Alpha lipoic acid which is better review. Using alpha lipoic acid – stop the destructive processes in cells! Alpha lipoic acid - what is it?

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R-lipoic acid is a biologically active form of alpha-lipoic acid. The supplement normalizes the balance of oxidative and reduction processes and is an official cure for diabetes, liver, heart and vascular diseases, as well as a means for weight loss.

Lipoic acid (alpha-lipoic acid, r-lipoic acid, thioctic acid, ALA) is a fatty acid that is found in mitochondria and takes part in energy metabolism.

The difference between thioctic acid and other fatty acids is that its antioxidant properties are preserved in both aqueous and fatty environments; both in oxidized and reduced forms. This distinguishes it from water-soluble vitamin C and fat-soluble antioxidant vitamin E. The supplement increases the level of glutathione and coenzyme Q10 in the intercellular space and enhances the process of protein glycosylation.

Areas of application of alpha lipoic acid:
- insulin resistance
- type 2 diabetes mellitus
- dyslipidemia and atherosclerosis (prevention and treatment)
- liver diseases of any etiology
- elderly age
- chronic stress
- excessive background radiation
- severe infections, heavy metal poisoning
- polyneuropathy of any etiology

R-lipoic acid is the active isomer of alpha lipoic acid and is best absorbed by the body. Thorne uses R-lipoic acid bound to sodium, which further enhances its stability and absorption.

1 capsule contains 100 mg of r-lipoic acid, it is more active than alpha-lipoic acid and does not irritate the stomach, unlike the latter. It matters to me.
I took 1 capsule 2 times a day. One jar lasted me a month.

When taking ALA, it should be taken into account that, while freeing the body from harmful substances, it can also take with it beneficial ones - therefore, it is necessary to dilute r- or alpha-lipoic acid with magnesium, iron, calcium, potassium, etc., at a minimum. for 2 hours.

R-lipoic acid is one of the most useful supplements, but the price is not entirely reasonable. Therefore, I limit myself to a course of 1 month, twice a year. I didn’t notice any weight loss during the month of taking it, but somehow I didn’t crave sweets. Perhaps, with long-term use, the weight will decrease. But for weight loss, it is advisable to take L-carnitine along with alpha-lipoic acid; it contributes to the greater effectiveness of ALA.

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upd. I’ll add a piece of my comment as a separate update to the post - it seems that I was not very well able to convey the main idea: alpha-lipoic acid itself cannot negatively affect the heart and cause arrhythmia, and it cannot remove its own magnesium from the body either, but received from the outside - in addition, in parallel with it, will remove it from the body, if the receptions are not spaced apart for a significant period of time

This post will be especially useful for those who, like me, drink magnesium - on an ongoing basis or in courses. Or iron supplements. Or calcium. Or all together.

True, the post will not be about magnesium, but about alpha-lipoic (thioctic) acid, which I was advised to drink in combination with Omega 3 to lower blood cholesterol levels.

At the time of ordering, I only knew about this acid that, in addition to lowering cholesterol levels in the blood, ALA helps to lose weight: it reduces appetite and can even fight fat deposits in the abdominal area.

Here's what I read on one of the women's sites (and immediately rushed to order ALC on iherb):

Lipoic acid can curb the forces that cause us to gain weight and retain excess fat. Her activity in this capacity is multifaceted. Vitamin N:

Affects areas of the brain responsible for appetite, reducing hunger
stimulates energy expenditure
increases insulin sensitivity
qualitatively improves the absorption of glucose by cells, reducing its level in the blood
reduces the liver's tendency to accumulate fat.

Of course, I also read that Alpha Lipoic Acid has powerful antioxidant properties and inhibits the aging of the body - all the arguments were FOR buying it urgently and starting taking it.

What did I get in the end? First the cons - they are more important than the pros.
- a couple of weeks after starting it, I got persistent heartburn, even though I tried to take it with food;
- a month later (although in an amicable way I should have stopped the experiment immediately after the torment with my stomach began) my arrhythmia returned.

Here's more about this - about the returning arrhythmia:

I take magnesium supplements on a regular basis - without magnesium, my heart begins to work intermittently, arrhythmia begins, which, as is known, leads to the formation of blood clots.
A year ago, I restored my rhythm with a medication prescribed by a doctor and a loading dose of magnesium. Without magnesium, the restored rhythm was constantly disrupted and the doctor ordered me to drink magne b6 constantly - always, every day, for the rest of my life. Why Magne b6? Because it was he who had the best effect on my heart muscle (but I will write about this in another post - the one in which I will share my experience of finding the ideal magnesium).
Naturally, as soon as my arrhythmia started, I started digging for information about the medications I was taking at that moment. I entered the three magic words “alpha lipoic acid” into the Google search bar and began to methodically read the information about the side effects. On SportWiki I found what I needed:

"Side effects
Alpha lipoic acid has virtually no side effects. In rare cases, allergic reactions, heaviness in the head, and changes in taste are possible. Much more often side effects develop after intravenous administration of the drug. In case of overdose, digestive upset, nausea, vomiting, headache, etc. may occur.

Due to the combination with metals (formation of complex compounds), it is not prescribed to patients taking cisplatin, iron-containing drugs, magnesium, calcium. Not recommended to combine with alcohol."

Then I went looking for details and found what I was looking for: alpha lipoic acid has the ability to bind and remove magnesium and iron from the body. Now I tried to find the medical site where I read this, but to no avail - almost nowhere, except SportWiki, is it written that ALA has such a “magic” effect. Perhaps my body is special and does not retain magnesium at all, “throwing it away” for any reason (from the words of the doctor, I realized that any stress relieves us of magnesium reserves, and it is very difficult to replenish it with natural products), perhaps this is because that I am very nervous, but it still seems to me that I am not unique in this, so I really hope that my post will help someone avoid such mistakes.

To all this I will add that two days after giving up ALA and shock intake of magnesium, the arrhythmia stopped. Q.E.D.

Now about the pros:
- ALA really reduces “gluttony” - quite quickly after starting taking it, I realized that I no longer wanted to entertain myself with snacks as often as before;
- a month after I started taking it, I discovered that my stomach had really magically deflated - not radically, but it was noticeable from my clothes.
I didn’t notice any more advantages, and even those that were there turned out to be mercilessly covered up by a bold minus. Before doctors diagnosed me with arrhythmia, I lived with it for about six months, and thought that my constant weakness, wild sweating, muscle pain were all signs of age. It turned out not: all these were signs of a malfunctioning heart - the most important muscle of our body. But all this was not as scary as the prospect of blood clots. Therefore, now, if - God forbid - an arrhythmia begins, I fall into serious panic and begin to eat magnesium heavily. But I will write about this next time.

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R-alpha lipoic acid (R-ALA/R-isomer) is a biologically active form of alpha lipoic acid (ALA/RS-isomer) that acts as a natural substrate in the metabolism of damaged cells and the elimination of glucose, while optimizing the action insulin.

Alpha lipoic acid (ALA) participates in many chemical reactions, but in simple terms, it helps to accumulate energy and nutrients from the food we consume. The human body needs ALA to produce energy. ALA begins to act as antioxidant only when present in excess in the body; then it is in the cells in the so-called “free” state.

However, if you don't take ALA in supplement form, you will never get the antioxidant benefits of ALA. As antioxidant ALA deactivates free radicals, known for their damaging effects. ALA protects mitochondria and DNA, thus delaying the aging process. ALA also interacts with vitamins C and E and some other antioxidants, making them more effective.

Application A.L.A. in the form of a supplement leads to a noticeable increase in mass and strength. Taking ALA before and during exercise improves performance in the gym, and also helps nutrients penetrate muscles faster. Alpha lipoic acid is one of the best antioxidants today.

Amount of nutrients in one serving (1 capsule) of the product:

  • R-Alpha Lipoic Acid – 150 mg

Other Ingredients: gelatin, cellulose, silicon dioxide.

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In order to always be healthy, feel tired less often and enjoy your life to the fullest, a person must not only eat regularly and spend time outdoors every day. To maintain our body in proper shape, we need vitamins and healthy supplements.

The role of superfoods in human life

There are also so-called superfoods that have fantastic effects on the human body. They got their name due to the fact that they contain a huge amount of vitamins and minerals. Superfoods are extremely healthy. These include, for example, barley, spirulina (a type of blue-green algae), root vegetable), coenzyme Q10, lipoic acid, ginseng.

Importance for the body

Alpha lipoic acid (analogs in tablets will be presented below) is found in every cell of the human body. After all, we get it from food, and our body, in turn, synthesizes it. Thanks to her, a person leads a full, energetic life. Its advantage is the ability to function in both water and fat.

Alpha lipoic acid was first obtained from beef liver cells in the fifties of the last century. Nowadays, scientists have learned to obtain this product within the walls of the laboratory.

Foods that contain lipoic acid:

  • offal (liver, heart, kidneys);
  • broccoli, spinach, Brussels sprouts, peas, tomatoes;
  • unpolished rice

But still, the lipoic acid contained in food products will not be enough for the body. Therefore, it is recommended, after consulting with your doctor, to take it additionally, as an additive to your main food. The specialist will select the dosage that is right for you.

Thanks to lipoic acid, the human body increases the production of the beneficial substance glutathione, which is an antioxidant that neutralizes the effects of potentially harmful chemicals on humans. Regular consumption of lipoic acid increases the body's ability to fight toxins. A unique advantage of alpha lipoic acid is its ability to enhance the properties of its “allies” - vitamins C and E - in the fight against toxins.

Lipoic acid also improves digestion (metabolism), which promotes weight loss. By acting on areas of the brain that cause appetite, lipoic acid analogues block the feeling of hunger. This substance also reduces the process of fat accumulation in the liver. Of course, the best results can be achieved by combining the intake of alpha lipoic acid with physical activity and an appropriate, properly selected diet.

Some scientists also call lipoic acid the secret of eternal youth, because it prevents the destruction of DNA molecules, i.e., prevents the body from aging to some extent. Moreover, lipoic acid and analogs prevent the process of brain degradation.

Lipoic acid: analogues

In its effects, lipoic acid is similar to B vitamins. It improves liver function and, as noted above, promotes detoxification of the body.

Lipoic acid, analogues will be useful in the following cases:

  • Chronic pancreatitis caused by alcohol.
  • Chronic hepatitis.
  • Active cirrhosis of the liver caused by alcohol abuse.
  • Chronic heart failure.
  • Chronic cholecystopancreatitis.
  • Viral hepatitis of moderate severity (in the absence of jaundice).
  • Various poisonings (sleeping pills, mushrooms, carbon) causing acute liver failure.
  • Diabetic polyneuritis.

by application

Children over 6 years old are prescribed a dose of lipoic acid 12-24 mg 2-3 times a day, orally after meals. Adults - 50 mg 3 times a day. Usually the drug is taken for 20-30 days. If necessary, the course of treatment can be extended by the doctor.

Lipoic acid (its analogues too) is produced in tablets and can be hidden under different names.

The healing effect of lipoic acid appears only after eight weeks of regular use.


Now you know how beneficial lipoic acid and analogues are for the human body. "Octolipen" is one of the analogues of lipoic acid and is used for medicinal purposes, as well as for weight loss. Helps reduce the amount of glucose in a person’s blood, as well as increase the level of production of glycogen in the human liver, which forms an energy reserve in the body that can compensate for a sharp drop in blood sugar levels.

"Octolipen" contains thiocotic (alpha-lipoic) acid and excipients. It is sold in 300 mg capsules and 600 mg film-coated tablets, as well as injectable ampoules.

The use of the drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding. If the drug is used by people suffering from diabetes, it is recommended to constantly monitor blood sugar levels at the initial stage of use. Also, during treatment, the consumption of alcohol, which reduces the therapeutic effect of lipoic acid, is prohibited.

R-alpha lipoic acid

In laboratory conditions, scientists have learned to obtain the r-isomer of lipoic acid, which contains the highest concentration of this substance. This variety is less common, but is better absorbed by the body and, accordingly, costs more. It is sold, for example, as a dietary supplement for athletes.

A necessary condition for human life is the balance of oxidative and reduction processes in the body. Deviation of this phenomenon in one direction or another leads to negative consequences. The shift of the reaction to the oxidation zone has a particularly unfavorable effect. The resulting free radicals penetrate the membrane of healthy cells and lead to their damage, death or mutation. Antioxidants, one of which is alpha lipoic acid, can stop the destructive process. It not only protects the body and charges it with energy, but also helps to lose extra pounds.

Alpha lipoic acid - what is it?

Alpha lipoic acid, also known as vitamin N or thioctic acid, was discovered in the middle of the last century. At the same time, the substance began to be used for the treatment of diabetes mellitus and chronic liver diseases. It was only in 1988 that the antioxidant properties of the element () became known.
So what is alpha lipoic acid? At its core, alpha lipoic acid is a completely natural compound and is produced in the cells of our body. However, with age or under the influence of unfavorable factors, its production decreases markedly.

This is interesting. Thioctic acid is synthesized by the intestines in very small quantities, which can only cover its deficiency. The rest of vitamin N must come from outside - from food or dietary supplements.

Being a universal antioxidant, the substance is completely soluble in fats and water, and therefore is able to penetrate the hemato-brain protection, which is unusual for oxidation inhibitors. In addition, alpha lipoic acid not only successfully repels the attacks of free radicals, but also “brings back to life” other antioxidants. No other substance is capable of this.

What is the difference between alpha lipoic acid and lipoic acid?

Lipoic and alpha-lipoic acid are the same organosulfur compound with different names. This element is included in medications and dietary supplements as a conditional vitamin - thioctic acid.

Thus, it becomes clear that there is no difference between alpha lipoic and lipoic acid.

Harm and benefit to the body

With its powerful antioxidant and metabolic properties, ALA can provide invaluable benefits to the body. However, the medicinal qualities of alpha-lipoic acid, its health benefits and harms, as well as interactions with other substances have not been fully studied. But even the meager data that doctors have today allows us to talk about the effectiveness of organosulfur compounds in terms of protection against aging and improvement of all body functions.

Alpha lipoic acid protects liver tissue and improves bile flow

Vitamin N, being an enzyme in most processes occurring in the body, is directly involved in the main of them - the conversion of sugar into energy ().

The substance facilitates the penetration of glucose into cells, where it is used for its intended purpose.

This is interesting. Enzymes take on the role of a catalyst for free radicals, destroying them and accelerating the process of elimination from the body.

In addition to participating in energy metabolism, lipoic acid is actively involved in the regulation of carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism:

  • improves immunity and is an indispensable tool for the prevention of colds;
  • reduces the amount of sugar in the blood;
  • improves skin condition, prevents and eliminates acne;
  • increases nutrition of eye tissues;
  • accelerates the conduction of neuro-impulses;
  • reduces nerve damage;
  • has a detoxifying effect;
  • protects liver cells;
  • removes “harmful” cholesterol from the bloodstream;
  • accelerates the separation of bile;
  • increases oxygen exchange in brain cells.

Alpha lipoic acid is quickly and well absorbed in the intestine. Its bioavailability when administered orally exceeds 30%. The substance accumulates mostly in the cells of the kidneys, heart and liver. ALA breakdown products are non-toxic and are easily excreted from the body.

If we talk about the dangers of ALA, then if it is in excess, the body’s autoimmune system can suffer. ()

Indications for use

Why and for what purpose is vitamin N used? Due to its unique properties, alpha lipoic acid is quickly absorbed by the cells of the brain, heart and nerves. This allows it to be used to combat a wide variety of diseases.

ALA reduces damage to nerve fibers and improves the transmission of impulses

One of the main uses of lipoic acid is to reduce damage to nerve fibers, including diabetic neuropathy.

Other diseases for which it is necessary to use ALA:

  • diabetes;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • liver pathologies (hepatitis, cirrhosis, fatty tissue degeneration);
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • glaucoma, cataract;
  • multiple sclerosis ();
  • poisoning by chemical and organic substances, poisons;
  • nerve damage;
  • memory and attention impairment;
  • alcoholism;
  • oncology.
Scientists believe that thioctic acid can restore health after radiation injuries, alleviate the condition of HIV-infected people and reduce the burden on the body during chemotherapy. The vitamin-like substance has been proven to be highly effective for weight loss, slowing down the aging process and in bodybuilding.

Sports and alpha lipoic acid

ALA is especially popular among those who would like to build muscle mass, improve endurance and strength. Intense resistance training causes the accumulation of huge amounts of free radicals (as a reaction to stress).

Being an antioxidant, thioctic acid prevents this process, protects cells and prevents proteins from being destroyed.

Vitamin N is an excellent way to keep fit

Thus, taking thioctic acid allows fans of iron sports to withstand enormous loads without losing strength and ability to train. Well, since the substance regulates the amount of glucose in tissues, muscles do not have to waste precious glycogen.

Advice: In bodybuilding, it is customary to use alpha lipoic acid starting in small doses and increasing to 600 mg per day. The daily portion is usually divided into three equal parts. According to famous weightlifters, taking more than 600 mg of the substance per day is pointless.

Lipoic acid and weight loss

What woman does not dream of a slim figure? Modern medicine can offer many drugs that can make your dream come true. And one of these products is alpha lipoic acid. It converts carbohydrates into energy, and simply burns excess carbohydrates, preventing them from turning into fat (,,).

But don't think that taking vitamin N will help you lose weight from the comfort of your couch. ALA medications are only meant to improve your metabolism, not to do the work for you.

A proper diet, a lot of exercise, adherence to a daily routine - all this together will help the lipolytic properties of the acid to manifest itself.

Tip: To lose weight, take vitamin N with carbohydrate foods or after a workout.

Lipoic acid in cosmetology

It turns out that thioctic acid is also very effective when used externally. If when consumed orally it manifests itself as thiamine, then when applied to the skin it resembles the action of DMAE or ascorbic acid.

How does ALA manifest itself in cosmetology:

  • rejuvenates;
  • improves complexion and tone;
  • smoothes expression lines;
  • eliminates acne;
  • normalizes sebum secretion, narrows and cleanses pores;
  • moisturizes and nourishes the epidermis;
  • protects the face from sun rays.

For home use, you can use capsules with the solution, but remember that they cannot be stored - ALA instantly loses its medicinal qualities. Therefore, it is better to purchase ready-made products for facial skin.

Alpha lipoic acid gives the skin beauty and youth

Contraindications and side effects

Despite its pronounced medicinal properties, alpha lipoic acid cannot be taken by everyone. Caution is recommended in the following cases:

  • age up to 6 years;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • pregnancy and lactation period.

Temporary contraindications include taking blood thinning medications, calcium, magnesium, iron supplements and Cisplatin.

Alpha lipoic acid has virtually no side effects when taken orally.

In rare cases, allergic rashes, changes in taste, and headaches are observed. Much more often, adverse reactions occur when the drug is administered intravenously. In case of overdose, nausea, heaviness in the head, indigestion, and flatulence may occur.

List of analogues

We already know that the body produces its own vitamin N in minute quantities. You can replenish its reserves through food or by consuming special dietary supplements.

Alpha lipoic acid is included in many pharmacological drugs. Today there are many analogues of ALA. On the shelves of pharmacies you can find the following medicines containing alpha lipoic acid:

  • Espa-Lipon;
  • Alpha Lipon;
  • Tiogram;
  • Thioctacid;
  • Octolipen;
  • Thiolepta;
  • Berlition.

All these medications are used to treat all kinds of neuropathies, as well as vascular and liver diseases.

In addition to pharmacological agents, there are a huge number of dietary supplements with lipoic acid.

List of the most effective and popular products:

  • Alpha Lipoic Acid, Doctor's Best;
  • Nutricoenzyme Q-10 with Alpha Lipoic Acid, Solgar;
  • Alpha lipoic acid, DHC.
Antioxidant supplements are recommended for healthy people to prevent disease and improve well-being.

Advice: If you have a history of serious pathology, include in your treatment regimen both medications and dietary supplements that contain thioctic acid.

What foods contain alpha lipoic acid?

In addition to medications and dietary supplements, regular food can become a source of vitamin N. The substance is found in almost all products, but only a few hold the record for its content. Let's list them in the table.

When starting to select a diet rich in thioctic acid, pay attention to the amount of complex carbohydrates. These substances collect all fat-soluble vitamins and remove them from the body in unchanged form.

Vitamin N is found in spinach and other greens

Instructions for use

How to take ALA medications? Lipoic acid is prescribed for both treatment and prevention, including it as part of complex therapy. Of course, the dosages in each case differ markedly.

If it is enough for a healthy person to take 50–75 mg of the substance per day, then in the treatment of diabetes and various neuropathies the daily intake increases to 600 mg. Fortunately, thioctic acid has virtually no side effects, except for one - diabetics will have to reduce the dose of insulin.

Advice: Before starting to take the drug, consult your doctor, since thoughtless consumption of alpha lipoic acid can provoke a hypoglycemic state or negatively affect the effectiveness of hormone replacement therapy.

When prescribing vitamin N for prevention or treatment, experts advise consuming it during or after meals. The number of capsules depends on the concentration of the substance. Usually the daily dosage is taken at one time, preferably in the morning, but in sports nutrition they follow a different scheme - ALA is taken three times a day and always after training.

When using drugs with an antioxidant, you should remember that it is incompatible with alcohol. Alcohol significantly reduces the effectiveness of the compound and can provoke a sharp deterioration in well-being.

Alpha lipoic acid: consumer opinion

Most reviews of Alpha lipoic acid indicate the high effectiveness of the substance.

The most common reason for using alpha lipoic acid is liver problems - hepatitis, cholelithiasis, opisthorchiasis. In all these cases, consumers note a noticeable improvement in their well-being, the disappearance of nausea and discomfort in the right side, as well as discomfort after eating fatty foods ().

In addition, many buyers notice an improvement in the condition of the skin, cleansing the face of acne and age spots.

Lipoic acid is often used for weight loss. And in this case, the effectiveness of the drugs is beyond doubt. Almost 90% of women write that acid helped them lose extra pounds or shift their weight. The effect of taking ALA increases markedly with diet and active exercise. Well, an additional bonus is the quick acquisition of an ideal shape and an excellent figure.

Lipoic acid in combination with sports and proper nutrition helps you lose weight quickly

And finally, the most important thing is the use of lipoic acid in the complex treatment of diabetes. Almost all patients noticed a pronounced positive effect of ALA, many reduced their insulin dosage. Proof of the effectiveness of the acid are tests that show a persistent drop in blood sugar (

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