Chamomile: medicinal properties and contraindications, use in cosmetology, traditional and folk medicine. Chamomile tincture, instructions for its use and recipes How to make chamomile extract at home

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

The widespread use of chamomile tincture for various pathologies is based on its beneficial properties for the body. Chamomile officinalis (pharmaceutical) is a herbaceous annual plant that many Russians often grow in their dachas.

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Infusions, tinctures, and decoctions are made from the dried parts of Dalmatian chamomile, which are later used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes.

Properties of alcohol tincture

Its benefit lies in the fact that it is used in the treatment of many diseases.

The plant itself is rich in minerals and vitamins necessary for the body:

  • Vitamin C;
  • Carotene;
  • Vitamin A.

They are important for normal vision and are a powerful antioxidant.

The tincture improves brain function. It is used as:

  • Antimicrobial;
  • Relaxing;
  • Local anesthetic;
  • Healing agent.

It is known that alcohol tinctures and Dalmatian chamomile, if the dosage is observed, have a stronger effect than a decoction of this herb.

Chamomile infusion with alcohol can be harmful, especially if overdose and uncontrolled use. It contains pure alcohol, which in large doses has a bad effect on the body.

Severe allergies can develop to medications containing chamomile extract.

Abuse of this tincture causes headaches, fatigue, and nausea.

In large doses, chamomile tincture can cause increased muscle contraction and even lead to bleeding. If it is used for a long time, then exacerbation of chronic diseases is possible.

It should not be taken simultaneously with diuretic drugs; severe dehydration may develop.

Indications for use

Alcohol tincture of chamomile can be:

  • Add to tea;
  • Use for rinsing, diluted in water.

It is used in the treatment of colds:

  • Bronchitis;
  • Laryngitis;
  • Sore throats;

Chamomile has:

  • Antimicrobial properties;
  • Moderate antipyretic effect;
  • Stimulates the human immune system;
  • Prevents the development of bacterial diseases.

Alcohol infusion of chamomile is used:

  • For skin inflammations;
  • Acne in adolescents;
  • For ulcers;
  • Boils on the skin;
  • Diseases of the eyelids.

It is used as a choleretic and weak diuretic, so it is indicated as part of therapy for the treatment of:

  • Kidney diseases;
  • Biliary tract;
  • Liver.

Chamomile increases the secretion of gastric juice, so it can be used as an appetite stimulant.

  • With flatulence;
  • For intestinal colic;
  • For stomach pain;
  • To normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • To improve the microflora of the digestive system.

Medicinal chamomile tincture:

  • Has a stimulating effect;
  • Activates brain function;
  • Has a vasodilating effect;
  • Used to combat migraines;
  • As a mild antidepressant;
  • Smoothes out the symptoms of menopause in women;
  • Treats neuroses and depression.


Contraindications for use

But there are also absolute contraindications for the use of chamomile:

  • Individual intolerance;
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • Antacid gastritis;
  • Diarrhea;
  • With heavy menstruation;
  • Mental disorders.

Antacid gastritis, unlike other types of gastritis, differs in that there is a complete absence of hydrochloric acid in the patient’s stomach.

Chamomile preparations should not be used together with homeopathic medicines; this plant completely neutralizes their effect.

Method of preparation and administration

To prepare the tincture you will need:

  • 100 grams of chamomile flowers.
  • 250 ml. Alcohol, 40% medical alcohol or vodka is suitable.

Chamomile must be crushed, put in a bottle and filled with alcohol. Let the mixture brew for 2 weeks in a warm place, and then strain through cheesecloth.

The finished tincture should be stored in the refrigerator. A properly prepared alcoholic infusion of chamomile will have a clear appearance and a pleasant smell.

According to the instructions for use, chamomile tincture (10-15 drops) is diluted in a glass of warm water and taken orally 3 times a day.

To treat ulcers, it is diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 8.

This solution can be used to rinse the mouth and throat for colds.

For skin and hair

Chamomile is good for skin prone to oily skin and acne.

You can use compresses from it in the following proportion: 30 drops to one glass of water.

It is good to wipe your face with a tincture diluted in water before going to bed.

The nutrients in chamomile create a positive effect.

Baths with tincture of this plant:

  • Effectively reduce sweating of the skin of the feet;
  • Eliminates unpleasant odor for a long time;
  • They have an antimicrobial effect.

For acne, it is used as a lotion: apply a few drops to a cotton pad and wipe your face with it.

To reduce skin pigmentation and whitening, a cream is prepared.

Chamomile is one of the most famous medicinal plants in the temperate climate zone. Distributed along with plantain, chamomile has long been used for medical and preventive purposes. The medicinal properties of chamomile have been known for a long time: chamomile flowers, teas prepared from them, chamomile decoctions, tinctures, and extracts have a mild anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, and analgesic effect.

Scientists of the ancient world endowed the whole plant and individual parts of chamomile with healing properties: for example, Avicenna used herbal teas for patients to strengthen and restore strength, and according to the method of Pliny the Elder, all parts of chamomile were used to make antidotes for snake bites. It is not surprising that the use of chamomile for medicinal purposes has not ceased; a common medicinal plant is still used in medicine and cosmetology today.

Chamomile: description of the annual

Chamomile belongs to the annual plants of the genus Matricaria the Astrov family. The Latin name for chamomile means “uterine herb,” since in ancient Rome healers attached great importance to this plant for treating gynecological inflammations and diseases.

The plant belongs to wild plants cultivated on individual farms for the purpose of collecting medicinal herbs. The average height of the stem of a plant suitable for use for medicinal and prophylactic purposes is no less than 20 cm and no more than 40. Deviations from the height parameters indicate unsuitable growing conditions, lack of sunlight, or a possible disease of chamomile, affecting its chemical composition and reducing its effectiveness. manufactured drugs.

The stem of the plant is thin, erect; inside the stem there is a cavity along its entire length. The leaves are arranged alternately on the stem, have a narrow linear shape with pointed lobes of dissections. Length - from 2 to 5 cm. The root shaft is thin, with a limited number of branches. The flowers are multiple, small, with a characteristic combination of a yellow convex tubular center and white petals around the circumference. Reproduction occurs by spreading small seeds that ripen in flower baskets.

Differences between chamomile and other members of the family

White narrow petals are located on the receptacle horizontally in a circle, and towards the end of the flowering period they descend down to the stem. The tubular head of the flower head is hollow, with a pronounced conical shape, unlike other flat varieties.

Chemical compounds that make up chamomile

The use of the entire herbaceous plant is currently considered inappropriate: the highest concentration of valuable chemical compounds is observed in chamomile flowers. Among the chemicals found in chamomile flowers are:

  • coumarin compounds;
  • bioflavonoids (apigenin, luteolin, quercetin in small quantities);
  • polyyne compounds;
  • salicylic, isovaleric, caprylic, antimisic organic acid in unbound forms;
  • phytosterol;
  • vitamins (ascorbic, nicotinic acids);
  • carotenes;
  • polysaccharide compounds;
  • protein, tannins;
  • bitterness, gum, mucus, etc.

Up to 50% of the composition is made up of sesquiterpenoids (farnesene, bisabolol, myrcene monoterpene, etc.).
From dried inflorescences, up to 1% of essential oils are isolated, blue in color and rich in composition, without a strong, pronounced odor. Chamomile essential oil has a pronounced antihistamine, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect due to the active substance included in the composition - azulene chamazulene, synthesized during distillation from the lactones matricarine and matricene.

The range of medicinal properties of chamomile

Major studies conducted to study the properties of chamomile and dosage forms made from it confirmed the effectiveness of the drugs as antispasmodics of smooth muscles, which also reduce the tone of blood vessels and have a mild sedative and antidepressant effect.

Use of chamomile: properties and contraindications

For medicinal purposes, chamomile extract, chamomile infusion, ready-made dosage forms or those prepared at home, essential oil, and herbal teas from the dried inflorescences of the plant are used.
The main areas of application of chamomile:

  • diseases and lesions of the epithelium, mainly of bacterial and inflammatory etiology;
  • diseases and dysfunctions of the biliary system;
  • diseases of the respiratory system, accompanied by cough, swelling of the mucous membranes, spasms;
  • stomach diseases with inflammatory, erosive lesions of the mucous membrane, both in the acute and chronic stages;
  • inflammation of the organs and tracts of the genitourinary system;
  • other inflammatory processes of tissues and organs;
  • diseases associated with individual hypersensitivity to various irritants (bronchial asthma, eczema, gastritis of allergic etiology);
  • reduction of pain, including dental and migraine pain;
  • sleep disturbances, increased anxiety, irritability;
  • injuries, sprains of connective tissues, ligaments.

Dosage forms of chamomile and their use

Various medicinal forms of chamomile (chamomile extract, infusion, herbal teas, essential oil and manufactured creams containing extracts, chamomile solutions and other forms) are used depending on the types and stages of diseases and dysfunctions internally or externally, both for local and and systemic action.

Chamomile infusion

Chamomile tinctures are used internally for the following diseases and conditions:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, gastropathy, colitis, enteritis and mixed forms of diseases), biliary system, pathologies and dysfunctions of the liver, diarrhea of ​​non-viral etiology, spasms of the intestines, stomach, increased gas formation;
  • inflammatory processes of the respiratory tract and organs;
  • hyperthermia;
  • painful menstruation;
  • acute respiratory diseases;
  • emotional and mental stress, exhaustion, sleep disturbances, increased irritability, loss of appetite, etc.

External use of chamomile infusions is recommended in the following cases:

  • inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, pharynx (tonsillitis, non-atrophic pharyngitis, gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontal disease) - in the form of rinsing and washing cavities;
  • for skin disorders: burns, frostbite, ulcers, erosion, eczema, inflammatory rashes, long-healing wounds - in the form of a composition for compresses;
  • inflammatory processes of the eye mucosa - in the form of rinsing and lotions;
  • to reduce the severity of inflammatory processes of hemorrhoids - in the form of a solution for microenemas, local compresses for external localization of the nodes, sitz baths;
  • acne, acne - in the form of a composition for wiping, including frozen, or as a component of lotions;
  • for manifestations of rheumatism, gout attacks, sprains, dislocations, arthritis - in the form of compresses;
  • with increased sweating of the palms and feet - as a solution for wiping.

Preparation of decoctions and infusions of chamomile

To prepare the decoction, you need to take 4 tablespoons of dry medicinal raw materials, heat them in a water bath for half an hour along with 300 ml of boiling water. After cooling, strain and squeeze out the flowers. The prepared broth is stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days.
Infusion: 100 ml (half a glass) 2-3 times a day after meals. Adding honey is allowed.
For chamomile infusion, 4 tablespoons of dried inflorescences are poured into 200 ml of boiling water and left for 3 hours in a thermos. After infusion, filter.
Infusion intake: up to 4 times a day, no more than 50 ml at a time.

Herb tea

The most common recipe for herbal tea, combining chamomile flowers with other medicinal herbs, is used for a sedative effect and reducing the manifestations of flatulence.

To prepare tea with chamomile, the following proportions are followed: chamomile flowers (dried) are mixed with cumin seeds and valerian root in a ratio of 3:5:2, for example, for 6 parts (spoons, measures) of chamomile, take 10 parts of cumin and 3 of valerian rhizomes .

The mixture of herbs and chamomile is mixed, for every 2 tablespoons of the mixture, take 400 ml (2 cups) of boiling water, leave in a sealed container for 20 minutes, filter, squeeze out the raw materials. For sedative, calming and carminative effects, take 100 ml (1/2 cup) after a night's sleep and in the evening.

Pharmaceutical chamomile for baths

Pharmaceutical chamomile in the form of solutions, infusions and extracts mixed with salt is used for baths with a therapeutic and prophylactic effect on both the skin surface and the body as a whole.
Chamomile as a component of solutions for water procedures is recommended in the following cases:

  • in the presence of skin diseases of an inflammatory, allergic nature, dry skin, superficial cracks of the feet;
  • with cramps in the calf muscles;
  • for sleep disorders, increased irritability, anxiety;
  • to reduce swelling of the legs.

To make the solution, you can use the entire plant, excluding the roots. 500 g of chamomile: stems, leaves, flowers, pour 2 liters of water, bring to a boil and keep boiling for 10 minutes. After straining and squeezing the raw material, the broth is added to the water.
The decoction, when added to bath water, helps with a regular course of therapeutic procedures of 2 weeks, with water procedures every other day. The duration of one bath is 30 minutes.

Topical cream

The fat composition of the cream, which includes chamomile, is recommended for use with the following characteristics of the skin:

  • dryness, formation of surface cracks, peeling of the epithelium;
  • tendency to hypersensitivity, irritation, redness;
  • lethargy, decreased turgor.

To make the cream, mix 50 g of low-fat butter, 3 tbsp. l. vegetable (sunflower, olive) oil and melt the mixture in a water bath.
To the fat mixture add 2 chicken yolks, 1 teaspoon of glycerin solution, 30 ml of camphor alcohol, 2 tablespoons of natural honey and 50 ml of chamomile infusion prepared according to the recipe above.
The resulting composition is stored in a glass container with a tightly screwed lid in the refrigerator. Apply externally according to indications.

The use of chamomile for douching and contraindications for women

  • vaginosis of specific and nonspecific etiology;
  • cystitis;
  • vaginal candidiasis (thrush);
  • erosive, inflammatory processes of the vaginal and cervical mucosa beyond the acute stage.

Vaginal douching using this medicinal plant is contraindicated for use by women due to the following factors:

  • age group over 40 years (due to a hormonally caused decrease in the moisture content of the mucous membrane and its increased sensitivity);
  • gestational and postpartum period;
  • during menstrual flow;
  • in acute inflammatory processes;
  • during the recovery period after surgery, spontaneous or instrumental termination of pregnancy.

To prepare the solution, mix 1 teaspoon of crushed dry inflorescences with 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes in a sealed container, cool and filter the resulting suspension.
Douching is carried out before bedtime, every day for a week. The solution is injected into the vagina over the bathtub, using a clean syringe, warm, and the introduction is slow.

Chamomile as a component of cosmetic products

The components of the medicinal plant, their beneficial properties and the wide distribution of the areola of growth allow us to speak of chamomile as a plant popular in cosmetology, included in many lotions, creams, and shampoos.

At home, infusions and decoctions are used to reduce dry skin, reduce inflammation, strengthen hair and give it shine. Decoctions for home remedies may include various medicinal herbs (celandine, oak bark, birch buds), lemon juice, honey, vegetable oil, egg yolk and chamomile in the form of a decoction. Depending on the desired effect, appropriate components and application methods are selected.

Chamomile essential oil

Essential oil from chamomile is used for aromatherapy, taken internally and externally, depending on the indications. You should remember about possible allergic and individual reactions, as well as the need to consult with your doctor before starting use.

Aromatherapy purposes

Chamomile oil is used in aromatherapy to disinfect the air and have a mild sedative effect on the body. Use the oil in the evening, the therapy session lasts up to 20 minutes

Taking chamomile essential oil internally

The high concentration of active substances, the likelihood of allergic reactions and the lack of scientifically approved doses when using essential oil internally are the reasons for the cautious attitude of specialists towards it. When used independently, it is necessary to start with small doses and stop taking it at the first negative manifestations.
Essential oil is used for gastritis and peptic ulcers outside of periods of exacerbation, weakened immunity, and unstable emotional background. Oral administration is carried out in a course of up to 1 week, twice a day. 2 drops of oil are mixed with 1 teaspoon of honey, possibly washed down with water or weak tea.
Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation, acute forms of diseases, age under 6 years.

External use

The non-aggressive effect on the epidermis of chamomile oil allows it to be used on the skin without dilution, in its pure form. A targeted and short-term (up to 10 minutes) effect is recommended for the following skin conditions:

  • allergic reactions accompanied by dryness, peeling;
  • thermal and sunburns without violating the integrity of the skin, frostbite;
  • swelling and local reaction to insect bites;
  • acne, acne, rosacea;
  • long-term healing of scratches, non-penetrating wounds, healing stage after minor surgical procedures;
  • alopecia;
  • fungal diseases of the skin of the scalp.

Other uses of essential oil:

  • enrichment of cosmetics, creams, lotions, compositions in the proportion of 3 drops of oil per 5 ml of composition;
  • as an additive to a mixture for body massage;
  • for aromatherapy when taking a bath (up to 10 drops diluted in the base for one bath);
  • to enhance the effectiveness of mixtures with other essential oils.

Medicinal chamomile for children: medicinal properties, methods of use and age restrictions

A ready-made mixture of children's teas with chamomile is recommended for use from 1 year. Tea has a mild sedative, spasmodic effect, improves digestion, and helps strengthen the immune system. To prepare the solution, you must read the instructions for use.
When preparing herbal tea for children yourself, the finished decoction is diluted with water, reducing the concentration intended for an adult by half.
When using decoctions and infusions externally, it is also necessary to increase the concentration to 50% compared to the base. Baths with decoction, lotions, and rubs can be used from birth in the absence of allergic reactions.
Essential oil is prohibited for use until a child reaches the age of six. Any use of infusions and decoctions outside the age recommendations and volumes should be consulted with a pediatrician.

Possible side effects

Despite the beneficial properties of medicinal plants, when taken orally, in excess of concentration, individual intolerance reaction or concomitant diseases, the following side effects of decoctions, infusions and essential oils are possible:

  • nausea, vomiting, pain in the epigastric region;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • internal bleeding;
  • allergic reactions up to bronchospasm and Quincke's edema.

External use may be accompanied by the appearance of a rash, skin itching, local hyperemia, and swelling.
If there is any sign of intolerance, use should be stopped immediately.

Independent collection and preparation of medicinal raw materials

Depending on the subsequent methods of use, chamomile flowers or the entire above-ground part are collected.
To make extracts for internal use, the inflorescences of the plant are collected; for external use, the entire plant is collected, with the exception of the roots. The harvesting period is throughout the summer, subject to flowering.
Drying is carried out in a dry, shady, well-ventilated room with a temperature not exceeding 40°C. Fabric or paper bags are used to store raw materials; the shelf life is no more than 1 year.

Forms of release of drugs

Medicinal plants are produced both in monoforms and as part of herbal mixtures, dietary supplements and cosmetics. The most common forms:

  • dry crushed raw materials;
  • liquid extracts, tinctures, including alcoholic ones;
  • fat compositions containing extract;
  • essential oils;
  • creams, ointments with herbal ingredients.

Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) has long been used as an anti-inflammatory agent. The medicinal properties of other varieties are lower, which is why they are used less often.

Medicinal properties of chamomile

Chamomile compositions prepared at home are useful in the treatment of rheumatism, arthritis, to eliminate inflammation, spasms, cramps, and pain relief.

What else does chamomile help with?

Chamomile is useful to take orally in cases of gastrointestinal secretion disorders, in the treatment of gastrointestinal tract and duodenum, to relieve swelling of the gastric mucosa.

Decoctions and infusions are used to treat liver inflammation, prevent and eliminate bile stagnation, in the case of cholecystitis, nephritis, flatulence, hemorrhoids, female cycle disorders, and uterine bleeding.

The medicinal properties of chamomile are useful for normalizing the strength of heart contractions, sedative (calming) effect on the nervous system under significant intellectual stress, and neurosis.


Pharmaceutical camomile. The medicinal plant received its characteristic name – “uterine herb” – due to its widespread use in the treatment of female diseases.

This variety is almost never found in nature; it is specially grown, including in the garden.

The root is thin, taproot. The branched stem reaches 40cm. The leaves are cut into two or three narrow lobes. The inflorescence consists of white and yellow petals. Flowering begins in June and ends in August-September.

When you rub the hollow inside of the flower, you feel a strong, pleasant aroma of fresh flowers.

Chamomile. The medicinal properties of this variety are less pronounced. The plant is used as an external remedy - for rinsing, compresses, lotions, enemas, hair masks.

This variety should not be consumed internally.

Externally, the plant is distinguished from chamomile by its short pedicels; they have to be found among the leaves. The flowers are green, fragrant, the prepared medicinal products taste spicy.

This variety does not contain the beneficial essential oil containing chamazulene.


Chamomile flower heads are rich in matrixin, chamazulene, which gives the essential oil its blue color and medicinal properties.

Chamazulene is useful because it accelerates tissue regeneration, has an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect, boiling partially destroys it.

Chamomile essential oil contains glycosides of oleic, palmitic, stearic, linoleic acids, as well as gum, mucus, flavonoids, and coumarins.

Collection and storage

Chamomile acquires its maximum medicinal properties from mid-June. Flowers are collected on a warm, dry morning, when the white petals have assumed a horizontal position and there is a lot of useful stuff in the plant.

Before drying, the raw materials are sorted out, withered flowers, insects, and lumps of earth are removed.

The raw materials are scattered on paper in a layer of 2-3 cm, dried in the open air or in a room with good ventilation. It is allowed to use dryers with a set temperature no higher than +40C. After drying, chamomile loses up to 80% of its mass.

When stored, under-dried flowers quickly change color and begin to deteriorate. Overdried ones turn into dust, which has no beneficial properties.

Healing chamomile flowers are stored in cloth or paper bags in a dry room for up to a year.

Chamomile decoction, infusion, tincture, tea

Chamomile is brewed to extract its medicinal properties. Under the influence of steam, matricen is converted into chamazulene carboxylic acid, then into chamazulene.

Chamazulene is easily destroyed, so medicines are prepared in a water bath.


  1. Pour boiled water at room temperature over the plant material and simmer in a water bath for 30 minutes.
  2. Leave for 10 minutes, strain.
  3. Add boiled water to the original volume.


First way:

  1. Brew 1 tsp. dried raw materials with a glass of boiling water, close the lid.
  2. After half an hour, strain.

Second way:

  1. Place the dried flowers in a glass or enamel container and add ten parts of lukewarm boiled water.
  2. Simmer covered in a water bath for 20 minutes.
  3. After 30 minutes, strain.


  1. Place the crushed flowers in a glass container, pour in five parts of vodka, and close tightly.
  2. Leave in a dark place for a week, shaking the container every day.
  3. Squeeze and extract the raw materials, strain the chamomile tincture into a clean dark glass container, add vodka to the original volume.
  4. Leave for another week in a cool, dark place, filter when finished.

A properly prepared tincture is clear and has a chamomile aroma.

Chamomile tincture has a pronounced therapeutic effect, so it is taken orally only after consultation with a doctor. Drink no longer than two weeks.

  • Brew 1 tsp. dried flowers with a glass of boiling water, leave for 5-10 minutes.

Taken in the evening with honey, chamomile tea is beneficial in eliminating fatigue and falling asleep faster, especially in old age, but more research is needed.

The medicine is used externally in the form of compresses; first add a few drops to any vegetable base oil.

Benefits of chamomile for diabetes

The use of chamomile tea does not replace the treatment prescribed by a doctor, but in some cases it helps reduce blood levels.

And the review confirms the antitumor (anticancer) and anti-inflammatory activity of chamomile-based products, but additional research is needed.

Harm and contraindications

Chamomile and compositions from its flowers can be harmful in the case of anacid gastritis, with individual intolerance. Use with caution in case of liver or kidney disease.

An overdose is manifested by hoarseness, dizziness, headache, diarrhea.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women should use chamomile only as prescribed by a doctor.

It is worth refusing treatment with chamomile in case of allergies, especially to pollen. If you previously had a mild allergy to chamomile, taking the infusion and decoction can strengthen it. If pollen from other plants comes into contact with chamomile, an allergic reaction may also occur.

Young children should not be treated with chamomile formulations due to the risk of plant contamination with botulism.

Be sure to consult with your doctor before combining chamomile formulations with prescribed medications.

For example, in the case of taking anticoagulants - drugs for, including warfarin, aspirin, antiplatelet agents - chamomile can enhance their therapeutic effect, worsen blood clotting, and it will be difficult to stop bleeding.

For this reason, you should not use chamomile two weeks before or after surgery.

Interaction with chamomile can increase the toxicity of antidepressants, beta blockers, and bronchodilators used for treatment.

Taking chamomile can reduce the absorption of some medications, including iron, and enhance the effect of others, such as sedatives.

Modified: 11/15/2019

Probably in every home there is a package of dry medicinal chamomile. After all, it is the first assistant for almost all ailments for children and adults, as well as an effective cosmetic product. The medicinal properties of the plant have been known for a long time, but not everyone knows how to properly brew chamomile for drinking, in which cases a decoction and tea is needed, and in which a tincture is needed, to whom and how the herb can harm. You will find answers to all these questions and many more interesting things further in the article.

Chemical composition

The healthfulness of this short annual from the Astrov family is due to its rich composition. For medicinal purposes, only inconspicuous small inflorescences are used, which have a strong, specific aroma.

Did you know? The Latin name of chamomile (Matricaria recutita) comes from the Greek word, which means “mother”. Linguists associate its etymology with the healing properties of the potion.

The following was found in chamomile in large quantities:
  • blue essential oil (from 0.1 to 1.0%);
  • quercetin derivatives;
  • luteolin;
  • apigenin;
  • coumarins (umbelliferone and herniarin);
  • caprylic acid;
  • anthemisic organic acid;
  • isovaleric acid,
  • salicylic acid;
  • tannins;
  • ascorbic acid (223 mg in leaves and 135 mg in flowers);
  • polyine compounds;
  • polysaccharides;
  • gum;
  • vitamins;
  • carotene;
  • bitterness;
  • phytosterols;
  • protein substances;
  • glycosides;
  • flavonoids (there are 2 times more of them in chamomile than in marigolds and yarrow);
  • mucous substances;
  • alkaloids (available only in flower baskets, and absent in leaves and stems);
  • sulfur (2.4 g);
  • potassium (37.34 g);
  • chlorine (10.8 g);
  • calcium (16.33 g);
  • phosphorus (3.34 g);
  • silicon dioxide (2 g);
  • magnesium (3.6 g).

Important! It is better to harvest chamomile medicinal raw materials in the second ten days of June, when the peak of its flowering begins. In the evening and in the heat, metabolic processes in the plant decrease, so you need to pick flower baskets in the morning, in dry weather.

Beneficial features

The healing effects of chamomile are recognized not only by folk herbalists, but also by official medicine. Despite technological progress and the latest developments of synthetic medications, many medicines based on chamomile oil, which is the most valuable component of the plant, are on sale today. Natural extracts from this plant are also highly valued in cosmetology.

Thanks to the unique combination of components, flower baskets have an antibacterial, choleretic, and calming effect. Chamomile also stimulates appetite, relieves muscle spasms of the gastrointestinal tract, and relieves pain.

  • gastritis;
  • digestive disorders;
  • increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • gastrointestinal ulcers;
  • colitis;
  • malignant tumors;
  • cystitis;
  • bladder diseases;
  • cholecystitis;
  • thyroid dysfunction;
  • colds and viral infections;
  • problematic skin;
  • colpitis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • burns;
  • purulent wounds that take a long time to heal poorly;
  • toothache;
  • gout and rheumatism.

Did you know?If cows are grazed in chamomile meadows, their milk will be enriched with useful substances, but it is impossible to drink because of the strong unpleasant odor.

Tea Recipes

Chamomile tea can be drunk not only during illness; its benefits are obvious even for preventive purposes. Every day, 1-2 cups of a pleasant aromatic drink will not hurt, but on the contrary, will relieve fatigue and strengthen the body. And if you add a teaspoon of honey to your drink and drink it at night, a sound and healthy sleep is guaranteed.
There are no restrictions for chamomile tea. It can and should be taken by people of all ages and even newborns. In fact, this is a natural, completely harmless medicine.

Herbalists advise preparing the drink according to the classic recipe: brew a teaspoon of dried raw materials with a glass of boiling water and leave for about 10 minutes. Depending on the time during which the drink was infused, it can have different colors: from light yellow to dark brown.
In most cases, chamomile tea is consumed in its pure form for ailments. Its therapeutic effect does not occur immediately: this will require several courses. But for preventive purposes, you can drink herbal teas.

Did you know? The ancient Egyptian peoples used medicinal chamomile oil to mummify the bodies of the dead.

Herbalists recommend several popular tea recipes based on chamomile inflorescences:

  1. Chamomile-mint tea It has a pleasant aroma and taste, relieves stress, helps you relax, eliminates various types of pain, inflammation and helps you sleep. To prepare the drink, you will need a sprig of fresh or dried mint, 1 teaspoon of chamomile flower heads and 20 ml of boiling water. Pour everything into a teapot and fill it with water. Then cover with a lid and let the drink brew for a few minutes.
  2. Chamomile-thyme tea helps with insomnia, colds, inflammatory processes. It is prepared from equal parts of chamomile and thyme (take a teaspoon of herbs per glass of boiling water).
  3. Chamomile lemon balm tea not only healthy, but also very tasty. Lemon varieties of lemon balm are often used for it, which are characterized by a pronounced pleasant smell. Drinking helps relieve fever, pain, inflammation during colds, and has a calming effect. To make a fragrant and healthy drink, just add half a teaspoon of dried lemon balm or 5-6 fresh leaves to the teapot.

Important!To distinguish medicinal chamomile from other types, cut it crosswise. Instances with a hollow interior are suitable for various types of therapy and disease prevention. Also, for drying, you need to look for inflorescences with a pronounced apple-honey smell.

Use in folk medicine: treatment of diseases

For diseases, you can use medications based on medicinal chamomile flowers. These are “Rotokan”, “Rekutan”, “Auron”, “Ramazulon”, essential chamomile oil. But the remedy is very easy to prepare at home. The main thing is to always have healing raw materials at hand. Let’s take a closer look at what exactly folk healers recommend treating with chamomile, and what instructions for use are recommended in specific cases.


The herb is very effective for mild colds, sore throats, bronchitis and other respiratory diseases. It is advisable to treat with teas, mouth rinses, and inhalations.

In such cases, herbalists advise preparing a herbal mixture from 1 tablespoon each of chamomile, plantain and calendula. Then 30 g of the mixture is poured into 200 ml of boiling water and left for 3 hours. You need to take the medicine in between meals, a third of a glass.

Important! For drying, the flowers and no more than 3 cm of the stem are plucked. Dry raw materials can be stored for 2 years.

Runny nose

A runny nose, which often accompanies colds, is well treated with chamomile infusion. It is prepared from 2 tablespoons of dried flowers and a glass of boiling water. You need to find an enamel container for the product so that its beneficial qualities are not lost during the heating process.
When all the ingredients are mixed, place the saucepan in a water bath and leave for about half an hour. Then let it cool for 10 minutes and strain the medicine. At the final stage of preparation, the resulting decoction is diluted with boiled water to obtain 200 ml of liquid. The product is used for inhalation, rinsing and washing the nasal passages.

To treat abscesses of the gums and teeth, use only cold decoctions and tinctures of chamomile, since heating the sore spot can provoke the development of infection and complications caused by the breakthrough of suppuration.

Herbalists recommend preparing a classic tea or decoction from a glass of boiling water and a tablespoon of raw materials, then putting the liquid in the freezer when it cools down. Then apply ice cubes to the sore tooth to relieve inflammation and relieve pain. Rinsing your mouth with cold chamomile tea also helps. As an alternative, you can apply tampons soaked in chamomile infusion to the inflamed cheek.

Important! The prepared chamomile decoction can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.

For pregnant and lactating women, dentists recommend traditional rinsing with a herbal decoction of equal portions of chamomile and St. John's wort. To obtain the desired effect, just pour a tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water. Then add 1 teaspoon of soda to the resulting liquid. If you rinse your mouth with this medicine for 5-10 minutes, the pain will go away within an hour.


Knowing what chamomile decoction helps with, if necessary, you can begin timely treatment of conjunctivitis, blepharitis, glaucoma and even cataracts. In complex therapy, traditional medicine advises brewing 2-3 tablespoons of inflorescences with a glass of boiling water. After an hour, when the medicine has infused, it must be carefully filtered through double gauze and rinsed with a clean swab. It is advisable to repeat the procedure several times a day until the illness goes away.

Heart arythmy

If the functions of the cardiovascular system are impaired during the period of exacerbation of symptoms, it is useful to plunge your face into cold chamomile tea. Also effective is a herbal mixture prepared from equal parts of flowers, chamomile and a double portion of leaves and. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over a tablespoon of the mixture, cover with a tight lid and leave for 5 minutes. Then they drink in one gulp. You need to take the medicine three times a day exclusively in fresh form. The course of treatment lasts about 3 months.

Did you know? You can tell the time by the colors of medicinal chamomile. At 6 o'clock in the morning their petals are directed upward, towards 4 pm they are placed horizontally, and by 7 o'clock they are pressed tightly against the peduncle.


Thanks to chamazulene, which is part of the essential oil, chamomile is indispensable for the stomach and intestines. In addition, its mucous components help improve the functioning of the digestive tract in infants and older people. Classic chamomile decoctions and teas are recommended for use both for medicinal and preventive purposes.
For constipation in newborns and preschool children, microenemas made from warm chamomile infusion are recommended. Babies under one year old are given no more than 15 ml of liquid.


Chamomile will also help relieve spasms and adjust the proper functioning of the intestines in such cases. As a therapeutic agent, traditional medicine advises drinking half a glass of herbal decoction every morning and evening. To prepare it, you need to take 2 tablespoons of inflorescences and 200 ml of boiling water. To improve the effect, some recipes suggest adding equal parts of leaves and seeds. When the mixture is infused, it should be strained and taken three times a day after meals.

Important!You can remove the specific smell of medicine from chamomile using valerian root.

Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum

Chamomile decoction helps eliminate pain when an ulcer opens in the stomach and duodenum. Herbalists recommend drinking it daily instead of tea, 3-4 cups between meals.

Liver and biliary tract

When gallstone disease is a concern, traditional healers advise drinking a warm infusion of chamomile three times a day. It is prepared from 1.5 tablespoons of flower baskets and 200 ml of water. All components are combined and left to infuse for 8-9 hours. Then they filter, squeeze out the raw materials, and add whipped cream or butter to the liquid.


This unpleasant male disease in the initial stages of development can be stopped with chamomile infusions. The liquid is recommended to be used for intestinal lavage and internal procedures.
The medicine is prepared from 30 g of dry raw materials and half a glass of boiling water. The components are combined, infused for about 30 minutes, then strained. It is advisable to drink the product every day in the morning and evening, and do microenemas for 48 hours (before bedtime).

Did you know?In addition to medicine, chamomile is widely used in perfume and porcelain production.

Application in cosmetology

Chamomile can be found in many cosmetic hair and skin care products. This component is especially common in children's cosmetics. But, despite the wide range of store-bought creams, masks, shampoos and gels, most women trust homemade products. Let's figure out how you can use herbs to beauty your body.

For hair

All blondes who prefer natural remedies know about lightening their hair with chamomile. If you regularly rinse your hair after washing with a herbal decoction, in a couple of months your hair will lighten a couple of tones. Moreover, the procedure contributes to the health and shine of strands. Some brown-haired women have gotten used to making hair dyes from medicinal plants, glycerin and hydrogen peroxide. Chamomile inflorescences and nettle leaves are used as natural ingredients. You can add a little juice to make your curls shine.
A special mask made from equal portions of chamomile, plantain, nettle, etc. will help restore lifeless hair with split ends. Pour 30 g of the mixture with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for a couple of hours. Then filter, mix rye bread crumbs into the liquid until a mushy consistency is obtained. After these manipulations, apply the mask to the roots of the hair (if there is any left, you can stretch it along the entire length), wrap your head in plastic and a towel. After an hour, wash it off.

Did you know? Popular belief says that chamomile blooms where stars have fallen.

Some owners of blond hair add chamomile tea and lemon juice to their shampoo with each wash. For colored hair, in order not to dry it out, it is advisable to add a few drops of burdock, castor or any other oil.

For skin

Many ladies who care about their appearance and health begin and end the day by rubbing their faces with chamomile infusion. This is done in order to give the skin freshness and a healthy glow. For aging and tired skin, it will be very useful to place the prepared broth in the freezer for several hours, then wipe your face with ice. This procedure has a beneficial effect on problem skin, various types of rashes and irritations.
For burns and skin dermatitis, traditional healers advise making oil from chamomile. To do this, just mix 4 tablespoons of dry raw materials and 100 ml of olive oil. The mixture must be brought to a boil, then left for 10 days and strained.

If the tan is unsuccessful and the skin is burned, chamomile ointment will prevent the appearance of blisters. It is prepared from well-dried grass and Vaseline passed through a coffee grinder. The ratio of ingredients is 1:5.

Important!With the systematic use of pharmaceutical chamomile, it is quite possible to get rid of even chronic diseases.

Application in gynecology

Chamomile teas, infusions and decoctions are very helpful for diseases of the female genital organs and painful menstruation. The listed products are recommended for both internal and external use.
In order to neutralize the causative agents of inflammatory processes, gynecologists often prescribe douching with chamomile decoctions, as well as drinking plenty of teas brewed from this culture. The fact is that drinking relieves fever and relieves pain.

A medicinal potion is prepared at the rate of 2 tablespoons of flowers per 1 liter of boiling water. The ingredients are simmered over low heat until boiling. Then wrap the covered pan well and leave to infuse. The liquid is suitable for drinking and douching. For the last therapeutic variation, the temperature of the drug should not exceed 38°C.
The herb is also indicated for expectant mothers to improve intestinal function and strengthen the immune system. The main thing is that before you start taking chamomile infusion orally, be sure to consult your doctor about the possible benefits and harms.

Important! Never collect medicinal chamomile raw materials near roads and industrial enterprises.


It would seem that chamomile, which has so many medicinal properties, is completely harmless. But experts identify a certain group of people who should refrain from such therapy and preventive measures. This includes allergy sufferers who are sensitive to substances contained in the plant, as well as people suffering from mental disorders, in particular schizophrenia.
It is also important to know when to stop. In cases of overdose, the following are possible:

  • headache;
  • cough;
  • physical exhaustion;
  • general fatigue;
  • depression.
Nothing will happen if you drink a couple of cups of chamomile tea a week whenever you want. But before starting treatment, be sure to seek the advice of your treating specialist, find out from him how many herbal remedies you need to take specifically in your case. Remember that the maximum amount of chamomile you drink per day should not exceed 4 cups, and the course of treatment in the most severe and advanced forms of the disease lasts no more than 3 months.
As you can see, chamomile has beneficial properties and at the same time has contraindications. Don't experiment with your health, take care of yourself and be healthy.

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31 once already

Common chamomile is an ancient medicinal plant that can instantly combat dozens of insidious diseases. In addition to the famous “love it or not,” it is used in cosmetology, during pregnancy, and as a sedative. Chamomile tincture works real miracles, surprising the world with the versatility of its healing effects. It is recommended for both adults and children, both internally and externally. Let's look at the beneficial properties of the magical “weed” in more detail.

What are the benefits of chamomile tincture?

Infusions and decoctions of the medicinal plant are endowed with powerful healing powers, thanks to the rich “filling” of the flowers. These include:

  • essential oils;
  • vitamin C;
  • carotene;
  • oleic, palmitic, nicotinic acid;
  • glucose;
  • useful minerals - potassium, zinc and copper;
  • tannins.

Thanks to such an impressive set, the healing qualities of chamomile are almost unlimited.

Drug effect

Chamomile tincture has the following powers:

  • fights diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • has choleretic, hemostatic, antiseptic, disinfectant and diuretic effects;
  • relieves flatulence and stomach cramps;
  • relieves inflammation of the gums, mucous membranes, wounds;
  • treats rheumatism, gout, arthritis and other vascular diseases;
  • makes you forget about hemorrhoids, cystitis and other gynecological ailments;
  • calms the nervous system and normalizes sleep;
  • inspires the brain to be active;
  • treats diseases of the liver, kidneys, bladder;
  • heals inflammatory eye diseases;
  • banishes allergies and migraines;
  • normalizes the respiratory system;
  • treats flu and colds;
  • increases the amount of milk in nursing women;
  • normalizes menstrual cycles;
  • strengthens and brightens hair;
  • cleanses and rejuvenates the skin;
  • helps you lose those unwanted pounds.

Attention! Chamomile tincture is one of the few remedies that can be used by patients with high acidity of gastric juice.

Chamomile infusions: diseases and recipes

Infusions of the plant are taken internally and externally, in the form of enemas, poultices, lotions and rinses. Chamomile flowers can be bought at a pharmacy or collected and dried yourself. It is brewed in two ways:
  • Cold. Dilute 8-10 teaspoons of flowers with cold water (2 cups), leave for 10 hours, filter. Use the resulting decoction to wash hair in case of hair loss, to wash non-healing wounds and burns, for eye diseases (externally), for gargling (for sore throat) and the mouth (for inflammatory processes).
  • Hot. Pour boiling water (1 glass) over the inflorescences of the plant (1 tablespoon), leave for half an hour, filter. Take the infusion hot 3 times a day, ¼ cup, for migraines, colds, diarrhea, bloating, stomach and intestinal cramps.

Attention! Chamomile flowers cannot be boiled; such a decoction will be unsuitable for medicinal purposes. A regular water bath is much more harmless.

For inflammation of the respiratory tract

Brew 1 teaspoon of inflorescences with a glass of boiling water. After cooling slightly and straining the broth, rinse your nose with it for inflammation and nasal boils, gargle for laryngitis and sore throat.

For kidney diseases and chronic cystitis

Chamomile tincture, the use of which is advisable for pyelonephritis and cystitis, is prepared as follows: pour boiling water (half a liter) over the flowers (2 teaspoons), leave for 1 hour, strain. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.

For acute gastritis

Brew dried flowers (4-5 teaspoons) with boiling water (2 cups), place on moderate heat for literally 1 minute, remove from heat and leave for 20 minutes. Strain the infusion and drink three times a day before meals. Can be mixed with a little honey.

For stomach disorders

Pour boiling water (1 liter) over mint leaves, chamomile flowers (1 tablespoon each), chopped pomegranate peel (1 teaspoon). Leave for 2 hours, filter and take 50g 3-4 times a day.

For stomach cramps

Tincture of chamomile and lemon balm leaves are great for stomach cramps and colic. 2 tbsp. Dilute spoons of herbal composition with boiling water (3 cups) and leave for 7-8 hours. You need to drink a glass of it warm three times a day.

For diarrhea and dysentery

Brew the inflorescences of the plant (2 teaspoons) with boiling water (1 glass), wrap and leave for 1 hour. Then filter and drink 0.5 glasses 3-4 times a day.

For peptic ulcers

The recipe for peptic ulcers is the same as above, only the decoction is infused longer - 8-10 hours. You need to take it 15-20 minutes before meals 3 times a day for a month. After taking, alternately lie on your sides, back and stomach so that the infusion spreads to the entire gastric mucosa.

For intestinal cramps and bloating

Dilute 6 tbsp. spoons of chamomile inflorescences in 0.5 liters of boiled water and heat in a water bath for 15-20 minutes. Cool the broth, filter, remove the squeezed flowers and bring the amount of liquid to the original volume. Mix with honey (2 tablespoons) and take 0.5 cups after meals.

For inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat

Chamomile tincture is an excellent remedy for stomatitis, sore throat, tonsillitis and inflammation of the oral cavity. Pour boiling water (half a liter) over the flowers of the plant (2 tablespoons), leave for half an hour, and then strain. Adding 1 tbsp. spoon of honey, rinse your mouth and throat 5-6 times a day.

For inflammatory eye diseases

Brew dried inflorescences (1-2 teaspoons) with boiling water (a glass). Leave for 60 minutes, filter through gauze and rinse your eyes. The procedure should be carried out three times a day until the inflammatory processes are eliminated.

Chamomile in gynecology

The miraculous “weed” is an excellent healer for gynecological ailments. Inflammations of the genitourinary system, fungi, streptococci, viruses, thrush, cystitis - this whole bunch of problems is solved by chamomile tincture. Its use in gynecology has been practiced for a long time - for therapeutic and preventive purposes.

Decoctions and infusions of the plant are good for douching. To do this, you will need the following ingredients: chamomile and nettle (30 g each), knotweed herb (50 g) and oak bark (10 g). Brew the healing mixture (2 tablespoons) with boiling water (1 liter), keep on low heat for 5 minutes, cool and filter. Use warm for washing and douching.

Is it possible to treat with chamomile during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, chamomile is used both internally and externally. Its infusions and decoctions are absolutely harmless and are indicated for any period of time. You can use them to make baths, compresses, douching, inhalations, drink for flatulence, constipation, stress and tension.

Attention! Chamomile tincture during pregnancy should be consumed in small doses (no more than 400 g), since the plant provokes the production of estrogens by the ovaries, which can cause miscarriage.

Chamomile infusions in cosmetology

The medicinal plant also contributes to cosmetology. The beneficial substances it contains strengthen, restore and lighten hair, and cleanse the skin.

Regularly rinsing your hair with chamomile will make it soft, glossy and healthy. The tincture will give light strands an iridescent golden tone, and dark ones a slight lightening.

Recipe for strengthening hair

To restore damaged hair structure, hair loss, excessive oiliness and dandruff, prepare a tincture of chamomile, plantain, nettle and sage. 1 tbsp. Fill a spoonful of the mixture with a liter of boiling water, strain, apply to strands, cover your head with polyethylene and do this for about an hour. The effect will be noticeable after 2-3 procedures.

To lighten strands

Chamomile tincture is an excellent analogue to lightening chemicals. Its use together with nettle, hydrogen peroxide, lemon juice, honey or glycerin gives your hair amazing shades.

To lighten hair or wash off any remaining dye, prepare an infusion of chamomile flowers (8 tablespoons), juice of half a lemon and vegetable oil (2 tablespoons). Pour boiling water (500 g) over dry inflorescences, heat in a water bath for 15 minutes, cool. After straining, add lemon juice and oil to the broth. Apply the mask to the strands, wait until they dry completely, and then rinse with shampoo. Regular use of a lightening mask for a month will help lighten your hair by 1-2 tones.

Attention! Chamomile can cause allergies. The day before cosmetic procedures, moisten the elbow or wrist with a strong infusion, and after 10 hours, inspect this place. If there is redness, itching or burning, it is better to avoid using this plant.

For facial skin

Using plant infusions on the face will help smooth out wrinkles, eliminate irritation, acne, pimples, rashes, soften and restore the skin.

To solve all these problems, pour the strained chamomile tincture into ice cube trays and place in the refrigerator. Rub your face with cubes every day - the skin will become smooth, silky, all blackheads, pimples and irritations will go away.

From infusions you can make lotions for problem areas, facial inhalations, steam baths, and wash your face regularly. An effective remedy for skin inflammation and neurodermatitis is chamomile alcohol tincture. To prepare it, pour dry inflorescences with 70% alcohol (1:10), leave to infuse for 3 weeks, then strain and safely use.

Chamomile for weight loss

The healing plant in combination with other herbs helps to lose extra pounds. An infusion of chamomile, St. John's wort, birch buds and immortelle, taken in equal doses, should be drunk before each meal. The decoction effectively burns fat layers, while cleansing and rejuvenating the body.


Despite such an impressive therapeutic effect, chamomile infusions have contraindications. The first item on the list is an allergy to this plant. The second is mental disorders. An overdose can lead to headaches, cough, irritability, and decreased muscle tone. Taking chamomile is allowed only during normal pregnancy, but even then in small doses.

Be that as it may, there is more benefit from the plant than harm. Chamomile tincture, the use of which saves from many health problems, is excellent for its availability and versatility of beneficial properties.

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

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