

Essentially, this method of contraception is abortive. Because pregnancy as such may well occur, and the fertilized egg penetrates the uterine cavity, but is not able to implant into it due to disturbances in the endometrial layer.

The embryo dies on the 7-10th day of conception. But in most cases, the egg does not even have time to mature. The IUD expands the fallopian tubes, and it moves through them several times faster than usual. As a result, the egg remains immature and unable to conceive.

How to install an intrauterine device?

The intrauterine device is installed by an obstetrician-gynecologist in a medical institution.

We'll post the video as usual.

Previously, a woman must undergo examination and pass the following tests:

  • for sexually transmitted infections
  • HIV, hepatitis
  • flora smear
  • scraping from the cervix
  • general urine analysis
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs

If there are no contraindications for the installation of an intrauterine device and the woman is not expecting a child, she makes an appointment with a local gynecologist. The doctor inserts the IUD into the uterine cavity.

It should be noted that the spiral is placed mainly giving birth family women. For nulliparous persons, hormone-containing spiral for medical reasons.

For example, Mirena reduces the amount of bleeding during menstruation, thereby preventing the growth of fibromatous nodes on the uterus. In women who have given birth, the uterine cavity is 2 times smaller than in a nulliparous woman, and the cervical canal, on the contrary, is more elongated. In this regard, it is more convenient to install an IUD for women who have already become mothers.

The introduction of the spiral is carried out in middle cycle. During this period, the antibacterial activity of cervical mucus is maximum, and the risk of rejection and other troubles is reduced.

The surface of the cervix is ​​treated painkillers gel. In extremely rare cases, an analgesic injection may be given. But in general, a woman feels only mild pain, comparable to that which occurs at the beginning of menstruation.

Try not to do physical work. In the first week after installation, avoid sex and sports. During this time, spotting and heaviness in the lower abdomen may occur.

This is not scary, but if the pain is severe and does not stop, then you need to see a doctor to remove the coil.

How to remove a spiral?

The intrauterine device is shaped like a letter. "T" with antennae below.

The spiral itself will be pulled out for them. The process of removing it in most cases painless, but the woman most often experiences discomfort.

If there are no complications such as uterine perforation, removal of the intrauterine device is carried out in a clinic.

The woman lies down on the gynecological chair, the doctor inserts a speculum into the vagina to see the cervix. It is treated with an antiseptic. Then, using forceps and other auxiliary instruments, the gynecologist will try to “grab” the antennae and pull the spiral out of the uterine cavity.

If for some reason this cannot be done, removal will be carried out using a hysteroscope.

During removal, the woman will feel cramps and aching pain inside the abdomen, bleeding is possible, but all this goes away quite quickly.

Reliability as a means of contraception

This method of contraception is considered the most reliable of all available, and its effectiveness is equal to 99,9%.

From 100 of women who received the IUD within a year, pregnancy occurred only in one.

Moreover, the woman simply did not notice that her spiral had fallen out. And it falls out in those who have just given birth to a child, and in nulliparous women due to the wider passage of the cervical canal.

But do not forget that the intrauterine device does not protect against infections sexually transmitted diseases, so you should not forget about a condom if you do not have a regular sexual partner.

Combining these two methods of contraception increases the inability to conceive up to 100%.

If the IUD is installed correctly, then after its removal a woman can become pregnant within a year. In addition, many women have noted the positive psychological effect of using an intrauterine device.

Without fear of an unplanned pregnancy, a woman becomes more confident, relaxed and temperamental.

Unlike oral contraceptives, the IUD does not require any restrictions or daily monitoring. She also doesn’t feel like a man at all. Intrauterine device + silver not only protects against unwanted pregnancy, but also reduces the risk of inflammatory processes in the pelvis.

Side effects

Despite all the delights of the intrauterine device and its effectiveness, we should not forget that it is, first of all, medicinal remedy, and it has its side effects. Among them:

  • the risk of introducing increases infections into the uterine cavity
  • the amount of bleeding during menstruation is significant increases
  • If the uterus is not installed correctly, a woman may experience pain lower abdomen
  • non-hormonal the IUD does not protect against ectopic pregnancy
  • After removal of the IUD, it is necessary to use a condom for the first 3-4 months, because there is a risk of ectopic pregnancy
  • the IUD does not protect against sexually transmitted infections, so it is not suitable for women who do not have a regular partner

Intrauterine device, reviews

  • some women are afraid that if you put in a hormonal IUD, you will start get fat, your mood will deteriorate and your chest will hurt. In fact, some changes will be observed in the first 1-1.5 months while the body gets used to it. If they continue further, the spiral must be removed.
  • after installation, the IUD is strengthened blood loss during menstruation. This must be kept in mind. If a woman already has a lot of them, she should opt for hormonal IUDs. On the contrary, they reduce blood flow.
  • there are concerns that the IUD may fall out. Yes, this happens, so you need to go to the gynecologist for an examination a month after installation, and then be monitored every six months.
  • women are afraid to install an IUD after childbirth. What if this somehow affects breastfeeding? In fact, if the IUD is not hormonal, then the IUD remains almost the only possible method of protection during lactation. It is much more dangerous to use oral contraceptives.

Pros and cons of using an intrauterine device


  • the intrauterine device is the most effective means of birth control
  • the spiral does not interfere with the vaginal walls absorb contains hormones and enzymes contained in male sperm
  • no need to take pills at the same time every day and worry if you don’t take them on time
  • the spiral has long validity
  • if it's a spiral non-hormonal, it does not cause physiological changes in a woman’s body
  • a man does not feel discomfort during sexual intercourse, unlike a condom or ring
  • installation of an intrauterine device will not require large financial investments
  • when removing the IUD, a woman may get pregnant pretty fast


  • there are contraindications for inserting an IUD
  • not suitable for nulliparous women
  • does not protect against diseases sexually transmitted diseases, therefore not suitable for unmarried women and without a regular partner
  • when wearing a spiral, there may be ectopic pregnancy
  • are intensifying spotting during menstruation
  • If installed incorrectly, the spiral may grow in into the uterus

Intrauterine device, price

If a woman is found myoma, her intrauterine device is usually removed. However, in this case, she may be given a hormone-containing IUD. It will reduce blood loss during menstruation, and fibroids will stop growing. If you leave the usual spiral, it can provoke the growth of a fibromatous node.

12-44% of cycles end in undiagnosed pregnancy and spontaneous miscarriage for a period of 10-14 days. The woman herself may not know about this, she just has more intense periods, during which she loses the embryo.

If pregnancy does occur with a vaginal device installed, doctors will recommend have an abortion, because the helix affects the embryo's ability to implant. You can give birth to a premature baby.

If the worst happens, uterine perforation, the coil is surgically removed using strip surgery.

Like any medical device, intrauterine device has its drawbacks and inconveniences. But the main thing is that this method of contraception, with all its shortcomings, is still much better than surgical or medical abortion.

The choice of contraception is a sensitive issue. I would like to choose a product that not only provides high protection against pregnancy, but also does not cause discomfort and is safe. Condoms and hormonal pills are used as contraception; many women use the IUD. Can a woman with an IUD get pregnant?

Types and principle of operation

Before you know what is the probability of getting pregnant with a spiral, you need to find out what it is and how it works.
IUDs are sticks that are T-shaped. I make them from plastic coated with metal. The essence of protection is to prevent the penetration of spermatozoa into the uterine cavity and prevent the attachment of a fertilized egg to the uterine mucosa. If the IUD is placed correctly, the woman does not feel it at all.

The spiral has the following effects:

  • increases the contractility of the uterine walls, thereby preventing egg implantation;
  • increases the contractility of the fallopian tubes, accelerating the passage of the egg through them. The walls of the uterus are unable to accept the embryo;
  • limits sperm motility;
  • copper and silver on the VMF have an additional spermicidal effect;
  • hormonal IUDs affect the condition of the endometrium and ovulation.

The IUD is a well-known means of preventing unwanted pregnancy

Spirals first appeared in the second half of the last century. Since then it has been modernized and many varieties have been invented. Each of them has its own characteristics. Today the most common categories include:

  • inert (Lipps loop) - a first-generation design that is practically not used today due to constant displacements and, compliance, low efficiency;
  • spiral with copper - come in different shapes: in the form of a ring, loop, umbrella. The most popular are Multiload, Nova T, Copper-T, ParaGard;
  • with hormones (progesterone, levonorgestrol). Hormones are released in small quantities during the life of the device. When using such coils, ovulation is suppressed. The most popular today are Mirena, Progestasert, LNG-20.

The latest generation is one of the most effective. But, nevertheless, the question of whether it is possible for a woman with a spiral to become pregnant, and which IUDs are the best, remains relevant.

The pros and cons of using an intrauterine device

Pros of using an IUD:

  • degree of protection above 90%;
  • effective immediately after installation;
  • does not cause discomfort, provided that it is placed correctly;
  • The average duration of a contraceptive is 3-5 years;
  • reversibility of the contraceptive method. If a woman decides to have a child, it is enough to visit a gynecologist and remove the IUD. Conceiving a child is possible after the first ovulation;
  • availability. Contraception can be installed at any gynecologist;
  • After insertion of the IUD, there is no need for additional contraception.
  • The main disadvantage of the spiral is that after insertion the uterine cavity remains slightly open. This means that it is possible that pathogenic microorganisms and infections can penetrate inside. To reduce this likelihood, modern structures are made of metals that have disinfecting properties;
  • the presence of a foreign object in the body of the uterus helps to lengthen menstruation and increase the volume of discharge;
  • there is a possibility of implantation of the fertilized egg outside the body of the uterus (ectopic pregnancy), which threatens the patient’s life;
  • any deviations in the structure of a woman’s genital organs are a contraindication to the installation of an IUD, since there is a high probability of ectopic pregnancy and the development of inflammatory processes;
  • in those who give birth, it may fall out, and this goes unnoticed by women. Only a gynecologist can notice the prolapse during an examination;
  • the IUD does not protect against sexually transmitted infections;
  • You cannot remove or insert the device yourself. After installation, it is necessary to periodically visit a gynecologist for preventive purposes.

The presence of an intrauterine device as a foreign body in the uterine cavity is a reliable means of contraception

Is it possible to get pregnant with the IUD?

Is it possible to get pregnant and in what cases, if there is a spiral? The most common reasons for conception:

  • misplaced IUD;
  • the spiral may fall out or be displaced.

The likelihood of pregnancy arises when you visit a doctor with little experience in using contraceptives, or install them on the wrong day of your cycle. The optimal time for administration is 3-4 days of menstruation. Then the cervix is ​​slightly open and the device easily enters and is installed correctly.

More often, displacement or loss of the IUD occurs in women who have given birth or had abortions. The cervix does not close tightly enough, and the device comes out along with the blood when menstruation occurs. The risk of loss also exists on other days of the cycle, but this happens much less frequently.

Displacement occurs due to incorrect installation or, if a first-generation spiral is installed, the shape of which is imperfect.

You can get pregnant with the IUD if its expiration date has expired. This applies to IUDs with hormones, the supply of which is depleted over time. An expired structure does not hold well in the uterus, it can move and increase the chances of penetration of the fertilized egg.

It is worth noting that sometimes gynecologists diagnose pregnancy with an intrauterine device that is positioned correctly, has not shifted or expired. The reasons for conception in this case are unknown.

If your period is any late, you should be checked for pregnancy.

Signs and symptoms of pregnancy with IUD

So how can you get pregnant with an IUD, how to find out about it in time? Signs of pregnancy with an IUD are no different from a normal one. What are the signs?

  • delay of menstruation;
  • change in sense of smell;
  • nausea;
  • swelling and soreness of the breast;
  • an increase in the hCG hormone (shows a blood or urine test).

With spirals, it is important not to miss these signs and immediately contact a gynecologist, as there is a risk of implantation of the embryo in the wrong place, for example, the tubes. Considering its properties, intrauterine pregnancy is very dangerous, as it leads to tube rupture. This can cause severe bleeding and shock. If you react in time, doctors remove the tube; if not, the woman may die.

Cervical pregnancy is also fraught with injury, bleeding, and subsequent insufficiency of the cervical canal.

What to do if conception occurred through a spiral?

If a woman becomes pregnant with a spiral, is it possible to give birth? What to do in this case?
Previously, doctors were of the opinion that pregnancy with an IUD was an indication for termination. The fact is that this method of contraception increases the risk of miscarriages at 6-8 weeks. There were cases when the device grew into the body of the uterus, and this led to the development of pathologies in the fetus.

Today, everything depends on the desire of the patient. Modern designs and modernized methods of patient management make it possible to minimize pregnancy complications and most children are born healthy.

If a woman has achieved fertilization with an IUD and decides to continue the pregnancy, she needs to undergo examination. A gynecologist performs an ultrasound to study the location of the IUD and the implanted fertilized egg.

If the results show that the contraceptive does not affect the development of the baby, and the woman does not want to terminate the pregnancy, she can only be constantly monitored by a specialist.

Pregnancy and IUD: consequences

The development of a fetus conceived in the presence of an IUD must be constantly monitored, as there is a chance of undesirable consequences:

  • the contraceptive method can injure the wall of the uterus and cause it to contract. This leads to miscarriage in the first month of pregnancy;
  • although rare, the spiral can become an obstacle to the growth and development of the embryo. This is also fraught with miscarriage.

Removing an intrauterine device is an individual issue. If the diagnosis shows that it does not interfere with the child’s full development, they can leave it and simply monitor the patient. If there is a shift of the structure to another place and this poses a threat of damage to the baby, then it must be removed. Miscarriages often occur after this procedure.

Is it possible to give birth with a device?

Due to the risk of miscarriage, the IUD, provided that it does not interfere with the development of the fetus, is often not removed. As a result, women go with her throughout their pregnancy and manage to give birth.

It is important to contact an experienced specialist who will prescribe the necessary examinations and tell you what to do next.

It often happens that contraception falls out in the middle of pregnancy, that is, the fetus rejects it. Some doctors still advise removing the IUD so that it does not endanger the child, which is dangerous. The fact is that it can cause infection to enter the uterus. But this is not necessary at all.
In general, pregnancy with a spiral is a risky event. Equally, a woman can both carry and ensure the birth of a healthy baby, and not be born for the entire term. A miscarriage can happen at any time due to infection or the fact that the IUD does not allow the fetus to fully develop.

How to reduce the chance of conception

We found out whether it is possible to get pregnant using a method of contraception such as the IUD. This probability ranges from 1-3%. Are there ways to avoid unwanted pregnancy?

Gynecologists do not recommend using additional means of contraception. It is better to adhere to the following rules:

  • undergo an examination by a doctor and an ultrasound scan every six months in order to detect signs of displacement or prolapse in time;
  • periodically independently check the length of the threads protruding from the cervix. Elongation of the threads indicates displacement, disappearance indicates loss;
  • monitor the expiration date of the contraceptive. After the expiration date, remove the IUD and insert a new one.

How long before you plan to get pregnant after removing the IUD?

Another question that worries women: “When can you get pregnant after the IUD?” Gynecologists assure that conception is possible immediately after removing this remedy, already at the first ovulation.

In fact, conception does not always happen so quickly, especially if you had an IUD containing contraceptive hormones. Changes are taking place in the girl’s body, and reproductive function is being established.
When planning a pregnancy, doctors advise removing this contraceptive several months before the expected date of conception. The uterine mucosa should be completely restored.
What do the statistics say?

  • 30% of women become pregnant in the first month after removing the device;
  • 60% conceive within 3-4 months;
  • 10% have been trying to have a child for at least a year.

After removing the IUD, pregnancy will be no different from normal.

Often, from the conversations of friends or in queues at the antenatal clinic, you can hear stories about intrauterine devices, various reviews of them and impressions about this contraceptive. But what is it and what does it do? Will this affect a woman’s hormonal background, her ability to someday become a mother and, of course, will she be able to protect her from certain diseases? Is this method reliable for preventing unwanted pregnancy and are there any differences between them?

Let's try to understand these issues, look at 6 popular intrauterine devices and find out what the differences between them are. Which spiral to choose?

What is an IUD (intrauterine device)?

- This is one of the effective means of contraception, which is often used by women who have given birth, most often having a permanent partner and are currently not ready for motherhood again.

Like any other type of contraception, spirals vary in their composition, type, period of use and other parameters.


There are 2 groups of spirals:

  • hormonal;
  • non-hormonal.

Both perform the same task - protection from unwanted pregnancy. But some of them have additional properties. For example, they are often used in gynecological practice as a way to treat certain diseases, and non-hormonal IUDs with the addition of silver or gold have a bactericidal effect and protect the female reproductive system from unwanted infections.

There are 3 generations of spirals:

1st generation

  • An IUD without any metal or hormone, consisting only of medical grade plastic.
  • Their contraceptive effect is achieved only through the mechanical impossibility of attaching the fertilized egg to the endometrium.
  • Often cause complications (infectious diseases, ectopic pregnancy and prolapse of the IUD - expulsion).

1st generation IUDs are no longer used because more reliable and effective IUDs exist.

2nd generation

  • IUDs containing metal. That is, these are spirals that also consist of medical plastic, but have a contraceptive effect due to additional components - copper, silver, gold.
  • Metals act not only on the female body, but also on the male factor - sperm, and thereby reduce the risk of unplanned pregnancy.

3rd generation

  • Hormonal IUDs, which at this stage are used as therapeutic and contraceptive agents.

Intrauterine devices have different shapes:

  • T-shaped;
  • round or semicircular;
  • in the form of an umbrella;
  • horseshoe-shaped (semi-oval).

Each spiral has its own advantages and disadvantages and is selected individually depending on the characteristics of a particular woman’s body.

All IUDs have the same operating principle – protection against unwanted pregnancy.

So, how does the IUD help prevent conception?

All spirals consist of medical plastic, which rarely causes an allergic reaction in women. But such cases do occur. For this reason, you need to carefully monitor your sensations and monitor the body’s reaction after installing the spiral.

In addition to medical plastic, modern spirals include:

  • metals (silver, copper, gold);
  • hormones.

Hormonal IUD

This type of IUD releases a certain amount of a hormone that affects not only the female body, but also reduces the activity of sperm. The spiral does not affect male potency or men's health! Only on sperm that have already entered the woman’s reproductive tract. The only noticeable disadvantage that intrauterine devices can bring to a man is the feeling of the antennae of the device during sexual intercourse. This issue can be easily resolved: you need to come to see a doctor, and the gynecologist will simply shorten the interfering tendrils of the spiral.

The hormone in the spiral affects the maturation and release of eggs by a woman’s ovaries and does not have a destructive effect on the hormonal balance as a whole.

The very presence of the IUD in the uterus prevents the attachment of the fertilized egg and, accordingly, pregnancy does not occur. This is a mechanical factor in preventing pregnancy. The coil also causes a local reaction, which has a detrimental effect on sperm, inhibiting and destroying them.

Hormonal IUDs affect many female diseases (, etc.) and are recommended for use by gynecologists to treat the latter.

Non-hormonal IUD

As for IUDs containing metals, such designs, in addition to the mechanical factor of pregnancy protection inherent in all spirals, have a detrimental effect on the male factor. For example:

  • Copper, oxidizing the environment, inhibits the movement of sperm that enter the uterine cavity and damages them.
  • Silver and gold increase the shelf life of spirals and have a beneficial effect on local immunity, protecting a woman from inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs.

All types of spirals have a stimulating effect on the fallopian tubes and enhance their peristalsis. While the fertilized egg is rapidly moving into the uterine cavity, the endometrium does not have time to prepare to accept a new life, and as a result, the embryo ends up in an unfavorable environment that is not suitable for further development.

To summarize, we can identify the links of fertilization that are influenced by any spiral:

  • On the male factor (inhibitory and spermicidal effect).
  • For the maturation and release of the egg from the ovaries.
  • For the delivery of the egg and fertilized egg through the fallopian tubes.
  • Attaching the fertilized egg to the endometrium.
  • A local reaction that causes the release of enzymes that are harmful to sperm.

Who can get an intrauterine device?

  • The desire of the woman herself at this stage of life not to become a mother (provided that there is already a history of childbirth).
  • Frequent pregnancies with other types of contraception (if they are used incorrectly or are not taken carefully).
  • Protection against unwanted pregnancy during lactation (breastfeeding).
  • In order to save money. IUDs are installed for several years, which allows a woman not to worry about other types of contraception (oral contraceptives, condoms).

Important! IUDs do not protect against STIs (sexually transmitted infections)! It is recommended to use a contraceptive if you have a regular sexual partner (low risk of transmitting sexually transmitted diseases). It should also be mentioned that IUDs are used in women who have given birth and are not recommended for contraception in young nulliparous girls.

Method of setting up a spiral

The spiral is installed both during menstruation and immediately in the first days after it, since at this time it is more likely. In addition, the cervix is ​​slightly open during this period, which makes it easier for the device to enter the uterine cavity and cause minimal discomfort to the woman.

Before installing the spiral, the doctor conducts tests for the presence of inflammatory diseases and, if necessary, prescribes anti-inflammatory therapy. This reduces the risk of complications and the IUD falling out in the future. The process itself takes place only in a gynecologist’s office, under aseptic conditions.

If a woman decides, she should wait some time (about 6 weeks) for the uterus to return to its previous state. The fact is that during pregnancy the uterus overstretches, and after childbirth it gradually returns to its previous size. This process is called uterine involution. In order to avoid complications after installing the IUD, gynecologists recommend waiting until the end of involution.

It is not recommended to place an intrauterine device immediately after an abortion. The patient should be monitored for complications and various inflammatory diseases that could provoke an abortion. As soon as the obstetrician-gynecologist is convinced that the woman is completely healthy, the IUD can be placed in the uterine cavity.

The instructions for some IUDs contain instructions about inserting a contraceptive immediately after an abortion. This issue should be resolved individually with an experienced doctor and follow his advice in this matter.

Review of intrauterine devices: the most popular means

There are a huge number of intrauterine contraceptive devices on the market, which have different shapes, compositions, terms of use and, of course, price ranges. All of them have their advantages and disadvantages.

So, let's look at the most commonly used and popular spirals:

Spiral Multiload (Multiload CU-375)

This is a copper wire spiral that has a T-shape. It is not hormonal. The metal affects spermatozoa, causing their death and the impossibility of further fertilization.

The shelf life of the spiral is 4 years. After this period, the spiral must not be used under any circumstances!

Rod length – 35 mm. This is a standard length; the spiral has no other variations in size. It is suitable for women whose uterine cavity, after measuring the size of the uterus with a probe, is between 6 and 9 cm long.

Among the features of the spiral, it should be noted that its use is prohibited in the following situations:

  • if you have an existing allergy to copper;
  • in the first 3 months after an abortion;
  • during the period of breastfeeding.

If a woman has been taking immunosuppressants for a long time to treat another pathology, the IUD is not suitable, and another method of contraception should be selected.

It should be noted that the presence of copper in the contraceptive will not affect the total amount of copper in the body.

The price range is around 2.5-3 thousand rubles.

Spiral Copper (Copper TCu 380A)

Just like the previous spiral, it contains copper. Spiral dimensions – vertical – 36 mm, horizontal – 32 mm. A feature of this spiral is a greater release of copper into the uterine cavity, which causes a stronger local reaction.

Duration of use – 5-6 years.

Another tip: After installation, you should lie on the couch in the doctor's office. In rare cases, after insertion of the IUD, a slowing of the pulse and clouding of consciousness are observed.

All other properties are the same as those of the Multiload spiral.

The price fluctuates around 2 thousand rubles

Spiral Goldlily

It contains both copper and one of the noble metals - gold. Gold covers the copper surface, protecting it from early oxidation and corrosion. By creating a potential difference, additional protection against unwanted pregnancy is created. Gold has a powerful bactericidal effect and prevents the occurrence of inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs.

Another advantage of the contraceptive is the availability of several sizes. Every woman will be able to choose exactly the option that she needs.

The period of use is 7 years.

A significant disadvantage is the price. Due to the presence of gold, the cost of an intrauterine contraceptive is about 4-5 thousand rubles.

Spiral Juno Bio-T with Silver (Ag)

Another spiral in the line of modern contraceptives. The instructions offer the following indications for the use of the spiral (except for the woman’s desire):

  • Treatment and prevention of Asherman's syndrome (formation of adhesions in the uterine cavity).
  • For post-coital protection (can be administered within 3-4 days after unprotected intercourse).

It contains copper and silver, which increases the service life up to 7 years. Silver prevents early and rapid oxidation of copper, which gives the spiral a longer-term effect.

Another useful quality of silver is its bactericidal effect. Juno protects the woman’s body from inflammatory diseases and other infectious complications associated with the presence of the spiral in the uterine cavity.

Juno works on the same principle as other spirals, influencing all links in the chain to prevent unwanted pregnancy. The price of this product is also attractive - about 400-500 rubles.

Spiral Nova T

T-shaped coil containing copper and silver (copper wire with silver in the core). As in Juno, in the Nova T spiral, silver prevents early fragmentation of copper. But the difference is the period of use - Nova T should be changed every 5 years. No specific features were identified for other mechanisms of action.

The price is about 1500-2000 rubles.

Mirena spiral

One of the most common means of intrauterine contraception is the hormonal system. This product contains a synthetic gestagen - levonorgestrel. It is released per day in a certain required quantity, which is sufficient to perform two functions - contraceptive and therapeutic. That is why this spiral is often recommended for women with gynecological diseases (fibroids, endometriosis, etc.).

Mirena inhibits ovulation and prevents the formation of a fertilized egg, which increases its contraceptive effect. The Pearl index of the hormonal intrauterine system is 0.1-0.5, while for conventional IUDs it reaches 3.

Important aspects:

  • The IUD does not affect hormonal levels.
  • Not contraindicated in women with metal allergies.
  • Approved for use during breastfeeding.
  • It is a 3rd generation spiral.

The shelf life of Mirena is 5 years. Further use is not recommended due to the depletion of the hormone reserves in the IUD and the increased possibility of developing infectious diseases of the pelvic organs.

This contraceptive has a high cost - about 10-12 thousand rubles.

Dear girls and women! Remember that for an accurate and correct selection of the spiral, you must consult a doctor, because every female body is unique and inimitable!

In contact with


Oksana Smirnova,


Text: Oksana Gerasimenko

The intrauterine device (IUD) is a centuries-tested method. And at the same time one of the most controversial. So before you give preference to this method, it is worth studying it thoroughly.

Although the device is called a "helix", it is actually a T-shaped structure plated with copper, gold or silver. The last two metals are preferable because they have antiseptic properties.

It protects and heals

There are so-called hormonal IUDs, their action is based on the cyclic release of hormones. In addition to the contraceptive function, they also have a therapeutic function: for endometriosis, some inflammatory processes, and the growth of uterine fibroids. Due to its hormonal properties, such a device shortens the duration of menstrual periods and makes the discharge less abundant.

After the IUD is removed, 3–4 weeks should pass, and after a follow-up examination with a gynecologist, the IUD can be installed again.

Arguments against

We'll have to be patient

After installation of the IUD, a woman may experience discomfort in the lower abdomen for several days, and sometimes spotting appears. For a month after this procedure, it is not recommended to visit the pool, sauna, and physical activity should be avoided. On the one hand, this is necessary so that the body has time to form an adequate immune response to the invasion of a foreign body. On the other hand, the IUD must securely take its place in the uterus.

One-sided protection

Unfortunately, the IUD only protects against pregnancy, but does not protect against sexually transmitted infections. In this sense, condoms are much more reliable. With an IUD, the uterus is constantly open, which makes it more accessible to infections. Moreover, if infection occurs, the inflammation is more severe and the likelihood of complications is greater. Therefore, IUDs are recommended only if a woman lives with a regular partner.

Pregnancy out of plan

No contraception is 100% guaranteed. But it is with the IUD that the risk is high. The spiral prevents sperm from penetrating the egg, but sometimes fertilization still occurs. Although in 96% of cases the embryo dies because it does not have the opportunity to enter the wall of the uterus, sometimes it still penetrates the fallopian tube and begins to develop there. In this case, we are talking about an ectopic pregnancy, which will have to be terminated.

Possible inflammation

After installation of the IUD, damage to the walls of the uterus is possible, resulting in inflammatory processes. If a woman does not take the necessary precautions in the first weeks after implantation, the IUD may fall out. As a rule, it is noticeable, but if the cervix is ​​long, then the woman may not understand that contraception is broken. And this is also one of the reasons for unexpected pregnancy.

Despite the fact that today gynecologists can offer women many methods of contraception, the IUD (spiral) remains quite in demand, especially if a woman does not want to bother herself with taking pills every day or constantly spending on condoms. Let's try to figure out what are the advantages and disadvantages of this product?

What is an IUD (spiral)?

An IUD is an intrauterine device, which, accordingly, is installed inside the uterus. This device is made from various materials, but most often women are offered to insert a spiral made of plastic and copper. The main purpose of the IUD is to serve as a contraceptive, which is installed for a long period of time and is almost 99% effective.

It’s better when children become a planned joy, so even for married women, the issue of contraception always remains relevant. In this case, the IUD seems to be a very convenient method for them, since they have an active sex life, but are also burdened with other worries: so methods of contraception such as taking pills, calculating “safe” days, which require strict discipline, are not suitable for them. At the same time, the IUD does not put a strain on the family budget like condoms or gels; it is installed for a period of 3 years and can be removed at any time if the owner so desires. If there were no complications while wearing the IUD, the reproductive function of the uterus is restored in about 3 months.

This “pleasure” will cost about $30. It all depends on the material and the clinic that the woman chooses. However, not every patient can have this device installed in the uterus, since such a contraceptive has many contraindications. It is necessary to consult with an experienced doctor who will not only be able to figure out whether his patient needs a spiral, but will also correctly install the device in the uterus.

The action of intrauterine devices

The IUD is a contraceptive that actually acts as an abortifacient.

The fact is that the IUD does not in any way prevent sperm from entering the uterine cavity. Although the creators of the spirals claim that it prevents the advancement of male reproductive cells, this is not always the case. The main purpose of the spiral is to prevent the fixation of an already fertilized egg in the organ cavity.

This effect of the IUD is due to the fact that when inserted into the uterus, it causes inflammation of the epithelium. If the surface layer of the uterus is inflamed, then the fertilized egg cannot be enriched with the necessary qualities and attach to the wall of the uterus. As a result of this, the fertilized egg is forced to leave the uterine cavity along with menstruation.

If you call a spade a spade, the IUD constantly provokes miscarriages. That is why it cannot be guaranteed that after removing the IUD, a woman will be 100% able to become pregnant. Doctors do not hide the fact that a negative pregnancy outcome becomes a habit, and for some women the recovery period takes from six to twelve cycles. But under unfavorable circumstances, trying to get pregnant can take many years. Therefore, gynecologists recommend using the IUD for patients who have already fulfilled their maternal duty and no longer plan to have children.

History of the creation of the Navy

The IUD spiral celebrated its 100th anniversary back in 2009, since in 1909 the scientist Richter was the first to mention it in his works. Even then, the issues of contraception were very acute: a change in morals, a sexual revolution, a demarche of feminism. Relations between the opposite sex became freer, women began to be interested in many more things besides their family, and as a result, having seven or more children, even if the lady was legally married, was inconvenient.

Gynecologists began to develop various methods of contraception and, as an option, the intrauterine device was born. True, in those days it was not a spiral that was inserted into the uterine cavity, but a ring tied in the center with many silk threads. In the 30s. The Richetra ring was improved by the scientist Gräfenberg, who strengthened both the frame of the ring and the threads themselves with alloys of zinc and copper.

The spiral “boom” began a little later - in the 60s. Their installation was also practiced in the Soviet Union. There was even a type of spiral in the shape of the letter S, which was later abandoned due to many inconveniences associated with the introduction and wearing of such a product.

The contraceptive properties of copper became known only in the 70s. It was then that the first models of copper spirals appeared, which are still used today. A little later, silver was also added to copper, designed to increase the anti-sperm effect.

Types of IUD spirals

Who would have thought, but today there are about 100 types of IUDs known. Types of IUD spirals differ from each other not only in the material from which they are made, but also in size, rigidity, and shape.

We will not consider all varieties. Let's look at the most popular ones.

The IUD with hormonal content is shaped like the letter “T”. It has flexible hangers and is also equipped with a release ring. The rod of the spiral contains a special container that contains hormonal medicine. Every day this medicine is released into the uterine cavity in a volume of 24 mcg and creates an additional protective barrier against sperm. Installed for 5 years. Average price: seven thousand rubles.

The next common type of IUD is the silver coil. Reviews from women who have experienced the effects of silver spirals vary greatly. Doctors recommend silver spirals, claiming that they relieve inflammatory processes. An ordinary copper IUD does not have such properties and, moreover, quickly loses its contraceptive properties.

There is also a “Multiload” spiral, which has a semi-oval shape and, due to the protrusions, is well attached to the walls of the uterus. Such a spiral will never fall out spontaneously.

The Vector IUD is a fairly common product in pharmacies and clinics. "Vector-extra" is a company that produces spirals of any shape from any material. Most often, gynecologists recommend products from this manufacturer.

Indications for use

Before installing the IUD, the gynecologist must make sure that the woman does not have inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs. A foreign body introduced into the uterus will only worsen the course of the disease. Therefore, the first indication for using the IUD should be good health, especially in gynecology.

The spiral becomes the only way out if the patient has a regular intimate relationship with a partner and at the same time suffers from an allergy to condoms. You can, of course, replace condoms with oral contraceptives, but this is not without contraindications. Sometimes an IUD is the last option that is more or less suitable for an individual woman.

A woman who is having an IUD installed must understand that this device does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases, so she should limit herself to one trusted partner.

The IUD does not take root well in nulliparous women. Most likely, the doctor will not risk installing an IUD in such a patient. But those ladies who have already given birth and no longer plan to have children may well give preference to the IUD and not worry about the consequences associated with the abortive effect of the contraceptive.


Any gynecological diseases are very significant contraindications to the installation of the IUD. Considering that the IUD additionally irritates the uterine mucosa, you should not hope that the introduction of a foreign body into it will pass without a trace.

An irregular shape of the uterus or other pathologies of the female organs cast doubt on the effectiveness of using the IUD, and if a woman suffers from uterine bleeding of an unknown nature, then it is better to forget about the IUD forever.

There are also situations when the patient had a sexually transmitted disease, but she successfully cured it. Before installing the IUD, you need to wait 12 months to make sure that no relapse is expected.

There are also relative contraindications, which in some cases can be overlooked. Such contraindications include ectopic pregnancy, which the patient had in the past, inflammatory diseases of gynecology associated with recent childbirth.

Who would have thought, but contraindications to installing an IUD are heart disease and diabetes. In general, any diseases that have a bad effect on the immune system become a reason to think, because after the introduction of the IUD, a woman becomes vulnerable to sexually transmitted diseases.

An incorrectly inserted IUD can cause uterine bleeding. To prevent the matter from ending tragically, it is necessary to make sure that the patient who insists on inserting an IUD does not have problems with blood clotting.

Doctors openly say that the IUD does not have the best effect on the nature of menstruation. If a woman already suffers from painful periods, then the IUD is unlikely to make her feel better - on the contrary, it will only make it worse.

Preparing for the installation procedure

Even if a woman does not complain about her health, the attending physician must still play it safe and conduct a whole range of studies so as not to harm the patient’s health.

Of course, the first step is to collect an anamnesis from the woman herself: the doctor asks her about her well-being and state of health. Then you need to take standard blood and urine tests, but it is advisable to also check your blood for sugar and clotting.

You cannot do without an external examination of the genital organs and taking a smear. If the patient has infectious and inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, then you should forget about installing the spiral. At least until the woman is completely cured.

You will also need an ultrasound of the uterus to assess its size, shape and general condition. Only after all these procedures can you finally decide what kind of spiral a particular woman will need.

Installation procedure

The IUD is installed only in a medical office. It is advisable to take your time choosing a specialist who will install the spiral, and look for a professional person with extensive experience. Sometimes an incorrectly inserted IUD into the uterus ends in pregnancy, internal bleeding, or simply terrible discomfort. So this issue needs to be approached as seriously as possible.

Is it painful to have an IUD inserted? Everything again depends on the doctor who will do this, and on the woman’s pain threshold. Particularly sensitive people may feel discomfort and sometimes even faint, but most women tolerate the insertion of the IUD painlessly.

The procedure itself takes no more than two minutes. The IUD is inserted on a gynecological chair using special disposable devices, which are sold complete with a spiral.

The most favorable time for the procedure is the end of menstruation, that is, 5-7 days after their start. During this period, the cervical canal is open enough to install the IUD as painlessly as possible.

Before insertion of the IUD, the cervix is ​​treated with an antiseptic. Then the doctor visually assesses the depth and direction of the uterine canal and begins inserting the IUD. After the procedure, the spiral threads are cut off a little, leaving only small antennae - they will be needed when the IUD needs to be removed.

Side effects

What side effects can the IUD cause? Unfortunately, this list is long and often frightens women who are planning to install an IUD.

Firstly, it is important to monitor your feelings for 3 months after the installation procedure: the spiral may fall out and this should definitely be noticed until it causes damage to the uterine canal. If you get the dropped spiral in time, it will not cause harm.

What else should you expect if an IUD has been installed? Side effects in the form of painful and heavy periods in the first eight months are common. But uterine bleeding can occur not only during menstruation, but also in the intervals between them. You should not wait long for the outcome of events; with such symptoms you should immediately consult a doctor.

Indications for removing the IUD are also vaginal itching, burning, painful sexual intercourse, and pain that suddenly occurs in the lower abdomen and lower back. All these symptoms may be accompanied by chills, fever and a feeling of malaise.

The installation of the spiral should be abandoned at the insertion stage if difficulties arise and the process is too painful.

The most dangerous thing that can happen when inserting or removing an IUD is a puncture of the uterus. It is difficult not to notice the puncture, so the patient receives immediate emergency care.

In addition, the spiral often causes the formation of fibroids, and in rare cases, perforation of the uterus.

Do IUDs make you fat? A spiral made of gold or copper does not affect a woman’s weight in any way. However, if a hormonal IUD is installed, then anything can happen.

IUD spiral: reviews

Manufacturers of IUDs claim that it is almost impossible to get pregnant with it, but reviews on forums tell a different story. It was a big shock for one girl when, after installing the Vector IUD, she suddenly discovered she was pregnant, and even 5 weeks pregnant. The embryo grew to a certain size and, displaced by the spiral, left the uterus. But a miscarriage in the fifth week does not go away completely without a trace. The girl was “cleansed”, then switched to hormonal drugs and forbidden to become pregnant for 2 years. And this is not an isolated case.

A common complaint is problems with menstruation: in some patients they become too heavy, and in others they disappear altogether. Feelings of discomfort in the lower abdomen are also not uncommon.

There were cases when, due to the installation of coils, additional diseases of the female organs developed, fibroids formed, and the appendages became inflamed. There are also complaints that discomfort is felt during sexual intercourse if the partner goes too “deep”, but these are isolated cases. Uterine bleeding is also rare, but does occur.

So it turns out that women constantly discuss the IUD among themselves, look at photos on the Internet and for a long time do not dare to get this device, because in fact, the patients for whom wearing the IUD passed without a trace can be counted on one hand. There are undoubtedly good reviews, but there are too few of them against the background of the general chorus of complaints and disappointment.

IUD spiral: which is better?

In any case, a woman cannot decide on her own which spiral is needed. As mentioned above, it is necessary to undergo a series of examinations to make sure that the installation of an IUD would be appropriate at all.

Let’s say that the tests turned out to be favorable, the woman has already given birth at least once, and the gynecologist agreed to put her on an IUD. As a rule, doctors offer several options for spirals so that the patient can choose one that is convenient for her. For example, should I install a copper or silver IUD? How to choose?

A copper spiral will cost less, but its effective life is limited, since copper quickly corrodes. A silver spiral will cost more, but will last longer and, according to manufacturers, will help reduce inflammatory processes in the uterus. The golden spiral is not much different from the silver one in terms of medicinal and contraceptive properties, but it is one of the most expensive IUDs due to the high cost of the noble metal.

If you ask what shape an IUD spiral is, the photos will show that in addition to the T-shaped shape, they also produce semi-oval, spiked, etc. The T-shaped shape is more organic for the organ, but if there is a bend of the uterus or what - other physiological characteristics, then this issue is resolved in tandem with a doctor.

Thus, the IUD is a means of contraception that raises many questions and concerns, but in some cases, when pregnancy is no longer planned, when an alternative is difficult to find, the spiral turns into a “lifesaver.” In such a combination of circumstances, you can take a risk and, if the IUD does not take root, remove it at any time.

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