Partisan newspaper of Belarus. The number of Belarusian partisans

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

"Watch your figure"

The interesting thing is not that “Belarusian Partisan” turned into “Soviet Belarus” with a different sign. I wonder why this happened. I would like to offer my version.

At the beginning of 2007, attempts to create a pro-Russian opposition in Belarus intensified. They decided to mold it - in fact, there were few options - on the basis of the Belarusian Party of Communists.

It was from this moment that the “Belarusian Partisan” began to shamelessly promote Sergei Kalyakin and “dump” his potential competitors in the opposition. Here is just a quote from the article “Watching Your Weight,” which appeared on this site on February 28.

“It is obvious that Kalyakin plays with white. And White strengthens his position. Which, of course, cannot please Alexander Lukashenko and cannot go unnoticed in Moscow...

Another thing is obvious: the Kremlin needs a successor to Lukashenko from the current entourage of the Belarusian leader and a pro-Russian non-Lukashenko political force. The successor is selected through special channels. But there is a public discussion about the pro-Russian opposition: where to look for it and how to create it.”

The funny thing is that the “Belarusian Partisan” set a “ceiling” for Kalyakin: they say, don’t open your mouth to the presidential loaf, but the speaker of parliament is just that.

"Heroes" and "cowards"

“Alexander Milinkevich was not born for flying,” this is Pavel Sheremet in another article. “He is too pragmatic and overly cautious.” (Yeah, and Kalyakin, of course, is the spitting image of Jack Sparrow)

a) Milinkevich is ready to destroy the spiritually close Belarusian Popular Front for the sake of his own employment;

b) the Poles are behind Milinkevich;

c) The authorities are playing along with Milinkevich (this thesis runs like a red thread through almost every article): the KGB is attacking the “Young Front” in order to force people to join the “For Freedom” movement;

d) and in general Milinkevich was not born for politics.

The phrase “Alexander Milinkevich “holds the cash”, the main financial flows of the West are tied to him” is a direct denunciation. And it partially sheds light on the reasons for the “attack” on the ex-presidential candidate.

I am not a big supporter of Milinkevich and do not believe that this politician currently poses a serious threat to the authorities. But, excuse me, when Kalyakin is slipped into him as an alternative, it’s just ridiculous.

In addition, the accusations brought by Sheremet require at least some evidence, with which the journalist traditionally does not bother himself. In vain: such things can come back like a boomerang. Someone might say that because of the citizen of the Russian Federation Pavel Sheremet, the ears of the special services are sticking out, only Russian ones...

It's no secret that "Belarusian Partisan" is being made in Moscow. Over time, this circumstance increasingly influences the content of the site. It’s time to call him “Belarusian partisan.”

Lies in the service of power

After the “Social March”, “Belarusian Partisan” reprinted information from the BelaPAN agency about upcoming protests organized by the communists. It is curious that the original title of this note was “On December 17, the opposition expects to hold one and a half thousand social pickets.” But the “partisan” PR people decided to intensify the effect: “On December 17, Belarus will be covered by a wave of social pickets”

Oh yeah! I can already see this tsunami, from which Alexander Lukashenko barely emerges, choking and snorting. And the next spring wave will surely swallow him up...

Until we stop lying to ourselves, we can’t even dream of any changes. Who really plays into the hands of the authorities are those people who present black as white and insist that a storm is about to break out that will sweep away the hated dictator.

Statements in the spirit of “We are on the right road, comrades, victory is close” have been heard for a long time. Only their authors are never responsible for the “bazaar”.

The opposition website, blocked in Belarus by a decision of the Ministry of Information, has resumed operation by registering in the domain zone .by.

The “Belarusian partisan” is back. With an open visor,” says the editorial under the headline “Strength is not in strength, strength is in truth.”

“We, of course, could have changed the name somewhat, we could have used a different, but very similar domain name. But we don’t want to play the stupid game of “run away and catch up” that the authorities offer when they block independent information resources without explanation and without any warning,” the material emphasizes. - They are blocked exactly after it was announced from the official platforms that from now on Belarus is open to the world, investors and especially new information technologies. It is blocked exactly after they began to tell us about the intention to move towards freedoms and respect for other people’s opinions. It is blocked exactly the next day after independent experts declared the need to combat Russian propaganda. And the “Belarusian Partisan” has been waging such a fight for a long time.”

“This is how the saboteurs, the enemies of the Belarusian state, act vilely, surreptitiously, anonymously, and then loudly tell how much they care about this state. But there were, are and will always be partisans in Belarus, whenever a government appears in this country that acts contrary to the interests of the people. Therefore, no one should relax,” the authors of the article warn.

The specific reasons for blocking the website are unknown.

“No one named any specific articles, materials, illustrations of the “Belarusian Partisan”, in which that same “forbidden information” was disclosed. “The owner of this domain name is Pavel Sheremet (died on July 20, 2016 in Kyiv as a result of a terrorist attack. - BelaPAN) cannot come to the Ministry of Information and demand an explanation, reminding officials of his favorite phrase-motto: “Strength is not in strength, strength is in truth!” The Ministry of Information, as it turns out, is not obligated to warn or explain anything to “non-Belarusian” sites. It didn’t even consider it necessary to explain why it couldn’t make a decision to block information resources (meaning the sites “Regnum”, “”, EADaily. - BelaPAN), the authors of which will soon be tried on charges of extremism, but decided to eliminate the pro-Belarusian “Belarusian Partisan” from the information field. But now he will have to!!!” - is emphasized in the material.

The editors note that “even during the period of complete blocking” “there were about 300 people on the site every minute (!!!)!!!” and she “was very tempted not to change anything, because many completely open government information resources only dream of such a number of visitors.”

Internet users reported on the website “Belarusian Partisan” on the evening of December 14th. To the next Ministry of Information, that “as part of monitoring compliance with legislation on the media, the Ministry of Information of the Republic of Belarus, on the basis of subparagraph 1.2 of paragraph 1 of Article 51-1 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On the Mass Media,” made a decision to limit access to the belaruspartisan information resource. org".

As a result of monitoring this resource, a “systematic violation of media legislation” was revealed. "At the indicated information resource posted outside the national segment of the Internet, materials containing prohibited information are regularly posted,” the Ministry of Information reported.

“We don’t know anything, because we didn’t receive any official complaints, there were no official warnings - they didn’t send us anything,” - BelaPAN on the same day, the current head of the “Belarusian Partisan” project Svetlana Kalinkina.

The Belarusian Association of Journalists stated that blocking the site was a violation of the principles of freedom of speech.

The first agreement after the collapse of the USSR

25 years ago, in 1992, Minsk and Moscow signed the first agreement on friendship, good neighborliness and cooperation since the collapse of the USSR. Since then, official documents on deepening integration have numbered hundreds. The Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation are members of various associations, including with other countries of the post-Soviet space - the Union State of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation, the CIS, the EAEU, the CSTO.

"Russia is sacred"

“Russia is sacred for us,” Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko has repeatedly assured. In December 1999, he signed an agreement on the Union State of Belarus and Russia with then-President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin. Lukashenko was eager to form an alliance with Moscow, hoping to become the head of this association. But with the coming to power of Vladimir Putin, Lukashenko’s hopes collapsed.

Sworn friends - Belarus and Russia

Union without an anthem

The Union State of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation has a common parliament, cabinet of ministers, State Council and even the media. But there is no flag, coat of arms or anthem, and leadership is carried out on the basis of rotation. This union is not recognized as a subject international law. In addition, Minsk and Moscow understand the meaning of integration differently. The Kremlin is counting on the political attachment of its ally. Belarus is seeking domestic Russian prices for gas and oil.

Sworn friends - Belarus and Russia

Social package in action

Citizens of Belarus and Russia received real benefits from the Union State. In 2006, a package of international treaties was signed that confirmed the equal rights of Belarusians and Russians to freedom of movement and work, as well as in the field of healthcare and education.

Sworn friends - Belarus and Russia

Trade as a driver of integration

Russia is the main trading partner of Belarus, accounting for about 50% of exports and imports for many years. The share of Belarus in the foreign trade turnover of the Russian Federation in 2016 was 5%. The main items of Belarusian supplies to Russia are agricultural products, trucks, truck tractors and agricultural machinery. Mainly oil, gas and ferrous metals go from the Russian Federation to Belarus.

Sworn friends - Belarus and Russia

Minsk counts profits, and Moscow losses

The sale of petroleum products from Russian raw materials to the West makes a significant foreign exchange contribution to the budget of Belarus. For the export of these products from the territory of the Union State, Minsk pays duties to the Russian Federation. And in Moscow they are counting the losses - the Russian budget in 2011-2015 alone lost $22.3 billion due to the agreement to supply duty-free Belarus from 18 to 23 million tons of oil annually.

Sworn friends - Belarus and Russia

Life on loan from Russia

Most of Belarus' external debt falls on Russia and the Eurasian Fund for Stabilization and Development, which also oversees the Russian Federation. In 2017, Minsk will return more than $1.2 billion to Russian creditors, and in 2018 it must transfer $1.5 billion - almost 80% of all debt expenses. According to Forbes, over the past 10 years, Belarus has also received $60 billion in subsidies and discounts from Russia.

Sworn friends - Belarus and Russia

Oil and gas wars

The history of integration of Belarus and Russia was accompanied by oil and gas wars. Serious contradictions among the allies arose in 2006, 2010 and 2016. Minsk, in response to the rise in Russian energy prices, threatened to cut off gas to Europe, introduced transit duties, and itself refused to pay. Moscow promised to reduce oil supplies. The allies came to compromises, but conflicts arose on other grounds.

Sworn friends - Belarus and Russia

Food scandals

The Treaty on the Eurasian Union, in which Belarus and Russia participate together with Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Armenia, since its inception on January 1, 2015, has declared freedom of the market and movement of goods. In fact, food scandals between Minsk and Moscow do not stop. Rosselkhoznadzor has repeatedly accused the Belarusian side of re-sticking labels and re-exporting sanctioned products from the EU and Ukraine.

Sworn friends - Belarus and Russia

On the border of allied friendship

Although Lukashenko and Russian Prime Minister Chernomyrdin solemnly dug up a border pillar on the land border of Belarus and Russia back in 1995, in February 2017 the FSB demanded that the border zone and border control be restored. This is the Russian Federation’s reaction to the “visa-free” regime for foreigners introduced by Minsk. In the spring of 2018, Russian border posts will also be returned to the border. Russia introduced customs control there back in 2007.

Sworn friends - Belarus and Russia

Atomic loan

The Rosatom state corporation is building a nuclear power plant in the Belarusian Ostrovets. Official Minsk claims that the nuclear power plant will reduce dependence on Russian gas. But opponents of construction predict an even more dependent position of Belarus on Russia. We will have to repay the $10 billion Russian loan allocated for construction and pay the Russian Federation for the purchase of nuclear fuel and then for its reprocessing.

Sworn friends - Belarus and Russia

Military cooperation

After the collapse of the USSR, strategic military facilities remained in Belarus, subordinate to Russia on the basis of intergovernmental agreements. This is a communications center for the Navy in the Minsk region and a radio engineering center in the Brest region. Both objects are not given the status of military bases; there are no lethal weapons there. But experts point out that during hostilities these units will be the first to be hit.

Sworn friends - Belarus and Russia

"Slavic Bazaar" in Belarus

The Slavic Bazaar festival in Vitebsk was started in 1992 as a celebration of the arts, uniting Belarus, Russia and Ukraine. In 2001, presidents Alexander Lukashenko, Vladimir Putin and Leonid Kuchma gathered here. 4 thousand participants from many countries came to the 26th International Festival in 2017. At the opening ceremony, Lukashenko likes to act as a cordial host.

Yes - we can straighten it in different ways - either slowly and sadly, or quickly and with a roar, but still not as fun as the landing troops and motorized riflemen. There are tanks driving and soldiers running - pleasing the commander's eye.

We didn't mind too much. As they say: the soldier is sleeping - the service is underway. And when he runs, the service just starts early. So it’s better to sleep more, and let the paratroopers run around - they work out the rank of elite troops.

But then someone from the management caught the eye of a cassette with the action movie “The Running Man” and he decided that it was actually a good idea! The battalion commander was ordered to select people who would portray saboteurs with a box of TNT rushing towards our own fuel depot.
And the landing force and others will catch and neutralize them.

I volunteered, but by that time they knew me too well. Therefore, junior sergeant Kolya Zaitsev (name and surname have been changed) was appointed to play the role of game, who was not seen in anything illegal, served without complaints, and therefore there was a glimmer of hope that everything would go without surprises.


The fact is that they had to catch it in a small fishing line limited on all sides by collective farm fields and the highway. And Kolya was Belarusian.
Do you understand?
They let the Belarusian go into the forest to partisan and hoped that everything would go smoothly.

Kolya was given a dry ration, a sealed box with a “bomb” and two “young” porters. They took me out into the forest and to the question: “What should I do? What can I do? What can’t I?” patronizingly said:
"Don't worry - everything will be quick...".

And they left.

And then the fucking started.

Initially, the entire event was planned for an hour - no more. Three people kicking with a heavy box along the clearing can be seen from afar. And those making their way through the forest with him can be heard from afar.
Moreover, the truck driver was a paratrooper and immediately told his friends where he dropped them off.

The joyful beaters rushed there, hoping to quickly find the target and report.
And they didn’t find it.

Scratching their heads, they began to comb the forest around. And again, zero results.
Gritting their teeth, they asked for help: on the map the forest did not make an impression, but on the ground it was a very rough terrain, densely overgrown with pine forests, so that the hunters, wound in zigzags along the ravines and hills, already had their tongues hanging on their shoulders.

By lunchtime, the entire landing party, led by junior officers, was already looking for Kolya and his partisan detachment. The senior officers, huddled in a circle around the map, examined it with a magnifying glass, scratched their heads with pencils and glanced unkindly at the Battalion Commander neighing in the corner.

After lunch, motorized riflemen joined the paratroopers.

For dinner, they didn’t look for Bin Laden like they did for Kolya.

When it got dark, they spat, returned the soldiers, exhausted from running around in the heat, to their location and began to decide how to approach the pilots so that tomorrow they would give them a helicopter.

And then Kolya came into the headquarters and reported that they had taken the box where ordered and that they could wash themselves and eat it, otherwise the canteen was already closed?

The Combat saved him from immediate reprisal by literally shielding him with his chest. The partisans were fed, washed, checked that there was a “bomb” in the warehouse and began to ask how this happened.

Kolya reported to the intermediaries and other officers as expected, but told us as it is:

When they were thrown out of the truck in the middle of the forest and made it clear that they didn’t have much chance of success, Kolya decided that he’d be fucked to tear his veins if they caught him anyway.
But he wasn’t going to give up right away.
Therefore, walking literally fifty meters along the road from the landing site, he found a bush above a ditch, laid out a raincoat tent under this bush, pulled another one on top and, covering it with fallen leaves for camouflage, ordered the “young ones” to turn on the silence mode, ate it and fell asleep.
The “young ones” followed his example.

And in such a simple way, it all turned from a search for people wading through the forest with an inconvenient box into an exciting game:
“Guess under which bush the partisans are under”, the chances of winning in which are even less than in the “fake guessing game” on the night channel.

Several times the search party passed literally centimeters away from them, but since no one looked inside or shouted “hands up,” the “saboteurs” shrugged their shoulders and returned to their interrupted sleep.

When it got dark, Kolya, as a conscientious and disciplined soldier, decided to return to the unit’s location. Having gone out onto the road, admiring the stars, they walked to the warehouse, knocked on the gate and said:
"Here. They told me to take it here."

The warrant officer on duty saw that everyone was running around like crazy, but he was in uniform, so he was familiar with all these movements.
So with a shrug:
“They bring it in - they don’t take it out,” he opened the gate, showed where to put the box and, having sent Kolya out with the soldiers, returned to sandwiches and a crossword puzzle.

And Kolya went to “surrender” at headquarters, not even suspecting what a dead end he had brought the entire color of the district’s military thought.

As a result of this event, the landing party disliked us even more, the battalion commander tore his laughing muscle and then wandered around for another month with a slight half-smile on his face, the rest had plenty of practice in witticisms on the topic: “We had to lure them out with potatoes,” and Kolya received the nickname “partisan” and demobilization in the forefront.

A fighter from Belarus, who re-enlisted in the army at the age of 45, decided to record his every step to chronicle partisan life and for the sake of future generations. We publish the diary with the consent of the author and without changes.

March 14, 16:45
Brothers in mind, I believe that in the next 25 days at least, until April 9, I will be unavailable for communication. They're trying to join me as a partisan. My native military registration and enlistment office attacked me at my place of work and handed me a summons to go to training camp tomorrow, March 15, at dawn.
I strongly hope that such an urgent conversion to soldierhood has nothing to do with the danger to the fatherland.

March 15, 9:43
At the recruiting station, the colonel to an indignant crowd of reserve officers:
- Well, why the f*** are you yelling here, “family, b**ch.” They come to the military registration and enlistment office with their wives, their children are screaming. Like women! The Motherland chose you, you should be happy, it’s an honor!
It seems that the quality of political officers has not improved much over the past 25 years...

March 15, 17:01
“Origin” - the army questionnaire asks.
Options: from workers, from peasants, intelligentsia, other (specify).
Memories from these USSRs came flooding back.
What if I am one of the intelligent peasants? And what options might there be in the “other”? Nomenclature?
Declassed element? Disenfranchised?
Soon they will probably ask about relatives abroad...

March 15, 18:37
- Will we finally be fed? - says a man over 50. We are here all day basically waiting for something in these armies, we are bored and unfed.
- And when they handed you the summons, they didn’t tell you to take something to eat with you for today?
- They took me from work! Here it is, a working bag! I came to work right in the morning, and there they were already waiting, grabbing me by the elbows and off to the collection point. I thought - fuck it, war! Where do I get the sandwiches from?
I was lucky with my 15 hours to get ready...

March 15, 20:42
“Vlaskin, for registration,” says the officer. - Are you in public relations?
- Well, yes. Like. - Let's go.
Let's go out, let's go.
- Did you give an interview to Tutbai today?
- Yes I.
- Your future colleagues have already shown it.
- Were you arguing?
- No, why? They are waiting for you.

March 16, 6:37
Well, how is that? Yesterday, at the checkout, four people were rushing around with my folder, asking me to wait there, wait here, they wanted to tell me something important. I felt special. They took everyone in formation, me individually.
Then suddenly - “uniform, run outside, who are you, the group number, they didn’t tell you, it can’t be, wait at the smoking room.”
And then they suddenly forgot about me. And I stood at the smoking room, and officers walked around and said: “Who are you?” And then: “Well, let’s go find out.”
They took me and two other lost ones somewhere and left them to sleep “to go where you find them.” Sleeping in the barracks is not William's "A Midsummer Night's Dream."
And it's six in the morning. Alarm clock, drums, everyone is up, the sergeants are yelling at everyone, and the three of us would also like, maybe, to get yelled at. At least the sergeants know where they feed...
So it goes.
Well, it probably doesn’t make much sense for me to take my smartphone. There are two outlets for 50 people. So you'll have to turn it off. Well, if they don’t find me and transfer me to some other place. Damn the army... All my fucking life I’ve been dreaming...

March 17, 19:16
Collections in monologues and dialogues.
- Comrades! Real men gathered here, those who expressed a desire to help the Motherland fulfill the tasks assigned to us. Congratulations on the start of the exercise! For us this is a real holiday. There are, however, those who did not want to join us and hid behind all sorts of certificates. We have already informed the prosecutor's office about them, let them sort it out!
In the dining room:
- Bon appetit.
- And you. Reservist? How do you like being in the army?
- It's a complete mess.
-Where did you serve as a conscript?
- I had a department. And you?
- And I’m serving now. Here. Already 15 years.
- Oh. Didn't mean to offend.
- Come on…
- Where is your commander's bag? What kind of boss are you without a bag? Shit, not the boss!
- And if the Americans are watching you from satellites now, what will they say?
- They will collapse and lose their combat effectiveness!

March 18, 17:14
In the bath. A cheerful, noisy busty woman with a playful bun on her head is distributing soap the color of an exquisite white moth, cheap water-soluble cotton washcloths and towels, probably purchased during the reign of the armored Brezhnev. "Give back the towels, boys! I'll count!" I washed myself, found my aunt, and asked: “Where should I throw the used soap and washcloth?” He gently hugs me by the shoulder: “What are you doing, dear, take it with you! This is for you throughout the war, until victory!”
Profit. I’ll return home to my family with a new washbasin...

March 18, 22:46
It should be noted that life for the military is simpler in some things. Today we were working, and suddenly the diesel generator stopped. The officer “owner” of the car was called to some meeting. I'm calling and letting you know.
- Stalled? So let the soldier top up the diesel and start it up!
- He poured it. And he has no right to start one without an owner. He needs an order.
- So give the order! Why are you frowning? You are still senior to me in position.
Holy shit. It worked.

20th of March
Two people in line at the cafeteria:
- B****, again synthetic puree with traces of stew. Fuck it, fourth dinner in a row! - Well, why are you whining, it’s the most edible of all.
- There is no intrigue, you understand? At least I was here before - I wonder what kind of shit they'll slip in tomorrow, but now I don't.
- Don’t yell, otherwise you’ll get intrigued. And not alone.

20th of March
- Comrade officers, today we are going out for training in our uniform “with a gas mask.” Is everything clear to everyone?
Conversators in formation:
- I hope the brigade commander doesn’t have a little son...
- So that the elephants can run? Come on, there will be television there today.
- Believe me, TV people are worse than children...

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