Device for colds. ENT diseases Device for the treatment of ENT diseases

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

With the onset of cold weather, the body weakens and is susceptible to the influence of microbes, so very often many suffer from ENT and colds. There are a huge number of folk recipes and medications that help treat diseases. Some people prefer to visit a doctor and get recommendations, and many choose medications on their own, without fear of harming their health.

There is an alternative solution for the prevention of inflammatory infections, self-medication and various medications. Recently, special portable medical devices have become extremely popular, which help protect the body from germs, viruses, bacteria, as well as further illness. Such devices include quartz ultraviolet irradiators.

Devices for the treatment of ENT diseases

One of the most popular domestic irradiators is the OUFk-01 device. This ultraviolet quartz irradiator is used in specialized medical institutions, resorts, sanatoriums for treatment and prevention not only in otolaryngology, but also in dermatology, therapy, surgery, etc. Due to its compact size, affordable price, and excellent characteristics, it can be used for treatment at home.

It is used in the prevention and treatment of various diseases, its use is recommended in the following cases:

  1. In the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, bronchial asthma and bronchitis.
  2. To normalize phosphorus-calcium metabolism and immune status.
  3. To compensate for the lack of sunlight, to produce vitamin D.
  4. For skin lesions such as dermatitis, psoriasis, purulent wounds, ulcers, herpes zoster.
  5. For the prevention of rickets in children and pregnant women.
  6. For concomitant treatment of bone injuries such as fractures.

Features of using the OUFk-01 device for treatment at home

Before you independently treat inflammatory diseases with the help of specialized medical devices, you should study the features of its operation, as well as instructions for use. The device can help in the treatment or prevention of ENT infections even at home. It is very often used in the treatment of dermatological diseases, chronic tonsillitis, rhinitis, acute respiratory infections, and is used for metabolic disorders (rickets). In order to achieve a good result, as well as not harm your body, you should know that there are contraindications for which the use of a quartz ultraviolet irradiator is not recommended.

It is strictly forbidden to use the OUFk-01 irradiator in the presence of any neoplasms or with increased sensitivity to ultraviolet rays. The use of the device is contraindicated in case of a heart attack, arterial hypertension, active form of tuberculosis, kidney problems and circulatory disorders, a feverish state, or a tendency to bleeding.

If used correctly, taking into account the doctor’s prescriptions, you can achieve the desired results quickly enough, and also protect yourself from ENT diseases by using the device for preventive purposes in the autumn-winter period.

In recent years, non-drug treatments for acute and chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract have attracted increasing interest. This is primarily due to the fact that the incidence of complications of drug therapy reaches 40% or more, especially in children and elderly patients. In addition, the number of patients with various allergic diseases is increasing, which increases the danger of using medications. The number of those for whom the use of certain drugs becomes impossible due to their organotoxicity is also increasing.

One of the pressing problems of restorative medicine is the development of new non-invasive and non-drug technologies for activating protective and adaptive reactions based on the action of physical factors of various natures on various functional systems of the body.

At the same time, physiotherapy has a number of undeniable advantages. These include the absence of the risk of developing allergic reactions, dysbiosis of the mucous membranes, the emergence of antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria and the occurrence of drug-induced disease, as well as a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional sphere of the patient.

Physiotherapeutic methods of treatment are currently the safest and can be used either independently or in combination with other therapeutic procedures.

When prescribing physiotherapeutic treatment, the individual characteristics of the patient, his age, gender, anamnesis and history of the disease, the nature of its course, concomitant pathology, and the patient’s attitude to this type of treatment are taken into account.

Considering the importance and high significance of the use of this method of treatment in the practice of an otorhinolaryngologist, ENT CLINIC ON LENINSKY gives preference to effective and the latest methods of hardware treatment. The clinic's doctors widely use therapeutic laser, photochromotherapy, and ultrasound in the treatment of patients with ear, nose and throat pathologies, using proprietary methods and treatment regimens.

We also have the unique opportunity to provide a comprehensive physiotherapeutic effect on the patient by combining hardware treatment and halotherapy (treatment in a salt cave). This comprehensive approach to treatment guarantees patients a significant reduction in rehabilitation time and improves their overall health prognosis.

Treatment of pathology of ENT organs using the CAVITAR device

The development of preventive measures to prevent viral and bacterial infections, the treatment of acute inflammatory diseases of the mucous membranes of the ENT organs, as well as the rehabilitation non-drug management of patients with recurrent and chronic diseases of the ear, nose and throat formed the basis for the creation of the KAVITAR-FOTOCHROM device for combined irrigation of the mucous membranes with small doses of drugs activated by ultrasound in combination with photochromotherapy.

The CAVITAR device combines two therapeutic effects - jet irrigation with a drug and non-contact exposure to low-frequency ultrasonic cavitation. The technique is simple, non-invasive, painless and comfortable for the patient.

Laser therapy

Currently, laser therapy occupies a strong place among a wide range of physiotherapeutic methods of influence.

The optimality of low-intensity laser radiation as a physiotherapeutic factor is that it has a non-damaging effect, but at the same time sufficient to activate vital processes.

Ultrasound therapy

For the treatment and prevention of exacerbations of chronic tonsillitis, the ENT CLINIC ON LENINSKY widely uses sanitation of lymphoid tissue and ultrasound treatment of the palatine tonsils using the TONSILLOR apparatus. The clinic’s doctors have developed highly effective methods and special comprehensive treatment programs for patients with this pathology.

Tonsillor. Device for the treatment of ENT diseases.

Apparatus Designed for conservative and surgical treatment of diseases of the ENT organs by exposing the energy of low-frequency ultrasonic vibrations to the biological tissues affected by the process, both through medications and contact. It can also be used in other areas of medicine for the sanitation of infected wounds. The device can be used both in outpatient and inpatient settings.

Apparatus and the corresponding treatment methods are highly effective in both conservative and surgical treatment of ENT organs, due to the combination of the effects of low-frequency ultrasound energy and medicinal substances on the affected or damaged biotactics of the body.

Indications for the use of the device are: rhinitis, folliculitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, chronic tonsillitis, otitis (acute, purulent, chronic), operations on the nasal septum, ENT-osteoplastic operations on the middle ear and colonic sinuses, plastic surgery, creation of a drug depot in the lesion. , postoperative wound management.

The healing properties of ultrasound allow for pain relief, anti-inflammatory and resorption therapy, improves blood microcirculation at the site of exposure, cleansing wounds of necrotic tissue and bacterial contamination and creating a drug depot at the site of the lesion. Under the influence of ultrasound, trophism, blood supply to tissues, and metabolism improve, the process of collagen formation stops, and the formation of scar tissue decreases.

As clinical trials have shown, the use of the device can increase the effectiveness of treatment compared to traditional methods, and in otolaryngology it can reduce the number of operations to remove the tonsils, an important human immunoprotective organ. This method is the only one for the treatment of patients with complex somatic pathology who have a contraindication to general anesthesia and tonsillotomy. The use of ultrasound allows you to use medications sparingly; moreover, ultrasound allows you to carry out treatment without the use of medications.

The device is fundamentally different from previously produced devices, URSC, by the use of piezoceramic converters of electrical vibrations with a frequency of 26.5 kHz into ultrasonic ones in the acoustic units, which makes long-term operation possible. The presence of two channels in the device provides the possibility of almost continuous operation of two acoustic units, which allows for a quick change of instrument by switching from one channel to another, which is especially important in an operating room, or switching to another acoustic unit with a similar waveguide instrument during continuous operation of the first within 20 minutes.
The device provides the following additional functions:

adjustment of the amplitude of oscillations of the waveguide instrument has been introduced over a wide range while maintaining resonance due to the presence of automatic frequency control;
control of the set amplitude is carried out using a light-emitting indicator;
the installation time for the scoring process is provided by a microprocessor timer;
The time the acoustic unit is turned on and off is accompanied by an audio signal.

Composition of the apparatus.
Package Included:
Ultrasonic generator;
Instrument waveguide set
Two acoustic units;
Two applicators for palatine tonsils;
Two ear applicators;
Funnels of the palatine tonsils and ear.
The generator is designed to convert electrical energy of 220 V, 50 Hz into ultrasonic frequency energy of 26.5 kHz.
The acoustic unit is a piezoceramic converter of electrical vibrations of ultrasonic frequency into mechanical vibrations.
Waveguide tools are cylindrical rods made of titanium alloy with working ends of various configurations.
The applicator for the palatine tonsils is a metal tubular structure with a device for centering the waveguide-instrument in it, fittings for supplying and removing a medicinal solution and a valve for creating a vacuum in the system. Replaceable funnels are tightly fitted to the applicator and are selected depending on the shape and size of the tonsils being treated.
The applicator for the ear is a metal structure with a device for centering the waveguide-instrument and fittings for supplying and discharging the medicinal solution and is equipped with replaceable funnels of various configurations.

Operating frequency 26.5 kHz

Displacement amplitude of the working end of the waveguide-tool (depending on type) 20-80 µm

Operating mode for 6 hours, intermittent and short-term

Duration of operation of one acoustic unit is 20 minutes of operation,
20 min break

Discreteness of setting time intervals of work from 10 s to 60 min
with discreteness of 1 s

Number of acoustic units 2

Operating mode setting time 5 s
Equivalent sound level 55 dBa
AC voltage
220 V, 50 Hz

Power consumption 40 VA

acoustic unit

295*315*135 mm
length – 135 mm, diameter – 35 mm

Weight included:

acoustic unit 5.5 kg

3.5 kg
0.3 kg

As well as other diseases of the ENT organs. This is a special physiotherapeutic method of influencing the tonsils, which can achieve long-term remission of pathologies up to 5 years. The device has no analogues.

Tonsillor device

First of all, Tonnsillor is intended to influence the tonsil tissue in several ways: ultrasound and vacuum.

This approach allows not only to cleanse the tonsil area, but also to relieve inflammation and ensure the introduction of medications into their deeper layers. It consists of:

  • Control unit;
  • Acoustic system;
  • A set of waveguide tools;
  • Applicator;
  • Devices for endaural processing of auditory canals;
  • Devices for treating the nasal passages;
  • A set of replacement funnels;
  • Devices for supplying medications;
  • Key;
  • Speaker holder.

The device is primarily used for sanitation using vacuum. In this way, purulent masses are removed from the lacunae (which cannot be achieved to the same extent by the classical procedure with a syringe). With the help of the device, tonsillectomy can be avoided.

The operating principle of the Tonsillor device in our video:


In general, two types of effects are used with this device:

  1. Vacuum. With its help, lacunae on the palatine tonsils are cleared. A special nozzle is applied to the size of the tonsils, after which the foci with pus are opened and cleaned by suctioning out the purulent secretion.
  2. . This is the effect of ultrasound on the affected areas. With its help, the drug penetrates the tissue and reduces inflammatory processes. As a result, the epithelial tissue heals faster.

Indications for use

Treatment with Tonnsillor is prescribed for chronic pathologies of the upper respiratory tract, as well as ENT organs in general:

  • Acute and chronic rhinitis;
  • Adenoids;
  • Diseases of the trepanation cavity;
  • Chronic;
  • After radical operations on the middle ear;
  • mucous membranes in the nasal cavity, pharynx and mouth.

Carrying out the procedure

The procedure is generally carried out according to a simple scheme:

  • The area of ​​influence is treated with an anesthetic to eliminate pain, and also, in the case of working with tonsils, to eliminate the gag reflex during the procedure.
  • A specific attachment is applied and secured to the inflamed tonsil, after which the vacuum mode is turned on. This way the purulent secretion is pumped out. This method is not used on the ear canals due to anatomical features.
  • Next, the area is treated with an antiseptic to cleanse the area of ​​pathogens that were in the cavities with pus. This helps improve the efficiency of the procedure.
  • Afterwards, using special tubes on the nozzle, the drug begins to be supplied to the deep layers of tissue so that the inflammation occurs from the inside. The impact is enhanced by the use of ultrasonic waves in the process.

In general, each side is affected within a few minutes. The optimal course of treatment, depending on the severity of the pathology, is 5-10 procedures. For tonsillitis, the course is carried out every six months at the very beginning of treatment. In this way, long-term remission can be achieved.

Video demonstration of washing the tonsils with the drug Tonzillor:


Contraindications to the use of this physiotherapy are:

  • Exacerbations of chronic pathologies of ENT organs;
  • Acute infectious pathologies;
  • (in any organ);
  • Blood pathologies;
  • Pulmonary tuberculosis (active stage);
  • Pregnancy in the first trimester and a month before the birth process;
  • Hypertensive crisis.


At home, this unit is not used due to the design features and preparation of the procedure itself. the manipulations themselves are outpatient and require a specialist who knows how to handle Tonnsillor and knows the features of the anatomy and effects in various situations.

The cost of the device is on average 80 thousand rubles. The price of the procedure averages 500-600 rubles per session. The price may vary depending on the clinic's policy.

One of the most unpleasant manifestations of colds is. Snot can appear in people at any age, including young children. As for the frequency of occurrence of a runny nose, it varies: some people get colds very rarely, while others suffer from a runny nose several times throughout the year. This depends on the state of the person’s immune system and the influence of external factors.

There are many ways to treat a runny nose. In addition to conservative therapy and folk remedies, it is possible to get rid of such symptoms with the help of special devices that are designed for use at home. All modern developments have instructions for use. Having purchased a suitable device, you can use it for the whole family.

A runny nose should never be ignored. If measures are not taken, the disease can lead to the development of serious complications, often manifesting itself in the form of diseases with an independent course.

An untreated runny nose leads to chronic rhinitis and sinusitis. Besides, Diseases such as:

  • bronchitis;
  • pulmonary inflammation;
  • oxygen deficiency, which can cause brain damage.

Devices for treating runny nose at home

If there is no desire to carry out drug treatment, then the use of special devices is an alternative solution to this issue. With their help, you can quickly and without consequences cure a runny nose.

Manufacturers offer a wide range of different devices, the effect of which is aimed at destroying infectious pathogens:

  • apparatus "Fairy" (UTL-01);
  • physiotherapy apparatus "Antinasork";
  • haloinhaler "GISA - 01";
  • thermotherapeutic apparatus "Teplon";
  • inhaler “Miracle steam”;

In order not to make a mistake in choosing, it is advisable to consider the characteristics of each device separately.

Apparatus "Fairy" (UTL-01)

The purpose of this device is heating of the maxillary sinuses, frontal part and laryngeal region. The Fairy device provides direct heat transfer, as a result of which metabolic processes in the nasopharyngeal area are accelerated. This leads to vasodilation. As a result, blood circulation returns to normal, and the nasal mucosa heals faster.

The procedures are effective in all forms of rhinitis, including those that arose against the background of an acute respiratory infection. The device is widely used in modern clinics and can be used at home. Using this device you can quickly cure a runny nose, get rid of sinusitis and other colds.

The principle of operation of this device is to warm up certain zones, for example, maxillary sinuses. Pathogenic microorganisms die at a temperature 40 degrees, which is actually the goal of treatment. In addition, the thermal effect increases blood flow in the nasopharyngeal area, which promotes accelerated healing of the nasal mucosa. As a result, the runny nose goes away and nasal breathing is restored.

The Fairy device is highly effective, easy to use and ideal for treating a runny nose at home.

However, there are also contraindications in which the use of the device is prohibited:

  • skin diseases at the site of intended exposure;
  • increased body temperature;
  • drinking alcohol before treatment;
  • active pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • tumor-like neoplasms;
  • active inflammatory processes in the nasopharyngeal area;
  • ulcers.

In all other cases, the device can be safely used. Moreover Sessions are prescribed even for children starting from the age of one. In this case, you need to be extremely careful and not bring the device close, since the skin of babies is more sensitive than that of adults.

Physiotherapeutic device “Antinamork”

Using a physiotherapeutic device called “Anti-runny nose”, rhinitis is treated and prevented, regardless of the nature of its occurrence. Treatment of manifestations is carried out using light waves. This device for warming up the nose is highly effective, easy to use and convenient.

Thermotherapy device "Teplon"

The Teplon device is a unique device equipped with heating elements. The device is intended for the treatment of ENT organs and a number of other diseases. The principle of its operation is to create arterial hyperemia in certain areas. As a result of thermal exposure, small vessels dilate and sphincters open, which ensures blood flow to the diseased organ and the mucous membrane heals quickly.

Inhaler "Miracle steam"

Getting rid of a runny nose using steam has been known for a relatively long time. This device ensures the safety of this procedure by maintaining a constant temperature, which is equal to 43 degrees. Thus, when using the inhaler, burns are completely eliminated.

The operation of the “Miracle of Couples” inhalation device is based on ancient medical practice.

As for contraindications, they are practically absent, with the exception of intolerance to the effects of medicinal vapors.

Essential oils of eucalyptus, sea buckthorn and fir are used in treatment. These vapors effectively destroy pathogens and relieve inflammation of the nasal mucosa.

Haloinhaler "GISA - 01"

The haloinhaler is created on the principle of a salt cave, in which an appropriate microclimate is created. The device is intended for the treatment of respiratory organs. The therapeutic effect is achieved using sodium chloride.

The substance enters the patient’s body through a special tube connected to a mask. This unit has found wide application in otolaryngology. Can be used at home and hospitals.

Blue lamp

In addition to the above devices, you can cure a runny nose at home using an ordinary one. Dry heat combined with infrared radiation has been used for quite a long time.

The main advantage of this product is the absence of contraindications. However, it is not recommended to use the lamp at high temperatures.

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