Ivan tea contraindications for men. Ivan tea to increase potency

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Since ancient times, fireweed, or fireweed, has been known not only as a pleasant-tasting drink, but also as a remedy for solving health problems. This plant is especially useful for men; it not only supports the overall health of the body, but also allows you to treat genitourinary diseases.

You can make a herbal remedy yourself or purchase a ready-made extract from a pharmacy. Angustifolia fireweed is consumed internally, in the form of tea, infusions and decoctions.

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    Composition and properties of fireweed

    Currently, the chemical composition of fireweed tea, which determines the benefits of the plant for the human body, has been well studied. Fireweed contains a large amount of protein and polysaccharides, organic acids, fiber, tannins, antoncians and lignins, chlorophyll, vitamins and microelements.


    Fireweed contains the following vitamins:

    1. 1. Provitamin A (carotene). Improves vision, participates in many metabolic processes, and is responsible for the condition of the skin.
    2. 2. Vitamin C. With its help, immunity is maintained at a normal level and blood vessels are strengthened.
    3. 3. Rutin and B vitamins. They are responsible for the conduction of nerve impulses and make it easier to survive stressful situations.


    The medicinal properties of the drink made from Koporsky fireweed are also due to its rich mineral content. High levels of iron help the body with anemia, copper and magnesium restore the nervous system, preventing neuralgia. When using products prepared from this plant, the body is replenished with boron and calcium. They are important for growth and development, strengthening the musculoskeletal system.

    Other components

    The presence of organic acids causes a calming effect and increases resistance to stress, relieves inflammatory processes and restores the functions of the liver and digestive organs.

    Flavonoids remove free radicals and therefore prevent the development of tumor formations. Fermented fireweed tea contains a lot of tannins and essential oils, which make it fragrant and tasty. They help get rid of inflammation, neutralize the effects of toxins and heavy metal salts.

    The infusion from the plant contains large quantities of lysine, tyrosine, proline, arginine, isoleucine acids, as well as glycine, asparagine and other protein compounds. They are responsible for calcium, fat, protein and other metabolic processes, allowing you to regulate the condition and functioning of muscle tissue and nerve fibers. Many of these substances are not synthesized in the body and can only enter it from the outside.

    Indications for use

    The rich composition and medicinal properties of the plant make it possible to recommend fireweed for men as a medicine for problems with the genitourinary system. Its use is approved not only by folk, but also by traditional medicine.

    Angustifolia fireweed is used for the treatment and prevention of the following diseases and conditions:

    • inflammation and tumors of the prostate gland;
    • deterioration of potency;
    • decreased immunity;
    • chronic urinary tract diseases (cystitis, urethritis);
    • varicocele, hemorrhoids and thrombophlebitis;
    • pathologies of the digestive system;
    • impaired sperm production and infertility;
    • restoration of the body during hormonal changes after 50 years;
    • fluctuations in pressure and pain in the heart;
    • restoration of metabolic processes in obesity;
    • toxic poisoning at work and radiation exposure;
    • alcohol intoxication;
    • restoration of the nervous system after severe psycho-emotional overload.

    Ivan tea makes it easier to cope with giving up alcohol and tobacco, and quickly restores health and physical strength after surgery or a long-term serious illness.

    Herbal Recipes

    There are several ways to prepare products based on this herb. The most effective ones are prepared according to the following recipes:

    1. 1. To prevent diseases of the genitourinary system, simply brew it like regular tea. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over a teaspoon of crushed raw materials and let stand for 15 minutes. You can drink it with the addition of honey, lemon, once or twice a day, one glass, or 50 ml 4-5 times a day.
    2. 2. Fireweed in the form of an infusion has more pronounced healing properties. You need to brew a tablespoon with a glass of boiling water and keep it warm (it is recommended to use a thermos with a glass flask) for an hour. After filtration, the product should be consumed 1-2 tablespoons, 3 or 4 times a day, before meals. The drink should be kept in a cool place, covered. The storage duration should not be more than 3 days. It is recommended to pour out the remainder and prepare a fresh composition.
    3. 3. If a man has reduced potency, then a decoction of the plant will be most effective. To prepare it, pour a tablespoon of raw material into 200 ml of water, and after boiling, leave for another quarter of an hour in a water bath. Then, when the product has cooled, you need to dilute it with boiled water to the original volume and take one spoon several times a day on an empty stomach.
    4. 4. There is another recipe that will help restore male strength. Three large spoons of Koporye fireweed should be poured with half a liter of slightly cooled water (up to 80 degrees). Before use, the product must be infused for at least 5-6 hours. You should drink it after straining, during the day before meals. The entire portion must be divided into 4-5 doses.

    During treatment, the use of a decoction or infusion simultaneously with medications prescribed by a doctor is not contraindicated. But before combining them, you should consult a specialist.

Our people have long been accustomed to tea. Many people cannot imagine their life without this overseas drink. But there were times when we had our own tea. It was supplied to Europe in huge quantities, where it was valued for its deep, rich taste and aroma. Moreover, this tea was much healthier than Chinese or Indian tea. It was made from a plant called fireweed, or fireweed. The wonderful drink made from this medicinal plant was very popular among the people. It was used to treat and prevent diseases, and was also believed to be able to restore male strength. Ivan tea was often called by the name of one village, where it is believed that the aromatic drink was first made.


Having learned how useful fireweed is, many will want to find this amazing plant to get to know it better. But is it so easy to find fireweed? Beneficial properties and contraindications for men have no meaning if you do not have Koporye tea. And the appearance of this plant is truly outstanding. Its height can reach two meters. Fireweed usually grows in small groups, but sometimes you can find huge plantations of this plant. Although fireweed is a perennial species, such large colonies cannot exist for long. This is due to the fact that when the shoots of Koporye tea die, they make the soil fertile. Therefore, after 5-7 years, it makes the land suitable for the growth of other plants, which then happily displace the poor thing.

The easiest way to recognize fireweed is by the beautiful purple flowers crowning the top of the plant. They grow in peculiar clusters and usually stand out noticeably against the background of the surrounding landscape. The leaves of angustifolia fireweed have an elongated oblong shape and are located almost along the entire length of the stem. It is better not to look for this plant if you have never seen it in nature or in a picture, since we have a lot of species that look like fireweed.

growing conditions

When studying the fireweed plant, its beneficial properties and contraindications for men, you first need to become familiar with its habitat. This plant grows throughout the CIS, without being tied to certain regions or climatic zones. But despite this, it can be difficult to find even in ecologically clean regions. This is due to the fact that fireweed is very weak in the first year of life. Therefore, it is best mastered where there are no other plants that will not allow its weak relative to germinate. Infertile soils are best suited for Koporye tea, where other representatives of the flora simply cannot survive. At the same time, they should be rich in minerals and located in a well-lit place.

An abundance of sunlight and the absence of competitors are the main requirements of fireweed for living conditions. It is also welcome to have a small pond or swamp nearby so that there is high humidity at night. This will seriously increase the fireweed's chances of survival. It will be able to absorb moisture directly from the air with the help of leaves. It takes root well in areas of forest fires, and sometimes even on abandoned buildings.

Fireweed: beneficial properties and contraindications for men

Legends can be made about the beneficial properties of Ivan tea. This plant can help with stomach or intestinal diseases. Fireweed has an anti-inflammatory and enveloping effect, helps get rid of headaches, gastritis, colitis or constipation. They can be used to wash ulcers and wounds so that they heal faster. Fireweed is especially good for men. The benefits it brings to the genitourinary system are enormous. In addition, constant use of fireweed tea practically guarantees that problems with potency will never occur. The only contraindication to taking the aromatic drink is individual intolerance, which is very rare.

Immunity and nervous system

Koporye tea also helps with any inflammatory processes, normalizes the functioning of the endocrine system and strengthens the immune system. It also has something to offer the nervous system.

Taking it calms the nerves and normalizes blood pressure, relaxes, and helps you fall asleep faster. This makes fireweed an indispensable remedy in the fight against insomnia, which greatly distinguishes it from ordinary tea. The latter contains substances that stimulate the nervous system, helping to wake up. Ivan tea does not cause drowsiness, but immerses you in pleasant relaxation, having a beneficial effect on the psyche.


Why is fireweed so good for men? Contraindications and benefits of this medicinal plant are determined by the substances contained in it. These are flavonoids, pectin and tannins, as well as a lot of vitamins B and C. In addition, fireweed tea contains a fair amount of protein, which makes it a welcome guest in salads and other dishes. Of course, the nutritional value of angustifolia fireweed is not that high, but this herb can help out in difficult times by feeding a lost or simply hungry person. Koporye tea is also rich in microelements, including potassium, nickel, iron, copper, boron, magnesium and many others.

It is thanks to its unique composition that contraindications for men (whose reviews are optimistic and sometimes even enthusiastic) are determined by its ability to improve blood composition. Ivan tea also helps relieve alcohol or drug intoxication and accelerates the removal of toxins from the body.

How to prepare

Almost the entire plant is beneficial. You can harvest leaves, flowers and even fireweed roots. Leaves and flowers are best collected during the flowering period, when they contain the greatest amount of useful substances. This occurs from June to August, depending on growing conditions. The roots should be collected in the autumn months. They must be dug up and cleared of soil, and then dried in a well-ventilated place. Fireweed roots can be stored for up to three years without losing their beneficial properties.

Leaves and flowers are also dried in a dark and dry place with a constant flow of air. Once dried, they can be stored for up to two years. You can make regular tea from fireweed by brewing its dry leaves and flowers, or you can ferment it, which will somewhat reduce the amount of beneficial substances, but will give fireweed tea an incredible taste and aroma. Fermented fireweed is especially good for men. The benefits, reviews of which indicate the incredible effectiveness of this product, are obvious.


To ferment the leaves of the “male herb”, you need to fold them in a layer of about 5 cm for several hours, so they will slightly wither. The easiest way is to lay out the collected raw materials overnight, and in the morning the fireweed will be ready for further procedures. After this, the leaves will become soft, then you need to roll them with your hands into peculiar sausages. At the same time, it is important not to squeeze the juice out of the leaves; it will come out of it anyway. Then the raw materials are laid out on a baking sheet and covered with a thick, damp cloth.

The sausages should sit until they darken. This means that the fermentation process has begun. However, mold can also covet the delicious leaves of Koporye tea, so you need to make sure that a white coating does not form on the raw material. Dry in the oven at a temperature of about 100 degrees. It must be finely chopped and placed on paper. After drying, you need to wait a few more days for the flavor to fully develop.

Fireweed for men: contraindications and benefits, reviews

Ivan tea helps well in the treatment of adenoma and prostatitis, as well as in the prevention of these diseases. Potency problems are another problem that fireweed will help solve. The benefits, reviews from men about which are very eloquent, are great. Fireweed tea can quickly restore prostate function, and its constant use will help men maintain sexual activity into old age. The recipe for a drink made from fireweed tea is simple: you need to pour 3 teaspoons of crushed leaves into a glass of hot water and leave for 15-20 minutes. It is advisable that the water be a little cooler than boiling water. The resulting drink should be drunk in the morning and evening, half a glass. This useful decoction will not only improve health, but also enhance potency. Ivan tea has no contraindications for men; you can safely drink it at least every day.

Folk wisdom

In Rus' they used Ivan tea. It was not without reason that he received a masculine name, because the stronger sex has used fireweed since ancient times. Beneficial properties and contraindications for men (there are practically no negative reviews) allow us to safely call it “men's herb.” But this wonderful plant can help everyone, regardless of gender.

Koporye tea can replace the usual black or green drink. Your health will only get better, and your nervous system will be grateful for this choice. Instead of constantly spending money on buying dubious tea products, you can go out of town once and pick yourself some tasty and healthy fireweed tea. The choice is yours.

The beneficial effects of fireweed or fireweed have been known since the times of ancient Rus'. In past centuries, fireweed was transported abroad in impressive quantities, as it has medicinal properties, healing for both men and women.

Therapeutic benefits and properties of the drink, effect on the male body

A drink made from fireweed gently cleanses the entire body of toxins

The therapeutic beneficial effects of the product are as follows: relieves irritation from the nervous system, removes inflammation from organs, cleanses the body of waste and toxins. Also, fireweed products help to recover from alcohol addiction and smoking. But, of course, there will be benefits if you take it for a long time and according to the instructions.

Is it possible to drink it in the treatment of acute and chronic prostatitis?

A decoction of fireweed tea helps with diseases of the genitourinary system

Representatives of the stronger half of humanity are advised to use this collection for pathologies associated with the genitourinary and reproductive systems.

It is necessary to add 2 tbsp. spoons of fireweed tea with boiling water – 200 ml. The mixture must be left for 15 minutes, then the solution must be left for 45 minutes. Filter into a glass, squeeze out the raw materials, add boiled or filtered water in the required amount.

The resulting solution does not lose effectiveness for several days, taking into account storage in a cold place. Dosage regimen: 3 times a day (morning, lunch and evening) 100 ml. The course of treatment takes 14 days, then a pause of 7 days is made and the course of treatment is repeated again.

Use this infusion 3 times a day - before meals. Single serving 70 ml. This decoction also helps in the postoperative period during prostate surgery.

How to brew and use to increase potency and for how long

For therapeutic purposes, 1 tbsp is required. pour 200 ml of boiling water over a spoonful of raw materials. Leave the broth for 1 hour, then filter. Apply every 6 hours during the day. A single serving is 50 ml. The course is at least 45 days.

Help of tea for prostate adenoma and is its use beneficial?

The presence of phytosterols in fireweed helps improve health with potency and prostate adenoma. After 50 years, homeopaths say that fireweed infusions can be used for the purpose of prevention.

Fireweed tea is preventative for many diseases

The use of fireweed by healthy men of any age category also helps in preventing the disease.

Scientists have proven that the systematic frequent use of fireweed decoction in the early stages of pathologies helps to avoid surgical access, slowing down the growth of the tumor.

Tea recipe: Brew 2 teaspoons with two glasses of boiling water. The settling time is 30 minutes. Drink the decoction 2 times a day (morning and evening) on ​​an empty stomach.

Help of fireweed in the fight against smoking and alcoholism

Ivan tea helps to recover from diseases such as: acute and chronic prostatitis, prostate adenoma, stones in the adenoma, erection problems, and complications after prostate surgery. In addition, this plant helps to get rid of alcohol addiction and smoking. Here its usefulness influences many body functions.

To make a decoction, add 200 ml of boiling water to 1 tbsp. a spoonful of fireweed, then the solution should infuse for 10 minutes. Be sure to filter. Application regimen: 3-4 times a day, half a glass.

Proper use to relieve hangover

To consolidate the results of a hangover, it is recommended to drink this decoction before and after meals.

For a longer-lasting effect in the treatment of alcoholism and hangover relief, it is recommended to use fireweed tea 30 minutes before meals or 1.5 hours after meals.

Take a one-time decoction based on 2 tbsp. dried, crushed raw materials and 250 ml of water.

Fireweed brewing recipe for men

Ivan tea is also recommended for the prevention of male diseases for young men.

In addition to the above characteristics, fireweed tea promotes the proper functioning of hormones. This function takes place during puberty of young people. Fireweed decoctions are recommended for boys to drink as a preventative measure.

Teenagers during puberty need to consume 100 ml of decoction 2 times a day, for the prevention of prostate adenoma, prostatitis, impotence in men 3 times a day, in similar doses, to strengthen the immune system - 1-2 cups of decoction per day.

These dosages are preventive. Therapeutic doses should be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the individual approach to the patient’s disease.

To prevent diseases, the course should last a month, then an interval of 12-14 days, then repeat the course. A pause in using the product is necessary because it has a weak diarrheal effect.

Harm and contraindications when consuming fireweed by men

When treating diseases with infusions from the plant, it is strictly necessary to take pauses during long-term use so as not to cause harm to yourself. This product contains coumarins, which are characterized by accumulative properties in the liver, which leads to disruption of its functioning.

Fireweed can also cause gastrointestinal upset. Decoctions cannot be used in courses for more than 1 month and no more than 5 times a day.

In case of an overdose of fireweed, pronounced sedative or laxative effects may occur. It is necessary to observe the frequency of use and duration of the course.

Ivan tea is one of the plants that has left a mark in the history of our country. In the old days, it was so popular that it was exported abroad in large quantities. Nowadays, Ivan tea is undeservedly forgotten. In the meantime, this is a very valuable plant for men that can improve health.


Men are advised to drink fireweed tea for the following problems:

  • Acute prostatitis;
  • Decreased potency;
  • Chronic prostatitis;
  • BPH;
  • Prostate surgery;
  • Stones in adenoma.

Men can also appreciate the properties of fireweed, such as a soothing, astringent, anti-inflammatory and cleansing effect. In addition, drinking fireweed tea can help men get rid of bad habits such as alcoholism and smoking.

Decreased potency

Pour a tablespoon of dry crushed leaves and flowers of fireweed tea into 200 ml. boiling water Wrap it up and let it sit for 1 hour. Strain and drink 50 ml. 4 times a day before meals. The duration of use of the infusion is 1.5 months.

When potency decreases, tea is also good. The preparation of fermented fireweed tea was discussed in detail in another article, but fermented fireweed tea sold in the store is also suitable. 1 tbsp. Pour 200 ml of this brew. boiling water Let it sit for 10 minutes. Strain and drink 70 ml. 3-4 times a day.

For prostate adenoma

Tea, as well as an infusion made from fireweed, is quite effective in treating adenoma due to the presence of phytosterols. If fireweed tea is consumed by a healthy man, the effect will be preventive. It is recommended for all men over 50 to prevent problems with the prostate gland and male potency.

The use of Koporye tea is also recommended as a parallel treatment with other means of influencing the adenoma, including during surgery. It has been proven that regular consumption of tea and infusion during stages 1-2 of the disease can slow down the growth of adenoma and avoid surgical treatment.

To prepare tea, take a teaspoon of dried fireweed, pour a glass of boiling water, then leave for half an hour and strain. Take one glass twice a day, drinking it in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening half an hour before bedtime.

For stones in adenoma

For stones in adenoma, fireweed is drunk as tea. Research has noted that fireweed tea reduces inflammation and stops prostate enlargement. Recipe from herbalist, homeopath and folk healer of Russia V.M. Ogarkova: pour a tablespoon of fireweed herb into 200 ml. boiling water, leave for 5 minutes. Drink a glass in the morning before meals and in the evening 30 minutes before bedtime.

With prostatitis

By taking an aqueous infusion of the plant, you will prevent inflammatory processes in the prostate gland, so this remedy is recommended for chronic as well as acute prostatitis.

To prepare the water infusion: take two tablespoons of the dried plant, pour 200 ml of hot water into an enamel bowl, cover with a lid, hold in a water bath for a quarter of an hour, let stand for 45 minutes, and then strain. Bring the volume of the resulting product to 200 ml by diluting it with boiled water.

Store this infusion for up to 2 days in a cool place. Take the liquid warm three times a day before meals (half an hour), half a glass. Use the infusion for 14 days, then take a week break and you can repeat the course.

For chronic prostatitis

In the chronic form of the disease and after prostate surgery, according to the prescription of the herbalist, homeopath and folk healer of Russia V.M. Ogarkova, it is recommended to drink the following infusion: 1 tbsp. l. fireweed pour 1 tbsp. boiling water, leave for 2 hours, and then strain. When warm, this infusion is drunk 20 minutes before meals, 70 ml. 3 times a day.

As part of herbal preparations, fireweed tea is effective in combination with the following plants:

  1. Fireweed, horsetail, nettle root, hop cones, goldenrod and cinnamon;
  2. Fireweed roots, lemongrass leaves, echinacea roots and licorice roots;
  3. Fireweed leaves, strawberry leaves, birch leaves and hazel leaves.

Harm and contraindications

Men who drink fireweed for the purpose of healing or treating male diseases should remember that drinks from this plant should not be consumed for a long time without a break. The coumarins contained in fireweed tea can accumulate in the liver and affect its functioning, as well as digestion. So take breaks from consuming this plant and do not drink drinks made from it for more than 1 month.

If you take an excessively large dose of fireweed, its laxative and sedative effects will be more pronounced. Therefore, follow the dosage when brewing and do not drink this tea more than 5 times a day.

The culture of tea drinking appeared in Rus' long before the familiar green and black tea varieties were imported into the country. Our ancestors prepared this drink from Ivan-tea or fireweed, collecting and preparing it yourself.

This useful plant grows mainly in the Far Eastern and Siberian forests. The medicinal properties and contraindications of Ivan tea will be discussed in this article.

History of appearance

Back in the 12th century in Ancient Rus', the Slavs drank this drink and believed that it could cure any disease.

Since the plant was available, ordinary people drank it, however, even the nobility did not shy away from such tasty and aromatic tea.

And in the 18th century, in the village of Koporye, monks began to produce tea made from fireweed, they gave it the name “Koporie tea.” Then other provinces began preparing Ivan tea.

Later, when the plant was brought home by English sailors, fireweed became known in Europe. Tea from Russia became popular in England, Prussia and France.

He had many admirers, because the sale of fireweed tea was in a leading position in the foreign trade of the Russian Empire until the 19th century inclusive.

After the October Revolution, they forgot about fireweed. However, these days the popularity of this healthy drink has increased; it has become widely used for medicinal purposes and in everyday life.

Ivan-tea: types and description

Ivan tea is a family of plants that are perennial. There are approximately fifteen species of this herbaceous plant. The most famous is angustifolia fireweed.

The general description includes beautiful pink-lilac flowers and green-purple leaves.

Fireweed has a well-developed rhizome that grows widely underground.

Fireweed angustifolia

Angustifolia fireweed grows in the northern hemisphere, preferring regions that are not inhabited by other herbs. This subspecies of fireweed is tall, its leaves resemble willow and thickly cover the trunk.

Its flowering period is in mid-summer, lasting one month. Fireweed inflorescences are large, tassel-shaped, violet-purple in color.

Ivan tea cannot withstand competition with other plants and usually quickly dies out.

It often grows in areas of fires, leaving behind fertile soil.

Broadleaf fireweed

This plant is very similar to its fellow, only it already has a single lilac-purple flower in the shape of an oval or spear-shaped inflorescence. The leaves of this variety of fireweed are of a beautiful emerald color, turning into a lilac shade towards the petiole.

This subspecies is distributed in the Arctic and subarctic zones. It is used in the everyday life of people living in Chukotka, Greenland, and Scandinavian countries.

There it acts not only as a means for treating diseases, but is also added to food as a herb.


Ivan tea is recognized by scientists as a truly unique plant in terms of the amount of useful substances in its composition.

Fireweed is the leader in vitamin C content; it contains even more than citrus fruits.

So, what are the benefits of fireweed for the human body? This beneficial plant contains:

  • B vitamins;
  • organic acids;
  • pectin;
  • lectins;
  • gallic acid;
  • tannins;
  • trace elements: potassium, manganese, iron, copper, calcium and others;
  • tannin.

The leaves of the plant are rich in tannins and mucus, which envelops the gastrointestinal tract, and tannin acts as an anti-inflammatory agent.

Plant fibers promote the functioning of the digestive system. Fireweed seeds contain fatty oils.

Secrets of preparing and fermenting fireweed tea. Video:

Useful properties and contraindications

The main advantage of Ivan tea over other drinks that are more familiar to us is considered to be the absence of caffeine.

However, it has much more useful properties. For example, a high content of vitamin C. Not everyone knows that properly prepared Koporye tea contains much more vitamin C than rose hips.

Let's look at what diseases Ivan tea helps with:

helps improve blood composition: increases hemoglobin and normalizes blood pH;

normalizes metabolic processes in the body;

acts as a bactericidal agent and relieves inflammation in infections caused by viruses and bacteria;

helps improve men's health. Has a beneficial effect on the prostate gland;

stabilizes kidney function, thereby normalizing blood pressure;

has a calming effect, helps with insomnia, headaches and stress;

The tannins in fireweed act as an enveloping and restorative agent for the intestinal flora. Treat ulcers and constipation;

has a wound healing effect and promotes tissue regeneration;

improves the activity of the endocrine system;

cleanses the body of waste and toxins;

when feeding, it will help lactation, increase the amount of milk in a woman, and also improve its quality;

provides prevention of cancer pathologies;

improves skin condition, acts on the body as a rejuvenating agent.

Among the contraindications to drinking fireweed:

Does it increase or decrease blood pressure?

People are often concerned about how fireweed decoction works: whether it increases or decreases blood pressure. The secret is that this plant can be used for both hypotension and hypertension, depending on the dosage and preparation recipe. So, how to brew and drink Ivan tea correctly if you have problems with blood pressure:

  • In case of low blood pressure, you will need strong tea. You need to drink it in small portions several times a day;
  • For hypertension, weak tea should be prepared. Often high blood pressure is caused by severe stress and nervous shock. Ivan tea can calm and strengthen the nerves.

Of course, there will be no immediate effect. To get results you will need to take a course.

Health benefits and harms of Ivan tea

The benefits of this drink for the body are really great; drinking fireweed as tea will help:

strengthen immunity;

cure colds;

reduce fever;

relieve inflammation;

normalize blood pressure;

reduce nausea;

improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system;

relieve headache;

improve men's health;

cure diseases of the oral cavity;

relieve unpleasant menopausal symptoms;

provide prevention of cancer, urolithiasis and cholelithiasis;

improve eyesight;

stabilizes the state of the nervous system;

cure insomnia;


strengthen hair;

normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Benefits for men

Ivan tea for men is most often used to treat prostate diseases. This plant has the beneficial property of regulating the normal functioning of the prostate gland, which helps maintain male strength.

Thanks to this drink, men even in old age can conceive a child.

Benefits for women

Ivan tea is no less useful for women. This drink is recognized as one of the best for the treatment of cystitis, thrush and other genitourinary diseases. Ivan tea during pregnancy It is allowed to use only after consultation with a doctor.

Thanks to the high amount of vitamins, microelements and minerals, fireweed tea will help maintain beauty.

It will also be useful for women who want to lose extra pounds. The presence of antioxidants in the plant will help prolong youth.

Ivan-tea for children

You should not give Ivan tea to children under 6 years of age. A child older than this age can take a decoction of fireweed. Especially during ARVI epidemics. The tea will supply the baby’s body with the necessary vitamins and microelements and calm him down before bed.

Possible harm

However, thoughtless use of fireweed can be harmful. Therefore, before introducing fireweed into your diet, you need to make sure that there is no individual intolerance.

Excessive amounts of fireweed tea can cause stool upset and decreased potency in men.

Features of preparing fireweed tea

And harvesting this plant does not require much effort or expense. In addition, you can completely dry fireweed yourself. The whole process consists of five stages.

Collection of fireweed

The plant should be harvested away from roads, industrial organizations and highways.

Ivan tea is collected during the flowering period, but before the tassel has fully blossomed, otherwise fluff from the lower branches will get into the tea. For medicinal purposes, the above-ground parts of the herb are used, cut or broken off.

The leaves and buds of the plant should be harvested separately, without mixing them together. Young fireweed shoots are harvested in early May. A drink from this plant will restore your energy level and restore strength.


The raw materials are dried in a specially designated room.

There are different types of fermentation fireweed, all of them allow you to ultimately obtain a high-quality product for further use for various purposes.

Pre-collected leaves must be spread on a flat, dry surface in a layer of about 5-6 cm.

Over the course of one or two days, they need to be turned over so that they become slightly wilted and not completely dry.


The leaves are twisted between the palms into thin ropes. In this case, parts of the plant should give juice and become darker in color.


The twisted leaves are placed in an enamel container in a layer of about 5 cm. Cover the top with a damp cloth and leave for 6-12 hours.

The temperature during this process should be 24-27 °C. If the temperature is higher, ripening will accelerate.

It is easy to determine maturity; the raw materials should change their smell. They should acquire a bright, floral-fruity aroma.


When the raw material is completely ripe, it is finely chopped and placed on a dehydrator or dryer. Parchment is spread underneath. The layer of raw materials should be 1-1.5 cm. Drying takes place at 40-43 degrees for 1-1.5 hours.

You can determine readiness by touch: the leaves become brittle. At this point the temperature can be reduced.

How to brew and drink Ivan tea correctly?

To preserve all the beneficial qualities of Koporye tea, it is important to prepare it correctly. There are two most popular methods:

1. Two teaspoons of dry fireweed tea need to be poured into 600 ml of boiling water. Close the container tightly and leave for 15 minutes. Then the drink must be stirred.

It can retain its qualities for several days, but it is better to drink freshly prepared tea. You can add more water to the broth to taste. The fireweed infusion prepared in this way can be drunk cold.

2. Pour two tablespoons of fresh fireweed leaves into 800 ml of boiling water in an enamel pan.

Place the dishes over low heat, warm up slightly and leave to stand for 10 minutes. You can add honey or sugar to tea prepared using this method. It is better to drink it warm and with dried fruits.

Ivan tea can be re-brewed up to five times.

Where to buy?

If it is not possible to prepare the raw materials yourself, then it is better to purchase fireweed tea in pharmacies or stores that specialize in selling herbal teas.

At the time of purchase, you should carefully study the expiration date, place of procurement of raw materials and the type of herbal mixture itself.

It is important that the tea does not contain moldy leaves and dubious additives in the form of pieces of berries and other things.

How to store?

Ivan tea should be stored in a dry place, in a hermetically sealed container for two years.

There is more useful information here.

Dishes for storing fireweed must meet the following conditions:

  • Do not use a metal container;
  • if the choice fell on glassware, then it is not recommended to leave it in the light;
  • The best option would be ceramic containers.

Ivan tea purchased at a pharmacy should not be left in the same packaging, as the herb will quickly lose its properties.

The benefits and harms of fireweed for human health are obvious; fireweed is a very useful plant, the use of which will help support and heal the body.

It is easy to purchase ready-to-drink tea; today it is sold everywhere. To get the full benefits of this unique plant, it is important to prepare it correctly.

Fireweed infusion may not spoil for several days, however, for maximum benefits it is better to prepare fresh tea each time.

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