Treatment of edema during pregnancy: eliminating a dangerous condition. Why do legs swell during pregnancy and how to prevent it? How to remove swelling in a pregnant woman’s legs

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Many women suffer from edema in the last months of pregnancy. This period is the most difficult during pregnancy, since both the growing belly and the increasing weight cause discomfort. Edema can occur for physiological reasons, for example, if the last trimester occurs in the summer, but it can also be a symptom of some pathology.

The period of bearing a child is associated with many difficulties for a woman; a constant restructuring of physiological processes occurs in her body, which affects her condition.

One of the serious problems that occurs in the third trimester of pregnancy, especially in the last weeks, is swelling. Their main reason is the large amount of fluid in the body of a woman preparing for the birth of a baby. This is due to several factors:

  • the amount of circulating blood increases;
  • a woman during pregnancy is often thirsty;
  • Amniotic fluid is added to the total volume of fluid in the body.

Progesterone, which is called the pregnancy hormone, significantly affects the circulatory process; under its influence, blood circulation worsens, blood vessels and the bladder are under constant pressure, and therefore the outflow of urine is difficult. As a result, much more fluid enters the body than comes out with urine, and then the excess fluid forms swelling of the face, upper and lower extremities, and internal organs.

Basically, swelling in the last weeks of pregnancy is due to physiological reasons and does not pose a danger to the expectant mother. But in cases where a woman does not follow the standard recommendations for this period - eat right, do not eat salty foods, monitor weight gain, lead an active lifestyle, walk more in the fresh air - then this can weaken the blood vessels and lead to complications and swelling.

Expert opinion

Anxiety is caused by conditions when edema is a symptom of late gestosis, in which the vital functions of the body of the mother and fetus are disrupted. Typically, gestosis is caused by problems the woman has with the cardiovascular or genitourinary system, which worsen in the last weeks of pregnancy.

If edema is not associated with systemic pathologies, then the main reasons for its occurrence are the following:

  • the presence of a large amount of salty and pickled foods in the pregnant woman’s diet;
  • unbalanced diet, in which the emphasis is on fats and carbohydrates, and protein enters the body in minimal portions;
  • existing problems with the endocrine system (thyroid disease, diabetes mellitus) or vascular disease, for example, varicose veins;
  • an increase in the total volume of fluid in the body due to amniotic fluid and the amount of circulating blood.

Swelling is usually most noticeable on the face, arms and legs, but internal swelling is also often diagnosed.


One of the first things pregnant women usually notice is swelling in their fingers as it becomes difficult for them to put on or take off rings. As the size of the fingers and hands increases, a feeling of numbness and tingling occurs at the same time, and it becomes difficult to clench the hand into a fist.

If swelling is found only in the arms, and the legs and face do not change, you need to pay attention to the lifestyle of the pregnant woman.

If she spends a lot of time sitting at the computer, doing needlework or any other activity associated with monotonous actions in a sitting position, the liquid in her hands will certainly stagnate. In this case, it is recommended to do gymnastics for the hands, be sure to stop working for at least 15 minutes every hour and engage in some active activity during this time.

Swelling of the hands in late pregnancy


Usually, swelling at the end of pregnancy begins precisely with the lower extremities, they become especially noticeable in the evening. This is due to the fact that the process of fluid retention in the body occurs in the direction from the bottom up, as a result, all the water accumulated during the day gradually sinks down in the evening. The woman complains not about the inability to wear the usual shoes, the feet do not move well, they feel constant heaviness.

If the edema is physiological in nature and is not a sign of late gestosis, they usually disappear overnight, because when in a horizontal position, the fluid is distributed evenly throughout the body.

In the event that the edema remains as strong in the morning as in the evening, and besides, the swelling persists on the hands, face, abdomen, you need to urgently contact a gynecologist, since such a condition can threaten the health and life of the expectant mother and child.

Swelling of the legs during late pregnancy


Such swelling is immediately noticeable - a woman’s upper and lower eyelids are deformed (bags appear under the eyes, and the upper eyelids begin to droop). The oval of the face also changes, it becomes round and puffy. The tendency of the eyelids to edema is due to their anatomical structure; their subcutaneous layer consists mainly of fiber, which, like a sponge, absorbs all excess liquid.

Expert opinion

Daria Shirochina (obstetrician-gynecologist)

Sometimes swelling is felt in the nose area in the form of nasal congestion. This may be due to both a general increase in fluid volume in the body and allergic reactions. It is imperative to pay attention to swelling of the nasal mucosa and take measures to normalize breathing, since if there are problems with the flow of oxygen into the blood, the unborn baby suffers.

Severe internal swelling

In some cases, a woman’s appearance and the volume of her lower and upper limbs do not change, but the doctor determines significant weight gains that occur unevenly. In this case, internal edema is most likely diagnosed.

This pathology can be determined independently; to do this, you need to measure the volume of fluid consumed per day and the amount of urine during the same period. If less than 75% of the liquid drunk is excreted in the urine, then we can talk about severe internal edema.

The following complaints are reasons to consult a doctor:

  • in addition to the limbs and face, other parts of the body swell - hips, abdomen, lower back;
  • limbs do not swell equally, sometimes, for example, swelling is found only in one leg;
  • sharp fluctuations in the dynamics of weight gain.

Watch the video about the causes of edema in a pregnant woman in the later stages:

Consequences of edema

This condition significantly reduces the quality of life of a pregnant woman, since she suffers from excess weight, the inability to wear usual shoes and lead an active lifestyle. In addition, edema is often accompanied by high blood pressure, which can lead to a hypertensive crisis.

If in the last weeks of pregnancy swelling of the limbs and face does not go away, despite all the measures taken, and constantly elevated blood pressure is added to this condition, doctors can make a diagnosis and begin to prepare the woman for childbirth.

With the right pregnancy management tactics, childbirth after 36 weeks will not pose a danger to the baby, since all its vital organs are already fully formed.

Treatment of the expectant mother

Edema requires mandatory therapy, which necessarily includes correction of eating behavior, special gymnastics, recommendations for organizing a healthy lifestyle, folk recipes and medications.

Expert opinion

Daria Shirochina (obstetrician-gynecologist)

Edema cannot be relieved with diuretics on your own. If gestosis is hidden behind them, taking these medications will only worsen the condition of the mother and child.

  • To reduce swelling and prevent fluid retention in the body, it is necessary to lead an active lifestyle and regularly do gymnastics, while it is important not to overload the body and pay attention to cardio exercises. Moderate physical activity significantly minimizes the risk of swelling.
  • It is especially recommended to engage in swimming, yoga, and special gymnastics under the guidance and supervision of a physical therapy instructor in the antenatal clinic.
  • Women in the last weeks of pregnancy who are prone to swelling are advised to periodically rest their legs. You should not walk too long distances or engage in activities that require constant standing. When working in a sitting position, your legs should be placed on a small ottoman or a special stand so that they are at the same level as the pelvis. Under no circumstances should you sit with your legs crossed.
  • It is also necessary to get up and stretch your legs at least once an hour, and do special gymnastics. When lying down, it is advisable to place a special cushion or pillow under your feet so that they are slightly above head level.
  • In the evening, cool baths are recommended, to which you can add decoctions of medicinal herbs or aromatic oils.
  • You should avoid prolonged stays in stuffy rooms and walks under the scorching sun. The room in which a pregnant woman lives needs to be ventilated regularly.
  • If swelling in the legs is accompanied by varicose veins, then the doctor may recommend wearing corrective underwear. It is important to choose the right density and size, otherwise you can not only not get a therapeutic effect, but also aggravate the situation.

To prevent edema, you need to choose the right shoes, in no case should you walk in heels and sandals with thin membranes. Also, you need to carefully consider the choice of underwear, it should not be tight and dig into the skin.


Properly organized nutrition is an important means of reducing edema and preventing their occurrence in late pregnancy. The main recommendations for correcting the daily diet are as follows.

For cooking, use methods such as boiling, stewing, baking, steaming, completely eliminating fried and smoked foods from the diet, since foods prepared in this way weaken blood vessels. Make sure you have enough high-protein foods in your daily diet - fish, legumes, sour-milk products and others.

You should strictly limit sugar and baked goods, as this leads to weight gain and contributes to fluid retention in the body.

A pregnant woman needs to eat as many fruits and vegetables as possible, preferably raw.

It is necessary to sharply reduce salt intake, since excessively salty foods are the main cause of water retention. When preparing dishes, it is advisable not to salt them at all, and also to completely avoid salted and dried fish, marinades, semi-finished meat products, smoked meats, chips and any fast food.

You need to drink as much plain water as possible, as it helps normalize water-salt metabolism. At the same time, you need to completely avoid sugary carbonated drinks, packaged juices and other canned liquids, as they contribute to the appearance of edema.

To reduce swelling, you can prepare a decoction of lingonberries or rose hips; they contain many vitamins and have a good diuretic effect.

It is better to drink water in the first half of the day, since drinking liquid in the evening can cause morning swelling.

Drug therapy

Any medications during pregnancy can harm the health of the unborn child, especially if they are taken uncontrolled and without prescription from the attending physician.

Usually, to combat edema, it is enough to normalize your diet and adjust your lifestyle, but in some cases, drug treatment is also indicated.

To reduce swelling, diuretics are prescribed, for example, Canephron or Fitolysin. These drugs stimulate kidney function and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

To improve the blood supply to the fetus during swelling of the internal organs and placenta, it is necessary to prescribe vitamin complexes.

For high blood pressure, the use of antihypertensive drugs is indicated.

Edema, not associated with serious pathologies, is a fairly common occurrence in the last stages of pregnancy. But this does not mean that they should not be given attention. Swelling in some cases can cause serious complications and harm the unborn child.

There are various causes for peripheral leg edema, including: injury or injury, such as a sprain or fracture of a bone. Swelling in the legs is a problem for many people. Most often, people over 35 years of age are predisposed to swelling of the legs. The causes of leg swelling can be different. Doctors advise treating not the swelling itself, but the reasons why it occurs. Varicose veins are the cause of edema. Sometimes the cause of swelling of the legs is a malfunction of the valve apparatus of the veins, then the venous blood is not able to move to the heart at the right speed. Edema of the legs is a symptom that is manifested by visible swelling of the lower extremities, an increase in their volume due to the accumulation of fluid in the soft tissues. Swelling of the legs can occur due to varicose veins. The development of leg swelling is often the reason for seeking medical help. In a late-term expectant mother pregnancy swell legs and hands, however there are times when edema spreads throughout the body and the woman begins to quickly gain weight. Swelling of the legs during pregnancy is inevitable. They are directly related to a woman’s weight gain, as well as to impaired fluid metabolism in the body. Swelling of the legs during pregnancy is in most cases associated with an increased need for water. Let us immediately hasten to reassure you: physiological swelling of the legs during pregnancy is not dangerous for the unborn child. Typically, such swelling is observed on the feet and legs, and disappears after rest.

Edema of the legs is a symptom that is manifested by visible swelling of the lower extremities, an increase in their circumference, and, as a rule, other symptoms. Swelling occurs when tiny blood vessels begin to leak fluid and pool in surrounding tissue - blood can begin to pool in the legs and feet, causing swelling.
Depending on the cause, the following types of edema are distinguished: hydrostatic - develops due to the fact that the outflow of blood from organs is difficult due to the weakness of the heart muscle, the presence of various obstacles to blood flow; hypoproteinemic, in which, due to the fact that the amount of protein in the blood is reduced, fluid enters the tissues in the direction of increasing osmotic pressure; membranogenic, in which there is a violation of the integrity of the wall of blood vessels, as a result of which fluid freely leaves them; neurogenic - as a result of the fact that the nervous system inadequately controls vascular function; inflammatory process - swelling is always an integral part of inflammation of an infectious or allergic nature.

Below you will find information about the causes of swelling of the legs and methods of treating this small, but still a nuisance. So, let's first define what edema is?

The appearance of swelling in the legs is a good reason to see a doctor. It is better not to engage in home treatment and self-diagnosis

Edema ( lat. oedema) - excessive accumulation of fluid in body organs, extracellular tissue spaces of the body. Below we will look at the most common causes and types of leg swelling. Swelling of the legs is usually the initial manifestation of varicose veins. Swelling of the legs with varicose veins has one feature - it develops gradually. The main cause of varicose veins is insufficient elasticity of the walls of blood vessels. Edema is associated with fluid retention.

Types of edema

Hydraemic edema is associated with the accumulation of excess fluid in kidney disease;

Cachectic edema appears as a result of cardiovascular diseases or when the body is exhausted;

Congestive edema is formed due to vascular permeability, pressure in the capillaries, and a decrease in albumin protein in the blood;

Mechanical edema is the result of injury and can appear during pregnancy and tumors;

Neuropathic edema appears in diseases such as alcoholism and diabetes;

Allergic edema (Quincke's edema) - is a deep swelling of the skin. Quincke's edema develops very quickly and also quickly resolves after proper treatment.

Most often, edema appears in the extremities, abdominal or pleural cavity, and subcutaneous fat.

Causes of leg swelling

The cause of edema can be various factors: edema is caused by chronic or temporary diseases, a certain condition of the body. Leg swelling caused by fluid accumulation in the tissues of the legs is known as peripheral edema. With the modern pace of life, swelling of the legs is becoming more and more common and commonplace. Almost all women also experience swelling in their legs during pregnancy. Edema during pregnancy is usually temporary and goes away very quickly. They can have various reasons.

The most common causes of leg swelling are:

Drink plenty of fluids, especially before bed.

Metabolic disease.

Flat feet.

The habit of sitting with crossed legs.

Sitting for long periods on low or too soft seats.


Incorrectly selected shoes. You should not wear shoes with either very high heels or very flat soles. It is better to wear shoes with low heels. Shoes should be spacious, not constrict your feet, and your toes should be in a natural position.

Phlebeurysm. Swelling in the legs due to varicose veins occurs gradually, at first unnoticeably. Increased swelling in the legs is associated with a person being in an upright position and is observed in the evening. After sleep, swelling in the legs disappears and may reappear only in the afternoon. As other signs of the disease progress, swelling in the legs becomes more noticeable. As a rule, swelling in the legs is combined with trophic disorders. More often, swelling in the legs is not located symmetrically and, as a rule, only on one leg.

Swelling in the legs occurs as a result of the blood flow being disrupted and the hydrostatic pressure in the veins significantly increasing. Prolonged stagnation of blood causes an increase in pressure, first in large veins, and then in the smallest vessels.

In capillaries, hydrostatic pressure is usually higher than in the intercellular spaces, and therefore tends to squeeze fluid out of the vessels into the tissue - edema occurs.

Impaired cardiovascular activity.

Kidney diseases. Severe swelling of the legs can occur with kidney disease. This swelling usually spreads over both lower extremities and affects mainly the back of the leg, without itching, pain or local fever. It is accompanied by some swelling of the eyelids, the appearance of dark circles under the eyes, often a change in the color of urine and a decrease in its quantity.

For intestinal diseases. Externally, such edema is similar to “renal” edema, but is accompanied not by impaired urination, but by prolonged diarrhea

Legs also become severely swollen after a person has had an acute respiratory infection. This symptom is a consequence of kidney disease, which arose as a complication from an infection.

- "Elephant" disease. With this disease, lymph flow in the skin and subcutaneous tissue is disrupted, which leads to disruption of protein and water metabolism in tissues and stagnation of lymph. Because of this, severe swelling occurs, most often in the legs, and the legs become like those of an elephant.

Problems with the thyroid gland can also manifest as elastic swellings that do not leave pits when pressed, located in the lower parts of the legs. This disease also causes swelling of the tongue and shoulders, lethargy, drowsiness, chilliness, and a tendency to constipation.

Swelling in the legs can also occur with acute thrombophlebitis of both deep and superficial veins. But in this case, they are always accompanied by clinical signs of inflammation - redness, heat, pain along the vein. Swelling due to impaired outflow of lymphatic fluid through the lymphatic vessels is much less common. As a rule, swelling signals the presence of some disease, and therefore, if they appear, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Swelling during pregnancy is a very common occurrence. After all, during pregnancy, a woman’s hormonal levels change dramatically. If swelling of the legs occurs during pregnancy, you should inform your doctor about it. The causes of edema during pregnancy are quite difficult to immediately identify, so the gynecologist requires additional examination (ultrasound of the kidneys, blood tests).

Other causes of leg swelling include blood clots, leg infections (existing or past), chronic venous insufficiency, varicose veins, and burns. Also, swelling of the legs can be both a cause and a consequence of other diseases. Legs swell due to various diseases: edema of various origins, gout, and so on.

Exercises to relieve swelling of the legs

While standing or sitting for a few minutes a day, alternately press your heel to the floor and lift your toe, and vice versa (press your toe and lift your heel).

Walk on your toes for a couple of minutes.

Spread and curl your toes.

With your bare feet, try to pick up a pencil or small ball from the floor.

Make rotational movements with your feet (from left to right and from right to left).

Place your right foot on top of your left. Raise your toe as high as possible, then do the same exercise with your right leg.

Stand on your toes and stand for a few seconds. Then do 5-10 jumping jacks.

Bend your toes down and sharply straighten them up.

Medicines for swelling of the legs

Important! Before using the medications listed below, consult your doctor to accurately determine the causes of swelling and prescribe appropriate medications. However, in the vast majority of cases it only gets worse, since the main cause of swelling of the legs is not identified and eliminated

- “Essaven gel” helps strengthen the walls of capillaries and veins, also helps blood circulation and eliminates microthrombi;

Heparin ointment, which improves blood circulation, dissolves microscopic blood clots, and has an anti-inflammatory effect;

- “Venitan”, which contains horse chestnut extract, strengthens the walls of capillaries and veins;

- “Troxevasit has an analgesic and cooling effect, at the same time strengthening the walls of capillaries and veins.

- "Lioton" - ointment.

Ointments made from horse chestnut are good against edema.

The above ointments contain rutin and heparin, which strengthen the capillary system.

Traditional methods of treating leg swelling

In addition, there are a large number of traditional medicine recipes that help cope with swelling of the legs.

1 part turpentine to 2 parts castor oil. Heat the oil, pour turpentine into it and rub your feet. After the massage, put cotton socks on your feet.

Mix 1 egg yolk with a teaspoon of turpentine and a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Rub your feet vigorously with the resulting mixture.

Astragalus (plant). A decoction of it reduces swelling and has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. To prepare a decoction, steam 10 g of astragalus with a glass of boiling water, cool slowly and strain. The decoction should be taken 2-3 tablespoons 2-3 times a day for 2 weeks. After a three-day break, repeat the course of treatment. The general course of treatment lasts 4-6 months.

For tired and swollen feet, it is very good to massage with pieces of ice. It is better if the ice is made not from ordinary water, but from an infusion of medicinal herbs and plants. For example, from sage, montane arnica flowers, navel tincture, yarrow, peppermint, eucalyptus.

Bath. You can add sea salt to the bath water; it helps with swelling and will relax your legs. Immerse your feet in cold water, then use light pinches to massage the swollen areas from bottom to top.

Contrast baths. Excellent help with tired legs, heaviness and swelling in the feet. You should keep your feet alternately in hot (5 minutes) and cold water (10 seconds), with the addition of herbs and salt.

In addition to foot baths, massage is also useful. After an evening shower, dry your legs and begin to stretch them first from the feet; self-massage begins from the big toe along the shin, then from the knee to the thigh. It is useful to press on the following points: on the nail plate, on the base of the finger.

You can stretch your feet by rolling a small rubber ball on the floor.

After 7 pm, try to drink less liquid. To remove excess fluid from the body, use herbal decoctions.

Decoctions of elderberry bark and berries are effective for swelling of the legs and kidneys.

If you have varicose veins on your legs, apply steamed elderberry leaves to them.

Dissolve a packet of rock salt in a bucket of cold water, then take a shaggy towel, thoroughly moisten it with this water, then wring it out and apply it to the lower back. Repeat the procedure ten times. As a result, urine production begins and swelling disappears.

Drink diuretics made from birch buds and horsetail extract. Recipe: take horsetail, knotweed, birch buds - 2-3 tablespoons of each ingredient. 1 teaspoon of the mixture per 1 glass of boiling water, then 15 minutes in a water bath, leave for 30 minutes and strain. 1 tablespoon 3 times a day after meals. Drink for 3 days, break for 1 day. Course 3 weeks. The decoction should be stored in a cool place.

Important! Hot baths are contraindicated for varicose veins!

Swelling of the legs during pregnancy - what to do?

Swelling during pregnancy is a very common occurrence. After all, during pregnancy, a woman’s hormonal levels change dramatically. The amount of the hormone progesterone increases almost tenfold, which is responsible for restraining the contractility of the uterus so that a miscarriage does not occur. But progesterone also promotes fluid retention in tissues and the formation of edema. During pregnancy, water-salt metabolism changes in a woman's body, which can lead to disturbances in the outflow of lymph and blood through the veins of the legs, and to changes in the blood and vascular wall. Let's figure out what types of edema are and what prevention can be done to avoid them or improve your condition.

How does swelling appear?

Water is not retained in the body immediately. In the first trimester of pregnancy, swelling rarely occurs. Already closer to the second trimester, a pregnant woman may notice that the skin of her legs and arms loses its firmness and elasticity and becomes “loose.” Later, the roundness of the face increases. In the last trimester of pregnancy, swelling of the legs and, less often, the arms, face, and abdomen often appear.

You can check whether there is swelling by pressing your finger on the skin of the lower leg in front (an area where there are no muscles). If pressing leaves a dimple that does not immediately go away, then there is swelling.

During pregnancy, a woman’s body weight increases gradually; a sharp increase may indicate the appearance of edema. Therefore, the antenatal clinic monitors the weight of the pregnant woman.

Types of edema during pregnancy

Physiological edema during pregnancy. Some women, even during menstruation, experience slight swelling of the legs, heaviness and fatigue. Most likely, during pregnancy these symptoms will be frequent companions.

Physiological edema is the tendency of a pregnant woman’s body to retain sodium and water in the body, this is especially provoked by the abuse of salty foods, physical overload and can appear in the heat. Also, an increase in body weight, and therefore the load on the legs, leads to swelling of the legs. Such swelling is natural, they do not pose a health hazard, and as your figure recovers after childbirth, your legs will regain their former lightness.

Pathological edema during pregnancy. Swelling during pregnancy can be symptoms of the disease. The so-called dropsy of pregnancy is expressed by a sharp increase in body weight of more than 20 kg, severe swelling of the legs, arms, face and lower back. It is difficult for a woman to put on shoes, bend over, her eyes become small due to swelling of the eyelids. With dropsy, the child practically does not suffer; this is the initial form of gestosis. It needs to be treated so that dropsy does not develop into a more severe form of gestosis, which is also accompanied by the release of protein in the urine and an increase in blood pressure. With gestosis, both mother and fetus suffer.

Treatment of minor edema is carried out on an outpatient basis, but if, despite treatment, the condition does not improve, then the woman is sent to a hospital. If there is no improvement after a course of treatment, then premature delivery is carried out. It is necessary to visit the antenatal clinic in a timely manner in order to notice and prevent possible illness in time.

What is the danger of edema in pregnant women?

Russian obstetricians believe that edema needs to be treated, since dropsy in pregnancy is the first stage of gestosis and in 90% of cases, after edema, protein in the urine and high blood pressure appear. Timely treatment can prevent the transition of dropsy to subsequent stages of gestosis.

Edema is one of the three main signs of gestosis (also known as late toxicosis). It usually manifests itself in the third trimester, but individual development of the situation is also possible.

Prevention of edema during pregnancy

Previously, for “prevention”, pregnant women were recommended to limit fluid intake, but now they have come to the conclusion that if you limit fluid intake, the body will try to retain it, thereby increasing swelling. You should drink 1.5 - 2 liters of liquid (including fruits, soups and juices). But it is advisable to drink bound liquids - such liquids are retained in the bloodstream and do not leak into the tissues, therefore, they avoid swelling. These include freshly squeezed juices (fresh juices) and milk.

You should also completely avoid thirst-causing foods. Try to avoid products such as glazed cheese curds, ice cream, cakes, halva, curd masses, vanillin, processed cheeses, kefir, smoked, pickled, spicy and fried foods.

Do not drink sweet or carbonated liquids that make you thirsty. Reduce your salt intake or even switch to a salt-free diet. Food should be under-salted, as salt retains fluid in the body. You can consume up to 8 g of salt per day instead of the usual 12-15 g.

Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, cereals. They can be stewed, boiled and baked. Sometimes you can quench your thirst by eating a juicy apple, orange or cucumber.

It is better to eat food that is steamed or boiled, stewed, but not fried!

In consultation with your doctor, you can drink herbal teas with diuretic properties (infusions of bearberry leaves or bears ears, horsetail, kidney tea). A glass of infusion is drunk during the day in 3-4 doses (1/3-¼ glass at a time). The course is long - from 3 to 4 weeks.

Important! Diuretics are prescribed only for severe swelling, and even then not for long. You cannot take this remedy on your own!

To prevent swelling during pregnancy, try to lead a mobile lifestyle. Moving every hour can prevent fluid buildup.

An effective way to combat swelling is to lie with your legs elevated.

Put on high-waisted tights in the morning before you get out of bed. This way, blood will not stagnate in the ankles.

Try to stay in a hot place as little as possible.

Take foot baths with cold water. The procedure time is 20 minutes.

Foot massage in the evenings will also help prevent swelling of the legs, and if this happens, it will also relieve swelling.

Drink a glass of hot milk at night, 1 day a week on apples and juice, and try to brew dried apricots at night, and in the morning, first of all, drink water from it and do not eat or drink anything for the next 30-40 minutes;

Regular tea with lemon without sugar or just water with a slice of lemon;

Lingonberry compote also prevents swelling of the legs.

Preventing leg swelling

- If possible, try to change your shoes throughout the day, especially if you wear high heels.

After 7 pm, try to drink less liquid.

Try to give your legs rest throughout the day. Stroke them, massage them.

Get special medical stockings or tights that prevent the occurrence of edema.

Follow a diet with limited salt and water intake. Avoid drinking sugary sodas.

Sleep with a bolster (pillow or folded blanket) under your feet.

Massage your feet daily and take baths with decongestants.

In the evening, when you come home, take this position: lie on the floor, raise your legs and rest them against the wall. Stay in this position for 10-15 minutes. Then massage your legs from the feet to the knees. Movements should be energetic.

Important! If all these tips do not help, swelling becomes regular, you feel hardness and increased skin temperature in the swollen areas, be sure to consult a doctor.

In order to restore health to your feet and get rid of pain and swelling, you should completely change your daily routine.

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Four out of five women during pregnancy experience such an unpleasant symptom as. They can have different severity - from a barely noticeable increase in the volume of the ankles in the evening to severe swelling of the feet, legs, thighs, and in severe cases - the entire body. Edema in pregnant women always causes concern for women and doctors. They may be normal, but in some cases they are a sign of severe complications.

Most often, edema in pregnant women appears starting in the second trimester. They manifest themselves most strongly at the end of pregnancy, and in some cases persist even after childbirth, gradually disappearing.

The causes of swelling in the legs during pregnancy can be physiological and pathological.

Most often, edema during pregnancy is caused by physiological mechanisms:

  • an increase in progesterone levels in the blood;
  • retention of potassium and sodium in the body;
  • compression of the inferior vena cava;
  • decreased renal blood flow.

In addition, the cause of edema may be a pregnancy complication such as gestosis.

Cardiovascular or renal diseases that existed in the patient before pregnancy can lead to decompensation of cardiac or renal failure, which is also accompanied by edema.

Physiological edema during pregnancy

An increase in progesterone concentration during pregnancy is a physiological mechanism aimed at preserving it. One of the additional effects of progesterone is the retention of potassium and sodium in the kidneys. These ions “pull” water back into the vascular bed, that is, the reabsorption of water and salts in the kidney tubules increases. The increasing volume of fluid is distributed unevenly in the body, some of the water penetrates into the intercellular space, where it forms edema.

Physiological edema goes down under the influence of gravity. This is why they occur, for example, in the area of ​​the feet and ankle joints after long walks in the evening.
The uterus, enlarged during pregnancy, compresses large venous trunks that drain blood from the lower extremities. This condition is called inferior vena cava syndrome and is manifested by fainting while the woman is lying on her back. The enlarged uterus compresses the venous and lymphatic drainage of fluid from the lower extremities. The result is venous congestion in dilated and congested veins. Swelling occurs.

Fluid retention can also occur due to a decrease in the filtration function of the kidneys due to pressure on them from the enlarged uterus. A woman’s behavior, that is, the amount of fluid she consumes, plays a certain role in the appearance of edema. If there is a discrepancy between the volume of fluid drunk and the ability of the kidneys to excrete it, excess water accumulates in the body.

Edema as a manifestation of gestosis

Swelling of the legs can be one of the first manifestations of a pregnancy complication - gestosis. In addition to them, signs of this serious condition are arterial hypertension and the appearance of protein in the urine. Under these conditions, the exchange of water and salts is disrupted, the permeability of the smallest vessels - capillaries - increases, and the liquid part of the blood sweats through the walls of the vessels into the intercellular space.

In this case, fluid accumulates in the tissues of the placenta, causing oxygen starvation of the fetus. Swelling of the brain leads to visual disturbances and seizures. In the case of severe gestosis, and develop. If medical care is not provided in a timely manner, the woman and child may die due to these conditions.

You should immediately consult a doctor if swelling in the legs is accompanied by an increase in blood pressure above 140/90 mmHg. st, headache, nausea, impaired consciousness or seizures.

Edema as a sign of heart failure

Almost any cardiac disease that a woman suffered from before pregnancy becomes more severe during this period. In particular, there is a high probability of developing a “universal” complication of cardiac diseases -.

Edema is a manifestation of right ventricular heart failure. They are a consequence of decreased pumping function of the heart as a result of pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary valve disease or tricuspid valve disease. In this case, venous blood is pumped through the heart at insufficient speed, so it accumulates in the veins. One of the important signs that allows you to distinguish “cardiac” edema from others is liver enlargement. It is accompanied by heaviness, aching pain in the right hypochondrium, sometimes a feeling of bitterness in the mouth and belching. When palpated, the liver is determined below the edge of the costal arch; it is smooth, elastic, slightly painful.

In some cases, edema is accompanied by signs of left ventricular failure and pulmonary hypertension - weakness, shortness of breath with minimal exertion and in the supine position, dry cough at night, sometimes even mixed with streaks of reddish sputum or foam.

If a woman has edema and the listed signs of heart failure, she needs to urgently consult a doctor, undergo an ultrasound examination of the heart, and adjust the treatment.

Edema due to kidney disease

The most common causes of “renal” edema are chronic glomerulonephritis and other diseases accompanied by nephrotic syndrome. A sign that allows one to suspect this cause of the development of edematous syndrome is swelling of the face and especially the eyelids in the morning.

In this case, you must seek medical help. Progression of kidney failure can threaten the health and life of the mother and child.

Recognition of edema

A pregnant woman herself may notice swelling of the lower extremities if it is severe enough. Hidden and unnoticeable swelling can only be detected by a doctor.

There are several ways to determine whether a pregnant woman has swelling and whether it is increasing.

The simplest signs are the inability to put on shoes in the evening or difficulty removing a wedding ring from your finger. Helps to see fluid retention and sock marks on the ankle, fluctuations in ankle circumference of more than 1 cm per day.

The presence of edema, including internal edema, is indicated by rapid or uneven weight gain: more than 300 - 400 grams per week.

To more accurately determine the balance between the liquid drunk and excreted, it is recommended to keep a drinking diary. The “drunk” column takes into account all liquid consumed per day, including drinks, soups, fruits and vegetables. One medium fruit is equal to 50 grams of water.

During the day, you need to collect all urine excreted in one container, and then determine its volume.

Then the amount of fluid drunk in milliliters must be multiplied by 0.75 and thus obtain the normal volume of fluid excreted in milliliters. If in fact it is less, there is swelling.

Treatment of edema during pregnancy

Edema during pregnancy requires constant attention from a doctor so as not to miss the development of gestosis and other complications.

For physiological edema, it is enough to consume less salt and spices, chocolate, caffeine, fatty and fried foods. It is better not to limit liquid. However, reducing salt intake will help to physiologically reduce the amount of water you drink. It is advisable to give up salt altogether or reduce its consumption to 5 grams (one teaspoon) per day. There is no need to add salt to the food on the plate.

A rational organization of activity and rest is necessary. A pregnant woman should walk more, but staying on her feet should be alternated with rest. After every half hour of walking, you can sit down on a bench, take off your shoes and raise your feet on the seat, covering them with a light napkin. In the winter season, walks can be shortened in time, but more frequent.

Lying on your back with your legs up is not recommended, because this compresses the inferior vena cava, which further disrupts venous outflow. The woman should take a semi-sitting position or even lying on her side. It is especially convenient to use special pillows for pregnant women for this purpose, which allow you to lean on your back and elevate your legs.

After consulting a doctor, you can take diuretics for some time, in particular herbal ones (canephron). It should be remembered that furosemide can only be taken for a short course, it is better not to use hypothiazide during pregnancy, and veroshpiron is contraindicated.

Video about edema during pregnancy:

While expecting a baby, many changes occur in the body of the expectant mother. Which ones should alert you? What pregnancy often accompanied swelling, almost all expectant mothers know. Everyone also knows that outside pregnancy swelling- This is a symptom of a disease, most often of cardiovascular or renal origin. But what does it mean if pregnant women have them? Is this a normal option or a pathology that requires treatment?

Edema during pregnancy

Edema during pregnancy– a very common occurrence. Mechanism of occurrence edema during pregnancy associated with changes in water-salt metabolism, as well as as a result of impaired outflow of blood and lymph through the veins of the legs and changes in the blood and vascular wall.
There are 4 stages of development of edema during pregnancy:
1. – swelling in the area of ​​the feet and legs;
2. – swelling of the lower extremities, lower abdomen and lumbosacral region;
3. – addition of edema in the hands, the appearance of pasty “puffiness” on the face;
4. – general swelling.
You can determine for yourself whether there is swelling during pregnancy: press your finger on the skin, if the skin quickly evens out, then everything is in order, but if there is a hole left, then most likely it is swelling.
Swelling of the legs during pregnancy

If only your legs (feet and ankles) are swollen, this is natural. Usually, a lack of fluid and constant thirst occurs due to the increased need of the body. They appear in the evening and go away on their own by morning.
However, if swelling of the fingers occurs (the woman notes that she cannot wear a ring), swelling on the legs becomes permanent (shoes become tight), and swelling of the face is observed, then such swelling can be a symptom of a very serious complication of pregnancy - gestosis (late toxicosis).
The appearance of edema from 20 weeks, of course, should alert the pregnant woman and her doctor. Such a woman needs to be examined to determine the cause of the edema, but it should be remembered that not all edema observed during pregnancy is associated with gestosis.
Edema in late pregnancy can also occur due to obstruction of the outflow of urine due to compression of the ureters by the enlarged uterus.

Treatment of edema during pregnancy

Treatment for edema is usually prescribed depending on the results of the examination.
If left untreated, swelling can spread throughout the body. Edema may be hidden. To diagnose them, regular weighing, blood pressure measurement, and urine analysis are used.
The absence of visible swelling does not always indicate well-being. There are so-called hidden edemas. To diagnose hidden edema, the patient is weighed regularly. The presence of hidden edema is indicated by a weight gain of more than 300-400 grams. per week, which has nothing to do with the amount of food consumed.
Timely measures taken can prevent further development of edema.

Prevention of edema during pregnancy

To prevent the appearance of edema or at least reduce it, you must follow the following recommendations.
For mild edema, treatment can be carried out on an outpatient basis. A dairy-vegetable diet is recommended for pregnant women.
Limit your intake of table salt (to 1-1.5 grams per day); in especially severe cases, switch to a salt-free diet.
Do not abuse sweet and carbonated drinks, which inhibit the removal of fluid from the body.
Do not reduce your water intake, as this may have the opposite effect. When you reduce fluid intake, the body will try to retain it, and swelling will increase accordingly. Drink at least 1.5 liters 2.0 liters of fluid. (including soup, cereals, juices, compotes). However, we must remember that the amount of urine excreted should be 50% - 80% of what was drunk.
Avoid situations that require you to stand or sit for long periods of time. Try to raise your legs to the top as often as possible. Try to stay in a hot place as little as possible.
Use kidney tea and other herbal infusions only as prescribed by a doctor.
If there are swelling during pregnancy, you should definitely consult a doctor. He will establish the causes of this unpleasant phenomenon and help cope with it.

Diagnosis of edema during pregnancy

How to tell if you have swelling? Answer a few questions.

    Have you recently become desperately sorry for your favorite worn-out shoes?

Does the wedding ring squeeze your finger, leaving a mark, or is it difficult or impossible to remove from your finger?

Have you started to gain excess weight (more than 300 g per week)?

Of course, obvious swelling not only the doctor will notice, but you too. But there are also hidden swelling, or tissue pastiness (the so-called fluid retention in the body), which is not noticeable. They can only be suspected if the expectant mother experiences a large or uneven weight gain.

More often swelling in healthy people pregnant women, without cardiovascular or renal pathology, appear in the second half pregnancy.

Usually first legs swell, then they can be added swelling of the arms, abdomen, face. The latter is especially upsetting for expectant mothers. After all, it’s strongest on the face eyelids swell. This is due to the anatomical features of this area. There is loose fiber located there, which, like a sponge, is ready to retain liquid.

In the morning swelling on the legs are less noticeable, because at night the liquid spreads evenly throughout the body. But during the day, when you spend more time on your feet, the fluid goes down, accumulating mainly in the ankles, on the back of the feet, on the shins, where the pressure of a finger can cause a slowly leveling hole. Skin when swelling pale, tense and smooth.

Survey plan

In addition to examining a doctor, what methods are used for diagnosis?

Dynamic weighing About possible hidden edema they say excessive (more than 300 g per week) or uneven weight gain for the expectant mother.

Diuresis studies Compare the amount of fluid drunk and excreted urine (per day). Normally, a healthy person excretes ¾ of the fluid he drinks. Let's say if you drank 1000-1200 ml of liquid per day (including soups and tea-coffee), at least 750-900 ml should be excreted in the urine. The remaining quarter of the fluid is released in the form of sweat and also during breathing.

Dynamic measurement of leg circumference at one level An increase in the circumference of the ankle joint by 1 cm or more within a week indicates fluid retention in the body.

Blister test 0.2 ml of saline solution is injected intradermally into the area of ​​the inner surface of the forearm with a thin needle. A blister forms, which normally resolves within one hour in a healthy person. The more “edematous readiness” the body has, the faster the blister is absorbed.

What is the danger of edema?

Russian obstetricians consider: swelling needs to be treated because dropsy of pregnancy is the first stage of gestosis and 90% of cases follow swelling Protein in the urine and high blood pressure appear. Timely treatment can prevent the transition of dropsy to subsequent stages of gestosis.

How to treat edema during pregnancy?

In treatment dropsy For pregnant women, priority is given to a diet with limited salt and liquid consumed per day.

    Food should be under-salted, as salt retains fluid in the body. It is allowed to consume up to 8 g of salt per day instead of the usual 12-15 g. For the same reasons, hot, spicy dishes and smoked foods are excluded from the menu. It is better to cook food by steaming, you can also boil or stew, but just do not fry!

The amount of fluid consumed in the second half of pregnancy should be no more than 1000-1200 ml per day. Don't forget to take into account the volume of liquid contained in the soup and juicy fruits and berries.

In addition to dietary restrictions, strengthening the vascular wall and improving blood flow through the vessels is important. This prevents fluid from leaking from the vessels into the tissues and, accordingly, prevents the formation of edema. To do this, doctors prescribe vitamins and agents that strengthen blood vessels.

In consultation with your doctor, you can drink herbal teas with diuretic properties (infusions of bearberry leaves or bear's ears; horsetail, kidney tea). A glass of infusion is drunk during the day in 3-4 doses (1/3-1/4 cup at a time). The course is long - 3-4 weeks.

Diuretics are prescribed only for severe swelling, and even then not for long. You cannot take this remedy on your own!

The examination is required!

    Edema, especially if they appeared before 20 weeks pregnancy, may be a manifestation of some disease that existed hidden. Sometimes pregnancy is the push that a latent disease turns into an obvious one due to the increased load on the diseased organ. That is why at early edema in pregnant women You need to be thoroughly examined, check your kidneys and heart.

Swelling of the legs may be associated with varicose veins of the legs. At the same time, expectant mothers usually complain of pain, heaviness in the legs, fatigue when walking.

Remedies for edema during pregnancy

How to relieve swelling during pregnancy, what is the most reliable way? As obstetricians-gynecologists say, edema occurs in 60% of pregnant women. They are an accumulation of fluid in the tissues of the body, manifested as swelling in different parts of the body.

How to diagnose

A pregnant woman can check for the presence or absence of edema herself. Many note that it has become more difficult to remove the ring from the finger, and after removing the ring, a trace of jewelry remains on the finger for a long time - this already indicates that fluid is retained in the body. When pressing with a finger on the skin of the legs, a deepening may remain for a long time - this is called pastosity, a slight degree of swelling.

Classification of edema

There are different reasons why legs swell during pregnancy. It is necessary to distinguish between physiological and pathological edema. There is no strict separation between these types, therefore, pregnant women are strictly controlled in antenatal clinics.

Physiological edema is mild, the skin is pasty in the area of ​​the hands, ankles and feet. As a rule, they do not bring any inconvenience to a woman and do not lead to complications.

Pathological edema is a sign of gestosis, which often develops in the third trimester. Preeclampsia is characterized by three symptoms - the presence of edema, protein in the urine and increased blood pressure (above 140/80 mmHg). If these indicators are present, the woman is hospitalized in the department of pathology of pregnant women at the maternity hospital for treatment. There are 4 degrees of pathological edema:
1st – in the area of ​​arms and legs;
2nd – on the stomach;
3rd – on the face;
4th – swelling of the whole body.

If a pregnant woman is bothered by headaches, nausea and vomiting, increased body temperature, and skin itching, these are symptoms of preeclampsia (a complication of gestosis). And then eclampsia develops, a sign of which is a seizure.

If complications of gestosis occur, you should immediately seek medical help. It is possible to save the woman and the fetus only by resorting to emergency delivery.

Treatment of swelling

You cannot select medications for edema during pregnancy on your own. At the antenatal clinic, a gynecologist may recommend herbal remedies:

  • sedative (drink 1 tsp 3 times a day) or regular valerian tablets;
  • to improve kidney function;
  • to normalize vascular tone.

It should be noted that evidence-based medicine does not approve of such prescriptions. Edema during pregnancy can rarely be relieved at home using folk remedies.

Many people believe that herbs are safer than drugs. But that's not true. After all, medications contain 1-2 active ingredients, the properties of which (including contraindications and side effects) have been well studied. But no one has carefully studied herbs, which can contain a lot of substances that can have a negative effect on the body. And allergic reactions, to which expectant mothers are so prone, have not yet been canceled.

Sometimes the doctor may prescribe medications such as Cyston, Canephron. They have a diuretic effect and are prescribed in a short course. In fact, such appointments are useless. There is no need to “treat” physiological edema. They will appear again, but there will be no harm from them. If the swelling appears due to gestosis, then the treatment is completely different...

Drugs are often prescribed to improve uteroplacental circulation - lipoic acid, "Curantil". Their purpose is very controversial. The drugs are not the cheapest, and have little practical value. Magne B6 can be prescribed to prevent night cramps, which often occur in expectant mothers.
One of the more accessible and safe means is infusion of dried apricots. Doctors recommend taking it to relieve swelling (pour boiling water over dried apricots at night, and drink the infusion in the morning).

Many people believe that if swelling occurs, you should immediately limit fluid intake. This opinion is wrong. In no case should the volume of fluid be reduced, since the body, on the contrary, will begin to accumulate even more fluid, which it will need during childbirth in the event of large blood loss. You just need to adjust your diet - if necessary, reduce the consumption of table salt, spices, fried, smoked, pickled foods. Eat more vegetables and protein foods. Foods such as celery, parsley, apples and citrus fruits are natural diuretics. You need to eat more garlic and onions, they have a beneficial effect on blood circulation.

Emphasis should be placed on organizing the daily routine. Sleep should last about 9 hours, more walks in the fresh air and light exercise are recommended. Several times a day, a woman needs to take the knee-elbow position for 5-7 minutes. This will also have a beneficial effect on the body, reducing the pressure of the pregnant uterus on the bladder and blood vessels.

For swelling in the legs, our grandmothers used cabbage leaves, freshly picked from the garden. They need to be cooled in the refrigerator and applied to your feet as often as you need it. It is not known whether in this way it will be possible to completely and quickly relieve swelling of the legs during pregnancy, but you will get relief - that’s for sure.

A pregnant woman should monitor the functioning of her body daily and contact an obstetrician-gynecologist with any questions.

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