Quiz on Krylov's fables for elementary school students. AND

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

Fable quiz by I.A. Krylova for the 5th grade

The purpose of the lesson:

1. Show morality, morality of Krylov's fables.
2. Test knowledge of fables.
3. Teach expressive reading fables, dramatization.

Equipment: a portrait of the fabulist Krylov, illustrations for fables, drawings, the best written works of children, “Test of the pen” - fables written by children.

During the classes:

I. Organizational moment.

II. introduction teachers.

Krylov said: “I love where there is a case,
Pinch vices.

And the brilliant Russian fabulist did it so skillfully, penetratingly that the heroes of his allegorical stories have been interesting to readers for over 200 years.
And, as V.G. Belinsky, the glory of Krylov will continue to grow and flourish more magnificently until the sonorous and rich language in the mouths of the great and mighty Russian people falls silent.

Children! Today your task is to show how well you have studied the work of I.A. Krylov, to show ingenuity and creativity.
- Guys, today we have an unusual lesson, today we have a holiday. You will ask why?" Because we meet with very interesting books and works. And meeting with books is always a holiday.

In St. Petersburg, in the Summer Garden, there is a monument - a man with a sad face is sitting, looking into the distance, and on the pedestal around him are foxes, monkeys, donkeys, lions and other animals: well, of course, this is Ivan Andreevich Krylov and the heroes of his fables! (drawing the attention of children to the reproduction of the monument on the board).

I II. Conducting a quiz. Two teams take part in the quiz. Participants are distributed in advance, determined by the jury.

Exercise 1. Each team must prepare 3 drawings for their opponents. Showing each other the drawings, guess from which fable this episode is taken.

Task 2. Name Krylov's fables about:

fox(“Crow and Fox”, “Fox and Grapes”, “Wolf and Fox”, “Good Fox”, “Fox”, “Fox and Donkey”);

wolf(“Wolf and Lamb”, “Wolf in the Kennel”, “Lion and Wolf”, “Vloe and Cat”, “Wolf and Shepherds”, “Wolves and Sheep”);

bear(“Quartet”, “The Bear at the Bees”, “The Hermit and the Bear”, “The Hardworking Bear”, “The Peasant and the Worker”);

monkey(“Mirror and Monkey”, “Monkey and Glasses”, “Monkeys”, “Monkey”, “Quartet”);

people(“Peasant and Worker”, “Cat and Cook”, “Cabin”, “Curious”, “Demyanova’s Ear”, “Peasant and Snake”, “Two Boys”).

Task 3. Whose words are these:

"Darling, how pretty!

Well, what a neck, what eyes! (Fox, "The Crow and the Fox")
“Everything about glasses was just lied to me;

And there is no use for a hair in them. (Monkey, "Monkey and Glasses")

"Friends! Why all this noise?

I, your old matchmaker and godfather ... "(Wolf," Wolf in the kennel)

"Don't leave me, dear godfather!

Give me the strength to gather ... ”(Dragonfly,“ Dragonfly and Ant ”)


How does the music go? You don't sit like that." (Monkey, "Quartet")

Task 4. To whom are these words addressed?

“Listen, buddy!

You, they say, are a great master of singing. (to the Nightingale, "The Donkey and the Nightingale")

“Look,” he says, “my dear godfather!

What is that mug over there?” (to Bear, Mirror and Monkey)

“Gossip, this is strange to me:

Did you work during the summer? (to Dragonfly, "Dragonfly and Ant")

"Neighbour, stop being ashamed, -

Shavka says to her, “Do you have to mess with the Elephant ?! (to Moska, "Elephant and Moska")

"Neighbor, I'm fed up." (to Demyan, "Demyan's ear")

Task 5. Remember the missing word in the title of the fable:

"Frog and ... (Ox)".

"Wolf on ... (kennel)".

"... (Wolf) and lamb."

"Cat and ... (cook)".

"Peasant and ... (Snake) or (Worker)."

"Pig under ... (oak)."

"Paper ... (kite)".

"... (Trishkin) caftan."

Task 6. In what fable?

“They brought a casket from the master to someone ...” (“Casket”).

“Two friends walked in the evening sometimes

And we had a good conversation with each other." ("Passers-by and dogs")

“Toothy pike came up with an idea

For the cat to take the craft. ("The Pike and the Cat")

“The cat ... fell into the claws of a lion ...” (Mouse and rat)

“The hungry godfather Fox climbed into the garden ...” (“The Fox and the Grapes”)

Task 7. What fable had such a moral?

"Forward someone else's misfortune

don't laugh, Dove!" ("Chizh and Dove")
“How many times have they told the world

That flattery is vile, harmful; but everything is not for the future,

And in the heart the flatterer will always find a corner. ("A Crow and a fox")
“When there is no agreement among comrades,

Their business will not go well,

And nothing will come out of it, only flour. (Swan, Pike and Cancer)
“The trouble is, if the cobbler starts the pies,

And boots to stitch a pieman:

And things won't go well." ("Pike and Cat")
"Often happens to us

And work and wisdom to see there,

Where you can only guess

Just get down to business." ("Cabin")

Task 8. Five questions, five answers. Which answer matches the question?

“Gossip, this is strange to me: Did you work in the summer?” (“Dragonfly and Ant”) “Before that, my dear, was it? In soft ants we have - Songs, playfulness every hour, So that my head is turned.

“Neighbour, stop being ashamed ... - do you bother with the Elephant?” ("Elephant and Pug") "Do not rejoice, my light ... and do not hope for nothing."

"Dear buddy, great! Where have you been?” (“Curious”) “That's what gives me the spirit, That I, without a fight at all, Can get into big bullies.”

“Neighbour, have you heard the good word? “After all, the cat, they say, fell into the claws of a lion?” (“The Mouse and the Rat”) “In the Cabinet of Curiosities, my friend, I walked there for three hours ...”

“Well, Khavronya, did you see such a thing there?” ("Pig") "I did not notice any wealth."

Task 9. Continue the line.

Students should continue the fable started by the teacher, from those studied in the elementary grades.

  • Jumper Dragonfly
    Summer sang red .....

  • An elephant was led through the streets,
    As you can see on display.......

  • Once a Swan, Cancer and Pike,
    They took the cart with luggage ....

  • Somewhere God sent a piece of cheese to a crow:
    On the spruce Crow perched .....
Task 10. Fable staging. Who is better?

1 team - “Demyanova’s ear”
Team 2 - “Wolf and Lamb”

Task 11."Who's extra?"

Each group receives a piece of paper with the names of the characters. One of the heroes on the card is superfluous. It is necessary to name an extra hero and say which fable the rest of the heroes belong to.

Wolf, Moska, Huntsman ("Wolf in the kennel")

Elephant, Pike, Cat ("Pike and Cat")

Donkey, Cat, Nightingale ("Donkey and Nightingale")

Donkey, Pike, Goat, Bear, Monkey, Nightingale ("Quartet")

Rat, Mouse, Bear ("Mouse and Rat")

Task 12. Guess which fable these illustrations are for and voice them

1 team - illustration: the wolf is shown as a general.
Team 2 - illustration: the wolf is sitting in the corner.

Summarize the quiz. For each correct answer, the team received a token.

IV. Final word from the teacher. An entry in the notebook of Belinsky's words:

“The glory of Krylov will continue to grow and flourish more magnificently until the sonorous and rich language in the mouth of the great and mighty Russian people falls silent.”

I would like to end our quiz with a poem:

A poem by Mikhail Isakovsky dedicated to I.A. Krylov:

Who has not heard his living word?
Who in life has not met his own?
Immortal creations of Krylov
We love each year more and more.
From the school desk with them we got along,
In those days, the "Primer" barely comprehended,
And forever remain in my memory
Winged krylov words!

With fun, he corrected people.
Sweeping dust from them vices;
He glorified himself with fables,
And this glory is our reality.
And they will not forget this
While in Russian they say:
We confirmed it a long time ago
Her and her grandchildren will harden.
Book. P. Vyazemsky.

His fables will survive the ages. K.H. Batyushkov

Target: generalization of students' knowledge about the fables of I.A. Krylov, to develop memory, attention, to cultivate interest in reading.
I competition.
Name Krylov's fables about: Fox ("Crow and Fox", "Fox and Grapes", "Wolves Fox", "Good Fox", "Fox", "Fox and Donkey")
Wolf ("Wolf and Lamb", "Wolf in the kennel", "Lion and Wolf", "Wolf and Cat", "Wolf and Shepherds", "Wolves and Sheep").
Medvede ("Quartet", "The Bear at the Bees", "The Hermit and the Bear", "The Hardworking Bear", "The Peasant and the Worker")
Monkey ("Mirror and Monkey", "Monkey and Glasses", "Monkeys", "Monkey", "Quartet")
People ("Peasant and Worker", "Cat and Cook", "Casket", "Curious", "Demyanova's Ear", "Peasant and Snake", "Two Boys")

II competition.
Who owns the words?
"Darling, how pretty! Well, what a neck, what eyes! (Fox from the fable "The Crow and the Fox")
“Everything about glasses was just lied to me; And there is no use for hair in them. (To the monkey from the fable "Monkey and Glasses")
"Friends! Why all this noise? I, your old matchmaker and godfather ... "(To the wolf from the fable" The wolf in the kennel ")
"Don't leave me, dear godfather! Give me the strength to gather ... ”(Dragonfly from the fable“ Dragonfly and Ant ”)
“Wait! How does the music go? After all, YOU are not sitting like that ”(to the Monkey from the Quartet fable”)

III competition.
remember the missing word

  1. "Two ... (barrels)."
  2. "Boy and ... (Snake)".
  3. "Fox and ... (grapes)".
  4. "Hardworking ... (Bear)".
  5. "Trishkin ... (caftan)".
  6. "Dragonfly and ... (Ant)".
  7. "Donkey and ... (Nightingale)".
  8. "Cat and ... (Cook)".
  9. "Pig under ... (oak)."
  10. 10. "Wolves and ... (Sheep)".

IV competition
"The moral of the story is this"
What fable had such a moral?

1. “How many times have they told the world,
That flattery is vile, harmful; but everything is not for the future,
And in the heart the flatterer will always find a corner.
("A Crow and a fox".)

2. “Trouble, if the cobbler starts the pies,
And boots to stitch a pieman:
And things won't go well." ("Pike and Cat.")

3. “It often happens to us
And work and wisdom to see there,
Where you can only guess
Just get down to business." ("Larchik".)

4. "Forward someone else's trouble
don't laugh, Dove!" ("Chizh and Dove")

5. “When there is no agreement among comrades,
Their business will not go well,
And nothing will come out of it, only flour. ("Swan, Pike and Cancer")

5th competition.
Many phrases from the fables of I.A. Krylova became catchwords. We often say “The casket just opened” or “And Vaska listens and eats”, without even thinking that these words were uttered for the first time by Krylov’s heroes. Krylov has a lot of such phrases that have become winged words. Here are some of them:

  • “Yes, only things are still there”
  • "The strong always blame the weak"
  • "There is no beast stronger than a cat!"

Remember what fables these lines are from?
(Respectively: "Swan, Pike and Cancer", "Wolf and Lamb", "Mouse and Rat").
Not only lines from the fables of Ivan Andre-kich, but even the names of the fables themselves became catchwords. Who will name them? "Trishkin's caftan", "Swan, Pike and Cancer", "Elephant and Pug", "Demyanova's ear", "Cuckoo Rooster", etc.)
The greatest connoisseur of the Russian word, I. A. Krylov, enriched our literary language with many figurative expressions that became proverbs and sayings. They are used in disputes, since it is better to confirm their thought with them than with long arguments:

  • “The eye sees, but the tooth is numb”
  • "Harrow in peacock feathers"
  • "Jumping Dragonfly"
  • "Trishkin caftan"
  • "Martyshkin labor"
  • "Disservice"
  • “And the casket just opened”
  • "And Vaska listens and eats"

VI contests.
1 Crossword

"Ivan Krylov"

  1. A writer who writes fables (fabulist).
  2. The city with which Krylov's childhood is connected (Tver)
  3. The position in which Krylov began his career (subclerk)
  4. French poet-fabulist, Krylov translated his fables into Russian (La Fontaine)
  5. Musical instrument played by Krylov (violin)
  6. An important part in the fable, the conclusion is a lesson (moral)
  7. Works for the theater that Krylov wrote (plays)
  8. Profession in which Krylov worked for 30 years (librarian)
  9. and 10. Heroes of one of the most famous Krylov's fables (Dragonfly and Ant)

2 Crossword

"I.A. Krylov"
1. “To that misfortune ... I ran close” (fox).
2. “Naughty Monkey, Donkey” A goat, and a clubfoot Mishka started to play ... ”(quartet).
3. "Know she is strong" that she barks at the elephant. Who is this? (Pug).
4. “Darling, how good! Well, what a neck, what eyes! Who is this? (Crow).
5. “God sent a piece to a crow somewhere ...” (to cheese).
6. “Through the streets ... they were taken, apparently, for show” (Elephant).
7. “The monkey here, out of annoyance and sadness about the stone, grabbed them so much that only splashes sparkled * What is it? (Glasses).
8. “A lamb on a hot day went to the stream to get drunk; and it must be a disaster that near those places a hungry prowl ... "Who? (Wolf).

Dear guys, if you want to correct your literature grades, I suggest you answer the questions of this quiz, compiled by you yourself.

Quiz on Krylov's fables:

1. Which fable contains the following words: “It is still there”

A) Monkey and glasses

B) The wolf in the kennel

C) Swan, crayfish and pike

D) Demyanov's ear

2. Who did Moska bark at?

B) a lion

D) on an elephant

3. What is the fault of the Lamb in the fable "The Wolf and the Lamb"?

A) That he muddied water for the wolf

B) That the wolf wants to eat

C) That he woke up the wolf

D) That he scared the wolf

4. Continue the sentence from the fable: “The trouble is, if the shoemaker starts the pies, and the boots are stitched ....”

A) pieman

B) ice cream maker

B) janitor

D) road builder

5. Where did the crow sit down with a piece of cheese?

A) on a stump

B) on a branch

D) on a tree

6. Where did the cunning wolf or the fable "The Wolf in the Kennel" go?

A) Nautek

D) to negotiate

7. “How many times have they told the world that flattery is vile, harmful; but everything is not for the future, and in the heart the flatterer will always find a corner. What fable is this moral from?

A) Crow and grapes

B) crow and fox

C) a pig under an oak tree

D) The wolf in the kennel

8. “Why, without fear of sin, does the Cuckoo praise the Rooster?”

a) Because he is handsome

B) For the fact that he praises the Cuckoo

C) Because he is her friend

D) Because he helped her

9. What did the Dragonfly do in the summer?

A) bathed

B) Helped the Ant

D) I flew to my sister

10. “It often happens to us

And work and wisdom to see there,

Where you can only guess

Just get down to business." What is this moral from?

A) dragonfly and ant

B) Passers-by and dogs

C) The wolf in the kennel

D) casket

11. What fable is this sentence from: “They are climbing out of their skin, but the cart is still not moving.”

A) Elephant and Pug

B) Swan, Cancer and Pike

C) Monkey and glasses

D) casket

12. From which fable are the following words: “Darling, how good!”

A) Elephant and Pug

B) Raven and Fox

C) Frog and Ox

D) Wolf and Lamb

13. What fable are these words from: “In the village, on a holiday under the window ...”

B) Monkey and glasses

B) dog friendship

D) Wolf in the Kennel

14. Who crawled to the Ant from the fable "Dragonfly and Ant"?

A) seal

B) caterpillar

B) dragonfly

15. Who dragged the cart under the water in I. A. Krylov's fable "Swan, Cancer and Pike"?

B) swan

16. What made the Pig fat in the fable "The Pig under the Oak"?

A) from crows

B) from acorns

B) from sheep

D) from lambs

17. What did the fox hold in her mouth in the fable "The Crow and the Fox"?

B) fox

B) a pig

D) Ritsky Edam (cheese variety)

18. From which fable are these words: “They run: another with a club, Another with a gun”?

A) Wolf and Crow

B) Pig under the Oak

20. From which fable are these words: “Where is it? What an empty thing! Isn't it stupid that he is so highly valued?

A) Crow and Fox

B) Pig under the Oak

C) Rooster and pearl grain

D) wolf and lamb

21. To whom did the Wolf say these words: “How dare you, insolent, with an unclean snout muddy the drink here”?

A) a pig

B) dog

D) lamb

22. Whom does I. A. Krylov make fun of in the fable "Dragonfly and Ant"?

B) no one

B) an ant

Note. Correct answers are marked with a "+"

Quiz for younger students with answers.

Quiz on the fables of I. A. Krylov

1. Who did the Dragonfly ask to “feed and warm” her?

b) Anteater

c) cockroach

d) Ant +

2. What fable had such a moral?

“The trouble is, if the shoemaker starts the pies, And the pieman makes the boots, And things will not go smoothly.”

a) "Pig under the Oak"

b) "Swan, Pike and Cancer"

c) "Pike and Cat" +

d) "Passers-by and Dogs"

3. Who said such words?

"Friends! Why all this noise? I am your old matchmaker and godfather ... "

a) Wolf ("Wolf in the kennel") +

b) Rooster ("Cuckoo and Rooster")

c) Pike ("Swan, Pike and Cancer")

d) Bars ("Lion and Bars")

4. What characters were taken to carry luggage in one of the fables of I. A. Krylov?

a) Crow and Fox

b) Crow and Chicken

c) Swan, Cancer and Pike +

d) Frog and Ox

5. What fable is this passage from?

“Sing, little light, don’t be ashamed! What if, sister, With such beauty, you are a master of singing ... "?

a) "Crow and Fox" +

b) "Crow and Chicken"

c) "The Fox and the Marmot"

d) "Quartet"

6. What was the name of the dog that barked at the elephant?

a) Toska

b) Pug +

c) board

d) Amvroska

7. Who in the fable of I. A. Krylov did not know what to do with glasses?

a) Professor

c) Monkey +

d) Pug

8. Which of the animals is not the hero of the Quartet fable?

a) monkey

9. What fable is this passage from?

"Though the eye sees,

Yes, the tooth is numb ... "

a) "Swan, Pike and Cancer"

b) "Tit"

c) "Passers-by and Dogs"

d) "Fox and grapes" +

10. How many violins did the animals have in the Quartet fable?

d) four

11. What did the main character of the fable "Titmouse" want to do with the sea?

a) drink

b) buy

c) burn +

d) clear

12. What event that took place in Russia is referred to in the fable "The Wolf in the Kennel"?

a) about Patriotic War 1812 +

b) the accession to the throne of Alexander I

c) about the birthday of Nicholas II

d) the abolition of serfdom

13. From whom did the Donkey offer to learn singing in the fable "The Donkey and the Nightingale"?

a) a canary

b) a parrot

c) a crow

Today we will offer you options for questions for a quiz on Krylov's fables. No wonder the works of this author are called a storehouse of folk wisdom. After all, each fable carries the deepest meaning, which in a comic form can be conveyed to children.

It is necessary for a deep understanding of Krylov's wise fables. In addition to general questions regarding the author's work, here you can find those that relate specifically to one creation. Perhaps let's get started. To begin with, children should be introduced a little to the rules of the competition. You can read about them in the next paragraph of the article.

Quiz Rules

Before we move on to the questions of the Krylov quiz (with answers), it is necessary to discuss the rules of the game. Holding any entertainment event requires special preparation. Questions should be preceded by an interesting introductory speech.

To conduct a competition, it is worth dividing the entire class into two or more groups. This way you can develop the spirit of rivalry and community of the team. We offer the following reward system: each correct answer brings the group one point. According to the results, it is necessary to calculate the number of points earned, the group that has more of them receives a prize. Absolutely everything can act as a prize - five in literature, a sweet present (sweets), and so on.

So now for the opening speech to give before the fable quiz. You can find the answers to it at the very end of the article with questions.

Variant of the opening speech: “We all love to read the famous fairy tales of Ivan Andreevich Krylov since childhood. Whatever the life situation, “Krylov’s” images instantly appear in our heads. mirror. And how often do we meet people who can be compared with the Monkey, who, due to her ignorance, broke valuable glasses. Despite the fact that the fables are small in size, the meaning in them is enormous. These famous fables always accompany us in life, helping to realize real values.Before conducting the most interesting quiz on Krylov's fables, we have to divide into two groups.The team that gives the most answers will receive a prize.Don't shout out the answer, raise your hand.If the answer is given without my permission, then the point is not counted.In good luck through the beautiful world of fables!"

General issues

The first stage of the quiz on Krylov's fables will contain general questions about the life and work of the writer. Go!

Our first question: how many fables did I. A. Krylov write? The answer may not be exact (example: about a hundred, about three hundred, and so on).

Second question: who remembers the tree where the crow tried to eat the cheese?

The third question: whose singing did the donkey like more (nightingale or cock)?

The fourth question: what birds are present in the fable "The Cuckoo and the Rooster"?

Fifth question: is there common features at the fairy tale "The Chanterelle-sister and the Wolf" and the fable "The Wolf and the Fox"? If so, which ones?

If the children find it difficult to give an answer, or two incorrect attempts were made for each team, you can say the right one. In this case, the point is not counted to anyone. Correct answers: 1 - about two hundred; 2 - spruce; 3 - rooster; 4 - Cuckoo, Rooster and Sparrow; 5 - the same heroes, everywhere the Fox leaves the Wolf hungry with the help of deceit.

"Monkey and Glasses"

Before the quiz on the topic of Krylov's fable (tour "Monkey and Glasses"), you need to read the fable to the children. Only after listening to the piece, you can ask questions:

  1. What ailment appeared in Monkey from old age? Answer: "she became weak with her eyes."
  2. What did the monkey get? Answer: glasses.
  3. How many did she get? Answer: half a dozen.
  4. Why didn't the glasses help the main character? Answer: She put them on incorrectly.
  5. What happened to the glasses in the end? Answer: The monkey broke them on a stone.
  6. Who can explain in their own words: what is the moral of the fable? Answer: Ivan Andreevich actually meant knowledge by glasses. They often break on some obstacles, among them: unwillingness to learn, try and improve themselves. The result is as follows: the Monkey was left with nothing because of his ignorance and unwillingness to learn.

"Swan, crayfish and pike"

As you can see, the questions for the quiz on Krylov's fables are not difficult and very interesting. Do you like the game guys? Wait for student response. Then let's move on to the third round called "Swan, crayfish and pike."

First, let's read the fable. This can be done by both the teacher and the children. You can suggest reading by line or sentence. For the interest of students, you can hold a small competition in expressive reading. The group that reads more expressively gets an extra point. If the guys tried the same way, then you can add one point to both groups.

Questions for the quiz according to Krylov "Swan, cancer and pike":

  1. What did the heroes of the fable transport?
  2. Where did the swan go?
  3. Where has the cancer gone?
  4. Where is the pike pulling?
  5. Explain in your own words: what is the moral of the fable?

Answer: 1 - a cart with luggage; 2 - into the clouds; 3 - back; 4 - into the water; 5 - the moral of the fable is that the work must be done together, otherwise nothing will work out, things will go awry.

"Dragonfly and Ant"

The fourth round will be dedicated to I. A. Krylov's fable "The Dragonfly and the Ant". Invite the children to role-play. Questions:

  1. How does the author call the Dragonfly at the very beginning of the fable? Answer: jumper.
  2. What has the Dragonfly been up to all summer? Answer: singing.
  3. Who did the Dragonfly turn to for help? Answer: to the ant.
  4. Who is the Ant to the heroine? Answer: gossip.
  5. What did the Dragonfly ask for? Answer: give her shelter until spring.
  6. What did the Ant answer to the gossip's request? Answer: go dance.

That's all the questions for the fourth round. You did a good job with the tasks. Let's now move on to the last round, in which we will test your knowledge of the "Crow and Fox" fable.

"A Crow and a fox"

To make it more complicated, before the last round, you can not re-read the fable, but check your knowledge and memory.

First question: the moral of the fable says that the flatterer will always find a corner, where? Answer: in the heart.

Second question: what did God send to the Crow? Answer: a piece of cheese.

Third question: how did Crow hold the cheese? Answer: in the mouth.

The fourth question: why did the Fox compliment the Crow? Answer: She wanted to steal the cheese.

The last question: what did the Fox ask to do? Answer: sing.

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