Can I drink alcohol while taking Jess birth control pills? Jess Plus - oral contraceptives How long can you take Jess tablets.

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Indications for the use of the drug "Jess" are: contraception, treatment of severe premenstrual syndrome, treatment of acne. "Jess" is taken once a day, preferably at the same time, in accordance with the order indicated on the package. There should be no break between packages. Withdrawal bleeding begins on the 2-3rd day after taking the inactive tablet and may not end until the next package is used.

Taking the drug begins on the 1st day of the cycle (on the 1st day of bleeding). It is allowed to start taking it on the 2-5th day of the cycle; in this case, it is necessary to additionally use barrier contraception during the 1st week of using the product. In case of switching from other oral combined contraceptive drugs, it is recommended to start taking Jess the next day after the last active tablet from the previous package was taken, but in no case later than the next day after a 7-day break (for contraceptives containing 21 tablets) or after taking the last inactive tablet (for contraceptives containing 28 tablets).

When switching from drugs containing gestagens (the so-called “mini-pills”), “Jess” can be started on any day (without a break); barrier contraception must be used for a week. The drug should be taken on the day of removal of the progestogen-releasing intrauterine contraceptive device, and barrier contraception should be used during the 1st week of taking the pills.

Side effects, contraindications to the use of "Jess"

The following side effects may occur when taking Jess: irregular bleeding, abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, headache, syndrome, decreased mood, nervousness, migraine, decreased or increased libido. May experience: pain and/or engorgement of the mammary glands, vaginal candidiasis, discharge from the mammary glands, vaginal discharge, acne, rash, urticaria, erythema. Sometimes body weight increases or decreases, and hypersensitivity reactions occur. In rare cases, thrombosis and thromboembolism develop. In women with hereditary angioedema, taking the drug may aggravate its symptoms.

"Jess" is contraindicated in arterial and venous thrombosis, thromboembolism, cerebrovascular disorders, migraine, diabetes, heart rhythm disturbances, cerebral or coronary artery diseases, uncontrolled arterial hypertension. The drug should not be used for pancreatitis, liver failure, severe liver pathologies, hormone-dependent malignant tumors, vaginal bleeding of unknown origin, during pregnancy and lactation.

One active Jess tablet (pink) contains 20 mcg (0.02 mg) ethinyl estradiol and 3 mg drospirenone.

Jess is a monophasic oral contraceptive, which means that all pink pills contain the same amount of hormones. Inactive tablets (white) do not contain hormones and are pacifiers (placebo).

Jess packaging may contain 1 or 3 blisters (plates) of tablets. One blister contains 28 tablets: 24 active (pink) and 4 inactive (white).

ATTENTION: The drug has contraindications. Do not start using this drug without first consulting your doctor.


Preparations Dimia, Jess Plus contain the same doses of hormones as Jess.

Advantages of Jess

Jess birth control pills have an antiandrogenic effect. This means that they reduce the effect of male sex hormones (androgens), which are a common cause of oily facial skin and acne. Therefore, Jess may have a cosmetic effect - eliminate or at least weaken acne (blackheads). Taking Jess to achieve a cosmetic effect is acceptable from the age of 14 (in the absence of contraindications).

Jess tablets, unlike some other OCs, do not retain water in the body, so taking them does not increase a woman’s weight.

How to start taking Jess?

You can start taking Jess from the first day of the menstrual cycle (the first day of your period), or from the first Sunday after the start of your period.

Start on day 1 of your period: Take the first tablet (pink) on the first day of your period and then take one tablet every day at approximately the same time. After finishing the pink pills, take white pills (placebo) from 25 to 28 days. After finishing the placebo tablets, start a new pack of Jess. If you start taking Jess on the 1st day of your period, the contraceptive effect occurs immediately and you do not need to use additional contraception. If you take your pills according to the rules and without misses, then you also do not need to use additional contraception while taking placebo pills (white, inactive pills). If you did not start taking Jess on the first day of your menstruation, you must use additional contraception for another 7 days after starting to take the pills.

Starting on Sunday: You can start taking Jess on the next Sunday after the start of your next menstruation (for example, if your period started on Tuesday, then the first pill should be taken on the next Sunday). However, in this case, you should consider the possibility of pregnancy if you had unprotected sexual intercourse before starting to take OCs. You will also have to use additional contraception for another 7 days after you start taking the pills (until next Sunday).

Jess admission rules

    After taking the first Jess tablets, your periods may stop or become less heavy than usual. This is normal and is due to the effects of hormones.

    In the first months of taking Jess, you may experience spotting. This is also normal.

    The pills are taken every day at approximately the same hour. You can take the tablets regardless of meals.

    It is advisable to take the tablets in the order indicated on the package. This is to prevent you from getting confused.

    If you accidentally mixed up the numbers of the pills, but only drank pink pills, then nothing bad will happen, because all pink Jess pills contain the same dose of hormones.

    If you accidentally mixed up the numbers of the tablets, but instead of taking the active (pink) one, you took the inactive (white) one, then the effect of the tablets may be reduced. What to do in this case, read below, in the section What to do if you miss a Jess pill?

    After finishing one blister, the next day you need to take the first tablet from the next blister. There are no breaks between blisters.

    Menstruation usually begins at 27-28 tablets from the package. You should start taking a new package even if menstruation has not yet begun or has not yet ended.

When will the Jess effect occur?

If you take Jess from the first day of your period, the contraceptive effect occurs immediately and you no longer need to use it.

If you take Jess from the 2-5th day of your period, or from the next Sunday, then in this case you need to use additional contraception for another 7 days after starting to take the pills.

How to switch to Jess from another OK?

If you have taken other birth control pills in the past month and want to switch to Jess, follow these rules:

    If the package of previous OCs contained 28 tablets, then taking the first Jess tablet should be started the day after the end of the previous OCs.

    If the package of the previous OCs contained 21 tablets, then taking the first Jess tablet can be started the next day after the end of the previous OCs, or on the 8th day after a seven-day break.

How to switch to Jess from a vaginal ring or hormonal patch?

In this case, the first Jess tablet should be taken on the day when you removed the vaginal ring or removed it, or on the day when you need to put a new vaginal ring on or apply a patch.

How to switch to Jess from an intrauterine device (IUD)?

When switching to Jess from an intrauterine device, the first Jess tablet should be taken on the day the device is removed. Use additional contraception for one week after starting Jess.

How to start taking Jess after an abortion?

After an abortion in early pregnancy (up to 12 weeks), you can start taking Jess on the day of the abortion. If the abortion was late (more than 12 weeks), then taking Jess tablets can be started on the 21st or 28th day after the abortion. In this case, you need to protect yourself for another 7 days. If you had unprotected sex before taking Jess, you can start taking the pills only after you are sure that you are not pregnant.

How to start taking Jess after giving birth?

You can start taking Jess on the 21st or 28th day after birth. In this case, you need to protect yourself for another 7 days. If you had unprotected sex before taking Jess, you can start taking the pills only after you have ruled out a possible pregnancy. If you are breastfeeding, then Jess tablets are contraindicated for you.

What should I do if I have vomiting or diarrhea while taking Jess?

If vomiting or diarrhea occurs in the first 3-4 hours after taking the active Jess tablet, then its effectiveness may be reduced. In this case, the same measures should be taken as in the case of missing a tablet (depending on the tablet number).

If vomiting or diarrhea continues, then it is necessary to use additional contraception for the entire duration of the indigestion and for another 7 days after its end.

What to do if you miss a Jess pill?

First of all, look at what pill you missed: if it’s white (inactive), then nothing bad will happen and the effect of Jess will not decrease. Just throw the pill away so you don't accidentally prolong your placebo pills, and continue taking them as planned.

If it was a pink, active pill, then count how late you were in taking it. If it is less than 12 hours, then nothing bad will happen and the Jess effect will not decrease. Take the pill as soon as you remember, and continue taking it according to the schedule at your usual time.

If you are more than 12 hours late with your dose (that is, more than 36 hours have passed since taking the previous pill), then the contraceptive effect of the pills may be reduced. See which pill you missed:

    1 to 7 tablets: Take that missed Jess tablet as soon as you remember, even if you have to take 2 tablets at once (yesterday's and today's). Then continue taking the pills as planned at your usual time. Use additional contraception (for example,) for a week after missing a pill.

    8 to 14 tablets: Take that missed Jess tablet as soon as you remember, even if you have to take 2 tablets at once (yesterday's and today's). Then continue taking the pills as planned at your usual time. If you have taken the pills according to the rules for the last 7 days, then the likelihood of pregnancy is practically excluded. If you also missed pills in the last 7 days or were more than 12 hours late taking your pills, then use additional contraception for a week after missing a pill.

    From 15 to 24 tablets: there are two options: 1) you need to take the missed pill Jess as soon as you remember it, even if you have to take 2 pills at once (yesterday’s and today’s). Then continue taking the pills as planned at your usual time. After you have taken the 24th tablet, the next day take the first tablet from the next blister pack (that is, you are not taking white tablets). You do not need additional protection if you took Jess according to the rules 7 days before missing the pill. If not, then you need to take additional protection for 7 days after the pass. 2) throw away this pack and start taking a new pack on day 5. There is no need to use additional contraception.

    25 to 28 tablets: These tablets are inactive, so skipping them is not dangerous and you do not need to take any action. Throw away the missed pill to avoid confusion and increase the length of time you take inactive pills.

What should I do if I missed several Jess tablets?

If you missed the white pills, it's not a big deal, because they don't contain hormones. The contraceptive effect of Jess in this case is not reduced. Throw away these pills to avoid prolonging the time you take the placebo pills.

If you miss 2 active tablets in a row in week 1 or 2:

    Take two tablets as soon as you remember to skip, and 2 more tablets the next day.

    To avoid unwanted pregnancy after missing 2 tablets in a row, use additional contraception for another 7 days after missing.

If you miss 2 active tablets in a row in week 3 or 4:

    You may not get your period this month - that's normal. If you don't have your period for 2 months in a row, contact your gynecologist to rule out a possible pregnancy.

If you miss 3 or more active tablets in a row:

    If you started taking the very first package of Jess on the first day of your period, then throw away the current package of Jess and start taking a new package of Jess with the first tablet on the same day, as soon as you remembered the omission.

    If you started taking the very first pack of Jess on the nearest Sunday after the start of your period, continue to take one tablet a day until the next Sunday, then throw away the current pack of Jess and start a new pack from the first tablet on Sunday.

    You need to use additional contraception for another 7 days after the missed period to avoid unwanted pregnancy.

    Please note that you have an increased risk of pregnancy, so if you don’t get your period, contact your gynecologist.

If you are not sure what to do in your situation, use additional contraception until you talk to your doctor.

1-2 days after missing the pills, you may experience spotting or breakthrough bleeding, similar to your period. This is not dangerous and is associated with Jess's passes. Continue taking the pills according to the instructions and the discharge will stop.

What should I do if I took several Jess tablets in one day?

Taking 2 tablets in one day is not dangerous. Taking 3 tablets at the same time can lead to symptoms of overdose (nausea, vomiting), but, in principle, is not dangerous.

Bloody discharge while taking Jess

In the first 2-3 months after starting to take Jess, you may experience spotting brown discharge of varying degrees of abundance. It is not dangerous and you do not need to stop taking Jess because of it.

Some women may experience short-term spotting around the middle of the pack while taking birth control pills. This is also normal and you do not need to stop taking Jess because of this.

Bloody discharge may appear if you miss 1 or several Jess tablets. This suggests that Jess's contraceptive effect may be reduced, which means you should use an additional method of contraception (such as condoms) if you have sex.

How to delay menstruation with the help of Jess?

If you need to postpone your period while taking Jess, then after taking 24 tablets from the package (the last pink tablet), the next day start a new blister (the first pink tablet). This way you skip taking the inactive white pills.

With the Jess regimen described above, you may experience symptoms in the middle of the second package, but usually this phenomenon goes away quickly. The next period can come only at the end of the second package (on inactive tablets). The contraceptive effect is retained in full.

Please note: you can postpone your period only if you took Jess at least one month before your unwanted menstruation.

Jess and other drugs

The effect of Jess may be reduced if you are taking the following medications: antibiotics from the group of penicillins, tetracyclines (Doxycycline and others) or Rifampicin, Phenobarbital, anticonvulsant drugs for epilepsy (Phenytoin, Carbamazepine), Griseofulvin, drugs containing St. John's wort (for example, Novo- passit) and some others.

A decrease in the effectiveness of Jess while taking these medications may cause spotting or breakthrough bleeding while taking active tablets. This is not dangerous and you should continue taking Jess on your normal schedule. Use additional contraception for the entire treatment period and for another 7 days after its completion.

Jess and alcohol

Small doses of alcohol do not reduce the effectiveness of Jess tablets. However, the permissible amount of alcoholic drinks depends on your age, weight, metabolism and some other factors. On average, while taking Jess, you are allowed to drink no more than 50 ml of vodka, 200 ml of wine or 400 ml of beer. If you drink more than this amount, you will need to use additional contraception for a week after drinking.

Jess and vomiting, diarrhea

The contraceptive effect of Jess may be reduced by vomiting and diarrhea. Read more about this here:

What should I do if I don’t have my period while taking Jess?

If, after finishing the package, menstruation does not appear, remember if you missed it last month.

    If you did, then taking Jess should be postponed until you are sure that you are not pregnant. To do this, you can do or pass.

    If last month you took the pills according to the rules, then after finishing the blister, start a new blister. If your period still does not come at the end of the second blister, you need to postpone taking the pills and consult a doctor to rule out a possible pregnancy.

Attention: if in the previous month you have had vomiting, diarrhea, taken large amounts of alcohol, or taken medications that may reduce the effectiveness of Jess, you should consult a doctor to rule out a possible pregnancy. You can read about other reasons for the delay in the article.

What should I do if I get pregnant while taking Jess?

If pregnancy is confirmed, stop taking Jess immediately and consult a gynecologist. If you plan to continue your pregnancy, start taking it as soon as possible.

Taking Jess in the early stages of pregnancy cannot lead to fetal developmental abnormalities and does not affect the health of the unborn child. Therefore, you can safely leave a pregnancy that arose so unexpectedly.

What to do if your period comes while taking active pills?

Against the background of Jess, you may experience bleeding of varying degrees of abundance while taking active tablets: from 1 tablet to 24. Such situations are especially common in the first months of taking Jess.

Such discharge is acceptable; it does not reduce the contraceptive effect of the pill and does not harm your health. Despite these discharges, it is recommended to continue taking Jess as usual - one tablet per day. Do not stop taking Jess if you experience spotting - stopping the pills can significantly increase your periods and lead to the development of uterine bleeding.

Jess' appointment before surgery

If you are undergoing surgery (for any reason), you must stop taking Jess one month (4 weeks) before surgery. This is done to reduce the risk of blood clots. If emergency surgery is required, be sure to notify the anesthesiologist or surgeon that you are taking birth control pills. In this case, your doctor will take additional measures to reduce the risk of blood clots.

You can resume taking Jess 2 weeks after you are able to move independently.

How often should you visit a gynecologist while taking Jess?

Even if nothing bothers you, you need to visit a gynecologist for preventative care at least once a year. If you have any complaints or side effects, contact your gynecologist as soon as possible.

I am very surprised by so many negative reviews! Simply amazed! I would like to note that many people take the drug for a couple of months to six months, it doesn’t seem to suit them - they quit it and write a negative review - that’s understandable! How can you be so ignorant! And biased! I adequately perceive the reviews about this drug from those who have at least taken it for almost a year. And if it didn’t suit the ladies even during this considerable period, well, here we are already talking about individual intolerance.

Do not start taking the drug without consulting a doctor! A competent doctor should give you an extract for a detailed analysis of blood, hormones, sexually transmitted infections and microflora + ultrasound. Also provide data on the condition of the kidneys and heart.

So, I drink jess more than two years. Nonstop. To be precise, 2 years and 7 months, of which 4 months have been since May of this year, jess-plus and to this day. But the drugs are not very different, except in jess plus they add some vitamin that we lose as a result of taking OK, but it is also necessary during a normal pregnancy. So go to jess-plus on average half a year before the end of treatment, if you then immediately want to get pregnant.

For me, the reason for taking these contraceptives was, first of all, a normal sex life. No matter how, this is important. I tried the NOVA-RING ring, you may have heard that it is vaginal, you also change it once a month, but since my microflora is not doing well, the doctor recommended that I change the type of contraceptive, since the ring provokes all sorts of inflammations and infections. In addition, he fell out a couple of times and caused discomfort to his partner. Well, that's not the point. My gynecologist recommended Jess because I have a problem - acne. But to be honest, it didn’t help me in this matter - the inflammation only subsided when I started eating right. After a year of taking it there was no effect. And the dermatologist said: to treat acne, you need to drink Jess for at least 10 months. By that time, I had been drinking it for 14 months, but the situation on my face was deplorable and remained so. And only when I cleaned my stomach well and began to follow a strict diet, the situation changed dramatically - my face became cleaner. So, personally, Jess did not help me with my acne problem. But it is not logical to remove a star for this, since the drug is of a completely different pharmaceutical nature.

Adaptation to the drug.

In principle, I easily switched to it, these were my first OK, I remember there were strange discharges for about 2 months, but then everything went back to normal. That is, let’s say there was no severe adaptation in the form of headaches, nausea, mood swings, etc. But again, this is all individual. Then for two years everything goes like clockwork. But let's say the cycle is not as accurate as they promise - 28-30 days and every month the onset of menstruation varies slightly by 2-3 days. It is rare for menstruation to occur on the same day. But I asked the doctor - this is the norm. On the first day of menstruation there is always pain in the lower abdomen. I don’t remember that there weren’t any in 2 years. Although the description states that the pain should decrease. But I have them, and there are even 2 days. But again, I won’t remove a star for this, because firstly, I think that you can be patient for a little while, and secondly, they are not so hellish.

Next, what suited me was that the very abundance of discharge decreased. Twice. Only in the first 2 days they are impressive, let’s say, but not catastrophic. Before taking OK, I, sorry for the details, but we are still describing the drug in such an intimate topic, changed my hygiene products several times a day. Now the shift in the first two days has decreased by half. Which doesn't cause any discomfort these days.

As for weight gain, etc., this did not affect me personally. The only negative is that it seems to me that there is a decrease in libido. But this point needs to be carefully analyzed. In addition, I became more emotional. But I also can’t firmly say that Jess is to blame. For comparison, my friend took it for half a year and for half a year she was hysterical and crying with or without reason - and this had never happened to her before. As soon as I canceled it, everything went away. So here the influence of the drug is obvious. As for my personal feelings, there is a 50/50 chance.

Of the minuses: Somehow 1.7 years later I had what felt like double periods. I was shocked because I read that this happens at the adaptation stage. But I’ve already been drinking them for almost 2 years, and here it is.. 9-10 days before my scheduled period, there was spotting, but sometimes it caused discomfort and the usual daily routine did not help! I immediately ran to the doctor, she checked me and said that it was due to stress and taking antibiotics. She said that if this happens again in the next cycle, I need to change the drug. Didn't happen again.

NECESSARILY!While taking OK, ladies, do not forget to have an ultrasound of the mammary glands and genitals and blood biochemistry and coagulation tests once a year. Especially if you are over 30.

I also take hormone tests once a year to check if everything is okay while taking Jess.

The question that has always worried me: is it necessary to take breaks from taking it!?

To answer this question, I conducted, so to speak, research. A doctor has been treating me for 2 years now, she said this: you can take it for up to 5 years without a break, then a 3-month time-out. The deadline scared me. 5 years! 0_o...but she sorted everything out for me: breaks in taking the pills were prescribed because previously they contained an elephantine dose of the hormone, hence the weight gain. Jess is currently the No. 1 drug because it contains the lowest dose of hormones. Further. I'm worried about my ovaries. How do they “feel” when taking OK. But she further explained to me: she says that if you are not going to get pregnant in the next five years, you don’t need to “mock” your ovaries. They have their own reserve and it turns out, without OK, but with other means of contraception, they work during ovulation in vain: they tense up, prepare for pregnancy, but they seem to stop it. But OCs give the ovaries a kind of rest, that is, they do not waste their reserve, their function is reduced to a minimum when taking pills, because this is why we do not get pregnant when taking OCs. But they say that even those who have problems conceiving are prescribed Jess, because they prepare the ovaries for pregnancy, they will be rested and ready to fight with renewed vigor! and according to doctors, pregnancy occurs after 3 months. from the moment the drug is discontinued. I really want to believe in it...I HOPE THAT EVERYTHING WILL BE GOOD!

But I didn’t calm down further. After all, this is an important topic - health, and I wanted to play it safe and interviewed 3 more doctors. It’s just that suddenly she has some selfish goals, so I turned to my friend’s aunt, who works at the Perinatal Center in Krasnodar, is managing the pregnancy and she doesn’t seem to have any plans for me - so I thought that she would definitely tell her objective opinion. =) Moreover, my friend and I have been friends since we were 3 years old. So I trusted the opinion of her aunt with many years of experience, and what do you think she said!? she named the SAME number: 5 years without a break. I was surprised. At least I didn’t doubt my current attending physician. But I wanted more opinions. The mother asked her attending physician, the woman was also about 50 years old and she managed her mother’s pregnancy. I thought, to be honest, that her doctor was a little old-fashioned and would anyway say that a break every year, for example, or something like that. But to my surprise, she again noted Jess as the most modern drug and said the SAME NUMBER - 5 YEARS WITHOUT A BREAK. I calmed down a little. But just in case, my mother called her friend whose mother-in-law is a gynecologist. And the doctor also said - up to 5 years, then a break.

So, ladies, my soul is calm, but I’ll soon go for an ultrasound, they recommended a woman to me and I’ll ask her as a good gynecologist. But the score so far is 4-0 in favor of admission up to 5 years. Just like that.

Of course, they perform their function - contraception - 100%. The main thing is to drink them at about the same time, without skipping them. And everything will be ok!

Well, this drug - Jess and also Jess+ are ideal for me!

I hope my review helped you!

Price: 800 rubles per package.

I will update the review (7.12.14)

At the beginning of November 2014 Jess stopped drinking.

I took blood tests, complete biochemistry, and it was discovered that I have reduced blood clotting. Although the gynecologist said that it is only (the pills) that affect clotting after 30, either I have it from birth, or it was acquired during these 2 years of use - it’s difficult to find out. It is necessary to take previous blood tests. She said keep drinking.

But I still decided to quit, because in February it would have been exactly 3 years. It's still chemistry after all.

Thank God there are no critical consequences yet; on the contrary, my face has become cleaner. So find out if these pills help against acne. it seems to be better than it was during the reception!!

Second update. (3.02.15)

3 full months have passed since discontinuation of the drug. I will describe the sensations and side effects. Starting from the 2nd month, periods became twice as heavy. As it was before taking Jess. As I already mentioned, while taking it, the amount of discharge decreased by half. Oh, now I suffer a little in the first two days of menstruation :))) now I feel this long-forgotten feeling of “normal periods”)))) in the third month after the withdrawal it’s the same, so I think the body has returned to its usual norm, let’s say. But I also want to note that in parallel with the moment of the withdrawal of Jess, I switched to a new contraceptive - “Nova Ring”. I’m not 100% happy with it (I wrote why above), but I don’t see a better alternative - the new ring is less rigid than the Jess. This is at least indicated by the amount of discharge that I now have, like a normal person. Regarding weight gain, or rashes on the face, or changes in mood - nothing like that happened during these 3 months. I strictly control my food intake and do not eat unhealthy foods. But the hellish pain in my stomach returned to me, in the first 2 days or even 3, which did not happen with taking Jess. But, after 3 months, acne, by the way, appeared on my face. You can still feel the hormonal imbalance after sitting on this for 3 years. So who is prone to rashes, acne, like me. Be prepared that after 3-4 months they may appear abundantly on the skin...


To protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy, women often use combined oral contraceptives. Many gynecologists prescribe the drug Jess Plus: reviews of women who took these pills speak of a positive effect on the body and complete protection against pregnancy.

What is the difference between Jess and Jess Plus?

If they have one permanent sexual partner, many women refuse to use condoms, preferring oral contraceptives. One of the proven and popular remedies is Jess Plus, a low-dose monophasic hormonal drug based on a combination of estrogens and gestagens.

The manufacturing company Bayer offers women two types of drugs - Jess and Jess Plus. Each of them has certain features that allow the gynecologist to prescribe one or another medicine in different cases. To understand the difference, it is recommended to consider a comparison of Jess and Jess Plus.

Which is better - Jess or Jess Plus

The main difference between these two contraceptives is the presence of an additional component in the composition. For example, Jess tablets contain only ethinyl estradiol and drospirenone, while Jess Plus additionally includes calcium levomefolate.

To understand which drug is better, you should refer to the comparison:

  1. The calcium levomefolate contained in Jess Plus additionally replenishes folic acid reserves in the body. This contributes to the normal functioning of the reproductive system in women of reproductive age.
  2. Calcium levomefolate will help prepare the female body for childbirth, even if at this stage the patient is using oral contraceptives.

Based on the listed features, Jess Plus, the photo of which is presented in this section, will be better: it will help prevent the risk of the formation of pathologies of the neural tube of the fetus if a woman suddenly becomes pregnant after stopping the contraceptive.

Is it possible to get pregnant while taking Jess Plus?

The chance of pregnancy while taking the pills is very low, however, in some cases it can happen. If a woman takes the drug, violating the rules in the instructions and the advice of the doctor, then the risk of becoming pregnant increases.

Another factor influencing the possibility of pregnancy while taking it is missing pills. Gynecologists say: if you miss it, it is important to listen to the instructions of the drug, as well as carry out additional contraceptive measures for several days.

Pregnancy after discontinuation of Jess Plus

The most common question is, can conception occur during withdrawal? Yes, this can happen, because several factors contribute to this:

  • with six-month use of the tablets, pregnancy can occur within 3 months;
  • if used for more than a year, conception may occur within 1-2 years after discontinuation.

Each woman’s body is individual, so pregnancy can occur even several months after discontinuation. This occurs due to new changes in the body after discontinuation of the contraceptive.

Important! Gynecologists advise not to rush into planning a pregnancy after Jess Plus. The optimal waiting period will be 2-3 months until the body fully recovers from the drug.

Pharmacotherapeutic group and properties

According to the RLS website, Jess Plus belongs to a pharmacotherapeutic group called “Estrogen, gestagens; their homologs and antagonists in combinations.” This group is characterized by the presence of drugs based on hormonal components. The group includes a huge number of contraceptives, as well as about 36 substances, including ethinyl estradiol in combination with drospirenone and calcium levomefolate.

The effect of contraception is based on suppressing ovulation, as well as increasing the viscosity of uterine mucus secretion. In addition, the drug has a positive effect on the endometrium. It has the following properties:

  1. Antiandrogenic effect. Helps reduce the production of androgens - hormones responsible for male sexual characteristics. When their number increases, changes occur in the female body - the timbre of the voice changes, the vegetation increases. In this case, antiandrogen drugs are prescribed.
  2. Stable weight – the patient does not gain weight during treatment.
  3. High contraceptive properties – protection against unwanted pregnancy.
  4. Effective treatment of premenstrual pain.

The product has a good effect on PMS, eliminating pain and reducing the duration of discharge.

Composition of Jess Plus

To understand what effect the drug has on a woman, it is necessary to understand the components. Composition of Jess Plus tablets:

  • ethinylestradiol– a synthetic analogue of estradiol;
  • drospirenone – a synthetic analogue of progesterone;
  • calcium levomefolate- folic acid;
  • lactose monohydrate– adds sweetness to tablets, increasing shelf life;
  • corn starch– binding component;
  • Magnesium stearate – gives tablet shape;
  • croscarmellose sodium– promotes the dissolution of the tablet in the body;
  • pink varnish – tablet shell;
  • hypromellose – an auxiliary substance for hardening the shell;
  • macrogol 6000 – improves absorption;
  • talc – necessary for passage through the esophagus;
  • titanium dioxide – gives the preparation whiteness;
  • iron oxide red dye- a dye that gives a red tint.

One pack contains 28 tablets, of which: 24 active combination tablets and 4 auxiliary vitamin tablets based on folic acid.

Indications for use

The full instructions for use of Jess Plus read: this drug is prescribed not only as a contraceptive. It may be prescribed for other reasons:

  1. Treatment of moderate acne.
  2. Treatment of severe symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.
  3. Treatment of folate deficiency.

In addition to the main protective effect against unwanted pregnancy, contraceptives can be prescribed as therapeutic therapy for gynecological diseases.

Jess Plus for endometriosis

When treating endometriosis, gynecologists often prescribe hormonal drugs, among which the use of Jess Plus is noted. The instructions indicate that the tablets have a positive effect on the condition of the endometrium, so the treatment will be effective.

Comment! The composition has a therapeutic effect for endometriosis due to a special mechanism of action on the endometrium.

In the second phase of the menstrual cycle, a woman’s body begins to prepare for a possible pregnancy. At the same time, the endometrium gradually grows. The medicine suppresses ovulation without changing the structure and size of the endometrium.

Contraindications to Jess Plus

The contraceptive Jess Plus, like other hormonal drugs, has a number of contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • presence or tendency to form blood clots;
  • pancreatitis;
  • diabetes mellitus with vascular complications;
  • oncology;
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • discharge of blood from the vagina of unknown etiology.

How to take Jess Plus

The most common method of taking oral contraceptives is to start using them on the first day of the menstrual cycle. According to special cases, for treatment or for protection against pregnancy, the method of administration will be slightly different.

How to switch from Jess to Jess Plus

The transition from one contraceptive drug to another is carried out according to a single scheme. To switch from Jess tablets to Jess Plus you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Finish taking the pack of Jess tablets you started.
  2. The day after you finish taking Jess, start taking the first tablet from the Jess Plus pack.

This method is suitable for those women whose menstrual cycle is 28 days. If the pack of Jess is finished and the new menstrual cycle has not started, you can take a break. As soon as your period begins, you need to start a new pack of Jess Plus, while using additional contraception for 7 days.

How to take Jess Plus for the first time

If you have not previously used any contraceptive, then use begins on the first day of the menstrual cycle. As soon as bleeding begins, you need to open the pack and take the first tablet from the plate.

Warning! The contraceptive should be taken regardless of meals, washed down with clean water.

If it was decided not to start taking the drug from the first day or it was not possible to do this, and the reception began on days 2-5 of the cycle, then additional contraceptive measures, for example, condoms, are used for 7 days. Further reception is carried out according to the arrow on the pack.

You can learn more about the instructions from the video:

How to take the second pack of Jess Plus

  1. Open the package.
  2. Paste a strip with the names of the days of the week so that the first day of taking the pills is the one on which the woman started using the contraceptive.
  3. Take the first tablet and continue taking it according to the learned regimen.

Menstruation often begins already on the 2-3rd day of using inactive tablets that contain the vitamin. If auxiliary pills have not been used, and menstruation has already begun, it is better not to take them, but to start a new second pack of contraceptives.

What to do if you missed a Jess Plus pill

The manufacturer Bayer took care of the instructions, which described in detail what to do if a pill was missed. Taking missed Jess Plus pills looks like this:

  • Missing light orange tablets can be ignored– they do not contain an active substance;
  • from 1 to 7 days - take the pill immediately when the woman remembers the omission, even if the dose is 2 tablets: additionally you need to protect yourself for 7 days;
  • from 8 to 14 days - immediately take one or two tablets, and then continue taking according to the scheme: additional contraceptive measures will not be required;
  • from 15 to 24 days - if during the 7 days preceding the missed pill the tablets were used according to the scheme, additional contraceptive measures will not be required.

If before skipping a pill at the stage from 15 to 24 days there were violations of the rules of administration during the previous 7 days, then it is necessary to use additional contraception during the week. The risk of reliable protection is reduced as the stage of taking inactive tablets approaches.

What to do if you missed 2 Jess Plus tablets

Since doctors recommend taking no more than 2 tablets per day, so as not to exceed the permissible dose of the hormone, if you miss 2 Jess Plus tablets, you should consult a doctor. This case is characterized by the accumulation of the effect of reducing the reliability of protection, so an unwanted pregnancy may occur.

Important! The more tablets missed before approaching the light orange tablet phase, the higher the risk of pregnancy.

The gynecologist will advise you to take additional contraceptive measures and also tell you how to proceed further.

Cancellation of the drug Jess Plus

To stop taking the contraceptive, just stop taking the remaining pills in the pack. The peculiarity of the contraceptive is that a woman does not have to wait until the end of the package or menstruation. After cancellation you need to remember:

  1. If pregnancy is not planned, the drug should be replaced with another contraceptive.
  2. If pregnancy is planned, You should wait until the start of a new menstrual cycle and then plan to conceive.

Many women note the appearance of unwanted problems after stopping hormonal medications. This effect occurs due to the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.

Side effects of Jess Plus

Gynecologists and the manufacturer note some side effects of Jess Plus. They do not appear in every woman - this is due to the length of the adaptation period and the individual characteristics of the body. Side effects include:

  • pain in the mammary glands;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • irregular uterine bleeding;
  • thromboembolism;
  • mood swings.

A small percentage of women who take the contraceptive experience weight gain. If during the adaptation period the patient feels unwell, she should consult a doctor to cancel the contraceptive or change it.

Special instructions and precautions

There are some risk factors in which the use of tablets should be done with caution so that the drug does not serve as an impetus for the development of pathologies:

  1. Venous thromboembolism - the risk of development is maximum in the first year of use if the patient has problems with the cardiovascular system.
  2. The risk of developing thrombosis increases when taking a contraceptive and simultaneous smoking, obesity, after major operations, migraines, heart disease and arterial hypertension.
  3. There is a slightly increased risk of breast tumors, which disappears within 10 years of taking combined oral contraceptives.

In addition to these factors, there is a risk of cervical cancer, but it is also insignificant. Jess Plus should be taken with caution in patients with renal failure and a history of pancreatitis.

Drug interactions

If, simultaneously with the specified contraceptive, a girl takes drugs that induce microsomal liver enzymes, then it is necessary to use additional contraceptive measures - they should be used for the entire period of using Jess Plus. These drugs include barbiturates, phenytoin, and topiramate.

Another interaction is represented by the following provisions:

  • HIV or hepatitis C protease inhibitors may increase or decrease the concentration of hormones in the blood plasma;
  • some substances, for example, methotrexate, sulfasalazine, can reduce the concentration of levomefolate calcium in the blood;
  • antifungal drugs from the azole group, as well as antibiotics from the macrolide group, reduce the clearance of the contraceptive.

These factors must be taken into account if a woman simultaneously takes Jess Plus and uses other medications to treat other diseases.

Compatibility of Jess Plus and alcohol

Alcoholic drinks have a strong effect on the liver, forcing it to work intensively. At this moment, the hormones that enter the bloodstream with the contraceptive are also affected. The concentration of hormones in the drug decreases, the woman remains unprotected from pregnancy.

Comment! At least 3 hours should pass between taking Jess Plus and alcohol.

If you cannot give up alcohol, you should choose a quality product and a moderate dosage.

Jess Plus price in pharmacies

The cost of Jess Plus will vary depending on the place where the drug is sold. For example, a drug may have one price in a city pharmacy, but another in an online pharmacy. The average price is:

  • 1022 rubles for a pack of 28 pieces;
  • 2812 rubles for a pack of 84 pieces.

It is beneficial to purchase a large package if the woman has already passed the adaptation period and the drug suits her. Then the doctor prescribes a course for several months: a large package is enough for 3 months.

Analogues of Jess Plus

The combined oral contraceptive Jess Plus is based on a similar composition to other contraceptive drugs. Instead, doctors may recommend:

  • Yarina Plus;
  • other contraceptives based on ethinyl estradiol and drospirenone in combination with calcium levomefolate.

The latter drugs include Vidora, Midiana, Yarina, Dimia. Yarina Plus has the same composition as Jess Plus: the difference is that Yarina Plus contains slightly more ethinyl estradiol. Therefore, it is optimal to take Jess Plus: analogues in composition and cheaper will be slightly different.

Nowadays there are “Jess Plus”. Reviews from doctors and those who buy them are positive, and this clearly says a lot. So, what is this drug, how to take it?

About the tablets

Initially, I would like to say a few words about the drug itself. So, these are film-coated tablets. They have a nice pink hue and are round and biconvex. On one side you can see the letter “Z+”. The drug contains substances such as calcium levomefolate, drospirenone, and ethinyl estradiol. These are the main components, but there are also additional ones. There are 24 such tablets in a package.

There are also additional ones, there are 4 of them in a pack - they are vitamin-rich, light orange. There are a total of 28 Jess Plus tablets in the package. The reviews doctors leave about this drug inspire confidence. Many of them advise choosing these tablets precisely because they have these four vitamin tablets. By the way, they are different. When a girl takes the first such pill, her cycle should begin within a short period of time (usually one day). After the fourth tablet is taken, the next day you can open a new package of Jess Plus. Reviews from doctors show that this is another advantage of this drug. After all, there is no need to take any breaks, the body will actually not wean itself off the pills.


What effect does Jess Plus have on the drug? Reviews from doctors who are specialists in this field say that these tablets are quite multifunctional. So, this is a low-dose drug, the difference from other contraceptives is the minimum amount of hormones included in its composition. The pills suppress ovulation by increasing the viscosity of the cervical substance.

The drug also normalizes and shortens the cycle, eliminating pain that a girl may experience during menstruation. It is also possible that the woman will begin to lose weight - this is also the effect of the drug. they will no longer bother her, her facial skin will become better (acne and oily sheen will disappear), her hair will gain beauty. This all happens due to drospirenone. In general, tablets have a positive effect on the entire body - this is their advantage.

Rules of application

Now it’s worth talking about how to drink Jess Plus. Instructions for use are very simple. The pack is almost a square sticker with a dosed drug. There is a blank line above the first line of tablet capsules. There you should glue a strip with the days of the week, which will run parallel to the tablets. Let's say a girl starts drinking them on Wednesday. From a set of stickers (they come complete with the drug), you need to choose the one where the very first day is Wednesday. And glue it onto the empty line. This is very convenient, especially for forgetful girls. This way you can control your pill intake. And from each of them there is an arrow towards the one you need to drink the next day. In general, there is no need to worry about how to use Jess Plus.

Instructions for use are not complicated - you need to take one tablet at the same time every day. If necessary, you can drink it with a small amount of water. As you can already understand, one package is enough for 28 days.

Is it possible to skip?

Under no circumstances should you skip taking Jess Plus tablets. The instructions for use state that they must be drunk daily, at the same time - with minimal deviation (it can be a little earlier or later, but the difference should not exceed 8 hours). If a pill is missed, it must be taken as soon as possible. Otherwise, the effect of the drug is reduced. It’s simple, for the desired effect to occur, the active substances must enter the body at the same time, as if replenishing the required balance. Of course, if a girl takes pills to improve the condition of her skin and hair, then missing one pill will not cause global problems. However, if the goal is protection from unwanted pregnancy, then it is better to set an alarm clock to take the drug to avoid unpleasant situations (as some do).

Reception nuances

On the first day of the menstrual cycle, you need to start drinking Jess Plus. The instructions for use recommend doing exactly this - and there will be no failures, and the drug will be absorbed better and faster. It is also unlikely that side effects will occur in this case.

But this is not the only nuance that is worth knowing about. Many girls are interested in the question of whether they can drink birth control and alcohol. Yes, you can. However, it is worth remembering some points here. Firstly, do not abuse strong drinks. Everyone knows that sometimes this results in vomiting. A pill may also come out with it. Accordingly, it will have no effect. The same applies if diarrhea occurs. In the latter case, doctors recommend taking another one - it’s better to be safe.

A few more words should be said about age restrictions. The drug “Jess Plus” does not have any of these. The instructions and reviews of girls who started taking oral contraceptives at a fairly early age (from the age of 16) confirm this. Experience shows that the drug is really good and of high quality - since no side effects were noticed (we are talking about those cases when patients first consulted with a doctor, and did not independently decide to start taking pills).

Side effect

Well, now it’s worth touching on a not very pleasant topic regarding Jess Plus tablets. Side effects - these are the ones we will talk about. Those girls who chose them themselves are unhappy with the pills. Without a doubt, there are cases in which an independent decision (without taking tests or examining a doctor) is correct, and the drug is suitable for the girl. But this is a matter of chance. You need to know that birth control pills are very serious. Still, they affect hormonal levels. And no matter how high-quality they are, it is necessary to undergo tests so that the doctor can personally select exactly the drug that is suitable for a particular patient. Otherwise, you may experience side effects.

These are bleeding, bad discharge, nausea, vomiting, headache and discomfort in the abdomen, cycle disruption, weight gain, sudden discharge. And this is just a small list of what a girl who has chosen Jess Plus for herself can expect. The effect of the drug is really good, but it is only for those for whom these tablets are suitable.


“Jess Plus” are hormonal tablets that are indicated for those girls who suffer from hormone-dependent fluid retention. This happens to many people, by the way. They are also great for treating moderate acne. If a girl has folate deficiency, these tablets are also created for her. And they are also indispensable if a woman suffers from a severe form of premenstrual syndrome. And finally, the most important and, in fact, the main effect, as well as a part-time indication, is contraception. In this regard, “Jess Plus” is one of the most reliable drugs in the whole world.


But these pills are not recommended for those girls who suffer from thrombosis (no matter what kind - arterial or venous). or angina pectoris are also contraindications. Also, if a girl often suffers from migraines, then she should not start taking these pills either. The same is true if a woman has diabetes.

There are also a number of contraindications: tumors, malignant neoplasms dependent on hormones, bleeding from the genitals, pregnancy, etc. If any of the above is present, then you do not need to take these pills. As a matter of fact, this is another reason why you should visit a doctor before purchasing a pack of the drug.

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