Specialist in physical therapy and rehabilitation. Specialty: Physical therapy and sports medicine (residency) Exercise therapy profession

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

The Department of Sports Medicine was created in 1965 and was part of the united medical and biological department (Department of Anatomy and Sports Medicine). In 1972, it became an independent division. Until 1976 The department was headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences. Professor V.S. Fomin, who did a lot to establish and determine the direction of its work. Since 1976, the department was headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences. Professor N.D. Graevskaya, a WWII veteran, had the honorary titles “Honored Worker of Physical Culture of the Russian Federation” and “Honored Worker of Higher Professional Education of Russia”, author of more than 300 scientific works, including a number of monographs, textbooks, collections of scientific papers, more than 20 of which were published abroad. N.D. Graevskaya was the winner of Gold medals of the USSR Sports Committee and the Exhibition of Achievements of the National Economy, and had more than 25 Government awards, incl. Order of the Patriotic War, 1st and 2nd degree, Red Star, Badge of Honor, medals “For the Liberation of Warsaw”, “For the Capture of Berlin”, “For Victory over Germany”, “For Labor Valor”, etc. Currently At the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture, a personal scholarship was established by Nina Danilovna Graevskaya for the best students of the department .

In 2009-2010, the department was headed by candidate of medical sciences, associate professor S.E. Pavlov. Since 2011, the department has been headed by Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor I.V. Osadchenko.

In 2015, the departments of sports medicine and physical education and health technologies were merged. Currently, the department is called “Department of Adaptive Physical Culture and Sports Medicine” and trains students in the following profiles: “Physical Rehabilitation” (on full-time and part-time courses), (on full-time and part-time courses) and “Adaptive Sports” ( on correspondence courses). Graduates of the department work in various fields of physical education, adaptive physical education, rehabilitation centers, fitness clubs, sanatoriums, medical institutions.

Currently, the department employs 22 teachers, of which: 3 professors, 9 associate professors, 5 senior teachers and 5 teachers, of which 13 people have an academic degree: 2 doctors of medical sciences, 2 candidates of medical sciences, 3 candidates of biological sciences, 6 candidates pedagogical sciences.

The teaching staff of the department is staffed with qualified specialists who are able to provide high-quality training for students in the disciplines taught at the department.

The department conducts work in the following areas and disciplines:

direction of training 03/49/01. "Physical Culture"

  • "Fundamentals of medical knowledge"
  • "Sports Medicine"
  • "Massage"
  • "Healing Fitness"

direction of training 03/49/02. “Physical education for people with health problems (adaptive physical education)”

  • "Private pathology"
  • “Hygienic fundamentals of physical culture and sports activities”
  • "Life Safety"
  • "Massage"
  • "Massotherapy"
  • "Fundamentals of anti-doping enforcement"
  • "Healing Fitness"
  • "Adaptive Sports"
  • “Non-traditional exercise therapy techniques”

direction of training 44.03.02 “Psychological and pedagogical education”

  • "Life Safety"
  • "Fundamentals of Pediatrics and Hygiene"

direction of training 38.03.02 “Management”

  • "Fundamentals of anti-doping enforcement"
  • "Life Safety"

direction of training 49.04.01. "Physical Culture", master's program "Natural Scientific Problems of Physical Culture"

additional professional education programs:

  • “Theory and methodology of adaptive physical culture”
  • "Fundamentals of anti-doping education"
  • "First aid"
  • "Healing Fitness"
  • "Massage"
  • "Theory and practice of physical rehabilitation"

professional retraining program in the direction of "Physical education for persons with health problems (adaptive physical education)"

The department has 6 specialized classrooms, an educational and scientific laboratory, a physical therapy room, and a methodological room. Room 317 has equipment for conducting classes with multimedia accompaniment. The educational and scientific laboratory has a computer diagnostic complex “Valenta”; reflex diagnostic complex “Nakatani”; computer complex for functional readiness of athletes “Sport-Park”; apparatus for determining immunity “Helper”; simulator for mastering cardiopulmonary resuscitation with a light controller. The equipped exercise therapy room has: a gymnastic wall, a treadmill, fitballs, equipment for practical training, exercise machines: Techno Gym (models No. QM580, PA05, PA03), Ketler (kinetic F3), Bubnovsky multifunctional exercise machine. The department has fully equipped 2 massage classrooms for practical classes. In practical classes in the “Hygiene” course, a multifunctional meteorological complex and an air ion counter “Sapphire-3m” are used.

Since 1994, the department has been conducting courses in massage and exercise therapy. To date, more than 1,500 specialists in sports and therapeutic massage and exercise therapy have graduated.
Teachers of the department, together with graduate students, take an active part in research work and the results of these studies are published in leading journals of the Russian Federation.

Over the past 5 years at the department, 1 graduate student and 3 applicants have defended dissertations for the academic degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences in specialty 13.00.04 “Theory and methodology of physical education, sports training, health-improving and adaptive physical culture.”

Graduates and students of the department who have achieved high sporting achievements in Paralympic sports, who are Honored Masters of Sports: Larisa Manuilova, Ekaterina Kireeva, Stepan Klimenko, Roman Pyatuinov, Olga Dula, Dmitry Grigoriev, Svetlana Sergeeva, Margarita Goncharova, Alexey Chesmiin, Natalia Ivanova, Stanislav Ivanov , Mikhail Brednev, Vladimir Kiselev, Andrey Lozhechnikov, Victor Morozov, Irina Polyanova, Alexey Shemonin, Sergey Shilov, Sergey Khryashchev.

Personnel of the department :

OSADCHENKO Irina Vladimirovna- head of the department, candidate of biological sciences, associate professor.

In 1982 she graduated from GCOLIFK. In 1993 she defended her dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Biological Sciences.
In 2000, he was awarded the academic title “Associate Professor”.
Works at MSAFK since September 2010.

Disciplines taught :

  • “Hygienic fundamentals of physical culture and sports activities”
  • “Fundamentals of safety precautions and prevention of sports injuries”
  • “Hygienic and medical aspects of improving performance”
  • “Hygienic provision of the chosen sport”
  • “Hygienic provision of physical culture and sports activities”
  • "Medical support of adaptive physical culture"
  • “Hygienic provision of adaptive physical culture”
  • "Fundamentals of anti-doping enforcement"
  • "Fundamentals of Pediatrics and Hygiene"

Has more than 60 publications. He is the author of educational and methodological manuals: “Thermal factor in sports and professionally applied physical culture”, “Non-drug therapy of diseases of the cardiovascular system”.
in the programs of additional professional education: “Methods of physical rehabilitation with dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system”, “Bioimpedance analysis in the work of a trainer”, “Fundamentals of anti-doping support”, “First aid”.
She was awarded the medals “In Memory of the 850th Anniversary of Moscow”, “For Merit in Conducting the All-Russian Population Census”, “80 Years of the State Sports Committee of Russia”. He has the badge “Honored Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation” and the Badge of Honor “For Merit in the Development of Physical Culture and Sports.”
In 2015-2016, she underwent professional retraining at the Autonomous non-profit organization of additional professional education “Perm Institute for Advanced Training of Healthcare Workers”.
DPO: 2018 - “Ethics in sports: key aspects of anti-doping activities”, 2018 - “First aid”, 2017 - “Education quality management”, 2016 - “Current issues of modern sports medicine”.

DOLMATOVA Tamara Ivanovna- Ph.D., professor.

Graduated from the Moscow Medical Dental Institute in 1963. In 1971 she defended her dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences.
Since 1975 he has been working at the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture at the Department of Sports Medicine. Since 2004 he has been a professor at the Department of Sports Medicine.

Disciplines taught :

  • "Sports Medicine"
  • "Fundamentals of anti-doping enforcement"
  • “Fundamentals of safety precautions and prevention of sports injuries”
  • “Hygienic and medical aspects of improving performance”
  • "Private pathology"
  • "Diseases of the cardiovascular system"
  • "Medical support of adaptive physical culture"

Conducts classes at the faculty of advanced training in additional professional education programs: “Bioimpedance analysis in the work of a trainer”, “Fundamentals of anti-doping support”, “First aid”.
Has more than 100 scientific and scientific-methodological publications. Under the leadership of Dolmatova T.I. 8 postgraduate students and applicants for the scientific degree of candidate of medical, biological and pedagogical sciences defended themselves.
DPO: 2018 - “First Aid”, 2016 - “Current issues of modern sports medicine”.

POGHOSYAN Mamikon Manukovich- Ph.D., professor.

In 1977 he graduated with honors from the Armenian State Institute of Physical Culture “Arm. GIFC." In 1980, he entered the graduate school of the State Center for Physical Culture and Physical Culture at the Department of Exercise Therapy and Massage, and in 1983 he successfully defended his thesis for the academic degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences.
Since 1993 Poghosyan M.M. works at the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture" at the department as an associate professor, and since 2007 as a professor.

Disciplines taught :

  • "Massage"
  • "Massotherapy"

Conducts classes at the faculty of advanced training in additional professional education programs: “Sports massage”, and is the director of courses in “Massage”.
He is the author of more than 90 scientific and educational works, including 4 textbooks, 2 monographs and 3 manuals on massage courses for students of higher educational institutions of physical education.
Awarded a diploma from the Russian Olympic Committee “For contribution to the training of physical education specialists and the development of sports science.”
Under the leadership of M.M. Poghosyan defended 2 candidate dissertations for the degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences.

KESHISHYAN Razmik Aramovich- Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor.

1982 graduated from the pediatric faculty of the 2nd Moscow State Medical Institute named after. N.I. Pirogov.
In 1988 he defended his dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences.
In 2010, he defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences.

Disciplines taught:

  • “Methodological features of the functional state of the musculoskeletal system”
  • "Sports Medicine"
  • “Fundamentals of safety precautions and prevention of sports injuries”
  • "Private pathology"
  • "Medical support of adaptive physical culture"

He has more than 250 scientific papers, 5 monographs, 2 books, 5 methodological recommendations, 6 information letters, 2 inventions.
Awarded the Order of Courage. Awarded the medal “In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow.”

MARTYNIKHIN Vladislav Semenovich- Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor.

He began his career in 1960 after graduating from the Serpukhov Medical School with a degree in paramedic. In 1972 he graduated from the 2nd Moscow Medical Institute named after. N.I. Pirogov, specializing in pediatrician.
He has been working at MSAFK since 1990. In 2000, he defended his dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences. She is the leading teacher of the course “Therapeutic Physical Culture”

Disciplines taught :

  • "Massage"
  • "Healing Fitness"
  • "Technologies of physical culture and sports activities"
  • “Fundamentals of the course of therapeutic physical culture”
  • "Private pathology"
  • “Non-traditional exercise therapy techniques”
  • “Features of exercise therapy in childhood and adolescence”
  • "Professionally oriented practice"

Conducts classes at the faculty of advanced training in additional professional education programs: “Adaptive physical education”, “Therapeutic physical education”. He is the director of courses in “Therapeutic Physical Culture”.
He is the author of the textbook “Therapeutic physical education and medical supervision in neurological patients with various forms of movement disorders.”
DPO: 2018 - “First aid”.

- Ph.D., Associate Professor.

In 1981 she graduated with honors from MOGIFK. After graduating from the institute (since August 1981), he worked at the department. Until 1989 she worked as a teacher, until 1996 she worked as a senior teacher of the department. In 1989 she defended her dissertation for the degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences. From 1996 to the present time he has been working as an associate professor of the department.

Disciplines taught :

  • “Hygienic fundamentals of physical culture and sports activities”
  • “Fundamentals of safety precautions and prevention of sports injuries”
  • “Hygienic and medical aspects of improving performance”
  • “Hygienic provision of the chosen sport”
  • “Hygienic provision of physical culture and sports activities”
  • "Medical support of adaptive physical culture"
  • “Hygienic provision of adaptive physical culture”
  • "Fundamentals of anti-doping enforcement"
  • "Fundamentals of Pediatrics and Hygiene"
  • "Fundamentals of modern dietetics"
  • "Prevention of sports injuries"

Conducts classes at the faculty of advanced training in additional professional education programs: “Bioimpedance analysis in the work of a coach”, “Fundamentals of anti-doping support”.
He has more than 60 scientific and educational publications. He is the author of educational and methodological manuals: “School as a factor in physical education”, “Hygienic provision of mass sports”.
He is the deputy head of the department for scientific work.
In 2009 he was awarded the title “Honored Teacher of the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture”. He has gratitude from the Russian Football Union and the Minister of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy of the Russian Federation.

TSITKISHVILI Nona Illarionovna- Ph.D., Associate Professor.

She graduated from Tbilisi State University in 1985, and graduated from the Georgian State Academy of Physical Culture in 1990. Since 1994 he has been working at the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture.

Disciplines taught:

  • "Technologies of physical culture and sports activities"
  • “Basics of the physical rehabilitation course”
  • “Theory and organization of adaptive physical culture”
  • "Comprehensive physical rehabilitation"
  • “Methodological features of the functional state of the musculoskeletal system”
  • "Non-drug therapy in physical rehabilitation"
  • "Professionally oriented practice"

Conducts classes at the faculty of advanced training in additional education programs: “Adaptive physical culture”, “Physical rehabilitation”, “Methods of physical rehabilitation with dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system”, courses on “Therapeutic physical culture”.
He is the deputy head of the department for academic work.
He has more than 80 scientific and scientific-methodological publications, is the author of educational and methodological manuals: “Prevention and physical rehabilitation of diseases of the cardiovascular system”, “Prevention and physical rehabilitation of diseases of the respiratory system”, “Non-drug therapy of diseases of the cardiovascular system”.
Under her leadership, 5 dissertations were defended for the degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences.
He has the Badge of Honor “Excellence in Physical Education” and the title “Best Teacher of the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture”. Awarded the commemorative medal “XXII Olympic Winter Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games 2014 in Sochi.”
DPO: 2018 - “First aid”.

- Ph.D., Associate Professor.

In 2004 she graduated from VSAU named after. K.D. Glinka with honors, in 2009 she defended her dissertation for the academic degree of Candidate of Biological Sciences.
Since 2012 he has been working at the department.

Disciplines taught :

  • "Fundamentals of medical knowledge"
  • "Fundamentals of anti-doping enforcement"
  • “Fundamentals of safety precautions and prevention of sports injuries”
  • "Sports Medicine"
  • "Medical support of adaptive physical culture"

Has more than 40 scientific and scientific-methodological publications. He is the author of the educational and methodological manual “Fundamentals of Medical Knowledge” and the monograph “Development of coordination abilities in middle school students based on improving the functions of sensory systems.”
DPO: 2018 - “First Aid”, 2017 - “Practical aspects of adaptive physical culture”.

ABOLISHIN Andrey Gennadievich- Ph.D., Associate Professor.

In 2002, he graduated from the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture, majoring in Physical Rehabilitation, and Moscow Medical School No. 30, majoring in Nursing.
Works at MSAFK since 2002.
In 2005, he defended his dissertation for the academic degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences.

Disciplines taught:

  • "Technologies of physical culture and sports activities"
  • “Basics of the physical rehabilitation course”
  • "Comprehensive physical rehabilitation"
  • “Theory and organization of adaptive physical culture”
  • "Professionally oriented practice"

Has more than 10 publications.
DPO: 2018 - “First Aid”, 2017 - “Information and bibliographic culture”.

POKRINA Oksana Viktorovna- Ph.D., Associate Professor.

In 1994 she graduated from Moscow Medical School No. 21, in 1998 she graduated from the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture, and in 2006 she defended her dissertation for the academic degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences.

Disciplines taught :

  • "Technologies of physical culture and sports activities"
  • “Basics of the adaptive sports course”
  • “Theory and organization of adaptive physical culture”
  • “Health technologies in rehabilitation”
  • “Private methods of adaptive physical culture”
  • "Adaptive Sports"
  • "Applied physical culture"
  • "Professionally oriented practice"

Awarded the commemorative medal “XXII Olympic Winter Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games 2014 in Sochi.”
Has more than 10 publications.
DPO: 2018 - “First aid”, “Habilitation in children’s

neurology with elements of Vojta therapy.”

GINZBURG Moisey Lvovich- Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor.

In 1978 he graduated from the Moscow Medical Dental Institute named after. N.A. Semashko, Faculty of Medicine. In 2005, he defended his dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences. In 2016, he defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences.

Disciplines taught:

  • "Technologies of physical culture and sports activities"
  • “Basics of the physical rehabilitation course”
  • "Comprehensive physical rehabilitation"
  • "Professionally oriented practice"

Has more than 60 publications. He is the author of educational and teaching aids: “Sports Cardiology”, “Non-drug therapy of diseases of the cardiovascular system”, “Therapeutic physical education and medical supervision in neurological patients with various forms of movement disorders”.
In 1990 he was awarded the honorary title “Excellence in Health Care”, in 2006 - “Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation”. Awarded the medal “In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow.”
DPO: 2018 - “First aid”.

SAMOKHINA Lyudmila Sergeevna- Ph.D., Associate Professor.

She graduated from Moscow State University of Applied Biotechnology in 2007, and in 2009 she completed her master’s degree there with honors.
In 2013, she defended her dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Biological Sciences.
Since September 2016 he has been working at the department.

Disciplines taught:

  • "Fundamentals of anti-doping enforcement"
  • "Applied physical culture"

Has 17 scientific publications.
DPO: 2018 - “First aid”.

BABUSHKINA Alexandra Ivanovna- art. teacher.

She graduated with honors in 1988 from the Moscow Regional State Institute of Physical Culture (MOGIFK) with a degree in “Teacher-organizer of physical education and health work and tourism.” He is certified as a specialist in physical therapy. He has been working at the department since 1980.

Disciplines taught :

  • "Healing Fitness"
  • "Technologies of physical culture and sports activities"
  • “Fundamentals of the course of therapeutic physical culture”
  • "Massage"
  • “Non-traditional exercise therapy techniques”
  • “Features of exercise therapy in childhood and adolescence”
  • "Professionally oriented practice"

Conducts classes on “Therapeutic Physical Culture” courses.
Has more than 50 published works. He is the author of educational and methodological manuals: “Fundamentals of General Pathology”, “Therapeutic Physical Culture”, “Fundamentals of Medical Knowledge and a Healthy Lifestyle: A Course of Lectures and Practical Exercises”.
She was awarded the medal “80 Years of the State Sports Committee of Russia” and received a letter of gratitude from the Minister of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy of the Russian Federation.
DPO: 2018 - “First Aid”, 2016 - “Psychophysiological aspects of human life.”

KOVALEVICH Vyacheslav Mikhailovich- Senior Lecturer.

In 1973 he graduated from the Chelyabinsk Higher Command Tank School.
Since 1989 he has been working at the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture at the department.

Disciplines taught :

  • "Life Safety"
  • "Technologies of physical culture and sports activities"
  • "Applied physical culture"

He is the author of methodological recommendations for students “Emergencies in peacetime and wartime”, “Determination of the effect of potent toxic substances”, “Carrying out rescue operations (SNAVR in the centers of combined damage to the combined team of the object)”.
DPO: 2018 - “First aid”.

OSIPOVA Svetlana Sergeevna- Senior Lecturer.

In 1987 she graduated from the Moscow Regional State Institute of Physical Culture.
Since 1987 he has been working at the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture.

Disciplines taught :

  • "Technologies of physical culture and sports activities"
  • “Basics of the adaptive sports course”
  • "Adaptive Sports"
  • "Applied physical culture"
  • "Professionally oriented practice"
  • "Teaching practice"

Has more than 10 publications.
He has the Badge of Honor "Excellence in Physical Culture". She was awarded the commemorative medal “XXII Olympic Winter Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games 2014 in Sochi” and a certificate of honor of the V National Prize named after. Elena Mukhina.
DPO: 2018 - “First aid”.

LUKYANOVA Ekaterina Viktorovna- art. teacher.

In 2010, she graduated with honors from Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture with a specialization in Physical Rehabilitation. Since 2010 he has been working at the department. In 2012 she graduated from Medical College No. 3 with a degree in Nursing.
In 2017, she defended her dissertation for the degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences.

Disciplines taught :

  • "Massage"
  • "Healing Fitness"
  • "Fundamentals of medical knowledge"
  • “Fundamentals of the course of therapeutic physical culture”
  • "Massotherapy"
  • "Applied physical culture"

PRCHALOVA Natalya Mikhailovna- art. teacher.

In 1998 she graduated from Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture. Since 2002 he has been working at the department.

Disciplines taught:

  • "Technologies of physical culture and sports activities"
  • "Applied physical culture"

Has more than 10 publications.
DPO: 2018 - “First aid”.

MOLOTKOV Sergey Alexandrovich- teacher.

In 1993 he graduated from the Kolomna Higher Artillery Command School. In 2008 he graduated from the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture with a degree in Physical Rehabilitation. Since 2009 he has been working at the department.

Disciplines taught:

  • "Comprehensive physical rehabilitation"
  • "Technologies of physical culture and sports activities"
  • "Professionally oriented practice"

He was awarded the medal “For Impeccable Service in the FSB Bodies” and the FSB Director’s Certificate “For Excellent Work.”
DPO: 2018 - “First aid”.

DEMIRCHOGLYAN Armen Grantovich- teacher.

In 1984 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Physical Education and Physical Culture, and has been working at the department since 2011.

Disciplines taught:

  • "Technologies of physical culture and sports activities"
  • “Theory and organization of adaptive physical culture”
  • “Health technologies in rehabilitation”

He has the Badge of Honor "Excellence in Physical Culture".
He was awarded the badge of the Ministry of the Russian Federation “Excellence in Physical Culture and Sports” and the honorary badge “For Merit in the Development of Physical Culture and Sports in the Moscow Region.”
DPO: 2018 - “First Aid”, 2017 - “Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of foxes with disabilities.”

DOLMATOV Alexey Valentinovich- manager laboratory.

In 1998 he graduated from the Russian State Chemical-Technological Institute named after. DI. Mendeleev faculty "Ecologists". In 1996 he graduated from MOGIFK. In 2003, he completed courses in sports and therapeutic massage at the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture with the qualification “Masseur in sports and therapeutic massage.” In 2009, he completed courses in therapeutic and recreational physical culture at the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture and was awarded the qualification “Instructor in therapeutic and recreational physical culture.” In 2007-2010, he completed training at the Institute of Yoga Guru Ar Santem and received a diploma as an instructor-methodologist. In 2017, he underwent professional retraining under the Therapeutic Physical Culture program.

ARKHANGELSKAYA Anna Nikolaevna - teacher.

In 2008 she graduated from the Moscow State Medical and Dental University with a degree in General Medicine, in 2011 she completed her residency at the Moscow State Medical and Dental University. In 2017, she completed her postgraduate studies in the specialty “Public Health and Healthcare” with the qualification “Teacher-Researcher”

Disciplines taught:

  • "Sports Medicine"
  • "Healing Fitness"
  • "Fundamentals of anti-doping enforcement"
  • “Fundamentals of safety precautions and prevention of sports injuries”
  • “Hygienic and medical aspects of improving performance”
  • “Fundamentals of the course of therapeutic physical culture”
  • "Medical support of adaptive physical culture"

DPO: 2018 - “First aid”.


For friends!


Since time immemorial, people have known that human health is inextricably linked with the physical development of the body. 600 years before the beginning of our era in China, the use of therapeutic exercises to combat diseases of the heart, lungs and spine was described. Then came India - it was in this country that the well-known yoga was born.

Sports and rehabilitation medicine received particular development in Ancient Greece, the birthplace of the Olympic Games. In this country, they seriously engaged in the physical and health training of soldiers and athletes.

Medical medicine was also highly respected by Peter I - soldiers and sailors were trained in health promotion and field hygiene.

In the 20th century, institutes and departments of physical therapy were opened, where active research in this area is still being conducted.

Description of activity


average for Russia:Moscow average:average for St. Petersburg:

Features of career growth

The work of a sports doctor provides ample opportunities for career growth - in a state medical institution, a specialist has a chance to advance to the head of a department or chief physician.

There is another way - you can attend additional courses, seminars and internships and develop your own “client base”. A good doctor will always be in great demand both among employers and patients.

The advantage of this specialty is that the training begins with the usual, and only after its completion you will have the opportunity to take the course “Physical Exercises and Sports Medicine”. If it suddenly happens that you do not find yourself in sports medicine, this will not change the fact that your education will allow you to work in any other field.

You will need to pass a specialized exam.

Sports medicine combines four disciplines - physical therapy, hygiene, massage and sports medicine. The main objective of this specialty is to achieve success in the field of sports and strengthen human health. Specialty 08/31/39 “Therapeutic physical education and sports medicine” provides an opportunity for future doctors to become familiar with the prevention of disorders caused by physical activity.

Specialists in the field of physical therapy can help coaches and teachers organize the right workouts aimed at improving a person’s physical condition. In the future, a doctor will not only be able to properly organize training, but can also help trainers and teachers learn how to provide first aid.

Admission conditions

If you are interested in what subjects to take for admission, then you should know that only those who have graduated from a medical school with a specialty in General Medicine or Pediatrics are allowed to study. You will also need to pass a specialized exam.

Future profession

Graduates who have received education in a specialty in this area will be able to protect the health of all segments of the population. Any resident will be able to provide their patients with highly qualified medical care that meets all international standards.

Ordinate will learn:

  • prevent the development of diseases among the population through prevention and anti-epidemiological measures;
  • carry out clinical observation, preventive medical examinations, medical examinations;
  • perform diagnostics of emergency conditions, pregnancy;
  • provide specialized medical care;
  • provide emergency medical care in cases where urgent medical intervention is necessary, participate in medical evacuation, help patients in emergency situations;
  • recognize and apply in practice the basic principles of medical care, etc.

All these qualities help the graduate to successfully realize himself in the profession and carry out medical activities.

Where to apply

To study in this specialty, you can enroll in the following universities in Moscow and other cities of Russia:

  • Russian State Medical University;
  • Moscow State Medical and Dental University;
  • Peoples' Friendship University of Russia;
  • Ryazan State Medical University named after. acad. I.P. Pavlova;
  • Novosibirsk State Medical University.

This is not a complete list of higher educational institutions that offer training in this specialty. There are more than 50 of them in the Russian Federation.

Duration of training

The timing will depend on what form the resident is studying. There are two forms in total - full-time and individual. On a full-time basis, the term will be 2 years. In the event that training is carried out according to an individually drawn up plan, the deadlines will be set by the educational institution.

Disciplines studied

In the process of obtaining education the following disciplines will be studied:

  • organization of medical medicine;
  • pediatric sports medicine;
  • system for increasing and restoring sports performance;
  • massage (sports);
  • medical supervision of those involved in sports;
  • massage (medical);
  • physical therapy in pediatrics;
  • physical therapy in surgery;
  • physical therapy in the clinic of nervous diseases;
  • diseases and injuries in athletes, etc.

Acquired skills

While studying at the university, the resident will master all the skills and abilities necessary for professional activities. These include the ability to:

  • assess the quality of medical care provided to athletes and athletes;
  • collect and evaluate at the medical and static level information about the level of health of different age and gender groups of the population;
  • apply physical therapy techniques to patients who require physical therapy;
  • use natural non-drug factors for medical rehabilitation of patients;
  • identify signs and symptoms of diseases in athletes, diagnose syndromes and pathological conditions;
  • carry out a set of measures aimed at maintaining and strengthening the level of health of patients, creating a healthy lifestyle and preventing various diseases, etc.

Job prospects by profession

If you need to find out who to work after graduating from a higher education institution, then you should pay attention to the list of the following positions:

  • physician of general medicine;
  • exercise therapy instructor;
  • trainer;
  • Physical education teacher.

Salary may vary depending on location of employment. As a rule, the salary of a young doctor is from 30 thousand rubles.

Benefits of postgraduate study

After completing residency, there is an opportunity to enroll in graduate school. This will enable the doctor to improve his skills and abilities. During your postgraduate studies, you must write a dissertation thesis. Thus, a graduate student has the opportunity to receive the title “Candidate of Medical Sciences.”

During training and internship in various medical institutions, a graduate student will be able to significantly improve the quality of his knowledge and skills. This will significantly increase the demand for it in the labor market not only domestic, but also foreign.

Sports doctors - specialists in medical and biological support for the training of athletes - are not trained by any higher educational institution in Russia, since the specialty "sports doctor" presupposes the presence of experience and knowledge related to sports. For example, in the field of manual therapy, traumatology, physical therapy, sports pharmacology and much more. The main thing is to obtain knowledge and the appropriate document that will grant the right to work as a sports doctor.

The Russian State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov provides such an opportunity. The university has a department of physical therapy and sports medicine, which provides the opportunity to receive:
- postgraduate education, which lasts 2 years and provides the opportunity to study the specialty “therapeutic physical education and sports medicine” and 3 years (full-time and part-time study) - the specialty “regenerative medicine, sports medicine, physical therapy, physiotherapy and balneology”;
- pre-graduate education provided for 6th year students in the disciplines “Therapeutic physical education and medical supervision” (medical and preventive medical faculties), “Sports medicine” (therapeutic faculty).
The department is located on the 6th floor of the laboratory building of the Clinic of Nephrology, Internal and Occupational Diseases named after. EAT. Tareev (UCB No. 3 of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov). Moscow, st. Rossolimo, 11, building 5 - www mma ru ;

Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Medical Rehabilitation, Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine of the Moscow Department of Health - cmrvsm ru
offers various ways of training under additional professional education programs for workers with secondary and/or higher medical and/or pharmaceutical education.
Branches of the Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Medical Rehabilitation, Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine of the Moscow Department of Health - cmrvsm ru, in particular, the branch
Branch No. 1 (formerly "Sports Medicine Clinic")
Moscow, Zemlyanoy Val, 53.

The Institute for Advanced Studies of the Federal Medical-Biological Agency, in particular the Department of Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine, provides the opportunity to take several educational courses, for example, “Physical Exercises and Sports Medicine OU,” which lasts 144 hours.
Website of the educational institution - www medprofedu ru,
Moscow, Volokolamskoe highway, 91

Institute of Postgraduate Professional Education FSBI State Scientific Center FMBC named after. A.I. Burnazyan FMBA of Russia offers training at the Department of Regenerative Medicine, Sports Medicine, Balneology and Physiotherapy with a course in Nursing. At the department, leading specialists in the field of physiotherapy, balneology, sports medicine and physical therapy carry out the following types of postgraduate and additional professional education:
- residency in the specialty "Physiotherapy"; "physical therapy and sports medicine"
- postgraduate studies in the specialty “regenerative medicine, sports medicine, physical therapy, balneology and physiotherapy”, as well as professional retraining of doctors in the specialties “physical therapy and sports medicine”, “regenerative medicine”; "physical therapy and sports medicine" - www ippofmbc ru
Moscow, Zhivopisnaya str. 46

The Ben Weider College of Bodybuilding and Fitness offers distance learning in the specialty "sports medicine", lasting up to 5 weeks, after which (for training in the discipline "Fitness, bodybuilding, gym instructor (distance)"), an academic certificate is issued, as well as full-time forms of training - www cbb ru
Moscow, st. Baltiyskaya, 9

There are other universities and research institutes in Russia where you can get an education in the specialty “Therapeutic physical education and sports medicine”, after which a specialist can work as a doctor in physical therapy; sports medicine doctor.

Among them:

Russian State Medical University (RSMU) - rsmu ru
Moscow, st. Ostrovityanova, 1

Moscow State Medical and Dental University (MGMSU) - www msmsu ru
Moscow, st. Delegatskaya, 20/1

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN) - www rudn ru
Moscow, st. Miklouho-Maklaya, 6

For example, the famous sports doctor Valery Nikolaev graduated from the 2nd Moscow Medical Institute. N.I. Pirogov - www pirogov-center ru and clinical residency at the Central Institute for Advanced Medical Studies - mguppmed ru

There is an opinion that graduates of specialized medical universities, such as the Voronezh State Medical Academy named after. N.N. Burdenko (VSMA) and Kursk State Medical University (KSMU).

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