Cypress cones are medicinal. Cypress: types and features, planting and care

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Cypress is a family of evergreen trees and shrubs, represented on the territory of Ukraine by evergreen cypress (Cupressus sempervirens L.). Its slender columnar crown, often compared to a girl’s slenderness, also stands out against the coastal background of the Crimean coast because of the dark green color of its needles. This plant is not native, but brought by the ancient Greeks to the territory of Crimea before our era. It is not widespread in the rest of Ukraine, since it can only withstand short-term frosts. In the world, cypress trees are found only in the northern hemisphere; their distribution area includes the Mediterranean, the Himalayas, southern China and America from Guatemala to Oregon.

The ascending branches of the tree are tightly pressed against the trunk, and the needles are pressed against the shoots, due to which the tree looks very slender. It reaches a height of 30 meters. Scale-like small needles are arranged in four rows.

Like most coniferous plants, cypress is a monoecious plant, and its cones ripen in the second year. The round cones of the first year are green; in the second year they become brown-gray and under each scale contain up to 20 red-brown seeds equipped with a wing. Cypress begins to bear fruit at the age of 5.

The scales of the cone are thick multifaceted shields with a pointed outgrowth in the middle of the outer side. In the middle of the inner side of the scales there is a thick stalk, with which it is attached to the rod of the cone. Despite the fact that the cones, reaching 3 cm in diameter, are very hard and thick, and the seeds are small, squirrels love to eat them.

Evergreen cypress is not picky about soil, but does not grow in wet places, although it is shade-tolerant. Due to its elegance, evergreen cypress is grown as an ornamental plant, and its plantings often frame roads and park alleys. Soft and light wood, well preserved thanks to the resin it contains, is used in shipbuilding and for the production of furniture. Cypress souvenirs smell pleasant and repel insects.

The plant is also used for medicinal purposes, and cypress oil is compared to fir oil in terms of its healing effect.

Chemical composition

Green cones and cypress needles contain flavonols, camphene, terpene, pinene, terpineol, diterpene acids, and essential oil.

Medicinal properties of cypress

Residents of Mediterranean countries have been using cypress in medicine for a long time. The warming effect of cypress oil has been noticed since time immemorial. Doctors and massage therapists claim that it can bring all systems of the human body into a state of balance and restore the emotional state.

Evergreen cypress phytoncides have antimicrobial activity. They are capable of purifying the air from pathogens, which is why most health resorts on the southern coast of Crimea specialize in treating the upper respiratory tract. Inhalations with cypress essential oil are indicated for patients with chronic lung diseases and asthmatics. Gargling and rinsing the nose with cypress oil stops coughing and relieves nasal congestion.

Due to the antiseptic, antispasmodic and tonic properties of cypress oil, it is used in aromatherapy.

Traditional medicine uses a decoction of green cypress cones in the treatment of varicose veins, hemorrhoids, gout, heaviness in the legs in the form of baths and lotions. Externally, the oil has a beneficial effect on the skin and hair, treats skin rashes and even eczema, and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

Due to the low percentage of oil content, cypress becomes an expensive raw material and is rarely used in medicine and perfumery.


Cypress oil is not recommended for use by pregnant women and preschool children, with thrombophlebitis and increased blood clotting, with mastopathy and neoplasms. And also for allergy sufferers and people who have recently had a heart attack.

What beneficial, medicinal properties does cypress have? Cypress energy. What are the benefits of cypress? Healing properties of cypress.

Cypress belongs to the cypress family, which has significant differences from other representatives of conifers. They are highly drought-resistant, love dark places, do not require good soil, grow slowly, but have a long life expectancy.

Cypress leaves resemble fern leaves, bright green in color. Some varieties of cypress can have golden yellow leaves. The cypress trunk is very slender.

Cypress is native to the Mediterranean and is grown in Spain, France and Morocco. Cypress is a symbol of life after death. From Latin its name Sempervirens translates as “evergreen”.

They started growing cypress indoors relatively recently; Previously, like other conifers, it was not very popular among gardeners. Now some types of cypress and cedar are used as indoor plants. For example, a type of cypress such as large-fruited cypress, which is specially bred for keeping in apartments, is distinguished by its small size. Indoor cypress requires coolness and infrequent watering. It is better to place it on the eastern and northern windows. In winter, the cypress can be placed on the south or west side, but closer to summer it should be moved to a darker place or artificially shaded.

Cypress is highly valued for its essential oil, which has a warm, spicy aroma with sweet, woody and smoky undertones. The oil is extracted by steam distillation from round cones; shoots and pine needles are also used for this.

Cypress has long been used in folk medicine in many countries. Its oil has a beneficial effect on the female body, helping regulate female hormones during menstruation and menopause. The antispasmodic effect determines the use of cypress oil for bronchial asthma, bronchitis and whooping cough. Cypress oil is also used to treat varicose veins and eliminate swelling.

Cypress oil is recommended for restless people who are unable to spend even a minute without moving. It calms, fights stress, gives a good mood. Cypress oil is contraindicated for people suffering from high blood pressure and epilepsy.

For bleeding gums and nosebleeds, as well as excessive sweating, cypress oil is also used. It is widely used in the perfume industry as it has a pleasant woody aroma. Cypress oil can be combined with essential oils of myrtle, nutmeg, bergamot, lemon, orange, sage and lavender.

Cypress needles have healing properties; they have a beneficial effect on the respiratory and nervous systems, produce oxygen and help improve the microclimate in the apartment.

Aromatherapy with cypress oil

Ingredients: 4 drops of cypress oil.

Method of preparation: add oil to the aroma lamp.

Directions for use: light a lamp in the evening or at night to calm the body. It also helps to drive insects out of the apartment.

Bath with cypress oil for excessive sweating of the feet

Ingredients: 3 drops of cypress oil.

Method of preparation: take water into a bowl and add cypress oil to it.

Directions for use: Take foot baths every evening.

Inhalation with cypress oil for night coughing

Ingredients: 2-3 drops of cypress oil.

Method of preparation: drop oil on a handkerchief.

Directions for use: place the scarf on the pillow and sleep on it, inhaling the aroma.

Rubbing with cypress oil for acne and oily skin

Ingredients: equal parts of cypress oil, cedar oil and juniper oil.

Method of preparation: mix ingredients.

Directions for use: Wipe problem skin with the resulting mixture once a day.

Note: helps against eczema, regulates sebum production and helps cleanse the blood.

Massage mixture with cypress oil

Ingredients: 5 drops of cypress oil, 4 drops of juniper oil, 3 drops of rosemary oil, 30 ml of almond oil, 20 ml of rosehip oil.

Method of preparation: mix all ingredients.

Directions for use: massage with the resulting oil once a day.

Note: cypress oil strengthens ligaments and joints well.

Tincture of cypress cones for uterine bleeding

Ingredients: 20 g of unripe cypress cones, 250 ml of 70% ethyl alcohol.

Method of preparation: grind cypress cones, add alcohol, leave in a dark place for 2 weeks, shake every day, then strain.

Directions for use: drink 10-12 drops of tincture in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed, with a small amount of water.

In medicine

Plants of the cypress genus are not pharmacopoeial and are not used in official medicine. However, cypress essential oil, infusions and tinctures from cones, decoction of cones, extract of cypress needles and shoots, aqueous extract from cones are successfully used in folk medicine, as well as in the medicines of China and Tibet.

Contraindications and side effects

Cypress also has contraindications for use. The use of cypress preparations by pregnant and lactating women, children under 12 years of age, people with cancer, after a heart attack, with increased blood clotting, thrombophlebitis, and mastopathy is prohibited. Also, cypress cannot be used in case of individual intolerance or allergic reaction.

In cosmetology

Cypress essential oil is used in cosmetology. It soothes sensitive and irritated skin. The oil deeply moisturizes the epidermis and maintains fluid balance in the body, so it is excellent for caring for mature and tired skin, tones, helps smooth out wrinkles, and increases skin turgor. Cypress oil has bactericidal, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory properties, so it is recommended for use by those with oily and problematic skin. The oil helps in the fight against acne, rashes, blackheads. Cypress essential oil tightens pores, regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands, reduces sweating, has a deodorizing effect, and is used in the fight against warts.

Using cypress oil for hair is effective. It stimulates hair growth, prevents the formation of dandruff, effectively moisturizes the scalp, and normalizes sebum secretion.

Due to its deep hydration and effect on cellular metabolism, cypress essential oil is successfully used to combat cellulite. The oil is also used for sweating; it has deodorizing and astringent properties.

In gardening

In landscape design, the cypress tree is used for street and home landscaping. This plant looks spectacular both in groups of trees and planted alone. Cypress decorates parks and gardens. The tree is also used as protection from the wind.

Many varieties of cypress are actively used as bonsai. You can keep cypress in a pot at home in the autumn-winter period, and decorate your garden with it in spring and summer. When growing this plant at home, you should know that the cypress root is very delicate and does not tolerate damage well. Transplantation should be done only by transshipment.

In aromatherapy

Cypress essential oil has a calming effect, helps normalize a person’s mental state and relieve nervous tension. The aroma of cypress helps in the fight against insomnia and improves mood. The condition of women during menopause, which is accompanied by headaches, irritability, and hot flashes, is significantly improved by using cypress oil.


Cypress (Cupressus L) is a genus of evergreen trees and shrubs of the Cypress family (Cupressaceae L.). In the modern classification, from 12 to 25 species are distinguished; about 10 species are used in ornamental gardening. Some of the most famous species: Evergreen cypress - Cupressus sempervirens L. Arizona cypress - Cupressus arizonica, Lusitanian cypress, or Mexican - Cupressus lusitanica Mill, large-fruited cypress (Cupressus macrocarpa), Kashmir cypress (Cupressus caschmeriana Royle).

Botanical description

Cypress is a slender evergreen tree with a pyramidal crown, reaching a height of 18-25 m. Cypress shoots are thin, soft, sagging downwards. The leaves of this plant are fern-like, scaly, covering the branches on all sides, have a diamond-shaped elongated shape, about 2 mm long, and are blue-green in color. Cypress fruits are cones, round, with numerous shield-shaped scales, ripen in the second year. In addition, cypress, unlike other conifers, adapts well to indoor conditions.

Arizona cypress (Cupressus arizonica) is a tree up to 15 m high or more. It grows quickly, requires light, and is drought-resistant. It has gray bark on young shoots and finely pointed pale or gray-green leaves. The dark brown bark of older shoots peels off in long, narrow fibres. Cones up to 2.5 cm in diameter.

Evergreen cypress (Cupressus sempervirens) is a tree up to 30 m tall, with a pyramidal crown and short ascending branches tightly pressed to the trunk. Tolerates prolonged drought and short-term temperature drops down to -20°C. Durable. Begins to bear fruit at the age of 5-6 years.
Lusitanian or Mexican cypress (Cupressus lusitanica Mill) is a tree 30-40 m high, with a wide pyramidal crown, with hanging ends of the branches. The trunk bark is reddish-brown, the shoots are tetrahedral, elongated, located in different planes.

Large-fruited cypress (Cupressus macrocarpa) is the species most adapted to growing indoors. The plant is a tree with a pyramidal crown. The trunk is erect, with many extending horizontal branches covered with small scaly leaves. The leaves are light or dark green, the diameter of the cones is up to 3.8 cm. The plant has a yellow-green crown and dark lower branches.


Because there are many types of cypress, each one's homeland is different. Most of these are countries with a temperate climate in the Northern Hemisphere - the Mediterranean, North America, southern China, but Kashmir cypress comes from India. Evergreen cypress grows wild in the mountains of Asia Minor, Iran and on the island of Cyprus, on the Greek islands of Crete and Rhodes. In culture since 1778. The homeland of Arizona cypress is the southwestern United States, Mexico. In its natural environment it grows in Crimea and Transcarpathia. Mexican cypress or Lusitanian cypress is native to the southern United States and Mexico.

Regions of distribution on the map of Russia.

There is a legend that when laying the foundation of the first Christian temple, cypress wood was used

Cypressaceae is a family of evergreen trees and shrubs, represented on the territory of Ukraine by evergreen cypress (Сupressus sempervirens L.). Its slender columnar crown, often compared to a girl’s slenderness, also stands out against the coastal background of the Crimean coast because of the dark green color of its needles. This plant is not native, but brought by the ancient Greeks to the territory of Crimea before our era. It is not widespread in the rest of Ukraine, since it can only withstand short-term frosts. In the world, cypress trees are found only in the northern hemisphere; their distribution area includes the Mediterranean, the Himalayas, southern China and America from Guatemala to Oregon.

The ascending branches of the tree are tightly pressed against the trunk, and the needles are pressed against the shoots, due to which the tree looks very slender. It reaches a height of 30 meters. Scale-like small needles are arranged in four rows.

Like most coniferous plants, cypress is a monoecious plant, and its cones ripen in the second year. The round cones of the first year are green; in the second year they become brown-gray and under each scale contain up to 20 red-brown seeds equipped with a wing. Cypress begins to bear fruit at the age of 5.

The scales of the cone are thick multifaceted shields with a pointed outgrowth in the middle of the outer side. In the middle of the inner side of the scales there is a thick stalk, with which it is attached to the rod of the cone. Despite the fact that the cones, reaching 3 cm in diameter, are very hard and thick, and the seeds are small, squirrels love to eat them.

Evergreen cypress is not picky about soil, but does not grow in wet places, although it is shade-tolerant. Due to its elegance, evergreen cypress is grown as an ornamental plant, and its plantings often frame roads and park alleys. Soft and light wood, well preserved thanks to the resin it contains, is used in shipbuilding and for the production of furniture. Cypress souvenirs smell pleasant and repel insects.

The plant is also used for medicinal purposes, and cypress oil is compared to fir oil in terms of its healing effect.

Green cones and cypress needles contain flavonols, camphene, terpene, pinene, terpineol, diterpene acids, and essential oil.

Medicinal properties of cypress

Residents of Mediterranean countries have been using cypress in medicine for a long time. The warming effect of cypress oil has been noticed since time immemorial. Doctors and massage therapists claim that it can bring all systems of the human body into a state of balance and restore the emotional state.

Evergreen cypress phytoncides have antimicrobial activity. They are capable of purifying the air from pathogens, which is why most health resorts on the southern coast of Crimea specialize in treating the upper respiratory tract. Inhalations with cypress essential oil are indicated for patients with chronic lung diseases and asthmatics. Gargling and rinsing the nose with cypress oil stops coughing and relieves nasal congestion.

Due to the antiseptic, antispasmodic and tonic properties of cypress oil, it is used in aromatherapy.

Traditional medicine uses a decoction of green cypress cones in the treatment of varicose veins, hemorrhoids, gout, heaviness in the legs in the form of baths and lotions. Externally, the oil has a beneficial effect on the skin and hair, treats skin rashes and even eczema, and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

Due to the low percentage of oil content, cypress becomes an expensive raw material and is rarely used in medicine and perfumery.

Cypress oil is not recommended for use by pregnant women and preschool children, with thrombophlebitis and increased blood clotting, with mastopathy and neoplasms. And also for allergy sufferers and people who have recently had a heart attack.

Its taste is slightly pungent, acrid and very bitter; its astringency is stronger than its bitterness. The sharpness of cypress is sufficient to direct it deep into the organs, and bring to them the ability to bind without burning. Cypress differs from other warming agents in that it does not draw out juices.


Hot in the first degree, dry in the second degree. Some claim that cypress is very cold, and conclude that its strength is complex and that its heat is only great enough to direct its astringent property deep into the organs.

Actions and properties.

Cypress leaves and cones are tied together. It has a resorption power that dissolves liquids. Its cones are in every way stronger than its leaves. It glues, stops bleeding and even eliminates rot.


If you boil cypress in vinegar with lupine and anoint your nails with it, it will remove stains from them, and cypress leaves destroy bahak and blacken hair.

Wounds and ulcers.

Fresh, soft, freshly picked leaves, cones and twigs of cypress heal wounds in hard organs. Tumors and acne.

Cypress, especially mixed with barley flour, helps against herpes and carbuncle.

Tools with joints.

Fresh cypress leaves and cones, if made into a medicinal dressing, are good for hernia. If applied as a medicinal bandage, it strengthens the nerves and tightens the hernia, strengthens the relaxed muscles and makes them firmer.

Organs of the head.

If you finely crush cypress cones with figs and use them to put a wick in your nose, it gets rid of wild meat, and a decoction of [the cones] in vinegar stops toothache.

Respiratory system.

Cypress cones are given to drink in wine for hemoptysis, difficulty breathing, “standing breathing” and old cough. Their decoction also works.

Eruption organs.

If you are looking for an indoor friend who will keep the air in your home clean, we recommend purchasing homemade cypress. This coniferous plant absorbs harmful substances and releases oxygen abundantly. It can be safely used, like, as an air purifier. Indoor cypress is small in size and is distinguished by the fact that breeders specially adapt it for apartment conditions. In order not to confuse the conifer with the cypress, you need to pay attention to the branches, needles and cones. Cypress shoots are flatter, the cones are smaller and contain 2 seeds, the needles are light green or with a blue tint.

The uniqueness of cypress lies not only in its centuries-old existence and decorative properties, but also in its healing properties. Aromatic oils are considered the most valuable; the maximum amount of them is contained in pine needles. Scientists have proven that ephedra grown at home has a surprisingly beneficial effect on the human respiratory system. An evergreen plant has several significant advantages:

How to care for indoor cypress according to all the rules?

A significant feature in care is maintaining the required temperature. Its high levels plus low humidity can cause branches to dry out and needles to drop. This representative prefers coolness and a small amount of moisture.

Seasonality is important to cypress; not everyone can grow it in a pot. It is important for the ephedra to provide relatively warm summers and cold winters. Favorable temperature in summer is 20-30°C, and with the onset of winter +8°C is sufficient. Air humidity is also important, since in its natural environment cypress grows near various bodies of water or in humid forests. Do not keep it near batteries.

Cypress needs bright, but diffuse lighting; it does not need to be exposed to direct sunlight. Although adult specimens can withstand high temperatures, they are not worth the risk. Young seedlings often do not take root precisely because they are exposed to the sun. If possible, in warm weather, it is recommended to place the pot with the plant in fresh air (balcony, terrace or garden), but do not forget to protect it from drafts.

A beginner can grow cypress at home if he familiarizes himself with the maintenance rules in advance. In indoor conditions, the soil must be kept moist. In winter, moisturizing is carried out no more than once a week. In summer, water regularly, but not too much. Daily spraying with warm water in the mornings and evenings is beneficial. This procedure will be useful both for the plant and for those living in the room. In this case, freshness and pleasant aroma are guaranteed. In winter, the plant is moved to both southern and northern windows. Under such conditions, it will be able to adapt itself to changes in lighting.

Home cypress requires systematic care. You can’t overdry it, and you shouldn’t forget about fertilizing. It is recommended to feed monthly during the spring-summer period. Various mineral fertilizers are suitable for feeding. The concentration indicated on the packaging must be reduced. Among the specialized drugs chosen are Khvoinka, Fertika Lux, Pokon and others.

  • How to replant a grown plant?

Adult bushes can be replanted no more than once every 2 years, and the soil should be slightly loose. An ideal substrate is prepared from 1 part of turf soil, the same amount of peat and sand, 2 parts of leaf soil. It is not necessary to completely replace the old soil, as this can damage the already vulnerable root system. Every year you need to choose a pot that is 3-4 cm larger in diameter, as the root system grows. When transplanting, the bush does not need to be buried in the ground. The transplanted conifer is thoroughly watered and sent to partial shade for 2 weeks.

By pruning and properly selecting a flowerpot, you can regulate the growth of the prickly inhabitant.

Video with an expert about the rules of selection and care.

Is it possible to reproduce on your own?

Propagation of cypress is possible in three ways: seeds, lignified cuttings, grafting. The first method can be used only in spring, the second - both in spring and summer. Propagation by seeds is considered more complicated, so let’s look at it in more detail.

For this purpose, a still young, but already blossoming cone is selected. On average, it produces about 30 seeds. You can use all of them, since usually no more than a quarter of them germinate. Shoots can be expected after 3 weeks. To do this, it is necessary to maintain constant soil moisture. The presence of a bright place plays an important role during this period.

After a month of growth, you can transplant the sprouts into pots. As noted earlier, the soil should not be completely replaced.

The following soil mixture is suitable: part sand, a couple of parts leaf soil, peat and turf in equal quantities. Coniferous plants, like balsam and azalea, require good drainage. Experts recommend providing several holes at the bottom of the pot and adding a thick layer of expanded clay. If you know how to grow seedlings from seeds, then there will be no problems at all with obtaining new specimens using the cutting method.

If you follow all the rules for growing and caring for cypress, it will be able to grow on the windowsill for many years. All green indoor creatures, despite difficult or simple rules for caring for them, will grow better only thanks to your care and love.

It will also relieve bronchitis and fungal diseases.

Cypress with cones

Cypress is used in various areas. It has found its most popular use in aromatherapy. Oil prepared on its basis has many properties:

  • antirheumatic;
  • antiseptic (for the treatment and prevention of arthritis, hemorrhoids and other wounds);
  • antispasmodic;
  • tonic.

This oil is extracted from pine needles and shoots. Since ancient times, it has been used to prevent diseases of the bronchopulmonary system. For the same purpose, it is used today in modern medicine during the “vulnerable” seasons: autumn and spring. Cypress oil improves blood circulation, water and fat exchange in the body. Doctors use it to get rid of cellulite, with dilated veins and bursting vessels, and with numbness of the extremities.

Cypress oil has an excellent deodorizing effect, having a calming effect on the skin. It has a beneficial effect on the feet: it eliminates foot odor, eliminates swelling and fatigue. This is the best remedy against fungal diseases.

The ideal solution would be to use oil in any form for those with sensitive or porous skin. The use of this product helps cleanse and tighten pores.

Cypress is a beautiful and green plant that is popular in many countries around the world. In addition, this plant is considered a symbol of immortality. So why is cypress so attractive and what beneficial properties does it have?

Cypress is a wonderful and useful plant that is very popular in many countries around the world. Why is cypress so popular? And what wonderful properties does it have? Many people note such a feature as wonderful energy and healing features. To understand whether this is true, it is necessary to study the plant in more detail.

Cypress is a plant of the cypress family, which are similar to conifers, but at the same time different from them. They love good soil, shade, and moisture. Cypress trees are very similar to ferns because they have very beautiful green leaves. Very often, hotel prices increase when the growing season of cypress trees begins - this is a luxurious fragrance. Many cypress trees have golden yellow leaves. And the tree itself has a beautiful and strong trunk.

The Mediterranean is the home of the cypress tree, where it was brought from. Today it is especially abundant in countries such as Spain, France and many other continents. Sempervirens is what it is called in Latin. It is more difficult to grow it in a room and a greenhouse, but this became possible thanks to the study of the conditions for its growth and life. Today, cypress is very popular among gardeners and people who buy private homes for growing flowers.

And sometimes it happens that prices plummet when cypress trees are cut down. At the time of its extinction, scientists managed to develop a special variety that took root in apartments. This plant needs infrequent watering, as well as a place in the northern area of ​​the house. Cypress will grow especially wildly if you place it in the shade or create artificial darkness. What is so attractive about this tree? It is a valued essential oil, which is famous for its wonderful spicy aroma and woody scent.

People who are interested in traditional medicine really like cypress. For example, oil helps balance female hormones, tidy up the body, relieve spasms, and help with bronchial asthma. Cypress helps well with varicose veins and also eliminates swelling. In addition, this plant relieves fatigue, depression, stress, helps restore good mood, regulate blood pressure, and also cope with epilepsy, although many scientists believe that cypress actually causes epilepsy. However, this has not yet been proven.

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