How to treat a cold for a pregnant woman. How to Treat a Cold During Pregnancy: Safe Home Remedies

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

A woman expecting a child needs to be careful not to get sick. After all, the treatment method for expectant mothers differs from that used in other cases. If the pregnant woman still failed to avoid ARVI, in this case it is important to know how to treat a cold during pregnancy so as not to harm your health and the fetus.

To treat colds, it is effective to use traditional medicine, but only after permission from a doctor. Here they are:

  • The most effective way to fight a cold is to use horseradish root. You will need to take one horseradish root, chop it, then mix it with the same amount of honey. Move the resulting composition to a warm place for a day, then strain it through gauze and take the medicine every hour, 1 small spoon.
  • If you have a cough, it is recommended to use inhalations containing chamomile and sage. These herbs can reduce a runny nose and relieve pain from an inflamed nasopharynx.
  • For throat diseases, it is necessary to gargle with the herbs of calendula, sage, and chamomile. Prepare decoctions from these herbs to gargle with. Decoctions should be warm.
  • In most cases, natural honey helps get rid of all the symptoms of a cold. It can be consumed either alone or added to tea with lemon. If desired, honey can be added to the rosehip and lemon tincture. You should not overuse honey in the last months of pregnancy, as it can cause allergies in the child, and the pregnant woman herself will develop diabetes.
  • If you have a severe runny nose, it is not recommended to use vasoconstrictor drops. If you cannot refuse them, then strictly follow the instructions for the drug. After all, the composition of the drops can have a negative impact on the blood supply to the placenta, which in the future can cause a delay in the development of the child in the womb.
  • Nasal drops should be used in rare cases and only in case of strong discharge from the nasal cavity.
  • If you have a runny nose, it is advisable to rinse your nose with saline solution. To prepare it you will need half a small spoon of salt per glass of water. You can also purchase special drops based on sea salt at the pharmacy.
  • If you have agave, you can use it to treat a runny nose. To do this, you will need plant juice, which must be dripped into the nose, 2 drops at a time.
  • To quickly get rid of the disease, stay in bed and avoid visiting crowded places until you have fully recovered.

By the way, it is useful to take it, because it treats many diseases.

What you need to know about colds by trimester

In the cold season, the question of how to treat colds during pregnancy becomes relevant. But before treatment, it would not hurt to know what a common runny nose or sore throat can lead to, depending on the trimester of pregnancy.

If before conception the fairer sex is not particularly worried about how to treat this or that disease, then during pregnancy the situation changes.

The first trimester is considered the most dangerous, since at this time any illness can negatively affect not only the fetus itself, but also the woman. A cold in the first 10 weeks after conception can cause severe harm to the fetus, since it is at this time that the formation of the internal organs of the fetus occurs. In this case, the viral infection disrupts the normal course of pregnancy.

It is important to be treated correctly in the first trimester, since many women do not know about their interesting situation and begin to take medications that are contraindicated during pregnancy. You should not self-medicate; it is best to consult a specialist.

In the second trimester, the fetus is more protected, but colds in a pregnant woman are still undesirable. A cold between 12 and 24 weeks can cause the formation of FNP, which negatively affects the development of the baby. With FNP, the fetus in the womb does not receive a certain amount of microelements necessary for proper life support, and also suffers from a lack of oxygen.

Also, diseases at this time can affect the development of the fetal nervous system. In some cases, colds can contribute to miscarriage. At this time, it is advisable to treat the disease using folk remedies.

In the third trimester, a cold can cause complications during childbirth. If a pregnant woman does not have time to recover, the child may contract an infectious disease from the mother immediately after birth. Also, women who become ill in later stages are sent to hospital for treatment.

If a woman suffers from a cold during childbirth, the child is isolated from her after birth until the mother is completely cured. In addition, increased temperature in the later stages affects the woman’s well-being; she feels tired, so during childbirth she does not find the strength to push. It is worth noting that if the placenta at this stage has already completely matured or has begun to age, then it will not be able to provide any protective functions for the baby.

Video: How to treat snot and throat during pregnancy

Women's immunity weakens during pregnancy and becomes more susceptible to infections and viruses. For some mothers, standing in a draft or being a little cold is enough to catch a cold. It is impossible to fight fever and runny nose with usual antibiotics, because the drugs are dangerous to the health of the developing fetus. Then how to act and what to take?

First symptoms: what to do

Women do not perceive a cold as something dangerous, trying to bear it on their feet. Others agree to lie in bed for a few days, but try to heal on their own. The right decision is to consult a doctor and make sure that the fever was caused by a common cold, and not by ARVI or another strain of influenza.

The doctor will select safe medications and recommend safe herbs. Plants are a natural alternative to pills, but even homeopathic treatment sometimes ends in miscarriage or premature birth.

Young mothers can listen to their “colleagues” sitting on the forums, or drink the miraculous infusion that their grandmother used to treat them, but the consequences of such therapy can be very unpleasant. Only medical professionals know exactly which products and in what trimester are safe for the health of the pregnant woman and the developing fetus.

If the cold started before the weekend and will have to wait until Monday, the woman is recommended to wear woolen socks, brew herbal tea and sleep a lot, wrapped in a blanket or rug. A sick body needs dry heat and rest, then it will be easier for the immune system to fight inflammation.

Precautionary measures
Salt in large quantities is contraindicated for a pregnant woman, because it retains fluid in the body, which causes swelling not only in the legs, but also in the sinuses. The result is congestion, breathing problems and lack of oxygen in the blood, and the risk of fetal hypoxia.

A warm drink will improve a woman’s well-being, but in the second and third trimester you should not overuse tea, milk with honey or broth, because the more fluid in the body, the more intensively the kidneys, which are already overloaded, must work.

Hot baths are prohibited and feet should not be steamed. High temperatures accelerate blood circulation and stimulate uterine contractions, so a pregnant woman may have a miscarriage. For this reason, mustard plasters are prohibited, and steam inhalations should be carried out with caution.

Temperature: what to do

One of the first and main symptoms of a cold is fever. If the thermometer shows less than 38, you will have to do without pills. A woman should wear comfortable pajamas, but it is advisable not to wear a terry robe or wrap herself in two thick blankets. A pregnant woman should be warm, but not hot, otherwise the temperature will continue to rise.

The body can be wiped with apple or table vinegar with a concentration of 5% or lower. The component is diluted with water at room temperature. For one part of vinegar, take 3, or preferably 4 parts of liquid. An alternative is freshly squeezed lemon juice, which activates sweating and helps reduce fever.

Use a soft cloth soaked in the solution to wipe the legs and arms, areas under the chest and abdomen. You can ask your husband to apply vinegar or lemon to your heels. You need to put a compress on your forehead, turn it over as it warms up and change it every 10-15 minutes or more often.

Medicinal teas
Sweating when you have a cold is good and healthy, but to prevent the body from suffering from dehydration, you need to drink decoctions and fruit drinks. You can prepare medicinal tea from dried linden or oregano flowers. Raspberry root quickly cures colds, but it should be used with caution during pregnancy.

If there are no herbs in the house, green or black tea will save the expectant mother. It is advisable to prepare the drink not from bags, but from natural tea leaves. When the tea is warm, add a couple of spoons of honey and a slice of lemon to the cup.

Fruit drinks made from cranberries or currants, cherry juices and compotes from fresh raspberries are useful. These drinks contain a lot of ascorbic acid, which strengthens the immune system. You can take pharmaceutical vitamin C only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Instead of a decoction before going to bed, it is better to drink a glass of boiled milk with a piece of butter and 2 tablespoons of honey. Drink no more than 2 liters of liquid per day. If your lower extremities swell or you have kidney problems, you should drink up to 7–8 cups of decoctions, tea, compote and other drinks, including soups and other first courses.

Medication assistance
A pregnant woman can lower her temperature with paracetamol, but only in its pure form. Other drugs containing this substance, such as Panadol or Efferalgan, are contraindicated. They affect the child and, if abused, lead to kidney or liver failure in the mother.

You should not drink Nurofen if you have a fever, especially during the third trimester. Aspirin and drugs containing this component can cause bleeding and miscarriage, so they are not suitable for pregnant women.

Methods to combat a runny nose

If your nose is blocked, you need to rinse it and remove the swelling so that the expectant mother can breathe easier. Safe pharmaceutical products are Aqualor, Humer or Aquamaris.
The main component of such sprays is sea water. At home, you can prepare an alternative remedy from table salt and soda:

  1. For a glass of boiled water, cooled to room temperature, you will need 5–10 g of dry ingredients.
  2. The soda and salt should completely dissolve, the liquid will turn cloudy white.
  3. The solution is drawn into a syringe and injected into each nostril one by one, lifting the head up.
  4. The liquid must be carefully inhaled so that it enters the nasal sinuses.
  5. When the water reaches your throat, you need to quickly tilt your head and blow out the remaining solution along with the mucus.
  6. Carry out the procedure until the glass with the product is empty. After rinsing, you need to put drops in your nose or lubricate it with vegetable oil.

Instead of saline solution, use herbal infusions made from sage, clover flowers and knotweed roots. Mix dry plants in equal proportions; you can add calendula or plantain leaves. Chop the herb and cook over medium heat, leave for 2 hours, then strain and rinse your nose with the broth.

Tips: If it is inconvenient to use a syringe, you can buy a small syringe at the pharmacy. It is recommended to add 3-5 drops of iodine to a saline solution or herbal decoction to quickly remove inflammation in the sinuses. You need to rinse your nose 5 times a day, and if it is very stuffy, then more often.

Heat treatment
Steam inhalations are allowed for pregnant women. There are two options for carrying out this procedure: use a nebulizer or breathe over a pan of hot broth. A special device treats both a runny nose and a sore throat, but it has a significant drawback - its high price. Not all women benefit from warmth, so the purchase may not be useful. It is recommended to first try grandma’s method with a saucepan and a towel.

A decoction for inhalation is prepared from:

  • eucalyptus leaves;
  • chamomile flowers;
  • sage;
  • yarrow;
  • violets;
  • pine buds;
  • forest mallow.

Take one or more components in equal proportions, add water and place on high heat until it boils. Place the pan with the hot broth on the table and bend over the container, covering your shoulders and head with a blanket or large bath towel. Inhale the steam through your nose, trying to keep your mouth closed. To prevent this method from harming the pregnant woman, she should sit over the broth for no more than 5 minutes.

A safer method of local action is to warm the nasal sinuses with a boiled egg or bags of salt. In the first case, the product is wrapped in small towels or pieces of cloth so that they do not burn the skin. In the second option, sand or salt is heated in a dry frying pan and then poured into small bags. If they seem too hot, you can place a cloth or gauze under them.

The doctor may offer the pregnant woman warming up with a special lamp, but for this she will have to regularly go to the hospital, which is not always convenient. Although this method should not be abandoned in case of a prolonged runny nose, which threatens to develop into sinusitis. You can treat your nose with salt or eggs 2-3 times a day, but preferably not more often. The results of the procedure should be secured with natural drops.

Moisturizing for the nose
During a runny nose, the nasal passages dry out, and irritation appears inside, due to which the illness can drag on for a long time. Expectant mothers are recommended to lubricate the mucous membranes with Vaseline or baby cream after inhalation and rinsing.

Peach and sea buckthorn oils, as well as rose hips, have moisturizing properties. But any of them must be diluted in sunflower or olive oil, because in concentrated form such drops irritate the mucous membrane even more. For 20 parts of the base, take 1 part of the additive and mix thoroughly. No more than 2 drops in each nostril, three times a day.

Instead of oils, use freshly squeezed juices:

  • carrot, sometimes combined with beetroot;
  • apple;
  • orange or tangerine.

You need to be careful with citrus varieties, because they can cause allergies in a woman or fetus. Juice bought in a store is not suitable for treating a runny nose, because there is nothing natural in such a drink.

Drops are prepared from onions or aloe. Grind the product, squeeze the juice out of it and dilute it with boiled water. 3 drops in each nostril. The treatment is complemented by a massage: the maxillary sinuses, bridge of the nose and temples are kneaded with gentle movements. It is recommended to rub “Asterisk” or “Doctor Mom” ointment into these areas.

The right atmosphere
In the living room or bedroom where the pregnant woman is resting, you need to place several bowls with chopped onions or garlic filled with water. If you don't like the smell, vegetables should be replaced with tea tree essential oil.

It is recommended to ventilate the room in the morning and before bed, and if it is warm outside, you can leave the window open all day. Regularly humidify the air from a spray bottle, because if it is very dry, your nose becomes blocked and it becomes difficult to breathe.

Tip: When sleeping, place a high pillow or several under your head so that mucus does not accumulate in the maxillary sinuses and the pregnant woman can rest normally.

If traditional recipes are powerless, pharmaceutical drops are allowed. But you need to buy a children's dosage, use it no more than once a day and stop taking the drug after 2 days.

Treating the throat

A woman with a clogged nose begins to breathe through her mouth. The mucous membranes dry out, an infection gets into the throat, and it becomes inflamed. To quickly remove soreness and swelling, you should suck a teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil or honey. Aloe also has an antibacterial effect: you need to cut off a small slice and, without chewing, keep it in your mouth.

Infusions for rinsing
First, the throat is washed to remove mucus. A decoction of calendula or oak bark, eucalyptus leaves or sage will be useful. Rinse solutions are prepared from birch buds or chamomile; you can add a pinch of soda and a few drops of iodine to them.

Redness is removed with alcohol tincture of propolis: a spoonful of the product in a glass of warm water. Try not to swallow the solution, because alcohol can harm the child. An alternative to propolis is an antiviral mixture consisting of 10 g of birch leaves, 20 g of eucalyptus and 30 g of sage. Brew the preparation in a glass of boiling water, wait 15 minutes, and after straining use it for rinsing.

A solution of 20 ml of warm water, 1 teaspoon of salt and the same amount of soda will remove soreness and discomfort. Add 3 drops of iodine, stir thoroughly. The remedy for inflammation and sore throat is ready.

Medicinal cocktails
You will need a spoon of dried sage and 200-250 ml of milk. Place the ingredients on low heat and simmer for 10 minutes after boiling. Drink just before bed, with or without honey.

A sore throat will be relieved by a mixture that consists of:

  • freshly squeezed juice from half a lemon;
  • a teaspoon of rosehip syrup;
  • 2 tablespoons beet juice;
  • 30–40 ml kefir.

Mix the ingredients thoroughly and consume in small sips after rinsing. Antiseptic sprays cope well with inflammation, but such drugs must be prescribed by a doctor.

If the discomfort does not disappear after treatment with folk remedies, and the tonsils are swollen or covered with a strange coating, you need to go to the hospital. Ordinary inflammation may turn out to be a sore throat or even tonsillitis, which is not to be trifled with.

Cough recipes

If you start fighting a cold at the first symptoms, it quickly recedes, but sometimes the disease becomes stronger and a cough appears. A pregnant woman is advised to drink tea with lemon throughout the day, and before bed, drink a cup of warm milk with a piece of butter and a pinch of soda.

If the cause of the cough is a sore throat, inhalations with eucalyptus oil or tea tree are useful. You can prepare a decoction of sage with linden blossom and chamomile. It will soothe irritation and destroy viruses, and the essential oil has anti-inflammatory properties.

Dry coughs should be combated with herbal teas made from wild rosemary, string, yarrow or lingonberry leaves. Additionally, it is recommended to rub the upper part of the chest with heated honey. Leave the product for about an hour and then rinse with warm water.

Tablets and syrups
A dry or severe cough can be combated with medications made from natural raw materials. Safe for children:

  • Plantain syrup;
  • Eucabalus;
  • Mukaltin;
  • Dr. Theis;
  • Althea root;
  • Doctor Mom.

Syrups and cough tablets have virtually no effect on the child, but still, medications should be selected by a doctor, and not by the woman herself, because some drugs may contain dangerous components.

What to fear
You can’t treat a cold with St. John’s wort, coltsfoot, echinacea or ginseng, which can cause high blood pressure and allergies. Licorice root stimulates uterine contractions, so a woman may have a miscarriage. Ginkgo biloba is the culprit of premature birth due to bleeding, and the medicinal comfrey causes mutations in the fetus.

The cold is an insidious and dangerous disease, especially for women carrying a child. Expectant mothers are recommended peace, lots of rest and fruit, care and no stress. The initial symptoms of a cold can be treated with traditional methods, but if the temperature does not subside and the pregnant woman’s well-being worsens, you should immediately go to the hospital and follow the recommendations of specialists.

Video: what cold medications can be used during pregnancy

There is no more surprising and mysterious mystery of conception and birth of a child. And although science assures that it has studied the entire process of pregnancy and fetal development in detail, the origin of life remains the biggest mystery of the universe. It would seem that the mother’s body is designed to bear and give birth to a new person, but from the very beginning it tries to tear away the embryos from itself, like a foreign body. And the small embryonic embryo has to fight for its life already in the womb.

But it’s good that nature relaxed and allowed the mother’s immune system to not so violently reject the embryo from the very beginning of pregnancy. But it is precisely this relaxation that opens the gates to all kinds of infections, causing the pregnant woman’s body to become very weakened and susceptible to infectious diseases. Throughout the 270 days of pregnancy, a woman becomes a target for aggressive viruses and pathogenic microorganisms. And the most banal cold threatens to turn into considerable problems for her and the unborn child.

Why are colds dangerous during pregnancy? What consequences may pregnant women face? And what treatment for colds is indicated during pregnancy? We will try to answer these questions in this article.

What can a common cold mean for a pregnant woman and her unborn child?

As mentioned above, during pregnancy a woman’s immunity is significantly reduced, and her body is unable to effectively and adequately resist viruses and bacteria, which are the source of many acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections with possible further complications. All doctors agree that colds and flu during pregnancy are incompatible conditions. Colds pose a threat to the health and life of the unborn child, not to mention the fact that a woman has a much harder time enduring the most common manifestations of a cold.

And no matter how pregnant women try to protect themselves from diseases and take care of themselves so as not to catch a cold, 80% of expectant mothers still suffer from ARVI. And most often, women manage to catch a cold precisely at the beginning of pregnancy, when the influence of pathogenic microorganisms on the developing fetus is quite large and dangerous. Colds during early pregnancy are very common. But at this moment the main organs and systems of the future person are laid down and begin to develop.

But first, let's look at the main complications that can arise in the mother and fetus. So, due to ARVI, the expectant mother may experience:

  • large blood loss during childbirth;
  • inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive system;
  • premature rupture of amniotic fluid;
  • complications of the postpartum period;
  • chronic infections.

With a cold, the fetus can be seriously damaged, so the following are often diagnosed:

  • intrauterine infection;
  • fetal hypoxia;
  • severe fetal malformations;
  • fetal growth retardation syndrome;
  • fetoplacental insufficiency;
  • fetal death.

This list alone is terrifying, so it is very important to prevent colds during pregnancy by all possible methods and methods. And most importantly, avoid the slightest cooling of the body and contact with the sick and those with colds. And if you had to catch ARVI, then every expectant mother should know in advance how to treat a cold during pregnancy so as not to panic and act as quickly, efficiently and prudently as possible.

>>We recommend: if you are interested in effective methods of getting rid of chronic runny nose, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis and persistent colds, then be sure to check out this site page after reading this article. The information is based on the author’s personal experience and has helped many people, we hope it will help you too. Now let's return to the article.<<

Why is a cold dangerous during pregnancy in the first trimester?

Many people know that the entire pregnancy is conventionally divided into 3 trimesters of 3 months each. This division is not conditional and not subjective. It was given by nature that during each trimester of pregnancy, a woman’s body undergoes its own distinctive changes, as well as with the growing and developing fetus.

A cold in the 1st trimester of pregnancy is considered the most dangerous for both the woman and the small embryo or fetus. Therefore, there is no need to even raise the question of whether the disease is dangerous. Here the answer is the same - dangerous, and even very dangerous. But colds occur very often in the early stages, out of place, out of time. But what kind of disease occurs in a timely manner?

In the first trimester, a cold is most dangerous not before 12 weeks, but up to 10 weeks, because it is during this period that all the systems and internal organs of the unborn baby are formed in the developing body of the fetus. With a viral or bacterial infection, it is very likely that the disease can negatively affect the process of embryogenesis.

After all, it is during this period that the formation of the nervous system, sensory organs, heart, esophagus, limbs, and so on occurs. By the 9th week, the embryo takes on the shape of a human being and is already called a fetus. It weighs 16 grams and is 7 cm long, its heart is already beating, and bone tissue begins to gradually appear in place of small cartilages, the circulatory system, liver, urinary system, and genitals begin to form.

And now imagine how these terrible viruses strike at this small creature. Yes, it is very difficult for this baby to resist such influence. There is no need to describe what defects and deformities of the fetus can be caused by viral diseases, but believe me, this is extremely dangerous if the disease occurs during early pregnancy. By the way, the greatest danger is the rubella virus, which successfully disguises itself as a common ARVI. Its distinguishing feature is the appearance of a rash. Only it can be so mild that even an experienced doctor cannot suspect rubella.

Treatment of colds in the 1st trimester is very problematic. A woman may not even suspect that life has begun in her womb, so she can uncontrollably use any medications to relieve the symptoms of a cold. But this is where the danger lies! A small fetus is afraid not only of the infection itself, but also of its treatment.

Most medications are contraindicated for use during pregnancy. The remaining part of the drugs requires special care in taking and individual dosage selection, and all this under the supervision of a doctor. Sometimes what’s scary is not the cold itself, or even its complications in the form of bronchitis, sinusitis, otitis media, etc., but the fact that you have to use potent medications. But they cause irreparable harm to the fetus, and the mother, without knowing it, harms her baby.

It is especially scary when a pregnant woman, having caught a cold, contracts such a complex and dangerous complication as pneumonia. Not only is the oxygen supply to the body disrupted, a bacterial infection migrates throughout the body, but one also has to use the strongest antibiotics, hormones, immunomodulators, and enzyme preparations. And much of the therapy is detrimental to the fetus... But we will talk about how to cure a cold during early pregnancy a little later.

The danger of colds during pregnancy in the second trimester does not decrease

The second trimester of pregnancy lasts from 12 to 24 weeks after conception. By this period, the placenta has already formed, which serves not only as a conductor for the supply of nutrition to the unborn child, but also as a kind of shield from all the dangers of the outside world. From the moment the placenta develops, you can breathe a little sigh of relief, because the unborn baby is largely protected. By week 24, the fetus weighs about 900 grams and is 33 cm tall. It can already open its eyes, its hair and eyelashes grow, i.e. the future baby is almost formed.

But even during this relatively prosperous period of pregnancy, women are not recommended to catch a cold. The fact is that a cold in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy can lead to feto-placental insufficiency, which, in turn, can cause serious harm to the developing fetus. When such a pathology occurs, the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus is disrupted, and it begins to suffer greatly due to their lack. In this situation, the fetus is unlikely to experience any defects in its development, but hypoxia itself is very dangerous for it.

During the 2nd trimester, a cold can negatively affect the development of the fetal nervous system, which is actively maturing at this moment, as well as the development of the child as a whole. In addition, due to a cold that leads to pheoplacental insufficiency, the child may be born prematurely, with very low weight, with a high degree of dystrophy.

Another thing that is dangerous about a cold in the second trimester is the possibility of causing a miscarriage at 14 weeks and disrupting the development of the endocrine system. During the period of 16-17 weeks, a cold can negatively affect the formation of fetal bone tissue. Due to the fact that at 19-20 weeks the laying of eggs in future girls occurs, intrauterine oogenesis may be disrupted, and this is the path to future infertility of future women.

Sometimes expectant mothers do not think about how to treat themselves during a cold, and begin to use antipyretics and antibiotics, harming their baby. Therefore, we ask expectant mothers to exercise maximum caution and treat colds only with folk remedies.

What are the dangers of a cold during pregnancy in the third trimester?

The third trimester of pregnancy begins from 24 weeks until birth. During this period, the fruit is finally formed, develops and matures. It would seem that nothing can harm the unborn child, who is protected from the outside world by the placenta; no defects or malformations will occur. But it is during this period that the expectant mother needs to be as careful as possible and pay utmost attention to her health, because a cold in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy remains dangerous for the mother and child.

Even the most insignificant signs of a cold should already alert the expectant mother and force her to urgently take all measures to stop the pathological process of development of the disease. Otherwise, any disease can seriously undermine the immunity of a pregnant woman and disrupt the course of the birth process.

Firstly, it is very difficult for a woman in this position to endure the disease itself, coughing, sneezing, and difficulty breathing. It is already difficult for her to breathe, lie down, walk, and here intra-abdominal pressure also increases during coughing, and possible shortness of breath is also accompanied by nasal congestion. In a word, colds are subjectively very difficult for pregnant women to tolerate in the 3rd trimester.

Secondly, there is a high probability that at birth the child can become infected from the mother, so a cold after 38 weeks of pregnancy poses a serious danger. In any case, a woman will not have time to restore her immunity after suffering an illness, so pregnant women who become ill in the later stages are always hospitalized, and the newborn baby is temporarily isolated from the mother in order to prevent it from becoming infected with cold viruses. This situation is very undesirable, because the child cannot immediately receive colostrum, which is very useful for him, and it will be morally very difficult for the mother not to see her long-awaited child.

Viral colds during late pregnancy complicate the birth process itself. Giving birth with a high body temperature is very difficult and dangerous. Doctors have to resort to using strong cold medicines during the end of pregnancy, which is very undesirable. And although the placenta tries to protect the baby from the transmission of dangerous viruses, he can get sick. Therefore, if you happen to catch a cold late in life, you can’t sit at home; you need to urgently consult a doctor for help, advice and treatment.

Features of the course of colds in pregnant women

In principle, we can say that the course of colds in pregnant women is no different from other situations. The same symptoms - cough, sneezing, malaise, nasal congestion, severe runny nose, fever, sore throat. But the immunity of pregnant women is initially weakened, so the severity of all cold symptoms during pregnancy will be very high, along with a high probability of developing dangerous complications.

Due to the peculiarities of the state of the immune system in pregnant women, the body temperature against the background of ARVI may remain within normal limits, or slightly subfebrile. Cases of colds without fever during pregnancy are very often recorded. To understand why this happens, first let's remember what a temperature reaction is.

This is the body’s response to foreign viruses and bacteria with the production of a special substance – interferon. This antiviral substance stops forming in the body of a pregnant woman at a body temperature above 38.5°C. And with a greatly weakened immune system during pregnancy, a temperature of up to 37°C during a cold is quite common, but the production of interferon does not occur in this situation, which means there is no full fight against viral aggression.

Therefore, at the first signs of a cold, you should immediately begin treatment, but only under the supervision of a doctor.

Treating colds during pregnancy is not an easy task

As mentioned above, during pregnancy, taking many medications is contraindicated because they can cause irreparable harm to the developing unborn child. In this regard, treating pregnant women for colds is not an easy task. And this puzzle has to be solved in a new way every time, because each pregnant woman needs an individual approach.

When choosing medications for colds, you should be guided by the principle - less is better than more, even if some medications are allowed to be taken by a pregnant woman. You need to weigh each step carefully and scrupulously, constantly consult with your doctor, carefully study the instructions for medications and not follow the advice of your friends, because it is very important in this situation not to harm the child.

What medications are contraindicated

If drug therapy is undesirable or contraindicated, then the main emphasis is on folk remedies when treating colds during pregnancy. But if you can’t do without medications, then you need to know which of them are prohibited from taking. It is strictly forbidden to take antibiotics unless absolutely necessary, especially Streptomycin, Levomycetin and Tetracycline, immunomodulating drugs, alcohol tinctures that increase blood pressure and pulse rate, as well as many antipyretics.

Unfortunately, almost every pregnant woman faces this problem. During the 9 months of pregnancy, it is almost impossible to avoid cold weather or dampness, as well as contact with an infected person, especially if there are already small children at home.

Due to hormonal changes and reduced immunity, the expectant mother’s body does not cope well with viruses. ARVI should not be taken lightly; any infection can harm the baby, so treatment should only be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

Colds during pregnancy: causes and signs

How to reduce fever during pregnancy:

  • . During pregnancy, Paracetamol and drugs based on it are allowed. Paracetamol is included in various powders for both symptoms and. However, it is not recommended to get carried away with them during pregnancy; it is enough to take Paracetamol itself if the temperature is above 38 degrees. Be sure to tell your doctor if you have a fever; some cases require hospitalization. Paracetamol is taken no more than 4 times a day. If the temperature continues, consult a doctor immediately. You should not take aspirin or medications containing it, as it can provoke.
  • Rest and drink plenty of fluids. These seemingly outdated recommendations remain very effective for colds and fever. A woman should rest and drink more, especially warm drinks. It is worth remembering that during pregnancy you should not exceed the permissible fluid intake due to the heavy load on the kidneys. If you drink a lot of water and warm tea, milk, limit the amount of other liquids you consume such as juices, yoghurts, soups, etc. If swelling occurs, consult a doctor.
  • Don't overheat. In extreme heat, chills sometimes occur; a pregnant woman seeks to cover herself with a warm blanket and begins to dress warmer. This could trigger an even greater rise. You need to drink more warm fluids, sweat profusely, but not overheat.
  • Rubbing. Rubbing with vinegar during pregnancy can be done, but after consulting a doctor. Under no circumstances should you take hot baths or steam your feet, as this can cause miscarriage or premature birth.

Runny nose during pregnancy

Useful video - Colds during pregnancy: treatment and prevention.

It is impossible to predict what a common cold will lead to during pregnancy, but you can significantly reduce the risk if you consult a doctor on time and follow all his recommendations.

Treatment during pregnancy can be difficult, especially in the first trimester, when almost all drugs are prohibited, so it is best to take care of your health in advance.

Prevention measures:

  1. If the pregnancy is planned, then you need to start strengthening your immune system even before conception. Doctors recommend getting examined before pregnancy, taking vitamins, folic acid, tempering yourself, and abstaining from bad habits. All this contributes to the fact that during pregnancy a woman tolerates unpleasant phenomena such as toxicosis much more easily, and is also less susceptible to viral diseases.
  2. Proper nutrition during pregnancy means a lot not only for immunity, but also for the normal development of the child, as well as for the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. If you eat enough fresh fruits and vegetables, eat fish, lean meat and avoid chemical additives, you can avoid a number of problems: fetal hypoxia, constipation and hemorrhoids, heartburn, colds and even severe toxicosis.
  3. The expectant mother should dress according to the weather. In the cold season, there is no need to be embarrassed to dress warmer. The expectant mother's wardrobe may include gaiters and fleeced tights, warm hats and scarves. This will help avoid viral diseases and hospitalization.
  4. Don't forget about safety. The expectant mother must take care of herself, so it is necessary to reduce all contacts with infected people. However, it is not always possible to determine from the first time that a person is infected, so avoid kissing girlfriends, do not try cosmetics in stores, especially lipstick, wash your hands after public transport, try to use public toilets as little as possible.

Despite the fact that the body deliberately lowers immunity to maintain pregnancy, it can be strengthened within reason. You can take serious medications to strengthen the immune system, as well as multivitamin complexes, only with the permission of a doctor.

The famous science fiction writer A. Belyaev wrote in one of his novels in the second half of the 20th century that by the 21st century all diseases except the runny nose will be defeated. The forecast turned out to be too optimistic, but not without some truth: nowadays, runny noses and colds really cause a lot of trouble.

A seemingly harmless cold becomes a real problem for pregnant women. And the point is not that if a woman is sick, she has a stuffy nose and a sore throat. The main question is how will this affect the condition of the fetus and newborn? After all, both the disease itself and the treatment taken can have a negative impact on the development and health of the unborn baby.

Manifestation of a cold

Microorganisms surround humans everywhere and, according to some data, make up up to 1.5% of the average adult’s body weight. While some of them help people function normally, others, on the contrary, cause illness. The latter, unfortunately, are the majority.

Among all infectious diseases, a person most often encounters a group that doctors briefly call acute respiratory infections - acute respiratory diseases. This includes a separate, but no less common subgroup - acute respiratory viral infections, or ARVI. Common to them are the symptoms called colds:

  • Increased body temperature.
  • Nasal congestion.
  • Serous discharge from the nose.
  • Cough.
  • A sore throat.
  • Frequent sneezing.
  • Pain in the ear area.

It often happens that a cold is accompanied by headache, fatigue and body aches.

Such manifestations do not relate to respiratory disorders and are provoked by a general intoxication syndrome, but they also need to be treated.

Immune response

It seems that a person should have a system for fighting pathogens, right? She is, and if we get sick, we get better thanks to her. Immunity cannot always prevent disease. Viruses the most common pathogens of acute respiratory infections very changeable. And every time it turns out that the immune cells have the wrong settings to destroy the insidious microbe in the bud. Therefore, people can get colds many times in their lives.

After infection, the immune system studies the enemy, selects the most effective weapon for him and destroys him, the person recovers. Until the next time, when the same, but still slightly different virus comes. This feature does not allow the effective use of vaccination to prevent colds.

It is logical that a weakened immune system allows microbes (viruses and bacteria) to cause illness. With this condition immunosuppression All women face during pregnancy. So colds during pregnancy are not at all uncommon.

Maternal body

The emerging fetus has its own unique genetic information. In order not to provoke allergic phenomena, the mother’s immune system is slightly reconfigured and reduces its sensitivity. This does not mean that a woman remains defenseless against infection, far from it. But there is still a reason to take care of yourself.

A cold during pregnancy is harmful and sometimes dangerous for the mother as much as for the fetus. A woman’s body works under increased stress. Because of this, he tends to experience the disease in a more severe form than usual.

Effect on the embryo

The fetus is at even greater risk. He also has intense and subtle processes, the intervention of microbes in which does not lead to anything good. Colds of the expectant mother are fraught with a lot of troubles:

  • Spontaneous termination of pregnancy.
  • Premature birth.
  • Developmental anomalies.
  • Pathologies of amniotic fluid.
  • Changes in the umbilical cord.
  • Placental insufficiency.
  • Congenital diseases.

Statistics show that approximately 20% of early miscarriages are caused by a cold in the first trimester of pregnancy.

The main reason for this is the delayed maturation of the placenta, which will not disappear anywhere and poses a problem even at later stages.

Viruses freely penetrate the placenta filter (hematoplacental barrier) and cause great harm to the cells of the embryo. Often irreparable. In some developed countries there is even a practice that, at first glance, is very cynical. Women diagnosed with a cold during pregnancy, 1st trimester and the threat of spontaneous abortion are not treated. It is believed that 80% of such early miscarriages are caused by fetal anomalies incompatible with life and are an integral part of natural selection. Although, according to the author of the article, such a decision must be made on an individual basis.

Principles of treatment

If you estimate the frequency of occurrence of colds in the human population, it becomes clear that the issue of treating pregnant women is quite acute. Nowadays, human migration allows viruses and bacteria to quickly spread throughout the planet, making it almost impossible to hide from them.

General principles of treatment for pregnant women, especially in the early stages, are of little use. Such women require a special approach, even if there is a simple runny nose in the first trimester of pregnancy. Unfortunately, in our country there have been no detailed studies on how to treat such patients.

International practice

The USA has developed a classification of drugs that is used in many developed countries of the world. The American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has proposed the following gradation of drugs:

Controlled studies were conducted on pregnant volunteers, which proved the safety of the drug. The danger to the fetus is minimal.

Experimental animal studies did not show a risk to the embryo or undesirable effects were still observed. In humans, controlled studies have either not been conducted or negative effects have not been confirmed.

The risk to the fetus has been experimentally confirmed. Pregnant women were not subjected to studies with trusted results.

The product is dangerous for the fetus and has been proven to cause developmental abnormalities. During pregnancy, the drugs are contraindicated. If treatment cannot be refused, interruption should be considered.

It is very difficult to compile a list of drugs for each category due to different names in the pharmacopoeias of different countries. Practicing gynecologists are familiar with this list and know what to do and how to prescribe for colds in pregnant women.

The danger of self-medication

In countries where such a classification is not widely used, deviations from international standards are often allowed. Moreover, the fault of doctors in this is not so great. Women themselves cause much more harm to themselves if they try to treat themselves:

  1. Drugs without proven effectiveness are used. Some drugs that supposedly normalize metabolism have these features. People often confuse dietary supplements (BAS) with medications, although there is a fundamental difference between them.
  2. Several means are used simultaneously when this can be avoided. An example is relieving fever and headaches with complex medications for colds and flu. The source of information about the effectiveness of which is advertising.
  3. The regimen taken combines drugs in an irrational combination. This often occurs if a woman tries to cure a cold using a regimen prescribed to another pregnant woman.

Many difficulties arise from treatment with folk remedies. Many of them, based on herbs, are truly harmless. At the same time, they are ineffective.

Therefore, fever and sore throat should be a reason to visit a medical facility.


Some cold medicines can and should be used during pregnancy. This primarily applies to two categories of drugs:

  1. Substances that do not penetrate the hematoplacental barrier.
  2. Forms for local use.

However, even in these cases, an unprofessional approach is dangerous. Hippocrates also said that poison can be medicine, and medicine can be poison. In relation to pregnant women, the second postulate is very relevant.

Remember that careless use of any chemical compounds, which include all medications, can be harmful.

Products for systemic use

In no case should you trust the information that any medicine is filtered by the placenta and does not enter the fetal bloodstream. If the mother is sick, the placental barrier is easily overcome by the main cold pathogens - viruses. At the same time, they damage this filter, its permeability increases and filtration properties decrease.

As a result, those substances that normally should not enter the fetal bloodstream penetrate there. This applies to any dosage forms that have a systemic effect: tablets, injections, droppers.

It is worthwhile to dwell in more detail on the overly popular non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Regarding the drugs in this group, there is an opinion that, apart from them, nothing else can be done to relieve pain in the head or throat. Some pregnant women, having caught a cold, out of habit trust NSAIDs with the health of both themselves and the fetus.

Indeed, some antipyretic and analgesic drugs can be used during pregnancy. No targeted studies have been conducted on these drugs, however, according to statistics, the following are considered relatively safe:

  • Paracetamol.
  • Indomethacin.
  • Diclofenac.

It is believed that paracetamol has the least effect on the fetus. Due to this, it was excluded from the category of teratogenic drugs.

The results of practical observations made it possible to identify individual representatives of antipyretic drugs, the use of which is not recommended during pregnancy:

  • This primarily applies to cyclooxygenase (COX) inhibitors. The most popular are nimesulide, meloxicam, celecoxib.
  • Aspirin. Its use should be abandoned in favor of others. If prescriptions of acetylsalicylic acid are necessary, small doses are used.
  • For ibuprofen, a connection has been observed between its use and the development of congenital anomalies. Although many are classified as mild or reversible, its use in pregnant women is not recommended.

There is no reliable data on the dangers of many drugs, but to normalize elevated temperature, it is more advisable to use drugs from the first list. Again, this should only be done in collaboration with your doctor. All NSAIDs can interfere with fetal circulation when used in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters.

The literature describes a case where a cold at 38 weeks of pregnancy was the reason for the prescription of diclofenac. As a result, an urgent delivery by caesarean section was required. The cause was early closure of the aortic duct in the fetus. The development of such an anomaly is typical for many NSAIDs.

The second most common complication of taking antipyretics in the second half of pregnancy is pathology of the urinary system of newborns. Up to the development of renal failure. This is already considered proven.

A paradoxical conclusion arises: taking antipyretics to treat colds is safer in the first trimester.

Topical products

In this regard, dosage forms that are intended for topical use look much more advantageous in this regard. There is one thing: when using them, you need to pay attention to the ability to be absorbed into the bloodstream. Typically, such information is indicated in the instructions for use; it must be read carefully.

Most often, the absorption of local forms is minimal, their concentration in the bloodstream rarely reaches significant values. But you should still play it safe and consult with a professional physician before starting use. Even if these are, at first glance, harmless forms:

  • Nasal drops.
  • Spray for the throat.
  • Eye and/or ear drops.
  • External balms and creams.

Unlike tablets and injections, they are very good to use if the cold does not affect the general well-being of the expectant mother and occurs without fever or intoxication. Local remedies cope well with a runny nose and sore throat, and help cure a pregnant woman without the need to take systemic drugs. Great if you need to treat colds at any stage of pregnancy:

  • Nasal congestion during a runny nose can be removed with a solution of vasoconstrictor drops in children's concentration. You should not use it more than twice a day, especially in the first trimester.
  • A spray that is used to irrigate the back wall of the pharynx, for example, Yox, Orasept, will help treat a sore throat. Ear and eye drops with an antimicrobial component will not cause harm at any time. Of course, if you follow the instructions.
  • Balms based on eucalyptus and other aromatic oils can be very effective for colds. But they must be treated very carefully, since they have a general effect on the body. For example, they can change the tone of blood vessels and muscles of the uterus.

Medicinal herbs

Preparations based on medicinal plants have recently gained popularity due to their lower toxicity and milder effect. Unfortunately, such confidence has little basis. Primarily due to the fact that almost no one has assessed the effect of herbs on the body of a pregnant woman and the fetus. But you shouldn’t completely dismiss plants: research has still been carried out on some.

  1. Echinacea purpurea. Stimulates the immune system, good for prevention. When a cold begins, it reduces the duration of the period of elevated temperature. Can be taken in both the first and third trimester. Safe dosage in tablets is 250–500 mg/day, in tincture – 5–15 drops/day. Duration of treatment is 5–7 days. The duration of treatment and dose must be agreed with your doctor!
  2. Raspberry leaf tea. General strengthening effect. You can drink from 1 to 8 cups per day. Not recommended in the first weeks of pregnancy.
  3. Mint. Delicious and aromatic tea. No negative effects on the fetus were noted.

Chamomile, St. John's wort, ginseng, and gingko biloba are reliably harmful during pregnancy. It is worth limiting your interest in exotic plants, for example, Chinese. They are not native to our region and can have unpredictable effects.

Having trusted the benefits of herbs, many make a mistake common to all types of treatment: they use several types of plants without thinking about their interaction. In Europe, pregnant women are offered to drink ready-made mixtures specially developed for them. A thoughtful and forward-looking approach.

Cold prevention

Despite all the successes of doctors and pharmacists, the best way to fight colds is prevention. The rules of a healthy lifestyle are well known and effective. Therefore, you need to think about the health of the fetus even before the start of pregnancy.

The first step is to accustom yourself to doing morning exercises. As a preventive measure, you can take multivitamin preparations. Some of them are even recommended for pregnant women. Regular ventilation of premises and giving up bad habits, organic food and a positive attitude.

This complex is the best companion for a pregnant woman on the path to having a healthy baby. The reconfiguration of the immune system will be gentle, which will help avoid colds, fever and runny nose.

An analysis of the morbidity and, alas, mortality of pregnant women shows that the medical prognosis is more difficult the later the person seeks qualified medical help. A timely visit to the doctor will protect the mother and fetus from many complications, and sometimes even save life.

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