Russell's method for diagnosing the level of subjective feeling of loneliness. Results and analysis of experimental methods

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

Description: This diagnostic test questionnaire is designed to determine the level of loneliness, how lonely a person feels.

The phenomenon of loneliness lies in the fact that the feeling of loneliness is perceived as an acutely subjective, highly individual and often unique experience. One of the most distinctive features of loneliness is a specific feeling of complete immersion in oneself. The feeling of loneliness is not like other experiences, it is holistic, embracing absolutely everything.

Loneliness is a complex feeling that binds together something lost in the inner world of the individual. The feeling of loneliness motivates a person to vigorously search for a means of confronting this “disease”, because loneliness acts against the basic expectations and hopes of a person and is thus perceived as extremely undesirable.

There is an educational moment in the feeling of loneliness. Loneliness is a sign of one's selfhood; it tells a person “who I am in this life.” Loneliness is a special form of self-perception, acute form self-awareness.


You are presented with a series of statements. Consider each one sequentially and evaluate in terms of the frequency of their occurrence in relation to your life using four answer options: “often,” “sometimes,” “rarely,” “never.” Mark the selected option with a “+” sign.

Text of the questionnaire (questions).

Statements Often Sometimes Rarely Never
1 I'm unhappy doing so many things alone
2 I have no one to talk to
3 I can't bear to be so lonely
4 I miss communication
5 I feel like no one understands me
6 I find myself waiting for people to call, write to me
7 There's no one I can turn to
8 I'm not close to anyone anymore
9 Those around me do not share my interests and ideas
10 I feel abandoned
11 I am unable to open up and communicate with those around me
12 I feel completely alone
13 My social relationships and connections are superficial
14 I'm dying for company
15 Nobody really knows me well
16 I feel isolated from others
17 I'm miserable being such an outcast
18 I have trouble making friends
19 I feel excluded and isolated by others
20 People around me, but not with me

Processing, the key to the loneliness test.

The number of each answer option is counted.

The sum of the answers “often” is multiplied by 3,
“sometimes” - by 2,
“rarely” - by 1
and “never” - to 0.
The results obtained are added up. The maximum possible loneliness score is 60 points.

Instructions. “You are presented with a series of statements. Consider each one sequentially and evaluate in terms of the frequency of their manifestations in relation to your life using four answer options: “often”, “sometimes”, “rarely”, “never”. Mark the selected option with a “+” sign.”

Processing of results and interpretation. The number of each answer option is counted. The sum of the answers “often” is multiplied by three, “sometimes” by two, “rarely” by one and “never” by 0. The results obtained are added together. The maximum possible loneliness score is 60 points.

A high degree of loneliness is indicated by 40 to 60 points, from 20 to 40 points – an average level of loneliness, from 0 to 20 points – a low level of loneliness.

Methodology "T&D" 35

Diagnoses anxiety and depression. Instructions. “We ask you to answer a series of questions that will help us find out how you are feeling. If the conditions specified in the question are

– you have never had one, give 5 points;

Form for diagnosing the level of subjective feeling of loneliness by D. Russell and M. Ferguson







I'm unhappy doing so many things alone


I have no one to talk to


I can't bear to be so lonely


I miss communication


I feel like no one really understands themselves


I find myself waiting for people to call or text me


There's no one I can turn to


I'm not close to anyone anymore


Those around me do not share my interests and ideas


I feel abandoned


I am unable to open up and communicate with those around me


I feel completely alone


My social relationships and connections are superficial


I'm dying for company


Nobody really knows me well


I feel isolated from others


I'm miserable being such an outcast


I have trouble making friends


I feel excluded and isolated by others


People around me, but not with me

– very rare – 4 points;

– happen from time to time – 3 points;

– they happen often – 2 points;

– almost constantly or always – 1 point.”

Group or individual research. Test takers receive an answer form and their attention is drawn to ensure that they do not make mistakes when filling out the form.

Questionnaire text

1. Do you notice that you have become slower and sluggish, that you don’t have the same energy?

2. Do you find it difficult to fall asleep if something is bothering you?

3. Do you feel depressed and depressed?

4. Do you ever have a feeling of any anxiety (as if something is about to happen), although there is no particular reason?

5. Do you notice that now you feel less need for friendship and affection than before?

6. Does the thought occur to you that there is little joy and happiness in your life?

7. Do you notice that you have become somehow indifferent, that you don’t have the same interests and hobbies?

8. Do you have periods of such anxiety that you can’t even sit still?

9. Does waiting make you anxious and nervous?

10. Do you have nightmares?

11. Do you feel anxious and worried about someone or something?

12. Do you ever have the feeling that you are treated with indifference, no one is trying to understand and sympathize with you, and you feel alone (lonely)?

13. Have you noticed that your arms or legs are often in restless motion?

14. Do you feel impatient, restless or fussy?

15. Do you often want to be alone?

16. Do you notice that your loved ones treat you with indifference or even hostility?

17. Do you feel constrained and insecure in society?

18. Do you ever think that your girlfriends (friends) or loved ones are happier than you?

19. Do you hesitate for a long time before making a decision?

20. Do you sometimes have the feeling that you yourself are to blame for many troubles?

Table 2.14

Feature numbers



































































Table 2.15

The significance of diagnostic coefficients for depression

Feature numbers



































































Processing of received data. The scores given by the test takers take certain numerical values, which are indicated in the tables.

According to the values ​​​​indicated in table. 2.14 and 2.15, the well-being score is replaced by a diagnostic coefficient. Following the recoding, the algebraic sum (taking into account the positive or negative sign) of the diagnostic coefficients for each scale separately is calculated.

The algebraic sum of coefficients greater than +1.28 indicates a good mental state. A sum less than -1.28 indicates severe mental tension, anxiety, and depression. Intermediate values ​​(from -1.28 to +1.28) indicate data uncertainty. Typically, borderline values ​​are characterized by coefficients ranging from -5.6 to -1.28.

A borderline state of anxiety manifests itself in a decrease in the threshold of arousal in relation to various stimuli, indecision, impatience, and inconsistency of action. The neurotic reaction of anxiety as concern for one’s own health and for the health of one’s loved ones when communicating with people is manifested in the fact that a person behaves insecurely.

Depression manifests itself in neurotic reactions - in a weakening of the tone of life and energy, in a decrease in mood, narrowing and limiting contacts with others, a feeling of joylessness and loneliness.

The technique was created by D. Russell and M. Fergusson and is aimed at identifying the experience of loneliness.

Instructions. You are presented with a series of statements. Consider each one sequentially and evaluate in terms of the frequency of their occurrence in relation to your life using four answer options: “often” (3 points), “sometimes” (2 points), “rarely” (1 point), “never” (0 points). Please mark the selected option with the appropriate number. Questionnaire text 1.I am unhappy doing so many things alone.

2. I have no one to talk to.

3. It’s unbearable for me to be so lonely.

4. I miss communication.

5. I feel like no one really understands me.

6. I often find myself waiting for people to call or write to me.

7. There is no one to whom I could turn.

8. I'm not close to anyone anymore.

9. Those around me do not share my interests and ideas.

10. I feel abandoned.

11. I am not able to relax and communicate with those around me.

12. I feel completely alone.

13. My social relationships and connections are superficial.

14. I'm dying for company.

15. In reality, no one knows me well.

16. I feel isolated from others.

17. I am miserable being such an outcast.

18. It is difficult for me to make friends.

19. I feel excluded and isolated by others.

20. People are around me, but not with me.

Processing the results. The total score for all answers is calculated. The maximum possible loneliness score is 60 points.

Interpretation. A high degree of loneliness corresponds to 41-60 points, a medium degree - from 21 to 40 points, a low degree - from 0 to 20 points.

Test - “Longing for tenderness”

The test is taken from the book: Women's Psychology / Comp. N. A. Litvintseva. - M„ 1994. In the test, I changed questions 4, 10 and 16 so that males could also use it.

Instructions. People, openly or subconsciously, yearn for tenderness, feel the need V it, and it seems to them that they themselves are able to bestow it. However

522 Application

It’s difficult to assess this yourself. To facilitate this self-assessment, answer the following questions (for questions 1-17, answers only A) yes, b) no).

1. As a child, did you willingly let your aunts and uncles kiss you?

2. Were your parents affectionate towards you?

3. Did you have a lot of plush toys as a child?

4. Do you feel envy or sadness when you see lovers kissing?

5. Do you like to dance?

6. Do you prefer slow dancing?

7. Do you have a habit of chewing a pencil?

8. Do you manage to achieve everything you plan?

9. Do you like looking at yourself in the mirror in a negligee?

10. Do you have anything against being paid for in a cafe, restaurant, transport, or cinema?

11. How do you eat: slowly rather than quickly?

12. Would you like to have (or maybe you have?) more than three children?

13. Are you very sensitive to noise?

14. Do you like to admire beautiful children, people, objects without any embarrassment?

15. Are you known as a person who gives instructions and makes comments?

16. Are you willing to get rid of your childhood toys, especially those you loved?

17. Do you think it is possible to be affectionate without erotic intentions?

18. How do you evaluate the tenderness of others?

a) she embarrasses you;

b) you think that it can be manifested always and everywhere;

c) be reserved.

19. What breed of dog do you like best? a) hound;

b) poodle;

c) spaniel;

20 How do you deal with love letters?

a) save them for “eternal memory”;

b) throw them away immediately;

c) keep them while you are in love. Processing the results

3 points are counted for the answers: 1a, 2a, For, 5a, 6a, 9a, 10a, 12a, 17a, 186, 19d.

2 points are counted for the answers: 4a, 7a, 136, 19c, 20a.

1 point is given for the answers: 8a, 11a, 14a, 15a, 16b, 18b, 196, 20b.


If the result is less than 20 points. You are not quite as gentle as you think you are. True, you would like those people who surround you to be affectionate with you, but you yourself do not want to show warm feelings. For this, are you simply cold, too sober, too often guided by reason, or maybe you just don’t know how to show feelings? This is probably how you were raised. After all, the child must first

Appendix 523

recognize tenderness in order to learn it later. And only then will he be able to give it to others.

If you scored 20-35 points. If tenderness were graded, you would get a C plus, and even more, provided that you were able to overcome fear and embarrassment in expressing your feelings.

If there are more than 35 points You are a person full of tenderness, unable to hide your heartfelt feelings. You don’t see the shortcomings of those around you, your relationships with people are easier.

If you get more than 45 points in this test, it means that you are an ideal mother or an ideal father.

Methodology “Self-assessment of emotional states^

The technique was proposed by G. Eysenck. In the proposed version, two of the four scales related to emotional states are taken.

Instructions. We offer you a description of various mental states. If this condition is very suitable for you, then the answer is given 2 points; if it fits, but not very well, then 1 point; if it doesn’t fit at all, then 0 points.

Questionnaire text

1. I don’t feel confident.

2. I often blush over trifles.

3. My sleep is restless. 4..I get discouraged easily.

5. I worry about only imaginary troubles.

6. Difficulties scare me.

7. I like to delve into my shortcomings.

8. I am easy to convince.

9. I'm suspicious.

10. I can hardly stand the waiting time.

11. Often situations seem hopeless to me, from which a way out can be found.

12. Troubles upset me greatly, I lose heart.

13. When there are big troubles, I tend to blame myself without sufficient reason.

14. Misfortunes and failures teach me nothing.

15. I often give up struggle, considering it fruitless.

16. I often feel defenseless.

17. Sometimes I feel a state of despair.

18. I feel confused in the face of difficulties.

19. In difficult moments of life, sometimes I behave childishly, I want people to feel sorry for me.

20. I consider my character flaws to be incorrigible.

Processing survey results. Calculate the sum of points scored on each scale: anxiety scale - answers “yes” to questions 1-10; frustration scale - answers “yes” to questions 11-20.

Establishing diagnosis. 0-7 points - low severity of the tendency to this condition, 8-14 points - average severity of the tendency, 15-20 points - high severity of the tendency to the condition.

Subject status of the technique: research of the emotional sphere

The purpose of diagnosis: determining the level of subjective feeling of loneliness

Table No. 11 “Primary results of the study”

Possible answer



The subject is diagnosed with an average level of subjective feeling of loneliness.

Methodology for diagnosing self-esteem

Subject status of the technique: study of personality traits

Operational status of the psychodiagnostic technique: test

Purpose of diagnosis: study of self-esteem, reactive and personal anxiety

Table No. 12 “Primary results of the study”

Possible answer

no it's not

perhaps so

absolutely right

Possible answer

Almost never

almost always

The indicator of situational (reactive) anxiety is 63, which indicates high level situational anxiety. In the behavioral aspect, this is characterized by: high anxiety, nervousness, tension. May lead to impaired attention and fine coordination.

The personal anxiety index is 55, which indicates a high level of personal anxiety. In the behavioral aspect, this is characterized by: a stable tendency to perceive big circle situations as threatening, react to such situations with a state of anxiety. There may be a direct correlation with the presence of neurotic conflict, with emotional and neurotic breakdowns and psychosomatic diseases.

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