Read a plot that creates love's melancholy so that your loved one will yearn. Introducing a male to a female Failed mating with a planned male

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Presentation of a male to a female

Many matings do not produce results because the owners of male dogs are in too much of a hurry and do not think about the feelings and characters of the dogs.

Before introducing a dog and a bitch to each other, you need to examine the bitch, check how ready she is, whether there is a stricture of the vagina, and, if necessary, massage the entrance to the vagina very carefully and gently with your finger. To do this, you need to put on a sterile surgical rubber glove and lubricate it a little with Vaseline oil so that your finger fits in more freely. The bitch should be held tightly by the collar, as she will not like this procedure. If there is a stricture, it must be stretched very carefully, gradually, and in no case using much force. If a stricture is detected in a large breed bitch, it may be necessary to dilate with two fingers. In difficult cases, it is better to invite a veterinarian to eliminate the stricture.

The best way to introduce two unfamiliar dogs to each other is to walk them on two adjacent areas separated by a metal mesh. Dog owners can step back and watch the dogs get to know each other from the sidelines.

The stud dog will know everything about the upcoming ceremony, since he is at home and knows exactly why this strange bitch is walking in the neighboring pen. He will obviously take a great interest in the bitch, will leave his marks by lifting his leg, will approach the bitch and sniff out everything he can about her through the fence. A bitch released onto an unfamiliar area in a strange environment for the first time may be a little frightened at first, but if she is really ready for mating, she will quickly approach the fence and introduce herself, first sniffing the dog and perhaps moving closer to the fence. If she is a rapidly progressing girl, she will then turn her tail back and show the dog by her behavior that she is “ready.”

Once the owners see that the dogs are interested in each other, they should be taken to the mating room on leather leashes, where they will be reintroduced to each other. If the bitch needs to be muzzled, which is not often the case, the muzzle should be put on immediately before the second presentation to the dog.

If these are dogs large breeds, for example, Great Danes, then the male and female must be kept firmly on leashes when meeting directly. It is better for the instructor and his assistant to wear strong gloves. Leashes should be held tightly in case the bitch gets scared and attacks the dog. Leashes should be kept tight enough to allow each trainer to pull back on his dog and prevent his dog from causing damage to another.

If the bitch is ready for mating, there are usually no difficulties. But it's better to be careful.

Some timid bitches try to hide when meeting, they growl and show their teeth, but usually, if the bitch is ready, and the owner and instructor are not in a hurry to finish everything quickly and give her more time to get to know each other, she will normally accept the male. If, despite all efforts, she continues to resist, then either the bitch is not ready, or the mating period has already passed.

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CHAPTER 6. Mating Introducing a male to a bitch Many matings do not produce results, because the owners of male dogs are in too much of a hurry and do not think about the feelings and characters of the dogs. Before introducing a male and a female to each other, you need to examine the bitch, check how ready she is, whether

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CERTIFICATE OF EVALUATION OF POTENTITY OF A MALE ISSUED BY ____________________ dated ____________________ 200_ to a resident of ____________________ in that his male ____________________ breed ____________________, age____________________ has undergone a veterinary andrological assessment. Last name, first name, patronymic of the conductor

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How to “untie” a male It is very important that a young male, who is then going to be used as a breeding dog, is specially trained for this work. Therefore, you need to prepare especially carefully for the first two or three matings in his life, considering them exactly as

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Male reproductive system The male reproductive organs include paired testes with appendages, vas deferens and spermatic cords, accessory gonads, unpaired scrotum, urinary canal, penis and prepuce. Rice. 5. Genital organs of a male dog: 1 - testis; 2 - seed tube; 3 -

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It is very important that a young dog, which is then going to be used as a breeding dog, is specially trained for this work. Therefore, you need to prepare especially carefully for the first two or three matings in his life, considering them precisely as training for a stud dog. It can be bred for the first time at about 10 months with a balanced, experienced and active bitch. This “first lesson” may ruin him, or it may make him an excellent stud dog in the future. The bitch must be completely ready for mating, willingly stand and turn her tail to the side when the dog approaches.
It is better if it is one of those bitches that the dog knows well; maybe one of his buddies from the nursery. A male dog should not be kept near females in heat before mating, as this may reduce his interest. When it is necessary for mating to occur, the dogs are placed together in a small fenced area or room and they are monitored. You need to let the young male groom the bitch for a while. The place where everything happens should be well known to the dog, i.e. The bitch must be brought to the dog.
There should be no fuss or rush around dogs; silence must be ensured. A beginner dog is easily distracted by sudden noises and movements. The room should not be too brightly lit, but light enough so that you can help the dog if necessary. When the male tries to mount several times, then if he is a large breed, you need to take him on a leash and as soon as he does the mount again, you need to put your hand on the croup. The male will immediately resist this, stop, turn around, and then try to mount again. Place your hand on his rump again. Continue to hold the dog and help him, whether he needs it or not, so that he understands that your help is part of the mating ritual. The point of this training is that although a male dog may be able to mount and mate a bitch on his own without any help, if he is ever destined to become a popular stud dog, he will definitely encounter several “difficult” bitches - some will be too big or small, others - have an unbalanced character, etc. But if he is taught to perceive help as part of the mating ritual, then, if necessary, he will not protest against the help of the owner or instructor.
It is very funny to see how a well-trained stud dog, especially one of the toy breeds, clearly asks his owner for help, as he does not want to waste his energy!
It is very important not to allow the male to continue unsuccessful attempts for too long, more than five minutes, since the male must not be allowed to overexert himself without results; if his attempts are prolonged, the bitch should be taken away.
During rest, you can feed the male dog a little. For some unknown reason, male dogs become more determined after eating, but, of course, there should not be a lot of it in volume.
If a male dog begins his courtship quite temperamentally, but then gets bored, then encourage him, but never, never scold him. If he's a little slow, you can pretend you're taking the bitch and it might be worth doing that for a while. After leaving the male alone for five or ten minutes, solemnly bring the bitch back, trying to make it as exciting as possible for him, talk to him in an over-enthusiastic manner. If the bitch is a small breed and can be lifted, hold it over the dog's head, he will stand on his hind legs and try to reach her. Maintain his excitement for about half a minute. Then place the bitch on the ground or somewhere where mating is being done. After this, the male will probably mount and mate without any hassle.
Then the dog needs to be taught that, while in the lock, he allows himself to be touched, the lock is checked, his front legs are allowed to be removed from the bitch and, perhaps, he is turned or helped to turn.

Place of mating

General rule- the male is mated in his usual environment, and the female is brought to him. It is better if a stud dog, regardless of breed, is always bred in the same pen or room. The dog then quickly learns that this particular place is intended for such a thing. The chosen place should be as free as possible, since the male will want to “put his marks” by frequently raising his leg.
If the dogs are large and mated on the floor, it is important that there is enough light from the window; on dark days, electric lighting may be needed, especially if mating is difficult. It is also important that both the door and window are locked and that the room is warm enough.
If the male still becomes shy and has to be left alone with the female as a last resort, then the instructor should be able to constantly monitor them to make sure whether mating has occurred or not. During mating, a note “Do not enter!” should be placed on the door, since it is very possible that someone will open the door to take something from the room, and then the strange bitch may run away. The consequences of this can be simply tragic, especially if some active male mongrel is lurking around the corner in anticipation of pleasure. This is especially depressing if the bitch is sent to you without an owner! It's scary how quickly a misalliance can happen! The dogs will be in the castle in a few seconds, while the planned mating could not take place in half a day!
The floor in the room should be easy to clean and not slippery. Many dog ​​owners use mats, straw, wood shavings, or large sacks nailed to the floor to keep dogs from slipping. For large breed dogs that are difficult to tether, having a tethering ring is a great idea. This may be a large iron ring screwed into the wall about 15cm above the dog's head, so that if the bitch proves “difficult” she can be tied to the ring. In this case, the instructor receives greater freedom, which is especially necessary if the mating is carried out with one instructor.


The instructor and assistants need two or three chairs. To avoid being bitten in case of difficult mating, you need to have gloves. It may be necessary to support one of the dogs if there is a large difference in height. This could be a thick plank of wood, a bag of sand or shavings, or maybe a straw mat - all of which will work to elevate one of the dogs. The bitch must have a leather collar and a leather leash. Never, never breed a bitch with a choke collar and a chain instead of a leash.
If the bitch is nervous and might bite, you need to make a light muzzle from a bandage. But, if mating is carried out by two instructors, then instead of a muzzle, one of them puts a loop made from the end of a leash on the bitch’s muzzle and holds it tightly under the bitch’s lower jaw. If the bitch wants to turn or raise her head, the instructor will easily stop her, at the same time this is not so offensive to a dog not accustomed to wearing a muzzle. It is recommended to wear a muzzle only when the bitch is really very aggressive.
If a bitch is mated for the first time, she should be examined for the presence of vaginal stricture.
A good lubricant for the vagina is medical vaseline oil (preferably “Liniment synthomycin 10%”; editor’s note).
Small breeds are usually knitted on the table for convenience. It is advisable for the table to be in a corner - this way its two sides are fenced off. At the table, from the head side, one instructor controls the bitch, and from the side, another instructor helps the dog. With assistance, toy dogs rarely need muzzles and gloves. And yet, in case the dog or, more likely, the instructor is bitten, you need to prepare some kind of antiseptic.

Failed mating with a planned male

If the bitch is sent with an accompanying person, and not brought by the owner, it may happen that the issue of replacing the dog will have to be decided, but with whom? In case the selected male does not mate with the bitch, it is necessary that both parties first agree on the issue of a backup male, which can be used if necessary and with the consent of the owner of the bitch, then there will be no misunderstanding.
The refusal of a planned male to mate a bitch brought to him does not happen often, but it does happen, and in such cases the owner of the male, if a replacement agreement has not been reached in advance, does not know what to do, especially if it is impossible to contact the owner of the bitch because he is unavailable on the phone, or left, or left.
If either party does not have a telephone, efforts should be made to arrange telephone contact through friends. Mating

A love spell for melancholy is not a love spell in the full sense of the word. In its effect and ultimate goal, it is more reminiscent of drying. Basically, conspiracies of this nature are used to stimulate a person to take the first step in a relationship, to make peace after a major quarrel, to get back after a breakup, or to get more attention from him to his person.

A love spell for melancholy differs from traditional love spells in that it is characterized by a faster action. He puts a program of longing into the victim’s energy field. Under her influence, the bewitched begins to yearn for the performer or customer of the ritual. He has an irresistible desire to see the one who performed the ritual, to get in touch with him, his thoughts are occupied only with thoughts about his object.

For changing constant feeling anxiety and all these experiences, calm comes only when the victim is next to the person who bewitched him. This state of the bewitched is very similar to addiction.

Most love spells for melancholy have a short-term and mild effect. Their impact continues exactly until the goal set by the performer (or customer) is achieved.

The effect of a love spell on melancholy is characterized by the most gentle effect for all participants in the ritual when it is used with the intention of:

  • push a person to take the first step at the very beginning of a relationship, provided there is natural sympathy;
  • make peace after a major quarrel;
  • awaken cool feelings in long-term relationships.

The negative consequences of the ritual in the above cases will be minimal, and the ritual will have a generally positive effect.

It’s another matter if a love spell for melancholy is performed out of a feeling of revenge or hatred, or a very strong ritual is used. The one who is bewitched will suffer the most from this. A strong longing for the customer, formed during the ritual, often leads the victim to apathy and loss of interest in life, loss of sleep, appetite and peace. Under the influence of the ritual, the bewitched person can completely break down, become addicted to alcohol or drugs, and acquire suicidal tendencies.

The performer of the ritual will not get away with the broken fate of the victim - he will definitely have to pay for his actions according to the law of karma. Therefore, the decision to use a powerful love spell for melancholy, especially if a person is overwhelmed by negative emotions, must certainly be carefully considered. A strong love spell for melancholy is a magical effect that should be used only as a last resort.

Ways to independently perform a love spell for melancholy

There are quite a lot of love spells that cause melancholy. For your information, I will give the most popular rituals. They are carried out, like the predominant part of love spells, for the growing month.

Love spell for the wind (for melancholy)

The following spell is pronounced in windy weather. Ideally, this should be done outdoors, in the lap of nature - in a field or forest. If this is not possible, you can read love words at home, with the window open. The text is as follows:

“Earthly winds, strong whirlwinds, you blow and rage, disperse, to God’s servant (name of the person being bewitched) get through. You rock it, bend it and dry it, tell him about me(your name) tell me. So that you don’t get too much sleep while sleeping, don’t get too full of food, don’t get drunk when you drink, and don’t get enough while walking. So that the servant of God (the name of the person being bewitched) no longer walks around in revelry, yearns, grieves, grieves for me. My words are precise and strong, my thoughts are sharp and tenacious. The desire is for a sharper knife, stronger pain. Let it be".

Longing love spell for married couples

A wife can use this ritual if her husband has stopped paying attention to her and their relationship is undergoing a cooling stage.

Before performing the ritual, the wife must buy her husband a new pair of socks. This must be done completely alone; the presence of other buyers is undesirable. After paying for the product and receiving it from the seller, you must whisper:

“I’m not buying socks, but taming my dear (husband’s name)” .

When you get home, you need to turn your socks inside out and embroider a small cross on each one with thread of the same color as the socks. While embroidering, say the following spell:

“I don’t embroider crosses, but I sew the heart of God’s servant (husband’s name) to my zealous heart.”

When the crosses are embroidered, you need to fold the socks, cover them with your palms and say another spell:

“Today, tomorrow, forever, for months, for many years, socks will save you from the cold, and I will save you from heartache. I give socks, I give myself. You take socks from me, but give yourself to me - not for an hour, but forever.”

The charmed socks should be presented to the spouse as a gift. It is best to do this on Wednesday or Friday, immediately after the end of the ritual (for this purpose, the ritual itself can be performed on these days of the week).

Longing love spell on a piece of meat

The ritual is suitable for girls who dream of making a guy fall in love with them. To do this you need to buy it in advance. piece of meat, prepare 3 icons - the Savior, the Mother of God and Nicholas the Pleasant.

The ritual is performed alone. Procedure:

  1. Lock yourself in a room, put 3 icons on the table, put a piece of meat opposite them.
  2. Extend your arms over the meat, with your palms facing up.
  3. Turn on visualization - recreate in your thoughts the image of the guy being bewitched, imagine him in as much detail as possible.
  4. When you managed to tune in, say the spell: “Just as a dog chases a bitch, howls at the frequent stars, so does a slave (guy's name) He followed me everywhere and howled in anguish. The dog barks and the door is closed. So am I, servant of God.(own name) , the heart of a slave(guy's name) I lock, I lock, I bury, I bury. Lips, teeth, a key in the sea-ocean. Amen".
  5. After reading the plot, you need to feed the meat to a homeless stray dog.

Reading time: : 5 minutes

The first mating of a male dog is a responsible and important matter. The article will talk about mating a male dog, when to start, how to untie a male dog, how often you can mat a male dog, you will find answers to many questions in this article, because it is important to consider the issue of mating from different angles. If you untie a male, there will be no turning back and in the future you will have to ensure that the pet has regular matings. One mating and once will clearly not be enough. How many matings your male needs depends on many factors.

So, you are faced with the task: to untie or not? It's worth weighing the pros and cons. Consider whether you can provide your dog with regular food. If the answer is yes, then you can untie it. Otherwise there may be consequences - the male will rush to every bitch, his behavior will be disobedient and difficult. It is also worth remembering that male dogs must have a permanent mating partner. Before mating, it is necessary to do an examination and take tests for both partners. Remember that you are also obliged to provide comfortable conditions for the future offspring that will result from the mating of two dogs.

Important age

People often ask questions related to breeding dogs, at what age should a dog be mated for the first time. It is not possible to untie a dog at any age. In general, male dogs reach sexual maturity at about eight months of age. But this does not mean that he is ready for mating. At a minimum, you should wait until the dog grows up; dogs of large breeds are bred no earlier than eighteen months; the age of a male for mating small breeds is allowed from twelve months. The opinion of dog handlers says that all dogs can be untied no earlier than two years old, but on the question of at what age a dog should be bred, many opinions differ. However, this is a very important question, because if a small puppy is untied before the due date, he can grow small and weak, and stop developing and growing. This fact has been proven in medicine. IN early age the dog's physiology is formed: the skeleton grows, vascular and nervous system. That's why early is useless.

From as early as six months, male dogs begin to exhibit sexual behavior; you can notice how the puppy climbs onto the bitch and is interested in her; from the outside it seems that he wants to mate, but this should not be allowed. At this age, both the testes and their number increase, a male dog can be aroused, but he is not able to fertilize a female, no matter how much she wants. The sperm concentration in a young puppy is not yet as high as it should be, so at this age they also do not mate. Therefore, if you want offspring, you will have to wait.

Up to what age can animals be adopted? A male dog is always ready for mating, but according to veterinarians and dog handlers, after eight years this should no longer be done; ten years is the limit. It is noteworthy that in males who were not mated, by about five or six years of age, the sexual instinct fades away and their character calms down. If you are in doubt whether to knit or not, perhaps you should wait a while? Or you can choose other options.

First time

Where and how are they held? Many will agree that it is better to do it at home. Arrange with the owner of the bitch to come to your home with the pet at a certain time. You need to know in advance when mating will take place. How to properly prepare your dog for this action? Before starting the “procedure”, you should take a walk down the street with your pet, who will soon become a “father”. This will also increase activity and interest in upcoming events. It is not recommended to eat tightly before the first mating; you should eat no earlier than two hours before mating. The best option, give the dog something to eat just before the walk.

There is also an opinion that it is the first mating of a male that should take place with an experienced female, which is better to choose for the first mating. It is better if the female herself wants to mate and behaves calmly.

Time and place

The owners should find and select the place where it will take place. When the place is prepared, you can start the pets. A good solution is a rubber mat that will help the paws to stabilize and not slip at a crucial moment. And in the future, for the second and subsequent times, this rug will be removed for the animal as a signal for the “planning event.”

The general rule for this is that the male should be bred in his usual environment, and the female should be brought in. Before mating, a few days in advance, it is better to introduce the animals, organize a joint walk for them, let them walk so that they become interested in each other. Choose the most convenient option.

When they bring a “mate” for your pet, do not allow them to play together before mating. This will knock down all their instinct and tire the animals. If a male is mating for the first time, it means he may need your help. It is necessary to ensure that everything goes well and the male does not get scared and the female does not behave, otherwise subsequent matings may become a problem. Dogs don't like being forced, it's better to find a different approach.

Before the event, the pet should be bathed the day before mating. After mating, the dog’s genitals should also be washed and Miramistin, a special ointment, applied to them.

That's it, the mating of the dogs was successful, you can draw up the documents! Healthy and beautiful puppies - best advertising for your dog.

Does a male dog need mating and how often?

If you have untied your pet, you must do so regularly in the future. Then the dog’s character will not change and there will be no health problems. An untied male should have mating no earlier than once every thirty days. If your pet has enough strength, then knit him more than once a week. Keep an eye on your male dog, because casual relationships should not be omitted, it is fraught with health problems. There is no need to allow a male to mate with a female for the sake of pity or if the male is excited, this is not acceptable and characterizes the dog owner as inexperienced and uneducated!

Remember that this is a branch process and requires attention from dog owners. It is necessary to monitor the dog’s health so that the male is always full of strength. Strength can be drawn from healthy and. You should eat meat, fish, cereals, and special vitamins. This is important because the offspring that will be produced as a result of the intercourse of animals must be healthy and full-fledged. It is worth untying a male dog only if you can ensure regular mating and for the purpose of breeding offspring. Is it worth untying a male dog if he is sick? No, it’s not necessary, because the puppies must be healthy, and nothing should threaten the health of the bitch.

Alas, there are times when a male dog does not want to mate and is not ready for mating, this happens for several reasons. This is due to the fact that it is better to breed a dog at the very peak of estrus. The second reason is psychological, if the dog is intimidated by the owner, he will not want to mate in his presence; there are often cases where the dog does not mate until the owner leaves the room. The third reason is if the male is bred for the first time too late. It happens that a pet does not have sufficient sex drive, it is better not to untie them at all. What to do if the male does not want to mate? Calm the animal, ensure silence, and try to make a new attempt for. There may be complications when mating, especially for the first time. There should be no fuss or rush. Be sure to reward the dog. Owners of bitches also need to choose a dog for breeding. After all, she must agree and be ready for intercourse. After mating, males need to be allowed to rest.


You should read the black conspiracy to let melancholy on your own if you need to quickly make a person feel melancholy for themselves. The plot will help to evoke in a man who is at a distance from you - even in another city or another country - a feeling of true love, yearning for loneliness without communicating with you. If you need an easy and quick ritual that will make a person feel sad, your loved one will not fall asleep until he calls or writes to you first, read this love spell that I will teach you now. You can read this plot against the husband you are married to or your ex-hubby, instilling a real feeling of love and a desire to communicate only with you.

After reading words of a conspiracy that creates melancholy using magic , you can make a person feel sad by losing all peace. You need to read a strong and long-term plot that creates lovesickness and longing in the evening in a photo of a man in whom, with the help of magic, it is urgently necessary to evoke this strong feeling of love languor. A ritual will help to bring melancholy at a distance from you. In the evening, place a piece of food in front of a photo of a person and read spell words for sadness :

Like a dog running and chasing after a bitch,
The stars howl at frequent intervals,
So that the servant of God (name)
He followed me everywhere, howling in anguish.
The dog barks, the door is closed, the bone is buried.
So am I, God’s servant (name),
Heart of God's servant (name)
I lock and lock, I bury and I bury.
Teeth, lips, key in the ocean-sea.

After completing the ritual that makes you yearn, feed the charmed food to the dog. As soon as the dog eats the enchanted food, anxiety and longing for love will enter the person’s heart and he will not be able to endure for long and experience the feeling of longing for love and anxiety and will definitely get in touch with you: he will call, write or come to your home. People ask me in what phase of the moon a spell for melancholy should be read - this ritual can be done on any lunar day at home.

© Copyright: Magician

  • Calling a sweetheart is a love spell that needs to be done with magic to bring back a departed person. Calling a husband or wife helps to force a man to come quickly or call urgently. When they ask me “is it possible to get my husband back if I make a strong request” - my answer is yes. This ancient ritual helps restore relationships after a strong quarrel or divorce, restoring relationships that were once lost. A strong call to a meeting is a whole magical ritual that is performed independently in several ways:

  • If your beloved man stops calling, doesn’t write, avoids meeting you in every possible way, a strong conspiracy will help so that the right person calls you urgently, and the conspiracy works very quickly. Magic helps to force your loved one to call, write or come to the person you are calling. A depressing ritual with a conspiracy will force a person to remember your existence, call you or come to a meeting. Calling spells will make the person you need remember about you and immediately call the phone. To independently perform a fail-safe ritual to remind you of yourself, go to an open window in your house and read the words of the hex so that someone who loves will call you, and you need to read the hex to call right now 9 times:

  • A love spell spell is a very common love ritual that can very quickly, sometimes instantly, make a person feel very sad. Immediately after inducing melancholy, the beloved will feel a strong love connection, longing alone and wanting to see each other or talk. You can read the hex at any time of the day. Come to front door of your apartment, spitting on the door frame, say a spell for longing for love:

  • If you want your beloved husband or man to miss you greatly, read the spell for longing. A spell is read about a pinch of salt which, after inducing melancholy, must be completely dissolved in a glass of water and the water poured out the window. Having unleashed a strong melancholy on a person with this conspiracy, he is unable to restrain himself from loneliness and melancholy and very quickly he himself will come or call on the phone. A spell for melancholy that you need to read for yourself:

  • This is the most powerful and instant conspiracy to quickly bring love-sickness to any person at a distance from himself. If you need to make someone feel sad by forcing a person to constantly think only about you, remembering the best moments of your meetings, read the spell that makes you sad. The old spell for melancholy is the only and sure way that works and will quickly make a man yearn and think only about you. To use a spell to cast a strong melancholy on your loved one on your own at home, open the window and create a draft 2 times (downwind and against the wind), say the text of the plot for longing for love to the wind:

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